11 JJf, St, V) , CJlliiOUU Seillt'lKM".. ! stin'k Hie bible, viol ot'lv .md sh-t.t- were so many elaborata dinners rs 'Amfii.'i, n.!').-.i)!l!; AiKtr ,li,i ftll,l ' EliS'CilryCOlI's Advert;CIttCnl Ul'Afl liulllnin 1 ?f Oru 1 s .n-:(.f,.tl bv w .! I - v1, "' n" ,'"''1 ,,,v,! ,:'"u-v h;lVi' ,,w ' tfwii in the month ju-d 1'nhn.ii, .-, I. ((.; ami tho Polar L i . .. ;.,,,.,! 1 ,.,;vi-!,. ' lai!:,i'. v,:l1-; t '' J.-da.uiabk up-iovvi. Ibo-to.., K,OtK. j. m. ... ,,r u.u,.W,. ... v,vAl,.r ,:nll.lttil. "i-mM.-TA;,, ,h,ul,m S-..i. -' - r ' K 1 ' ,u" a -'" n " ' ' I .... trntn wheru th-it, jury ih: h and re-danraiif.s have each liv.iiif.ntly hid ,,,, . , ., . I MOll HIH, M' VA '8' ,V V I o It THURSDAY, FKUlirAllY !, lssj. for a new trial, an.!, on la,.t tja. unlay, ni,-,-,. Hui-ii' .1,,,,. I'm, ..,. ,,y and tluvo la.-., p.ivate ain.u-r ' r, 1 S ' )?-, , mP ''' vrris im.. " ' --r- - - sontonivd (Jtiitcim t.'l'o han-cd on afraid to dio. I t.;:.l lu re ps ( S ,1s parties in on,, evening, whore every- .,.,;",!' " "s "-.wMHH. WHOLES ALII OllOCKlW .V COTTON COMMISSION MITiCU VN' H. A. LONDON, Jr.. Editor. the :h!ih day of next Jim... That .lay "'"' ! (i ll Almighty will em-;e iltiii;' was co.ulu.-l... I on tho moVt , 7u V! li.V"" ""M IS h I I t l . X ' .. l!U!!r-.,-.I:lv!oai.vrt..fU-int!.oii.at '''v,,r-v ,M "i"' ,l l'nl ,," 'Wt. . '! heso Wl'''B "'"Hy ,lf lS8l was .... Iv or qui.., l uV IV. "ll"'":l,,:,s i., ..i. e,Mgu, THE ('. V. & V. V. K. I? The stoi-khohlt'i-s nf Ihc tV..i- l'.-ar , & Yaaidu Vulhn- ti.iihaa.l t'oiuii:i.v. w..:!.'. l.a at tlioir iuoetiii ht-l.l iu rayt-tli-viU- , ;s Inst llJurHiiav, v.na trivut uiLUiimi.'. t i- u i::t iau ratified nn;l t-unHiiiai!HHl the snU- or ch.i- oi rev. .v flie State'H stK-U to IV. C;.!-.t-l..'s t!:.- i. is Northoni coinpany. T'.-.- juivcl a fr.; rn.! i! will talco possyssi .a t'u' :;:'-.t of (., U:.A':V Aprit Ltit Wfoiv l X - y i:i'i-it h. pay rn 'jis!i th .'f s?l "".'). ".. ti,.;i. The paymout of th;. . hti;.'"" :'.?i! H!ut . .. .ut-t oi ilu ifaoncv will -sL (he iiiuviity uiul GIANTS, '"imlgDuitnl Kin .uat iuaiiu(;riiieal 1 1 ...Muaii..... o.-.iy 1i.:m conn, from (.a;!i ,,1 a ,icnt to rtfi-omni.'.lafc tho o imnv. , . , , . .', ' ' . 11 """'-' 'iv.' . u. ,, ,.!llflll .... .,, .:,. ,,h.1K.r Mttl," , , f ,, ,. , ..;,..,,; 1 ,1. ' 7 1 . I ..- I I-. slits pro... ,. I.) ... ory t-il- t. '"-'' '' ' o..,Mf..........s I i.,,t ,..Mt'A,-i w-i..-, ftn.;.-... 1. i'. .imuiioiiis a. aw I r. ii M-'iHt.-a if ;t v.! ' !; i:,. i : i!.--..;ut h-. I r.iits ..!.-. thfiv w.to tv.-.Ui . . 1 . ... i ..... !. .. ! i'i a s-t i ! i-tin. -r !i-t of i nt lii..U nf wi.-.. s. i :i!; hi.; '' " "" ' " 'v: " : . . ,"i'r. i : ' . ' '''''' !,,.::... ii-i I .v....!.l was not to;isi.h.:(.,l aayihin;,' nii.isaal. V.-rmont lias tlu ...o.l, 1 faniu-i-. i , . .-..,. F iTr FAttlfri h V H Y h is in. u.;r!t;u.l::-!. ..I' t!,.. lliv!;-,-! ,.f ,:a r .'livr i':iv M ii' t aVivlnt.-.! t. ,' the . 1 r"i.!:-!: lii-1-.-.-.ii!. an a.-- n ia1 vi in n I iii'ii a.i a-. ;,v.l f.-OM h!r!l ii will In' iiC!.i' a ; !;o!,si-o. li'i.is ii-' in lav . ,ii:a .(iiii'dS to .h.i.H.,- . so t-nio - 1 1 .'.' Ins own vvoiv on I ho fun.. M-Mi..i thin t!u:t of ti.u ,vi. havo i...m ilm. i'i wool; m'v.-ral ni.-l hm-imIs wintii- . vta iiius at .ii u i i' .1 ! ui'iiii. 1 nl:;i:l iiaVi roiniia H t at it ii i. ii lie com i... i!f ( I toil! Uatf a: il M-wi:--.'. 1 is evctiii:;: a :,l :: ii. ;1 .-I t to u'!orv; .-;t that to : .'.. tln-ir r:-.-:!-!- to biv.Ai'..M n wrk wi far thiswoil.r coc-isls ( i '..ikh.il, will h y- ,t por- ii ... oslv way to ;: I lium to.-ila-r. fnr p.ir of 1ttl1v icitt.-iw, n .ptilt :: j ! -1 .A). !.';... v, ktti lhc A ,1 t:i. lahor of I ho haf oiif iiiny i2S pic.-cs an.) ono -ui. i lo .1 I proj-ariiij; !'.,. l.iin.' to .lay xii.I to n'.i . :. i: :o!it ii.t'iulx r of tuilii'lsT I '-'-' pi. iv lltnl ho is t iiniip.,l At':.-" :i. jMiomly t iii.i'i h' n a'!i' . !., 1.1 c li : -Ja.1 if th -o .liniu t on an. tl,. i- ('alio.) li.os.-iio. out it..- j viMii'.r u:ni.-.lm ,U hroil ..I'nt Mo tho I'l.-i lcit will so The (iorniam h-iv,. l.ocn j-r-ttin-r an I. w.tii ;i! Ill" !ti -:-t t;ni- of have .-..vera! i'n.o ai.;...i.iL::a'iits ai hi , tivri-.tior ..... )..itUitou a ). U.Z' "... , . liUI.'i;". :.! ,-o a:a! Mas pecuniary ul.iliiy of ilu; p.iivhasers. 1 1 r By tho tonus ot '. ooutn-. t ti.i.s phoiuo.is io U..- .a.-i : , money will l; forf.ilr.lif !.. p..:- ,)a.;.;r (Vx, toih- p.-isoi....- Slan.l , ehnwrs .lo not l.uiM nul oxt.oa.l tho up. l!.o y.ai aiy.t. i:; t .sty win rowl within a fivo..! ....... Oroonr-o i-. .no shoul l ... t .. nv bo pi..l, It is tho txt(..is;..n of thoroa t th.J 'U'',j" ill sisti.'l rs!c to...- toancoH a sa!o of tho St.ito's stoo!.-. j .,,,, ,. .,, ,,, tl o soati niv a- WithoutasaIoitsconi. il in-.' s;i lo !,)! s p ...liV ' to buiU anclLor lailo. .nul llun .'.;. .i'a !y-C---'SN. 1 II. v.-.. -a this salohas.net with w -rv -.-i:.-; a' .'' h.tu' to .ay ..v ...trsi.- I ; . ... .. ' , . . I O' I..' pr. UOI.!...-c.t o.. ;l approYuL h..w .;m o s-.io il.at t , ,,,...,. :.r . , ; p . o, lai' . will bolnpiiy pprocl hyah pois,-:;, w . ,,1,(,1 t. ,,.! mth .1 living near the i r..pos.-.i .o-ii . v I: ,( u t,: " now have u rcas-'i al l. .-criatiiiy ..; i ;. t .,. p, a i.,.v ,i, i', ; aooinpr at tin oady .lay ths-ir 1 -i '.',,X-U 'b..'' his n. : defeml ho'.os at last I'oaa.'.f.i. b...... vm! i a : I v '. : -. an i. , . N.'l ci l, ii'.-s b-:'. oouit room. uiv. iso.i tor n iino .mi.- H-o. i.;;l. b. II1'' taken boa. Uit: Our W iisliiii:rlt!ii l.cth'f, V !, :o 1 a - a -oa .1 l'n..N,T. ul.i'.s ... ... ospoiaioi...... In 1ST" tho . m . ni.aili. r . f l.-tt. rs m-M was l.lH'O 000 - . ... . .. , ,,. (Ha), or an avcrn.'o of 17 it s A UoiHl.Tt.il itoninil. j.ili thno h:tcr.s n,!i ii .hvi.lual Tiio liios-t ia ldsiiions li.lv (hut .v.- of tho hi i.o ran'. IIivpc i.ri.l.-. tho ii.ivc hcir.i of latoiv Mi h. Mcl.aiiol.- tV;'.v ' '' (,::,5-''!,f,.';". ""'I An-, rio.-i . ,. ,, ,. v .i . "t- follows v.ith Vii !.i.!;U,0;!tt. mi. 1 1;.' ciliticss of I ia. Not th I i roll- ' Tho i: c-ion.so of 1 1 e p. pu'i.,:on of ih,. h: v. .:v STANDING AKMH.S. The thousiuuls of humi fiiij 1 x i: i' 'I . oi t::i. I't. I b: . :.,'!-. . t oi . r i , I am ii. v'U.'.y anil tne lmiiions ot .l -ii ir-. . i . ii.io.i , , ,,.. ,u.r , .,, , . .. j ( i ; Apbir th ari.iios of I'.itrop... i a t.,1... oai.; , f it; an. I oof! !: raeo te tho vi illatiot. aa l I'i.ris- th- A i oi ioai: p- .'plo f a l it. 11 o - . , tianik' of this ( i.;i;;hti .a-..l a :o. 'I h. people of every nation in I'. ir.'no a-. professing fl.ri.tiau.-, fohy... , 'p. :i '. ; f oio 1 ! '. i pubh,..-, .-ii-. t:,, a thr'.. ,.! ,-. ! ! Vii.0;S l- i'i,. '-., '' ' I a: '!." Nii-"I'll! im bill .; veil.. m .:' fnaa to- :'.: o-i :!. br.k. at; I i r. in.-. , a..i.:: i,ii:ii ,vo i.i:w i c on ao 1 no i I ... i v v.- .ir, h it i o v .,.! I .. ... ,1 of :; the Prince of Toace nn.l voi . v.-rv i European ovornmoiit annuailv c 1 ! penda millions upon ,ai!!i as of .iol l'' :'! 1 : ' ,' f . . . 1 . ... Mr :.loi:;..l lara in Hiistiiiiiin iii.uicn tat-li!.:: .j...v j. ,t t rtrtuics: These nnfionf S.-....1 chi: f.ifo , ; ;;i:i... sionaries to eonv.-rt sa:i ;o t:io,. :;iop:i b. fchn nwl-fl iv,.v ,i ...i... .,, ,o1.,- -. A ) I !l a.' in, to.iy :U S lu ii'.V;!' , . ,- ... !... A 1 1 : . 1 : ' t v o i v n v. rn tl..; i Aruong whom "lui'iit la . ; n,at. , , , t-f r . .. i . " . , ' 1 am la t ulnlM I .' a'!;. I iia !.. ... AVeuht it not bo n...re cnasi.-:. ut to :;s t i . .V , -i . i ,! i . . t.-aca ro .1 Set nr oxaiuple to those warlike sav- i wat.f 1 am Oils m a; i 1 ages bv aisban.lin th.-ir Hl'iai.: b. fi-oin :!:- ,r:.' WouU "not this bettor c. !'..:-.v li.o ',a 1 ' '. '" " b- ' - ' 1 Vi! ' M iii in-... oi l:, i . i i..o!, or :.s . . . ' .ii !i.t i- i - ii ..-. v , i i . : i illu.str.xto the biesaeam t':' .in ..in' l;.-.-. r i .rr.. i . t;;i 1 1. MIO !M:l('.i l ill I ili-i! . i .1 ... i..l.x..r X, 1.C, I-O.. U.i, I .v.-' ,, , ..." ' .. tho I'la'c,! Slate, for ti,.. last .l,..',.,!. M,i;s..-.:rv. is ;vi tau.u- a mar- ... . , .. , ,,t , . , , ( m-. oih 1110 cn:iii' pop raii in i i M t ,, :,. sa "f '' 'l i-iiy, ..ml ik-..jvos laieoiir . j, IVaima- k an i I'o. tii.'.'.l. O.n '.'' '. ;,, s; , ,.,'.. ,,f -..no... .or'!1''' '"-'"' .'it "o''i- ''..i-'N.t V . ii" viit.-s of I:, i to tho '.V.iiainjjt.ui Stai : l'-hf's oi tai?i iiml loTtl.Oti) V-.Vo. i. :m!U-.i m:; soai-t! m- -Sl... wax........ o.ph.n irl. ..-t '"'' 'nl. liiV O.vi.f ih i-ain has 11,.. ti ,. c vet tw,.!.lv v.-,r..,.f a-.., .a.-. l-.ln.rN " 1 , ' . " ' 'WU . .... V...1.1 thai i.r....h tbo mcliuia of Uua an.i l.!:.,0iitl tons t meat. ; ao.i. , that iiri;.:'.'it:e : he ma an- ist an in- In inal, 'n:' tho r.'iin.ls ..f tho S'a'e i l' ih f. .it. , vail 1 hit.-b-iicl aioli.i l m iho M.ji p. isi'ii at Ibo oaoiul one ni.:htit. : - a . rl . I a w: la v moilo r. S o m Is oeiiflv, th.- olii... :s ..h;c .er. .1 iloit . :'. o ' ii Wi 1 tl.s't .l.at.-s all II, e t; i-, ha tho b us of a wnalo-.v , f tlio eeU : '!'..:ab. W;:.. h art:t t up th.- f..rm, ooin .-t nine!, i'louna. . .Miv.i-i. lit h'-g:- h -t-s ins th,- oj.y, pa I:.:, .oi 1 ilo ill! bnt i i i. ii up, ...iht, was pU.v.l w re kjiwii in t ivo. io no,.. -os fa shut Mi- t..-ii not ii.t.rrupt him wlu-n Marvin i- Mii.p.vt-.1, b..t as her. ..I ith t'e .i!;,"!;;o.i on mi ei-...arter, as In-is at uro two .a la r o.ar.lefs in tho ceil it y a::!' !'. hi!', at. j)te.-ei!t. priiiiir- tiio miini.s for cot. hi not bo I'im- i iiji m him. - not re i; ii tlirce M. !i....li-l t' oiifi'iciioin oo'.or- ,. ,, . .. .... ,. x ... hut pn.p-.-e i i u-iioii i.i ' ine wiih.l. i-.val nf ma! ii ite.l e in fro.., !.. i : ...... i AMMONJATED SUPER PHOSPHATE T DAVIS0N&C9 BALTIMORE Avail Phos Acio 8 to10' TomlQojiIos. 21-ra30 .. AmmqmiA 2., to 2i' Potash 2to2V?s' U BUY FGB GASH. "o-c"-.-; nt'I.IKVlNG lhc pa.-l season lias con-"vitK-cJ tins iiiuHioeiit il.is-uriilan.ers, that ii ioi-!, l e l,o.io in buy for Cal. tli.m t'uti. u u limi, iic n;cr tliis First-Class Fertilizeii (I I IVII I I.K TAN I AIII ilii.'i l 1.1 tin- I'l.inier fr .Jn pel Ion in ear I.im.I lo!.-. I.e- liiinmaii,.- $ ier tun. .pt -Aeia;, I la -c only wlni e.iil Jiay ':i--li. l:ef.l wrili- for price-. 1'ainieis' ii. I I.iiuiet-uii.l oer.lei.-iire inviteil lo li-il .u i NNi.il,,. i uiiteii-. We al.-o i.n peii ;a,.l iii.iimr.'.eiiue a full line of &nSGULTLL Okemicals, si.el. a- Aei.l I hn.- -liato. Snip, Aniniuiiia, Niu-.ili' Snil.i, K.iinil, o. All yon,!- M-l-jeet ... .niri!vi- of Tkok. Ha'aiv. I 'o. '. i . I A.:. p.'j.. Maiien. ; h' v.- hit ut !;... v.. 1 . i , 8 t y..ur .-Mikrr : & CO 113 W. Lombard St., lliiltin-.oro. S3tur.ier Schedule. -aio . at.-i 4" hitio ti.i, ; that ho may, if iossiI.'.o, pay up is erv thclemaiL.hr of thu ilebt thlo on . nr.. CHATHAM c:U'XTV. WITH IViPAh t ill W i!Au:;w,. x. c. i." ... I- V rr ... ..-I- ... v ... ili,:o,: T J ,-.- W.-ll .'- ! I- i ....n ,-, , t in,- , , 1,: . , I i .. . . I I , 1 .1 CI. euciunil, ill - r 1 1 J I.I 1 1 . 1 Cl il'll'S !"-! ' J-t!. H.to s ..... oi j.-; i a. i !, io .. a! ).o!i i.a liispr.s-, I .ir.u; tin; l..-t an.) tics . . ', ., . , ,..:er,.l thin !ar..-!.,w ill rav ..,,... ba, ,, a.,.-.-... , hut .he I.eSt is.-uo nI.o ,...t oulv ili,l aii li. '-'......". ...n.- ..o.-n antuo. ,Z ,1 he A ...... i.-ai- ..a-i;n v. I m ,.,-.!.;.,. ,f , !,,i ' b , , v. il! bo in- uoi a oa tho m i-uiu-; but ail th.-.r rS l-lieas:u. to ant I ::o, Ml,:'. Tn, t ... :i, p.,. Y.vi.r :5j,, ... ha.l the earc of a little ..'.il i." . sihe, .i:s .,f s.a.Kl ,l'.l tincness. ,,, .e.l C .nii. .".! i-.-o .,;. 1- .. ,...,.,!, .,-.1, .M'les Jv,-:f m -m m - --nais of- iu.. nj.ivar.t witho.it t iithe 'arneC: '; U-UZ) S'S'" General Wows. JTV'f ' "- . ,,. , ....... ..- ... ,. i '. , , silver e.uiiaiae.!. p.i i:. i.i.- oonm-o mints h 1V.. b,, autho.iz 1 ZV-jJ I'I' "V S,l-T '. ! 1- o, , . i.iJit uu.i UL-.i.-.K.iixj. Kiv jjj;:. I li- in.. k i ! hi. -a fiiiMlnT n.l, ...vs. i'.. ..!. .I.rrjr II. ewiy 'r.ieH.luy h. l i,, mi I liii.liitaun trr I. it i.i ..-,1.. k ... ni. v.-.,i. v. i;! Min, will S y ..i ,1 s.i: ,,i ..jiy ni T ..... i.'i ii M lay anil I. v !..: '., .1 ci'l.tH, I"..,:.., N. c feaehinjT of tle ir n.is-i :: irio a:: 1 of Chi:- Canity ? The New York Ilen-l l i.a- re.-ci.i'y published some iuici-. -tall.oi ita regard to tho i'.nn'u of llar-.p. . Shat ulToi-a ii-.iu.-h f .o.l f-i- raloeiion. The five great miiiiary I'.i.mis m' Continental I-'uro.e l-'r.-meo. (i.. diauy, Austria. lb.-i.i ;;a,l t;n!y -Support standing arioiis that iiaii.bor 2,100,000 men. 'I'hir i-i ih- r.-'ahu- ..!ol ill" .1 .-. I, rr. I 1 . . , . m I . ' i , . . ' ha-' .ir i i a .or i i the .. ii rhl an I the . era i us if y...t-o--iiiM' :iii-n. 'i io- i Ai'!!i i,i i.; p o- il.le.d by -f!i h HI . iti'i.Oi: iiiad-- It no e ;.-y la-i; to s. euro t-ryoit a i' .ii' in .1 :ia;i.:r;i .1 tr. .1, bat y;-u Icive i.a. I ti.e ji.iwii-i.i ii,.- t unc 1 S:.:ic.-. i'ii.i-u, a'l.t l io i I il-i.ei.t ia oil;- ,a ,..-,! t ploLi.o y..'..i' j . :. l'.-,i..i i. han.-.-. ill I to J. o.'lili cVi'-I:iV 1;. ,:i .fa J t: t . !' ih.- o ui.lr-. v a. h ;v.. La i a- I l.f.''M to I li. for :i iv h tl. :a ino.-.- ' :o: i hi'' . a'1- i ii.r t armj- wluiv on a pea- oho their regular ordinary a nal o ?fli)l,000,ooa. This V. ::.',:y c diture imposes an am.!. 1 a-.i of 82 on every man. w... i.m ami in those erv.u.tries If all t'l. -. diors were tiih is i.f ii: , v.. ro prmliiocrs inst ad of aan i-. ,.n,! all the li.cl.ey i'j.--i:de. . i M i m was employed in htiiMin up th- in dustries of those coin,! i'i. s. iii.-o a wonderful proMpei ity v.-i il l bii-r-. Ieoj.Ie : . 1 ' .-. t-iii , l i !,p...i .1 ia a o.i a p:n n- . v. r a-- t oi ia-iio'. V ..i i.av ii. , a .teton .-.--I !;, e. io, -'. ! v;i. "'" a.i ac.d .!. v.i-. in tr:il m. i;rs til iiigi,, m i i,i-!.aiiim, an 1 1 .vi Piiio i.il.l I. ,iw; dol.o I V b.-l t , Miaiie u fo pl'!..-t....!.ii.' :. i i Vo-.u- :-! -.leo. N -t .v-ta, '..a i. .n- i: -, a In.. : ! i ;:. I oa.iiy. Il u o.ui.f-ii to many p of I l.o i n y ii i i c I u it s ,i' ,io: 'a i ; ! f-.ol- iii.t:. I; iv,-: p op'o iii s.-i , I'll':,' of p ;.(: ,i The in r of li'-, pit it iv.-.- i 1 ..Mil e gr.'tiod thai . t'li'ls fav-r ah.-.--. :;-;,!. .-x.lio a!'.',:' il .!! a;:i'.'i- that 'I'n, , ; :. : o! l.o- oiai.,lry Ull. I by a .!, ,!..:.-.-. '11.,. ,,,,,, ;l!ld e.i.i ,:.'.:... I w oU.-u in a la. ib. 'i'.i a Id -7 ...ill' tl;.- ia.-ia-i aioy. -I ii a; pro iae'.iv. i.. of :'. !i ' . 1 . tlio p -e. I'io Nation. X".b-.iy tier iha;i th- l.iioul r. th, :.!, Iii-.. but I '. an- loth to .I.' ort a t i. i;-own .h uio. s of re t o ti m ! r-.i:i.-i..g p. uamln-r ... .lis. :i:.-i- in tin-' So:!--. Tiny Inipe rath' r t ino.-. a: .- th. ia bv addiu-; on a di-iri.-t t v... I. i. -!: ia o- i-s haro ainneicl -. .a.- a-! ;:: ::! I'-ly. 'Ill- i'lc-i l ait ,.t I . (' .... thi- . k a Oiiiii v V, CO,, i: , This w in', r is mu,1 to be the jnild . st in th- V'i'.-t that haa Icin kaowii fo 1 years. ia t ' ingress eight I li-li-v. -tollmen, ii u i'.-g'i.-h-oc iormaiis. :lii.!-;:!:' I.a '.. a.:. i-; oi. a .- h. rii'g of : ' . - t ii i The 1'uisim lidi.-K hsvo t t.i making folseeM- la iu .; ami ii L in d u inen id fiiiio!i have I dun to 'j! paiuiiag the ir elo -ks hke worn!), j,,,.- The i v. -l i-in s ate lmt ::t bv e.l- m orimr ih.- oi.t-i lo or insi.!,. of the lid. U-h bat by dr..ivi:ig a tine no. il-, dir. nl id witii il-vil; hair, tin..; I. tin. skin l very groat ,1 .mage .,f .(, ...... t,,j. ..,: , j,.,.,, p,..,.s " ''''i'i Wa.ni ii-. ,,,.,1 il, .,,'., ,,.;;,) .t.i.ii f,in, v...iJ 1 Toiiibigbn.. rivci-a. in the siiiu-haj's -v. s. . I-'N I'S' AN'i I, 'ii i 1 a'.aa. " . . V- - I ..'i '-"'i." -in ; A Tria-.p iii.-ii ,1 i;..iirn S i ( to II .. a., s .-. ii,, A e't.ihl ia Ihnoklyn di-d from o d!-l at tic . ro'i-lmiei oi Mis. 11, o il. o .oia. calii g n.ol s I'an.lv 'ivhieli is nip b mt tuelve m:l f ...... Ti aiisp t, ; '' ,,v' u '" 1 " p if ei, to h ive b, en boiled in an iui- Indiana, mid n ko. I f. r sapp. r. ' A ch-ala .1 ooj'. e: kettle. I'm. bug that the woman wi." nb.ie lie b A fearful .xpl-sion oram. rod lar,t "Vw1''1''',.1" f, ' 'V'"' , N' "!lh " ln.l,v in o.,.. of lb-end mi us m air 1 "", mitiilia'.-l.v pi.ism-d it .! I!- . I ! ..1 ' !. :v. Tla-n done h Hi.b"" Cenira'. '.o. b. ho :! nd - ia , i . !o i ! . i.l. a .1 it., t l IS t ,'. - mi I li i.jjt V a t ; ll. - II :: .!.v 'I - I- . a I'' l il ;. i.l, I.,.- .' Vii VV,:. I it .-hni'.iid. V'i . ti'.at n Milled in the Si-cle and, uio ti tl i. v eauoii t h e. tills of tlil.tv-tVVo, luiiuis. ii ifig, d him i!',."-.t .1. I ty. Thev ! hill lli.ll bill- Il ibullt hi. b, ,b. all,! V.'iMi-.n. .I;.e..l., of r.ra.ion, N. Y.. burned it b-ion I ueaguaio... pi: i . ;l : . i-,l Iih ms'i r-iii-iu.v ami I i. r..t a -i i i". ;. it. .ir. Lj- 'J' 2 - fo, .-II. fi" 1 . 1 1! Ha, fiy. -a,.. 1 : - I- II, -. :i-r vol 'si;,., l.-mar-lf 1, .ijt" wanted A er.izv fiiemaa on a freight tr;.'i. C.'.rpct Boicl3iiii.?. -I l S l. . A-. 1 ' ; i.i n io in'. . i r i i i a a, r I ' a .r li la J 11 MI I. HAT H'N. tVo have ro.-i ivod from '.,. '; tfiio Gtueral l'liMsongi r Avert of th Assoeiatod liuilways ti ioial Agent of the Iiur-.i.!: ..' l:.i!..ig;.;i;i.i a for North Carolina, a -ii oular l, :t,r i h-g tut iiistaii'.e of tl pr.i.-ti. -id results of their etVorts to io-hioo imiiii rfttion to this State. Ho -ays that "Tlite- Cooperative Colani ;-i' m doty.Tciitoni.i-." an org.ini. abo.i ...-m etl some yo.tf.s ago ni Philadelphia ;',.; ifho purpo o of e.-to.b';-! ,i t'cl.,.::.-. 3f German sotth rs in tao So-,;tli an.. iii.i rt . : I have I , a a pie if I h- Vel'.hel odsh i toe in-! ' -I .-: il l'- -p II d I, :V i- t I :.- la 'a i that ti-. 'O-hinatioii w-.-t r-.-igu from tn. :. :!'.. ti i i . .a- lilt haa Oa- a-. I' - e ...-.s i ; : i ' . .i. ' : :'! t': 1 -l,l V. ... 'i:,ll av.ni . ,. .a I'la. Lll. t -f ;.;.propna!ion him to run aw.y with he.- and nban- .,,. ,., , e .i m...... .v-.. m mi ar., - of th. m m t-.v.-n- l.,n bia f.o.ilv. overpowered the ea-i.ner. and un- --- ,, b-ba ,-a 'io ' di-rto.ik to ran th '. t .aai to m;i bis , ', a. - the -i '-i Vnt f l-'. el.ihhvn l.-.n. in Norway a own idea f speed. Tlio engiiu ot v .p' j',, '.;. ' ;i. l:.,-.lo our seven r.a -h tin ir twenti. 'h finally s icoeede i ia slopping the train ',' ' ' '.' .-.. ill Cio-dand a id the l liited In.. ,,. ti,.... ... ,i,-.,i.l .. .! ,.; ,,.. -".'i i''-iii'v l."-i't-.',,.!-i ';:i.'-s '""letvhat ii :m s. ien r.-i,-li ho hud his clotl'mg tmrtlv torn off ' I I 1 1 ,"ll' to ."-..'.!-. I', I'I '" ' ' - lu,.- inaui.ie, win', its s ion i.m i I'lio.l. f i; t: . -a' -.. ., a . I !;- .-....' : v.- !) .ieal i ii i! ui'!: -t : a iy kiio.in to ti.e o.imi : ! t i I a a- i.a i Xali.p - I a i . a-i ; o ' ' . -':.a.l i. a.::- i ami o .' i . i r 1 1 ' to !-.li.l.r tl.ai ! ;; at'.- Iiav, a! i i ! a o. itii. . no flila.- tt.l v. -t. ir e I, d i.i !. d vi- ba: b, h- vo - la' l-'-i t p.al i -,n:i-!!.-.! lot. ,s pro . r uav hi'. ioiy a thr :.:pl -y fo.u- ii,' Ilia or the,... . '.v i .! in-,.-,-: li !i a I'll' .nan live. Ham was Moop, ;, st.-t rt-.l a, loss Itu; The pr, pi.raii ius nt N,.w O.Ie itis P'ai.te ami has not sim-e b, en s.m. r tiio M iii'di-t '. i i . fe-tiii ics, tl.e t w t k . f l'tl .iiaiv, ..I., njioited Maitti' News. I' .io. '.ii a iniicli iii ir.' .Men-iVij . 1 ...'i.iuth . nt m' .'.o than iv.r . H l.itb-s. nha-a a.-o a iv. rt.s. d f . ,, -o ...mi. i, ..I ia our o ibimas. are sor- oi.'e I .r LES H.AE)A3IS UAl.KKiH, N. ('., Grocer ana itimm Alr.t-' . i-nnl.-l.-I!.-, wa aa I ii- -li ague, hilioii-mas and I.i In. y e m- i . i. a a i.. Ul-.-ra! u Ivin nf -f ail k.a I l. . : a, i l. . .. ii.:..' aa I - ilii.i: Y,v.r-t .;!'ii i ), p;fn.7Tcqio LiiuUiiiUiij ii tUL;.-i;)l0, r,lS i .- i , i'iiibAPMT'HIA. II. 11. S'ZvJVZZX; -wjt:: - IA'jVa ii. I A I !, iO!,:i I, rr :- i r.-l. - .11 l-;a.' KAl.MiiJJI. S. C. VViioie2.j.o itctail ir..i. i. ;:.- in - HEAVY llilOIJI-IJIKS. P,i,:;-' ' . ,'nri n-on lji..i'.io::H iUCui:a;:ti, And A- .-iit f-r ST.1BSASD FSMffiR. W.-k.' -p a I.-.,-:-v. k ,.; 1,11,(1.,,, liaiaianaaro I olv n- .-ii a j a-, -h . .-.j a . ,. .- a, i,. ;.- -; a-.r lu.-uo rom .ai- ii i..ip , li, i !ni a, en aa 1 a ij -ni,.,! ,,ai'..,.1i ie i'J-i P A T K S T S. V t - I , i I t.i a i..'i A in, a I-'.-. ii nn.l Knr '. .-a: ;,ii-.ii,.-.-K ,-.u- 1 ,-:,.r, a,o In imiI '-. .1 ' !' !, ! !... a. I, i,,r rir- i,..i,-ir a-oar L. Hal.b.vi ... the defaulting pivots. Xi.,,s ia, . ,1,,.,,, ,,kv . .-'a. r of the M. elnaa-s National ihevemiiotb ti.oliiu'hlv reo million i- N.Avari;. N. .1 . .ioadod gmltv Those .il;liot ,Uli-.-.lld jjive th.-m art at Iron ., r.;,-i,,i i u,:m ih..,.!,- .. tithn-ia.-l io in the piti.-e of tin ir e-.- I'niiod Stat. - (' And was -onb aa. d to la years Mr. C J. Of ( il.V. li ?d. I l.-.i-- t ... 1 I V- 11 I oil a. r il i til 1 i:.;l.i nnoi is oa 1 tuo !;a(l.fo of I;;. oi I'-- al-i lis c insi ii'l- la-i -.- i bu st. .11-T Was iiotiaj a.- (i.ni'8 m ; and to.! -ii h i.l in i-ii - . 4South-wi.st.tiftersoii.oeorroj.;cl.-i.i... eon -i. no- ei-.ah t- ., (- ,. ;,. . .. with this Bureau during the autumn '-or. I h.i i :'ty a'.a-a -ai -pi. t . 1 i-- ! falling i-! r, i.i t. e t p-r :l l.ivi !li'H t V I -p.. I.O'.', .'I. j-.Vn lint cmined ;l ,;,M;;,r li. -' i-.,.av .Vii.. i.oiior fr,,.,! the i.l. -a ov.-m d by ii.-ti. M, thou;,'lit it tjj'.-l.t neighbor vi iit'U. .1 nis h-a-ovs th V all' I Of i-8l, and after havio Other points along attrnete.I tit tlio m-im... i! i a u. ni. ton imai'Mi it m:.-i,t oa pr. r- -kt o ..-..I i , . , ,- , ' iuo Jic-riii. tiarien, ill lie,- lieigno if v.-l.r' (I. .1 Ul s h'a ','VS tioat volir eii hood of King's Mountain. Ch-v.-laud . 'oma- w .ri.,-,1 y-,;t ... gainst i', la..' ClbUnfy,-N. C. immediatelv ii-oon the Uy ".i.-hett .-"phisiry ,,f ye-u no mi, ton a. lie. N oursi ,i ijti ;;- a,pr ilii'i.. i i ' , and of pi a "iia.r I i a 1 at A 1. -. la- :::o,. pi r and b -tier ia i ; '.viy. I i- j'l.Moi,,!'- i;:e 1 .. ..it... i'. I- till ir ;. i. : -a. v. ,.;,,- I!. - 'a!.. ' 't f a !o. - un iia', a !li ih- service of the t io ,-! l.melit il ditii-t'.ieto ase. ilain who are draw ing i...n- iih ,;a:'.y i. .u. th.- 'i'rea-i III v. lie d- -Ot. d ur n ,, ; i . 1 1 .1. 1' i i ..--: I.- -o a '; rt t ao p nito-ti ny. Tin- di.a ilo.'k i'i the otgatii.itiou of i X-w Yoik L gUh.ui.v is at I i ! look' l! by ll:o . ', o i .-i . f the i'.-mvntio eat. h. lain f.r Speak, r. ! ii- Tan.in-ii.v im':, .-s , io tiuuliy t a 4-ed to vote far ln:a. Th- caniil and w-o.-r n-cver at V,!d ),. N. C. have 1, ae'l hold to I.'oo. it Pei b!.-. of N..ithali!lton . ounty. for :17.-u't. A cotton fao i..ry. to cost T,:i.M'oa, i- to be erect i d for th- i:o-,v jiui'i-hii-ier. Palatine, N. Y., is said to bo th" li-hi-t Vih.igt of i's si., it. the world. Ii has about ."(t'l it. habitants, ami r.lt ive ipialities. 1 '. .ltlam 1 Argils. A A'KW STOItK I- with it aii't w Ul aiw ..tlii( 'nflt. I'.- h. ll.-:im WOYii CAROLINA STATE LIFE Pf 11. dXO. I). WILLIAM-. II s .Via ...,ia i.i- in-..;.,-, iii ai" it ii i r w i.n on-. ,m 'RE.3II STOCK. Drajs, IVZodicLics, &c. u. i -t ft- in , ri- ai il., .'Inn ... WllV, MAN IX lll'.AL'I'If IIIM- U -,'!'. an I tmvlna n "i- ,:-,y i-crl.v i I- ! la. ii.'i.'.-. I,.i'. i, . . 1 1 'Ki-, .. f - ia- 1.,-lv an.. , rn;.-;:. K ai. a:: uoiiistiN, ,t. D vi n.i.i ms li V. v 1I.I.IAMS. P li Mi .ii HlM.N, V. I-'. MiuKi . OTP1 UALSsliil. X, CAS. t' If. CAMt-TIOX. President, . I'.. ANid'.liSt )N. Vice Proa., 'J iilaO. il. HILL, ISoo'y. Tho only H::r;c Life Ir.:ur.v-:: Cs. in K' its r..n:U ' -a:..-! mil -Vi t ii'i V., ., tl,.,t.i A-."1, .. .;.. r;.... i..:i -i..e....u-a.. Ull. lt,;l(.;sl oi VllUl. ,nvn V iUM l 1(. Utorthia l.roperty had been prolimi V, Lat moti-,- o "uld have ii, lu-.e 1 v.oj Tiarily examined la, the Society s to eoum.i. this act must b- a mi';-..i ftjjent, and had MibsoipK-tly roe. ari d of o,., j et uro. I'i '. .b!y -ui-ii v. ,:. .utt.tt lorn, s :.:; t-mieu 1 1- .':o. s... ( :i- of th- ! a- 't eiitorj.t im a-!;- o. r thu ty of them are report'. 1 to . th- af.i.t: of Con a . i- t'.;'-t b- .t..i!ii fr.'.m S.").00(l,fOI to -Jti.OlKI, - i i -- in-imi ! in.-, il.-'ii N..I io: all I .u.lly Ji & I'J'!--' M'iVfj' 'I'I ) THI' l'(),'l-' sl,l0"it llr l'" I' '; ' .' io i,,i f.-,iJ "-''"'i:Ul - ,. . 5tlrtvr;L..U.1vU-rl,,i, NoOUl.n-it.e.m,A'a!.ro,ll,.la,'ia,.a..i.-.f ilbSll JJi Uii Uiill llliu llluUiuUiU -ii--. . -k.l. : ..-i i.'.ai linn i.. rmiUitof an.-' i : ta- i'.i.al -! a li. ,v , ., , ., . . , -.'I I.n i --. 1-. l"o in.-ii - .-.in l. iii. ia.. .-. . li. ,,.- art. aaai'v s if,. a :i. A, ,. , . W il Hi --I'y. !.-!,! !l... -I. .il-oi I .'I u , a, .-,,. ,,r r I ...... .,. nna...i I, .1 I,. . .. ... ..... ... f..i acrv.ny of their Executive Com-aiitU- , ,i tract of 2,7'iO acres th. re'.f of l.i-.js iud d.--I.V f. il- i'. i 1-' itii-. r o.-ea '.h- l-ll n.us. 1 h-. ia.. tl,.- lit- of h pra'ai'-abl. it ,..tl. .a:.ta:..e ..v,-r 1. 1. i-.u.-a :iv ;i -i i-.r. i - a, i.uo hi avn mm iii oa worm not aii,iied over .',0'l't ll'.in tiii-li. ;a:i but if iJ is :l. tn mvidc.it in K.uHu-ky a few d.ivs ;- M'lll :i,C 111 . .. ..,. .. ., ... 1 ,1 .. a , .o ... i , , , , ";s" ....i-e- in.-.-1, pi.'u. ...til lint Whs t i a; 11 ul I ai il a - f i f i ,., V. .... , '" ' !)IO lii-rs Ull Iui Was pui-olmsed, the boamlarioK of (,-.vu h-,,, t.. i :'''' ': .'.'' ''',''" 1 ',' ': ,-" b-. fads, two by railroad lieeideuls. tVhk-h have been dei'iu d by tbo ,Sur the ilu "i as of ymu- o nin-,1 i .-.V . Mei.r.V'ot.e of ih.' bi-i-.VimaUla veyor of this P.uroaii. term-- of sale ,1',VH "'U'lntat:..-,! nt.,1 thon-hr, h-u- .Kti.,, f-'.r the fam daii who ftomplied with, mid possesion has ,iy' 1 ''"v ' ,k"',,,.i " ' w-n- ..,,.,,.1 i,,,- (';,,,. : Chic;. A It weighs '" W ilsl., a saloon -keeper of ooon L'iven. i nev are now l.rocea.i I'lilt-l- ,.,'i-.., we :,.-tv. j i,..iit,-il ii nil -lu-l e.i.n .l J v a...i'i in, nl ... li I'.i .1 A III.I''. M l.tHi' ! N I'.S ; a'l-l i,t in,.,.' il,,. w.-iti'- aii-l - I !- -f '1-.- ..- . r,-i.i-.-tli .' m- In.,' i'.i!.,"l;-l In .iii' .-.a-i., V i.ii.-.in--r T ... I t. . ,.' .- ai',- an I'll,- re... -iii.s ttl. a 1 an, .0 -. in. .1 0. A Ihl.lAMS laiy, t.. vi'i!, , Jan')-11, Im-J. -. l , . , , l I"'-. r,-tt rail h' M- lll,' i- mtiiea 1 o. ai un lor wa? h.hed by u,-i; n ..n,. .i-.- u r Solid ami Fluid laMraet-, So.i.s. Ai tho 01.1 Stitiol ul' ... ti. ti i ak. i 1 il Li'.. .r, H.n .'...il three iVrfuinerv. i'.ni-la - ..feverv d.- rip- :alcnt doatns two Vm )V ,,V(. J,,,,,,- IJSW i iis, ii) i v r.iiiiu.iii ncci.iinis. ,, . .... , . ., ,, dot.obv dr .'.iuii.g. lb, was the 1' atmy ( .kI-, indow ( .la.-s, 1 utty, VKi)K,.s,(;XKS) t male u.-mhir of the family. luar- and lol.ae.-o, a ,:..,-.....,,;,, ...l..-,r-..,.Tt.ii. mi.ier u.e nr., V'o njiliy. fa-rnt ti. iu.-.i; ,. tla,. ..- . a .i i-.i i im mo V'-nrs Li f t'lili.-- i'i l !,.i Iron. l.wJ) eobt iiia'i h','1 tiiiny yvn . ii r-, trr Ms itay la lnhll i! far ,l .. iliaa-.nal ':. Ai;ply lor fuulirl- la1--1 . Ji.,.-" to ! H.A.LO.'jDiiNJi-.r.tR. Arjt. 1'LT'i'aujhO, .v. c. an,, i la ry !aii net your will, by an tn- I'.iipui-e, io coiioait, u.e act. 1 ah. ait an a-atid. Th-v have i-.i-t b-tli t-rttls, . i ., kicked Ills wifc to .,, . - . i .'i , ... -. ,. J. .. ...I. ;.. .1.,. t 1. 1 . r I m i-ii ibpto put the liiTi.la under cod I i vat ion t..,!i.t.ci..v show- ,1 that your d, lib,.- ,,f pi,;.';,d' b' Ida. '.'!- hi- he willbo ehildr.-u Sin, lay nfu moon. WaUli and ntake eomfortablo the hous.s ate and mi-uid-1 wiii was tl.f !. :;i(, ib st man mi r ; ord v ! ,. h id' t'-e " tuim.is. d t be an ex-eon viet from It is their in- "i'l"llM'. 1 l,is '"'t s.a-m iiis uiily tti ! of 1,-ing ili coi-.t -d with an Au-tialia, ami to l.nvo drowned his Sxistiiig on the place, tention to put uj. a aomfortable tlwelltngs for their p. - ,!K, ,.p,ortii;ut y uf having a ttention! to put up a siov-mill. build T 1 '.I ' ,' . 1,10 V'v l,",h ul"m - r h-r nod at the same t.m-occupying nrst wife. Ilo is now looked up. ........ . " - 'ii.i.t-, i , ii Hiii nave -, .... ' ,,, ,. ...... I, ;-, ,..,,i.,.. Ilrm u im.x.l . U. . iiil.-ini- - l .... i-l' Ilu" '.ili'ln, - li-n.-ral l.ii.-ln.---, ,-mlir.'i' iutf .-."iiilnl t-n- all I Uu-l.ai...a--i...f i n una Sana si, ..-.-. Th,--, will ieiatis and C.Utlitrv Merchants u i pr.-mpi ..ivii,4 ,-u-, ..in. i-. ana wall ul.-. are lh-pectfally inwu d to call ,!-.' rii.""5" " i''""'-"-.a. ..ni.-l. and Ka!!'i!,c mir Stool; A. It. WILLIAMS, .1. !. W !l I.IA.VS l ayi-ii-'iia.'. ...it.'v it. is:. iuiii'..ir. Jl-foic Piir.-ha.-ing. seia l At. ati um ios- i-iin to raKsi Klf- '. lt)N I'.a'.lli I'.Ml.NT. A boat, with i-'not rin. mof i vr iini.r 'j any errors u.,,. !,.. !,.-. ..ot o? , . ., ,. .. ... 1 Die. to enraire in the lumber biminess. 1 m.v have committ-.l ,li.,r,., t!,.. 1, .. ... ... .' ' ,- V ,n,u',uK.f' '"' ''v- Mieeegs- Any M.-ii.-m.-,..i n. s,...-k wi.i i ' . i it- i , -, ,.,.,.'., F ii, ., .. , I .. .7 ;.---;is ..at.;;.:..- a., m--, ful. it will I. the f 1st lip!lieation of tfo-builda sash, blind, and van. Ir ou. .e of I ... ti,., passe I I.y the bo-om j'.es-.il - himself at i u-White aeo.iicity t. nciitime traOio A trorksi make wheeled vehicles am! c',mrl ,n Uf'f- l"'t "" ;1,1U ,,,,H lt ,ls Hoas a he wilt l.o promptly taken to motor w.'..k-d bv eh etrioitv l.as'bee,. i- .tot . iu-ecN-iii i-r nm u pronounce ILe ... - :.ch-ii an 1 oie.-i, -i-, f,- a . i r ii i .i laelnnea. estubhsh a tin: . i .... ,. ,.. . , i ' , w " !l 11 ,l a 11 la tn-d snoc-.-Ffahv upon one of the . ,,. , . f-"u" the law.tn.-it you be take, Mr. Arthurs j.rivate buttle of cherry- elevated rail, oa U in New York eitv Rinaking estabbsh.reiit. he.iee io the eotiiimm jiiUf the l.)is- j ,,. 1 -'-' LiUtoaiit m ew lor try. J-..IN MANS.NU. T. II. W.DI.V'h -lll'llii- 1 lit labor savihg niaehine. nery and bhoeinakit uau w miK-ifii; in liio.iit-i ..m, ,-uki i f: m no:,, witeuee Volt eame, a.i-,1 Stviiiai vs in th,. .-i.v -, ,,. tb Btart a tliury ami po tltry farm, and there bo k ut in cii.ilineti.etit. mill o.. i .i .. .'i tli-e er. d in Ih-'o. nml Iii.m no known in the future, possibly a brewery. I ridav, tb- ijijih day of June. l!v-. 4.i.,tlU ,-, ,.',.,ii, ,,( .l. ,t .u.... ,,f outlet. It is .V, miles long and 4.. lltey wiU engage in Jru.t atnt grim- mu. he tak-u to tim i.laoe of esooii- ',. .;, a ,. ,.,;, i,. i tl,,., . t,.,. i.,. nules broad. Tniir l at rels of the a. t . I.,. -..1.1 MtarAioa ,i co- . culture, stiirtin.' t he ore Km-iU nn.l ...... iil-.i,. .1... .1 .,,-;.. ..... .... i . .- . . . . . '.'. u.a.ir u-lll , i..l.l I ..;., want i.l c .uf,i 1 1 a,r own i.-n-r. j . - ............. ,..-, nam J 4 1 ., nil. . ,,, .Uailg golllg Oil lit tilt! late 1 tl). l-Ci ' , ,'. '.' ' ! , i' .fit f-lir rttvt. K a niit)Truis u uni t'. Iliol), l.eiwecli the hours ( f A! ar.tt b,o ..iiimi.' tho l'-.bitues of 1 select 1,1 H:llt- Wltliotlt llMJ, HUil the ; we ,.re . H.-r.i.i.inl c n-ll mi I ! a .h .-n .... He have Iieretolore tiieiitioneil that P. M.. von be lotn.'e.l l,v tl.- mo!; :..t .1 . 1 1 t water iii so lnioai.t that it in not ' ""f v- '''pt caoujI Uj u.e. bj kay oil. i numoer 01 inruiv tiormans pettlttd in Anson comity. MANNING & WO'd'ASK, su'.i'U'? p'l-Mi.n Vim.-, Dr. A. B CHAPIN & SON. Ittnmm hnmVim m l'la-,,,,-.,. s. o.,.l.ui. I:. .-.- if iiMWil'liJS i.'.iil y.tlili Ul I.J 1GO The (beat S ilt Like of Utah was QuJgiOG F7C C'.ce .'.; V ,Hdn 1 f ili-j I-. '. lu-.., r .a- u. ,i , . '. ,- , '. , ! i' f. rairrtnek Hal i-o !f. tio, i'.- dthat -J P. M you b. hanged by tl- .1. ek H.iA cb-ole there has b-t u no end of w:,,( r buoyant that it is uot i 2"' u.e. bj fc.-.y t, s Iiad until .mi nr.- d-a-.i: and may the rnjovment since the imto -aratio.. of ''y to sink in it." A-of,.!Uto..k'of. .Xort,. Lord have morey on your .m,,,,1.' !the L'.iv season. January 1. Dinners The popnlvio.. ef thfl wo.H. nc Ilmisl TVIjkI IItiril olimfim?8 superior itiiliioemttits. Tb.iing the reding (bibe,,., sto.a iir(, Ul, iuuhm, and cording t.I.e la'est and best mtiboH- JiKPAtfhN tle.o b.u.a. ... .UJ u. () 7th St., Wilshinyf t.il, I). ('. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, aoiiuiiMgiHuu. ii,i w MiiNiia f.i.m. - aj.p.in ...iy Wumoveu ami v..tn h. - ( ,..,,.( i,,,-!,,..... soared and dvspm.tie ticH, is pl.e-d t.t 1 1.". '.hid 000. Of " "f,"" ' A . every ellert made to bung then. : ,;. u vetted unou the ,I..dtr. Hut (1J h.. ; ,...ii.i,.,.itv . ,;i i.- '..c .w,7 i a tor - 1 .1 .. . 1 " , " ' . ' ..- a I III..- ,1 1., mill, .l-l-l, ; n. 4. Jll&cinv. ,V -.11, I UIU 14.1' 1IU.U 4Jll3 WCIU IJULU Ul -;lU ,.rA y00l Oi. t iii BV. Pr.nnt.i nilfiill-m irtv.-ii ., nil l ii-lii.'- 'it-Iru-li-l l,. lli.'lr rat''. Mr. Mai'iiiiii. wiil in In tin. , !!;.( .,11 th,- Urn itii.i Uilr l M ni.l.iya ... i-a li 1, li in-1 tin sioor lav- .r,-!v,ilii(.. Mr. w..i.i.-k nail Lit III th" ,'!!. " a, ail inn.'-. fr,'..- -U Patents for Inventions. E. W. AMifRSoN. 3- SMITH. 1 AT I't.liN h'A S-A I'-I.A W, ino .iii,ij.T. p.r A-i:'.. '.-l-i.lf .4 -j,.' U.1IIU il-U ,JOI rm.l TH.....i;,,Hl, A'lll.l MnV 1..1.IO.UIIU . puv ,i.i..,-,.a -miii.!.. jo .lOsH.inium,... J pWaH ".Unai.liWdlllt,MiqUUHS. 'O'j'O 21 nni4l )lt..'n..tt nqp.ln,w ki!ruiuj ao no,.,.,.! ,.,1 i..i 1.SJ01I .mni jllVtnU "VnI '"I. '! iw.Jii .Jill HP-'K llfc'll PBII,n'lull,"1 ,.,,Mp.,i,y.,1mw, J jn,.. 4i . jo u" -I i,,..u lion HI ..,u, 0B-";-l"ilMa,"lll!a00S ! p.i.iiunq unii Ktin 1lJ....nnA sin Xm.t 1 in ra...il..ni'.'l'IJ "i!iii .1,. i,v,i .,.ii jCni,, iiwt ji niq r,jf aiaon.'i.il..niinui.iii,i tj-n T ,1. .11 ,n M j..J..,,!J-.--lJJIlt.ill li.HtfJv l-U,llUli Ai .-11.11 ' J Jl-.IVlJ..ni:ltf -KO)u. noy j.m 'AioTa. i,iAiii.THF.i.iviii. ai I liaiii.,. ins I'I"'. I'"" oiimilv ) M!l-l,IV uli.l, -.u J.. '-.ic.ei.i Xirut-in mJi.4.i..Aiij.iXi ItJUni.-'-l I. .-iir.)M-..li i"..l.Uma ,UlJl .( OJi Oijijpstf Ci ov, :;:;:;-;;t 0-2 i'O a-m-iirJi" l ..in.un 1J,,JI.1 pill. piIIA04T(r-J-ll 4MWI!I1 .--Uj.i jn,j .t,i,. .1 mai!i inn in-Hv .mr,,..if ni,,;.,,, ,..,,ioi.-i t,i.y4JOl"ll Ij3A- .JJaiiDd (iOOia l-lii.il oq V" I tU.,ll,f JKIIO .1,1 If. R.l.ll . 1,,-ltt ,1.1 .(II. C.I1U l-a r-.-i -Mil 1 m ,-ii ,-uc,wmwu I'"" vn,K -ue'M -ni-ony auiH J" iMiwiwi-ao V Milt U,.!"K Ja P"" l""".!! ''!! I W. li ASDF.tfOV. I'rin.atfUt. T. i, WILFT, CA.hUt. There never 8oi,707,000; Afuc.i, 20j,C7'.,00J;I i'.jei -.ho, n. a No r.T,.r fn-llml.mryi-xitinni.cl .1 l,-rt ffta-ni in .'tl...wt,a. K,'- 1, h. 1 1,-ui ai.v- .'Un-r ; r.'-. 'i.-ii. I. ntr..n--y. n-..k- ..f tti'riiaii".i -.'i.t Ir I ihaiajH. K'-fei'iKes ttu:ulnl..i.l ni"ii . 441V-. Ui'MO-U OF U I t 11,11, X. t .

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