:1 a g yi 1 2 A-,. l St I 4t h$ Chatham Record THURSDAY, MAlllTl S, l'-' TT A TjOWDON. Jr.. Editor, f . TTisiTuiiv should be correctly writ- ten, and when historical errors arc Fortunately the ball ilul not strut' i.lf,; j the mo-til of the Judicial' published noon I'ftcr the occurrence lR.r, and, before the man could shoot Cominittie, to which both be'.ou il of the events referred to they should lie. was sei.ed and taken into and when Allen (J -the nolle old vi nit , i . . . itciiiHii. how we miss liuu hero be at once corrected. We take the custody. The Queen at once drove tlu), u w.l(, ,:, h, ,,,;,. 10 liberty, therefore, of correcting an mvtiy as if nothing l:id happened. . woui7 iV tlirt ff thut cel. brated erroneous statement madj in last und was perfectly composed and self- bandana, blmv his horn, and f lUl keek's inuc of ttie Fanner & Mo- possessed. A rush was made to ; by the side door. F.linnn.l would Ohank, when, in speaking of Jud.e the prisoner but the Hi. 'e -tag Jj-.u,d ,, uictly wlj Seymour, that paper states that ho carried linn oil safely. The would-be n,tul; u t,, P.U1U. t.;,..niiitt was one of the "ei;dt Judges" elected assassin gave his name as Roderick . r,)om. (.'oiuvrnitiK the cloak looms when "the who'.o batch were rushed MaeLeati, his a;,'e thirty-two, and his it is a somewhat remarkable fact in bv the bv negro majoritv of that occupation a derk but now out of that is obse.ved by ail visitors to date:' At the date referred to twelve employment. The physicians pro- 1 Judges, instead of ei;;!it. were elected nounce him sane, and no reason can Ur ilUjU1.tl,, ,U(. tw0. There is and Judjre Seymour was not one of be suggested for his dastardly deed. ' n)O10 M,ciabdi'y iu the Democratic them The twelve Judges were The civilized world unite in denounc- room than iu the other. It seems ruhcd;iu bv th, bi - negro majoritv." ing this attempted assassination, and a tbough it were easier for Senators Z KW m -wmk ,.i , ...j,,.,. it m r, t q,? . OXZgSl at Urge in IStlS. and Judge C. 11. ictona has won the love of her sub-, ,(y t)0 wny (f j-pi..-iou 0f this, Thomas of Newberue was one of jects, and the respect of all man ! that the most rigid sticklers for Sen tliom insfe-id of Judire Sevniour. iste-id of Judge Sevniour. resv-ned before the 'expira- " ,T, -.i i us term, and Judge Claire, Thomas Hon of his of Xewberue, was appointed as his successor. Si'viuour was not elected until 1ST1 and then nlv bv the voters of his district Us Judge' Kerr was 111 I 111.-, u:l l H I i. mi in" been charged in n gard to the mode of electing Judges. The Convention of 1ST-) r.doptod the anicndinci t to the constitution, and the same was ratitie l bv the people in lsTii, mine- ing the number from twelve to f ight, The Fanner & Mechanic is also in . .. . il . T. . ..,!.... l.....nr error in believing that Judge Seymour received a 'Twenty Dollar License." lie was regularly licensed in lst'-li by the Supreme Court, composed of Tearson. Battle and Keale. and this we know because we wi-iV iu the same rlass. and we understood at the time winner, an Knlishmau named Uaa. 1. that Sevniour had been a practicing while on the track was 10.") Invars and lawyer in New York, but according ,V minutes, thus averaging nearly six to the rule of our Supreme Court miles an hour. We do not believe eould Hi t practise here until licensed ,,I1V horse could have accomplished by tht-iii. such a feat. During the first A . . hours Rowcll ran l"o miles, averaging A II0MESTE.U1 Division of much iui- a mile every nine minutes, but the portauce lias recently been rendered effort f recd him to abandon t lie track by Hon. II V. Dick. Judge of the on the fourth day. The winner re United States District Court for the ceived over 2U.!):1 for his week's "Western District of North Carolina, work. Some mt 11 make their heels He decides that State exemption more profitable than their heads, laws cannot apply to any debt, obli-! . gation. duty, or liability due from a citizen to the United States." The decision was gireii in a case from this county, being an action brought by the government against a distiller, named Howell, and the sun ties upon his warehouse hi .ml. Judgment was obtained, execution was issued, and the marshal made return that no levy was made because the defendants owned no property in excess of their homestead exemptions. The District Attorney tin reupoii made a motion that another execution be issued, and the marshal ho directed, -to make a levy and sale of the property of the defendants without regard to such exemptions." Judge Dick granted this motion, execution was issued and levied 11 pen the defendants' property, and the same is now. advertised for Sale. Not only does Judge Dick de cide that oar exemption laws do not apply to debts due the United States, but he also says. -I am strongly in clined to the opinion that the exemp tion provisions do not. and were not intended to apply to debts due the .State." Of course we would not presume to question t be correctness of his Hon or's decision, but we do not think it fan- or just that the government should have any advantage over an individual creditor. The homestead exemptions should be valid agaiust both or against neither. The Thkss A-soi un;j.v will hold their next auniml convention at Eli- alMsth Citvun the illtli of April. This early date is selected because it is the , : . ., .. . i1,.'Smi..1.,um,v,ui,.,1,,c up country editors can thus have un dpport unity of seeing how ti sh are 1. il.r. .-.ii1j l.',...-.P 1,v " K- il" , ,!f tl,., ;.,,- rp'y n"'v to the Semite, for di-t.itv liave scarci'ly an nli-a et the impor- ... , r ... . , ih u tuinp; tor which memberfi ol tut-; tance of the fisheries in the noith- House lire not generally Riven iniicli 1 eastern portion of this State and this credit. Iu tho Semite chamber there tisit will doubtless open the eyes of is a cloak room on each side extend- many of us. Indeed we are all too k'OJU l'10 centra aisle round to -ii -,i ii i i , the east aud west nido doors resnei'"-; little nenuainted wit h that section of i .. ,, . ,, 1 1 lvely. If the walls of these rooms our State, wluch is unsurpassed by any eur it ii more than likely that ether in (he richness of its soil, the : they could tell some fjood stories of variety of its products, and the intel- various Senators hmI their peeulinri li-ence of its inhabitants. We antici- ?"e VQ n,vfr sfn b libt- ' . .,111 ... , lu liepnlilicans use the room on pate with mudi pleasure this proposed tl)t.ir Bule of lbe cllnlll((r and the visit, from which we will derive Loth Democnits the other, aud this custom , pleasure and information. ' of division of righta has never been ' ignored except in a single notable " ..,,.... iDHtunce that of Senator Ootiklin, 1 The Fi.oors i the Mississippi valley wh(J a ppg jn the 1)julo. : are very destructive, nnd causing ' fratic roim. Nobody has ever ai- ; re.at destitution. The levees have signed a reason why Lord Koscoe 1 been broken at several jioints and the : CD"e l,,r,il-v n,,t now adopted ' . . . . the use of this room instead of that on water is eoverin- vast tracts of conn-; Lia Qwn ,t W(j aUyi4 ft HOUr(,(. try. sweeping away houses, cattle, j w'ondi.'r, especially as he. spent Ickh forage, etc. Foi miles and miles the ', time in the room than almnst uny , country irf one immense inland sea, i other Ilepublican Senator. He hud j nnd thousands of persons are home- j a P" T,t?H"'t,t " "M ;' , , . n . doors, aud ranlv stopped louder loss and destitute. Jheoverimeiit;iLl4n w.,s r. tniired'to d. IV or dou ins is uiKiini; liituni! in tin' jit tht-rv is lir.ii h siu!ti-iii! ui't-ilv itiitl : Qi ekn VttTOitiA narrowly i-scapi'il ! assassination on Lint TliuiHtlay. railroad Nation Dear Windsor (Jastlo. : a shabbily ti reused man. standing ' ainon-jaorowi t of spectators about thirty paces distant, deliberately r..iS(,l a pistol iitul iiit'il :it lur. kind bv her womaulv vutuei. and tier kind bv her womanlv virtue, and her death would have 'been universally ii i deplored. 1 ivo previous attempts Lave been made to assassinate her. The lirst was in IS 10. the second and third in the fourth in 1S-1S. and the I ,i i hi O' Si La tvw i n iniee linn it. . - . v. saulted in 1S."0 by an ex-Lieutenant, who struck her on the face with a stick. None of her assailants have ever been put to death, the severest punishment baring been whipping and imprisonment. --- A IVpi'stuvn (XTKST in New York during last week has beaten all former records, and seems marvellous, the w inner having made the unprecedent ed distance of (ill.) mil.s iu six. dais! The time act mill v consumed bv the The Mopickn' Nnvsi-u-sn is truly said to be one of the marvels of tin? age, and the New York Herald is tlie most marvellous of them all. Lat Sunday s Herald was simply stupi 11 1 ous. It consisted of twenty-four pages of closelv printed matter, con tainicg one hundred and forty-four columns. To put this immense 1na-s of matter into type required tie-lab u- 0f one hundred and twenty printers, l f;u h column were about thirl v thoiisalid pieces of type, so that to set up the paper required the handling of nearly live million pieces of type, and over thirteen thousand pounds of metal were used f. r the clcctrotvpe plates '. The Oxi-iimi railroad troubles weie not as serious as we had heard. We are pleased to learn from the drauvi'.!.' Free Lance that much ado has been made about a comparatively small affair," and that the chief cause of complaint has been removed. We received our lirst information from the Oxford Torchlight, which the Free Lance savs was inaccurate. Our W'aMliiii!;ton Letter. (rnm "iir I'.rpul.-vr Crrfniriii'lcni.! Washisut in, D. C, March 4th, 18'2 People who have visited AVahir.g ton dnriiu; a si-ssion ;f Con'riss have, no doubt, noticed from the tt'dlerins of either House the htilo roms in the renr of the .lesks which members visit t.o ol ten. Those me the "cloak rooms'' where Congress w i Senators d, posit their i overco its nnd hats when thpy cmne .1i ant wh(-re thv fl.p(1.lentlv Rlli ;whi:n not interested iu the proen-d-' itiRs, to chat ami reins tln-ir dignity. This hist mnv. iierhiios. be naid to iiiri-i wr.ipw. liuu it o'.v: tin 1 is a good tl.'iil of u ihl. rly visiting s innotJi; iiioiiititTS i'i mini piu;' Sonic- of Ihrf stroner,l liicti.tsliips i" ill.. S.'llllil. llllVK lllit'll lll'tWl till lllt'lll- H,lti 0j opposite pat Hen, lik tint of Senators Tliiirinau ami K liiiundu, who woni.i pnuii'.t e.u'ii mm i iimm- pnonci.iy spcaiiin in i.iimhb .....; then retire to rt fresh from Uih siinif; bottlo. These two kept a p irt it-ul if atonal dignity ami decorum aio eu the Republican side, and that th.-y j act us a damper upon their less state- lv as.M.ciate J The sui.i'ly and hyp- atonal dignity ati'i iiccornui aio ou . ocx iti,.lki oar and the ia perious Iu- g ills would dampen the spirits of most anything reasonably humane, ( It Z . ' ... for maiked abihiv with the time f Clay, Calhotiu, Wibster, Douglass, and lienton, nor its proceedings abound in those brilliant forensic dis plays. This is undoubtidly hue. The degeneracy of our politics into mere scrambles for patronage shows itself in our public men especially in the dominant party. The rotten borough system introduced by that party, and its teii h-ney towards the momy power, has made wealth the stept lug-stone to Semttei ial dignity ; more tLan in f irmer years. et we' have on the Deteocr itic side some men of brilliant oratorio il powers, of whom Lamar, Y-iorhees. and est take tiie lead Senator K Imuiids is looked upon by the R- publicans as their strong' st debater, as ho un doubtedly is, but he is in no sense an orator Somelhii.g about the pe,--sonal characteristics and p eiiliarities of past and pi. sen' Senators would mt l-e uiiiu eYes:it.g. The l ite H- my Wilson was called the "Liln rty-lo ing and (i.vi-fearing Wilson" owing to bis ha'hit of sp.-akiiig of the people of Massachusetts in those words. L imar is s imeiimt 9 sp keil of :.s the "Sick H unlet' because of his philosophical mind au 1 ill h a'.th Colliding always used lavender wut'-r in his marble ; bath and made the Seigeant-at-Arms buy 'he best French soap. It was his' linl.il I i spot. 1 two hours in the Senate bath-ioom daily. Kduiunds eats cloves. Don Cameron has no peculiarities. Ho can't make 11 -pe' ch.bul has wine in hisoomiiiittoe ioo;u, and is t f:en uncivil in his own h" ise. Iiigall- is the thinnest man ill Congress, as well as the nobbiest 111 his dress: always has a silk hand kerchief an n id his neck und gener- . ally wears an oVeldait iu summer. II iiiiiibal Hamlin, on the e nitrary. never wore an uveieoat, aud dressed fir about twenty lears iu th same swallow- ail suit of black. R ins mi, of N-rih C iiobna, is aKvays pulling down his cuffs, ,u, ,1 js tlie most pop ular man in the Sen it-i among his issoei a'e-. Rlaiiie cilled every new acij'iiiin! nice by his tirst name within a we. k i'-ruce. the 0 "hired colleague of Lain- r. now Register of the Treas ury, l ai a h tl it of eL. ling most too m ar whi 1. he t ilked to you. Kellogg, the last le.ieof the carpt -l -bagging in the Saiiii c d.s cvt r. thing fair 111 love lid p lr :es, 11, id that has been the p-iiicij-le of I. is piiva'o and public i:f... l!.-ck. of Kentucky, likes hot scolch, ai. 1 Williams, his colleague, wears the oi.ly wig. in the Senate David Dals is the largest man in the Senate, and is freipii'litly called "Oi 1 F it t v 1 ) ivis" to distinguish him from the esl Virginia Davis, w ho h is the best bt 1 I f ir figures ail 1 public debt stateme-.ts of any m in in either H-illse of C illg'esB. (1 ullll) 1, if Arkansas, is probably the best I iwyer now in the Scute, and one of "h" best men. Logan looks like tllt J aek i f Clubs, and has spent most of his time this session in tlie effort to pension his fri'-nd (Irani, a measnn vote 1 for by many D 'in icrati-.: S aia tors because th.-v f -.o'ed their motives in doing oiherv. is - would be miscon strued liici'ully hull dozed into doing what every l.o.fst, sensible la an knows ;as a iicd!ess, uiiwish thing Fiioso. Auditor's Keniil't. Fr, lU NVh i Ohmvrr. ,,. . , , . . ,. , , e are indebted tit O.-n. Koberts, our v, rv . Indent Audii-r. f..r a copy of his hist annual report. We collate sunn-interesting liir.vs fi'.uu it. The rrt'ii. r.il taxes amounted l;it year to S'J'ld.'j'.lT.S. Insurance companies ., . .-it,,. pmd SUUKi l-.druiuim rs. il.MH): mer- chants. S2s.;i.-)U : railroad -. ss.S : sewing machines, I. aud bank stock. Sd.fj.'lO .'i.'t. Of the li-pmr tax, tl.m-fourt!..s -..en to the public- fund, aiiKniiitui'' to .I(i.;)i( ill. J he income UK nett. tl " sii. The ft , s i'r.im the Sivretary of State were (i'.l 1.7(1. There were about sjo.OlIU of Hinall item. The Supreme I'mirt Kepnrts sold for Sl.i lltll.'.i'l. ami stationery for Jf:,1:!s Tlu l.,ltil. mi,mut . vMlt- moneys fur oiicral pin-poses was, then, about .'Ml.ltU'.t. i'or the a-iyhiia $1)1, l;U was raised ; f..r the i.em.entiary the same amount. The lei : ih.ers ta f,. , AiitunU lrV:u t:,..,.t was S-JH..VI0. The Western N'mih Caroli mi Kailroad ('omjiaiiy juiid into the Treasury S.l'J.oiHI.uiidertheireoiiti'ftet to pay interest on those l,,ds, and this was jiaid out tor that purjHse. The amount paid for th-l.ii " of eon- vit t 1 up to .,'.. i I t. Ci iVf'lllln'f lit I. ISSl. WHS Till' flu f iU'iiis tif ilisi bursemeiit were : Interest on debt ; SSIi.li.-id ; Cieneral Asstanbly .rti,'2.rH ; I judiciary S;i7,'.2it ; public printing tfrJ.TCill; Treasury Di partment 5,li50; State Department SfJ.SHS); Auditor's Depart ineut S2.S5S; llxecutive 4,(i7d; contingencies $21.21"). The expenses of the government, leaving out the Agricultural Department, the asylums and the penitentiary- were about S'JT'i.OOO, and leaving out interest was less than S11Ul.tHM). The Mor ganton Asylum drew vhUHK) : the Ooldsboro' (eolored) Asylum Slo. "illH.ll). The penitentiary cost us 5?.",2.()tK). We think this is as credit able a showing as any State can make, as the running expenses of the gov ernment are less than if ld:).():tit. The Republican Legislature alone, for the year ending September ISti'J. cost, regular session. fi'.U.OiM. und the special session !j'7S.0(lit. making S?2ti'J. (100 for that year. The same expenses that cost us last yt ar less than tfl'.HV 000. in lSil'J cost ;Cil.-.(HK, aud in ISTd S47o,UOO. The expenses for the present year, if we have no extra session of the Legislature, will be much less, only about Ulo.ddd. This is the record of the two parties. The whole cost of administering the gov ernment of the Stale (leaving out in terest and the asylums ami peniten tiary, etc.. will this yuar be regularly only about lo".tM.' J r. Mott spent in his district alone S'Jli'.l.HOO last year. Actions speak louder than words. Who ivants to see the Democratic party put aside that the Republicans may be restored to power and waste the people's money ? General News. Oouk'ing has declined tlie appoint mentof Judge of the Supn me Court. (1lt in,j i,,,,;,, fr.t..rnco society H h:s heen in us- iu Yirgini.i and North Carolina since 1873. and dur Tho seat of " overtimeut of Lousi- belles are hul l in ttieir praises of i'ig that tune has been applied to all kinds of soil under every variety of " . i,. . v:........ v. ... 1 1. ..I ; - I l .....:" .... i ana is now JJalon liju-'o. not -Sew Orleans. Senattir Elmunds has dt dined the appointment of Jiisticeof the Supreme C'liirt. F.ihty-five tons of mail nutter were handle 1 in New York city every day last year. The Sen de Judiciary commilte' have allied to favorably report a new hunki upt huv. Hon. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of1 the Iuterior under President Buch anan, is livir;,' in Home. A Newatk prisoner efilicted with varioloid est-iped from policemen who were ufrai 1 of catching the dis-t-as''. It is stated that ex-Ju 1'e Daniel L. llussoll will he appointed District Attorney for the Eastern District of , North Cuvlina. . Keports from the prent peneh growing district i represent the pros pects of tie- coining peach crop as universally f ivorable. The President has nominated Euos J. Penny-packer Cdlector of Customs at Wilmington, N. C, iu place of W. I'. Cuinady, who resigned. At Ftica N. V., on last Friday, John (. Ehring ma le a Wiigcr that he could dnuk.t wo qu irts of w hiskey. I He did so, and thud within a few hours. Mrs Seoville, Ouiteau'a Bister lias scut a rem.iustrauce to the St mile' against Colliding' continuation. She accuses him of being the cause of ( lartk'ld'.s d-ath. The S iiato continue 1 the nomina-, tlons ot Koscoe Colliding tube Asso ciate Justice of th-.' Supreme Court and of ex-Senator Sirgent to be Minister to Germany. 1 Trying to do biiii-u ss without a 1 vertising is like ivii.kmg at a jire ty 'irl through n pair of green guggles. Y in may know wind jou are doing, but nobody else tines. Spt cial prayers and thanksgiving services have In. en hi Id in nearly nil the churches and chapels of Eegland with refereuee to the tu-en's escape fpiin the attempt tipnii her life. i i'li. N. M. Curtis special agent of the Trensury. has been in. lifted bv the V. S grand jury at New Ymk. city f.ir collecting assessments from government employees for politicul purposes. A Democratic C 'iiressional Cam paign coniihi'teo has lieeu organized at Washington, euisi-ting uf one member fnui each S ate. Repre sentative W. 11. C x is the member from North Cirohii.-i. The State Senate of Iowa lias agreed to a eotintitn'ional amend ment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxic iting btpior as a beverage. Tiki State of Iewa is overwhelming Keptiblicau in poli tics. The wife of the Chinese Minister at Washington can see no one but her husband and her women servants, and as the Minister does not speak Em-llsl. well she has no opportunity for learning on: language. She is, however, Very happy iu her seduhioli. Sune time ago Mis. Prown, of Al len county, Ky., jjave birth to twiiiR. Notwithstanding there is but four minutes ililierence in their ages, yet one was bom iu 18S1 and the other in ISS'i. one in Deeelnlier rniil flit U . , ., . ., ier in Jauutry, one on Sunday, the I in ..lln.r ui M.. i, William Walker, of I'ittsylvauia county Va., wm.h killml nt four o'clock Friiiay n-orniuf by Liles C. JuLu sou, a uitircliuiitH clerk. Wulker, wlm slept witli Jt.luiNoii, wDt out while tLe iuttcr wn Htlcep, ami, re turning, iiwoku Jiihtison, who inis took him for a rolilier ami shot him iloitil with a pintul. The Ti:ilfi;h corrrsponilpnt of the Norfolk l'ulilic Lfdger miya: ' It in rppottf-d Hint a tiHW liHimblifun pn- pcr will soon make :l nppfuraur0 iua tins pity. I wrtfl infonif-il that it woiihl b Rtnrt"l bv thut oltJ, txpfiri- enceil ami Hiii'i'i'SKful jourraliHt, hx- ( ruVi'litir V V. Kulib'ii, uiul Will'.) b:.- M!lt-.l th- Stan .,r.I. An India-Rubber Man. The New York correspondent of the Fay, ttev.lle K.aniiner says: i ISirnnni, the f-reat show man, has imported a (ietiimn with iiu india rubber skin, which he folds mound himself and rolls up iu lit do pads for the delectation of spectators. His ordinary appearance is in no way strange, but he is able 1o draw bis sk in elf from any part of his body i.p in folds bom one to MX inches long. The skin of the forehead can be diawn down over tliH iin.se, and his ears can be made to almost touch each other behind l is head. Workiiigiiien. Refore your begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relax ' atiou. your system needs cleansing andstreiigtheniug ti;piwe:it an attack of Ague. Jtillious or Spring Fever,' tir some other Spring sickness that will unfit you for a season's work You will save time, much sickness and groat expense if you will use one' bottle of Hop Hitters in your family this month. Don't wait. Hurling- , ton Hawkeye. Renew Your Lease. ; j There are times in every one's life when energy fails and a miserable feeling comes over them, mistaken for lazit.ess. Dmgel lurks iu tins": symptoms, as thev arise from diseas ed organs, l'aiker's (linger Tonic will re-tore perfect- activity to the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood, and renew- vour lease of heai.h and comfort. Advocate. Society Hollos. n v.,,m.t .,f Us r.-nmrkable deli-1 r loresi m v .oiogne. JS' ). D WILLIAMS HAS .! - .11 tils in',-1-..,! in Hi., linn ..f Willi im .V Vtiv. I'w.'ii, Wiiiii;i!-..i. mi.l .Miir-)iis 'tl .V C.i., N-'w V l-K III'' i.'-ii.-iiiiti. 'a-:ii-rs. ainl h:is I'lir-'h-i' 1 ;r..:ti itii-:ii On'lr iic.-r.-si mi Thi- llrm "1 .1. II. W lillHliK . I'av.'l'i-Hili-. S. f. K ,i .Ml 10. illSU.N, .1. t 11.I.IA.MS. (i W v !.l...iS. 1 If MI'IICIIISUN-, u. f M)i:i:v. .T.Ul. t. IsSJ. il F.lT.KHfN? TO THE AliOYE' H'li.'rlSMm.'lil it .iir.-lia-i'iin. sal.-. Plii-n l'V irivi' u urn' th.-iirm ..I I. p. Williams c... is ill" i';iil ,'ji-t s.' II... I'ayin.'iils i-iiti I"' lil:i l. l" A. Ii. Wiihri'ii- .-r T. I., l.-.v.'. Hh.. ar.' Hiitli-ri'-'l t lit vi- ris-.-i.;n ln'ii 1 alii u'-si'iit. .1 l. WILLIAMS. Fiiyi'lU'Vllli', Jan v tl, tss-J. At 1 ho OM Stiitnl of J. D. WILLIAMS & CO. new rmiw. rHE I'NDl'.KsKiNED HA YE bL .mii.t.'iI into r. ..iti-T?slili iiiilr th nrni MIlK'f'f . it. WllM'lllM ('.. fT tin- '..tl.lllt "1 11 Hcii'Tit! I'ti-ui'-sH. i-mt-r;i"'iiiir "nimiMi amt Un .tiP hn-f ..r '..tt..n ati-I Naval K.o . Tln'v will nt'il H 1h r..r snrati Tinif lr un-t on sh'-ri ti i' t'i t'P'tnp: j-ayiitj i tir,t..ni.T, mi l will uKn r-'iitrn -i rurtiHh !;iriii ftijillrs on i rop time t A. B WILLIAMS, .1. WW MAMS j mnn Mjrl.t w.tek, t n--ti it hmill in rvoiuifi WfVIO, UM' HOP lim niJT'niijr from any In i-mi',, KUJi rr lrtm In a Ik-4 uf welt flitters. Triminntlri (h an tln.t juiir ai iinj f '"'U vt Kidney h cS -.ri-(ti M iifc-iufff ili'Vi- th.Tl mi;Lt nutvMy f i i in uttnn Bitter v)v rv 7 Jf.jL.-m jlm-cyi'ilif!- jlntnt, diMli-w ;.t O...V'. .ii.'. Nil. fi. fc'u.i.J Un r..i-i.. i-i.-. y o ii win in "Jli-il if V..IIIH. hop Hop Bittors If Tonnniiilni ,.y V.-tik f.il i..wit'iril.'i1.tiy I B"Mhylmir i-i-l-i. s.-ulfor Ulrcular. ! NEVER FAIL t ' It may aaveyour I Ife. It has hop urmss m ra to., .Itertolrr, . T. 4Tr.'OI..,Oiiu snved nun' dreds. J W linn IMhiiIith ran li iy a irtie Aiu in i.iihIimI Sa;iT l'li'isi'.Hif n.iv le t-lii. v frn-n Siiiii.'iiti-r U.in-ii' Mfiit Hii.i limit' ti i r $'J"i per inn al tie fat-l.iry. imkIi. il is ( illy M pv nil ne'lipy Inr tli liifli rust Krrlil v rs. B.itur'.'M y.'.-) l'li"S.iHM' is el k.'imr :.!- i ui.ir.(. Aii:i!.h;s uu rifij biiji sKine it - "il riri'.il .r. The piisl m nin in tlie Snaili lias rlearly pIi.'Ivm 1'iaiit-iH lliat fu I'iw im t Aiiiiuiinitt !-. l-'.-r i li.- rs p t. i , si eii ( nll'.ii ; lliere liaf ii-V' r Ii--"ii, ill l!ie funr Vi.rs ef iln line, mi ii'. fvn!K'il' repiiri uf iia ai'iieii. Kvcry p uii l "I Aiiiiii.iiiia aii'l I'li.'spli- rn- Acul i H:ni;-!i' I'Iii's.1ih1i' i .rinii t ly avail all!" ss plii'il fn.it. P imt.-ri' rtn nmke I In ir itvu fi.'ur" hh In th- having tie-y can iiiako liy u-i nr il.is itrlirl" nii'l ill the saiiie time In- r- u - n 1 1 1 1 v sir.- f a jr I f""p. S ml f.ir i- ii' i b r i v 1 1 1 ( full uaiatite-t! Aiialy his. ISA Ir(iII -.V W(S, i N.i. 1 1 S iui i Si., IS , hi mire. Mil , Matin fact ur.'r. ami I i p utersnf l-Vrlilu.-ra a'l.l KiTtiiut ii ( Stiiiilii's. .Inn. l'.l ','nis ASDFP.-iOM, frMldaaU P. A. WILKT. Cublar. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, or K 1I.EIUII, . C. TO rAIllVlEIlS. IATJMF.HS ARE TIERKTiY NO- I ,iMr. il,.it I am Airent f..r tlio ..li.l.ra'M "Slur Hrnn l" iriimi". una n' fur Mllwii Aillt- H..I1S ' I'I l'. "M. IllltP Whl'll 1 Will Hill "D llllltl t n; in i.,u. ivm- uu Intn l. l H"l. l. is. ii-.h. M.'I'MlrVlllR, N. C. T..liru:;rv a-!. 19P2. 1). T. JOHNSON, COTTOrJ SELLER - AND Commission Merchant. A..'t f.. T..rt,r'u Ht.ni.li.l fZii.iiin -'?5 L 11 Ainl Clti'inii'altf. oitni-.n yon Alii, il PliOMlTl.T ATTENPKD TO. r.irrrinTi.tpn'('..iMti. OKI e, t K- Tin-r Wl'.mii -.I"!! anil Mnniti S'i U.i:.K H N I vour i!utirs aoil V -titntiliitJiiitKl uta L!f JHop Haters. Lj !Hh rLi n't U i-t tfliiinw.-hlf ut'ia, ixly un H O p53 borvi.T y u art. fU-3 Miscellaneous . - - - - FERTILIZERS IN STORE AND DANA' ARRIVING: 'in.nnii pnuinlH 0. II. Shies nod Sliuuldors. '.'ixni pouiHls llrau. tfj.iKM imuiiils 0li"lt' Tiinelliy Hajr. , Sill) I'llMll. Ik S.-.-I (la's. l.iki 1,,1-hnit. U.ixull Wliltc rt.'1is Mi-al. -.'.mill iuii.li. ls Millie hii. I MUnl l'..rn. l.mi-i SH'-ks su.iwl.'ii's Si-n Oiill iliitiuo, :MI s.l.'kB Wlllkl'1'fC'ltli'll I'lli hl'llllti.. Cofi'ces, Sugars, Flour, Hew Cuba and Heur Orleans Molasses, and a full line of other goods. Tin- iOimv- k'I will I"' s"l'l n lew n nny urn. rnn m-ll lirst -ihs b.k-Ih. iiml nil KtiKnuiitird. '" ll'l' ii l.v ro . iiiiii.-iul Hi.- nl.vi' Aiiini.'iil.i.ed tliinuo mill A.-i.l I'li.wi.lmni. u. b,, UieLeel iiflmd In this nutrki't. Call nntl fxiiniltip thoin lirlore piirrliHslii, i;U'l!!i. s. e.. Mr.-h l. wi. SELDOM LF LLED ! ALLISON & 7 X ilJl i TOIL CORN, COTTON No fertilizer over introduced has undergone severer tests, or come out of them with a better record, than the "Star Brand" Complete Manure. . ....v,,. n ...vs ,, in the fact that since its introduction 20,000 '1:lvo ' 11 SlUl fhis nnuket alone ; 5,000 Planters and Farmers of Virginia ami North Carolina, who have used it from one to eight yeara all going to establish it as a fact that, all things considered, it is Equal to Any and Surpassed by Hone. We offer it with great confidence f"r ue on the CottoS. Cons and Tonvtvo crops t be painted iu lSS'.i. with the assurance that it is in all I'l'slieets 111 V r.oi-'l to 11 lint it Kfis lieen t - i .'.-. which I'liiei into us composition, ami sui pel-vision, we GUARANTEE ! It lias been the aim of all connected with this (riiano to product tli best possible fertili.er at the lowest possible cost, and wv claim that our extended experience and unusual resnurees mid facilities have enabled un to , approach t.'iis more nearly than has been done in any other fertilizer with ; which we are aeipiainlcd. Those who have been using it unite with ub iu 1 the opinion that I Sy its Use the Consumer Gets the Greatest Benefit from the Smallest Outlay. An ordin.-irv application of this (Juano will caurif an iiwreuso of 100 to JOU percent, in ipiantity at the same time improving the quality and hastening the maturity of the crop. ; ALLISON & ADDISON, Manufacturers, Kiclmiond, Va. ! For sale by our Agents .at all important Kiints at prices as low and on j as liberal terms us any other standard high grade fertilizer. We solid t j your confidence and patronage. Agvnt at rittslioro. Kjrypt, Miuicuiv ami Merry Oaks. J. C. FGUSHEE, A-ont at (M.lf. Ftbruarv 1'!. ISSJ. 2Ann:. JSS: AMMONIATED I SUPER PHOSPHATE WILWIS0&C9 BALTIMORE Avail. Phos.Acio g TO 105 Total Done Phos. 24-to 30 Ammowa Potash 118 W. Lombard IOO Buggies. Rockaways. Spring Wagons. &c. Wiado cf the Uat mati-naii and tally warrant ed, to bo noli! regardluia ot oot. PartiM in want will oonauit their own intereat by tmm tninfr our atock and prioea befor baying, m we are determined to aell, and bave eat don our price bo they oannot be met by any other bonne iu the Htate. TIlwl Mnde llni.t.e, n"e llttmem khto a fall itock or. RF.PAUtlNS dona at bottom prioea, and in beat muinT. Bend for prioei and rjita. A, A. UcSllHai; & SONS. Fayetie7iUe, N. a Patents for Inventions. E. W. AMU'ltMON. J. C HM1TH. ATTOKNEYS-AT-I.AW, ?(M 7Mi St., Wasliinu'ton, D. V. No f.'i- f..r iir.'lliiiliiiirvi'.nmiiiiiil.n. Kofreun- im'i iil l." nlii'Wf-1. Fiin I' kh Hum any uthi-r r.-...ni.iil.' iini'ii -y. iii'Kh i.r iiii..riniii.n win , ir.i. n( i-liargii. I'I! Dr. WM. LYNCHaiiNVKxioiws: " ' ' ..iirlt.ii. WBi,ini"ni I). DBIf TXBT, Will VtKit rhuiH nut mi ii rft'-ti nl-'ii'lt. All i-iill l.-ft w 1 : 1. tir M' ' U'.'l will ' " i.r -hi. t. ii i, l-x-l. II Advertisement. ' n ' " - 1111(1 SUPPLIES 3,0iM Hni'ks Stiiii'lnril rntniiiio Uukiio. , l.imtl sii' ks tirutlliii'b First gunllty Ammonlte4 l Ollnna. 1.U00 mii'Ih Ijiznr.-lle A.'lil PhiWiliatc,iuKrmDta4 I t" I"' IIik lilk-liii.t irrn le In the markM, o'er IU .IT o il' . iiviiilnl'l" l lienphiirlc Ai-ld Mm Hn.'kn liitlilwlu'8 AnuimiUitied DluulTtI 11-nit. SKYER EXCELLED ! ADDISON'S BRAND" msm AND TOBACCO! - , - u.nti mei --it'iii, snusineuou is iouua over Tens and also iu letters and certificates from in tlie ivwl U n.. in.r II. i.inln.L i e " niamiiaciiiiitiR it under our personal THE STANDARD. PEMOW! BUY FOR CASH. TJELIF.YING the past season ha eo IJviiK'cit the intelligent class of planter, that it voul.l lie better to buy for Caik than Cotton option, we offer this First-Cuss Fertilizes (PKIVILEHK TAX PAID ) direct to the l'l.ititer for $30 per ton in car l.i.nl lots. Lest quantities 132 per ton. No Agents. Those only who can pay "ash, nee.l write for prices. Farmers' ( Inlis, l.nmi-is anil dealers arc invited to visit our oiks er write us. We also im port ami manufacture a full line of Agricultural Chemicals, such as Aci'l I'hosphate, Snip, Ammonia, Nitrate Soil.i, Kainit, &c. All pooils Htbject to analysis of ror. Dahnkv, Director of Ag. txp. Station. St., Baltimore. R. ZI. ATWATEQ, WITH LEE !. WYATT, (CbrlloiliT k Bi.rrrtl'i Old ,' ItALI'.IOII. N. C. Wholesale 1 Retail DEALERS IN HEAVY GROCERIES. Commission Merclants. Ami Agent for STANDARD FERTILIZER. " "l' ' k til IHiOUtoD bead aal an dally ri-i'lviiin tri'nh uiillna. w hnno ti rwlTpnur hareor patroaaa rratn ur frti'iulH in lliaiham aud adjointnf aatt rtniat-U Mrrtm RDHON BROA., At- biiDcvffi'Law an.1 Patent Pi'llrlKm. tCnlilnt"ni I). O.. t raffrnx-ea aaa BjIvIii-. iM-nl rufcK. WeauenJ ficlul"ly Hi Pat. .nt liuflnt-b. I!. ;.-.. iihI'I.' lfrm. Helmiaoe. In lor'rrn ', nn.l - rrjented Id inner hande a. ii'U 1 Mi'iulayln ami'laliv. I'avoaia will'itwi. nnu model, I kfi-b anil iliwrlptl.'ii lir "(ilnl'in aa m paMot lt ''..'r's-.i .ir IL ability, khkkok i-iia&uk. Wo nfrln iheOnmmla 1,. -,, i..iiiir "f l--n.r. also lo fx 0'Bnelnl"Br. 1 a llUI'bt-1 18t.

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