$ Chatham Record. 21 d hai!;uu crotjd. EATING or ADVEUTLSING. H. A. LONDON, Jr., KDITOB AND rnOPRIKTOH. OndKjmre, rmo ii:.-rtloii, Onenquarp, two lniTfloef, One square, em-luonfh, . - y.m . J.w TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Ono rt y, ont r"". ('uecniiy ,.ix iimnOu - Ont copy, three months, . . l.m VOL. IV. PITTSKORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, MARCH JO, 1882. NO. 27. to ram O Hie Valentine. A I a counter richly laden With 8t. VnlontinA'a choice "nnnclH KtamU a very charming maiden !n llm sbaSRipat of b.iunrta ; Her lnvp-lockn an 1 her tres-pa Appear a lulu ;:Mon, Whde tho strip in which alio dresses Is extremely iii.iint mi l olden. Mir inspects thp Klowin lieasurcn,' Silken, frilled, and sntiu tantiprs, And.naine their anient mcasnr-M In tho peacefulest of manners. Now ami Ihen a h.suct Capi 1 rieaaea thin lieuilehiiiK erili' lint (lie versos aro tmi r t tpil I-'or a taste i analytic. O'er 'nrRotniP not a anil roses Like a liiitlerfly sho waver , Till tlie honey o;io iliHelo.rH IVllH III" 'Im 1 II" I Ml llf fl.lVOIH. With this ii" -lai' I.ovp in-ini".. her, Ami hr lii'l ln her in kiii- n, An 1 ho tempt her ami he dsrea h' r To the following confession : " If 1 hail the brush or Watt, an, Ami the wisdom of the shrcs, I eonlil paint a worthy motto On thin InvcH. st of pages : Hut no truer heart is heating J'lia i the M'art which beats for yo'i, lore. So I m ii 1 a itinile (,-reetinc, And I nixn inyrell' your Trne-liive." t-'nlixfiftl with her loction, As the clerk she ie-iii;leir-p., 1'mi- tho niiuMve of affection, I'min the prettiest of purges, Wiiile sip' hisUns fur an-1 plushes, t'li.iw.'irc ot admiration In n conscious w.iy shi hluhcs. Thinking of its destination. Will a certain hero wonder, Ktc tlie trusty real is broken, 1( hie fate is li il lcn nnler Shi Iter of thin tender token .' Will he, when his heait discovers Who I. in i nt thiii timely warning, ftc the happiest of lovers On St. Valentine's own mcriinx ? A GAY DECEIVER. Jacques Bruhicro is an artist whose mythological pictures have a most do Unlit modern nir. His Grecian god dcosa look liko Farisiepnos ; their wind-blown lair, their high-heeled san dals, ami a peculiar twirl given to their elrarcry havo captivated tho Parisian ladies H j they- croffbd Jacques' ptniio and implore him to let ilnm nit for Tunas nml Andromeda-. But he is moat unromantie follow, ami is i waved 1 v no consideration othur than thoso of gain. Although he is l.u' thirty, ho has1 gained fame and wmo fortune : and ho in ho industrious that ho Hies from use less words and time consumers -that i- to Fay, women and bores. A jear ago, just after the nrt exhibit closed, Jacques determined to go on a sketching t nr. H j ho packed h's trunk, assisted by his friend, Eugono deLissi and wan bidding adieu to his studio, whon the fcrvant entered with a note. It was a iiicj littlo note, d.iiutily per fumed, anj tho address was written in the niont delicate hand imaginable. He read it, frowno.l, and crumphtig it tip, threw it on tho floor. "C'jufound tho women ! " ho ta'd. WhiU'a tho inp,'.t?r?" askod his friend. "Why, I'm such an nnlneky fellow," paid Jacqueii. "There's nlways eoruo woman or o'.hor bothering ine, writing about bow much she admires my paint ings, and how he'd liko to see me, and all that sort of thing. Just cs if a man would say he wonld like to sco my paintings because ho liked the cnt of my beard. Liok," said ho, picking up tho letter, "address SI mo. L;onie, anch a fctreet nnd nnmber." "But," sid liugene, who was ?e id ing the note, "It's very well written, I aHSuro you, full of most delicate wit, What are you going to do with it ?" "Oh, you literary man ! " groaned Jacques. "What am I going to do with it? Why, bnrn it, of course What do yon suppose I am going to do with it?" I'll tell you what to do with it," said Eugene, "yon're going away" Yes." "Then giva it to me." "Wby, what will yon do with it?" eaid Jacques with a fctaro. "Well, I'll play painter," replied El gene. "I'm not much of a one, but I "an dnb a little enough, at all events, to deceive a woman in lore. And I'll tin! out who 'Mmr. Leonie is that's only part of her name, I'm euro." Ho it was settled. Jacques Eruhiere, painter, set off for Switzerland and Eu gene de I a6M, a man of letters remained to personate him. Bat only for Mme. Leonie. Other visitors were tuld the truth that the master wai gono. At last she came. En gene's romantic fancy had painted her as young and beautiful. 13 nt sbo was move than that she was divine. Sho was a branetts, and bad the rcQst delicate noso, the most spark ling eyci, the most glorioua hair and the most admirable little hands and feet that Eugene bad ever seen. lie flattered hircsell that he was correctly mado up for bis rote. His velvet blonso and i tnnty cap were a littlo too clean, perhaps, but that was a good fault. Jlmo Le.nlo wanted her J portrait painted, and it was very difficult for h;r 'o decide bow it thonld be done. Phe wavered lor k. ().;od.iy fho would lo Omphalr; tho luxt hlio bad decided thnf tobo repn Rented as Kdouiowan necessity to her ptaaj of mind. H it when Eugcno had mmlo his prepara tions his fickle goddess decided that Delilah was the character that Knited her. And then bhe wonld wnnder around tho fcludio and draiie herself with tho barbaric stuffs need by long gono models and Iiaudle tho enrions wviipotis and e: amine tho porcelair-s. And then sho would f uy nho was weary and would como tho next day. And she would go, lcoviDg Eugcno do Lewi deeper in lovo than ever. Am for him, ho was in a dream. Ho had retired from tho world. A', his own quarters his dtor was daily ttormed by publisher, by manager:', by printers' boys, by creditors nnd by frieudn. But no ouo know whero he had gone. Ho had told his servant ho was Roinr away, but bad not told hiui where. It was wioujr, deeidedly wrong; bnt bo took a eettain fcroeious joy in it wheu ho thought how ho himself had oneo pursued these very saino editors uud managers. Eugnnohni at last discovered that his inamorata was a widow, wenl'hy and of good family, ller fuil name was Leonie do Norse. He bad never told his love; but that sho was blind to it was impossible?. Yet the was certainly blind to his piiuling, for she expressed her admiiation of it with an enthusinfm (hat mada Eugene wince. But one day when ho was, as usual, attempting to truns'cr her to emiva's, a particularly utrocionn tree which ho bad introduced iu tho background attracted his atten tion. "Jacques," said she, "don't you think that you aro well, that you'ro losing a littlo of your skill ?' "What ?'' shouted Engono. "I mean that is I'm afraid that I keey you so much from your work that "I only hopo that you may keep me faoni it forever," rotuiued tho amorous Euireno Aid so tho dangerous mo ment passed. But this state of aflf.i'rs could not l.iH forever. O.io tine day, as Enyeno was seated upon a divan, thinking of las lady-love, who had j.isi departed, who should enter but Jacques Brnhicre. Yes, tbcro ho was, with his attendant carrying his umbrella, his skotch boolcs, his camp stools, his baggage a trao n-iist just from tho country. Tho false o'io trembled ns ho thought that his dream wan over. Had ho been a Borgia ho would havo slain his friend. As ho was not, ho pressed his hand warmly, and bade him welcome. But how could he answer to a high-spiritod woman for the deception ho had practiced upon her? As to persuading Jacques to con sent to any arrangement for keeping up the deception, that was out of tho ques tion; whero his art was concerned tho painter would prove as deaf as a post, and as unmanageable as n balky borso. So Eugene was puzzled. Finally a bright idea occuro I to him. "Why not," thonpht he, "givo a comic turn to tho affair. If properly done, Leonio will bo disarmed. Hho is easily moved to laughter, aud then I will explain and beg ber forgiveness." Alas I Toor Eugene's idea was not a happy ono. The next day when Leonio camo it was Jacques who met her at tho door, llo was in a blue bloure, cap, and car ried palette and brushes. "Can I eoo M. Bruhtcro?'' she asked, with somo little surprise, "That is my name, ma.lame," replied tho painter. "You Jacques Brnbiere!" said sho withaa amushed laugh, and sho pushed by him aud entered tho studio. "You the great painter? No, no 1" and sho seated herself and looked at him defi antly. But if she was at ease in the Btudio, ho was moro so. Her quick woman's eye noted thi, and on tho easel there was already begun a canvas in which sho recognized tho master's touch. L'.onie was becoming ill at ease. Bhe picked np a little Hindoo god "which stood on the table beside ber, and fin gered it nervously. Her bands trem bled, tho littlo monster slipped from them and dashed to pieces on tho floor. Tho artist steppod to the wall and rang tho bell Tho door opened and a ser vant entercJ, clad in livery, and wearing an apron, rendered necessary by the fact of his cleaning brashes. "Did monsieur ring V he asked. Leonio stared at him and grew white. "Yes, Jean," replied the artist. "Gather up the fragments of this triflo, which madame has unfortunately brok en. NoV," raid he, turning to Leonie, "if madamo will kindly inform me to wh.t I owe the honor of this vis" He stopped. Her white, set face, ber starry eyes frightened him. "A lackey!" sho hissed; "a base lackey ! And I Lave loved this heart loss, cruel, lying wretch ! ' With a sudden impulse of fury she snatched np a pretty toy, a silver pon iard, which lay upon the table, nnd sprang at Eugene. Quick as a flash I the artist Mashed between them. Bat qniek as bo was, ho was too late. The poniard struck Enseue in tho side, in fllclinja deep wonn.l. sshodidso, 1.,'onio uttered a ulni -k nud fainted a a :iy. l.'tgeno's comedy had become a tragedy. "Truly, a pretty sight for tho studio of aa honcbt, hard-working paintir," groaned Jacques Bruhicro, us ho gazed upon tho two prostrate forms. "This comes cf obliging your friends. Catch mo doiii it. again. ' a i. i -t I Three rears had passed, l.oonio was in the brilliant salon of the Canntcss do Sngone, whoso houso wart always filled with tho literary nii-n of tho day, and sho invariably secured the literary lion. Sho wns making her way through tho brilliant throng toward L?oi.io. "My dear," raid kIi", when she reached her, "havo you read that novel ot which nil Talis is talking -Lea Doiix Friuee.sses '?" "Yes," eaid Lecuie, "11 ia a charming work.-' "1) i you know its nut her ? ' ' Eugcno do Lusi '.' No In he here ! this evening?" "Yes, and 1 want to pics: nt him to row Ah, tliero ho i. M nisieur de Lissi !" and in nnothtr moment there btocd bofi re Leouie the fal e painter. For a xuoiscnt sho hesitated, but the old spell reasserted itstli, nud she found herttlf listening, almost aoainsl her will, to his pleas for pardon. And hi' pleaded his cause most eloquently. "I am half inclined not to forgive you," sho caid, at length. "Yon acted abominably, you know you did." "I acted liko a fool and a kuave," said Eugene, "and you oujjht never to pardon me, but you will, won't you?'' "Well," said tho beauty, semi roluo tantly, "if you will bo a very good boy " "Yes." "And never deceive me aain " "Never." "Aid will never paint any moro such wretched trees" "Never." "Then I forgivo you for having plvreJ tho servant." ' But I want to play it njaiii !" Sho looked at him inquiringly. "1 want to be voui servant forever." '1 lie Story of Wjhiinl. I'erlmps tho most singular case of tho enslavement of nu Englishman in Cen tral Asia was that of Lieutenant Wy burd, of tho In.liaNavv. In lS.'Sri, Wy burd, who was an accomplished linguist, vnd served as interpreter to tho Com modore in the IVrsiau Gulf, was Kent by tho Biilish ' Envoy nt 'he Court of Persia on an important mission toKhwu. Tho poor man seems to h.wo boon for gotten as an cflieial agent, for it was not until ten years after that it was learned ho had never reached Kbiva at all, but that ho had been seized aid held into slavery by tho Anieer of Bok hara. After n.'c?rtaiuing this fact Wy bard's sistetd repeatedly urged the British Government to recoenizo and claim their brother as a British snbjoct, and take steps to seeuro hia releaso ; bnt tbeir efforts wero ineffeetnal, their requests being mot by tho unwarranta ble amutaption of his death. Thirteen years after ho had sUrled on hi.s mission it wns Bfe.-ttaiucd that Wjburd had escaped from Bokhara, was again in slavery in tho kbamito of Khokand. In 1V-19 tho Kban of Kho kand sent a letter to Colonel George Lawrence, Deputy Commissioner in eharpo of Peshawar, in which he said : I have seized a Sihib at tho foot of Hnzrat Sooltan, who eamo by tho road Tajkund aud Dush-i-Kzak. nis namo is Wypart, an Englishmen, ho says, and not a Russian, and that ho has been traveling for many years. Ho has two Porsinns with him, named Mohammed and Bnssien who say they were formerly in Boddart's service, and wero sold at Bekbarand purchased by Wypart. Theso men say their master is English. Now I have sent Allahdnd to ncertain from yon whether ho is really English or not; that should he bo so I may treat him with honor, but if Russian, that I may punish him." Tho agent of the Khnu was treated with, aud when bo returned tcok with him letters for Lis master and Wybnrd, no reply to tho letters to either the Khan or tho captive were received. The case of Wjburd grcatlj interested Mr. Disraeli, and in 1831 that gentle man bronght tho caso boforo the Honse of Commons and presented a petition from the sisters of tho captive, in which they offered to send out an officer to inquire after their brother, if the Gov ernment would invest him with proper authority. To this no satisfactory an swer was given, when they appealed to the House to take steps to have the Lieutenant formally recognized as a British subject and servant, and his restoration demanded. It was afterward stated by officials that everything had been tried "short of assembling an army," which they considered was scarcely to bo justified on the score of saving one human life. Nothing more was afterward dono in the case, and the fate of Wybnrd iB to this day unknown. 1AIOI, UAKOK.N AMI HOUSEHOLD. ftolntlon of 4reiii 'rni, A writer in tho Jvuniat nf Ihrticvt Imr says thai, the common idea of the necessity of rotation does not apply to tho quick growing vegetables that arc used green, and that even cabbages aftor cabbages may bo continued without reBt or change for years if good dung is used nnd occasionally a doso of lime or charred refuge. He has raised sal nding, cauliflower, peas and hroeoli un remittingly on tho namo ground for a dozen years quite satisfactory. This may be. Plants which do not mature seeds tako litt'e moro than carbon for their 6tmctnro. But one important rea son for rotation is the plag.io of insects, somo of them unseon and unsuspected, which nro parastio on certain plants nnd which ore apt to increase to a do s'ruetivo extent if the spmo place is re nown and no insecticido measures taken. Cnarred refuse is probably os useful in repelling insects as in refreshing and dividing the soil. Pllllnollhllt. Thero is no doubt, says the Prairie Farmer, as to the benefit derived from substiiling that is, loosonin the earth below tho furrow of tho turning plough under various circumstances. For instance, in fctiff soils imperfectly drained, and again in the caso of lands that have lost much of their original fertility by continuous cultivation. Ex periments have demonstrated this fact, and removed tho question beyond tho realm of profitable controversy. In the cases mentioned, tho roots of plants penetrate moro readily and deepor in tho earth, and thus are brought iu con tact with food necessary to their growtht But in gravelly or sandy soils, subsoil ing may bo, and generally is, injurious, for obvious reasons. Instead of pene trating the subsoil aud rendering it moro loose and porous, tho object should bo to make the subsoil more compact and tenaeioti", so that the sur face soil or tilth will retain moisture and the fertilizing matters that may bo supplied by manures or tho roots of vegetation loft by tho crops that havo beeu grown partly for the purpose of making tho soil more compact nnd fer tile. Take Tin e ol Hie t'hn rv Tree. Every cherry gro-ver, snys the Ger mantown Telcgml, must bo fully aware of the great necessity to observi tho ut most caro in protecting cherry trees from injury of any kind, especially bruises. It is, therefore, not for them, but for those who do not know, that we givo theso hints. A blow of tho hoe, the scratching or barking by the single tree iu ploughing or harrowing, or even a kick by tho heel of tho boot will al most invariably caasa damage that tho treo wiil never outgrow. A kind of gangivno sets in, which all tho efforts of tho treo, however young and vigor ous it may bo, will never recover from. Wo had a Downton treo as thick as a man's arm, which having a few ripe cherries that we wished to j-tr off and tasto, it boing the first fruiting, we struck tho trunk with tho heel of the boot, which broke through the bark. It seemed to be so trifling as not to be worth a thought ; but tho following year tho bark was dead two inches in diameter. The following year it was three inches, nnd in four or fivo years after ono-half of tho wood was exposed ard dead, and in a year or two moro tho treo itself died, clearly from tho enc slight blow of a boot. IlauxFholiI HlnlN. Beeswax and salt will make flatirons as clean and smooth as glass. Tio a lump of wax in a rag aud keep it for that purpose. When tho irons are hot, rub them with the wax rag, then scour with a paper or rags sprinkled with salt. Black ootton gloves will not crock tho hands if scalded iu salt and water bo fore wearirg. Tho salt prevents fading. When almost dry, ono should put thorn on, in order to stretch thom and keep them in good shayo. Housekeepers will find that zincs may bo scoured with great eoonomy of time and strength by using cither glycerino or creosote mixed with a little diluted sulphurio acid. Glue frequently cracks becaueo of the dryness of tho air of the rooms warmed by stoves. An Austrian paper recommends tho addition of a little chloride of calcium to glae to prevent this. Chapping of tho hands, which is ono of the most disagreeable inconveniences of cold weather, can be easily prevented by rubbing the hands with powdered starch. Yon will not bo troubled with carpet moths, if yon scrub your floors with hot brino before tacking the carpet down, and onca a week scrub your carpets with ccarse salt, A lady correspoedent of the "Country Gentleman" claims that by dipping tho joint or fleshy ends of turkey, gceso or chicken wings into a strong solution of copperas they aro made moth-proof, as well as more durable than when treated in tho ordinary way. 10 U Till: FA IK. SrA. A IIimoii MiI'k Willie. For tho past seven months these has been living with the Omahas, thiity miles below this city, nn educated young lady a Boston lady, too who is for the timo a member of tho tribe, because she he pen in this way to learn something of tho inner life of this, the oldest tribo, excepting tho Pawnoes, iu this part of the West. This lady, Miss A. C. Fletcher, wn in tho city, on Tues day, with Dr. Wilkinson, ngent of tho Omahas and Winnebagcs. Tho agent snvs that on taking thargo cf tho ' ma has a few weeks ago, he fourd this lady with them and nearly starved. Mi-:s Flotche.r is a brunette, solidly built, about 2") years oil, rat.uer good looking, and with a directness of speech and a way of standing silent while irrel evant conversation is r.oing on that probably comes of her present niodo t f life. Miss Fletcher intimated to Dr. Wilkinson that before coming to the Omahas she had been with some of the warlike northern tribes, and from her present place of study sho would go to tho New Mexico Pueblos, thence to the Flatheads of Washington Territory, and return E ist by way of tho Sioux country. .SVowx CVy J'humiI. Fiihlilmi I lnihm. Two points fifiUih tholr.ckof new evening dresses. Tau colored fluffy fe.itheis rqpear cn black bonnets. Violet velvet corsages arc worn with white moiro truins. Now bodices havo short basquos pointed in back and front. India mull, with rosebud?, is used for trimming velvet bodices. Tink hyacinths aro worn with pink, white, or black dresses. "Eighteen Century embroidery" io the namo given new cpeu work. Ecru Venetian embroidery is used on black velvet nnd satin dresses. Ladies wi h Titian red hair delight iu black satin and jet toilets, A jabot of laco trims each side of the square neck of dinner dresses. Fringes of silver aud pearl beads mc used for trimming evening dresses. !Scwpniprs as Feet Wraps. Complaining of the misery oi n long journey tho other day to an old friend, without any foot-warmers in tho car riage, aud the consequent pain of cold feet, she told mo that she had a practi cal lesson given her by a well known "Tim fx" correspondent on that very matter. They wero making a lon jour ney togetherin hitler weather, and could got no hot water tins put into their car riage. He at cnee told her not to regret tho del'uioncy, for his newspaper would moro than eomptusato for it. So ho took off her boots, and tearing his paper iu halves, wrapped each' foot carefully up iu it. In a few minutes circuhtion seemed to return to her benumbed feet, and she assured mo that sho arrived at tho end of her journey in perfect com fort, and with warm feet. Such a lesson was not to bo lost, and my fii'-n l told mo that sho had resorted to the same expedient several times with lik- results. I account for the fact by tho same reas ons I have given for the extra warmth of loose clothing generally. Tho boots fit tightly, possibly, nud prevent free circulation of warm air outside, aud per 'iaps compress tho tirenhttion of tho blood inside tho foot. When these are removed tho paper prevents evaporation of any animal heat that is generated, and allows the foot to bo surrounded, as it wore, with a bath of hut air. Sunday Afternoon. Afer tho Sandaydinner, what ? Well, it depends. A person whoso brain is wearied with intellectual work during the week, or whoso nervous system is exposed to the strain of business or pro fessional life, ought to sleep, within an hour or two of his Sunday dinner, if he can. It is surprising how much like a seven-day clock tho braiu will work, if the habit of aSnnday nap be olo. formed. Nature will take advantage of it as re ; ularly and gracefully as she does of thn nightly sleep, and do her best to mako uj lost time. People on tho other hand whoso week of toil is chiefly physical, may well give their minds activity whilo their bodies are resting, Two sermons and three or four hours of solid reading are a real rest to some on Sunday, while to others such a course amounts to a positive Sabbath breaking. Sunday is a day of rest, not of work, religions or otherwise. It is a day for repose, not for exhaustion. But what the dogma tists on one side and the illiberal on the other are apt to overlook, is the fact that all men do not rest alike any moro than they labor alike, and what may help to save one may aid in killing another. "Yes, sir," said tho market-man "plenty of game on hand. What'U yon hav.o?" Aud tho gentleman replied: "Oh, I don't wish to purchase any now. I don't know as I shall want any at all. Bat I expect to go hunting thir ofejr coon, aud I just thought I'd mako onro there was some in the market, in esse I didn't kill any." SCIENTIFIC SCRIPS. Dr. Ilartij; states that s. strong man working n hand iiro engino with his uf mont strength for two minutes eaa do work amounting to 0.403 in tho highest and 0.27 of ono horso power in the lowest maximum attainable. Heat exchange between the spheres is active. Every touch of a solar rr.y on a planet convoys heat energ y from the sun to tho planet, and thus tho inequal ity of heat between the orbs of space is being slowly overcome. It is well known that a blaek object on a white prouud will appear to bo much larger than it really is. A white stripe, for instance, on a black surface seems broader than a black stripe on a white surface, although both bo of the same width. This phenomenon of siranl tuneous contrast is physiologically ex plained by Peter Sehorffer in this way : When ono of cur senses receives ? doa bio sensation, ouo of which is active and strong whilo tho other is weak, it will 1 e found that the latter is not felt. This must bo particularly tho caso when both impressions are of the same kind, or when n strong effect from m object on ono of the senses is followed by another of tho same kind which is milder and weaker. If any ono hns lcoked with wonder and even a certain terror on the yearly increasing list of graduates from our medical colleges let them find comfort in tho fact that diseases aro increasing in an equal ratio, and will demand all the cunning of all tho schools to lessen or altogether do away with their possi bilities. Barbarism meant tho black death and many another equally hide ous means of parting soul and body. Civilizttion means moro insidious but equally eilL-aeious methods, nud the very latest is known and chronicled iu tho London GMt as "drawing-room miliaria." no wonld fancy that iu this apartment, froo from tho traps of sta tionary washstands and other civilized ports of entrance for diphtheria and its tribe, that immunity might bo had, but a form of low fever has dovelopod, ac counted for by Professors Klebs, Cm-dc-li and others as far back ns IS"'.', on a certain theory demonstrated now by positive experience to be a fact. Tlants havo beconio moro and moii an essen tial portion of the furnishing of such rooms, aud the heat customarily main tained in them has filled tho i ir with a moist vapor arising from th- earth in which they tire planted. This earth, rich in organic matter, parts with it when acted upon by heat in infinitesi mal poitious inhaled with every breath and in time poisoning and deteriorating the blood. The symptoms speedily tako on the forms noticeable in those who inhabit marshy places, and only the ro moval of tho ferns and plants has sccu-cd permanent relief. High temperature and no ventilation will bring about much tho sare.o result, and tho whole seems to sum up as nu argument for moro nir and less heat. 1 lie Seovilles. The Heovilles live in a whito marble mansion in Chicago, aud a reporter nho i-iited them found Mrs. Scovillo very communicative. Sho thinks Guiteau, her brother, will not bo hanged. Fan nie fvKivil'iO, thecldest daughter, and a very good-looking as well as most in telligent young lady, is tho flower of tho family. Sho hates reporters pas sionately, aud knows how to answer them as tho following will show : "I don't dislike reporters as gentle men," nuswered Miss Fannie, but bo consc of their business. Ever since the shootinp, this houso has been in a state i.f soige with men of your profession. Sometimes we have had three of them all nt cnee, standing guard on the front stoop. Thoy almost worrried my life out for a time, but I havo got over tb it." "And you say you caa tell a reporter as far as you can see ono ?" "Your experience should convinco you of that fact without asking mo." "How can you tell them from other people ?'' "I don't know how I do it, only I do. They come up here so quiet and nice nnd speak so soft and ptli'ely, and sympathize w.ith ytm so tenderly, and all the time they are edging their way to the front door, and once they got isfo the parlor it is useless to protest. They won't go ont, no matter what I say. They'll just take a book from the table aud begin reading. Of course they act gentlemanly, and treat me with all tho politeness of a chevalier, and what am I to do ? The worst of it is, they go away and print a lot of stuff without a particle of truth in it." "Is misrepresentation a rule ?'' "How nice of yon to ask me that ; of course you wouldn't do such a thing ; you wonld not misrepresent ns and say I slammed the door iu your face ; oh, no, you couldn't be induced to say such a thing, bnt I wouldn't like to trust yon, all the same." ' I assure yon, Miss Scoville, I " "Oh, yes, they all say that, so you may stop where you are and save your nice things for some cne who will ap preciate them and believe them." Daisies nud Clover. Little nil ! upon tho xtreet, Laughing eyi-s an 1 tii;iiir,' ft" !, With your hau ls nil I iiiiiilu over Uni.-y lio"in nnd ll 'vers of clover Vo 1 to me a picture li in' if l"in;-loit, Plumy spring : Waring . 1 an 1 Minuet nl-.i- a Co.ue like dreams nf j-iira Iim-. Little prl, when ciuniii ihvm Hold fur you their nieliiorii s, Wh'-u iu wi.'iii.i.ilio'i while hind I'litl slmll liappih imr i!ay Hand, Ki i p yotir ehildinh liiilhs n-i hwo-I Ah the hioHiims at vo ir fi i, Tho' your him la no more run over With theduiiie- at.l 'he clover. Nome day, little m i: Ii n fnir, With the win .t,,,..ed, .11:1;.- ii.i r. Ml.lil 0' ll'l-dl .it o, r-.S MM'.'t pnilSf'M, That are nweeier 1 1 : n Hie d.iiith s : Woman's h p' :n I wnuan'.-' i 'vo -S.ei tin rj ! hi !io:.i le .c ;i l-.ve With 'In - -I. Ii !! 1. ti ' t un in !, le.,, ;.!,.-,. ,1.,1-v I ... .:.. . e'.iver. ITEMS IM i i.'EST. Tho reco::t lo-s t-f iif by II ro has in duced the pioj.lo of ilainillon, O.it., to try dropping from upper windows into sliCi Is heM b'.-y by way of pnetico. A policeman win bally hurt ly a trial leap from the roof f u three-story house, but a girl performed tho foat .several times sncei-s.-fully, an-1 offers, on n wager, to double tho lieigtlt. Tho festival of Easter u od to be ob served ou the fourteenth day of tho moon, the same a:' tho Jew ish Passover. Bat tho Council ef Nice, ."25 A. D., or dered Easier tobo celebrated on the Sunday next sreeccding tho full moon that comes on or next aftor the vernal equinox March 21, milking Easter a movable holiday. Sbrovo Tued iv derives its name from tho ancient practice in tho Church of Borne of corf 's.sing i ins being tho day 1 rior to the bejiLtiing of L'nt, it may occur on any day between the 21 of February aud the S.h of March. This year it fell on February 21. In Scot land it is called Fasten'.-) E'ea. He who thinks much r-nys but littlo in proportion to bis lliougbts. IIo se lects that language which will convey bin id')4' in the most implicit and direct manner. He tries to compress as muck thought as possible into a few words. j tho eoutraty, tho man who talks everlastingly nnd pronii.-eotidy, who seems to have an cxln useless magazine of sound, enwds so r.;:ny werds into his thotioht.i timt ho id way d ob scures, and frvq'tently cottcsal t them. Hl'.M'JIlOrs. A printer should til ways marry a good typo of girl. Adam mi-sd one of Mi? luxuries of life. Hoeoullii'l l.U'gU in his sleeve. Au exi'hungo says tho Nihilists threaten to put Alexander, III. "iu a hole." Wouldn't that be Czar chasm ? "I'll untke u nolo of this," as tho sharper said w hen ho got u farmer to write his name on apiece ofpnper. Michi,oa!i produces!,: j:e salL than any other slain ie. th - fuioii, and yet tho average Mitl icander i ; pretty fresh. Beacon mo s: "i;-. adii rra'jcs a full man." That must be the Heading in Pennsylvania whore- the brewe-ry is lo cated. The shoo worn 1 -y a ho; s.? is a wrought iron shne, bu' when tlr. horse loses tho shoo from its foot it becom-rs a east-iron shoe. Fritz has been liunliug no the pedi gree of Dr. Tanner, the celebrated hungry man, and finds ho is a very ancient lineage, Tito forty-third veree of chapter nine, Vets of Apostles, reads: "And it eamo to pi-s that ho tarried mannv Java with one Simon A Tanner." A l'( rpi tiiiil l(-p-(ioi'K'P. Within au hour's drive from Phila delphia may be witnessed ouo of tho strangest sights in I his country a per petual ice-porgc. This gorge exists at the foot cf the Blue Mountains, back of Swattswood Lake and Middleville, and is but a few miles west of Newton. It is several hundred yards in extent, from ten to thirty feet deep, with numerous caves and clefts in the rock whero the iee lios. The main gorge is located bnt a short distance from the mountain, and tho shade at that spot is very dense, tho sun apparently never penetrating it. The entire bottom of tho gorge is cov ered with thick, clear io.i, and the crev ices and caves aro filled with it. That it is a natural ice-house, there can bo no tloubt. Hundreds of tons might be taken out without appreciably decreas ing tho quantity. Much of this great mass has doubtless lain there for years, tho ice gradually melting on top and being added to each year. Tho ther mometer, which during a "hot spell" registereel one hundred and three de grees in Newton, marked just thirty eight degrees at the same timo at tho bottom of tho gorge too ccld for a person to remain there any length of time. A few feet from one end of the gorge a spring of tho most delicious, sparkling water babbles np through the ijc. It tastes slightly of iron, and is very sntisfyitg to thirst. This water, stands at thirty-four degrees about as f c 0 Id as one could comfortably drink it