Chnthnm Record - THURSDAY, MAKC4 23, 1882. H. A. LONDON. Jr.. Editor. ! The Election of all Federal oflleeis by the people is being discussed ami ;.,iu .. a,lrnpntp.s. Senator Sunn- -V,.i i... s,-.,r.l.i.WI into 4e United States Senate a joint res-' olutiou provi.ling for an amendment to the (Jotafltufibi. giving to the peo- pie the election of postnioster, United State.? marshals, district attorneys, collectors of internal revenue und nftWv wbos dutitK. are to be perfoi.ced within the limits of any State, . r part of a Slate, except ju.lges of tiie Supreme und Inferior Courts. Wo do not oppose tlntt such an aineudmeut will l.'e adopted ; it e r tainly will not be at the present time, while the Republican party controls everv denurtineut of the trei:cral gov- eminent, and vet there are some good , , i,, ..f fMisoiis whv such nn amendment should bo adopted. Hie immense p-tronagc now wielded by the l'resi- aunt is calculated to subvert anv republican government. The powei ... , i i , l 9 pointing one hundred thousand -s(flr.-..l,!df.r i too trrat for one man. it ?si exalting too vtucn tue one-man powtr. The Pre-i.h nt of the Fi::ted States has moie authority and power than the Queen of Ihigland! Iu additi.ui to this dangerous powi r tutrusfd to one man. is the present systei.i i'f appointing federal ifiici'rs calculated to have better and more efficient otliceis than the election of them by the people .' Is the Presi dent better fic.jiiHinted with the (pial illcations of an lipplieunt for oliice twho is usually an utter stranger to him) than the people among whom he lives'' And again, there would not be so , ...... , ... niuch partisanship in federal oiheers if they were elected by the people. Art long as the President appoints tlieni every olHcer is, of the same political piprty. and is usmdly apiioint ed because of his services as a parti san. If the people of tit:' several localised elected these ofticei s. the ffl5ecn would be divided between the political parties, and not all held by men of the samo party. The people are much more interest ed in the election of these federal ofliees than iu the election of magis trate's and eountv coininb;i'onors. We have received and re:i 1 the an nual report of Dr. Eugene Grissom. the very oflicieut huperiuten.lent of the State's Inline Asylum, from which we learn some intercom.' facts as to that unfortunate class of our ellow C'tizeiw. The total number of admis sions since the beginning of the ope rations of the Asylum. February 22.1. 18.r).i, amounts to 1.417. Of these. 804 were males. :u:d VA'i females ; the total number of discharges for the same lime is l.Kl.'k of which tj.3.)..were males and -ITS fetoales. ()i these, oG!) were discharged as cured ; 14'i we. e improved. 2t(! unimproved, and 412 died. There are now under tieat uieid 14'J males and l'lo females, u lc till of 2S1 7 males and 7 females of whom are at home on pro! tat ion in trial. Eighty new applications, be sides thosto admitted, were tiled during the year .TSSl, but the crowd, d con dition of the Asylum prevented their luiiicssion. It is much to be regretted mux me .ji.ue cauuoi propcuy earn for all the insane. If persons could I; .".dmiUl to-an Asylum a soon as- h,,IL- .. th:u would be cured and they would igain become useful citizens, but as it is they usually become pcriuanojtly insnn:e before their aduiission. nn '. 1 ' custody instead of a hospi. id for their cure. We hopo that t' -; Asylum at Morganton will boo,, be completed. SO that nil our insane n.av be cared , i, , fo-. Amlby the way if neems to take long time to finish that building, for it was begun about ten years ago 1 Tre tax on whiskey and tobacco will not bo reduced bv the present CoTiaros. An e!f..: t had been made 1 had been made il .he present session to reduce the 1 . w.i. uii ti7ct-.jv, j i.w.i. ...... ce'd a g.'lou and on tobacco from sixaer :' i . ten cents on the pound, aud the i n.s Committee , had agreed to these reductions, but the Republican Congressuien held 11 cane-is, on last Wednesday night, aud dccidetl to retain tne present taves. , ., , i it i As they have a majority this decision p.vents the passage of tiny bill favor- The Democrats tire atlvocates of the proposed reducW i... 1...:.... i.. fi, if . fi.v ..; re unavailing. The great bulk of tho tobacco raised in tho lnitcd ( iitutes i:l , , . , . , 1 rown tit the South, mid ts one of our moit importaiit agrioultural staples. The Southeru tobacco plan-; terwubt continue to have the product .,f Id., fan., tlm heavily five 1 whi'- or tu fariu thti9 licatuj t.ue.1, Mme Uie products of the Northern farmer1 Jay mo tax. 1 Thk Coincil of State met List Fi iday j ami determined not to advise the Governor to eouvene the legislature ! in extra session, so mat contrary to 1 .1 i l . I general expceiVion there will Ik no .v., rv,,.u;,.,,; . extra sess.on, as he Conshtatiou . only "by and with their advice. we understand that the Govornortliought . that an extra sesssion was necessary, ' but of course he is powerless to net alone, ami no Rime can be attached o him if we ere deprived of the tiddi-: tional Congressman given our State by the new Apportionment. lut majority of the ('.uneil thougut the new Congressman could be elected by the State-at Luge without incur- ring the expense of an extra t:e ;i .:i. Our Washingtisa Letter. (From our Itreiilar Cnrr.;n.n.U'Ut.) "U'AiMtiMir .N.D. C, March 18, 1S2 With the passive of the nul i-Chi- nese bill and the nu'i polyK.iinv bill two verv miiKtrtant Hiei excettimiv ,, 1 .. . , tioublesouiH onebtions tukit tht-m , ()).t of til(, W;lVi fr a tilll0 , lasf, h i f ir "s Congress is eoiicerned. The Chinese, bill was really a Demo ,-dic measure, and had the mpport states mails, even if the mail carrier of nearly every Democratic Seuator re'iisi's to nr.v the char"es. (miJ 1..;,r(.son:,a.V( Ulij h one llf"s,l'M -" ...v...:... i Mr. Seville has firmly expressed HMO ,..,... i, It. i!i!i livm .1; a ,,f V. i,l. n:i1i.,ilt ,i il.H ipiestion w to iIlk! wit It, Inere is no doubt that the reciit measure i iij proved by a vast in .joi i'y of the American people, and that it C'lotnint. no real infraction ef the spiri? of our institutions. It is eertaii ly hard t reconcile the position of the ultra protectionists who insist upon a high lai'.i! to 'protect AnnT.tan 1 ! -r him sti.l vote tr admit to our shore? swarms of Cl.iiies.t who are the most skilful and cunning of all laborers. as Mr. .Tones put i, "It is not ,lt, American l.ibot. r l ie the 1 .tdiv manufacturing capitalist who is to be protrc'e.l in against the European capital, and who is tos.ll every- thing he has to sell 1:1 nn American im(rk(t ot .,i. e:,lli,,1,iri.!. . driven out from c peMti.m with him, whih- he buys that which he has to liiy--the labor of men iu the open iu ti kr, and iK-maii is for self the broadest ' f"' e tl l.'.e!'' The lahort r, how v.t, is c tf !'t..l to buy from his ca'ita!i-t tmpl.-ytr iu a pro'ective mat ki t." On the a ti-polygaray bill the Democrats were placed in a some what fa be position, for whilo !hcv appeared to I e lighting t'no bill thy wer almost tea man heartileoj po.ed to Miu!, but tightii.g for e r- tain underlying piiticiph s which the bill as it stood s fined to viola!', Thoie was no ipitation on either sub of the House about the pr piietvel a bill for crushing out j.nlyga'iny The onlv i-iiiesiion was whether tin- bill us jias-ed by the Senate, would uecomphsh that olj-ct, and ib. ther certain prov-i-ioiis of tliis bill did no! i'" a reme.ty wnicii was wo.-.. than the di-t-iisu. Main Democrat ;tiirsiight that the precedent of in-.r- feting wit i tho ngli' Biittrugu tit the poll., when the voter ha 1 not been tri.d and couvietid of any crime, was so d mgeroiM that they eon!l not bring themse!v. s to vot fr the measure. Aneng the-v D -niecra-. were li. hnout ard Ht wi't, of N'w Vol !;, and a uu'uber of other iiji'.iiy jnota'ti-li'. liut iliey ail stood readv to vote for any ihtasi.r which win1! i iV-ct the i.bolition of polygamy a.'!, ' t i pairing tht- fu.i lament it rigi. i .f eiliz-ns iu t'n. i puts of the coif; 1 1 y. The in- j -ritt of 'them did fin t!! v te f.-r this ..(. rather thai, he Uiisrepu-iictitL'ti o:i the (pn-stioit. Every observer (it the Capitol can uot fail to :n tice that there is some thing touching nn 1 Hhifi-t tiwe in Rpirii.g in thei-u ideti hush t'n it f-,il ou the otherwise disorderly If..u e of lb pre.ent..tivp. wh.-n Cue vcmr- uole .'i iie i( r rl. rvtev-nti makes one of hi-: rare and powerful addresses ! s"'u a Iribute ti d-epan l re- spec i.ji alien nil is pel naps nevi r iieeorded fo "inv ollu-r io-iidier. hi.n tbut shrill, strange voice is heard, thw laugh nud j. t die aw i-veu to tho rtmote t-oriii rs . aiieruooii by th" l'a where small knot of meiiibei s are n uii'in d .b p: h, t1.. I..,,.;.... ti...... n,.i.. : out, v.l.ile the abstracted smokers tire intent ou lit. ning, and 01 e by one gentlemen iu the r.-ar ro vs coit:e tip- teing t'owu the aishs to get nearer U th:lt invalid chair which i wheel it'g nervously Inst to one side and ,,, to tho oth-r in the li'tle semi- cu-eular space before the Speaker's desk, and bef.ire the fiery ey-l little gray h iirediiratoi halinishediierott,i has g-illiered about bun respectfully attentive, and silent a th.-y never aie ut any other time. It is plain fn"" fpet of the House ut such "V'" 1)1 "'e Jlouse ut such 11 .. ,1... 1 :.. 1 :. . .1 . . "7" l" ' ' VJ!1 :itlle pain racked body ei nupie.s iiig llSL.i n,on strongly on every bearer than a whole sessiou of talk from almost any other. I'iiono. The Country Taper. An xehange Kays that peopb taik 1 11 out tiie trivial items h. und iu conn try lii.Der.s. and such is th. i-ku fi... ' qia.,iv. , but oftentimes there is nodi-: 1 11, ...i . ing else to publ.s . 1 he B rong p.,ut , f a c -untry weekly is local news; but n,l"' peojdc expect mo:o novels than : 2 S uJl t, i- 1 .1 . ; revieiv, tnoro gossip (Lati in a sewing a'"1 """'e ,uctH tliau ,u "" -i 1 e 1 il:ci 1 1 ici imoir v 1 i 11, ti e 11 1. tii 1 1 xMl . .,." ,V .... 1 .1.... 1 ... 1 1....; .:.. i i 1 iiiinai em c.i'l.;-. lui ihmev.T, wiietl ,.., slH,.a i1M 0,Vn ntimp in mint , no matter how small the item, it sod- nly becomes important that is, I hoth it iu and uewspMper. j There are tho ty-.wo ice fuc'orita in the .Son'b. ' General News. The Pacific bank nf 1 ston, Mass., ; lilt' l Hl'tUl' U" 11 & I'l 1 - .i . . . , . . , , , . i i., ,. ' i i.tHiut.. " i jn,!!ale lf nn j lilina tt, 1nni m,. msane uieu anerr ... uko food for t-ixty-tureu days und twelve hours. i Two I ova t:inrreled about a girl in AY heel if;, W. st Virginia. Out- J. , , ' N ; ,,llll,t,.ll tl ne,jlulioi, !lskiM. .i t i to e .muiuiH S.-rgc mt Mason's sentence to dismissal from the regular army. Lettfr!", jvli'ions P.'i.l applieatii.'tis of a'l sorts b.-ariii;,' up u I he c is. of Ser-reant Mason coum to (ho 1'iesi !dtut in every mail from all paits tf , the country. The ct'W of the abandoned lri:i-h ' hari ic Alexandria v.t re picked tip at sea and hti.ih-d ut i'idiii.mi h, Knglaiid. ' Thty were eight days in an oj eu bo it, with on'. y a half wine i.-s of w'.er each daily. Judge Freeman. Attorney General for the Fo.-totlice Department, has decided that (oil gate and ferry keep crs cannot lawliniv iieiain ine i iiuim to r. tire fi - ... Cniteatl case imiui diate'.y after xe iiiions id signed. 1)111 Ol ini' and the bill will not be completed ont'd f. r scViial wnLs. The trial of !if'y i ighl oyster pirate eujiturid bv tliveiiior Cameron's mihtary expedition oil' the i dh of the Jlat pahaiioek l.rir, ngi:ii. was eoi.rludcd in the Cotin'y Com I ,f M. it' hews county In-1 ; k. Tiie lit ire batch to on year's impi isotmu iii in the jhm: i: n tiary and the ll t of n-v. n d. pred.v tory vessels was coLtisCtled to the S!a"t e. Mrs. Hat lie Sp-rgne. n widow, i f Cheriyl'ieid, Maine, wild leaving churcil hi-t Sunday, was killed by Chester C liiii'iigham. w ho cut her throat uj she was walking with an esc U t. The deed w is pr..b.ib!y prompted by j'-il..iisy. Cunitingham whs arri sted next Morning. He ap proached Mrs. Spnguc from bel iu l, drew her heal back wim his 1-. f i hand and cut with lus rghf. Tl:e Wihningloi) S'ar says: We are very cert-.iii tint if th- preen! system was nholi-d'.ed and thiily Cen tral und E is!-i n c .:i!i:iei w.-re ji'.a 'ed aguia uud r tii groes.t hai fi l:i ,nat I'Ui rf tht." ne iotwei:l tl niliat;. tin- Democrats in th" ubiised an.l outraged counties we'ihl ii'H go to the polls who nr.-in the habit of voting. They wonl 1 not bo treated so ni-justly by those f their hoiuehold without resentment. . .. State dews. The Ti.iber..'S.iii!herm r-.bitei that L. 15 l'ennii gtou Ins b-i n ::; eint. d postmaster at UocKy .tl .mnt. A-heviKe Cit en : Mr. Stanly Kigg-l-e. lite of Kd-igh, arrived here Wednesday afternooi:. on his w av t W .rni Springs, ut which poh.t h' will act f.r the prevent as's aa.-n llg'T.t. R H-k'-gharti Spirit : Recently n dait-h'.ri f Mr. E jdi Wals-m, who re-i s on Dtowni? g Gr.-i k iu il c iii.Ty. kil! ii'M" sl:i.'. .-.) thie.- wild ttl'keys at Fnity j:ood that, for n Dai b. Rej-nrii r: M'r. Arieg- ton, of I'- aver I-lati ! towi:sl.ip. kt'le 1 n large wil l turkey wi;h ardl '. This makes fib ut a do, -n she has slain in tin1 savie way iu (he 1 t twelve months. W D. Carter, i f Toisnot II.. tup !!t:s d. he fuan:pi..u r..t kd.e', hundred a;. I ttiirty !at. Tiiurit.iy, t.nd ive l:.dled n.auv u...r s atigut reii oi full grow u i i 8 I'.S he would bti! night e o'i Thf German U litningoui iii'vn-... batijiij Mad ur i, .!r water, was towed t i IS hit ef vestfrdav poit This is largest, in iact, 1 our bar. Wilmington Star: A c. hired man by the 11 une f Abs.ili.nt J!r i'oy, aged about forty yeais, was run oxer by 11 lai'road truin and kill-d liiar Lillnbt'iton a !-v days ago. He hsd hi en drinking -nil bid only hints. If to blame for the unf u lanaU' accident. Oxford Free En : Siuco its ('. lle.:ti has voiing men. of 1 Mi'.). Of fuutidatiivi Wake For g v-n diplomas to 2 the tirsr ehis being tl rhm - 07 are or hav In-, ti ministers of tie- gosji of the gospi I li t teach.-. :$i 1 .wveis t .. .. : 11.. - P"y mcouis, huh merchants. Newberni iti : Hundreds and hun dreds of barrels of cil.h iges ate now being shipped by eve:y on'-goitv steamer: thoil-an Is i f hunch s ,f : radishes .ire being const 1 V forward is thollellt e will be diva. d to Northern markets. .tht tust shipment, of p .,eid ! .li nil : ir' it. in- '. u-1 .1 w . Wilson Advance: We i-gret to mn m. (B ilt la-t wc k Mr. ,, ,r j.Uin f j!,.,..,,, wuU. (ryinrr , prevent Dr. I'ow. 11 fr,, y Lr V T' 'P, ? 1 ed tne charge of lr. 1 oe.i s pistol iu his krie', from which it t f.ared his leg will have to be aiut-ut tted. t'.li,.!. .V- ll.uiiv..,- 'Ilia - - - ' - - w..--.--.. ... ..,i i....iJ.,M ,i,.is f i. ....ft. - ...... ..............w - A. 1'. I'.ge. at t'-iry, narrow -y ecped d sti uctn.n by tire Sat-niiy night. Some wood I ft near 11 stov e coigLt u lire. The neighbors, set ing the ilames, lent a h 1. d b. p t oti ti e rii-p, and fortuna'ely did so bcfjie uiuch daaiaje was d ic. iVinston Sentiucl: Last Saturday n negro boy at Lewisvillc put a loaded ! pistol in l is pocket, butt down, and ! went out to cut woivl. Altera lew , . , . , , , 1 In-Us me axe-iicive sirucii inn Hammer ,.f the rt.-l tsplmlinK tbe tup, an.l sending the oa. tio his abdomen, . if ot fiUllI!y illjlirilw Liu,: lUleigh Visitor: The, hid of Thos. TI iji-jggH f.r ivmo.le the court house was $1H,D00. Ho contracts to do t lie work within 12 months, but for any good cause, .tub as hnyio out unfilled orders for material at the expiration of one year will be allowed lif-.een months. The maxi mum of lime will admit of the holding of tile Jlliie teiru, 1S".1, of thf- coui i in the new building. Work is to commence at once. Greensboro' lhif,h-: A fire broke out last ui'jht in iiiston. in the har- ks shop of Mr. S. A. Veueh, next t,.or 0 the resioeiice of Mrs. It. ttray, and at one titoe it was fettnd tiiH entire Mock south of the Court Ilcuse Hipi'tre wonid t o (lestri'ved. Forlii nately, however, t lie brick drug s'.o.e m xt to the ray residence, on the Ka, was not burned and tho best part of Wiustou was saved. The buildings destroyed were nil wood. Hi, kory Tress: Pink Dent, colored, robber and burglar, was tnU weik di elate I to bo outlawed b ,Tud.:e llure, lllehr tfcctiou S uf chapter oil of il.itile's Kevisal, and any one who meets him may capture or thiy him. A liiRc reward is t iTcfed for hua dia 1 or tdive. Seven colored tnr p. n tine hands were camping alter iheir dar's w-rk in it turpeiitino f.ues't, near Society Hill, ou the night of the llMth of l-'ebniary. A thiiinler st irm came up with terrific lightning, utnl tiio tree under which they had their Lt lit was still k. Three ef the suveu were inti-ndiy Lilli d. V'ii. s.!o:: h aider: About the fir.-t of I he month :i burglary v. a eoiunut- ted on the Y.i 'kin ltiver, near 15. au Shoal, doe L-.-ti.on and Jim Martiu enti-rtd the dw elhng In iiM-of iiliani Martin, in the ia.;ht, and about $. in gold and u'.su silver e in. T: ey were i lie. don Sunday of last wu-k About $72 if the gold has been re covered. We never see She As! e foio' Courier now. Never thought Sam Ur.l.isaaw would tpiir pu! b-hie.g his paper so soon after I:U marriage. Some peop'e ciu uot stand ,oj much g'ory. We have not sern the Crot!rier sln,o we bo-it brother U:-.dsh ;w bi'-.gging o:i lurkeys, and supposed thit he I, id sll;ie!lded p'.ibici'iolj for aw'nile in o'd.r to hunt n; unite tnil-.'-ysto be it ours. He. K-ooiu.. j Kinston Journal: Mr. A. T. K. n i.idy, of Fulling Creek to v:o hip, is iu the habit i f setting scd traps upon the top of fodder stuck p s for the puiposoiif catching ha, lis and owls. 1 lie trap is fastened to the top of the pole with a screw aild as the bank makes his rotiids in s. arch of birds he find., the stuck pole very coi. wei. t to light upon. I: the trap is fixed on th'- po.- right it c-.ill e:p;ure tbel.a vk. j.e.t as certain as lie pilches there. Iu this wiv Mr. Kennedy has caught several 1 ii I v. Clue morning not long sine. ot:e of Lis ti-ap- was missiiij.', and the only way he could t .r it was that somebody ha 1 i-toieu it, Ab ,ut 10 lays iittcrwui d he found u large night hawk in aiiotlor trap ah 'tit a mile distant with the ini-Mngtrip hung to one foo'. ! S..libnry V.'a'clmMii : On the ll'h iust . as Mr. J i m-s E City ton, 11101 ager if the Coiuat Hill mine, wis stepping front a bucket in shvt N . 1, at the Ft:, foot level he sliop-d arid, fiii. ling ti-twn the nnd'-rniv sh.if: a iti-t dice of 1 ,0 Ic. t on n:i incline of ...b .ut Id deigrrtx. Tin- bottom if lie- siiaft being f . ; 1 i of wi'er. broke hi fail ant fortun it-!v Ciiy:on received no inj irus and in a few d is will be nil right again, Mr.. Vm. Ur.'Wtl his loid -leelt tomatoes ill 8 nail ij-ian'it i.-a a',! through 'hi: win ter. List fill slie n-.ticed that i,er were ha'igii.g fil l of green to- nia'oes and ll pi::g to have tle'iu had ,,. ins taken no bv tiie roots and hung tie lit in a ilrv cellar. The to hiiitoca contitiiie.l to lip-t aud the Miialler oues tv grow. We saw last w ek tomatoes taken these vim-s. ll::s i. a vtiitia!.!.. I it of knowledge. an I ' those f.iv..r.bly itu.-itd may avail I UCItisc I ves i . it "1 le I Keep tliis delicious vegetable f rt-.-h all the year. Chiirlotte II M'le: A ealf b' lotioing to Mr. John Ho .il of Morning Star townhip,die. ofhydropiiobia. Seine weeks tince I be calf was biltel by a ma 1 dog, tog-thcr with st vend d 'gs an.l a hog. The hog died fr.m the same disease; but the dogs wi-re all killed as soon 11s bitten. Ecu Wither-:, a negro iiiiiu. livi.ig 0:1 'he plan tation of Mrs ('. 11. Himpton, in LeinleCu township, attempted to lalir hr Mis Sallle) M o.e, white, employed as c'O' k at tiie si:t..e place. 'Ine fa'ui.y start, d to church on Sun day last, when Miss M .oso, Wul!n;.', took 11 shot it r route. Ti.e negro n uu followed her and i-llgg. s'e 1 11 better way, and not .-nspeeting any thing wrong, .Miss Mouse start-, 1 with h;iu, and idler pi needling a few steps, the man struck b.-r on the hea l vith it stick. The blow stuiihtd her 111. d fhe sank to the ground, when he cut her throat on l.,t 11 sides, atnl supjios mg her dead irt'i off. Search was in s' it ut il nheii M ss Moost! w as found tiyiiy to get home; n no arteries were severed by the knife the Wund did not prove f ital. Di-. Wilder was siiuuiio'.e 1 and atlert led tothe suffer ing woman, who certai;ily made n narrow ecip Parties started in pursuit of 1 h negro man who was soon found and taken to j til. lie gave no cone for the .hvt:rdly deed, and the scoundrel deserves tho pieat- est iiiim o.-iont lot the iiniu'ov. ke.l - 1 - 1 - ttc,, t th hf., f this a..fd nnd ltioll'ctisivo woman - - 1 - - - - r.--- Since the above wan iu type we lave been iufoi me d of the deatli of Miss Moos. An lnipiest was held 1 y I ho Coroner and 11 verdict charging 15. n Withets wii'u causing her do .th i. 'leuduiod. 1 Fayetteviile F.xaniiner: On Wed-1 nesdav, March 8th, Mr. Mid Mrs.' ril'rS;1 lou-ktish. Oir of the ph asing iuci-; dents connected with the ..flair wnsj the presence of mx nut of the tight' , . i . . . . lint-mi nils in were p.t-Mui liridos'iiiii.lx nn,l n l,(i.:iHin..ii fi f V . , ... . ' I'uies '. .A .urikfv uuutt'r vi.m longing to a citizen of tbis town v,,:8 found tlead on the yr, tmd below where in? ha 1 b. en r.ohiir.g. I lis neck was broken, and the probability 1 is that whilst asleep he lost his eipi -libriutu and f-U he.idlong from his pel eh, el rikiug his head on the ground and breaking his neck. Gol.lsboro' Messerger: Mr. Doinp. sey Wood, Jr , of Ijc,,oir county, in forms i:s that the farmers of Falling Cre. k tOkvnship are further advanced by two wei l;s than tho.-o of uihtr sections. Mr. Wood attributes this to the "no fence law" in force in that township. While other farmers hail to time iu repairing fci.o s our F.dling Greek fiiends worked their lands, The financial c endi'.iou of Greene c unity lias for years been in a wn tched condition. We now learn witli more than ordinary h asute that the county :s about out of dibt and will heneef. .rill pav its indebie b net's promptly. This has been brought ; about un.b r the present system of county government. Iho j.reseut lioard of ( oitiui:sioners were cin sen :rtZ, Kiev iln tiar-'eii tiie trust founded to thun. Wiii ti they ton'; i llarg i i f the idYiii'M of the eo'inty. the found it ri ind. btt dness of uv. r S i'J.tH'ii. with 0: i till 1 y orders selling at i'.m oil to cents in lhe duil-ir. l!y projer exerci-eof vig.b.nce a.d eciiioiuv the d, bt h is been paid aud the county I, a nat'.l itWMl ii.-i i: ii.iiit la i in o.u- rassiiiec.!, a:'d yet there are di mo crats who find Lull with the present system ef c-uisdy g . Vcii.ment. Sla'esvilh" Landmai k : Mrs. Frank Tuck, r, of G !ian.bers iurg tow nship, h U a turkey hi n w'n.i.h laid all win ter. S;..! wa !ed to il. r lo st in tiie st ow, w!-ei h.fes.-;m, and in u li:t!.. over ;l.i-(: n.oi.ti-.s ptodu.-?! il.lgg We 1, an: ! tliat a pr. i.iinen: gvnilei.jtu of this Slat-, wh ) died wck be'".;.; la-t, a:, i whose ilertth was ;'im -live:' ! ia thi paper, -was rend, r.-d, p : ! to hi tb.atii, by the use of leur-dye. Wednis .1 iy l.'ght of last week Mr. ,i i:.u-s M ...if, of Alexander c .iinty, was ri ling li.ise'..ack along tin- pub ic road, wlit f, at a b -ud in the lo.l ', t'..:i i l.- of which runs a guiley bj fe t d.- p, the l.or-e, inst- ld of tlllll in,.,' with the road, wtnt stmiglit i-.h -ad, tin- t ight being veiy daik Mid the lain filling, an ', with i's rnhr was j veeipit i!e l into ti e ravine, When, :.f:.r the fl-t shock. Mr M .ore was abb' to e dl.-ct hiiits.-lf, he te.d z d thit the animal was on itn hick and tie wis under it, with hi right arm doubled under I is bo !v. Fasten, d beyond tie1 hope of xtrie i ting himself, betting tie) o- a p .rl i..t, of hi body :i l.i; ge part of the weigh! of (he horse. III..' Voting ins'i was almost e.uii. I to' death and the pro.-'pii'l. for r, ii-f was gl tny. The wat.r wan i ushing down ti.e fciil'y and ,la-;hi:ig over him, and the IticU . s rider t.-lit ll;. p te !IS cri-'-P f a help Wiih i' fe.-: in ih-i air and as h-lpl-S'l a- it-: n;.:s; r. tliu li. 1 -e tossed his head ve h-n; ly f o;il side to silo, and Mr. .M-ne, wl.ik, Le calle . f..r help, pr.'ti Ct d bints, If with his ief: t i':el f out b- i; g beatell to de ith t.y tin- atiiit'.d. It f. r-u-i.d.-ly liap;..- d that after a'-eai! h .if an hour's lime, and when, us tie- soli' I'. r mi", s, he v, ..s Co te !v i X i:.Ute ) an I h o cal't'd f r at'oil! ii-t ti hi- ere s were Me-i ird il. tin, and ?dr. 1 leery D al, Mr. done M.lier, Ins son and a colored man llat. lied to the r-se'l'.. Having nowhere to sM!i.l, the wo.k iu -x!itea!:rg the yotr'g man wa attelid.-d wt'ii ; e.d d.tV; upy, Lu! t la-t thev nicctd.-.i by on t f main s'reriL'th, in p. tiling iiiui, more .ha t than alive, i'.otii 111.b r In.' animal He was I :k -n homo by Mr. Miller nn 1 kindly fared for by his f.t'iidy. ! -. !! H.Voir.t t .naif i.p ot I -fivg failed in, l!..-,t Mr M ..-re's right arm. which b. .d :'e. 11 doubled tin Ur his b. dy, was or d;. :i iu t -o 1 c snbove !h- -v, alot that the pati-ht was tir'f-iing from s-.rc-i. s-! in his bow. Is and bre.:.-t. bi.l had sustained no in ternal injai i.-s. We are graf died to hear that lie is doing v.. I nud was able to no h 'lilt' We ill, sday. Tile hor, .- ft-. r its owner h e! la en deliv- i-i-e l !ro:il ll.s p lil, .MIS gotltn oil its f. t and was f mil 1 tj hae bteu n:i- 1:0 I. Workiuirmeii. toil begin . ur 1: avy lief. -p.nn,; ; v. orki.f'ir a win tr of ivh.xi y.-t'.r sy;em l.ei-ls eh ai sn-g M I gtlu-nieg to 'irt-ient an Ht- lion and tack i A. tie, lil 1 v.-r, or s.vit other that wi'l unlit jot work V.e.l will s s!ii;!ies and great 1 -. 1. 1 S; ring I'e Spring .-.(!, ne. s 1 lor 11 M-.,s. n't Vc liiue, taacii t x 1 t itsi- if vou wil. u-e one 1-ottl t of Hop I.:tt 1 m your family thi m tilh. D-ut't. A:iit. i-il: lingtoti II i keye. A o". to jlutht-rs. Mo'. hers nhould reiui n.!.. r it is a most iu.portant duty at thin s'.smiu to loo!; af er the In of lie i fsmi-li..-s ai'd ..'eatl the in d ti i t and ini U- riti s fromtbiir syst. m, t.d 11. at 1. .tiling wi!l toiiH 1 p ti.e stoiii'ieit nu l hver, leg'tle t!u bnwtls and plllifv (he blood so petfeetly as I'ar- kerV (iiii:;r Toni. ndv-rlifd in our folumns Post. S.-e other column. Always KiTrcshiii. A del. ecu, odor is imputed by l-'...t..ll ti ilogtie, wiiicll is I.I.Vi.ys lef.ehing, no matter I. ovy freely tn-i d. I. aJIItER'O!!, l'r.sldeut. . WILET, fftsbler. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, Of KtLEIGII, . C. Miscellaneous Advertisement. ; . ; FERTILIZESJS and SUPPLIES IN STOltlJ AND DA1IA' ARRIVING; S11.""0 'ti'l . n. FMifl iin.lHi.iiiMt'M. Mini.,. l-u.i"" eiml. e Tlni"Uiy Hay. , nwi.iii.Iii is.s.,1 oa!. i.i.ii i.t.H.u'i iiiiN.-iii hup imi.i.'ii s:rni. IPZ t uZ.. .'-a.k-. ii!ki-r'Mv.ti..ii Coficcs, Sitsrars, I'lowr, KTev Cuba and ITcw Orleans IVIolasses, and a full The at. will ! B..1.1 as l..w ax any ..hi ran wll Hrst i-inm .mi, an. I nil Kimrniiinl. W ..inm. ii.l t Is.-'t..l Oiiano ami A. I.I l,liiM:.lir,r to U .lie i,m uflorBd i-llll . ! i ti l ! 1 1 1 III tilt IKHtki. .t. Call mi l t aniiiM' lit. in I i'imio rNOKKIfi, ('.. Man ti 1. '.s.-J. SI ILDOM KQ l ALLKI) ! ALLISON & COMPLETJi CORN, COTTON - Xo ft,ilier ever introduced has undergone severer teats, or coma out ()f (,0.,, wj(j, a ),.(, .r i-,.,.ord. than the "Star Brand" Complete Manure. It has been in use in Virginia and North Carolina since 1873. and dur ing that time has been npplicd to all kinds of soil under every variety of season. Evidence thai it has giu n general and great tsidisfactiim is found in tiie fact that since its introduction ovt r 29,000 l.:lve be n sold in Ibis market alone : 5.0D0 Planters of ' all gi i list iind North Carolina, ng t. estahii h it as n fa-- Equal to JLnj and oi.i-r ll V.l'i I to be -it! d t. 'I' re i wh! s:;r- .Nf.i I .:.:.:i. we GUAifuS has 1 .-ib!,. the ipel le ': ,vi,;..t the o v. e are ae. inioi: t!:a; Sy its Uss tiio Ccssurscr Ccis the Greatest Benefit h'civi the Sniallcst Outlay. An ... 20D per e. hasieting this tiie tit. in .piai t it c- - at the n..l!li! it v i' the i ATT TO AT.7 Zi.tAjJLKJUA I 'or . lib. ia! bv tell. l.-nci . as any other standard high grade ftitilizrr. We ftoliuit and paironage. V7. L LOnDOo!, A-.t at Mo i i v Oak. J. G. F0U8HS?, A- Hi. 1S2. rout til 2.Jms. AMMOttlATED I SUPER PHOSPHATE WJ!AVIS(W&C9 BALTIMORE Avail Pmos.Acid 8 to 10 ' Tot' DonePhos. 21to30 i, AttHOtUA 24 TO 2 . .Potash 2v2 118 W. Lombard 200 Buggies' Rockowoya. Spring VVasons, &c. ntto f I ha Lent mat r.ut and (ully rriu.t 01), to be will mgwilibv of oont. l'i ti in want will (ram t tlieir own intrrt l.j -Intng onr tock tni priCM bfr bioii c. an ve are doUruiiud to .U. nd huva cut do'.n oar prieuii to they cinnot be met bj any ollur bouao in the Htate. Also a fall dock of. Ilmiil IVIiiclo IlnrnesH HEI'AUtlSa done at bottom prioed, and In bent mnn r. Send for prices and frit. a. a. iicKlrni:; & S0N3. FajetteviUe, N. 0. SKWIKB MACHIKE5 SEWDIG MACHINES!!; 'I llf " IX )M KSi I'lO " stands at the liead has made the greatest p-ogrS is the lightest running,' I -. ., .. . ' li;iii(lsoi)itt and last .Mai hme und stv one nt W. Ii. LONDON'S. Br. WI, LYNCH, D23riTIST, Will rlHlt riiail Ulll "U lli si-e..u l Jl. ii liiy In en.-li 111.. 111I1. Ml mil., l..ft well lr. A. n. It..ti.TtH..u i.r V. ! f Utev Will In- nin inl.! I... 1 i-t. y iss-j. if ISO fAUMBUS. SAHMKKS A I II HI.IHi: ll!!!! Unit I n.n Ac-til f..r Uk 1Y XO- t..t.r..t.-.t 'Slur ll.-...r ifiini..,, nu1 n for Allison ft A.l-li- ooii k a.-i.i l'ii .iiiiit'.. w iii. a 1 wtn . 11 ..ii lime at ai&Oai-iii. ri.'uty on ti'iii'l. J. f. rtiol I ISO' M'.I HIU aW I'.il rii 11 j i l. ri. 3iua n.iMIO HiU'kHStniulnnl rntniw.-n niMmo. mi. -k tiiamin'. rtrei ijimlliy Amraonlalea . Ciimno. j 1,1)00 Bii.k! lil f'liiwplintr. ciinmnKx U.n litfrtiri ijiailt. lit llin rnatkoi, ovr i:i Hr .-mi i iiviilUI-li. 1 li..?ih.rli. Arlil. sai-kH liul'hvlit's Amini.n.aieil Dlnlvri llnllP. lino of othsr goods. iiir. - liaM!i. WVATT &. TAYLOlt. NEVE 1 ; EXCK LLED ! ADDISON'S 33 - MANURE o: AiVD TOBACCO! Tons and a! so in ietiers and ceil hicafea from ud X'armcrs who l.uve used it fjent (hat, ii!l things ci.nidt ne to eight years red, it is Surpassed by rioae. rival confidence for use i n tin- Cotti-k. Coi-.m ami iu )S2. with iho assuiiince it is in nil .i:-il i: h:i been in ilie past. Know ing ' he materials i!j.o.-itio.i. mid i:iiipt:!itf titling il uii.'.i r our p-rsonal THi STAHOAJtS. :i of a!! i oiiiiecit-d with this Guano to produce tho ai tin- loe.e-.t possible cost, nt.d we el tiei that our I unusual risoUiTis t.ud faciiiti-s have ( i.ahle.l us to i'.;.- i!v.;i ha li,...;i d nie in any tiWvv f.atiii.'r wilh I. fiiosc who have been '.:.-i:ig it unite with ut, in Guano will cause nn incm same lime improving the ,seof 100 to ipiality and 0 ft T1TiTf rxtT OS . Miiinifiii'tiiroi's, l.ii'liimuiil, Va, :ir A.'.'iiis at all important points at prices as low tnd on Piiio.oi'o - I-.vpt, Mtmrure and Cull. TJF.LIFlVINli the ast season has C0B Jl'viiui'il tin; intelliyt-nt tl.a of planters, thai it wouKl he better to buy for Cash than Cotton option, ne ofier this First-Class Fertilizer (l-HIVILFCR TAX l-AII) ) direct to the I'latitc-r (ur $30 per ton in eir I'.ail Int.. I.r plant it tcs 32 per Inn. No A-ttits. Thue t'tily lio can pay t 'adi, in e.t w rite fur prices. Knrmcn" C Int., (irnneets anil ilcalers are invited to visit our Wiitl, 01 v rile us. We also im 1 nit ami niaiiufacturu a full line of AGHiCULTUEUL CHEMICALS, such as Acid Phosphate, Snip, Ammonia. Soda, Kainil, &c. All ee.ut Mil jccl to analvsis of POT. IVai ni.v. I'irector of Ac;, l-'xp. Station. 1 1 .1 i- me uiiKtiown lu j'.m &Jt jour J & CO, St., Baltimore. 11. II. ATWATSR, vrirtt- ll. WYATT, A S.rri-ll'a 0.l liand.i k.i.i:iuii, N. c. Wholesale 1 Retail j Dr.ALEHS IN HEAVY GROCEIUES. 1 I Connaissioii MercU, ! A1..I Aeent for STANDARD FERTILIZER. WsWr..iHl.-irt;...kiltlK)lSiiulian'lnaiir d uly r.-. iMn tipn fui iiiw. W...,,.eu.r,,.lve.,lr M,,rr..f PMro..,.fr0i our trleu.lK lu Chaitium ftn.l iljnlilng ceuuliea ,i,,i..rtr D. T. JOUNOX, COTTOrj slleu AND ' Commission WZcrchant. Ag't for P.iirher's Stiindard Guano, Anl Chemicals, '.'muni roil piMMiM i.v Ai"ii:Mtfc;i n. C.Ti r 11 .-nB milh'HM. onl -. , S. L'. oiruer Wlliuli.tft-.u and MnrilD Ki., it u i: hi. s.