(Qftt (Ijjhalham uorL H. A. LONDON, Jr, rnnon ast t norniETOR. dhail;tm ttoi BATK3 or ADVERTISING. One square, one Inisrttou, fl.es On. wnars.rwolnMrtloaa,- . LJB One tqnara, one month, . . . . . 59 terms OF SUBSCRIPTION: - VOL. IV. Cnc ropy, Um montli - PITTSBORO CHATHAM CO., N. C, APRIL 20, 1882. NO. 32. tat larftr edvsrtUemest Hberal contracts trtS 8T,lb fsf II n it - I J- tlF 'V i ; u e. i ..-.. .... ,. "Betty and the Babr." When sorrow, like a frenzy, swept Tiro countless peaceful bnsows. And love fell prone and hopeless wept 'ilid summer's drooping blossoms, Hot rlrear'tbat guard the soldier kept Of him nko spread this anguish : Tbo' Justice hat not died, nor slept, And vengeance did but languish, Terohancc that frenry tnrned bis head, And overpowered, it may be. Ilia heart tl.at loved, the hand that fed Poor "Betty and the Baby.'" He Uienght it hard, who fought so ell To save the land from ruin. That he must daily guard his cell Who had been Hope" undoing ; tVhdee hated face behind tho bars Bad dimmed tho sunshine's brightness, And cast a gloom about tho stars, And blanche 1 Love's check to whiteness I Thiabitt-r thought then turned bu head And ovei ponir. il, it may be, Tho heart that loved, tho baud that fed Toor Bcfry and tho Baby. And could it be, he had forgot Eia babe, Its mother Betty ? A father's lovj ; ah I did it not Incline his soul to pity ? Yc, thiuking of hi otvn, lie felt. For iVi iho a!ashia wounded ; And while hia heart with love might melt, Its fury was unbounded. The?, armed to shoot, it turned hio head And overpowered, it may be, The l.oart that loved, the hand that fed Pcor Boity and tho Eaby. Be loved tho President becauso Be, too, had been a soldier. With loves like theso, what woio the laws ? Then, musket to tho shoulder, Fast sped tho ball that pioved so true Where least he had intended While Gui tcan grinned, 'mid mnch ado, Hid own bright dreams were ended ! Tor l)i t, between him and the lars lie fancied so it ma be With thir whito faces toward the stars, Blood Betty and the Baby. O eorrow 1 ba'et not done enough Witbrmt that drf ad eourt-ruar:ial, For glory sale, ami ench poor stuff, A bcirg so impartial ? O Justice ! why so harsh and swift. While G.iilnau still is grinning 1 Then Mirry'a 'Mo '. float up au4 lift The babe that knew no shining, Tha wife of cue far wore than dead ; To savij him, K'O, it may be The hart that loves, !ho hsnl tha fed r-.H.r Pit'v and tho Baby. A SUMMER ROMANCE. "I just btn learning tbe leson of lifs, Tho sad, sad lwson of hiving. Aud all of lie powers for pleasure or psin Been slowly cud sadly proving-" Il-ro tbo sweet, girlish voice, falters, anil Ji f-eio Gray sighs on bbe ticks up ber sewing again. She is 6itting in the banimock under tho apple treo, and a very pretty pietur.3 oho makes. At least Arthur Theme thick so, as ho walks quietly up tbo path and over to where (ho in sitting, "I don't s?o why yon sigh, Miss Jessie; there caunot, Finely be any ap plication iu that song to yourself." "How jour V-.UC9 startled me, Mr. Thome ! I did not see ycu coming on account of the iotcrvening trees." As she) says this Jeesie looks tip at Liia, vainly trying to suppress tho llush that rises to her fice. ' 0 course tl-.cro isn't," she continues, referring to his remark. "I was not thinking of myself, and suppose I sighed unconsciously." ''I didn't think it could apply to such a heartless little oaqaeite," says Arthur, holding her little brown bund a trifle longer than necessary, Noticing thi?, Jesso draws it away and Thome throws himself en the grass at her feet. While they are talkiosr, wo will ta&o a picture of them. Arthur Thorne is unquestionably handsome. A perfect blonde, tall, well formed, and features as finely cut as thoso of tho purest cameo. Ho is iho only sen of a very wealthy New York widow hdy, who is spending tho sum rrcr at Newport. Arthur has been with Lor until about three, weeks ago, when l.o suddenly tired of the round of fash ionablo gayety he was indulging in, and bidding his mother a hasty "good-by," bo tifaited off and soon found himself in a quiet littlo New Hampshire tillage. Upon questioning different ones, he was directed to Farmer Oray's pleasant farmhouse, where he received a cordial welcome and was soon located. Of eourso the plain though comforta ble room, with its great feather beds, was something very novel to this fash ionable young gentleman; still every thing was so sweet and clean that he rather liked it, and decided to stay as long as he was contented. At first he thought a few days would suffice; but when he caught a glimpse of bis kind host's pretty daughter, ho changed his mind. . Jesse Gray is indeed pretty enough to attract any one, either young cr old. She is just eighteen ; a pretty, alight, girlish fig a re, short black hair curling all over ber proul little head and low, white forehead ; a small, straight nose, and the sweetest little mouth in the world. Bat bost cf all are the beauti ful gray eyes, that one minute flash fire as she says something unusually saucy, and the next grow fad and tender as the listens to some touching story that awakens all the sympathy of her warm, womanly nature. "Come, don't be so industrious, Miss titrBrie, dwb Aiiuur, as lie Hive fcu it&ae the sewing from ber. "I want you to come for a row, as it it too lovely an afternoon to stay away from the water." And he looks at her with a coaxing ez- I rreseion that she poor little girl t cannot resist. Bo they start off across tho fields and soon reach a very pretty lake nestling in the midst of Farmer Gray's broad acres. Unmooring a dainty little boat just largo enough for two, they got in and ore soon sent skimming over the water by Arthur Thome's master strokes. After a while ho Hope, and resting on bis oars looks np to find Jessie's beautiful eyes fixed on him with an expression in them ho his never be fore seen. "Of what aro you thinking, little girl? You are not half as jolly as usual." As he asks this p. strango feeling comes over him, and he suddenly re alizes why ho has been so contented during tho lait two weeks. Yes, he loves hor, not as he has thought he loved a dozeu other girls, to tire of them iu a week, bat with the strong, overmastering love that comes but ouco in a lifetime. He longs to hold her in his arms and toll her of it, but thoughts of his proud, haughty mother drivo back the words ; so he only takes her little haud in his as he waits for her answer. "I was thinking," cars Jessie, in her low, cweet voioe, "how much I shall miss you when yon really go, and how very ploasant the last two weeks have been." This ii too much for him to with- r.tand, and in another moment Arthur's arms aro aroucd ber, and Jessie's curly boa 1 is pillowed on bin breast. "My darling little girl," and his voice is inexpressibly tender as he speaks, "do you realize bow dearly I love jou, and can you feel any cf thut deep love for me ?'' "Arthur, I fear yon already know that I do," and Jcssio'a glorious eyes look bravely and tenderly up at him. They sit quietly talking (or a while, till finally the sinking of the sun in the West reminds Jessie that sho has house hold duties to attend to; and eo Arthur rows her back to the land, and they re turn to tho bouse. In the evening, after tho farmer and his wife have retired, the lovers havo a long talk, and Arlhnr explains to Jessie that it is bost not to tell her parents of their engagement till he has arranged everything with his mother. "Hho already selected a great belle for mo to marry, darling, and it may bo rather difli. -ult to convince her that I shall bo far happier with my dear littlo i Jossie." I "Are you sure you will be, Arthur?"' asks Jessie, looking at him nther wint fully. "My dear littlo gul, when I am not contcntod a moment away from you, I am su-o I would never be happy with Ksthcr Hamilton," answers Arthur, kiss iDg the sweet lips so near his own. Two more weeks pass, which they en joy to the utmost, when ac the end of that time a telegram arrivi s, telling Ar thur of the dangerous illneig of his mother, and asking him to return at once. "I ean't bear to have you go, Arthur; I feci ss if something would happen to koep yoa from mo." And tears dim the brightuef s of her eyes as Jessie says this, "What a fanciful littlo girl it is T he answers, as he kisses them away. "Don't you know, my darling little girl, that nothing could do that ?"' Finally tho good byes are said, and he is gone. Arriving in Newport he goes directly to tho house at which his mother is staying, to find her indeed very ill. The dootorj say a trip to Eu rope is ell that can save her, and so he goes without Becing his little fiancee. To be suro he write her a loving good bye, still she is soroly disappointed. At the time of Arthur Thome's first coming to tne farmhouse, there were several of the neighboring farmers' sons who paid Jessie a great deal of attention. Of coarse bbe reoelved them graciously enough ; still the bad never cared par ticularly for auy. There was one, an exceedingly well-to-do yonng farmer, who bad loved Jesbie all his life. He owned a very fine farm, and Farmer Uray and his ue wan lea Jessie to marry him ; still wun be propDsed and was refused, they thought too much of their daughter's happiness to urge the matter. He felt very bitter about it, and Arthur Thome's coming only added fuel to the flame, especially when he saw how much the latter and Jessie were together. He always brings the mail from the poat-c ffioe to Farmer Gray's, so when letters come from Arthur Thorne it is a very easy matter to keep them. At first Jessie thinks Mrs. Thome's illness pre vents Arthur's writing ; but as the weeks wear on she begins to grow heart tick. Ones or twiea tho farmer and his wife say it is strange they never hoar from Arthur, but finally they cease thinking of him. Not so poor little Jeefie ; eaoh week finds her longing more and mora for sots word that will I tell her she is remembered and loved. I Bat time passes on ; fall, winter and , spring come and g?, and it is once more I beautiful June. Jessie is again sitting ; in the hammock, bat now there is no song upon her lips, and there is a sad- ness in her beautiful eyes that never j used to be there. Finally the door of I the farm-house opens.and kind,mo:hcrly I Mrs. Gray comes out. There is an anxious look on her face as eho sees hor daughter. A few weeks beforo on being questioned, Jessie told her mother about her engagement to Arthur Thorne, and of his strange sileneo during the months of his absence. The kind mother said i not'iiag to reproach her, us tho pitied i her too much for that. "Jessie dear," she says, as sho reaches her, "why don't jou go for a row, or a ; walk or something? I hato to s e ym i sitting quietly thinking all the time. . Go, darling, find some amusement ; seo ; scmo of the young people, and forget , about Arthur Thorne, for ho is not I worth one of your pnro thoughts." "Don't, mother dear t I cant bear to j hear you speak bitterly pf Arthur. Be- member I love him, and oanuot, will I not believe anything against him." Jessie's impetuosity brings the color ! to ber face, but as it recedes, leaving it so whito, its delicaoy is very potcep tible. 8he is vory fragile these days, so different from the rosy cheeked little beauty of last summer. "I don't understand how you can bo Jiev; in his love atter a year's silence,', says Mrs. Giay, but regrets it instantly as she notices the pained expression on her daughter's face. 1 1 will not try to explain, but I have perfect fa th in him if I wait for years or forever." 6 tying this, Jessie leaves the ham mock and walks toward the lake. Ar riving there, and feeling tired after the exertion of walking, she liesdox-n un der tho trees, where she soon falls asleop. An hour has passed away, when tho perfect stillness is distnrbed by a step, and Arthur Thorne comes in view. He is sunburned, and the care less look hitherto seen ou his handsome face is gone. As he looks down at Jes cie lying 60 pure and sweet before him, a somothing shakes his strong young frame. Whose treachery is It that has made the changes in that bright, sweet face? Ho has just come from tho house, where everything has been explained on both sides; how ho has written contin ually without receiving a word in reply, and that his mother's illness had kept him at her aids until death released him, after noarly a year clap3ing. Ho had then hurried to Jessie, to havo everything explaiuod. As hol.oks at her, a great longing to take heriu Lis arms almost over masters him, when Jessie, moving in her sleep, murmurs, "I knew you would eome, Arthur, in spite of yournover writing." In an instaut sho is in his arms, and awakening, looks once more on his bo lovcd face . "Arthur!" is all she says, and then quietly faints away. He carries her U the house, and she is laid in her bed, from which sho does not rise for six weeks. Brain fever con fines her, and from her wild ravings they learn of the fearful enffeiing sho endured so patioatly. Finally oou rctousness and strength return, aud sho is carried down stairs for the first time jata year from the day sho met Atthnr Thorne. Daring their conversation it dawns upon Jessie that William Black must be responsible fcr all her suffering; bat sho is so happy now that she insists that nothing shall be done to him. "Everything is explained now, dear Arthur, and his conscience must re proach him more bitterly than ever we could do;" and Jessie looks at bim pleadingly. "Of course you will have your own way, my darling, and if tho color will only return to these dear littlo white cheeks I will forgive him," answers Ar thur, tenderly kissing the cheeks in question until there is a good deal of color in them. In a few weeks Jessie's health is fully recovered, and then there is a quiet wedding in the little village church. The sun never shone on a lovelier bride than Jessie Gray makes as she stands at the altar in her simple white dress and veil, and gives himself in Arthur Thome's keeping forever. "We will have elegance afterward," Arthur says as he insists on ber simple dress. "I want you to come to me as I found you a sweet little wayside flower.'' Wavrly M'gnine. -Xl John Laird, one of tbe indicted Blue Out train robbers, has made a confes sion. He says that seven boys were with the old gang, whioh was led by Jesse James, as he supposed. The boys raised a disturbance, whilo the old gang plandorcit the train. The boys got none j of the plunder, as an appointment was mode to meet in a week and divide, but j before that time they were in jul. He believes the James gang got them to divert the attention of the authorities from their own operations. A Crushed .Esthete. A fow mmths ago, says Thi Lorlport Union, the daughter of an East Lock port man, who had grown comfortably well off in the small grooery line, was sent away to a "female college," and re cently she arrived home for the holiday vacation. The old man was in attend ance at tho depot when the train arrived, with the old horse and the delivery wagon to convey hid daughter and her trunk to the bouse. When the train stopped, a bewitching array cf dry gocds and a wide-brimmed bat dashed from the car and flung itself into tho elderly party's arms. "Why, you euperlativo pa 1" sho ex claimed, ' I'm to utterly glad to eco you." Tho old man was somewhat unnerved by the greeting, but he recognized the sealskin cloak in his grip as the iden tical piece of proporty he had paid for with the bay mare, and he sort of f quat it up iu his arms and planted a kiss where it would do tho most good with a report that eoundod abovo the noise of tho depot. In a brief space of time the truok and the attendant baggage were loaded iato the wagon, which was soon bumping over tho hubbies home. 'Pa; dear," said the young miss, sur veying the ttam with a critical eye, "do you consider this .qulto excessively beyond ?" "Hey ?' returned tho old man, vith a pnzzled air, "quito excessively beyond what?" Ob, no, pa; you don't understand mo," the daughter explained. I mean this wagon and horse. Do you think they are soulful ? Do yoa think they of'uld be studied opart in the light of a symphony, or even a simple poem, and appear as intensely utter to one on returning homo as one oould express ?'' Tbe old nun twisted uneasily in his seat and mutterei something about he believed it uted to bo used for an ex press before he bought it to deliver potk in, but tho conversation appeared to be traveling in such a lonesome di rection that he pitched the horse a re sounding crack ou tho rotunda, aad tho sevoro jolting over tho frozen ground prevented further remarks. "Oh, there is that lovely and con summato ma 1" screamed tbe returned collegiate as thoy drew up at tho door, and presently s'je was lost in the cm btuoe of a motherly woman in spec tacles. "Well, Maria," eaid tbo old man at the supper table, as ho nipped a piece of buttor off tbe lump with his own knifo "an' how'd you like your school?" "Well, there, pa, now you're shou I -mean, I consider h far too bpyond," replied tbe daughter. "It is un quenchably ineff.ibla. Tho irls are eo sumptuously stunuicg 1 mean grand so intense. And then tho parties, the balls, the rides -oh, tho past weeks havo beou ono sublime harmony." "I 'spose so I 'fsp iso so," nervously assented the old man; as he reached for his third cup "half full" but how about your books -revlin;' writin,' grammar, rale o' three how about thera ?' 'Ta, don't 1" exclaimed the daughter, reproachfully ; "tho mlo of thre9 1 grammar! It is French, and music, and painting, aud the divine in art that have .made my school life the boss I mean, that have rendered my school life one unbroken flow of rythmic bliss incomparably and exquisitely all but." The grocery man and his wifo looked helplessly at eaoh other across the table After a lonesome pause the old lady said : 'How do ycu like tbe biscuit, Maria?" "They are too uttr for anything," gushed the accomplished yonng lady, "and this plum preserves is simply a poem in itself." Tho old man rose abruptly from the table and went out of tho room, rub bing his head in a dazed and benumbed manner, and tho mass convention was dissolved. That night he and his wifo sat a'ono by the stove until a late hour, and at the breakfast table the next morning be rapped smartly on tbe plate with tiiehandioof his knife, and re marked : "Maria, me on' your mother have been talkin' the thing over, and we've oome to th) con elusion that this boat Jiu' school business is too utterly all but too muoh nonsense. Mo and her oonsider that we haven't lived fcixty odd con summate years for tbe purpose of raisin' a curiosity, an' there's going to be a fl op put to this unquenchable foolish ness. Now, after you've finished eatin' that poem of fried sausage an' that symphony of twisted doughnut, you take an' dust upstairs in less 'an two seconds an' peel off that fancy gown an put on a kalikor, an' then come down here an' help your mother wash dishes. I want it distinctly understood that there ain't goin' to be no more rythmio foolishness in this house, so long's your superlative pa an' your lovely and con summate ma's runnin' tbe ranch. You hear me, Maria V A number of outrages in Ireland are reported. A Story of Borrowers. There lived near my father's family in a quiet little village in Ohio, two families who were chronio borrowers, and the pests of the neighborhood. One borrowed by day, the other by night. The former would take anything, from a pinch of soda to a bedquilt, but made a specialty of flour. Tho other family made no requests, but wood, coal, joints of Btove pipo, and garden implements disappeared in rapid succession. The day borrower became a steady drain on the flour barrel. My mother, being of a sympathetic na'ure, could not refuf 0, and would doubtless yet have been sup plying tho tame family with flour if sho had not had one bad girl among her family of children, who was at homo alone one day wbon tbe lal who always came for the flour entered, and in hie usual words caid, "Mam wants couple spoonfuls flour to reuke batch bread." This fame bad girl measured exactly two spoonfuls of flour into bia immense wooden b'jwl. The flour looked right lonely, but it didn't feel as lonely as that bad girl did when tho mother of the lad came in an 1 threatened to skin her. She changed her flour market, bat the total depravity of that girl was cleirly established. Daring cne night two peach trees were entiroly 6tiipped of beautiful ripe fruit. Early next morning oar night borrower called. My mother told of our loss, and, of coarse, had not tho faintest suspicion as to who had taken them; and her neighbor expressed sym pathy and disgust that anybody would do snch a thing, when the same bad girl had to have her say, and remarked that it didn't mutter muob, as most of tho peaches wnro plugged, and that whoever swallowed them wouldn't havo a chance to digsst them, for they were filled with epicao all of which was strictly false--and lint bad girl's mother was horrifiol at such a false hood. Two hoars later, as some ono was passing through the alley la tho rear of the borrowers house, he die covered about a bushel of cooked peaches. It was afterward learned that tho family spent many hours in the night peeling and canning peaches, and as mony hours nearly getting thm out of tho cans. 8), on-iDg to tlmt bad girl, peaches, sugar and labor were an entiro loss; but wo wero ever after rid of our night hb well as day borrowers. Bo ruich for baring one bad girl in the family. An Exchange at the Altar. Two couples presented themselves at tho mayoralty , in a suburb of Paris to carry put the civil portion of their mar riage conlraot. Daring the ceremony one of the bridegrooms saw, or fancied he saw, his partner inahiug "sheep's eyeb" at the other bridegroom. He cried sharply "Mademoiselle which of the two brides are you ? You are mine, I believe; tben confine your glances to me." Tho bride was a young woman cf spirit, and, resenting his tone, reto ted. "Ah, monsieur, if you are jealous of mo already, I am likely to lead a pleas ant life with you, now am I not ?" Tho jealous bridegroom mado an an gry reply, and then the other bride groom needs join in. Tnis led to a goneral dispute, which the mayor en deavored in vain to quell. Tho bride grooms stormed, and tho brides, through their hysterical sobs, accused each other of perfidy. At length the mayor adjourned the ceremony for half an hour to admit of an amicable understanding, both brides having refused, to proceed. When, at the expiration of the half hour the parties wero summoned to reappear tho bridegroems had literally effected an exchange of brides. Adheriug to the new arrangement, the nuyor bound them husbands and wives. Jack and Jill. Every Jack is said to havo his Jill; bat he does not always find her; thue bachelors who would make model hus bands, and old maids who would make excellent wives, let gray hairs, and even tbe grave, overtake them in their single life. Not that they havo failed in courtship, as is invariably said of them. Numerous are the chances they have let slip through tneir fingers that others were glad to catch even though aware of the former choice of their "accepted " But their ideas of tho partners who could make their life as happy as they desire, are too exacting; they fail to detect all their own pecu liarities and faults, and make too littlo allowance for the weakness and imper fection of human nature in thosa they would cherish above all others. They want to center their life's happiness on the one of their choice; they feel that a mistaken hope of connubial felicity would be eternal rain, and in failing to find the character answering to their own exactness they fear to choose, and thus are reduced to avoid the matrimo nial b inds. This scrupulous exactness in choosing a wifo or husband is a real misfortune to the sensitive ones pos sessed with it, as they are self-condemned to a life of loneliness. The Great Bonanza Farms. Two gi at foots shown by ob ervatiou of the Bonanzi Farms of the West are, that those who have gone into wheat growing upon a large scale, making use of the most improved machinery aud cheap labor, are making colossal for tunes at seventy-five cents a bushel for wheat, limited only by the numbers of aores cultivated and the skill with which tho work is done, and that wheat may be grown at largo profit for less than forty cents per bushel; but that, on the other hand, the small farmers, depend ing mainly on their own labor, with limited capital and lees machinery, aro not making a comfortable subsistence, but aro running behindhand, and must go under, and that a further reduction in the market price for food products must hasten their end. Tho developments of the large farm interest has tho direct fnd ininiedhte effect of impoverishing tbe tactions iu wbich the furms exist, and skinning the lands without any compensating bene fits. Not one dollar of the gross amount or net profit received from the prcduots of tho soil is returned and placed upon the land from which it is taken, except ia the construction of the forest build ings necessary to shelttr nnd protect the labors in the working seacon, and for the care of the work stock and tie tools. Oa tho whole five thousand throe hundred cultivated acres of tho Grandin farm there was not oue family finding a permanent home by virtue of title ia the soil where there should have been one to every fifty acres of plow laud, or ono hundred and six families. Thin would give one hundred and six houses in the place of the five there present, and one hundred and six barns in tho place of three, with other build ings in like proportion; and a popula tion cf at least five hundred, where there is now ono fixed inhabitant, with all tho accessories of boasehold com forts and home improvements that do not exist in the smallest degree. Tho large development of the tenant sy6tem of farming is an evil of the greatest majnitu le. Tbe effects of the system have been too apparent ia Eu rope to require any discussion in these piges. But with ns it hai foatiwn worse than any ever known in Eiron?. Tbo tonants iu England hold leases nnd occupations that practically run for life, and often are kept in families for generations, which give encourogement for great improvements, and the farms are practically homesteads. But with us the leases are uniformly for short terms, with no encouragement for im provements, and the farms are never homos. In England tbe rent has rarely reached, and never exoeeded, one quar ter tho gross product; but in the United States it is commonly one-half. Under tho Euglish tenant system the laud is thoroughly cultivated and improved; with ns it is impovrrished. A Siren. A fascinating woman is not over-burdened with the solid virtues. Sho is created to please, and f alfills her mis sion. Her certain spell is the witekory of simplicity, and betrayal of doign would destroy tho illusion she creates. Bhe sometimes even seems a little care loss to please, and this gentlo indiffer ence, joined to her attractions, stimu lates and excites curiosity. Her face may not bo beautiful, but it is always expressive. Her attitude and gostnres have a little expressiveness, yet there is ever about them pleasantness and re pose. In dress she knows the value of details, and the urt of cuoniugly bring ing oat the loveliness of character of her appt aranco. There is ever about her something like a haze of delightful ncgitive qualities; thus she elicUs the positive qualities of those who approach her; thoy put forth all their powers to please, and credit their own agreeability to her. Tbo fascinating woman is, as a rule, heartless, but she has a thousand pretty ways, feline and caressing. She is very good tempered, and always in tensely feminine; winsome in manner, having an unBtadied grace, exquisite in little things, and skilled in all the trifles of conversation and conduct. She is always absolutely natural, yet the longer you linger by her side the stronger grows the sense that you do not understand her. She puzzles, enobants, throws a glamour over you, and the wilder grows the wish to comprehend and win her, still tha ever eludes and perplexes you. She may bo quiet at times, but never dull. The calm is sometimes broken by unexpected brue queries, by bright raillery that does not hurt; or the delightful reticence of her demeanor may be suddenly exchanged for a confidential mood, a gentle famili arity. She is selfish, and from this self ish soil ppring a host of tantalizing ways. She always lets yon feel you are near; but jou are never successful enough to know yon bare at least grasp ed her. The pursuit is endlesr; she beckons, but you can never seize her. The man, who at forty, is still de pendent on his weekly wages, having saved nothing, in heavily handicapped for the home stretch of life, Tine J-ove. Thers is true love, ard yet you may Have lingering douUs about it ; I'll tell the truth ami simply say That life is a blank without it. There is a love both true aud strong, A love that falters never ; It lives on faith and suffers wrsug. Hut lives aad loves forever. Eu)h love is found but once on earth The heart cannot repel it ; From vrhuco it cmca, or why its btrth, The t JURiio may never tell It. This ovo h mine, lu spite of all, This loo I fou lly uhorish j Tbo ea-th may sink, the skies may fall, This lovo x.iil never perUh. It is a love tl.-t cannot die, But, liko tha soul, immortal, And with it e tavos the etarry sky And ).iHa tlironjh the portal. This ia the lovo that conies to stay-- All other loves are flaoiins , And whej they coma jut turn away- It !? but Cupid chc-i iiig. ITEMS OF I MEREST, A couple recently divoroed in Loa Angeles, Cal., repentod, made up, and were ie-marrif d the next day. A man in K'iox county, Maine, who wanted to vote against a projected high school, wrote ou his ballot ' Know." The p'cturc?que littlo wife of the Chinese Minister occupies her eigh teenth year with studyinR English and playing ou a curious lute. Tko late Stoughton Fletoher, of Iudianapolis left an estate worth about -32,000,(103, whi;h was divided equally among his four ehiklreu. Trinco Leopold, having been voted an annuity cf 81 J.OOD, is now looking up a French flit, aud buying tbe necessary cookiug ntensils. The rak-sk'H of Walker Blaine to the theatre of r in Siuth America is ex plained. His object was to negotiate a matrimonial allianoo with one of the dark-eyed beauties of Santiago. Recent eases are noted in the medioil journals of tetanus, or "lockjaw," hav ing occurred iu infauts on aooount of being bathed in too hot water. A sin gle nurse reports several cases of the kiad. Ex-Senator Sargent began lifo as a jsurneymau piiuter no has some re sciiib'anco in the faoo to Mr. Blaino. His wifo i3 an ardent leador in tho woman suffrage cause, and his daughter givef premise as a writer. According to tho Bonbiy Gatelte, the total numVr of cases of oho'.era daring the past year was 80,906, of whioh H.282 proved futal. The ,'atest returns show that for tha present, at least, the disease has wholly disappeared in that part of tbe wirld. HUMOROUS, To get rid cf a ba friond, ask him for what you moat teed. Ti)6re is a limit. First young lady : "I could fit here forev-r." "And I till lunch-time." Bachelor smokers admli that an am ber mouthpiece isn't as tempting as a cherry-red one, temptingly puckered. The Capital Tin Company, of whioh Governor Jewell is president, turns out a million pins daily, What beoomes of tho u? Gracio'n Ars? expeiianco iu eating a peach : ' I've eaten it, cloth and all, mamma ; row what shall I do with the bono?" Tho idea that fmit eaten at night is de!et?ripus is proved by the bad effect it had upon Adam from eating an apple after Eve. A landlady was complaining that she couldn't make both ends meet. "Well," said a boarder, "why not make one vegetables ?'" The man who said that it is the lile annoyances in life that troubles us, must havo forgotten tho ladies' big hats at the theater. Murther ! Irish driver : "Share, that's the Customhouse, sorr. But it's only tho rare av it you'll be seeing this side, son. Tho front's behind." An advertisement reads : "Wanted a young man to bo partly out door and partly behind the oounter ;" and the Cleveland Lt id" asks : "What shall be the result when the door slams?" "Dj you see that s'b'k, sir?" said a very stupid acquaintanca to Sidney Smith. "This stick has been all 'round tbe world, sir 1" "Indoed, said the remorseless Sidney. "Aad yet it is nothing but a stick." Friend of tbeiamily(totheboy twins.) "I'm afraid yoa little fellows don't always agree. You fight eaoh other sometimes, don't you?" Twins "Yetb, thir. thumtimth." Friend of tbe family 'Ah, I thought so. Well, who whips ?" Twins "Mamma whips." "Well, you're tho biggest goose I ever see," raid an uncultivated but honest Bostonian, to the partner of his joys and sorrows. And she, wht bad had the advantage of a publio school education, smiled upon bim with a seraphio smle, as she remarked, "Oh, hubby, you are inoh a self-forgotfal darling I"

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