ii'iiiiiiiiihiiiiiM'riniiriavifiTwftiiWtiiTiiMiir ijnrntfuWt Jt$ Ojhatham Record THURSDAY, AP1UL 20, 1KS2. II. A. LOITDON, Jr.. Editor. CITY OF Y I 1 NUTOX. Wo have recently enjoyed tlio fleas .in? lit v! iiin the city of "Wilininy tun. a..d cannot ri-fraia from giving our rci'.tii :m Wiio of our impressions of "our city ly tho se a". The citizens of central nr.;1. western North Carolina seem to bo Lrt l':tt!o m-onainted with the. largest city in t!:-:r Slc.tfl, and Wilmington does not' receive their trade .m.l patromyo a..-, idio deserve. Tho people of that city fool that their riiv has boon almost cut oil' from the V3i-.ii of the State, ami tho railro.-uls '.hat w.u'o projected for tho purpose of buihliiiK up "Wilmington are now 'cutting her throat", ns her citizens express it. And yet the Kl"nvl'a 0l of tho city i:s iLadiiy on tho increase, and iudeed U quite rcinaihaMe under ilio circumstances. Tho harbor in yrovrnicnt.s have greatly improved her shipping facilities. Only a few vears ago no vessel drawing more than 12 or 1:1 feel of water could cross the bar, but now vessi Is draw ing IB feet can entei, cud it is hoped to add still !r.o. to the depth o' water on tho bar. Shls fr:m ad ports in Europe may be si n at lur wharves, and there is a Hue of steam t'i'a running regnhii'Iy to Xe.v York. 'V'ihrdngton is ihe largest naval stores wallet in the I'liit -i'- Si -tics. nor ''tur, pitch and turper.'.iuo" being d ipped from there than froni any oi'uer port. The lun.'oer trade is also immctiiMY niillioM'' -r" iect '.eiig an nually shipped to the West Indies and tho Northern cities. As aeolion port Wilmington is r.'.pidly increasing her ;h:p-nents, the number of bales re ceived there last year biing nearly jno hundred and iifly thousand. Three- steam cotton compresses are kept busy pressing the bales into n' oat one third oi" their original sixe. liiat viscis 'otnesinn s 1 ad v, lib o.-or liftetu hundred bale. Three li:-.; s o" ' nis connect A d:ai"g to'; v ' :fevi'l a:i I otie r .Ip:i:u:: ai - i 1 up the N.iri'iEul Old IMack rivers. Eiee culture i- .',aiu becoming an imp rt iat hidm. , and niauy of the old plantations arc now being worked very profitably. Tho fictory of tho Mavassa Guano ' ',i.."y,atiy is rear Wilmingt n int the place where the railroad crosses the Cape Fear river) anil annually maim ."actures thousands of tons of their popular guano, which always finds a re"dy sale. The Wilm-ft-m Cotton lulls is one of tl;o largest cotton fac llcs in the South, and is an import ant industry of that city. Tho population of Wilmington is about twenty thousand, nearly twice that of any other city in the State. While Wilmington is one of the oldest fettled cities in the State, yet her nrost prominent business men are ifttive.s of other portions of t!iKtct- C in'.pieuou.s among them are firmer citizens of this si-tl.m from the com 'ies of lh ;: luh-h. Chatham, and C '.. r! o:l. -Iri-tn.-. in ei'iitral North ;.!ui.hna tiud tin ir o'.if'.t t through the Cirpe Fear river, so Minimi our pro ducts follow this natural ehamul. ami vo hope that the tin e will yet come when North Carolinians w til feel a pride in building up t:im:: -citv bv tha sea", instead of paying tribute to .Lie ports of other Sta. 's Tue Tun. of the star ro.itc cnscfi wl'il begin, on the -tth day of .May, in ''. Criminal Court of the trict of Coil, .ibia, his Honor. Jud.;e Wylio. presiding. T.:ee .rr. ic raes inst: tutod by the Uniud Stales govern ment against certain persons accused of defrauding the government out of largo Bums of money for the Iraiispor wmou of tho mails on certain "star routes" in tlio West. Among the accused are Gen. lhady, who was Second Assistant i'o.--t master General, ftnj ex Senator Dorscy, who was Sec retary of the National Ihimblicau Fxecutive Committee in the last pres idential campaign, l'rery eC'ort has Las been madf by the defendants to avoid a trial and escape punishment, anil all good citizens will no.v rejoice thr.t at Inst a day has l'en set for their trial. .Durimj the progress of' the trial we will no doubt have art insight into the corruption that exists in official circles at Washington. Senator Vance is rapidly gaining a most enviable national reputation, and is beecniing almost as popular through out the United Stales as ho has itlw ays been in North Carolina. At a grand nsectine- he-Li in New York, ou last Fiiday night, under the auspice. of ihe New York Free Trade Club, he was tho orator of the occasion, and tin New York Herald published quit, a long ami complimentary not'i'e of his speech. Suppose he was noniina , tenl in 1SS-1 for Vice-President w ith A. ! B. Hjv.itt for President? Wonld'nt! we carry Xortli Carolina with a J leop ! j The KlectIom cases in South Caro I lina were tried hist week, andattraet ' ed l ulch attention. These cases w ero gotten up for )olitical purposes and ; wero intended to intiinidato tho whito ' people of that unfortunate State. Tho notorious Judge J'oir.l presided at th.o trials and did all in his power to con 1 vict th.; defendants. Tlio prosecution was bitter, and the manner of con i ducting it was vi ry arbitrary. The defendants wi re put on trial w ithout any indictment by a grand jury (;i right guaranteed by our State to ti e meanest thief) but upon what is call cd an Information" tiled by the Pis trict Attorney. Tho defendant:; were pei'Mins who held the election in 1SS0. roid were accused of frauds eo..nee'o. 1 therewith. Tho witnesses again -t them were men of most di-.. ec.tao.e characters. One was wh.:. t be a gambler and to hae I - n tried larceny and murder: am tltei, ace! n cd school teacher, was shown to have foiged pay roils and swindled a l ank in Columbia and se.hieed some of hi) ptiolls ; .".not her was shown to have swindled a colored woman out of a tract of laud, and testimony was in troduced which went to show that, every w itness examine 1 by the gov eminent bore a bad character for truth and honest v. The jury w as composed of three lVtnocrats and nine Repub licans i live whites and four blacks) and was picked with special care to secure a com iction, and yet the de fendants were actpiittcd of he frauds charged against tbcui. They were convicted of a technical violation of the law in not allowing the United Slates supervisor to inspect tho ballot -box to his satisfaction, and the jury in their vtrdict recommended them to the mercy of the court. This is the ie.-u!t of the f;rt trial of the "ballot sniffers" about which so t.r.ich has been sai l, and whi-ii after all seems to have been "much ado about nething". r.i. I'cgin to warm up and preparations are being made for the approaching campaign. Ou la-d l iies.liv tlie lb publican State I'acc itti'.e Committee met at !!a!eih and decided to 1...M thru .Sate nomina ting Ceuveiiti.'ii in that city on the 1 !ih day of next .nine. The c.in.niit -tee also (1. eiileii to form an alliance wiih the "liberal' movement, if such co.dd be found in this State. The executive committee of the atiti pro hieition association will meet a: l!a! eig'a on the "2nd day of May for the purpose of consulting --.s to what coure to pursue. No e:dl has yet been made for a meeting ef the lVin- cla.ie I'.eeiltive Coiuuiittee. but there is time enough yd, a- the elec tion is n..t hel l until Novi mber. lii-fore that time we may look out for warm w a k ! AxoTIIKU Uliti C!;il:e.-.e bill has been passed by tlie House of lc promo tives. Ti is bill restricts Chitte-e im migrati 'ti for ten ye ns, instead of twenty as ti e other bill did. a-:d it U thoitgld that the IVoident will ign it. We suppo.-e that when this tell year cNpne am.ther bill will lie pars ed f..rbii ; i. : .-; : ion for am it hi r ten J ears.. in 1th::. .: inue to ONel:; ie Chine.-e for a!! i in-.e. Snow in April. In referring t- the late c.-M snap the Wilmington Star recalls the mem orable . .now storm of April l 'th. l-i'X and copies frotn the Wilmin-loii Chronicle of April 1m!i. Is p.). tlie fol lowing de scription of it : "We have to record the occurrence i.i a in t exl i at u'dinary meiei ilon-al p!ienoUR-nou ; one that has not pioba bly had a parallel within the litetii.ie of aiiy per -ou resident in this part of the country. On Saturday right l-i-.t it clouded up. and in the ei,ire of the evening the atmosphere bet ame uncomfortably cold. About day li;;ht on Sunday morning a thick sleet be gan to fall. This continued for five or six hours, when it commenced snowing in the proper v. inter stv!" of high Nnrlhei u latitudes, and of this diei' was no inte rmission until after sunset, whi n the whole surface of the earth Was eovi ltd Ui the th pih uf ,.; least live in, -hi s. Li the eai'ypait of the night it eh ared away. Mon.lav niorning presented a singular specta cle. The .'imbimtions and eoutia-.ts of colors v.- r in a b;gh de;--i .- cuvi. cms. The pure white -f the snow, scatteied ov'- nnd amonsr thehvelv eieen foliage of t!ie trees ami shrub bery, ami encrusting the thousands of llowers of every hue and tint the wh lo together formed a landscape view indescribably beautiful. IJy sun set on Monday scarcely a vestige of the snow remained." Iiiiiioi taiit to I'liysicians. So. km, V. C, April 10th, 18S2. The lljard 1 Medical Examiner of Noitli 'itiolina, wiil meet iu Con cord, X. (J., on Moudav, M-ty S-h, 182. ' Without a licence from this l.nnrd. no piiy. ician who coiiiuieiicetl pnic ticiiio in this S'lite Hfter April l.":b, Ibo'.i. cau collect his fees bv law. Applicant for ex.imiuilion must hrin Kiitisf.n'tnry eviduiico of onod moral charaeter, and of their h ivin altuiued tliH n;,'oif twenty one years. See fiaws of X. C, 28.j8 - oi) and LS7dr'71 I'l.TliK E Hinks. M. D., Pies II X. I5.vnNsox, JI. 1)., Sec. Our Washington Letter. ! Tho Editor. i We copy from the lioston Tran- (rrora our Kpguiiir corrpspotiiiuia.) script the following huuiorousdescrip- tion of " The ll-.litor": WAsnisirr-'N. P. C, Apiil 15th, 1882. The editor is n member of that race . of animals called mankind. Ho is The debate on the tnrill commit.-, ...,1,),. n ,,,1 ,.,. siou bill is about closed and there is J(, H f y i.,milloss. Yon may no doiini it will puss, the Iteptib. leans KO iti, (leu wit101lt fe,u.. y)ilt being ail for it and a few Democrats ,u( i1;ts iti4 p, oulini it Tho sight also. Mr. Howitt endcavoiu.t togetof (l t binl wn (. He is a volt; on his proposition for an un-; tlu.n Vl.ly a.e,,,,, H1Kl j pt to do mediate, moderate, ami judicious re- . ,,lVjilv i,,,,.,,, U) rtu wit)jin r,,iu.,. ii vision of tho tKiil ou raw maierials, i u uU"0 llUuh wnunt ,, NVbon a nom iiud .Mr. Morrison and several others j Ci(lm,s in witU ti liitlo tiitlo he h is just h ive bi-en trying to shape matters so , tj.lsuilj ,jv, as to obtain direct votes ou proposi- j ' -.u,lv u'()no tL.lt imJst bo lions of a similar naluro, but on y in th(, ,.,lltoi V praise. His uiiud is so with i) e.xpeeialion that they would hy ll(n t li i t. U i tti in a certain )t. vi.-.d down by tho UcpiibbiMiis. .jinj.ti,,,; that ho dUhkes verv much V. h e here re a tew mcuoa i s oi nun p o. .tir. i'juneii, oi .umut sooi, , iiml. istaud the real interest ol the ce.nn.ry, the maj nty aro joined 1 i il.e.r fiols and aro deteiuuned liia. I lie taxes shall not bo diminish ed; that tho people hhall continue po iiig $lo(),(Hli),lM0 per annum over an I idn.vi the needs of the Guvcm in. lit, for th t lieuelit of the lobby and tlio capitalists. This coiumis siou lull is simply a scheme to past pone action. Meanwhile, neither Mr. Kelly nor Mr. M is m, nor any of the advocate of high taritl", can tell us why protection does not rotect. We Inivc a t" i iiV mainlaiiii d ostensi bly for the bem I'll of Aineiicali lator jet stlikes lire piova'elit 1 1 1 country over because tlie po -r iV) manufacturers can not pay working- , CM... ... nu n living, wagis. touio unuiai. i ..1 ,.K- .. .i,.l.lle speuu mine Eioijmi.iv ' ' oi u.f inter noiiowiitss ami ia.su, oi piutectlon . The commission scheme h hovetvd over by the ghost i f Mr. Tite llai na- cle, who synlemati.-d the circ mil a'll- tion oliice, nnd jioiuted out the ttav of "How-iiot-tii-do it." If i he taull' (piHstion Incomes ii serious issue the Ib-publieans can p nnt to this c un- iiiisKiou and suv to the people of lids conutiy, "Wo have ini i iteil reform; o'ir coinn.i.-Moti is ui won.; n i u-w-ait for its report." And if there s!n 111 1 he a report, who believe.- Ilia! it will be un.-u. in. oils '? What will it be but a lu-ij rity essay on free trade The b. nnd volume of the ! cord :iie hid of th' tu; we need no mole. . i.i. For tin 'first time in the history of ; lo. pwbheuii ( 'ougrcssi s we tiud oi.e w ithi at c u. turn it euel L'V aiul ijji', without h a iel-'hlp, without coli lhiei.ee (lU'Ugii in it It and constitu ents to m,d.e or na el a nat.onal ls.ne sipiaiilj. and g. 1" f -re tho eounliy m it. "Tie" wa'i.el lb when no man pur.-Uotii, bui t..e iighleoiii are as bold us u hou." lint it in iy as will be granted that this dilatory measure will Income a law, and that tho l'rtsidi nt will hae io appoint nine coiuini-ioiit is from civd Id-.; to take in col side! at loll the present tai;tl. how it affects the vaii- .,ns i 1 1 1 hi st ties of ihe coniurv and recolii moral toCongre ss w hat chaligt s i auht to bi made in it. Jhe-iesru i :tadva good many caudi litt-s for lh.se nine pe siti.ms and the Presi dent has, it Is stud, a considerable Its' of lie n who hi lieVt' themselves or toe InheMtd bv their fiiendo to be e-ll.ohle. Tin re is Set tnttik that i x-S. en tar reason to Kirkwnoi will be uiio if li.c coiu'i:is-ioi ers it he w I -i.es the place. Concerning thi ol h rs a. ti.inj is kno'.vn. Wioli the commissi" tt eO'at s to I i" l.ia le Up if it is hot. oily elolie it Will be souie th'.ngtf.i pit s!i ui to ib ti rur.ne the scai" Up'Oi vvhich liti' ;,!'( :i! .le I us' Pes "f ti: e. .:.! IV shad be it pn St I ted. Ihe l.il.e ' .mis.i-siol.cr- should li'p n s. nt l i.i . and pr. p n nn.ti' ely t be iiiibi-i i : . f the v, n.'li) union. Tei ln;;.n wi !, at least io.tc i I I he e 1 1 1 - e. I, ..ii 'it I S should I pi'eStllt lig'lCUb lute N i i. ami S nth. Ti is is tue .aure.'.t it 1 1 i itieio, in. pm lant inteu-st in tin ceu:i ry. V ht-ut nnd ti.colh , r grain-, ! i f an i tae o!ht r meals, c ttoii, s!:r-. r, and li -y, i.ot to speak i f mi ior a! icu'.'. ;n d iud i-ti ivs, em ph y more p-o.'ie ami iuterist more lal::t'i- s lb. n ail tho otlu r ilidiitiies in the count y t iken t"ge'ner, and t" give the a licullural interest four n jmi'm ntti'.iv : s on liie coin in issiou wi u d le to give ti iltlle ratnei than too luuei:. "i . give to the raiser .I erain, cotton, ec i -in I poll;, s:ig :i, hay and fruits ie-a tn o: f iir cmniiis sumers would nt ce tirry can-e great disaj point mi-lit and i.istiust among ihe agrici.illiiral class ot tlie Uiu.i ot the co:ei:iis-inu and t no iiiuuy of its woik. Then c mi s Hie mannlac tilling interests, the i ai.i oad inteie.-l, tin' iron inli lests, cotton, hiudii ran t tiduitig luti re.-ts, i.ii of which siiotihl lie C Ul.-idel't .1 pit p r.'I ill.lii ly to their relations to ttiu l.i.! ill' ami to each ..th.r. The Ib'p'lbiic .n rutd up Ui the seats of hoi.itiii.ru licuo cuiis. fine sha.luwi d in tins c i iespeindeuce w hen Congress first a- s. i..l e i, i.s now fail ly nmte-r w ay. One by ouc the coiilestcd cases are be-ing decid; d by ihe p ittistiti IIV c1 ions ( ' liuiiiitte-e in f. ivur oi Kt pul.'hcaa conn s'ai.ts. In one oi iwo instances, w loc i cannot b" called exceptions, Hiich :i the eas es uf Lanier vs. King, in J.oiiisiaiiH. nnd Stoibrand vs. Aiken, in Se tl .h Car-.'hna, where the msjoii n-s tre respectively l-,W.i ami K.UOU. tue ,. 1 ,- , ... , Deinoe'latic lneuiOers were in ruiitleJ to lutitiu their teiils, ,i '" i 1 e .an there was but the bhhtes' purdclv of tesllriiouy to lliiliC.tte Hint IheV ciiht to be, disturbed. Ii..-tancL's , . i i . ' . ike tlifKe, however, do not si rvc to lav the foui'di.tiou even for a claim j for ativtiiiiii' aiinioachino iu-l vn nin i. up ti t inlity on the part of I lie lie puelic..iii!. Tlio work of the c n.,iuit tee i.s now nearly dune, and iln-u it r.-iiiitius to be seen whethir their Hellenics cau be consumm.ttu i by ti e eiitiorsemeiit ol the ilu'l-e. The K.i'nlilu'aii mij niiT is no- vtrv strong fit her iu brains or vu huiI vvll m i ll to lie reiiiKiiceil by drecu- bach ai t, which thev hope to si-cute by snppol tiug tireeiib tekt-r Eo voin his Cuu est aoninsc Wheeler m the eiolitij Al.tbau a ibsiriiit. Soiuo of their phtus way lad to carry when the time couics. i'lioNo. , . ,. i. :,iS(,f A ,il,1.sii.. Therefore, if you valtw your safety, never approaeli him with manuscript written ou both sides of your paper. The editor usually writes with a pen, but his cut litig articles aro tho product of his shears. And let me say light hero that a good deal of sheer nonsense has been printed about tlni editor. Ho Uses ins shears only w lien c imposing an ei. tiri ly original article. The editor would make a good pub ic speaker but for his propensity lor clipping words. Tlie editor's hardest task is to dis pose of his tone. His wmi'd ho a monotonous hie indeed, were it not fir the kindness (if the few hundred people who call upon him every day to eliliven his dull life with stories of their griev inei s, ef their brand new enterprise hi I with antcdiiuviau liUt.ClU,u. ben you grow up to be iiieu and women, children, remember this, and i-peml all the time you can j the san tutu of the editor. He .ves cotiipaiiy so much, ymi know, ,h snineliu.es he has to sit silent lin, uon,. ft a whole half-minute. Js it nt ton bad? The business of the editor is to eu- tertain itinnant lectunrs, book oan- v.issers, exchange tiends, atnl other philanthropist.-. He gives Ids whole lime to tin so He writes his editorials at ii lit , after he has g me to bed. The editor is never so happy as when he is willing complimentary notices. For ten cents' worth of presents ho will gladly give ten doh pV A.nh ,,l i.dvertisiUL' all on Hccotiut of the pleasure it pus him , io w rite, you kueov. He loves also to writo neat little speeches, aim bi iht, w itty poi ins for people wiiho-if brains w ho w ish to piak in public. It is so easy f r Mm tu do this Unit lie is sometimes ipute miii rabl" when an hour or two passes wiiho-.it an eppui tuni' v to do something of the kuid. The editi r lines at all tho hotels iue, he hau ls free, theatres open wnio their doors to him, his tailor clothes bin. gratis, his butcher and grocer fu:niii iiiiu with f od without iuoutvuii.1 uilhoiit lU'ico. In short, Los eVerv want IS lirovideil for. He- -pe u Is Lis pi ineeli Hillary in tuuliliug churches and sctio.d-houses in foreign lands. 1 ll means be editors. Of course, it would be better if JOI1 could be hod-camels or diay horses. Hat as thai is mipossiuic, oy an ueuus oe editors. A Slanderer ('oiivicti'.l. A ease was tried at Orange Court last wcik that attracted liuuh attention. It was an indictment against Frank W. Unbelts, a sou of a respectable citieu i f that county, for slandering a daughte r of Dr. M. M. Holt, one of tin- mo.-t respected citizens of the same county. We copy from the lliilsbor,' Obne'ivii' the following ac count of the trial : "We only iutoii 1 tospiak of th evidence ol Miss Holt and Dr. Wil hata Strudwick. I'ne former eem ducled herself on the stand in a way that must have convinceel the court and the jury that she was innocent of the slander so often repealed against her by the di feiielaut. w hile the testimony of the latt.-r. who had made' the necessary c.amiuation to ascertain the fact, declared Mary 15. ! loli to be a pure woman. The evi th nee was i losed Fiiday at 1. p. In. Able speeches ware delivered by counsel on both si h s. uml on Satur day afternoon Col. Fuller closed the argument. 'The ! ud.-i s charge was i-pnte lengthy, two or three hours be ing occupied by its delivery. The jury retired betaeeii 7 and S e clock Sat tn day night. The first vote taken was '.I 4r conviction and li in elmibt. Very soon a change was made, ami th jiii y stemd 11 to 1. At this point Ihe .!ud'c was sent for to make some explanation to one of the jurymen, when the jury again left the couit loom, and .tin t 10 o'clock brought iua m rdiet if guilty!" Motions for new tiiaJ and arrest of judgment were ovorruhd. ami Judge Graves proceeded to pronounce -euteuce upon the defendant, Frank W. Hub erts. In a fi l ling manner nnd in : words tit for the occasion, the pris oner was sentenced to two yearn in the count v jail ! An appeul w as taken i... w..'. l 1......1 , ... c iiuneel and given in tlio sum ot 1.- . , , ,. . ... .joo. .v. .j. lumens biiiimuiiJ s.e'ieu;- ty for defendant. The verdict of the jury was in ac coi dance with the evidence. Xinetv- nine out of everv one hundrod per . , . ' . . . . . l'rii lllill 11', till me t I l.tl. iiiiu-nvi it to be a deep, v eil planned conspiracy io oreaw now n uio joon name oi an inniK'ent 'drl. Thauk (Kd tho con spiraey failed." Siispendi ii Aniinat ion. A telegram from (.'harlestown, W. Va , dated 14th itist,, savs: "Miss .lenldn. of Ithie (.'reel;, apparently fell (lead last Monday. AIM r the funeral services, while her friends were taking a last view of her body, hins of life were observed, ami t-he was taken from the coffin ami conveyed to her btime. Indications of life are etill visilile." General News. (iiitenu's book, entitled. "Tho Truth and the lteuioval," has been priuted. ' Ouf Chicago firm which cans anil I cures meats, kills and packs 200,000 rat t ie and .,000,000 hogs a year The schooners Thomas Parsons nnd Clayton Hell colli .led on Luke Michi-; ; gnu hist Thursday. The Lu ll sunk, j and her captain, the female cook and , two of the crew were drowned. i A. T. Stewart ' Co., of New York, ' aiinounco that they iutend to discon-1 I tiuuo their dry goods and inannf ic- till ing business, and offer their stocks 1 of merchandise tiud mill properties J for sale. j Mrs. Smith, (I la. Greeley, the; el, lest daughter of the late Horace Greeley, died last week, of diphtheria, , at Ctuippmua, N. Y. Sho leaves: three, children, the youngest an infant four weeks e!d. An unknown person fired a shot through a window of the dwelling of ; Horace Jout-ti, in tho town id Fuion, . Wisconsin, the shut taking i fleet in ; .loiies, his wife nnd a deanestic. ; Their wounds will prob.-.bly result , fa'aliy. I In otic wcgon on a Kansas road ; rtctlitly theip were a htiiidculTud 1 man going tt prison, his crazy wife ! going to an insane asylum, their three ; living children going In tho poor house ami a dead Imby in tho moth- , er's aims going to thogiave. j The Kings County (N. Y. i Grand Jury of the Court of Sessions h-ivo relumed nu lii'lietment against ex (li'V. Franklin .1. Moses, for false, pretences, in having obtained $17." , from Fret b an . I. Smith, under tho j pritciieo that he was a brother of. Gov. Cohptltt. I The roof nf a tunnel on the Haiti-j more Ohio Kailroad, thirty threo miles cast of I'lUiiberland, Md., caved i in last Monday, burying twelve labor ers and maiming them iii various! ways: some probably fatally. The' road was blocked mid ti'uiiKs were' slopped sn.vei al hours. A miss instill,' of tho N w Yo k , Free Trade Club was hel l 1'iilaj nir ht, to advoeite tho rept'cil of tile la ou i av materials and to reduce the duties on manufactured products Speech' s Wi le ma te by M P. Wlieel er. Si nator Vance and o! Iters. l!. s ohlhoi s were adopted ajiprot ing of the position of U at si ntutive H.-witt. Preston Gowors. a bouse painter at Mmporium. Pa . in a drunken spree, went lo t he house of Clarence Find ! sey. his brother in law. hist Sunday,: and deliberately shot and killed him. Cowers then returned t his own' house, locked the doors and cut his 1 w ife's throat, m arly severing lu r head i from the body, and then shot himself. The President has notified Filr : John Porter, in answer to his peti tion for rt lit f from the si ntunce of the court martial, that he cm ihi no hitig in the ca-e, as it is cntirch bi-jom! his p vi r. This action is based upon an opinion by Attorney; G. ner.d I'-rewster, and ri ceivt-d the iiiniuiiuous couctii renco of the Cabi net. The bill nhieli has pased both houses of t-ieOhii I.'. i -I it lire, and .nl v awaits Ihe c incurrence of the It'iM" in a few titiling amendments to I ceo a e a law, in re;;a'd to closino diii.kilie places on Sunday, is dent iue eolisi It -ruble excitement in the cities t I the ItnektMO S;at". The bid closes al! saloons and di inking places mi Sun I ij . under In av.i p n a.liis an 1 pun nf i:a re otiuiett'. I he t it i mans aie stiongly opposetl to ii. ( tat ol it I to Invalids. Fiol't stnti Cologne is graltful to' invalids, because n is re'ivsldi g with out the .sickening effect i f most pt r fumes. , A Foolish Mistake. Don't make the mistake of confotlii d'lig a rcme iy of merit with ipi ick ii.e ti'.'ini s. We spoak from (xpel i ei.ee when wo say that Parker's Gin ger Tonic is a stt rling heali ii tistor-. alive which will do ail that isclaiuu d ier it. We have.' Us if it oursi-lves : with the h -ppicst leHiibs for lUieu-' niatisiu and when worn out by woik. S. e adv. Tones. A DMINISTKATOPSN )TICM. - ivl:i. i'lUHll,' ! us .V.riHiilslrilt..r "t Mrs. Apt e'erv u., a.'.-i-a-.' 1. 1 li.-t -: n.iUi'y nil et-nt.iis ll"l ltlll t'l.blllis imielII-,1 sail ,lis-.'leul 1.1 l-Xlllt,l lll Mil tat on -r I II. i ti-l. .Ir.v ..f 1 I lWsi. A;.r,l 0, si"-J i:. o. coi .seiii, tiu r. W. E ASSK:i(S, I' mf.ylcai. T. A. WILEY, Ciihler CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OP KlIiEItai, x. . SEWING MACHINES ! SEWING MACHINES!!' The " DOMESTIC " stands rt ' the heail has made the prtntest progress is tlie lightest runninir, liaudsoniest iind best Machine nr.ide. Call and see one at V. L. LONDON'S. Dr. WI LYNCH,; Will vl-i- CIiiiih-1 Uill"n Hit' k vih.I M,,n,liiy In R-f-li ni- ii (i . Ml .-it! I. I.'fi wi ll Or. .. II. Ii..ii-1-ti..'ii or t. M.V ii CI l'i' .r.."ii,i',ly ,c.ci.-l. 1 I.i. VVy J. tNJ. :t to rAiirfiisiis. SAiniEUS A HE Tir.HEMY NO I'tl Nl t), tt 1 iin AiS'ia f"r tl i'i-li'l.riiwl "Mm- llrmi I" i-unn... an, I a r,,r OIIm..ii x t,,li-A'-. l-."Mili.i! ivliti'h I will sell nil lllill lit Mi li U-ll. i .nil)- nu L.il; I. , J. V. THOf.l INHI-R, ! V.i"iii'vi!:.., N. C. I I't'lir'i iry :3. !it Miscellaneous OUR STOCK or Spring and Summer CLOTHING, til'hWS' FtJItNlSIIIJVGS AMD HATS, IS COMPLETE AlSD OUR GRAND SPUING OPENING Will m Plscs April 411. To which wo respect full v invite our friend.- and the puhlie generally, BEltTOGEIl BROTHERS' LKADI.XU CLOTH I KISS AM) TAILORS, ravetlcville Slice!, (loposite V. S. 1'. O., RALEIGH, N. C. J-iT" Orders sent I it mail will receive prompt attention. li A LKIG 1 1 M A R B UMV 0 RKS, I. W. DURHAM, FA YKTTKYILLE St., KALKHJU, X. f. UTin iiis mm mi win nmwii 1 1 KAIiS ! (INKS, 'I A I W.Ii I S, AC. OltPKHS IM.'mioil.V .'il.l.K!i .NI :.v i IM-'.(M l(. 1' A It A STEED. I ii' ( u i, on wiiiii-. roii ci.a i: i i.-r ts. iusii.ns ti.t FEKTHJZKSiS and SUPPLIES in sro::i: am paily akuivinc : .ll.OiK) p.tll.l 1'. I'. S!,- t sh ll'il, !'.-. J '.ioil , Ii. .(Vie i im.iiii.Ni ..i.v I i ni. tli ll.it. l,;i.-!i, I- S. il 'j'" l'ii.-l Ilaviil W'i,... !;..-.-l J..: h, l.iwhi-lit Win .. .,n 1 Miv, li.rii. l.li.Hi st k. Sn..t. I. ii I, nil on. , im i . -a. -k- Walk.-!-'.--1 '..a -ii I-!.- i-.i ei.. Cofiucs, Sugars, Vlov.r, TJcv C--uba nil I IVTow Orleans Molasses, and a i'01 lino ci otliov gaoiis. Tli. ni..f N w i:i i . : i ;.. n, a, fan .-. .iH0 "o iy i .-. . -o , :. . i . i: .- ;., ill lit . liturk'M. C.tt, ,u;il i' i:?-lii 'In tn l Svli4I.-. l:.ll.'l,-ll, N. I'., Vai-.'li 1, Ir.-J. SKl.D'.i.M r.Ql AI.l. !.!! NEVER EXCELLED 1 ALLISON & AxjDISON'S COM PLETE MA X URE I'OIi CORK. COTTOA AM) TOBACCO! X fertilizer eer ii'troihic-d has nnd. r-r e.-'sevcrer tests, or coma out of them with a hitter record, than the "Star.ErancP Complete Blanure. It has been in i:i iivinj.i and X i i Ji C n oliici since 1S73. and dur iii.lt that time his Le,-! a; oli-d to all kind ,.f .,.il nnder every T.ninty of seaM.n. Evid.-itce i '..o i; h i, -ivi-ii ;n i.d and - real satufaclion is fouml in tie- fact thai si:n i;.-, i iirodm iioii over ao.OSO Tons have hccii sold in thi marhel a!- : :u.tl aNo in loiters nial ct'ilifipntea from 5, CCO Planters and 2'avnors of Virginia and North Caiolin-i. who have used it firm one to eight yearn all g'riv.g to I'stuiilisl, i! -,s :i (m-; ;;;; id;i;:s cm .-adored, it is Equr.l to Any and Jlurpa&sotl by rjonc. M'e nfl'cr it v.i.'i ; it conlidcnc for m-e on ihe Cottox, Corm and Toiuco ciojis to ! I::, ted in i sS.'. will, the ;i-v.!i;inri' that it is in all respi -ft fully etj i.i! to what it I. a- hecn in the pist. Knowing tio matcrinU whieii enter i.ii ) i.'s eoiiipo. iiion. ami iiianufacttuhi it under our prnfcl sill 1 1 vision, we CUA;iT:2 HIT:. STANDARD. If has ! ,-n;., i .."i coni'i .!- ,. i with i ins ( inano to product? the hest oo- sili! I i.', ;!. 1, ,s ; ...-in'e c - t. ami we claim that our extend.'d experience and :iin:s:)al resources and f.it-ilitics have enabled us to ap)ironch this nioie nce 'v tliri ha l c:i d -ie i i a iv oilier fertilizer with which we are :i:ii:it I. Tln-ne wh i ii:o. ' hcen usino; ii unite with us iu the opinion I hat By its Use- t'jo Oons-a-ar Cists t'u Greatest Senefit si oki Jito r-saalk'st Outlay. An oitliiiarv apjilicaiimi of i'.is (i.noio will eau.-c an increase of 100 to 200 per cent, in ii:ar,ti;v- at the same time improving the quality and hasteiiin: the matimiv oi' (!: ctop. ALU.O.X - ADDI80.Y, Maiiulhctiuvrs, Kiclimonfl, Va. Vor sale hy o:v A ,".if .-i at a'l inr) h t int points a? prices as low and on as lib ml teruiM us any o-ite'" t:i;itl.ird lii:;U yi:i-le fertilizer. We solicit your confidence and 'ar..:.;:,;v. V. L. LUHDDj. -V-''nt at riitsln'H.', Kuvpt, .Monoure and Merry Oaks-. J. G. FOUSHEE, t Cn'.r. Fehruarv lit, lSS'J. L'-nis. AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSPHATE BALTIMORE Avail Tmos Acio 8 to 10 Tota. PonePhos. 21to30 Ammohia 2-to2X Potash 2 to 2 WM. DAVISON & CO. 113 V. Lombard St., Baltimore. Advertisements. i - i v i S' -tn. I.o l Iviiai'fi.'ii n mins. , i.i.i'i..n k i,i iii'.iu'i. 1 irii ouuiiiy Ammnnlatrxl , oil-ill,. 1 .t' i.i k l :.:-:i:i'im .'l,l I h.,!..l,B"o. gmtrnnm I l, l t. ,l;i' Ii!-ii.-. i--ii,.' Iii Hie nmrlEai, efr l : ,.t t-fii" . iirailHl.il I i..h..r.- Acid ,-,o il,. I .illwlii i. Aim iin-.txl DImikItc ii t. 'I ii-i,' .:.!. t' , .1-. m:l ml Kimraiiiwd. We ', .-.i"l V"'l" I I. ;!: I 5 CO Ik tilt) I oat OffTMl V ATT c I .VVI.OU. BUY FOR CASH. T)EL1EYINU the past season hat ftiiK-cil the intelligent t lass of planter that it vrnuhl lie h,,ii..p in l.nu f... f-..v t'lan "0",", pl'tieli, we offer this First-Class Fertiuzes :M direct to tnc I unter lur 3operton unr H lo.nl lots. Lev nuantitics Sl2 ner lim. S -'Ken,s" ' hoe only who ran pay it t'.-isli, neetl write for prices. Firmin' C lubs. Crani is anil tlcalcrs are inrited t vi-.it eur Win kt or write us. Wealsoia tiurt anil niauufacture a full line of Agricultural Chelsicalj, suth a Ami 1 ho-.ihate, Sulp, Ammonia, Nitrite s.ol.'i, Kainit, &c. All ;outk Miliject U) analysis of Por. D vi vt.v, Itiret'tttr f Ag. Exp. Station. f " If Mir unknown tu yiw mk yowr llwalw oboul US. lTs

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