, YiTf, ill Ohalham Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr . rnrroR and rnoritirroR. BATEQ or ADVERTISING. n. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 0OPl ,,' III'Mll'K .... mow , Uiro moiitli - Onewiuaro, tw ti.srtt"iis- . Ouaaqauv."iniiiiniii, I? IYI - - VOL. IV. PITTRROHCV, CHATHAM CO., N. C, APRIL 27, 1882. NO. 3.5. Fnr largi" ulTirrtMomiU UWal ..-nutrac'. wU farm o No II imp Tor Hilling. IlrniH- illi f Avtnv itli Hliii ('in Im man heart" ni.iimtinii ; I.' I II H III' fin n ix nain ' "linn lib' Ih till ton nlinrl fur Im'ini; ! So dull the ilny, mi iliin Hit- way. Sn nniiiil lln' mail 'n- l.iinn; l'nr belter weal with faithful fri- n-1. Tbau stall, iiliinr nil. .11 n;;. Tim barren I'ik, tlic nitln ri 'l tile . Art ivpca of i Hisb living : Hill ".nils thai Kiw, like llnii' .m l im linii iv their 1 1 1 l.y Kiviii. While c pres im k "'rr cm U (-i.i . (Ml nil lln w;i h i. 'IIil-, I r lietti r plant nlnr I ii Hi'. 'I'll :i tl In H'l nil liilll tll.H'K ,:i"ltl,.' Awnv Willi worn I Min ilir ! mint Aii'l n -t "ii l ln l" 'ill" ; I In li' mo mi main in tin- il'i"t Nil fill H I I II' .llll 111' Hill"" Sn iliy lln Iiiiw M. -'i I' tli" l' "Hi I I inr i ii till) way ili-i I , Varhitlti Hti'i'i'. win i. 'Iiii s 'Ii'" ', TIkmi tramp on I I I,' n I-"-" - ' l 'I what an- all tin j"ys we li.ld, Compare,! to i"ii .ill im n Aid what aiv I.U.I., .iml "' i. 'ti I ('"iiipari 'l l.i In ai i- I" I im- i" K.i fleet our y .n, toll "t I (t S i i'I.'K.' ill nth i auinlini; l.i'l k'HI' II" n.. . I'T loMlln h'l'l' '' lint 1. :ivi"4 mi inn fur halm. HONORAS DECISION. It wut n relly und pieluren'io n'ght that met Helton lUackV gn. n In jiauHed auioiig tho cliis'eting hirchea of wood. Noru Leigh wuk heated on the grata, with ono iohv child on her lap, two or throo others Ncattorcd Aronud, her fuir checks criniKonrd, and tho braids of bronzo hrown huir hhiuing ln neat h the oottugo lionuot that hIio wore. Hho look?d up radiantly us hi r lover's ithadow fell across tho unglod foms of tho woodland glade. "IJcltou, i it yon ?'' hho cried. "Send tho children nway, Haid he, impatiently; "I want to talk to you." "They will not dinturl) tin." "They will dinturb mo, A look of puincamo over Ilonoru's sweet, submissive face. .1... i.. it. ..l.1..ut "" - , . , ' bornci. grow. , .hnt.y can cutty tl.o, basketH, and see Low many hemes yon I cun pick lie ore I come. .1. ....... I ix.rl.Mit n TTA if l.llt i l","",'u'" ... 7 . : tho defiant glunco which ho bent on Mr. Black from beneath his knitted I brows showed that ho fully compro- hen. led tho situation of things. "I hate that man I" ho said to Katie. : "Oh, Charley !" cried out the innocent ; child"that is vorv wickod." "I can't, help it," replied Charlie. "He's cross, and he pcolds Nora; and I hate him lM i la the meantime Bolton Black bad seated himself on the grass beside ; Honora Leigh, and tnrown ono arm j carelessly around her waist. , "Nora," said ho. "I've mado up my miuJ'" ,., ' 'Astowhut? She looked up fondly into h.s dark, ' handsomo ( ast.ltan face. "As to the propriety of our being murri. .1 n. xt month. Jennings says 1 ! am to have a purtncrHhii), aud I soo my way dear at onco. I've spokeii to the agent about tho Utile hom o in C 1 street, and 'h, Bolton, do you think thut the honsc will be Im ,'e i innigh '!" inter rupted llonorn, tinh u li'oub'ed l.i.'e. "Large etioit.h l.o hut '' "For the children. There are lour of them, you know, and " "No" sai l Mr Black, abruptly. "I don't tLiuk that it will ! largo ctjough 1 didn't mean that it sliouid. You surely cannot intend to burden our household with your aunt's four chil dren? They are nothing to me, and they should bo nothing to you. I daro say I can liud some excellent institution where" "I promised my uuut, on her dying bed, that the children should never lack a mother's cure," said Ilonoru, who had grown very pale. "And you have kept your word," broke in Black, impatiently. "For two yearn yon havo fed, clothed and sop- ported them out cf your slender earn- lng.. I is all nonsense to keep up this sort of thing any longer. I he boys are lug enongh to work; the girls can easily be provided for in an orphan asylum. 'Oh, Belton-nerer ! Jnst as you ph ae," said Mr. Black, Ins face' growing as hard as adamant. "Bnt remember one thing, Nora- yon roost choose lover I" etween them and yur Honors uttered a sobbing cry. "Bolton, Belton I" wailed the, "how can yon be to hard ?" ''I am only sensible and practical." "They are so little, so helpless. Ob, I cannot tnrn them over to the crael mercies of the world," pleaded Honora. "That must be for von to decide." She sat for a minnte locking at the I tiny child-flgnres that flitted about on the edffe of the wood, listening to their i innocent laughter; then she looked up into his face. "I have decided," said she. "loan not leave the children." Belton Black's brow grew dark as Bight. ; "Very well," said he, rising to Ihh ' feet; "you nro nwutc what that implies'.'" I "Yon." in 11 low, tremulous voice. I "Ami von uro willing in nli li by ii! Yes." , "Good by, tlicii," extending a cold Intnl. "(1. (id I iy, Belton." Ami her eyes followed Liui with n vugue, fascinated gn.- ns ho strode out of tlin groi n gludo and wan lost to vi(tw. "fluve 1 dono right V" she asked hor nolf, with n sharp pain at In r heart, and tlii'ii, as little Ncllio ciime up, crying out, "Nora, Norn, iu got u forn in my i linnor '." und holding tip tho tiny digit, with tour Mnincd fhookw, hIio caught tho child in her iirtns and Noldu'd out, "(iod holi mo ! i'cH, I huvo doni) tiht, for thi'ho liltlt) ciich huvo tin one lint mo." K . ll'inoru Ijoigh went duck to her life of Mitient drudgery und ccuhoIosm toil once more. And tho rich gentle uitiu on thu first floor, who taw her g 1 in and out with her little lutibic-roll. j uked the landlady who nIio wuh. "It's Mi: Ij"igh, hit, ' Mlid tho WO man ; " daily govorne:.H, und ono if thu MWi'otost, uio-t (elf-donying young ludieH, in ever gave up her lif-i for tho I boiietit of othorH." "IIiiiiid1i !" Huid tho rich gentleman "Them arc nut luanv Midi in th world." "No, itir ; iml 'ttd thcrc'ri not !'' Huid Mth. filoore How tho rich gentleman tn tho lirat n()1)r becumo uciuuii.t. d with tho daily governcsH how tho children begun to rnn in and out of 1: in room, and unk him io tell them luirvelous utorioH of Amotion, from whence ho cuino and how ut lust pretty Nora went luok to Vuicricit with him us his wife, would make too long a recital in detail, iiuflico it to Kuy l hat micli was tho fact. "Ood LleBs tho iilllo ones !" Mr, liontlcl'l Haid ; "thoro'n room and to pare for them in my homo. And, to lny think Ilgi there's no uwccler sound )0ut thp hollHO tblin t.iUren',, voices. " And if nnytbin,r oonld have made Nora lovo her huhbnnd mot e dourly than h,( ,l:ul i1omh M woulll ,lllvo tleso wor(,fl of hjH Aul ho children grew ni iuto health and beauty, und Norn, in her satins, hud almost forgotten the sore strnits of her early girlhood, when ono day tho past was recalled to her by a most unex pected accident. "If you please, Mrs. Uoulicld," said tho cook, ono day, "Tim suys there's a poor family sotthu' down in tho old oottugo by tho gate, as is almost starvin'. 'Sure,' says I to Tim, 'why don't yon tell tho missus ?' Hiys he, What for would I le botherin' her, HU(1 tb(iy notyn. io Ler?. Hiy8 j hmA of hpt novof c,ohcJ agiu the ick M), ,h(. ooriHnil l(, LWiTim if you don't.'" ,.yol uro right M ,. Hui(l MrH ,.,,,. .,, will g() tLi , pvt.ninR Hm1 jiuire iulo lhe t.ttH0.. An,, wjth cllljrl(v t.lirrvinj, l)llHkut itl wlllVh Wh )iI()1 B R()()llIy hpi,lv ((f j(,lh. wiui i11)tll.mudo broad and hot - gllJ Nonl W(lkl,a t() 10 ruiulil ,..,11..,,., ,.t ,illMi. Al.is for tho squalor and poverty of tho wretched place I A candle burning on the hearth, u gaunt form outstretched on heap of straw, with fever-glowing cheek utid eyes rolliug restlessly in their sunken sockets, while by the door sat a faded woman, rocking u child to und fio in her lap. "I hope wu'ro not intruding, ma'am," said she, with something of a lady's courtesy and accent ; but my husband could go no further. We are on our way to Omaha, where he thought he could got employment," "Yon are quite welcome to stay hero," said Mrs. Bon field, gently j "and I will r.vii.l you noine things from the house to make you more comfortable. Yo ir husband's name is " "Black, ma'am Bolton Black. We've had bad lnok, and we thought perhaps wo mighf do better here," sighed the woman. "But 1 heartily wish we had tuvftil in T'tnirltind.' Vm BonUolJ.8 beftrl beat ,io)eut, HjVBncod a pMe or two towartl tLo wrctohod Ueap of traw where tbo yB,low flickerof tba C14ujll, fuillllv iIltl. ! minato(l ft face wbicU sbo wou,(, jhaye rocognjzcdtUo fft00 f I5olton : gliek t ',. . . , , , ,,. n that tho eyes of his old sweetheart had rested pityingly upon him in his last honr. And the simple headstone that was reared over his remains in tho ceme tery was placed there through Honora Bonfield's charity. I '.very hnman being has a work to carry on within, duties to porform abroad, influences to exert, which are peculiarly his and which no conscience bnt his own can teach, Orange treea are cultivated from the aeed. A tree requires fifteen years to reach maturity, bnt produces both flowers and frnit in the fonrth or fifth year. km: Tin: fa ut si:. I'lifttiitm (lint... Yellow di uti'iuil me in fivur. Guipure l.ion has revived again, bulphur lace is u now importation. Tearl combs are u Parisian novelty. Tulo roso is the leading evening color. A comb of roues fastens up low coiff ures. Narrow mantelets, like scurf;', nub-h. now cohtumes. Turquoise blue-beaded laeu bonnets are worn by blondes. Cbrysobcryl is tho technical nanio of cits' eye jewels. Violet voiwt coinages arc worn with white tnoiro trains. The Jersey jacket Mipcrstduti tho l'.nglish walking eoat. Moons and polka dots appear on most of tho spring dresses. Hhort and exceedingly boufl'uut polo uaisscs are very stylinli. Mustard yellow or yellow brown cheviot .-.nits uro leud'hg. Ou flannel dresses the lengthwise pli uts are slii hed like tucks. KIbow tleoves, with a deep cut' turn ed back, uro umoug tho new styles. Galloons and braids will trim many spring costumes aud spring jackets. Two new colors are tho "sunflower yellow" und a new blue called bleu-do-nier. Black velvet is combined with bright yellow tut in in dresses und tho effect is rich und glowing. For full evening dress there are bunds of gold or silver or stringsof pearl worn iu the hair. A bride's traveling dress is of pcnrl gray cufhujero and chamois leuther em broidered iu steel. Huii-sutin is a uow glossy woolen stiill and comes in a stylish pule shade of Havana brown. Tho fau is now attached to tho waist with long loops of ribbon that servo us a chatelaine fastening. Pure whito without any yellow or ecru tingo will bo more fashionable than the creams and corns. B'juutiful foulards have grounds of Fompciian red, with black or golden brown clusters of blossoms. Tho Ib'rcctoriu hat will be made oi dark straw and trimmed wilh trails of choice French Mowers. Metal buttons that have Wattoau scenes ou them, also those imitating oid coins, are very hauiisonio on bhick velvet. Wild cleiua'is and hollyhocks are embroidered in silver, und white upon tea gowns of palo laurel-pink ciHi- nie.c. Tho autocrats of fashion have dclarc.l long gloves to be quite passe, and three-buttoned kids huvo taken their place. Soutache braid is still fashionable and is a neat und etylish trimming for flan nel costumes of either gray, bluo or green. Black, bine und lonion-colurod pocket handkerchiefs of sheer linen, embroid ered wilh contrasting colors, tiro among the novelties. Tho hair is worn low on tho brow either in a curly fringe or waved. He- hind it droops iu tbo nupoofllie neck in a coil, iu loops or braids. A small cluster of deep red ro es worn by a brunette upon a black hat trimmed with a profusion of lace or ostrich plume is both handsome and becoming. Fastidious laditn avoid the wide col lars and cuffs uow in vogue aud instead uro only wearing u narrowband of linen or tho narrowest edge of tulle or Juce. Tho skirts of last year's ilresses can bo rejuvenated by nddiug u new Jersey bodice ( f u shade to mutch, and con cealing the join by a sash or Grecian tunic Neckerchiefs of gray on cream colored ua-ihiug silk, embroidered nil over in tiny silk polka dots, und finished with a five-inch rufll ti,f Oriental luce, are novel and duinty. Taking Tune by the Forelock. At tho buttle of (Srovetou, Htonewall Jackfou tried au experiment which nearly frightened a Federal division out of their boots. Bars of railroad iron wore cnt np into foot-lengths and fired from some of his heaviest guns, aud tho noise these missiles mudo as they went suiting t'iiough the air was a sort of a cross between the shriek of a woman und tho bray of a mule. Tho Federals listened in wonder at tho first few w hich bunged throngh the tree-tops, and presently one of the pieces fell just in front of a Pennsylvania regiment. A captain stepped forward to inspect it, and after turning it over he rushed to his colonel with the newe : "Colonel, them infernal robs are firing railroad iron at us I" "No !" "They are, for a fact I" ' Captain, advanco your company to that ridge and deploy, and tho niinuto yoa find Jackson is getting ready to fire freight curs at ns, send me word. I don't propose to have my regiment mashed iuto the ground when it can just as well be decently exterminated in the regular way !" Fris.: or it itovs. Whin Hhnii Thrt Thf lirrsl Tnnl'. Well, boys, what uro you going to do? lo you intend to take up a trade, or go into a store, or try life on a rail road or ou tho sea? These questions you will find pre sented 1 1 you, sooner or luter. Some uro obliged to answer tlmm early iu life, before they know exactly what thflques tions mean, and before they huvo a chance to look round und find out what s the best thing for them to do. Hhers unswer the qiustiou quickly, und tuke up the first thing that oilers, whether it in tho best thing or not. I'.wtry young man is snro of otn thing- i i or tuiu that l.o wants to make money iu whatever trade he tries. What do they ay in that shop? How much can I nuke iu the trade? Whnt wages dues thut r:iltoiiil or this steamboat line pay? Ho asks these questions, aud then se lects tho business thut seems to pay the highest wages with very little thought ns to whether the business will ay him the best wages or lint. Now wo will lo-jk ut this thing. Y'on want money; I hnusauds of men sll about you huvo plenty of it, und yet not one of them will pay yon a dollur a mouth; you will need u good many dollars every month as long us you live; how, then, uro you g. iug to get it? How did these get their money? They dug it out of the ground; they got it from the foil fir from tho sen, or they paid some one to got it for them. This makes the wholo mutter very simple. To get wealth, property or money you must compel some mau to give you purt of his or you must dig it up in a field or you must lish it out of the sea. Y'ou could go to come man and take his money, but somehow all tho men seemed to havo combined and mado laws, aud appointed policemen and all thut sort ot thing, and tho first thing you would find would be a lively little trial in cour' aud four prison walls inoiind you. Whutu muu has is his by lijht, and society backs him up on his rights, whether he owns ten cents or ten mil lions. Now, then, can you compel tiny man to ftivo you pat t of his money? Simply, by doing something for him that ho wants done. If he wants his po tatoes hoed, if ho wauls his horses fed and cared for, if ho wants his goods sold, or his ships und engines guided, you can do these things und compel him to pay you for tho work. Ho it comes to this: You must work for mouoy. There is no other way. Bravo, honest boys must work, work I 'Tis no disgrace to dig your money even out of tho earth. It is there, und it owos you us good a living us it docs any other man. Go to work, theu, at once, aud with it will. Work the way to labor -put your shoulder to tho wheel uud muko it revolve, and as it tHrns couut the dollars und cents, the contentment und happiness it brings yon. Money is never made by touting about the street corners, or darting, duriu g working hours, out of evening enter tainments of, mayhap, a questionable character, and into this salo.m or thut billiard purlor ono hundred per cent, lower und more degraded than when yon entered. Look, thore is a boy of perhaps some fifteen or sixteen years, or it may be thut manhood (or more prop erly majority) has set its weight of twenty-one yours upon his broad, strong shonlders, luring about the corners und public squures, lazily pulliug tho filthy smokoof a cheap cigar which ho his either picked up from the dirty side walk or been givon him by some equally worthless companion from his month, which looks as if soup and water and a tooth-brush were nonentities in his world of aimless existence, Fio I Shame upon these worthless tramps, for all their high-sounding titles und attributes neatly chiseled down amount to this, who sit or lounge about from morning till night, with their hands idly thrust into the woruout pockt tu of their threadbare pants, il. pond. -i t upon the poor old gray-haired, dim eyed father, laden aud bent with the weight of his threescore yours, who n. i t toil ull day und perhaps far into the night that the petted darling of the curb may havo bread to eat and a roof to shelter him. When tired out with his day's tramping he eneps iu au hour after midnight with his breath strongly scented with common whisky, ai d iunoctnt as to whether ho is upon his head or feet. To-morrow he rises at midday and re peats yesterday's round of occupation, with, erhaps, this night in the station house by way of variety. Oh I shame, shame to you who have brought tears to the aged eyes and bowed in heart brenking sorrow the white heads of your teuder, loving mothers, whoso happiness und peace should have been your first care, your first consideration, and yoor first great incentive to a life of honor and usefulness. Bnt "sufficient to the day is tho evil thereof," aud you can do better if yon will. You can make home all sunshine and brightness, and our mother's dour old heart ull joy and gladness. You can crown your parents' decliuitig days with prido and comfort; you can smooth away the sharp thorns that pierce the weary feet as they travel on tho downward roud towards the tomb. And in the days to come, when these dear, dead hands will be laid low iu the dust, und tho patient, loving hearts In stilled forever beneath tint folded tender hands, you will not, wo promise you, regret the stop you have taken, the good resolution you have made to-day. How are you to begin ? Why go to work, of course. That is the only way to be truly good and happy. Yon want money to live yourself uud to help those around you live, und yon mut work for it, or take a shovel and dig it out of tho ground, in California a nun turns over the gravel und piekn up !'(. of gold ; iu l'cuueylvaiiiu men blast out coal ; in New Jersey men raise fruit ; iu Vermont men break marble and :,lato out of thu hill i ; oil' the ooust men let down lines and bring up lish. Each of these can sell h's gold, his apples, his coal, slute, lnari'le, or cod lish, for money. Kach li.d found some new wealth .that did not eist be -fore, and thus, in ttiu, these uivu p row rich without taking anything from any one. This is wliut is meant when it is said thut nil wealth comes out of tho ground. Every summer the far mors uud planters ai-o tniliious of bushels of corn uud millions of pound of cottcn atid tobacco. All this is new wealth out of fio ground, aud thus it is that tho ?outitry grows richer uud richer every year. Other men tuke thoe vast stores of corn uud cotton aud ti'ansplunt them to the const or to foreign countries, or they feed the com to cuttle and pig-, or weave the cotton into cloth, and thus add still more to tint value of this weulth. The people who buy the cattle and tho cloth pay both the farmer and the niuunfactnrcr, aud thus both get money. Now, which of these great trades are you going iuto '! Do you tueau to dij; money oat of tho ground in the shape of corn, c itton, potatoes, vegetables or fruit? do you mean to cam money helping to carry these things from one place to another, or do you mean to wolk these things over into new chapes, und thus muko IU' tiey by adding to their valuo ? An apple under u tree in a Now Jersey orchard is worth, perhaps, a ceut. Take it to tho Washington Market and it is worth two cents, carry it up town to a retail store nnd it is worth three rents, make it up into a tart nt the confection er's and it will bring four cents. Not ono of tho four men who handled tho apple got more than u c ut. The far mer hud tho first cent because Hie apple came from u tree thut grow in the ground ; tho expressman got u ceut for currying it to murket, and the retail denier paid these two cents, anil charged the confectioner uuother for bringing it to him. The confectioner paid tho three cents und clnrgcd another con for cooking the tipple. The person who uto tho tart paid four cents at the cud. This shows tho lelatious of the groat trades- ugricultnro, commerce and manufacture. Agriculture includes farming, planting, gardening and stock raising. Commerce includes the Irans portution of goods from one place to another, und the eu-huuge ,i goods, buying aud selling. Manufacture in cludes all the trades where men change one thing into another, muko bricks out of clay, shoes out of leuther, every li. iug from oaipentry tn weaving, ship build ing, glass making, painting, watch mak ing. Besides theso trades are the pro fessions where men study particular subjects and then sell I heir know ledge for money, nnd these include tho doc tor, lawyers, editors und many others. You can choose uuyono of these you like. The United States itt the i idlest country iu tho world. It is an agricui -turul nation and it produces millions of new nnd real wealth every year. It is ii vuit country, with great rivers und a long sea coast. All this agricultural wealth must bo moved every year and vast sums of money will be paid to lb" men who cun do it. There are forty millions of people aud they want hats aud shoes, furniture, books and tens cf thonsiuds of other thiugs. Never was thero such a chttt.co offered to young men as here. It is a big country and there is plenty of room for every muu able and willing to work. It may bo a trifle dull in some pluc -s, lv.t there are tho farms, the l ivers aud tho ruilroads and all this great nation of penplo. These things mean business, and some one is going to get it. Y'on wnut a chance, an 1 it is the aim of the Press to take np each trade in turn and to point ont its advantages and disadvan tages, to show what its prospects are and to help yon, as far as m:iy be, to choose the ono in which you are ni' st likely to succee I. "Few women know tho iuiportauco and value of their beauty until they havo lost it," was said by Madame Roland. The bime-Kilii ( bib. Tl.o blowing of noses in the north west corner of Paradise Hall finally e.iine to un i ud, and when Trustee Full back hud Hung his whole soul into one grund effort to cough his head off, und fuilod, Brother Gardner iiror.o und said : ':My k ntrymen, when you meet a man who knows just what-' he l.jn ;r roy a dollar who his friends iu boaf political patties -who gits invitation to all church ft stivals who am giner ally spoken of ns u good feller, you have l'oiiu' a mun who makes a study of human natttr'. Do student of anatomy carves up a cadaver to diskiver how do bi nes urn put logeder whur' do mtis ties lie how do vital organs urn uailed ou. De good feller studies do liviu' 'ste'id of de 'lead -do mind 'stead of the body. Dohumau ttind am full o' co'us. Tread on unci f 'i m an' dat' am a back iicshun to or.ee. If 1 should want a live-dollar bill airly M jnday niornin' I should slip over an' ux'Dcakou J.icksou for it. His big eo'n am de belief dat no cue kin be saved onions he am bup ti" I in de fiber, and I have bin kterful to walk nil nroiin' d it eo'n. I go obcr to his house wid u j:u; u' cider in out) Im' au' baptismal aigyments in de odder, an' sometimes he feels so good dat he'd like to douse ni in the rain bar'l. "If I wanted some onion uds I'd go over to Elder Tiffs'. I e Elder's co'u am a belief dat he wus bo'n fur a great prni' her. I've walked all ober him a hundred times, but I.e neber stubbed my toe agin dat eo'n, I've sot down nith Ir.tu an' praised do build of hi' head, :m' de shape of his mouth an' his p'.se and gestures, uud I.e stuck to de clia'r while In; talked u;i' cavorted fur a s! night hour. If I wanted onions he'd fall down collar to git 'cm fur me. ' When you c me ucioss a man who imagiues dat he um an orator, donn' gibe his booms ; it won't hurt anybody to let him keep right on liukiu' so, but it will make him your deadly inemy if yon try to conwiuce him dat he was cut utit fur ii l lacksmif. Dar' um people who write s;.itl' a-)' cull it poetry. lac got a l.aybor who writ forty-four varses of such stuff las' full, an' lead it to me an' axed my cu'idid opinyuu. Did 1 tell her it was bosh V Did 1 jump frew de winder when she re.iched de second varse '.' Not much I I listened wtd de utnios' diligi uce, an' when she litiished de I ts' line I advised her to publish u book o' poem-1. Do ne' week I fell i"l., au' dat poetess Was fust, on de gn ti'i' wid cbi.'keu-l.i oth an' currant- jell. "When 1 moot it mau who aui sart'n dat our city giiv'ruent will go to smash if he doun' git oflice, I iucon.t ge him I iuc "iir.ige do young to become Wu'hing t us 1 inconrage de ole to hang on till de world has Io rccogui.e deir greatness. A word ut de right time means de loan of a dollar menus thirty oil' when you want n new whitewash brush uioaus u bushel o' lime flee gratis - moans a recommend if yen want tojiuede pur leccn fo'ce. Tech my co'ns an' I'll want to kick ye. Ml men am dc same. Call 'cm co' lis or call m hobbies, but he who goes slasliin' around widout caring whar' he puts his b i t will make iwenty inemies wlmr' hegainsor.o friend. Study your man. Tak" him apart -put him togedor - tin' out liar' his cj'us l.iy. an' do!' step high nil' softly." ',. ';.. A Welsh Scrtnnt. In Wales, a niuid iu servitude is con sidered much more r 'spcetablo than the ftic'.ory girl, or indeed any other r.irl wh.i works with hi r hands, unless it be the girl "in business,'' who is what Americans politely call a "salclady," though in Grout P.ritian she is not in frequently a ucller of gin and beer - or iu other words a bar maid Bar keep ers of lb uiiseuiiiie gender, it may be remarked by the way, are nearly un known iu Wales, unless au exotic of American origin. The masculine bar -tender of Americ.i is un outgrowth of pioneer roughness - n condition of so ciety in which pistols and bowie knives were mauy. and womeu few. There is hardly a better servuut in the world than a really good Welsh maid. She nwre nearly approaches the best French model than any other I have known. Of course she has not the training in certain pol ished customs which tho French ser vant has, but her deftness, alacrity and politeuess nrt equally great. The po liteness of a servant to n;i employer is as clear and fair a thing as any polite ness on earth. Its proper expression is far removed from servility. The ser vuut in Wales who is not polite is thought to be lacking iu the social cul ture befitting his or her station. The wages of servants, while very much be low those now so common in tho United States, are, ns a rule, better than the earnings of any other women on their soc'iil plane. A situation iu a wealthy family is something to hope for and dream of a genuine social elevation to the d: nghters of the humble cottagers. Iu tho spring of ltWi William Peun with eleven others purchased East Jer sey. Ho embarked for that colony in September of the name year. 1 lie DanilolliHK. 'Hi. . 1 a 1 1 I lions "ii the lawn, That "pel at nijjli'. yellow briulit ! l!n' i re ,i sMiniii. r u huh la gnno Tli ".i'-t . liiitiKcl towbio , iiii.l any lijdi', Art lioric by It. up aii l mi. To I' ft. I rilit, soon out of Mijjlit. M v ti ii'ii'K y. t. ii' li a b as.'ii tlm, l"n il in tin' l'l.i ', next is .limy ; An I hi. li ivi-i so ttitli us. A iiu'.-l oiiiynf tirav. nii'l Wliii,. . it. li ..ti. I.II..W- that i ncli mi" must ."s. ii loin I., p'tay un l pass away. IIT.MS OF INTEREST. A grout boro tho Hudson rivor tun nel. Tho predominant colors of the male oriole are black and orango. The year J'JUO will bo the last year of tiio nineteenth century. The iui'ials C. S. I. after Edwin Arnold's name stand for civil service, India. Tho largest shipping business done in the world is done ut Liverpool, England. Thomas ( asey, bookkeeper for R. A. Eckles, grocer, of Leadville, has ab sconded. His accounts aro short 7,000. iambliug was the cause. The clergymen of Chicago ale deter mined to put a stop to Sunday night theatricals. They euu do it by giving a better show themselves, so as to draw the crowd uud muko tho theaters lose mouoy. Fuir competition is always allowable. A Louisville boy stole his mother's mocking-bird und sold it to a man who hud just lost ou", taking flic dead bird in exchange. The good lady was over whelmed ut the dei.th of her pet and gave him a tearful burial, at which her son, the money jingling in his pocket, assisted with great solemnity. The three Mondays spoken of by old writers us being unlucky are : The first Monday in April, which day Abel was slain ; second, the first Monday of August, tho day Sodom and Gomorrah were confounded ; third, the third Monday of December, on which day Judas Iscariot was boro. The St. Louis Pimt-lK.-tj-nlch pub lishes accounts of tho winter wheat crop from over one hundred nnd fifty different points in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Juiiiinu, Ohio, and Michigan, ull 'd which aro quite favorable, and represent the wheat crop in an advance stab1, and the prospects for a good crop to be vorv fine. Ill MOKUl S. A St. Louis editor found a nickel on the street, and wrote a hulf-column edi torial ou ' Our Increase of wealth." "Why, are you alive yet, my old friend? I heard you wero dead." "Nice friend, you are. Y'ou didn't even come to my funeral." Au Irish editor says "that in the ab sence of both editors, the publishers havo succeeded iu securing the services of n n iiili-iii'iv to edit the paper this Week." A lazy fallow onco declared in public company that ho couldn't lin el bread for his family. "Nor I," replied an indus trious mechanic; "I um obliged to work for it." The heroine of u recent iesthotic novel published iu England, remarks: "Mar riage is like u bag of snakes in which there is one eel. I suppose, dearest," turning to Ler lover, "you are the eel." "Have u plnco for everything, and everything in its place." Somehow or other this won't work; we have a big plae'e for our wealth; but we'll be hang ed if we can put it tbere We haven't any. Tkii iikh - Feminine of fnur? First bright boy Hasn't any. Teuchei-Next. Second bright boy Nuu. Teacher That's right. First bright boy indig nantly ejaculates That's just what I said. Eosa McWhortk-berry heard her mas ter remark ut the dinner table the other day tlint Kismet nietiut "fato," and this is the reason why she o astonishoel her mistress by remarking the next day to Belinda, the chambermaid, "Oh, Ba lmily, I cun scarcely walk wid the big chilblains over my two Kismets." A New Y'ork paper says the will of the rich ma" o' the future will read: "To tho respective attorneys of my children I give my entire estate and worldly goods of ull description. Personally to the children and to my bedoved wifo I give ull that retnuius." This instrument will satisfy the family and save the trouble of proving tho old man insane. "Well, what do yon want here?" re marked Mr. Smith, as he sat np in bed aud addressed a professional burglar, who stood in front of tho bureau. "I want money and bonds," hissed the bur glar through his edenched teeth, "and quick about it, too." "My friend," re tortenl Smith, "I've been looking for thoso things for the last twenty years without success; but go on with your bnrglury, I'm aleepy." ( o. la yiel.ln to onions lido magic, but Dr. Hull's I'oiiIi Syrup i a still better ami by far more aKi ei'iililii nifuna of curing a Cold or Ch'ikIi. Von i an buy a bottli for 25 canto at any (Iran "lorn, aid we ar mire it will do the work every titno. if.' n tmmmnv i,w'tiis,',iAm3W