THURSDAY, APRIL '27, 1SS2. H. A. LONIJON. Jr., Editor. The Democratic Executive Coin ,,,, ltal- mitteo of this State will meet in eigh, on the '.h day of May, for the ininioso of fixing the time und place for hohlin.' the iwt State Democratic ,, ,. . ,. ... Convention. Ihis convention will- nominate candidates for Supreme Court Judge, and Representative from the Statc at large, oiul will also ratify the nomination k b made by the district conve-itions for Superior Court Judges. We suppose there is no need of the convention meeting earlier than Clio middle or last, of July. That is a leisure feason with the fanners, and it oupht to bo held at a time when they can convenient lr attend. o do not want a convention composed of scheniing politieans and aspiring office-seekers, but of the n;btautml farmers of the eonnfrv, ami their con veniottee should be consulted. The city of Raleigh is the most eotivev.ieut and accessible place tiiat can br select ed for holding tlie convention, and we presume that place will be selected almost unanimously. That city is cer tainly the place, to which the greatest number can go at the least expense. According to a rulo adopted in 150 iho mnnber of delegates is limited, aO that our cidiventions will not be unwieldy niobs. F.ach county is enti Sled to ele-t one delegate for every three hundred demociaiio votrs. one delegate for fractions over one hundred and fifty votes, t ast therein .it the last gubernatorial election. Chatham county will, therefore, be entitled tost i.d seven delegates. The basis of representation in the l!epu! lican convention is different, as they allow each county twice as many dele gates as the cr,iit:y ha members of t In House of Representatives n the Leg. Islature. Chatham, therefore, in the Republican State and District Con ventions will I entitled to have only four delegates. Tii E::n.-.f.s of President Gar field's illness, that ai - proposed to be paid by Congress, are enormous. Early :n thesess-on a select committee was appointed by the House of Ib-p-resentat ives to audit these expenses, and this committee has made two reports. The majority report appro priates SS.'i.Oiio to the attending phy sicians, of which sum Dr. P.liss is to have !?2.),0OU'. The n.' rejmrt objects to these allowances as being excessively extravagant, and we doubt no': this is the opinion of the tax payers of America. Garfield was shot on tue '2nd day of July and died on the lth of Sqtc"nber. so that tl-o doettvs attended him less than three ti: ;itns. and vet it is proposed to pay bill if it wre it nil certain that iie.ii one of tliein S'.'o.OiiO for his services v apprepriafed for that purpose for that short time a sum that used to be thcught sufficient for a whole, year's salary for t tie Pror i.b'nt.s '. If sur t't ngressmen themselves had to pay some of their extiavagant appro priations they would not bo so gener ous1,?) and wasteful of the public f'tnds. A Cki.f:kate? tr ' was begtui last week at New Haven, Connecticut, aud will probably be in pi egress for two or three months: we refer to the trial of the Msd'.ey boys and Utaneho Doug lass for tin? rrotrder of Jennie Cramer. The ease has u.u'acted much attention, and the evidence r: ;aint the accused is wholly circumstantial. The Mill lev nr y ' ting men of wealth and social Ht.. u'.ing, and are rhnrged with out raging then murdering their vic tim, win. was a beautiful young woman f good lepoit in New Haven. Qi'" Vii Touta's would be assassin has been tried and acquitted on the plea of insanity. Tlie trial began last Wednesday and ended the sa.ue tlav. This was in striking contrast with the protracted trial of Garfield's assassin. One trial occupied only one tlav, aud Hie other v;m dragged along for more than two months! The superintend ... . , . , euts of two insane asylums tectUicd to Macleans insanity, ami the jury promptly acipiitted him. An I.VEsn.iTioN is nt last about to be made of tho charges and complaint aai.wt the Internal Revenue olliciuls in iho Sixth Collection District of this Htato. Senator Vance has succi edetl ill securing tho passage of a resolution Li the iippointment tif three Senators to conduct the investigation, which wo hopo will be thorough and search ing. Very grave ami serious charges have beeu made, ami they should be iully investigated. The Kisrriii.ieAN Kxeeutiva C'om- rti'teo of this Congressional District . . LJ , . , , - met tit Kaleigh last week uud decided to hold their District Convention at .Raleigh, on the 2nd day of next i Aub.Rt, when and where thcr will D . 1 nouiieiUe sonjpltodv for Oei. Cox to lit feat at the i.eit tied ion. The Anniveihaky of Mecklenburg's laiation of Independence will la ftfllni.. i l Me Smm ,n,u""w- Hnd eont-lu.lo tint it will Charles Kobert Darwin, the well of next May. in , giands na- ot ,,,v 1beui , , ,, ,p wlll, tin' tnmvu scientist and author, is ileaJ. tor lwvaiil, of Delaware, will deliver , breach m tlie Repub'ican p.utyofi anoratiohfti.i.ronmtetotheoecasioM.llVniisvlva.ii tut the eipciiso of g- toHi coiuluctorn on the CinciD .... .I it i i n 4i in.' them nn n!"1 t'nyton liatlroad have beeu ami it is probable that nearly nil the ' ' ft. lv. ... .., ,,. discharged for stenhm. mi itarv companies of the State will!,. ... , . , ,, ., , , . tr i Senate, is too big for all the chairs attend. Han- in .lt, t,lmlllWr nm !w,i , .J:IV. or cock will honor the occasion with his presence. ; ! , .. . ., ... II a I'd on Lveritt. young democrat, named C.eorgo 1. Kveritt. changed his politics an. I became a strong republican, ami finally succeeded in ousting Vv. Wheeler (tu old tire-tried republican) from the office of llevciuio Collcer.r n the x'if 1 1 Iistrict. and in wttm -the place fur i,im.rlf. In order to aiu popu l:1L-;ty with the negroes he went to -tu,:r Convention, hi'i.l at (Joidshoi .) i.lst ,iith, and thu tioldsboro" Si j,.,',. n- a negro) thus spea! lUU . We have some experience in po'i , ami the underlmmVd workings It of tricksters. lUit the nitinner in which the lbn. tieo. 15. F.veiitt con- ducted hunselt sit and in the colored State Convention in (' on the -".Mi ult. astonished many good people in this section of tlie State, wluie he had the good fortune to spend his boyhood. He said on the when on his way to the Coiiveii- tion -thtit lie wnnted to he treat.M -is IX colored man in the Corntion. and that he wanted the f!ored men to consider his claims as though he was a negro.' We are sorry to note that the manner in which he acted put Us more in mind "f a "boss' negro at a crn husking than a white man wlo claims to be K. vt iiue ( iieetc r of the Ftl'lh Di-triet of North Carolina. He uose.I the Convention for two days trying to get a chance to speak, but whether he was a delegate from Forsyth county we are not advised, though ho was in regular attendance at the 'on.-ei.tion and showed a dis position at several tittles to speak when the j'tliciaiv resolution was under discussion. However, the even ing bt fore the Convention adjourned he w:u pei '.uittt d : few minutes to address it upon the condition of the e h-red pt in tlie ."th Revenue District of North Carolina. We sin cerely hope that Mr. Kwritt w ill never be persuaded again to surrender his dignity and follow op a negro con vention, for we feel for any white i.iau who has not tiiug more to doth.-iti loaf around a e lored convention es pecially where be is not wanted and may the Lord .1. liver him hereafter from such a position." Our Washington Lot tor, From etr rsulnr i'.' . WsniN,-,r n, D. (., Apiil 22 1, 1SS2. The last week has not been au t-spit lal'y good oil" for II iheson, as the House eetptitted itself by practi cally sitting down en one or two t f h s pet sc hemes especi a ly the navy ri c )js!nic'io!i j ib. There wou! I ivt i)e li.ileh el i-cti ni to tii Nav would be honest i v f xnemleil. All Anierieans feel more or less ashamed t'f the puMtioii we occupy iiinong iIih Nutionn us a maratine p .we r, and wimld be wiiiing t see it somewhat improved. Rut thm condition of af fairs is as much line n, Robeson and hi) course us S it i v of the Navy as to all other u.n gs nmdiined and there is a fee'ii r i . . -1 he is not the proper person to U;..niptihite tho wmk of building up. The present .-eii. tue is believed tti he a job, and Mich it has been in exceedim;! bad odor. Tilt re is one thing Robe son can do and have his own wav about it he em run the Sptaiker. anil, nt the present rate, if ho don't run him into the ground, politiesilv speuking, hi fore the end, i lus term 1 shall be disappointed. In fact it ts as good iih tlone already. No Sp ":IS t,v' r l)M'n K" "i'po'nlar or nimie siicti un uumit.gatfd pnrti siati ass of him.-eif. The Siiipheitl investignti n ban taken Hemttthing of it different tntn this week and promires nf'er nil to bo somewhat interesting. Snipherd himself, who has for the time disap peared from tlie pc-ne, has made tlie impression iierw that he is a mart, tpnek wit ted person, who nmy or mny utit be tilling the I ruth, but who is clever enough to iuitk what he says look likti the truth. His half ct.i.ri- leiices and his refusal to testify on many most, important points wei'tken ,uu U)r'B wltil UM ''as revealed oo ff XU,U;M Lt" l1 1't''- stautiute the luati rial points bvoth- t.r eyidence than h.s ow u what he has sid will itmount to but little. He uas beeu, on the w bole , too snou t I. r in the bc"in- tlie comnntlei us the I.pnh.nau part of it wmt, in .'.isi-Livcr uioro ttnm it ootil.l ht-in I llil.' IlilVe i-nri .11'v ,,.,...,.1 . .....I objectefthem.piiry.ulietherpnrpos - lvi,!,.svO .;.., say. It m ty be that bv the t IIHH 1 liis is in print we shall have got at eoim- thing ri-.tlly impm taut. Ine liifi- rcncd between the two Hi-publican Senators from l'ennsxl vumu ami their folloWKrs is, so far'ttt ippeaiuncts now go, irreconeiliible. Sjuator Mitchell say opeuly that he uteiida from this time forth to fi"ht li.ill t 'on. run .ill,.., ., ,. ..... I . . ' - ... ..., .., .,. iu wi uui in tue , n.o-u ii. i. f,,.i;,, i i v . . v..,.. v .uiiii imn llllietl llIIOIl : r w .. . i " ' , 'T Z 7 , i ,l"al l,uu wise poucy of thu Democrat in the Seuat" will be to t ind j Senator Mitchell in voting ou the I'rce-iileut's nonjiuation.t. .s a matter of policy f,om a I),,r,Jr 'F"'"' Hiere can Le It n nm,kl ,.f ll,,u 11. .4 11... I j -" I a. vis its to permit pcauuid couuidtr- ' I atinnB to outweigh party advantages, ;"' some of tin ru doubtless continue '. two airo, his third breakdown since he became, a ineiuher of that body. Ui tronhle with the lllinow Senator ' is that he forget k an ordinary chair f .,,.,; ,.. i,;,.i i ' pound' of neh which b.-Lngs i v l.... lr . .1 . 1 .11..... 1. . .v iimple (f the lito Seuattr Disou H f.ewis, ;iri. only use chairs specially const i lifted to stand the strain, Jui'g- Div!, who had put auotlier v tt;iior in tlie big, utroiigly-brnced ,!.;.r which In, occupies as pVesidm of the Sente, lisd Uen strob- mi.; mouud the eriamber to s'.releli his legs, and passing by the chair which belongs to Senator lirown, of Georgia, and is alntu lautlv able to f hold his weight t f one hundred and uvenly tive pounds, lie toot a notion to rest himself. He tank into the lnur, aud the chair sank to the floor i,, broken nieces which were f-trcwd nil over the Judge as he lav sprawl ip.f. As he scrambled to Lis feet with a seuse of injured dignity ftesh ,,poii him he saw that Senator lut- !t,r, , f South Carolina, who occupie I the next seat, wits smiling broadly, alllt uis eul- oiu'ht the whisper of some one on tin- other side styling bun the "'umbo'' of the Senat.'." lit. was so indignant that he . around the Senate chuinbi-r several tiiinn, and then, bee mil:: more composed he H.-lecti chair aft"r a ci i ie tl iie p. dt posited 1. tins. If in It. r a little I another tin. i aud Senator Under went over to him f-r inollyfy mg purpost k, but the Judge wned him t ft' aud dccl.tied to listen to him. Oil tile hist oceasj . that tin bilistetl through a chair Mr. Conkhng, who was then in the Senate, chucklnl aiidib'y, and he would tnkt any notice of him for a week after. Phono. Tin "Liberal" Movement. We copy from the Winston lb pub lican one of the "Stalwart" llcpiibii can pflpers of this State the following editorial, which we commend to the eotit-i leratiou of those anti prohibi- tion D-moerafs who favor the so calhid ' Lil tiui ' Movement: ' In our opinion there is not, cm not and eiiht not to be a liberal movement i" North Carolina. Wito ould lend it '! Sun ly nut Republi cans, because the paily is alien iy uffieienlly liberal in its piinciphs If we tain to the Dcmon-a'a for ,. Mnllolie, whom hiive w V Posaiblv tieli. CSingman, u once brilliant, but now extingu shet.1 himitiarv ; or Col. Johnson, a burnt out remnant of the olden time; or James M. Leach, an other fossil; or Charts l'i ice, a y on "gel- npiinnt fir position, alien ly f ugotten by hi-, n.n ty. Net oin. of geiitletneti liaa any following; ai d it would lie ininai.ous f i tl.e great Republican party, which, at the ia-t eh etion, poi.ed 111!. 001) vu't-s, e'.p-l. l Its i nelgtes for the inlviinci -uieiit ot un n wh.. e.nild all n ;h.iiM to its strength. What is the basis of ihis htlkidioiit l:b. rnli-:ii ? Tiisp-.ik latti'.y , it ai isi s from tlm agitation, last oumiiier, of the Prohibition ( ' l. s tloli. Tli s newspaper oppose. I the adoption of the Malllt.-, thinlsing then, and believing now, that the tpi.stion Nhetild b- npproached with extreme cautiui, n fit I rt eini.i::g the f.iet thd very mn.v of the best liepub'ucans in Nor h Carolina udvi-eatt d both sides The Repui hean pnrty is h lotig t noiigh to tight its own bat h s. It needs aid from luither itj.-eh.l anti ipi.iiies iiur uni ipe ciiiinst 1; ,- S m.e of the extremists beli-ve that the Prohibition R' p'iblieatis can be sifely ignored. We Old not belong to the Prohibition wing of the puity, but have the h ghest respect for nianv who di I; an I we .say witn fr.iuiiiies.i and ikl'.bernil 'ii, tnat in tun opn.ion lt wad not do to adopt Mii-h a puiiev of party law and government as will drive Hway from u ttiosu of ;he ",.h g'ir.rd" viiomay hive tlilTt-red with us upon this ipii-sti.'ii. T.u-y are to i btdd, tio intelligent an 1 too nnmer '.us, to be thought ligntly of; nnd if we know their temper nil I dis posiiion, ihey will not t untlv submit to nnytlni.g that woul l make them 1 .fee their Self respect. l'iiey will in it that this tpiesttoii shall be lift out of party polities; und while we dttl'-r with them ladically upon it, we ihitik tlieir ileiinin 1 not nureasoiiable A brief review . f the Prohibition agitation is not inappr riate. Win 1. it eomineiieed, no one ns we know of, thought of lt an a policed question; nor can it now 1 igi.tfuMy lie rejjatdutl m uch. Iu the Legisliit ire, Demo crats ami Eejiiibiicatis alike i-uppuried the bill; but in proponi in 10 their uielnbelH lilol'H Ke.ubhi' n,s in the (Jelielul A'sembly voted f I' it than D-inoeratB. Soiiih of the nhlrht of the Hepubiicim niembern sireiin.nilv urged it passn;t iu 11 iU ii;h, am! afterwaitls canvassed fur it amoi.e tLe, PC,? , . f , Iu the light, of these fact it he eomos a serious matter for one stelion of the Kepiil'licau party I i assume that another part is not orttio lox. There are now bundle. Is of j ist such lb-piibiieans iu the thlV.retit counties of North Carolina. Many invalitls, because it is refreshing with of them, by force of natural a llit'v out tlio hickeniug effect of most per antl character, uro ieaders in iliir fumes. locahues. lhey havn Berved . , upon inu meai i romimii iu committees, und .i ii ntn thoioimbly identified with the movemeni vet they lire as e-.od Ite- puhlicami io anyone can ctiiiu to tie.'' BriKht'a Disease oflhe liidneys, Diabetes. No danger from these di eases if you use Hop Ditters; baiil.-s, beint um oesi mmiiy lueuicine evtr unule. Trust no other. ' General Slews. . Tnc lhble upon which the Senators l,..,v.. M,.. H,.n.i. f ..rti.. f.-fifiv. three vears was stolen Wednesday , night. ' On the coast of Labrador the pen. pie are nulTering intensely for want lf fo0;L s'" have already died of tHlt.Ml, A negro doctor without experience and with a diploma only two years old has been placed in charge of the lunatic asylum in Uirhtnoiid, Va., by the Mahone Lgislature. Mf Johi y ft,.r ,)f Sl,rwil.,, C,nu i . i ;... , , u fund of $1.000,OtH), Him income of which is to bo used f r the education of frecdnien. The Detroit Free Press says that win n tliev bury a Congressman at tbo public expense the cost is about t.OOO. When his fi iends bitrv him the whiskey und cigars are left out and the bill is about $'MW. The New Jersey legislature has passed a bill that when a jury in civil eases have been tint six hours and have not agreed upon a verdict, the court shall accept a verdict from nine of the twelve it liroe-foiirt lis). A telegram from Shreveport. La , dated 'Jitd. says: The heaviest rain, w ind and had storm experienced for many years passed over t his city about daylight yesterday. Trees and fences were blown down in all parts of the town. The Court has set Monday, May Pith, for hearing the argument on (iuiteau's bill of exceptions, ('has. H. Reid will argue the case alone for Giiiteaii. Mr. Ncoville's formal with drawal from the case was read in ( 'oiirt Monday. A theological student " Pennsyl vania has become insane from an attempt to uiettiori.e the entire Bible. His memory was wonderful. He studied nothing but the Bible ami in live years he was able to repeat book after book in nearly every portion of eii her the Old or New Testament. Brown Pierce, a farm-T living near Richardson. Texas, on coming from the field to dinner, one day last week, found his wife hanging to a door knob, a'iil his three children lving on the flour, side by side. dead. The supposition is that Mrs. fierce stran gled her children and then took a strong doso of laudanum. A te! j.rra 1 ie ilesputch from Angus ta. Ga. il -.'t.i inst . says : A ti'iiu. aecotiipaiiied bv terrific rain hail. isited this section about lllitl ni'ht l:;t niht. lasting several hotirs. It is fenreil that pi'ic i lerable injury Il ls been ilmie to the ( ;ind esjie ci illy t.) the yotin;,' cott.u . which will necessitate replanti'i. The estimated rain fall is five inches. In the ease of Halh t Kilbourn against .1. . Thouipsuu. cx-Sercant-at-Arins i.f the II.i'.is.. nf Uejuesenla tives. for datitaes claimed to hare been incurred by the defendant arrest ing him ( K ill n n ii i 1 1 in IS7. and tak i!'.' him to jail, where he was confined for furty -five days, till released under a writ of habeas cm-pus. the jury rendered a er.lict for the plaintitl" of doaoii;! drillings. A Trrrilic Tornailo. A telegram from Pittsburg, l'a.. dated 'Jnih. says: Eatt r details from vesterdity's tornado at Mt. l'ieasarit iticrease the inauit 11 le of the disaster. Evt iy thin above i.,iud in the track of the storm was c.tnied into the air. O'le barn has so completely dis appeared not a splinter of it can be found. One man found his wife dead near their house with their eleven months nld child in her arms mih.irt. Two older children were so badly burned from their elothes titling , fire that they lied; they cannot, ac count fur tlie llames Two other children of tlie same tiiim will probuhly diu form similar burns. The track of the storm was narrow and through a sparsely settled 1 fL'i:i. lion it z Hotel lluinetl. A telegram to the News it Observer, from (foldsboro-. dated '1U inst.. says: llonit' Hotel iu this city was destroyed by tire ai three o'clock this afternoon. The building was brick, three stories high with foity rooms. Most of the fui nit tire was saved hut damaged. The tire was first discov ered on the roof. The cause is sup posed to be n defective line. The loss is estimated at S-KMHIil ; insur ance ii'i!. (MM). During the progress of the tire three men were slightly wounded. Th'o proprietor had left for Washington t'lty a few hour pre vious. The hotel was a handsome build ing, containing some forty rooms. It was tn Centre street, in a few yards of the railroad tracks, ami was only separated by a street from the opera hoiue. (irateful to Invalids. Florestun Cologne is grateful to A Foolish Mistake. Dmi't make the mistake of confouu- tling a remedy of merit with tpnick ; metliciiiHH. We siienk f' un exneri- ; tncewheuwu t-ay that Pu. keid (bn- yer Tonic is a sterling health rmtor- ative which will do nil that is claimed for it. We have used it ourselves , with the huppiest results for Iiheu- mnt sm v. l...n t i, .n,i- Sen adv. 'finite. Dr. WE LYNCH, DSNTIST, will visit rimjipl Hill ..u the Monday In f'tli-ll flUl. All full l.-fl Willi lr. A. II. Il..ln-ltni .r D. MiVmili.v will In r.iuptly iiiii'iidi'd to. IVI.'y J, II Patents for Inventions. E. W. ANPKIiSON. J. f. SMITH. ' ATTOIiXKVS-AT-I.AW, 700 7th St., Washington, T). C. So fn f"i iTi'llmlnary Nt ft p nn loss prtti-ui i iiIi-.wh.I. I fi n Ii hh tii.-ui anv .iiIht ri'si..iiiii'lii ftci'iii'v. lt'"'k "f hiiirin.-iiliii hont h:iric. ki'iiTuiiri't riiriilsh.-).! it) rp- I1..VI0 -tf I). T. JOIINOX, COTTON SELLER Commission Merchant. Ag't for Ikirker's Standard (Juano, And Chemieals. OltniCKS Foil j J rit'iMfl'l.Y A I' TKN Ii'!l TO. ( i ai. o, a. i:. . ... ii. rniT W ds:. i .1 nj M.aritn Sit... liAi.r.ii.n. x. c VD M I X I S T I ! A I t ) I i S N , ) T I C V,. lla'tng .iiilltl-1 lis V1iutMslriit..r ..f Mm. Am c.. ai.. dis-'iu-wl. I h.Ti i.v notify .ill hoi'lnitf rlaims iijiint sui-1 iin....(i-iii t.. ili (.ami t un' .ii t b.-r- rc tin r.ili duv ..r Aj.rU Its.'. I.. 1'. fol Nt lii, A.iin r. A.rll 6. issj. W. I. A!tliFRtN. rrltiut. A. WILIY. t'klr. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OF KALEKai, S. V. 100 Buggies. Rockaways, 8pring Wagons, &c. Vkde of thd Ust nintoniiiii ud rally warrant et), to be eoitl rcbtKrdli.ri! ot oojt. 'rartion in ; wkut will oaoHnit their own intereet i,j txtm iaiug oar stock an1 priran bvfure bnviuK. we are determined to bell, and liare oiit df n our priceii no tliny otnoot be met by taj olker bonee in the Htate. Ateo a fall Mock of. Hand 3InI Utirtiomn IlEPAIlUNfl done at bottom prioea, and in beat mmn-r. Head for pricee and rntn. a. A. licKEin AS Fayet nlle, N. Ot XKCl TOUS NilTH'K. HA V- " !NO .iimllll..,! Hs l x..-ilt..r .f llnni.f. r,k, .Ik.-i'Hs,. I, I Iminl.v !..lifv n!i .i-s..iis rlulnis niMlnst to mi', i'C ..! l-fti l- iii in i.Ii. tl ' 'i .1 i ..f .r.l. ls.:i. II. II. K1KK, l.i.'.-iii..r. THE KSWPEERLESS SEPARATOR roit 1S32 t' t i- v -i.i mhvln tin. i;i inn. 'rri-lii'iii, N. ,1. irl.e list , .i I Ir.'M ' I t'T .liir.liiulr. i-l.'niilii.-, nil. I Mmiiitn. 1 111. I l.v I: iil .1: s,n, t,..'ii. 'icni..ffiii. A,. W I.. I UNIMIN. l !Msl..,i..-, N. c., ' til f.'r i'ha-!i.,ni is initj . Ai.rtl .',1 ;i:n. VOll SALE. An Mffiifi, Tavbr Esrss-Fewer Will I... I .;i . ..I us -rns--ii. 1 l .in .1!.. .:ir: 1.1., in- .-ii :(n-! -..i I... 1 . M m.i. a: M.v.r.-.- liiuT. r, J M- s Me, in April in, ins-: 1 , I'te-i-.p.-. N. C. PARKER'S CIIMCER TONIC Ai Invlgoratlaa Ktedltlrt that Ntvtr Intoxleitti 'l hi ilf li.iom r..itil.,.i .11..H rf t.irt-rr. IturSil, M.iii,liis. Stillit. 1; . .. e.l many btl-.'r i-f ttie Lrll V'gtit.Ip Ifinntiri kii.wii. ti:i I itisoiitrit of Uic Lowei, stuiiirfli,, kt.:iir kn.lluri;, Ail Tht Beit and Surest Cough Cur Ever tlief. If vim are iuf':V:iti(; ft ,nt IVtu.-'c l '..mpt-iiutt, Nert"iisnf ."-.Vi', Kl ,.i.m.iiini l.yitp i'1 ' r nny ii:.r .1 .1? rr ii.::n.rv. t.--c l'j:l;tr't Om'rr T.u.l. . l v ill stiriMtllieii L14IU Anil body and give ) 01 new iiie ami t i'ir. IOO DOLLARS Pjiit for .spvtliinpiniunon, f.iind 111 Omger Tonic ei for f .lime lr. i,r,p nr cute, ffc- ,.l : ,.i. ,1 .!... io..r r Irr, Hnekattoc It Sua. tnai hi ,.r.....r lv Hi,, , k c-, I'.l 'n Ji.S .f. J ONLY THREE CENTS is what it will rust ymi to write us ami secure our circulars and prices, of tire MOST ELA1IOUATJ3 . .. Complete Stock Auricultaral Impleiuents & HacMnes evt r t.flcrcd iu our State. S(K) bushels Fiel.l Peas. 8(M bushels Extra Early (irorgia Cut toll Sectl. OnCMAKD I! I! ASS, MILLET. Farly Amber Sugar Cane Seed. ENGINES, SAW MILLS. REAP EI IS, MOW EES, TIIEfiEAV TIIRESIIEU ANI SKI'Vlv-VTOU lloto s JOO. " r,tl' f,,r l'." tieiil;us. L. L. FOLII Ci CO., , liALEDllI, -N. C l-jl"'?l',ilu,,ll'T '"ie" V V-MSnJ,,i,le'.. nd -1 ' Menu. I April 1J ini. lm IWisccllancons OUR or Spring and Summer CLOTHING, HATS, IS COMPLETE AND OUR GRAND SPRING OPENING Will tatii Place April 4ft. To which we respectfully invite our friends and th - public generally, BISRWANGEll BROTHERS' LEAPING CLOTIIILKS AND TAILOIW, l'ayetteville Street. Opposite V. S. P. O., RALEIGH, H. a 15' Orders sent by mail will receive RALEIGH MARBLE WORKS. I. W. DURHAM, FA YKTTE VILLI! Sf., KALEKJH, N. ('. DZJAIEII IN ative m mm granite m marble mcsumeits, II K. INTONES, T All LETS, ('. OltHKH- ll:o .v -.I.K! AND SA I I.SfACI ION (ilAft ANTKID. i"i m i. 01: uitriK i--..ii run v. ax.i in mi.n. m EE UTILIZERS IX STOIII-: AND ,',nll1 1'liiti'tsc. n. si in .Hi'l Mi"ii!.ir. ..i.s iiiiiu. ;t .,11 1.1 .i,,,. 1 ,..,... Tln..!iy H;,j . Him Illicit. I- St I 1 ties l.'iv. .iisi:..h llaviil W In:.. n...... MB. j.mi.1 hu-ti.'ls Mil-c an 1 Miv 1 c .in. l.lhM ST lis n s.i Lull i.iiiin.,, ."sin mi. ks Wnikri V n l'i,. , i., Conies, Sugars, Tlour, Iffcw Cuba and Wow OrUaas Iuola;scs, and a full lino of othor goods. Tin. i;.s.,s nni 1,,. ,... ,. ,,w , B;)V , ,.. ,ir k. , M1 , aij t,mr,,l4. .-.hi i-. iin i..ini) r liiiinnl :i. hI..' iiim..niaM.I ..iimii.. hii I . i. l'h.i,i rt L. i the lei eatrM In Oils Ml.irk'l. t'lul li, 1 .Xa'IIIM- l!: Ml I ..11. .lir.'lr,lllC v . 01ClCI-i, WV.V'I'T V TYI.()ll. llHl. Uh. N. l .. Vnr.'li I, t.shj. SELDOM Elf I 'ALLF.D! ALLISON & tit. CtMIPLETE 31 A X Ult E .rou Corn, Cotton and Tobacco! No fertilizer ever introduced has undergone severer tct. orrom ooi of them with a better rt cord, than the C4- TJ j ri -rvr otui jDi-auu uompiete manure. If has been in use in Virginia ami North Carolina since 187.1. nd dar ing that tune has been np.lied to all kinds of soil under every Yariaty f season. Evidence that it hat gi en general ami great satisfaction i fouad in the fact that since its introduction over 20,000 Tons have Lei n sold in this market alone : ami also in letters eertifiraUt trwm 5.000 Planters and Farmers of Virginia and North Carolina, who have used it from one to eight jMtrft all going to establish it as a f.n-t that, all things considered, it is Equal to Any and Surpassed by TJone. Wo ofTer it with great confidence fur use on the ('ottos, Com tad Toiuito crops o be planted in 1SS2, with the assurance that it i ia all re.pee!s fully eipia! l-i what it has been inthojam. Knowing tlie maUriala which enter into its comj tuition, and niamifactui i:ig it under our paraoaal surper ision, we GUARANTEE THE STANDARD. It litis bet-ii Ihe aim of nil conm-eted with the Guano to product tkt best possible fertih.-. r nt the lowest pos.-ible eoi-t. ami we rlaim thai tar extended experience ami unusual resources ami facilities have enabled at to approach (his mme nearly than has been ibue iu nnr tither fertilirar witfc w hich we are itcipiainted. Thoe who have been usiiifr it unite with ut ia t'.e opinion that By its Use the Consumer Qota tho Greatest SeBofit from the Smallest Outlay. An ordinary application nf this (iuano will cause nn increase of 10P io 20it percent, in quantity -at the same time improving the quality tatl hastening the maturity of the croo. For sale by our Agents at all important points nt price as low anal ta as lils ral term as uuv other standard hiih i'iade fi'itilizur. Wa anliaaa your confidence and patronage. y, L, LONDON, Ap'iit at Merry Oak.. J- G- FOUSHEE, A't February it'.. lKS-J. 2ims. AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSPHATE I w XL1VIS0N&C9 BALTIMORE -a Total Oonc Pho&. Ammowa 2 1 tv 30 9 5tU-To2 ':M 2tq2X . J.tif 1 Saaaaia aMaaihtaft Potash W1I. DAVISON' St CQi 118 W. Lombard St., Dltimore. Advertisement. STOCK prompt attention. and SUPPLIES DAILY AKIilVINti S..IIH1 A.-ksStlMMlftWl riCllpSi'.. Il.lkn. I. k Orarnm rnrk sjiiallty inaMltt4 tiUIUI". 1,ih mi. 1.11714.A-ti . j. 1,1 fii.'s.i;i, (ueraaie4 I.. I. r Un- int-lis. grmir In Hi uii.rki, tm 1.1 i on' . aiHilnM l'li...iorl- Arl. ,Viii s. ks iini.iwiH'a Anun.'iilatwl lwelf4 ii. -in.. NEVE It EXCELLED I ADDISON'S ALI.I.'-'OY k ADDISO.V, MiUiiifitft titers, li..'hmond, Va. I Ml t:', I'K.vjd, .Xfonrure ant! Jif. gAVEMOMl BUY FOR CASK. TJELTF.VING the past 5eon hi tet Avintcd the intelligent class of plan ten. thut it Vrntllil )it llllr In l,v for fmk .jm man v.oiiun opium, we oner liin First-Class Fertilizes (rtiii.i(jTAimii.) rlirrct tothr l'lmiter for fjuperton iaaav loail lets, l.rvt uanliocs $12 per Iota, Nt Agents. 'Mhisc onlf who tan pf Cash, reel write fur prices. Finiwa' Chilis, (nangcrs anil tlraleit art inTilrd ha visit our Winks or write us. We alto ia pint ami manufacture a full line of Agricultural Chemicals, such at Acid 1, Sulp, Ammuvii. Nitritt Sol.i. Kainit. Ac. All roU sut.jt'ct to nnaiyti of lhtOV. T'AHNM', Director tf Ajj. Fxp. Station. twit mm r anknown lo jron iuk jumw lafev U.UlHfc

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