limn. niiiiiin ii) 'i THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1882. H. A. LONDON. Jr.. Editor. The Benefits that have accrued to Ihe eastern counties of this State from the present system of county govern ment cannot be overestimated. Many of counties had become fir an- ciiillv bankrupt under radical misrule, Our Wusliinstoii Letter. From our RpguUr Oom'iudiMit.) State UcWS. Winston Leader: T. 13. McCain I was a member of the colored Mftho- Wo bear that!"1'8' chnrch. He isn't now. Some Wilson Advauoe ' a murder was committed near Fie-1 f ll0 congregatioii of that cburcb WvsmsGTiN D C Mav 27th 1SS2 j niout on Friday night, a white man, ' raised about fifteen dollars to juir Belwccu the, 'lection ..testi.. lhaT kLO,wu. , 'c"!:.".? VllUST A DBAn.ocK again disgraces the Congress of the United States, this time boinp in the House of Represen tatives. I -A year, it will be remem bered, a deadlock existed iu the Senate daikevs and won their motif v. In tor, the Iisv. It. Smith, and the moi return they shot hiui with a pistol. Jev was placed in McCain's h-inds. v. i x. r i ! He f liled to aecotiut for the same, imd lialeigh isitor May .Oth: Oanio-' . , i... .... i. and their count v orders are as good : politics have been unusually lively bell Perry, colored, liad a cabbage in ! .,,,..,1 ,i..r ..r,.ti.; h (i,i ,,i i I. lwviiua nf (1,,n,ri-.ii ,in.t lia at. and now under democratic rule they , ,eution attracted bytiie revolt aainst have paid their lormer indebtedness j the Camerou rule iu Pent sylvsiiia lliVS anu inu lesu ug ouung inu msi. lew uatun tu.a morning won u r e raise,, rillbnrs0 tl)0tie wu)s0 Cou!i.h-ncH he lavs. senator .u i, -lieu is it -lui i , in ins im u iincn mm which meiir- , i i, i , i ...i. . .!. i I as cash. The Wilmington Star I . ji.. i.i: i... i .! tOT1J ' ' rf fojl uJ the iudi-lured over three feet across the top "V, 1 7ht, in,, 1 Tllf eein the nuances of Sew Hanover : :.....,.... 'iv, . ' .v.;i,...i .,; i t, .L books he had hght.ned and the for several weeks upon tuo quesu m , uutv tll!,t Iliust fieil)lv impress . ,.,,,1 President Arthur will eventually the Flat Dutch. of selecting a secretary of that body, . rvprvboilv vili the difference between j regret having treated him so nucoin- j 'h'teville Eater-prise- Three ne which we then deuouueed as a national , Wj,.a'n 1UK1 democratic rule. In i pivmiaingly. Governor Curtiu , rrros went into tlm safe of Mell-ie disgrace, and it is much to be regret- tlo ,m,i stm conTeistu. m .ow y. ago ut BrotUerll in shor-lb-el one night last ... , iii n .... ; ' ; me luoepeu.iiiui, movement, i 41...I- 41... tTniwli clmill.l HOW filllOW ' V l TI 1 Ck, amount of three bun -r eiecii. 01 iiim-. iri' j .c.u. .... j ... ( ire,, dollars. Th.-v were flia nivsent deadlock is the cousnlora- :.,;..,.., .i, i..,;,, . ;..,.,, ,n. of such men as Mitchell aud Marshall .. ..mi ... . - tion of the contested election case of , . , or com,,;, ' ,.. Zisnnxmued I" ,lot. U H'Iy esti.natH.1 This j 1 ' . er as man and wife f ,r sometime past, . Tvt,u f,,,, . . , if no local lit'lit, lut a contest tor t ne ' """ uuu ra muhui un o)hun uus oei-n Mackey against Dibble, troin Mouti Uu, coullty mmllt.P8, 6(, that when tlie J ioUjimtiotl tll0 SuiW(M.t faction, 28tU i.wt., in St. lV.m s township uniel. ntitig in bis demands for the Caroliua. At the election of 1'SSO i ..oll,,tv nvi-.iinissionets ,..itroU th. i.i!ir!iin..i v of the J'ne MeKeliar and Francis McNair. woman to marrv him. For som.- pouuos. it was . . .,,.:, ....illl i,,oliu,r McCain f.otn their thick. Wilmiigtn R.virtw: A most fou' and brutal niuidr uas com- ! the luJepeu.hiUt movement isassum-1 , ... . t ' i ;Hte.l at Orton p antat.on n bout . nesdiiv. ltnllii .Tonnn hiiiI D.ivii. SvL-, a arieste.1 , , , ., ' j uoiu viuuirti, unit) .M'tiu livill .'Hll' Mackey wns the republican ,ul 1 0ilm0 jnto power in 1S7S it was found party in Pennsylvania as it just now 1 !h colored women, engaged in a ; reason the wotnau persistently refus-! O'Connor was the democratic candi- Lj t the bonded debt cf the countv Happens to con'ttol Ihe National or- j deadly affray, when the latter ft ib- ed and Sykes became j.'alous and l.,tfl for Ponrrrpss in the Charleston ' ' , i. ,,. 1,1 . auizition through Federal patron-, be.l the former through the heart, angry and while she was holier house, date for Congiessm the Uiaili ton . a:lloulltl,, t() xm aUtl tiu. ,.0UIlf) n Gauim is' ,iWv death. .with no one with but a little district. O Connor was decltueU duly . j f,r 0, weiv not woith over ,.? B,r:.., t. tt... 4nl,..;! .. .r , : child, en.i.-ht her and .t lior Ihnuit i-ivxt" t o" ...... . kv urr pi 1 tin 1 1 mn m nrn r-iin- n - - - 1 IVIiscellaneous Advertisement. elected, and receivea ins cemmaie 01 , fort mjts on tiJ(? ,ii!;ll.. mv, tlftt.r , rlllaitnisf ration us uulooked for as i: election, but having died bt'foro Con- years' ti i;d of the present system I will bs diatrons to StaUartism. If gresa convened a special election was ef C0Ulltv .rOVeniment. tho countv of tuo J-'t"J'H'll"s act wtset ain nomi- a t.ow f,. y', worked her on the f im held, at which another democrat. ; Ncw Uawlv can boast that shohas U!"e tilS "'r .m hicl! m',,k' tW.,;;,e" f "fT' V?1 Da,ned Dibble, wa, declared elected i not OMe t.out of floating indebtedness. n'r ; ami ; ::;:t::!:,;;vl;t:X,f1,:::i. and was givcu a ccrUticate of election ; ti1!lt an ti,e ,.mmty 0ih is me oroiupt and took h;, seat at the opening of the lv .l0U jllvs0I,t,.,l 'il-ir f..r present session. Soon after O'Coti-i joiiirar0 .Miisidered as good as nor was declared elected in gold -and that the bonded debt ha Cameron will go down together, 11. ul ihe IUU! will put away their little medals. It is gratifying t know that the 1 ...,, ,....! i.i (!,,. ),,... 1 1 mi f,,,,.l Ma- key tiled notice of his intention bot,n mJuced to SKl.dOO which could ij,Pjr backbone aud that a stand h 1 to contest his election 011 the ground j0 paid at anv moiiu i:t but for the . been made against the. ourrage co.i- of frauds, claiming that he (Mackey) f.llt timt ,u. i1Iuis do imt fall due was truly elected but had been fraud until lS.s" and the holders prefer to ulentlv 'counted out. Much testi keep them until then. A...1 all this monrof a conflicting character was I hn a'", "ithout in -rcning the ., 0 . . rate of taxation: 011 tue contrary-it taken aud many witnesses examined, j ,Kn jvduced. Mackey claims that Dibble is not en- This is one of the inanv practical illustrations of the b!esin.-s of dcin ocratic rule in negro counties. And vet there aii- some white dem.M-l :lt-i ' : who v. ish e ren iu l".a- t under negro rule tilled to his seat because he pretends to fill a vacancy (occasioned by the dea'.h .if O'Connor) which did not actually exist, for tho reason that O'Connor had not been elected. The House Committee on Flections have made two reports on the case, the majority report (made by the republi cans) asserting that Mackey is entitled to the seat, and the minority report (made by the democrats) asserting that Dibble is entitled to the seal. place t':eii- white luvth ru North Carolina 'oliticx. Southern In order to ascertain the political situation at the South, the New Yolk Times with much journalistic enter-pri-e recently addres.-cd the following oiiesti ins to one hundred editors ef The democrats oppose a consideration p,,,,,,,,,, m.vv.,4,.,.rs (lhl. i;E(,1I: among the number) at countv seats in of either report by the House f .r the reason that Mackey forged much of Mio testimony, and the Committee ; refused to allow Dibble an opportu j nity of proving the forgery. The j Democrats claim that this charge of teinplatcd by the Republicans 111 earning out their programme for un seating Southern ineinbtiis. In tie .Mackey c.ise especially, where forge ry and all sorts of skuMugery has b-en resetted to iu carrying 011 the coutc for resorting to cveiv means ku to pal h imentaiy law to defeat the wicked partisan schem-'. At this writing tin' Doiuocrats tpres a detei ii. illation to stand til 111. (Sell. U )ecrans. of California, the chair man oft be Democratic Congressional campaign committee, iu (.peaking ef the coutt st, said : ' If the ll. pub.i c ins intend to seat Mackey, with till tin! forgeries and ysrong doing, they must do it over our stubborn resis t nice." Mr. Iltiidad i'l muster of all the tactics that can be brought to bear ou the Democratic sid ', but Speaker Kufer is very hot-headed and has an es iggei'ited idea of the power and prerogatives of the chair, blv informed that Woodlv Hawkins, I "01.1 r 10 eir. ine woman 10 1 to colore.!, of Halifax, last year, bought : o t'oor, and Sykes then placed the iriil uit.ijiei a ..lensb uuti jt-i". y neu me mtmtereil woman was found, the child was asleep ou her lt,K- tots atid a 1 t of v. gctables; and he Salisbury Watchman: An extra milked tLe cow 1 wry night. ordinary incident happened hn-t F.lizib-th Citv F-or.omist: On S;'"'J' ' l'- house of Mr. Peter Sandav, Miv 14th, some bovs in '""'"''he- H yvas m ting on the back Plvmou.h wee pl-,vlg in ,1 ,.jn i,lHZZ1l ''il l'"t.'. little son, house, running aronjl wth the gin u t1',"1. Ho .v"rs "U w,w F4'n wheels, while a son of Khvard lb-i tront yard or front son was l-,vi,,gp on the s.gments l"z'-- " he.yrd the child laugh of Ihe pew'.-r 'wheel. Th. v passed lHeselitly the little fcilo him nntlei- (lie pini.ti whe'.l and he '"" through the house 111 was clashed to death. ,'lt 'V' l,"vll,f-' 1,1 H '""P oern-va'l siiak. lie li.-nl er.-soeil it Lenoir Tonic: Adam II. fuer lives tliero is ample justification ab -ut ten mih s fi..m Lenoir, iu Love- la ly township. His age, as fully nu'l entii'ite 1 by the 1 I f imily rec ords, is 111! years Mr. Ib fuer is piob-.bly t'ie o lst man on the eon tinent. His mind is still might, find he can relate incidents that came un der his . wn observation m re than one hundred vcirs ago. Trains will wiui one uami nnotu llree or lo'.r, inches below thi head, while he j hell its tail wi'lh tint othrr hand.i The tvplil.) wis wriggling to get j away, bir the child was lo well pleas- ed with its plaything to let it go.) The father was greatly astonislu (1 ; and alarmed, but made a lightning1 dash at the snake ami sent it out, iu-1 to the yard. It was about twenty j inches long, and. a is well kuown. Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, And Hats for the Spring and Summer Seasons, 1882. In submitting this advertisement to the public, we are justified in asserting, that our stock in every department is the largest and most complete" ever displayed this side of New York. Our clothing is most relia ble. 11s we manufacture them ourselves, and lirst elaas "urments only. We are constantly studying the demands of our patrons, and invariably in.iuri'r.g them bottom prices. OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is Mocked with the best Foreign and Domestic looms, and of the latest de signs and styles, and we call special intention of the ladies to our chil dren's clothing. Among them, the Deiigremout suit, something new entirely and only to be found in our establishment. Our Gents' Furnishing Department is most exquisite, and has all tho novelties of the season in the line of Under. wear. .Neckwear, Hosiery, (doves. Culls and Collars. We call special attention to our open work I'ndcnvcar, such as the French Lace, Lisle Thread and Ualbriggau Goods. (HISt HAT UEPARTAIENT is simply immense, as yve have all (lie Novelties and Latest Styles of the season in Felt ami Straw, Soft and Stiff, mid of (he best manufacturers iu the country. Among them a lino of J, 13. Stetson & Co s best manufacture. Kespeet folic, BtRWANGER BROTHERS, LEADIMi ( ,OTim:!itS AM) TAILOKS, Fayetteville Street. Opposite I. S. V. O.. RALFIGH, X. C. I1-.?" Orders sent by mail will receive prompt attention. lULiSGII MA1MJLE WORKS. I W. DUBHAM, FAYETTKVILLK SL, ll.VLFKJ!!, N. C. (ireeiisb-ri I'atriot: piss over the lot iu.nd ti) day for til the disastrous ore ago. j. cm tit siiiiCiiue is iiia ii :,.tlllH t,ll(. the mourners at the of wood, and has been pat tip for camp-meeting, had her l u-k broken on t.mporary u-e only. It is o-ie of the San.lav. So-w as kueeli.,.r :lt the altar or. ar mi , s !! 1 tie oounii v, in 1 1 S'ltl feet 1 mg aa.l 7" feel h;g! be muikod bv some exciting and forgery should be investigated before ' general sentiment of the people of the House votes upon the question of your district ? If that policy excites seating Mackcv, and the republicans ' anv disaffection, is it chiefly directed , , ' . , , , against the principles or persons sus refuse to allow on investigation and t;limHl ttfv VM.y lb.w insist upon at once ousting Dibble ,i0 yOUr pCOple regard the aduunis and seating Mackey. The democrats tration of President Arthur .' H. Is knowing, that, if a voto of the House there in your neighborhood any deci . 1 ., , , . ii ded ei.res.-io:i of ooiidon in regard is taken, the republican majority will , lt ' ... ' . , . . " , , , 1 , J ,.; to the taritt ? It so, v. hat is its extent seat Mackey, have resorted to dilatory ; nlJli liUiul.u ' Alabama, Arkansas, Fl.nid.u C.crgia. Uud the kiniggle, if continued may Louisiana. Mississippi. North Caroli na. South Carolina ami Texas, viz "1. Is the policy of the Democratic partr m dingers in harmonv with the is built out of North Carolina timber Favittf viile Examiner: They are imi m rrai bhuite and iumli wmmi IIKAPSTOXES. TABLETS, AC. OltHIotS I'ltOMlMI.V KII.I.KD ASU SAIISl-Ai'lluN (U'AKANTEEn. ;5:"' e.M.i. on yyiiiTK khu run e list i 1 m.sii:v -tv biid.'.-at Kich- one of th.) most dangerous seipeutsl tirsr.ime since .of uU c.tmtiy. j FERTILIZERS Mill SUPPLIES 3 several months Wdmingten Ib-vi -w: Annie Wd ' M MMMKJ i'.uuH, one t,f the muni ners at the r,'r eamp-me.. ring, had her h u-k broken on '" S'imlay. Sue w as kneeling at the altar 'J- when Milly Morris, wh.i u getierally it kn nvii (.11 aecount of her enormo'i . lively scenes. Whether the llepubli- using cotton seed oil in Ashevillo as cans will regard it as good policy to a substitute f ir lard, ami they like it. m ike the appropriation bills and oth- The recent cool weather is Very t measures of neces-iity wait for any unfavorable to tho young corn and protracted period ::i tho attempt to cotton iu this section of country seat a man v ho has no legal claim is Much of th cotton has died, and somewhat doubted, although such are the threats w hich are current I'm. so. size, oiiinn need to shout and fell over on tho iinfurturi-tte woman, breaking her back. We regret to learn of a accident which j befell Mr. Archie I'luck yesterday morning, about 9 o'clock." Ho bus for some time past been employe 1 by . Capt. S. W. .Skinner at the Marine' many farmers are ploughing up ami . hallway 111 this city, an. 1 was sent; olalitiii'' their c.t'.ou a-'aiu. Corn yesterday to select some pieces of. IX STOKE AND DAILY AISIII VIXfS s., -h Illiil SIl'HlMrri.. Tim .'.liy liny. I V.-nl. il.HM i..up.s ('. K. .S.ihKI ( (Ir)ut ;l' ..inl.N eii. i K-KI l,l. Ii, I. S.-.--I l.'.H . ..!,..N HilVlll WhC- I1...S '.'.. I.ilh.-N Wi-i , mi I Mlv-1 1 l.iHiti i.:t.-ks Sii.u.Ii'ii'h s,n (lull (iii.-mo, .'i sn.'kn Wniker'H i'.iiimii 1 ii..iintiit. mi. -ksSiiiiiitiir.l riCnpn'.. Ounnn. , l.u ".li ks lir.ntliu-s Mrsi ivunlliy Amrannlntod , IIIH". I.iV" i' ks I.'i7.qrp:ii,.,.. I hnsi.lmin. Rtinrnatxtil I I .' hi- em i,. m u,0 murkM, Tr I I.i .tr .-flit . nvniluMi- P'li..n.h"rlr- Aiiil. rn sn-ks iiiiI.Iwiu'h Amni.niliUiHl nisiolred I I;. mi... Cofthcs, Sugars, Flour, New Cuba and Kow Orleans Molasses, and a fuJl line of other goods. Thf niv- t-.l. will Is- .I.I ns ..w iu. imy ..i f ran Ilrt-t . iiisk im.m, nri.l nil Kiirnifd. W nil i-..nil.. icly r, nim. h.l it... Aniin. .iil.i'i-1 taiet nua A.-I't l li' splmn's it. Im. ilia Lent rr4 u il.u ii. ii k.-t. cull ,in. .'tn.tit' 'h.'Tii hpfnrt.' I'lipiiufluir. Uitins, WYVTT "v; TAYLOlt. l;,il. lrfli. N. C, Mnr. li 1, issj. motions and every pai-hamentary manoeuvre to prevent a vote. Day after day does this deadlock exist, at times the Houso becomes a mob. the Speaker is unable to preserve order, and all business is obstructed. Better adjourn and come home. In this connection it strikes us as quite remarkable that, if the elections in South Carolina are so fraudulently : H.vile County. Col. Creeey, of the Eii.abeth City I'.t-on imist, has recently visited Hyde couuty i sometimes cnlled the granary the In its issue of the '.lth of May tin Times the answers to the of the State') and thus describes lirst .piestion as follows: 'fertility if its soil: i hut the South is still solid in its affiliation with the Democratic party may be laid down as made absolutely certain by these observations. The masses still louk to the Democracy as uj.iiolding their best interests, ma terial and political. On all national i.-sues the people are a unit. 1 erhaps one-fourth of the letters conducted (as the republicans allege), speak of the dissatisfaction yvith tl vet no oersons are convicted of com i methods of the leaders, but the wri niitting these frauds. A few weeks 1 ago the L inted States governuieiit used every effort to punish ese alleged bi.l'ot-stuffers. The infamous Judge Bond was sent there, special 'I am more thoroughly convinced than ever that this is the champion agricultural county of North Caroli na. Every aspect of Nature indicat es the liberal prodigality with which she laid the deep foundations of the land heie. The native trees by the roadside are of gigantic grow th and the ir foliage is of a deeper end daik- has mile re. I from the worms and the stand is bail iu many localities. Montgomery S;.n: WaTcrmelons will be scarce this summer, as tlm bugs are sucking the vines to de.-i'h. Exhibitions are funny for the chil dren, but death ou the little innocent lambs and chickens. Mr. J. Smiih erman showed us a radish grow ing in his garden, whicn we are satisfied would w.igh three ; muds. Much the largest we ever saw. Tho seed came from Washington Oily. It is perfectly white aud smooth. Raleigh Visitor May 25' b : Not blocks ut the saw mill of Mr. A. V Wilson. While at the block pile m 'ecting suitable material, a block 7 fe.-t long and 10 inches F.piare was thrown from the window above him, which is 1.1 feet from the er .uiid, and it sti tick Mr. Black ou the head. The Mow mailt) a severe fracture at Ihe las) of Ihe skull, caii.-ing cerebral h moj ihiges. Tim unfortunate man was p iral zed in tho right side ami has nut spoken since Im wis hurt. News i Observer: W. H. Dean of Nciise Ii.ver township, who las' week exhibited some notably fii.c C2IAS. C. IVIcDOrJAXD, i r .nin'riy "t clj.cliami, -- Wi l li - i:sk i.llIss.iM. llvSt-ri,LEK&CO., IK M.K.liS IV .... r. I . t .'l. . f. : .i.. i ,, , i , , . ..tiii. tit rtiii.jirt liuuj uiiu iriiiiii, in. only our community, but tno people - ,( r , . . . . . . f ... day brought in some which far sur- of Nolth Carolina gent rally, will learn with extnine regret that Col. W. II. ters are careful to state that the peo ple are in full harmony with party hue than elsewhere. Clustering Tucker, the senior partner ot the vines, leaping and reaching in wil l celebrated dry goo Is tirin of W. II. and weird luxuriance, climb and iV It. S. Tucker, died in this city, hist cover thorn t ) their toinu st bough, night uhoiit ten o'clock. His death pnncipies. ami will torget a.t local tll ro:ll, Rrfl naturally 1 was ,,ii,. sudden, and, his physiei n.s dillerences in defending them Only rtll.l Hmooth us a plank' floor, : sav, was e -.used Iron, apoplexy. Wo , in two i espouses ; to the lust of. ,!,,,i out bi fore vou bevotid learu that ho ha 1 about !!;) in , the piestion is the answer made -mot Ull)iu (lf nU.m, ligh't as ashes, , surance on his iif. i i dilmreut corn- Counsel vim employed to aid the 'l '7' i i- Xy 1U tt Lk"' '-brk-u by tap panics iu thiscily. . 1 - . i three States. Legislation is not en- .....r . .-. . prosecution, packed juries wore sp'r-i tiivly satisfactory to tho whole .f the News it Observer: lt-.y. Thomas ', f"and at the base of each grain, fid composed almost exclusively of j party, as for example : The stock law ....., deli. dit the eve -md bum fv the : Ij- I'l ili-bard, D. D., one of tlw most 1 They suck the juices of the grain, republicans, and yet no frauds have in South Carolina and the prohibition saliViu-y glands. Even the bull" fro i ,"1,'"t"1' ministers of the Baptist " tuning it to shrivel, so as to lmpai been discovered or any person pun-'law in North Carolina have divided i,,.i!,,via,ti, t.i..,,..r i church, who vas for years pastor of i(s value, or else they destroy it en passed it. t)uo specimen sheaf wi'8 (J feet ( inches high, nnd anoth er had 91 stalks from a single grain. Hard to hi at. We lent il that the aphis, or grain lome, is making its uppeiiratico in the wheat. .S uue specimens of wheat attacked by this pestiferous insect haw been sent the Department of Agriculture from Ire dell county. Several insects are ished. ! the party, but this division is a State tlore SODorons basso than wo have , tl:0 IJ",,isl freli of this city, f"-ely. I resli seed should be o b a.u I matter, and would be lost sight of in iu.i,..,.u i ,,i and who has for tho past three veins . for tho last generation of the m The oki.v nominations of candidates : considering the national issue. Thev Tliol ni ls idnn' M iaraud;eet 'call ''"u l,r'Mdent of Wake Forest Col-' sects, before the resping ol the wheat, for the next Legislature, that we have l'JTas0 Eepublieans in seeking aii 6ll Arro.vmuskeet; in some of the old ' lW -f"Ito.l a ca'I to the pas- ; d.-posits eggs to reproduce the larv.e vet heard of, were made last Saturday I Ull';""',! V -he t'0ln''e', , il,ul ' records) are siid to be the ril.,,, in '"rate,, the Broadway lhipthtcdiurch, nex year. .... , jiiia.aruoi. werenwio msinuiuiaayl,.lttinK mm m ower f)Vcr them. : t.B c ,UIltv d the fertility re ich ! E '" ille, K v. This church has one o suppose these insects are of by the republicans of .New Hanover : jw y assta t that the ignorance of that : jfg () i'fii n x ou tho southeastern ' largest nnd wealthiest congrc the same species bb those mentioned county, and it ia quite a significant . race unfits it for control, and its ' shore of the iake, at Lake Landing 1 tf"'"11'18 " tD0 ''st, and tho build-'by in last week appearing in (In flict that these nominees wre sfroiig supremacy would annihilate all hope ! y,)t ri) a l.,l f 'nxrl nuderlies the i in" 0Oht fi"n, 2il0,0(l!. The regret wheat in this county. En. Becohd. Th ,.nn,1i,l,.fou f. i prospeiuy. f.vlr,.m!v f.irt 1 . nn,l n,l,la m.ti Hl losing if.-, rntcliard will do leu ail Fancy (oorfs, Perfumeries, Mineral Waters, PATENT MEDICINES, TRUSSES , SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Garien Grass and BM M, REAM MARBLE WORKS. n. X. ROUEHS &. CO., MAHBLE 'AND GRANITE i lUl'UULiUUlif, 1 1 ! A.T., A.'., j hlill Sileel, ld'HIIAM, X. C. CI-MIlr.l.Y l':h OK All, KIM)-. NKATI.T ' I V I rl-i l'l I I'.'-Iht .m l l'j.:iinit . I'm nlili.'.l on Aupllcalloa. mmmmwm rrzi Z882 ('mui'.l l' ex. flll f..r UinwIiliiK, cl.-anlnir, and F.tviiii: thi irrulii. MHiiii.'ii.'liir(Hl liy B. mil k Son, 03, C OAKS, ETC., l-ricellsl, W. I,. LOUDON, , , n. Li., A!.Mit for ClinlliHiu couutr. Aj.rll -20 :iin. CIA Country Mereliants and Pliysicians supplied at lowest market prices. Fayetteville Street, corner Martin (opposite l'ost hlii'e) mid 14 Tavettvillo St., ll.VLEIGII, N. C. MnrcL If., 1BW. Dr. WM. LYNCH,! n.l M.mJny la t Will ViHlt ChHl.l'l lillll.ll UlP8(H ea-n in.'iuii. All eniiH wlili Ur. A. n. It..l..'riw.n or D. M.i;iiil..j win U- .rMini.ily alU'ii.l.'.t I... I'.tl. y 4, ItiR-J. tf I. ANDKKJO.T, l'roldat. P. A. WILIT, Ckihla TH-nlillnfinTiIuta Tl, n,1;.l fnu I I piOSpCl 11 . ' f.V I r..lie! V f ..rt t . nil, 1 o.l.lj.l Tfnnc f T?-,.,.,;,. . f ,Le tfVKe 0 1'0 wrond ques- j eieiu. ut of product iv.-t.,... Iu! ovor Jsortb C'oliua. i Circulars from the National Repub- 1 ' 1 ' tion, Ihe limes snys that in all the ! ii,,,, tin. rriliinl f.rfii;iv ,f il,u' . r..- . , r, , . ' Iickii Lonffressioual campamn c;mi- rie-voes, named Green and AVaddell. j letters references to the hopes ' rro wniii-keet I ii! ll tl '? value is ' V-T lilT- Mr Iac,a,l,If'1y tuittee have been received by the The latter was a member of the last i of lbs South from (lartield's admin- ,.nl,tt,w.,l i,v the economv of th-ur 1 rye 8 f,.,.t : inches iWU,ioyw,8 at tho cipitol, in which Legislature and voted for tho Prohib-! ';ration seetn like . wail, ihe pen- cultivation. The soil is lighter than " (jf UlU ' ' w ' ' , ls , ' , en. , oyw is luforn.e.l that CIXIZENS NATIONAL PANTT iforv bill both there rud at the polls, P'. '' ve.yru.tcd that Prrsiden a Halul bntlU anrl R fon,)Io tHlm is in t? lo'kT iLo " ou w Ul t0 cou nLT A , . . 1 . I Arthur would carry out the policy of i ,iriwliPi-o neen in fl. a n,.l.lB Tn , V . . ?.usuu w'" per ceututu of his annual snlary to- op ami ifreen n .iue feeciies for it our-1 li im predecessor; bnt disrpoiutinnt .,, R8nilt l1rive to-dav I saw nuite n i . tno iisr. -uu , war(,8 tbo c(uupai;n f,lnn which is iiiK ino canpnigr.. Ana yet rrombi-. nas loiioweii, ami more tliau hall the tion is railed a democratic measure, j letters speak of him as a narrow par Mid p.i'ii-prohibitiou democrats are I ''.Hl"b seeking only the interests of "ID 1H1J, ljr III W Il JTJJ UUU1II1.J UALEIGn, X. C. 1 A 1 1'"i'".T. ut - i 7 I "'. benehciul to the south can come. An- reason and vote for the republicans! pointments t() office iu , fionth .- i rule are a great cause, of dissatisfac- A. nitvfx case was tried iu New tion, and are regarded as showiuj.' York hit week. Gen. Curtis was a'1'"' Arthur is not friendly disposed. mi each doorkeeper aud about 10 on p jt) hoys. I - J , ...... .. .... H H. r OR. HV l.f GI 11'AliL' AlP .,.',1.' . k , , . .... ; without, apparen ly, the tension of a ton. A pi.i.-i. was culle.l imme ; muscle. A double team in these .li ,,.!.. ,..,,. ,.,.,,t... i , ..1 o.l fields could ciiMlv pull four plows Mr. (;. Wtts well at las't uc dowu the row and thus save tho la- mini fa o t.,,,1,. ., f i,.ut .-..h hor of iliree "hands." And vet, with rr ',,!,, ,.,.A p.. ..i...., . i,.. all these advantages, th'-se improved iu lo,H ,,,, luili tht mnfW Wlin Bf.1,1 rm v hrmir ti'.im ... . .... . . r". , iii . From three aS'Atds'rr i j i r h n ifiMomn t tho pole Ktrmik him on , thi-y Lavo Jetirneil ly exponttoe Treasury Agent and also treasurer of j J5 krhlJlZ hl uo t ,"0 mirt;! T the Wlt1' f"11 ' 1 h best feMiide-.hat this excellent the Republican State Committee dur- , n, nra " n"l ,i, ' ' r al ,H ,U' 'B',.raa,,Ie.. ,or " und bum which he died tLe next ' medicine overcomes .lesoomlencv, i . . - t-LZHK 111 HHHI IIUI I.ltM. X UO BUI I . 11 1 t t . " " .' '"' "V " I I 11 1 llianilf'li-, UtlljfHl IUU , J"liu wiiiimhiiiuihiik uin u.iiiiit c. -., in the back nnd kidneys, and ether; WA KitAS I KD I-Ult l-IVK YK VI.S. iii'.i. .i"nv I'll iiiiii ,.. ,1,1., a ,,f 4 1... llilitv nrl eTt4.lmli,,i , , . I r.. I. .111,.. tl,n Atari. I idistrust. .l..,.(. ...i .i....4 ... i.... I.. l,ti. ii i - I ,,, , , . , ..-J..IJ..I r. i 'ii1, il iu t ii'iuiu I i:n ...... n., ,n I i . I ei ii-f ill.. l, nu'l w lien ... . I in linqDCPra fil Hie 11 il-il nnm nm ..... . , . , -. .. . I.,,l...l '..l....t If ,,4,. ,.,.,1 and ho was indicted therefor and s10ff , at l, ,u or t ,0 M " m " , " " . V V- . W" . ' ?U6 f" ",W ,i,aSt , , ... , . ., r . 4 . . ,;r", ! "f-nr iwo exceptions brings, 111 bouuteoin yield, corn, osts, substantml and handsomest structure Faded or-rrav hair craduallv re found gml y-being the first trial of , h tk ' d..o of the tanfl ,s re,,o, t- peas, wheat, the' grasses, fruits in the State. -Tho.. Morgan . (col.,) j covers its j-ou'hful cohand )I"e uo kiiiu uiit we iinve Kver ueani 01. "'""" y ..e.n ami tiie early trtie;s, nn.i asparagus, or iius tow n, while ef,iKed nt work 1 by ihe u-e of Pai kers Hair H.ilsam, 11 aii such violations or rue law 111 this State were prosecuted it would break ngricnuiirni purposes, ihe soil is : ,illT .......I- n...t I....;.... Ti 1: 1 J' political purposes assessments ; lovee proclamation, and even these ; porosity make it permeable to heat ' Roverumeut officials. Thia was ' R.Te B61'"111 mingled with words of n,i ,uoisMire audits fertility nnd ' ii. !., 1 .. ..ii...... 1 ....... , , . ., . . . 1 ..u ..,,U4.I ...necun. mosi ennre.y uue to me Ji.,siss,p,.i ; .k ai)1, ,llsIj Its jj ;ltno,B nll(1 . lor from government iu violation of an Act of Con.'ress, I'xpencnce tho ISost (Juido. The reason w hy women evet w here : use I'arkci's (Jiu;er Tonic is, because -11 iiue Joninsl. TWENTY DOL1AZIS WII.I, mi Y TUB PENNA. SINGER Sowing Macliino. A UKTTKU MACIIINIt THAN ( AN UK. HOUOUT K..H FOlt f Y DDI. I. A Its ANVWHKIlK It luw a Ir... I.(-f, two Imi;.' funny I ifiiir ( r, CasturH, nn wl ntis Urn Bibltu , culur XI. IX. ATWATER, LEE RfwYATT, (Chrb.t..ihpr K.rreli'a Old Bland, UALKKJII. N. C. Wholesale 1 Retail DEALERS IN HEAVY GROCERIES, Commission Merchants, And Agent for STANDARD FERTILIZER. Wr kn-. r liirtrr- u t tt ooooS on bud udm .latty r.'-rlvfnK t.ii.ill,'H. We lin.i 1.. r.H'.v...ur Hlinro ot luilronag txm ..ur frli'ti.lH In Clmihiiin and adjululiig nmuitM ilfM-U-lf PATENT S. F. A. I'lcnunn, s..i..iir i.f Am.Tl.n and Fr ol4?ii l'H'.iMi'h, W'iu.hlhN.n, !).('. All l.uAlmwt .-on n.'i,t with rii'i'iiiH, lnEtii'r HMnre Uie ? oni-e nr Um O'lirii., ir..m.ily atlrnded lo. No lii,i'c iiui.'.H.H u aii.ut Id oiuretlt bund for ell DOTl if up the republican party. say t li nt the (Miestion is not nn.ler-, i,0t ,,-;;. 4i,i;, ,1, i:.u.:i sioou oy me masses: ono that Uiey wlllJ nn,, iu r(.,f,.t.,ion ami abuml-! complained of feeling wry shk, and purify ami rich ........ ,., v. .,,n nnco upon iuo snores ot tno saline wium 111 tiie net of" his means, lint it uppenra to be that : Kf mm fhnf. (mnti infn i,.,,,i;,.n lmnn f..ll n. .io.i : jus man.mnu. they are too busy to take any inter-; Sotin.l. Surely such a country is ! tracks. Tim Midland X. C. Ibiil-i C3 vrilAM COCNTV. rows n Lis f irm early Friday morning ' an dopant dressin, a.lmirtd for its ' h. m. kh-ie. i. Mauu. exooutonof s. d. pc-rfiime. Fitninntiiin .f M.-liire Wore rnyim-st j s.ii. i.r.liT ..r aiMnw. w ii.i.i:ts k Co. 1 10 N Si'v.'ii'li s:., l-lillHiloijiiiia, ra. FelJ. 16, ISM. lilliB. I WTAT1-1 OF NORTH CAROLINA ! -c R. & A. A-L. RAILWAY. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Tu Inkft i.flVi't 1:00 a. m. Sunday, May IS, ISM. T. V. WU1IA0K "turn Prii'Minw ,,f l.,nc,-l,.nr.;. 11 1 -i 1 14 : est in Ihe matter, ami beini; chiellv i,lin,..l linvom) -itlipr are not a liuntw r.-iinilv. hnlt, frnm . .. . . " . ..- ,"p,Hnl ocjomj oiliers. the Cameron "Machine" is led !v ! 1. L"? ' W ln". Z un.l , SmitbtJebl and the wo, k is progr.-ss- ,.,..v..,.w.. ....... ... nvmg ln ottier sections; tor tne rev ; m as rapi liy ns possililf. Thev m-uuim 4iiitt.4itri4 mi 14. nun iiuiucii foruiidable proportions, dividing the republican party so much as to insure the success of the deapcrats at the rtext election. A nativj road is now within eleven miles of omerseenons 01 tue country. Aoout HOn that he c-m hud no better land , have two trains of cais ou (Lo road thirty letters say that whero there is - , pirate to, and hence, Hyde is . h. tween Morehea.l and Princ-ton any discussion at all tho feeling is in eP9 kn0,vn to North Carolina than ' hauling sleel rail. I Im y have now favor of lariff for revenue only, with anjr COnnty in Ihe State." , commenced laying nw nils t a the wtiiinicmu iiiuHcuuiian woumi OKI roal bOtl,fcn VwIkhi ntld I naturally follow. . J-Subscvibe now to lh Hkco ii. ' Mnrebea.l, 1 MANNING & WOMAGK, Aiicrnsy: and tellers alUw, 57ITTSUOHO, . C. l'wli., .i.iviui.I, AijlllllHl Mary l.wl.. lYIsllla Thnmiw. ThnmnB r-wla, Frnn.'W l'nth'rH..ii, liiinin MwU, .li.lui liwln, It. F. Aiiilivwf. Al.-u Aii'lrrwi., ilrnry Mi'.'i.'li'nn, A. .1. liui-vll, Wlllrim Shaw, and W'lllhuii Hllug lull. Till l a pr.-cvtlng liialllulcl by IIib 4iitn.l(Ti f.r an aivmini uiid i'tilfmi'iit .f tho ....imp 1.1 iln'lr tosiiiu.r. and It B.i'ar.iir lo Hi Kinufii -tli.11 i.r ih.' Curt tli it nmiin i.. i, i a n...-,...u-y puny and Ina ii'iii-rrriidi'tii. tin 1 lier.'liy ii 'llih-d I., twaml appnitr luin.r.. ihi I I. rk ..f UiIk ' r ivtirt at 111 nniin In l'll!lir..'. N. 0.. wllliln linll. iwi'tity day ariir IIih Ht-rvh-p ..f thlft HtimtniiiiH, mil' ' I N.i. 1 Uav No. J Ixmve ' ltalrlK-i, 7 4.1 .m Hamlut IDiiti Oiiry, 8 lit p in HutTiiinn 8 14am Ah'x I. Ji p in K.'yiM'r S 87 a m .v. w illll f M p in Hlus'a IMara M. Try links 17 p m Mnnly 4 13 a ra Mon.'iini p:lpm Onni.-ron lUkrn iMu"d '.. .VI . m Sanr..rd (3Hara smiti'id lii;.piii tipMHl 6 ia a m (Vimnmn 1117 pm Mmirura 6 34am Marly 11 :n p in Mi-rry Oaks 6 411 a m law liuupm Nf w mil 7 no am K.jwr 11 li pin A'X 7 'Jam H'.iTinnn 1 IM p in Cary 1 44 a ni An l vi llamlKt, 1 4S a m Arrlre Ilalelgli, 30 m Ti iniimlrl rniinaft nt Hamlel with C. C. t f..r and all m .1 in r. anuth. Ttata .iiii.viH nt ItnlrlKli wlili tiie llalelgh v. Pr.inu.t allPiitlnn irlrpn to all IiiiIim ph- ,i i,...i. .,.r ,,r ilpmnr to'iiiiiT' n,m. Oa 'mi l.allrid for all i.lnla north, trii-.t.-d I., th. Ir i-arn. Mr. MhiuiIiik will Ih In lit , ,inli,t. r ludiiiiicni n 111 I, inki-n nro otmrrtwii. i 'innlmil Kr.'lirlii Irani, with .aapBer coarh llf on tho Arm and third Monday a of earh ti, lkh day K May. iw. a- o. li.l, l.'avp lial.'igli at 5:50 a. m. and arrlvfa i pwr.Ung. Mr. Wi'inatk' i Ki-p54-II iny ib, :w9. LM. T. l i 'I SH Tl, C. 8. C. :W P- in. John C. WINDl'.R, Buparlatendent.

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