f THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1sh2. H. A. LONDON, Jr.. Editor. n A VISIT TO WASHINGTON. While lit 'Washineton w ci,r,nt much of our time in watching the proceedings of Congress, and became ftnmmintoil with maiiv of its members. of whom we had heard so much, lut- Senate is tt much more dignified and !,,, i, House, mid ,.i-f.vUiii the de - bates. As our readers are aware there are two Senators from each St ife. rnnL-infttot'ilof sovetit v-six. and while l,m. ,iro two hnnditd and nincfv three members of the Houo, yet some States (because of tho paucity of their population) have twice as many Sena- tors us Representatives. Uepresen- tation in the House is Vised upon population, whorea every State with- out regard to its size or population is entitled to the same number of sen- ators; so thai New York has two sena- tors and thirty-three representatives, and Delaware has two senatois and only one representative. The Senate Chamber is in the northern w ;n;r of the Capitol, and is a very handsome room 112 feet long and .2 feet wide. Each Senator 1ms a highly po'ihheii mahogany desk and 11 large, cuini'' 'i t able arm chair, all placed in sen i.eir CUiar i'O'.VS. I'lih ss t;:ie ypeci.-'llv important b'.i'-ine.- is being transacted not more than hall' the sea's are 01 pied, and but little attention .sect. to be paid to wh: ' any sp ai; r i- saying. y'c had heard so i ei'- . f thed.gnity ami ability of the I'nited States Sen ate that we had expected to be seine nhatiiwe struck when in the prosei; of so aujyu.st a body, hut wo ipiickly real.'r.cd that "(Ireat ::-. dinuiiilies as you approach it" nnd that senators were but men. and some of tl.er; very irnary otios. The two handsome. -t senators are hitler, of South ( V.ro Una, and Hansom, of North Carolina. Judge ftavis. the I'resideiit of the Senate, is the -heavy man" of that Stephens, the Vice-President x.f the weighty body, and tries to retain the Southern Cot.fed.-raey. We wen- iu Invor k both sides. He is an old trodueed to this gvnil.-i.mn and en batchelor, but it is said that he is now paying attention to a North Carolina belle. Th" acting secretary. Col. Fre.uk Shober, of Salisbury, is one of the handsomest, men it: the chamber and is a genual favoiiic. A relic of the olden time is found in the pcrso:: of Capt. liassett, tho assistant lioor keeper, who has served the Senate for over half a century, and is a link eon uecting tho present with the past. nthoty. of l!liodo Island, has been It tho Senate longer than any other senator, having reeeutlv beeti eh-eted for the fifth tinu Two Of the most gentlemanly looking senators are i'.iy.iid and Saiilshury. of ftelav.-are. The former is quite youthful in up jiearatice (:.Ith,;ug!i fifty inur vears Cld) which rs dotil.'tles.s owing to his smooth face and pleasant smile. We found him very pleasant in conversa tion and as unpr. tending us if he never exported to be Pre.-adont. His eol'rr.giie i:T juuch more venerabh. in iippcaiauee. atid looks like the -old time gentleman" that he is, rot-mbiing in his general figure nnd carriage the M Hon. Hugh Waddell. V.u!e ITauijiton looks every inch a soldier statesman, and would command atten tion in any assembly. It is quite a coincidence that both he ami his cob league have lost a leg, though they walk without crutches and their lo-s is hardly perceptible. 'all. of Fl t ida. and Morgan, of Alabama, taik too much and thereby lone inm-h of their influence, for wliilo they are both men of ability (especially M''.irg:ini yet thm make themselves too eo;:.!:.- 11 bv apeakir'j- on almost every om-.iion that is discussed. It i.s actually said 11 that sometimes, when Call urwois to 1 make a sjieech and addresses the pre siding officer, the hitter will announce that "the Senator from Florid a moves an adjournment", puts tic question and declares tho Senate adjourned ! Joe Brown, of teorgia. presents quite a patriarchal appearance, with his flowing white beard, but no one has much confidence in Imp.. Ma:;ey, of Texas, is by no means handsome, and id a very ungraceful speaker. His eollengue (who is a brother of Capt. Coke, of Rnleigb,i is a Luge man with a oer.-soumling voice, but is tirit so pood a speaker as our Coke. Jonas. a Jew from Louisiana, is utterly tin tike our idea of 11 senator, nnd we cannot imagine why the legislature of that State should have so honored him; r-eelc. of Kentucky, i.s one of tLe best workers iu the Senate, being thoroughly posted as to nil its luisi iiess.nnd is an honest, straight forward Scotchman. We did not see Malione (who is froipiently in snail), ami' who. because of the importance of Ids one . , , , . vote, is sard to havo more Influence with the AdmiiiiMt ration than uny all there only (ne, vhom the re other man in Americiv Tho bent liuhlicriiiM could buy up, and that one lawyers are Garland, of Arkannas, and was nobody but Frank Darby I We EdnmndH, of Vermont, and ihe latter liope that, the democratic party can is also snid to drink more liipiof than -'.nrvive hi? dr-seriion and the !,HS uf any other senator, thoiieh Laphim. hia one ynte 'of Xew York, runs him n cloee race in this- re--peet. Tin1 last mimed si-nalor is tin1 successor of tins h rdly Kosroe Conklin";. l'i'.t what a difference in the two men! Kelloojr, the l:iat of tlie : -aiict-l';i;'iH, liii. 11 nu;m ryf but n lino hion-o. lugmK ol Kansas, is ;oncof tlio heat speaker in the Sena'", ami lias a trim, slender I'oru:. T.oan. of Illinois, with liis raven hair ami copper-colored complexion looks like mi Indian, and. though a bitter radi- cat. is .pine popular v u u me .icn..- cratic senators. John Sherman is the ablest and shrewdest of the roimbli- cans, and is a tall, si .are built man. .... , .. ,r. ...,., indo.,.. ot ?dnniesola. w lathei t.e revere.. bein low and stout. It wid ' lie reineiiitiercl mat tin-ton.uv was Secretary of the Treasury under Hayes, and the latter under (iartiehl. and we th. night it rather remarkable to h-ir them speak on different sides of a qui -st ion. as they did on the .:.,- un-e Indemnity bill, hit wo will not fu.th. i weary our reader with the Senate. In the House we did not have so favorable r.n oppoi tunity of seeing the members ot' that body. They occupy a very large eh-unh. r. being i:V.) feet l-'iig. !. feet wide. . "hi feet high, and with galleries that will seat PJUD per- s-iiis. Il.indall is the leader ot demoerai--. an 1 i- -p.tile a hali i-' sioo'.h faced to tii of Lo'i a! ah: th lit v- Tlie r.-pi!b!ic!-!i h-a.hr U K-bcon (who ,-oi:om,ees his r.a'ue Uobe-soin alio g lined s'leh an oi-.-nvi ib!e not-1 lie'v as ( 'limit's Si el e'.-n-y i-fll.e N:vy. lb- i-i.piitea portly, sid;-wl.i.-ker 'd. I-'.i'glish looking man. Jh-ng.iP. oi Ti 1 s. who was il.e Co;:f. d.-late Post-nia-i-r i 1 i'.-il. i.s o-iite a large :.i-ri with eiv .-.mill eve-, and a poor .p'-Kcl' .ar- what re . tiov. Cum a-of P. .-Ml I-Col. Will i.i his f,g;u-i-Abrat.i S 1. the -i-i , llli I. S, )!i am Johns aii'l li'.-.Kl: lbwiit spiip-r U-l .1 Pie: of ( "harh'tte i. of sivaki:-,'. ra! Iier a Muni! of Illinois, h 1 ant face. Th, -pare he! 1 line 1 y. !::..-! siri Ike htti- bundle of h up 011 a foih r chiiii ia::l hiil'hd Alexander II. joyed iit c a p.easanr cotiversau n with hiil! It i-. WO'ldel-fli! l,iv U'-'li 1 .iK an iUl Co 1 insi:, itaiu niiicu Ueh : it looking brilliant lustration ,-t. He is a In i the triumph ot ii ill : . i over matter. ih There are few orators in ii,e Hoi-.e. and written sp-eehes a:e becoming too fieouellt ill both branches of Coll grtss. In fi.nner yiavs i; was raiily the ease ilia! a wrilteti -Jii'h wa ri ad in Cuiigress. but now- both a tor.- and repr- s( ntiitivi - uvially v.iit--aad read their .-peech(-s win-u any in P'liant question is discussed. The reading chik.-. of thi Senate and Hoimo tinpuse.l its unfavorably, and did not read a- w.-ll as tie's... ,,f ul)y of our North C:o-oll' 'i I.i gislatun s. The lumiber of J,i r-ons employe 1 iii the son,,-.- ,.f the Senate aud lions,, is atn.-i.iiigly large. '!'!; iv are do;ir- Uf-(-,ers .Ve.. iihii i-i without number. The chairman ot each com: uttee has a clerk, who is reaiiv the chairman's piivao' s'-cretary, al;ho',;,dt nominally the clerk of the committee. In the Senate more than one-halt f the Sen ators, in this way. already have private secretaries, each ut a salary of alcmt S 1 i20Da year. The Speaker of the House ors the presiding oi'iicer if that body is c ule.li is the most important person in Congress, and few people are aware f the great, power exercised by hiin. and this power is often used in a most aibiirary manner. Without his per- mission no member of the House cat. iiddr.-ss that body, or even introduce a bill. Ho appoints all the commit tors, and tins sh-ip's the legislation the House, fa- tlie 1-gt-lation ,,f 1 gross is i-eii'.Iv done bv the several committees thereof. Thus it is that the 'dubby" issoititlueliti.il, aud &u many "jobs'' are i-ir-bud through. In our next issue v.e will describe some of the magnificent public build ings iu Washiii'-ton. Tn;- -Ti i'ieiAi. conventiici of the democratic party of this .Judicial dis trict will be held at lhirha-n. on the ith d.iv of -J " 1 1 v. It is understood that the names of Judge (iilmer and Col. i.. C. Kdwards will be presented f,,r the nomination for Judge. I'. X. St rod w irk and Jacob A. Long will bo urged for the nomination for Solicitor. Tho convention of the sri-ond district w;ii h -Id at Weldou, 0:1 the loth inst . and Cnpt. Fred Phillips, of Tai boi o'. wii-tioini- naied as the il.-niocr il ic eamlidate for .Judge iuth.it dislii.-t an excellf-nt selection. Tin: m-v iw v.-rs of the third Judicial district should f, rl conioli . . 1 mentcd in knowing thai among t hem T1IK UKAL ISS1 ! Tin- only political otlii-.-r that nil the people of tho State will vote for at t lit next election is the. Kepresentative ill ' ('migrebs from the State at -lurye. I This is the only political ofiiec for; wlm-h a candidate luw la-en nominal ca ; i ,v the llepublietm State eoi.vent;oii, ,,r for which one ill be nominated l,y the Democratic State convention, The othe" nominees nro candidates f,. judicial oftices. The republicans ,m, !lUenipun ro eieci men mu for Hepreseiitative-at largo by reviving the prohibition and count v - rovem - i ,m.,,t ,,uestions, whereas these two , ... ri.f , 1. it ..stioiis should have no weight what vVVV i (,0 ..lection of a Congressman. ), the verv simple reason ttiut v on- "l-ess has nothing whatever to do with . tions with I ncle ha-ii, winch prevail allies, the fteniocrats. U e respect .i ,. s ,,. 1.. 7' woi.11 no here at the Capital, reuder the verdict fully ask the J'reM.lent to removu him either. Siueh t onguss would no. ( f ft .;ur, j,, 8lch L,a,cs ..mi,T,lty otl. ;lUii ilt w. . XVheeler, a attempt to change our county govern- ,.,..,,. With, nho, Mich a galaxy ,rUl( and tried Kepublicui, who en mnii system. No one is so simple as t,f hfr ngth as is at rayed on tlie s the respect and coi.tideiice of the to think that. W hy then should that ' sid- of the defense there is daily man- people." ,..-!- 1... li.t , ., c,,i,,m, ifestatieii of the fact that the pros.- . ' , . , , . f ,, i.mal campaign And so with tlie prohibition matter. Congress cannot eoi.t-o! that. Yv'hiit then is the real issile? We think that it is the taiitV , question, and tins is the issue that 1 should be serious.y considered by the peoile. t poii this issue the n-puhli cans of North Carolina have taken t'.ieir stand, for at their State eoiivi n tion. held last week, thev adopted tin following resolution as a part of their platform: Ib-soUed. Tint sn:i.l P ,!i,-v. b-i-ed upon the expi-rietice of the pa-t twenty twi. years, reouircs the eon- tiuuai'a e of 'tho tariff' which enabh s the hibor and capital emploved in off great in, hist i our own mari apital of i'.-i-i This mean-pre-ent blilih i-phtvus tai if: t compete fai.lv iti els Wit 1 the lanor an. I j: pro, hirer-, at! eudoi-seliieni of tin 's.ime. ui;j,.ist and in that so homily taxe-, f the eiiuntiv fiir the !ei::'.nufa,-tiii,-rs. Thu- the farim rs of pr, 's 1 '-!lo:io! Mil -elite.l ;i r, ;;l pra--ti,':il l-a.ie. o:ir ets our peop. and rihv of their iii-jsl ,:i. and w. h d by a:,v c wliieh Col ho, I'". ill I,t be uaith rs 1 1 eontiol. about rres 1 thert'bv fail to ;ie this mutter the attention that it !U''.rmm'i' so iiiueh deserves. T'i-- lb r-i-!-.i !.-'.-. State Conveiitioii was in 'd ill Jiueigh, oil the 1 ;i ins! . an I carried out the rogramuie ptv-vioii-ly arrangi d. The nun. inat ions, that had been lmi-h- by the so-called J,il-i r .l'' convention, were all endors ed of course. These nominees are ). II large, b.i.lg- IV.ckcry for Kepre-cuiatio' at Col. Foik for Sopi r-me. Co, n t and f -r Judges of th--Supt-ri -r lis fo'lowing. vi: C. '. Pool district. J. A. M orc of -:i.t. Frank H. Farbv of the t! the third. W. A. (liithrie of the fourth, nnd L. F. Churchill of the sixth dis til, -t. No one has yet been lion. inn nat.-d fortius the fifth i district i:i I'iii; e of .Mr. .I.-ieob A. T.o'ig. who de cline 1. The cxi cut iv, committic is iiiithoii.'td to make the nominal i. hi. and they are diligently searching this district to tind some democratic law yer, who can be bought up with s , y.'r. v.i.o i empty an ! b-rs h,u iiig nol i .'i. We know of let iceli written for this pur pa it far without ::ice::.-s. 1 i: '.M,, NT save the present svstrT'i ot coiintv L'overiiMeiil is stnk- . . . ." mgly set tort 11 I y a recent stateineiit of the Xcws and Observer. s Thai paper published the amounts collected ;., forty five counties in ImT.j under the old system and the amounts eol- lect.-d in the -time counties duritig la.t year. The figures are taken from ih,. Auditor's reports nnd are of.ieiai. These figures show that those foriv- live counties paid in bT-" .o.ll.IIti.i iind in isst hit. Vill i;;) a saving ?-7.17'!.(l"i in oil" ve.irl An mh-iiy exists in K rypt. A bloody riot broke ot.'t at, Aioxiindi hi en the 11th rf this month, in wliieh the natives massacred about three hun dred nnd fifty Tvirpcann, most of whom were Ihiglishmeii. In eone- 4 . n ' ''' v in- 1 u i,ii,;iiin i, nri i we weiiHi nut e surp: :s.( d if tho English govern luelit took pusseesinii of Kgypt. The commerce of the woi hi through the Sinz canal would be thus bvH pro- teeted A True Democrat. Mr. Jacob A. Long, of Cu-wi 11, who was nominated by the so-called "Lih- nil ' State convention for tho oflice of Judge of t his dlstliet, 1ms publish -rd a letter decliiiing sue h nomination. We comme nd most heartily the fol lowing extract from his letter: 'I was nti Anti-Prohibitionist. That qijistioii is now settled. As one of 1 ho Democrats who helped to . . ..c. :. t .1 . . . .... " ; ' 1 l"n V"" B ,n- M'u: u "'u,' iuo ien.fHTuc uaitv to ceriect mi v suiiposea mis kes it mnv have m id,, n il.,, mallei- 1 ,1,, i,i i,inn.,. i i ,.,t it,u ,-,,1 of the enemy iii onler to Hcultle my, own ship. I do pn pose to stay mi l,o!ird ami help beat buck the adults . of tho enemy, Hiid if the ship Koen down. I propose to go down with the n'uip. ' Our Washington Letter. iFi-m our Kogul.ir C"rrsn.'ii.leut., Washington', ft. C, Tunc 17, S"2. Interest in the Star-route trial now in progress does not seem to bo as .1 in , ,1 ... 1. ,rreiit here as might bo expected, prou- d)!v because those who nmlet stand lite ins nnd outs of the matter do in t ' expect that anything action-: will: come of it. In the first place proof j .if a conspiracy of this kind, where evetvthin" is done under tho form of llvl j 0 exceeding difficult muttt r to establish. Alt the eireunistiuici a and common sense conclusions may Point clearly euonglt 111 one itireetiou, M ,,ifliuct f.vill,.lllM fllis. ni furthermore, with the hix Lotions ot morn ooiuputus 111 ia'iai reia- cutinii is heavily overivt ighted. The Atlorllv C,i-nvSn. does not ive inuel. persorad attt-utiim to the tii.il, and such lawyers ns Corkhill, 15hss and Merrick lire no match lor the half dei'aii abhr ones on the other fide, .... , . , , ,. ,, lie n a uive and bevund all this (,.,lu,f. jM , ,,,,,..,1 ; t",f p,,!,;!,.,, ,. j;,i,..fo and the real bottom intentions an, I purposes of tlio Administration, There are not tunny here in cither parly who believe that. President i-tlini si":ions!v wishes Doi-kcv or )raiy t.ollvh:i.-d, thou.-h l.e w.u'ts to lo tin lersiood publicly as p:,.hing for that et.d. Mr. Me-tiel; :s the ablest lawyer nil tie ( i.iv, ! i.meiit i si ie, and the only one in w !i.u t lit re is much cnthh iii'e. I'p t 1 this lime 1"' believes oaiymiiig i s beii g d uie 111 enrii'jst, i.ur tins doc-s not s'gmty uni n:s n. uvien u s in iv no iau r on. Hie prevailing opiinon 111 legal ciicles here, basid upon the present indica tions, is that the trial wid be eiy long and that there will be n con victions. Mr. Win. A. C-iek. who was engaged in the beginning for the prosecution, and who is, .f eonrs-, thoroughly acquainted with thetheory 011 which the ( loveriimei t rests i's prosecution, is proplies ing that mil odv wi I liiirt. In this con-iec- t i. ii it is a somew hat remai liable co incidence t h it shortly after Mr. Cook's service were oispelised with by tin Crovernmeiit his law paitm r was re tained as coip.sel by tho Star route coiitt actors. Cook knows mere of th,- tricks and methods, questionable or othei w i-e, i f a meces:,ful defense iii our Jisiiict courts than any lawyer hi re. Thole puh'iierins have r.i yerw- ike i the mine of political assessments for campaign put p oses with su h bohl ni ss and ein igy as thiy are applying t i it now. Circulars are being s.-i.t to oory employe v,f ihe ( loveriiu.en!, male and t,-i:i:de, from the lu-ads of biircaus, chik, p istmasti-rs ond ofi-(ial-s of van. .Us kin. Is, ,i tl,.. pt!i.. hoys -it the Capi..! and the w-.'e.imcn and scrub-Women i v -iywlie'e. 'Fvo per cent, if the p iv l ee. iv, d is the imount di tiPiudi.'d. l iiis am at!.ts lo from s', to II) each from the luboreis titid iipprciiliet-s, etc, and ti) much larger Minis imiorg ti e In tier paid classes. It. is not ea -y I, i tell what the t lili.e levy Will amoiliif to, bat the Legislative, Fx, cut i ve, ami .Indi eiid ajqu opi i..tion bill, which includes tile greater part of th-- employes of the ( iovernmeiit. c-ills for $ P.). 77 7,000, ale I two per cent, would bo :!!.", o hi a snug sum for a campaign feud. Add to it the amount from title r em ployes let included in this 1 ail, and the niuis to be rec,-ie I Irom motiop nlisis and mom y u 1 h.t.r.Ms whom tin y have b;iieli!ed, and it will read ily In; si en w hat an a Ivant g i the party has in en'trii.g the canvass. Most of tho money will be ili-bursed this veai by (he Congressional commit - tee. ami thev uiten I to 1 1 11 1 it w h"re it .... ... . . 1,. ,1, . . , 1 -in I ' " ' 'i"i gou.i. i ueie is to tif no delicacy or backwardness. I hit in spite of nil this, nnd all the powirof the Administration added to it, the party mamigers art; deeply Manned at tlie p-.,i.cal prospects. 1 1 ne m! nation in the three great SNtes ol Ohio. I'eiinsylviii.ia, nnd Xew Y-uk is iMiyihingbut asMiriig to tliem, nnd the President himself is reported as fil ling the deepest solicitude. tire:.t . ,, ..,-,, m u, i i-ii 11 iu iheSmtli. liealizng that it would i.u -,iin in r.xjicci. 10 iiiaiiiiain iinar present, represcut.-.thm iu the House from the X nth a desperate contest was eailv resohe 1 uiioti in certain Southern' States, mid every alliance or combination that promised 'he slightest temporary advantage lias betui seized upon. It was to this end that Mich a shameful course wiis pursued with reference, to contested seats fiom the South; and Keeing the bent of things, there are a dozen , there are a dozen or more .carpet-ifiiggi is lumping around Washington now who are bemoaning their ill luck that they did not run in some Southern di-tiici and then come no here and make h contest. It had hi en imagined th it the era of carpet- buggers was at an end, but it may be expected that the S.oi'h will once mure, swann with this genus, if the Republic: lupropramim U successfully executed, 'ihe' g one is 11 desperate one. and it innv f.nh in fnot. the host J'idgmeut to be o-.tamed lien- now is 1 Lut U Will fad inuot liigloriously. PltOKO. I M jor P.cllaniy, who once was one if ticorgiii's most, prominent shive iolders, now employs ,0i: negroes ill his laroe phuit itiou, aud eneh fain- ' has a neat cabin, a vegetable par- , . , f -t , ,d,t i.on , , , o, m . , . .1 m t,la,',, at the Mni',T P(!U''- William Johnston, nffcl thirty vears, killed his wife, n-d tentv-tive 'year - ., and then flint himself, last Fri "lay nt Aema, Illinois. The coiiplo hud been yery nnhajipy together, and had been sepanae-1 HdVerul times. ' ; Condemning Kvcritt. ! George. IS. Kvcritt was a democrat, but turned radical a few years up, ; and was rewarded with the oflieo ol j Collector of Revenue in the fifth dis-1 triet. He has iucurred tho enmity of ; tbo 0ld "fire-hied ' republicans, audi. , .... . , , ,. . , , in suniiutiiu in tho county (Forsyth) where he, fi,4 ,.,. Ki, j j mni oui su rosnns uiey tietd a meeting rteeimy and passed the following resolution: j Unsolved, That wo condemn the 1 ,ippointnieut of George 15. Kvcritt as i collector of Internal lb-venue in this ; ais-rrict. his inordinate eurotisui. his i ; disgusting arrogauce and want of . common politeness towards those! ; whom ho comes in contact, do- serves ceiisnie, nnd, in our opinion, ns elK,t.,,' Biliifttio,i with the 1 licpnlilicau party was only Jor otlice 1 which was denied him bv hisf.rniei The Jury (tiesliou. K:i!fii;li Xewsiinl ( !"! ver. The Ib'pnblicans have hon making ' ii great to do heciu-e negroes dis ipialified by ignorance liavo not been put 011 juries. It is not to advance tlie administration of justice that they want to have ignorant, negroes put in : the j iiy box, but they merely seek to arrav eiass against class una race Hg'iinst, race lor political purposes. It must lie reinetijb"te I that the; I':. it'-d St ates disqualified n- jurors' every Confederate soldier, and every 1 man who gave any countenance t" tho war. No .In 1 e iip ui the bench of the Supreme or Superior Court of N.nth I'.'irohn-i eouid mid -r the law as passe.1 by Republicans sit on the I'edend jury 111 the I'l.bed Slates' 1101 could any man, no matter how 1 liiiud.le, who ever served in the army. . And Vet the lb'pti'ohcill leaders who1 clamor so loudly about ignorant ne- 1 groes Lot being put 011 tlie jury H-.1, - III not seek to take this bill fioui the brow of the white men uf North Carolina. A J'iiclit in Court. Stnt i'k villc l.ntiiinmrU. Mike O'Donnul, an engineer en the Ibchiiioud iV Hanvillc Kiilroiel, wits hided m an accident near Lexington two or more years ago. His v, if ; sited the company lor $l."i,(it) damages and t ,e Ciisu eimo on fir tiiil in li nvan Supeiior Co'.irt, before .Judge Fare, l ist week 'J hen, was q lite an array i f counsel on either side, among lle. iiuhibcr .Mr. W. 11. P.ailey, of Char lotte, for the widow, and ex-Judge S;:hel:ck for the laihoad. The case consumed three days ami feeling be tweeli tho lawyers ran very high. .In )g" Sch'-nck, who hud been very aggressive throughout the ti ial, in his argument, Saturday, was exceedingly bittir and ih nunciaiory to-.v.-ud Mr. I b-ituiiin, a young lawyer fi om Lex I'l . ton, w ho ilp.peai d :ll the ep; e .silt- si !,', when Mr. 1! uh y aro-e ami pro t.s'ed ligaitist l is associalo b, it g so blaekgimided. Tie- word off ndeil Julge S.-henck g'iovously, n-il a lijht eipu i.i. yir. Ji.iiley ha 1 one inn considerably cripple I by being thrown aiTos-, a table, and Judge S;:!;i nek f.H'-. i ved n au.t p'on over one eye. The combatants were quickly separattd, whoa they were nriaigned at the lur i.f the court and find $o0 each. They apologised for th" con tempt and the j idgo remitted the fries a thing which he ought not to nave done. The j ry give a vordut for $ I -2,000, an ! the eisewaa nppcule i to the S ipt cme Court. (Irape Cull hit. The eultiire i f the grupo in Virginia ' H rupi-iiy heeouiing a p.iomisnig 1. T. ...nr. rt ... rtr. I in J" Instry. it was commenced in lSti.) , i. a:..,-,.,a ,,,, 0..-.,i.i,. i.,,.,i.,,i 1 . . . - ' . .... , . . ' ' si-les of ttie iilue l.nlgo range, t ,,,,,1 the crons were ibsnoHO.1 of in i yeT Yoik. liv 1S77 these pioneers' Wore producing nesrlv :?,0UO gallons! f yj,e annually. Last year I hoy1 had t!.i, tv-seven 'acres under cnltiv.i-: tit.n, nnd turned oat. D.fiOO gallons.' TlU8 year they expect to make out of their 'o.ni grn'pu crop, combined wiih i those i f neighboring vinevarditts who ; have had tho pood sense, to imitate, -'Kir es'imi ie, irom ,s,u(iii to 10 wv gull,,.,. At first they sold their wine tiirougli ngeuts, nut now lliey liavo , determined to be their own, middle-i men, ami fire doing well at it. The! rtr,,-r.i;.,u ,.f i.inn nnd !lum.ii.i, I t present produce together from 1 5().()'H) to t)il.(liU) gallons iinmi illy. i A mi--placod sw itch on the Virginia Midland Udlroad threw a passenger rain oll'tho track lust Monday, near Dinvill-!. Engine, aud several curs damaged and the engineer and mail agent badly injured. Xo passengers hurt. Justice Urad'ey, of tho United States Supremo Court, to whom (Inittuu's counsel npplied for a wnlj of habeas corpus, has tiled a detuid j 'f the application with the Clerk of; the Court. Justice Dratlb-y, holds; H"' Court of tlie District of; Columbia had full jurisdiction of tl e ease, nnd that no reasons exist f 1 r 1 gumuep uie win Ki'itiity Iletraiiii'd. j Tl.e beauty nnd eolor of tholinir! may be safely regained by usin Pur- ker's Hair Balsam, which is much j admired for its peifutne, cleanliness j and dandruff eradicating properties. 1 How to Save. All hard workers ore nuhjoct to bilious attnnk- wliieh may end in ! iluiii'erous illness. 1 iirKer h lunger j 1 omc mil Keep me. Kiuneys nua over active, and by preventing the attiu-k save much Hiekness, losa of time and expense. 1 May at such limes ineuiiH duiiKer. D.tr nt i'ress. he-e ot tier ; cohimu. Miscellaneous Clothing, (cnts' Furnishings, And Hats for the Spring and Summer Seasons, 1882. this advertisement to the public, we are justified in assorting ek in everv department is the lar-'est and most complete over displayed this side of New ble, as we manufacture them only. We are constantly patrons, itud invariably OUR, CLOTHING ; is stocked with the best Foreign and signs mid .-tyles, and we call special dren s clothing. Among them, new entirelv and onlv to be Our Gents' Furnishing Department is most exctiisite, and has nil the i.ovt Ities of the season in the line of Under wear. Neek,car, 11 isi : . ttloves. Cutis and Collars. We call special attention to oiu' 1 1 n wink I'tiderwear, such as the French Lace, Lisle Thread Ol)U II AT DEI2 is simply immen::e. as we lwive all the Novelties and Latest Styles of tho season in Felt and Straw, Soft and Still', and of the best manufacturers in the country. Among them ti line of J. 15. Stetson iV Cos best manufacture. Uespcetfullc, BERWAHSER BROTHERS, LEA DIM! CI.OTSMKIJS AM) TAILOKS, rayettovillo Street. Opposite C. S. V. O.. IIALF.ItiH. N. C. Z-iT" Orders :,ent by mail will receive prompt attention. I W. DURHAM, fa vrm: villi: si., iiALEiun, x. c. ill 11 F0REIG9 WM W MARBLE MONUMENT?, IlKADSTONES, TAHLETS, AC. oi:ir.i!s riiuMi'i'i.v kii.i.ko and s. nsi-wnioN tii'AU.NTi-:Ki. c i.i. hi; wiiiTi-: i-oi;-im: h i-: list as.i iii sn xs -!Tt iFKKTILlZKKS IX STOKF, AND . Ii. s,..-. ,-m.l si, uiMei-s. 1 -iiif ! 1 ; "illi'l .... '-'i, i..ittii.- il'.l.-Uiy lia . s.i.l l.ii-l'. !- s.-.- I le-. l. m t.usin-i- il-ix.-oi w lea,- a..;-.-1 M.-nl J.i mi i.nsii.-i- Win:., .-in I Mim- I Cm. 1 .0-IO u Sl..W.i-.'s S.-J; liMll lill'lll.', r. o-.e-ie- WiiH..-i-'i-i'..:i..i lie s.h.v.. Coft'c s, Sugars, Icur, rdew Cuba and TtSTew Orleans ZVIolassca, and a full line of other goods. -Ii Ml ! ' i. ! 1 us !. any ..in- can s. ii li:--i i-ih-s I.i, mi l ml iiiiinr.ui'it. W . Am !. Hi:.- I i:.ii--;g .i:-ii:i- Ihem l..','..'.- "S Ui: If IK. X. C, Mar. Ii 1 m HfV I Wil.l, HI V l!!K pern a, mm Sow i;ig :i ' -1 1 i :n. i.li 1 1 i: i '., HiNK i ii - i -. s :: . i-.-a -in I -! l-'ii ;: i in i i.i. a it .e,-i w hi i:i; ;:. :-. itii i weii-liie II I'l'.u .'1.1 liili-. :: p.-.: viv: vi.Mts. r M . l i- .. I"..-, !', yn-. u-li:-.'-. w u. i.i 'Is.-, co. . .... I i A I T. Ob MOUTH c-:;"I-ina M. l.in i I e. Is. !.- A-.ni- I..II. T!-;s i- ,-l : 1-iite f.Ts i... ml pr. llu-ir !.-.i:.t-..i-. a:el i: nj p.-.i-iny ii. it r Oi.' i-.it.-t iii.e ii eilu I, v. i. is a miry i.-u-iy una Is.i n .n r, -i.i-in. ln'n Ii.t.-Ia- !'".' I " ''l- "11" 'I" l'''-. nn-s -..n,-i ai iiii ..m-v in I'lnsi.n-..-, .. i;.. niiin i-.-my .lays niter u' 1" i-o.-,' -.f iiiis s,inini,.iis, ""'I pleii-l. iitisw.-r ..r .lemur 10 piu'inirTs- eeiit- , pinim. ..r ju.it:mi-iit win i... mkeu ihm euiiii-ssi.. r,V i--. roi'surx. c. s. c. !:iy is. C. C. IZ&mLST, t'-nnt'ily of Cha'.hnm,; Je l GXIJAZY OF RAI.KKiH, X. C, 1. i:i.i.,i ix -rimr nnriTi Tinnmri nTTom; JJ if. X llJ'JJJ:), DUULO, bliUiO, fiEAOY-MADE CLOTHING, HA'I'.-i, ."cf. ,"v,t o0d sold at low pi ices, J-' '". tmmmm n n i. n r w v. wliMft-riJmtr &i hcau. PARKER'S GINGER TOf3!C An Invirjorp.t ng Medicine Hi at Never Intoxicates '1 !.) i-d. i!''i f..niiin:iton of (iii.;!-, Hiirhn, Mati'Si-'ke. Milltni:i;i. ;vA many oihr u( the Left vL'" iJ ntn-!n-i (.tx.wii. rdtr-i a t (!itfti!r rf the l.uwc -, .-.:iit;i( It, liver, kn.nrys anitlttnus, &U The Beit and Surest C0U9I1 Cure tver Used. If V"ii.me r.tibV-in fmm I'cni.ile (.nnphiints, NVrtftivtH-, W iiLinin-M. r-'lu't-iiilism Ivn-p-.-- r iiny thsen-r r nslhn uy, t.il.e rl.i'i ) Ii". r I . iii.:. It wnl strftstlicii bruia auU boJy a 1 iti t t ew li e and vior. lOO DOLLARS F:ti! fir flpv Tf'intr ti'ltirt'itis fni.ul 1.1 ln;ger Tonic .i 't'i:' tn t;-.j or cute. '" . Xv'H'K l . A. THOM AS, lil i If: I ni.lhtlltir. Wimli ug. "A'vT ,.,.lhI1-.,,,. . ,,r.-., ii,,'i..n nn.i ii..hi.-st.-u.i ;r;;:;--;V:V;',,;JiiVirVU;Jil.; VAU' J;''- (n n',',f,V", ".ti.i ill? kMi.i".'.i' "rV,T-1 ..'I'iii ui,j , i. '""'' - .-l l''-. I. II ,1, ,, ,!ie... c.i.-r. i i.al, -h: j-.iuti -a. va;:i:.n . ! s.-i, 1 .nl-r- i- n in X l ! . I 's-.'. : i in c. i 'i v. r..in,s. -r-i .I.-.-. 1 1 u I-, ri(r---aiSfMSm l.'lll l !-. .i-.,lp.I. fifp 1 Kb- -WJLi- Hs'iAeriS2picv.iie lMiJi.e-.si 1 trr Advertisement. York. Our i-lolhiii is most relia ourselves, mid first -class garments studying tho demands of our insuring them botto.n prices. DEPARTMENT Domestic looms, and of the latest de- attention of the ladies to our chil the Dengrenionl suit, something found in our establishment. and Ihilbriggan (loods. I8E1T and SUPPLIES DAILY I it.iiim s, UMIIVINTi : thi ii--k- stun tlni-'l l'ain'S''n liuiin.i. ,i,i sie K- lifMnlm's I ,l-sl otiiiliiy Altinii.lllnlU'1 i.iltin . I.,i,i i ii''KK I ;i7nri.'l.i . ill 1 Ii..IihIk, -.unranii'C'l Ii, ... tii.' ln-T'i.-st tri-.i'le hi ill,' mnrkHi, .vi'r I I -l . MUi'i.ii.i.. I h -spliLli,- A.-I.l. , ,-.1 s:e-ks lial'livtu's Aninilll.tll-. PihHi.lVfil Hull.'. .'.Ill Sell Ii!-!,! l-'MSH I liii.-in.. hi: I A.-i-l I'll., plllCi s !m l.e I l-sl nff'TI-J tmr. - JinsUi - ;. M VAT T V TAV IOU. HAM mm IBB. n. z. sioanis & CO., MARBLE AND GRANITE Hsaniaenlx, TciiiteliCo, Tablets. AC, AC, Main Street. Dl liliAM. X. C. el Mllll IiV ol.-K IT Al l. lil.XIl-. M'.ATI.V I- X I I I I I 11 1 -l.:i! .-ni l I s-ne.i c.. i iii-i i lust ,'h Ad lictlloii. 1SS2 ,,.,, v. ,.,,., f,,r thriKimi-;, i-ii-niilnir, S.'t. ii l.' Ljt'HIll. .11111111:11' lllrl'.l I'J l. Illll t S I'll, . Tp,., .,, O .1 v.,r ,ir-.,.r;i,iivn iiuiiie.ii price li.il, .Jrfs8 W. L. I.0NIM1N, I'lllKlmM'. N, c A 1 out fur eiintbimi cuuniy. A.i ll 2,1 ;t:n. H. ZX. ATWATER, -WITH- LEE R. WYATT, I ICIttlsioi-lii-r & Serrcll's OIU 8Mud, ! ItALKIGlI, X. c. Wholesale! Retail DEALERS IN HEAVY GROCERIES, Commission Merchants. And Agent for STANDARD FERTILIZER. Wk'op a trgi- nt r :oolSuii hanl aud uro (l)tUy rtvt'iviiir frh iij.plit'. hupo to rflV4M.ur iliiiroof pRirojiaKe from our frUMittM ta i haUiam ami mlJ"Uilng cttunttw FatTnt s. F. A. lj-liiiiioiti. Silli-lt.ir "t Amirii-nn ami For' olirn I'.itpntB, WHsMiiui.in, IM. All liimlniw . lu-i-H'.l with l'atetiiB, ln-ilii.r n'f,irn iho Vn imu oni.-e cr Urn C.'uris, ..-..in ptly Hltert'liMl to. No c)i,tt-i:e uulesd a patrtti is st'eurr,!, btnl fur clr tuliir uovlu tl W. E. A.NDKK-so, FresidBtft, . t. A. WtLKT, CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OF to thTSagistkates. HI I ICE I!0 R l OXfMISSIONrWl CU.VrUAM OOl'STV, jini ma. n-i. In e.,Tiii.',liiiif(. nf an Arl ot IlieiKinnral AiwomWr i.f , -ll Cr. liim. 0.-. U..II S. CllR-llrn IHt. mi. I 1M ..t Mi.- I.nw-1 i.f N'.r-h (iiri.lln. ll. U la or,ril ilini the Miiiflslme's nf elmumtn .s.ttnly HMi-mMa in I'lilsl.,.!-..- en TI'l'SliW. UK- 4i h ,lny ..f July, IKSj, i.. ejiiiimiii U'I nx-i'. nr ri-jue-1 Uie uV I'. iirt If.'UHi'. Ai lie hiiio lime .ni-?il of the Inferior Oonr! rn !,.! I. I'.MUVTT, inn., s, i-ij, i b . C. C. nii'l