ccord. H. A. LONDON, Jr., EDITOR AM rr.oruu.TOR. AD VliltTIKlNQ. Oliti o(u:il(. one Ii.m-i Moil, Omi square, two I i r- f 1 1 . t; Jnesipiare, nm-n. nth, . 11.08 1.60 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: On ctj y. ftftp rnr, (Hie copy hi' hi Cut One copy. thros inuutW, -! VOL. IV. PITTSBORO CHATHAM CO., N. C, JULY G, 1882. NO. 43. For Inrjjr mltviIiM .-um-iiU IiImt il iniilrji ',. n11 uutilo. O O 0 , 'Iho HIstorj of the Cont. A sapient wight did onco discover A staff, from which be mado a cover, And, dipping it in inky black, he wore it grandly on hie back ; And many folks enraptured gazed, And many stood in awe amazed. At length bo died, and as a share, He left tbe thing unto bin heir. The heir deemed sacred tho kind Kilt, And on Lie back tbe thing did lift ; But eoon he found it bad uo shape, And, rem ing it, be made a cape , Then walked abroad into the street To hear the world acclaim it neat. At length he died, and as a share. He kit tbe thing unto bis heir. The lucky bcir, it eager taking. Thought be saw fault about tho making; He shook and twisted it about, And lastly turned it inside out ; Upon it clave big knobs of brass -Then proudly in it he did pas. At length he died, and as a share. He lelt tbe thing unto his heir. The willing heir received the piUo With haughty brow and sparkling eyes ; But soon perceived there was a failing, And o'er the mishap adly nailing, To keep the thing from looking stale. Into ilH rear ho clipped a tail ! At length be died, and as a share. He left the thing uuto bia beir. The Ihing no longer now was new, 'And one could almost look it through'1, Yet still tbe bcir, it fondly taking, Itesolved to change its ancient making ; And dangling on it many laces, lie marched about enrobed in graces, At length ho du d, and as a share, Ho loll tho thing uuto his heir. This heir is known to you as Fashion And overyb idy kuows bis passion , He changed tbe thing with anjrry mien. Tore off the tawdry knobs and sheen, And darkly bound it all around, Tbn with it sailed away, profound. Last yeir he died, und an a share, He left tho thing to you, bis be:r. MRS. MINTONS PRESENT. "One moment, Charles -I bavo for gotten something!" cried pretty Mrs. Minton, darting from tbo side) of Lcr young hatband, as he stood, in tbe hall, valise in Land, about to start fcr a week's: travel. Upon reaching her rcom, f.bc seized a bottle from a drawer in a bureau, ami then, as her face lit with a siuilo at u happy thought, (he Grated herself and wrote a few lines upon n sheet of paper, which she placed in tho bottlo ub ve tbo powder it contained. Rocorkiug it, she again rut-bed to her husband, and said, "It is time yon i aid attention to tin' cold of yours. It is becoming chronic catarrh. This may be a patent medi cine, but everybody recommends it, and I bouoht it for yon yesterday. Now you will use it, won't you? The dhec tions are w'tbin." "Certainly, love certainly. Thunks! Good bj P Givirg his wife a hurried but ardent embrancc, Mr. Minton put tbe bottle in his overcoat pecket and departed. "Tbe silly darliogl" he smilingly muimureJ, as lie turned the corner of tbe street. "If I should cut myself shaving, she'd wish to tend for a sur geon; and now I'm Ionded with a bottle because I sneezed at breakfast. I must rid myself of the incumbrance at once." As be thus communed with himtelf, advanoing rapidly, he struck his valise against tbe legs of a gentleman before him, and raising his head (o apologize, saw an aged neighbor. "Ah, Mr. Jobfon, beg pardon! Am in a harry i catch the train." "Ugh, ugh! It's ugh! no conse quence " "That's a bal cough of yours. I think I've something that will help yon. nighty recommended. Take it ' The old gentleman mechanically ex tended his hand, and as ho received the bottle, Mr. Minton bowed and passed on. Tbe gift was scrutinized with a doubtful sneer. "Ugh! ami ba! So Minton has gone into tbe qnack-medicine business, has he? I'm too old a bird to be caught with chaff. He sha'nt poison me with drags. I'll stop it right here. Stop! No ngh! nm! ba! I'll give it to my housekeeper; she believes in such Bluff." Mr. Jobfon pocketed tho bottlo, and slowly tht ffl-d to waid his home. His housekeeper was profuse in her thanks as she was presented with the "perfect cure," "I'm sure I'm much oblecgcd to ye, sor! It's the very thing for mo sister's cough. His it made yer own bettber, soi? "I experience relief from it," said Mr. Job son, with a cynical smile, "at this moment." "I'm expeotin' me sister this very mornin'. We are both so much 'bleeged to ye! ' Bat the housekeeper's sitter proved, oa arrival, to have well nigh recovered from ber trouble, and was averse to trying a new remedy. , Being, however, a provident person, she accepted the gift, saying that it would ba a good thing to have in tbe house. It was not destined to remain long tbrre. Tbe husband's was at tracted to it as be ate his lunch, the mantelpiece upon which it had been placed bring opposite his seat at tbe table. "More purchased'' he growled. "What have you got there? Wl at's the use of throwing money away like that? Who's sick now? "You're altogether too quick to find fault. It was given to me," responded the wife. "What is it,, anyway? L3t's see it." "A mere euro for catarrh." The uiuu read the label and then put it into his pocket, laying, "I'll take it to the Bhop. It hasn't cost us anything, autt I'll give it to the hots. It may do us tome good in that way." 'Unless your're sure ho wants it, you hid bitter leave it where it in." "I know what I'm ubout," replieil the muu, as he arose to put on his coat. , "Mr. Dennis, I've heard you Fay there was no cure for catarrh. Now h"i'e'aa remedy that's wanaated perfect. If you'll try it I wish you'd take it from mh." "Thanki-! It's the vtry medicine I'm using now. Got bottles of it. Keep it, or give it to some one who has need of it. Thanks, all the same." "I'll fake it!" ciiid a fellow. work man, with j icoso agerne?s. To him the bottle was handed. "And now you've sot it, what ore you going to do with it?" asked she giver. "Yon haven't got any catarrh " "No; but I've Rot children." "Pretty Dearly as bad, I suppose " "Does he want to get rid of 'eui? asked a third. Into tho midst of the jesting parly now came a small boy, carrying a tin pail. "Sorry I'm so lata, fa'har," ho said to the possessor of the bottlo. 'All right, Jimmy; ta'e this home the men here arc afraid of it." Tun boy took tho medic no gin jerly to his mother, with hi3 father's words. That goad wotuan thought, if thoro was any joko in tho niittor, il was a joke upon her, and soVta.? tho rno.lieino, fl ing it out of the window wilh au anery frown. The bo'.tlis fell upon soft ground, and was iiLbroken. As it shone in tho sun it attracted the attention of a little girl passing down tho street, who diroccd lit r grown sister's eyes to it, and was thereupon re.inostod to pick it up. Tho yourg lady recopnized it as a well-ad vertised compound, and deemed it worthy of being deposited in the reticule she carried. As she laughingly exhibited the ptizo upon her return homo, a favorite servant begged for it. She knew a person who suffered greatly from the complaint it would enre, she said, and the medicine was given to hor. Tho person for whom she intended it was a good-looking coachman, who paid her considerable attention. He was, in fact, expected at the garJen-gato that vo.y afternoon. Ha came and was given the bottle. Ho received it with au expression of tho iuot grateful affection : but, although eflhuted with a slight cold, he did not feel impelled to use it. Indeed, tho falsehearted man thought, as he place i it in bis breast pocket, that it would make a fine present for a handsomo young cook of his ac quaintance, whom he purposed next to visit. Tbe cook was none other than the one employed by the lady first introduced to the reader of this story. Upon tho following morning, as Mrs. Minton entered her kitchen, she saw tbe bott!e upon the dresf er.'and sur prisetlly took it up, for she recognized a peculiarity on it. "now came this here, Susan?" she asked. " That's mine, mum." Bat, as the cook spoke, ber mistress bad pulled the cork from the bottle, and saw tbe slip of paper he bad the pre vious morning inserted. " Susan, I gave this to my husband. How did you come by it ?" "It was Mr. Thompson's coaohman left it here, mum. If it's yours, you are welcome to it " " It certainly is mine, Saan. I wrote thia paper myself." "Mr. Minton must have dropped it, I suppose, mum." " That's it, of course." But as the wife re read the words she ha I penned, and meditated in tbe privacy of her own room, she coased to believe her gift had merely been lost. How could it have been dropped from the pocket in which it had been securely packed ? And it had boon her parting gift I Bhe had dwelt with delight in her mut-ings upon her husband's surprised smile as his eye fell upon her written directions. Bhe deemed her expres sions of affection therein as prettily and wittily conceived. For four days more sic wonld havd to await his return. Mrs. Minton shut the bottle up in a drawer with a sigh. Tbe anxiously-awaited knock was at last heard, bnt it was accompanied by a sound which made the wife think nt once of her gift, and very shortly after her mutual embrace ask her husband if he bad experienced no benefit from the medicine which she had given him. At such a moment what could tbe poor man say ? "It's all gone, but, as yon see " he replieel, and coughed. "I do not see that it is all gone, cither cough or euro," fhe returned, rising and giving him an indignant glance, and au instant thereafter held the bottle before his astonished gaze. Mr. Minton foil back in his chair with a confused laugh. " Ah, I bee ! Jobson has been hero." " So you gave it to him, did you ? " "I thought ho hud greater need than I." " Oi this ? " asked the wife, uneorkinp the bottle, and banding him tGe jlip tf paper. ' This i meant for your bead. But it Hhoiild touch your heart; A wife's love in in it. Though, you far Irom her stray. If you take this each day. No other can iu it." "Am I to conclude that I havo lost you?" faid Mr. Minton, a.' bo finished reading the verse, "anil am I to suppose tta- old Jobson has gained you?" " Mr. Jubson has not bcon here." "Then Low comes it you have that bottle?" "I found it upon the kitchen dresser." But neither Mr. or Mrs. Minton will ever exactly know how tho " euro " returned to them, unlets they read these lines. lis sinpnlar rcapperranco in their household hs had, however, the good result of making Mr. Minton confine himself to the strict truth when talking to his wife. She has only to fay " bot tle "to curb iu him tho elichteet ten dency to exaggeration. A ltomauee of the Camera. An interesting tale, with a vario'y of tho most poiutoil mornli", is told of a Brooklyn belle and her faithful ad mirer. List year the young lulyia question aud her mother were, among the bnurder.i at one oi tho large hotels at Anbury park, aud among the regular "Siitnrday-iiighter.i" was a friend of tho family und esposially of its younger female member about whose punctual habits and rapt devotion no doubt was pormittod to exist. Novcr a Sunduy passed that was not spent in the young lady's company and a pair of uncomfort ably tight patent-leather boots upon the sloping sands of the bene J ; whilo as the son retired behind the western hills the young people would sit be neath tho scrawny branches of a dys peptic seaside) cedar to watch tho play of tho rippling waves or tho sails of the seaward-goiag ships. Oa such occa sions, too, it may be imagined, words of love wore whispered to tho accompani ment of tho mosquito's tnuMcd hum. Thus the summer parsed away, till the season closod, and the young lady returneil to her residence on "tho Hill." where her admirer could enjvy tho rapturous charms of hor society much more frequently and at a much smaller expense Of this advantage he did not fail to avail himself, and all went mer rily until recently the young man was informed that a photogiapher at Phila delphia possessed, and, indeed, had put on exhibition, an interesting photograph of himself (tho Y. M.) and the lady, sitting on the sad sea sands, backed by a halo of Japanese umbrella. This in formation being also conveyed to the young lady, she was greatly concerned, as she, too, a vivid remembrance of the photographer's green van. ActiDg as her guardian or her brother would have done under the circum stances, the young man induced the Fhiladelphian artist through the use of a good deal of "laughter" to destroy the. negative and send him tbe pictures. With the precious pictures in his pos session be haHtened to tbe young lady's residence, and on being ushered into her presence, announcod his success by waving Iho package aloft and crying, "Eurela !" or words to that effect. After congratulations had been ex changed between them, tho gas was turned up and tbe package was opened, the young lady being anxious to see that the photographer had kept faith with them. Tho young man took ont tne pictures There was a hoarse and utterly irrele vant remark, a shrill scream, the crnsh of crumpling tin and tho slam of a vest bule door. It was the young lady's picture, but the arm laid trustfully abont ber canvas belt was not his arm, Tbe picture bal been taken on a week day. It has been thought that Ni ah sailed over Amer'ca when ho started on that forty days go-as you-ploaie cruise, for it is recorded of him that ho looked nut of tho Aikansaw laud. Tho report lucks confirmation, and Noah not being here to publish a card, we must accept the statement with a grain of allow ance. IlOKoLS AM) WOLVES. (rnvrnl Abo lliifurd Itmrrllip the llilllo lie Wlmctned ou (he l'lnlno Fonv nun Ana. In the year 1842 1 was a lieutenant of dragoons, and accompanied Captain Nathan Boone in a campaigu over the Wchtern prairies in scotch of the Great Suit Lake of tbe West; A pquailron of dragoons was tho strength of tbe com mand. The officers were Boone, com manding; Lieutenants Johnson, Chil tou, Andersen, and myself. We were caruncel on the head-waters of the Big lied, fork of the Arkansas river about the 20'h of Jane, when all uu'ure seemed rij .ieing over the grand and beautiful scenery which is to 1 13 witnessed in no other part of the world but on the great, plains of the West. During tbe night wo coul 1 hear tho distant neighing and snorting of horses a'nl the burking and howling of wolves. Oar horses were breaking loofo from their lariats frequently eluriug the night. No one in camp could design the cause of tho trouble save Captain Buone, who said there mutt be a batileof the wolves and hopes )agiig, und ordered the guards to bo doubled to prcvout a stain pi de of our own horses. At daylight the command was mounted and Boone said Ye would have on fippori unity to rnpturo a horse or two. So Auderson, ChMton. and myself s"lected three squads of the h?nt mounted dtugonns iu the command. We moved down tho creek iu tho direction oi the sound of the neighing and bariiiug, aud all were ou tiptoe to witness the buttle. Going about a ruilo under cover of the banks of the little creek, tbe noiso growing more distinct every moment until we got opposite tho Sold of battle, "which was upon tho levil prairio, about three bundreel yards from the blutr banks, hero wo halted and tbe threo officers da-mounted and went upon the bank to reconnoitre. We saw the battle tagiug; the herd of horses was about 150 strong, and tho most prominent one among tlieoi was the "great white horse of the plains," which mauy of you havo doubt-lei-B o'ten read of, Uo seems to be the commander, and hud formed tho mures in a circle with their heels to tho enemy, or cut ward. The diameter of this circle vtu.s about cue hundred yards with all tho foalsaud younget colts in the centre; all the stallions, with tho "white horse" n command, cn tho outside and sur rounding the circle of marcs, who were lighting the wolves. The wolves would retreat rapidly from us over the beauti ful prairie, and we gave chase with all the ppeed wo could. "The white horte' iu thia retreat commanded the rear guard. Before the retreat commenced I no ticed u squad of stallions approach the circle of mares; they pawed the earth, neighed and snorted fiercely nnd started off, leading the retreat. The mares opened tho ciicle, ond tho colts went out following a squad of marcs in their rear, aud the "white horse" still in the rear. I was mounted on a thorougbred horse given me by my father. He was sired by Sidi Ilamet. I gave Old the npur uod moved directly at the white king, with pistol in hand, thinking I might crease him if I could ever get by his side. In this chase Anderson's squad and mine kept well together. But Chilton's men, bing mounted on iufeiior horses, suoh as Noah's ponies) were left far in the rear. As we approuched the herd tbe "white horfo" wonld go slow and let us come up to within 20 yards of him, but could go away from us at his ease. He wonld keep between us and somo of the old mares aud colts until we would! drive him forward by approaelling too close. When it became evident that some of these mares and colts wonld fall into our bands the "whito hoise," evidently with much excitement, would abandon them to their fate1. We continued this chaso some eix or seven miles, when all of our hors(s, saco my horse Ciei, were pretty well blown. I made several ft reed dashes at tho whitn horse, but could not reach him. Ciil was too heavily handicapped, although my avoirdupois was not near so great as it is to-day, when the "white horse" was only carrying a foitber, Ou this cl ae we captured several old mares and colts, ull of which, being too closely allied to Noah's ponies, not. hav ing had the advautaqa of the race-track aud breeding under the direction of man, we set thorn at liberty on tbe plains to rejoin their herd. On this chase Anderson attempted to crease a young stalliou that be got along side o', bnt sent a ball through Lis brain and killed him. Creasing is send ing a ball through the upper muscle of the neck, which stilus tho horse and ho falls and is helpless for a few minutes, and can be secured by a lariat while in this eon tion. Oa our return from the clinse to the crimp, where wo funnd Boone and John son roosting bnffdo hump and jerkins beef, we passed tho battle-ground where were many evidences of the battle, quite annraberof dead wolves andhoraesand j sonio carcasses of hors:s on the outer ; edge of the battle-field that had fallen iu some of the charges, a id tho wolves had ctevourcel their carcasses. When wo reached camp with our okl mares and colts Boone laighed heartily, and faid: "Why, Mfdoc, (which was my nickname among tho t fli ;ers,) I thought you were going to cantnrothe "white horse," mounted on your thorough bred from tbe Blue-grass region?'' My re ply was that Cid was too heavily handi caped, while the "white horse" was without weight, oarryingonly a feather. We were all tired after this chase. We enjoyed hugely the roasted buflalo hump, ronsted before tho open fire, and remained in camp over night. Such, my fri-uids, is a hastily pro pared description of tho battle of the "horses und wolves," in which wo plainly see tho reasoning powers of this great "white ho'se of tho pluius" fullv developed. We also plainly see his military idea brought fully into play. In his assmlts upon his enemy he first organizes his assaulting purties, and iu his retreat from Lis more formidable opponent, the dragoons, ho covers the retreat of his army. This is certainly tho strongest of ev'ulence h"i possesses reasoning powers, and is, therefore, a a lit associate and companion of mnn. rnglish Vegetables. The only ood vegetables grown in Enlaud an very yonug thubiib, sea ka!o, asparagus and celery, which are bit tho blanched sprouting shoots of perennial plants. These mostly come in spring-time, and aH they are nono the worse, or even all the batter, for a httlo wiiolesome s aking, they munage to survive our climate well enough in tho long run. But other vegetable uro more or less fruity in their nature ; and really to tuste these ouo must go to America or Italy for choice the fitst. Of thorough-going fruity vegetables such as iho tomato England kuows nothing, as there is uot sun enough to ripeu them properly. Thefy at wars have a half-green taste, and uro wholly l ick ing in the truo rich tomato flavor. Iudeed, the tiuntnl American specime ns, though Listing ot the solder, of course, are bitter savored after all than the poor starved, sunless EoglKh thiugs. As to purple egg-fiuit and green chow chowo, Euglauil knows thorn not at all : while the profusion of rich, red llot-ln d watermelons and primrose skinned squashes und golden pumpkins in a Massachusetts market would astonish Covent Garden. Then again there are tho winter cherries, the sweet poUtoe, and, b-st of all earthly vegetables, green Indian corn, eaten off tho cob with fresh butter, and likest to nectar of ull eurthly delicacies. As for pulse generally. English beans are all stringy; they have neither the variety tor the tenderness of the American lu.iu. The peas have some gooel points for Eug lish peas ; but they are not half so large, or luscious, or melting, as American peas. They take too loug growing, uud have got old and hard before they uro big enonglrto pick. Lo fy vegetable's do a little better ; plenty of greein let tuco is growu. Bnt endive does not flourish ; it is a scrubby-looking p!aut in England , though its inferiority is mado up for in ere3ses aud tho lesser salad siti lis. Boots, too, ure good; who will deny tho British furmer the glory of his turnips, his be'ets and his mangold-wmzel? Cncnnibers em bo grown under gla-ts ; bnt what a misera ble fdiluro is tho vegeta'do-marrow! Fruits, too. English hot --homo grapes are tho bdst in the world; but for strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, plums and cherries, one must go to America Educated Men. In the gr at city of New York, und other cities, men of fine education find it. bitterly hard to keep themselves in bread and butter. While a skilled workman can always command good wages, those who are "willing to do anything" which means that they knuw how to do ?ittlo r.r nothing havo no chance s' ull ; there are a huuilred applicant? for every vacancy. "No small number of thu searchers for places," says a reporter who has x iiuiued U:e si.bjt'.-t, are native Amerie'ans. With neither trade nor profession, they are forced t take whatever offers ond nothing of fers. Many of thim ure educated men, who can eorjniate a Greek verb without d flknlty. Bat Greek verbs, however ornamental, are poor stocks in trade A thorough classical education, however desjrable it ray be, is of little uso in the employment matket unless bucked by some useful practical knowledge. College graduatesare standing ou every corner looking for work. If any person should desire to ride up Broadway in a coach drawn by a score of accomplished collegians, he would have no trouble in omploying them, even if h offend them re more than their board. A man who "had pawned his ciothes to pay for his advertisement," hi! vert ices that ho wants work of any kiml where he can earn his bread. What a sad story the pathetic appeal tells of that hope deferred which niaketh the heart ! sick ! 1015 THE FA IK SKX. Fa-hUin. I .I've fichus of mull are embroidi red in Irish point dosigus,- having one ei'ge mnch wider wrought than tho other. Ficelle lace in wide fan pleatiugs with smaller fans above of ivory white pleated lace are worn as throat bows. Venetian lace threo inches wide forms a flat border for neckerchiefs of light silk. The f.calloped edges are turned upward. Irish point embroidery in ecru or whiter tints is much used for turned over coll.irs, with a neck ribbon aud bow of colored moire, Tho cuffs to muteh havo smuller bows. A Hat 6earf of Venetian laeo i.s formed iuto a graceful lichu I y K'iug placed straight airosit the buck, gatheicd at the throat by a moire bow, uud having the ends flat and hpoging iu front. Tho most eUlieute, small, und least showy riches are sewed in the neck und uud sleeves of French dresses. These uro of laco and mu.-!in mori cf'en than I of tho lragilo crepe lisse formerly used, and ure usually composed of throe rows very finely pleated, Fichus and t alt'-squares in three cor nered thajes, nearly largo enough to cover tho shoulders, ae mudo of ciel blue, pink, or tmin-cohrcd silk mus lin, emhroi lore,! and sallpd with lioss of contracting color, such us olive ou blue, pule brown on pink, aud darl red on yellow. They are to give a touch of color to black or white dresses. The most elegant collars are of sheer linon iu a straight band, wilh u put tern o' drawn w rk ueai one edge, und Vene tian lace turneel up 011 tho other edge. Where the ends meet in feon the luci is gathered very full, and tied by i;ar row ivory whito satin ribbon that give thu enYct of a luce bow. There an straight linen culls also with a tied lace bow to be worn l utsids the sleeves. Mine". Patent-leather meet? with favor for ladies' niuitner shoes because it is cool, is uot uQVeted by moisture ut tl:o sea side, and is easily cleansed oi dost High shot s that luce iu front have toe caps of patent-leather, und but'oLctl boots with cloth or kid uppers Lave tin lower part of the glossy leather. The side-buttoned boot remains the popular shoe fir walking, but those that lace arc also in favor with many la Jits Pointed and box toe I shoes are the most faehionubict, thete our bast dealers do not muko in the extremeh narrow styles seen iu the fauciful show windows, uu 1 they advise tho use of longer slices when the toes are narrow. Tho 1 w Newpurt ties ure made both 1 kid und patent-leather, uud may be had with hifsh aud uueraeefnl I'reneh heels, Kit ate ui''re comlortulile anil in better taste with low heels. Veiy low ties like gentlemen's pumps, withsingle In les for tying, uro pretty for wearing with black tr dark bilk stickiugs. Slippers uro cut very low at. the toe, umlurewoin without lows to display tho stockings. If thero is any oru i ruent, it is a t it of embroidery or ol boftdeel work done ou the toe of the slipper. The Tuiierin? Wnit, If the truth cuid be ascertained bv statistics, it would he found that the coisot has destroyed luoio females than tho bullet aud bayonet hae destroyed mule.j. The human oputllettcd butcher, called a hero by historians, can eon gr.ttulutii him -ell" npoo being a lesser destroyer, although there i no glory in being surpassed by the inventor of the corset. The noble, eem-eshapeil chamber in w'lieii the functions of life are chiefly curried on by tho heart, 1 ins, veins, valves and niaseles is not a hiii's breadih too large. Fashion disnvaids thenecess tie -t of this cit.idi'1 of life, and by lacing, the lower ribs are c. impressed until tl tytueet and often overlap, and lh sentinels of life are eo p ul up in a fortress where thev can Intvc no fioi dnm of .e'.ioii. In yonr.g R'rK tu1 rl't, 1 articnlaily at tho joint 11 nd l iiiKes, are soil, and their greater part gristle, which is still softer, and the process of deforming tho chest cavity is easy. Tho coue being reversed uud nature) deQed, tho silly victim of fashion goes forth into the world with a tapi r waist, but her bodv is a hospital of disease. She is unlit to bo murried, beeauso nti'itt) bo a mother. It is a costly experiment to Wt el sue'a a fragile aud deformed cri a lire. The doctor and druggist will aec impauy her through life, and the undertaker come after a long, lingering strngfle for continued vitality. If she has children they are likt ly to suffer mentally and physically for her folly, fur, in conomnn with tho orgaus of tho chest cavity, tho whole of the lower o' guns, held in place by the peritoneal sao, are pressed downward und inward, and i.ieossuntly suffer fiom incomplete fnnetionul action by tight lacing - Herald of Health. Coffee srounds should bo preserved. I and given to your poultry. My iitl with the I nlico Dress. A li;; lor voiu fashionable, Kil ls, Wi'h their vi In -Is a I . t us ai d laces. Tie il 'liami nils and niU'es an I in rls, And tin ir milliners' li U'Ciitil laces. They nny shine at 11 pi.ty or lull. Jjnlil.ioiii d with half 'hey lio.-wcia . Hut (jive in 0 in place of them a'l, My Hil l with the cali o ilrs ! Your ditndii s and fopliiiKH may sneer At her simple' ant modest attire, But the charms she permit to appear Would set a whole ici herj; on lire. Hhfi can dance, but she never allows The liuKiu', the Hipicczo and cares , Sin- is saving all these f r ln-r spouse My Kill with the calico dress. Hln 'a an plump as a patrnlge, and fan As the rose in its curli' ft bloom ; Her teeth will with ivory compare, And In r breath with thi clover porfooi" If you w ant a companion lor life, To ''omfi.rt, eiilivi ii and b'.e-s, She is jut the l uht sort lor a wife. Is my f!irl wilh the callc i dress. ITEMS 01' I Yl'KKEST. Mr. W. i: Forster, tho late Irish Sec retary, is a crack shot wilh tho riflo and revolver, una is said to cuiry one of the later. Tho King of Hium, who has just built a new palaco i. r ono million dollars, is furnishing it with four hundred tons of furniture ut a cost of five huudrcd ihousun.l dollars. The wonderful Kentuckey revivalist, Humes, has bpgun work in Frankfort, ith the avowed intention of converting iho Governor, Secretary of State, and other sinful Htue oflh'iuls. Tho Boston dry goods firm cf Jordan, Marsh i- Co. will send twelve of their employees on a E iropeun tour this milliner, paying ull expenses. This is to bo made a yearly practice. Tho room iu the Fruncklyn cottage, Elberou. in which President Garfield lied is closed aud draped heavily with mourning. In this condition, it is stated, it will always remain. The wife of John Harriman, of More town, Vermont, presented him with four babies the other div, aud John is going to move at onco from Morotowa to a place with u leas ctituul itive name. Tho latest fashionable freak of the yonnj Eticl sh girls i.s to cut tht ir hair -hort, wear scirlot cricket cips and carry walliiug-canes. Thia costume is said to be fpiite common at Brighton. Six hundred Chineso arrivetf at Vic toria, B. C, on Monday ou the steamer Euphrates, from Hong Iv ng. and were subsequently despatched to Yule. They were penned cn board the vessel like tlOt7S. A Missonti woman was ustounde I when a man took her suddenly in his arms and jumped into a pond witB her ; and nrfltoful when sho le uued that her dress hud been iu a bl.izo, which the lap ex tinguished. Tho lougest line of fence in the world will bo tbe wire fence extending from Indian Territory west across tho Texas Panhandle, and thirty-live miles into Ne-w Mexico. Wo arc informed that eighty five miles of this fence is already under contract. Its course will be 'a the line of the C.inadian river, and its purpose is to stop the drift of the northern cittlo. It is a bold aud splen' did enterprise aud will pay a large per centage on tho investment. The fence will bo over two hundred miles long. HlMDIiOlS. A two foot rule KJep your feet dry. Tommy asked his mother if the school teacher's ferrule was a piece of the board of education. Of a grasping landlord Krauf re marked, " Ho would f i-fieezo the salt from a poor widow's tears." Give u young mnu good clothes and a good character ond he is tied. lie cannot do much with either one alone or both without energy. My-tery explained : Why is it that whenever you uro looking for auything yon always tiud it in the last place yoa look?" The reaon is because you always stop looking when you find it. With a heavy red shawl drawn over hpr bead, and leaving ber companion sifting ou tho lower step, she rang tho bell and said, ' Is this the place where a woman wanted a lady to take care of a biby?" Prof. B ill says tho earth is not over four hundred million years rid. No wonder so many of its nr untains are bald, and not a single one of them is able to lift its foot. But ull of them uro still spry enough to slope. The BSy KjF of the Yankee girl of thu. are small, taperine, and beautifully shaped, her II as beautiful as the , and she is without her l ; her frown is a a i acd hor fUnre excites I ! ! of sur prise and a hankering to era -.her. A good likeness : An Austrian man started in the liveiy stabln business last week, and the first th ug he did was to havo a bi sien pine J, representing himself holding a mule by the bridle. " Is that a good likeness of me?", he asked of an admiring friend. " Yes, it is a perfect picture of yon, but who is the fellow holding you by the bridle ?'

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