SM (Jjjhafham Record. Ctottem H. A. LONDON, Jr., editor Axr rnorRiEToiu K A.TKS or ADVEUTIHINO. One nqtiar. on lnwrtlnn, ftM Uiiswiimre, lwiiliiu-rilims 1-50 ini-nili, ZOO T'RMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Orc c f y. one y:ir, "!') Ill :ii:. Oue cupy, tbiooiuuatlij, 12.00 VOL. IV. PITTSBOllO', CHATHAM CO., N. C., JULY 27, 1882. NO. 10. Fir largiT R'UviIIk:iiii iU1IIk'I.iI emit rue's will mailt). Flowers. The munificent giver of life and luvc, Not satisfied yet, still strove to improve, And lavishly decked the fair bpeoni of earth With bright living gema ot woud'roua worth, Varied and beauteous, wonderful flowora, They bring ns to heaven, in thoughtful hour, For as we inhale their fragrant breath, YYe tliiuk not of life, wc look not on death, lint stepping beyond to that world of delight, A foretasto we gather -tho intuitive sight -O." brightness and glory, while love divine And heavenly ambition our eouls jut- rtwine. How the weary, dull even of sieknPss expand When sweet flowtis an- proffcre 1 by Irit ndl baud ! How they cheer the eiclt room, and lighten tho way, And frighten alllietion mill heavenly ray ! Wali'liipg tweet childhood' iiiin.eout girce, Joyously gatlitMiim floAers.wn l:aeu O'er their brows the blent wont" so gra-'initidy given, ' For i f mi.'Ii h ihe'i in the King'Um of Heaven." And oft have I known the pour daughter of toil Tin ongli her wearying routine. Home llowers t i b guile, IN'i'liiip. Bj. kiy. nut pining fi.r sun and ficsh air. A" in sympathy droo in;r, (tin two no ci part'. How ill light fill to watch the young iufaii bile The dawn of nam in beam forth inn smile, At Bight of blight II mem before, it spread, It mil i R'cli at the white, or grasp at the ro Kml leiin of constancy, love and truth, Flowers crown the bride in her yoiitl Stand'.l'g ill revi n m o, bowing Hie head. With rosci and I lies p-.;the t!m di a '. Tiny give only j y to pure thought: an ilenlre", It' lel'mig deligh'ful hwi I Iciviro bourn; Hut rold, nor. lid M a t il n o I'.iimot revert; Thu win loin of fio I in planting tl in era here IT'S AN ILL WIND." Ou a blowy, ra'lmr raw day early in March, in the your 1S7 , ti young inuu of a well bred bearing and t.lish presence strides with quick steps along tho narrow sea wall tltut jirotivtH the inha'itanU of Ht. AtlfUstiuo from the overflow of tho iK'ean through M to-tau-'ut river. Tho breeze from I ho seu in ho voiy stiff uud bri.b that it requires souio deiiuutr, hulunci'ig and acrobatic feuts and contortions fur him to ittuin bis foothoM uimiii tho w.ill Sir. Medley Dultun La hrop us bin visiting cuds label him is piqued aud nnnojed, uud he takes a malicious pleusuro iu butting against tho wind, nud conquoring its ugly gusts. After a valiant struggle, ho reaches tho fort in ta'ety. Tho walk Lull sent a rich tiuge of crimson to his cheeks, and having changed tlio circula tion, has scmowbat cooled his ire. After rambling about the fort, and listening, with au it.crtdnlous smile, to this blood-curdling Sales of the cicerone, iu regard to tho sktlt tone, instruments of tortuic, iu,d ructy iron cnges found iu a cm tain dungucn, Mr. Lathrop com fuitably settles himself ou the rampart inarotind nook, and sheltered from the gale. Ho has a line view of thu river, and tho distant white-crested breakers. He is really une.tmmonly comfoitable, and tho surroundings are so blight and smiling and t ondtteivo to pleasant thoughts, that after a slight introspection he comes to tho conciu t iou that ho is the one at fault, that ho has been unreasonable and disagree able, aud thinks that if thu men u'. bom.! could know how ho has acted iu a cer taiu affair, they would vote hituacad. Tho fact is, Mr. Sedloy I) tit ton L ttbrop is fomewbat in lovo, or rather, very much iu love, and men when laboring under such au induouce aro apt to be ending and suspicious. Mr. Lalhrop, about a fortnight ago, travelled all the way from Philadelphia to Bt. Angnstiuo for tho express pnrposo of beinj near a very cLarmiug young woman with whom hn is euamored ; b:t lately tho powers that be havo been . most provokingly against him. Miss Kstey, upon his adfeut at St. Angns t'no, was most gushingly delighted to see him, and for five or six days he lived in elysium ; but then a cbaugo came, and it dawned upon Sedley Latnrop's m'-'ntal vision that Ethel E4ey v. as a sad coquetto. To be sure, there was some excuse for it, as she was an un commonly pretty and attractive young woman, and wore her gowns and hats with buch a bewitching grace that a dozen or so men at tho hotel were as enthralled as Sedley Lathrop. When Mr. Lathrop arrived, and Miss E-tey appeared so to approve his admiration and devotion to the exclusion of all otherr, there was gnashing of teeth, and bitter anathemas pronounced upon his devoted head by tho youug nien in question. But now (ho seems to tire of the attention of only one man, so she throws out her lines again, and the twelve young men are soon wriggling on the books ; then cornea Mr. Luthrop's turn to gnash his teeth, but what is one agaiust so many? He sulks and he mopes, and complains, but all to no purpose ; she still continues dancing three times in succession every evening with that miserable snob, Tom Wilton. On all sailing and driving parties she takes particular paius to snub him most unmercifully, and his life, to Sedley jjitnrop, grows to io a naraen ana a misery ; he lores fa'tb in human nature generally, and tho milk of human kind ness within hitn is rapidly evaporating On this particular windy Mar oh day he has told Miss Estey, at the conclusion of another gentle remonstrance, that he sees now clearly that they are not suited to each other, and be intends returning to rhihtdelphia the following day. She looks a little startled when she hears his last words, and her under lip and eyelids quiver, but sho replies that she has long been of bis opinion, too, that ho has done nothing but scold and an noy her, that ho is bcrribly suspicions and jonlons, aud it is probably just as well that it should end now. So, as a ) relimiuury to the long journey homo, ho takes the walk on the sea-wall. As Hidley Lit hrop sits ru tho ram part, iJly digging little, stones out of the wiill, sn l tosBiL'g them into the yawning mouth of a cannon m or him, he sudden ly hca's alow laugh, and coming round the projection behind which ho lounges at full length is Lthel Es'ey with Mr. WilUin. Mr. Lilbrop is on his feet in au instant, and uncovering his heaj, returns Miss Ettey's haughty recogni tion with u low, grave l:v. They pass without comment, and Sedley, picking up his stick, starts toward his hotel with, if possible, even more bitter feel ings iu his heart than when ho left it, all his good resolutions to apologize) for bin quick temper, aud in the futuro to overlook Ethel's eupritvs, being com pletely knocked in the head by the late encounter. As hi! again steps upon the S 'a-wiill, ho fully realizes tho force of the wind; it is now pounding i gainst his back, und it rushes Lint along. He has uot us much timo to bo angry as ho wouli! like to have, for it requires all his mental and physical powers to wu'ch his steps and korp his hat on his head, no is seriously think ing of tukirg to tti i safer wid'h of the i oul, aud leaving the narrow lede of thft wall; tho thought causes hitn to look at the former, and he falls ahrut ten feet; fortuuatoly tho tido is rapidly fall ing, and the muddy water is only about two feet in depth. Sad ley Ltthropis on his knees, with his hands buried to the wrist iu the mud. There is a sharp paiu a cross between a red-hot kuifo slowly cutting aud an eloctrio shock somewhero in his right sidn, but ho is too dazed and bewildered to locate it. Drawing his hands out of tho ooze, ho attempts to stand; but his right foot will not support him, and he sinks back with a sharp exclamation and a vory white face. His hat and stick are floating off together jn pleasant companionship What is he to do ? In front of him rises ten foot of green, slimy, barnacle cover ed wall; beliiud him lies the river, spark ling in the sunlight; there is not a boat in sight, and he is sitting in tho water, chilled through aud through, and unable to move. "Will nobody come?" ho thinks with despair. Ho knows the exact location of the tremendous pain now; it is in bis ankle, and is growing so intense that he ftiols ill snd dizzy. "What if I should faint ?" ho says, looking at tho water about him, and measuring the depth with his hand. "It is deep unough to suffocate mo." Just at this juncture there are stf p on the wall, coming toward him, and ho hears a sweet, musical voice, the accents of which send a rush of crimson to his face. He is mortified to think that she will see hitnin this humiliating predicament. He decides not to call; he will wait for some ono elao to help him; but it is growing toward dusk, and he cannot endure the pain much longer. Involuntarily be groaus. The footsteps stop. "I heard a groan, Mr. Wilton; what can it mean? It seemed to be right hero." Then there is a horrified cry ni Miss Estey discovers Mr. Lathrop sitting close to the wall, submerged in the water, all splashed with mud, looking frightfully demoralized, and with an agonized expression in bis eyes as he meets hers. "Why, Mr. Latheop Sodley what has happened? Oh, are you hurt?" got ting down upon her knees and leaning over tho wall to look at bim. lie smiles rather faintly at her, and without a word falls over, and the water quite oovers bis head. Without an instant's hesitation Mr. Wilton lowers himself over the wall and then drops into the water. Resting nn one knee, regardless of the wetting, be holds Lathrop's head, and brushes the water from bis face with his handker chief. Foor Miss Estey is quite beside herself with horror and terror, and calls out, "Oh, Mr. Wilton, what shall I do? What shall I doi" "Just stop the first person yon see, please, and ask for a boat. I will stay here." In about half an hour a boat is rowed as near to the wall as possible, and two men wading to Sedley Lathrop carry him to the boat. There is quite an ex- cited crowd of spectators on the wall, and a great many conjectures and opin ions as to bow it happened aro volun teered. n . Toward the end of the month of April, St Augustine begins to b ok deserted. The great rush of the Northern travel is over, and the few remaining tourists are generally people who, for various reasons, cannot get awnr. On tho road that leads to tho fort, on a deliciously perfect day of that month, stroll two of the above mentioned tourists a young woman and man; the latter leans rathor heavily upon a stout walking-stick aud has an almost decided limp. They reach the fort; and seat themselves. "Well, this is the tlrst timo I have been horo since that day," from the young mun, looking archly at his com panion. "Oh, please do not spe.k of that, Sedley; the memory of my horror when I aw you in the water is too unutter ably terrible;" and Ethel Etey shud dered at the recollection. "Well, I .do not kuow that it was such a bad thing after all, E.hel," tak ing her hand and looking deep into her eyes. "I am tiuly grateful to that wind; it blew me from tho wall, but it also blew me back to yon! ' Waverly Magaz'no. f rogs ns a Luxury. In all the city hotels frogs now arc considered a staple urticlo of fojd. Some servo them only during tho sum mer season, but in th.' majority frogs aro included in tLo bill of fate througu every mouth in the year. Frogs, un like oysters, are not only good iu the months with an Ii, but in all the othcrt, as well. In some seasons tho demand for this dainty is so great that it even excedds tho supply, and at times tho hotels aro unable to obtain all their trade demands. It may be a surprise to many to know that ono hotel ulotio requires noarly eighty dozen of frogs daily to supply tho demand. It is getting to Iu just tho thing to huvo a few frogs for un after theatre lunch. At the larger mat kcts iu tho city there is also a glowing inquiry for them, aud it is not aa uucomtnon thing for a customer to include among his other purchases for his homo supply a dozeu or moro frogs. It is safe to say that if people could bo induced to make a single trial of a skilfully-preparoU diah of well-fattened frogs' log-t, this de mand, from simply not being uncom mon, would soon become general. Tho business of catching frogs begias in May, and continues without interrup tion throughout the summer. Tho outfit of the professional frog-catcher is a pair of long logged rubber boot j, a scoop-net attached to a long pole, a small gua acd a suitable bag for con voying the booty home, frogs are found in abundance, uud thu sportsman iu this lino of business, if ho possess even ordinary skill unlike those who hunt for other game need never return empty-handed. No frogs aro killed at the time of capture if it can possibly be avoided, as it is especially desired to secure them alive, in order that they may he properly fattened for the markets. A first-class catcher, who was fortunate in striking a good hunt ing grout: d at a favorable season of the year, has been known to bring back over sixty dozen of frogs as the result of bis day's labor ; but if au average ol thirty is taken each day, it is considered satisfactory. Iu preparing them for the market tho heads aro cut ofi, and the body is split down the the under side and the skin carefdlly removed. Then' they are carefully washed several times to cleanse them of all particles of spawn or other ex traneous matter. The legs are gener ally separated from the body, because most places serve only the former to their customers ; but others purchase the frogs whole, and use the bodies and forelegs in stews and fricassees. The business Los already been injured by inexperienced parties delivering frogs which have been improperly dressed. The living animals are placed in large hojsheads filled with fresh water, iu whioh they are allowod to stay for several days, and during this time they are regularly fed with cuoppad fresh meat and fish, celery, cabbage and other green vegetables. At intervals of every two or three days all the frogs .are taken from the water, and allowed to exercise themselves within prescribed limits, and to enjoy a thorough sun bath. Aftor having lived upon dry land for a while, they are again placed in the tank. These opera tions are continued for some time, or until they are well fattened and in condition to be killed and exposed for sale. The handling of the frogs during these operations reqnires moro than ordinary care and experience. One peculiarity about tho animals is the fact that they do not breed when in the water tanks in a sta'e of captivity. Rhode Island's first case under the Ffteenth Amendment is that of a negro lawyer, who was refused admission to a skating rink on account of his color, and procured tho indictment of tho man agent. FASHION JiOrES. Magnolia white is a charming tint for the rich silks and satins of evening dresses. Luge foulard funs, used instead of pain wis and matching tho costume, are the latest Parisian novelty. The prtecesse pelisse, a long over garment of India pongee, is useful as a traveling clouk. It is bordered with a chicoreo ruche. The sash paoier, terminating behind with a long-looped bow, is more popular than the festoonod drapery that curves upward in front. The striped cadet-blue ginghams, with plaitings i bowing the darkest stripe on top of each pleat, are pretty for momia drosses in the country. Ivory-whito surah dresses for summer evening parties have t!io skirt covered with flounces of Venetian embroidery, imitating tho designs of old point lllOJ. Lace mitts reappear. Black mitts for ladies aid ciirk red for children aro most fashionable. The Marguerite mitts of closely-woven silk uro most serviceable. A gray linen dros, with sweet reus painted upon it, with tho same flowers ou hut und parasol, was tho toilet worn by u French marquiao at the Giand Piix. Tho Di-rby costumo is tho new Euglish dress for Lid i us. It is made of dark blue muslin, with a white pi pie or linen vest, und u masculine blue jacket ,'aitenod with a single button at tho throat. A new bow for tho garnituro of drcpses has three colors of ribbon in it, such as blue, red and bronze, wheu dark shades uru used, while for lighter bows pink tilleul green und sky-blu) aro combined. The new colored vniln of chonillo dotted tulio add a gay touch to the costume, but they reipiira tho llowers or feather garni tur.i of tho small bonnet, and are not Incoming to tho f ico iu warm weather. Liglit-coloro 1 gronntlino dresses aro again in fashion for midsummer. Tur quoise blue, Nilo green aud lavender shades are chosen for young ladio?. They ar.i trimtuod with silk laces and worn with many natural llowers. Au elegant dress for a brnnetto is rondo of copper-rod tulle ovor faille of tho samo shadu, with a border and panels of darker rod roscj clustered togother without foliage. Another, also, for a brunette is of yellow satin, with a lace overdress and cordons of yellow roses; with foliage of dark brown leaves. Tho design for a pretty fan, for which a prize was awarded to a young JapanesD artist, shows four different views, representing the 'foliage of the different seasous. lie Id in ono way, the fresh green loaves of spring are seen ; another view of this side shows tho rosy blush of summer blossoms. On tho other side are drifting red autumn leaves, while in another view thore is seen alono bird on a bare bough amid the falling snow. Stiniiiiei' Ixeiirsions. In getting up a picnio of your own, young folks, you muBt havo a settled pluu of actijn. You must know who are to ooniposo tho party, whore yon intend to go, aud what you can do to amuse yourselves when you get thore. Then, to3, you must havo what in armies is called a commissary de partment, which shall see about the provisions. A picnio without a dinner would he very dull. If tho spot you choose is not within walking distance, it ii well to know whether it can be eaily reached by boat or cars, or by stage or carriage. Yovl should tiud out beforohand precisely how much it will cost to convey tbo party to tho spot. Then select u treasurer, who shall pay all expenses, buy tickets, and tuke charge of the funds. Tho treasurer must keep an exact acconnt of every thing he or sho may spend, putting it down in wiitiug, that a report may bo given at the proper timo. In providing luncheon it is an excellout idea for each one to bring some particular article, so that there may bo enough of eveiy thing. Hard-boiled eggs, pottod meats, thin slices of ham or tongue, cold chicken and plenty of good bread and sweet milk, aro among the must haves. Ficnio appe tites are famous, and you need plenty of the"snbstantialfl." Jelly in little glasses, fruit cako, and pie, generally please the little poople. Do not forgot salt. Nor the pepper. Bottles of milk wrapped in cabbage leaves are not to be over looked. The girls must remembor that so far as possible all picnic preparations should be made the day beforj. It is not well to leave cooking for the morn ing of the day you aro to go. Tho boys, too, should havo their fishing tackle in readiness over night. If swing are to be put up, a man should be en gaged to Fee about them, or at least the oldest and most trustworthy boys of the darty should sen that the ropes are ffrm, and the treo branches stout Nothing is more terrible in its conse quences than a fall from a swing. Muiihcrn Hospitality. Turning iff Irom the coiduroy road, I took u foot path, and was soon us near the rbin us a high rail fence wonld al low me to approach on hono'ack. Tho most of my readers in the older sec tions of the country will fupofo that I had now c nly to dismount, hitch my horse, climb the fence, rap at the door, and so gain admittance to my resting place for the night. Fur otherwise. Only the most untravcled and inex perienced Jn the Brush wonld under take so rash an ixperiment. Sitting upon my horse, I culled out in a lou I voice, "Hello, there I" That call was for tho same purpose that tho city pastor mounts thu stone stops und rings tho bell at tho door ot his purishoners. It was rather moro effective. A large pack of hounds and vuiious other kinds of dogs responded with a barking chorus ; a group of black pickaninnies rushed from the kitchen, followed to the door by their subio mothers, with arms vkimbo und hands fresh from mixing the potuo or corn dodger for tho family supper; all with distended eyes and mouth, staring at the stranger with excited and pleuscd cuiiosity. At almost thu same instant tho mistress of thu incipient plantation reached tho door of her cubin, stockingless aud (hot-less, with a dress of woolsey woven in her owu loom by her own hands, and cut and uado by hor owu skill, with face not loss pleased and excited thau tho others, and her cordial grtetiiig of, "How d'y, stranger how d'y, sir ? 'Light, sir I" (alight) " 'llht, sir !" Remaining upou my horse, 1 replied, "I am a stranger in llieso parts, madam. I havo ridden about fifty miles since morning, and am ex ceedingly tired. Can I get to stay with you to-night, madam ?" 4 Oh, yes," she replied, "if can put up with oar rough fare. We never turn anybody away." I dismounted. The dogs, who would otherwise havo resisted my approach to the door by a combined attack, obeyed their instruction not to harm me, and granted mo a safo entrance as it recog nized friend. Such was tho universal training of the dogs, and 6uch the uniform method of approaching and gaining admittance to thu houses of tho people iu tho Brush. One-Legged. Mr. A. F. Hill, who lost a leg at Antietum, gives the following list of qnestious which are asked him over aud over again, until he says they ure stereo typed on heart and braiu : "Did you lose your limb in battle?" "What battle?' "Did a common ball take it off?" "Did it knock it clear off?" ' Did you feel much pain ?"' "Who amputated it?" "Did it hurt?" "Could you wear a wooden leg." "How docs a person feel with his leg off ?" etc. All these questions nnd many others ho fuels that, ho must, us a gentleman, answer politely, even if they are asked every day of his life. Aud yot this soldier had some plea&ant experiences which must have compensated him somewhat for his aflliction. "Iu New York, at tho door of my hotel, I met," ho says, "a solitary bootblack, who greeted rue with, 'Black 'em ?' " " 'All right !' said I. as I placed my foot on his box. He had soon polished the boot sufficiently, but was still brushing away, when I said, " 'There, that will do. "What do yon chorgo ?' "The dirly, ragged little fellow looked up earnestly in my face, aud said, " 'Oh, I won't chargo yon anything. You've only got one I "I compel. ed him to accept ten cents', of course, assuring him that I hud bushels of em.' "But tho intention was no less kind, and thu gentle sympathy, boyishly ex pressed as it was, touched mo deeply." A fashionable .tiiitiseiiieiit. In Washington, soap bubble patties are among the fancies of the day. Like common parties and Germans they afford an opportunity for tho distribu tion of gifts, which, unless conducted with great delicacy and good taste, quickly degenerate into vulgar ostenta tion of wealth. At a recent event of this peculiar kind the climax of the evening was reached before eleven o'clock, when a large china punch bowl filled with soap-cuds was placed npon the centre-table of tho rear parlors, the carpets having been pindtntly screened with Knen, ostensibly for greater con venience in dancing. "Long nine'' eighteen clay pipes were produced, and all tried to see who could blow the biggest bubble. Three trials were granted each person, but all whoso bubbles burst were compelled to desist. There were five judges to estimate the size of tho bubbles and to award the prizes, which were old kuickerboeker pipes, plaques, and other dainty souve nirs, to the sttccossfnl blowers. The fun was imraens", for many grown folk are children at heart. itkioi s toi insHir. I. on- l ii kliiu unit llnrilnce Amona l lie .llln lnll'll 'lloctllii. The two thousand Cjoefows (-till liv ing in their ancestral homes in Missis sippi retain in their pristine vigor muay of tho tangos of their ancestors. Among theso are tho methods employod in conducting a courtship and thu nior riuge ceremony. W hen a young Choc taw, t f Kemper or Neshoba Ciunty, sei'S a mnidon who pit uses his fancy, he watches his opportune' y until he finds her alone. Ho then ; pprouches within a few yards of her mid gently casts a pelblo toward her, s;o that it may full at tier feet, lie may havo to do this three or four times btloio ho attracts the n:aideh's attention. If this pebldc throwing is ngruetd.-Ie, sin- soon miiks it manifest; if not, a scornful look und a decidtd "ekwali'' indicate that his suit is iu vin. When u marriage is ugreed upon the lovers appoint a limu and place for the ceremony. Ou thu nurviiigt; tluy the friends und relatives of the prospective couple nit et ut their repec;ivo houses or villages and thence mutch toward each other. When they arrive neur the marriiigo ground generally intermedi ate sjaco between the two vithiges they hull withiti about u hundred u:ds of each other, Tho brothers of the woman then go acrtv-s to tha opposi'e party hud bring forward the tuuu und set him (town on a blanket spread upou thu marriage fjn utid. The man's sistt r then do likewise by going over und bringing forward the woman, titid seat ing her by tho side of tho wan. S 'ine 111116', to furnish a little merriment for the oecjMon, tho womuu is expected to break loose and run. Of course she is ptir.Mitd, captured, nnd brtught back. All patties assemble around tho ex pectant cuple. A bag of bread is brought forward by the woman's rela ttves and deposited near her. Iu lite manner the muit's iclutives bring for ward a b:tg of meat and deposit it near him. The mini's fiicnds and relatives now begin to throw presents npon the head and shoulders of tho woman. These presents are of any kind that the doners chocse to give, us articles of clothing, money, triuket.s, ribbons, &; As soou us thrown they uro quickly snitched oil by the woman's relutivt s and distributed among themselves. During all ehis timo thu couple sit very quietly and demurely, not a word spoken ly either. When all the pres ents havo been thrown and d stiibuled the couple, now mun and wife, nrise, tho provisions from tho bags aro spread, and just us in civilized life, the cere mony is rounded eiff with a festival. Tho festival over tho company disp. rse, sliI tho gallant gtoem conducts his bride to his home, where they enter upon tho toils and responsibilities of the future. National lYculiiiritirs. An Englishman who recently visited this country has considerable to say concerning our customs and methods of doing business. Ho says; Busine-s is pursued differently than amongst ns, though international commingIiij,;s aud competitions are hourly bringing com merce und triido to similar methods. Yet our drapers' assistants, for example, would find themselves out of their e le iLont in the dry-goods stores of America Here, our shopmen spend much timo in piucgyries upon the fabrics they; and he who is most mellifluous in ptaise of his mastet's geeds get promotion. In the United States this snecious volubility would cause, the shopman's speedy dismisssl. Customers judge for themselves, nnd any attempt to gild tho pill excitos con temptuous suspicion of tho vendor. The average American, however poor, is compelled to be a gentleman. Work men in England uro not always caieful of personal appearance, though our young men are becoming so. But in America, uf or btninesi hours it is im possible to distinguish a man by any eit 'itml marks of his occupation. Ar tisans are dressed iitutjy, sfylishlv. sph-ndidly, according to individual ideas olid income. I have lived in hotels tiud boarding-houses with working tnen whose clothes, deportment, and conver sation, gave uot the least clow of their employments. Good manners are not only expected from all, but are insisted upon. Except in mining regions, where a conglomeration of international row dies set up a local code of behavior, all Americans are urbane. Even in these lawless spots wt men are treated with courtesy. Refinement of manners is nowhere more conspicuous than in tho treatment of children. Anglo-American boys and girls havo indulgences, pleasures, and intimacies with their elders qnito unknown to their cousins in tho East. I was struck with tho ex traordinary good conduct of children in s.'hool. There is a e-ode of high be havior ruling teachers and scholars that compares favorably with that of Eng laud. It was curious to remark, as I had occasion to do, how soon an immi grant's turbulent, irascible, unruly, opinionated boys were subdued to the prevailing behavior. A Bit or Scaiuliil. Ah, yes, it sounded well. Your just indignation to tell They thought ho wns bo good, you sen, AV hat seaudul could more pleasing bo ? Anil so lliey passed the ti 1 about With many a wire no t ami flout, Told hat ho herd und what she saw, And said 'twonld suioly go to law. And now 'twas u nod, U"t the siuilo Tlint onco In Iped to cheer and beguile From the sorrows we all luiiHt bear, While in this life we bold a sliuic. Ami Hume st irei', passing coldly on Whili.ui friends used to sniilo and fu'.'ii, While beta few with trusting graeo Hel l the usual friendly fac . A very tr.illn;; tlniof, my friend : Hut then these littl" thiegs olVi lid, Crush the j v uf many a heart, Komi'titou most bitter grief impart. There's nut a soul however black That d"f all truth nu I g-odioH lack -Then thoNr lei brought this olio to woe, Mi'ht yet servo joii the same, you know. Ktipiioro uhi tried hi tiud Mine- g"o I, A most sni-i !y 1 th;uk y ui could, And I I it tor oii.-e in a "ov, I .ninu- ' ill l! at v.ei"ii ' I'n v say", it oii'y I. nth wealth the pi.w- r c:.e i thee in griefs din i. hour, r e'i ii a smile will b lp iiphu'd e soul that il.i ih'.llg felll-i I'll'ol l. YAKIKIIKS. A Ht. Louis boy drank mil!; without 'liking tho chew t f tobacco out of his mouth. The milk washed tho tobacco down his throat, and ho died t.f uieoliuo poison i n Muuy years ago four doct tra of Erie, Fennsylvaiii i, agreed that Captain John H. Walsh could Lot hvo twenty-four hours. Hince then ho has attended tho f'.inetuls of throe of tho medicos. Tho destruction of the Co'ifodoruto statnu ut Columbia, Sou'h Carolina, moves tho Augusta, Georgia, Chronicla to urge, that a lighteuiug-rod be put on tho Confederate monument in that city. An impetuous man at Winona, Mis., failing to coax a girl to elope with und marry him, lassoed her m sho was going to church, nud was dragging her towards a justico's oflljti when succor came. It is said that Frince Charles of Ger many, brother of tho Emperor, con sumes daily from eighteen to twenty fnur strong Havana cigars. Ho smokes throo at a timo, in a tiitilc barreled holder, made according tu his own design. It is proposod til revive tho pilloty iiu England for the punishment of men who unlawfully boat or wound women. Above the head of tho occupant of tho pillory is to be placed his name and tho epithet woman boater or wife beater, as the case may In. Ono of the events f-f tho Evangelist Barne s campaign in Kotnu-'ky was the conversion cf thirtv-t hreu convicts in tho penitentiary. On Sunday last those men were placed iu wagons, und sur rounded with guards armed with riflep, taken to tho river nnd baptized. Mus Frances Lyons, who won the gold watch which was the first prizofor proflcioucy in I-'ronch at the Normal Hchool commencement in New York on Thursday, reported its Joss to the polico the samo night. Sho is unable to say when or where it was stolen from her. A factory for the manufacture of curled hair for cushions out of Florida moss has been built ut Pullman, Illinois. Sixty bauds are employed ut tho faettvry, and agouts are in the South collecting tho moss, which is shipptel in bales. Tho manufacturers claim that tho urticlo prod need is as good for furniture as the mot costly hair. Louis Coon, conductor ou a Liuiaville street railroad, wished to whip two Gruidohs, fathe r and soil, 1i-j kept a bakery em his route, but could not get away from his work long enough to do it. He accordingly armed himself with a revolver, jumped t il' bis e r :is it was russing tho store, ha-ttily shot each Orunlub iu the leg, and then calmly re sumed his duties. Thu police, however, went for him. On leaving hor honi' in Licking county, Oliio, lust fall, Aura M. Stott loft her skirts behind, and went to Cin cinnati in male clothes. Although only eighteen, and not course in form tir features, she readily passed for a boy. Perhaps the deception was made easy by her cureless manner of smoking, drinking, and swearing. Sho was suc cessively a porter, clerk in a notion store, and conductor of a horee car, bofore being found out. Peter Griffin, a colored man, living rear Americus, Gtorgia, presents an example of industry worthy the emula tion of his race. He owns a farm of over throe hundred acres, all of which is under cultivation. He has ono hun dred acres in corn this yeir, and will make fifty bales of cotton this year. He has twenty acres in oats, and raises on his place everything that ho needs. There are six plows run under bis direction, and ho has a home that is fitteel up with every convenience and comfort. Ho has line credit, but does not need it, ns he has more cash than he needs. His extent of his participation in politics is to vote for the best man presented for office, without regard to color. MS - fit

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