I 3 . 1 ,vi &M Uwaiham lm:z - rr L Ji'i'DON. Jr.. EdJto.-. L! , Pt.;d; ;,:.v-:!.' v;-' A.. tV. X .1 JScT-;"f- V,;u:r . .-at, 'ii.. ' '! ' '' ' iiV OP OHAV K CoCNTV. RErr.r.Ki-vT '.vk 4th Pwtbiot. vir.u.u r. cox. i.p v. a ur. cii'N t'j. ?L ..ill Di..Ti:!. r, F. X. S TiU'DW iCix, OK C ; ' NO 8 Col'STi'. Si r -i.;-... C...-..T Ji-i-.n:., ..' T'otiU'f J'.mis- E. Sumo'iif. . ,. .. istiie'- I -'.t:u 1'i.ii .i's. j:d l'-Mic' V I 1 ! W ; . A. Mi AOY. P.h D'.-'.rici- -J nil.-, C. M. U.o;. ii.ti L.sriet John A. OiLMts. ii'-'j District--W;uv:.i M. Shut. Fk. iion, X.v uibi-r Tth. 18S-. Tit" y-r.vTK I'aiu will le Ik'M iw us-".' fas yaw a", i?:-'-'... l--iunii:ir oa i'.i.U of U.'o'JcV. Vi'e l;uv -iv ..! fa u: i: .'; tiiiii.-k. aiy. h ..! 'y i'.H.tl c a ..;i.':n I.1-;. a. 'lu ','.':! (L.t la i 'v i '' '. 1. mi' oll'vf.,1. aiuj l.t Y, of ii I-.'"1' - ... :. : l tliO'js.':..l ;o f. T'.j'.' f-;i." u is.' o : . .... . ..'cn. :!'-. v tl-.u! '.vor i; C "m'l,::..' ; i. rr. ji I -'-1 ; ;:y i ' I' e ' M.Oo. Wv : ; ti.at .ar furaivi. will tr.! nwt- ii !Le ' o. ..'V i.i... . iiro. '1 -I.-. I 'vs f :- OI'(i(la. t: ::t ...;:'; -:,;o ia:,- . hv-en t i ai ii. a:..; ,w mi tliis y i.;ayiu;A;- i.;... ijioveiut'i' :l f -j'fc. Curoli'ai a . v.v i'. ,i i-.-:, :i i: ! HUil u"f f-C ;!,; at..- ia et tuiv iircv.us :ciii,l .,' 1.. -r ::i;oiy. ai!:l liie fi'. .I'll of 'i !:(..'. :. 'a lat'.i- riii.h In nn,. ..i ..:'.! in tla '. - , , , i-ossib. u ortu-out .h.'-lfuom iPitioii.il col !',-is niiiy t.-.t Lav-.- as I. ''go a r.t:.! ' " if'.i! s ;n ut - U.idau.v u., bt!u:o ti.,. war. v.-! XL..VI p.. ,1 i lit' .!:;.! uutr-s ui'e . iii t .. r i'.;i:;;'i til '.. Biih'- "Ii.".'', t' ui of im: !.'." .Oi.'- I--..)-.. .... 1. .vi. . iaacv ' !i n 'ii.!:j ai:l A.':;;l-.'::i'i il.Kl t MlUibci .'I.' ; it rl'jru.li'-' : in :'! Ii! ;." ..'.. : v J ;lv i a it' one or nioif l.iV.ita-' iij'.o" ii .a ii'-.;;. 'Auifa: . !. yu':;i ".i . ri'i'civo ;i ;a r ciu- at:nii " -"Oulctiuf.-i I .:-. the p.i'...;,'.'..'Lou!a have u;;i" -t .!..--... v.-d ;' i ivato . ;li.iiOi iO tliK, ii. - .1 : ; :....' will -.! ux v s.'i .... .. - . ... " " ' '' oi L v'oi;iil i ; . t'ioa l-at i1 'iv ovi-ii .a n:. ' I'Oiitiiy .:ui tin a r- e-Uti.o-f oi t:.:.Mi.vi- bti ;.'..i.' rr. '; ,,i ...i : . .... , . l-.;i l.ill. U J. ....1 Vi V. ....I .Hi.U ... il'J.'btli'."-'.:! i ! Ci Ovl.fi ii;:OW ; ; !.. i . ., ; ... i'c : . i 'i "i : ,K '"' i lit"l:.l !: l! ' li W .ii.i ;m- rra ii' ) t'.-.Kl .1.. . . i- vtro : in- ' .i!.i- i:' i;.u'!'ir. c: .... !? .L' ...'.lll.nl, '.i'.-iai... ::.-;.,l-l;'!. a. vl i'.,l till:'! is so, it is iii tni :J:.l il.e ::" n'in.ols , l!lut u w,; u. Vv.JM ,i,-t.icLc,l au.i ' il.c .-'.a1' vi';i' i.uv .-o jiroi roiis. , full into tin v u ivi t's iLroa w!..u ,'io' 3 c1. ' i r." r;" a'fi'i'.-in;,' tl'.- ' slv !. unA tiai.-. i-ml Lw si.il'. nns , .i , . , ,;v, ,i .",,".', Wtiiiv it t-hllii'i. l.l -t: i c--:-!.i f ir L.J.iv' . . I I S '1 It v .il 1 -.ilia I Cll.t t . . . . , , , 1 lur! in-r ci.lit ui u o. ii' "t Oi e i'ia.ti',-1 ?vcr us.v.'.-. ii'.-f -:vrs cf tm" . ia, ,,. ,;,.,....,i,,i.y!r. bis ii,vi,ih it. rowu'vi. .;!'.:. .mK..;. .- Ua,t. Wn g.j.t riiif.-l witii il si ibiait hi.i1 uh::. .ihct lor .-(i w .-il how it I ia I'lhrr . -n'-e cuUoi.. vslu.'ii w frtijai'i ;. .:ua;,. .. . ! v,. ..o !-: i.i.uaU: to X:. "it tl'.it, i:. v.'...;'ia;a li.i- -ni'.io iif a: ..i-i.Mi';: a:..- i. ri.ls-i.i ;-a .' ; i li.a'. t.-.u'.. .' . .i.ii-i it.ix ha ii0iu ;m fXaiii.LalMU fur a i- i.-.l .ri'tJ'i j ul .. tl.i.v .11.1 :vi".t..: . r,.: . TLU iai-visi'd iiai tly by the colue froul biwr exhaio-tiuu. li roat'.ri t.f il.. (.''i'.-i' of coui.ty snpor-1 tin luijijihine tieutuiLiit w;'.s Misjii iul-it.:-:..i-iil of o--' 'i iui.ti-.u-.tion :uul 1 be wou'ul su..u sink iroiu lb i- i , i. ., . .i , ,i, i ' L-liut'ta of luiin. Now ali l lint cuti In- , , ' uoiiis is to lulevialu u:s sullcru. am r,,il ..o ..i,ci t....!i. asul ju.-.o by ,U j,riiu,lfr lif.s for a f..-w days, wLn-L, h. .'.ital.i-. .i .' Hi ! i. co':, i-i.. 1 n.ouci bin U'liibio cLu.iitloii, .v I i.".' . a. ... 1,- i.:i. ran t.i sci -IU.J to i':i: hu.iu than iiiuMi i.iOU mat-.' ti.-.' :-.:'.;;!:- - of the i.onuul ViJ--h o";''''' his cy' 'U. ' -i kjul ' ti01 S. II' SLat .-t.v. ..i ...;.." I't .'i : . k--. .; i. iiov;-. '. .-.i.i.'.'N i.:, L....-;t .i r.iiiiar.-, i,i-: .. -i'. i. n, iii.:1 i. ..i..-it ui' ii.Hs' t -..is tovioa-b I., - ...--.iietl. ILo t'litiv' I ij.v.it.l.y ji.'i'.i.al .M'itooi lias of ititif :i!i' A .i.voi '.;..;. !.-.e I tl.i ai t ui u , ;n our p.d .ic Ki-Lo. -!.-, .,:,.:.,.' , , . i and ;ts ......'.,..'o i-r jjvv.d ....o on.. , ...... - ua.,t uw:,iu.'.e. lv...:i.'.-., iUji.ulllesSol'u.v t,ul..; .leu a nil' w.1 may jud; i." il'. in li.f av Lild iti lo la I Wtel) .ue ?iciv-ra.'ishino-a woiidoii'il , . . , , woik M.d i;;c n ; rent p".vfr for ..-otid. A careu.1 aervi'v of f'o f.eld shows a most j,. iiii'i i.Cfj -h ii ie' aaajcr '.ho liuc, iii... tl.nt I.i vi ti iii'"", t oi . cation a; I,,uoi-u.-' J , ao.ts of . ., . , the forr r aro wmnuirf the victory. ( Evorywl:' -o tLioughout t! e Stab- the peoplo iU'o aroki jid to ti.o iiiioi.aiM., . of having turn- cuiuiivu cuuoaioii. n. .ug.khi to ti... w.uu alone, for tho colored aim ur am! l! i ir pivre!.s has bee:, cjuito ie ni:iii-..-Uf. St.wy ? the chiMien of ; t(l;i- ?-'!(! slaves are now LLvi.y i-du 1 V, i.Kii ai. d wo.: , u. VV i.ow Lave iu No:'1.-'. 1 'tirole-i id-nalid negro ' fcuvy. nud :.:iiii-.U-r.s -f the C.-S..l. '.lad in comacm.:: v, K. the lii.ov ln-!;.i,d..:,.- .0 li'.ile'.g'.. .' leu rcccni'ty ; ocon i . t.d.'isiit d a itii'u'i'.'ul coii'-ge tor Cvuv.t il.ifiors. A no:;..', sci.oel at j rtiu-tti'xiilo for colored teachers in icoj.daclid by a colmed s'lpeiiutcud Jeut, who is said to bo a man of seliol :io-'" iiiuiiiiiiiriils at.d well qualified ifor tie pot-itit.m. All cut tha State Abe wWd pcoplo itiv eagerly taking ..!v.v..;:i,v "f i.lto cducaiional faci'.itws j i,:Tt -v.lt hi'i.!, aii.lhi i rot-peel ma.:. I v, it pep". ; .i..,lii a-'io.le i-.oir t .tarn ;jilt' , 'iltti'iii lo'.lu-ii fiiti.ivi-:i. A I itn. ::i-1! ','.';.! i ;::i.-u 'la i. ' j'l ' ' - v-' u 'a'' : 'l !: 1,11 ' ' "" 1 ' ' fa. t -s v.T av.' I'lli:.?' ijif'T'riol! tliat i in ..p ctHinty inorc lirst j;riulo cit ' iilh-ali w rio boon ;,'ra,,tt'il to v'bloi-,-1 ;a:v.. . .iiit.' t.'ai-ii.'i;-1 I I xii . iiia'Liuai'AX ctnvemn'ii ui un . C!i)-:ri$MoU!tl tlistrit was luKl hi . HaK;;-li yestcnliy ftiul ii.huuiuUhI, as : w r. .'.icti d last woek. Mr. Th.t:i.i. P. 1 1 .'it u a.- t!:- man for (it !i. ' '''''at V. tl. Io. r.-iix i i n.in ;i:ai U k:;.r ;.!!. In yjnivi' a ,1. t at ih::n soilo t'M.T !-a!i. nii.i 1. i;t- ' i.-i fii .-l t ;"!. in- Wal li"t so .In ; i !-fi tlu- i..n u'k-u'!-'H "f ''' r,.;:.;,-.. Thr suu'ii ;! ( tu- l.'a.i ; . . t!..- .::a- v. I 'i a!. .'f ihi- ,i? fi.'f v.-.tf f.-v '"-if l -v; :: ix u A ul ms -i ; : . i H V :.- ili.I llu-i.' : (l. ,..: vtv f i Tl". : i r la L-n.'s. it M-i-iiis r a: :: i'M' a n-.'-.v .-a i ;no -I:.'.;; m t -.. t . ! ll.iir ' ' )',:,',!:.!. - :'.r i . lrct a !.! ;ia i,t i.i.i.u'ii ' " ai" avtl.i i. '.; l.l. .. I' tt-.-n ii;..i iiii'i!' ,.a A ;:o A:ii'-! i .i i-j-.Htfh Ii.'h iii oiv. 's.'i.i)'. tin- t- iiii.ii' .-.'lii'.r.u u i. i s i u- t'jr lull, ci laCurla: ' iu lil'Mir iu HLlr.i ' tia'ti' l.:is In t wlltol: lVl 1.U11IH If UV. V Hill 1- It.iW j; h..s tLo r.-i-iMM-ti nu, i Y'l.r:: !i in ;''.:!'.-: rii-v csmbil'-il 1-m'H ; ixi'd'u' l S:o vly liyn.,' oi' one ol :U- u.l h.-iti..tue of o.m'-.o.'., h- . v:e ! f 'l, atii ii'. hum mmih-.i. Tio- I'a'i. li' i Viit I !: ' V :.v Si'.'tii. Mt-.:it .'i'Svi-;; wtiu i x i . i . - .;,. it i ..-U..H ui i:n'ii'iiii.'. :ii.' 'in! urtiiU.' U.i.;! 1 I oVI- ik t'a- f' 1 f u.i.iiiiii-. 'iui't n;i- "f mor phine are a bnii.i i 'i 'li'aly. tic pa tiev '"tir i.iln' n.:"(. v. v . t tl Cilie -1 ....... iii v fi-m.j iii.t! r its i;t!l'i' ...v. ,, U - of .i.ilk. l: to v.;, ,-; vo'.i. - . f '.V have b. t II I-.'.': toitl i ;!!!. wfi -'key a t led. Aii'.-m tn.'.-e-f'.ii; iii.- of this tntvtiiiv :s ptis.-ed i. -, to ill" O'ttl. iit't- flol'i. .fii etiiy d ... , thi..'.ii.'ii a .ni.. man- of tin .'.''.i-i ton,- ..tj Li- . .U-.ie. 'ft.-cinei-r ! -i 1 t. It I. 1.. ..it - 1 i lii'isc v. 1,1 i i , , .;; ni' ii . if.- . Las '!i s' tuj.fii I .. t lji lav ..i. .... ...fct... . v . r . -i .:, - i i i i t!.i....t n:-.i ?;i ii'!.1. :i t i.;i'. f" w'!i h t.-... ...w.-rj .w.. r -.b-iurtT-il-ary l..-u 1 !. (' l.l: ' l- ; r..i' It. at tun . t . tr ' .r m '.ri-i-iv up i::H u.. ' , iuo:,!h ii'Mii iii i.iv., ilii: ; .i!.i'' ...... 1 ., ... ,',.,. i. li....L,t i- I'IlU llu' il.OX II ai..i H' i:;' liM'-..i - L.l. i it '' ' : :" W ft. 'J ii ci.. r .-.ill.. ..; !' .i Sl'-i. :...i 'lu' I'ti!-...' . '.i 1- (-'!. Till' '-'l.-it I'i I 'M'.' i .i . u.-i-ii . :i a'.v,. . , :.a.i ; inv l.oi.: U ' ' '111! ti . l.t.-' -.'an- . .-'i.ii .i j'..',i' !:.(. wai' t.rtt ! ,' :.i'' iii; i,.:... :. V.'i.-.i !. fi '-' iii.' t..'.:..., m Mt'iCbetl to tilts Ii;,Lt i'.v u ft lnh-1 ll .rsllllfl, t . Illl.i I'lillff al.t t-"If ! "iij,eii, a- la tut i!i'..--ii'' mi '.at IsIiIm. io ill. 11 1..U llllifllV is l.o'A .i.i. 1... I- h ,x ..Iti 1.. I'll lL.liijll.inii 11-.. r.i..ct; lii.i ubiiiitii I. i.H lit of l ho l'li iii'a tci.r ciii'i-. w Li. i'i. c. ii.-i-.tfl i'f !'L ill i ..ai !hlu ihu l'!o...i .if jail itu .1 i-ir- bl ac acid, tho ol'iet fifing to desl ley ;.i cutiterous germs ia iuc i iuoi. i'l.j. li'iai elialigf, 't is now tl.o'.tgal. A Nic'to !. .lo,! m.l i)iu?iioiiil. "rim ti..-' m-.'ii.'ii ..i i i'.oi i. l. 'r ''I -s o;r, of D.o bury. v.. ..I .; .ii ..to-.Mi n.....,.t.. i.l niv is'vai'.i ' " '!V ' U i i.... .i;l ;. i:,,t:e,,', .... .'..i.0- i;...,;' ;';.:;. i..;; . r '...... "''' 1 ' .J ';' "" '' w-a i a l!i .:; 'i''.. II" took it tO Jl!'i.lO'v .'ll.tl ... . vi'l:i'.o ! W.,, ,1' U V.il.i tro.OU!il", d a . ;,.,. u..u v,,,,, rt,:,i ;!,. ii i..- t., :,t , u, j-i.m..iv wi.n'e i a: y :i:,ii..e ' ii. and tvi.il'.i.i u ;.j-oi...lii.e.i:..; v:ii!!''' ul :;,'w'" ti...a,aii.l u iii..i... iVoooS.'t i.ii'i' .Loir-da it Lardiv ,y , ,,,.,, al1 y I; ..,.,(!,. , j4. . . j. ,,:.,,-",,!., or ii-vr .( Jr.- s;::'.' oi l is ( j".r; i '.i-' i'.r i;. -l.owi'i ; 1i s'l-nii-e-s The i- tmil. ciul :iat. WLt.vs unoiher State in Ihij .;uio tlmS -t.vu, t.ous.;,:d dollar ; . ,,.i:l.,wa iU Lc creek UI ' Vilitl'O's .SjHTv'll. Piuii':; tlu von. i li'intiou by tbo tu iniUi hitt ve'k of tho bill to ri'dtu'i' iilillllal l-.'VOI.Ui) tttXiltiotl, Soliatol 'Viti.ce iamb' a tipei'c'u from which ivo cii)j' the folh.wiuf,': "Mr. l'li-tiili'iit, tho con.litiou of liiii.s in t lie Si'lmtu with thin 1 iiti-r- ! .Uv '.'ill fi the rtlirf of tho ii'ojiL; of t .it- A ua lie. in Siati s fi ' in tt.X itioli is vvitaitiiy a iiixsttiy. It is lobiiittiO mi ..il .-i.i. -a that tbrre is too nuu'h ' i .is.it i"!, lii'.i i ii::l or.it t xtfi'tml. It is n.lia.ltijil on ail s il"S that a j;ri at li.iil of taxation upon tho s'.atuU i -I'.'Li iirost' !ro!'i a slate of vnr; iin.l us vo ii.iu- b.v. a at jicaco lor pr. tty we!! on to iwciitv ciirs, it wouUl -I'l'lli li'at that t ivitiou which bail its i'1'ioiu ia a btato of war tshouid be lepiiili'd. I ilo nut .tippoie liny people in thi ; ivvrl.l iiiv t.ixt-il as seiirchitily us are liie people of iho l uiti'J States now. i'ia' lir.-t tiling that fjii'its a foreigner hi., j he conive wiiiii:. siht of the shun s of ti.'.. hunl oi libt lty, fn riloiu, ai.. i t 1 1 1 1'.ity i.t a i'.i'..'lii-lioUe otiieer, 'ami if lie VhouM hafipi'ti to have a ii .li.iiili;'. poi'Li't liall;k..'l chief all ! a jul. ki;i!f fi t' sale, tio to oue he liai to til: 11 Lack w it'll ihelt', the. lillties Oiiii; mi oi,'h as tu provfut his laml li! j, iiini si bo g .h 'ii, while tint mil i-ual-iv,M line v i.ieii-., the only npre- snL.tati.'i'S of that t-xtli ct species of iuiluptiious gtntlfuieii calleil laud i'iiatvi we have U ft aiiioiii! ns. loam ihi' ci'iuitiy trotu one eu.i of tt to tho othii, with tho power to invade h. 'iiu-.-, the lix'tii to carry arms and to insult peaceable citizens, and with u.a vi. I y the pov.tr, but the privilege and ti.e j ifj:-ii g duty i.l i li ctiol.i i l' ii. U J'vi ii:. J arty iu vvhese behalf they culi- v t taxes, '1 t.ois f-r ic'ii'f; time i-s no iha; A.j Iii that. Nj luaii who hivo's li.e j.'oulsol the Aim rtcali .ecp!e iu i. ',;.ir.. ;.i these ! :.x'S ai. I to in'ii,an-m-r i;i v. !,,.'!. that ttixa'ioii i- coia ctt d .'!; I'.' .i.-.il'f ill ll' lil t . tile ill llVl iilv .m.o.. i.iat i6 lo say, v.ia I'Ot l Ll bvilijj '.ox I-'! i A watt- of this :0 id uiu'bai hIiV 1"U-i r lo lt.-1-l n, the p il'.v wl.ie'u l.a.t ehai'i'e i i.o 1 1 nan lit ol t L ii I iiil' il -tail ! t!tl. til'ie plU 10 wllal 1 lull i l ;i an "atVidtivit K'i a f. ill i.oiai.i'.'," IU tile sLtii.e of a ...Mil' .-..'itut.. -.-l-.li bill. Afier lliat was' p.i.-s. d . veil tht u ti;e growl did not e.-ic-i-. but .lit. ptopieof the I' lilted hi .its uii.i weiv si.ii'i'tiiit; Iroiu taxa ; ol a; ,' .1 i'td it ia its tlile .iuieuini .it iii:.; t,.i st'ttit liaig inoic. iiiieii lieya ,.;:,r u.o House cf liyro.-.'HU-1.'. iuti! y lit in us a resolution to ;..'. iii li tl.'-y ii',-" tt-.it us ii bill of re- ; in-!, .ii .i that bill of relief litis been , itraei u.-iv ni'.'ie.l ui.to I'v the cu.a- lli!l'i' tlii- t'odv. il Mill look at that bid of relief am. (". li.-aier die Oilisi ii of compotilit i hal Ue.' t opio of the i'liited Ot.it. 1 uao n;:u,li.t the excts-.ve laxitiou' .li.ii-i. li.'iiiivs 1 ."i i.tioi i,i..i.; em plus 1 .t'Vt'Liit-, i uui s ite taat voi. Would be o .i.ii i til, :t you Lad i er lieaid tne t... i . i I a kind old man who liv. s iu i Noiin v.'iii'".ii!.i on t!i" top of a Lih i. iii. A :i,'.i;iii' came by one day. ivt'.o.-.e t. I'll .-t died at the foot of the h;ii ai d li tiiM'd to pull. Ho came up . lo old latin's lioil-e aud tiskcit mm to it-i.d Li ;n a pair of mt'.lts and ti lir.ii-ii, on to 'liit lam up the Lib. . b. .. i.i, "My iilel.d, 1 Lave U"t got a pun- v i iiii.ttts or a liith-chaiu to bave . .n ;.r i.i. , but 1 inn always utixiotis to '.i-! a mail in distit.-s; i e.m lend' u : ct t !; dio you cvr Jri w a bow tier' TLat w-i'i Lis propositiiin to . el. eve ias in i;;iib..r in distre.-s; aud '.. i., o . o;i I,., ii .it this bill of rel.ef y'.M ' :;i n teieuce t ) tho di iinitids of .i.t, -iii.ei ii'.ai i n; io 1 am sine that vi . u vt.ii uirivi ,.i the cum i'.l.MOU lb at ii, l.t i.l.e tL(.' old fellow who kuiiby ,.u i t ,.f .i ,' jo-i .Ine.-s ..f l.is heart volu. ;... ..'.1'. t,..I to k-n.l bis fiddle; fid;, ii i.- L.l ie a ai'.M'iM tit wiiith it i ,-t- t- 1 ti. to tl;.; poor taxed ; ;.c t-.-j 1 ce, ne.. perforce, nti.i there is .'. t ..,i.'it el wl'iiita.y ci'Uttibutioi. : .ill. .10 it. U Lttt i.- it iL.it it is proposed to relieve . it is sad the ptop e are -ui.. ; r I' tti an enormous tax of i. tin. .t iuo j r cent, on woolen goods : Tnel; .Mi'iiiea.i party of tliis Chamber ; .i.y, ' '.' ii, 1:1:1 i.i very bad iudeed, , I ut 1 will liil oU what wo will do. i We euii iot relieve the lux on wooieu v.' n ij. but we will take it off the j li'il.!:-! We will take it oil' oauk capi- : t'd; e.'e will take i' iff bank deposits. , V.-s, '.till lane .1 oh' everybody's money , ...nig in i uk ui. i we tvid relieve them I uulu 111. 0' taxi.o. ' Ihill i-i o'ltitt lo 1 hi I. i- it lioi '.' . ' Jim liny do hot stop with ' repos ing to relieve the tax on bank nn.l ban!, e n iti.l nil I b'n.k di posits and bin. k i bucks, 'i he.) conn: UeXt to I hat class i f poople who prey upon the' Uhi iaui'o or the .lectsnilits of llieir ' f.iloiv-ueiitiiiej, the men who noinu- , factu.e wliut are culled patent medi- i I'iie'c; as I lnigLt term them the ami- j MaitlitiM.uis, iiieu intended by l'rov- i liit i.to to ki ep dow ii the blirplus pop- j uiittiuu of no ovcieiowded world aud; to iiifitre i .-j capacity to furnish food i i-uii'.i'ieiit fur the liiimau race. They I hiiv we cannot relievo you from the! i .x. Wo cuiiiiot leud you a pair of' iiiiih s iiii'.l a fii'lh-chiiin, but wo will I take tin- tax I'll theso domestic poi- ' Hi'i.- and will Muootli your road doivu i l tiio ti'i.i'o as much us we possibly it, in ! 'i'i iv a what do tin do iij a further, ue ..-lire of re. i.l.' J'ii. y pivpono to t..k. li.e l.i.t ctV j'.-. I'f.laitM, cologne, Li.bii.'s I'.xl. ..ci , the Ut.hu of a Tlttui b.ti. ! l'" overs, ciunauum drops, and! ;i Li..lri!.J thit.g-. us.-.l by jieoplo for ;Lu purpoi o of perfumery. It is ,r-'o..ijd to tiko the tax from offi ti.v.,1 iu order to afford relief to the i , ei., ie of litis country. i saiiiu.t iu ovtry candid man if it is but vu.ii aluro uptu jut atid wise li'g;i.itiou, not to tako tLo tax ...VtLv.sbtuiiig.sL.it to single tliem . i,..t ita tLj objcvii'.o points arouud v.ltii-L arc ciuiitrt-d the hiCst Luman 1 sun. riiig iiiid agoi'V, aad in regard' to w inch tiic heimiebt, uios!, .'.tpies sivo and in tolerable taxation is im pi scd. Thoiie uro selected us fciuu-, pie. i Vjj ct'iiic tlowa tLrouL tLo iiut afforded by thU bill to playing-cards : Ulack 'i'llfiiiii V ll i tt. cigars and ciguretted, friction match- j wili.mt.iii Kwi,.w. os and t verv thiii'' uf teat kiud, tin' i ti i i . ., . nun v .nj t...u v . . ' ' llieio w a folorinl woman in tlii3 tax on not one o which Las eyor;ci L u been comphuued of ho far as I ; y been able to tell by Tunc or C I - - y Q ; ' ,ioi ,ole or o.herwisu arnou- tho Aiutii- J t ,..,, , mil- Lavo been bciid.d. Sine,, thou the; 'lbat is tbe relief tb.y propose , hllT0 rottI1 ittrg0,. uli lar. to give. No, they propose to a uiti, to.(llH'ao is M wL htiio .uoro. 1 boy propose to t.;aliv Cau,i(,i:lll to W. foUl.,,. she ! , , ,e axo aumo. . s,.- - for tho b int. t of whom Not fortlie ,r f ....t f.ii' li.e ; it. ... il.o .r... ut .....jU ..f ll... eon-! s'.iiuei's iu th.s i.onntiv w ho ilt.o steti, 1,1,1 , v "i.i ti i .. ... V , i , ' . i ,. s UI wi'.i - OOUlHI'V. lint tho relief is twofold. It i not only is relief from taxation to ! t ike off 'tbe duty uud the tas levied I on banks, friction luatclie-., playing cards, cosmetics, patent medicines, c, but it is also a great relief for the 1' . t .1... VJ ....1. t .......HIV,, ' . , , ., V .. lax.iti. n to doub-o it on cotu.ti-lics, , i i j ... iii :. i 1. as tins bill duos. It. ilnub.e it. 11 almost trebles it. It iin'ieasi'8 the luX on eot'.ou-tus as at present existing of oa per cent, ad vaiorein to a'.joui, !.") per cent, ud valorem, which is ul most Ihieo times Ligl er than tho tax us it now stands. Who will tbwt re lieve? It wd iilitve the mauufic luieiB of hoop-iron and ofcottou ties; thero is no doubt about that; but it will not relievo from taxation tho peo i plo who havo to use these cottou lies. Iu the .South where cotton is maun factured alono it will increase tho tax M the faruier who puts up his bales of cotton to the extent of $'.0U,lH0. How lur.eh will U inereKMH the taxa- lion in the oth.-r portions ot "; oiiiih rv ttl.f.i li. ii i.i. l i'i .11 W Ilt'll i I....... .. I...... ..i.l.. - I Ii .! 1 had any iiieau-. to use itaiti. Tii..t is kiit Oil! tiiMt is glVcll to us. Mi. I'lciidonr, there can be no lui t:.ki..g im: ;s- in -: wiucli are .utunit led ui the loiinti y by this course of L is latign. i ii.'ive ; I'ljiii'ol ll.etii as they pl ael.t theno Uen to me ill tilt .-hr.pe oi v. deck.'!, i.-sui s which iu this high court i f lax reform are to bo lii-d. TLo first case that stands on tne docket, Xo. 1, would bo read as fallows: 15.it. k Co pit -tl an I Deposits vs. twenty years ngo has for years aver Farming Capita und I.iiplemetits. aged bove.i thousand dollars yearly No. '1. ia;.k Cuciks vs. Trace on the vield of pear trees that he Cu'iins. : planted hiiusoif. Xo. 15. liit Ilxtt riiiiuato., 1'aig, T , .,.,.,i ;., 1 I'oi'.d. is e. Co. vs. CumnLor, Opium, Chb .iu.ii. No 4. ijnb;usJ.xtract,Ciunamon Drop.. Co. V,. Salt. lu.ti.d respect fuLy ask the court to have my name m irkeil lor liie tie - fvt dant in that case. Nt . 5. liaehii, Kosaibilis, and Cun - diirango vs. Cottou and Woolun Ma- chiiicrv. No.'ti. ria.ing (,'ards vs. Horse - shoes, Nails, und Stoves. No 7. Steel Hails for Railroads vs. Hoes, Axes, i'.atics, and Saws for oi kiuguii'ii. Xo. S, I ltg".rs and Cigarettes vs. Cattuil 'lies and CottOll H.lggiug. I d'. not iittiuipt to go through the list, but that is about the orier m which the cast s will be culled btfore the public. 1 desire to iiunotiu.'e Hint 1 appear for t he dt f -hilaut ill all lliose c.tsts. and should like to see w ho w ill mat k his name for the ph.in tiff. The Senator from Ohio ; Mr. Micl'lhau i lis i'iVhii us mi intiiu.lt ion tuat he appears for tLo plaintiff in ! ilie ci-jt of p'.aviiig-c.rds; the Senator ! from Michigau iir. l onger J 1 believe appears for Hal Ilxtel initiator, Cua tiuiitiigo a Co.; and so on us tie l out mi of debute his developed tile individual prefeicnc isimi.I idiosyncra sies in the ligiaiativu M-L.--0 uf the wold of the vallum Senators iu this body. If they are w-llmg to to tiiu people upon such a ricj.d as unit 1 am sure I am. lint let me say to gentlemen in all seriousness lbat it i- time they vt iv taking wanin g. Tin: people of thi. coiiliirj Hie not to be deceived ill ti.ih matter. '1 he.e is a red and genuiiie lieiiiiiml f v r tufilV 1 1 form, and they will not be put. oil by any chips and vveo . tt.ii.'s in iL.s kind of why. Let 1 l .1 .1 l wecb. IU leu t'ilin. Jl 1113 vie it l, o eci . geutieiiieu Lere remember tLe llood . , , ,110 ,. ,, , ,' ' . ,, m;- i i ii j dav uumbered '218. One tLitd ot tUe o the .ilisslsslpli. wb.ch BO Intel v ! .-. . . . , , : . , , , r , ., , I victims were infants, who siiecunilieil tleso.iitc.l and poured over the vast I . . . , , , ,. . , , , ,r ii, .i . ' to cholera infantum, duo to tLe heat, rtgiou of couutry which borders yiati river. Let genliemen recollect the! It is the privilege or luisfortuno of loi nado in the West which swept tho , tho Queen of lliiglaud. us Kmpressof ; foiesl bvlore its breadth, mid over-, India, to rulo over more Mohaiinno-! turned cities and t jw us. Let them Alans than any other potentate, not remember that, and l.-t them bewaro. : even excepting the Sultan of Turkey. ! 11. ere is a day of r.cLoniug coming i At least L.rty-otio inillioiis of the! so sure at, wo all hh ili live to see it. ; present loptilatiuii of India arc Mo-j There will Lb tana' r. hum. You baiouicdans. Tin- British Empire S cannot always fool people by sa; ing iu reality tho groaiet Mobaiiinicdau thut the high tariff' is kept up in the Power iu tho world. interest if American lubur. That is; " "- .be invariable excuse; we want the! XeiVsll'Olll Egypt, tariff' kept ou beoiiuse we want lo j Russia declares that sho will only prottel the A'ii. ricau labor against ' purtii ipate in U.o Couftrenco wlien loreigu labor. A man cerlaiuiy is a , the Suez Canai is under discussiou. laborer althongb Le does hot stand j Iu consequence of tLis declaration iusidi. of a factory. There are seven ' tLe Conference is cousidered termin laboieis in tin; lields aud in the for- j ated. ests, upon the highways aud streets Lord Duflerin states that England uf jour town, to where tLero is unci will assume alone the tusk of restor wLo sits iusidu of a factory." I ing order in Egypt. m . j Arabi PucLa Las ordered all the A Xew York Fitfht. A dispatch from New York dated 1 July ytith, savs: A tight occurred to j lay ou iJroiu.wiiy, at Canal street,1 betweeu a pi. i ty of striking frught-j handles and a number of Italiaus, whom thty sought to prevent trom going .0 wo.k at the St John a IV. ;i depot i.f tlio New ork Central Kali- road. TLo strikers had met the Ilai- iaus at tin ir bousen on the E.ist Side and finding they could not dissuade then, from - . - : 1 11 1 i )IU go.ll!' to W01K, lollOWCtl.l 1 r. 1 . , 1 Proadwav aud Caual street1 attacked them. Tho latter were game ... , . , , . . 1." and tho light lasted some tune, ii- ., . r , . , . , rally, two sliots vveie fired and cue: of the strikers fell with a bullet in : ins chest, lhe rest ran, aud the. Italians pursued mid drove them several blocks. Ouo Ita'.iuu was , trrililv wi.-m.li..l Oi .ha fip.i liv a ' blow .ub r. idevt doro's cotbm hook, After the light a fatjUud of police as coiled the Italians to tbeir work. The President has vctotid tho liv er aud harbor bill. . ..siU I,.lH ,,. s r aks of dark skin . ,. '"i"1" ""') in. i.ipini.f nit,- I Whon sho lii-ht I eoiin to i I ' ' . ," ' non in ims eny ny a puny oi lima-; i tetir bliowuii u, wui. ais.iti'.ed L llH tbo "L,.,,er Woninn." Sue jt-por Woman. Sue is a oneer looking creaturo, and her change of color is attributed t a skin j dise.isH. We did hear tho tcrbtiical term of the disease and it sounded to us like "ph.vstecinaiiicoini.'iio." We do nut vouch fr tho correctness of the spelling of the name of the dis- " ease, on. any ' iio . ;,.,''. il) btUl luiiise.t. cau pronounce it General 37cws. It is esti'iiated Mi at tho reduction of I lie public debt tor the uioulh of July is about $1 1.000,1)00. l.'.il. ll'igh S. Thompson is tin diniiocratii' candidato for Governor of South Carolina. Xew cotton wns picked, ginned and made into van. last Mondavi j ntiiini at t!t. Saluda fuctory, Lex-1 I iuton county South Carolina. j ( Mrs. o.,,, w,..lltj,v ftt)ll phar I uU. if j,,, ,,., Wlla l)UrI1. j ' ,o ,l,.,ith by tho txplosiou of a1 At Chieaoo, cue night la;-it week. ,)no. l'litldell, a pi-i-nlier murdered bis ceil ina'e, Win. J. ('latkn, by Lent il. g Li tu to dentil wi'h Clarke's wooduu l"!f .i udge Mills L. lvire, of the firsl .ra iii iid district, has resigi cd. and tin-(iovernor has appointed James li Sh.'i!i.rd, e-i.j., .if Washington, X. (.'., as his Micce.-sor. One man wli . bought a Hudson river f-.i'iii ol twenty ti.roo aerfs j Mm po;iti'n (',f V;u,r of Nllp,r;ll i : Philosophy and Ftiiriuoering in the! st.tt( .. T1)( tn)fif(M wjn j ; (iuet on ,25th of A(1 t to eli,ct , j is , 1 j 1 P Kicbnt.lson's tobacco fsclory, ; ' at lteidsviile, has been bnrnpil. The ! hew is said to be about :!., 000. t-mi- i jfiderable inacliiuery and a ipiantitv i : of tobacco were, burned. The tire j was accidental, originating in the j . tin iug room. : A dispntcl. from Ah x uidria Matis 'that persons competelit to judye be !ilV ,lllt i,(4i( 0 the cotton crop f I"..,vi0 will I... l.-l. nn.l ulso the on-tit- e.' prt.-t of tho wheat e'.oi) of lo.. r Kif.vpf, in couMipii'iica of tho iielcet of irrigation. Tin- following additional rriiicy order oflicos in tliis Stale have b-'eii decided upon by the Post Otl'tee 1'. pi.rtnieiit, and will be establish"d on the 7th of Ant,., -t : Cashiers, (Jaslotna, I''11''1. Mu,frr,:,'Hl,:!:o' S;tbMJ. Snow 11,11, uko S Inn. 1 For.-st : CulL'''o und W.lkeiiboro On last Saturday (lovcrnor Shf r-' m-i , of Iowa, is tii-da proelmuati n dt elt.t ing the lei-tilt of the elo lion . oti the adoption id the Prohibition ' il'l.-elidinelit tu b-i l.iti.lliO votes far adoption an. 1 l'J.j.'iT" auainsl, I ein:; a iinijoriiy for Adoption of ...it. i He comineiitis ab persons to take, uotico and govern themselves accord-1 i''y- 1 A .dispatch from Xew York, datcil j last Saturday .light snys tho mortal I lty fur th" wek midiog at rnioli to- i day reached appa lurj linn re 1,'J17: being the largest number of deal hs . which has been recorded iu a sintilej i. :.. 'i'i... .7. ...i ., i iEf.yptia.il to obey bim until the Prophet has oubghtoued him to hud a hew Khtdive, Arabi has instructed the Hedonins on the Suez Caual to obey M de Lea-4 M-ps. The Khedive has authorized the Eu h) u SlltZ Cana, a9 tljey , , , , s much of the think necessary f ... I I ... .,v,t.O;..n ,.l 1'.. ,..l.l J 1 Valuable Addition. j jeciiii8ij ii. in ueiiriiciiii i,u mo oeuii ii.. 1 I .. 1 I and ados to poiaoiial beauty by re . , v . , , ' ' Hecauso it is beneficial to the scalp 1 storing color and lustre to gray or li.utiu li.iii. ia vtiit t ui itui o jt'itk uai . J . , , , aia u such a popular dressing, Uhftt EvcryT.ody Wants, L a rehablo inediciuo that never docs any harm an 1 that prevents aud ctur s disease bv kecpin'' the stomach . 1. 1 1 : . .. ! .. n... 1. .,-'.. ir..:. i .1 i" order, tho bowels regular, aud the I kiiliiovs and liver active. Such 1 medicine is Parker'.. Ginger Tonic. 1 I It rolioves every ca o, aud has ou.ed I thouauads. See oUcr coluuiu,- Tri- j buut. Miscellaneous j YOlHi ' T'Vf;i: OHHAN. D. C. GOODWIN Jul? 30, 1SS2-4.. Reliable Woods JULIUS LiiWIS & CO., HARDWAlii: of every description. SASH, lhK)K.S n'el I'.r.IND.v RIMS, Sl'OKIiS unci IIl'HS. IRON. NAILS. SAWS. PAINTS. OILS, tv.0. Tie ALL BIGHT Cook Stove. No UALiamiMAlU! W011KS. I W. DUXIHAM, r.lYKTTKVII.LK St., KALKKJII, X. ('. mm w m Miii m mm wmm, IIKAPSTOXKS, TAI'.LF.TS, AC. OUPKIIS JMtoMl'i'i.Y l'!I.l.i;i AND SA1 ISFAOTIUX HUAltANTKEI). I'if' (All, Oil WUI 11. Kill fit Ii K LIST AN.. OkSIli.NS tV-T. FERTL1ZSRS aiul SUPPLIES IX STOKK AX1 DAILY AKIilVIXCi: I.I.Oilil h,iiii.Ih C. ti S...B mi, I SI,..,l!.l,T.J. '2.',.IM'.1 ti-HllliiJ liril:!. ;i'..ll.ll , .1.11,1- l h ,1, . 'i'.r,.,j U, tj. S.KI hll-lli i S -l Oh'-. i.im im-ii. ; iiitxini wiii'. :i..ii..,i m. at. j.iik) t.ii.,. ; Y,iVHii. M..-l I' m. 1,1'HI .ll'kH SllMlVllfll' S.-H onll I.II.-..I.", CofiTccs, Sugars, Tlour, T3cv Uuba and Slew Orleans Z&olasscs. und a tall line of other goods. Tli.'. Hilt I. . ii- , iv ii.. tit.v .1..' .'.'in i-..ll,!.'li-l- i.'..:ni'ii'il.l lln Ill Oil.- iii.-i: ti ! i.vin.ii. iii.'in I ."i -!'- .son ic i.-J. l!.-IHi:li. S. C. Mm . I. 1, is-il. Jk. V jtti 4- i iC? i-iliiit VI 1 1 I I -. I ' 'I I K , . i . i . . , . v,wiir': M:i A m.l I t 11 M '!IM-. i HAS I V. II It. H 1.11 I 1 oli t'u:; r v lxii.i.Aiis AV VWHKKK 1! Ii.i- . It . I.-.-i-. m l.iif- 1--IM i. fiin.-v Hull oil. I .-,1. i',,-' ... u.i-. win !- Ilii' )'..).tu 1 win,-. ii: r.in:.-.ii; liie w t -h ii.-. , w ai;i;a. i !'i i n.: i-: vi: vki;s, ; Kxiin.ii.nKi ll (if Mni'l : e I''..'. I'i iie ,t S'ii'1. .!.!! ,.;-n.t ir.- , wii.i.i:; - V CO. til X Sev-.i'li l'hli.i.l..!.ila. in. IVI.. 1,',, ivi. l,, ut. mm. Mrvtr FniUt.i Ki"!ii'o Or.-y or l ud.-J Hair! w uw fuuuiui owwr. Roc! A m t-H ' iiur:rr, Itu. lut, Maniirnkf, Slillimri ut.u m.inv of ihc t-i incJ -1 :!-.--. m ..ivii jit- hctu cum : bi'.f.liiiloaniCi'H'm vrt'f VJn-J ati.i cH!t:lvc powers, as to iiwUc t he Clrrai-'t l id Iunfirr 'Ii 5 But Heattb aa4 Strength Rjitortr Cvr Uwd. It cum IlvtuMiMru I heiim.Uwm. Klreplrtsnrii, 1!tw;t!esof Ihc t .inmh, KwtUt I uugs Liver, I Kj tncv. and nil Kem-'e I'utiinl.imH. If y.'ii nremj-.ttrii? nway vith Comnmption org h.-lpy-tl. V.-u't'uhft f it is r i'ipetur t' Kmrr. 3 I-ASetitrsofMii'itT aiulothT Toiiiwi, ttbuiMsl uithei.ytrin wnlnnit ii-tv.tratni(. $.. mnd$i I wie,lltI.-lriMiiiinii;v N'"y genuine without 5.t;nitiirci-f HiHi'dic & ( n.,N Y. Settd.TCircuIir j KMir"r6sTifii) BY REABIEG THE RECORD. Now in tlie tiinc to sukserii.e ! 'Die UKCOiiDiiuMisiifsttll tho Xows of the dav. tun I is a 1.1YK aiior. l'ailiouhii' altoi.tl.;.! jiauhu all State ami COl'XTV news. If you wish lo '.earn what I.aji - pens anywhere in the State or (''.may, read the Klit 'OlJD ! ,, riot Vimr iioiold.ni- In viilivi i i 1 ,0 J TEU3IS; a ycar,$l for 0 ;us. 7Vv Iii m. i X,-- y-'zW?i n i Advertisements. & BROTHERS, Agents, liiAi.ru, Chatham Co., N. '. at Low Prices. Ilniisc can. Xo House shall give better articles or undersell us for the MONEY! SO I.H Ai-l'.NIS KOlt I PRATT'S ASTRAL. OIL. " W K MANlTKA"l l'HK AT Ol'tt .! WACOX WORKS. Kast Hargett Streot TiiK vki:y m:sr WAHOXS d1 CAUTS : I'lui: SLIIIiil I..ili..r ami Hist MnUTlnl will rr.luo. tl. -ii. k-si.in.liir.l I - vi ii Oiiiiui). , l.inn it k .iniaiiii'H t u a o,unliiy AmmoulatoxT , Oil'. l... i 1,1m. mi. k l.;iziir.'ii.Ai'li1 l'li...hni. nnniiitrvf I . In-iii.- Intli.isi irri. Ii- In Uir imirk.l, r M I . r . .-it . :ivul'ii." I li..M.i..rl ' Ai'lrt 1 Ml hil.'k!. Hill. I Will i, AlUlll' llMtiHl lll,!WHVl . - - in .il llri.1 .';i-s nn.l nil i;imrmiwl. W inn, i nnil Ai'l t l'liii!.iiliiiii In be the Lent oOkrea ..t., Mifinir. av" .vi"r v j'.vi Lull. T il K LARGEST! Oli KAPEST!! AND BEST!! Stock of Woods isi the county! ran Lo tV i: i id at W. L. LONDON'S, win. lias jtist rettirned from Xortliorn linu kets and will oiler special tit i for CASI1' Ik ou re iiiitl coiiiv and see hit goods. Ili.s stock of LADIES' HATS AND BOHNETS Ts iSiilondid. His stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is l.v far the LaiGSt und ChcaDCSt 0 he has ever had. ' Koniemlier you can find any !ail every thing at lOHDOK'S. ' cltf-l"'. C April v. n. PATENTS. I' l.oiiin.iiiti, Sulii'ltur of Aimn-lcan ad Tor- rlKn i'liii'ir.n, WHitliiugii'ii, 1 C All busliivm !m- p.- rlil with Pnl, nlit. li..il. ir Im u.rm tii l'a M. Ofll.v nr Din c.iirin, fi- 'in ft I v MU'islml I... No ii'ir-' iiUVK ttliiltul .- .v.uii'il, Soml r.irrlt- Ui'Vld-ll

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