A(iKHT I.H ItAL. I'or lleudiu he. The B.'ilalire lotion is an excellent stomal application for tho headttcL or neuralgic paint in any part of tho body. Take two ounces of spirits of uuiuioniu, two and a balf drachms of tincturo of camphor, and throe tublet-poonfuls of common milt and mix vtitb them two pints of cold water. Tut into a bottle when tho salt is dissolved, and dip a piece of linen into the lotion and lay it on the aching head, or any purt of the body where pain pxint!. I niter a high Honutling uttuie this lotion is i?old as a latent medicine in Kugl.md, and it is much in use in France. Air Milked Mine. Air slaked lime loses uoue of its vir-! tnes aa a fertilizer by ceubitig to be j ijuiek lime. On tho contrary, by being i air slacked it is exactly what a linieleps boil needs. It is the carbonate of lime, precisely what it was in the quarry be fore it wuh sent to the limekiln. The fire of the limekiln drives out tho car bonic acid, and leaves nothing but quick lime. Hy being i xpoBod to the utiuoBphero it absorbs carbonic acid ntid in time- Incomes carbonate of lime again, (itick lime scattered over the soil or put under tho soil has to absorb ourbL uio uoid and become carbouate of lime before it can bo useful to vegeta tion, I'l-mluu liiHi'i'l I'm tic i. A correi-i'oueut in the Fruit li' cor.ltr gives his experience with pyrethvum or lVisian insect powder, lie hivb ; '-AIy exper'mei't with iiyrethrum ou cabbage plauts was Kit is-fuetory. The c.ibl ago worms had come and it seemed would soon destroy nil tho plants, when 1 added cue to two tablcfpoous of pyro tbrum tun gallon of water and thor oughly washed the plants, especially tho tender leaves just forming the hi a Is, mice every week or ten days, and soon but few woiun could be foil d ou ilii'tn, while en koiuc turnip plants nearby tho leaves were entirely destroyed. Doubt less, had 1 hud a too or syringe to apply tho witr-li, it, would have been better.- Mint- lii ihe Ilium Hill. lr. Joseph Jones, president of the New Orleans Hoard of Health, in li it admirable report to the Utrttun Planters ' t'onve.;i'oii, of Georgia, since the war, made this statement, which wo give from memory, noi iu his l.iu','iiage: (juick lime applied to tho dang hilt liberates the amiuoiiia, and causes it to escape, prea'ly depreciating the real .-iltte of the nauiue carbouate of lixe or nitirl, fixes the ammonia, and holds it for the tt-e of plants when applied to the soil. So air slaked lime or marl benefits cows aud stable manure ipiick lime ruins it. !.iI or stable manure produces .1 Imirable results wli.:U mixed, as perieliee as Well as science has often proved. Lime and humus ia any i shape, such a decayed boues or rotten wood, or manure, which is mostly vege table ruatUr, hurtuouizi and wot Is to gether admiiably when applied to field or gardeu crops, orchards or viueyards. llileh town liirin ii r Swellnl Tent. TLu milch cows of tho I'uitrd States have increased iu numbers aud juality to such un extent that anything that may benefit a farmer's cows is of great importance to one of the great industries of tho country. This season there has been in some neighborhoods greit complaints of i-wellel teats, or garget, in the dairy herds. There is danger that tho swelled teat, or all of them, may bo spoiled aud the cow ruined for milking purpose", if prco.pt remedies aro uot applied. The most simplo uud convenieu' remedy is warm water and salt. 15athe the swelled t at and the bag morniug, noon, and night., uud strip the last drop cf milk that can be obtained three times a day. A little kerosene oil added to the salt water will do good. Grease the teat with tallow if the skin becomes dry. If the case is bad and obstinate, dip a corn sack or an old bag of any kind in warm salt water and tie it with lines passed over tho back, so that it will re main fitted close to the bag and teats, that it muy net as a sort of poultice. Keep tho cow out of the sun, ivivo her no cotton seed or corn or heating food, and furnish her with good water to dr uk. London. Tho heart of London, or, as some say, the heart of tho world, is the hito immediately in front of the Fxchange, upon which stands the famous sta no of Wellington. No other npiaru if the size in the world can bou.-t of such tr flic. From it radiate no less than eight of the nioi-t important thorough farts in great London. King William street, Lombard street, Thread-needle street, (' rrnhiil, Cannon street, Wall brook, Princes street aud Cheapside, all through the day and night, empty living stream into it. From daybreak until long after d irk, great crowds are ever coming aid going. But few women are seen. This is almost exclu sively a man's region a region to make money iu and to lose it. There goes, puffin t, a fut man, fat and short, with a white waistcoat, a sallow, tallowy sort of face, and a long hooked nose, which plainly reveals his Jewish origin. A swaggering young officer strolls care lessly into L imbard street to negotiate a louu of few hnndreds. There near him, walkiug as though his life de pended njion the pace, comes a familiar figure in this quarter a Btock broker. He does not dress so well aa do his brethren in New York, but he has the same keen, restless eyes. He wears a Hower in the button-hole cf his close fitting, cut-away coat. Types, almost identical, cf the same figure, and every one decorated with a button-hole flower, are all about. Bank messengers in uni form and with bluek bags move hero and there in the throng ; tall policemen they aro numerous here watch them protectingly, and they carry their treas ure safely; occasionally a dashing fellow, a pick pocket, or a sullen-looking knave, a sneak-thief, slinks out of sight of these same policemen; but uot so the youth ful vendors ol obscene literature, who sell their filthy wares freely. Under the Leads of the horses, rivalling the boys who all day long Mviep tho street filth into dust-pans, thoso youug rascals ply their trade. How thev escape death and mangling from the ever-whizzing wheels of tho carriages uud cabs aud hansoms, whose occupants they hopo to make buyers of their books, is a mys tery to a stvauger. And even greater seems the wonder tha', these same vehi cles, with drays and carts aud omni buses, and piemen's hucksters' wagons beside, do not become hopelessly "blocked," mixed, interlocked, broken out of all use and shape, in that small sijtiaro to which run so many streets. 15ut they never uo become ''blocked," and, though some of tho cabs aud han soms dart ulong at the top npeed of good horses, the percentage of accidents is verv small. The Drought ol 'lib ''Stranger, 1 take it?' observed au elderly resident tho other day, as 1 stepped him and asked if there were any blackberry trees urouud nis way. "1 jedged so. I was a stiauger nmolf when I fust kim here. That win in the summer of 'l'J. Hottest summer ever known in tho parts." "Auy ttarmer than tbi.? ' I asked Litu. "Summut, stiniuiut! That summer of M'.l the ceder trees melti-d nu.l run along the ground! You notice how rid that ere dust is?" 'Tr-'tty warm," I ventured. "Why, sir, duriu' the summer of 't'.t we kept meat right on tho ice to keep it from cuokiu' too fast, ud we ha l to put the chickens iu refrigerators to get raw t ggs!" "Where did yon get the ice':" "We had it left over aud kept it iu b'llin' water! Yes, sir. The tempera lure f b'llin' water was so much lower than the temperature of the atmosphere that it kept the ice so cold you couldn't touch it with jour linger!'' "Auvttuug i be startiiut! that season'.-1 ' "That Summer ol '4'. Will, guess! The U.tekensack liver began to b'lle uirh in Juno nd wo iluhi'i tee the sk until Oetuber for the steam in t ie an! Aud lisL! tih! They were droppin' all over town cooked jut as you wanted 'em! There wasn't anything but ti-h until the river dried up! ' "What did you have then?" "The finest oysters uud clams vuit ever heard el'. They walked right ashore for water and they'd driuk up pb jack right out of the. demijohn! Yes, sir. You call this hot! 1 feel like an overcoat! ' "What is your bu-ine -sV 1 asked I im. "I'm a rreuebcr," be repl.ej. ' liv the way, you wanted blackberry trees, Just keep up the thumb h -.ml side of this road until ymi iome to the pig pasture and thtre you liud the trees, i t limb up on my pooso roest and yen cau knock down all the berries you want if you cau iiinl a j ule long euuuxh." lirooklyu Eagle. A l'ine Scene. Two boys were iu a Behoof room alouo together, when some fireworks, eon irary to tho master's t-xpnss prohibi tion, exploded. Tho one boy denied it; the other, Hen (.'urisiie, would neither admit nor deLy it, aud was severely floggid for his obstinacy. Wh. u the two boys got aloue again, "Why didn't you deny it?" asked the real offender. "Uecatise there wire only we two, and one of as must have livd," said Pen. "Then why not r-ay I did it?" "Because you said you didn't uud 1 would spare the lir." The boy's heart melted. Pen's moral gallantry subdued him. W hen tehool reassembled, t lie young cnlprit walked up to the miastei's desk, aud said, "Pioase, sir, 1 can't bear to be a liar. I let off the squibs;" uud ho burst iuto tears. The master's eye glistened on tho self-accuser, aud the undeserved pun ishment he had iclliet.-d ou the other boy smote his conscience. Before tho whole school, haul-in-huud with tho culprit, as if ho and the other boy were joined iu the confession, the muster walked down to where young Christie sat, and said aloud. "lien, Ben, lad, he aud 1 bt g your pardou; we were both to blamel ' The school was hushed and still, as older schools ure apt to he wheu some thing true aud noble is being done; so still, they might almost lave heard Ben's big-boy tears il ripping on his book, as he sat enjoying the mortal triumph which sobdued himself as well as the rest. And when from want of anything else to say, he cried, "Master forever!" the louu ehout of the scholars filled the i Id man's eyes with something behind his spectacles, which made him wipe them before he Fat down again. A Kansas story is nbont thrpe mice that rolled an eg down a stairway without breakage. One hold the egg in a close embrace, while the other rolled him like a ball from one step to the other, always managing to let him strike on his back, thus protecting the egg. The man who says he saw it does not hesitate to add that they rolled the egg to a small hollow in the floor, which steadied it while they cnt through the shell with their teeth and emptied it. A.ULllHM.N FAHLES. Tho Wouldn't Crii A Hyena and a Wolf mot one day in ii. ;.. t... f.m.ut Hj a lilll.i siiuet.iug they could have passed each , other aud gone about their business, but the Wolf yelled out: "Jlol there! out of my path!" "Yon are no bigger nor better than I uml" was the Hyena's reply, "This is my path!" "Ycu'ro uuotherl" Thus they bautercd uud jawed until each was determined not to give way, aud iu tho fight which ensued both rolled over tho bank it ml were badly shaken up. They were still jawing wheu a Lion came ulong and cuffed them apart, aud observed: "That path belongs to me aloue, and if I catch either one of you using it I'll break your back! Moral: If you won't squeeze to no commodate, aud if yon will fight, don't fight over ttif t which concerns your neighbor more than yourself. I tiik vain rri.i i'i. A tine, fat Pullet who was roostiugon the limb of a t ee safe from danger was ! saluted by a Fox with : I "Good evening, Miss Pullet 1 never, saw yon look In iter, Your figure is i perfectly lovely." j ' I'i you ri ally think so ?"' i "Certainly 1 do. I'd give auythiuK ' if I could wear my hair done up iu a French roll aud have it become me as it does you." "Aren't you joking ?" "1 was never mere serious in my life. Your small feet and pr"tty mouth are the envy of all the Fuilcts iu the tii'igli boi hou.l." "l"ur n. e, but is that so'"' "And everybody suys you have such a tony air about you." "Oh. la!' "I thiuk if we were to walk out to getl er we'd il.isIi the whole town." "lb ally, noV:" The Fox gave lo-r more soft solder, it-id in the nd tin' vain Pullet flew dowu and f'trt.ished a sqrave meal for the crafty villiau. Mma': "Fialti ry," said an old li'io-ter, as l.e looked dowu at the few bones uud feath -t. ' llafety is the soft purr of a cat. The sweeter the purr, the longer the claws and the sharper the bi'e." l.i neral ItiiuliloeK ami His Sister. j fully. When she 1 al finished sheeare It was a' liith that Fannie liraddcck, j fully removed tier glasses and remarked, '.isti r of G. -no-iil Uraddock, who was ; "you are acquainted. I suppose, Mr. killed near Pi'tshurgh, committed suicide. She was a .1 tiwhtt r of Edward j I'.raddoek, au army i flic, r who left her j s in iiiki. The wotd I'.raddoek is said to j mean I road o.iK. Fannie lii'a.bl-iek was j t beautiful woman, with a tine mind, , ti. I at l.i r si-tors, Utatii sue received i her allowance ; b:it falling iu love with a worthless trail sho obeyed uu impulse to piybis debts. She then obeyed at:o:her iniptil-e to go to giuuiug tables, win it v.'oiui u at Ilia, period tat down as freely as men. She soon ran through Ut-r money, Ml into despair and hanged herself with hi-r garters to tho door of her i hitulur. Her inhuman brother made a joke upon her death, saying : "Poor Fannie! 1 alwavs thought she won. i play until i ho would have to tuciii.ers.it up. wiion a peison nun , run in debt at the caul table ami could not play until the debt was paid up she was said to "tuck herself up." This was in 1 7 : '. 1 . Her brother, General Bradd ek, was for some time kept at Bath by a celebrated prostitute, and went there by the name of Captain Bil knm Bra.htoi'k, fought a duel at Bath with the Earl of Bath, who threw him his pur e on tin field, Haying: "You are a poor duck ; if you kill me you will ! Council to pass an ordinance to forbid h-tve to run away, and you will then uot I goats from running at largo in her have u shilling to support yon." This neighborhood, called ut a store cn so exasperated B.addock that he could ' Miehigaa avenue yesterdsy to ask the uot light wel; aud his sword was struck j proprietor what sort of a petition she out of his hand. Under such a man as ; must send in. this Gi ue ral Washington ltarulthe! "Why, you want to state the case just art of war. liruddoek was buried, as J us you have stated it to me," he replied, we all know, on the rta 1 between Pitts- j "But how shull I begin?" burgh and C fi.berluud, Md. ICineiu- j "Well, let's see. 1 believe they usu nati En piin r. 'ally start, off with: 'To tho Hon. the liutlicr ( m inus Law in Filmland. A British Member of Parliament Mr. Maefarlano, has beeu oouipariug some of the sentences receLtly inflicted npon offenders of various prudes, and he has reached the conclusion thai in the eyes of British law it is a mneh lighter of fense to kick a woman to death than to pick her pocket. A man who kicked his wife to death was si uteiieed to six: weeks' hard labor, and in the month following a man who had picked u ; woman's pocket of nine shillings was sentenced to penal servitude for ten yinrs. Nor are these exceptional ca-es. i The penalty iu a ease of ku ckiug down a wife and kicking her savagely in the face was three months' bar', labor; for' knocking down and kicking a woman, a fine of four pomn s; b r trying to kill a wife with a razor, being a second offense, twelvemonths. Against these are set1 such sentences as for stealing coals to j the value of twoshilliugs, eight months' j hard labor; for stealing a watch, fivo years' penal servitude, it would be in- j teresting to inquire how much of this ; scandalous leniency to brutes is due to ; tho ancient tradition that maks a man's ! wife his slave. Bat it doe not appear ' necessary that the woman attacked should be the man's wife in order to j give him practical immunity. In a case of violent assault upon a woman ;n the j street, the ruffian was fined forty shil lings, and in another case where three men ill treated and killed a woman they were imprisoned, one for sixteen mont: s and the others for six months, while a man who stole a knife and some keys got five years. All this seeas to show that the equil protection of Eng lish law is not meant to extend to womeu. (.auiiiiir a Situation. Sargent S. Prentiss, who a generation or so ago became t'ae greatest orator in t' e Siuth, had a fierce and severe . , Maino boy. Nothing daunted, he set out for Natchez, Misii., to obtain a tu torship. Hearing of n Mrs. Shields, who lived fifteen miles back iu the country, and who wished for a tutor for her three rons, he coucluded to t o to ber. l!ut he l a I net a dollar in his pocket. This is tie way ho did, as a writer iu the Phila lelphia Times tells ' the story. tL" ! There was a fellow named Foote, of I fifty years, who kept a livery stable in ! the citv. Prentiss was without a dollar, but not deterred by tho condition, he went directly to Foote, who was in his shirt sleeves, occupy ing a stool at the door of his stables. "Yon havo horses to let, I suppose?' asked Prentiss. Foote eyed the lame boy before him for some minutes before replying, when in it Yankee style ho did so by asking an other question. "lo you want to hire a horse? ' "I do; I am from Maine aud in search of a school. 1 understand that a Mrs. Shields, a few miles from here, wishes it teacher, and it is there 1 propose go ing. I have no money, am a stranger here, and propose to run my face for tho hire of a horse to carry me there, ns 1 am too lame to walk." "I kuow Mrs. shields, und she will waut good recommendations, young luuti. Got auy?" ' (uly my face," was the reply. Foote looked into his fuse uud then j at tho shrunken limb, threw out his to : Inuvo, aud calling Ins henehuian, sit LI: "ISring the bald face mare, ' aud turn 1 ing to Prentiss said : "If your face is j not sullieiintscenrity.your impudence is, ; aud they will carry you through this j wot Id."" There was a resident in the neighbor hood of Mrs. Shields, Dr. M.tirudder, . a very leanml mau. To him Mrs. l:ields refeir d Mr. Prentiss, that he might examine him. Tho note written by the doctor to ti e lady ran thus : "Engage this young prcdigy at once, for he is the brightest and bestiducated young man 1 have over met, and much j I e'.li r qualified to examine mo than I him." j Mrs. Shields was it reserved and i polished ladv. She read thu note care- l'reiitisn, with the contents of this note ?" "1 .uu not, madam, " was the reply. "Will you read it, if you pha-.e !'" "1 did read it," Prentiss was wout to hilj.t lluj f,,,q ,,, j, jt Mn ,iI0 turning j)on,t f UlV life. T looked tip into the face of the meek but most elegant matron who sat before we. She was lookingcalmlyaud steadily uioii r.iy foatnriK, and 1 was astonished wheu site a.ke-d, 'Mr. Prentiss, have you a mother ?' "My heart broke. Oh, how my dear mother uud far nwuy hemo rose up to my view. 1 iiuswentl, and my tears told the rest. She lose up, whiped her eyes aud said: 'You shall have the situation, Mr. Prciitiss. When will it sniUon to winiu ull(i commence your i school ?' "There wuh uot a word said as to the reference or salary. My reply was, 'to morrow madam,' Here 1 was to be domiciled how long I did not know, and with a lady who could, if uny one could, supply the place of a mother." Hew She Petitioned. A woman who wanted the Common Common Council.' " "i don't believe it!" she exclaimed, aud turning to a customer sho uppealcd to him to decide. "I am uot sure how a petition be gins," ho said, "but 1 know that it must end up with: 'Aud we will ever pray.' " "Not much we won't," growltd the woman. "After it drove of goats has walked ull over tho roof of my house for the past year, and euten up three calico dresses, two sheets aud a bed quilt for me, I'm not going to pray to any one. Maybe the butcher uext door kuovs how to fix it." She went in aud stated the case to the butcher, aud he thought it over and replied : 'It seems to me that it should begin w ith something like : 'To your very respectable body' and close with : 'I am your very obedient servant,' but I'm not ture "Ser7ant.' Do you suppose I'm doing an (body's kitchen work ?" "No, madam, but it's the form you see. "Well, form or no form, I'm not going to call niyseli unyboily's obedietit ser vant, I'll write the petition myself." She stepped t the desk, drew a long breath, and iu five minutes had finished. It read : "I'm after being bothered to death by gouts, and if don't pass a law to stop it there'll be a row in tho old Eighth ward and don't you forget it I" Free Press. The siins indicate that the fall run of shad has commenced. About 275 barrels were taken by the Messrs. How- j land, with several hundred barrels more in the nets awaiting transportation. Material for Kgg shells When birds are in their wild state, they have no difficulty in procuring a supply of material for forming tho shells of the eggs they lay. They have nil unlimited rauge, aud cau pick up parti cles of limc-stone, portions of decom posed bones, aud other hubstauees that cau be converted iuto the shells of eggs. Wild birds lay at most only as many eggs as they cau hatch at two sittings. Some kinds of birds hatch only ono brood of young in a season. Domesti cated birdi., especially fowls, produce a large number of eggs iu tho course of a year. Some of the non sittiug varieties of boLB lay us many as one hundred and fifty eggs iu a year. A large amount of material is required to form tho shells for all these eggs. It is rot contained in the grain and other kinds of food that are furnished fowls, especially those kept in confinement. As a con si qnence, they lay eggs that have very thin shells, or no shells at all. The eggs that have thin shells aro liable to break iu tho nests, or during removal from place to place. Fowls, whether allowed to run at largo or kept in close juarters, should be supplied with ma terials for forming shells. Tho best substance for forming egg shells is bone dust. It should bo prepared from fresh boues. Tho next best material to entire bones pulverized is made by burning b ues, aud then reducing them to pow der or small grains. The pulverized shells ol oysters aud clams are very good, and a fair and clean substitute for either of them is found iu marble dust that can be obtained of tho manu facturers of grave stones unu monu ments. Air slaked lime should be fur nished fowls for forming egg shells, if no better nn'crial eau be readily obtained. Itallleil. The other day wo sat next to a coarse- voiced womau iu a railway car whose nose and eves looked as if made ex pressly for prying iuto otl er people's busiuess. Opposite u sat a very hand some young lady, in an elaborate sae- grten with an elegant copy of "Middle march" on her lap- Tho woman with the sharp voice stared hard at her, fidgeted a good deal, and leaning over ommeiieed a conversation iu this wav : "Book ajent, I see. Havo you good luck ?' 'You aro mistaken, madam; 1 am not a book agent." "You go to school, per'apa?" "No." "Oh, you don't? Thought per'aps yon did;" and looking her over, as if she thought she was not making pro gress, she spied a heavy gold ring on the third linger of her left hand, uud recommenced her catechi-m : "Married?" "Yes." Bride?" "Yes," with a glance at a tall gentle man who n jw stood at the rear end of car, talking with tho coulnctor. 'Oh, and these ure your weddin' fixius' ? I might have known it I" run ning her eyes from the j unity but down the multitudinous folds and mill?' to the daintv kid boot. ' nusbaud fore handed.?" "My husband has the same number of bands as other people, madam," said the bride, very sharply, making thebest of her way to a vacant scat ut tho other end of thj car, while the inquisitive woman settled back as if she was wronged at not having met with her usual success, and exclaimed in an angry tote, "Some people do act as impolite us get ont " Hip Navy. "Hand me the navy," baid the Secre tary of the Navy to his private secretary. "I would like to tee it this morning, and if it needs any repairs hand it to Mr. Robeson, who is wailing iu tho ro tunda." The private secretary blushed as he inquired: "Where is it?'.' The Secretary scratched his head, looked perplexed and after a moment of thought said, meditatively; "If my youngest son isn't using it for a horbe cart you will find it up stairs doiug duty as a widow rest. Aud hurry up; Secretary's waitingl" General Warren leaves his family nothing absolrtel y nothing and the widow's only source of income will be the paltry pension due bis rank. It is stated by one who for ,a good many years has been very near and dear to the family that tho general mortgaged his last piece of property for the sum of 10,000 more than it will realize in order to defray the expenses of the pre paration and defense of his case before the court of inquiry. Missouri has a boy of twelve, naniod Guy Smith, under sentenco of death. He lived at Kirkwood in that State, deliberately shot and killed his father in retaliation for a whipping received, and a trial for murder resulted in con viction and sentence. He is represent ed a having almoit a demoniacal dis position and nobody seems to want him set at liberty, but the Siate will hardly haDg so youcg a child. as ! win Bar Trestipe noon the Home nd his Diassaea. Boi k of 100 pauea. Valuable to every owner or horse. I ostai;' stamp Uknn. Sent post paiil bv Haltiniore Newxpajwr Union, 38 to 12 N. Hnihdy ut., Iialtimore, Md. Fob, dyspkpsia, iwi'MnwrioM, tloprpBsion of spirit an I i;rn. ml (telnlity, in their variou f..riim ; also a a previntivti aaiiiKt li ver ami k'iic ami other iiileriiutit nt fnvera, tho "Kerr.j riiiwpliiirati'it Kiixir of Calinaya," male by Caswi'll, Hitzunl A t-'o-, Now York, au.l cold by all lniK'iti", i ,,,e Ixwt tonii' j ami for paUeu's tivoTt-ririR front foyer or other eick neaa, li haa no etpial- "Kaatai Ban." Cltara out raw, mice, roaches, fiie. ant, lirdtiut,', akuuks, chipniuuk, gopher. 15c. Jjrugyisto, The I "darner ol t 'llinnle. When ptejielieittl to health, is elTectiiall, o'linteniete.l h." Hosteller's Mtiiuiat'h Hitter. lliiiiKiHiiis, tourit-lH, mariner, coninierehil H'KYi'leiN Iiinl Hint it not only counteract ma laria, tint nlieii the physical (iieric are ovel laxe.l, that il reciuii ilu-nii moreover, thai it is a line renu'ily lor tliamiler of the stomach uml bom Im, l'i.u"1ti n bv an uiiaiviintomi it iliet or impmv water, and that fur tho bilious eoliipl inils ilu'i leu' to the I Topics it i a line reini ilv. C'oiistil mil 'il, when chronic or iicnlc, i eompieriil by it -"k'io.1 iligeBtiou wait on npi'i Hie"--win n It i imortiil to, mul hlei p ilisturbcit by Ir.ivi lint; m rcmlereil more somut ami refreehiiiK h.v i'. That it is a lino anti septic or check to ilccay of constitutional viR or ia not lsa salislaeto'rity proven by it use. A Washington clerk who hail s ki-K of specie, ill' ip .in his Tinner is i no of the few people who ever hail too iinu-h cash on hanil. TTiTi.'"i;rMi'.'K of ail other ni"liciiii..i by I r. li. V. I'm ice's ''liolilen Ji .heal liiscovcry'' is uppioacliiin,' I nrivalcil in bilimi iiix- riieis, impure I t I , mul consumption, which is scrofitloiiH ilisi ane of the Inn.- ltc-pectabilitv I. Hi Mo.'.l iiw.iy from Ihe polls .in.l urowleil loti enough. Il HH'.bI Come up uml Mile. i;i-:t Tit K ouu;l i,. lr. I'i, T.v'n 'Tell. -I-" th original ' Little Livvr 1'nla" mz ir-ivaloih euro sick uml bilnniM bcnl.iclic, sour stomach, ami bilious ailaelm. lly iliui;:;i.-iM. ilailb.r-e kih-s to church with two police men. I'uc.isy lies the head that run the crown. Ioiiiir men or iiu-Mlo injot! oio , suneiin from in i voii.i b bill'y nmt l.riiilitil uiakiiissiH i-limiM m ii I llir.e stamp for I'.in ll ol Woii. 'n l'i-p n v Initio Si-rii-M of lui-.l,. A l.li.-., v,'. i 1 1. I .. i-vs via- Mt-oii'u. A--..- n.wio.-,-, r.;i;',..:o. N. V. ! The poi t who to.. k no note of lime milh nil j hiutst If t le cheated. Nul I'ii il I a I, Inn I' mpleir. Al I WWII , Va., Aug. I. 1M. II II. Wmim iiA Co.: Sum-Your Kilo Ki ! ii'.) an. I l.ivcr t'liiv li.n i il. ete-l an i nine euro in my r.i(.. 1 stillt-ri-il i-vi ry I .rut ot l.i Im y I. Ki 'ill y. W. .1 . TMiiuin. , Printer Axle reae Ono RreasiiiK lts two week; all other two r thn e clay. I' not ho inipoxnl upon by ihe binnbiik HtulTx oft'i-reil. Ak your dealer -!or l'ra.er's, with label on. It save your hnrso , labor, and you too. It received first incilal at I he Centennial and Pan exposition. tiM iverywhero. I your liarr falling nut or your scalp ilis cased? t'ai bi.liiie, a deodorized extract of: pclr. b um, us now unproved mi l pei fecti .1, is j-i-t th. ain. ie -u ii. e.l. I'.ny a b..tti. ; juu . will value It a.- the ill .ice.-l ot all toilet plepi I'a'l 'io. llf IN I'Ollil -V. -. t. 'i.it.'cloMlf 1 1,1.111. V .11.. I I-. -...IV !"t l-lll ! I-IIIIIHIW. II lli. I .. I- ! 1 .I.Iil-;-is, l "!.. I ... I mi I .. i I I "t Kh- JOHN II. A I.I.I. -,. , l liil-l. ,1 I , I ol .U. in.--. V. -K "HAINES" PIANOS AKE CHE1) AN1 INlMiltsrn HY TIIK GREATEST . AltTlsTS IN THK l)Kl.I. PATTI! VALLERIA! CAMPANINI! BKIGNOLIt OLE BULL ! GERSTER! MARIMON! KELLOGG ! GALLASSI! ABBOTT! PEASE! LABLACHE! RAVELLI ! MARIE ROZE! CASTLE! n Alt i: it no ti si i 97 FIFTH AVKM'E, SKW VOKK. For Rlo bv all b n.llru! ri.iii." House. CATA I.Oiit 1 S MAII.I.I' I I. I D IT I'll M.i.l:. Payno t Automatic Engines H3STORYxV.r, U.S. BY ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. Ilenul.oli '! il ;HI I'il.K l'l HUH-el"' I II; sruxiio;" nl It. ml' i"l oiu-r II rie'il . ll". in.. I '- 11;. li. ' .. -I-'. . and .ihl.il'W lin li.rv . . r i iil.h-l'- I I'i I l. miI.-m ii.i..ii "ill', anil t-. io no " oil i in . -.. n cuiii'-. S. let l"l nr. ii' iv n-i ! i i'.. o I Hi". A.l.lr. i, N A I. UML ll liLlnlllMI l'o., 1 llll.l.l' Jl lo.l, T. MAKE HENS LAY. At. Kiii.'tiHti V' t'.'rihr fi:irffii ud i'liii.!at, now trvlii u m tli!" i i u i i r v , t.ii 1I14I tiit of (tit UurM Atl.il'A'tlr l'o W -!'T. .-. I u ri' IP Wni t h iff Itfitlt.. U j aya tti.ii Shi ri'lotti ' ti.i it ; i :ir abtittit himri'Aiel hh'..'m "1 v ah..,ll. N..tli.iifc; vu rii win lu.ke- lift.- 1. 1 Uk MhtiiUu t'oii'litti-n fw , AT Id.ai.'. .(. (-'.Vl'-tonflil tO mi ,'illt nf f.iiti. Hold , mi--r, ..t - ut In tntil fur MoiffritMii, I 4. IOUNho.S AO'. Mo-t.ui.M. . trn -rh iAi.t!ftyM AND FEVER, I. M Kit 0l I'I. I NT nnd 'I t I.4KIA I'OS- l - i r. i lll( r.l' ': to cmAununn nnnn niiTct ' 1 Pmvlv V'ift"tuMt. No t,iininin'. M'Ti'iirv or Vain- i nun of un-- kiml. I't 4-.iMl tn t.iY iH.irni'imr nrlwd IfRwU. VrPM-rilt-il lv riih-iiiniaiMl Mi lriiif- ; PM'T ItiTi- t-T '.," itlltl .VI 4-i'Ht.w A l-t. Htasdauu i'L til Oj.. 1'JJ IVarl Htn-t't. Ni-w York. GOOD NEWS ZjAXIIES ! Grt un Cluba it ur CKI.K KlIMi 1 1 A. .li I ritr b..iill'u U::t E::o or 3:11 tail 7ct Sit,'1 .(.-... ..ur n iii.i-. rl.ti.-u. on. II., U.iiiifi.1 I, I. t-ivrti ml II.' ." '-.Urd re dBtiK.r..ul wllurilulla ON o o I ! DattaMe -.iri! ' l.. E.-..ii..iul-l. ."tlak I. , .. , .;. -, , ,. -. . -,i -i . " i' -. ";. " 'V... ... .-; I. ! IIU. .I M.lll ...I An'"- i.OI i 'it oB r.-'oi! l.:..-u 0. H' o.i:.',. ue : ' lo:- . mi.-'i -a 'i.. i. u. V. !..' :.... h ' '.'ru'i.. ; Aia:rs ivami ii iou the In tl.r ... l, ., l. til.( 1'll.t "enn. 1 k.h-- iiji ' To any address in the United States or Canada Contain an Indei of Diaeaaea, which girea tho Sympbim, C.innaii.l ti e Ri nt Tie itinenl of each. A Table i;iviu( all tlm principal driii; itm lor Hi" llnie, n.rh tli or.lin 11 v ilno, e tTecta ami antulma 111 case ut P'iun. A Table with an Ivir avitu of the H uxe's I'e. i'iiit 'Jiffeifiit i:e, with rule for telling tho age. A valuable vuliuctiuu of liict'ipi aa.l uiucii etlier valuable iutvruiatiou. CLUB FIVE rOPIP.H, TEN COI'ILS, II 00 1 7U One, Two and Three-cert Btampa recelrej. BALTIMORE NEWSPAPER UNION, 28, 30 and 32 North Holllday Street, BALTIMORE. MD. . ..wry npirrtff .. . ga ",. .. lg- hi I I tM kVI IA Sm for human, fowl and animal lata, war that prcpareil anil Introduced by lia t,e. V. H. riimit. In Lock port N. T, li. S. A., lo.l, ainro whltta tlm it a itr.vlilv grown in public favor, and k now ar'kiioitlrili;ril and a'bintlfa by ta Ua.le to be the ntandard liniuient of tha country. When wn make thla annouucaw ainni we ao eo wunniu iu i wm. diction, notwithstanding ws an aware there are many who an mora or lea prejudiced aftninat proprietary remedies eerl.illT on acrtmni o cne m.nT uum- rni; on im lnarm-i; nowever, we ar. 'oli aiK'd lo mate thM euch prejudice doe nut eutt ai;ainiit UAIti.l.lMI oil.. We no ant claim wonder er mlrac-lr for our liniment, hut we do claim It i without an ciiml. It is put up in bnt- ii,' or inrev aut-n, and an we ftk If thai you give it a fall trial. reiii'-nibtiiiiir thai iheti put np wuh while wisnpei fionaM) is for human and fowl fleuli, and that with yi-llo wrn'iuer Ithrc aiiM) fur anl- m.iliWIi. Try a hot II'. A th-a-rulK liulii-nte, thf Oil ta ufd euccea. fulli for sM duel-"' of ihe ooi..iu,jii-taml animal fit.L Shake well hr'or. i.'iiiit. Cannot be Disputed. One of the principal rcanona ol Ihe wonderful rncc.-ia of Mer- X'Vyw clianl ii oari nf! nil in that It I era't n.aiieraeriireii errictiyun uonnr. t4&'.ijr li nriMiru'iora do not.aa ia the 's" wuh l' " niiiiy, afo rmakmg 'VC? for th.ii nicliciiipii name, dinuo lli il .u;.e hy ii'i'u: uoerur rnm ponnda, but "" ' ' !" "' K I-1" I'i' l"iht in l.it ii ri n!i. iv V'lctiiiit'a i'U'r- 1.. .. i ,il I. . 1.. .... u ,m l..t h.'o. ly, a el wui t'li'l.tiue to he JftlrS. Veij't" le IV ail re-i.'i'ialile dealett ahroiighont the lm '! Slain ami otlicr countrlee. rm ."l lI.ui...oIF a.Aio im. i.-... ;"TI to Ihe present. 'I ry .Mrrchuita JT (inrt-lii.i oil Liniment for tiil'-n.al and 'Kt.-rnal use. an. I I'll yunr 'j neititior what gocd it lua done. Don t tail to follow dl'actlon. Keen the botU wall corked. cui'.es H".?:. Spntna and Bmlaea. S r ... I. ilt. V. lo laalla. I'.' I U .1 III Sh'.o. t .'111.. I'n t I- 'ut, ll"U,. in 1'oiiltrT, S .re No i-i'. ( e.rh. Cr. ! ii"ta. Ol I Sere. M'l. ... ;l . Illlir 11. k. II. -ii. rli m-I or I'll", l"ii.a.-i.r. bi'iiinatiaua, SeariL" Swuer, e..tt... wholi.wa, Weak tow of Hi" Jolnn Ci.titraciion ut M'la.iea, I'rAinoa. Swrll'd l.'a. Ft'tii.. M oik'. Thriieh. diked bre.au, lluila, a ChilhlHlin. l'r I'ltaa, Bcmr.h -'or i .re, t:h,lK l llan.le. Ril..rul l'" '.'" '.. Band t'rw-k. e.;!l Tll, ll not Jll knel'i. 'tlu-i '..un U. s lIMt. RiikIh.ii'. "Hi 'I''-. irv-.-i inCo. larvr. t rv t'.t IVaia. r.l..n. l.aii.'ii'. II. TH Di.l'UUT. (iii-K V1"'!or' ab' w n 'he Udilor. Ml OOO It KH'.IHW for proof of theeitat. w ' ence of a bet t m lliiirnrut thas " ilT. loii.t liarclln-; oil," or a tetter wurin iii'dn-ine thau "Merc-haul a Worui 'I ahleta.nMan or. lor.' I by M. U. O. Co., Lock port, N V..U. H. A. JOHN HOOCE, 8C'y. II I .11 IANE & EODLEY CO. GOLD MEDAL BV ThE ATLANTA COTJW EXPOSITION, ON TMf.lt Steam Engine and Saw Mil: Bihlbllod at Allanl.r l.i 11331. M.iniiheturer of Steam rririne". rioiler. 6aw MiIIj.iI inu l'.'1-rei-i. I.nth .M i.'lnne.i. II uh nnd Jipokc Mauiiiery. .-niuiiiv.-, n ik' i -. . -Ires, CniipliiiK. Uftrinir. tin tun. I I eon-Milli hrnd fur SiH-i-ial t iniiUrel uur . I i'ijulaliuo San Mill, which ne Ki ll f"r f.eei.,l nttciiti'in rinn t rlai.t itu.ii n i chiuery. 'inriiii.t'ici(ir. ie. J.ANE & BOD LEV CO., .oll A- M.if. r HtK.. i.-'n-mti 1 TEAS ra aMD.1aeee.-aa attlltea HaporM Uat yMVrloaa lwat than eier4u(enta waaf- Oaml 5n Tbau 0d DlaeH or inixeai, ir O IbZ Flna filack or Fllaed, far a ih:liulc UUvkor laLaeeU far 11: a.s for ponnd aamule. 17 eta. eitra for aaetan. Thra aet op a eluli. IJholceat Tea I the warU;-- Lanteat TarleW. ITe (rrf ryoor V""" tfeMtn Antrlc.-No okra-fia atumv uaigkt boaineaa -Valo fer ooay. KOB'T WKM. Veaet RU.W.I., P.O. B lWf. Kniaona' I'm Ulu..d, an I "111 m. in ,'tdif -h.iue ih I. !. .IOIIN-IIN V '.. Iluaiuu, .tlHa foraierlr Hiiuaui'. le. . I a r-l. MinilTT. fnt. BAHTIMtr., W .., .-niwf Ti... f -.',., ."J Wk i ". i'" ' t-'iaai.'T 1 ENGINES; I 'nrui.S.iw Mill A l'l- r'lm'.Tr I.I MAN TAYI.OU . M..-.M.U- ArY rr-tTf r- AD MT lY. I . I 1 1. i . If 01 T - 1 BilLam -L '- ' 1. r...v.-. q sf r i.v iViii-limak' rs. r.v mall. Ii-IIIUUK. rs. i.v limn. -.. .-. . . ..I S. Hll;t'lt & CO., t)M IJey btMV UVlil 1 $325 1 nipnTN lief nt$ wmB-wo raal Inxartlr ..Tn the world, llimpli WtfAiilJmt Braaaaa, D'lrulk Mick. vniiaif MtTM If ton would li-arn relei'raeav la YUUNU tntni fonrniontln. and he eertaiii el a tlllalloB. ara ai'Uiom nr,... ....-..- V. . Ai.-elll- III' Ili,l,ll i! lll .1 ,t.iv e ll. ' me ....i' - . s. imI 1. 1 . r il it- .uel I. tin-, im .it 1:11). hh 1 ull i) t o , lj Mi.k M., l;i..-t.ui. M.I.-W. THE BI00D1 . M . Itlnh I.I....1I iu the .i.-..iu whu jv,..-,' 11. iv ue 1.- h.. i- - t.l.. AND HIS DISEASES! o CO H CD fc 3 CO R ATE S. TWKNI Y COl'M'.M. -ONK ilU.NMIiKU Cdi'IES, lit f0 10 UO AMre