S!;hq dJhalham Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., FIMTitR AND J'ltorRIKTOK. tf" A I V K KT1H I NO. f'tte Jpiaf. ! t(" itn'fi IMlUHILblH, tV I'.'cIII'-liS jrief-qtmr t'i fine J.VJ URMS Or SUBSCRIPTION: f i rnj.j ,.-Ik i ill One copy, tiuuf inuiiiii , - VOL. V. PITTSBOUO', CHATHAM CO., X. C, SEPTEMBER 21, 1882. Jf'T l:ilfl T mlVI rllSi lll'IlH lll"'lnl rilitr:l'-ts Will mailt. NO. 2. Serenade. ' Reareiit, Eden's bower of lilian NV-r uv lovelier sight than Una Yet no scene can perfect be To thy lover, lacking (hue. Come, and with thy goldt n hair Warm tliiii moonlight cold though fair ! 8'ara am ahiniiig iu the skits, Cobih ard sbamo them with thine eyes. Night with nature In ber amis Kings hir sweetest, tiiidcrent psalms. All the iiuionli;;ht fnrnifl thrill, Willi the smith-wind 'a gentle trills And weird music, zrplier-hnrn, Weals up from the hlalt'd rum. Itie, my love, as I i harm the air With a melody mure rare. Sweeten', from tho casement l"n I've a cliapht fruin my quoi n I Tulerio, ( id t-lui.ir, micn'ou'lic, Id bnlrnpe and i inlet. Mingled iu tlio wreath, Hcnse-entrancing ndnrfl In ' alii" Yet tlnmf rnsc-lud lips of time: Yield a hagr-arce mure divine. Come, an 1 kiK'i liiii; at Ihy feel, An old story, I'll ripeit. 'Fold to Jive dy Kdt n's prim e, Tdd to all her daughter sjm o ; Clinic, and in my cliii ined oar Wliiipir wh.it I Imig (o Inar ; To my love with love respond, And nidi kisses seal the lion 1. A WIFE'S MISTAKE. Mrs. Hopgood prided herself on be ing ono of tlio bout housekeepers. H .i was ono cf those rapid housewives ',vl;o pnrsnes nu atom of dust ns u hunter might pursue a Hlag. No hlond-naturcd fly ever dared to buzz within hor dainty walls. No cat purred on ln-r lieutlh ntone. Plants wero tulmool because tlieir leaflets would fill. Canary birds were m'blossly excluded hst they should scatter seed. Sunshine was ex cluded cs au arch-enemy. ' It, brings flies sud fades tlio carpets," sail Mrs. Hopot d. As for Mr. Iiopg..ol tit d tlio children, thoy lived mostly iu tbn kitchen. ''I can't havo I lie toys' muddy boots trHmpioR over the ourpets, and the girls sowing in tho parlor," said .Mrs. II. ip good. "As for Iloi'good, I don't eire where he sits. Ono place is as good hh another where ho is concerned." The Ilopgood family also took their meals in the kitchen. "I've got a dining r om as nioo nn anybody '," said Mrs. Ilopgood; "wi'h a real curved oak sideboard, with n mar bin top, and silver polished" till it's Lot ter thun a lookiug-gluf h. Ibit vvhero'ii tho nao turning things all upsido down, jdst for ono's own family? Cjiumou crt cfcery ware and good bone handled knives are just as good fortveryday ut-e." "Mamma," said Elbie ilopgood, a cheery-oheeked girl of sixteen, "I should like to sit in tho parlor some times. Mrs. Mow fort and daughter ute theirs every evening, and it looks so pretty and pleasant iu thoro." "Stuff and nonsense!" said Mrs. Hop good, sharply. "I keep house myself, after my own fashion, and I give other leave to do the name." "Bat, mamma," replied Elsie, "I was thinking how I should like to invite all Ihe girls hero some evening, n'ld have tea, and afterward some little games. I've been Hiked out so many times with out ever respondiug, and really I am gnttiLg ashamed to go." "Then von bad better stay at homo," said Mrs. Ilopgood, polishing vigorous ly away at the fcteru of her silver curd leceircr. "I think I see myself with all the young folks in town capering on my biUBhela carpet, aud cakeorumbs and melted cream d iulied over everyihing." Elsio made no iniwer, but her coun tenance quickly fell. "1 wish mamma was like any one else," she said to herself, tho tears tb sonring her eyes. "I wish sho was like Kate Triokett's mother, who lets her have oompany every Thursday evening. John Elton wants mo to marry him. If I married him I could huve u lumo of my own, aud do just as I pleased." "Mother," said Mr. Ilopgood, it week or two afterward, vitlt a doubled fuoe; "is it true that ur Elsie is out walking evenings with John EUol? IIo in a worthless, d stipated fellow, an I no lit aseooiato for any girl." "Mercy on nnl I don't know," t-aid Mis. Hopgood, with a pertutbed faoo. "I supposed fcbe wan with KutelVickeU or Clara Moinfort. I'm a great dual too busy with picking and housekeeping to run at a giddy girl's heels the whole time. But I am going to commence cleaning to morrow, and then I'll war rant I'll give ber enough to do to keep hor oat of mischief." "Mother," said Isaao Hopgood, grave ly," sometimes I thind that if wo made bom a little more attractive to our ohildwW' "Oh, nonsense! ' quickly interrupted his wife. "I suppose you'd like us to have tabli six, like Mrs. Mom fort; or a magio lantern like tbs Miokiords. Oar children have not been brought up in that way." Mr. Hopgood said no more. Mrs. Hopgood, to nse her own expression, waa "in the thijk of bouse cleaning," the next day, with the carpets rolled into heaps, the floors spattered with soap and, and her head tied up in a pocket bandkerohief when the door suddenly opened. "Take care of my nn of sonp sads and soda! ' k1i" cried shrilly. ' Ob, it iu yon, is it, Ally?" "Yos, mother, it's me," faid Alexan der, her eldest sen, who bad just gone into business as junior partner to bis father. "I say, do leave off washing a minute and attend to me! Ryerson's in town my old chum, you know- only for cno d iy, aud I have a-ked him to dinner." ' To dinned" almost scrnmed Mri. Hopgood. dropping ber brush in con slcriiutiuii; "Alexmper Ifrpgood, ate ynu cr- y.'! Oi cotiihH 1 can't have him to dinnoi ; look at tho confusion this house h in." "Oh, bo won't mind that, mother; Kyerson in a tlionnighly good follow, f net lei him sit down to anything will I he lest of us. ' "I hIihII ib iioiliin. oltlioH'irt, Alex nn?"'r," hid I Mr:. ilopgood, rather no ii; vcrelv, couipie.si-iiiK her lipn. "You mo iiwuro ilmt I do not approve of your inviting couijiiitiy at tiny time, still less ut eucli a peril d a this. If you have been fool eijouli to itk him, you may get out of the kcupo tho best way you can." "But rmillior " "I don't want any morn discussion on the sitl j ct," Miid Mr. Ilopgood, duub itig uway itli the brush. Alexander wont out nlittumini; tho door. " Yell,"tipio!h Aleiitudor, tc himself. " If 1 cuii't link u friend to dinner at home, thcro is at least tbo alternative of inviting hiiu t'i tbo hotel. I U"ver dnl r-u i' u u thing ln'iore, but I don't koo how ebo J ch'i niitnage." S Altxittiiltr U'ljigond t-utertuined Mr. ltyeihou nt the hotel, and guvo an uuliiiiitul oidi-r for iced cbuuipagno and lie-tit. .iid the upshot of it all was that Ah iuuikr Ilopgod wuHbi'Oiieht in ut c'ovvn o'clock ut night by two Waiters, hnpelesbiy intoxicate d. "Jou't be f -Irai'l, mother," stuttered he, bi-amiihliing un eippty bottle, as he httuuio dimly conso ioua of ber white, scared f co bcndiag ovor him. "Go i n with your wanning ! it's a heap jollier ut tho hotel tliuu it is ut homo. Freedom forever. Hooray ! ' "Oh, what shall 1 do?' sobbed Mrs. Ilopgood, when tlio waiters were once out of tbo hou-e, uud tho roll of the cub wheols bad died any. To think only think that u sou of mino should ever stoop to disgruco himself thus." "It's your own fault," said Kenny the second sou. "You'd not let Ally bring bis frieud hero to dinner." "Hold your tonguo 1 'sharply retorted Mrs. ilopgood, wincing beneath the prick of bou.c truth. "Call Elsie; I need help." "Oh, mother," piped i'duny, tho younger girl, running down htairs iu baste; "Elsie uiu't here." "Not hero? " "No mother, sbo hasn't boon to bed at all -and there's u note on the table diroetod to you," "Open it mother," said Isauo Hop good. "This is a sid night for our house hold. My God, has our home beoomo so distasteful to our children that they rly from it, like rats from a falling house ?" The note was short enough as it lead : "Dear mother: I am tired of living iu the kitchen. I huve tun away with John Elton, aud before you see me agniu I shall havo entered upon a uew future." Mrs. Hopgood broke' iuto hysterioal sobbings. Mr. Ilopgood hurriedly read tho hurriedly soruwled paper with a face cold and sot like steel. "lluu away with John Elton," bo re- eat til slowly; "then God help her; for he is as great a villain iud scoundrel as ever lived, and she has sealed her own doom. Mother, mot hor, this comes of your housekeeping," "It wasu't my fault, IsRai'," sobbed Mrs. Ilopgood, rocking herself back ward and forward iu a chair iuto which sho bad dropped. "It was your fault,' retorted the hus band, almost savagely. "You made the very name of home a mockery to your children, and set your soul inside a Eotubbing pail, and now you are reap ing the bitter harvost, my dear." Of course poor Alexander Hopgood was unable to lift his throbbing head off his pillow next day, and bis mother never left him until afternoon. When at last she came down stairs i the parlor bliuds were thrown wide open, a .flood ol sunshine streaming in, the tablo neatly set in the dining room, and flowers on the table and new books, games and puzsles aoattered aronnd. Mrs. Hopgood gaze! around her with a bewildered air. She hardly knew her own home. "This is the way in whioh we must live henceforth," said her husband, cheerily. "Let-in the light and son shine; teach Bon and Fanny that homo is something more than an empty name, and try. in so far as we can, to retrieve the errors of our past life." Mrs. Hopgood mutely bowed her head. "I will try, husband," she answered. FASHION SUITS. The undressed Hwedo ii Iho Jatei-t novelty in gloves. Lace jackets arn lii.ed v.ith light bilk in the colors of the lace. The seaside parasol is Tin key l o l, trimmed with oriental lucn. Black stockings are clocked wi'h colors when worn with light dres.-ei. Ihe minuet is tho fashionable ihineo at tho Eastern watering places. Au cnumeled gold bow is tlio n nv or nameut for fastening bunm-t nliii.cn. French muslins are tii'tiincd wiV.t feathery white ruchos and frilling of lae. The wiapa worn by Arairiein puis abroad ale of niaHculiuo cut ;ui.i UiiT flninh. Velvet zouave j icki ts bordered villi rich bead bauds Hceonipany cot-tly dresses. Thocrir.nletli' cool iinie- tnfu:'i favor and fall ninntb s will lie, cle.iii. ned to 'ivo room to it, Broad ribbon suhlios w worn I y th-: million, from the child one y ur lo tin matron of sixty. Heliotrope silk iluidiiift lo n l'uM combined with a bl o-k velvit makes ii beautiful evening toilet. Hilid colors in nuu-lin iIhwoh dis pute tho majority with Fpugged and poka-dotted patlei n. Jackets have from ten to Ci'leeti wooden buttons tluely cut in pus beads down tho fron's. Huge cubhttgn roses urn worn upon tho bonnet, at the top of tin. puruMil aud as corsugn llnu eiv. White pompons and o.st rii-li fti.it li.-r.s form tho trimming of tbo Luteal nuni ber of black dress hats. Hllk flouucos, veiled by those oi' either black or white luce, compose very elegaut trimmings for dress hkuts. The full ruche fastened with a bar pin has taken the plntM of the lice tlcbu which has been so lontj iu favor. Half-high bodices aro iu favor for evening wear. They are worn with lace sleeves reaching to tho glovo'i. Jasmine, punnies, carnations aud half blown whito roi-es mingled with nnihi are the favorite llori.l garnitures. Elbow eleevos of evening drosses aro made very close Uttiog, so that tho long gloves may bo drawn up over them. A new stylo if-kirt trimming con sists of bunches r.f side plaits ulti r nating with lateral loops. Tbero is n knife-blade quilling both ubovo ua 1 below this. Imparted traveling skirts aro plaited from belt to too. They aro worn with tne Newmarket jackets, with full hihIi drupcry, or with the panier pol maise. Little musio-boxes playing very faintly one tune, are now worn at the waist belt, dangling from a bit cf rib bon. They are of tiwins make, and hold hair pins and glove buttoncr. Barques are oat in every shiipo mid style imaginable round, pointed, long or short, with square tabs all uround the edges, in postillioi fu-hiou, or with full puffs lined with a contrasting color and issuing from beneath a sharp, pointed cuirass oorsage a la Marie Antoinette. Upon some of the most fahhionaldo costumes are used ribbons by tlio docu yards upon the skirt alono ; and corsages and wraps are covered with loops of ribbon, mingled with waves of laoe, bo important a part do ribbons of every shade form tho costumes of tho day. Hattlers all Around. Mr. Walter Gwin, living about four miles south of Highland, Georgia, went ono day last week to salt, bis cattle in the mountains beyond Houudiug Knob. To save distance ho took it "near ci'' around the base cf the Knob, 1, living the pathway. Ho soon eaieeiutu a wild romantic glen, prjbably never before trodden by human feet. It is it rocky place, whose deep gloom is seldom penetrated by stracglint; sunbeams, ho thick is the foliage overhead. Advanc ing a few steps Mr. Gwin was confronted by aa enormous rattlesrako tvi tobed out upon a rock jnst before hint, 'tinn ing to the right to get Komethiiij; with which to kill his snakotdiip, bo rw seveial of the deadly fangod reptiles in close proximity. Then to tho left be directed his steps, determined not to bo outdone; bat imagine his consternation when he came npon a heap of rattle snakes, knotted and woven into ono ominous mass of venom. Becoming now thoroughly alarmed for his porsonal safety, Mr. Gwin started in the direction of a small tree, only to be encountered by rattlesnakes. He wasanrronnded. They were darting from their huge coils ia every direction, buzzing like bees, while the poisonous odor emitted from them filled tho air. Mr. Gwin made a bold dash for life, and finally succeeded in getting ont of the den without being bitten; but he became quite sick from the venomous fumes inhaled. There are probably fivo hundred or more rattlesuakes in the den, Highland (Ga.,) Recorder. 'I li" Woman Ken hi iller. Au a lvorlisciuent to tho elTi ct that lade a eoiill bo beautified, if not for ever, for a lilisnful kcufou, at least, and that its trout wont was "delightful, balmy un I plcas.mt," prompted a re porter to c til on tho advertiser at one of tho principal hotels, with a view of learning, if possible, how naturo can bo aided by tbo npplianci s of nit. His eiriw.is answeied with, "I'll hp. him in just u minute," Tho reporb r was f (1 1 1 in i. n ut.t room where several woiioTi were impatiently waiting f or au nndioiien with tl o ilo -peimi r of youthti.; etiaruis. 'tlio i alleis were all beyond the l'i ddiur; peiiod. Ono of them was oi l eiioiifib to bn slud . iug decorative art t a tho ii" t world. She was an iliiintratiou ol tbo cynical rem nk that "tlio lis i ;h of tho d.vinjj woman is hot mi nu e'i for tho los of lib) ns the loss of hr b'U'ily." Another woman who k. eo'e.1 ovo,j:iiiluut. wl tho promi o nf fill', i. youthful Hppoatan' and li' ii'itv, weni ont, i f the room, mung : ' i ll ret ui n to t iorrow, rain or shine, M I .1 i; livini' womun to-morrow I'll eoruo bank." A- tbo wialbtr indiea l.ioi:s won- fair, and she seemed in good hedth, it is p.obiblo that slio made I'.l'Olher cull. The leporter was ushered into tbo pro.sei c i of the emliuliui r. tSho was pi duly u-i 1 sini i'y drcss-' l in wbito which itl'lci to tbo bounty of her smooth, luirble iiKo complexion. Tito repoiter Htated his business, and slm began with : "I havo a gnat ninny callers; the lnajoiity i.iv 1-oiis .vt r thirty yearn of aire, but u rent many old I a 'helors ntiil voting genlloiii"ii ubo come. The young iiieu geiiiMlly give a fictitious Mime ; tlio old b.icliclois do not seem to bo ii frai l of anything, givo their rigtit nuiiies, ii v liberally and recom mend tlo-ir acquaintances to come. A bachelor iu Boston RllV0 n"5 ,r'" t0 ,u'lt, tlio wrin'- les out. of his fane, when my ehu'Re is i u!y ?'l a treatment." "Hotv i.i this t ll'ectrd. uad dues your tieit'luiut cone nl ago V" "Yes ; I em take a haoholor of illty yfar.s, with 'crow's bet' under Iuh eyes, and in three or four mouths tho crow's feet will be pone and ho will not look to bo over thirty. I treat tho face once a week ; Ibis lino white powder is rubbed into the wrinkles, aud tho ngree ul ilt change is elleeted." "Of cotirKO tho samo trtutmont is applied to ladii hV" "Oh, yen ; tho majorily of the ladies come hero to have 'IhoFO lion id crow's feet' removed. Nothing worries a lady H'i much hs increasing signs of aging. But a great many, who aro really pretty, wiiili to be mado even more so. The improvement of beauty is a laudable, desire, ju.st tbo sumo as tlno dressing, and ladien should not bn ceusured for endeavoring to make themselves more attractive. One lady curuo in ycHterd ly sbo was as pretty as sho could bo. j frankly told her that she was pretty enough, and Unit 1 could not improve her. Sho went away smiling and seemed just as delighted as if I had improved her complexion." "Do the ladies esprets any fenr when being treated ?" "Homo wish to know whether tho im provement will be la-ting, und ask a thousand and one questions as to the ultimiilo ell'ec:. of tbo treatmout, I OMsnro them that I use no cosmetics ; nothing that will injure the skiu or tbe health ; uud so eager aro thsy lo have their complexions improved thut I bo lievo they would run Ihe link of losing what beauty they possessed, hud my preparations such effect. But such is not tho case." "Do 1 use my own treatment ' Yes ; I oneo" had freckles on my forehead. P j you see any thcro now ? I put oil a prrpaintion tin1 took tho outer skiu off, and when it grew ovor tbe freckles wore gone, 1 liml to remain in tho bonne three or four il.iys. und did uotbing bnt walk, wiingini; my haeds in agony. What wi'l a woman not suffer for her bounty " There being no answer she conl inned : "There, is nothing of any value guined in this world without la boring and autleting, and as tieauty is woman's chief distinction, she values it above other gifts of nature, and will uso all possible arts to enhance or make it durable. Po you know more than half of our physicians owe their success to some cosmetic or wash for the com plexion morn than to their skill or medicine ? I do not say that cosmetics are in every ca o injuriotu to tbe com plexion, yt I feel positive that there are applications tased on scientific) principles that might be used benefici ally, thus discarding all artificial means." . At this moment a card was handed to M'lle Mirie, and sho smiled patroniz iuB,'T as she said : "In a moment." The reporter took iu the sitna'ion and smile at a glance, and, with thanks for the interview, bowed himself from her presence. N. Y. Tribnne An Advent congregation at rhilips hmg, Tenn., has voted unanimously that the world will come to an end next Ov'toler. A Si a Captain IJeveiur.'. It bus often been said that there is no tit Hpotism in tbo world -qunl to lh.it i xorcined by the captain of a veou l when at sea. This, of course, does not upply to yuchts, for those are not registered vessels, but sail under a license, und the captain of sncli a craft could be dis charged by tho owner when iu mi I oceun if for any reason tho owner found futilt with his nianagemont. Bit wi'n merchant vosstls when one out of port the authority of the captiin i -, by tht laws of every iistion, stipri lao. It is noceKuiy tl.a' this ihtiuld bo mi. A ship win n a' sea represents a number of d liferent i'ltennts; tlioso wlr "vii the vessels, those who own the cargo, those thut insult) the bull and its contents, and then lust, but not least, uro the lives of crew und pos-ibly of pa-iM'!iy,ers. There must l.o a responsible directing bead, armed with tbo legul power to en force any order be may think lit t'esi-aiy for tbo protection f tlietio difb-reiil iu (crests, ami (bis utithoriiy ronbl be lodged noivbere but wi'h tlio captain. His j idgnient liiay be at. fault, but H a! tho end of a voja,7, hociin inako euili that he considored what be did to be necessary for the protection the in terests intrusted to his keeping, it, is almost irujosHiblo to punish biiu for his mistaken. An example of this nibitiaiy power was given some years ao by the eupliiiii of ii meichuiis vshi-1 sailnif; from one of our A!lautic ioit-. 'the ship was bound on u voyage to tbo west coast of Houth America, uud ber owner invited one or two of bis friends to go down tbo b-.y in her and return on the pilot boat. When outside, the weather became somewhat threatening, ami the pilot boat was not immediately on band. Tbo captain bud lonf; elu rishe I u grudge igiiiust the owner and saw iu tins situa tion nn opportunity of revenging bita self. In i pitu of commands and then of appeals rondo for tho owner, bis friends and tho pilot, bo put. his vessel npon ber c xirso und vailed out to s:i. His involuntary passengers were, of course, in a wretched state of mind, coming, as they did, wholly unprepared for a voy agj around Cape Horn, and wc-U aware that their relatives and friends, would I ao doubts as to tlieir existence. This led the owner to resort to nji'thodn which led tho cipbiin to eon -true to be mutinous, and hence he bad the former placed in confinement, while the entire party, with the exception of the pilot, wore treated very muo.t us if they had been common sailors, so f ir as their food suppl was concerned. When the ship arrived at lor port of destination, tho captain was instan ly dismisso 1; but that was nil the punishment that could bo visited upon him A Woman With a Whim. In hunting np the battle field of Jonesboro I came u iross the usual score of blind roads leading no one knew wdiere, and in following one through the woods I came lo a point where a fence blocked further progress. On tbe tit her side of the fence was a farmer hoeing corn, n nd after the nsual talk about the weather I asked : "Hav, colonel, in this tho end of Hmh road?" "This is tho end " "Don't go any further ?" "Not a rod." "And 1'vo got to ride buck ?" "I reckon so, but you'd better come over to tbo house and have u b te first." "Won't it put you to any trouble V" "Not a bit. Bidodown into the scrub and you'll find a low spot where you can jump tho horse.'' When I hud foil wod directions aud reached bin side ho continued "Stranger, I want to post you in advance. When the Yank-cm came down I ere they lipped open our feather beds, broke open our chcts, smashed out crockery and stolo our cbict ens. I never laid it, up agin 'eiu, bnt my wife can't forget it. When wo roach the house she'll take a squint at ye and ask if you are from tho North. You'll say yes, and then she'll ask if yon was in the Yankee army. You'll say yt s, mid then she'll open on you and cull yen idl sorts of hard names. Yon wou't pretend to hear a word, au.l she'll heave chairs aud boot jaci8 and flat-irons at ye and yell at our four dogs to chaw ye np. That's a whim of hers, you see, but, she can't hit ye if yon are good at dodiring, and the dogs dasn'tbito anyhedv." "But I don't want to be grot ted that wav." "Yon never mind. It's only a whim, and after sho hai tired herself ont jaw ing and throwing snd tearing around she'll set to and cook the best dinner in tho State of Georgia. There was a chap here from Chicago only lust week, and after ho had dodged three chairr, a dozen sticks of wood and six milk-pans the old woman pulled him off the boss and ma le him feel so much at home that I reckon ho may marry our oldest gal this fall." 1 positively declined to take dinner with him, and I think I hear him call ing yet as I galloped away : "Stranger, if ye can't fae ono old woman with a whim now, I don't reckon yon bothered onr folks very much dui iog the war." Free Tress. Wonderful ilihiirsiu Horblu. A It tlr to the Hnv.it nah Morning News fro :n Ii:v Oak, Florida, says: Florida is not only destined to beoomo f imoas for her tnauge gr)vo--, cotton fields and delightful clnnito, Irit natural developments beiieath tho euitii now lend a rare nttr ictimi und afford an tiiiUHti'il interest hitherto unknown. A most wonderful di-eovory has just been made by I). plain fj.-uipe R I'ahni and Major John T. lloiimi'lul, which is no les-, t!,:,n a re'i'iii l.itlet) ca,-e, located at 1 t-tbli'u Hoo, twelity-two miles aonlh of hor.', on the I, ivo Oth und Kowbimi's Iiiiill' milr, ad For tiit following do seiiptioii yoiirinrre.-i orient is indebted to Mr .1. M. II t'lowf t, tho inbuilt- iiLtl gt lift mi'ily cashier of tlio Point fnvesl ineiil (!'iinpitv, also to kindness of Mr. K. Ii Drann , in the i iiipl iy of tbe same eonip my. The inoii'li of ili cafi i., ii small opening in ti t o.ti I h's surfiee, widening us it do-vends und eiteiids I'd- some torty f et upon nn ang'i of : ix'y degrees beVir-ro:icliiri Ii o 'h l 'vtd. The five 's a broad tpeli eljanibin- j'l it af'or eliti riiic, und t ioi Is in width until lo; t lo v:ew. The lo 'i;hl t)f Iho a't eplor, il v.oi'e.s fr iu .e'-enfn tv.'i nly tlvo fctd, and tlio fie-rv adspti ittelf toaiiuo'-t every i iiai i:t!i!o sl.upn and form, ninny of which nre ttremtly picluresip'e mid mtere-'tiiig. TIomo gelitlt'ineii pioi-etd in a straight course for H.'Vt r il him. ire 1 feet, when wonder fill to relate, theV fame iipon I be lui,k of ll liver and bulled, 'ib" e lileiit of this; river was rapid ai d its width ct n fiiilerable. They report that Ib-lneenit d plentiful, judging from the iit'ltutioii of the wa'eis. Beyond the river whs beard :-ome tlreadf il noises, which, c oubined with Ihe lonolirios of tho sitmi'ioii, mado them f t-l very uncomfortable. They are both of the opinion that they saw upon tbo oppo-.re hank a r 'ptilo of proportions, put taking of a serpentine form and moviii , in all tbo horrid con tortii ns peculiar to a serpent. The opinion is expressed that the c b-brated sea serpent which has In on lost, all this year bus just, put, in an appearand) in one of Florida's submarine rivers. Just after seeing tho serpent they reheated to the op-.-n a r, not wishing to risk tin iJiHolvoi h ii y further. So far in their siht would reach the eaveexleiiitod in it 1 1 ofilsgrim grandeur, and they are of tbo opinion thut it may extend for some miles further. Many bones were found in the cave and ar ticuhitly on the hunk of the river, all of which, with one exception, appeared to htlong to animals. They also found a stf no of cubical form, upon .he t.'p of which were tract s of lire, the t-harcr :il cjvt-rcd wiih a gn eu substance from the lapse of time. Thia may probubly be an aliiir of tbo ancient li e worshipers. Tiiices also of fossils wero plentiful. The I'l'Csitlciil's l.me bir Ills Wife Tbe room in which Mrs. Arthur, the President'.-: wife, died, at ber bouse in New York, ban never bten disturbed, lb r needlo is t.till threaded in a bit, of delicate embroidery in her work basket, undisruilicd; nor will her hnsbiml udow any one to change ti':) room in any i f i(m furnitiiie iirranyeinenls There iN the little rocker beside tbe stiridard work bus!,! I, uud tho little inejigo crocheted slipper. Tlicro s'lind.-i her t!ok, wilh tho ink dried on ber pearl haiidled pen, which she hud bust ly put aside from stone iiilciruptiou, never t use again on earth. Her faxored books are placed in a tiny ca-e, with a marker in one of them, jut t us she li ft il. O.i tho table nre place I eiieli tooiiiiiig, by orders from the President, u buucli i f her favori:e (lowers. F.vi u ber favorite perfumes are in tho toilet bottles at ber dressing-case, und in tbo wardrobe bun. her dresses The room is bright and sunny, her former maid keeping it neal and iirianging tbe Howes Hi the vases and attending the canaries in lh win dow, but never altering the places of tbo furniture, tbo bonks, .V '. This nv ni is a place win m tbo l evident takes; much comfort, in rcabng and meditation, mid tber w ho know say that tho hi', of nielh'A'ork bis bet n many tunes w-t with tears by the husband. lite 'lexas Cattle I'lcnirne. According to tbe reports pivn on I frun the iigrieulturiil bureau at Wash ington, the Texas cattb fever is q'lite widely spreading this your and Rooms to be more destructive than it biiR been herofofori. The sincnlnHtv of this fever is that, while the esttlo do ntd tbemstdvt-s show any evidence of dis ease astbevare driven north, tbe native local cattle passing over tbo roads bv which the Texas catMo ato driven be come in fee' od pud death follows very rapidly. Equally Strang- is tho fact that the disease runs out after ono in fection, and that it, can only pfs from Southern to Northern cattlo. The nt tnrp of tbe disease 1ms not yet been de termined by (he experts of tho Agricul tural Department, bnt it is supposed to be splenic favcr. If this supposition should prove to bo correct, tho applica tion of the patern system of inoculation will ii: most rases, and perhaps all, effect a cure. Memories. lift III tlimlreiir IS-ei-uilii r, When miiiiiie r's far nay, ll.iioid He- vein 's last ilyint,' eml.er We driHin nr that p.iMl day, Th" full hloiiim of Si pit nihi l, Tlio opfiiuig Midi of Hay. till, tlin wide wealth of roses, Tlieir ileeji hearts oM iiiiig sweet, Th" ll'iw'ry Imwi r cIohcm, Tlio yrt i n turf lit our feel, Th" r.ll'llllll thai o'l'llhiwe l HB 111 tide HH full s el. 'ill" priniriiN" od.iis Id-'Wiu; in ' v'ry April air, Th" ttlnlful vinlel- .loiiR Their nii i-k ryi'i i v'i ywhi r". Tie- Li ".I h (' -dvi ; llo'Mii, 'I lie l, in- i f hi uv Ii I. .Hi ' And 'I '.uxt Hi" i-h ely sic w I i C If 1 1-111 1 -1 low 1 111 f 'm- u a nn lu'ry of the llnn'r.-", til' tli" hmhI'ii V mi ihe ini; And iu 'l.o k Is t'i inhi r hnuii-, W' lip it in all "il Un- piiiin;. v a it 1 1: i ics. The best wa:vn inu'sir pi Walton fin ii I v, (in., is a man totally blind. I'be pa: b of glory in V. M'pt at tho present titoi' ".'i,ms to be tho low-puth. Atlanta Iris n pretty female hhoi inil.i i; but such un ins'.ititiioii cannot !at. " 1 iioi coietanily golhng into hot na'er," mi'd the stiiip. "Oh, dry up," siid the towel. s pteinbor I f II very iippioprinlcly ibis year for I'm oie)iiin t,f ill oy-it ir season, if. w.ts Fry tiny. In C a' On i k, Fh inoiit county, ( ui , a solid lump of tv ul vus initied thut weighed IS (ion pi loubi Nail'iin Briscoe, no Oolario futuicr, died iu fiiKeii il innles 11 . in t bo elTt cts of a bee sting n (ho f ro' cad. A iliuiikon leii' ei- linrghir blundered into his own house, :tti l robbed himself of a watch and .7'l. The sp aker of the house is generally known in tho cliuir, so called becauso bo is i at down on so often. The life ot a locomotive is only thirty years. This is another warning to in veterate smokers. D irrick. Two styles cf consul .iHon : A man's "Just w at I expected." A won uu's "1 told you how it. would bn." Boiirdiug-honso logic : Whom tbo gods low die young. The gods do not lovo spring chickens. Fuck. lieforo tho weddiug day sho was dear and he was ber treasure; bat afterward she bccaiiiO dearer mid ho treasurer. The average hotel waiter is u perfect prodigy at ciiihi -- be takos everything with his tray.- Xcv J.t cy Enterprise. A petr-dcum well h is been discovered thi'ty yards below tho surface of fiio water in tin; middb) of Like Cbapala, Mexico. "The Natal Tivin Association" t Sa hvillo, Tenn , pays '2.(IIMI to each member roducing u certilicain of tho pa'trni'y of a pair of twin babies. A book that was it oepy of tln report, of t'.ie Socii ty for Iho Prevention of Cruelty lo Children poisoned a child iu Troy. It had put the colored covets in it'i inoiit b. Mish M.uy Btr.'.er, td Portland, Oro gen. on n turning iroin a picnic, foun I tbo timb rs of the E'k Creek bridge on lire. Mm disrobed, dipped her clothes in'o the cioek, wrapped them about tho burning timbers, and thus kept the tiro in check until help arrived. In Hiivon Chicot, a full grown wild cit leaped upon Mrs. Grillitii Thomp son, fastening his toitti in ber left arm. ttbo grasped It. vavago beaut by flio throat, nn I lull it until 'i was i boked to death, ub hough H wan lotion and tciab'biiig her all the time. Itepulsctl by I ileloi ) tin Is. At Kirby A Brot hers' canning factory, li'iiliUKton, N- . there is employed it young gu l niuned Mallie Cook, who re sides w itb her giiariliuii, 1' ivid Hughs, in that city, Khe bad previously mailt' her homo with Airs, Giil, who keeps it saloon iu Philadelphia, until ordeied t go behind the bar and wait upon cus tomer , when she left, (lie bouse outl morning and ll.:d to her lawful protec tor. A few days ugo u sirnugo man up peared ut the canning factory tnakinpf iutpiirit'N for MissCuik. Tho othetf employees in tbe factory to"k it into their lieads that tbo nnwelcomo visitor was an emissary of Mrs. Gill, who had come to carry iho pirl off, and they de termined upon a repnlso. Forming themselves into it solid phalanx, tbo ftctoiy luinds begati the assulr, by bom barding the intruder with decayed to matoes aud Mich other ammunition us waa at convenient disposul. It took but it few minutes to convinco tbe visitor itlnit tbo "Skinners," us they are termed n Burlington, wero in earnest, ard would probably knock him out before tiny finished their fusillale. When ho retreated out of the factory yard loud and triumphant shouts rent the air, and a motley collection of old tin cans, worn out pliocs, aud various odds snd ends were hurled at the retreating stranger, who, as scon as be gained tbo street, ran down the railroad track in the direction of Beverly. v, .',1

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