Jt- li r t I -, 5 i,1 a '; dhathnm Record THURSDAY, SKI'T. '.M, It. A. LONDON. Jr.. Editor. Tin. I'hiioiRAii.' pat ty in Ni'itli ':iiilin; i'i;y truly be culled tbe white man's thirty, bi-c!ius! it in c uuprisi'il .iln.ost iwln.-uvely "I' white nu'lii ill I .in' republican pmlv limy with imu1 irml. bo fiillfil Hi'' bind; man's part. ! mu-M- the K"',lt bulk il is ii..,i'il of 'Mir i-rlonii ltfople. r.'l m;. v, i.iln thi-i is t lie. the (k'Hioi-ruti.-o,n!v in ihi-t Nuti- bus 'l"r"3 u,1''1 tu, i'miImiC'I l'i-u the ivi'-.ilili ir:n ty. 'II:" j:i-'t bulk .. j-; miii lv whilo 'IfinociaU. uml ::u d. rmf m ivo I'toro !;.'. it K.IUI (!..-ill UtUll till- l-l)i"t l l" ' ! '' .';. Viiu- afii-i- yi-iii' tins.- wli.ti i:i .Inut ility Iha tlu-:ii"-iu-.- -.;n....-.u.'ln mid ili'Miiuil-i of il'illair- ;. ; ;ll l.' Ill-'".I of i ''I"!fl iv).ll'li. 'ili: . il.f Vti.T l.U.,'hl t Ufi'l--'-''!'' ;, im-t. It !!-'. i i U in-r .i'. ' I-' . ; - UfU'.- tl.Il' illf'l.-ifl !'-'' '-fi' ""' .!'. ls in ll'i-s Sluti-. !.!!.. frit..iiwtii.U of (! ! I' i liil-i:"' '"'' .uj,' nluri:tt'.i. wlm ..tl'.i-i'Ai .c v.-oiti.l luri" jrrnwu up it. i-! mh H : IciiLMTiiLi" r.ci:-i;it'iiM- tlmt tv":ib ii-h.-.l a I'oloiv.l n-iTiml 'i l'-" I m Kipfi'i i'lo ni"l :mit lu-i- .it I " r; ; i U 1 it '.Ti. v. lien-ill i.-.iK-1-..l t . :t -1 . t - i.n 4ti-MiU;.l. All 'ivi-r the Stills ri ! I .:,i;!ri i! mi- licin' (Incut 01 1 with Hu tu'.. li'l I'V whito lU'liioi-ruts. J,ot imly i" filiK-rttidim! nt:itt'i- has U." (l-iii)i-i;ttiv party proviil to be he b'.u-k ii::iii'.s frirn.l. but also in luki-I'utv of the uitfortiiniit" onon c-f that rui-o. It was a lVinoi-r.itii-Legislature that lir-t pi-ovilcl for t'.ie cri'itim i1' a la rye and i-omnio -li.ms e.ili'li d iMvtlliUe at Kalei di. !'! he free dneal n..ii und sii .t.!l .f .i.n rolire.l ileal' anil d::mli and blind, vvliieh has been, ami will rnniimie (o be, if the Deiiii.eiatie party ("n.iiiiue t" rtnitrol it. of mealeulable benefit to those unfiu-Jiiimte classes of the col oreil race. It was the nusr colored iudtitiitioti of that kind that was ewr built iu the United States for the sep arate aud exclusive ediu-iition nud support of the enhn ed ik'af and ibnnb and the blind. That noble public (rhurity of the State will stand as a nionuniciit to the humanity and yon tiros'tv of the 1( nioeratic party. it was also a Oeiuocratii- J.eisla fnii-that liist pi( idol f'-r building lar'e insane asylum, near (idd-bo ro. f'ir the support and care '.f (he piH.-r jjii'I' unfo! tti'iiite :nn of the L'oloied race. This is another muiiii !iielit to the real and sub.st.il. tial frieiuls'nip iind nerosity of the iVm ivratic i'iirly of th'S Sl.il'' v:':i' cl 'H e d people. Tlies? are some of the stil.s:uitiil lie. (its dcrivci by the . I .n 1 pi u pie from d !i:r,eV;'.li.' rule in N'.'itL Carc.t'tttH. and. if they consult their tl'Uo interests, they will di sin a t.li-tinuKUi-e of that rule which lc.s been so ben u.-i.-il lo thi'i... Let thui.i liouslv thin!; of these thii.i'S. Thi-('.. . rii .s r b.-twecli tie extl ".Mi jjimeeof republic. hi r;iie and the ccoli 'i'u ot li-imoci a! le riiie is forcibly illustrated by an instance that has rrventlv been l.ioij-.lit to ou- know! edc. A w!l known citi.nn of this ooniil v. Mr. Law reiice J. Hauhtou. O-' tis -t valuable plantation in Jones county. That is one uftlio.-e count li s in F.asiern N'oilii O.reliliii. in which the neeini s have a majority. L'nder Hie former system 0f couuty govern Sic it, v hen the control of the county lh'.ani cs was iu the hands of tiie re pubacas, Mr. Iluue'iitoii's tac.-t in 3 KM'" tuiintr -' ei'.- ii'.h;' I ?-b0ayeni. and dini:i;; one ..arof that perio.! they -aiciuiitcd to .-")IMI. As sdon as the present system of county Lfowm ft.tTl' W;is eslabli-i.ed itid the di Hi . ITits tool; r-iia'.oe of the c.'.'.ii.'.y I'.'iatices, the-.e taey were efi all ,' j-i Jricol until la-.! year thv were -uly ?lil.)! And iiotwithstandiue; the aiuount i.f tuxes levied and eo'il. cti d by the republicans the county s rrodit was at a low ebb. and the county or ders were worth only thirty cent - o;: the dollar, and were refused in pay ment of taxes ! This is a practical instance that proves the u'reat benefits of the pres ent system of county ownine-iit t our white brethren in the ncjjro rid den eomities i f the I'.ast- And while tha present -ys-tem has proved t.o be tiie sulvattou of the J-last it cf-rtainly lias not hurt us in the Centre and West. On the contrary our taxes also have beeu reduced. During the the last yiir of republican rule in- Chatham the county tax was 4li cents on tho $10t) valuation, whereas this year it is 'JH cents. lift our tax pay ers think well of th'-se things, when they are nsked to restore republican Thk MoNuiiKi. candidate for Judo-e in this distiict seems to be the eni bodimeiit of dcT!t Hii'l treachery. Head m "tiother ciihi'iiu how his rec ord i fposii Ly the Vilnmit,'tyii SUi 1 The Wah between Keypl .md Hn land t'.as ended even more suddenly than it began. The I'V.v !U'";.V has been routed and iLspeived. its leader is a prisoner, the chief city, Cairo, lias sun endi 1 1 d, and the whole country has nuiellv submitted to tie powci (if I'uO r.l ilisi; Ul "l;.s Tile I' ;pid and wolid 'll'lll success of the I'.nyiisU coiiiniiiiider. (reneral Wol.M'h-y. has proved him to I r the j;:eate-t military rji-iiiiis i.f th" day, the crit iei ,ni.. of the r-:;pielit New Vol 1 Keraldlo l!ie iMiitrarv iidtwithstaiidin,','. I' is very remariiaiili t i: :it the war ended .it tin- p ise time predicted by Wolseh v before !::s iii ..'i- ore from I'.nhoid, and so well itrranji-d win all hi--plans lo.ii movements llial thc v, eic exeeille l v.ilh the ereeisio-i of elo--l: Wor!,. Sifl limt r.ii.d liid i i-ueci . I.il. ' The oilier r..M'.ipea:i ;--. -1 . - '.-.ill ii.'idly pel mi! an I'.ii. Ii-h pr..tci ;...iie uer pt. and vet the S ilt;. i. .seems unable to el, force I.e. ant hoi :l v. Tiik o. e "til e 1 1 .!!" H pili'hi '.l!e. are .h.se'iiMed at tiie idea . I Mitm:: fer I lt- democratic di -e: !ei s u horn the !,'. i ;,ue 1 I, a ': :iii:il d lis their delates. Aii,dl.:,Mli.- l:r t h. u-l-ed. ot whom Hi; ii.ne heard, is Hull 1 l it A. J. Ill.m.-. wlm V 'is I leeil .1 State Tl. IMn-'i II: si' , .t.,, ,e eli . ti d i;i 17'.'. and wle- til:-..-.; a'o'ie "f a.l ll.i :-i ; ibhc.di illiciais of thai -lit' not license I of steuiiiin'. .Noi...,i has eel- impeached l is poii'-sty or his true . republicanism, and 1 has beeotue so 'much dise-ustid with these so called ' -l.ibeliils" that he has pul llshed u ' letter, from which we copy the follow in-, which we commend to the eon side-ration of our republican fi iends iu I'h.ilham : Tin id.-.i thai the ere-.t le publi can party. ?h, p-irly that -:v ed the iritMii. ti;e p-oiv ..!' pr .-I- - at d civ ill -a ion. the p-o-iv of u.;; prit.eipi'-s : I he hi-toiy of which p:-.rty i.do-- I ho I io i ; 1. i i si I'lioes in Aim lican history shi.iild be hawked about and prosli tilled bv any I'eiiiocrat. mean enoueh to si ll himself tor otlice, is so revolt in-; to the feclins of a true Republi can, that I am struck with amiiement that the Republican party docs m l ! rise up in its power and rebuke those i impudent revenue officers and pur chased IVmocruts. This movement of the revenue oflicrrs. to barter away the name and fame of the Republican parly, should meet the firm resistance of every Republican. Surely the time has not come when the Republican parly must haul, il- inllu. nee and power in the maiki t as "spoilt li-h. Mv iews ate that the Republican pally owes it to its. if and ! he country to call a coie,Hoa a, id asscll its manhood ami break the chains wilh w hi. h I !:e "to et.uc I.uil,' ha- ndeav ..led to bind it. and overthrow the i il.'e.s of I 'ie.se m. .r.ey .'hangers aad drr.e tin m from its temple If it is too late to ,i.i this, iliei: I say. whi-u-i'V. r a s!i:,i.ii! .-'it K."-ub!i.-an a can. ii. hue. si:j j, .it !,iru, a!..l win ! there i-ii.s'i.ii candidal!, support I he le j-.i'll d' lltociaiic t.l-1,1 t. In no t M-tit -'i;."'i: t;is disrac. ful c-ali ii -'l wi.i-ky file' leen;-. bl'o!.. n o-.vn. b.-m.-l:! I VMocrats I-'or .- sal.. 1. t ;:- take ). best of them, and e.f ti...-. 'l-.t cm n llic -h-moi'iiit:.-I ai !y w ;ii le ' have.'' A Jtirr ofi Kxchm1. K,-. it , or. . . h ' .i i . ' IVi-'.t Whet; Inejii'-v wascaeed yesterday l O-nuiic; i. i.t- of the panel was nbs. n! ju l' Shipp, Hlter wiiitin a few tun. iite s, ot .lei i-d I he clei k to inter a line of ?Ri au'iiii-t him. Afl-r he had made his appearance a un lub. i ofthft bur asked that the tin.- be reiuiitid and fivin in hii icuse foi the jtu, i s nhseiite that he win a "newly nuirr.e.l mun, ' and had me home the previ.'us niyht to sip his wife und failed to roach town in time to be present at the nil. The h ai m ed ban isii r went further in hi p'i tid ing and stated that thrt Holy Rihl" had sotuel Lint; to t-ny about a mar ried m iu's du ies (.lit Tug tho lii-t un, till i ar. Judn Sb'pp if- naik'-. i that if sucii autiiuiity coul I be p'. -duied he would older the fine to bo taken itom the teoordrt of the C illlt (uir leeid I'iiend said he coul 1 pin duce i:., and dived at once into the holy l.ioe',,. hut the contents and w hett aboii'. s . t ceituin ti.iuos in it didn't seem I" l,. nt tine, is' en. I, and he sc arched in vain for the p-.s.-ae. l'lnahy a client sittiri;; near him, who w us suinir for a tiivoiee, and whowismoiu conversant with Hie teachings of the y-'od book, piebabiv by reason i f the mituie of his unit in court, nii;''esti d that if he would turn to the 'J I'll chapter of lielltel -onomy and ollt verso he would tiud the following: "When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not jjo out to war, neither sluiil hu bo chinked with lltiV business; but he hhftll be frco ut liLituo on" year and theru cle r up Lis wif" which lie hath taken.' This was uo;iei fur his Honor and he said, "Mr. Clerk, htrik-- out the liliU," t There were 27S.:U2 imniiirrut ar rivals fit Castle Crurdeu during tlie 1 past sis mouths. i Two trains collided in tho tunnel i three miles west of Kirkwoi d, on the Missouri I'ncitic. Railroad, Saltirday, wrecking both trains and !';lilly m juiing couple of the crew. Tic cais took lire ami burned furioii-ly inside the tunnel. John Sehinsky, of Kentucky, is n -tti i ly knitter. i'Vom dawn until bod time he k nits. lb freipielitly gets up in the night tti knit for an hour or so. As Lc passes along the stieet hiti knitting needles are in rapid mo tion, 8i)d while he is tdiopping their woi k ike uot cense. oi u i:i i.orr.AN i.r,r n;i:. I.um cis, July '.hh, 1 ss-j. Our i exf vi-il was lo St. (!cor.;et chapel; il i-i only "pen dm in ; sei i ice . an l one can't see much lieu for the cbat'. l itseif is plain but in half open It .:. s Hie most IllSgUoi.'ellt I illlb.s, i spi t l.iii-. ihe oi c i.d ihe lute I'lliid' lu.pe.l I of I' Vance. I'l im-ess t'hal - h. ttc an I I In (Jueeli s lather Relit - I.av iniul's i In ii- and monuments In vaults below he lb-l.iy Vll and I 'harli s I und. 1 Aha I t cha el m ri de. i'4cs 111 .Mi 1 I' and Willi un IV 'ii ?! e i chad ed the R liml Town in c. i tie . I' lhc castle and ha 1 tin e I I- 1 111 -, ,1 ,v , SI 1 11 U I '.-'III Coil, Hi; Hlld ch .pi I, I'et.n s I louse at a ui- a ii and also ti c -p.ii of the el. men m who yiil I'm p.-i-t ( oiv wrote his (a ;. ..ii- !',I-e. After this we Willi lo view He- R-.y.i St .bl. s. thr.uieh w Inch a ; i.. tu iecmp;.i.ii d us in .1 , I. ..we i Us !e.-e at!. I Icis", lib'.Ul s-.l i.. !, .! i . ' . ! a i in i than 1 . vi-r ep. i I !n s. . t.-'.'i tin- .learn I i ton i a i.e t n. c n i i ui ''-;v. I' aps. iai. .hu s I u -ii'J. i 'it-, . c , a ml ' i mens It. wl ; i. .- v.-l ii iaioe r " ms are tie . .ti d. I iv. i I 'ling is as el. an n It I ill l.tc! oi.e w .ll I not km.w I e was al on. .1 a slab!.' Ill I -t - he s . w lie' lease- aud s.talla. We llieli Ii ft and wallod or Un- Tl. imis to l.'ou and saw Ihe li.l.ch cel. -bl :.' "d I . .1 ..-to- and oiiciiiiis which wiieci ina'lv and ( .is.t i Iu.lv iii'iaiio.d. The grounds and Mi il will' fit. I i f hlilihll-i of which Ihlte are HI"!'.- tl.ll IIIIMI Wf W.'llio ll Ill-Oil I d, Itlu'l eet.ing l.lU'k, .i-d took a 1 i.-k a! tla: lions- s ..f I'.all iuieiit which c i.-r ever s i much ground. I. is Mm ply spire af'i r sp re l.-oki'.g like so maliy steeples ju lied togethii. 'I'he f fe of ll.e I'.ii-llitmelit clock is only about feet hi ilialiie'er and the tower is olilv ,'iilll feet hioh. i stmmsti r Abl e.i siauds close by mid on either side i f t lint ate the Weslti'inslcr Schools and Hospital while in fr Hit is Weslmuisier llolel and 'h" Royal A'p'.ariiiui, evcrv one of them v e y large b-iilduigs so that a pi rson T. e s lost whi e walking itroiliid among them We coul 1 only get int.-a jiail of th- II rises -the West udi.st. i H i'.!, iu winch lie- c i.n.atioiis titl;.' pla '. Tli.s is I ii'ge and empty s-te t'l s'a' lies cf the Stuai t kill; and 1-1! i. .i" th t ii ' tin side. ll is a ,e:n i:t! ja-s way f t- ail who j," about the H 'llses. I wrote to Mr. ( il I'lstelie who sent nic a llte euch s mg two ordcn to vis't the (Commons in session. One can only get in by or.'cr of a n.c.nbir and each member may only give one order a day, so he sent me two- o;:e for the I Oth and one for the 11th, so we will hae to iSO separate- he i .xplaim d this and sent his compliments. I know our landlady opened her eves wli n sLe found out that one of her board- i s whs corresponding with the I'.-eaiier if Kiigluud. I In Friday we visded Wi s' niiiisti r Abbey, the linelish Wulhallaa-i all Ihe oni c books delight to call it, and in thi.se same buo,.s is a passage from some woi k by Washington ll'Vine:"tle s-.ae oiisiii s i and g.oom of I his vast .-. 1 1 lice produce a profound and mys teiioiis awe. We step c oiti-Ulsiy Hi.d -oi Iv ab .ill, as i! feitrfl.l of disttllb mg ihe I a 1'iwe I -i ciee of the tomb, wlu.. i v. n foo' fall whispers kIoiii: t'.in wills and chat'c s among tlm s. pnlcl r.-i, tu tk ng ns ne r- setisil.'c ot lite. Ui. I '.v.- h.ne ; u! ei I lipl I'd. It siciis i! theuwful nature of the ;.':l.-c i u s ;4 ilo-.Mt upon the soul ami i. Us'ms tin- I e'lolder III! o nolsi less rev. it iu-e. W e fci 1 that we are snr tvui.ihid b tin- congi (-gate 1 bones of ihefcica! men i f past ! inn-s who have til ed history with I heir ilec Is ai d the eiilli i h their lenuwn." Fox Clcitiuim. I'll, IVoueliHiti, Shake s iM'-. Hiyceu, Cliaiicei, (t 1 Ismi'di, with kind's and ipiet-ns, court iirt and waniois are a l laid here, and here are 'heir i.e-numi nts wh lc this vast, sta'e'y A'-biy c. ii'tiins them all and is a common n.ie.iiiiieiit of no com ne u kind 1.' "kino l'. ist dowu the I -no a; -le I he lioiiri s aie l ailg.-d on both s d. s and extend towards N'orlh and South wbih in front is themgun and al'ar d crated wish ric'ily carved ak and costly haneiii's a stnlVv mouthed vi igir coieiucls us iiiiutiid the ch it e's 'Hid we can't lllldi rsiHInl what lie says but luie we lind tombs of allnois One Stxonkino Mute I; ' i cii.iury. is paid to le buried here. Mary 1,'ieeu I'f Scots und (,11.11'. Ili.zibe h have har.d- inec iii . iiueil tiioinimcto- i li "i posi'c i-ides the Al.l.y lb my Vd ami ipn-ei, are bin icd in the infect chape!, e tiled aft. r I 'in, u i' Ii -i hau ls- in., areheo root ei:tu-'!y ot ti' iy " in di'imoiul nhapi .1 blocks, leinarloil . 1 y it:oi!g looking ami we!! pusetved, no st, i ( seen, ill',' ill-pl.tced it liionhl.-i ei while ail a oiii'd otl can see the 1 c cilllihi l.t titiUies oil the M pulciiii s ijiiite much injured by tune. From iti-re we went lo the Roytl A'piarium which is a failure as such but - a li'Hul u ba kir, being tilled wilh stal s iiiiitainiiig almost every 1 it t lo uiticle but cos' l ,g a ereat deal more than its worth. We then visited the Aim r. Mt-iui rial in Ilvdel'srk. This is a h fiy tower covered wilh t,olt a-nl in set ipt inns coiiti'iiiing a rna-Mve figure nf Albeit gil b-.i all over, lusting uj on a oranile base which is adorned with fL'tuis of painters, singers, artists of every desci iplion. On tlm con ers are immei s allegoi ical glonpsol Ihirope, Asia, Africa and America. 1 forgot in mention the huge funeral ear which is lying iu the vaults of St. Ranis ' whk.-h was us. il at Wellington's fuior ill. It is cist from Runs which he enptured in battle is about 10 fi A high oi. il 15 or lti feat long npou sis great wheels with the drapery and plumes' and a I jest us it wus last used. On Saturda) i ycsli r lay i we went to Cn stal I'alace, the lelurn ticket iriclii'ling ailiiiissiou to I'ahtco mi'y :'." cents, a distance of .") miles. Of course you have s en photo's of this woiideiful piecu of wolk and know its eetii ml shape. It i.- all every bit i f o'a's suppoited on an iron frame work and to see it in tl e sun-light in diizziiug. It faces towards elegant grounds to which you descend a high til t.tcoliy m is.s'Ve Mi. ii .,;.p 1.. front arc a r.nv of fountains giving all shapes lo the j'. F. r.l ei-in front acr ! a I r.a I, green l..iwn are tie lakes und more and linger fountains ivhi'e on Hut right, and left arc. dees, iVc, Thcrti me three piiucip-il en trances to the I'.daci! fiom the "rounds a'l Hfch d inrl at i-tch ei d ' line s' -i iuarter of a mile apr are Iw ti high eass Towers. Th.- intciiot has more liltln f incv s'alls and dining sa'ootis in it than an thing else while the central piirtioii is occupied by a soi l i f .ittiihlthi-tl'i Used for djiefiltic pel f u li a -ices, VC. Tne upper end 's suriiioiin'e.l by a very large mill hand s'. m org wi. It wits hi le that we had the gnu I I' ! tune to . ar ihe Covelit il ir.iin upei'ii ironpM S,j, f,,t- r-,ii i. r lay wus a kind "t exclusion for tin In in lit ol some, lielicl Sociely. Tnis - inoii.g was splendid bat lost must of i s charm for us bv b i,,g in Itoiiu r.icM'lc racing next cum, ,,1'f un the gli UU'ls and you n.a;, lie sure thele wis Koiiu; fxccl!e::t i . mg for lies' machllit s mj the lage here. From tin le we Wcllt to ;!,,. M ic nt I di I we hive Miy lllllc!, tlollblc III t'.ild in;; ire eell'1'c wlaiv we i-.icii g,,t a v. i v loiiiid i'ibb ( ami a p" '.'i"'l wi big too I. , ,i b. '."Hi lo I .ili alld Hi mil' hill I ' ;( t out We got ii IV" I up. Our un -hicihis ilidn t do lunch good f r il. was 1 lowing an I diivii,.-. At '.I "'I c.ni.e i ll' lh- grand een of the day, the lin -wui ks which wen- Wi ndeft'ill Th. re Was a set pi. iv ti c I s'i ii fj,. ,,f Spal.i h Armadi wl.i.h wus ixjioscl lo th" l ain mi I was -oiiu w mt (binciged hut i iii. ugh r.-m lined Ir un i -h lo f,,rm a g'-od idea i f wiutt it would have be. ll scvep'! i f the hhips wi r com plete and yoii coiihl s. etlio tl isIm k (ir-l ait 1 I hen hear tie reports i t the guns -they eien rocked. riieit there was tin.' lovc (.'otuaiid blazing, twist ing things would shoot from it to a certain point ami set tire to one there which wuuL 1 dart buck again repre senting the birds riymg around. They sent up .'100 rockets at once and when tl esc burst and curled ever their blaing ti-n k it made a ic-y goo I r.pivst titaiio'i of n nle.f of wheal. Then rockets and H .iin-iii candies and lire-balls laid everything else of ail i'ii!"H W illi 1 be shot lip at once, ui'ikmg a iirignilii.cn! sight "a id a ti ruble fuss. I'lii'it limy wmial burn colored light s armim! the fuint. ins- - , first r. .1 fading to purple and green jaml w hiio and yellow ntnl lighting up Ihe jets of water, giving a wier.l, I ively ill.-ct. lbilloons go up every fuw mimitiM with burning balls attach ed which change eolor everv minute or so and tiually begin sending off 1 variously tinted little, drops All this .lasteil for u i lionr and wound up with the shooting up of a magnesium bomb which burst in mid air, giving, I- ii an instant, an iuiise light. Then there was a rush by this huge crowd for tho train most of lliem came from Lou Ion but foilui a'ely from several ilillelelil Htali.ins. We came froiu Victoria station and had quite a crowd. We took a I e ir cut to the station which I had been mi the watch for a 1 ti e time, I aving exp- rii-nced th-s wry thing at the Centennial ou I 'en i m ivatii i nigh! a'ter the tin-wot ks there. We got there early and got a ea'. ami h on rmcl.el home. We have seen such beautiful horses here an I such a hick of wnler llnusom cab . going all tlm time- - I he iu veil tor, It'ilisum, :i-d here since we came. There is no pn-h of uu-rgy here i n I no seeming desire lo do any bii.-nicst until ou change your mind a little after crossing London I'ridge a id s euig the tr dlic crossing lln.t Aud such iiuues as we ic : Longman, Sir Uigiih.irm, and Sindman Crane. weli-malch'd firm ; also, C. Jlcono mides We have not seen hut. one f"g and that a mild one for H i p ace hough yoll Cold In t see yards Fveivbidy wears biiiveiN and you see a great lilMliv patit lealhets. auivi iiiHiices are scarce, for ii stance .'U ,ii!l tiud Ii il Rh a n i'e or a mile and a half apart and drinking foun tains even Kcaiccr. Ale houses and ri slant- mts mi'! imiich vi-n lcrs are the tilings most freipiui'ly seen except cabs. The oli'Mn-u are tmlythe, slranger's fiii-nds and are very 'our cms and kind not a gruff . lm hare , 1 seen, livery I lung closes on Sunday exiejit rcstaurnnts and tol a tco shops ui. I these imly open af certain hours We have a regulur place to get b- eak fast a nice pleasant place near by F i nch cafe pi. hie and kind waiter. We can get ham, and eggs, ci.iV-c, bria! and buttir, ,V.e., or a steak u t -Si, .Vc, in place of ham, and 1 1 1 pay lslil or Hii cents, and to da Sut.diij we treated uuisilvis to sir. nib, tries and tream '.'1 or l.-v. all t'.is is i. cilv cooked and temhr 'he I :.i H light and ciieeiful with ittie iii .ri e top tables and velvet-t-n-.hi m s.-a s ami chairs, .vc The avei .ige pi ice of corn iu Teiai ih now tiuity cents per bushel. N. r h Carolina hss "Tl! sawmills, with a capital of $ ,74.1,217, employ ing ;i,(I-J',l hamls, and the prodticls are woith $2,l''7-',7!ti. A new trial wid bo held in the cast of the "fiir lonte thieves, beginuiug 1st of leeeiiib.r, and they may jet rictivc their just punishim nt. Kngiiuer Melvillo and seamen Soros and Nimleiiuan, nf the. lost Aitic steamer, Jeannetle, wi re given a gran 1 reception at the City II.ill, N'ew York, one night last week. Hewarc of Imitation?. The delicate odor of Floreetoo Cologne is entiiely novel. Look fur signal 1110 of Hiscoz & Co., N. Y., ou (a-h liotth'. A (nni Foundation. In American hoii.-chohln Ihe pre vfiilini; comjihiitits are weBkness c tho htoniiii'li anil its ooiistipunceH. , Itnlii htioti, Nervousness and Hhea imil ism. Such siifTtrcii' eau lay 11 rodiI fouii'lilion for health by nsin' I Paiker's Oitier Tonic ns it tones up : the stomncli und re . ve, and kiepn1 ti e kidiiejs active to farry nfl' Uip foul mutter. N O PicaMine. ' A Jhiiiijii I I ...i.Ud..to. l-'r.iin Ihe Viiiiiit-,(;t.iii Slur. The latest viilctice of a change of, front is that of Mr. Leouidas C. Ed wares, of Ciiiiiude. This peivnil is' a M.u.Li' l i-aiididato fur a .Judgeship. lb- Iiuh been ong I a ki ring after .) u-, dicial honors. H tried lo get a I'eileiiil appnii t neiit in the thish i inn s of R i.iic.'tlism, but f died Rut ' all the time he impressed 1 1)0 Ptiiuo cralH w ith the belief I hat he was a very staunch Deuiociat. He was s.vci.il limes nominated by the Ocnjoci-ats under tho bilii.f thai, lie was sinci re iu profession of party f.-itlty, alt hough he was never popu lar and was in vi r elected, we believe, upon "a lair count ami an honest ballot." He was a Union man, it I said, and n juiced cveiy lime the Yniikees gained a victory over hi-; hi ighbors and kindred and friemls lb.-welcomed thii army of tho Ross Rummer when it euttrt-d R diigh in liiimiph. Rut this is md all ol Mr. V. Iwftl'ds's poln ical rid id Ho was u candidate , iu l.tly for the lciiiecl'atic. iiomina lli'll ilg;.ii..st .Iu Ige (id iter, lb) was, warmly supp rtcd by tho Deinocrata . if iram die, ance an I other coun ties, and received a .ry lespei-table ' vole- undi i tl.ecircuii siin ccsa very ll itteriiig one. He li d ail of his con i.t. 'lions and personal friends to bi lieve that hu was with them, a! ' I hough ho had vr. ted for Jo Turner, when running wilh the Radicals, in itferenco to "honest Jo lais. ' Mr. Edwnr's fi iled to obtain the , iieiiiiiiatioii, and now he is ' I e M"n ' grel candidate far Judge. Hn is Ike' Young's and Jim Harris's candidate. Now this Mr. Edwards has a r. cord, ; and il is not a goo tone for a man' consume 1 with nmlction. He can' 1 never deb a' ihe moral, mb r, Clnis ; lisn Jurist, Col. John A Oilmer, who to day Kllffers fiom wounds he re ceived in the defence of our boiues 1 and altais, at the very time F, Iwards ' was r joii iug over Fe leral victoiics; ! over our boys in j. r.iy, unless what ? : He must receive the uinlividi il sup-j port of all negro voters iu t lip S'a'e besides making he ivy inroads upon' l lie l)cii). eriitie ranks bt fore he can i we .r the jmlii ial ermine. Can he get .the colored vote of North Carnl.ua the ll'.VOO'i? Him he auy claims j upon the colored men of the Slate Vi I.ci us s e. ! He once i-siic.l a car l addressed j o the vot r-i ol the Fourth Congress ional District His views were Hit forth upon two poinU. We n w copy from the Oxford Fiee Lauce, thl is doinnr efficient service in the cam- is paign, the following seutunenta of j Mr. EdwardB, Mongrel caudi late for j Judge: ' i "FKLI.'iW CtTIZKNS. I AM t'Xll.TK.RAHl.T j ! orposi'.ii to NKuiio scrniiiiK, not yuoM , ASV II.I. Wll.l. TOW.IIU'S Till': NH.RO, 111"!'. HKCM'SK I I'l-LlrVK HIM WHOLLY INCOM-I I'KTKNT TO ITS IThl.l.llij:NT KXlltllSK." i Not content with opposing their' light to vote, he gocH btill furlher, mid dt clrtiei him-elf in favor nf r -moving them to Africa or some place other than Iheir linn i1 in the S null. ; Listen to him, ye, colore. I men: 'If upon consultation and delibcr-1 ui ion it shall appear tol e piiicticaiii.k. I shall favor the colonization of the: iifgroes by the geneial government, j so ,is to rut tlm people ol the S tilth from the vil wt.i-li has beeu s stub ' denly luriieil loose upon them." (ucer reading that, to come from a man who is now si eking negro vote-, and who saya he Iiuh not1 changed any of his principles or opiu- ions ! With such Kuiiiments could K I wauls hold the scales evenly V Could T ,s.' 111.' I'lIM III JtlKtl.L'' lltlHl m-iili J" If the Imr of (iiaiiviili-, wiine IvI wauls h ih pnicliceil f..r thirty linen iuis, conhl ho ullowed to decide F. Iwnr ls would ni itr he a Jude U'i-h plenty of ability and ha iiinc wc scurci l.v know a lawyer Icsh tiitnl to preside in the eouits of tl e State. FIRE! FIRE!! COTTON GINNERS ; Ought to I INSURE AGAINST FIRE j -IN THK - HOilTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY: ; Tliis C"tn any lnis ti In mn-.'.'si.ful ,...-rai,.ii f. r f.-url.-'-ii yi'atsi, anil Always Pays Its Losses, j Il ! an I " .Ivi'itl, aii.l paya Mmplly nil Ila- ' lulltlHi. Ail .-liiss.-s ..f InsiiraW.' .r..Tly Inminsl 1 "n r-a"nnl.lf trnis. S'.w I- U10 llmi' u. Innir.-' ' l"..r itrlli. r liif.irmiiU..ti apply l" H. A. LONDON. Jh.. Acent. a. p!..inl-r 7. lHi.-3m 1'ITrsilORO. S. C. DnNrsTTirmirNficF j iWL Harlns .tiallflnil aa Artmlnltni"r rf Kllia 1 Flke, .Imwnl, I hrri'i.y n..ill all prn havli.K .-lalltiK aaaln-l aaM ilf.s-.lrnl l ettilliU lli" ni Ii. im .ui ur liufois? the iih day of HiU'iiilT. Io. ' a. U. HKK. I si-pi. 1. milNISTIt ATOU S NOTICF ! Ilnvinit iullfliM ax tho Ailinlnltrair .f j W llllanw.il c..-r. .wnal. I hwl'y ii"U'y all l.s...nrf havitn: .-1111111- aitalif.1 nai l ilwl.-nl t". I PiMi.lt Hi.- skiii.. 1.1 tui- .11 r lf. r. Ili IhI .lay nf , M.,pi.'ini-r. I:i. ' H- HATCH. Anif. Ulai. lWi. ' rl YS0X Tj0N FisMinsd I KS. JL If yi.u want a .lurablBor aiyllrh 1NI.KTON. HI'HiY OK KOCKAWAV j o.m.-.rwan.t Imy. WpanOlw riilaraiiihi.rl'.l j at'.-iil-' fur fli'Uliam cmilv f-T the naif .'t Tya-.n ' Jiimit rpMiraiisl vhl.-lM. V tliflr j .lifr. i-1'iii -tylim ..ti li:n. I ml lar aalf al la.-n.ry1 -'" .o-.J:' I .lull ..I. I-!i I ll'-l"!"'. N "' :Ki i -s r. c: t K: r; '? -'7 t i s (JUAN!) )IKMX(i - OF-.. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 1882. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 1882. Friends and Pairons. ri..' ...f . ii .in.-s ..ii H.ii.-i -. .iii.i in ko'i'liii: nlih ili.' ki'.-i.i we nv iwaln flllliiK uir ii.iiiilri nnj sli-l v s Ml'lith.. M..i Ih-slrnl'le ii.fi nf Lv.. y iirsri l.il..ti. Tin. Ii.iii, tit. Itrnni'lio, On- l.iririo .1- sni.iii, 1,1 ,,r mil, .-an Ii.- sal . .1, I,..a.-v.. fM-n.i..its their liuim. Tl:.. ot-1, ... j,...-is.' nil Is i.y ii.. mraiis sinftil. y. i . nt ..nlM.'iii "t fur nl.llliy I.. inn tin .iln ..tir rtu i.iu. ii ...r I l-ii-iti- ili., .iii i, '. w- HI i;ii'ii'.-iiiiis i. . i-..'lt.. iiw iinilUlij-li. in lit.- in .-..n-p.-t si;ii.r.. ).avy .u- l.ii:lil OVERCOATS, rJOBBY SACK SUITS, SINOLF. Oil Di.H ULi: I'.UKASTKL) CUT AWAY SUITS, Tin-: i.A'ir.sr fatkuns in fants. JIafs and Caps vim o un-, m'i Aiinovi.li in.. ks ami i--jiii-: i.tkt kiyi.f.s. tn N.-kiv.-.i ,-ui-l ll.- l.-i-i w. I.. iv.- -i i.ii l.i.. , ,-ui.t ..ur .inllu ns M.'iiV ..utftii.-f'B In wtl fi.mi.lit.t, Oiil "IU ril.-l..-. mi. I :n-l .-. nun., li. . iiis :.s IrMii- I., .nil, will Is- V"iy iv.'l's.iui', ill t.irl, . m. iiI I l... ,. i-. .1 I,;. vi- a v:.H fe.ii, .-o n !..!; , ,.n in.lh liu itli-l lii'.ir. Vmi will I'.lll lli.lt I' 1 si III ..IU Hill '.- s, il Hie II. si I, s ;it ,., Inn,.,, I,, S. I l. 'Ill Hi till. I ...-! I'....sll., IT,, ,... I.. .l. ..I, si, l nil is.t.li..iis ..r hl.H.Mll.l, 'li.lsl- slsl.-iil ttt'l... :'.. I lul.e;. i-.il.it -u-.t i.llslli. Ms. Ilt-nl' in lull.. I, --il ..ui. .- :i. !, . -Is .-e, m- eau rci'i.iiiifii.uil, li l.i . ur . .ii lin'il pi iii.-i.i- '... ..i.s r . ii s. ;,sn is .,, Kv.. iis a fiitr ti l-.l, nni w r C.-l.ll't'lil "1 o.ill ...ll-M.ie-l ll ...:i.-.'. !l: e. -I iet 1 1 -. .11, we vlll sny. .ill.' -i itllill . ii.i-i .- 111 ,'.. h. .-.,ni I li.- -ri. . - ali I .(.inllly, iu:. tlli.'lt III ti.'l nf ' .Hij iiiiii's-, n i- lll mil I"' iii-1'i'i'.-liil.-.l. i:.'i.-t,i-llit!ly yi.ius, m:i;n am.ku itnoi in:ns, l.l-MUM. I I 01 llllills NH TMI.oI!-, IlKMiy l'.l ll.l'IM, OCCOMIK I". S. PoXTOKPIlK. (....l. HI1..-I- 11. I-J. u XOUUIS, WY ATT U TAYLOR COTTOIM COMIVIISSIOIM MERCHANTS, it.i.i:i;ii, rs. I'oNsli MII.NT- Sol.liril-.il, l!li;lll.sr 1'llH Iv Ml PllilMIT ltKTIIIN I i C IIANTKIf.l. Fertilize Yonr Wheat if Yob Want it to Pay Yon. l.nill) SACKS AMMONIATFD AND ACID PHOSPHATES, The Herd Fi rlilier Made for Wheat and Oats. Now in Depot Heady for Shipment. Send vour orders to OKKIH, V'l"r tV 'JVY'flt. llal.'Uli. N C s..,',.iii,rr ". tss-j. Ucliahle (oods JULIUS LEWIS & CO., RALEIGH, XV. O. HAHDAVAHK I No House can. No Houae ahall ,nve ladter of every description. I artich-a or uiidciKcll us for the SASH, DOOKS and HL1NDS. I MONEY! lUMS,SlOKKSadHFHS. -S..E AUKNTFOB- IKON, NAILS, SAWS. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL PVINTS OILS .VC WK MAXlTAl"ir"K AT I H- 1 AIM. 'HA ' WAOOX WOHKS, Fast Hargett Street The ALL RIGHT Cook Stove Tl.ti- sklllisl l-il.r nii.l Ili'M MnUTlnl will Pr.slur. HAL ji 1 01 1 MARBLE I W. DURHAM, FA YLTTKVILLK St., UALF.Hill, N. ('. DEALER IN mm m mm mm m mil wmm, IIKADSTHNKS, TA 1'LKTS, AC. iltiKU :Mi 1 I ,V lll.l.l-.l .S'1 SA I I SI- ACTION lil'AliAXTEKK. l'AI.I. oil I'.l'l'l'. Koll I'UH K LIST AX.) OKSHi N8. "t . W. H. HUGHES, CHINA. 'lio K Kit V. HM'I ' .1 A its, lil.XSS V A 11 K, l.MI'S. TAHI.K 1 !' I I.KIi V. P1.A IK! WAi:i:. 1:1 rilll.Kll.M'olls AM TKV IIIIVS, UuU-iirli. '.. ' I . ;! '.-.i fr -in nr-..ri iii:li II. .1.1.1'. .I-ily JO. I--J. Urn W. XI. . IiEOrJ ARD, VA If'IMAKKit AS'll JKWKI.KIt. uii'l .Ifiiii- in V ATI II KX. Cl.'ll lis .IHMK-i 11V sl'KC f l.l-.S HVK-lil. iss-.s A . . .VI'. Ili.:iirlll!: ..fall kill Is .l..lli ..It sIl'TI 11-- III lh.' v.'i-v li i-li'. S..s Ial nil. nil i jrlv.-ii 1.. 1I1.1 r.'i'nir "f Iln.' wiii.-li' s. Oi.Iits I'V mull .i'.iii.tl)-ti'i.-ti'l.-'l ' ' 'nni s iiisi,i.'t..it tmiiuii. .'.I. lIll '.M', 1'., July ii. is.".'. My prreelain-tlntd Purips arc manufactured upd-.rl'censf,and buyers aregtaian red aralnst any and all c aims tr.im thr Company holding tne piit.nl. llim't yil lo wi.ifc.- a nntr nf thi iiolnt Tha BLATCHIEY PUMPS are for jale I.y the be t houses in the tra e. Name of my nearest airent i'l be furnished cn application to C. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 MARKET ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. FLCISSTC1T COLOGNE. PARKER'S CIWCER TONIC JU Uvlnorat n Mcdkint fiat Never Intoxicates 'll.is.li: iu (-oml.ni.ii.on i.f .in;rr. tu. Ini, M.m.li;i'.ff. Millu. ,m :i.li.mv v.Urr ..file l "C t.il trti:ft!i n. ritii ! ' hxt'lk-n (if tlaC Um-ls, S'. III m h, llWI, I i'ilJ. .4111 iUHRV &U Thl Brit ant Surest Coogh Curt twer Uted. If vtii me tiiff miii fiom I rm.ilc? 4'nttipl.iiiit, NrnmiMi- v, U :.l,ctt.!m s-, I In 1 tn. Iiiii I JM'P ia. t ;miv (fi-e.i' Pi intifHiitv, t,l.c IV'tU!- I .it.ft J ..nt.-. Ii v ui -in n;iitH lum unU iudy rfiiti fcht "n new liv ami t. lOO IJOIiLARH !!'! pir .invti me ii innon fonni in Uu'Rcr Tonic oi -r .1 f.ilu e l hlf t r i t:ic. $1. - ill MHtl UUr. In .Ii -f. I At ft MmrrM re7i Carefully madr ALL of 1 the molt Best Selected V.iljable Timber. Impiovementi PARKER'S Iu'i'm l ''.''vO Advort? .. ir.f.". at Low Prices. TO THEPUBLIC ! CONTEMPLATING A CHANOH I IN THK DRY GOOES BUSINESS j OF ff. 1. 1 L I TOCKEE, I.y Un- Ilri-I ..f Hi., j-.-r lwei.l lmT n.ni-lu.lr.1 tn m- ..til tln IMMKXSK STOCK OF GOODS In nil Di'iMirini.-iiiH thin Fnll. JS.ili-. will In- mini.' .In)- I.y .lay, nt wli..r.iln nil. I ri'iall, until Un- entlri' n.i. lc xliall l.i' .lKHt I ili-slr.' tn n-nllzi' Un- 0t nf the 1!.nIs If jn. l.tc, I. ill Un' sl.x k must ami will anl.l. At pri-si'tit il,i STiW.-K OF llooDH Is COMPI.r.TE In nil I "i. 111 1111. 'iiis, 1111. 1 m tin- illrr. r.'nl I In.-t N. is. nt. l.ri.lti-ii iln-y will ho r.'plriil.ilir.t'mK ..'. nsl.i may r.iilr.'; hy tho ptiri-liaKouI 1 .NKW AND FKKSII flCKJOS III lll"M' llllUK ltft tliu KNTIIIK KTOi'K will hs .pirii.t; thf l ull anl Wliili-r. ' Is y.nrr time tn lay In ynrtr Full an.t V inter iip..-. Tin. iill. iiU'.ii nf It y nud .untry MnrcliantH 1 ' .llr.s t.sl l.i litis Slllo. ! It. S. TUCKER, j Surviving Partner. Dr. WM, LYNCH, DEPJTIST, Will visit Ompvl lllll 1.11 the houiiiiI M.milay til .ai'li 1111.11U1. All i'nll-. :t wtih Dr. A. II. ll..U-rl.,ii .,r I. Me Campy will Ik' pri.mpily iittiMi.t.sl l... K.-ii. -J, InHi. 11. GEO. 33. XfftSSIifcr dc CO., MM (10 X M A X I FACTO E ICS. ruiu ,.iily tlif IwMt i.f malrrlals, wo mako tint tt'i ..1 wurli, aiil warrant ovory j4b. Woliavo tin .'I'l.wt an.l lwi Wa.ni W.rkH. and ..ur Wau.'tia Iriv.- tho hosi v.-piitaili.it ..f any In tlit-Htato. F.vury Wntr..i I'l'iim ilio naitis "J. I". NtssKN. SiiIimii, I', o., N O." Wrlin f..r prt.-OH. Hofor ti all who aro usIuk our Watfona. I Aug. J, lawi fim. J..H UAMNINll. T. B. WilMACK. MANNING & WOMACK, ; Attorneys asd Connssllsrs &t L&w9 PiTTSBono, n. c. i . !'r..inpt ationtli'ti ulron t all IniKlniwa 011-truni.-.l I., ili.'ir i-Hr ... Mr. .Miiiiiilnir will Ik In tin .. lIV-i- ..11 Iho lln-l an.l llilol M..h.lii ..f twit tin hi th ntnl ilioSaiur.lays prn.'o.liDf . Mr. W..ina.k ! will la- lit the nfll vat all Union. m pi -tl To Travellers. Trnvelli-rn ir..lnif l.. and fri.nl MOMTIIE .un l aosinuniriausl with o.mf. n.iU" nnari ami .le ln al 1I10 lato rwat.lofirn.rf lio. Hmlih. a mnvey an. i alwayn al liaml. f:. IL I'kTTf HsoN. Jt'iif -nro. S. C. i'p'. iiil.i.r;. l-i fnut! mi '.(a"1.' Jiy, !11J!V!I' WPMW T

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