If: I 50 OjMh;am Jcrot!. TV v'.Cliia or A I) VKUT1WINO. H. A. LONDON, Jr., FIHToll At ri:oritlETOK. tl.QO 2.W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Ohm rn.y ,Mi limitilifl - -Cuerni'V, thivouiont). , I onefi)iare, two i,.m itiuiif. - VOL. V. PITTSBOUO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, OCTOBER 5, 1882. NO. 4. H..r hir(p ra'lv. iil incnis lll.er il i-i'iitracia ld M II tig Paradox Ual. What iva p w'tin a lmln 1 ' "'aii(lit nu" to hip "no I'll miner .1. y. An I Blnj 'Kl walk.il with itu ;' ? Tlio measles. Aii'l when 1 frrow to ipiitK a 11 1, Ami down tin' pi liar door I ali i, What made me sorry fur wli.it I l.il ? A slivi r. And n In ii I i i in. 'h i s,i.w. Ami thought I iii' i-1 ihan m i -1 1 1 1" r knew. What luado mi' tlnnk I'd " lin.!i- in two ' ' Orccii appKv. When my pants "hud grimii" .niic l"iin, Ami 1 mvHi II hail (;'""" quit" i ntr. What on" day undo me lii 1 " j 1 1 u- "rung V A i-i(,'ai'. Ami wlirn I sought "my litile I dt," And lhou;;ht to n t my dizzy head, Wh'i ' iliuini e V me till my lace was led Jly iimtl.er. And nlini I aB a dan !y ch rli, And " iij'md " a nirl a " lwiii;; in rk," Who " fixed " iiir mi 1 1 ') ildu't hi rk ! Hit I ri.th. r. Ami when I Irmn niy hod an , And inn'" ni'iio turd In w o n' my rhill.t s. Wild I'll to all my w. :;,'.- ' Iroz '! ' The i!u. !,r. And when I swore it wax a sham" That hi; mIhiuM all my "gnld dust " rl n il, Who "hiiz. i" me till my "i ars wcii' lame:' A lawyer. A SKETCH. Even f Tom Hirnn dd only get a salury of cue bundled dol'ars a mnntli, that fact ulono did not hinder t.im from mingling in the bett n eiety of tlio town; for bo wan not a buno mechanic, or a le'uiler's clerk, nor yet n street car drivor. N il bo was not by ii'iv means engrossed in any of the callings 1 havo recited; on thecontrary he stood proudly at his desk in tlio lMnk likr olli.ie of one of tlio bn;e distilleries (vliioh omit tiro anil smoko heavonward ull il ty and n'ght, and heartburning 1 ivn aud adies to thousands of willing and lielples victims) which linod tbo murky river's hanks realizing fully Hint he, Tom Bayue, did indeed rank high in the first row of tlio rtTu'e hand. "Position is everything!" crirs iiwell established ad.ie, i;ouNrtiinlly T. I', tjck his jiIhcj in society ami kept it beani-o lie bad a '0fition-a posili n in the fulfilling of nhoHe duties ho did n it soil bis bands, though the money bo handled might, bo bloi d ninncr. He was comely comely iiiiplied to a uan sounds (iiierr sleek f:ieid, a well de- volopod li re (i ho orders to bis tailor regarding tho quantity of pulling for his coats were very liberal), walk was pnmpons, and wtruck envy to tho hoarto of tidrairing tnpp mensnrers; and his conversation -yc naintnl how it terror iz'd tho beirts of helless girls who folt thcmtelres yielding to its crsna Bivenesbl ()i cctirso ho belonged to the "flen tlemen's Club," and bjre np his en 1 in the manifold expenses of that very expensive concern; he attended the same church as his employers, and con tributed frenly and ostentatiously, fifty cents each Sunday. An J in spite of all this, long tongued people would insin uate that perhaps the balance of his bank account at the end of the year was like tbo number of days remaining in tho year infinitesimal surely. But when wi'h Don Alonzi, John Ilightone aud Joe Abrum the liming bowl was quafftd, or the "cLampagne, you know," his tongue dealt in tlowory eloquence, and he was unanimously crowned laureate, because of hitf Attrac tive, polished manners and the abund ance of piey stories always at com mand. Often have his corn pun :ons cat open mouthed at theso tales, to which the Arabian Nights sank promptly into utter insignificance, and Baron Mnn chanson (shadowed away into nothing ness. But this (Tivergotco has been rxindo as a text to be, aud as a baeo for the story of Tom's trouble and what came about tbrongh an evening paity. And if the personal savors too strongly of a photo graph which is to be dreaded, because who evir knew a photograph album filled with "no name" strangers' faoes and figures to be interesting? the in dulgence of au indulgent public is asked. On this particular morning, at about nine o'clock, the sun broke through the veiling clouds, and a ray of his welcome light catting its way down through the smoky atmosphere disclosed to Tom's rajer eyes an envelope bearing the familiar monogram of a society belle lying Ijefore him on tbe dusty desk. It requested his company, etc , but why enlarge? "Were you invited ?" "Get a bid ?" These were the only remarks or replies of Mr. Tom for the customary salutations of his fellows. Then on a Thursday evening he made his glad way alone and in a high priced car riage, to the scene of action to the evening party. lie was attired in fall dress, regard ieej rf cost (although his tailor threatened to seize on collateral), and in the dress ing room took every poesible occasion, and there were many, for sneering at those who had not come similarly at tired. And as carriage followed car- : ri:io to the hospitable door and the " xpeofed ' did not come, Tom, whose bosom had long bet n agitated with a Imrro'ving doubt, which this very night lie bud reaclvod to fathom, grew more mid it ore dispirited. And the cool, sarcastic Fred Grayner, sitting easily in a tilted-back chair, and himself clad in a plain tweed suit, byseveral opportuno remarks a.lded to his discomposure "Tho demned follow!' quoth our hero. "Thinks himself my equal, I do believe, aud in that miserable suit I" AU of which reflections wero lost on Fred, and by T. B.'s particular intention, for he assuredly respected the robust physique of this hated critic. The utterances of a fallow who is in love may be overlooked, especially when that love is at the fever heat, and wo overlook and are charitable with T. li for thee inflamed sayings con cerning Mr. Orayner who, all tho town know was a rival for Mi'bs Bartholomew's band. The reflections of the rivals glaring a', each other under the bright gas, light : Fred "Won't Agnes pive him blazes this evening if he comes near her again with his sickening pleading for mar riage and blatant tiles of bis own ac quirements? If sho doesn't, I'll lake the j ib out of her bands and rid her pre.-euco of the shallow-brained club. What a miserable air of ntterly-ntterl" "If that young jackanapes in the tweed suit dtres to approach MisB Agnes," thought T. B., "won't she start b in, though? The idea of him daring tij dancA with her sho clad in white Httin, ho iu that old business suit!" A rustle of rich, heavy oalin on the staircase, and though the half open door our gentlemen witness the entrance of "tho expected;" and with a little further description of Mr. Grayner wo leave the amiubloand well-winning piir, and make the urqnaintaace of a few of the as si tabled just to fill in tho corners of our drawing. He wasn't notoriously well -to-do, but hi came from a respectable f tmily, and being a hard and willing worker, had rapidly risen in the estimation of bis employers and acquaintances. He was only a warehouse band in a wholesale crockery bouse, but was studious, a regninr church-goer, and unostentatious in ail things. Being such, ho had gained Mis Bartholomew's esteem, and tho re ciprocated feeling had become so intense that this evening was to bo a red-letter evening of his young life, an assault on Cupid's battery (a forlorn and hopeless combat sometimes,) having been re solvod. Now Agnes, if he only knew it, really loved him and despised tbo blatant Tom; not knowing this he felt the usual anxiety, and, poor fellow! was trem bling in hie boots. Tho corners and background of tbe sketch. Here are a couple trying to talk 'blno stocking," literary, and they are where do you think? In Maucan lay's Essays, and the topio Machiaville. How they murder the famous author's meaniug, and how well they are 8a t is lied with the high-sounding talkl We move on. It is too much. Next, the Misses Dostey whose father is a wealthy miller ignorant and fond of display, and flirting desperately with two of the Gentlemen's dull poople. Then a liberal-minded young clergyman; a bevy of bank clerks enveloped, surrounded with t'ilks and over-powering frangi pani perfume, and we come back to fill iu the "black-and-white," and put on the finishing touches to the main figures. I said that Tom made his "glad way'' to tho party, which was perfectly true. Now if I ha 1 added that at the door of tho entertainer's house a shabbily dress ed girl had handed him a note, and earlier a gentlemanly dressed person ha.1 handed him another, both concern ing him deeply, I might have been thought to be again diverging. These notes disturbed but did not trouble the almost imperturbable Tom. What does it matter to him if he owes his wask wotnan for three months' work, and his tailor for a year's olothes? Why, noth ing at all! There is a sense of such delightful freedom in the sooitty of these Western towns I Iu the East, as a rule, there is as near one grade as possible present, and no people who are particularly better or particularly worse are invited, judicious consideration and tact govern ing the whole matter. In the West, every one is iuvitei'; the grading being dono not by those who give the party, but by the instinctive feelings of the invited. Consequently that delightful sense of freedom. Said a Western lady of high etinding : "We are hospitable and very free with strangers, but we can tell qu;ckly and easily whec we are being imposed upon." And the answer made to her assertion was that they were toojiptto misoonstrne the approaches of strangers afterwards, to repudiate their familiar ity, and thus do occasionally irretrieva ble harm. Oving to this freedom and to tho division of the guests in their respective cliques, Fred Grayner was able to isolate Miss Agnes quite soon after her coming; only to get tbe poor fcatit-faclion that he must escort her home, tbe cnriiair,e to be sent on ubead. But Fred had noticed, and so had T. B., with failing heart, that she detached the rose Bayne gave, and wore his humble spray of mignonette. On finishing n walzand promenading gaily over to an alcove, T. B 's spirits roue, cheered with tbe exciting dunce, and then he begun. Why at this junc ture f-hould those notes that bad been given him drop from bin peel ot, un folded and open to tho keen glance of Mis? Agnes? This we cannot divine, and ascribe it like all mysterious v.ill iugs of tho Unknown, to fate cruel fate. Ouo ginned sufficed her. '-W. W. Fashion A- Co , clothes; one hundred find twenty-five dollars." "Mrs. Mur phy, three mouths' waKhing eighteen dollars." Mr. Buyne's protestations as to his entire independence of the meicenaiy world amply atoned for her breach i f etiquette, and fIio determined, to Rive hint a lasting lesson then and there. A wonmu quickly decides with an im postor. "What are those, Mr. Bayne l" ''Ah! letters from friends -invitations, 1 Hipposp." "Invitations, yes! To what?'' The dire truth was revealed to T. B.; his game was over; ho saw ruin in her stern yet am used face; ho was buaten; tho floodgates of shame opened, and hastily ti dining himself he gained the open air, on' vented his excited feelings under the cold and unr.jinptithctio light of the stars. Father Time has been busy for nearly two decades now siuee Fred Itiyner and his inamorata took their gay homeward walk under tho sympathetic starlight, and his razor edged scythe has during these cycles reaped more than one of the sheaves which formed part of the background of the "hketeh" of the paity. It is ab least ten years mi ce an entry opposite Tom Bayne's name in the club book read: "Unable to puy dues." And nt least five since he was summa rily discharged fr.mi tho office of the great distillery. Then, after thai "Black Friday" of hie, be mbhisted through the medium of odd and mifcel laueous jobs; forming all tbe while, however, the main figure of the group that every evening occupied the spa cious arm chairs under tbe oak trees of a well known sample room. Finally his familiar face, with its scarlot nose, and tho rag clad form, were missod altogether. On our voyage of inquiry we ended in an obscure coruor of tbe city cemetery, end by looking at "No. Forty-three" on the headboard of a grassy mound, and comparing with the guide book, we found that the lii mo was that of Thomas Bayues. Fred Grayner did not marry Miss Burtholumew after all, and is comfort ably settled with a cheerful, warm I carted littlo wife. He possesses large business interests, interlinked with the duties of a prominent pnblio cilice. His well-stocked and well-used library, aud the handsome etchings, paintings and articles of vertu which bis bouse contains, betoken tbo full enjoyment of the higher pleasures of this transitory human life of ours. He has attained the respect of all, and retained what is still gi eater his self-respect. When he folds his loving wife iu his arms he realiz s that n giving up the match with Agues Bartholomew marrying a woman, not money-bi7S uniting with one who loved him and would continue to do so whether he reached a pinnacle of fame or no, he did the wisest of ull possible things. He has reached that pinnacle, and thinks that bad he married Miss Agues and not acquired fame, there would have been an everlasting picnio in their household. My sketch is now done, but the colors not having all dried in, a few touches here and there seem to be iu order. In writing it I did not propose the rendi tion of a homily on temperance though I incline that way but rather have shown a strain to show the effect of early companionship in the formation of character. Many others have done so before me, and maybe will again, but the fact remains and always shall, that the greater care a young man exeicises in choosing his oonit anions and occupa tion, the surer he is of ultimately get ting a high place on a stout rung of the celebrated ladder which wo all climb more or less. A Long Kririge. : The bridge of the Northeastern Rail road over Lake rontcbartraio, Louis- iania, now being constructed, will be six miles and a half long and will be the longest trestlework known. Tbe spiles are being driven iu clusters of four, and when the water is deep or the bottom somewhat soft, five are driven. All are oreosoted, and the engine. 's and others contend that the bridge will be far safer than if constructed of iron, as wood, when subjected to the creosote treatment, is impervious to rot and worms, and is not so liable to break as iron, the bridge will cost 83,000,000. rote THE FAlK ex. Miss Didii Fletcher, tbe gifted au thoress of "Kismet," is one of the characters in the American quarter at Borne, and enjoys au unenviable posi tion, bein? liked and pitied at the sanio time. Since her unfortunute affair with Lord Wentworth, wuo acted ho sbumo fully, hho ! at thrown n.u h rider, and the loss of her luxuriant Imir changes her uppeuruuee greatly. Mrs. Browne, mother of the Ja'e 'Ait'inus Ward," is a line-looking old liuly of some seventy years, and posses ses charming conversational powers. She resides in a pritty cottage, in Waterford, Me., where she enjoys the calls of her numerous friends, to whom sho rxhibits a collection of autographs of hundreds of persons from all the Stales, aud also many foreign binds, who have at some time been her guests. Clara S. Foltz, "the learned lady attorney" of San Francisco, was recently at (ho Unite ! States Circuit Court in Oregon. According to a Western con teuiporay, when Judge Deady "espied tho distinguished lady sonted iu the room, ho immediately rose, and taking bei by the hand, escorted her to a seat herudi him on the hcuoh, aud after the adjournment of court he introduced her to every lawyer present." Lulu Veling, tlio youthful pianist, is one of the musical prodigies of the uge. She was born iu Pottuville, September 1!), ISfifc, and from her earliest youth evinced great love for music, and took her first lesson on the piano at the age of live. In 1878 she made her first appearance ns a public performer, and was overwhelmed with praises. Her repertoire includes the mnsie of Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Thalberg, Tau bert, Scarlotti, and other well-known composers, all of which she plays with out notes. Mrs. Par in Stevens one of tho best known of American women, occupies a spacious brown Btone front on Fifth avenue, between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets, New York- a house so crowded with rare paintings and still uar v, and objects of or', of all kinds, as to denote not only vast w. alth but a highly cultured taste. Mrs. Stevens converses, indeed, very fluently about art, us she dies about most sub. jects, whether they concern politics, religion or science. She is not only a well-bred, but she is u very brilliant woman. Mrs. Sarah Itiy, a washerwoman of L'adville, who has made a fortune of 51,000,000, has had an eventful life. She was tho first white womau whoever dared to set h,ot in Leadville, and as such helped fouud the city. She dug iu the mines, scoured tho plains as a scout, and, hist, but not least, took in washing from the Leadville miners, aud to-day has a sung littlo fortune that pavs her an income of 830,0110 a year. She is now a woman of about fifty, weighing some 141 pounds, and is rugged and spry. She bus a daughter that she is educating in the East, who is a hand some and lady-like girl of 18, Mr. Ashmna 1 Bartlott was not tbe first love of Lady Burdett-Oontts. When abont thirty-four years of age, she was deeply in love with the tenor Mario, whom she followed to this country, aud she always attended every performance at which ho sang, occupying a stage -box entirely alone, mid causing much surmising ns to who and what this plainly -attired woman was who sat throughout tho opera with a rapt expression on her faoe as if she wore fairly enchanted by the tones of the heavenly tenor. When tho performance was over and Mario neired tho fitage box in response to the recall, she would bend on him a look full of admi ration and then glide away to her car riage. Alexandra's dangh'crs, the three young princesses Louise, Victoria and Maud differ us greatly in character r.s in physiognomy. The eldest, Louise, has tho line features and the grace ofj her mother; she is gentle, gay and affable, iu short, tho Parisienne of the three. Victoria, tho second daughter, is the imuge of her father; she is proud, rather reserved, a id attaches herself little to people; she unites to a thorough consciousness of her own dignity a gen erous heart, easily moved; her intellect, which is greatly developed, only renders her the more engaging. Tho youngest sister, Princess Maud, can still be called a baby; she is about ten years of age, and in appearance bears a great likeness to her grandmother, the Queen; she is good-he irted, anJ, at times, even a littlo serious. A htrnuge Story. Nineteen years ago a Louisville belle was led astray by a man whose wife for sook hiai when sho learned her hus band's victim bad borne a daughter. The runaway wife took with her her little son. Smitten by remorse, the Lothario wandered over the countiy for years, and returned recently to Louis villo in time to see the child of his ton and his illegitimate daughter, who, not knowing each the parontage of the other, bad been married for a year. furfd Easily. " What's on your mind ?" asked the little doctor, cheerfully, as a distressed looking woman climbed the stairs at tbe sign of the big foot, on Woodwaid avenuo. " Warts n my nose, doctor," re joined the woman, laying aside her veil and revealing a protuberance of uncom mon dimensions on the ve.y tip of a It )mati nose, " That'll come off us easy as an official head," said the doctor, " ami leavo not a truce behind. How long, madam, may 1 inquire, havo you been afllicted with this miserable wart?" "Ten years," said tbe wonvin, de jectedly. "J've always been afraid to have it taken off; besides, my friends said it was a sign of good luck " " It's big enough to bo a sign for a cheese factory. Now, if yju will walk into my parlor I will soon show you what a mistake you havo inuilj in not coming to me nine years and eleven months sooner. Sit down, please," continued the doctor, who is a chiropo dist, as well as a wurt desti oyer. Then bo produced a cavo of instruments, from among which he rejected a fiuo probe. A search umong the bottles discovered a tiny vial rilled with a Btraw-colored liquid that emitted a pungent odor. The woman looked on suspiciously. " I've left word at homo where I am," she baid, sternly. " 1 don't want uny experiments tried on me." "Perhaps you'd better keep the wart," said tho doctor, coolly. " It's fifty centa in my pocket, anyway, and I've taken 2S,000 wartB off of different women's faoes, and never killed any body jet." That settled the matter. Tho woma resigned herself to fate, and the doctor made a pass over the wart and it rolled off like a Turcoman's head; then ho wound the probe with some toft wool( dipped it in the viul, and jabbed at the spot where tho wart had been, talking, meanwhile to keep up his patient's courago "Took forty seven warts off one man's bauds jab, jibj. Something curious about wurtt; you never sio 'em come and you never pre 'em go, unless they come to stay, as this one did, and have to be urged to leave jib, jab, rVP taken warts off babies three months old and boys' hands. I've token thousands off of boys' bands. Warts are pb natural to boys us tbe measles jtb, jab. The little fellows havo lots of fun with them, selling thein aud giving them away. They steal mother's dish cloth and bnty it, uud when the dish cloth is consumed in the earth the wart goes away -at least thut is what is ex in tcted. Ever try to Bell this wart?" "Yes," said the woman, I've tried to sell it and tried to give it away, but nobody ever Bfcmed to want it, uud when I read pieces in the paper about die woman with the wart on her nose it made me awful ma 1, fo I knew it was mo they meant all the time. I stole a piece of pork once and bnrricd it near a running stream, but it didn't go away. It 10k it off once with a silk thread, but before I could turn round twice it was back again." "That's 'cause you didn't kill the root," said the doctor ; "if you kill the root there's no more trouble. That's what I'm doing now. This liquid is an invention of my own, and it eats out all the foreign substance, the fungus growth and the diseased fb'sh that causes it. I cure moles and birth marks the same way. Now, if you have any moles, my eradicator will remove them without leaving a single scar." "I've only one mole, and that is on the back of my neck, and I wouldn't have it taken off for a hundred thousand dollan. It signifies long life and riches." "I took a strawberry mark off a lady's arm the other day," said the doctor. "It was tbe prettiest birthmark I ever saw. It never showed much the folks said, till tbe season camo round for straw beriies. Then it was just the oolor, with little dots of white. I didn't want to take it off, for if that baby was over lost the mother could identify it eauly with that rusrk on it ; but tho folks thonght it would disfigure it, so I took it out, roots and all." By this lime tho woman with a wart had lost her iden tity. The wart and all traces of it were gone, and the doctor, selectfug a tiny heart-shaped bit of court-plaster from a box of beauty spots, applied it to the place. Iler gratitude wis boundless. "Your husband won't know you," said tho doctor, as he regarded his work proudly. 4 Husband I" ejaculated the woman, bridling. "Why, I supposed yon knew I was a single lady." "Well, you won't be one very long," apologized the doctor, "There is nothing now to detract from your beauty." She simpered, paid the dues, and, with a lingering gaz in the glass, went away rejoicing.- Detroit Free Tress. Instead of complaining of the thorns among the roses, we should be thankful there are roses among the thorns. A SWIM FOK I.U'F. I'rnl lut Ailvciiuiri' n1 n I' ronl Ii'I kiiiii a In Ih h H i.i.i- ..I nil' r.iiiMini'i in i i. A correspondent, writing from El Dorado Canyon, N.-v., un-ler dat i of Jouo IS, nsy.-i : Another of our old timers Las been swallowed up by the treacherous C)Ior.do. Barney Coh niuu aud Benjamin (i orh, uccompiii.ic-l by two Indi'ilH, started up the river last Friday morning iu a skirl' fr the pur poso of eitchiug drift wot-d. After reuehiiiK a point between twelve and fifteen miles up the riwr the boat, bo coming uiiiU'iuageublu, Mas drawn into an eddy and disappeared in an instant. T!ie ikiff a'- the time was near a steep cli.'T of rocks, whose walls wero two huudredfeet in height, aud the Indians, observing that tho eddy was about swal lowing tho ben1: and crew, jumped out and cltiug to the rocks and G oeh en deavored to do tho same thing after them, He secured a slight hold to tho perpendicular side of tho cliff, clung to it only fer a moment, then foil into the water and was seen no more. Coleman sprung f i'l im th-i ;;!opi o' the skiff out into the river ai.d gut beyond tlio eddy, where bo wu'ehed for tho iippeurane-i of the boat. Ho hal not lon to wait, but it seemed to him ages, when he caught sight of it, bottom upward, a few yards down the river, when lie swam after it, overtaking and clinging to it. In this conditio!), for three mile;, he went shooting past rocks, plowing through breakers and whirling about in eddies, when ho camo face to fuco with one of those roaring rapids aud treach erous eddies so numerous uud so dread ful iu the Colorad.i. There was no time fo lose. Ano'.lur chance between life and death, and that chance perhaps was the only one in a thnti'und. Tbe resol ution was formed one moment and executed the next. The skiff was in the midst of the rapids, standing on end, another breaker and over it went. This was an indescribable moment 1 1 Cole man, whose solo reliauce had deserted him, as he felt a prisoner ia tho hands of death, and though ho had scarcely known his strength before, hero was a desperate opportunity for it) t.st, and he says that bn felt that he wis a mere stiuw at the m -rev of a wave one second and au eddy the n xt. Hero was waged a fierce ai d pro tracted struggle for life between a pow erful man aud skilful swimmer, weigh ing !i"J5 pounds, and first a whirlpool and Ihea a rapid, w hose force and size and danger can never be realized ex cept by the man wh ibh life was trem bling in tho balance ; but courage and human strength prev tiled, and the bravo man fwam on over rapids and through whirlpools: lor the distance of three of us perilous miles us was proba bly ever won by man. Who can imagine his feelings as ho reached in safety and crawled uina the rier bank, where he lay for some time completely exhausted ? As soon as he hud regained sufficient strength Coleman set out for tho can you, snd, shoeles and naked, after a tramp of six miles over the barren, rocky nioiiutiiiun mid through deep can yons of burning sands in the heat of a broiling sun, ho arrived, bis feef bleed ing aud fearfully laeeri'tcd by the sharp rocks. Western llrcsscil Heel. A lurpo refrigeiat( r building is in course of erection at West Washington market, New York. It is reported that it is being built by Chicago men for the reception and keeping of the dressed meats shipped from Chicago to New York in refrigerator cars. The business of shipping beef in this manner to II il timoro and (he Eastern cities is said to be confined at this time to three firms, who are shipping f irty carloads a day, containing fifteen hundred dressed cat tle. It is claimed that the meat when it reaches its destination is iih fresh and sweet as when it left the slaughter house, and that at no distant day the West "will supply the Eastern cities with meats at from eight to twelv.-cents a pound less than they now pay," ItiH natural that a difference of opinion should exist on this subject, both in respect to the quality of the beef aud the prioe it can be sold for in the East ern markets. At present those conver sant with the cuttle trad"? exprcs the opinion that the Western fresh beef movement is purely experimental, but they are no less disposed to believe that in the hands of skilful patties the scheme may be made a sncci ss. Other persous equally experienced in such matters declare that the effect of it will be to do away with private slaughtering. A cynical old bachelor of Portland, Oregon, accounts for the fact that Port land is the wealthiest city of its size in the Union, by stating that it rains there fortix consecutive months of the year, and as tbe women cannot get out to go shopping tho wealth naturally accumu lates. A man in Twiggs county, (la., has married four women during tho past fourteen months. Tlio first threo are dead. It will happen so sometimes. This mau is avenging the wrongs of his sex. MaM id .iliiiliTU Athi'ii-. MhI'I f M idi'iii Alhi'iiM, f-M 1 n I'irii to P'ioii" whor li.niiH hi'.' nul tl uiilap'e dish, fiiiint, oh, K'T t fie tiling I wish. II. it r the words f h i a' to yon: ' r...Mt iii nii'U m" 'tui! I'm to i" liy tin- KiKl'"iM h hi ju'ir li'isr, I'.y y.mr Iiuiii.-iii;..i' I'ultnli le ae, l)v that lii;l,lv-,-iilliii. d mind, ( If tin- true l'lat..nii' kind, II. ar, 1 pray, my words to you -"liosloii Kil'la an- il i lo too l'i'!' !'r.. m your di.UiHitiuiiH on Mrtaphy.ii'a mid St. John, I'l oni an airinn of your vion s, I ' rum your No. 7 shoes, I roin your seareliiiigH fur thi'Tiue 'Boston girls an- .ilite toot'io!"; F r..in yi hi r niaMius and your sawn. From your ln'tnr. s on Fii't Came, From all tlii-M', if you'd hi) blest, Oivr, nh, givu to me a rmt, For I've i. mil,! it nil too trne ''Uoslon (,'ii is are i.iite too too:" v v it 1 1: i ies. A woman's bonnet is usually an affair of onher. But much as she loves her bonnet, lovely woman rather prefers an ix'Suir of offer. What is the difference between freight and cargo? A horse car conductor says tbo passengers make the freight and tho horses make tho cur go. Hiiltowa, Bncka county, Pa., is wild with excitement over a reported dis covery of silver ore, worth 820 a ton, in a pasture field in that township. Hero is another grain of comfort for Invent of the weed: A Virginia physician suys ho has never known an habitual common r of tobaco to have tho typhoid fevi r. The report of the chemical experts, who have had (Jniteau's brain under investigation, sustit'ii tbe fact that bo received a j ist reward for his assassina tion of Garlldd. Morse, who inverted (lie telegraph, and Bell, the inventor of the telephone, both had deaf mute wives, which leads a wax; to observe: ".lust see what a man can do when everything is quiet." The Ib'V. Andrew J. Rope, of Tuylor- villi', 111 , is under arrest on a charge of forging a nolo for SUIM), with which money bo paid tbo expeus.es of his wed- dincr tour. Bevivalist Barnes says that he is now divinely commissioned, not only to save souls ai.d cure the sick, but to cast out Il vils. He has returned to Kentucky to try his new power. Mr. Justus H. lU'hbonn, the founder of the order of Knights of Pythias, is an active citizen of Detroit. He was a school teacher iu Michigan when tbe idea of the older, which now has a mem bership of about 100,000, occurred to him. The salmon fishing season opened in C alifornia ou the 1st instant, and so lurue was the catch that at least twenty thousand were dumped on the wharf at Han Francisco, the dealers being unable to dispose of them. They spoiled in tho hot weather and had to bo thrown overboard. Mr. Sdas Davenport, now living in Hluirmi, Mass , claims to have been the first newsboy who sold copies of tho NiwYork Hun in tho streets of New York. On ho l.lth of September, fifty years ago, he took some of the first issue of the paper and disposed of them iu the streets, Mr. Clark, a batter, being the first purchaser. Emory Thomas sent to Miry Brown, at Jackson, M'ch , silk for a dress as a present. He wished to marry her, and she was inclined to consent; but when she learned that the silk was part of tho booty of a burglary, she became the principal witness against tho wooer, and he was sent to prison for seven years But they have become reconciled, and a few days ngo the prison chaplain joined them in wedlock. A Iteiuarkahle Career. Was that of tho llou. John Tod, who died recently at Victoria, B. O., age uinety-oue years. In 1807 ho entered the service of tbe Hudson's Bay Com panv, and within a few years had visited almost every portion of tho vast terri tory from Hudson's bay to tbe Columbia river. He visited Montreal iu 1812, and Astoriu, Oregon, in 114. Afterward, in tho Peace river couutry, he spent nine years Without hearing bis mother tongue or seeing iho face of a wnito person. Forty years ago he was in churgo of old Fort Kamloops, and one day, when almost alouo, was surprised by a large party of Itdians, who invaded tho fort for the purpose of plunder, and, poihaps, murder. Quickly knocking out tho head of one of several barrels of powder, he deliberately lighted a match and thre-ttened to blow up the fort and everyone in it if the Indians did not instantly leave tho neighborhood, which it is needless to say they did. ne was a member of tho first Executive Coun cil of Vancouver's Island, and held that position several years, but retired to private life about fifteen years ago. He retained full possession of all his facul ties to the day of his death, 'ff'"" fl' W "tw r in

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