,t:. 1 (Chatham Record THURSDAY. OCiOIlKIt ls-' a. H. A. LONDON, Jr.. Editor. Wuclu PAtTY is bolter fit in! to gov ern North Carolinathe l'" composed of tlx; intelligent white jMiOl-le, or tho nartv tin- great bulk !' whoso, members tin- lat.lv emancipa ted slaves? Let every voter M i i.-n.-1v consider this question. It is very aunlsing to hear republi can speakers find papers talk about the democratic machine" an 1 democrat :e "bosses", when everybody knows that the Revenue ring rules the republican masses with tin iron hand, and all mi plieitly obey its orders and cuima-nis We I'ANNeT help feciitlg iKK pnthy for the old -fin tried" ivpubli cans wlio have so faithfully st.io.l by their party in disaster and defeat, and who nrf now made to take back seat while the honors, ') of the party are given to democratic ih -serters - to na n who have mi abused and tiadinvd them, lint the Ue venue ivig Lath . ordered it. and their conniiatais must bo obeyed. It is noi sn; vi-i: t'm' we find so niar y nf the foiin itvuso.l loaders of the republicans h. 'ini'V! disgusted and n t'li.-ii -g to ..je for fllCK" candidates of the III vclll!" ling So wonder that sueh tin-n a- Tr. i Urer Jenkins. exCov Hi-egdeii. lion V. A. Smith and ..tliers s!i.-..U "I ci.lx denounce the so railed venl.tioii that has so abso-l.ed t'eir "Id party, that. Mr. Oake 'tie ehait-an lh "liberal" Stale t , dtix,- e .inn.:;:, . publicly prouoiu i i it- ! alii. -t; it "the l.xlK lepllli;;e:i:i paity. Oru Jrixii s should n-'t fefirtied in the law. but e liu-l' -el:,'!-.' should they be men -f pure nan'ii-. tempera I e habits, ine. iTi:Ttii.!o o to:.- rity. ai.d of veiy I '..! .-: ) son:.! character Politics .Mult! . have 1, inflaenee in the electi-n of o.ir-Iii'!L-'-s than ill the election of al.x . r oil" eers. A Judge ought t ! i'i. i'r i;u partisan bias and political j i - j !- i-. ill order to hold the -.'.lies . f j l-ti with an e.jilal ba'.-inee. Wi lli -it i- poper that o;;',v 1 -Mi m -:: .-.M !.,- tleeted to any oiii.v for xxi:.-ii th. wicked rule the pi- !:: i:irii i' t especially important that n'lix ti.e very best : 1 1 r : i h.e,'.d It- ;:!-.'-Personal j . : . i i : i . ; t i : .tie i. t ,.' -o much iinport.ita-e :rl. .ir !. g.-. .!. US with (Mir jud.'-s. ! r nier vote with tie ir party a:: ! p'-ur-eal cousiih r::t:"! - ii.l!.:. :.. ' t'a At the .i:.pi-oai-i.tvg ' ' n p. ' of .V.rth Caiehvi ui.: -'.. t ! of their Supr. :n. Co-..: a ..! ;; !.--of the Sin . : i..r (.:. .r.d. ;' : pen sons a! u : '.,U d. o t.i,;,!v ti.lt gn-.'.ter '"sre i-u-ht to Pi ! , ,'. ,h. leetioik than in th.- t ! o t,. :i ..: Ih-preseut;!!:'.' s in '-.:.. We. therefore, uige uj;i,:i . . i y o,, j ; , riously eonid"r t!a n .-. .. - an i 01 1 1 .i rations nf ev.-'-y , .-.f , id;-! ti rainli 1 iti s. a ir ::. i drneci '. i: a. ! . , .t ' ! i . !i:di. i 1 di I.io s i ill i i'oi' .in- ia-l . 1 1 !i.o. a a! ;e eande !ate r Pn -..! ::' Vi .idled -lib. rtd'ea:..;: !..t. s. i by. (luthri. . I-;. I .'..,i .is. ,,,,d ( 'i I .II' till voted for lhi:.eoek .1. our deia h i at a1 iar. i. I it j I-1 a i I'.. hti. al enii-ideiati to' i' :' ire. not to it.ll.li t.ee i. y rep.!!.!. "an . for them in preference t he- demo eratic candidates, and surely tliey ran not Vute for theni if they will allow the personal .pialilicutinns of the e:iu dwl.jtes to ii.ilueiice their mind-1 All (if the deliiucl at ir eaic irialc i "ci pt Philips) are now hohling tin- o'iief for whii-h tl.ey are candidates t' r iv reef:ou. They are -liieially well known all over the St ite and the people have h id the opportunity of knowing whether lley me e, juilg-'s. Hverywhetp that, tin se dem ocratic jmlges have lield euiu t ilnv buvo made a favuralile inipressim;. administering justice hupm tially, without fear or favor, and have re flected honor upult tiiir State judie iury. Then, why make a hange ' No man. be lie hiwyiror lai..an. can truthfully say that the n -lioeral ' candidates will make as good judges a our present judges. Take, f r in et.mce. thf two candidates for the olliee of .Supreme Court bid,e - Put' fin and Polk nnd compaie their per Bonul qualifications. Surely no man wflo knows them v. ill say that Folk is S well suited for the pi n e as PulHn ! Then, why turn out llullin and put in Folk ! And likewise as to the two candidates in tliis district Iiiinci find F.ihvnrds - w ln will pretend to wV that t!i(! latter would make a pntietd. lis impartial, as ir-r a ju.le ftsdihner? f.et our vulers. ivpubli cans and democrats, closely scri'' ini.e tllO i'BUS.Ai. tj-Al.lM-.TloNs of all the Candidates f ir the liii,h olliee of judge, and scri. .isly and carefully consider !?: Wiei its of thon- ui":i w h. iu they .'lect to pa:- upon heir hberly, thfir bus and their pmpei l ! . AM I-PlcoHliil l loMsls need Mot f. ill' that a democratic Legislature will ever pass a law prohibiting the sale or manufacture of ardent spirits. A hen oar hist he-jislature had the power to pas-, such a law. and although tiny were pditioncd to do so bv many thoi:;Hidis of our best citi.'llS. yet thi'V sie.i-hlv l.t'u-'d. and simply passed a bill vihmiiiit'g the on. siion totliel't.-ple. lfadenioctatic l.cis- . !at ure r. fused io j -i s a proliihl'.ory . law v.heti pi :i:ioi;e.! to .h so by many tiioiisand- of our be-t cilietis. surely iie.-y vUi'..! noi pa.-.s such a law atn r the people, by a majoiity of llC.tHIO. had said they did not want it! We cannot think that any sensible man honestly bc!iers thai the democratic parlv will i ver force jn-ohibition upon the peop-h of N.'rth Caiolina. tiliniiii.iti in. We all know that it a colored man attempt-to witi tin democrat:.-ticket he i-cursed, and oftentimes beaten, liv other coloi.'d nu n. Many a colored men is deterred from uting the deni ,va::c ticket by threats and imimida tioii of republicans. A colored man ill W'adesbor.i, where Judge helltielt lies. iia- been alci-e-l and iiltivited hcceiise he intend.- to ote for P'-n-liett. as v. ill appear trom t:.-' follow ltig hi;, i -Wvi is;:,.,;.!. . c.. S.pii tiibcr -2:1. II..V K. T P.rAM : I : V.c; ,'. vi cot. ;'er :i favor n me and a!! flee 'il.!!. !-. i : I co!'.!cd u by "iv u.g -o!!i noti a- of tie- :r -aiment the Pel i:o:!.m:i i. I let's Itle i; e.v et- i.dllig i:i. . 'I'm-y p.o:'e- s to !.- wo, king for ,.i.r ii'.i '.'ly. And jul ti-cau-'. I s. . p.-. ,p-..f t .'work a:.-l use n.y l: :!::ence !'! a sin. le 1 cr,oi iat. a m iu wh has ,i'..a - b. . i! a'tri.e an I tt:-d man to ;!,- c. a ': . I v.: li 'I otJy d..;-.-l i . ,i: : -;: !.. ti e coitl.t,. of Co! i ' I '.' - i a! i ii v I .on a ;::!'.e. ' ai.d ,fi-k. :'i v.-!.!, a ',. . k ' v one of t!t-:.-r ..... ! ha I t, en threatened !-v C..1 ! ' .. !. a x .s - n a; ! ..lh l Pe pubii.-i.!.-. but 1 had no idea th.y . 1 1 I carry x. ir thn-ats into e-ci-; .ii. 11 it ei -'!; us lay !.i--t I was p. i .!:..,!, d t . to i bat lo.ei! in !! ci.e .! i !. !..;: bv a v. Lite P, pub !ic ; ; ; 1 .-in;; K .- .:":,!. a ;t .'. ' t . j . w . : k at t.iv t . I : 'ick lav i::g. ' wh.h- th. r. I a!' :- h cut - d ai.d iie-ll. n foi no th. r . ;; ti.aii t!:e l.i -t that I i.'id i... I '! e ii, a:. htn ss to ai.d '. for in- n; in of my .!.,-. i ,!e-i;.' !-. ,-i Id bother, that r.:i 1 1 !,-. w a- i : :!. t to bt .ir by I ' i ", 1:1. n i i pn x ' t lue i'loi.i get I'll-.:; .'. 111! A !'!. tolly K'ot. I '! f e II I lies', T, A ( ' I..! . !' -,:!:, Lives tie f-.l-cm:i! f a In gio li t tl. i! v. ,, !, at I a ci.-t, r: . s . f the ii . in I. m in c -t.-i t i-. x . -ning. i L' 1 1 1 I I 111' el- -I I- S X . I ll hllli. lie. i i i'i I. a: cast. : i ster i ..iv.it - !!.. et. to a h w is ii," i' o'.-i .!:. and sp, k. el a hid', I I t ! . i :g. i 'V.'i.-e s - eel,. A- r ci;, ad. loss ti,.- 1 a ii ply bv Mr. 1) I i f lie I,iii ,i-tei v. pt I, and in the :i i iv- '.x a- 11.'.-. eel.' i V '' I;d col.-f.-d tie ll ni'ii i s a bar. Th. i- -c ted, w in-ii an II.- II' Ml I.d. !. ( l.-l: o i: ,i n r. 11:1 -I i I n ' 1 1 - . . . k - XX i ! i ; i .! d in i, .. d . k'-u iio'i'.i. - ' H-il. I II) ol, 'i e st ili.i, te...ril;g 1 d'ovi, t:.. dr g Mlig ! he speal-.er ft', I '. e'e. r w i' n .'.i. s.-i s W C M au'e, I ; ix I) in.,.- u ; a i ,1 ,P ' iiigl.i,, i;e ' i.U xx iole deiiioer its I ,at wtr-- I - - i.i 'i:i-t, n Mid sever i! othi -e.-l-.i'. ,1 me, i in el !' rl, and r .:.: i tire x j, tii.a ly lescite I tie ..ii. i.fti r they had been beaten w .lii ciul s III) I shot at. Clinton leceived il .spent iis ul xv.innd iii the 111 S-. from the moll who la,., I tl,e in ly (.hots (uii t In i !g le t. ted, it wjis la poitt d ti.a' a linx xx, .s in progn.1,- up t nil', where 'ipmi Ihe cm. v .1 n purnl ihl-h- l', un- i I' ,1'e.at . M'lti li eat. Tin. ueeroe -xv- re lie .in,!, , and reach, d .M 'in sii , , t, w h. ! a:i , (V it w i-t I., ing ! iide lo an. -t ,i;,p M ,,, y. who wa. drunk a:.,! , ..; : ly ,tui'iiio the iiieiec. Mr. .1. , i , y 1 iiri utiL la c ui,e up and xx - stali.lll g in the si-ct pposito 'J.x.tty V. Coin. ei'r. -tore, xheii the cxci d In .1 semen rode up, loMled by Pill Crock, t', po'iitme; )iii,,,niijt and eiiis ng him lis the d d si niiudrel wlin stnrl e.l the row at the stum! He fucd his pistol at him, the ball stiiking a mem orandum book and glancing ntf wi h i ill bill tu. Crock, It xxiih imniediiitely shot deiid fiom his s e die and firing I'.eaii iii-iiseiiiniitciv on both t,iJes 1 wo nil -r in gioes, Tom Cunningham a id Nathan Cuieti.li, Were kll!' I i.llt light mid twenty or thirty wounded, .1 whicli vil.-comlitiire the mob l.-,j pieeipilatelx, leaxing lieluud their i Id i e ih i,,! eomi ade j, t xvo dead mules and I wo mortally worn ,1 dineii. We hiii'ii thai lour of the wounded have 1-itu.e ill. .1, m.iliiiig i-exm kiih-,1. Or der being restore J, C i tur 1 lduu In id an l.'upiest over the bodi.i., aiul it was fuiind tijal they eiiino to tluir deaths nt the Iniiids if parties un known to lie jury. Aft. r Ihe negroes h tl town it xx.-s ii pin le.l that lliey hie I ga ! I,.. , e I a t i oxxd v f several hnn itled in i.r lo'.vu iin.l xv( rc tiin il'el.iag to attack ai d burn the town that i.ighl. 'I'nu Iiiteu lent telegraphed huie for assist mcc and the Sh.iill sent over a d. put x , but tho litty uriued u.e i who xx ere r.-ady to go dmperried it t he icci ip' ul u t liegraiu slating that, the negro, s had dl-bauded xuth ollt fill !i el ! i.ioii.tialioliri. J.r-i.V Sub -ci ibe now for the liti w;ii. OI K Kl' KOI' KAN LFnilK. Cohi.knz, July 2:?:d, ls-!'J. We left P.rnsaell.i nt m d-d.iy on Monday 1 7t li mi I hud a hot and dub rie'e on a slow train to a little town vou may be able to find on tin- map 'cubed Lotivain. The c umtry t i n. ie.fi which we puss. -d w s tliiiost p-'if cdx level and rtuvie 1 witii e ops et win a and oats. Tlie only things to he s. en to ivlii-xo tl.e ni'inotonniis s'ntci. wi te occi.s oioil roivs ot t.i I. s e i :ei I -.mbar.iv Poplar-, planted in linen wi'h matheii. itica! t'. ci-in an I id' leit iin.' the same w iv, ua' iug ore feel i ke tin y w i r i in a pi im o! I m i: ' -pallor ( )lice ill a while, t o, W c could mcc a omay old wind-mill wildly wuv ii." its chuiisy arms over a tail tow. r like bnildmu b. hnv with a di!aiid ttud : hatch roof. This nil las' el iri'tl wr appr. a 'le .1 I.i ge when we xery nid . ici.lv struck mi- b!m Hv into n hi'dx country. Aim st our li.-t no'.ice if this xx s running inn. a lung, daik tunnel, l .xiunl which wis ain tLei tunnel iin i s lb iiuo h r, the coiir.tr being so loit-h that i: w is mi l i-c-insid. red a v ry m is iily pur" ol engi .ei nil.- to i u:i the road tl long i When In t e li t!le finif U we co:i! ' SCO this lll.ged, WOO led lllstlict ol steep pr' cipitoti- hills MUmolinled by the ruui ef old .. s it s im I i-tiot.g-hoids, and side by side with ti cui ihe hands ui.c uiodei'ii vi.l is of c u:nt ii, d i'th. r wealttiy peis .mig. s Tl.e v.-il cvh xvei-ii occii) i d by l. iutif ll stieams ef ch ar wa er foimn g I ' e there a llllh' c .s--i le. Tee whole t! i-.'g reminded me nio-t !o:ci!ilvef our o-vu xv.stiin coii'i'rx in N r Ii Cif bl: l ai.d eve' v e .ii il'e I nbno-t eXJ ce'e-l to see soi..e a'! us -Hi'' en coiue i 'to xiexv I'r 'in beloed tin- I i Is. Tl.e towns though ii-il.cthe .lu'e-r e.ice. being cmp. s d . f iiO"s s wi ll tiled r o's 1 .-t. r o's at d inn. r ii linn' 1 -'ill ;ng il inc.- am I lis t I! Coin's. 1,'ege H lo.'. I! i f ei at imp. eii:llil:ex s le'.l 1 toi x v. ty xx. 1 e passed oin .' I'ie h: I ,!. I ! as w. e Ii red : to A'V l.-Ch-O .: ' d.rt v : i e. i.-i !x v pi;',- s si.'.- I.i d Hie! 'ill Xilie lo' - IV .til I o i no fe. t so I at s , i i is iar lit -. .. : .'! i ' ib.l k, 1, 'lie V .-i l,--w :!i. w i it is the -ti.er ei 1.' il ,r ,..W'i the II I bile ot the -I e t P di'j euda It "p.", i - spi ;. s and baths .Hid some U-Jk (a.-;. Ill s, l,!i I il,.!ei ,t the t ,l:i ! .rii" r ale i e ih I t. 'I he a! e xx ,o in spi i' ;; s a!i I ai I h- I .Us, n bl Ulil.el. ' U g,-( n i - ;ij ioir X.' ilel to ,b ink. d i - is spi it g is cox ,-.', ,1 w ;th .1 lone Police .!o. i!,. le. '.'0 . r ; long, put Up III li- I."!' . I ti.l K i -' I S XX if''. Kits.', ill Two ihu'Os of steps go down to ti e spin g, aboxe xx i i h i- p!a -ed a bust i f tin- .pe e i. 'i'i e (b r ii .us I' ll, tue toxv . Aa. in n pr -I, on: -.'ed Aie ii". an I I- ie 11 X'. i i ii it X- to -i s- nick Met irr ii iii ;:r ell Ige. Ait! igU lii the ho'ei p. I' t. r- an 1 most w u'i i - -pe d; I', u i-h slid x- i'md li a o-ir I ! i man i.i 'ps il., on woi. ', if.i!l. I'.c. p' i i - -1 . -1 d xx fh Ihe C'lst-.m I. "s I- :'. I i ir i-. o: a f it xx is i i,r ,.i 1 Ti ev ! . .ed. I the train nt lb nnstii .'. a le x .... I s l f le xxe eft, in, 1 i-ke ! i: xxe ha 1 tin y t lung c i,t i ai am i l i,. V xx. le ore-sed j 1st ok.- the rail -..ii -.ol .1' s an 1 we di night il xx a oii". W" ill I i.'t im ! i s a :d xx h it l,t s ,i I an I st' and ix d I i ink y nnd I ... :.- i v a; him. Mi i lh I. not l.i oxx . leg wh it el-.- I-. I- -.an I" f in !,!, ; -r inr t a i.' t -. w hei . up ti I.i x i-le .1. .W ts X- I ' o d to ., li, I ax . U.e b en it ! ix , i I'. 1 1 -: e ce . f l 'hai -lil.ig !,i - xx .1 vin d I .i i ,i. v ! I II: holies ai' p., s. i . .1 ;-, ti ( athedr i ; ti.eie s a iiji-i ti.i ,x p ., 1 st.iliie , ' him in the ii.m.ic! pi i.e ami i.t. i:e r . U - pi -I ir , s , ,t i, in: :i : .- - ea nun vx Lei e f i e M 1 1 k t i i'i i'i i pel: - pi ,ie I e 1 e t o- I! ii I.i. a!.- i '. 11' -. t, 11 u-- ..i o iir I ..xii 11 ,,, . lb r i he pi a i, I.t xv, .in, 1 , li e .-... i ill t hi 11 p i-ii 1 ai e s'lli'.'- x,:!li li i!.t co'o:.., -. li xi-.'i 'i.li'.t. :. 1 flint. Th- IP. tide. us is a I i- thic ! ii. in g ..Ver i-:ll xea'. . 1 1 ai d c :, :i i - s n.c ml in ; in 1 1 y i x . cute -1 I : e -co, -, xx 1 I n 1 1 I cm-nt h.s ti I led M i le s. i.i- C il i e b il i- p..r. . -.11 .1 . (!! p U-lMX. -'. Ug t XX Ol I I, .' I . g foi' . 1:1 muik liny i-ii il, 1'c.i-nty whicn coii'iiins the church M-r.ic v, a - til . I client eo' taming (.'mil i. ncglie s bolles ? i Mid tlie swa l.tiieg chillies nt ihe Saxi nit, h s ;.T:iii. clothes, nnd ihe cloth 1. t -I. dm tee P p'ist wa x rapped la. ()f course these an geliime! 'iheollx ll,li g xx,-i I joyed lu A ..eh en xx ..s ii t in a unci i the I. eis beig, an einii.e'.ce lie.; the toxxu and gettll g t ,e line X icxx of the city and coilliUV .ii.i:I'.-I. We We!e e.,, t,, leiix.'iii.l g! eld' r s!i-l wiieti 1 1 ,, beau ilful sp I s, the high. -I 111 p. Ill pe, ,.f tlm Col .g: e 'or K In c nee ii,'o xiexv. Ills C.l'i.C'hai is gland be yond till i X press i. li ii ml beii IT i fill too Tim number of lie;itr s and s'ntu. s scattered nil over ll Is linn ense and ihe open xvurk , ti the towels is beau tiful. ''This en. tiii. his muss of sol. m masonry is enlixeicl by a jr. fusion if thing hut I iv s.s liirrets, gnii'oyles, gadeliiS ('illll.ll'. f .liage, ,c , t spe c. ally the i: The to.xeis Me ."ipj feet "in height. hs total length 1 P.I XM'ds xxid ll 1,7 Mi 1 tl e il, ten, n covers Tluu sipiare yards. ll.ixv i lh.lt I, r 111.. 11? i he a, logic:, I (bn iblis; there arc very tin.! though not Hear lip to the London standard, lb to xxe got, oi.r fust sight f li,e liiiinc rushing along bke a cut Ictm Hlid here loo xxe S-ixv the luidgo if boats Ml. I waked ncroiss furl! jf apiece (hi;. Theie is nothing i.iiicii ol ll'er. s' in Koln except iheCnthe drill and this we xi-itnl, seeing, wi i t tl ere, the ve y impressivo funt ral cei i uiony. We x n-i e 1 every thing else said to be worth seeing but ll I mil f.-el repual- Wo got some nM migi mil N i. 4 I . HI C.e Co ig,.e from Joh inn M.i. ' i I'm m i. O.i I'li.l.iv night, we went to P.onn on tin Khiuu i I'-l minutes by mil , and got Ml oppol liiuity to see tins lit tie town bef re the bout cm m a!, tig. Tue P uiv. isiiy grounds are veiy line, hot llovxels id gl.l.el xv.i!!s, Ac, hut gnile.l old trees xxilh s!uid xv ,1k below and then the grtnl s.pinre oF saiiioth j..,r tu jra.i- all this mtiUa line wish to loiter axvhile. Tie I'ni vei sit v buildings dis ippoiiited us being large but verve niiuan looking, although the u nit extensive iu (irr in mi v. We took ihe sti truer at 1 1 a. in. and started up tlie U'uine. The curiiiit vaiBo swift that ths bout1 went sloxv enough for all to ba s, en. It xvis v, ry iiicturcsvpie ami pretty, Ac, but hardly hs niilcli us I expect, i- l. i'iie S' veil Mo ll t mis are lulls, the ci s h s il'e t limbic d m il old rums, ul t:n- river is muddy nnd dirty, xvoi-e llni;. Ihe Ope l'V ir, a'ui"-t file IhMcin i f Is s' iii-'s at the summit of . III' of tho SeVell M uintaii s Htl I is siii'io-.liioed on all sid -s by the vine x it I- xvhere the xxine cilled liuh ens blut is lll.tdo. , 11' igoil's lilood i. Then c uiiiis thu Appolhuarische church frutu near which coiut-a the Appo'eiuatis uti r; tin u the ruins of It 1 iii .S'lctk "lid his b mer whtrche I i, I.e I across to the island on which xvas the nunnery whcie hi: loved xu:e xv, s I'liblei 7. is jn-t about hi. If xviiy t'e twectl Piolill nnd I'.aigeii where- we g. t i !l. and is it first -class f i i ic.tion -iirioiiii.l'd by miisMVe walls and iiiiuisiin I draw bli Iges. Ac. Acio-s the fixer is about tl e s r .nge.t ter; in ( ! riiiiiiiy, in ver il taken, com inn. .ding the iit, the Ki-ine and the Mose h- which j in-i t ie Utiine hi-re. U can acconimo dale aUmt 2l.0(lO tiieti and is really iniprcgii..ble, l nil appearances. II. re too theru is lui Ige id binits and also u hnudsouie lien oi c. A Steamboat Disaster. A special :t sp itch from Vick-burg dale t cpteirl.er Ij'lth, says: At till I'- o Vloek tnis m,. ruing ii lire luoke out 0 i the s't.i :.i r lb P. l.ee while on u tiip lo II. is . : r v. about thiity miles t e. x In I e, xx : h-h r s dli d III I In: tol id 1 lsti'.U' l.u. , I the boat and a tclllble l.-SS ol i.f '. 'Ihe li oh, it K L'-e was a huge si t-xxh i i ste om i of !,17H '. mis bui ,i, li, c pali.e, f c il i Vilig sexerul iboil sal.. I I; ie. -of col Inn, Mil xxiiSOlm ol Ihe llli..- lu tile loxxir river tlil le. S e h i t j ist Ln-t n oxi rh.uiled and l.ex'v patuti d and xx us - .ii her fnsl tup i::ts sea... n. She I. It Vlck-burg y - e:M ty ex, : ii:g lor New Oilcans, xxi'n oil-. i aa ol c. lt ai nnd a good list ol I as .. . ., i s. While i pposlte i'. i .i l'.e .- .nl ul half-past turce a. m. she xx is d-scuxele I lo b on tire Mel xva- l : j i ,.e. .lately iund'-d for lh; 1. I.i-1 ma i.i le, lu I ding at VilCitsn 1 I ml itioi , i i.u ty Ii vu mil, s lieloxv nk-biiig hi a f'-xv minutes i-he xx as compl. ! y .nxeiope l in ll lines. T-x.-i.ix ei.e per-nns are lu llcveit to hae be, ll I s'. ill. lll.lltlg II'.UIIV of the elexv. Ine steamboat J. M. White pisel the xv reck about si a. m. and toil; tin- letii lining pass, -ng. is ulid , lev to Yi I..- utg. . The liie i- supposed to haxeorigi mill .I in li e j a iliy room. So i.ipnl ly ni 1 the !l nnes sj read li a" it was !l.:p .--ibie I.U the pas-.'.ig. is ur olli eels lo saxc anything bill whill they ii.nl i II :,t tl.e lime. Protect ing IViiniits. 1-V.T.i i!-e New Y e!: IL in .1. i'ie Tar ill' (,'oiiimi-sion, whi -h has i, in .1 i's wax down 1'ito North Caro in i, h'.s mad 'tie important dl-cov-ei y li nt peitiii ts and clftik ure in tli 'i:S p 111 llll e - ihe dllly Oil t'lleiC 1 1 ' :. !i s is ine: eased. Jeig iliel, ll sw la-, is sendiiii; u- a ge i lalllilies if chd.;. wlie Afii'iH competing itl; it-, i i tie j. .1 ii t'on of the Ann 1 :c ill blMlIX el e lil.t-i. I' is of e in-' an outrage tmil Iviglish cli'ill; m.i Mm Ml p .imi-s si, ni l dare to 1 1 1 nil mitikels, but such lliihup pi!y 1 I the eh ail; mill Mid peanut a:s, r-, is the he't. If pig lloll is i. t'ctid, why not peanuts, ? Theie i.i t a put it ic ul convention, a citens or a stii , ' cur in the country in xxluch ilie Aiiiciicuti i eanut has not made i t i! le ai d and f it. Thousands Mi l t in oi - ii is of tl. colllitiyillell 1. 1 Cniii'i.liiis pe l ilc it and millions ol An,.- h-uns munch it in public and in , l.va e. e are gi.nl lh.it tlie Til.' ft' i -i, .ii..- . ii ha- a" I s grappied xxiih pi MiUl ipw-st n:i. If II saull solve i.e pl'ol lem xx i.e her t I.e AllliI'ieMi p mi it le.s any r.gi.'s xx Inch t in-Afn cil: pi Mi.it is boiili.l to lespect it. xx lh hive uccoli pllshed a glcat and USefl.l ta-k. At a-'t the country has founil out xvhat tl e Tin ill' t'o iiiuissiob was ui-li'uted f t -ti.f protection of peu n lis. Anotiier iHiistcii itfinhiicaii. K ii a. ti,.- ii -aipli-.m M-sni-nHr. c liaxc In i n usl.c 1 "xx lu-re i.. Kl- (in. C 11 Pioo.leii ' TlietioV Tlior in tli.iUitioi.l . ili.-oustc 1 . xx itll the i'. 1 1 ii jit lev. i, uu line; now "muiiing lh-- I. ;hiIiIh a i no t,x,' and tini.-tly el, j s his , a,., ittnl c'.iiifort on lr.n (.inn and nil iu Pro.h.n .u.xi.m!,ij, near iii h i t'-, (i-iv. Ping, Uu xxill not in... any "en .lit ton or liberalism" in l:.s lui.el, but will Miort thu dciu-i-ci .li.' iiuiuiiiecs ou tbe State ticket xx itl.iu.t . .i. i pi ii.n, in j ivf. rt nun to the ullico hungry lcHert'rn froiu the .leiiiocratic iiuiip. Tliia ih iu n'ricl kec.liig xxilLtiii Iccoi.l. Tlie li.iv tiiier xx us al.v ixs lioncst in hit con x ictioiisi an i alLLouih acting xv i I li the ii (nililic: u j'lriy fur a long tunc, Mud holding tho Inchest MiHilioiis xv i L li i u Ilii' rJitt of its vdIcih, he xxiih never h i.i .x ii t i be guilty of a dislionoi ablu or ci ir ij't otlici d act. Atteitijit to Wreck a Train. A ti.-leiiuii I'ri.iu M.usLuill, iu Mmli sen county, d itid S.-nteLuber 30th, .viys: An alt. in 1 1 xx us niah; by hoiuo nu kiioxvn nun this muiiiing to xvieck a t.'ain on thu 'vVe.'eiii Ninth Carolina Il.uli oa, I, iiu. r i li i h place, by , hiring l .xo he ivy xv. ig. 1 1 . rt uti a tresilo. Air lii'iik.-n ti ii j.j .-, t the train, which xvas ti.hd Wit li j a.-eiigi rs, as 'In loco motive Mnatiliud oiiii of thuUngoUN. luat ti.n ti itiu xxuh nut xvicckuxl and luii.ilie.l.s nt iixes lust ia a miracle, i I.u u i-.cu ants nindu good tLeir e.s c , . I li,.. tlii'tisaiid (lullain has bteu oil, ud by '.he iiiilinad cotiijmny nnd r'l'i ' xv.u.l by thu county of Madi- General News. A negro miser, whose history is ro nmuii , died in Puila lelphi i in seem ing poverty though worth over $100, 001). (leorgfl Tiavis, Mrs. Travis nnd th ir chiMreti, of lli idgeport, Pa., xveie dangerously poisoned bj ttituig saiisiige. It is estimated that the reduction of the-public debt f u 1 lie mint h (f Sept. iiilu r will he ill the iieiglibor hoo.i of sixteen million dod irs. A selii s nf revival nieetings arc in progless in the I'mou Avenue hiipllst Church, (.iix-npoiut, UinliT Ihe leu dership o( Osborne . (iurford, a lay preacher. A church was demolished by n cyclone on Wednesday evening, dur ing services, at Newton, Kain-as, xxitlnmt seriously injuiiiig any of the congi egutioil. Thoiiuts McDatiicl, who for twenty txvo veins hud not slioken to unv lier- sou nut i xx no xvas hiioxx n as i ne uei ion of Lenoir county, xvas found deinl last Saturday in his hut in a sxxiimii. i a i . .i i :.i - . i In Colorado a pusst nger triin on tlie Atchison, lopeUil un, tvilltll i e Hnilroiid xvas boarded bv armel nu n . nnd tlie express car robbed of $.",i TiOK. ' Tl e pfcssengers escajied being pluu- i deed. I At the Ph.eiiix gold luinc, near: Concord, N. C , a heavy bucket fell from the top to the bottom of a shaft, i J00 feet d-ep. Augustus Kuo, ai miner, wns criisln d to uu utiiecogiiiz- j able muss beneath it. i Fur neglecting to pax an nn-i. ssmetit of $J(i. levied by the UepllbllCMi State . Coinniittee, A. ().xings, scleik in tin-; I'ltlsLurg Post Olliee, has been .lis- j charged. And yet they talk about ! civil service leform I i W. S. Wliituk. r, living in tl.e subnibs nf Philadelphia, xv.is arrested yesterday, ehaigeil with putuug hisi- ; Uic in h p'd of xvater trom which h a xvas mad,, f l his family. His wife,' six children ami one bo ird r at o sick. A Nexv Orleuns xviislier,viunan has! in the past lift, en years luised a family , of fatheiless children, g V n them nil j good c.bi.'aiiiiiiH, puri'ha-el a hand some house and 1ms $10 000 laid; ' axviiy lor a rainy day. Her eat re! possess i us xxarc earned at the xvash- t ih. There were more persons killed each vear in M issachusetts iifty year ago I hroiigh accidents to stage coach es than are limv through a i i hutstn railroad trai, is, uutxx itlist Hiding the increase iu population aad in travel hiigbsh stall-lies slioxv Miit hanging is thirty tun -s iinue likely to happen to a man Ihuu death by i a Irani. An iinimuni'ioti train -xi 1 dcd las: Thursday near the Cairo Kii'xvuy ). p,it. Th. i xplo ions continue, I for si line time. Arabs and Lillopeaiis lied frie ii the scene. 'Thirty per-o .s are tepurted to have been kill, d, p.x ph s'otis ol sh. l.s continued at inter vals i f less tl an half a minute. Tin iiiilwuv depot xvus burned. 11- p iris from tlie principal tobacco grow in; seetio; r ft tli- Sta e are to the lied that the crop is very good Theie is a large increase of a t u,'e hi the Piediii nt a el v. stem Mo tions. The ipiahty of I he leaf is high, particuloly of the North Cuiolii.u liliglit. The yield promises to be ex ccptiotiul Ml. I the crop is being l.'M idly g inieri d uu i cur d. Improved methods of caring h ivn proven of great vdiie in increasing tbe quality ot thu crop Ilc xx arc of Imitation. Tho delicate odur of PloreHton Cologne is entirely novel Look for sit; n it ii r, i of lliscox (.'., N. Y., on ' inch buttle. A (iiioil Foiimliit ion. Ii Aineiican hi u eliolds I Iia lxre vnilii.i; coin jil.iint.s too xxchiii-KH o' llm sloiniicli nnd it. cms. qiinices, ! 1 inli'i stioii, Ne viiii-iicss uu. I lthe i llUltlslll. Sll.'ll slllV. lelS Crtll hi) il guild foiniihitioii for l.eilili by usinK; l'nrker'N (linger Tonic iir it tonen up the stiuiiiicli and ne-vefl, and k.epu ihe kidi ex-H iictive to curry off the ml ninttfr. N (). Picavune. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! COTTON G1NNERS i Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIRE j -IN THE- I i NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURAHCE COMPANY. - Tliln Cmpaiiy lias lus-n in su. i .wsf.il ,.,i'iiii..ii f..r t'liirti-i'U y.-urs, mul Always Pays Its Losses, j It In safe, mul w.lvmit, ami iav pnnnplly all llm- , l.lllilw. All classes uf liiaiiruble iri'jrijr liihiiml en rivi-ui.ilil.' lerms. N.'W Is thi ilnie in lusiirr! j F..r t.irtlirr Intm initlHni ii;'y t j H. A. LONDON. Jn., Agrnt. I S0.1-mlH-r 7, lwl.-:Wii I'lTTSUOKO. V. C. raiVSON & JONES' M'GUIES.; M. If ynn want a duratite ir siyllh IMI.KTOX. llfHUY OK KOCKAWAY i r.m-, ibh.I l.ty. XXnre ib' x-cgrHnr anili'iriril a-i-iils fur i ItalhHin oitmlx- f"T I Ii- sal.'nl Txa-.n K ,i .iws Jnstlv n-li-iB-BtiHl Trin. -Ira. XVn . UiWr iilTi ri-.it sixlm . iiliuu l mul for sal.- ,il'ii.-l.ny I.ll.-- Aiu-lv In i- -' ". i.r i I. sil xxx. lull . .. ISM l'ilisii..r.i", N. C. Miscellaneous UHxIill - OF FALL AND WINTER. GOODS. Friends and Patrons. Tli I'I -' li .'..uu s ..a ;i . .',, una in k, .'.iitir xx xx lili il,. M.-i ln lriil!i. ii.. .s,.r -Ill H i Hi., l.-ii'i. er small. mil. , an I.e sal.e.l, I, nx. xit fa-ii II .,i- tli.ar m-les. Tli,- i.,-k i.i j-i.:i-.. i.ll i- i.x ii-. in. hi.- .-mail, xi-t xx e ari 'al.li iit ul ..iir in. Hi. y in iii.iluialti mir rvjMI I.-i.i. ii i.-r 1 !, a- in.' Hi.' i-,ii.!i -. We xx-il! Kii-'ir.-iiia-.. in i l ull- il,.- ululliiirle lu Uic in -I .---ri'ivi !:,.-i.i-s m Heavy nr l.llil OVERCOATS, IJOiillY SACK SUITS, SINCLK OK DOrPI.K UliKASTl'D CUT-AWAY SUITS, TIIK IiATKST l'ATKUNS IN l'AMH Hats and Caps hi xiu-: on III-: Xln-r AI'I'IIOI'KII III. ! In N.-.'kni nn. I II Ii.ixi" ,i ti.n I'm-, an I is I'limx i,i i ti. s ,-is .haxi'ii xi-ii fr..iii i.v. , our i.l.l ti l. n.l-. nmi I e xv.iii.i i ... i i.-n I H I 'li e. i: i- i c. i: i- sail , ar Him i II u- ir..-, I -. 1 1 In e- i-. Till- i ."nii-l-:. ni wl'li . v ry In aiin'l. li i' -nr .nniin.-ii .iai. i,i,. i., i i,-,. .11 "lily siirli jr.. ..,ir us:, , ii. it-. i-.-llll.lellt ..r y..,u ,-.itlii,i,-.l air l :i;-i-. Iti o .i. l ,i-i. .u, ri xv lll miy. !. sen wlial i' Ii'ivi- iii ji.. k. Ii'.ini Hi" .ia. ik an. I iiiialllr, nn.l wlieii In neoU .if nnyililni,', il iiill will I..- ii ere. lativl. Il-,i.i ttuly vnuri, i;i !;VAN(ii;p hkutiif.ks, I.I'.xium; Ci.hi iiti-.us am. T.xil.oits, IIkm.v Hrn niNi; Oi'i-osiri-: P. S. I'osTOFKIi'S. S.!i.iili.-r n. 1 it XOHKLS, WY ATT & TA.YL0K, cos'ion coiDiisszorj 7iz:hcia?jts, u ai,i:m;ii, . c 'oN-l. NMI St-. So! Il IlKll. oiillin-r I'l. ti'H AM i'lloxifr Iii H UMS Ii'CXIIANTKKB. Fertilize Your Wheat if Yon Want it to Pay Yon. l..-)i!) SAt'KS AMMOMATr.D AND At'JD PJIO.SITIATKS, The Pest 1'ciiili'er Ma.Ie for V!ie:it ami (lit:.-. Noxv in licpct lletuly fof Shipment. Send vottr orders to .i;iIS, WVA'l"!1 V TAYLOH, lt.-.ti lih, N. (' ,-.:.-i(i: ISeicahle diowds JL'Lll'S IJ'WES & CO., RALEIGH, Iff. C. ; : IIA1UnN ,:K No of rxc v description. SASIF, HOOPS un.l J5I.1NDS J jjvps SPOKKS and Ill'P.S. IRON. NAM S. SAWS. PAINTS. Ol l.s. xv. Tli!) ALL RIGHT C-jdI Stive. " A LKIG 11 AI AH BLK WORKS, I W. DTJPJIA1YT, FAYKTTKVIM.K St., KAM'.KiH, N.C. ITJ mm m mm mm us mmi mir, llKAIr(NK. ii:iK! !l!iiM;'H.V l-il.l.KK A ? cl I. HI! XX lill l'. l ull in 17. li. UUv.Ui-.xU, isiin'fo china. ci:i.'!;i:i;V. i Kt'i i .(Al.'s. lit. SS WALK, I. '.Ml'-, TAni.r. ' '" i i i i:v i'i. a ; i i u'ahi:. Ill Kllll.l I. X lolls l) ll'X 1I1XV- I' ) l -.r- f i Vii-i-..--.nr!i ll- July in. t W. II. LUOlxTARD, V A IVII M A K I.I! AV' .1 K'. ill .1'. !. II 'lit -li'lil'T ill xx' xn ii i.s, i i.ui l.s .ii xx i: VI-: iu. x Sl'l'.l I'.X.'l.l u , , f,:'.,.".!,'.,.'. " ,"1 - - Ml -ll-'l-l ll'.'ii.,' ill 11 1 '11 L-'X'l T '.. ll,,' ex in 1. 1 i-r iriilj X'ARKKR'S ClfUCER TONIC An Invigout nj Wedicini that Nrver latoxlcat I ' .- .1- r...,.i in.., ,.f (-ii.T. Kii. Iiii, M ,..!.:.l.s. Stllli.no .in-!,., i-y mini ,r.lielsl .'--'i. iriii-,,..'-, ( ii., i.'l ,li ...i Ucis of lt.c Im.vx rt, kami.., li, lix-t i-, L kIiii v s nit.lituif;.. &ift The Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If v-.ll ure lft,:,.. f,..l I'l-tloV. ( '.-H-r.l.-i.-.K, .i,.i-:,r.i. XX :.l ca. ti, v., 1 l,r. ni. ti-ml'w M.I. y lii-r.i... ,.i i,-li,,i.i:v. 1.1c I'.ll.ci' . liiivr l .-i.i:. It xv ill sua .'limn Lniti anil Uuily und i,.xc v a cw i- c ai-.l ti :ur. ioo iiot.i.Ana r.n.I fr niial.i"iTiiii'iiii.ii f.-iuid in i.incr Tonic , .i I - i,' Lew i Wy pr rcolain-laad Pin px af. r.3Bf.-ciir I utd rlletne,andl-:iyrsari K'-i'r-n .flaKtaV' ny and all f 'aim frnn' th- C'.'n.p.tny l.l,.n( tie fitnt. i,.i' y.iit t. imiiA-- n..f vj' tni jwinr Tht BLATCHLEY PUMPS ar- for.salo by tt.e b I Houses in tl c tra r, l ame of my nearer.! -c txxiil L. tumuheil i n opp i'.ati jn to C. S. GIATCH5.EY, RmuH c-. 3CS ctARKEl Sr.,PHIln!)n'PII!A. PA. Carefullvmadr ' ALL of i &" moft Cext S!(ivtod X5 2i Vrflj.iiilt Tit.tier. Impiovements. Advertisements. l" B M.j ill, il,, ,;s .a hi. :iff ii.' tit, Mllinit ..iir inimlerii anit :x,. y hi .-: ii.ii..n. 'I Iim HI 1... Hi.- Iii uinue. - KS AMI IN Till-: 1 X I l-.sr STVI.B. .nir i-talir. as Finn's oi ' 11 11 -i ' In well foun.letli I...-IH- in i nil. xi ill In- vi rv xvliumi', !h tact, - rx l-.ly, fn :i tulli fur an I ui-iir. Yuuwlll i:, -: ,i s ni nil tinni; lwll Uiimm .-illli.i an- ai all i-.ui.u,..ih .if iiiitiKln.l, rtna'ly i-nel l.-l.-.l I ii-in. ss. Iluar ..Is iis wi- , iin ri-....ti:,i..t,.. All xx, ii-.lt Is t.i s'ixv. uS n rlr Irtnl. mi.t w ra at Lv Prices. Uoukc cnii. No I louse shall epvo bettcf uniclcs nr undersell us for the MONEY! j S iI.K Ai.'KN IS KOIJ I PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL -WK M A N IT' At "I I' I: K AT nfi:-- J xVACiON WOUKS. Must Harnett Strfet I. IK VKIM rr.U U.V.iiNS mi.I I'AIMK M.,:.. I.:,;..-: -i.'-1 Hi-si Mnrtnl will rnnlnrai TAlil.KTS, AC. M SA 1 ISI-Ai I'll IN i I' A I! A NTK.EP. fill. K I IS!' AN.) OhSliiNs "ivs ! TO THBJUBLIC ! X'ON'TJ'.AlPf.ATINC. A CHANGE j IN THF. . GOODS or 1 1 fc L I i t.y ihe 'Ir.-i . f liir yinr 11. I lintu mnrlu-leH Iw I s H inn U.,i IMMKNSP, STOPK OF OOOIM In nil i. .iirini..iis ililn Full. t Sales nail ln i.inlr.lay I.y .lay. nl wli.ilmnl nn.l r.'.iul, iiiiill il mill- s'iK'k -lill lt (1Um4 I .Ir-vli-.- in ri-nll.'... '.In-1'.: nf Hi U.U It pw' l.ls, but llio el, ..at 1111ml and will be aotit. 1 At prniriit Hit KTlX'K or UOOD la C0Kn.lTf III nil li.- -u ".in. nl'. nn.l us thu illtrtrol Ht kt .mini, l.r-.k.-n ilii'jr xx 111 l.p r.-.lrmLiilj tmtloa limy ris.ilrr, li" UiA iur.'liaiit'iM .NK.vV AMI KUi:s (KionH In lli-.s.. Iii-ifv. inn llm KSTlltK STOCK wIM ik 11 iliirini; ilii' Kull mi l Wlnli r. tN..xr Is ;..,iM' llm.' In lay iu T..ur FtH anil XXIiiinr mii. l l.-rt. Tin' iiUi nUi.il nt -lly ami Cuiiiilry Mtirhnnlt M .llriTteil I" Ililn Snl... ! R. S. TUCKER, ; Surviving Partner, j Ails'-:.. I'N. dt7wm; lynch, DENTIST, XXIII x l-l: fil ia l Hill mi llm araind Un6mjin i-ii.'li in..tiiti. .XII .mi- i-fi xvlil, nr. A. II. Iliiimriiwin or 0. He Cixii i y will tu' ii . j 1 1 ; i f y atirnilwt l. Feb. 'i, lss-i. II. quo. is. rjxssxsn u co., HALI'lM, J. W AliON M A 1 FA C TV KEKS. I'siii:? ..illy Uu' Ih-sI ,,f iim'i. rials, wa inakix Uiif limi ,,f xvik.un l xx in.iiil v.-ry Jul,, WnhaTnlli ..(.lest uu. I lurs-' s' xxau'nii XV.irka. ami mir 1X'atfn I, -iv.-ili.- Ii"si i .-1 o 1 1 ;v i -ii -r any In Hii-sia..'. Kerf xx,il-..ii 1'i'iim U.e iihii.i' ".. I'. MSsK.S. tlm. r. o.. N. iv" xx rim i,.r .rk,n. ll,.,..r li. all wh" ar ..ar XX'ii.-ns. lAiitf. WI 6f. J .UN M.XNN'IMi. T. B. WHMArl MANMIHQ & WOMACK, Attsrnsys and tesk at law. 3?ITT5BORO, TI. O. tit. !',-.. mill aUi-n't m clvrn l all l.nilnr triiHii-l I., tlu ir .-me. Mr. MannhiK will . In ili i.ill.'i. ix. tl.- Mi's! nn.l llilr.l -Xl.inilaya nt each lu. .mil mi. I iliesnnir.uxs (iris i'.IIuk. Mr. Weniark will In- in Uic i. Hi hi all limes. r.J -It To Travellers. Tr.ix'eli'is K ilns' i.. ami fr'.in MOSiTKF. ran 1'W a. m .. I -1 vx c li .i.iiif..n.i'.l,. Uuir.l ami list iiiat il," in.-i sl.i.-i,cc lr sml'ti. A .s.i,wjr im.viil.i)ii: hi.ii l. t. l. 1'XT'rr ilSoN. Mi'Ui-urr, V. C Sej,-. ,il... t- 7, ltJ.

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