:.1 'j A v". SChc fllhatham 2lccord ; thui-Sday," octoheh w, 1 .. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. . ...... 11 " Hkk that your neighbor is regis- tered ! Hkhkmiiku that you cannot rci-ler (in election (lav. Hkk that your name is on the re, istratiou book ! Mouu lti:ii'iii.K'AS luomborB of the Ust Iifislnturo voted FOlt tho jiro bibitory bill than aciainst it. Ir you Uuv moved from tho town- Hbtp iu which you voted lust year, you mailt got certificate from U.e rw- , traroftlmttow.,slup.tndllh(.IMI-.K AUAl- 111 mi! lUWliNUip wtieiK yi'i. now live. i l.t i" li.iot,, ......... , :.. jrrow.n- e.o.p.e,.., .. . t. eta! ,....- itory bill, ond fiercely denounein- it. we can onlv comna.e it t- u bit?, burly ! u.i.;.. 1,1. v..r it. V ""' '""o - o " eiM-jw, uud thrciitenin- death and 1 destruction ! Thkouau iion, or the union between the revenue riutr and the "liberals".' ban iliso-Ufcte.1 nearly all honest repub KcauH. l)i. Cook, the republican can didate forCoiircs.siii tho Tlh .list rid. has published a curd, in which 1 BttyH the following : 'Had prolloUllcd Uepliblieillis of cllliractev be Il iniii.llil.te.', We W: nid liaecanicl liie State be;, oini " d'.-.ibr. but there is no pr.-.pe.-t. f.T the s::c cckh of the coalition tichet TlIK KM.i.'i;.IS will more t'oii'ressnn ii iii !ie .iv I Vi 1'' Northern State at the approach:!. flection. The el. i ions ai.,).!.' s. t by Ohio will be followed by New York, l'eiuisvlvania end other Stat that went republican at !!: last elec tion. Never w ie the s!:i I -riolii,- for an overw hebiiin;; ri. toiy. '!'!. democratic majority iu tie i.-at St.te of New Yol k will be neaily one ini! -drcd thousand. Kveu .M.ssae!;usett. will wheel into lin" ::n.l ,"! a demo cratic majority. All aloujc the line th democratic host., are la'l.iiijr. and nre iiiarehii.e-to an iis-.ur. ! '.ict.-jy Ijet us all fall into hn. . keep -tep. irtand ftrmly t.fct!:er. and jm m lit in uu uniTokin front, march on to the glorious virtoi v that will crown our ftttorts on rhe 7th of in-r NoveiidM-r! ICl"-l.!,( i; m i.i.'i ! are .-.:t ! i:i tiatidate demo, ra'.ic i-j.i ai.ej.s. l ie fellows know f.ili well tliat. their day.-. , W... numbered and their oflicial head -, will drop H th democratic party suc ceeds. 1 faviiu,' no aro.in'.er.t!, t-. u.-e 1 M.ey attempt to -:il!e free spe. eh U ii si ne; brute force. Tho cauii.'.i;,'ll hid hnrdiy op!i:i d Is for.. lv Ab.tt's s..;. , ruado a nio.- t bnttal and cowardly j attack on Hon. W. M. Hobbies, the ! democratic candidate fop Cone-icss in the seventh district. I, an I week an- . cthf revenue bnitt) made an att id. on Mr W. If. H.iih y, h mocratic ' candidate for the l'ji -laturu in .Meck lenburg county. On both occasions brass knuckles were used by these; men, which show.-'i th.-.r inurd. roiiw intent. Wc hae heard of threats bciliK used elsewhere. When such attacks are nnuhs these murderous I brutes oulit to be treated just as j you would treat a nutd tloej or rattte- tintyte. i.i.n.i ill uu "in -tuiii lumn "coaldtioif'iiarty in this State. Never j did a Hluvo more i.nphcitlv obey his aiasterH command tlc.n do-tl: "coali- tionists" obey the orders of Dr. Mott. i if .1 ti. . : l - t. Co v. .,.,i . , ... ...... s...... men takti.' about be ho iider.ei.di. nt ... . , .. ".."i-.j i ..... .-" ......... k ...i ' tate what they shall do. au.Uhey do it lAo abjeet hlaves. He makes und unmakes their candidates, just as the jug-ler i.eiun.1 me curtains lain- tiu-. wires that control the puppets on the ntag. Jle is nentinitf eveiy energy ' to nominate candidates for the Let;is. ( lattire in every county, who will vote for him for I'nited! states Amntor. A striking instance of tins was re I ccntly show a in Granville, an account I o which wo publish in another col ' unin. Amdher instance of his -boss-1 ... ism occurre.i .it tM- noinmanon 01 a ; Holicitor of thiM district. The repul.-i lieaiis of Alamance in their conscntioii recomuiended Mr. Allieitson, .if that county, as a candidate for solicitor, and it whs p-iiertlly 111i1le1st11.nl thr.t lie was-the candi.hlt.', but I r Mott did not i'.'proM. of this 1. omiiiitti-.il and it is -.ai.T wiofe to .Air. Alberts. n that he . .'old not run. Then upon Mr. Willi-. Jenkins, of (iianvili., was "nominated", ami republicans tire or tiered to vote for liilu t w ell re member that in 1S72 Mr. Jenkins vvits so bitter a democrat that he would not vote for (irci-Io Yet. Mr. AlU'itson, w ho liasal.vavs hi en a Strom' ,tiiohliC!!!l, is mil t to stand itside for bint. How lire tried" 1 . publi -aii bossisiii do the IT, liberal" pan. rev. u. filer's was con,,. iM. i.; ot1i..(..H...kiU? doiu...-.-.iK composed of the worst tli un-iit s of the democratic and r.'i iihlican paities. We think that this can b: prove. 1 1 beyond any doubt. ,;,, tjlilt t ; li. In ir cenvco i!. ..it tin- 7mi f .lime. rt v.THle th. principal r- u: .1 .- t oilier in ihi'ir e'.m j u iv l!c V. Mm-. h" tor ; ! v. l.ici- tlie ii:ti rii-il ri'vrmi: this ilislrii-t : th. i-f wa-. T tin- iiitfiinil rcvcimi- colli in (' tor th. tun tlisiliol. Hint nu-re Hits in. ..o-ti, the h ! itml froi.t if tho revnue ' lin ' Th' sc tluve lepre ntc 1 the revenue win- of the coalliion. aod I tho democrat!., olliee s., k.,s were ,)V tV)1 j,,!.,,,,,,, of ciiir,ott (, " t,tH.kfl l)f AslM llK. ; , iJu (.ll!lil,ll;lM f tlll.ir! State evecutive committee) and Tom , Devcreiix- of lialcL'h. And every one 'of these three delnocral ie desi iters U now ii ea.tdid.itef or Coii'Tess : fo.-kc ti.1;e honored institution " , ,,L ' . Cth, an. I Ie-r ! t . . . .. .1 .... ioiinstou in in- m was i.isirici. js it n.n i;oe u..-a ,:. llmr- ""' cillilioii or line, hi )!".. I was gotten up by the rewnue i-mj; jand disajii.oiiited democratic oluce I kmc kits 1,1 u...rei..t.-. in.- coliti st is li. tuieli lli.se io.-!:'l.-otlicei's and ileliioi iatic di sci t. -s i. n the one siiic and Inn- r.-j.r.i :u .u. aii.l .leu, oi-rais . n ti ' etne : --i i'- Ai1 that t!. Men cure t'.. :. i . . . ! in ' bt ht.ii'o (.!':!, ! ! 11 a', e; I .. . . . a.'e . ' ' , vatic ; : ni:. l!:-. i w. i.i-.i. 1 1 . .i. a party, ae 1 i- ' ( ' C .el . . .'. .-.i;s ,.; .- , l.Ti: I !: -u. . ak a .1 :i-! I" .l.ihn n::-h " 'a '.i! - . a', trie: I - i "tie !:!. !. p-ll-h . lively c. irp-e. not i.'f coa'.il U.li U ty i ! - I;..., : It 1- i he ol ! tne.l a.: 1 the re; .il.'-.ea'l .! ,11 .1' I :':ei- t !.i ... iett th. -e c. :tli ti. love ti.. ;r o c-insi lit.:.;.' wonder tha Jei.lvin-, (re Hilly Smith. ot"; id dreds of l.-a.lii.;: a. ,.l .i; nl.iican i I . r .v. t lu ll. -! ';le,. , .lllle del ol If 1...!,. -1 t iii.- ci.alit i. n In Ha st dt lin can any b-i pari). k ! Mill lit t'n a! has le.luced f : -I., and M.-.i our .-ui I ell if ta il.'i-1. democrat, uc repeat, ha..- that party and follow the-.- d.sapp- iuio,l ,. -mocratic. deser'.el's. who, liaMI,,: failed to obtain ofV.ee in o-.ir party, ha.- now jo! I tin- o ii 1...0 o!V:.-.-i . ;n Ti nt tempt t.i p.-ii-' tuate th. ;:- j.i.w. r ' N', fellow .Ictnoi r:-.ts do Hot follow these I.' :. but stand b Von:- co',- -. be true ... v ..lo'sei-, t i .i" p'lr'y and to yie.ir cnuntry ' Tin: S i-. rr fair wa- a oral..! i.ece s We had th.- plea.-iire of att ! dil.;' on last Thur.iday, ami were much .'rati tied to lin. i t if exhibit so cr .htabl -.'-Math! vi-lt.il-H nn ;n..r. e i We that ..lv(. ,,,.,;., 1 ,.,erv State fa i,nu 1 ,, 1, n :,.,.,, ,1,.. ...... ...... !(lo ,lot i,,.,.,. to assert that the late fllir Wfts t0 miv ull(, .,,.,,,,,,. t() . ' ' moHt of lt, rrt,ll(.,.rs,l)V., In f1(, .mm. t , .:....,-.i oe. una ptaiu ... .tie urn ies enno- itr-a ami the tiiroii.' of visitors in at toUliim,.,.. Kvorythiu se.-med t eontribut.- to 'its success. Th. w,.llther w;ts favorabie. the crops w.-r. in a millsllijiv al.iiii.laiit, m w lines, r,Mtll lt.yid, 1Vti trau.-portalion rai: more ..onveniettt. and th. was no reason wllv th(, f.lir slllllllI nit ,,.lv(t ,H.)Ml wjmt it Tll nnl. f ,;. ,!,..,.,. , tj .1,., (.vi;ii,-ta v.-,-.-,,,...,1 while in ot hers rath.-r inditTerent. A j. iri,,.r ll,lllll r ,,f l, .des of cuttou !Ul.i ; ,V .!,,.,. ,...,;.' '.. , :,'.,. , . , v r h.f , " t' . , i-H.in.ti-i i.iuie, out witti t..is x- 1 ,.,,,,,: ,1,.. display of ft;n n u!tnrsl .....,..,...,,. .... ..i,( ,,,. ,,..,.,... l,,,n, , a . 1" it. ( Olis lhat tin ..fan .; . nat m-al! the aiiuui-l fairs ar: ri.-.ill in-.-il so. iety s.-i. il. lt thf - .,:.!,: 1... 1! '; the fairs :f wcild ..j, '.' ui n. ot alt.:i.:i''-- e lanii. fs i . lu-l a, and d l i'i.1 I-;. llllles! iheV should I I.' I plav of iiiaehuiery. el 11 1 les of nil li 01 I lliij 'eim lit - . 'I hu-'b, but ''' l-.e 11,!: li - I i.ls ,i I. ir.ee lab 'i -ai o.'.' i-l d leipr. ai,-, that in- the eliiel J'l Isilli; f .1 In. I - w I tullsi do if I hey w isi.t J ., ,,. Uilli (his l-.jUs-e ,. ; ... j tll.l pa... ii.bii f lo o t -ck w a- i r cr. w - i-t par: --u!..; !y ph in in ' !! " I- e ! i Lac it doubt I hut stock raisin;.' wouid be tn-oiiutbk.1busitM.KH in thin i ' ... l-i-ti-i of the .State, and the farmers ou'l.t to :iy moro attention to itu-: roviiif th ir breeds of cattle. The ladi. s made an . xccllcnt oxhil.it in ... . i ! Moral i lab. mult licir work was iiiucn '.,., ii .'..iii.Kt-.l. Hi.' fxlnl.it untile '' Horsy! I: county, under the manage- i . i. : M. a .!-. F. ,V H. lYies, was s -. .-.tii -loilvo an l reflected much T,,,, Wi, ,, that fountv ami those J "! H' - Vn 1 4 1 ... ..it hits jMrforrue 1 its mision, tiinl ...t ;..iv.i-!crp:-i.-..n r,' -"'''" '"""'''lou-ht to I,.- destroyed, Ut in take no collector in but wid. thai Chatham had done j,,irt , jrt destruction. likewise. While h few of our fair I llllltV ... ... an.1 m.tpmrwill.f i enterprising i.le cxhil.itH (whicb ........ .... . - x weri' very crediUble). still Cllrttbltm di.l not contribute to the SUt fuir ! lt.it she ou-ht and could bavo done. ! We will publish as noon ,t9 poHsiblo tho list of the premium awarded to ,itizonH ,lf thi, (.onnty. As usual the lUnghmn rMs at- tended in full force mid won new laurels. Their soldierly skill is only eijuallod by their pnitlemanh ilcport- n.eiit. an 1 retl.-cts Iho lu-hent credit t w- , vr. of leariiilio-, of which i.. ;,.t.i ,,! ,,,,.! There were j...,.., . . , numerous side shows to amuse and ei:t rtain, and which doubtlesH did a In Uk business. VisitorH were in atfuulaiae from every poition of the State, and. as is cn.-totnarv with our N n th Cuiulina crowds, the utmost I u ler j'leVHih d and eveiybody m.-.l ..,.11 ,,.! .,,..1 ,,!;. " ' i )er Si i!e lairs iiivo lieeomr f-'nui.l my itis, v.hi. li biiii.,' to-, 1 lid-, and ac.piaintaiices o :a'teisof the Stat. , bv v.(ij .(lr.iis are retiei I f ala t s made. W e as, .1 to meet with ipiitej ,iw- i .iitoiia! brethren, we would sav that there ! , i '. , t a-i has hen tot.. re been I members of the 1 'less, j ;.o ami write out r ia 1. d was there anv ! ation extend 1.. J i.i . could hear of. !,: i.e. u. heaitily (onKratu-l!8l.Vt8i N. C. State Agricultural upon their twenty second .'.ibitioii and hope thcr umv aich. l.eat li .in Hansom. I M. I.erch. who is canvass- St -.r - in the interests of th . i. e. .itlv made a sj-eech , v i iw -i . i:. l the V-ws and Otiserver I .!i.!...ne a report of It stated- ...etc some r.sretpcct mi anil- , Hansom. Thereupon , . I-...,., i,-, t, v..u-u di..! .... . . , , i,i:i:' ti'.at In; intended ' to Haiuoiu. hit.l pays an; di-tv-,; him the f..! -I h:.e ) .r -ay a:;;, t dignity of ; :'. niieina'.i. win,.' compliment : ! ver known Hansom to do ! ii:,' incompatible with the nator or the honor of u I'roud of Lis State aud ; d.AoO d to lief p. pie and their best . Mel. .-I -. and li-i.lie;iiished f.r his ;-, ,. . . i,,-,-, laa talents and his ' ir;-v b. uriii-:. he stands in the Sen- j at- Chamber the peer of any of his j c..!h-i..-ue;.. and is regarded there us I ' i-eo-ti l him. and as thousands of his '.-!i n.i-i in the State regard linn, as air my m an, ami an attempt to .icairoy -i:-. -en- to the Semite tint! his State." iit, ioiik-h all tuy in. liquation, uud ' Y t l'.": e is no d ubt of it. Kansoni ' tHaea me back to til and all the , , . , . . ... . tel rible I'ollHetiuellCes that f lowed wan... .nor io the Senate and his State, tl(it,im,i(ii)i s,.,,s,i(l1 I),.M.r,l(Hi and yet the -liberals" wish to turn Secession Whirrs. I f.-el c-iifldent him out and put in his place Dr. Mott that, there were enough honeot Dem or II- - Yoiiii ' ! And every vote pven ocratu who would have c.voper.de.l . .-l.i ,r i- I , .;Di.oi, with us, und carried the S'ate, if we nn ,,ne of the "lil.er.il legislative., , . . . ,, ', ,. hud iiotiiiiet'ed a ;o it K -puolii-u'i -...Mat.,, helps them to do it ! I ti,.kt,t Wt, hH,e been ... hi out. but - ' if viq are true to ourr. Ives, th Iiiiimrtaut Cor rcsiiondciiep. ; 7ih of November will tell if wt can We call the hju-cial attention cf our republican friuhdi; to the f llow-. iiiLf, which we copy from the Yintonl H-piibiicaa. i The gentlemen who i(?no.l the ! , ... ! smoni; the most substantial and iu- tluentiul c,ti?.ens in their community, j - , - - ";-" , --- j"-""" K' ut and worttiy fjentlemen in u .UT. 1 Lillll'B IB OHO UI UIUBI ll.W.lt- I J,.., r,Tr coiintrv. He l tllliver- nallv esteemed wherever he is knnwu .. , .,.., ,uunil,,i . 1 .... ,n, v. .j , . - v Whatever . Ik. senta'ive limn Mil in.livi.lii.,1 ntnnifil. iniim wa eonld nnl ' 1nn.11, we cotiiu not ...,.i 1.. ., ..o..,.,,....iniin .i,,! from sin h a Hource- - I Aniior. s Chekk, Oct. 10, 1882. j IUno.iI I'lllI'Ia, Kng , l).iir Sir; We have long been eluded by your wine counsel, and influence 1 by your example. We stiuoii for your moral worth, vmir ioviditv to the Union duriu the rebellion, and your devotion to 'ho H.-pubhean party. We erenow i 8''"- tThe nT, rTi'6 iiolnici.. known as the Liberal move- rne.it. p-rpl-ses us. There Meeum to I I.,, an 1 .'V it to sell ih out. and iuducv 1 H e ol I ouai'-l to iieserl Inerabcl old i H pui.l.e.tv parly. You are lecj.trded ; .n the father of the party in thia i t --unship, t'.i"n -fore we appeal to you ..f f-.r advice. What shail we do?: .11 I...1I .. .....0 T. .,.:.. ..... ii--. i i-i; i.i e .... ; iMin.ii. j uu wil! favor us with an early rt-Iy, we i ae. : Very trnly, your friends and neifjh-: I. 1-. 1 i'ckhii, anil titfiers. Urn Hivm, Oct. li, 1SS2. Mi :- J 1' Tucker, und others: , 'ii iolemeii I have receive. I your fat ( of tl.e I'l.h iiist., in which ymi a k n.y opinion in regard to the l.ibuiiil luoM-inent. I thank yon 'i i'i. all mv h. a.t for the kiiult x- i ossu'iis ci ntiiitied tliet. iii. I will, ' in civ humble way, entl.nvor to 1 1 1 i. -ply w i' h your reiptest. j m iii-ow 1 have bf.u eblijeil ly rutin, from active pirt icip:i! ion in! y.litiw. owinK to tuy i!c,li..iii year. j 1 Hin now sevenl v-nne. Imt 1 fuel I i' fa Ut.ltl,,iic,4U pRr(y j experienced in my younger ; ,Jay8. I was loyal to the Union Iri fore the war. I have Wen ever Hi-i.e, I nii.l T urn jis trrit I.i tin. !.-. wilii-emi ' - " ,,' - 1 P'irtv in I ever wan to the I inon J Vl.eve that the p.-aceofoiireoiiutrv,! Hni ,), prosperity ,, InippittCSH of sll thi s who are dear to you hih! ; "ic. " ' "l11n I'erpetu ttion of Tf.: !..,. Y Imt does tlto 1,U r movement . TO' HH f 1111111 ,M. v.oeKe me AUnir- , man of the Liberal Euioirive (loin- in lee. Hv8 tt h h ud. rem: " tn-n luo L,ut,n Domoerats proponed to ubaudoD their old party oruuizittiou j fT the mike of Ibo public o .o . iLe .!' ' ?;n- c r'; ' ! convention, uiet them wholly on their ground. Il is diHtinctly understood that we and they have triited U form new part Tor political orn-iization " Are yon ready to atom. Ion the Kt- puhlican purty, on 1 join a new politi-; cnl organization, which is to be con i trolled by men who have rpeiit the ' betl.r portions of their lives, in coin 1 milti.nr and in iuH-ifjiuK the emmis !'" of ,dl tho ctiti.bs, w Inch have be. n liern. trU-d in the iuteie-it i f tin. Democratic party ? j As they failed ill their efforts to j den troy the Repul! can party, I sup-: pose they now think that byoraiiiz- i itig a new party, t!iy can ftfcouiplish thr ir lonu-cberiHlii'd hope. I iiHibritaiid that their nomine" I j f,,r Jude tf the Supreme Court, wbh indict, d by J ndfje Settle, who wan j Uien rolicitor in huh j.isirici, lor mur- , deritiL? I.'nion in. ii in tlie cuutv ol ,, r, i Hiimlolnh. Can vmi l. iiersilinleil to v,,lt. (,,r Hlll., A'luMl ? I have not . t.et-11 it stated in a single paj e-, that he I an ever expriss..! reret for ' ; conduct, but up.-n the contrary l. n tH couilnu '.i to eo-opeia'e wii: u I leinecritt c t nr'.v. and tn.s b. eii ,ia- of the bitteiest tit the bitter amone tiieiii. Ifthtii Liberals arehoiar' ''i their t-xiires.-i.nn.f opposition to! H. .Ill boll Deiuoeiitcv. why do tiie I . , . J ,., , - . not Ceiiie out 1 r t.j tli.-m like men, .U i, (M.t WIth K j)Ul.l: Il,t !e nru more than .n:.' Hundred thou ami lb-publicans in the Stnle. and it u es- innate.! luai im re are nnoiu .v.- itlJoi:sand L,lDera.-i, at n ai-t H ill o! 1 which nmubt r eM"ct ofK-.'i for them- ' a.ul ,,,.,. ,,,,.,,,1,,-r of lh.r i faiutlleM. Who are th leaders of ', this new movement ? Johnson, l.euch. ' ('liuu.Mii, Cannadiv, Y.-uiiu' ai.d . Molt. What have they ever tione to : inspire t'otilidi nee, or to contiticc tin- j peiiph. of their iiiterity f purpo-c. i Woriiollt Kuveliile otlieeis. and , t,r,)ku-d.wn 11 mil. on. 1 eui..eiatic 1 otYu'e-Bet k. r.. they have done notion,; tj' til' thcni to the cntHerici o, tho people, and to bo regarded as , . n ha t. rs of a party. Tl.c prmei ul a.lvoca'es of the new movement, and thon w ho pack on .... ... v. i.n uih for the purpose of fort-mo oi'tectionrti.tf. men up m uh, are K'-wnuo olhcials. I ommImv, w. r.m- . , , , , . not preni tnin, hut wc can re bine tl) Vll(0 fir ,U(,r c,ltl,.i..t.t.Hi u,i titer, by ? .cure tho iiouiiniitioii of better men iu the future. Our would be ninsteis will Hee that j.ackiiiK cm- j veiitions and lioniimttinK candid-.tp i ou" thin, and forcing the p'' T'l- to Tote for tli-m 18 another. , " had bet ter Kufn r I. d-f. a'.t linn achieve a victory at the i-acrilice.il: principle. t)-v... '.) .-. ( My friends I have sahl more than ; it;; t, I ititemled to sav when I commenced, -' '" . .' but the Hepubii -an party lH dear to ;,,' ",)','. ';,,s bo dolivcred. ry tni.y, your friend, i Kam.im 1'nirrs. Salisbury Examiner: Two famili n,l,e, ml Brwii Went nevoral veama.ro nnsed thronvrb : NScdueHday luoriuiiR re- rnl" lo "Z:,.? m. rV"S " . , i Brown 3 raile8 from town, met with I , , '. , ... .....,...,... T, t It '" J ...nj. i. n iu. ,n ,ria.v .w"9 " ? ""r. B"N, , IU . 10 jteeu .11 a uiriiri ui ii.vii ini'i a ni a ...l.:..u 1 i.. ... l.ll,. . " to butctm. wo wo airncK at, me cow ma nitui ; ... . to kill her, which, ia rnsliiufir. 1 I'asi . Mr" U-ran ajfainst a rail 01 tne lonre ih such force hs to cause the end i ! 01 11 to sti mo atra. 11. in tne sun-, injuring her so that she died in half j an hour. ! Ile. Robert Paine, senior bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Ctinrch, South, died last Friday at Aberduen, ! Miss., aged 83 years, The colored people in rennsyliAina . .' ...r ... . nrn iu open reoeinon ai;ainst tuo rule of Don Cnmf-ron in that State. Tne total colored vote of 1'-. .ouayWani is i.ln.nt t wentv-three thoiiaaud. un.l it m reasonably certain that ft very )fAyy percentft,'o of it will bo esfct st the cumin.; election in favor of the indeneudent ticket. L, ,.,..( at I a"...i. oi ajii-... An agreeable tirensin" for Iho hni', that, w i l stop its faUuip, hits b.-en long Bought for. l'arke.'s jiir H-ilsam, distmuislied for its purity full v supplies this want. - Ini jii uvpmctit fur Mind mid Hotly. fhere ii more streneth-resfotir.if ;ower in a bottle of I'arker's Clipper Tiiiiio than in a bushel of malt or a gallon of milk. As an sppeti-nr. blood purifier and kidney c -ncctor, . i htve is nothing like if, and ima'i ls eonse.pi. ntly lind it a woo l, iful invioriint for mind and body. -- Cuuimtrtial. Know That r.Kou-x's Iron Hitters will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Wili i:;.-it:.i hearty rrppctite and incrjacd digestion. Cures j;oncral debility, and yives ; r.ew Iea.se if life. Dispcis nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ino mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens t he muscles and nervcs.eniichestlic blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack ofencrgy Keeps off nil chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life tho weakest invalid. j; W ,:irr Sr., r.iliimnrr. Pre iPJi. Fit .it yrnn 1 have lwrn a crcat lulTircr fri'in lixrtsr, liyi- .rpsi.i,rm!Comiipa!ion.iinH..auia v .Vl.ilitatrJ lh.it 1 could notri'laia nnylhiiij; ,tn my M.'Uiwli, in fact, ijc h;ul almost Uxunic a turdrn. iti..l!y, u li' n Itn tAd alru.t left trie, my huSuitJ areii.ff Khows's li.os rno:K.i uOvtrnseJ in tha l...per, i" '.K-r'l n-e e iv. ii a trv.t. 1 ,.m i .. : r. liio l.'.n.l :i'a ar.l L.ixo .-. : t.li u wc in hiM, cr? ;. I Uu at tl.c jircmt time :i:s. 1. I . tlianta. .vx's I:;fiN E;iti::;s will lnve a better t-jaic iffeel i;;)on any r.no vlio neetls " I racing ui," than ar.- i.i J;-.i;io iii-do. I l J , . t rl htii ii-i iii v.t: Eeilical feU. I h lilLltl Ii! Ulu . ... " --u- e v. l.-ti j.pp.i. .1 a .c-,..ii to - i:reetio.,. i . ..timntiiril.-s .oniciti-; i n.- "i" i:i;!i har.i. t.-r i.tt. st i; woi. pi p j A !'!:. -s ii.M.Koll 1 ....::."! .in I M..:c . 1 rt ' . tit 1 i rnrp!' m!f! ci'l !ir:v"1!,l! ? ."iTnRI - .;:u.i::: is -DHY ;;iV-!.S (T.O!U!Ni, J'.r.oTS, SIK'IN, if ATS, AC, AC , , .!'. -itioii ri v-.-.i to buyis ttoii. I.iberal Adv.nnci " ""'r! nine. i. .1. Wiiiiaiiis. of Chutham. i .-ai aad i always j leased ; en'intvni' n. i-: iii. u!i:J. FOVH TTfGUGAND - r - :i ii"i!- In M..ri' 11.. It. II. vlrj4 n I 'i "Hi . r -r w. 1 S.-.l. il. 1 . -. I 1-im; List, r.-r TIi .tinii til ri n.il.-H fr -iu Hi--Tii-- tri-i - I.HVf i ri.-r li-.-u I- mm m ti best. (u S'.:i-.,l Kic t.r-r. In I'li.-ill.fli-i -ii mittm t)i N iTai ot v. f... -. s y.-nr- au't H l.-v. I'-'U'l uu' 1-M ' tIlH .., b. !.rii- THE NATASSi GHASO la the best in ujo. TILY IT ! THY IT ! ! wilt t-iy jr. ... Wilt refer 7. ti ti 1 It !T;irrta ..u j. fks.r.v IIaiinr. H. II. Prub-li ,,rKa w ,. " wi.- imv.. t..,. 11. r,.rfHriM-J.i.-.irH,'roairi,y r.-r rair i.ji. uu. - W. I. I.MON. s..rt. 11, iw, km . j-n MAyxmo. t. . w.oo MAUMlun ft WOSJAGK. riTTsnono, n. c. . rn iiiiii ail. nil. -n Klvn In all t'lislnwa on- triml-- ! I" "ii-lr .-nr. Mr. Mn.liliiif will tio In tlif "ni- " "' ".ir i m.-nih hi.. I th.oiiir.li- vrr-c win iir m thi.-ni-.-ni .hi .im.. IRON FRAME SAW MILL, .-. -t- P 'i.-' Trice, TVitUont Saw, $250. A'" "" joiin ii. nrnriEss, TV-Mii.r -M' !.;:, N. C s.ii-i-.i.i-r ", :a.--it. 0210. S. niSfSKM 6L CO., A(i(IN M M rACTl HEHS. I i"if nly Uih l'st t iiiiiiwl.-il-. w-- m.'ikr '.Ini I . .r ii-iiii-i irriiii- .vi-ii't--:'. w.-lurn- li.- -i nn. I iiirtf.--: W ... W.-r - '.n-l ir Who iii. . I..I v .- I il- I . -1 I .-.il 'if I -II "f ill! Ill lin' .' n - -. i'.i- r .-., t. .trHil. .. .ii.. J. l: M-K. sal. ii. I. o. s.i" inlr tlw. lii-'.-r I" h'I mi- i ts.it.- ..in- V. -...-ii -. . V.i,: ". 1-p: (!. 1 I?iccllancous HERE WE ARE AGAIN ! OUR NEW FALL STOCK Or" HARDWARE, TINWARE ami i.oi'ni: . l itMsii : ; (jutms IS UOUTll LX AMlMN.i AND WOIM'II Dl.'VIXfi!! r i ii CC)TTN' KINii sT- vr. !...; tla- World : THY IT! Ol.'IC (iOODS a i ik lii'.LiAi-dd:: oru run ks .iii: IM'.ASONAJlfiF.: X.. ..,y -.. .-tnl .uti -il;, a I-, l-rUi I- I''' li'l"HI. fc-r.fl (.;t'. I SlNHI.K ANI 1).. I Hl.lt HllKK. II AND Mi..I.K LoAllUUH. AMMl'SITfUN. l'N M t'i'KitlAI.. &('.. &(.'. tc-We carry toe largest stock ot thuin goods to be foiiud iu tha State. Write for liMidsouicb, i.'liietrnttnl catalo::u'. J. C. UKKrYSTKit & TO., Oct. 13. ts-2 :iat. Hoi.i.kman IIi.ii.hin.i, KAl.KIUd. N. C. HABDWABE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Has!., !)ors and Blinds, l.AHC.ivST SiOCK IX .N0H1II CAHi.UNA. irm s j.kwis & co, ! ... :;. l.'AI.K.ioll, 3. .iRASi) OPENING FALL AND WINTIill. GOODS. - .i- ' ovaacoATS, Tsosais dace uits, SINi.I.K )U D'.H Hl.r. nUHASTHD (TT AWAY KL'ITH, tii i: i.atkst hatkhns in paxts. ESats iniil Caps mot Acraovia- r.i. e,,-. am. r. -uu: i.aikst mtvlkm. 11 Let l!-.i. an I :.-.le I- u 1..- a . 1" I, i .-.-ia wliii i'v ry null ! ! M-r -I..-.1- i k, . in. il." i-i-i-o i i i ..'Til : i:n- TOUUW, WY'ATT a TAYLOR, ICAI.l'.K.I I. A. i'i.N-i.s.ni..T-i So; i iii-.n. i;iii:oT l'uiei: ash I'i.-oii-i- i ii h.ns ( i'ahaktkkd. Fertilize Yoiir f M if Yon m it to Fay Yon. !.V.i SAC MS AMMONIATK1) AND u:ll I'HO.Sl'UATES, Tl H.-st i'--'iilier Made for Wheat liiiipnif nt. i-iiu vi-iir ol der- I., IIALi'liGll MARBLE WORKS. mitTwr - f EC3axucx.it.Tgwa I W. DURHAM, FA VKTT KVILI.E St., UALIIKJH, N. ('. iufwa m KftfiBMaT mwm HKADSTOXES, rUDMoil.V KII.I.KD AND -:).-AI.I. I'll WUITK XOII rtll. OliDH! rr:-r"y.-gTTi?g'.. t ty'.g I i::;f.t or- -. .1 1 ..... . ,-, 1 ,.:-.....,:, .. E St Fail. i It. w or Hair J. , -.ii...;cv.j.. ;..-4...ii .-......:.-.. h" "''" . t i W 3 ntr; , L-Ui liu. .Mr.n.iiMkp, Milnturin itn U 1 3m.iny nf llit t . -t ii -u :t.c l.it'ti ju h:ic cifi M ht-.cl ii mitt.rcti i:C v; h t t A ard . :i-vtv? N Ectl V.fMi a. I l:. r.'.i': ft,.e,etr Cvcr tliil. It .iiit 1 ---t--t.- i i, 10, n..i.-.iipi. Mrfi.lwnrta. :.'!!, -- l i'- :;: ; '-. 1 "V.-, Uver, if ) "U .. 1 i . .y I. U I J.sllliil !i--n ot 9 try '. ....', i. . T..- .1 :.v II . : i'-!) B li-ti,v--ii. I-' i .'i . ". : t: o i..r .ip-e. : t" .i"' K...rw'. .... to -. '! ii--.,--. i:'-il' nnil-t tv -r.n v t: i t !t . - -O -..-.-...U." 1 ol . .r ..s : it tltmi'iiWil!. .--.t A .iri- it irr..! 11. . . x . ... ? V. s- - -II Ten. m!t 2 I II.I1K S.tVl .S'i IN Ut IIS-J -ii:li I'l l I.AK S I.'.. B W. 21. I20WARD, v. i axii .ikwim;!;. f.i.-i t it. AT'IO.S ,,.iK- .11 ' 1-. ' I V Ml I IM lis I v. .:t is- K r.. A.'. ;:.-i -lii-lmr "f i. il kii.-i.- -l- i ii -i.-r- t.-.i!.- Im Advoi t;5cment. oni sIock IS COMlTdiTK! oi'i: . x 1 1 is ARE XKW! Ala.l lit. s.-t-ui)y, A.',, mill Kimruutuo uup THE ALL RIGHT Cooking Stove. T)i.. iiti..rlkri"'l. K lo Au. niK fT thin Celebrated St vr-, iuhi.iuk-c l tin' ubll. that uvor IWKNTV-KIVK THorSANl) 'M. An.l ttifti lufeAeh f tlt stitM have tnfn , m III BIIUIilWIIVMl FIUCS S VX2XIY lOW. Tlell'" Cic.ilnguo aiij Lbl ot m ill Ui. if "ii . .u" Mit-ilii IIMIiik .iiir .Miintt'riH. l..i j ..---i:..i i . I:,.. I.I '..I, , Hi., ariinrtl", - n . I, ."-.,. .-r :h -lp Ui.,,-.,. ." iin ieM"tr. i: ..ui- usiliiy t' ni'iiuiHlu tiur niu rt'.li J-..il.fcl.:,-.- t" rl-.:p- tin lllliiailliltl :,. .-: II. .n; "1 I. ;.!! ..null I no'l U,uuilo4 .'f, Wl.-. 1H-, !n !ikh, 1 1 n. .ii-. T-.u n 111 I' -.Ih-tii t Uhi tii-ti.kluU, I .. ti ll it fiur irl.U. ami wr are . -.-.-Hi- -rt.1 ivtltt , l.i c . Iltl I i. --..il -Alii e.- t.j ; (v !..t.-i. Ii- , iii,;;., ...ir.-. Hi.nr. a n ; nnoi in:its, AMI TaII.oH.--., Uil.MlV l!fl! I-IM1. ( ll-l-nsrCK V. S. IV-tTOKFICK and Oat -. Now in Depot Remit for A: 'IAYI.OK. TAULKTS, &C. SA T IsK.urriOS til'AKANTKED. K LIST AKJ IIIRHIN - milll -B-VT-M-kT- JK J 1 IKHi ! i COTTON G1NNERS Ought to INSURE AGAINST PIBB t.Qr.TH CAROLINA UWAI&U W AwUXl WU W W M A A Ull AS ' j j This C-.iiii-in)' liai lii'i n In aitrriwariil ojiaiatina ' f--r f"ur'--''ti y-ni--, un.l Always Pays Its Losaea. It l-i'i'. un.l -. Iv.-ni, nti ! i-iiia Tmptl;ll ll- . iilllili-s. All i liuKnH i.f lii-urnlil iHT.fwr.7 tiiBtirrwt ' nn ri-.ii-.'ii.-il'li- TentiH. y..w Is th tlmr to Inauntt F.r ri:r.i,-r iiririictit -ii afply tn K A. LONDON, Ju.. Acrid. s.-.!.-i,i-.. - 7, I'M :-m PlTTSIMUio, X. C. To Travellers. Tr-iv, n, r- tf.-lrp ... .ni-l fri.m MOM I lIFrnn In P'li.nim.-lnti'-l wl.lt r,-mf.-r.l. l.n-iril ati.l .-la. I. -ic li.. l.i . r. -.1 l.-li. i-..f I'r. Sinl h A...ili-y. .ii .- ,l .i-iiMi.-tti.l l: 1' I I'ITt I1SON. M "ii.-ure, K. C : :.i . .. l a