3. Ojitam Record THURSDAY, OCTOHl'dl (!. 12. LOCAL RECORDS. Constables' ticketsprintod cin.'.r nt Kkcohii ofli.p. raTUejiiPiiil'iT tlmt tho cbvtion will bo hold on Tuesday, the 7th day of November. t;TDo our colored jw.jilo wiili to' be "pit 'i'l of." tviiil foreigners brnuht ; hero in their place;' If i.ot. then don't vote for Dr. laust. ' KSuXeither Faust, Headeii or W'ik r will deuy that tliey will vote for , Dr. Mott, if tl icy firo elected. Do! you wadt Mott in your Scuiitoi 1 StfF. N. Strudwick. estp, mid others will spunk ut lliggsbee's Store, on Saturday, tho 4lh of November Speaking will begin r-t half pat 12 o'clock. Rally up! SSr Shaw & Harris arc closing out their business, preparatory to a rliangn, nnd request that nil who nre indebted to them will conic forward aud nettle iiiiuii'il lately. j C?tW"ucM 'Devcreux's candidate" ; wire.; ho warm in his denunciation of ; tlio lato prohibitory bill, let, it. be remembered that ho turned one of the j petition to the last Legislature tM I caused the passage, of that bill ! 8wT For Halo a tract of land two iiiileH from l'ittsboio'. containing 121 acres, of which ' ro cleared and balance well timbered. Good build ings Tonus easy. Apply to Joseph K. Eubank, or W. L. London SciT Whon a man once ivts liis neighbors into trouble alid kee;s out iiim.ielf, they are. not apt to trust bin: tiaiti. I'or this reason th" penp!" (.'hatham will lnt vote for the re ;:ue candidate, sergeant lleadcli. bit 1: oi tins homo tftiard. BXHo! The Horn:, lay 1V..M Vi ,T. A. H lru.iday having' I ikeii into cojiartneishij) t'. H. Honia.l iy. litely of Tfov. one of the best wood work Ill"ll ill til" Slut , expect -i to WMfJOIIS, billies. Ac. Kop-i-rilV. 1 ! all kinds done neatly, suh.-uiiliai! , and ou short 1101 ic". tKJ. T!ie. el,' -:io:i will so-m be 1. in lllld ljolldoii's New t ioo ts ;rc h 1I( has just received a splendid si of Keadv lilade t'lodiii!;'. W'nul 1 your especial atieiition to liis !o. Overcoats a-i the f'.nest and chea; .lek cad tfs lm has ever hail his st.icl; of M and fiadies" I'liderwciir is very lai If you have rheuni.ii istn iry smne bis .Uediciited i'!n'ilie!. l a:';."' k!' ff Uuots aud Sho. s. n' JW,V"NeV Goods! l;.vmi!:i A H; l o ll are iiovt receiviii' their sto. of I'iH and Winter (? o.s cotisi.itiiVeJ'u Hlock of ;i!i 101 i v. rvi Mil...' :'."i;id 1. ' liri-t class store; tine ii.i. o! l. i-i -. -(Uoaks, Ii.idi.-s' Hals and i'l-ai . ! . aiel they will find Mrs. Ii nne i-a.ly to dri!ss then ui in tht! hit. :-l .'. (5iv" us a call and we Lave 110 d )i:!" you can be suited. pJiu Loudon is now a: ! s ill r rciv" this week a very iaru' en 1 line .:ivk of Ladies' Dress C.10,' ;. nti-Ai 1 ,1..':. la-re, l laids. All w-l i launeis. nt vert low prices. Tiles.- enods itf.v been hoii;rlif v. ry low foi cash ie. intends jivin his customers the ad vantages of the bargains, liis third stork of prints will anive t!ii -.mm-L. Ijaro stock of Cloaks. Shawls. .Vc Call soon if you want to see some t hiny pretty and cheaji. A Covros (Yi'.iosnv . -Mr. Thonnis Kelly, of William : town'. in. iia-i i is ed tl'iis year a cotton boil, ih.it has !! locks ou it. A Tai l SiAi.h.Mr. J. A l'uih im. of Lockvi'.h". has a cotton staik the.! is ! feet and 10 in. hes tall. He u-..; , how is that for hi;;!i ? pjff'U Faust, llendeu and Wide r nre really opposed to the rveir.ic nystoiu, why do thfi revenue ol'lirji.'rH I'lcctionecr bo much for them Tub Fiust 1'host. T'li hV:t fr.'St of the seasoii in this section f !l yes terday morning, aud it whs piite a lie".y one. Fnist was rut her Inter than usual this year. It will bo re membered that last year a very du Htructivo frost fell on thefith of Octo ber. A Pleasant Entertainment. On last Monday niht Mr. Fred. Da'c mid wife, two blind musicians, euvc a nnisicjd entertainment at. this plwe. Their comic sons mado ib. mh .11 boy" fairly howl, and the old folk': landed quite audibly. 6ei)' Let tho colored voters remem ber that Dr. Faust publicly said, "ir THK XIOOKU KM KI.T TOO KTItllNrt GET Kill OF HIM ASfe EMl'I.OT FOUK10N LAUOK." .... ..... Kii.i.kd by A Mule. A colored boy named Forrest Cottin. of lialdwiit township, was throtvn by a iuuIp yes terday and killed. Ho had ridden tho mule from home, and after nw bile tho mulo retiirnnd w ithout him. and hit win afterwards found lying in the road dead. tS As it i.s customary lo call per fioiis by the title they bore in tho iale war wo must honor the ivv nuo cm di late with his title of ie.;;eant, f t was be not coiiiiiii.ss.ny s.-reeaiit. of the home eimrd ? Tm iion! (he gii.nd nnd salute sergeant I leaden ! AsirmiltOi.nCi! via - ( 'in eld friend John Newlin. of llade'V b-wii.-.hip. lins n chair that is ciiiiKidei'abii over a hundred years old, anil stilt ban '!. same bottom in il that was 'ir.-t put in. It Tonnei'ly beloiigul 1.. traton family and wns bidu.'ht here Lt'ore the licvobitioiiiiry war I-' loan vote f;i'.i'!i l'ai::-t. l!eidi n 1 11' Wiilo'l. is :i voli tn place Ike Yi-.m.-r or Ir M' tl in 1 1 Vtiitcd states Si i:. the plac of lialesi.Iii! J! Mi l ri :s We aie pi -ased to a.iii.iaiav tha there will !.- a lena meeting :! t O miii's.SiOl'e. ill N'l VV Ui.pe t VM.I'1J. (ill N'llur.lcv H.e Mil ilaYot ?,"i t iib"r. J'roi!:iii'il speakers from abroad have been 1 1 ; ted to nhlresi !'.:" meet in,-', and '. ;'iod (line i-i o peeled. As li.lt will be lie last tneeliii:' i f the .::Mpai1.n lei's have n :;i-o-d nlly : A'so, m ,lie .-M.i.- day 1Y'1. N. Si :-n-i :el. , nnd oilo rs will ,-pi ;ik al I;!,";!sii'c's Store. . The only w-iy lint y.-u caii ie l ll l. Iilll"! OIHIi'S i.liiiioi lb , i .. ... .1. i. I ii.. i : . i lllline;il (illl llieilioei s i"i ine ifl-ji.T la! :u ii vnii mi ike 1 11..11 ' oi i r. t . i ti ' . i-s.. .... ... . I-h;;;.. l.eaZ;.! Sk' " H tlo;i!r.-,d iu lr history; ?d U.H. ratic ,.artv; and whil, la,,, .. , ,r . , ,..,t nates in that historr are tlie as i.iiicli hs evi r oji mi-hI i; then vote for Woniaek. Marsh ainl:' 1 -" " . . . ,.,. 1 , ,,,,,, 1 i,. t ..,,,,.., 'events ornbtnred in tb- jears 1M.S '. ; principh s of ln.it part;., I c innot lm' I M i 70tl.w to all .f ns a "the I rccoKmr.o that in this !'...!u that party Orr. lirnorK:; Let iku. As there will be only two issues of the IIri'oiiu b::fure the flection vp will omit tho jtiihlicatinn of our Vairopoati letter until after that time, in order to till our columns with nolifical matter. We h oni'-tly believe that, the welfam that, a set of men inieln. nssemliie 111 is liuti voting ! r wns w.iainoiis coun aud ):rosjnty of our St ate end county 1 our! State Capitol not to aid in bni;d ti-Mi ! Can we, because we me lb--. de,uel i:j mi' the continued sue, rem- iii(; 1111 Urn dcHolutioliK of the four publican, stand by i lie umi pel i.iil a- y of tin- deiuo.ia'ie parly in Nmtli iyi ars' wr we had just '(ei ftroii:;h our old Sir.te to l.n tinned ov.-r I" Ciroli:i. ii-; I th'-n fore we d. cm it j but lo opnr.-.-i and hu:uiliatp our Mul'. a fn t V I'or one, I ssy no;! onr du'y to do a!) we can to c.:,i rib j Mifferin' people; and disyraro the shall the. rfiilly vote I' r the one side ue l.i 'the success- of that, party ut ! f.ur uaiue und ciedit of our dear old -of moralits and . I eovevuiaeii!, the iipiaoaehin election. " Slate. Led by enrpet-bujreer ntlcrh i'd 1'ope all honest l!..j.ub'ieati will - detoid of all character from whence j do likewiso, and bury this mongrel Tiik Civ-Niv (,'anvass. As the day ,h,.y MU teeiuiui; with hatre t 'idwiI po deep they wid never scr.itcli of election diaws iieiin r the county,,,, mu ppijl.., they did their wm-k j out." canvais -rows wiriiKir nn.i l'cliiics 1 ,.f,.(.i:iv. So ii.t.olerabb. did th: becomes !i:re t xcit in. We attended the f-pea'dnj; at I'nen s on Tuesday and at Feat rinotoi.'s yestiM' lay. and were jileuscl t,t ive s'.uh o!K rly and sober crowds, and even w -hero the deiM. vr its s.-eia apMied and d. :er- iiii'i.s! !. .!o l!.e:i- iltily. .s:lriidvi.'k j 'iiiiil th-- canvas., y d iv r.i.d w;h r. -'.ani'. in ttte ' If M- !r- ... :,U at 1 ir.i.. -' . I I!- d.dlv :i lh ' I,,...;. !.. on Mr. S...n . with ) !::. eain l .e'e sii!.,i r i ,in i!,;;l"lt ; is in;; oti ti'.i ril.t. th bri-.-ii'i. and vn hear ncii.s l-.M out look is M-.-diet that our iii!ii"iitv will b near i lil'o a-, i' was in 1 ' be the d. i.n H. fi c , :s.:n! . Will iiits .: i::h i.: and vote. Do not think ti.a; your nt v te makes if dill'e: . nn . bet re laei. :!)er t hal om: vote e!--ei,-.i a I'risi dent of the Cnile 1 SinS s I A :i;li-J!!i! d l'rocfi ijiii.:. ''t ia tie- il Kiiii!'-- t'oe l.niii'i- I ' is !- ,l,i,b;!ion t f i-;-, I .1 M i: ', '.h urni in of l!i- il int'olieaii .. i I -.-d li. lie i;.;, w S-mi' i-se it M 1-lCII ill , T i in1-1 ev; lent la In ',' I'i. .M -it la i"i leiti'ij t. . u-i mi; I... .i ... i ........ ... : ... ...11 e.t'.i .i'1'i si a v .i ii ii ij , is , Iv ColltsH .1 olll'ie : ,, d'.oi. ' the- ti. j If'. OI 't iviihiu' mis ind 'ii'il io'i atiioi !llih"l'.is ; i.ll v.-r tic St.iio. L.-t. u ' see 1-,'nat !i' ViTV;.- .i.i'.i!'!'' i i s . p;- ilii.o S. .till' 1 1..' i e oi 1 1 e.i n.e met in Co'. V- t.'i HI Hlld le i! l.t'Lii .1 i'iv and Conn' li.h rmd il.i On tl i- i. j'liieietins Me -ir Count-, i.-.i.t"! a fuM .ieie t. '! iie t 'i.ai.'.l ; ': a s !i;i:!-oL i"-..-:,, o "ii I tie- ti-in i . I'ioi.ti It inlui-Jv eiite, ui i . lit :.i V iIi -Il:'.: of fl li. 1 or the ti c- -i! io : i . i lie- t '. iv? f. cum- '. , i . i a ' W'.iV iv . .ii.'i. aa, tl;e f' l i.-er S-n.'tnr, v l:e n-ci iv.1 every v..: in tl." Contention, a late ral an t a -. .!'i.t ii mail. Th" LibciiN :'t hel l wli-ll ti.'V C.illed 11 Co!;VC!!il!l! !a. S'.luibiy. 'I'!:, i V"ni-e,' pr i as !'!'. I Moil, l I : uii'ii OI. oi iii" iie public ill ft- ate ri'.'-'ltf :i'- C'liia.. !'.', .niM'd in 'ifo'-d a:..' jd..'!.t In I-i a caucus it a cert nl i atii:iur Ut-pilb!iciillK, the re tlllt of hich was kliovi li t lie In XI da . Wln ii the Lib'-ral i?1 C(nventioii nil t M.st dy, they vert. f. and to uuriiber h ss than a d-ir. n. Ttii- men top;ttier with the. H.-ptiMi;:atiR, who had lieen in consultation with Dr. Mott, nhut vl.eini-elves rp in one of tlie Jury rooiim ami ihd what ? Ahrogtted tba d.-lit t ri.te a-'lioit of it lauimy t,.oiiveiiuon: tvi m ini, uio emidi.'a'i a nominated by tlmt cou-1 10 0j,inion ut tho ballot-box. and '. Kidneys or T. awels. ' P.trki i's C.iege. vei.tioti and pieced on the Legislative j wno flt;iH to avert the evils of '. 'p0i,.' Mitliont inb'xi -at ing ha nidi ; ) ticket li en sui'pos.. I to le- p!e Igcai to the mipp.Tt of Molt for tije. I'Liited Sut. b Sei.iite ! Wms evi l- Mich n praaeeiling heard of bi foie? A li ii ii I f ii 1 i f d:s ijipoinled t . 1 ....!.. I .. .... I I. ..I II .-..It Ik lil.nu.' mm O". 4. '! i.i. j v,..'ti . nr t.elil ei'ati'ly assauung lo annul atid j reU'ler void ttie acd ui d a lb p 1 1 1 i -can County Ciiit.u.tioii, find this. too, ut the ilielHli- 11 of the Ciiairman otttio n..jui.!icH ft'.aie i.r.ecuiive Cf.nmittm ! One of the deoeH -l candi.latis had pnbli. lv deciciii-d hiihsi-if in f .vor of (J. 1.1 r d C!l,,Lli,-41l for till' Senate. It was taken for gi.H ited tbitt t!n other! , two would vote fur Col. iKe A'tUlig. ' the r nl lind of Dr. Met for Sena- tori'il hoiiors. Tin s. i-n far as (Jia:i- Iti.h. was C'licertied, Dr. Mott tv. s ' withoutmiy unppnrt. lioiv s-'am's the new ticket pui forwaid by Dr. Mott ? : Tho two principal iiu-ui'i. is of thih iK'iv Mwtt L'vi-!..'iii.. !ri ki t HH- Lifer pern und enemies of ("'.!. oilli" I 1!. ! 1V"ul l, laoh nbl. V.111 f. r lb IU in! III! M'lli ill p.refi ("lice to t !; Col. The nf! if Hem b "l- ",-.11 vote .' t I e tva: ir.b'ri'd lo do w h. . 1 he tin-Is the place of 'he hi gneiti L b. r-il It n! Hon he . 1 uh'if at I Dr M ,tt, C .,i'n ,f of tin lie. id'l fan . lib! can 'i-.tnle r ."(u;m- ( .'ii.aiii!, e. I'.iiieil . piiite.i f a I.'..- diri uiitieg tl" ne' ii 11 of si I,'.-- !' it "iii (' .nii' c ( !ei!V! !i!iaii h'iOV.n p-'litii.-l illlp t:.t.s. Com mil I it's Address. To tiii: Yomn or 22m- is-n.ie-r: Tile C.lM.p liul! b' UiVill Us SlNiTOlIW mi re; HI- ,li h.le!. i.rt in li e field, .ind tin is ire In I e ,i, , led lit l he 1 ip.it h.ii; oil the Til. -f Nov. ml., r. d. ed, my f. !!.'' citi.eus. tiiev.mil d 1 ciK'MY v .... l.uve i..'i-;.l, an I t- me. i fllllv d. f. nteil f o the pis t vi Ive vfi!', Vei eivs the a'ttick in this can. iuij"i, iii-d bn'.dlv cuiif u's us r.neked hy tl e p...ve- ..f ld;'-,i! p- in;ir.'e- witli th pinicit-o iif .'en titmel loviiid tin- leu i r- of mil :id-rsary re lii iinhali'i;,' theii fmces ihln'l.'il "e.t the Si it"-, Willi 1 1 i ; elier- :y and ih-teriuini.ti' n, w hieh s.; !t urly ih-1'i..e.H lie jiiAer I t ei!, in ;!;eeoii- !id of ili;:i.ei,J :-Ulils o liiul.i v. 1 In . , if -tin Mean iaitv oi.ee liao eoniroi 01 , I . ,fl -virv oei'iii'iineiii (ii mh uoveruiiieii - . .. v V. .. . I..T Not-Ill I iiriiillill 11. II11H II ,1' IIITl'll i Urn .,f rmtieal mlt.." Ttu-re Were thirty thonsiiud of thob. Bt men in the Sintti not allowed to vote at that , , time, wlulo thrt bid'.ot was placed in tho hands of tin ir former slaves, in order, under tho Fcnihhuice of law, republican party becoiue to our peo ple, they roso in t!i ir miht iu lTo, iilld tit an election held for Member of the ( bMiCiiil Assembly two third-, of both houses were chosen from ti e democratic pirly. From tie 11 till iow Ihe democrats hive hn t c.Mitio! of tl,( it -jjid it.ve it( piit '.iaelit ( f the Srato our l:r:e. Inv.- been 1, vn. I 1:1 I di li!;. ''l un h-r th -ir -lii-' ctioii, ...nd Wliati". t r of character we !:i:! have lis h pei'pie, or ns 11 State wc owe it to the democrat!" p.irtv. tM: e. r. d a:: 1 iii-. c: d 1 y ;.eii eh .ra. N-r-i.e.l f ir tin :r r.' it mualanl i:'!' l '.eclli'.l (Mil I.ol.!-- old !',".! i.il.'.ve.'.lth I as ris":i 1'in--' ::. like I'i.mu the ! ra lation in-"i:i 1 nooe li.r wh.ie li id. r rep'l'i.iica;! n.!". nnd , to-day, ti..- pi ide of ...liber :!! I .';ti.'..Mis; and no :.e can deny that . tlie piu.v v;d pvo-p-..r.t.v that now ea,.!!M tl.r.i!l-ieMit the S'hV. i i 'i'f ..I.M.llls !...ii.r. ,m' lire ..ral.d o'.d ,1 .mucfH'.io jeirtv. Oa: c'niib -t: have ; 1,.,, 1... red', sell-e'-tnnis.-y li i 1 j..-.,.,, ,nlt ;, eveiv i'ltadt t. and ta. j, lVt. been levied, coih-elt tl Slid t X i nib .i in their educutioi:. t he r. sull ..f whi. h narars for tl e stand ird of m -rnl urn' i;'i"hectua!eiiltMte lnthnrio ii!i:;i.ov::i in tier lusiory. Ii-iny liu if rail.var at! l-ifsif rapidly pi. shed to co:i,;:'e-.ii)ii that W ill d: Vehij) untold wiadli to the State. Tl.e reat vuri'M) an l v iiue of our miia-rn! weul'.h has been brought, to the kliowlc b't! ill the oaiside Wtnll. ('olifi.bMi.'.-h is been ;.sliirel alien. i, i.lir p". 'I'.e ', 'i n '. :o i: I.. l,.i.,- la eti iteiit .1 t ;. e 1. ti 0:1 v.s an 1 l.t-lji ui bcild tip . u: .vast" pl-e't and the evi leta'cs every- t.tt ta lie a 1 inspt 4 ,.,l ,,l l, .,. ,ile. Our . . '' 1 , i a. fi'o a ii interest, our miiiiut nt nr ni; 1 ii ti rest, inir lulli ng in'oif'-t, our c 'luiii'-rcial iutef i;, and, u. I let . tne v-iln.' in" : i! our pr.iMi-nt v -I. p. n.is 'nun .is I ii :,. nun a --la 'in- : i'a.; ,v. "i.n.. .'.. C.n tie ;. .; of i S -l'-.' then, as a phi .1. '; . 1 of 'ai-im.'.sh, a!':' r I to place the at! hjh of Soite in the hands of a party ..I'lisiosi'il if oti'i linnor-il it it 1 ti v tlenisiiiid il'.iteruO- in ''ui voters ,1 v five hoiiMin.l white mi ti- the a a l.-r's line -i ivho ii ha no odi.-l ol jc-t or .ie.-lr. i than tociitich t hem ...I...., ... Il v,...... ,.f III,. I , iiiv. i f the S-ule? " ' LiMpl - r' In apt to fail t.i atipre- ciate the source 11" !! W.'u liei! c "in' s iheir prosperity and loippiin i s ! i ei fail t.i j.dt- cre'ti! to thn i-tni:-; mui of the law, under ijood jl'-'V-rnnc; t. f .r th. pi'ii'ce'i ui and ui-i yiveh them ind their Livi d ones, i a their eii-rv ih:V i-a'ili e; slid liit'liy of th: in seeiii o be imi.jhji ei.t iib to ti.o re: 'ooa.ii il, t v resting upon th(ti.,'is v. '.ers, iu upholding thi? party that cotiters upon them t'.ese. hl-sHings-. 1 wini'il espis'ially appeal ttien, to nich of nit coioitymeii us think that it ui'iLes no difference, t.) theiu which party is in power, t ) curcfully ami itnp'ivtu.liy reflect ami conniih T theiv duty. The will of tb jieopln in tho gove-iiing . p0wtr in thi country. Fvery man j nyt,r tiv.-nty-one ypiirs of Rge, and not , ,,,11,,1,1,. from clime, tias tu right i i,a.t Lniveriimelit call exi nsn hiuiself jf hn fails to vo. It is not only a i privilege theu, hut a duty that every ! (llll owes to l.L f.tmily and to ' e i n 1 1 1 1 rv to vote, for puoh niensiirei. , , ..,11 . . 1. .. , lin,j j,u,.n 1,11,11 HH Will Willi 111 Iilll'lie their hannini'ss and iiropni rii y. Tin cotuinc leuislatnro in of great peliti- , . 7 " ,' . Cl llllporiiiUCM in our peo i!t. n L tilted Str.tes heiiator is to he elected J ,lt, state rn-.bstneted int., inue r,,n,.reM.ii). id districts. Am wo ore - ! ,mr,rd to see Dr. Mott, the king " I ( hn ivt ("ine Hi ials in t his State, nc - L,,,,.;,,,, It,., u..ul ,,f tin. ih pi I. ks It 111. H, m,,.,hsi) hn' and faithfullv (ffi iirtcd I he hen r of our Slate iii i,.. v;r,,t,. of the nut ion ? Are we j j,,,.., ,r,j l,UVt. onr Cungr'-'-sion-d , d,.,.,ictH u , la)d oir that, 11 miij' lily of i ,,,. mj,!, s :ititi'ii) in Cimgri's may j iM. lev.aiun oUicers Ti.i..k nf it, my j fri,..ln, and bei-lii' otjrfie;ien for y ur j t.y,i:it:- 's goo 1. It. J.VI S l;0" I ! ' , Cli'in'ii Dei.,. Lv. Com. 22, 1 I Di- fti. ll i .'O.insiii ;- to si , " : lVn.'t. H' adeii i.:.d : l.'-r . j 1 11 ::.' nnd 1 ui 11. 11 l.e!i t In y a'. i if tl.ev 1i!!i vole Uf I'i' ! "'! I.., I 1. bed Srat.-s N, t,al-v ll- nfai 1 I 1 a .Wei "k, 1 aau-i l nbai I I 1 u-iVViT 1. -oi le won't ot ' ii'-oi-le won t i.it" i'or ih.'iu : and th "no. ::d a-: Di Moll 1. 'th. A J'('iiilili';iu's Advice. "f.'r(st" D.ivn .leiil.'ms. us ! i cdhd, 1 1 'ciii sc us the repubii"ii: 'S':ite 1 M"is, irer f ir ee;hl veals he a'olic el 'Ml IPC III 'II emeiMi.s (-1 Mini I. iv ns not accused of st a'i :.; Las , writ li-li anodicr letter on the pi lilici l ,hi...,!..ii. ii which be s Ki.iin - i cans to ot do-vii tiu V n.'.ilioli 'in Vi h.elil. He says: ' I'. U le i lute IIOW I. 1 tie) J llbii- o uk to put. a II-.-pii'.'li -a iicKLt ill , It:.- liei i, a:i I li.u ouh lol line ilepul'ii :iili.s to iio is to lake M,ii -i. On li" hid ii : I i I 'i 1 1 1.' iv..:.' el. ;n a's ef l i.tii 'i' i'. .. h-I b I'. Vi i.iic i ! -.. w I. ., I Y bti'.'el S. nrp i ri'lo.iviM ii. 'i ( co.!. ; .iii.eeoni n . i..ll., , (,,...! voir n i:ie i..,i ,.- i.. .. i. ., , 11- I 1 i brukeil-d'OV!. )i.ijueriU iv .i . ..:.. ....... tl ih-umi,:h ih.i (II UK- tllliei rini-i in f.:i,t,,.i 11 I r nresetits the inci a. li.ll.letn of tl ! country, ami that paity is not seek- : nn; posmchhkih bv di-Kiuoini; the Slate. 1 ,i-7 ' , , I f. i. , i ,.nl.. 1 N hen wc are left to cln.00 lieUeen ivninci ats, at wo ate, can wo as ' '"od citi( mis hesitate Not tovot- State Mcvjs. f!old'!boro M- s-' itthi-; A yn t j; c i!ore-l tjirl, ,1 Mie'iti r d o r,. W'r. 1-t r i'i S-in's'.Mi townslijo, v.ns bitten iii ihe !i !; a ..1,. :!.( of t! div b. we. !; i.-Ollolls I)' ,e WiiS kill. ; I', III ,.VI . ill, ,h.M-i 1 ..n, r ! ; i-l'a.. l ! i. slai'i !.: he !': . ' f:" r is'ej).- ! ' ai i''i.''-- 1 ' ' "t . -di" s'i'r: 1 t:' ! ''feat H JM'!ip fro! a oinj i ltl. I bu. T.'.t -!.. f. ' :.le", liu: ro ,t. Ti hi 'ui ! s. e it was a r. li-ni.siLf lib ait her s,ii - r bi i I n;t ami I' 1 1 ' r 1 1 : -kin. .linos in II. e t 11 il ill 111. rat v:i a'. : l.fl. h.-. s. ! hit t a vi r. V.. i I r-iti.lv, v Mr (1. V . ' nitty. bs "crv.t.il. ther way than that ti : ii'l,' her nu.se v. h- n ..h. F..vi t'evii:.- F.veii:.. Hi a, el e:;r '. 11 1- l;!!e .:.!!:p!i of wa''-rn e b- :is na ci.-t i' .e:.!. ll -hbs, cf S'lf.ps a; ;! ivor is i.'o i.l : it i i .!" .n i has ', of lb.- ' .' an i : D ti.-t ; of Ih" ( hnr.-l A Fair Or a I hav ! Kin i .;. i, is; .c oift-ty A;; i ie: f:a' ,1:,!. ! la'.n e ti. Id ill tic C I CO Oil I llr '1 i f Nov-m h.-r ;.r Is ia (' is lO.'l J!'. 1 t . h'O.e 'I. I. i cu- fa tS c. i 1. :r.' ' i'i .1 . il..i.;:i ted. :v-ir i'i); i i e : if W.id.bor.. wis '..!'. .! mail in I'm ca'.iity w hn a -in at l'il itii! at '.'no Il U-e t a- sick. On Doel. l L is iio. : !', ill ill's ii in Iii. MOtfl I Il- 1 1 j ; i ? 1 1 hi.s .! 1. ".h.eii le't MV .ho.'. ! I, e! heel. I! piStil'lif'. . tia.iiirn n ,( le". lil. I 'll no! i x .ppala d .1.1, p i.-i .1 lo, as a-, "j-" tint ammeter to ! , r'"Cip-r:i!ie lie pi K : '" !!l " ai.o t !:!.' I'telid t-.) Ml'.l -t. 11,''. :'J le wla n III i: Th" ;)'. II I ' hew ' l her up-, hl'l i i-i'.' 1 1." lii.v lle-t nieiei nl.lrtV'ltid between ll ;i i. ui. iv, and the doe o ( i id fi arii.g i.i in, eoi. i; :Vo:ii tl' : i-.'itig a. i i j t.'iii a-'lv !'.!;. t in tiin wr:! I'.r-'l. ' harm d.-ia, bvltt'.! '.'I V-!. l-f ;r!l1;;.i an l Djn't Waste .lloiicy. On tni ihy etr:iclr: ivhrn ,v..u can buy a lasting p. rf :ilne so delightful fr:i , -i iii 1 1 Hit .1 tefresiiiia,' :u Florealon . C-oJuiJlKi. A llcnofii'Pitl Act 'on. Tim niispntb.i l.uiku and fedinj' I f thosH coiifiii.-d t desk.i or work, ; n,., ro cama-d by weak Slomae i l,,.,.r,,.,.i,t n -lion tlna e ori'imji and i , (.,.:..Se tin. poi-i" noiw' n,ntti from , ti1(. (,.,;, .tlmt ro-v -'.p ks und g.axl : tt-slt!i urn t;.:n l-i-if-:o. back :H;:tio. i i. ,nrM i 1 l(.Ht i'vrr ilia It l',i,. r.r-. I mi- i-i.-hkmh n mk", au.n- -i-. nn unpini;: : i.s .-.nTK n I-.. ..f Iif. .ii::--;' - ev mm!. Sna.lin I rur.. i!n 114 Nara.iu iitr.fl. New V..rU. Al Knui,rt:;Iuntl ,H it;vet,te.l , i..: 1....1 11 ,,..1 1...1.1 n... ..;.,... , font wlioii In- i tlrt.vi. ! ; u 1 m w I...- .no.'.- .-.,r-l 1 - 1 r 1 -.. " '11. ! ir.l iie.- .'. . .'ll. I I ! ....111. 111.' ' 1 It..:. i!i' - '! .1.-1 -ii ..-! 11 i-.. l.-l Ii;. i: . 1 !' . : . ,1 .; 1. 1 T7lZi IsSAaKETS. l : r Tin: i:ivii l.y V'ATT .V TAVLMK, .( !;l,is. I ;. ( i.!M iHN MKUell XSTH. 1 me:.' .V"l V... r. Miirllfi S:., !. M.I I'.M. N. I, ll -i. U 1HI--J. . 1 N M.UiT.KT: ."i in v ... e i v;i a .!.:. i:i:v ' i:ket. I C .m:, -IJ3 I Irl-h, r liiml.' l '. I. , I Swr.-l, I.-, i; i iv.i.. !m ,... I-.-.i.-lin,, i". I l' t.-M Apl lw., Siiunr -1 V-l;. w . O; tiiui.ilcM, , 1"ik'. H.-.-r. -.- '.'.'.11 C! I' 11. -t,-. 4tr-.w tt.t r 1 ... x 1 ' "II. r I11111.1, NtM, AdTcrliscineiitH. Br. H. 0. JACXSON Ilnvtci? l rv..-l In l'lTTMIiOIto od.re UU Mftl.'m on. 11-Ki, if. I M I N fsTIiATOH'S NOTICE. ! . ' 1; e :r t 11 .-m I.-ii.Ti. "f Almlolmriitlmi I 11 in V. iliiivin s. Knrrpll, m.-uhhciI, nu-.' . .- ... 1-1 ;.. .i:L..r .f hi mi.i'. li. j -c- e. .-i.i:-o v in. m my fncr In lli.- ! 1 ..10 ! : ri- U,.. i.-.h tlny lit O.M..I..T. IMsl, ir i lil- !. .!'- w :1 !s- t-.-'iitl In l.nrol r.T....ry, 1 J. A. WO MACK, l'u. A lai'r (l.-l. Hill, lsJ 4ws. M f N IS TliA TOM'S NOTICE. mUf.n "in I.ii'Tn t.f Ailiulnti.tmil.in I... t.;:n.-..f J. Ailim llnillH, ilnrriiseil, u.iitc ..(i.. ivt-!i t'.Ui. t-rHMIii.ri if lilt h!hih 10 .-ii: ,1 i e 1-lttiiiin i.r j.rly niuiinnilciut'il ai PI ' in I'lUr.!...!-..' ..it nr tr..rr thn 1. it) MityJf I -it, lw, r il.ln ii'ilio; will In- pli'nd In liar of in.-. J. A. WoVJAi K. . il l:, iss-J. w. Puii. Aitm'r. I'M I. F NORTH CAROLINA. r n:- .: i rutoi: em irr. i , i ! :.-. .'. i'M!iilst,-H,."r. ntul Mini'-y I.'.ii.;, I : t.iit . n.1 .. . r V. I limn A. l.iiir. j ll'Clls I . i. . j I '.rrn- !,!.:-, -ii. I wit-' l'.s. il...;!i, j . -1 tiiM i, i '.i '. 'i iii. nn ft '- ; i :.l !! t; m-1-i.i.-.i by pluln I. ..!-?-.-ii' i.-ii .-.i'.i. 1.1 r,;.nii-ii-.s liti j.ii -.-i. -: ;.. mil. n iii-iH-nrliiit Unit 'i i w-'.j .1 i-i t'l'ni" t-.- li und ivi:i i'..r. ie-, a - I l.-V- r Hi" S'.nle mill Intve in - -.ii .-!! s.iili: ;.. l,i. oM, itn i I sr i.: nn .til-. ..I Hi i.rt'.l,.'en 'tii'y. In 1 1 iiuiri tira.r Uw I r. a. nun- -." In- ' ..,.( .oil I -M j.. i: ' iVMlC!., o. ii. .:. IN' iTHSFANCK iii ! ill-, .f I'li.T V-ifli ii :l ii i'-;i..fi w i'V.Y" ' I. .! if N ir-it r, id iii. I ".un'y "t ('ti.iil.jiin, . 1, . l. Iitirn -!t ai.'l :! f. TKK -'Hjf-ljft'.f -.ihh, w r,.;Ii iiiw-r V si::iwi i'.Uifnlfflo!tpr. I'.Y AUTHORITY 1 . a-: 1 will, i.n ltosil IY Hit i.i r.- :ii-x;, tifll a! Ui -tiiri li--ui..- -i... I'm I ..r il.r t-siiiif ..r 1. -I. i I. In I'.itl lIn'.-t l..m-e-.ili. uilj'.lnllii; A. .1. Ml!!.U, IHUIC N. V.ll.l. 1.1 1' I I I. i-l . ,it.li, l.alnii' mi a "T.. Ill "t I: ,ll!lTI"''. IP-Ill lIlllB. Il 'll'l mill r .. t- .llVl '.:.,! llll.. tllP'. ! t. ' ..!! :nv.orH. 1. A. woMACK. ' 1.H. O.lilllilsnl.inttr. -.f.::s - fN ORI.M'.R T('l .i u... i..v k w -in" m.T.".i!. i win . s. i i ..i.s.,i.,,..n ,i ... ....... Inn :- ..I Tilil'T -J '. 1 1 -!' I . u:.'l Il!lllli!l!f III"-'!! I i-t .....r.i'cr:y"l M. t. V.-.'n. II! '.! M .iiic.-iln l. iiMitt. "I IV. 1'.' imr tia.l til.t-i t. is.it- 1 . ... in. ! li-v.v.). li i..- ;l..-i'f' I ,S M . I. till !" .-'.siLii. n'l'l..'..l I: i:-s. Hll'l'.'.'.li.r-.. .-..' '.' Ill- 'I .nn-.' :' .tr- y ie i ! .'UnT", !' lenli'lim I m ir.'t'riy -t ftfer-1 1 1..I '.a ii.wn nf l'lttsiior" . , :. I l.iliiili . l Ii, nr.'l Irvlfl .. U C -.Villi. J. W. TAVI.oi., in Mi.Tlff. 1 f I0BSISS, lie and lhtvic .St.., 'oVili f l'i'.vett h.m.kiu!: n - a it;- .-e. I '1 r...-i.'H.ii!!.-.-ia ! 1 iirl'.r . r .-. is, in.lt Sau.df. I'.'iiln' 'i'.iI I"". .,'!..-, l.lY..i'."S, W till 11 1 lli.'lsll-i.lh. :, Mi.'.ri-.-H, V,ar'li-..l. V1. Al! .'. -lis.-, a K'ri'al many "-.!ir aril-F.-s. C!i..lrs, Hiua-iilh' Clmlm, l u'i'iil i TiiIiIm.. Tin Safin. Ill fnl. ov.-ry nt. al .rl'6 lo Halt lb llmre. It - l..-:v. 1.. i t1lt!!jl .V'.'.l ui. l:. r iim. f' 1 J.il.x-WN I. ft THIIK. I). T. JOHNSON & CO, WII0LE3A1.E GROCERS, 'OMMISS!.)S MKIK'HANTB, i COTTON SELLERS. i ... i n ...-.A a'r...k txt ll.wiv-v flrnMirlOH. 1 iiuiitiNo. ait i'iitiit. au- TA '"'i l'"N HIS, in-.t IjC iili nn niaran. ; . t .fl !.!.:.-'...'... !tlT.lll.i:i iar,i. 'inii. i.i 'Mir. r. MAIS. illllN. Kl.iU K, :.ll hai l isilinilj iH.-iiu..-. ' - ... . .... II. T JOHNSON k 0.).. '2. ltal.-lell. N C, "William Simpson, j W HULLS ALE anu HETAIL if.M.r.i'itt. . v.. DRUGS. MEDICINES, IBYkO PEHFUMERY, TOILET ARTICL.ES, SCHCICAL INSTlii'MLNTH, Sliotldor Uracos, &.c, V.c. 1 . .,.',:-.,' i-iilisi 1 ! !' Ui" iil'l'l! -.ill si -.1 '1!: .sKS .', -n- , I .I 'l.ll- 11. II .t-l-!ll V ( Gixriltnt EeedP, .. -i ...: 1 m-i. l nl.'.- ' A' ' UUT L ll KAL CiU'.M ICALS t, IKll. Il.la. New Ativei id m men's. hunts' FarnisIiinsE GonJs, 4c, ; J. M. l!()S(Mii)illlMI, ! UAI-KI'llI. X. C. Al.I, AN'1 WINTKi: S''( m CLOT2SSrJC AM) Gents' rurnishing CJoods, wlil -li ta Cm I .". -!"" ts U ati-nmx' Iii H e smlr. mil nil I- I t C'llKAl'. All i.tcni mil ri-s lv. I'UOMIT ATTKNT'mS and SATISFACTION Gl'AIlANTl'd'd . ln-t. l'J. 1-J " are YOU READY ! TO SEE HEW GOODS? VK AKK UF.AHV TdSIIU.V NOVI.I. TIK.H I.N KVK.t il.l'Al; iM!;M I maiiiliceiit nssor t mi lit i.f 'i"W ri d Dedirable 1". hrii a , both in .'"r. ie:: and doliK Htie nialililac! ill'e. f .r FALL AN1 WINii i; vi'i'.AU i.!;aMi i-:.:illi: fHs DRSSS CC0 23, d.i.'.M' i-".iiii'i r:'N li iiiA N I ! . lit .N to i : lY.l'A te'tl!ls ;:,an: kxihui i i'i. iv -m:n !!orsi"!i t:.!' i:."i:.. im:an: r i i . ? -: i . . : iliA.NP KXhiiil i h 'N i.l I i. , t i: !-:- n:i.MM!.-.s ikanp ::x::ii'.i riii m-' ' tains !:r!- ! , s : i I Vn ilistiecti(ill is ripeclfli: v .- i " . :, ' W. H. & F. S. TUCK':';. oi-i. ia, i i n ri sl - - -' A few reasons ti'! 1- ', ; a, LOHDOFS CHSAP STODE. lt. Lom,.:i ht cp- tin- !.ii'. .-: .on! Ili-vt M-l( eli-,1 -tlil-k ill ill eo'l'ltl 2nd. la lid a' I- v ' V' '. ls.;i' '. ; '': cm want. !V"in ;i I 're-.- : Utile ol' ( ::.-!. .r hi. drd. London k.'i i vi -y :1 i:;.. a larni! r n.-. i!: IV. m. : !'l r-- i ii . Mael-.ine i.. a P'.nv 'i. -1 tit - l...n.l"ii !.-;' -le '..'- -:ih and all tin kit--: n. '.a otli. London nllir- j- i: i i -l.i'i--- itU-nts to e;i:di er!oui. r- and tal. - all 1- imls of Rarii r in ' lain- tor ( iisiils. Cth. Jjoiidoii i-rivcivmg tie.v gi.id- TVlTV ATlVk. tth. liondon is Ag-nt I'.i' l)oii:...t:e Sewing .Vai h'iie. the lightest nin- ning and Ust Mai biiit1 made. Sth. London keeps the hi si, largest anil ehcajs-t irt.H-k ot C!othnig!i' county. i'.lth. I l"!l keep' ; . .. llll'llt ('I I' '"Is i !M "l - A.. j . (..j,,.,- ,.'. I '. '1. bl':l!. d ' 10th. Ltillil.il, keejis IlaV.t 'ap-. I ii v tiiliirc, 1 lai'ilwat'e. Co..k St - Medii in. s. Paint.-. i'w. ! i stuffs, mid :ni ibitv.C ( be 1 0:1 i i -! Hth. ll i U.'tl-Oli'l'l'- '.Osh ,', "! ',; nt Loudon's. ( '.."! ii'nl t' t.tlf el a . . LJlh. Loii.b.n ...ii-l.nn'.:..' friend- and u-l'"- "' crops tin h " ( 'all and .-ci i'ii" v I'- .i t "U -n lo loll II. Br. vv xu. Li X I'S 'Oil, IT, V L.-irnest Stork ikuii'iir and Ti(js . t. ., v. r I fti'M .v ( ') . t ! ':'!!!;. N. ; ! 1 " . .1. ! liH'" I I I '. M 111 j Si !.l."i M IN'. ( OCN I ll .s! j'ii n ! i.i-vi : i- tvi:: si.-i- r .a ive onr lin j.'! a:.d v, li m 1, , (.-.! I'Hll'htock of j II A HI) WARE, I of ( vi ry description, Wapa aiiil Ml Gools, PAINTS all ku.ds.1 mmm mi d'i'.v IMI'I.I.MKXT.S IM. iii'ii rind nnnrs Uth a l?l' R'"'9I irbitiri t.iM ii.aitui liiiii AC. .d we :.-k oi your put !':tntic f-mio- lial'oett Sis., V 1 n !.!.. Od'J'. i.iuzuun ,' i !?SC0, - ivi ., OITIZE.NS NATIONAL l t i.II. . . LATTA & MY ATT, IlALUIfJil, VI. C, (kiiiii;;! CG'iiSi'ffii! Merchants. Sp. .::il '.i--.; pjiid Cnvipitiwiils t' '- !!.. ii. (irain, c ind 1 . idem. '. . ! i-i'lnilH ! - I-I i' v wii.tr, l .IM.I ttoii Gin, fii'iinHiW'r 1, ". a -i!.i i'i . rd;t ;'A .n 1 UN 11 an i ot her.