3 (Iiailjam ccoiJ. r a. '.V 3ii 3 or ADV K flTIHINft. tmc triuriMf. ope :im-i I I'm, One ssnare, two Insei tiutia, jLdMjiiare.eiift month, fl.M LM IN TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: flne enrr. en Tnf t " Olienpy ,l innntlia One cupjr, thro nuntli - (3.00 : L(i Kit larger aiivrrtlaemruta ilherul rontracta will -i VOL. V. PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, NOVEMBER 2, 1882. NO. 8. ijhq djlhalham Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., j FDITOB ANI rBOPBIETOR. j Idcai. ol an tuirlMi Itadcsl. Wo plough aud how, we're xn very, very low, That w delve in tint dirty oly, Till we bloen the plain with Iho golden grain, And Iho vain with the franrant hay; Our place we, l'.ioiv w e're so very, very Ion 'Tia down at hu landlord's leet; We're not too low the crain to grow-, But too low the broad lo tat. Down, down wo go, wo'ro an very, very l..w, " To tbo hell of llio deep aiiuk mines; But we gather the proudest gems that (slow, When tlio hrnw of a despot shinci-; And whene'er be lacks, up. u our backs Freeh loads lie ih aipm to lay; We're far loo low to veto the lax, But not too low to pay. We're low, wo'ro low luoio ral.hlo we know But at onr plantlr power, The world at tbo Iordlinjjs' Irel will Kluvv Into palaco and church and tower; Then prostrate Tall in the rich man'it hull And cringe at the rich man's doer; Wo'ro not to low to build the vaU, But loo low to tread the floor. We're low, we're low. -we're very, vi rv lc w - Yet from onr lingere glido The eillicn flow ami tho robes that tlotv Ilofind tlivliinlH ol the sonant pride; Arid what wo ge, and what we giv.', Wo know, and wo know onr htre. We're not too l..w the cloth to weave, Bnt tou low Iho cloth to wear. We're low, we're low.-wi're v ry, very low - And y( t when Irninpi t iin.', The thrust r.f the poor man'it arm will un Throii:h the heart of iho proiid. t Kn; We're low, we're low, onr place wo kii"w, We're only the rank ami tile; We'w not too uw to kill the loo, But to- low t touch Hie Hpoil. MIS' BUMPUS AND THE SUN FLOWERS. My ric lif, Wnlto- iLiiht, n youiii student, who was really in need of recu perating n;r, and n bun' ion from ncvero mental labor, with myself, Helena Warbnrton, it plain, quiet spinster of thirty-five, wcim most tUlilttfully eitaatetl in a pliin fam honfe Ji.st where this old, quaint and brown homo stead stood I sbull not It 1, bo, k ml reader, locate it tat, wont, north or south, j tstas your fiiney leads jou. O.ir hostess, a lull, sj aro womun full of neivous forco Bin! vim, gavo us the boat ( f clean and well ventilated aptu la ments. T hr. o times daily wo luxuriated in homely country dainties, aud fcastnl onr eyes on old-fathioucd lilno china, yellow mugs, and bright, rose wreatliod dolf "enpa and sassers,"as Mis' Bunipus called them. October found ns yet in ourcoiuforta blo quarters, with little rxouKti for tarrying; the bright ryes, the red aud brown in Walter's chook, and springing step, would not pormit that young gen tleman to claim the poking and privileges that belong to invalidism, bnt we were loth to leave. ,. Oar lancMady, Mis' Polly Bunipns, "relict of Elnathan Bumpus," was a "lono widder, with no want ol a manter," as she exprereed it. Her gnde man had slept the sleep tha', knows no waking for many years, and his "roliet" lived out her intention of "arising at sun up, acd retiring n triflj after RD.nt.et, her own mislns-. ' To hear Mih' Folly boast of her freedom and independence, one would imagine the lute Elnathan had been a domestic tyrant; bnt after a short si jonrn wHi her I began to thiuk Mis' Bunirus was, and had ev?r been, the ruling spirit. She worea bright yellow cotton drons, of home manufacture; hor hair, almost matching in color, was twisted tightly npon the summit of her head. A cop peras bued snnbonnet, made stiff with pasteboard slats, shaded the thin, rark face and snappy black eye?, from morn until nigbt, as Mis' Bumpus eeluom removed her "sun-bonnet," even when she sat at the table with us. We were very quiet, almost oppres sively so, as few visitors came to the farmhouse, bnt i had, to wait upon Walter and myself, a bright, intelligent colored girl of fourteen, who came cer tain days in the week. Clorinda told me muoh of a fashionable yonng lady that had spent the summer near ns. "Oh, Miss Helena, she is jess lovely I All kiveied with satins and jewe's that shine.' Olo always wsxed eloquent when she told me of Miss LoKsing's beauty, wealth and style. On the afternoon of a perfect day the air was soft and warm, bnt not enervating Walter took his batch of papers and letters, jast received from home, oat to his favorite tree, while I seated myself comfortably in a great old-fashioned arm-clair that surely must have been the property of some ancient relative of Mia Polly, as this bundle of energy oould never have bad any nse for such an encouragement of laziness. I had only to raise my eyes from " One Summer," and seo through the east window a scene of peace, rest and beauty. Trees clothed in crimson, yellow and brown, lovely little rivnlets. and a small cascade dignified by the name of "O.'en Falls" a minute Niag ara. The soft tinkle of sheep and oaw bells, a little way off, were musical. oloaed my eys, and recalled all the poetry and prose 1 had ever read upon bells. A line of an old song rang through my head : " Beautiful bella, oh, heaiiliful bell! Loud o'er tho vale, ami eoft o'er tho eea, Oh. could I but hear you oneo morel" Through the west window a different and buxy tcone presented itself. The little oity of Edgewood, with its bustle, was not far off. Glorinda came in with a bunch of white, yellow and pink chrysan themums. " Want 'em for your hair, Miss Helena? They would look fine, I think." Tbo faithful cieatnre looked dis appointed when I bade her arrange tln-ra iu a obinn saucer, and place them near by. " Oh, Miss Helena, you'se so plain I Now Rhoda's young lady does keer for looking nico. llhoda is proud to wait npou her." Just then MiHs Lossiug's stylish phaeton and handisome pony stopped l ofore Mis' Burapus' front gate. It was with Nomn uneasiness I looked at my drees a plain, dark wrapper. Glorinda summoned mo downstairs, whrre Mins LoNHing waited iu grand toilette, if Clo's Mulenient was to be credited. "Come, Aunt Helena, yonr visitor awaiU." Aud my nephew entered m.v room, and offered rn his arm with a great fl mrihh of polite attention. " Miss Kathleen has the fttthutio and literary craze iu the most violent form. Yon will be quite ovorpownied." I wan not overpowered, but found iu Mtss Kathleen a very elenuiitly-dresaotl lady of any br" In-twcn thirty and f-irty. ITer blonde hair 'vas banged and frizzed to an alarming degree. It reminded ma of ye olden time, when fair Indies rat up o' nirfhts to prtect their elaborate coiffures. Geld eye glasses were perched upon the Roman novo, the richest of velvets and satins diapol iho stately form, diamonds Ibi-linl from the throat, ears and hands, and tho wearer know well bow to display their beauty. My visitor proved to bo very hard to entertain, iu spito of her outward elegance IndocJ, it was dillicult to tin'l a congunial topic; tho woathor and surroundings were soon exhausted. Mis Kathloen was inconsolable in this dull plauo. The fashionaulo open ings were necessary to her well-being ; it wai happiness to feast her vision npon loveiy Bilks, dainty French bonnets and drestios. " Did I know which was the newest and mobt popnlir stylo of jewelry, and was Roman or Etrus-can gold en regie now? Did I not oate for them 7 Ahl" And the countenance wore a super cilious sneer upon hearing that I oould exifrt and be passably happy without modistes' displays. A bright idea came to her. "Then, perhaps, Miss Warlmrton, von are literary? Yon mast let me send you over my books. How I do enjoy some of tbo thrilling parti of Jean Ingelow's new book, ' tool s Er- rndl Home of his etiaracters are pleasing ones, yet I cannot agree with everything Mr. Ingelow fays ; and thon Mr. Eliot's ' Undisoovered Country ' is jast delightful." At this confounding of authors Walter gave a hysterical cough and giggle ; but fortunately my caller spied some sunflowers in Mis' Polly's gar den. ' Oh, the dear, lovely flowers 1" and she softly clapped the dainty hands. We went into the garden to get a nearer view of the beauties, anl sur prised Mis' Bumpus calling around her, by her peculiar cluck, her feathered pets to their dinner of oorn-meal dongh. Miss Kathleen oooed out her admira tion of the staring, coarse blossoms, while Mis' Polly looked on a mazed. ''Yes'm," said the practical possessor of the objects of the (esthetic maldou's admiration, "I planted last spring a good handful of seeds ; you see this corner always has been wet and good for nothing. I learned snob places was good for raising sunflowers ; it keeps off the ague. Ever have chills, ma'am? Then the seeds are good for asthma, besides being elegant fool for the fowls. I'm main glad I planted them here, but 1 never oonld abide their smell, and see no beauty in 'em." This was t.x ranch for Walter's grav ity. He came near devonring bis hand kerchief, then suddenly left as. "Poor, dear yonng man," said Mis Bumpus. "He is getting siok again ; that cough is coming baok ; now maybe if I'd parch and grind these seeds, bile it into a strong bitter tea, it would help him-" Miss Kathleen's look of horrDr and disgust at good Mia' Polly's ignorance of Oscar Wildo, the value of assthetio and beantifnl quality of the sunflower, the beaming and innocent eiprenion of Mis' Bampns' countenance, while she imparted valuable information concern ing the ntility of tho gaudy blossom to the tlaintv maiden, who had never learned, cr desired to know, of practical or useful work a day lore, and common place events in promio lives, wat almost more than I oo tid look upt.n without laughing outright. Miss Lossing saw it in my eyes, 1 fear. "Oh, yes I" gasped Miss Kathleen. "I dare say it would relieve Mr. Haigbt's cough ; and make the deooction very, very strong ; will you p'ease tell him that I said for yon to do so ?" And with anger shining in her blae eyos she summoned her maid, Rhoda, from her gossip with Olo, and bade mo a cool adieu. It was a penitent Walter I found in my room. "O Aunty 1" he began. "Stop, Walter Ilaight" said I, trying to rebuke him, whon I had been almost as rude myself. "You may pack your trunk tonight; we go home to mor row." "Aunt Heltni, I know I behavod badly to langh as 1 did, but ber queer mixing of authors I Thou when she called our bonny Jean Ingelow "Mr.' 1 could not help laughing. And when Mis' Folly went on about tho sunflowers I oonld not behave mysolf. Three cheers for Mis' Bumpus, if fiho isn't losthetic I" aud the saucy boy cheered so loudly that it brought her to the door. "Has Mr. Walter got a bad spell ? I have tho tea t iling now ; it will soon be ready for hfm " "Yes, Mis' Polly," said I, "and make it extra strong ; you will remembtr Miis Losing said for you to do so." "Much obliged to Miss Kathleen for hex advice ; I'm going to persuade Mis' Polly not to give it to me." Whether he succeeded or not I never knew, but it is likely he did, as Mis' Bampua aud he were firm friends. fiVaverlv Magazine. M. Hermit t Dog. A variety is given to the little htroots immediately adjoining the college and the abbey by the frequent appearance of a conplo of monks, accompanied by a dozen or moro splendid specimens oi the St. Bernard mastiff. The rnoo of this fine dog is kept vigorous and pure, though all throughout the canton I notice a number of theso animal which evidently have strains of other blood In fact, exoeptiug from tho monastery itself, tho Valaidians say you cannot procure a thoroughbred dog- and not always even then. Their peculiar training for the asistance of wayfarers begins, of course, only on the nionn tains, and it was from tho monastery, on the 8t. Bernard tha' the t'rinco of Wales obtained, when passing there, the fine canine specimens whioh are the ornaments of his kingly kennel at Sandringham. These dogs are fed three times a da; with vegetable and animal food. The Christian deg horo, contrary to some "dogs of Christians" elsewhere, ob serves the monastic regimo, and is lim ited, on fast days and on days of abstinence, iu his food. Next 'o Lon don joint stock companies, I never saw canine creatures with so much "limited liability." There are about 200 dogs held here in training orders for the final lessons in humanitarian seeking and finding on St. Bernard's bleak top. These dogs have most attractive names, and respond to them an intelli gently as a corporal's guard on roll-cull. A sort of stmi-book is kept, which, for its detail and accuracy, would draw tears of envy from the racing author ities at Newmarket, and which I look over with an interest in dog pedigree that would amaze and amuse a Darwin in a Herald's College. I may mention, on the subject of these dogs and their sense of smell, that it is keener than in dogs of the smaller and more domestio type. It is by the smell that they are guided in their chief works. A dog deprived of smelling powers ceases to be a dog, Sohiff, in his treatise on dogs and their faculties, says the dog, with a loss of smell, loses its faculty of attachment and faithfulness towards its master, whom it " recognizes and loves simply on account of his individual perfume." He caused some young dogs to be deol factcrized, and forever after they forgot their oanning and knew no master, be he ever so kind. The olfaotory neive in the Mount St. Barnard mastiff is particularly large, liberally containing sinuses for increasing the olfaotory sur face, and you do not discover it so developed in small dogs. A Joint Snake Seen In Florida, A glass snake, or "jointer," was killed near our door the other morning. This snake appears to be very brittle, and astonishes one with the facility with whioh it breaks short eff when hit. When oat up into pieoesof three or four inches each piece shows the greatest activity for a long time, altogether un like that of any other reptile. It is said that the pieces will come together and the snake resume its normal oondition A New Yorker bad a wife in that city a second in Brooklyn, a third in Jersey City and a fourth in Youkers, and he might have continued to live happily with all had he net talked in bis sleep, Ft)K THK K lIUSLX. Ilala ami Honneia. What shall be said cf fanhionuble millinery? The material! of hats aud bonnets are certainly superb, the com binations wonderful and the shapes uniquo, but are they pretty? One of the most curious specimens is a French 'Chapean Diaboliqne.'' It ia of black vol vet, out around the faoe in small, square tabs, eaoh tab embroidered with gold thread. The outside trimming consists of a black uodied bird of ill omen, with black plumage, tipped with flumtt colored foathers on head, wings, breast and tail. Tho bird is 80 arranged and has tho faco expression as if about to spring from its porch upon some eagerly deBirel prey. This is eaten tially a French conceit, Another queer bonnet for evening wear is in bright cardinal, trimmed with folds of velvet, tips and strings en suit. The entire crown and brim of this bon net is covered with large gold watch shaped beads, suspended by chains formed of irridescent beads which spar kle in gas light with luminous shadings. Abo for evening wear is a bonnet of pink plusb, with crown beaded in pink, crystal and pearl beads; pink feathers mirronnd crown and folds of plusb adorn the front and are secured with cut steel Prince of Wales feather ornaments. A bonnet with a peouliur pointed scoop front, indented in centre, is of Havana velvet. Tbo border is donble shirred and finished with bands deco rated with steel roses, loaves and buds. A brown bird is partly covered wilh a cluster of ostrich feathers, and striped watered ribbon is used for string s. Another stylish bonnot has crown of plain bulmon colored velvet, with front of mahogany velvet laid in folds. This ia garnished wilh clusters of salmon colored tips and border of lace leaves formed of amber, ealmon and njaho, any ooiored beads. HIiom and Hllpprr- Very stylish are the model shoes and slippers. In one specimen the dictinc. tive feature is the band buttoned across iu front and secured by ornamental buttons on each sido of the shoe-band and toe, both embroidered with out jet beads. A handsome, white satin shoe is embroidered np the entire front, and has outsido embroidered rings through which to pass the ribbon facing. Mat kid Newport ties have turn over flaps, lined with cardinal satin above bows of black satin ribbon. Cross sandal slippers in pink satin show embroidered toes in fan design, with variously col ored flowers, and are laced over instep with ribbons passed through the em broidered outside eylots. An Eccentric lre. An eccentrio dress from Felix has skirt edged with tiny mffldsof changea ble green and gold satin, headed with band of white embroidery, appliqued Above is a slightly full 6kirt of dark green tatin, gathered iu at the waist line and looped up on tho sides, beneath the full, straight back. The basque, which is deeply pointed back and front, is of changeablo satin ground, covered with clusters of groon grapes, with leaves of embossed velvet. Two robes from Migenties must be noticed. One has sitiu front, richly umboidered in iloial designs in brilliant hues, while tho basque and overdress is of plum-colored cross-stripe velvet, with skirt slightly draped. The other, by tho same artist, has a very pretty Bkirt of black satin, with finish of narrow, white-lined scollops of blaok satin Above are festoons and puffs of hand some Spanish lace, and then comes a wide garnishing, or applique, of satin passementerie embroidered with cut jet beads, headed by another festoon and pnff of Spanish lace. The stylish basque and polonaise overssirt are of hand some rich chenoflowered-Batin, the flowers being in blight colois on blaok ground. The drapery is pointed on the sides and is shirred up in the centre of the back. Tho blaok sa'in vest and sleeves aro finished with puff and fall of Spanish lace. Wbnl la New la Wrn. The new wraps are really magnifioent One from Piugat is of figured brown velvet, trimmed with fox fur, pnt on in wide borders. A most elegant wrap shows back and sides of embossed velvet, garnished with handsome beaded ornaments, and e igod with wide band of plueb, bordered with a trimming composed of plush, with silk and bead drop through it A Hantenaar cloak of embossed velvet has the sleeves outlined with rich beaded and chenille fringe, with aide ornaments of jetted butterflies. Very handsome are the long seal ooaks, trimmed with dark natural beaver, plain and pointed. In dolmans the sleeves are generally composed of the trimmings. The Parisian handkerchief muOs is a novelty, and for neck-wear very stylish is the capote or eoaohman's cape, in all the fashionable furs, and ttu long talmas, which are perhaps a little newer. Scenes In Sardinia. It takes eleven hours from Terrannva to Cagliari. Up to Maoomer the scenery is dull and montonons. Nothing but black hills on each side, which the rail rotd seems to cut in two. A stone wall line each side of the way, to proteot the line of rail from being invaded by a wild vegetation of ginesta bush, whioh covers the whole country. Here and there a wild apple tree is seen, and im mense bnshes of fern, poor and thin; a stray ox looks up and bellows at the train as it passes, or a eaddleleBS rider gallops along the plain, with bis cap bag flying in the wind. Occasionally, also, a shepherd leans on the wall to look at us. As for the few horses that wero eecn, they were skeletons. Aa east wind blows from the hills, but it stirs neither plant nor baast. After a couple of hours of this dull ride we begin to see a few green patches of fields. The green, however, ii pale and dusty looking and the grass thin and short. It looks almost ashamed to be there. The sky is gray and color less. A few solitary huts, with red roofs, are dotted over the landscape. At one of the stations there is a square metre of gaiden, which looks like a spot of brocaded satin on the ground. By degrees the scenery changes and bo comes more restricted. The hills grow nearer, and almost touch the railway. They are stony rocks. Between the breaks in these rocks oorn fields and grass-plats aro occasionally caught sight of with herds of oattle and flocks of sheep, watohed over by men covered with lamb skins. Greasy streams of water and stagnant ditches intersect the landscape. At Maoomer are seen the first houses. They are all small, low and oovered with red roofs There the old monot. ny recommences, varied by a few ce.raeteiies which lie along the road. This lasts until Oristano is reaohod, when a perfect change takes place. We are suddenly thrown in the midst of civilization once more. There are villas and parks and bronze gates, and the people are dressed according to the latest fashion plates. The wildest pnrts of Sardinia are past, with their wild steppes and wild vegetation, and their rough and rooked hills, and their uncouth men and beasts. We enter now civilized Sardinia, whioh our artist friend compared to an old woman with dyed hair and cheeks, aud dressed in ridicnlous fashions. I do not know what made him think this; but when he told us of his thought, we others burst out lanshing. and said he was riplit. The naked, rugged desert was better than this show of onltivation. If we oould have turned baok, we would have returned to Terranova and its marshes All was natural there; and nature at its ugliest is more beautiful than art. Shortly afterwards we entered Cagliari The town was in holiday attire a saint's festival had been held. It had lasted four days. We reached Cagliari on the evening of the fourth day, and were still in time to soe the oonntty people who had flocked thither in their holiday dress. The women are of the Zingara type, with olive complexions and large, velvety eyes. They wear blue or rod skirt-, plaited very lull, and their necks are covered with jewelry. Long, thiok gold chains are coiled three or four times round their throats. White veils are on their heads. The men wear large, white felt wide-awakes, instead of the black bag caps. If looked at they would lower the brim over the faoe, and turn away, red with anger. The fishermen of Cagliari wear the old traditional Sardinian costume, with only a hand kerohief on the neck. Otherwise, modern fashions have invaded all classes of society at Cagliari, whioh is rapidly forgetting its old Sardinian customs, In the midst of the crowd, however, we see the players of lanncddas, or pipers the pipes being merely reeds with holes in them. Sardinians used to be famous lanneddas players onoe, aid one of t: em who was blind, traveled the world about twenty or thirty years ago, astonishing all who heard him. The pipes are only a few inches long. The gamins of Cagliari langh at the mnsio now; they have grown t.i think them selves too Rood for it. They have instead learned the word "flirting whioh they use in a way of their own and not at all American. Inexpensive Trip to Europe. Three Georgia ladies, with a Pbila delphia lady, who has lived in Europe for many years, 'are going to leave for years trip in England and on the Con tinent. They take for their expenses $900 for the year, including passage. The four, living together in apartments in London, Paris or Rome, can do well on 125 a month each, and by traveling second-class can go almost anywhere. Of course they will avoid big hotels and will be all the better for it. Mr. Fulton, of the Baltimore Amerioan, has just returned with a party from a thre montha' tour in Europe and the ex penses of each person was 95.75 per day. As they were traveling about con stantly their expenses were muoh heavier than if they had rested for some time at one plaoe. Electrical Kniiieerln. A gentleman wbo in larr;i 1 interested a electrical engineering says tint the gcnoral public is far from being aware of the enormous (xtent of tbo means of olectrio communication tit the pn .vi i:. There are oight o&blos tniderhiui; the ocean j cables traverse the 1'. i-'bu Gulf; the Mediterranean is crose i a jil re crossed by cablet. There lire at this moment thousands cf millions of dellars invctd in cables eline. Nov, the condition of lhiM cables is a matter etermined only by tbo electrician. In localizing the faults or weak iilucea in the cable a current of electricity is the means employed, tbo positive current pe rat ing in a certain way, aud the negative in tho pposite, so that by the roper adjustment cr alternation of those two tho faulty place is either repaired or so located that a ship run bo sent to the precise spot t.t repair it The apparatus is not at all a complicated one. A fault at mid ocuaa in a cable can bo located by an instrument not larger than a man's hat. It is not a work requiring physical force, but rather keen abilities, good ma'.hcniati cal and scientific trainiup, to which is, of oanrso, sapor-added tho pperial duration of tho c-lpctnoiivn. In New York, this fall, a ollegu of electrical engineering will bo opened, where Indents may recpive a thorough train ing, inn new proiession is especially suited to educated women, as well as men. They require, us a foundation, a good mathematical and scientific eduea tion. There are, it is safe to say, one hundred thousand too many lawyers and doctors and teachers in our country. Every profession is overcrowded, aud the result is modiocrity, and a constant struggle against the limit of conditions A new profession is an incalculable public benefit. Electrical engineering can be learned in one half the time given to the study of law or medicine. Great fortunes have already been made in its pursuit. The enormous extension of the telegraph, the telephone, the eleotric lwbt, aa'l, as will be, the electric railway toa'l parts of tho world, reites a groat demand for skilled electricians. Orerdosinar. Children should consume as little medicine as postiblo. If properly fed and cured for, they throw off illness readily. Somo simple remedy, known ai.d tested in the family, is all they require iu light attacks of cold, colic, or the small aibnents common to child hood. To doso infants with drugs is almost criminal. I am myself one ol a large family, all grown to maturity, and all enjoying good health; yet I never remember the administration of anything stronger than castor oil oi sweet tincture of rhuubarb during onr childish distompor.s. We were up with the dawn and iu bod at twilight; we were led with regularity three times a day, aud only three; there were no luncheons between nioals allowed in onr homo. Oatmeal and milk for breakfast, muat and vegetables for dinner, with some plain, wholesome pudding and seaKonable fruit, bread and milk at fire o'clock this was our bill of faro, varied only by special indulgence, or on bolt days or birthdays. Pickle, rich fauces cake and pastry, wero nuknown except by name; and wo never tasted tea or coffee until wa bad reached "years o discretion," and oould decide for our selves. Tho result wai onr good healtl then aud in after life. But many mothers and nurses seem never to feel satisfied as to the health aud well-doing of their little ones unless tiey have them "under treatment." They are perpetually "purging" or "cooling," or "strengthening" the helpless victims of their solicitude. This is the moro to be deprecated because the great mnjority of the BO-callcit ailments with which very young children are tronb'.ed arc tho direot effects either of bad feeding or of ill-management of some sort, cr are in themselve efforts of nature to get rid of the stomach-hardening or irritat ing masses with which children are fed or physicked. The practice ot a lmister ing sedatives to iufants is particnlaily reprehensible, nd ought to be strongly denounced. There is no sedative which can bo used with safety iu tho case of iufants, except by medical men versed in the actiou of drugs and familiar with the indicative phenomena of health aud disease. Tho use of cordials and drams is simply a reckless play with poisons. While boys in the East are longing to become bandits and Indian slayers on the Western plains, two ten year-old Nebraska urchins, after reading some story paper descriptions of New York life, bought two pistols with stolen money, and set out for this city to be come Bowery ruffians. The son of an old Boston merchant received by mail a photograph of his father's trjuaers and a letter saying that the garment had been seized in Providence while the owner was where he ought not to have been. The rascals demanded $500 for silenoe, and got ar rested instead. In November. Here is the wiiter-shed of all the year, Where, by a tlemght'it span-, thought do atart linear That fare most widely forth ; aomo to the nioutli il Areiic livirs, some to the niollow South. rho a I ii t ami vviinkleil oiehurd shivers 'lleulll The bla-t, like l.nr ui'on the Knuliah heath, And inos-y l"iUi!is blow wild that, uudia- d, Another i-prin, shall hid'i the cheerful nest All things are nearer from this chilly crown Tbo sol. tilde, the white uud bildill.lii town ; And next tin; riisnet fields, ol harvest shorn. Shines Iho new wheat tbat fio-heiis all th'i liiorii. roin out tbo liiiistiiin milkweed, dry and Kiy. The silken a-!"ies are btuneliod invay, mount tin- xntt, or dnfl IV"in bill to lull And plant new eolonies by road and rill. Ah, wife of mine, whose clinging hand I hold, Shrink von In-fore the New, or at the Old? Ami tie far eyes tli:tt hold tho eiluncu fas!- ,,iok they ii the Future, or the Past y YAKIKIIKS. A Pawnee Indian always asks $125 for his pony, and ulways comes down to .?'J0 before a salo is effected. A New Hampshire mother, crazy with grief over tho death of her boy, was found digging open his prave, believing that be was alive. It was Chancer that appropriately said : "There is nothing new but what has once been old." Chaucer evidently knew hash when he saw it. A trial hiu bvwn made of a Siemens and Hulsko's telephone, laid under trrouud between Cologne and Elborfeld, with very favorable results, every word being distinct. David C. Newton, h Justioe of the Poaco atCjlnnjbus, Ind., won a wagon by riding naked at noonday, in an open carriage, a distance of half a mile through tho streets ol the town. The excuse that an Iowa young man makes for having engaged to marry two ijirls is that, kuowinj' the fickleness of the sex, he supposed that one or the other would jilt him, anl he wanted to bo mro of a wife. But neither proved untrue, and, on bis clionsing between them, the rejected cno biings a Buit for ! images. Sorauton has two singing societies, d about 151)0 voices each, compose 1 al most wholly of Welsh miners and their families. Both tho leaders are daily toiloisin the coal mines, and yet they havo tho timj and ability to train the singers to take u conspicuous part in a forthcoming music festival in Phil adelphia. A fountain in a pnHic square of San Francisco needed puiuting. An artist igreed to do it for nothing, provided he could tu'ue as much tiruo as he pleased for the job, and orect a fence to protect him from idlo cnrioBily while at work. The contract was made on these terms. But it Bcoms that tho painter has sold tho bui faco of tbo fence to advertisers, and nobody knows how long be will be uiutiug tho fountain, Two thousand fivo bundled construc tion employes of the Northern Pacifio lUilroad, in Montana, struck on Satur lay on account ol an advanco in the board rate of half-a-dollar per week. Iho Bupervit-ing Engineer telegraphed that the new board rate would be main tained. It is thnngbt the men will re turn to work. The Chinese, numbering live thousand, were not in the strike. Freemasons. Down to the reign of English Anno and the later years of tho loug sway of Louis XIV., H may be safely averred that no apprehension had beeu excitod aud no persecution incurred by any society not distinctly founded for re ligions purpose. Anabaptists had been put down with cruel severity. Qiakers had been tormented or tolerated, ao crding to tlm caprice of prince or peo ple. But in the writings of the eigh teenth century we first find mention of Freemasonry, and then, too, do the bulls of the Vatican first begin to fulminate against an association horriblo in the eyos of tho ever-watchful. However ancient and illustrious Freemasonry may be, it was undoubtedly regarded with worso than Bnspicion by the Roman Cnrin, tho Holy Brotherhood of Spain, and the argus-eyed police of Paris. It was not as a rogue of world wide renown, but us a suspected Free mason, that Cagliostro, the arch-impostor, was imprisoned in the castle of St. Angelo, where he died, like a caged bird pining for air and light, just as the army of the French Itopublio his res cuers marched ou Rome. We have lived to see royal and imperial prinoes installed as Grand Masters of the great est and wealthiest of all societies, nor do the mysteries of Hiram an 1 Boaz offend any outsider less prejudiced than a parish priest of West Flanders. But, fifty years ago, the surest Spanish mode of subjecting an enemy to lynch law was to point him out as a Freemason to the hot headed rabble of Seville, Barce lona or Madrid. All the Year Bound.

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