(V) Think wki.l, fellow-democrats, bo-1 The J Il.'f t im Law. Ubhi UvhnthUin ijitCOru fle .'011 divert your good old party I i,v tho inf uiniitioii i f lci lrnrs ami follow tlirso rt voiiuc oiTu'tTB ! I (l,ul poll holders we pstlilNh t ho fd- n....r.,.r. i"v xtt7i'tmtj,t o iw . , ,. ! lovviiiL' it i'iiih froui the election hiw: THURSDAY, NOVLBMLK 2, lhHi. Mott and Ransom lire rival eivndi iir,h. . , ., i "If there bu two or more tii'Ki'l.s H A LONDON. Jr.. Editor. dates for I nited St.it, Sena or. ''".ned up too ther, if any ti Art hus people cannot vote directly for either, j ,mMU rmmuM on it limn the voter l.:i Go early to tbe polltf ami work ouo day for your country's pood. Cis any man really think tbat those ..-.o nffiwra nml dimnuiointed democratic oflic.e-Heeliors will govern j flu. .i .,affir lma ilonot UUUIIAIIIUU l. ,J ...... Aix citizens should bo anxious 'to have cood povernnient. Which party can best govern North Carolina the j 1- i.. l.nii- ..f lwwo mi'iiilievH aie lutely emancipated bluvcs. party that embraces the vi J ,, or tne 1 n,.. sit,I.i.ii,nu flie virtue, the intelligence, the property and the ' - .. 1 , ,. r., i T ,,(. ,.,.,. white men of the State? Let eveij , ., , .. , ',i, .,i.;.i. man docidu by his vote with vhidi . party he will Htand ! r J Gbt vol'k neighbor to come out and : Tote for good government. Tdb last republican Legislature' cost !M30,958.GO, and the last demo-; cratic Legislature cost sr'otVJu'J.ti. i Let the tax payers of North Carolina j think of these figures when they vote , next Tuesday for members of the next Legislature! Do you want another j republican Legislature? If not, vote for the democratic, nominees'? The pf.oh.e of North Carolina, for a period of ninety two years, lived and prospored without electing their mag istrates : nor were they ever t lected in this State until the ballot was given in ttift neurons! Thii is a verv sitr- :fl.., ..,,,1 ... ,nU ,,J U1UVU1IU IUVI ' , ask if the fact of the colored people payers hope fm-jt! being voters is any reason why the. The Si:natc of the L'idtid St:ifes jMiople should elect their magistrates ? ow ttjli;,,K u tj0 ,.v, rv v ...te i., f t If magistiateswere not elected before utlliut impoi i.uicc. and, if our I.--the colored peo,le voted, why sho.lld i!ltn, h,,.ul.l elect Mott as K Uisos; they bo elected now? Which pautv ha: given you the best government at i lie b ast expense ? Kememui:ii that neither the platform of the ''liberal" convention nor of the. republican convention favors the abolition of the internal revenue nys tcin. On this subject the I1 moeratic couventionuttereilnoimcertansoumt. ti: ti.'k fn arg-.imei.t is well l.i-h It emphatically declared that "wr ai;k' j.u;,t. i,; (he time for wtios. IN FAVOR OF THE IMMK.TK ANI KNTIKF. . Let ever' tl'lIC Il'.all IMV. bctif hilll ABOLITION OF THE lNT:'HNAf. UKVFXTK j w.1f, n, Wol k Unceasingly illll il the BVBTBM, WITH AU. ITS A r TENOANT coU 'going down of the - nil on Tuesday nrPTiONS." ii.xt. See that your iii ighh.Ts are If you favor the abolition of the r, . istcii d, and above a'.! e that '.! v refenuo systom. say so by voting for the democratic nominees. If not.1 then vote for the revenue candidates! ItBroiii:i;s are usu.alv considered' an heroes and pal riots. IJefoims roligion and in government should be ' inaugurated by men who c.l from' unsellish and disinterested motives ; by men who love their country and t their (Kid more than they love them- 1 . nuii;. jtiii.i inu i iiniT villi. 111c: i:it 11 who are calling for -reform" in county government ? Are they unsellish j patriots? Are they actin- from love of country, or from love of oF.ictT ! Tho idea of Dr. Mott, Ike Young, Jim Harris, Tom Devereux and the other 1 leaders of tho "liberal'' movement! BEKoiiMiNO anybody or anything ! ; What a precious set of patriots ! j The iiiea of a set of revenue officers 1 ami disappointed deiuoeralio oflice eeckers "reforiniiig" North Carolina ! 1 and 01 server the following p-ih rt of As even swap is all right, but of all j (iyl.l ,r the unequal swaps that wo have heard ..T,10w ,li,r!..,.edl).-in-of that nc pioj o-(d by the ri venue I ncrnts, calh'd Lihends. I vu m l kept ling is tho wor.-.t. They act iiallv pro I faith even with the Republic m p oly. poso to the peoplo of North Carolina! H...I if ..... ;n 1 n,,.... ; ' ' 1 and will elect all their Coiigics.doiad, all their Judicial, all their Legislate e. ' and all their county canilidad s, they will let us vote for magistrates and . , T1 ,. eounty commissioiiers That is the J Hum and substance of the proposition made by these "liberal.-,", and isn't it liberal T Yea, they offer to let us vote for our magistrates and county com missioners, if we will give them all the Congressmen, all tho Judges, the Legislature and the couuty oftices ! How do tho people of North Carolina liko such a swap? Answer on the lay of election ! . Demaooocks rant about the present system of county government taking away the peoples' rights nnd crushing their liberties. Who loved their rights more dearly or valued their liberties more highly than the heroes of the Revolution, who fought through a Hoven years' war to gain their free dom 1 Aud yet those old Revolution ary Holdiers, who won American inde pendence, knew so little about their "right" and cared so littlo for their "liberties", that they declared flint the people ought not to elect their magistrates! Yes, these ii venue ofK cers and disappt inted democratic office-seekers love the "rights" of the people more than did those heroes who fought f neu v cars g iinst old King Cieoige : I of tbe next LcyiHlnUno. It u well , known tlmt Dr. Mott w ill bo elected I : ii. t ..: ...... ,1,1;..,.,, In' 11 IIIO iJt" l.",l ILlll J 1 11 nu'iiviui. ... voting, increioie, wr uicuioei 01 mo .1 e t . . 1 ... . 1 ii. IJftfiMuturo you in.iirect.y vote nu 11 Senator. Which ahull it lie. Motl or Hansom T Wiu.s tlu-g.KHl and true men of ; North Carolina are rejoicing next week over their victory how pitiable will be the condition of those disnp- Knilil.'.l .1, nnii'lot 1,' 1) ll.'o K.'l'lo'l Will) have deserted their old party ! lhi re villi lui no 11 l;ui tn win.'!; iliev en 1 fii 1 1111 COlllll'll. IIU'I niil I I' Il-i:ilii:i.-tl , to return to their old fnen.l-, ao,l . . ! their liewfrn'iid-i't'.ieioi-.'liiieo'il'.'el In. n i .1 1 will not reeeivr tlie:ii, Ineail ie they r ....i ri-i ::i 1 i have no further use foi them. V.'Lat I a lonesome set tln'V will be ! Dr. Mott a wore in his testimony before Vance's investigating commit tee, that, his revenue otli-'crs- cmitrib uted 11.000 for campaign purposes ill ItSKt). We doubt not that thej have contributed a still i.'i'eater sum in this campaign. Iff member that 1 this money is paid for the p"irpo:;i' of (carrying the election, and t!. -e n ve in ue otV.cers very willingly pay i!, for ! they well know that if the election goes against thei.i tin ir liv' Iihood is ; g i:o. and they w ill ha. e to go to work like other folks. No wonder they 'fear the success of the democratic , party! And the very reason v. hv they fear it ought to make the tax successor, it would make the Senate so --trough' repubii.'a!! thaf no meas ures of relief could be pasted. Al though the House may be democrat L yel if the Senate i-i republican, the t uilV will not Ii'' it vL'od nor the in ternal liiveuiie system iioolifhed. Ke member (J:is whin you vote for mem bers of the Legislature ! come out iind vote. ( in to l!. earlv tin li :c rt all vour ii.il.i m I'' eelV tl ill i : 1 1 ii i '.i'. r. So. cause is weSL w .;!'! Ii 'V Ui,;.:l. for llDl C'l tlle.-.i' l'l l li'io eji; di-appoinled d -naa ti.ti , i';i wri,st (, ll.'lt" i ' rui:':-'. t mtrol of tl.e i. r. ts- that I a I r Mierllt 1 "i'- iih s Lat t came wlIf.jj I,!, .siie s 1:0011 our 1 , Compare (nv,,nntKlr .naiiion n ov - jt w,lH whei. ihe dei.i i at-; i itifn ii.nvi.i' iii . m n.l -i ri.tt.ru f lLt, (1.ul; ,1, ()f ,,.; 0r yol, yyih ,.,;,., Sll,ir, My of'the j,,.,.,.. tn.lt .r11;,'(, lw y,'Ai.(! aUll rn)Ji,1jty ? At.s-.vi r with Vl,ur x,tU. nll ,.. t Tuesday ! ' . , WVa.viOni an the ' I.ihcials." A colored lawyer, t.ii'iied Wumhiii, jfJ tht, rt.ru,,li(.ail ca.uii late for Solic itor in tho tiiird J adieiid district. He I made a Kpeech at ( ireenvilh) last week, in which !ih denoiricid the "liberals." We cotiv from the News 1 W!lH pre.n iit a' the birth of the Lo- 'ri' baby, but b. fore it evi r had I in- breath of j,.n to have f.i I rei.th.'d into it Ibis- iin wis Made: they nem a large sl ieeof tho S'nte noiuiueeH, aiel wewna to support j ' 1,,!m- VVti eunicil out our Imigaiu In tho letter 111 this r. epect. In tl- , , , , . , ,, I I rii'tu that were doubtful we v oiihl j ,ivi,ie c-indidate. In Ib rubli' iu, counties liejiui li 'anH i.hould be Vi.ted for and run aa candidate; in dt u'.it fnl couu'ies the candidates were to be elected e'pui'ly betveiMi Ie n' K caus and Peinucrats of their s'rijie, aud iu Dt iiiocr.it ic counties thtv should have all Ihe nominees aud we. would vote for them. ThU was the barpain, and in this wiy w could have secured a liejiublicaii Ldinral Legi.ihi' lire and the Unitnl States Suimbr to s'lccei (1 lbinsoin. Jbil ihese Di.'inocr.itic Pariahs havo frimi to grab everything. They run whei, evor tbev enn ect their nan.es stuck up along side of n negro and theu ;o K-tchie, of this county,' h is a jieaoh j mi the stump nnd say ihty nie inde-' tr e, wh eh this year produced three . pendents, nnd God only b no wa who'cojjaof fruit peaches of tho tir.it they are going to vote for. Dou't 'cto.' me isnicd fifteen inches in cir-j joti vote for a Mingle indspeni'eul cun forence, the second crop woa of Liberal-Republican Democrat nub ss ordinary size, and the third crop the' he will publicly finuotinco to you thai i nie. of walnuts. On an adjacent ho will vote the. whole ltejitiblican I f irm. Mr. J. D.Oliver had a turkey ticket from Congressman at large J lien that went to sitting on egs laid; lowu to coront r, u.yself us solicitor, i by herself; a gobbler, to show what ncluded. Tin-so Liberal Democrat ne could jiei foi in iu tho saum hue, havo broken the bargain even before p t p rol tor hima It a nest near thu , lection, and if they do this wind will ' n u and having been hi; plied wilh. they slop hhort of after they are J i i'.'bleen hen's ejjgs hateuiil histnio: elected. Wasmin tl eu spoke ii'ieui Li l ens, an . I ndsed them to tie full how the negroes had be. n f .le I, ' 'ro vu. Meanwhile, tho turkey hi.il ' !irt by the cuptt buggers, an 1 all weaned her brood and whidi were along eince then by independi id ' l iken charge ef by the gobbler Democrats, who no sooner were elect-1 chiek-oH and link ys - the In n ta-gan ! id by negro votes than they tin ned ' again to lay cgs a id hi.tchud a uuw .hcii 'biicLa ujh u '.ho negro." 'venug brood. ' t, thiy ahall be void. Tbo Jadm-s of I'll rtimi ut flu1 H- th.ir i . IIIILT Pilice MJil.l Ml'l'i'.iil t'li" 1 i- . 1 1. .11 :..i ...... ..I . .- -. , of (.,.llty Cll,JVasis ,i .1 mrm i,t.r (,f ( ht: boaid. and thi-y ah ell livtr t' 11 i m the oiii'inal nimn tateiii..'iit of the uisukof thtjclceti n at tho pi'llino pla m. 'iiio eoiiiitv cafiva.-fer so c!iO n I shiill constitute the 1 onul of uiuiiU; e.'ir.visst'iH, the U-'gi-tt-r of leidn; hloiil be tl.eir leik Ui.h'HR.ihc board I elect aiiolher. j Tie board of countv chiv ish -r? ; e,hn) meet on tie si eon I div uf;er ; tiie lection. t,TiHirhd-iy, Nov. '.lib, ) ! at VI o'clock at the eouii 1'oiihc and . Ht tloit hour wit!i"Ut di lav such of tbo-io who in.' rr- sent i-l a!! elect a; fhairniai:, wim hl.a'l bw.:ar ij ineiul 1 1 -i of the boar I." the A t'lihu'v.' Ji:iiial. I I'Vcni ll.e .'.' .rK Il.TaM. J Hop Willi, a Ciiim s : lauinlrymai', him' one of wealthiest of his class in thin city, died at his resnle-ice in : Sii.ntoii street a few dayn ao, aud ' was bmied yesterday afli rnnon i i1 l'.vcrr.re'riis Ceuntery. Theie were i twimiv eairia'es tille I wiih tUiiiniineii in the funeral pn ci s.-iou, a id it. t, ok t wo f. i i I outs to curry Ini m (r.m the fit of ;ratil sic ! lo !r.al va . ' Wilii'ine l':'.!' Tie l.e.irs-.' ci ".-s. d the liver on the stCoiid boat at) I Whs driven up from the I ;l 1,,'e ufti r nil the can icej.is ha I been iir nvn in live on either side of liioadway. Tlie ' procs-ion moved up M.-oiubay at a gull ipim; pace, w.iite a Clitiiatnaii j seated on I'.e box of the hi are behide I the .b ivir scattered piteoa of rice i p-ipi r to attract the atli ;,:ii n of tl e di'Vii- w h. Wi re t Ii; p "-.I to ! chas ing if.i 1 lb ' del 1 man's M ill, thus to i! taill lh. III. The oi.iy lievil-. i ! s I V el i'i the wake f the pru'i fslon w a re real l! -sh an I blood -.es of II - direct Arab ,','xcip'i hi T':ey ran In alb-, le..- uf:"i the h. arse and C.r. i iees, i and fo;n;'.it rh e ach o! hi .- ! e tb." p..ssi'.-;i..'l. of t lit: thing scraps of: p ip. i. The interment w in a gnve near S i!i: nde avi.;iue, in the I V m t.-ry of Eclgie.ris, Tl.e C llil., V.ii.cli Was a c.'st.y o',e, -.a pl.ice.l i!i a box seveial si.' s loo lal-oe for it, in d tin ; f-pnee wns tilled in .vjfl, ricep ipi r, j -8s-k-i, c. After the b ,!y l a I been ! I-iW'TmI into the j'i ive the coiuners e'lthciel uronnd il j ill- of the .lead man's ctoiliiug by 'i te pile aa lired, nil I silk (.'..m ini, l.al.ii'ri r chii fs au l other t'"h-ivi' i.rticlcs wi ii' I in m i! Id aui-p. Tr.o csi ej ..f the l HI. ed ihclel Were tl.I.oui into t! e (Mr, a v as .! . a ipiniit i f "eh i. k," er roit-t ci i lo -n, u'l-i i ice, Tl ell -l'!!..!' A'il.l' V.Sl! . Ci, (lie i.e no ,. to,- a .ii ti'; w if 1. th. ir Tl.e l.aeh.i, ;v. r-i-i.fs taeii i.i 1 r.i.-r l!. ill I ii" Cer. !.(.- ' v.. la i'iit!'.'.Mi:s:i .Ml. 1 .1,. ot. .i .'.1 ' lie : liteS. l.t tliL i.'t Ate SScwb. Li led r ' li s o rf if. li... 1! Ah de '...V I! die .1 I'. lil.edby !i. i t the jin il..;. Iu. f . ' hchatb'ock. .l.li.'i Ca po l l 1, f .Mr. .1 C!i..oii C.i-;i a.i.ii.iri: Mr. n. a a pifi ..Sill I'h seven .r und l'i.!.'i 'ii, r. thir'.eell lil. ,X f..t iii eon. .t, has 'hi u!.;..L 11. 1 :!,, two l it 1. i:.ch. in 1 1 :,. Io dic ti. 1 I v mi i v. ii',1 f.., t ar ii.. :t::io itiii dr.l aud .'if y po!i;;dn. Cirativi'le l'to; Lance: 5Ir. Edhi V.' i'l.er, of tl ; c.';;it, hm an 'iir i f f'-rn tl a' :: i,n r - than I. by ears old V or tin years the ijr'iii's remained1 full and fcoun.l Su.ce tl it time tl ev hi'VM bmt lluir pliiii:priii.n, and 1 nve slightly chin ge l in lolur. I'avetteMl!'.' I'x inii'ier: Mr. 7a Ii ' I'lilll.liil r, ail old cilLvi: ef Cuiiihcr 1 Hid I 'l inty, dn d rei 1 nt!y limb r po UlUtr ill'. Mliust iinces. Hu bad be. 11 complaining, Im' vvas abhi to wi.lk abcil. He wii.t into hi.- In Id a i-hort .h.-t ai.ee fr.nu hi I ft abb r. Af er ah i to jui'd some oins, a onui; p. 01 who hvr.-, 0:1 li;e li'ace. f iliud him lying in the fo ld dead, with a bun. Mo of fodder in lo hand. There were no :iid!eidioi.H r f vioh nee, and his ileal ii vvi.j a;i.j.i -ed lo havo re ! s il'ed frt m apopli .y. Tarbi 1,.' Snub- nur: The case, I'ni I .-it'dei v-. L H I'. tiiiiiiotoii, will be leln ived floln Ne.V Heme to lUle.oli, ant .d! not he tried until lifter ihe eb i tion l'hei'e is a belief iliiiOi g many peoj.lii tieit a hell Cgi: laid mi Ea.,'er .Sunday will not spoil. , Whether ihii is a fact or not; or whether E'u-ler Sunday has any dif- ' fere nt effect on tbiegs Hiiimale or j othir'.iu is a quebtioii that we are' not jirej aidd to solve; y t we have tin , eg-.r Ui.i by 11 hen on E .a.er .Sunday : ls.il, win, h hjs not spoiled and in to-i:uy ptrf ctly sound. St'dcsvi'ltt Aiueriean: Mr. David lbdeiKh Visitor: Mr. S. M. r.ui.sh Ii.ih three cherry trnsin his fa.deii which tin .v have cheri ii s on them tin s'zo of a garden pi a, beii-g the tceoiid growth this year. Kernel svill News: J. W. Heard has a svett potato patch in full bloom The flower ii white and red about one im h in length and billy di veloped. Old head about the placi never saw the like Inform. ("iiarlolte Obsirvur: A liltb" tix cir obi C ilored boy, son of Graham lMviih-o'i, met with bis death ester !av icie iiing b diowini' in a spring, near le's f iliier's housn in I'u.vville, u ndlill an s-.llli ii.ei.t. Chaili't'e Pcmocrut: I liingaspe'l of teii.por.'it v insanity, V.i. L. (i. Hi i.ig, of Mt. l'le.is'int, Calniri us count), committed suicide by drown ing. Mrs. Mary Wi.kie, wife of Mr. Sidney Wilkie, livino near Camp Creek, lonke county, while ret ur.ong lVo.'ii lie I urn lust Mon l. :v evening, wtw stiu.'l: by lightning and instantly killed. Greei:.-b ro' Patriot: Sy thoii s iiid acre ot land in Cheiok-e count ti ne been cold to a huge lonv of Mellliolliti s f''"iii Kuss 1 The Co'onv is expected in a ft'W wei k -i. Dr. Cravi li ri t r.rned !a t lo. iil fr 'in Swain county, having in charge U young led aas, wlni will be la'ieii toTiinity CoIlt''f a id edlH hted at the tiJVerii niel.t s e.Vieiise. Wilmington lb-view: On last W'. dues lay cvei ing 114 Mr. liryiint Sfnilh, Coroner of Duplin county, was procei'diiig on bis horse to tind hit. legs, he was shot and in.-tantl kided, a I. nek loa l i f shot from a shot-gi.n p.'isiing ihro'igh bis In ai l and l.iiigs. S:;--p!''i.jn rest., on Wil li im Carter, a v Into ninn, who has beeti arr. sled an I put in jail. G n t..t! iaG iz- te: Co) D. A. J. fi kins says tint 'h - State vvi l ijo J)eiu ociiiiic next Tin s i ty by from lO IMiO to liO.oOO, ami savs I (nil u numb, r of other prominent Republicans who are in osilious to l, :iftvv, say that it w .ll tie bv a inajoiity of from du.Utiil to Tel, (Ml!). Till) in l c ati u.S a,!' that the appro, sen ing e'ecunii will be 01.0 of the j.-rill di st VI. t.'ri- H 1 ver nchieviid l y tiie 1 )eiiii' 'fat c priy in Ni.riii Carolina. Mnfir-e llmi ui'-r: S!i. riiV 1'ii'e ricciod inf 11 ma: .011 on MtLiduy, throiigh a telt (,'!;. m from Dt. (Irir s im, euperin'i r. h nt of lb,: insane Ainhim, that lb let. Si-cn-st, of this coini'y, wlni, i.x our reieii is are tui iol'i!iis3 aware, '4ii Convicted three or f.'ur years i.g 1, in the Superior Court of' Mel 'V, II c anity, of tin murder of his win uiuJ child, in el si lit need to be landed, but who was s.lbsi l'l. I tlv Co e 11. 1 1 led to the 1 1. Salle AmIiiiu as a !".! atie, had eni'aped from the ash.oa. Mr. Thompson, the St War I ef ti.o asvbllil, arrived 111 town Vestelday looru.llu', on ihe lo k iiiit for S.'cii;.', aad fr otu him we l.mru lha' he 1 .ade hi usc.ipe bv i'litt.ne ,,it tt:e I c!; In llie iloor ol ins i'i il u-iiig f. r ibe pifpos.- a knife or liie c'hich bo I11,! Iii u e 1. 0! of :. p'ece of 'toll taken fi.'i.l thj bolluli. ef I...! ihee. t'li o!' I ii.ru Pes audi ! r. l.-nV M 1- 1; l; i'i ai. l I1.1P. hotln v:. d. : .1 ). ti.-e !'. iday ev. u!i i: ! id -ii'i.t :i. 'I I" 1 ; , ia .'i:i.: . t .1 at .'.' "ill J f'M, h ifh 1.0 ir.nitr-' Htce. ia'Scillo f, 1 1 a S"t;.iiv.i f i: 'u: lav rL'td to u lire wh.ch ' d lo ud f.'iir ii'-ii't , and tn rions'v lie ii 'C I a l:ii;;f an." inl i f tho liioi-,t ia i.i.ble jiri-p. rty in . --.vn. Mr. Lit Ihicoit, f Cic ir t'li-1. t ovm.hip, r lis. d a pit do tl.is'.e.r, and wi.l Itii'g it to the itv today, which weij hs (bjveii ponnd.' arid i ounce-. It ; i w i.i land whico bus been culli vded fur one hllLdrtd Mors. The cast! rn b oiind train on the Werturn North Carolina K'lilro'id fnet vith an aci'iib i.t Inst S'ltiii.biv, three miles west of Ab'S itiili r'fi. '! b engine tan oil' near the end of Sandy Mu-h crei k tre.-il le and tiii uud ' ov. i: a bank about ten f it high. 'n;-,;iiet r Clmrley Gorlm was ,ieri a!y inj.-.r.id aud tiie 1 tbid evening n' i at u o'clock. Tho Y.-s.-. i.,,.'.-, I'.u hiilu-rlo n CO.'i.i.',nl organ of the colored pco pie of Charlottti and M-1 kh nbui y. will iiipear to-d.iy i1!' -daring iti,e)f ojip' s-d to the coiil'tion inuvt in.'-nt, tooth and toe-nail. I; t-avs, iu iff ct, that the p,.l i.-. .1 pet.plo i ave rca.-ii.ti to f-nj pose thai thowi ' Liberals" who Ioimi proved Iheei.-.t lyi s traitors to the i) in cratic party v ill r.lso jirovu traiU ru to the colored ju-opl,-. Tho cost of tho E'fvptian war nmo'.ifds to nearly f J'),! 1011,(11 ill. A liini;i!!tic KiCitpe. An interceding story chiiuh from Gainesville, Georgia. While Lrit O-boiiii', c-iiivii led of rubbery, Wis Ivingiu jud tivvading the heiiring of a inotioL, for a i t a dial, hii wifu whs aiiovvid to vis.t bim fretjiiiudly. On Saturday niol.t hho usked for und obtained jiem i .cioo to stay all lii-ht iu 1 1 i -1 i . 11. Next morning the jailor turned 1 nt a perH .n whom he snp poned to bo Mrs. O-borue. A f"W moments later a lit le child nppsarnd at the door with some articles if wonmn's clothing nutl said O.ibonie hat) i-cut them to hu wifo. An inves tigation i'oi-ulted iu liii'ling Mrs. Ortbi.rue in Iu r und r cluih m iu the cull, her hiisbainl having escaned by her strategy, Shu was released. Osborne has not been captured. j run ml at Last. j An agreeab.e urcssing for the hair, that w hi slop it a falling, has been long sought for. Parker's II or lUUaiu, diHtiiio'iihhfd for its purity ' fully sllj'plies this WMlit. Improvt'iiit'tit for Mind ami IJ-nly. Therein inoiu stririL'tb-n i.toiing ' power ifi a bottle i f Park' r's Ginger Tunic than in a bushel of malt or a !.d!nu if milk. As an appetizer,' blood pnrifn-r and kidney (n rrccior, i there is uoibin like it, and invalids! Pouhc('1" nil v rind it a woiebilid: iiivtoonint for mind anj baly 1 Coiiiiiii rcial. ' lo vigorously push a business, Btrcngtli to study a profession, Strength to regulate a household, sirength to do a das labor with OJt physical pain. All th's repre sents wkat is wanted, in the. ofton heard expression, "Chi I wish I had the strength!" If you are broken dov.ii, have not energy, or feel as it' life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength Ly taking CROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tor.ic-a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 511 N. Kr-rn. nl St., Paltimcrt Tailing tlie war I wjs in jaad iii the btoni.ii.li Ly a pii i e ef a slicll, ami have fullered fi. anil ever sine e. Atiov.t four jaatsaroiii tnu!;l.tcr.paral)r lis, which kept me in t e.l s,ix rn '.ttis, roi,l the t'i fl i!"i'lur ia t'ie eiiy sai l I ceul.l l et livtr. 1 sali. i c.l fearfully from inilieMioii, anil for uvt rtwo eari.i.i:!.l not enl n-lid teod nml fur a l.iree ...ition of the lime w.isniul'li Uoi lain even liiiiid ii.iiin.l.nieiil. I tiied Ja. wn'fi 1 1011 laltrrs.nul now nfl.-i taking two Louies I am olile t.iyit up and po around aud am i.i'iilly iin ioviia;. li. L'lAKta. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Ind'gectloa, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new lift to the muscles and tone to the nerves, 11. t. .mum.' J. It ll.'UUKlrf.. Jj. 1. d'JliiiuOil I'U', WHOLESALE GROCERS, (OMM;s!oN MKIli'llANTii, j a n i) crr ro n hell ehs. ; Alw.tyn I'll l.i.nj a K'.i. kiir lli'iivy Or wrltm. j IIAil.il NO. nil .'lKlit. ami 1 DKI.TA I OIT0N Til's, in-ai i'ln mi lln' ninikti. ' We . llil hiuuili' Li II Ivuliil.ei' Iari.11 .l.1llllllin i vv 10 v r. oa 1 h 1 i!i:. Kim it, an l all kil l .- iiii'.r..' r, ii 'c. Wrlie f.T luf-r- ma-1. 11, It :. l. r JOHNSON CO.. O.l. i-j, I.VJ. 3ai. liiili'luli, N C. Grocer and Cmm Kercliant, llrAI.KIl IN 1 1 H Y COOPS, CLOTHING, niiOJS, SIK.'JS, H CI S, AC, AC. j i C r . 1 i.l ..tt' oti.in j;i t ti to bin iuj: 1 and ..ells!: c, ttoii. Liberal Advance ! BfT.Mi-. G. J. Williams, i f Chatham, is idill with 1110 and is always jileitsed I to serve bi-i count yineii. 1 o. 1. li"; Km. fin . ,f In. 1 .1 k- hi W.'i.'at Ka' 'u.t In Cl.alliaui H.V!, . "! Il IV" I " 'II ll-II'IT Ul" N !A-MA Oi an, 1 f..r wIiimo f .r ll.e i,.i-i )oiim ini'1 U l.ita .al l me HO ! I it . eu:.. . r in ro." I THE 1UTASSA (IDAHO j Is the bei t iu u.su. 1 THY XT ! TRY IT ! ! II will ..- ..w. vial r.'f.T y,.a l" N. 11. Hnrrl. t,,.iVi.tt I'r ' ki. J,il'."'K" lliumer, S II. I'liiuh 1' 1 ' HI; 1 . ll.fri, WI..I I l" i'i. m ini-' II. 'r i'i!.- it rinr er tlull i.y IV. 1.. LONDON. ;'.'l '.. U. lif J. H.rt J.'UK MllllMi T. n. WeMACk. ! MANSiNG & WUMACK, Attsrasy: asd teete at Law, j?xrTS25ono, w. c. H l'r .ni i l 1M1 i.ll .i, rflv.'ii I.) all l,ulii. en ir... i a i" 11. 1." ' lie. Mr viikiiiilin: l;l l In U"' ,.,- .. , r. il.e i r-' ki.il llilr.l M antHyn t,f m. Ii e: .HU. 1.1 '. Miur li.io .r.'.'i' lllig. Mr. W.,in,i' k Will I . I.. H,!" ni " Hi IkH Ullli'Ml WJI'i " IRON FRAME SAW MILL, Trice, Without Saw, 250. 1 A'1'tr.'i.s JOHN II. HUKGESS, j I'llVNKI.INSVII.I.K, N. C Si i lenil."r 7, Ii-h-j. if. ! geo. e. msssri u co., WAGflN M IM'F VCTrilKKS. ! IVlni; "i ly tlie ii.i ,.f mil. rl.klB, w. mak Hi" : ImhI"! W"rk. t.11,1 woirrHiii eo-ry J,.li. Wr I, ho- 1Ii hi. I Im ii-' ii VI. rl ni.,1 "iir :i.'..li li.ki. U" 1,'i.ii'i. l -ii"f rt., In lln'.H'M. l:rry f u,it-, i, I. irs llie naiiii' '! I' MSKt'N, H.'il.'in. I'. i o , N I' ' VI illrl T IUl ''Hi ll.'fer U' III! wll" IHB ! ll-llit' "ir Vek-. iw. I ug. a, lh.-ii till). Dr . WM7 LYNCH" DENTIST, Wl'.l v'lli Cliikn I 1IIII i n It. i w.inl M' li lH)' Ii, Mf'll lll.'ll'll All .nil-left Hh lr. A II le 1..TIH..11 ,,r T. Mc Ciin'y win l i' I 'li'l'M) soon I. I i". i-u. tl. Ii. I'- " - 11 -- Llisccllancous IIERK AVE A HE AGAIN! OUH NEW FALL STOCK OF HARDWARE, TINWARE AM) H0UKK rTK.NISllIXU J00I)S IS W01MII KXAMiNIX'l AND MOUTH HUYIXO!! 1, .! I It ot lt I :-i AUK EKIJAHLE! 01 It I'liK'I.S AKK IIKASONAMLI'.! COTTON KINO STOVE Heats the Woild! THY IT! W'o .uy HfNw.i, nlii'iiiloii to all grit-lr jf -.llf-- K.C"M'n,', Alnl-lln Sta'urlty, &e,. anil gauraulu uur IU'Icim i I'i' l .c ti.in. Ol'NS ' SlNOI.K AMI IVil lli K Hki:'.i u AM) Mcz.mc I.oadkus. A M M I: M I'h i.N, ii t N M'l Kltl.M,, AC . &(!. twx.Wti carry thp Ibr.t at sttn l; of these jooda to I e foiling in the Slate. Write) for Iiaiid ioii.ely illustrated cntalojoio. J. ('. ilKKWSTKll & CO., lift. U 1;'J a-ji. Hoi.ikmvn Di ii.ni.Mi, HAI.KIUH, N. C. HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sash, Doors and lilinris, LAl;C.i:ST HT( OK IN NOUTH CA Hol.INA. .11 1. ICS LEWIS ii CO, Oct. li, lt-i, Jim. HAI.KIJH, K. C, CiKAM) OPENING - or fai;l and winter goods. Fs'iemls tuul Patrons, ll,i' oil i,.a 11 . 11: e 11 i,.i. ..'.in. I In . ,. !.ifc' ;i ih'h. 11 noun rikMlu D'.lliiK'iiir .iuimi'ii4 i-l ive- w!i:, 11,. 1 M,. .i !. .,,.i.;.. t ,i, ,.1 Ki" Hi .'..n. Inn ii..ul.i, iiu- iiruueim, II." I i.y or . im. II, I I,' .r lull, on. li,. r;ila .1, h.im.v.ir r 1 1 1 1 , , i, u,..r iiuiiiui. 'll.e iti -k 1.. .li live nil I'lj ii ii., iii, -n.itil. j.i t in- . "ini I, ul .,f our al.lti,) i.i un,lii:lii uur rupii lull II i. r I ! :i:-ll.fc' li," I'l'lll.'. VS',' w.ll jfii'ir',,.!,-,, Ill e.il!,) Co 111 Jill. ulo tn II." in ni .'..rr. l i'liii.i n nt li, avy '.r MkIiI otrsncoAvs, noi3QY fJACH sirxrs, SINGLE OU DOL'iiLE lUiE.VSTEP CUT AWAY SUILS, r?.a:o3 i.L"2r.T ooatc. TIIK LATEST I "AT KILNS IN PANTS. ISats ami Caps Mni: on in i i nofT ai'I-iiovkh i.i.iks ash is j ii k iaieht sivi.kb. In Ni' 'L.i.. i.n I II. ihlerj- Iiio,' I. ( .I! Itii.', ui. 1 "i.r I'l.ilm tut Mimi'ii i.iuUll.ir'ii In null fuusiled. Our , I.'. .'i. a. I . i.i.'t ;ul .ih ii.ui.y i i v, ..i... i. l.t-lrn In mil, Hill Ih' i'.y h.iI.iiiuii, lo In. ul I i. el. 1 1.. Imfioi n,.i lr.,in Kvrr.' l ".lv, fr.,in I .. tl , fur lin t nvar. Tuu will il. .1 'I..H Ii I., r.'ill ,,iir il.n tn ... il i in- li. ni il ... i mi ilium, ii.m'II Uirui m iU 1. B.-.1 I'.wli'lr I'rl. .'. i.i i l.'.iii. iin nil i' a llil,i ,,r ,ii.i,ilnJ, IM' l. ii-i:i'ia win. v ij riuli ly .'. ii l'i, i.'.i I uM,(,m. Iiiur II. in In. I. wt' a. II ,,I) rii-'li k 'la n vi' .'an ri',',,l,ciin.l, II 1 1 ,"ir '.'i: lln.tl r ! i ; 1,1.- !, 1 1. v-r ..iir i'.ini"i.n All w u. k In to kIv.j in a rulr trial, auJ w ar . , nl; I' i.: . I ) nr . "iciu.ii' l i,...r ,i..in.'. In .,,ii, nt .n, w.i will y, cuinu wbai i.C" In ' a. Ii-.krn 11... l 'i.i i,i. 1 ,,mli'y, bil l m.i'ii In ne.'J of ni..: In,', n ..ill wl'.i I .' i.. if 'Ii.'i.l. I'., r I'l'ifully y.iiirx, I.E.: WANG Kit lWiOTHKItS, i ::: ri . i: : -:n ; ami Tak oiis, IIknuv Hi ii.himi Ui'i'umitk l'. M. l'oi.-iijl'rit . Si'l f ii.i.. r 14, inri. it WY ATT V TAYLOR, Ut.Yl.lOK ill, IN. rilH.il' i N W ' NTH Sol ll'lTCn. lllOIIKsi' PlllCIC AM) I'llolllT ltlMl'IINa OL'AUANTKIkD. Fartilize Year Heal if Yen Want it lo Pay Yon. LotM) SACKS A M.MOXIATEP AND ACID PHOSPHATES, The lioa! l'ertili.:er Mado for Wheat and Outs, Now iu Depot Heady for Shipment. S -nd vour orders lo NOIiltlK M'A'rT .V TAYLOIt. li.t" -lull, N. I'., s. 1 '. ml,ir 7, '.Bui. lU LllGil MAltBLirWQRKS. I W. DURHAM, FAVrITKYILLK St., ltd LKHJII, N. ('. DEALER ITJ il AH IIKAPSTONKS, O Hl'J'.'ts I'Ko.Ml'l i.Y I'll.l.Kli AM) on wnirK ma riiu C1PB I m'.i.w ,f it.e l,csi nicil.t inci. kuuH-n aie tirrc com I.I,." , llm Iiu, Hnn.lmko, blllleiKi "' Dl ,..W,,inBnip.'iritiei,f til. Il v.mri! ami elTnlitfe jMWerk, H.lunirfkellie lin-alckl llkiuil I'uilllKllCttlc But Health and Strtflg'.h Restorer Cver litsi. Ilcmrn i 'vs!'"ia, litieimutism, Slwi.lct.nesa. atl,iin:jM'.f liie M..IM, Ii. Il ,fls I "'., l-i. kl.litrya, and all l eiti.tle Cuini'Lunlk. If V"U are w .lintr away wtih t uniimnli"n o any uivc4,e, ti'. lirtpyi.ll. K r:i Cic T.'N'i I" ,l.iy. Il mil ,ncly nnnl ri I II o I.r kiipr,,i I., Hmcn L ...... ., ,..l,,l.,. 'I ..,,,.,.. it I. .Hi. u(. Ihesvi.m i.il,. "l ii'l J,rani.;. f.-. ai'd$i SUM, ..till.lal, IstuMit. ,111: ncmmf without k,ciijiis.. III i, H,i.,K V. .ll'.ieiii.iUi 1.AH..K HAVINU IS MJYINU THE IKUJ H hUH. W. II. ZXOHAItD, VA I I'UM A Iv Kit AN'I JEWKI.KIl, nti.l ilnilnr III wi n ui.i. i 1 01 i;s .ii.vvh.i.v, i-i'i.eTA('l i n. I. VI' 10 Ael.l H Ac. , C Iii-I nlrlnK uf nli kltiflM .i,u ..i, ale.rl i,. i.'i tn I lit. r y Unl m)l,i, h', lul allinl.'li Klveii l.i lii r. .Mlr ,.i flux wm. ln'M. or lim l.y mail ,i ini'lly ai'i i.,,-, i . tn t - .1 i-i--i I- n irukuki.ni J 1 iiito.ur '. ; t ., Julj i.lr-j. ' 1 'i'trr'i'.uU In Iti'tli.ra iiii'.r m I ml' .' liii 3 I : ui u.4 uwu.,-i i-lvr. tj.-u.iu.atf 1 1 1 . .1 .101 tuu. H J i : L sm Advertisement. . 01'tt STOCK j 1 IS COMPLETE! i OVll CO0D3 AUK NEW! THIS ALL RIGHT Cooking Stove. Yin' uii'tiTbluiir I. Apnti fr llil Ot-leijrlil bl-.'f, ami Mill-! iK ihe u01h' llml uvitr T ICNTY-FIVK THuUSA.Nl i.f "ii. s;..vi Iiiivh ivii B"M, auJ 11. ul luloach liiMt.iu. 11 il, ry liiivt' tvii PBIOES VERY LOW. TP filTT irnv (llltlltfun IIIWHMIIllia IMl TAJ'.LKTS, .(,'. MA I ll''.i'TioN UUAIUMTCBD. it list an.i iuhiuna. -a TIRE ! TIRE!! COTTON G1NNERS Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIRE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. Thl o..i,i'Bny hrui tenn to auoreaaful opwaUvn fur ft.urliwii yarn, and Always Fays Its Losses. II tnKikfii, an.l "lvpiit, ami ,aya jirnmpllr ll illlt' l.-H. Ail i liiiinra t.f limurnlili) .n.tl)r loaurad ,,li reaneiml In l. rnis. Knw la Ihn llrno lo luaural li.r ftirilit r Infi.rni.iil.'n ai ljr lu H. A. LONDON, Jr.., Apent. Si ,ifiii.. r 7. Issi.-Sni I'lTTBIIOBO, N. 0. rJ Travellers. Trnvrllrra H"ln In ainl frem MnNI I KF ran B.'.i.anin' iliiie.l villi e..nil, rtali" lrd ami l-4g-Inv al t lit lain rtmlilKUc iif I'r Hml.li. A rMiv(. iiii. r nlwaya al Land. . 1), I'ATfTfWOW, Muucvir, $. Srelemlert, 1'J. i

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