Ifrhi Qftathaw Record TUCKS! AY, NOVl.MUKK '2, XOOAL XUBCOHDS. Wliii li will bo tho banner town whip? tftTMeii re-ply 1 r Head ticket ! of ('hatha. n are )'0U o iiniiiu ..ii j.'iii W Irt' eurrv Chatham by not Jly rciud.-d i.s the i.io.U ui.-ibolical 1)88 Until 500 majority! "f "'I crimes and is d noiim-ed by all u- j fT"'"! peopl. in likn m-inncr should ft-Q.l)ou't forget tlio niMikii lit"11 tf"l citizens dei,outict; political JHkkhW Store ami Orillin'B Storo j mfiitic.iik a ku ii a num helps " next Saturday ! j..n-.t ii':ii 10 n.ii il. ,i I . yj. i. ftdrEv!ry volo ivcii for rmisl, j ''Vi. k. r. -I). vcixuix'.; can-li-laU'," :.i;Tii HcikIcii or Wicker in it vote in favor " petition to the l.e;;i: h.hne for thi ef Dr. Moll u ItaiiHoiii'ri Hin-cessor ! !-'W:':rfMif n pr. il.tliitory law, ai.-l. aft .-r , :.. . I i. i . . I : -l I . U .Huw il.) thii n-i.'ililicuiH of ('lmthaai like their e i,;ai.lal. M lieiiijj '-iioniinate.l" bv bin ii iiieu us j j.l.Mii.lH atld Doverei.X ? . 6y" SLit'.v A. ll irris are el .i:: out 11 1 f 1 i 1 busino.is, piepatai.ory to 11 ehaiiffft, ami re.iu.-it lliat all who 11 re iinl.'hle.I to them will 101110 fortvar.l nii.l sit tin inimeiliately. BW. Wo tal:.) ili-aure in eallnif attention to the mlvci tiMiiuent of Messrs. It. K. KUis ilro , with whom is our elt-vor youiij,' count unaii, Mr. Leu ill. Dunlop. (iivi; them a call. BiarFor nalfj a tract of land two Thursday, ami it would then bo too miles from l'ittsboro', couliiinin' 121 J111'" " publish (be result in that ft.:res, of which .'Initio cleared ttu, wit's iss-.w. VU use uend 11 cojiy of balaneo well timbered. (100.I build returns, so that they v.iil rert.-li us iii4. Tonus c;nv. Aj'ply to .Josejih Vi:n.M:ni.Y, i.nd I.-.- fi doin wt. K. I'.ubitnks, or V. L. Lon-loii. jjive our r.;.,!. is llio full vote in . . next wi-ek's ItKeoun. ICi-TIo! Tint Hormnl.tv IJ.OS. Mr. - T 1 1 1... 1 :.. ' . .1 :. 1 linnnTiin.i Ilnn Tim nl.l i. jx. j1.111iit.111y iiitvui; tubeii nuu n.ii,Mift...,wl,,., ' ir ti..ii,i.,I .v .'. iv of Trov. onii ..f Hut beat, ivoo.l work the Stale exiu cts to innke .i WtttfOliH, lilltfj-li'M, iVe. JCepaa-tli' of cn-cieu n.ai.v v i :ti n oeiou: t.ie a.mi- , nil kinds ilou.i n-utly, sub.stanliallv : lniionaty war. Din in;,' that war the and on Khort. notice. " I lories iilinekc.l lis owm r, v.lio was ' ... . Iwia:' HrouLn (lan.'.fathDof the pres- ' BX. When yoil Oiiinn to the ele.-ti iu ent iu cii utit ), iu,d bfoku out the panel J noxt Tueiiday or the day afier tall tit; of the . tool to his loom, and timl. London's iiu.l (,'i-t ymi a iiic.-; pair of 'door still leu.aitm with its broki n j hand nia. In 15ooH that willl.nl you j j ati.-l. (!. n. (iieeiie mid bis niinyi all tint Winter, and at tun same time . i-neaii.) id t'eii-, in his poi;iii of' look.nl. his sloek of Iteiidy made ( 'iol h ,('. nwailis after the battle of in iii. .id ' in, if you want s un. thin,,' nice and 'Co'irl llou.'-e, the l; in nil liiui-u lt tic- ; cheaii. He baitl spl.uidel atuck of , . up in;; a room in the liou.,e. Mr.' 15'jdhteads, t'liuii'M, Ac. MrN'evv (ioods! JlyniktitV. lieatleii aro now receiving their i-toek of Full uinl Wint'jr (ioods, ci'iiHistiii' of it full utot'k of alniost every! bin;; found ill a flint clans storo ; a fine line of Ludi. tV Cloaks, L'idi' Huts and Featlieis. and tin v will li.nl Mrs. Home ready t.l .bess tlie. II nil in the int..,. hli le i (tivrt in a cull and vvti have no doubt i voa fun bit siiilt.d i . .. :. and AiuMatli'H, and wi.h ailv. rli .ed I i Brti. Thost) pretty lllid i heap 1 ) ei-s r.penk at llel per'n KoiI'Ih, but lie was Ooo.ls liavo arrived at Lond-m's, and so tlisiistetl tit his r. trolioii at those tl.o ladies all suy that they are verylo jiliuw s that he left the county, chimp and very pretty. If you need; Mot mtnpui,;!! lias bin a ridiculous a nice dross cull soon and see lli-an, , f ii!.:ie. J'he all. lid.iii.-e was i-isi;,'nill and his pretty Caiicoei., Flannels mid i can'l stnull, and, if such u man can be Liuseys. Tim In -si black Kid ilovi j ue'rl u.i I, be must f -i 1 deeply morti made for t'ne ntotiev. Nice Shawl ., iied a. his ! -ceptit t: in '1-itl .l.am. 'i ho Cloaks, Scurfs, 1 .adn (.'orsnts, e. 1 1 one, 1 11. I'ltoi.liK- Coi i.iS.- -Mr. Sidney F,u i ... t. . . ii':l . .1. :.. 1 . . mums, oi ivioiitius io iitnuji, iij,,, i,i.;i, b..!l of cotton that litis I locks. Who I t an beat itf A I.Mn.r. lit. --Mr. A. Stone, f ! Williams township, killed a hawk, on last Friduy, that mcasurt d four ft ti from tip to tip. i IwyWhen Her;:i atit ! leaden ItKserts . that lie is not Molts citn.li.lale. !l.el:i; t,. ei,,lu:c- have all ! , en orderly- jieojilo will remember that in lh71 he ,,t rt i i-. ,i. ii of the pi ace l.av also indignantly tleiiied bt-in;,' a repnb 1 1; hmci utred ui. t.i.y place. Wt-.ttt.-iid licftn. it'.l the HjH-itkiti;, at. I-Lrypl. on Tuts oni' Caupaiun Sl-iisciuiimim. With next issue Iho lime of our "oainpiti,'ii ' H u lmc l ibel s will exjiiro. Those dt Mir i u e-their l.ai.el continued will iileasc nt onco renew, otherwiso wo will think they do not want it. A Si'initit' liri. A youiij man, named Lusa'.er, wan bilton in the bund by a fpidcr in ar hero yehteitl.iy. At flint ho thought nothing of it, but in a short time ho wits siiuei in,r k tit pain ami it was feared he would the, but Dr. .laekson beillb' utile.! in re lieved lii.it ami he is now all lieiil again. A SAiiAcnms Cioat. Our esteemed friend, I). O. Ooo.Lvin. ii .cH..otiHibl..;h,u,"JH hl T " !" ",K " ,' to a men. a 1.1 1.1.01, in my p .nn for the follow in. ur,,at.,:lory. 'J,. MIVJ.';'V. nuecine h.l,t. s ... th.-t ct'iitity. In J ,;,.illt, u,,s,,w to He,, what ..it.r.ess that it Hock of ,.h. ep in his neiel.bnr ; ' ' ; 'i ir. j " !i" ma.l- sev, r:.l rp. ee ,h ( tl,, y jl,,. ,tik,A Hbolit tee middle l.,.o.l w. r.i rtc. ntlv m hh.ii; H .i,,.,, ; Clmlbam e,nvas.--.n,.- .i.i...t th..-; ,,f .(..ly f,.i!..wi.ij( I lit.oke.l ont Hot... 1 re, k, and thai a li'ltlo Lid, that was 'Ml1 "f 11 ,"l'v'"11;'"' lal"1 '" , "f llicm, (I Hud they are v. ry eimily With tliOHhceo, iumia don the back evcy one of bote speeches; he em .Miiht Wllb a hook), and to mv :.:ir- cp, jnmi of out) tif them and rode acn.sH creek without ; tliiig wet. th.) 1 ' Till! CaucI'M CamuI'ATFh. Mcssm. Headeiiaml Wicl trl.avc been boast- iuj; nil around the count v that they ii"i tlin "iieoiile's" i ini.l'idiiti H. iihd tint thn ciiiidi.hiteH of miv caucus, cliipio, or convention. Their boastiiiK I 'mls of Kerneant 1 leaden, the very , very fiit that ly keepiiifj etio of witH Hiiddeiily checked at l'-KJl't, on ' 114 t year he inn an the Itr.i'fiii.iCAN . Hiem in a bucket of wait r a fe v min litut TueHilav, when Mr. M .-trail proved ' eaudidtito for the Senate, htiviii leeii ute8 foi inttpecliou I f.mud a skim of that they wero "nominated" ut a little : i Kllllb noniiiuite.1 at the republican ,,n. i.,li oil Bwiinieiii' on lop of the caucus lieltl here ihirin" court -week. ' county convention and bavin"; per-1 water. And nil this nnpieceilcutid A'ca, Mr. Marsh read a certificate from winallv nppenred in that convention j (.rovvtli without, 1 miht any, any final, tino't.f the members .f the cnueiii, i and foi initlly accept ml the noniina jonly hiu-U ita tln.y gat out of Ihe stating that Col. L. t!. LMvvards, Tom i "" Not only thai, b.tt in the samti , pond, uh lam centid tit they havi l)evereux, Sniidv Wicker, lr. Clinpin, I ear lie w as tho Ortmt elector for this mt had uh milch as 2 eunces of 1-rt-nd Tom UurcHH mid two tir'threootheiisio'istrict! What think you of such J per head siuco plaee, in tl.o pond. i.ii 'i'.. l :.,i.i ..t ibiiilieit v fish eiilt.iire is a realilv and lu iiiim- caucus, lli'lit i utiv-ii-i, t.ji i iiemui, it lieiil' oi i - - --- j .i'i, 1 . 11 l court -week, at Col L.lvvards' loom at I Avniin iu 171, at tho next election, j ukc, and the Homier our pt oplu tiud ' believed it wsHOii-od by an explo thn hotel lu re ami decided that ", utta Urn republican liomint'o for it out Ihe belter for them. noil of fa. 1 tin tl .men sptoud with Headmi and Wicker nhould be the Con'iean, nud canvitssed this district I 1 urn perfeelly Hittisfiwd Unit raising . f,'ral rapidity, rtiunht the drop enr-caudidutt-H ! We heard of it tl.e n, vt as such : and a-ain in 1880, at the I Ush ,. especially tho cup) will pay ! t ami thova th,. ktap hsmls wm, .t..v m,.,i :.. tl,., If.... .1,,. ,.f il.,.! very hiHt election, he wuh thn rei.ubli mii.h bctt-r than trvnc to urn" an i " rn setting tint at .to,, t.) rnl;t, trom auiiounced that they were Iho candi- ,n" "mninee for .Imltfc of Ihia Jmlieial n.imy he.n and t loel.etiH. Tlit.-.,-date. Ami yet these candidateit, thus ; district. And yet. w ith this political 1 -np of mine will be little wludcR in selected by this iiiuifiio lit c.iiiciih, have the cheek to declare that they are tho -jieople's" can.li l.tt'-.t! 3T If l'uist. lle.t l.-n mid Wi. k. r are nut in favor of Dr. Molt for the United Stale Semite, why cau t they auy bo 1 i '.. Tlii idemf Ilffhli -ii in:.1. Wil l i r ,' rililie;,' theliist 1 V:. 1 le " 1 Vople's" c:ill 'didatci, when they v.cre "mm. mated" by Col. IMivuiiIk mid Tom J) vctcu ! Al .MliHP A FlKI' Oil liist TlleHll.iy I nihl a lump ( vp'oded iii the puss-nott Ul J Jliriis' hotel lllhl Cllllscd ll'.iitC 1111 I t.'xc-j t ;ijmi:1 . Tin' luiriiiii;' oil run on the Hour iin.l a blight slici fc of lire shot Mill, blit WHS KUIIU t'XtIll'':llr,lied : Uy throwing h bl.ml-.t on it. Hy - tlio way, what Lad btvomu of our lire company - I'iii n'riMl I vt. ivrieii.i.' 1 iifunf ii'li I. infanticide, 'or the killin;' of one's own lia'ov, is . e ... ... . - - ' - t-'rl a throtieii the Legislature and :!..,.. I. ..I.... I.. ..I it A W ' ,11. 'UiiMi;;.', ii.-ijini i.j iijji u airi ii.i', f;l't!.s ov.-r iin d.-ath: Win there 'Vi-r Hiieli an unnatural laU.ei T r " '' , B. Let tl... eolieil voter l en:, in i her 1 1 tut Jr. J-iiiih! Mini, "ii t;ik m.. i K It SMUT Too NT'toNfi. (il.T lilll OK IMS! A li l,li,-Nii in 1 . )i;rl .ni i,s !" Ti I'.: oifi riiAin. In o:ir ne:.l i sin; 1 we wi.-.h in KKO tie- full t.-Hiei.-il Nolo ol ! t-vi jy jiieeiiiet iii l!i" county, ni:l. in or.lt t io tl.i m, wt: 1 :.ini lly u-k every . jri-.ti:i!' t'. selnl 1!k by t!:e I l-'.r op. ii tl t iiniiy ti;e h;i.i. vote t.f his pieciucl, tl.ut is, the vi-te 1-ir i vi i'v eaiiilnl.ito. W'f nial.e this ivijile.-l L111111..I! the 1 hoai il of eanva:;--ei s ilo not meet until ; ' I Hitioks liumehlt ad (now occuuied bv ! I- I.rooi;) li the ol.ii ht fraiiu liwelliiy in this c unlv, li.-ivin.j b. en . . . . . i . . i . lirotiks has many interest i'i,' reli.-.i that were picked up at the old t-ninp and carefiiUy pr herved. BA. If I '.i i.st., 1 leaden and W ieLer not tlin 'reventi.'" t-alidi.hit' k, why the revenue officers work to h.ud j f jr their election ? ! LlAIII IN ClIAfUAi LlAl ll IN ( IIA IllAi;.-- (.1 it. J. M. Chat iia'ii 1 tit tiuli ' L acl; Us been canvassing luri::;' thi i week, Kin akin I d.-moci ul-t, of use, I. live !io conn d'-ie't'- in S'.i. h a (urn coal,'' and the lepulili.'ims en. not foijvi or fol.ive hie foul mouthed lilul.i of thetn for Foor Leach, we pity I'm ('... i v t 'nv.v-.-our county cat..l.d 'I hern; es close:: 'lino, iViii.iet.lv vats and 1111 I e :f i ni. a r.ivv at ijin kiie: i 1 1 vi l vt! in ha.- i..i-.:.ed 1 pieiiMintly. Tlierti 1ms bt en no i.,h i'i In:'.' or ti'i iil. i x. ..(.u ,, i...l,i!,.s. imd I ). crowds ; I J.lav, and Wt-rc pleased to lOi.l the true i t , . , I,. I , ,.(:,. , .1. Ii...l,.ir. ... ...... f. .... . . .... I ritloje;hold i". enthusiastic. Indeed lour fricmJ.i throuhtnit the count v are s.injuiue of ii lory and lire th ter i termite .1 to do tn ir tlutv i.cvt 1 ue-t- day. We would warn them not tube too sanguine and nllow the election to o b iii fault, b it would nii'e t-v.-rv luuu to r c.-t it l.is I ii" out, rani or nhine, r.nd j IS inchest hni. I'ortho em oi.r u;i -lot in In-half of mud irov luieiit t.f others who have an id-11 i f : ei tiiiienl. Lally up, men of Chatham ! I l'oi.ti'ii .M. Dt i-t.ii rrv. Some men . may be honorable in their private ' thai a. ter, and et. in tii.ir jn.li'.i.-al conduct b- i.'iinty of 'lie ,-iialt--t ihiolieitv. Aiin'i i; men of this, clas i . ..... i., ii.... i tl. O .. 1 .1 ... I . 1 .. . 1 4 ' sotne .-ioi,s were e;iiilt leas eiiou'Ji l jto believe him. Tnia miseition tun ; j I"" p'oved by Inindi tula of our cili.eiia I ' Vslio ht ard those Hl-et't hi rt. Alld tet, lioiwiilistaiiiuni; uicmi empnaiii: tm-1 recur. I, lilt row mut intt iiiitiucuy in ionic bt foiethe jieople of Chatham and n il t 1m;ih that be is not a repub- 1 licim, and does not bi !oii to any j.tuly! I'll! shame, while is I by I. Infill Does he Ibllili lleil Ih.VlM.i i pie of Chalh'tm are a m t of iuoI-to! i be thins bninbue,;;ei.' i pu:.l into v .leciiiu.i nun nt- hum nil n ) l.-i: 101111.1 t mill lo UK' iHllie I W lie n, ,, ifpubllean : indeed belejiilled W it h 1 f it '111 tip to tip. ISow, ill (he h.st ii.iiii'ie.tion mu ll 1111 imputation, amLw t-kof Oeluliet. I liavo hooked out t"7f" The pet pic cf ( 'li'lt l:!l'll willj VO'c tul NiMtiXN otliieis d;i M :.t : Tue:i l.iv, ill. 1 1 vet ll:o Id ml'" vvl-h '. to break II). the ih'Inoel.tlle .l. i v In'- : caiee tin l an: i,n ii:o;v u vole f;l ! (liMT liv's Vm ill: imbiish for ! I! ISO.-In the inl'.il'nmtioli i our it uders tin' oflicial vole i Cl.at etiou : l.aai in tlx- last pre.si.lt lilial ( 1 : J'llCU.ets. ilalieeek. CailnM. - ! Albi i;;l.l's, 122 71 7! !; 10.-, 7S r-j 1.17 HI") M 1 :s r.H if; 1:17 ii. 2P! 1 s4 ..Mai t !, vvs . j Hear Cri ck, 171 2-11! 71 l:i:! 1.T2 t St km; i:5ii IK 17:5 117 201 MS l!J7 '.!:: .uoiiut s Mum. . . L ,'. i ii.. r . ... ', t r.'.viii. j 'o j J(,,.';vip'(1 ; )illl.)j1(,nc j j ,yI1Wjls ' ; u,,,,,, ,, , ea! l HSLjton Ui;':!sl.ieV J'.nllv.ins, Mail. 1 .M 'linlain (-iit i T.-tnL llaneo.-k'-i ni-ijoi i! v, '.'rJ2. l.et t vi ry j-reciiit-t try nesl week to improve on this vote, nod sett which -l.:.il b.. entitled lo be c:i!lc.l the LIannku tn. ic.hiji of t:hathain ! - o 'Mil' th liliK Till if 'ritkl'l. Jv.vrv v.'b r in l!hathain is entitled totnstM l.ailots at tl.e ii . j ru.u h ii t it i lii ii. i s loil.iwa: 1. l'. r C -n'ri sHiiitm-ut liaw. '.I. l't r Coi:.;reHsiimu for tth Dis trict. .'5. For Justice of the Supreme (.'oiirt. and .-fi- Judges of the Supei ior Com t. and Sulieitor of Fifth liistrict. -1. Fur nu inbers of (he l..-isl-lt lire. 5. Fur the county etiift rs. (. For t:.uslii')le of the tov. unnip. 15e sure that you vote every oli; of thee six ballots ! For fear that there mav be linens 1(1.1 lj . I.li I. tl ; ' K . puoi mi 11 i.ainrs of the leinoeiittic candidaf t:s, as follows: i 1''' 'i present tit ive in 4Hth ( !oii.jresB I i... ii... vii...,. ..t t ......... 1 ' r tin- Slat" a! Lar;'e : ItlMDKN T. liKNNLTT. For Kern, si nlalive in ISth Coinlews f.c- th" Ith Disiri. t : WILLJ AM U. COX. For A Us. uiate Justiee of the Supreme Court THOMAS KF1-TTN. l'or Superior Court .hid jis: 1st Dist. ,1AM F.S L. slfKI'HKUD. Jd Disi - FKLDF.klCK I'HILll'S, :td Di-t -ALLMAND A JLKOY, 1th Diet. .LVMF.S C. Mm ItAF., nth Dist JOHN A. OILMKU. ilth Dist. WILLIAM M. SHUT. I'or Solicitor of Fifth District : FKF.DLKICK N. STIii DWICK. F..r the Si natc, 2: District: '1 HO.MAS 5. WOM.VCiv. For ll.e House of lle):rt'sentittives : l)MML II. MAliSH. WILLIAM A. LAWKANC'K. For Shei iiV: STLl iiKX W. 15l;l'.V. KU. l'or Clerk riuja'tior Court: - J. ii;H(H: It AN'.NLK. I'.-.- : ;;istt r of Di ed i: LA HAN Jt. F.XLISK. F.r Coroner : Ll'CI.W A. HANKS. l 'or Serve, or : J. WILSON s'l'KOV. D. lie mire lo leudvottr licl.il care f:ili ! Fish CitUiiie. iS.vxi.v (ii: .v:, C, Oci. L'l'.M., 1 S -1!m mi-: L.-im what Mime n.iu-lt call eie, "a fins' io." on I'm. I1 I'n i cnllttic, (or rid ii ; fn'li for homo c .ti. uin I. nn ami know in;' I kit your self uinl the id-tors of II.-: lire. t:s- l'lltliot ll'lll Hit- Ih.lell.ll X'-V. i- uiid OiisorV'T, are i Iron-; ndvncati t f ti-h culture, I wilt " to call th. ittt litiou of the f.olnels to thii v. ii iniooit.tut, protiial.li ami ini ert-sl i. ; snbj.ct i.f tisli food, which cult bi tmide fur oiieapcr I htm any other imi nntl fn'n.1 Known 1 i mini. I f.,iv t ipiotation in Iho lUioun i.f O'-t'le I 12th, taken f.om iho Nuws a'.il 0: - H.ivcr, Kliilin, thii tint K.hij'h fn. 1 1 -liib hud their M1..1I drawn nil', in which thev Innl iilaced Heine (i.-te.il'i tu 1... ...... I 0 ........ I ef.l in Hi. ' ill.'. r .fco, .., .u. ) i . t - l:ilsl:: tlietr own li.so I will el c V ul my 1 x 1 noil 11 i'.i and hticc. s.i in t-iiuivii li nt ol the Ocnuati carp lish. I a t Dic iiil tir, 11 htilu over 10 uion:in i.e.), 1 pl ti-ed Jtlyou'it; c.iri, which 1 received r-'in Wa- hinejlon by j.iy:i.;; f"2 1T f rexpriS't t-liareH, i:ii iHiinn,r U to ti lochea III lelieth, m ley i, ni 1 . . . , 1 ti f, w imire to nee how limy . r ;.o t li,jr (,nd In my u.tor Mtq-ri-.e fu I thum meamiiiiip; 111 inches in L ..( h nud 11 inched around tht mrtli, tat ami met k : ni ti.cl lUt-y wei e two In iiiiri' jeitis il inn i-eiitinii oinwat tiui hrtti.e late, ax they will inert ice iu weight iniieh yrcaief pel t nr as tin y el elder ' " I). II. A l.lii:m!l I'. KW t.u tmt uml VU ULo wmiR .mun. IJetir Crcc'. SJooiniii ! IJiMi Cm j i; T-iwN-iiii'. X. (!., Oct.-bt r U'tUi, FiH2. M;.. Ki'irmi : Tliu-ontlook for the ileiii.icrrt'.ie party is most eneouiiejin' ;iu this lo-Mi:,liiji l."V,', J-'ur se-:o tiiin.- iiist it had I ii-t u I'. iued licit tins "Anti 'inhibition, Conlili.ui, Jjib.-rul, I Mo;:t,rrtT' ..ini . lli timl ai Jiilt ol! ! fool by the revenue lie;.' wonld .-oine-I .lcii sj'lit tin- j.arty. bi:i il hut proved lo mure fully unit'- the parly than' evil, if I'li.iiih.. lint I ).iarti!.l t')' 'nay sum iLir.;? about i nr . ' ; .!.; Ii t'.ul: pl:ic! on tl.e l' tii inst. ! : The candidates for tl.e vuiv-us i oimiy , olie-t s l.r.t annoiinci l 1 1 mseivt s in it few ii prnpi iate wonlr-- and very I .itct fuh V allied lh! people lo t lcel thiln - - some of them will, o( course,: ! I... ;..(...! -ki,. ,, ,i. i . I tive cat I ciix.iou. i il.-s comiiieiui 1 t'.eir i'is- linl, nceordin:' lo tit riit.L'.i - Ini. n!. Mr. Hindi u w.n'lic first (! sjiea':. II" ci -I, mi n ii ;i oM r one ho.tr. I b::t I;!' ::)..-."-h coyt M 1 I o lo'ti-h ter ' : liti-ty to iui. r-! o" iietrin l the ! ol. : it i. :a !.. ! fr .1.1 li l;. v:.,ili.':: d-c.vn to i i.f i(M !:t . i!e i'ailt-1, or '. v as e at :'nl not to ii' li.n !iis I'.osi-.ion, 'tin til', re o,:r i:ton" an in t wining, 'to ii:,!i a man on ile- t.., of the h-uce 1 ,' for it is uncii'iain wl-i.-h w.-iv In- will j ; Tall. He was follow. bv Mr. I.:tw : rimci' v .ira'il- d that le- was th" It Ill- .lidale f -r the I.e -UUur.-, I l:ot : . I'let to I. i -.I.e a Mil i! sner.. !,. l.et it th ct.-d t.li .!.: f or', f.T the i'.tt ;evt of th" p ;! . f r tht irin'eri s( .i;i i.isuwn hr. r. -i. li.- mad.' tl favorable i;iiTCsioii upon o;r ieo!e. 'J hen fime Mr. A. W. iekt r an.) ann cinced himself it deserter Democrat, A lit i l'nhil.ili ni. Liberal candidnle '. r the Lee;is!aUir.-. and such an explosion tf wind I never In nr.l before, a::-! if a man can te!! wlrit he is by -niii;' to bi.-n talk In is s.-narl.-r tl::-.n t:t-y ono 1 httve (-t Keen. )li:i Hj'i-t'ch. or h.-irunjrue, wt nt to tin-four winds of the earth. lie wan followed by Mr. 1). If. Marsh who very clearly showi.-d that tl.e coalition or liberal parly was only thi original republican party with a few j i ... l.t i .... ..i n .. ti" .1 1 luni- lit ,leinoi-r:its, mHi hs Mr. U'i-. k- jer. ami that the levetii'.o lit ,; I ad 1 ;-'ivii il new sin!, m order to me t -u 1 1 i the unt!iit:frit:; ! i.crats. lie tin n iuili'etost job . 1 : aecolupiisliet? tii 'b II. 1: W-. !..r that I . b: i n il .t-e in ( 'h-it'nni. I le sl.i'in- d him alive, finm h. ad to fotit, and d d ! it without riipi.'i t! hi.lo anywhere, j but we suppiiM- t!" t hides alt- citer a'ly 1 tow after titi t xj.losiotl of wind I We will M ini it lo the Km'oki.'i; museum ns t- iot. as wo etiu it j ft .' I. 1 would like lo Kty Horn.; Ithit.j,- -diotil Mr. Wotnack'H and Dr. i Faust's hjieecliea but 1 have already I written mure than ( xpeeted and w ill jeiose bv sa.vlne; th'it Mr. Wotliaek I made one of his bet upeecliea which ! will In- rodiicliv of lutteli ,'ood to j the mi iy, and Mr. Faust succeeded m i.ftiiteriii;,' i lie crovvii ho inai ne nan i In ouit f.;r the want of t-oinebodv to i I talk to. We predict a ernud vi'-torv if .r the dei.ioi:,i;ts iu Chatham nnd old Hear Creek w ill iti1 be t ehin 1 in u r part. t n't; -vs. An Fntjiiii'i t'omni.ny has purchased j r'liHI.IiiKI woith of land m Wisti m TV i vt. A I'lt'fcbsirtf fl',1.) Ori.ml .lury h:c iiidif.e I a nn f if le ii a 'wi e! I .t t it." Five liion (l - Clito.iil '-ii alive in '...l iii'.nii st SllOiiando .h, l':t , b the f avil.e. i'i ef a tin Ft.. '1'lm I're.-i 1- nt luit i''- hit-d tin Mil! It ijmt Tl::.'.!,- :i ni,; I) .v I in- ha I Willi: d tl'ilii I.IIt r tl C eleetii l, ve .l. 'ibt if hi! wot, 1.1 ha.';, .ipjioinitd t.-.y .1 .y. A few d-.ys ai-ri. at T-aci n-i. l, Wv- o e ; Ti ri i lo." V. H i ! bv a cut. I' uy, ih i i:.f-.i i d .it-lt; ; ::. tel .ih-.li "A !.. - -: r.ileheil I-II--I ol I I to ' ;-.,,l niti;; the cL il l di. d ihe next ! on -li' d r,M. -I.h.y. J A Chiniiii- t-oin li.liO.) yiavn old. hat I bet tl found bv l.'ol I loin, t 1 ili'ei.if; III II I !.!. ill I'.i i.'S'.i Coil!!. It i.- i,:i;, ,..,.d to miv.. b.ci. 1. fit hero by j( - ,, ,.. neuii.ers wm! I in the .r.ia - t iu.iL,' bt fore the ;htt,ii in eta. Foietium De-ks .n of '.!. - Star lioule I'll V Wi.rt Hire: t.st !:u.t v-a iioiav ami j'-ivo bail in t.ho inim .-f "i.nU'i f r h.h api.eai uiice t'jiii.s u r I lie .hat i. e o! ! con. pit a ) and elebsit.w n - to iu-I ll::eii..-c lite verdict in the Star Ilonli. lih.l. j The nioil learned w . ..-'.i..i in lh" .villi In .l-ss H immile.l, ti von - i ; lady of twenty , v'n in iv ' in I'at'i" i j I- l : l 1. 1. '.IVe ol llell.l, l.'i i C'.il l'eaii niid ami talk i l I'Aflvu la;:-i . .eitiH, I 'living a wondei '.ii i(l in ! ll.ti? way, hei-h!in h ine; up in mathe ju.ati.'.i, iniionomy and hi .tory, A colored vvoi:..ii at Ivy ib-p.il, ! Alben arle county. V't., aiteniple I to .lr.iwu 1 tf t 'n ear old boi t-n t'n.' j j li ,;ii: i.f the :0 ', lilt She te d c'i t! ft ; jovt-r the I...)'h face ami t r..j e li;lil ; j nr mud his m ck, with which she vn 1 h tilling lem up and nown M:.-, : r atu ' W ll- li mle V lis ill rested. It is ihoU"! t lh.it ihe boy will die. I Theatre. l.Uint. A New ork tlnpalch, duted Oct. I .'(lib, Bays: Abbey 'h l'ark Thea'tei was Ihts eveiiilij' tleBtroyttl by liro. None of the acton, tn-re in the l uil l itij;, art there hud bfill lit) reheursil iltt i iiif? I he :ift"i noon. Two men wire liitdlv ini ireil. The lire atMr'f 1 in the miM"idiitn in tear of several tier of b'.xe.i mi the riu'l.t of the i.lse, J( ll.e bl.iiihlii' l ilt V IIIH.te a brief hut : , vain elV.-rt to put out Ihe fire with e. ' l.neiii-iii'.s, but tiny would not work ; .Mrs. Liiii(;tiy'a eosi nines for tlu- p'a ' in which iho wis to i.ppear to-t.iht, j ' Tiiti I'm .jiinl Mitch,' w et a all Imi n 1 e.l. Also, the cost iiuie.s n i.ll the , o! in r meiiibei s of lh company "ml Hie very xaluiiDlo acelicry. oti.1 ..v.ss.iv.d Ibiti'f Hif-ti' .Money. On 1 1 .-i-d i y . 1 r:ti f ; win :i vu iati btiv II hist in;,- pel fume S'. ll- ii-lfi'l fi ll fjraut and rel'reshiiijj ns Florestoii CoU-.-ne. A iiciH iit-eiil Act inn. The mi'" Tiit-lo 1 inks and fc. !i:s t f f 1 :.).-: ' ;!.' fill -d lit d.l-k:l orW.Ilk til':. It H, i-.re can. led ! v weak h'l. .teach, Kidneys or liowili. I'ai k r's ( i'lier Tonic, wiihout inti xictitij.' Lns niith a b. f.el'u-eiit a -.lion thci.c t.ri;-tris and i so cleliM-H the poisoiinus maltitr fi'ulii Iho (.ysteni. thai ros c!iti. lis and 'on.l , healili tin noon broiir,h'. buck uy.nu KvpiChH. H.-.1 . v.. i inn t.. fiii'.r) 'f I.lMIe t ntririt. rill.., I-i.-i- trit i.. ihI . st'ijirir ...ic.i-.l ; ih. prli.lnif. "lily t i'.t. h if..ur lir.:.'i't.'irt .-r i.y fin.ll. Su.ii'UrJ j ' a '" ! .... ..... .... j...' ,.;.'..-. .ii'. i.ii.il in . li, u int: of ?di s. Xii-.vilie, th.cliiri s that el.u I.hh I been t nit I- ate- ::!iont M.v iiioi.iIia, a :i'.i! f is hereditary. mi I I '.111 in.. i .:ir.-.l ; i . 1 1 -i - I... kll. I. ..I il'iliM r M 'i.'ainltiL; it UJL .'ll'l.rttlti' 'ITiir-.-. 1 . r,ir;,lli li.i K'rl(,,i,i; .1- i.u-tf- , .-, n. :l I in.. I . ni l. ii'. ....i-n:,. ,ii il...ir ti t 1. I' tni. In .-ill iti.'v .-rr.'.. in. illy I'll- ' " . 1.1, Ulll t't ... M'-l llfl- llli-t li.il.' to .-. ' i. h i!.. '. -l-l n-'ii'-ti itH'vur.' me .." I.,.cr . t i . I . 1 1 ! 1 1 -1 i.,ui.l I.H ..l .. i. . w :;i i,.i,.- a .n i r;n: . fr--. i ..i, 1 . . T i..,- ii.-. -I nn. I fi ni..-1 . y -it, I 1 1 i.vn.nvi.s.i ,s i.i...i...r ' . . t . 'J'. ill. I M ul I. ! ii .. . '. !.l :l. ' ':''., I..--, i vt nivl-, ii -' i ."-I.-. I T. A, It t".i tie S.ii. I'll- l.-.j. , .N. f. THE MARKETS. HfH.ri. ! Tut nij nan l.y xouias, wvAi r v tayloh, liltoil'.lllt A i '.v M : 'sioN II Kl;' it tNTS, N. 8 l'x -l..ii.-f :.ii t v . .. r. V-.rtli" : , i-.Ai.i... ii, s. . .. .s. . 1 i !;. e.il'lo.N MM: lit 'I': .Mil -liliiK. ! in wuoi.r.su.K on ii rnv makket. I I'..:iu... s -i :l 4 IrMl, IiunIk-I, Uii'k,. ltsll.M, 1j:i . I', le p. -ll.l, I : I I Mlt.w- I ll.l'IW, 1 I IV.IB, ! l.'.r 1 Inicl l'..;k. I.ns, II r'li.K.1, I'. 1 H.I...I Ai .l..s, Kleully, 1:: 1 '' Oii; JVu'll HilJ nviJ) ins I :-tii, 1 in s,u.r- !' l, 1 10 V. li.i. r, ..:.-,:. e., fism.i.. , oii.iiu:k:...i It'll, r. r. .i i. l.' i. r-.. I'l.'.., ; ' 1 1 .i, llllflnt', . I.. , l.-w, .-.If . - ..I t, ..T l: li.V I.i'l. I'-rU, 11. -t. ' ftll- he l-irK- .Ve'v Ai i i-rtist'imiits. 3 AX!? SAL1! - - IX l'F OFA.WF, A ,,t uri'H'.l-'i tir-H !htI 'ri:'tiri ti t l.'iili.'im county, b ii. tirt 1 hi tt 1 1 t ii-v if t'. i hmt h .tu l Murk y ni U n."i..i: ' -I'l'.ii htui li nti-1 wl o l.r'l.-Ltllr. S. M. Iv nn I 't uTi. I will M il oil til- I I lh :.:-. ii 5i,- fh iiay ..r i -i. m m r. J, .-ii iml'li.' u.i- il -ft a tr.ft ii. Ihii i -:u itr In -..'il-l r.iiui'y of t'liit-lniii, on '.(h w.in-fN tf W.lkt-r "F ri 'I'l l K ( (t 1 ' tiling Uir lfllil.- .. A'loltlrt Nr W' -I, A l. Iiiinii-.i t. Miht-t.-s at -I cwM'iklnlt it '0 .f n 'I i (;M -. it liulC i-jifli, itti-i lial'iiu't in 9 fit' ll'tf HILti lli'M'-'-U. w. K. ivru i" i, N..v i, 1Hi. fn, .'.-!ii:n)s:,l..htr. K. i", KlLia & 1JH0, WHOLESALE GROCERS AM)-, It A l.t.'. ti:. N. c. Jo:isi,mmeii(s t:f Cottou, Gi'aia, I'TOUT, ti-C. , solicited. ALmivs ii-i bund v e i! stock of .!- i:."i. .A. '('. A.sr.K-'. iiKAI,.4C 1I.-.1-. tv'.l.i' : i l.riAl.l'V .ni.i in. iM.-i. i:r.:, . t'l-i'i'.i.r.ii to 'iiti. ; 1. .11 A: il-l.l b -f Oai.i; 1. toe!: Ft a-. iille, Li.u-i; and I ; ?.l. licM.or. of Chat . now v, it ii us and vv.ll e hi-; i-i itiul vnieu cul1 I .s'. v. -.!, l.s'.. : 1:11 1 O'll.t A 1 1 a' I -iS'i'i! fOIJ'S ; 1'i'h 'I-'.. - . n.n in. 'nh.-ii ..in ,.-'ir,' , ..r A.lMili.t.-:i'iti..h 11 lie-. .-1:1 ..i VI lid i;. l.ur.ll. -.;....J. II-.- !.. l.t. ii..' n'v. 11 i. .-r.-.li -, -, ..: n: i-Mtji-.i. in ;.r. .-.. it .-:r I.ilii.n l. ni.i ir n.v m.i In I llln-.- I-..' u:i er i.....r.. li I .l.iv .11 o. e.l-1 :-, l-M, i.- Oil-. I'i. .1," Hill 1 . 1 .:. a. I in I..U- .. 1 ,,T' J A. VUIMA. 11. l-uli. Ailui'l- 01".. IT'.L, r ej. nMINISTIJATOIt'SNMTICR " lllli llllt Illll.'M nil' IMI.'W ..f A I mtnl .1 1 I .n ..:. Ill .-ni.. .if J. AM 11 He .-k-i, Ii..i, e Ih ti.-is.liv kI v.-:i in On. .-r.-.lli.-r-. i.f IOh ..-.'i.:.. in Tt" ni in. Ir .-Itlnii, .ri .. il 11111l1111i1.11i.il m 1:. - ill . in 1 ,U; , i- ...-.,,. iii., 1 , . ii ,!.i..,: 1. 1 .!..-., ts.-j, , r 11,1.-. ii. ul. -.' lil I.- .;.-.l In l.iir nf ") I. Hi, - J. A. VV..M , I'. 1I1. A.lni'r. jvj'i'A i i' or xoiiTii cakolin; ' IN 'I Ht: si I I i.inl, .1:1 ll'f. r. i . nii.l Nun.-- I....i!, Tun-, i- I. .i i: i-.i'.l v.-lfe I.ll.iil . ili, -lint! ln-ui. .i.-l In l.l.il.i I r..r 1 il. .: I i'i in- nn. I vor. fi.r- ni.. .-r ln il,.' i-.-.n ..:ii. h.,ii.;ii i. i... ..,i, it,, v i." Ill-I I" ni'l-.u a' .l.r . iM- e ef II I,, bi.j.'M t.ir c.-iii i .r . ' tin' I . -nn ,', u 1 1 1 y , i I l l-li..!-,,', ulniiii v,l iiiiih Htier I , 1 1. 1 i, -tl. I.. nn. i ii-.-. wt-:, ..r .I,.,, i ii -1 n i- l.iiii.iif.,, .,i- jiuu ii ..1.1 I... ml., ' . W . I . 1 ol Slll.l'.. f. M. l . r I.', l'-.'ij. .. AM) SALi: l.V AT I HO'ilTY III I Ht I, ,,, MoNI'AV 11..' l. ll l.i) ..i s , ... II "in li,. i- .r in 1 1 I III I .-I I'i i.i 1 .1. Mum '..i.' 'I.iu l.i .. Ii..r,. TtllMS , r-IX lll'-lllll i..',-urlly r,- t til r I I'H-.ll, l.llt.lll.'l. oil a ITe-Ill ..f Hill. Illl.TI-il fr. lll .lllln. ll- ii.l llll.t I'lie I. m l 111 I..' ilivl,, J Int. i three I.Hs f..r Cell " o'J-i .' ' ' 1 1 .''i 1-i'ri '! ' ' i.l. ii, .. iii i.iir.'li.isi.n.. J. A. WoMAOK. t.'oiuiiitMni.,ni'r. 'jswx s.w.r.s -1 or.nr.ii to I- n, t f-r j tu,. .in,-), iin,..-i iliin tin r-"ii, I . i'l . .I..11 ill . ul. II - ni ;l ,i l.. r - iii il, ... .ii,-i li .i,, , ..r III .'" ',. II I I l.l-i.-T'-'. N. i:.. "II MOM' V V I Hie (l h .1 iy .,1 N -. v . -i 1 1 1 .ri-. isvj, il,.- f,... hiri 1'f.tl ' . f .'II.', ,ll! I .-ill,.' r.l inn 'In- .-..ne, .. el, all j, in- ! One 1111,1 In v'.l.ra'.il l,. ll.-t.n., . I- ll.. Voilors ..f ; li.i. ky l li-r, .l-lji.lliliiir Ml- Inn 1- ,.f T-iil-.i 'r.-.iirii... , Willi. in. Vertllll ill.... u.l't , .IliilllltKi: IllM.ill i l.ii ii. r. : I -Hi-.l . ij:ii iti. ,r n ..i Vi. I:. . -.ml. 1 Aliu.'ii.f liiiil In lli.i...iy V.,ilitulii I. Mi.-l,l,. n.l.-lii.iiif ilw tun is ,, v. I-. l.in k in, I ..llierh, - IHlllltlltlllli.lll ll'll u ..., nn. I li-vl,-,l,,ii h-.i.'i.i..i.- ..rly .,f.l. y. U..11I.11. Aiii. inf Inn,. It: lll.-kury M.iiiiit.itii .. i)iii, l..'.J.-.l..l.k- tin. Imi. Ii. iii ,1. S. runi.h.l. tin. NiSIIiv, I tun t. iin.l l.'vi.M.i ,.n iihUii- irii...riy ..i 1,,'v. I;,i.,.-h. A ll'it't ,, luiiil In 111, -km y MeulilHlu t . v. ti - I.I . lainihK itlwui t.l n r.H. uu,l Itolt"! mi as ih i.p.p I ell) ..I t. it. ni.H.k-,. i A ;i,t ! In Oitk'iiii l tuwiihtilp, a-lj.,f :.ti4 tin' tniiil : ..f l.i.. ct-un ''"i.. r-iiiliiiiu..t .it.,..'s. . .-ntiilnlim t , u. n n, mi 1 Ixvle.l ,,,i n.i Hie .r. i i i i y ..I liuvi- Julm h"ll. A In, ! "f Inn l inc. i.t,-,. i,,wi,-dl .,, ii in,-wat.-rn ef llnnlli' ,-r...-k. .l.J..nlii ill.-l.in.l- ..! Mrn. A.l l I line A I .ii.-i. I ..U.i i I ll.iii ,- ....I ,.il.,..-,. ...ueilhliii; I V.l i. ''.'rt, iin.l l.-v.isl nn u-. On' il'i,.i-o. ,,r U,.,.i;,- VV. Mr,; On.. -.1 .r.. Ii .ti hi in,. I . i in i.iu ni.f I'tiuinr. new i.,-.i .v A. n. i Ine, in x s..ii. .ni.i Imi. ..II Iv. til iilei'.-ll) i. II. U. C UII. j. v, TVVl.ot:. u.i. i: ij iu-, ii-su.a. SI Dr. II G. JACKSON Mini:,;; 1.--..V' 1 t.i I In- i l,:l.i. Out. -if., lKi, hi J I r'rs.lo:;o- ..rr.-rn lita wUrm aut will ut(L'ii.l ail milts, Uayur i , Gents' FsfeJli Mi, k, J. M. lloiseiilmum, UALKKJII, X. C, lla r 1V..1 t,ls 1'ALIi AND WINTER STOCK CLOTHING Cents' Furnishing Goods, IH l."l Uri IWttl 111 It. .B Sill1.', UU'l K ill tl..- h-.1.1 ( IIKAF. I j All ..Hits will rtttflv.t rllOMIT A'I 'I KSTIOX i nntl ' SATISFACTION G UAUANTEE1). I o.a. li. im. 3in. A few reasons for bnviiit' irooilu ut " LOKDOU'S CHEAP STORE. 1st. London keeps tin- largest innl bi,t si l. i -ted hlth-k in the county. '-'ml. London keeps everything you ten want, from a Silk Dress t.. ., bottle of Castor Oil. '5rd. London keeps every tiling a farmer needs from a Thresliinj: iMaehine to ti Flow- l'olt. !th. London kee) is the latent styles and all the latest i.ovehiis. otll. London till! rs heei:-.l indilee int'lils to ctt.-.ll euslotuers and lake. nll I inds of I'iirter in exokune for (lootls. tjtlt. London is receiving new goods every week. Ttli. London is Ajjent for I otm stie Scw itn; Machine, tin- lightest um liin i.inl best Machine made. Sili. London keeps the best, litre; est :md 1 l.et.p; si sto' k of Clothing in tl.e t-nt ni v. ',t;. Lotitl 111 l.i the best USMU't- 111 -11 L of lion!-; ;ml Shoes A"eiil iiil" Zityder llros'. t-elebrtltetl S'iik-s. liUli. Lot do.i keens Mais. Ct.ps, I'ur r.'tttfe. Hardware, Cook Stovts. .ut:..!.,. - !.;.,(., i:i 11..,-! -'' " ' ' ' -o....-, -on, -,v - s!ulrs, t'. i-'. ::liv(liiil;r 1st' Votl w i.slt. lltli. It is no trouble to sltovv jituxL tit Lond-m's. Come and see for MHirselve-;. llitb. London enngraliiluti-M bis frieinls and citnloiners on the line cros they have made. Call and see liiiil wl.cn you conic to town. I'I'ImIi.iIM', N. C, Sept. tx, lHS'i. F5 ILMTriJi:! JOE) T. MOERiSS, Sts ! Corner I'tiveltcville and 1 : DAl.K!(iH N lliiHliihteren liiTi iiii.l ,-lii'ii.uKs,.tit it ,.f l iiili-r suit. I'liiin.lH.i s. :h, null siiuhIk. t'. niri. Ti ., S .fie", I tl I K"'. l'i''.i". fi.llt, VViillilll lli'.l -t. ul i. Illll'i'-l'lit, fhi.lrs, Mu'lli , Wiii.n,....-s, A.,-. All ef Hie l sl ir:.l,.. All.,., ii ;r. ul niiiny elli T i.i ll .1. ... h i. li ns Ri-y Cliiilrs, s:.i.l..iis' Chulis. i-h-.-ii-. ILn-ker.', l .-uf Tul I.-. Tin su'i'.H. In l 'i. ,.-' til. ni: veil Wlllll. HI l.rl.VM U- ' lit tll UlllU' ii-i It, li. Mm. William Simpson, M'llOLLSALE and Klr.TAlL HAl.KUJtl, N. C, DRUGS, MEDICINES, IMPORTED PERFUMERY, j TOILET ARTICLES, ! SUKCi IC AL IK STKU MEN TS , Shoulder Braces, 6tc, tke. 1'iu-tl- ulur atinntl'iii mi.1 u.iho Arill.Uuu of AKi'.il fet Ji.lins.ill, It., 1,1. Ins k Co'8 Garilon Seeds, t)r.l.-r fr.-ni inimlry m.'r. li.nit h,.. ii... AOlilCl'LTT'HAL CHEMICALS n s-lulty. i llr lm liy mull ..iliiilly uUc'U.Kll o.i. r.', jiu. j i The Largest Stock OK Bagging and Ties ItS CENTRAL ' Hi.'r .. . Jl. JT 1 i . iM)nti Carolina: For the lowt-nt cash prices to GSNKERS AND DEALERS write to M. T. U:ACH & CO., KAbKIUH, K. C J.ily 13, Wi. if IIaieioii, X. C, An;,'. 9.1, lhH2. To t ill Ci l lZIAC OK CHATHAM AN1 SutllOl NMNii C0I NTIK8: ! tSi-NTi.t :t:x: We w ill -joot) receive our larire ami wt li Kelt cted F ull stock of JIARDWAUK, of t-vt-ry ilvserij.tion, Wanna 25 Eiiiig Goods, PAINT-3 (til! kinds,) AM) GTX IMI'LEMKXTS, a ml wo ask a share or" your pat ronutfe. We yiiuranteo batib faction. oni Motto : hEXT (loons, I.ni:STf.Pl;l: K Sy C A K K DKALIXU. R.wprotfuliy, Thos. II. Jriu's & Sons, italt igh, N. C. Nil AID E7IIL TOILCOTT, v. uoi.hhai.j: ii-:.i.i:ii ts DHV noons, (;i.()!;nN(Ji NoriOXS, J'AIS, Iloois AM) tiU,K M1J.U.K1!V t IOODS, 40., AND M l.M rttTI.IIKI! Olf I'A.VTS, Mli!l;;'s A.D DKAWEKS, i 8 Wilmineion .,n,l 15 Hwgrlt isL., I. A L Fit ill, X. c. I' 1- wtiti .l.-.i-urt. ;t,i 1 ,. u,.tni b "i-1-..ll ii. VVinHTMi.,,-!, I. new.-,,,,,,,!.,.,.. u w l ue i M ira .iir.v, rrmti muuuni.-iui..n., mM, b eu l.h 1.,,. f. ,w 1 ,w l4ly juitUue lWuH0 Hmlh y SI... K i-..i1.,ih ,,f H lUU 1Ull. , Hoots am. Simm, ll.vra and fAi-g, Mti.i.iNKitv .limtis, P.vnih Cloth , II.'f lolODS DuliliKTKH, I'l.'NV. .'I..V.MI Jlostl-.tiV. n.AWH. -'iM.u 1..!,. X,ii-iox, Won; K.N (,'uoim ,4c. I al-.' iii iiiiirii -iiii,, u lurcu iu...rini..it of '.'ANTS. MIIIM'S vn n'tiu i.Miu ell I wit . " U . r limn uiij- N,ir;li..in Cluiliing I- U.Hi i.lnill I ,' i'!uiu. l.ialiuw -: k. rt e 11 .1 .nvii!,,!,,-! ,, KIM n,.aUon r S'.-. tfl.lly, W.M WOOI.LCOIT. :.;i.-l I nr, jr. 1 ' 1 1. O I'mn., I)UUA.. I . j SALFESp WILLIAMS &C0, I'.ALLIC.U, ;,. c Latp st sto, k in the Statu and v.nir ord.-is will bo l-'ll.l.KD rilOMI'MrV ANIi AT LuWii.ST I'-ilfKti fj tk?"Seiiil for Catalog jo. -g 3 A'lt-' lti. 1SS'.'. tllll. b. an tn;:.iN. franldtiDt. P. A. WILIT, Clil. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, ev U4i.kk;ii, n. v. JLATTA & MY ATT, XIAXXXGII, VS. C, GEOCEES, AND GcuGral Ccmmlusioa McrcLanls. .ipecial ut tmil ion paid Consignmenta, of Cotton, eSioiii, Ac. lono I'-uii-lli-a A. ri.w lltw. 6tw ltniu Pn;ii.i. Sjiceinl pri.'tH lo CtimterH and Denlerfl. Jihi fiiii.i Na.-mmif tiiinim mid Aii'l l-tnplmlp. Jii.,1 Uio Hit nt; ir wlielil. j Hol, Ajrt'ittu in Central Carolina : for the cclcbrtitiil Elmas sfli Diors (tut imu -ii.i. 1 k Brown Cotton Gin, Feefler and. Condenser. IV tun- to buy tin- JJUOWJJ (JIN ami you v,ill never use any otl.ep, Auf ul 1;.' Jin. r