1 dhaiham Record THURSDAY, NOVEDMKK !), lssj. H, A. LONDON. Jr.. Editor A TIDAL WAVE!! DEMOCRACY TRIDMPIMiTI! Glory EntniErli for One Day! It iH with feelings of j ride and grutitinle that we announce a sweep ing democratic victory in Cliiitiutni fountj, iu the State of North Curo fiDt, jpid throughout the I'm led States t Yes, wo hxve met (ho enemy nut! thev are our. Tho d-'inoeraii'.' hosts have fought a eailat:) Ithl and won a glorious victory. The reve nue officers and democratic de-i-i ter . liavo met the fa'e ilial they s i , i:; deHrvert. I hatliain semis ore tun' to Irr sister counties with ;:n increased majority. We publish the vote in full on our local par. Insti .id i losing in this county we hiive made a handsome gain. Alamance :.cnd us 2()f) majority for Woniuek. -.'-: revenue candidate will misrepresent C'lintliain in the next I.e.;i.-,!:i;u; i . Jicniictt and the do:.iocr::licJ::de.-. are 11 fleeted by from seen Jo it n thousand majority. All our Con p-CHMoli.ll c.lfidid iten :.re ' ' -etc.:. fafhaiu. Oiveli. C A. N il. -. 11 I V '. KoMiins. Viiin-i and J ' -. r t I; .:U represent ! he dene .cr::! ; in tie- ie .! Congress, and the rep.i. i!v,u. . v ill be reprfH(!it"il by the notorious O i taia. the colored candidate in t he s. nuJj district, wlio hal no riiposi'iiui: ,o that tho Congressional doleatnui from North Carolina will be ei-ht democrats and one iej ubii. au. The Legislature is nuiii democratic. There have been some losses and Home gains, but we have a good worKiiitf majonty in ooui tne Senate und House, so that Dr. Mott will not be lbiNsom's successor. Wake county eiccls all il.o rcpubli cau ticket cxccjit sheritV. O lilford county gives a democratic majority of 2o0. Cumberland elects H.-irdiu she rid' am! Iiose to the legislature. Moore elects MeXt ill i lei k and rest of ticket republican. Durham gives IllJO di moei..ti;; ma jority and Orange 200. Alamance u'.ccts entire liemoeratic ticket, a. also does liandolph. Mec!:l--i;bitrg goes democinti bv St 10 majority, ami Cabarrus v. t t!'-'0. Franklin ele-. t s Oneu, di umcr ii, and Uulloek, reiublic,iu. lo the Legislature, and tic iieaiov iaiic trouiity ticket. Granville gives a ivp jority of l.al). The democrats curry D.iucoiiiIh! bv increased tt.M'l i- and -laioiities. Democrats sweep l'or;-yt'i. Catawba gives Dennett 12"i ma jority, ninl Iredell wheels into line with' 000. We have not time and space now torrivu Civ'tti-iiu fri.iii iilt.oi i.nin.ti, u e r Throughout the Xortbc-ru States a titlal wave has swept and t!a di luo rrats have won a glorious vic'oiy. The great Stato of New York has Kone democratic by a majoi ity i f one hundred and tweuty-t've thousand 1 l'l'iinsylvauia wheels into line with a democratic majority of twenty tlenis ftint "luid even Massachusetts has gone tleiuoi.ratic. The i leu of those three great States having dem. .ei.it ic goTcrnors ! Don't it look like h., i::g democrat ie President next time? These heavy gains make the- n-'':t House of Ilcpreseiifatives d. iie .cratic '. Wo do moat heartily congratulate our render upon tho rei.ull of the election, and i. strengthens our con tidence iu tho honesty of die people. Let us not indulge in any uimt einly taunts over our defeated opponents we mean the masses, not tho leaders mill asiribo to then the name honesty of purpose that we laiiu for ourselves. What a lonetiome set must be the, revenuo officers and ilisr,!.pniiifed i - democratic othce-seekcrs : I'ooi fellows ! Dos t You feel sorry a .1 ' utS Who ilet-eitedoii the eve of .1, , ilemocri Ho glorious a victory 1 0k Clnt reward is of.cn -il foi livk i.inKiiAi." ! Wiikiu: is the teat lucid ' r.eho aliswcl "liborul" in ive . v.iii.e ' VCTOEII Now That the flection is over K-t lis nil to work for the other in- t.str,.f1 ,M.,)mltr1unl Sf Lt with tiKstsottu. toui.tr .in.l Mate with tin) same zcul that has animated our eft'ol-fs fill- tllfll- l.olilieill illtelnKts. t'. : Let us all do our utmost to advance "lour educational. a,nculual, me ; , . , ,. - . , . , ! chauieal and industrial interests, and; increase the ;;cncral prosperity our good old State. Will government we can live a.. North Carolina as auywher glob.-: a good wdl in ! .... .),.,' ... ., . . . . I Ini. iHTi.t bae spoken ami the.l revenue ring is ileleateil . I he result ; dilapidated, mp-'rauuuuted uhl ock nniiii sr book and n a nb.nit Hi en of the election must be verv t.ratifvin!' i never existed, and I am sure a bear tries in it and then made out a bill to everv friend of good gove rniuent. It would have been nuidiiess to have entrusted the control of our State to the mot lev, mongrel ciew that so lamoied for it. It would have been u, ..,... f,.u.. t.. i... . .,u..- l u ,j ..." ' ' , ' n venue othcers and hungiT democrat - ie deserters to obtain control of our public affairs, and the people liaveinf t he w lml. r.crnet-e ( )'oei bind, but shown that I hey are not tools. The "liberal " movement had a ridiculous j oi igen nnd has died an ignominious I death, and there can now be found none so low as to do ii reverence. ' li was an attempt to ; educe demo era's from tin ir party, but the dis .ruise was too tl.in. It h:..s ait.-d as a I " loiueratig and injun .1 1 lie l iiiblicaii parly much i.ioie :han it did the ic!:eera!ie. We br-lu-M- t'.i d. ;,i,i ' i-.ali.: party in N'i:l!i Co- !li:a is to" .1 ,y stronger and ie-:' uniie-l than i' has ever been, and our b,,sts are eon eager for t i.e Kre:'.t '. i. t- i v tliat :v,:il;.i us in ls ; Ami isican L uiiar iusiitulioii. and lo the pent up ei.i.is and vol what the rcsu! be thue is ;.u r a- rs It il a:-v n-it . . I f i ie. i 'inn- :i:ti ' s.i or r- ate n atte pnii:; : i o i . ! ipaigns h. !'i-;.:. IV ! a . r.- la. I.,.l -..eli;:i j'nuiinci,;. but v hen tie' eh e lion is In Id met the result announced, ail is peace, and .pn. i. a calm succeeds the storm, and tin- ih b aled party gra-el'tllly yi. Ids to the w ill of the majority. A foreign, r i.-.iting our country durin.-r a pnliiie;d eauiTiaign iMiuld I .aturaby think ihet we were on the i vi: of a bloody ei-. H war. and that our republican institutions wcie a failure: hut when he sn,i how lljl!v ever.l,,lv a.'e, nts tl,e .v.ult of the election he th.d-. that it was ail uiul and f.iry," and the good old ship of Slate sail.s prom joliy and happy crew. on w i!h 1'isu Ci i.'.idi: is of sueii great im poit.inee that w.- cannot refrain from fn .picntly calling it t,, t . altt ntion of our l.-ad. r-. hoj ii.g that we may tinal'.y induce some of titem to ;,:c it the eonsideiatioii that it so mi., h do seru s. ublivhed last week a letter from n pii-mim id (iti.'- ti of this comity, who has b. en v. rv succi--.."fill in Li., i li'.i'ts to piopag,:;,. the (ii rm in carp. l hisd-i, ,i ( nis to be especially adapted to our waters ami grows with wou.b-rf'.d i::pi lit y. Ti e cost of rai-.-ing ti.li is a trnle a!i'in:.t liotbiag and yet tin re is no food more whole some. It is certainly cl. taper tl.au buyi'ig western ba.-on. AVln-n we have more fish po; ds tl.r"i:gl.ou the cohnii v tht ii: will la- le.-s demand f, r bacon, fewir mortgagis. and le.-s complaint about hard times. This business of nuking th.li is no 1 oliger ll!) experiment, but a successful l'ealitv and wc oai'i"si!v cotuineiid it to the taimers ot l l.atlnim. m on; ki'imu'ean u:tti:h. i We herewi h ris ime tl.e publica tion of "ta.r i'l ,:oj a letter." As Lei hlol'or- stated, this- are private' letters vi it ti u not. for publication but to his family by tinu of our Ninth C irulii'fibovd t Mr. f 1, irleB W. Woithi, w ho was trave ling iu Ivi-oj-.o f-ir t surnm.-r. They w.li I n still nuce in ten sting and ius'r ictlve if the leader will take a map and tiud the.-eou tin places d -.scr.bcd in each letter. Kn. IvKCuIlU (kx! c, AngiiHt 7ih, 1S82. Halfway b-fnecn the h.kes (I' Dri 1.7. nn pre tv li' i-ha Iv vail Tlnn - u is Ii.terl.ikt -ii, ii tow ii Ming in a gie. n very nenr r.n I trii im; a gond view nf the .Iu frau. the nn ;i- arch ot lho lb ree.-e Alps, ft In s no regular peak l-ut it is an iiiuneii-e mass of rugged n ck coiu,le!fc!y eov eie l with m ow arising away no until it inak. K imi feel us if ove'rw helimd liv its v;ih i:erN a-m li( l,lir. Uulli:' ' ''W" 'ue valley we soon eomo t . ! ,,;,,K,'n 011 L"k' I htm and embark IIUKIIJ. vv e s 1 m net out from under the im.iintnii.o and gi t ., view of tl.t Mgr, Moiicb, k?.. and u he!tr i,e or tllfl Jnnufrau. II re we I.e -li in "aiiv an Mir whv mii iiim i n;n lint akes v,d tVJiZX ti e 77 , ,., . isteitniii'y the l -i pest, . loik leer, while t .e t.nvn ul Ih, iu on its aaotes is only LS.,'7 feet, above the seaeie, . sit I.e lake go, s 7 f.ct below sea level. I bun is a pretty and not 1 small pbii!,., with on, 1 peculiar feu Hire at least; the sides of the stree's are lined with cellars, niagazi'., s, Ac, ,(...! I...... In I.t .1 .ii., . ... ..... n.-.Mr III.I.I- . ici miivH ill. i.i Kid is the em cam lined wiiii , , stoit t. or as tbev iuc efclled in ?'.nK'i' '''' ).. V then took the. train f "' u,"k' the route should . Rve j,jen B view of Alps u ,uuo- r,ll.lbut nltlionh' it lmd cleared ,.tr .....1 Mia un.. ,1mii v..i u l.nt i thcrt) whs a lmzu which hid them nil ' j- thWe to which all '-houl I imiM,'rHte for they are held in f i in. s' is a bear-bears- heads are seen carved evervwl.i re and they have a "perfiU'lniilg" chndi there ill which tlie bears take the prominent 1 arts, except 'wlure the eiownii is iiecessiiry lunl then thev ' fetch" in a rooster but I think that nnifoliiiit v throughout , , , . ,(.tter. f,.r n more could have crowed just as well as he il es. Then, too, they have a bear pit where tnree lazv, surlv, cioatures stay, too hiy, almo.-it, to get the bread thrown thein, and vet they look bun- I grv. Near the ci'y and a Near the ci'v and a 'rot-s the ! river A am there ia rpiit an emiiiei.ee, Inn which of course tl e'e is a te-t ill- ;r;uit) fl,)m w,li(.h ,, ,.t,ir (Uvw 1 1 - is sin to be a magi ilieeiit view el tlie wn.il. I .crnej-e l oei pmu, Pill idlhiiiigh we -p-nt an hour or mi up tueie ami iws toil, liven e con- eluded to tali- nil la word fr it; v. i eonhbrt M'e tl.eui. We le 1'. d thev re btill theie for the iicuple Woii'd fe. I so b idly di-np ointed if they were Como. -aid to be the pi- tii .- t of Ii.il iint. The streets in Hem h ive cov- au l.iki lung as ijui-t iii i siiei .th end sidewaiks -the holl-es h iv- pro a- u eiirror ri ilei'tii.g Ifc.. stj-ipc of tbe j. c'ing m cniul tlaois fiipporbd b pillai s i. lei a n ! u s lid th ils a c- 'U red slirw aik is formed. There are also :igr a' iiianv ja culiar fn'i'i.'.-iins there, e.p. ei A' t'-e ,,: e i led K n.ilifi' r I .rut: . en v .urn t:i ot ttiel ;r. - ci. ill eater which is sic .muiit. i b a '.mo bs-pie lb: nn in tic net of i Uinj' a (iii d, I e l--:s Si vi r A ol lit r:. sliirV. i! ill I ;- poei.e's ill ,! I' igs v.ho I e lo ni' e' the a ii' lilih. ' ta'O I'-t i.-'-v : i. is i ii-i- i i' i: i . ( :i oi.i w .. . ;,'i. i i ! a ' in it. n.i" H i' t! i- iltt'e cbelihl. ti:p we - .t a f .! able :civ i !' the Alp'-, : lit : he I'll u- ' a I'd lie .re di t.ll.l I l l .- W : i e "In-!! '." to lis,- 'ni. 1.1111 . I.i-.t e d ! . .till. 1! aehiliL' I .'iceriie on hue- lav we ""t ip'o er ,'l.d W: !.t . lit t i ... (I.e s itae ;;!! ll is; s, i n ..-siter 'he -il l w .1 ii civei'i.l bridge ul.jel, ! i - in ,!..;(". moss the lb 11--1. fl lakis in lis e ,: r - lie- old W issi r tint. Ill - iiti-ll ceil i' s the Al'ihlVes of tl e ni: fiilU"; oil! i i tue i.Mil ii. . ( t i-: i iwr. 'i In.-'- i i sai.l to i ave In i ii an old l ,.ht h"!se iueel'i in. I lie:: i:.c town to-. kits name trom thl .. '!'..- .Mil i-!g. i- .1. cor..e l on ti e inside wi h ahi u' 11,1 a ntin;.'s I'epi'i . i n' iag v .1 ;..:!.-, ! i:inrs lb. hi vc T told you of our visit to the Lion and the Higi and tiuilly getiing be hind the lit li-r and then guitig along the like. O i our va;- we pes--! .) the Ifollie 1 1 ra.-s" w til re Tell is said to hrve .-hi t (i slei; not f ir fiolil Kll-s- U iel.t. Ni xt came the 111 irks of llu- glial I in -l-ilde in bSCi'i, win ii a mass dtolies ami iu bu- Very dust. A linos', of in.k 2 ii-ih-s lone, Unlit feet long, ail I he si. lew inks v, ei e cover, d um l.nt It'll f e wid broke loose fr un w 1 at as in li.-i n esci pt i.at t.u b-ni Mie Ib'Ssbt rg and .--lid into the l ike Low, four side i show all a : 17. atel valiev I elo.v, liirvii.g ul'ages and 1 51 111 people. 'Hie f tl.e m. iiiib.iu is b ire vet and : the fan very pi iifdy While i:g tin- si.ip.- and iu tie vallet al ' ilium li-e numbers of huge In-lib i i.i ul c ii giiin.i i ate i .a 'k. llien we -kilt a'l idnng the low er ai in of ll lake w! ieli is- in the form of a cross h I'.miiel afti r tunnel and pa Teii's l'iatte. now nritki d bv -i cha: 1 'A hi Iu Tell .-p.a e; u-1, re during the st. rni, tviapiiig thus fr mi (bslir, tin u uiidi r the Ai t.b rg a t-t f it d.i u':.r c ill ot very great height jut tu g iulo the ial ", lb al!y ill I'.vmg at Ailoif. lb Ie we sa V a Miltue cf I't.-ll, Slid tomaik "hire he stood wl.i-U he inade the (ehl rftted shot ..lid the tower sai l by son e to milk (U.iie hi- son stood was ini me. i id !y in fr uit of tuir window, This is civ e. h-brated for being the scene of le I s ih e ls I ere we waited it day t"l' tho w i at'.ier before going through tl e grand scerery of the St. (iolll... I I'ass. W e isitei! the l'latle ant r .wvd on the Lake under the A nbi i, and formed a Vi r-good i lea o its Hiiaa-nu'y. e got the clearer w t a her and so proee. d b Ciimbiin' the n. nin'aii s i-t liist by means of he vaileyji and ltnally through tinu, 1 1 after t :i iiii1, then along tl.e brink of a t. iriblo looking preiipiec, (.cross golges, where the only nieiins if. knowing tin-re was a bottom to iheui was i he in ring of tin; torn nts dash ing through. At times we could s t the labroal sbove to which w ware going in l below wht-re we had gone. in several p'aees. All the while tl.e ber nf wax lights and dee.. rated with reiieli, rugged peaks wcie all nronnd . il and blin k sti'caue is hanging us and the snow seemed ho clo-e thnt from every available spot. Some one would tl ink you could gt t to i i';ng Unit roc uihltd a bn-r ivn to be in a few iiiomeiits. Then crowning .eeu ami we could only com bide ad comes the lust warning en from that it was a fni mid or torn t-t ti: m ori the guard uf "Fluster ' i" and we ba: order, t ).:i -Mid" hie-k did not entered the St. (iottliard Tunnel and -ii-ciude ( rem a s.i ihit wo did not yon may better believe I wis s rry of ! kieiw whi t was to bo seen ami even ii In f ue I gi out. Kvi rvthing -vis if we had I would not have gone out shli' a- tight could be and We hud , Hi the lea' to we them. On our way 'n bvy nn what nil' was in there, to the depot we saw a st.ituo to Tin ..,. e-ir i... ..j ncu ,t,, ;,l.. l .... .. I l,i .1,,,. ,,, ,, I ,, .1 I . .. I i u,..,.'u. ,ln...t ...i .-...'. i ' ..' iii. i.ii.i i .in nin ei. jade-1, eveiy seat full. 1 0 iieonlo in a room Not ltlxl.) It w as hot an 1 ev i ihmg is pardu .1 and dri. d he cln.-.e in there. Jbit ili .'ii't we j.-i k h ills l-iokin ; very bli uk, covert ii v. i' h open those windows when wo go', nut i dry brown yrnss. Turin, at which into the b'e s m da)light and jit we speiit thu night, seems to btt a again I Tlnn we weut teanieg do.vu I very handsome p ten wi'h wid', htitid a steep grade having a snmewli.it soiuh stn-tts un I buildings but We Ni.fter sc'im bti'oiot uretes fir it was i wire not iu a mind nor mood to i-'v.v the Smith s lope. It beg in to get hot . so hut wan it and so "set sail' ut 'J.nO 11M1I ntv .vf-n , tiim.lu p.. I hot and tim tdoso Mucky air would p .ur iu fnuu the Hhort ones wheu we ' lit nt the uimlnivs oncn Viik...1 int., Italy at Chinas,, ftd heie the ,iv,,t.?i K-i.ted Itahau custom ufli i . rs u..,.t t. . ni.ivr I .....iii (.'ub 1 s, . 1 1 . ... . , . .,,.. 1 1. . . t'l T' 7"" , . 1 1 1 1 y Inn, ,ls were poked in among ,aean i-lntlies was Bmrowful. '1 hey wt ie destined to have something ol ii picnic that, time for they stumblod . upon some C'oiogne. we hud and which 1 wo w, re toid would pn-a ,bUy fr', i being such a small amount. Will. the way th t ollicial d . need urouu-t li ,u it i-i.i- icil V 1 1 1 1 :l 1 1, 1 1 M . i 11. ins n. in i was caicui not tf inak' one nervous, for fear lie wonl 1 In enl; in, two Then lie would run into mm. hr mom md job it in unolhcr fellow's noso nndthcnrushl.uk. fiesiieuU- tin-,' wildly mid then H.it cut the . "Iii.nnmt. lilW (if It'llm.i (if lis nvnl ! we not understanding ohh word but .imply standing Ki:inK in ,, cn-eve ! , wonder. About 2 doen catne a--oiiiid heiing imd'ni-ikuiij mail a"to loM us iieer was before mvmi. l''inal!y, they nil, collectively, took lleslutf, that 1 was jut getiinvj rcailv lo smash' and lie done Willi it, ami (aTiedlt into another r iotn and place ! bottles, wr.tpptu and tox all on the seal, s and weighed them. the. onei c 1 the , The bill was given in ami amounted to l.St francs, (r.ii.l cents. r 1 i.kkt, ami reaclieil (,uuni in alaiut id ininub s much distutbed iu mind ninl wiaiie.l and d.is'y of body. A cool hath in the lake nvnel us. On awakii s next niomii1 ! felt ciMT come by the heat but managed to wflk, ..fr.-r breakfast, up the pth which led us along tie- lake though all the tune asceildii, an ' ne nine ascemiii,;; unl I w h p-hcii- e.l a point win re the Alps 1-iv .-pi a I out ot U r-; us l.ni in . j , i i.e e .t ui d.iz'lie.' pan. ram: nut seining brilia :.,;r m, iv Mini- !v in tn i',il..t. ; ed sunlight, l'ar In', us I i Lake b mts mi I ba1 h. is it its mu f ,-e. All along Its w iioded .-hoi i s nr- se it t. re . be tut. fa! villas .f Mihn c-e in is'ecraev Btirr-'Uinled ly l-'vely oard. m-- and tieantllnl trie's, olive's jiri rmiiigl.-d Willi cla.-nil's. j n urn s' a I tile; eliarin v a taken fiom t lovt K tiom e and ceue lr, 1 bo i.r, lllg he,:'t. We I i : .-ill I II lis lo.-.-:l, i C.-thc.ba: a la I' wbii'll We f uu i i tin; i'isi le, but ,-r: interior if no: churches it v.: ta i.-r-l a' I b:, drd-' e't or of 1 1,1 ,!i .n "C,'t.. i be 1 1 ui e r our u -'v: more 1'iipo ) atl ikinr.'. i't. ruse wiii h.-.s Me Ug-i wen l.al.y as j pu tty, if not n.i ie K., ih oi any in litve set ii. i'le- lr. i. us did n,. ran to siiii our nrr.ne.i.ent.s .ird mi s In i a ne in b-p. i. h-;,t nf tbcm and to. 1. a li: iiu:iyto M i m :,: 2 ,. in. '1 'ni ls reni'y a iidiini , bill w! iii- ii: tin t. wu it runs oiii'i- ,-i.c.v ail so p often, and als . i, i.. sa, ,!i c riiinis Mill i llgltie. Wlilhi ji ii ..' tirmijii 'be : lr. i ts lie 1 1 1-. sin:!, e b . . nig . ,f , horns a :. I I L.ii.g of bt hs that it allnoi-t ii, ufi ie- ! .me. In (, mini w. le'tieed most of li.i l'i.li.:' . (..'iiMe'cr istll'S, I lie llillsl li.ll (C.'l.b-e Oi rtineh is a ceriain menu, l au.'og look about the. ii, muking o lie tiiu.lv e.ii, lid n! of: their I rein h- r. us disposition wi'lum! 1 cnrii g to 1 c -i.n.e more ilnsilv ip.ainted wi;h it. Tien, Iu i, i'e-llight-V te:eiahs w. he....', a d aw lli iplent iuM Una s of h kIci ping in the strict t ;y d r imss ,i upon l In curtains i f s mie i T .vir,,.1, 'I!: "s' r.'f toct then the d.iv. The hill-' rai r aid m tramway after foll.iwuig tie .street. in the town wmt a lot g d st inite wish the regular old dirt r. ei i in thee, un liy, g .ing up and .1 m:i hill with it, just like a s reel iar. It ran just as fast, and was far ne t. tool and his dusty tlnn tho rijinl't' raiboa I. About half way o M.ian it s link m'o the tit Ida "on lis own h ami , I i.i tice In came n.ole tl iri our word trauo vey. Al Miiun wc t... C't -nri-ide lloti I mi 1 t iovudds the C itlu di tic st colnl largest Wi il I. 1 bin, ol w Inc. f a i ii'r ::i,l wolll I fl II Lint b at tin :i Jl.Cte.ied SO 11 11, Oils, .ii n t lu 1 l ave i v 1 i wi'i; ii v.-ft' b'lll J Ii nt OK, is lid' II. ed Wl bilge liumbi r of towels ale! able statue., and, li."ii-ii n l.-.t.iiii'i r il high, is an mime u-u pile of i..a. oeiy. '1 he interior was not ( p. a to i. i!o!S. so t; at, e were c unp lid to miss t h i', Near to it. w.d opining upon the s:,mo plaicis the lim .-I Ale i le we have sei-n iu any cjiy sui pa--.--ii g t! of Drr.su IM by a gnat ileal. 'I' 1c at. w as so o'.erpu.v, i it g t!inl oci iiie 1 it safest 1 1 ' i light on G-noa or Genoa and Pasti n fnm, th-re to (b neva as m i. n as pi s-ible. fiom Milan totbn.n was marked by nothing but heat and dust. There we saw the Mediterranean calm and blue, mole like a gr. at bike. V itld ea-i'v imu'.'iiii- hat A fin a w as i al w.i-. iiiiciise. phiCi-i v.ts found iiot far away for tl.e ! i he only cuinf rlal'h '-...s in the gi i ul cl.i, ieli tlj.r.- which vii-4 I r. Hi, mt f i on an lmi.iei.S'i linm- ...I. ...1:. r .. i-. . .' ... ...iu ii-iiii, ie. xiuiu vjtiioil in Turin we coul.i hanilv m-.i fur dust in ll,, ..,.;.. '11.:.. il . I Sunday wn travelled but oidv luide.r i reR-me e ieli time. 1'ioni there to Mi 1'i.xlu u.c,i. ...,11 ;..l.i ,..,,,.1. . d tiel.hs and .h ie I vegetation. Near M-aJan- wepuss.-d tl, rough Mt. Cems (niiii .I 71 ....1. i.. ... 1 i - 1 1 . , 1 '""j'"1" "V! "V J in there. It wac lidne 1 and had inen Klation-d at intei v .Is. Aix-hs- Dtins and the Lao ,bi Dmirget weie passed, a b: auiil'ui uiiset hoie, then on to Geneva. This is the prettis'. , plii.-e w h ive seen and iIih ..uly on.- I would bu willing to live bi outside of Ameriu-a. U'i.Ii.ivj nt ut K.-ei 1m ll Un., mi. ml.. ' ., ....... . .... until mv tiexi. A mother in Cdifoiuin. while labor-! inr under a tit nf insui.it v, 1'eheiided j h.-r Imhe hecuuso it uiim.jVil l.tr with : mem.,' ''. I e il' Suel'-V, N. (. , Oil Slllllllty ' 1 'v'','1' ' 's, -Tames Qu-t n wn- Mnu-k I , 7;;:,;' 'S .fi ! !ul' r 1 1" f 11 , , ' ' " """"hI ' '' s 1-"t .w"' l" ' n e.-.p:urd. Xlie Hie-iuridp Werra, of :1m North (icriii.in I,iod lb-el of mil sie.uneiM, mult' the inn on her liist t ii fiom SoutLatnptoii ! th in i -, t d.r .i w 1 1 rn in less , tie- ipoi ki-j t time p.'1'ls i ii it cord. between lie t i round at Lust. Al, .. I, .. I. y Mm, w )H hl ha ,.f.li i)t,,, S(:tl,.(,t f,. p.,rl;ei'H Hur I Sals im, il,.C full supplii .guished for i (us w-.ii'. bs purity I in piwv iMiii'fil i'or Mind and (tody.) Ther- is neee stn-n'.'tb-restoi il power iii a hojtic i f I'.olol'y (linger Teiiic than iu a biistti I id mult or a ijallon of milk. As n aipetizer, blood i'iiiii-1 ar-.l ki in. c i rector, j tlc.-c is no, hint.' like it, and invalids' ns'.pi-iill.v met it a womhiliil and bid. : iiivt-'.U'.iiii t- r laind ('onimern'.i. '.Cl.-lltl.- I'll!- f.:;:;ri;."v,iei:,'MVi..i.:i '"' " i D is es' i:n i'e I 1 hat the luction i nth of! in the j-nblic di bt for tl e un (Viob.r is i.l-.-li' ?l.i,WM'- w 'l: I I. Ml- II' lll'.l'-l.! 'ie-s--i lf.'-i r uitlly .1. H i -en.' i.i B.T. jJil. & Cu , WHOLES ALK GIiOCEtt3, . '( i V, M ! S ; i ' N M Kit 'if A N Tti, N I) CUT I') N S F. I. f,E K S Al ...-. "ii l.KI.-l .1 t.- "I si.--'t'-l It' iri- (ir. ciVi--. I, Mi , IN. i. ,-c.i i-.-ii:-:s. .i I .:i I'A C CI TON 'lls, 1,.1 I ',. ..ii Ihi- lii.-.rkw. Hi- run l..-ii,.iii-1" n'lvnaiitk'i- lin'M".ie.n:aii-s w in v r. o i s i on v pi oi l;, an-l nil Mull i :,u:i-.. n.ii.T Write f..r luf-.r icn.i. I.. Ac. I'. T. .loll.N.soN Co.. o.-i. isc-J I'n. lmliiltili, X i'. R.&X'XCiSX, XT. C , Grocer and CoRimissiaa MM, - li'.AI.Ki; IN I DUY GOODS, CLOTHING, DOOTS, SlIOK'S, HATS, AC, AC. : l'tis.mal attention -given lo buying: and selling cotton. Liberal Advaiu t s made. ..Mr. G. !. William, of Cbathain. .' is .-nil witli :uc a id is always pleased to s. r e his eoiint ineu. o. :. u. isi-j OHO. H. U CO., w.uxs m am KAcn :!:::;h. I'.,i ..ely Hi- ae-i "I i-i.-c-i-f.t;-. we :i::.k" V" li. : i - : i - ,.ii::(' I -a "f am In :c- s ..a-. I ini ; W -I, !(:.!. 1." ii.iikc "-I 1'. MS-I.N, S.-IH-I1. I . . . e " i 1 1 r f ,- il lcc. ti.-fi r l. iili lc nrv ., e'.ir Wii.'ii. ; An. lssj l.i.i. lEflB fbaheWhiiu"' i I sc v 'N 3 ' v T Ki 'fi-'iv :?C'''.'W-,, si'- ZT-?-j;'Z&Z& fe'."-''? b rice, A.l'ir.-.-i Without ESaw, $250. JOHN II. DC UG ESS, t''l.sMvU.VsVII..K, N C CLOTIIINU! Gsiils' Fcmisliii Goois, Jc. J. M. nosonlKUim, KALKKill, N. ('., ltli r.vrlTfl Ills I'A LI. AND WINTER STOCK OK cioTnina Cfcnts' rurnishinjr Goods, inm-n l In tlif ftnus nn,l wl'.l to w I (T1KA1. All ul i'TS Vf lil n i-i-:V.' ri'.tiMI'T A I "I KNTHN atal SATISI' VCTfON' (U'AU.VX TKP.l . ' BTisccllaneons .HERE WE ARE AGAIN ! ' OUR NEW FALL STOCOHiARDWARE, TINWARE AND HOrsK Fl IIMSII IN(J (j()01)S IS WOIJTH EXAMINfNti AND WOHTII 15UYIXG!! Ollt COTTON KINO STOVH Ueabs the Woild! THY it: OIK i I fi ai;i; iiKLiAiiu:: oi i; run rs aim-: IMvVSONAULK! of -nl.4 - Ki .rlo lil'.NS ! ijiNui.K ami Pni ie i-: I!i;i:k. ii ami Mi..i.k l.iunrKa. A.MMPM rtuN, il'rx M VTKItlAb, &f., 4C. BfSX.Ve carry the largest s'ock of the-e goods to le found iu the State. Write for handsomely illtistra'ed catalogue. J. ( . MtKWSTKlt A rO., O-t. 12 lss-2 . -Am. HoI.u.man Pi ii.hiM., IIAld'.l'ill. N. I! :'-'''; fff'. y HABDWARE 0? EVERY DESCHPTIOV. Hasis, S)rs tmd Blinds, LAbCKST STOCK IN NOKT11 CA1UU.INA. .H'LH'S LEWIS i CO, li. HAl.Kti.'H, X. C - FALL AND utiji if i t .--i oariCOArs, rjosar sjlciz suits, SINOLU Oil lHH'i'.I.i: 11KKASTK1) CUI'-AWAV KITIH, TUF. -A'l T.SI Mats tnul Caps most ACfitoviiii iu,. ikn Avn i. -line i.viKsr siyi.bh. y. 1 1 1; N mi Ill N.' knin .m l II .'.. re w ,.iv.' .. I. II Our .'I'l ah i..-. mi. I Jim: o uiiiiiv i,,- , I,, VHI M..li:.l I i- i Inv.. I I,, i,r(. v,ril i,,, ltii'1 '...( H i-i I.UU ..I, r ul in 1..II :l,:- !.... -i, I-..,.-;:.!.. I re .. .l. - 1 - 'In Is I i- -tiii.i-ui vvrU(v-i- ur . .. nu i ruii" 111 lilll'. I, M-ll ..) i,l!l .rlu I.i in I'lrusM fur .((.-r. "iir ei in iniii-l j 1-. .iiHtf'-. la I. le .- !a (.. h, l.-arii ;in- i . i h iiiiyititlc.', cltil wli li-iii l'.i !l Id eur i'nr'l:ini (V.ii:,i'iil l.UADINn I I i M-pi-iiii'i-r ll. I- I Ull. IIS IMl I'AK.O' NOltHIS, Y. Y ATT 8 TAYLOK, it.vi.i:ic;if, . t.. I 'oNslli N M VI - filll.ll -t'KI. IIl',liUT Pit It U A N I i'liOMII' UliTl'IINb liVAHAXTBKO. ?R vin? v ;3 i lUitl lliiUU.1 il L.-.otl SACKS AM.MONI V Till) The De.t l'i i till, i r ?. lade for Wheat JVlal yi i.il-:,-li, N. ol iler:- :V.i( iiil.'r ". :hj. .HALKIGH MA1M5LE WORKS. I V. DUEEAM, l AYirn kyii.li: si., kalkkjm, n. c. i mmim 1 1 !: . ! S l i ) X KS, iiui:i: ...iMI'ti.V iil.l.K!) a imi. "ii wi.irK cut MSpOT Ami r I'lil.l.i ItcMuin I.i. in r.ii'.iil lUir KM. Al. .....I I .r '(.. I.v.- . .,..! ... I -mi'. I JViillilal ,..K. i,U,U.i(i..il n '..I i.ijll.U. y I mm mmmsm iimr-r Iturliti, NnnttiMki Slitlinitlu ami nui'y of ll;c 1 c .t itiedu nits kin'. ii or hcic com Imicil iiitoantotiirincof mkIi v.tm tl ami cfirriivr lowcr,aioiii.t.ct!ic Oti .iicst 'A t-ni I'tinliertllhc But Heal 111 and Strength Restore? Cver Used. ItninM I,-.j--'pvi'i, Kii-nnMli.rii, Mrrpfv'i.neT, aHl.c.tscMif tlie SfoiH.vli. lb wcU, I.tui. Liver, ki tnryft, nrni .it! Kcm.i.c l'..ii).i.it. If y-n are wnstnisj aw iy vnti Ctnitinpttn ar any d me liie Tku- I c iy. It viui unrcly I. fp ym. hvmrniwr I it is f r'-tiipeniH't" I. u;. .v J-Ustucr.of .ui'trr iiiulMl" r '.fc,a ubtiil.L ipi'tctiv -rem v nh.iu itii .j.i , ii.iii;. j':. an-i $i uilrt.ittiu lli i x & t .,N V. Sti dl rt-ii.'iiUr i LA1U.K SAVING IN Ht'lflNtj tiU ImiIJiAK SltL, aaaarna 'U'aitigii m i tm W. II. LEOKAIID, V ATt'll M A K Kit ASD JKWKI.KU. III. 1 .Ir-i!, r III IT! 111.. CI - 'I I, . !- I- I I" V, 1 K( I Al I.K t v I. to ,- s ,-.'. . , c. K. i-nM 't .ir i iii.- i.-iv i..i-i i-i. n I ii-.: ii i-i'. ri I.. .ir i.i ir, S.c 'lil i.llriill. ii ifllrii ! lliii In , or. I- r ' I'v- niml i-r iiii'tlj' ,n- A il.-n wnaoui!,-!. ;;i't 1 I nl lGet I 1 iV.yiT Advertisement. OI H STOCK LS COMPLETE 1 Ot'U (.(M)I8 AUK NEW! - ni. - .rif - , .lalllii S"-iirl.jr, Af hihI Kan'iuin "ar THE ALL RIGHT Cooking Stove. iiTi'liT-l .-iM-l. s,.e ,-i,iin furllilx elnlrliiit . . 1 1 ii. . . . 1 1. 1-1. in,- pni. II, 1 1 ml nmr "l' l'.M' V I vi-: -I- S I'.l-.i- Im.i-ii ll' Ihr) Imve j:lVf ll THOI'SAXH 'la, hikI Unit Injn mm vmm. i.;" ..:ia r..r lii's rliiilv.' c.dnlotfiio au4 I.tol . OF INTEli GOODS. ,'1 if, u' Ftruiiiti, i-li'll-iil- llitilr l:lM. tl iii'iliiy m uittiu.Alu ttr rtj' cl -iii." tin imiiiliiMi wit! .'ii i -i..i.i-...f "'a l'ATKIJXS IX I'A: IS. ii l "III i'l.lllil .'(s Mi'ti'n nil lUMr K U Mull IU IlilOMi. 'Ull. C In' V. rj W.II.-..U1,., iu liv. v!-"-l'. , fl. in t"-lli air iiiivl u,-ur. Twu will i.-'.li. nt mi tnnr. I'l nvll ilii-ai n: Hi.- i.i. Ii .ill i'uiiili.li'iiN i.r muiiklna, l .'a lK' ii-.i 1 ieli.. i-.ciir 1 itn vi. .-.-iii I', 'iiuiiii-ii'l, All ui- K-k Is i" triv-" iih ii rlr irlnl. ami w ar ll 'll-: -n. Hi' Will ,y, iu,. wlinl n l ',i..i!l: , in.. I (thru In in't'J u( i.Ct'l. U. f..ei-ltiii!- yntll-n, llillMVANGi:!. ilHOTIIHKS, , Ili'M.v Hi it.nis.i. Di'ii.nitk I'. H. I'lxroiyrit'K. v nn v ?t 1 n Vn Ynn A Ull II UUI Ik IJ X UJ 1 UUi AND ACID l'HOSl'HATKS, and Oats. Xow in Depot Jtedy for int nt. A 'J'AYLOH. mmm vmm, TA I '. L ETS, A. C. XI' MA ilM'Wr.lON lil'AltANTIKD. rim a! list am.) nksioNv TIRE ! FIRE.!! COTTON G1NNERS Ought to 113 UF..S AGAINST FIRE -IN THE- B03TH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. Thl- f'.iiii'Aiiy Iikh Iti'u lo KiicroMful i.frall Inr fniirteeii yi'Hrs, and Always Pays Its Losses. It In i-ufe, mill H'llvi-in, ninl iiih iimmpilT 11 lla iiUltli i. All i-1uii-.i nl liiKiirni'le .ri'irijf liiklr4 ..ii r-x" iKii'le i. rnin. !fuw la tha lima le biaarel I'ir flirt tn i- lhfi.riiinil.iii ai'l'tr II A. LOI(), Jb.. AuMit. Sf .-i- -i- 7. iiM-i.-Hm FlTTmtopn. i n Dr. WI, LYNCH, 3JEIJTIST, will I -1 1 CliAnl UUI mi Urn ms'inl Xnmlny la i :i -li n-..ii!li. All i niuii-rt villi ir. A. II. ttila.ria'4inr D. Ma .'a. (; i i. ill l-i- I'li'ini'tly ivlicililvil lu. I.I.. J. ISIi. II. wmf-pm

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