3 Chatham ttoti THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, WI - - XOOAL RECORDS. .Chatham is all right! , Did'nt we tell you so 1 the banner W" Hear Creek township ! o 200 in his Mfc. Faust was beaten own county. tJ Centre township greatest gain. wade the 1 i;.,l.f -,, foiled. .boiltl,1weUco,,aiH' U p. 4 ... g -j , GOO less than in 1KH0. take no jr Chatham democrats "liberalism" in theirs ' a. Ill lmnnr to the cood and true democrats of Chalhtiui ! Mi. The revenue oincers iarcu lathor badly here lust Tuesday. o Mk-Dou'l von wish now that you hud voted tho democratic ticket ! IT Fur a one ai med man, don'l you think Exliiie is livelv in a race t o a.Folk must bo popular in Bear Creek township, where he received li, ..w - just 3 votes. BiThe prohibition and anti- prohibition duiuocrats of ('hathum titood shoulder to shoulder ! o joT" Oeorgo Hanner has cause to f(4 proud of the vote in his own (..ivi.-liin miioni? the lieople who' know him best. jMU The weather on 1 lellgl.tful. and tempted ' itftllllU' ruts t stav at honu w heat and pick col ton. BttsTThe cHCutors of Robert Dor sett, deceased, will sell on the 17th hint., at the Lite residence of naid de cedent, to the highest bidder for cash. 100 barrels of coin i" lots to suit purchasers. IHaT The Cumberland Fair will be held week after next and will be a pleasant occasion. Visitors are offer ed cheap rates by the (Vpe Fear and Yadkin Valley "Railroad Couijui y. whose advertisement we publish in unotlier column. A.Ho! The Horna day Ihos. Mr J. A. Horiiadav having taken into copartnership C- H. Hornaday, lately of Troy, one of the best wood-workmen in tl e State, expects to make wagons, buggies, &c. Repairing of all kinds done neatly, Milistantially and on short notice. tUT Xow the elections are over call 1 l ..He ,r,u,U tlmt T.oinloli . . 1 .V i .. .1... M ..Ilelllig. 11 ou h .... ...... , IK IlilH Ui ui' onus i in .u.-. per vard worth 211 ; bcuutiful Plaids i froni 12A cents up. His Mock of! RrinU arevcrv prettv ind.d. Ifo has just received a lot or nice Cj''" , and Shawls : he keeps the best .() and I 75 cents corset ts in the market. , I , : la)rew uoous. DyiiuiiiiuiHw are now receiving Iht-ir stock of Fall and Winter floods, consisting of a full ! ,....!, ..f ,.l.,..wt pvei vthinir found ilialJ tirat-class store i a tine line of Ladies' Cloaks, Ladies' Huts and Feathers, and they will find Mrs. Home ready to dress thorn up iu Out latent style. (Jive us a call and we have no doubt von can bo suited. ,ii. ilu i-is at lust on us m, ..... .... and you need something to keep you warm, so cull at London and see1 p.mr-lioii'f, thosesplendid Overcoats. N'obbv Suits, I Dr. U. I'. Jw kw.ii, a pliymciaii lo splendid Htock of Roots and "Shoes. I"'"' ri 1 11 ' . ,. , , i-ii- lb K. hi hue, for Ki-rviCfH a elf rk lo Will receive this week a splendid hue ;arJ of mens and boys Hats and Uips. Would again call your attention t hi stock of Scwinir Machinea ; if you iutond to buy one be sure and call at L.mLu's. An Oi.u Kmke. Mr. Heury T. Rright 'mw shown us a pocket knife Unit ho says is a hundred yearn old, and it still does good aervico. A Tik Votk Tho importance of j one vote was illustrated at tne elec tion for constable of thin towimhip, wherein there was a tie between tbr opposing candidates. Dwiixiso Ruknkii. We regret to lonrn IliiLt.. on the 3rd inst... tho dwel - 1 mr f Afrs. William Hacklier, of ()aklund township, waa destroyed by fire. Thereof caught from spark frinn !. ehininev. ' - i ... . II...., t Clcxiira -i---- . AUoinpsoil nas.ascu -rop oi greei. peas. ,.a, unteers,' laying grown ,. ui garu irom hwhi mat u ..ppr vines, it is a uovei niyui iu kv of ivnas in November. TituWH N C iMsie Wo areih"Kult,r M's J"1'". ,mV8 received ! was Hculh-d across by a young lad, j indebted to Messrs. J. II. Enuis & tin. beipieat of $.)U under the 1 a.uUs it touched the wharf 'they b So., the publishers thereof, for u copy of the la e ado II. lh. ton, ,d ; jumped into the ..,w ef the little of Turner's X. C. Almanac for 1881). i Memphia. Ihe county couit of Meui-, crufi and the,, u;td w, uht caused -As usual Unpopular almanac is full! lu P"Jneut on the the ..rward end to n-.k ...r .....ugh ; ,f interesting natter and should bo a , lSlh of lat month. o fill the boat with wa er and threw . . H M . .... 4t..A.: i I 4 fi- i v hi I into tlu rivur. Inroo of Examination or 1 kkchkm-.-ucx. P. IV Law will be in his office ou wlio Ueaict tt hay it resemWea ine , Fiidav ami Saturday the 17th and ; explosion of a m.ignzine. with a eon- dnnUl(, 1 ' lSth ilaj-H of this month for the exam-' tiuued rumb i.ig aftei wards. It was ' ination of teacher. This is a special probably meteoiio visitor. We: ' " iipportunity to acccommodi.te t hone ' learn that a revenue ofln er bv lb. I inted States .Si tiator est, ef SIis teachem who were not able to be ' u".e of Leu.ond had his hiifgy cl coini, hsd a i-errew escape from present du, ing the regular examina j up and his horse mutilated nu l'ri Uy drowning be-t l-'rid-iy ulnV lishing tiou days in Octolier. As he will not i hint iu the lower gw of this votinty. in the Ouschit i Jtimr. lie aim out- . Imi able to provide another Oppoitil j Oil. lufoi maul tells us that the olH.-cr ' rieil over a niiihhun in Ins bo it and nitv until next Janimrv it is import-1 '' K'lilly of uusoeiuly conduct, and cine mai lniu,j a.i.pt auay l y the aut that teachers bear- tliia iu mind. that hw Ucutrntnt wu duo to that. it a ift cumul. j Cons CriuosiTiKH. Mr. Matthew Seymour, of Williams township, has n ' talk of com that is divided into two I Irt'onj'S ulxiit 3 feel from the "round. . anl on each prong are two ears of I corn. Master George E. Rives, of (lull township, has Hent to the Ivkcokh's , I luiiHouni a cluster of tsix cars of corn j that grew in the name shuck. THK lllCOIW CoMl'MMKNTF.D Amid ,ne B"01"1 rejoicing at the glorious ! victory in this county we are much uratitied to hear so many of our eouiitynicn compliment the Rf.i'okd ujion its efforts in aiding to win such ' a victory. We thought it our duty to do ull we could to defeat the revenue ling, and wk mii it. That, and nothing more. We know . . . ,i . , have Home influence, and it is always I our object to uso the Rwonn's in - ! fl,"'l,'1' 'or ,uc ' our cm,,1'.v ami Mule, unci wo are pieuseu nnu gratified to know tlmt our ctlorts are ! "IT1' ccialed. The Rkcoiuih Entkhi'KIsk v. i were determined to miow our reauers j that the Rkcoud is a Live newspaper and could give tl jwjojdo i C'lintlmMi later new than anv othe r weekly turner in the Stale, and therefore at ! an extra expense and trouble we are t' i,Ll t,. .iitl.livb in tl.iu wkiw. full returns of the election not only in this county, but throughout the Stale, j n,i ,mtion. In order lo do this we ' Hent a messenger lust night to 'the m,,,.,,. ...0 . Inearest railroad Malum (Hi nines . li.,.... .....1 ll.nu ,Kl;,w.,l Klw.-inl ! telegrams from Raleigh. We hope ; our readers will maiiifest their up ; lireciation of the Kki ohd's enterprise by extending us circuiaiion aim ai WUys promptly paying their sub scriptions. ... . I To lituNori:sTS. We wish lo suy 4k III,, Mil llf Hill KIllwfTt who owe anything on I heir sub- () ll'(,,nlllt f , he short Icroiisof last vear we hive indulged some of our subscribers by not stop ping their paper, and we hope they will show (heir appreciation of this indulgence by now promptly paying up. The good crops of (his year will enable every niiin to pay his subscrip tion, and we will have to stop the ; pape rs of all who do not pay, for no pnier can lie pnolislif"! on a credit.. During the coming winter we hope to niuke the Hkcoiui specially inter ;esting. Cougrcssanil the Legislature will both be in session, and evi ry fit i- ; zen ought to read what tin y do. V will publish weekly loiters from h I correspondent at Washiuglon and at Raleigh, and thus keep our n ailers well posted aa to what is goins.' on at the capital oi the nation and SI ale. rommlssioners' Mcetiitg. The county commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on last Uondav. The following accounts were audited and ordered to bo paid : I)iid Hammock, fur rrjiairiuK tlie iiimr liimn- waifon, Or. P I), bmnti-r, lur 'ue-ilu-M er y c(g to 1(ris,m,r in 1 ( Bum, lir jU w. 11 Wilkle, lor work on Uy vr...J l.ri.tif". Nrri. Wytt .V Urler, for bncnn r j KM. Ma.n.it.tf. f-r nu-.licnl at. t-iitt.n n eri-nmT in jtil. It J. liau-li & S .n. for Imuiini; la. cult from KaMjfli for niorliHii, K A. UrilTm, lor pIiuikIi-k fur .iiiir- 10. H 48 .- ; l r,o ! l. an S'l Ol) . u a: to ao t in .'iO.OO t 21 .SO IIIIIH. nu. Tinuum tor Hu.itli-woik for ioo'Uouhm, J- Ki.itii.t. depu'yHi.eriii.rorsrr vi :m a- olln r io tfruim jury, mr Mirr-.iii; notion, 4r., A. B Uliiin 4: Son, for uivdiuiim lur (iriituiinri., VV. 11 lla'i-.li, tor aervlcea a com- iiiiioiit,r and Mfl aei.t for co'.r- liuiia-, J. A. I'utfli, tor M-rvicna an coiitmiH lonrr, (i it. Scull, for avrvicet an I'lmoniii- ( HlillO-r, w (( llll(,Ui (r m.-rrliaiulia' 20.40 ; for :i.r. 110 54: i 1 1 1 70 ' Onnrato, That Sidney Fatin bead ,mfted to the poor house, . State NeW8. Wilaon Advance Mr. F. I. Finch, of Black Creek, baa au apple tn e that bus lisd apples on it every mouili since M.iy. J Wiimton Republican: Distemper is killuui the eattle iu laive nuiiibeis in the Blue Ridge couuiry. Salem, dining her existence of more than a c ntui y, haa been visited by only two tires. Oxford PVeeLHnce: Late Tuesday 1 .riuriuuwi Mot. Hndcr4oii. eoloie.F. . I.r .lit In Difnr I unit nonfilled j jn ,i,e ooanty j,iil, t-Usrged with the , ,rder of his wife on tho preceding ! Sinlnnlnv iii.rlit. j r- Vt clilon fin vvs; unyeHreroaymorii - .. RHBlJ w)lOH0 rrtH, wt, did i.il whlU ,u.u,L, for Mr. Louis s.linlueriii ,., (Jrvsbitr.'. cot bis , jn it;i(i. .,r''' off between the wrist and the I Charlotte Joiiruid: It is lnnrned that Mr a. Stonewall Jackson ami her I was h. ari iu the heftvens i.i : -i . t . .1. Tl...... n y wiruii x """.' " . THE ELECTION, PRECINCTS. ' Albright's, .. . i Mutt hews',. . . U.gr Creek.. . j Thomas' St on (Jiilf, i E" it Osgood ! Lockville, , Ihukhorne... . j Moon's Shop ; lYarrington's,. . . . Uiggsbce's Store, . jsalilwn, s JIadley h. . , Hickory Mountain.. Centre, Total. Iddi'iijli Visitor: A special telnnim from HL'll I'cilit, d.iled Nnveinber Kt.11, to Rev. V. L R. i l of tl.is etiy, contains the sad iiitellij'encc of the death f the Rev. 15. Craven, D. 1. j ' ' '' beloved I'reM l-nt of I Tru.ity College, unl li e S. cretary ;f 'Im North CaVoln.a Conference, w 'I' -J ,,'.!,.. 7"' .""."" "- 1 U-t Illuht.. 1 1 C 1 1 li d V.M SIK M C!l I.V of j he.u t disease. Ho was 5!) years ol I. (Ireetifboro' l'uti int : W. ,1. Long, h.;Kl ,,f lUndolnli, ami well known in Guilford, diid in MiniKMipoliH, .Miiinesota, Siiieluy .-vi niug Heilile, ho hh ikii ihl oil' his i)i-.i;n 1 1 v in liaiidolnh j Home moullis ago nn-.l i- iih ved to ' Minnesota. Many yi-ais n i Mr. Long whs a prominent lawyer at tin ( ireent-boio' liar and was well knovMi throughout IlicSta'e. j i i-al tendi d the couitsof II m county for im-ny years prior to the war, mi i was well kuuwu l.eie. J'.n Rn-oiiD. , Xew aii'l Dhservr: rioiis W. .J M'li-il- n, i.iti inciiiber of he f j' ;' i I i! il imotank ni'it , i i -n,' ii The K-p. nolo nb!i:;iii en l'a e. IK c fr i fr i looed w it Ii Mrs. J i'.ii-i i-n i, l.e-' year, caj t iir -d, and ja.i ; I I I ke out , ,J ',(, S((Jt( placed in l'ai-piot:iii!, of tln.t not very hir. u puny with seer.i'. iii. was lec-ipture.i aiel strong ja.l ill I'.ili nto Mire of liim. I'n! iin :u cont rol's ; . tl e ruin i., io muki; no! iieain Yesterday a leleg a n was n ivlved at t he Rxeeiil ivu 1 ). puft mei.t from Sher ifl'.I.C. Warren, "f ivii-ii'i.ni. Chowan county, which conveyed tho informa tion thus plainly: ' W. J. llundeti broke j'lil last night." GreeiiTilio Rilh-clor: Mr. Albert ; A. l'ierce, a g. ntlean.ii probably j about (it) years old, died in this phir t , 'n last eilnes.lny. It" cim.e lo 1 '"" eliville. about ten wi i ks ago as a ! li a.k and Map Agent, and (.topped f 'M i,i J mien Hole1, hut v. as taken sick () , snou after his uriival Mtid ui ver re-i- no covered. He had no relat ives l.e .l er ! thuu New York, mid u d lUghter ' hviui! there was tclcriphed lo and llilormeil oi ins tie tin .-oih mianiiu'i the telegram uud ordeied that he . i n i... ;...i 'ri ,.-, u SUlMll.f infclUII-t. ll- ill',.", .. j interred in Cherry Hill Cemeterv. The deceased travelled about ill lliih county fi r several wei ks, a tew veurs ago, and will bo r. mcmbered by mniiv of our ruudr.rs lid. Record Divnlsoli St.tesville Lmdni-itk townshin can bousi of hni-ig the oldeht Deiunciat probably iu the cuii'ily in tne pi rson f.- Matthew Uibbs. lie is or will be !lt! jears of iiKe next May. He has voted at IS l'rt-hiih ntial elections, mi I been living I to see 24 l'nsideuts eh.ctud, ulid has. voted the Dunn -rune Inket every, . Mine, lind nuv that if he bves to see the next rri-sideiiiial i h e. imi he will vote auiti 'he fame way. Am'-li ' the nimiy wives and moihirs id Ibis land who Hfe helps and not ciiciiiil l.i incis. is Mrs Helton, who lives on the farm of Mr. A. McCein i ll in i Davidson tommhip. (Iks coii.ilv A i corn spoudent int'.riiis im that she jl,u8 linger-pieked, carded and i-mii the eottou and woven seven yards of' , cloth which her biishmid and sou . were wi a--ing on the 27ih of Septem-; tier The e ittuii was raised tins vear. . ? ''""; Ii'-yiew: W w.ie named to learn that on Sat nr. av i evening, hiht, at. Magnolia, Dup'.in Count v, little Mary, daughter of Mr. li. C. Burden, was terribly if not . fatally burned by her clothes taking' fire. The saw mill nt Abbot tsinirg, I formerly belonging to MeBsrs. V. K. I Hill ti Co., but now the property ol ; Mr. John Colville. of this eitv.'the I mirviving psi tun, was burned ye-itei day, together with livo or ni Ibiti cars belonging to tin O C. 11 It. Co.,! i which were stunning on tlmsi In track, iii ar the mill. A h w minutes .uu, -.,. t ,. snii 1V ... ' c ' " ; "i I last, four Nor a eiin sailors who. beloiiged In the barijitn IIjiimmkt, on fl. u.-..ul. aiil .if llio liv.ir iii.iiim In! t the dock at the fool of Chestuut , I street and hailed their vessel for a! boat. They "'i re ail inure or less i I intoxicated. In a short lime a boat . who were fortunately on a ll.,t near OFFICIAL VOTE OF I I ' 3 1 ? " ! r s ; s : f ; M M I j I i 5 li o. .f f.i -is' i:; 4: 7i 4V. 4 1' 71 4:': 7"! Kvj If M; 7' I4i. cd i:w fii 14H r,:f in ?( ir, i n 7" n. it;:' a:j ii;l m in. i4i i7i ni i7:t, a 17' 4i i!2 54 r.c n-; r,i 31;' 121 t:.-i aiv : -2: ik:-:: ;:- U til 4.". c:i 'l-" (;i 4c 72 ;i. 4;:. 41 ;H ' 4 74! 3! 7'J1 : - l: 1)7 121- '.)' 121 m i:7 Mi ICi' JJ 71) 1C 7i' W- V,' ITS' 127 7."i 127 7" 121 71 lis Mi lo! 71 Kin Ml 4! 18:. 27. 202; 17.7, .v., n:t ".. s ftti- r,r, 71:' tu : c.i 7i; f.'1 fi k:-I 37 liiii 7'.' 7:1 1:17 71 i:l 72 l:w; 72 VX- 71 C.i l;r; r: II! I"1 lor. SI; 7.".' K.7 87 K .'! Kit Kl Ml 7!" !l(; 1"". 7." K!) ill, K: lou 7:t: 170j 155 lni- l'.m 10c ls.i 107 is- 101 1K7 io:i lo:; ir. ikk k;. m:: Vi- los' 2sv 110 4:; 25 43 24 43 25 Hs 2v 45 41. 2s 21- 27 4H 4'' 22' 7- 47' 155 117 Kili 101' 11 Hi 153 105 155 15c 1"! KM' 105' Kit- 10' 1011 251' 15K. 10: 53 K fl2 10: 5:i i)S 55 Km Km r,v 5: 23- 12.. JM'i tilt- 151' Kli: JTt- I2(i 175 121 177 177 170 125 175 175 127 12 2'. 275 1!I7, llil 2!)(l lflo 7(i llil 75 11S HU lis 71 121 S5 7f lis 117 W. 131- 1K.1 KC li)5 ill Ml. lljr. 13!) 131 141 13: Ki'J 13L 112 l:;'.. 135 13:; 125 13:: I.V 12!) 270 lhl 20h llil 201 !:; 20!l llil 221 110 2t!li 2u. J 77 Kii; ill., 2K-.' 27J. IK). 37(- 25(; l'JK Kilit. 1.S07' 145)5 , 15J3( 1577 1S5I Kill I lit'.):; Is7i lif! IV.11 1.15: K.I77 2331 ! 1 Hi5322 12201 : A Cnrinviily. Kmiii llii- I'liarlnin, 1'i in rai . Tl e bullet that S. l.-eant Masnii lll'fil at (iliiieiiu, while in llHS,.,i t In niprli the i;,.lov of h K,, .1(.k Ul Vluil, I'h-i.-ed fi,. . I)pj,0hi. Hl. ,,,) .. tl .v. CI. (;lu(;l;er entered the cell, picked ii llio bullet, and a few davs alt' r exhibited llif saiuii lo a friend, w u tvas an ai lis, aii'l ilincMy en'. id atleutioii tn i Ln form vi ui 'i'Lo bullet was llatlened uiid its oilier edj.', formed a fie: Miiu!ie ol' ( i uiieuu's pio -' a eii- i ili i vi r Mild WOllld notice the i -eilllil; tho iissa sin wax inov. .1 to nay il- w.'. one of 1 ii best. Vi e 1 urn fr uu a ecfitleiiiau who has xainiii'-d this singular outline, thiil il reipiiies no stretch of the iiij:i:-iu -.tio'i lo tiiii-o in: li S'jm blal or t. . oh all. ; 1'iiii in Cotii'!. A St. Louis ) 1". r Ltti, dated Nnv. I'h.suys; Iti flii- Ciii'ed SSnes Co.ns ve.i'erdav, while l l't.i I'd SVite Scnator.Ino. i! Jti n.'i r-oi. and 11 1 ; v A. Ciiiiiiin;,!; n:i v.e;e di.e:is,ii:g ( ordi I of the fill! I. i.i :1 r:iS ill whii-l. , both wctcc'iipiM-i, lb -lel'-iM.-u rc'iiark- ell lll lt CVllill;;ll :i:i hud Uo lo' ' faitil ill Milne mi 1 1 ; i eol'liei'ti d Will, the case. Cum ii -. h-i::i r :'ii-!, in a heatedjiiai l:i r, ti; i! -; r' v. :i , false, when 1 l.Mi.n r--' :. tri;i l; i r from the slionhh-i . uitei! thiei blows on 'uM.iiielmiu .-, face and 'head, knocking Inui violently again t an .ion pillar in 'lie Court room, ai-d thence to the II " r. I'li-nds iti'rr i fered and the l liieli Ills were it o i- rated. Jiuhre Tn nt ivi'.s "feiitlv sim,.i;,.,i n,i declaied tho i.i'l'i:. v t!,- s. (l.Sgraeel'iil thing llu.t had ..e ,.u,.,.,.,i ni ,.,nii t dun:g the twenlv ( f,ir yeai s he had been on tlm b m h. and fund Henderson, uotui'Ux'Niid- ing the latter made an apology. Don't Wilde Money. On trashy extracts when you can buy ', ; ., last in.' pcrfiiiiu ilelighttul Ua U:.- FlolC.sloll , errant i.ud ri trcslnii Clo":ie. A Hciicllcciit Action. The luidcrabhi looki aiivl feelings ef those con lined at d. ';s or wm k abh-fl. are caused by wink Slon .n-h. Kidneys or ltowchi. l ni l;i r s l.n.ct Toiiie without inli vie : niu has Mich a beneficent action these organs mid ho cleiises the poisonous iiiutlo'" from tho system, I hji' ros, cheeks and oood heilth are soon brought back again. KxprcHS. Noted Mem ! Du. John r. IIanimck, JatL- I'lL-si iriitof llic Niai iii.-.l Hiur maceiilU .il AisocLuiun yf t!ic V nitail Stutcs, say : " lUwn'f Irrvn heavy v.tlc, is coiir-i tmuc ; tlte cliarj-4ui i icturrr n Viti- 1 . I'iitert li-K a I.- 1 in be .1 fma i f Ihc iiiiir.i' r f ni.i.mu uj uKiiimui exc Dk. Josrrn R(i;t:kts. rrcsiilenl iJaltiniuic Hi.inii.iicutic.il ' I indone It as a f rw ineJiitne, reli.ihle ui a iin-nijtlviiinif Icuic, ItCC tlUHl iku.Ulii. jA-tkUliV. )u. J. Fakis Moohe, Ph. )., IroUsor of I S um. icy, Ilulii ltiurc 1 haru..iCt'uii. ..I ( oIIl-l, sas: " Tr-wn's If--and p-Im l: n frcefrum .tK. 1. !i te recimintf m'f! Uiyi.,: th. K mj.i I'ittrr U (aft '.ti .lie, pniiiivrty ; iu I miic f r use Dk. Fmv.iii T7.AKicusnv( Secretary l'altiiimrc t uHtM;cot I'lmr macy, s.t;' "I InJorv tnf-li. ii:r, a i nn excellent ! .iii Sliv ti' t I, til. I nt the lullr-.i and d enc. IIHu Dr. RlCUAKT) S.VriNT.TON'. one of Jl.iltiuiorc's ollcst and uiot icli.iblc j'liysicun., s.i)s: ' All win V .vp u-r 1 it T ; tlatid.iid tnlut'i, And iWe Well k ii wn ch.it u-t . f tl.e h-'U, 1' h inil.es it i- .i suJiiLirnt tiAruitif rt its l't.'tf-H '': ' lUiiiie.i, f. r ttr-y nrft . L i cou!tI imi ! ii rcii.il-lc ni.'.ivii.c i r j-ullic ux." A Druggist C.ircd. Di'iim,.r ... ?.! 1.. Oct. 13, if'o. f.cn.t.-nu-ii : lt...iiW Iri'U Hit ?rs i:urcij i. c nl .1 l..ut hiimcIc i f 1 1. Ijr. u,m ..'i.i I .'inc. tu I... i. in. R.h. ltlivii.i;!. I ! it. I l.llii; T'lr.is. .ie in ri-t-i'iiit'irii'li:. it t., my i i I' mers, aii'l .111. fc!: Tto s.iy il aiic cntitc iAiii.r.t' u.'ii i.i all." Imi'. W. lliu't Max, Dratcfti. Ak y.rtir liit.': i-t f..r Pnoa-s Iko.m llil li us, .ni'l l ike no oiler. One tii.il w'l rm i.i c Jfua tl. U a i. juit w hat oii iu i 1. CHATHAM COUNTY. ' o !;HV I! .:.!, hi I'- u- I'lfrk i.,-ilii. 1 "li !! -' li "I " . I - ' I-'- W. M. Tli'.niii-., .1. i v' j "' , fpHIC? ! ' O tiaSLB B : l: ..M I r.-i The l:-:-nite i-v )i!l;!s. ii:oi'i-:u : -.i i-ii in iii;i:i ii ts. m.il'N... M.ii-iii. mm , i.i i n. N. i-., iki-j. .c i isC'.i I !liS. yap il 1 1 ii it Gaitelrd Csiaty Fair. p-r.:';"1''' I'Mv.Tv'ntt 'J'raiiis Ill I'm: li' I 'III i'i-I'" I. ii. h In. "It- ill 1 -. II uii'l aii i.i' nt i'u. an. I in I Ivi- n Hull o . i'i i..i . wr i-liMV. .j. M 'ill I n-lii: ,:ii II ll ill Im h, I (l- I"!.. .-,. li- :'.:r or- mi 'li'- : III I. Ull'- III S,....!! ,- Sunmi'', ,..iml".l i -(--I , L al"l l-' lill II, lil.i-ll, 1 111 Kl! I'I. 1 1..". I'Si Hill', .iom:s, 1. IV-' Oiihi-tfil Su'l. l'a;.Hiil ii'.i'.i -j'i A DMINISTUA TOK'S VOTK '.- it lliivini; ,i,ie.:;ii'.l ii- H'l;iiliil-.ir "f ..( tlari i-.o i. ! n'-i. I nmi'i- I'.'i hi .ill .i'i I- iti' Li'.. . - -ij i,' s.'.t'l !. .'".inl mi ih ' -..'!!.. I' li- II" I'll "I- lil-fi'll' It'-' ''Ol 1'I.V Hi N' VHI l-i-H I.C IIA..H r. 'ii Nil It. N .Vi'Mll IT J'.l!. lnfj. I.-. Al SLJ". -ON MONDAY. it 1 ri in -i a hi .mi i...i ii-ri - ;,(',, .I,..!.. . ii :n.- ..f liiml .'. ii! uiiliii: 11'. ,-n-ii -. . w.i.- . M.'it I. ':'.;;. in Mai 1 1 ii-1- li I ''I'll h.'llil i'":ill y. hii I ii -1 ji -iioi-.ir On- lull'! I in-III'!" 'I-I-- nit-l lllll-ls l-ellltf I. t I h ! I" " I"- h"!i'K i-r l.uililli'i t.uiii .!. "i .i - I. :i.i ; - vl i" - cl-' tin- .imi .in.- ii ri'.i.i 1-1 I'i l--l iiu-hi'M-, iini.'iiu'ii'ir. l i.ii'.i;. -. W. OI.I.W l.ll. S.,., :lT. 1 .. OI.U,.,; l.,, ,., fi 1.1. .-Ill-lift I) s i:.- i 1'i iisr nck ih w i;o '"'ir; "l i '!,! 1 1 m t 1 1 t t i t, ; . f. Miiith tMll.-t I'tlii! '-I I'll 'tlfl Hlf" . .n 1 ih.T-, I . tli f li !! tin ."VV Hi.- l it I 'tl .1 1 in .'I -i in Hill. 'I - "I U i-U. -jit 'n : ' ' in tii;- Will' i ! 1 I. A.lli.ihl-ir.i )i'MM;'l'U CA1IOI.1XA si'i'KiMoi; corn r. .r. 'liii!iieii.'i'"r. n i I Niun-.v l.nii i" we.ii -tin . Li'iii;. ii -.i ; Ji- s -It I. I .' ' Ti-nrr an-l nil iii. , a:. I t '; Tn- i i lit- ;m.l ne ' n onm I". ' L" j . i- n t-.vtl i-i". .'llt- ii.-'lm-i'-i l.y t.l.iiu l!l-. ) -II n l t:ul l.-.ll i-H'j. I.i ill." j l lll.'tl' "I 'It'lli-, Itlfl, H ltl.ll J.. i.'i 1. i.. ha. .i-i I ryni. ni. l uin r- j i it .ij--' it -ii i' -i I. -ni- ! iln S; i'i- .tii'i h-iv hii .ui- !n il." r. i! 'tit .in.lii ! I.i h-..1, ,v . ;ir-' .-.. li.-.i'-'-'i if u.f. -ar h' H:" Ill'V .f ih- i "n j K ; Ih. - "'i. j nor l'' il ' ul i hii h:iui '''llllt . Ill llf. t.-wi).! Ilil-tnl"', . lllitli Jtl ilU.Vh HttiT Ul" .if u i- ii i- i .r f.:ut I au-wi r, "i tifinur ! il. i ti'It:iitt'ti will t.t- inkcii i a k. t-M siii.i:, r. t , , V.'. K8 K. VAAAH & mil), C3K-SS!0 tERCKAKTS,; IJ.M H t i I ! . N. f. ( ni si "ii;iM-!'t '- f Cotton. Grain,' Flour, &(!., so!i. it.-l. ; uihs ..:i h:i:.d :l good Mock of : I t N . I. 'nil '. M 1. AS.-. !'.- M I'.A I., iVi ' KIM'. SAl.i' A srKi 'Al.TV. .,;i i i. I.-, m i i.v I M - or: 1. 1; I. n To - in: I II mo.. ' W'-vii. .! of ll,ls; ali Wli.l.-, i'.!::i 1. nod :s. . Ti ns. pX-Mr. i ' li.i-u i-.-iui'ty. lie . leased t on iiiiii. I i.i. .ii.iv.. ;n M hiMi.i-. of Chut i . now with us and will i have his count vmeii cad (Nov. il. 1NS2. 1 . II w 4i K. ' mWS & Yt'QMASK, (..l! livIiUV 4tit'.1.4y,a..i.bl ii k J?,Vi?TlIOnOl Iff. c. i C il llu "Ui.1 u v.'. i i' .v 'j-.vvr.ou. : HELD NOYEJIKEIt 7, W'!. 04! 147 j ISO; 111; . 1371 171 1 70, 73 j 155, 110 4S: 151) ! Kill 204 ! 512 ; lsl I 257 , 2212; A lew reasons for buying Lioods ni : urn's CHEAP STORE. lsl. London keep.. lurgesl and i bur-1 selected rtoek iri the euinilv. 2nd. Loudon keeps evi rvtliiuu' von I can want, from ;i Silk 1 tress lo n bo, I le of ( ':isto- ( ;'.rd. London keeps even ihiiej; a liiriiier need- from a 'l'iii'i !iin Ma.-l iiic io a Flow F.oll. Itll. Loll !ol keeps till- l,ltl! -t !l s ami :i!l ihe l.ite.-t novelties. .".tli. London i no nt.-- to 1 1 al! ! iii.U of loirs special induei i ' ii-;oiii I's and talo I'.arier in exehaicj for ( iomls. '.itli. London i.i rem iviiiL; new gnmls , evry week. ! 7tli. Loudon is Agent for l)oinestiej Sewing Machine, the lij:litest iui -: ning and best Machine made. i Slli. Loudon keeps the la-st, largest I and elieapcst stock of Clotliin J), the county. Ulli. London keeps the best assort ment of ISoot.s and .Shoes Agent for Zicglcr Hi'im'. celebrated Shoes. I - " I KMli. London keeps Hats, ( a s, Fnr-! 'J,x,i,MM,i N'"","i'. Whm kk liuoiw 4c. nittire, llardwiire, Cook Smvi ' ' '-"'"""'" lr- wm -Medicines. Paints, Oils, 1 He- 'AN J S- ,SliIK 1S DKAWEBS. stiin's. and a,n thing else i,, wish, j "" "" llth. It is no trouble to show gonds W1'"""" ''-" 'i'"--t noH-! a. - i Jmu llei.ith my -.ti.i'k. lit LoildollV. Conic Mild set for Siiin'li- nml .n.',' um rm-nlhlml mi l'LllmlVi. ourselves, I'Jtli. Loudon eonriilulates t'rii-iiils and eusioim rs on tin crops they have made. Cull and see hint uhcii oil conn to tn n. V7. L. LOWPOrJ. I'lt'ii"r"', N. i'., sii. ., lKKi. Fl TKNITlTUEi" JOHN T. M0BRI3S. I Corner l'';iM'tte ille and l:ivii ! KAI.IVtill N C, 1 lln. In ni "i-i' h lie ni- Mi'it i-h' -ri'ii--"rliii''iii "f l'iii'i"! 1 Milii, CIihiiiI" r M-m, llall SihikIh. I'l inn- TaMr, ' s.'r;i., l.niiiip-s, I'rli., rra-lli,-.. WhIihii lii-'i-ii'mlh. II i-. CIiiuii, Mii'lpsMS, Whi-.Ii-.iIu i., All ..r lln- u-.ii li'.-ik-. Al-.i, a j.'riiiil j it.-i - ..lli.M- iinl- li".. mi- h ii- r ii-j' I'liiilrs, sui'li'iili.' I'hmrs. I'.iii-hl I!'.. kiT.-l. lil'llt T.ll'll.. Till Wis. Ill IM'-I. i-lnl) ihii f y...t wiitii. al ,i i.-t-s tu ill Uiv Uiniin. O l. I'i. 1WJ. lilt. William Simpson, WHOLESALE am. lU'TAlL JSmi MEDICINES, IMPORTED PERFUXrRY, TOILET AilTICLKtf, SURC.ICAL INSTUCMr.NTS, Shoulder Sraccs, ice, 4lc. rnrili-iil'.r iiui'ii.li.li pal., in Uii' ui'i'll'-n'l"!! ut TIlfS.-KS. A.'-n:-fm .1 'iin-i ii. .i.i .1 1 1- iy c.i'-t Garden Seeds, 1 1- I'-i-s fr"'n 'it-ii ry tni'i-i-liah'- ioiT..l. AtiliU'l Lll'lIAL CHEMICALS a si lull-.. a riU'd-r, I'j- iniill iii' iiii'ily irii ti'l' il i.i"t Oi 'i u Sin. A DMINISIIiM'OKSNOTICL, ltv ln liik'-n mil 1,i-Mits ni Ailtnliilstriiljii.i t, tlii-i-i.-t r Wiiiiiini s. I'nrii'll, it.M-1 in ! I, i. ' I. i- I- iHTi'liy ll. II In I'li-'lll'irs of .' ) I- ill II.' ir .-li.l.-j.s t.'t liii ul li;v ..ll,H('lii 1 ' ! . I -.. I'. .in if 1 l"H II f 1.11; it'll- .1 Oi'l'ilv) i'Ni.l.i.l lllr. ll.iH "Mil i. eii'.l'l III K.( I. I. VV. i. 1. Wl.Mv 1. I .I-. A. llil f. Ol-I. 1 71 11 . 1 Sy 4W, t ir,UNsiT .'ft ,1.1 Im- e.;n -ii lillNI-iTltATOK SN'O IK I'. II. 'is ul Ailniliil-liiill'ili k. .t. .-i n-i-.l. ii..il.-.-'Il '.rs .. hi- I'seii,' I.. !! IV il HI 111 ItH.'llll 'I III r I- On- I rih ,:. vj.r - . ,11 i.i' .li .ul in i.itr nt J. WiiM l , . l '.lO. AUlU 1- his Aurf hue' Rm: St.-,.,; I I The Largest Stock OF Bagging and Tics IN CENTRA1 North Carolina! I'irr th(! lowc t i ftsh prices to GINNERS AND DEALER8 write to M T. LEACH A CO, flAI.EIOll, A. c rt .Inly 1, 1J. RaIKJiIH. K. (I, An, ai, m. To THK ClTIF 5 or CfvM lUW IH Si Miioi Niiiyo Cot'iTiiiA: (itSTI.KSII S: We will noon rornve tnir lsrs mid well selccti-d FlUl Mook of HARDWARE, tf etery description, Waaon anl Bded M, PAINTS (all kinds,) 4 A M (1VS Illl'LKMK.Vff, SasS, BIMs ui Mnt AC, A.C., and we ask a share ofrour'pAt roiinge. We guarantee hivti I .K-t ii ui. I H II Mm I n : lillsr (il! iS. i.nw i:sr I'liiri:. M.'I AliK DKVI.IXU :n,l;y. TIk.s. II. l!rizgs Soeim, Hi.leigh, N. C. WHIM WSOI-LCOIT, W liol,l;-M.,; ,,.;t . ,N M.'iV linens, i.'l i illNti. NOTIOXS, JIA'i'.s'. I'llOIS AM) SIIOKH, Mlbl.INKI (iiniDt;, o --AMI V IM 1111 I II K It 0 I'ANTS. Sllllils .M) DU.WVlna, i a Wilmington and 1.1 HargeU bin., lULF.KiU. X. C. II I- Willi I'li ii-un- ll,al I ainu.uui- fcifca ttol ni) l ull uin) Wliiu r ii k In imw i-uaitilai. tl imi-i'liNntnl .lie h i friuii iiiauu:ai'iurra. fetA fe. alilw uii- ..i i i."wn.-ijj JuLblallMlVh. ay Hii-K i-minlma ..I a lull line wf lioors ami r-HiitH. llAig ivi Cm. Wii.i.ivwiv liooii. I'ak in t'Loru, Wiiirh iioons l)oy i.ui tea. l'm.vis, .Ikanh lloaiKRr, fLauia. ' I ion, yum ln-.-ifiilly. W.M WOOLLCOIT. II, iM-i. .till. IKJUK JLiOOKS. ALFRED WILLIAMS 4 CO., mmiism.i.KKs, c, KALI'lCjf, K. (j. Largest to.-k iu the HUU and your ordetN will be l-II.I.KIi IMtttMIMI.r ami at ruirti td'Send for Catidngue. M a nu-. m, issj. it,,,. T. a. VlalT. fla.1 I'lMidsat, CITIZENS NATIONAL U& uxt.r.iou, m. v. LATTA& HYATT, XLAxsxan, if. o , GR0CEES, ; AM. i j General Commisxiaa Mali. ; Special utU ntion uti.l Cjiili(auU i irf C it ton. (irain, Ac. lilil'l l'.illlilliv. Arri'K ll.w, .VIII K.'Ms I'.llfcll,;-. ; Speeinl prices to ((inn. rs nd Ialrri, , l-lii '14ih Nai:ii.s;t liiiitfiii Htli, Ai1i, liliH-fSiaUI. J M-l 111.- UlllIK f..- W -.. - Sole Ageiitx in (Vntiyl CJufjjn.a till- the 1-1 i),);lll-,( Brown Cotton Gin, Mcr auj CoeJeuser. l'e sure lo buy (lie ItUOWN (JIN :ind von will never use anv other. I Auk. J! li- J. ; s 1 Kjbusk