3 4 i3 tjjfc. Gjhaihain Record THURSDAY, NO Kii.M KU lo, l. H. A. LONDON, Jr.. Editor. m : " What think you of (h vilnml and Puttiscm as our next Prtmdeiit a,u ' Vice-President ? TllK SmoKU of tin.' eoniliet L:t soi:k whiit eleared iiwuy and we can now with hoiiio iho;reo of iioennuy stale thn vomit The returns from i-oiutti. -in this State havo hern harder to n-,-fortain than those from distant Stales. Wo ai.-(t::'!b l.vow the re;iM in ('ah fornix with ihoiv cert. ii. iiy 1.1:1:1 in inh ('a. 'i'i To h Ui'! rt suit iii this fcraie. v.e v.-iil i.a Iioanee '..:! the doinoerat: havo eh et f il six on! of toe man v .nii-rcs-siia-r. all their .Tu e:o.oi l t and 1: hirje llliij. a-'.! v m t: e ! ,. :M- :,":v: . Latham in the :': i di-'ri ; ai.d : h 1,'ills in the m I '!i iHsHtel i.a'.ehi el' defeated hv small inajoriiies. lhl tans' siuaa ssful opponent is lr. 'I'vre York, who has always hecn a ih mo crat mid Ht ill claiins to be one, deny ing that ho in a "libeia!," and we think he will net with the deiuoeratie mnioritr in the next Couuress. '( !!- j nrtt'H niajoi ity is small only 51MI hilt the Jlld-res have majorities. The T,i ;;i'e.!ai'e :tt diaiioerats and 1'! repid.!-: tlio Semife. ai. 1 12 .!!. 'en. 4S rt j uUieans in t! v 11 -u-(.'e::lral eounti- - ili-.l he;t ; th others. Iritho eoaniir . o, t'i about larger ta:.d. The ai'v A!iima!iv:e, Kam'.olj'i . ( ild. isvth and Davidson are demo crutie efnins. 'i'l.e cv.iemo Mast and the rxtrei. e M'. -t did no; do so well. Taking every t!iiii into consider:.-. Hon the democrats of North Carolina Lavo aehiced a wondeifal s-aeeess. We were very apprehensive nt the bepm.iii;,' of the c.'iiii ai.im ih.il w- woajd los. 'he I.e-islal ate. and th- (J,.. IWAv woti a 0'.. nous victory :y wiili which wo have and then MiuVred n disatroii d-fent. ,iol of Ihai body is very , Oin- troop.,. ;u'r,.r r.,iitii:,v ih" f.-d.-rul And w" have won tiiis forciM a". 1 captiiri;.;r t!:. ir e.itnp. he 1: h tv.ei-.l v timus.iii 1 p!W, t. phi:,.! r the .. ;. iv- i !dl ' :it hi :..c and di 1 not t;K1.; e;.v, .; t!... , .;1 :.;V ;-,:;:. d. w, i'. .. inf. :'.'. I. a., 1 i . n. v. .: - tl , h.,.,; lar-.' retai: m.ij ed e pfr.itifyin r vi d r y w h d"iiiorat -i vote: TLroii'.'ho-,! 1 '.- i: l St.i detaoerioS h '..i- 1 vi .'v.v'.i ''e hoea vie torious. as state. i l.mt week, und in deed there sums to h.ue been 11 complete revolution. The d mocratn majority in the :.. t Hons, of IN pre sentatives will n ; be ! that; -ity. and there are .! a-wratic Governor in twriitv four st i"s. .Vnd uov fo! tht) rrrr.i lenev in h-s '. Goori Jriior.s are a "'rent public blessiuo. and we cannot ovri estimate the importance of 'up suece-s of the entire democrat u .I.n'.ii i.'.l ticket, at till) recent election. It was better for tiie peep!" of o.rth Caro lina to (he! ail th. ,!ei.joef it :c Judi cial can ii !;:! than all th (.'-. si aial croah h'te-. '!;..- .!'.:.i;.'-.s hav a ! 'i!"( r tei ;.: e' .,)'. ti'-r.i C. n'i'' men b"i eh t o ;'. r . i o t . - and am i.r o. n iot 1 . io-.. r nhi;t..i1P. V itll th p" 1 '.' Ti.ee'ceti..!.oi -' 1.1" of the rand: : .;. - oil to- ral" Judi.-ial tic!. 1 t v.i ni l i.;.ve Leeti i-iiu ply dis"Ta. ei'ul. whilo nahi I here were (ii.c or t.v . 1 pai ticul.ii ly I n.t la ..-) m'uo would have Made, fair Jildo'es. do mot io ;i: ii!y n j. :- '. :t the defeat of I,: '.'. I'.dwards. whose des J, i;-a!i!e '.rr.lehi'fy '.'.-. oi.lv been ei;i!n! led by Jh-.a diet An..!'! and .I t 1 1, Isctu'iot. And to thinl; th".t hit!. I'raiik Darby siioiild have run so short a race '. Well, they are all de f rated r.r;d veare tvuly tlauikf.il. The reot-L of North Carohna hav 'rent for ulat :i upon, tin election of t-nch .hi: i-ts hheph, rd. l'l.ihps. Tde !:.; Cii'im r -.nd s! ipp. !;' w ! lio'd.ino ' e ':. t!,, ii- .! I ' Tih i':s... :l w.cihi Cole bt ti'.'iit cans'. for ivjoi- in;;. as ne The CoNoi:ts:.u:s eh. tt.t !a:-t iveil; do not take their seats in Conrrss until the first Monday in December, 18S3, uiih'ss tho President lalla an extrn nesion. which is not probable. ., , ... . , It. aicenm rather atriine that they . . , , . . i i 4- u nhotild be elected so long ft time be-1 . ,, . i t iiiai. ion mt, tiiiiioeruuc I'aiiv, fore thev enter upon the discharge of 1 ., . . , ... , oeciune a rep'il.lican, iras t u.ir cainh-, their duties. ftlanv persons think . . I , , , . , . , ., . " . ., . . , dato at the late (lection and is said to that they take their seats this winter . , , , ... , , ' have been elected. A.-, a democrat he lust as the members of our State beg j , , T, , ., , , ,, 'was turned out of the pit -unit (on ; lslature. ihe peoiik cnuuot. the re- ' . , . ... gless lv tu" lepuoheaiis, and it luav fore, expect any relief from Congress , ,. , .,, " , .. tu ti nt as a li pid, neatl he will bp during its m-t :-es,,on. lor tne pies- ti)nu(1 Con,ru, u .nt republican Congress holds until ,.t) democrats: Where v. ill he go the till of March. We merely men- then ? lion i Lis in order that no person can: bo disappointed because the taii.T is; Tin: Lioisi a 1 1 -l;K was the chief oh not revised or the internal revenue j j''1' "'' d at by the "lihi nils" at the system ubulished next winter. It is ' !i'e election. They madp their great well to remember, therefore, that the ! 'st ,,r"i,s to speure the control of democrat ie Congress just elected does,,ll"t body, and their defeat i a that not meet nidi' December of next year. , attempt is most disastrous to all their - hopes and plans. Dr. Mutt will not J The Di mockats of the thinl district ,,ir hi-nv, If n, Washington us P,anson, nro neither doubtful nor purchasable. , sticcesv.r, and tho Congrpsion.d dis tttid Col. (reen will worthily represent i (ricta n ill not be arranged iti tho in the gallaid old Capo Fear democrats i terests of "liberal ' ir. pirants. mid the ! in t!ie no?:t Congress. Wo" learn that . white people of the Last wil! not be t Fayetti villi $10 apiece was offerpd ' i-pmiueTed to negro rulo. No. the ; for votes for Ciiiiiiady, ami yt t old . Legislat uv i dt lti-K i at ie and the Ctimbi tlati-l gave a niajoi iy for the ' stul i saved from , n p dition i f t! . !'a'.l:t:.t U.ei'ii- , disgi acel'ui suenes of iXCs. , j Tin-: M.if.Tiox of Ciovoliind as (lov ornor of Now York and of I'uttisoiwis (iv ei nor of lVtit'!.ylviU;!:i must in I ire i-vi'iy Ann'ucrtii with more eon is nee i:i the rpetuity t !' our rt ",)ul i;,n ;nvci iii:u nt mid in the houei-t . judgment of the VutelVI of till- illlhl. , ''j'hfso wen were deet.'d to the eliief tn.-u.itriu y nf tl.-vo two ifrrnl Stales not so liiili'h bet-aiise they were thin-o,i-if-i, hut hoeimse th. v were ll -v.:: t men a:il proved themselves tohotr.it and pr.ietiird wro'tvi 1. . 11;''' :iio ho-h yo'.'.n;.' v.i n and are la irhr-r lioii-tiv-iaas nor ofVn o seekers. Chvehnd was eleetod Mayor of t! ity of Ihif fid') by a l.tr-re inajoriiy. lot'ioinoi tiiar City h !:ii!y 11 pahi'-.a!:, ai.d iNoaa: ; .1. id n.id. ;e.i . ai . Pt.' oie that 'fills a. their on a: I' , 1 er :t t" ai.y ea: .:: ;!, 1:1 any Slat 1 of ! !.o Ann N a u ! i'utti-oii :i-, 1 h elc 1 (,'ompt r..lh r. (the chief linaneial oiVieua of the city of 1'hiladrlphia n city that is largely repiibliean und so reformed the thinn ers of that city and aetpaired such n reputaiion for i xi cntive ability, heir csty and faithfulness, thai the deaje crats nominated him as their oandi date for (iovornoi' of i'i anv. lv,;r:la. I!:d h" is tri'.i.:IThaluty tiet.'.t. If :he-e lin-ii nmlo' a.- t loi ri'.-rs ' ill ,. v. j next I'l. si V , .. e i'n .-. i nt a: Slut. fur. nvriTi. of Wiucho-tir. which was lirst won n.n 1 then l.is-t by the Confederates in the fill . f l.s'l-t. niny In a timely varr.i(ih- now I i the '.. in- ocninc party throughout the i'l.ood stutes. In that bat lie, or rath, r in t;10 two halt!";; fo !;'. t. on t s anie day, the Coofedei-iio troo,M uvder ited. 0) 11s ui id A.:i...u.;h we have wot, a maoiutna-i.t 'rv at the h.t.. 1 h ction. let us retni ! :i 1; a yjill greater battle is to hi f u.d:t in isst. I., t e i,..'. then f .v. .!;. h.at.d o.n- uro.ai itiot:-, -'.nd ser-.ttej-our I'oiv.'S : h i 1: i.oi . ie-i,'r '.11 :u:;. an.-., '.ndy scr.oooi" ,il :, r 1 sjioil.-, oi ti,t ictory : i. t u g'e ! ave the ranks i a i!c .Co.- -!.'. c-.: .-tin'. pariuis of plunder: but let usa'l -!and d:i:! 1 er to sho alder, present a solid f r .j.t. prifcPtv:.- intact onr or" 11 iarion. be true to ihe pi ita iples of our party. and press ril.t oi.-.vurd ! the cro-.m. it.LT tri iii; di thn; awaits us in ''i a! i'u -' ! nt ::d 1 tut.; a!.!i ? V th :i tl !- I I, ol e I.-, o'.iy on- M. y. ;: :n J'i 1- of i. :f Al..:-! i -:it, I eoldeai! .11. 1 the l. in i' d. :...;:. i d. iii order to 00; i;;; t iu.i v.e :i:,!t i.r, e conti (f the S. iiai-- an,! I'i . M.ietiey. (if ci.iirxp one l',:iiieh of C ' ii; . alor.e eantiol ri tu al any o! r.,.io:i- h.-.v. hat it ('.Ul j. Ii lent the J :..-:, if li'.l moie sin h la.vs, an I ;!:i- an ii..j 'it atit point pained. A democratic loU.-e W'i'l I. -M .lie pin -" tl ill;, , of the nation, and thus j I'c.vi'.t an e:. trava;: mt and wasteful expenditure (.f the pi oplc's inoneT. So that, while lie can 1:0' 11 vi..' t :e ' o i:;' and aboi;.',, I'i.' ii ' :n-d V"vi t u- ny-tcia. t v,.; '"in control the evpetnliture of the monies ii. rivet from these sources. Ci... o il.--' fir C two year . a;.-.. m.. . d. , !:ii d thi1' elected, bill i'.he.t (i:-;,iv. l,i-: i., was lio( aho.wd to ia'.. .:s .-eat. ta rather hewasuuseated, la.caii.- he was fiaudah ntiy eoni,t".l in. The . h.iroeri of fraiitl seemed so well proved that thn democrats: in Coii'tpsh tlid not aid him in his contest iw much as he , . , . , thought thry ought, which so angered " . v.-, i f t! Af':i: '.t;.' rii'iu' l (c.ti.nii,"- to Jlorehetld) In hi :i Ltki- o:ila-t ! 'i id.iy, and ileel.iivd th use ferfiiled. winch tney I. a. I 111.nl ' of their ro.-i I in .'ui'.". 1 f-'l. to W. !. Jii-.-it and l.i hj iidiealo of io:.ton cajiiliili ts. This of eouiM must put an n:d to nil hopes ol em h i!,-! in(r the Mid'a'.id rrrt 1 1 hro:i: ,h t-i Salishnrv, 1 no who live aloiej toe p! ojei-U'd lino mast ia.i!:e othi r i .l!u;i :uoi,!s. if we ever e'oi et to havo a r.-.ihvad. NVo suppose this w:!l he ;!ic last of Mr. in N'ortli t'a:o!'.;:a. and alth ai;,h J:e l::l f,;:I ,(; , , lis railroad ho eeitail H;! !o the la our ."ilaii' e:is en of jjrrai titled Ulll l.i ii'.H'i. ' N I. il l i Wo :..r;i.,...i : .-. -O : )' !! -I t' !l 'a is t vol ? I .'lllv !:o.l il '.n t i!.-it 'a- ik o'i-' rv Ii u l a i!i er f r l! then is no S Us a'h a and "s: h' ail ;! the so T. s li.-.v,." of d. ser op itio rlh blte.l in the Oar iell of the 'l i.il h ries. We are at j r. tictit stniii! in ,-i Iii tel very nrlir the bl'ter (ilaee, the Hotel St. ltoaiain in the line Si. Room 'I'h is it . cry neur t he llin- or 'a ( )p. r :i. il eliraii I (pt l iian.l Holt I m l :'dy a 'civ st'p from ihe Hue Uiv. h, a I in .".I1 a vt ry de.ir.'io'e loea'ioii. It res in Ainiiiei th,.f .if, r ori."ir Ui. oci-.m the dist.u.e. s ,n Ilur'.p e v r;. -hort. bui tho k f J I liom, i to.. i- 1! i ;. ii tAi ui. ti-Ii v-'; ::! .! I'.-.i'.- ici y.a .hi; f r n s m.e i ).. el t;.e ii. .'..: I IloW t b ie to ( u I'mOi wl .1- 1 ; : jai ;.e.i mi i . th.. (.pint I t !. ; ii U I ..'ii I son.. :hin;; of the 4. i.-r .1 a: f ini ic-1 of tl is 01 hi. ii'.1 eli and tin " :s l ot much m particilar to r mul: ah I'lt it. It is tii" liehes! und fi:n st citv it. ' .m'. rlund and b. .1 e so in ar l'r n v ai d on tl it ia l''!i 1 o ; u j 1 i re a! 11:111 is eel. bratcii for i s wiite und mu.ic bi.T. s. W,. ' f.ieloiy a ,1 f iin ed son. .. n ,'i' iii r in which lhi-v e hi!o (jive rtinc: J l-S ).' 1 tod h wa'e :de:l of III are n.Hl' ( . iv l;.e ino-t k i ' f ;tl W'ikaoti me; ; loi 1 d . f 1'. i.rsi- tin I o ;itv in.: titit inaunf.ietitr. ts wli i rinj.ioy ' 11 f 1 f t!i? labor, is, us on.- .i t cuil thi "ii . Tin-re ar tn t: ' - .-.!.! !"y ! one is h ivim.- -.i ih' :c in iii. ' i 1 on- f f( We oil :l I V't'l i 'I'd 1' - th: If' A.' i I h.r.. 1 :l..i o ii it Tl.-. . I: 'i.l'e t. ii d of ! I av ! 01 th f iti'u 1 I nlt. d saiv the w ii, r" Ion r. l.t purls 1 Itl V: r . l! . : Io :;:t ;!:. ;rr . of 1 I i.e:i th-.y w, r idi 0 ilh -e: d . d; 'h p'att 1 f 't'C w:it ': i..t .1 .'l:i Iran. : and ti.ei; ti:el of: 'he li'sl ! er. Al. n urn-r.hh iiuii.S-r of dupli to 'i'!e, II' id mi -vli tiie wall u k : ne ;rn It and si;'." ait 1 1 t.Y 1.. .i::' pi nt t. ; linnet it it.'s are if tile Ml hlpiieilteS It 1: 1 1 I ni p t cull lie f phlCed l!l Ii tilne We S, ctlled S. Ills on tiie 'hi.i.. fir C: aaioimix, 11! the font ol M iiiuic, i.lld li ft f I th- 1 1 W. This d :l :-1 1 1 1 .h, : . - I : .- ft th ,t no:.,. 1 . !, .0, ( i' I-,::. a'A..y you t, .1 I'.oi'i .. .1 1 . t 4 1 i . 1 t ! .1! you , . 1 ; 1, i o y one ,.u the . iii.n it I .-.ha 1 Hot ait ii j t i.iiv d, i-crip i. ti of the im prc ;( "i-n dour of t Ij-s monarch, h'.t wait and oivi ii to y..ii l.ypiiee lie a'. If Pi til Kis'i.. to feel no at. in t it:si.'ii;:',c mt at (dm 00 to Chu rn. un., jit un,. r Mus in it. r and ri iv" '....'. hi- I. 1: i.- -.!n . 1 rolmdlv the r, .; tl.e !d ;l' lit !. I; t h Ui till.', Valley M. I. .-U.!! dt .' lih.cs. HI, I eiltthloi.ts bef re tl.i .illeam i f ciliii ."ion t'i e 1 tl em W-. h'om (hi 1. ;J I. , : t i ti o 1 i: iy, pad -pd s ; 11: in-u on.- h . J, pin eiia-ed a;i Al(,i::,. . ! ?t ai .1 in ai..!. d n.'-,!( ,3. on who ii i d. ,1 : r , Mt' l':. -a'h to M 1. ridel tl, ' . ,y tin 11' s tinn i t wh. 1 'h.eie do,.,' a e It A f it Ah i.k . u-t Wl the to.'., ih'- ., ,.k, , f li. Mt PI ., chain th Ai'ini:,... , i .nerel with SIl'oV und haul " tiie Von shall.et peaks one coal 1 moio'iie. It. is tilth "ee io -'' snow coiii.i piii e to MlPUalmoHt. .erj enrliPuJar Bid-8 We crosn.pl thin 'sea f ice , Kiz'n down into the Pin oees, de. p and i J :l" ' V f' " 1'''C" ross a w, II worn mto .he ic, by tin, tain wattr "hie i, not e.icipmg ;lhs th.-n, up. ()i r l .avy iron ..lo. l ''.steeks'' wh.n tnru.i into t'tesi. tvnld .h-aj, p.:.r -Mid uhno-t lei!,sp:red of, bu- " i , .'. ''''V , ' , , 7 . , . , l iteral uitinui.e ,in, , )1,,c.,,.1i,.. U,e side, passing tie, Mmv iis P.,r Tins is a vvbM- the : ie ,.f the mountain cloc, ,, n, i.,,u the glacier, ..lloii.ng i.o pns-iMc x. e,,t by u path ; aloiiij lis prpi ipitous ti ios, wlirie' hteps h ive been cut at places tit , 1 tin j iron lading extuidn all a ss for the ; lunid. Y"t M-vt nil bidirs followed u- along and ue found this to bo oai.e ! common, but don't wool'h.'t be willins for anv of m Jl.lt MIOW 1 iiioy iiicii.ia i 1 1 tro across i i rem ( theio wo went to the Clmpi an, getting ; a goncj view of llie (Jlaeirr ih- p.oiti, ,!.: ,.. ... llm h.wtjr part of the Her du Giaee. Then we rr mounted our mules ami niiii iii s.'i ii.i",! to irio valley, tiiit sonic diri'iincu fr,,iu ( 'hunieiiiiix. After ( yon might bo pasilv enrpd during thn it stieg and "fee.lii.o" we pioeee.'e i ( early hyuiptiiius by Piirtu'd Ginger to mount the Fh'gt io a moui.tioii on ; T. ,iiic. Ve huV" knoiiu nickly fand !ln i ppoi.it i id- oi I ht vulh y Iioui j lies made the h"al hirst, by a timely whiih ilio vabt snow clad Alps are s of tLw pure medicine. Obu'rur. ' xprnid out in ;i ennui jm mr:ii.ia leeui- '"f'.V so neur us to In, toueh.'d with wnir Ii ' I it . . in n wo trot Due k to i 'I ..l fn. Ill !i : V IV I , it'll U'l. ,t I. ! I ilH III ' ill I ft ,(1 ,.8P(1jm u heavy n. in, tjiiivin" 1o jj-nt, cur iiiiihis) we did not. cui to 1 i leiitiy tn.irf luiilfi noon. Mt liliini is ii very dimooroiis mountain to liHCPi'il m no lii.h thnt ail oljii'tB Hi-em :n lihliiu't win n Kern fiom it. hikI in vt iy tvstly in usf ml u-o, Ukni;: .'! raw a t '0'i Ihei the niduH elmroi' 10 J fr' !' each (an l you turns to have two',-, thn hotel bill (Jiuif way upl ft'iinili.'s tu nli ul ,r' fraUfri, 8i tbiit $ VI will lin ly p-ii v eases, exclud in.; ft p at;"-, for food and wrapH ' ahe;:! 'J!) ul' ,'i J frariet-. Nei'dlesn to 11 in .1 !; e. e di l Not -,'o np. OnrntuMi trip to Ciei'i va was uiie of the ihwie 1 1 f ..... r 1.....nri. ..f 1.1'. 1 i:av. i l', the rain havii..' rxteiulf.l no d: :i"' at a'l. We tivk ash. rt Hil on I, ike (5 ! va 10 .1 th- i visited tho 11. auimeiit to thn link' f Ihii'oun.'y, I w '. h (t l is f. r: n:.e te ! i e eily. 1 ids it. : of n d ai 1 white m'.r1 le coiiti.iiii.i' a t-.v: I '..' "s, bear:). j; a r fund cut Hfitne i t.. Ji'.ike, c-o . 'I i'li a in ir- I h e i'i ; ; ...riuonn'i d ly an 1 ques- I I . " it 1; of tin- m:. ic (.:", tlemati. To ho : r.'ly mi line a' :t is, it is one of th" c nir- i'in st tl iti's of tl kind I h-ivc vet seen, the in. mi rolls Htntni M Miuroun d uo it f.ceitntij.; to tio made of plaiter. 'liny were to hold a (,'i'Ui I Intcrnationiil Musienl Concert, mid (it ii. va, wlcn we lift, was cover ed it ii ti mats of llornl ilecorutioiiH, j t' ickly intert-pi rsi d with rias of nil n I'i.n.s, amo'.o which the "Slurs mid .S'i'pis" ui ie very iiiirnerous. Our tup from there hi re was hot, illlitj an I vcrv loiiiT and tiresoinp, witli I !,( liiii(r t ' i e -1 i-n but the "viiie chid 1 I i s 1. 11 i ".-miiiv iand of rraiice", ; r aevi-d i o.e - n I ihi re by (lecll t.ud i f ltd- vail. s in:od vvii'h ihe ml!,, .s' -.t.ly i. n.b 11 dy poplar:, (vi ryfc .v 1 f ' w inch, lv in w ii. are tu be Keen in j I. .n.hi'dy) We looked ami full j ia re 1-i.o a coup".' of htokers when v ;'ot I . ie ih in a pair of tolerabU ' r spictablo w iiile ineii. lint I'linnim! bat'is I ave r lit ved us if a cieftt ' ui tour on Hoi ,- .01. 1 m;no. Y'on miim ' 1 ' a!'y 1 sense ii-. letter for niolit in t.'.o only lillie I 1 w have to wii Bi a: .1 tle j don't Use of:iH here mill 1 an- 1 ili-M are t:o! tt. i.d yon may guebs. See Mere! Win 'Pi p'.per is this that yon are ! eihl;;? I'IS It bel.lliir to y l,rr('!f, : vour in-ijiibor, or u? If it lieloi'n; to 1 iiher of Ih.-latter vo'i oa'ht loi ! :i-h ill ed ol ,,:ir "'f. Don't you j i-i im 'hat ti er, a e .oini.' ilium's be-j io'i-i' j, too'd.r.-. '..htch you are f..r ' ;! 'eli !o iril'l '! Oaf of Itiese tilings ! r. hi- ili-w -p, , and if you Stdl . po.M'.f i'i I o, 1.01,1:0 it, wht'M do y. 11 , p ('t tti di'- Ill in Mill er.) to? I If- ' iln.j lei t MlltU .ril.ll l lu-IVspiipt T ! ! irrowi rs loive I i'i; since hern j;iven ' ,0 er to Lirlta-i-s ot heart, and been. i ll .1 then' pl iers limoi.ir triillS irri'M n. 1 le re i ) but one wnv of , flip' Tii' n yi ! turu yr! Why; "id jna be so ha. I . j Aunt licr Mott (intrnnp. I thru is niiollier it:soincp of f)r. M itt's one-m in power, which wecopy f'om the Winston H put bean: O.i S it.ir.'nv lust inf, irimitinti j r a I. d , ur coiniiiiinity that H. L '. .Slioie, pii-f miis'er of .S ih-in was re-j '1.. ie,. il' d J. r.'ickeinlei fer, a lieve j ti'u- e!vn i r has I e m ii p unte 1 in Ins : or-nl. Accoinpalii iti'.' tl is trl il'ilin j 11 as on .1 :,. r.'tve leiir 11, u-k ;f there v. ,1', ill y o h r ehatioi.s .1, siifd. Mr. I liion- wit- appointed only ab n;t four ni noh- a" 1 and was oivnijr .'eiieral J f 1 Li. 11 ins mi otli -er. lit) has a:.v,v s i'.-eii a Ih'piilih an, but like . in ,:. 1 th- in tl loiwh, i.t N'orih Caro i tii.a. 1 e war. opposed to tiie t'.aili ion nun. : .1 1 t. and having but recently e. toe into i lliee did m t conti ibutp to the camp 11011 fund of J ll ibhell, or th l'eveiine Wii.j; 1 f ih, p irty lore lie a:.o fuvi red J)-. Cook. liepuhhcai, for 'oii"re-s, iiibttad of t he reii"i'idr 1 )enn.ei nt, Yoik. For these leiisoins! he .ill- I t int. v, d, and We need not pay tin- ticuri'i nee has or. at. .1 orrat in dio o.ii. a :,ni ii"j Il--jd dioui.H and i d.n "i: ced universall) by meu of all p'H i -.." Mi;i? tt'iN and Mt!ttrels. I'ioih il..- N.-.v Y,nk Uerai.l. A baptist j antor in W sconsin hns' reC'liMv be. 11 trietl f-r the .Tenc.e of! e.tt. n hn a ei foi n.iince l iven by aj cnq inv i f l e, 'ro fi'.in-'tiels. He I p et. hd tM.it 1 v to the cIoitp, ex-' plsiiuiii tha lie was on his wny to a le'lip'Taliec t: eetm;j. l)ilt got in'n thej .ron' hall, and v. hen the per-' f runi ce lie'.ran his retiso of fun ovircaiiip Ins mural t-crupled. II" i'ot eft' with a mild ichuke, aitul it i lo be ri-(,'iettetl tl ut there were not anion; U'8 iii ioes dome who were hoiunt enonuh to nav that the were ; j;P4(J their pastor had foimd his wav i under ih innmnee of harmless fun, RI1(l ,,al thev hop,,! ho would do it ftI1(i ,,-,,, T1Hre ig no Kreater biimhiioor hv p .erisv tmin thec.irrent pretence, in' B,u 'religious circles, tJint ,,ttrt,ora UIlll preachers are ',t,,r ahb than ot her people to gut : tl;r.t , ,1,, diversion. A luru "ho,etimeis .etit a niot4 , ntir. ly ! 1,1 eou'eiopl itmg the mus of the ,vo)M ( ,llmHIii, . iv, ,.!;,.,, ,! ,r, t,:s j, the last one .. hoah! be rail, d Io account for mj iyino !iri thing that is funny yet m.t iiupropi'r. Highly Lst Cl'llicd. -, ,, . . .' , ... . Tlle yu'-' 'dor and a rich ltmtre " '1 to,f: ' 1r . ftr by . . ...j i mi .,j i,,ii...rn iiair jaisaiu. a ; i , , .... . ' '.,rl'"l'K. '"r.'"J etecuieJ i " Tin Hi l-lit of Follv. To wait, until you ate in bed with disease yon may not get over for i iii-niii, ih tlm In i-'ht of foliy, when OhJyBack! That's a commoacxpres sion and has a world of nuanino;. How much . suf fering ij summed u; in it Tho singular thin alout it is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May Le caused by kidney -disease, liver com plaint, consumption, cold, uik, nervous debility, &c. Yhatovcr the cause, don't reject it. Something is wronjj and nccils prompt attention. No medicine has yet teen discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Jirown's Iron Biitkks, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Ijoport, tod. Pc. I, lllok Tor a long tim ! hav been a ulTeirr (rem slomanh a:'d kidney ditcue, Jily apctu was vcrv yor and ihe Tery amjll iAmount 1 aia Mt disagreed with m. X waa aunoytd verf anuh from non-relenliua of urine. I tried many rcutedicl wilh E4 tucceii, until I uard ilrown's Iron ltlets. bince I utcd lhai my icmaci dnea rut b"!hcr big lur. Myapiietaeis simply iiumcnte. My kidney trnuMc is au mors, and my f?ncrat Lo.ti). is such.It.ut 1 feat ke a nrw nun. After t'.e uic of Ili.-wn's In.n Hittem'' .r.'t.e month, 1 i.vc famed Iwrnty k...uiuls ia reiht. O. 11. tuEBr, Leading physicians and clert'nicii use and recom mend Brown's Iron Hrr tkrs. It has cured others suffering as you are, and it will cure you. u. t. juiinsi. 1. . 1IHRILU D. T. JOHNSON &.C0, WHOLESALE GROCEES, COM M IS.SIOX M KKi'H A N TS, AND COTTON SKLLEKS Alwnys nu limi t a k-1 slm k ,.f Hmvy Orocvrlra. lUilillMil, all wrlKliJi. mid DELTA COTTos Tl M, Iml Tin oil IhK roarltrl. Wn e.iu t.ai.'llii In a-lran: ar- Itirirrt ,tiiinUllfa v tii at, ens. inns, ri.oiK, and all klndi oetiniry v,r,Mti-. Wrlinlnr Infnr- ruaa .n. Ha. I. T. JOHNSON It i., 0.-I. 15, lf'J. 9m. Kalelfll, W C. KALEIH, IVT. C, Grocer aoi Ccmmlssioa Merchant, IIKAI.UH IN DUY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, S1I0KS, HATS, AC, AC. Personal attention (iTo to buying atitl sellin' cotton. Liberal AdranccH uiiiile. &-Tji.Mr. G. J. Williams, of Cbathain. is -.til! with me und is nbrays pleused to serve Id. couiityineli. l.vt. 11. H . RON FRAME SAW MIL, X'rice, Without Saw, $250. JOHN H. lUMKiKSS, Ffl'.NKI.ISSVtH.R, N. C s,.'.i'iu!,rr lfa. if. CLOTHING! Rents' Ffirnislj Gocfe, k, J. M. Rosenbaum KALKKUI, N. C, lino raoalTotl hla FALL AND WINTKR STOCK or CLOTHING AMU Gents' Turnishing Goods, whl. h lo a, Aaail MaW WWMalaa a. la n,i aur sand In lb misVK, aua will Ca rrld CHEAP. All ardcr vlll reclT rttOMPT ATTESTIOX and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oil. 11, UN. Urn. Dr. WI, LYNCH, DENTIST, Will n a, (a.neot nill r.n llie rc.nl Mor laj la W.-ll 111" -II !. All i nil- left wiili Or. A. II lt,,iwnaii nr L. U Cni,ljr will 1 1 .rem .t ly n: ifurttxl lo. k ub. 'i, INri. il. Ulieccllancous IIERE'WM A OUd NEW FALL STOCK Gr HARDWARE, TINYARE AM) IIOISK U liMSlliNfJ (JsHiDS IS MOUTH F.XAMlSINt! AM) WOKTJl PLYING!! oil! ;!. AUK KMLlAld.M ! oi u puk f;s Alttl IiPAONAbl.K! COTTON KING STOVI'l Peath the World ! TbY IT! w" l' iy 'l I ll i'Iimi'I n i all pr.i.l.oif .,IH -Kenwti,., .vi.iMm s...-urUy, .',. nn.1 guaiantM oat prlct'n lo ij.- I,. ilium. lil'NS ! Iiniii.k and Ii i ii k Mm ra n and Mi zziac I.oaokhs. A M M I" V I I'll N', t : I - N V. il! !:IAI i ' . C. B.We curry thr Itroest sioei. of tli. M- gootb lo I e foiiud in the State. Write for handHomclv i'hn-.lr.iU' I e.tt d.,-u-. 0.t. 12. 18S2 3m. K , HARDWARE Of EVERY DE SORPTION. Sash, Doors nml I!3iiids9 L.Yl.CroT 8TC!C.JL IX NOK Til CA lt H.1NA. (let. 13, Ifcua, .1m. (;UAXS) O F FALL AND WIiVTKlt GOODS. Friends and Patrons, ThArotdaMVK.in ..metj ,.n iia,t. n,i. In k.i.lnjr welt .!,. hliimhi wii an. a iln ililliiK var lamnlara and nil nl Tea with ilia M.i liwl.ii! io o Ik i.f k.,. y I .. rl..-.l. oi. Hi.- in ....le. Lie Druuolla, tlia larn" or unull, I l;,.r lull, run I an tte.!. I..,wev.r faatl II.. uf ihelr taataa. The taak lo Ilwf all la bt m. lurana amall. via wi .ire ,-u!l l. nt .,! ,. ir a',!liy to tnnlii.alu sar rapu lall ,a lur l'lriwliitt Ihn nil,i. W seta Ku-ni:iv n, ,-l l,,, tho iiinliUudo In lilt- 111, HI ,-,,rri, 'I Hli;i,i-s ,,f Hi nvy or l.lslil OVERCOATS, rI0I3IIY SAC2I SUITE, SINGLE OU DOUliLE liUEASTED CUT AWAY SLTrS, TIIH LATKST 1 'A 'I' K UN'S IX PA NTH. Hats and Caps MIIJIC ON THK Ml I'd' il'I'IflH.il lll.rtKs AM, ly TU K I.AI'ahT rilVLKS. lu Na. kwa- an t llnakiry lm. u full llie, ml ,.tir .'ln.ni s, Mou'it .-u'.(lr..r' la wall fauad Our vl.l frlHiid.. ami Jul k v.anj arm nr. iclwin. i, .-nil, alii l,n ..ry wii,wa, ia tax. w w..ul.1 tm i lm.r 1 1,, l.a n !.i from off rt .l, tr. ni .,,ili fur uj umr. Tnu will Du.l tl.at II la atlll ..it aim 1.. . II :l,r Hc.i o ,n all ilm, t sail tlmm aliUo I.,in.at I'. hnlLin l'rl -a lo mul h ill nil ,mh I1i,,ii .,r lua iauid, I lila Is i-.:i.!9iiiiii wt'h n-rr i lnli'.'y .-, :i 111 .-.l l.ui,ura. tiir In IU11I.1. wt aril uuly hU 'li k , 1.. iu wi ,-an raemnmt-rij, II la our rrJuM rlu.-lila m ,lrai, tn ..us' .iiu-ra Ail ar u, u, gu ua a fnlr trial, auj wa ar pfcLttdpniof your . ti'.limr I l a r -Min... In ,-i -I ml , wo will any. ,-uin,. .-o wtial wn lif In am. . Irani Oi" .rl. va um! unll:y, iin-l mini In u,h1 of ftiiyil.liiK, aiiul will u- iii in-iv la'1'.l. l'.fhi r.'truiiy jn-un, i:i;iiVANii:u hkotiikus, I.KAUfNl) (l.Ol Ull'.liS AMI 1.11 I.O (tu, Ilr.NKY Ul I I.I 'I Nil. OlTOBlTK IT. t. PuaTO?riCK. Hepinuitiar 11. lst-'J. If XOBKl'H, WY ATT &' TAXIaOB, foNSIONMIlM'rl Sol.ll ITKD. IIIOIINkT I'llU K AM) I'llolier liUIIHVH ti L'AUAXTMD. Rrlillzs Your Sc! if Yoa M il lo Fay Ton. 1,501) SACKS A:.I:tMATl.i AN!) ACIJ PHOSPHATES, Tho Ut-tot l'irtvher M.ido for Wlieut und O.ds, Now in Depot Ready for Shitut'iit. Send jour outers to TViOJI III.- Kulflilll, K. t"'., rW."'.ui'.r 7, IhS'J. KALKIGII MARBLE WOMS. - i n i m I W. DUEHAM, FAYKTTKV1LLK St., UALEKJII, N. C. mm m ms csiiis m mm wmr, 1 1 1:. 1 ST( i.N KS, TA I'.LKTS, AC. OHDKItM riinMI'l i.Y I il.l.KK AND .-A Tlf-K.U TK N lit'AItANTIKD. JjVi.ui ok i. nr. hoi; mi, i, M!,r AS ) dlbioxs. -a LATTA & HYATT, njiiEisn, ztr. o , GROCEES, AMD General Ccmniission Herctaiti. Sjiwial i.ttention paid CVmsiiienta of Cotton, Oritin, Ac. 10.K) llumtl.'a Arrow T. f.00 II.. II 111 1. (. Sjmeijal prii es to Ginners and IVtlnrs 100 T"liH Navius-a Otiaiin ami AiU I'li.iibalo. Jusl Ibo thing for whoal. Sole Agents in Central Carolina for the eelehr.itcil I Brown Gotten Gin. Feeder aid Condenser. . . . . ,,,.. .r I -e sure to buy the hUUnrs UI , ... . iind VOU Will lll'Vi r IISO Sill" otl.t r. " ' Aug. 31 icm. .fi.dvertiscnicnt'. Iltf AGAIN! i)VVL STOCK IS COMPLETE! Ui (,()()I)fi A it F. NEW! .f. '. miF.ViS TKtt al' CO., Ill i.i.i. ,i i n Ili.u.iuxti, UAI.KIUII, v. o THK ALL RIGHT ing Stove. H,c v.. .. Mliicl. H. I.- AnfiiiB t.,r tills CalvbralaJ Ki..i, ..H. ..1I. -c in thi pin, lie that oyer TU KNTV-KIVK TIKH'SAXD of titiwH Kt,,v,-. Iihv,. ihi B,iia, ana that InTa lliHililu'l. llii-y tiafc gtvrii S: PRICES VERY IOW. "Wrli.i fur DiU'TlpUtrii CuiaJogua an4 LUI ot Furnliur,.. Jl'LU'.S LEWIS 1 CO, KAl.KtUH, K. ti OPEXIXf M'VATT tt TAYLOR. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. Tl.. ltl. Clnnul atatd mnit txunamicat iia-u lreiine. lleyu 1.111 to iBlcri dt -wfr.il ill ful t-ttirtrlo crcv jliair. 90c ituO $1 luwal FUresUi C!ne. A a4 nmalat IT - rmt a4 la-tiaf awtaaw. in ta aa4 Its. PARKER'S GINGERTOrilC A Purs Tamlli (Rcitlclna that Ravtr lattileatn. I f v u ;;re a mrchanic w f.irmer, worn nl with .t.'.L .t niothrr mn .Imvn Lv f.imilv orkiHiM j liu. J amies try Haupv-jk Oincch Tuntc. I ( yau are a lawyer, minuter r butmeM tun 9m liaiMttl by m-frtal eira n nr anxtom nm 4 a-M take i atoxic ting abaiulaau, but um f aacsa'a jir.ea Tjnic. If vmi have rW-nenta. KrwiMUirTt. Rtdaev m IJiNunierofil.cliiKi; Moniaeti he-weii. btood Of nuim you cm becmeti by OiNoaa Tome. t 'rinu' v i'mnrdjiiu. or if oh are tronMed WllhaflT I v. m ire wiMinf awfy Irum , diMtaarNta mr u v ch...-or wr jh m anil rtHiuirtt a altmulaiil take (iiM.n Tn.xtc at once; ttvult ipvigorate and build I -ii imri.im tiie fir t d v- tt win never mtoaicaca. U l. ts ..rd bniulrcun t4 licft it mar aav yoff M : T A Ol, K1 Wdhvn !".. T.w Jmrk. Mt. aai .rut J'Hh f '". t til d. l.-t ia i tr -, i-Kit. AT iA INii Ut'TI.NU DOLLAR N7.M. W. XI. IsEOniARD, WA IVIIMAKKII AN'P JKWKI.Elt. an,l ilralfr In 1 waTI tlKK. rtiM KH .IKWKI UT ai'KeTAri.Ea, k-hmshih ai ..'. I ll,..alrliic ol all aln.H .l.,i,a o abort aotlca la ti,i vrrv 1.1 aivln. fp-lnl ati.'iitlnn arlTm In Ida r, .irf mi.' a-li.".. r...ra l,y mall nuivlly n n ii'l.' I i .m l a itlafn.-il..n tuatiulvwl. liitBlK-n.-, N. C, July 6, im. Cook I if

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