1 tlrt I J' til !, l'l JMn TlirilSDVY.S ..:;. :.!'x iih towmhip. l.l'.-i I rl II .:" I . I nr;;i!S fill Ol i it'iiih T it'. :.ni 8"!" Have jou heard cm .),. h ia ; tion ncwi T 8jT Thi' fm-t this nioriiiiVT 'i like a young snow. W Clmthillil is the banner coiilil; of this Congressional drstiict. Ii'ii;; the only fovmty that gave Co ;iu in creased majority over that of i .'!). ifcff Every Sewing .Va-chino should liavo a "Piil ti" hand nttai limetd. It naves tlio operator's health and H!r"ngU). Sold by nil Machine dm! ers or by the I'pivi'isul At lachmeiif Comininv, '2.17 Fulton ;'!: it, E.ooh lyi), X. Y. lVi.-e. $ - Vrs Nancy Ihowii. As'ir-tille (' l,;s brought t') th" S V HI'-! "hile I .1 l:i,, li oi' "Moil- 'i f, l.ll"' li' a ids anything we ' .,ta'.k Hi' ii ;!' '' i. et.'l'lv Ii. ilig loo li' W. as Snow 12 feel deep is reported from New Advertisements. Nor.h.w .t. V, ; II i .' I! iptist State 0. nvei t'ou -i'iB!ii;i nt Win rciilon. is fa yet TEVJLLE. X. c. V.i - Wn ; i Yo-.-i V.V! '.ii-n tint four ,f S i ,'.-, ill .!ilii ,' V"l . 11 al J..K'l,ViI!'.', , ..' ; ' c l.it(- tie, tion. One of ! hem, 1 ti illi n ! (li! Lull' ! !.!.. Tj-t. I been em- 1 it C0Mf.1SS8i0N MERCHANTS, ( 5 ici'iiHlioro' I'll' ri t nominates : AND DP.AbKliS IN -.:! f'.i (SoVeriiol ill IS I. ,.,. ,M.iu imniiniLtu a: i i J v Ik . ;fa,-t ju,i!:l f r '.Hi 'I i lit .v. eve" t?rn. t. I'. t to C.Uigres to il':;h the 1 f r r..i lay Ii, .(!: 1lttkfl Wilsons. I'd!'; dever eiiici;s of C'-:' tluiioiu'lilv prepar-i of work, botli in wuml a. id iron I' . arc I III' i..e. i i in.-. .Vc. for II -ham. T!i...' !! do all i.i'i.l ; 1(1 : !.. l...ii I.. I . . o--. . . i --f ; i . c.l i , ;:"- i . i r. .-M.'lit-; ! en:li: it s " j t i i 1 ly law. T!n.y, n l" i'.-,ili lii.'oi-!' ii Vi iteil I i iix r. '1 . ;1 1: ! l ! ;. :.-.! . .1 till ill II .!!! it'.. "it. .i l:y an ! of Coii-'iv s. .ii, is Iii' in. i-1" 'f I .I.-.!, t! -v vu'l 1.. !; : j li'.i.M.: il. The J'liH'.v ; ' . tun..) In' jres;-i vi o j , ii!-t- M;r ri'i MiMi i. oi. f.. t '.'s !nvi' -a is f- i.i'ii : A' f reil I'oh e inn. Iiviii'.i in :ir l.ciK " n a I oic to wnt. t lll'owll. CI u s 1 1 i II r i I -1-n.i : i '-if Lis t-liuiii-it'i', ii' iiij-iriri; liim. lln tit-.- !:iy i-V 1 1 i i . JJ . lo!i Scu'iii'l: Ti A. Uric': I I, ' flU-l!!!,' o hi'ruinl , TO i i; s 1 ifii'ii" Ti il llO'U liis )M i'i ! hni-r ii- M l v :i . in' s eii'iiuy, two !ii:iii tin-t, i-ii "M.'A'li. Aii'f m i- IVinI ('utter JVice ! tho ,.!,... : Vv,.,,.!',. -..AI.'..!v:.Sler,..v.l,;V'. 1 ''V-f.o .., !n,,.ls nt 1 1"iiiisten'l, L ! .l ' ' S ' ' J 1:1 ! villi (1. ! reiuovii,'' tin' mill c c ov i i'or of In r h'i iMisliii ii I In-nl lier i'iiv. in nl' lir I i i . ,e it will) a new one, f'-ii'iil ; i, '.i . 1'iV .'i.e ,';: !"'! !S5 lieeiliew, j vv-,! i lit i. cl.v ;iin iNiaitory. Ij'i'in- . ii . t i'' -i i :" t h t emi- . . i it: I C l( ( 1 it llll( H i:i't l''io;, . 'oi. !o!.'ii t r' rely sati-,- I " ' I ' i miiio i The Largest Stock OF .-H'o.inl oni'l.U:.. AiCioik.-lt.TeXiis.thi'C.iiiltH. nse , 1. l S.Hnr.l'iy, W!,K ,,estr,e.ll,v1i,u a.-.l tv.o p.i-.o.e i HOO IS. SIIOK,, IIAIi.N KS.iVC i"OKl Hiekorv" Wiwms. in i.i . tiie i' n. :o m (iliisi'oel; s " : (ilasi'Ocli'b' Watt Avery l'lows ' t ;.... ,..lt,w 4; ... :! i. 't !.. ! i;..t to. II il: I Ml, liirlll. i v. oi. V- i'.. ..... I ilin . oi u nneiiei 1 :,tol, el.;;:e;eil il. a li-lll .. . ,, , . ..I iv ..Is on ,,: otl-e. ?r ( " !; 'U,"'11' " .k.-lvtf. Iniveufiitiilresult. Jv' V- "' '1' , flien. Is. ...'.-. lfi, lS.'ii. lin. i:yi ii!.iNiii:i) LS'l. Bafrging and Tics IN CENTHAI b 'North Carolina! i Tor the lowest cash prices to j GINNERS AND DEALERS ! write to mills lit M. T. LEACH A CO., RAI.IKiH, H. C July IS, .' . iy ! ni.iiil itti'Deni.ni'.l: P. .1.-' Slmi, ; of Mi l loe, I'i ion eo.iiily. e .iii' ii".1 i -Tie..!-' hi . Tin K-ixy i.i-i't. liy hlsoot i'.i' !i;n H If ia the ln uil iii u Jiixtdl. II" v us .'.el ilijo I Hint lii' t ina le an .it : r 1 1 1' til l.fi'U I'iiilM If li fote. Mi1. lev li 1 'ii I', v. ho livi h oik mnl !l l;:t't in It s fio:,i (, is city, hp nejit 'i n:. r ollk'.' -o ne !, !' of t ie second L'lov. th. I hi - e ' i't !,i..-h. It is Wi I. I 1 11 I, iinvi.i;: n plot. i I" r y. H" li-n 1 ,-te 1 11 i'. i. "I el op 1 ,f wlent on li. 1 nut. Hi. n p. mil '! ei tii uiol pi'Ui-1. 1 iimI i.li.iiim il a (.'no.) crop of hoth h 1 li ie is now on thus ism use iuinl a mm W. L. Lond ;i will liave on Ins lls our . ,1 ..uini'h still coiitnipt; to ! . . ' . , , in( .... "ZlliuW- ,".,'.1 0.1 1 1 the all oli' t I. !: ill. i i: Ai'Vi.iMii.'MiMn. In .. time In.- ir:i:e of (.'li.iiiiani to J'ave!te ii!" as mittiliilh1 A DiHici'.lt 1'roiiK .m Solved. Tin' tie iii f, r it in m hints is hei:om in" 11 I:: r 1 e il iiii iniw to ovol - e 11, e t i n , i i ins i :i .-.iul, Wilh I- I'-.i'i, I 1.. i .iiler'rt i;i.ei-r T'til if j r.iilv -MA'i t'ne 'hilii-ill HI. 1.1. III. It I 11 i,.-Mi'-. . !.' h ui.tl n.i. il without j inti.i.'.C itil'!'1. ii'i I hits hi i.nel.t Ii .u'th ! I h -1 1 : . : . . . tn in 1 1 v il' s 'lull' 1 mull ! PRIOR'S JKWULRY STOKE. ;i'AYrrn:vii.Li:, n. c. 1 1 Oil 'crware. i to Iii liV il' uiier. S'l olht I' en tirJT Sneeiiil oil'"!1 f"r the next .1,.,. f 1. F i'i will Ii " - . ..... ii , ... I .1 .... :.. ... , ..... 1 , " "PI Jot) litlt, Uo'.micr iiiimi ui'1 i.'i-ai ieii j now in uie iioeciioii n( 111m (;i;u.i om t f c.Ulpt,i Our Stock of siiiVnnvAUE and i-locks tsurpiisses in extent of variety ami d.ivs a hiriro loL of .Mel: Heavy Jiro !own. trail 15 Kitj. whieli can he ! 'tijrht fur' r cash l le4 than New Y01I; cost. Also, , fiiv jrn-i.' a jolt lot t.f I fats-an. 1 Cups. Call e n h 1 N. t i: if von wish to siv.ire u l.:ii;;nti. 1 1. is -.el 1 offir wiil only hohl ';ooil until Sntn'1- I . i-. ; day, 21th inst. j of " frrSn-xt v-W. IJyii'.nn .V ilea l1', am now reciviiv; their :-t i f I'u'J ami Wiiittir (iioiii consist in:; of a fi'i Htoek of ahiiost every thi!i- fonn.l in ; first class store: a I'm- hne . -f L.e i'ri C! '',;?, l.a.'.ii- s' Hats ai.'l Fia'.l.i ra, Hint they will Ihl.l Mrs. 11 i t:' iea.lv to ilrentl theill ll in the latest '.vh'. tlivn ll a cult ai; l we liave no il n.ht von can he snileil. 1 with the hiiihinij; of lail her towns I. live tn':.:'! away!- Chm l.ttti Journal : Il i a sinfjnlar j..rt:on oi thiit, ir.n!.'. ' lu 't tmit 111 (iast.'ii, a county wiui ,.s' 1! !i ties .iiel pi oli.ili.y :!. -; ! his l 'ii ' ti wile n:i (or -li tier ! HIJ. .in-1 iliillie.'Dielit to i our liuiie. ili.,1 run s i ill hr.lr.t ,,e hiehiess u,"ii of eiii'i'.-y aii.l .1 !-.'. t '1 !i -1 I -,ii 'lis : 1 ! 1 1 -1 i ih'ln. iire I li. u !..-.' .i-'lvt i ' i-,,-: c: ! ,: 1 h-'wltere p;:!.'1.-.!., Mei upon v.h':'i we 1'iye ,'he u .it ti.e ( 11 1 : il inn.: I 'nil1 to cull 1 el veek. Mi is A.. S. Ii:i:l:e ,V ('o. ale ..iie.-hi tv'ih-k. V i.iteiesl ihreetly op ami tliat ."now is failing in s n,t pnw il lo piohilnli 111, every c.unliil.iti.' pi'if-rf. hi1 t. ai.k a i-upporl"!1 of the pro ti Pii'li ;et,i)i U' ielrtt i-Ucll ifis-i'it 1.1111 ea'iif.riii' i'U'h, : . .... 1- i .-.I: 11.1 tiriiilliK; i.nlv lieailtV lit ttcMJ'nri till V ilisplav I.', iviik a l,m. ui Hruui,i. i.v ihhii. Sutii'lnrJ , ...hi . i r i:ur..e.. 114 .sas-ni s:nM.i, vnk. I1 ayotU'Viiio Dv any 0111 iit'iore ice- - j tj, war or s;n,.(.. D..1; 1 Miiiii'cti,. qui tti.il ire t . .' - . 1 n . 1 -1 TTT33.' TI' I .uni,.. hei.viiv in .he ..pper m sM.nit : iMQfrpmom 3 n wpnn nrr K J . i 7th. Lt.ml.m i . . -,"fc-fc""1""" 11 O to i nTTimnn -v- T,-rTT A T ! SeWllI'' Aim lime, tl H C. C oil!:;. "I ii who .r. ;i: l j-li'.'k" eti'l c . 'i.'ci ::i '1 t:i'.." pteasiirt l:ie! 'l!ll,r tie III to our li a.h I ' Mr. (ici r'e A. Th"::iii :.n . iii ar in i p'o-K f er t ma;; if' any i, lie mail e..li, iiti'l vmi -v iii think .-o ii yni visit hi', in ii liUeil M'.t.re i-.io'ui.. liis sili'e. s )-oef. hi;., t,, he i..:u' nf the Ii' h! I'd i . 1 1 - - i, :ei i iti tiie Spite. (So. 'ils are ' .in --is. :iln;i J i lol1 i null 1..' e a stv'e atitl ' nti,')''"1, of 'he ul 1 allii t he in w tin . i' , ., .1: . cm, '. , :.! it e l .hi: ! v of I he l':i! her in ffiT Ainon;; the many eon, Is ju-t receiveil at I ., union' is a l.i'W l"l i f Men's a.nl Chii lii'u's 1! its mi, I Cap.-1 Ifo has a hea il if.il l''ur Can for Cin r JSoyH. Jin new tires n....ii an' quite a mii'cn.is, liot! 11.. l. w ;,i,i 1 lot of tho.o uplenli'l Th..i,iasuilePH;"i.'"' ''1, t., .1..-!. 0! .., . .....- 111 !,;!. I. .. ,..... I s 'li -alel 111 ll.i ir l.u :;e .-In ruioes nil i iiiueii . iiiiii- in, 1. ,. - 1 , pair w irraulcl. Ask to .see hi, Uml ' !iX V"' ' " 1 '-":vi 1 1 i 1 . ,', oi! uai.t. a'.,! at !..w pliers.1 ltlltltll Jjinr,. to he l!ie en sc. -1 I 11.11 I1 1 1 1 : ; J 1 r, in for our i-.p' eti-'ti i"-ie.li 'i h vvt I't pot.tto w, i.;liii o 11 p 'UI'i'S )iil!j to its si.e ll:.hl lt ,t ioolo il V'. rv I'.u l. like a 1 11, h 11, .1 lo sued . -.1 .:; pkl'l. - - The ( I. 'hi M,ne .o:!..l,t nel of j-r.u k llui'ii-, 1:1 I l:i c.uinty, oy 1.: Ml1. A. P'. J 'lies is ,h'C "pu.j; In , - r 1 i -li n a h of oi". ' : 1 ems ; e. 1 the nie.!.1 i 1 1 : 1 ii s .h 1 01c. 1 u; there ire two tel.:- . tnt nre v. 1 llili, ol.e I'-n fei t in .i llh iii.il iln. other ii.t 'i 1, 1". ell I'll.. -it II. IMS lip ore Hhe.;t(i.l vitll hi tel h;m eoi.l. M ll-..rl-t. ChCN nl-ii ..wl:i.-iv cliir 1 wl:li I AM) I . tlnl 11., I , r.-r ii.ni t: .cl-. Iii.l I.m;; r Mi HI U' .- I c a e in..!,- tint ANXI VKHSAKV IMSrsr.NTS. (iohl. Silver am Steel Spectacles, ami Kye-( ilaws, the very hi st. ;ou l'K.xs, A kirue itssortineiit. JmT v visit Fayetteville call oti 2 .Lit . "i"l I l.'.lhiVX I .It t II. ' ,,,,.,, 1 twk mum cheap mm. i 1 1st. I.oiiiloll ket-ps the larutst liml 1 IiksI select eil htoi k in the county. ' Jml. LoihIoii kei -p.. t-verv tiling you can wtuit, from a Siik 1'nss ti. a Lottie 01' ( Vstor ( Jil. 'Wi. I.omloii kerp.s 1 vi rv th Ihrtm r iieeil.s V. 11 1 1 a Thn .-l.iiut ; Maeliine to ;i I Mow I '.!. ! -It?.. I.otnii.n k. t j 1 t,e l.,!i .- y; It : t ami ail the l.,ti t noveli ii s. ; otli. I.oiiilon otV.'!1.- i-p.'cinl iniluee-j invnts to ir-li etistoincrs ami taki j all kiinls t.f Darter in ext liane j for ( iimh!. j Gth. Lontlo:i is reeeiviui new goiHWj tverv week. V'cnt for I loiiicslie !.te.-t tun-' ninj; ami l.it Maehim.' iiia.le. j S 1 1 1 . Loililotl L'.'eps the lii-t. h'ryes! itm'. " !:" fli iliiM at t 1 -tit. 11 iii i-1 1 1. trrii !' i.t li'.-itt-M th1 mm1mii, . Ah h Ii. ti-.-l tn: .-a- w Ii.t ,'iiiiiln aii't I t ui: Tl't-y ur iiD'iu.rfii ! i- .; ii-', In' i"iit'lf l-'.iffl. j t: iliih.; -i -n-itt. imMhii'I-' j .'!. (Miii'ilii tin 1 1', fiTtmii in iln-lr ; 4; iln' I'lTffi unity !!: ami (nun t ti'-ly ili',y me mi- t..ck of CI ,, 1 ! In1. A II. .11, r:itn..iri N. i i'i l i th. . of .lew ?,1 n .V Tiikkk Ca ns oj- 'u ntco.- Mr. Ja-t. ' (S. Maim, of Hiihhv.n township, in ' forms us that he has n.iff.l this year, three crops of tohiceo on the t ime, liiml. ThiK l-ats any f.i';ni:ir: th.it wo have lieitril of. j r.i-ti-iirn. Foia. vrs. --! )ur for. sis now present a most heaul'ful r.pj.t .i1 : ance with their foliii-e of every hue ! liml color. Many persona think that; tht) h aves are co'ore.l hy the fro.its. ' but thin it a mistake, for they elmiie; color nimply hy 111 1 ivin;; a! matuiiiy. j ic (::! 1 ' :! ;. r .! -.1 , i licii met .11 v hi iti;;1 - it. I.ii.,1 111 the t it,. ,S' S. C. I'auki. v.i :! hewn Hi1; n ! in .; lli.it win M l1!11. I replli.lll lll. il .1 CrritoM Mri --V'c i'i-c in lehteil to Mr. J. A. Scott, of P.ear Cl-ek township, f.r a citron imlon thai rini'lieil ami was i.hlein il ove'1 1 yi-r1 iii'o, ami vet lool.s ( i ret ', ' of South I ,.'ii a 1 eh i.'it i'O.ih - In It his ,l'.''l' M. flesh 1 W, presel TOil as if il hi ve.tr. il thi., 1 :r 1 IV ri : Mir Tlii.n.p.iii, P. )v,l .e, l.rou;,t to U;c I'c-c to-. I .y it Litt. n l .1 n in h"inl tl l'l I'Vil ili. tiiu" I ,W li.' I -.-.. - I f til. I l'.ll,ll:X . 1 1 cv .r ja.vs air I t '. 1 'I he nc'ii-'r.'iy :i h it n ... .1 iy of ti.e elcr i m, hut ti th'iit time. A. Old l'tio'ittT. -M;1. Thoma.sl Ilohlit'.t, of ( i.lkl.lti'l to-sli.hlji. ' an claim th" hoii ,r of hei.i:; li e t hi. t tleuioernt in 'liathaai. !le is i'r year.; ohl, ami ui the icvi.t 1 ! ' -tion five mill's to the polls :.!'.'i M.S. .1 ti Htrai;;ht ilemocr.i.ti.' ti.-k- ! I'i.ia rensiiiau to coiislahle. Tin: Comkt We 'A t re mi -taken in ftayili', a few weeks a;;o, that the comet, like the "liheral" pui ly. w.iuM fiitirely tlisapp. ar after the election, for that, heavenly visitant is still vi -ilih in the early mor'iiii'.'. th.o:i-;'i th. "liberals" leive H!i' -In .' n tlin snow uielta in the waim s.m-i.ine. Seiu.oi. Cii.K.t.itAr.'ON Th" elo'iii;; exercises of (lie f ill t.'i 1.1 i f the Pit: boio Scieiitilif Acailetav will be hchj tomorrow (I''rioav1 ni'hl 'J'he exer eises will eoli-isl of re. it.1.' i 'as. c!u luntiona, iliulouew Ve. 1 'h" pt biie r.ro iiivilc.l to nltcii'l, ami c tioul.i not it will bo a must pleasant t.c eusion. 4 Ti' Vilie'llll I .S eek- iieo, Mis- ! liic t wis I it.! 1 ! . iill.il I 1 ii h: S-'ini' thri t v Cnu M, ,,f it i -s In r liioii.t.t :tt il.it i 1 in iy. : e cm : u e I 11 j.1. in;; to kill ;! 1 th e w Mi , the cm i vplo.h'.: as . I 1 f it'" ; en ."U '! 1-1 1 e I. Tii.- !.":' ,hi: r in , I to her li'jiae, ,vli. 1 e at siiiV. i':.!.', s,n) ,1 e l .(. t!ii;- N'i ss aid Obm rver: One of the !.!! known 'cliaiii' t. is" ii' '.he. county .lie! yt ::! i.i.iy. 'On W, .In--,l;.i, ' (iov rni.r" Melilin, us h luw hi." ti f..r 1 ai ? ctioc.l u as in Ilin city, in as yfo.ti spiiits uH iisiiah Iln itlnrteil f ,r his lioiiii! in Km.mkatte, a f. w ..o'e- fieia the ciy. Nichi;.,; mote . :s liei.r ! i f l iic i.litli larlyy-'-t r .'. y iut-i aii1:.;, v.l.'l: l'e w-r foiitel i'.i;: ii. a , ,.u;l - :: Li.'1 i ' ia- 1 oa I ,v!.i !i I, :n!s i.v liic ii'Ml.t1 .stl.lv,. ('n'o'.e:1 i;.e!:al il.s.m hell ti ii.;ins!, al. which It Was foiimi let I : ci .11 ui an, uii'ii r ti c ii.lhe nee I' ii.pi"!1, i 11 i fallen in the v'lh.v. ami .iie'i 1 h, 1 1-ii.u in.. 1 ic 11 i'hl . M -.tlin 'cuS'i M irsoio iil.iI h.nl i i:ie in this county. --At 'at !iht M -'er liV li oruiii;; tim ijiii i f Mrs. I iio i; in. I, tin miles 1 il' h of t'ne . i:y, was foiin.l to be 011 tin". Tu i;. !l 1 r with the s.i.v mill attacheM, il .vas intiiely ths'rote.l. 1 a tin; in vt, l'e lifiei n b iles of cotton, of which 'en wi re h iiii' .1. Th an was 110 i 1 siirm.ee on t!ie luiil, u'in or c.itlott. '1 ho loss is prob ihlv ..IllO. ' Cli.v. l ui IV i.u.j .rity in New Y..ik is 1 ;if ' (Il Jet Vol! hi:!1 I.illi' th.' r4s a t& n t s . ,.ia l y i:,'j. !!;!S, ! 1 i..r 1 .ii. ! WVATT .V TAyi.OP., lilittl I. lis .V e.iMMIS-loN MClif'li NI'S. X . :l I J,'!i:ill',' til. .N... ti St.'illll. Sl., 1111.KI..11, v. a, N.,v. :j ifsi. ITI'..'N M i.l 'Kit: I Vhl llili.;, !.'." M.1,1!..C w:toi i:svi.i:oK.ci; li-rt-. 1.1 ! vx ti :H . A. HEAD QUAUTlIILn ' mm mmj'm'm'mi . Is not only pnpiirul for yjiproaehiiig ; t0 town. 1 nml el:e:lle-l j the ( uiit.ty. j '.'th. Lomloti keeps the ! .ft ::.-s..rl-I lueiit of Hoots ami Shoes -A cut ! f.r .ie,'!' r Ih-'-'. t.'tl'l.ratet'. Sinu s. I Kith. Lontl ni kci p. 1 Iats, ( 'tips, Fur j nitiire, I hi ril ware, Cook Stoves, ! M.ili.ims. raint. Oik Dve j still's, ami ant thin.' eUe you wish. 1 11th. It is 110 trouble to .show eu. als ; t'.t I ,ot! Ion's. Coint' ami see for yoiir.-elvts. jllltli. London 1 oiiratulatf s his ! fiicmls ami cttlonicrs on the line j crops they have imule. I ( 'till ami see him when ou conic 1 R.M.r.i.ui, X. C, Au. 21, 1882. To Tin: Citizi ok C'i;.tiiaji si Si iiiiotM.iNf; Cm jtils: li xi i.imkn: Wt; wiH soon receive our lare ami w"ll si leeteil Full rtoei ui HARDWARE, of cYi-rv iV"t- l ii'tion, a23a aii'3 Ma Mi, PAINTS tall kind,) AM" gi n i Mm; mi: NTs, Saul, Blinds ui Dosrs, II! AC, AC, ami we ask a slnirn of'your pat to'iaiye. We yiiarantee batis faction. I'lll Mo! Ill': ltKST (;i)i)!S. I.O'A I'".st I' PliP K, SgPAIJK DKil.I.NO l:. i.f-tritli;-, Titns. li. Hrii;t.'s & Sons, l.aleiL'b, N. C. !;V M.tliKLT. "' V I.IIHlll'1, h 0 ju X it) A jl b mrr ! KEEPS EE STUCK FULLY OF I AND 1 !' .V I-. . . li lt,. ' ri.:ii:,..l, 1 1 . 1 : . , ll.'W, '. X. l1., IS 3 ".I. '. ., '111,!. -11, i'".'iii:. - '. 1 l , I.CH . I.I'1'..W " .. I, .T I Ul: R. Til' .l i.-,'- I I.i 1,-1 !ii.:i.'li.', ! 1. r'- i Al 1'k-s, I f. 1 ' i,...; . f..r lfirj;.. .,ts VT 1. LCrTDOrT. I'llioli.il'u1, X. I1.. Sej.'.. 'JS, 18KI. FlIRNITUllE! J3HH t. mm. Corner lctieville atitl l);i ie Sts. i i:.m.'.: ui! n r , 1 00 Prices Fully Down!!::';:;-;:' r. , , r, r m; r r 4 j 'i y s i i licailine; l'mture ot my business le 'he 1) I'A'M'C hie is1 till '.(' theie i 1 . ole , sI il;!.', soli'aiy . put li: an Wm.t a !oi,ii;oui,". time he mils! !i:.ve ! A li-liim bn.it e.'ps''.l oi! hike t luiai'.o, 1.1 mi S .uth.oi pt li, by w.,,-:, 1' Is si. .os... ', tin.' e! , ! 1 1 'J .lew W:.h Now Advertist'f.it'iits. A I ) M I NT ST 1 1 AT . ) I .'S NOT I ( IE. f A 11,0 a,,; .,.i:i;a,..,i us iin- ii.iiiiini 'ivii..r i.f M.-.,. Sill, I1. I'..... .I.-..-U....I, 1 ln .y 11 .iiry nil I ... ry 11,1 !"'-"" iianii-" inm iiKim. M...I .i.-.'.'.i.iii. 1.. 'liton jk I ncn -t at'.: ii."-.u."i 1 l"'r1v'''j"i'Vy,h1 DUj V'lUoL iOl I1.1UM-j it1., n ".. 4'n. 1 AND APPEECIATE ALL Cull at Lumber for Gale. a- n:t !y ! Mriw n'ltl funi!-h .'ill kltuln j 1 1 !.. 1 mi ' M : '1 l? !' "it f -1 I iitilrs "tKh , iin 1 I iiilU vv-'.-; r i;r- wn 5t driniifi j i.Wl i'l.K, i ll 1 I V & Hi. j For Sab! :a I II. Kalcioh Yi .ihu1: Mrs. Aiim t M.'.o i;i.i ."I, it her llli'.i y. a: 1 I t miii hav. a r .o .1 '.! 'iic C.;t'ii;" llo'el, which is kej.1' hv Ml1, .f ''in Hili,' :i'. :i liM.n .I hJ h.iiM '. ix" 1 ; ii;i ut. 1'. 1 11 a: a I 1 1 . i j-- I I.i-. i.e.. Ii:t..s. ael acq . : :i ' !l t'i':ci a Ihchiih :il:iri .e i, :.!. t a!.: r fiii'..; t, i ll, ft. si. eitii nu n 1I.10U;: 1 tie- t'.'or, '!:e .::!-' of her r '. ;n a- ii i a-.l ..In: 1 Iii' ".-as oh,,.-,., re '. I'.) ii;.' I ! ' - '.he hi tl Vi i h h, r h :,l icinriii'.; tl, .b-a a, el I fi litl'u I ov ll-ii.'l p llllC.J,.Mit.Ml'l if lit!1 I A .,'. '.I, 'I,:, A'er.i.t.ut i-o'iirrel hnvl kh.wh. 1 : II H of li''hlCl'll ltl 1 1 t'l.l il u.'i,'.!, . iv! I" I lai.-ri's. I'i a ;r 't of l.-in.l j. 1 ; . ...p ri.-, t:i l....r..,'.,utny, l'l. Ill-, N" l-u: !, ;ti, l .-"litalllllii; 'lilii. 1- V'tnl:...H l;.t,l r.li.t fttl - ..; t O.M.. 1,111 I..- ..M CIIK.r i-li -r iicrnr.a '.i t.-l l"i.s 'rm: ', X. 1'. l.N-.v. il. l.ina. ir. th I th Pro 1 tent A 1 tluir l:as w .1'- 1 ... 1 I . t .. Iv I .'. : plll..lli:.l II 'ill. l.'l.Lllloin-j mi , 1 !;K i All, DKAi.KltS b. ,1 i-h. Wi.s Skm'i'oiiiai. 'Yiirp.---The sheriff of Alamance ami Ch:".ham tin t at il." -ley's I half-way between h.io a .1 dralnm), on last Taes.lay, nml t .i'. cially ih'i'lareil then'siill of the vot. of this seiiatoi inl district. J he neij -r ity tor T. li. Woimn-k, es.ij., whs 'ti!, which is rather iliirerent, from the result that Fuust braeil on iliinne; the canipait). 11. .'!! I ,,,. ,. Cri ek ' rain A: a re hv two le 1 he t. haters coiiutc.l Pi C'.lil to the !o t r-.' a oiu. "T" i. "J" -T ' .T" i", IT''. Tl c P;,.I tilelpl.i.. Tin.es very aptly ' J, 1(. ilJjliililJ CS U U.. !'A Y liTTFiY I hhli. N. C. l,,v .:J..M 1 XV:. I l.l l.-) HI ( 'li.niiissaiy (it.iienil Henry A'l ,'.!af;t ': Pavha, who f. 1 .;ht. i.l Water !.., il.e.l reiilitiym E .lairl al thi a.i of 1)1 yeiiis. Two fniliin vilhteji r in Ahe-ki were shelie I tilnl ih'.-'.troye.l by til" leveiiue ciitl- r Tl.omas Corwbi 011 neco int of 1 Le hostility ul the natives. A fe.v ni.;hts iy.i, in L'tiieiibure coiii.it v. Viifjini 1, a lot; catiiii ot.'cupietl ' - .... bv a iiecro liiuiiiv 1 1 s.'v.-r.il p. rsmis 1000 fin I'i HIT Vtf WppV IfiflO 11KA1) (iCAUTEUS, 111 A ol l'EKSON ST E El if. N-.V 1.1, IKhJ. - Sill. LOOK IIEKK!! A-lvanee: Our town v. us 1 a ' S itiinliM i. ve, ,ine lo In it M.-i.h'i an t vho. kiii' it a h of 'l'. C 'ok, a ii niei, tn. in t It M'.-tn that Mr. Cook hml i i il on nie) v, as it tn. nil, -. on thi l..e il Jici::l.. At l'. at k he ,;ot . Ii- the train ami lie La i 1,: irtt il a -ul w.is aoi a.lv ut c .11. ii'el i.biu i-pe. il alien lie .1 tt mpttiil to e;i t oil. it seeiiiM that (',,!( ja.-l. us lie i.e. in tlie ai t ol Jiimpi'it; on tin. phii f.rin hit holy came in t.iitilMi t with tht- lit: il t'ftii'tii.r. laitu L. iir I, in, i.ff unit hrnwin.. 1,1s b.i.Ir Itoll-llolili rH 111 me toWllMnp ippoint- T..K Fxcsr letThe first i.o of the ! '""I '' H' 'rs. ki!..r.K him instantly. - f "' returns and 1 i-.r ,1 h 1 1 1 isi 1 v 1 1 : .11111 Areioe ' Mr. hiibotichcrp, who is a water itlinker, thinks that if (terniiui beer, I'Ucll as is nsi'il in Buvitrin, ci.-uhl be int'oiliit'i'il extensively iutj Eimland VI(ii.!.l.l' - IX . tak, hi, Siii, Dears xxit IJiiilili'is' :,iii'iial (Jeiienilly. I'actory on Miinif uvl :Ureet. Sales Eo 11, is .ii ( S recti ainl (iilli'spie Streets. I j I PATRONS.: i I i R ; Km. tui'I .li.'ttLH.-H..ruiii-ii:"l I'm l"i S.'Jl, Illlll SlIlll'U. I'.'llllt' "Ul lfr., .-..I.e., l.'.,i:iic.s.. Ciii.1. c'1'i..lliw, Wiiliiui I'....N'.i.;k.t,. '..iri'nus, 1 liulo. Maliri'n', WMlr..lw. Al1 i f tl... ln'Mi 11 uh. A ;-'i, ti gn'iit niuiiy i.lli.M1 i.rtl .Ii'h, ni.-li tn F.:.-.y I'li ilrti, siu.iuii'.M1 Clmlis, twin ILn-korn, I' nt Tt.i.li'. Tin Suf.'-t. In ri.i-i. vvury lilllli; "ll w:ltll l.t J'.-i'-i'S lu B.tU 11. 0 '.till!'. u.i. 11. ls-J. am. WHOLESALE GROCERS -AND-, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KAI.KKJII, N. C. .'oiisignnients of Cotton, Grain, Flour, &C, boliciteti Always on hand a food stock of JAftiN, I.AUt), .VOI.ASSKS, MKAL.&C. HXI'l SALT A SPKflAI.TY. -I'MCIil. IMllt'LVKX'IS OfFCIiKI) TO THR 'I'll M.I-:. .Vante.l -2.11011 bushels of Oats; also, White, J'.l ack iiiivl Stock Teas. Mr. Tax M. DrxT.oe. of Chat .1:1111 county, is now with ns utul will e . leased to Lave his counlymon call ' him. ov. 2, lb82. was 1, 1111, e. I with its occupants. Tl e tiii.l of John Keiiry !' h. s'.o"., ! M.n, r f Danville, Va , fu.lictc! I. r '' tin. miii' It r o f .lohii E Hatcher, la: I., en . i: 1 p. ii, e. to tlie jjei en. l.t r term 1 A 1le1uufr.it in majority of 14S in Craven county was lost, b. -cause the rteason was formed here !!( er.l iy, 1 Charlotte Obs. r.-.-r: Jiiu Archie. and a heavy frost whitened eci thin'. . th "ihiinp.'i" at the rninpreHN, is a It was tlOi tirst touch of winter that ' tVoii,('if.il .bnkev. He works for ; we have folt. The frost lint f 11 on'lii.th sets of hands, f.'iiin;; on at l' the "25th of last month destroyed very ' Vlo' k in the day ami comiiiL' ft' at drill .kelilii-hH would cease. The emoluments f eevendef the vssri'ous TO TII!', mwm mi mi wu.i. no ivuu. To Call and Sec OUR STOCK. EVKllY .MAN Ouht to INSURE AGAINST FIRE -lX'TUK- NORTH CHCLIM HOME 1SSU1I1SCE COMPAHT. a A1.PEED WILLIAMS SCC n-urusi .i.i.r.us, vr., JIAl.EKUl, X. C hiifo'est stock ill the Kti and your orders n ill be I ll'.l.Kli I'l.'o-.il'i . AM. AT I.' Wi:- r I'lilt IK WSi'ii,! for Catalop'iie. "ir-i Am- SI. !' Hul. P A. WII.KT, ! Cliier. j CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, I o? I j KlI.KlCill, X. V. S. I.l-'.M. "V. '. I W.VtJON M VM'EAl Il ltEltS. I IMliB Fall and Winter WILLIAM WOOLLCOTT, Wlll...M .; l.KAl.Klt IX l ltY tiouDS, (.I.OTIIIMI. NOTIONH, HA IS. i;ot)l"S AND SIIOKsJ, j M I l.I.I . Ids V I.HOD, ii'., i AX I) - j MAXl KAt'lTTIhll or j PANTS. SillHTS AND Dlt.UMl., i i .v ts Wilmiiiion ami la Ilargett bin., j KALEKJH, X. C. i " " j II l wTili iTeaure Hint I antioutio . rt Mat t my I'titt 1111. 1 Wliilfi-HliM-K Ih nun- i'vD)i.ll. Il vi ! i'.ii-.-)i:is.'. .111 t fr,.m niAiiii'H.-iurw, 'Mti .-.'itt in.. I-" .-II iihl. w ti-uuv . .l,i:w li'tmaarfk. I My K'..,i k . nii.N.h ,.r h .nil llnnul I'.oo'l'S AMI Sunk. llA'la AXB I'iN, Mll.l.l.XUl.V lon.l l'AXIH t'l.oru, IIIII l.'OO 'S DoMI SlTl t. PUINTS, JlilVj IieHIKKY, Pi AJBS. tiv.iimin .::ii.., 00. tx I i noun, Ac. I a!n lll.'lllli:i..-illlv li .ll.t ft.a.lU)Bl C PANTS, SIIIETN xe DIIWVKB.S. vv ut. i 1 r 1! -.-lii..r.i..'r 1I11.11 uiir N,tfUira t ,,lily Hit' I'i'-a "f 11. '1 ' ..rk. tin I wn: nml .'.' ul ir.': 1.;' 11 l.ii r.-i-.i". i 11 ,i 1.." ,'iiri. Ui.- iimiii. ".I. I. i'.'l 1 I-r :.li .-.eil; ..ar Wi.rf-.nx. il-. w' nmki. Uie W.-liliU'lll,. ' .. :in.l "'ir Wnii'-l . -i .-s ki,.. 1 v.-r. , . 1 I .- , s ,1,-in. I'. ( 1., i.ll !,-. nr.' 1 ,.:,!. tl. s.--i 1. 11. 1 Wli.'ii y,.u vl-ll llilrt i ll)1 Bliaii be ylMd loaku in .lit-.'iiK'li lu.v hi..i-k. h.itia.!,... tin,! .rl.-i' Il-it lunilHl.ftil uu atitilloBliou. 1 Ulli. yell!':, r, l-f -l'l 11), WM WOOLLCOTT. Aug. Ul, Is.-j a n. lMTN!sTP.Tf 'P S NOTICE X,.ortii" iicilll!.. 1 us 11 ttr ',ii.ilru.i.i li..il:y l.'iil 1 11 .1-1.1 'J't,, 1 St J f M ...l, 11.11 1! lit N'l'KK. olliceisof New York County exceetl the s'.latv nf the l'reM.leiit of tl id C. iiiity Clerk bttlo vegetation, find the wfiitliei , rXa 'lv noon tie 11. xt thiv, wi.it eince that time has been nnseiisoimltiv u.it l,;v Hi.tl wi'hotit a minute's rest warm. We Lavo heard many old tl,t, I .veiitv thieo hours Ibrou-h persoiiH say tjitil thi-i kits been the l-'i.mi pj to h,. eais I n dinner and warmest autumn that, they have ever , s n nap, ami this is all the n si kmwu. he Inn. He sivs he enei. worked ...... j l hat way for nine tlnxs tit 11 Mnteh, , i,,i t. thuu u humlied iinuisaud dollar;, To F.U!Mi-its -,Yo invite the far- , Hd did not feel out of mu Is. lie ha- ;4 vi ar. inersottiie ctnintv to wine com-j (., ,, Mt it every tlay tint week, ami . iniiniciitions to the Eicjm upon iippears to bn us lively and flesh as' matters that partii'ulurlv ali'ect their ',, tither hands, who get their rt'KU- interests. If any farmer has siicceeditl r twelve hours' r-sl. While there better than his neighbors with some M.,.uis d, be nothing sni I theRe davs jiarticular crop, let hitu write a coin- t ,boul the progress of the We-ti in iniiniciitiou e:.pl:iiiii!'g ton secret of N'oitli Ciiohmi Unhonl, thev are bis success, an l iti thi " ay our uci naily tloieg as much work mi the fanners can leal n fr .m tii 'Ii other )iie'.vtown l.ne a. w i bt e g done and thus promote (he ii'i ic:i!;.,iial t Ins ' iiae ia it e ir. Tim giadiugis interests of the county. We woul I .,..v at'uni. tv-mpl. t- from 1'ivoin be pleased to publish anv siigge-.tioii Kiver to Tunnel. 4 miles or iufarui.ition that wt.nhl enable anv w. sl of el. Mi r, the coiintv heat of Till fiinniiy litu. ls'U lu tiTWM.ful .irUuu (. r fiiuriiwn J.-r, mi l Always Pays Its Losses. II In Kfi-, i.n.1 Ki'lvt'iit, n,l t.a.B .rnnipily nil U llllllivs ..11 rfas innl lf torniK. Sew I" Hi" lliu li-nuro! F.r furlliiT liir..rinnil..ii l 'ly " j H. A LtXDON. .lu.. Agent, Which we are wi'.limr to compare to ; s.i.uuiir", i"w.-sm fittkuobh. k. c. SANO SALE.-OX MON'OAY. i i lilt" I ll Ol.T of IX-ivmlHT llfXI. I Will null HI j liui.il- ii.i. i:..ii. tiirtwli, i Uu-.-, 'in li,.uf il.-.)-In l lii-n in.', n iratt .1 Imi'l n.iitBlitiinf lis wrin. an- wmrrmf Mwi.lnw .r.fk. In M iili.-wt. It-wn-ttluii. 1 li .:le.m tsuin'r. mi I .Ji.l.ilt i; ihi- !ii.i .1 lieuri:" I Tus nn.l ,.i!ifi-M : m.I 1 lni. '.s i rii u 1,-v.f.l ..11 uu Hi.- ,r..-,Tiv ,.f Uu' li.-lr- "f iiri.ii-.. y l.nni !.r:, ,1 m-i'!. nii lh,..l " sn.l-'y il,ii.x.s ,ii . .. . . ... -..... ....j lliMiit.. 11 ri-..Mi e-.i 111 1 1 ii-.-,.,-,. . i .-. . All rtwlOT." 11. Mint...... .l"'n., i.-e. , , t36.,;. s. W. Ulli Wl.l.. MlWld. any in the South. j n-Our LLoods are new ami our prices I . '. . ... ' 1 uimatid 1.1; as low as ti;, us will permit. . I j e invite every huh in Chathanij , . . to 1 01110 ami st e the display of I The democrats have a nmiority m ' I the Oongr. s-ioiml de! vationa from 1 twelit)-"iie Stiles, hi the eretit of j the in XI Presidential elect ioii being thrown '.iito the HollsH this wiih i.iiblc tht in to scenic the election of a dem- j ici'ilif l'le-i.ieut. j Four tons of pow.ler exploded at the Kc'litll hiln Voks, Smith's! P.isui, N. V .011 last l'liday. 1 ivo men, I tin e I 1 -It ti it- (lit ih-n anil Joe C. nut ion wiai had chiii'ce t-t the 1 , Ol.lVHl N k.sr.H., l'i .l. SlirtllT. j Bill, ISS'i. .In. William Simpson, Wlh LI IS ALE a xl) EETAIL DltrGGIST. DRDGSrMEDICmES, IMPORTED PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, SUltC. K'AL INSTRUMENTS, Ei C. F. li 1 1 . . CliAtil Jam Tf A0 JJ 0m Mm m AXD SALE. IX l'l liSl AM 11 , ""i l itril. ulnr Biii'ii'V si I'Ai'l ietlio ai.ll,-il,u at TUPSMX. ,r,l-r..f 1 In1 s.i ; It 1 .Min-v, 1., in,. .Hn--'.-.l In th Ht.-I Murk SimIiii ihTi.lii-' '' 'in i .'iiii!.i. S. Ml I.v mm i,t. "! I'ii.-nlii.in , ...f C i' snelli 1 meii an l I.'" ' 111 II .t thi. I i- iit.,'1-. UUUU l ull IliinniMK of Excursion Trains: 1 i:l .Mlslts. en M0M1AT II. till -Is ... i.,ii : ...1. a .11. a a s -1 : 1 -loe.:'1 111 1 s:il '.-.. unlv -, i'l, nam. "li 'ir- ..f Willi.-r- I . .-r.-.-i. . a 1! .ti-uii: ilw t.i' "" "' I w ...,l A 1- Hot o.-ll iumI "U an l i1 .ii'alnlnis " ,. r.-' Ti ;:m--"iio-liKir i-a-li, ami lln. f In ; .t:..liis '.t!i lli:". w. r ; n.oi', X" . . ll"-i. .. iillistti. IHT- fiirmer to make a better crop, and .I.ieli.-ain, wuh tin. ex a'ption i.f ilm . 1 powder IIuiih were blowu to atoms, we hope th at tjiia invitation will be 11. lies, wi i 'li Willi good luck, will be ' Some arts of their bodies were fjumi ucted oa. I douv by c.rly spuua;. . :l Lalf u mile disluut. A!o, every thiii; in the w:iv of (ilroccries. A. S. II I S It F, .V. H). II AY ST K MET, I AYlVn KYUiEK, X. C X,.a . I'-, i.-c Jul, Tho Tialim i.f ii.t- t'..mpnny will rim -laily. 'tnr I111! Hie w.-.'k "f ilio Fair, mm) Hit' ai.-l W ilia M 1) X,.v,.iiil..-. It'!, 'i" '"II "W: ... I.i..-iM' mil' mi d'V'-l'ii lt tti. at)'l arrlvo at uy Pii.viil.. ni 1" Mil a m- ... ., 1...11V1. I .i.o.ii.-.lll at P m- 'i'' aii'lv"'.! null ,.m '.e,,,.v WFl.Nt--.mY. TtlC'HtxV an-l Villi. AV hJTA'IE OFNOTJTH CAROLINA k IX THF. SIT'KlilOU COI UT. I William 1. I.'.nr. A i:nli.l-U'iH"i'. an. I X'aury I.'.nK- ; ,"aK MANNixu. A lnilnl-'rairii "I "liinini a. iii-, tikallil .f. .-Kit I. Tnriiel KIHB nn.l wl Ag.-nt.-. f,T J..l:lis"ii, l.ulil. In .V IV,' Garden Seeds, Or l.-r,. fr .in ,-,111111' n--. li.ui'. x.II.TUkI. A ( i K I C I LT I'ivA L C H KM IC A L8 a s.t-.Tnl:y. t A OritiTH t.y ltmil i.rt.uii.ilr Mteudisl loM vi. vi, sm. t. a. wDWAoa I.llr.ill.nUi, 1 ',.1-i-liint. 1 . MANNIHG & VOMACK, ONTl'iMli.v. WFl.NKsl..-., I in " ,.t , . rus t re. il!" llll'l i: " illllint. . . I J I a ",.1 1 11 r,.ii..-.. wni.-ii win in. lu.ie i.m. vi mission -;! ,, ,,r ,i. i.., una. u n 1.,.-iiTin: iii.il : llUiJ WU Wiiviml W iltl i,, tin. Itili ilr. iiii'H. I'er wlnsli Uif c-'nii'imy l) , ,',i,,.i, t i.'.,u! nnO cynm i'i.-h.U mi l win, Cr- , " tl en 1 in 1 t vs ; 1 1 rV Fr,.m I It"" l'l''"' itti'l r.'iurii, S;...nl Sl.rlll:T, " sWrulll'o Sialloll, " 4"inwlM.r.., - " Sanfonl, " 1 si l'l, J . " mm. ,", . 1. C. .liXI s, or.iet .il ill' I . lajicniiif, C, Nv. 1, ,,v ul iln- sin o mi. I linv n. iln' re tl itr- wiittit l" In' b I I, ll , l, u ...II. .1 I" Hp! ii.,- l, n el Vi:l.fl.ri srvl"ii'l Hil t n iU'1". mi' ' i.n-wer, .'"'llflillll! ". I'll..)). IH: S? ITT5BOHO, ti. a. it- ai Urn i,f!l.s "I il." ' i:h.ii -jii i!a alter Hi" "- ''i-' nipt .niei,u,,i, eivvn to all butloeMtB' "1- ,1, -111111- lo III ; 'i i'""' "' "' "i1.' no'- .r ,.i,.lii, i, ..... t lil will t.i) Inkeu i iiW'S' "it Iln- Mist at"! llilnl Mi.mlay ol Mx-a W I 1 ol .-UU-, t:. b. I. ! m.-nii, 'in s.-1'iii-i.-i.s ,r,vwmtg. Mr. wma.-k will to lu lui- , 01 v ui all iiui. f''4 -tl I' i I: -Tl .'' : I-it m pi- iti: - Ki rn :