h Chatham $mrl THURSDAY. NOVEBMKR80. 1H83. H. A. LONDON. Jr.. aiu,r. .ng t0 propose n a.nena-, -; , 'j-j , . M,MItltlt: pu..ttotheSUtecoD.t.tut.onincreB.;refnriif'f0n Mon(1iV n(rii.nR tt). IN MhJlUKIA.n. tbo uuiuber to hve, and we doubt hHiiit.,l f,,rt, j,, t,el,t of adventure Not merely with the filial alTei'tionllot that the people will ratify such Hll objects of iiitrreet, which one d t of "a son do we offer this tribute of: lm llmendment bv an almost uimiii-; not lav to (;o fur b-f.re he fee love to the memory of a fond fatherm0U! vole. The 'present number of hcre-h. rses fi.lln-p down. ih-..,.I.. iomi w mo mn . ... , . nearly run over, curious iirticles in but as a public journalist do we thus i. Justices is three, bciiii the same hMuU(ilie rnjK,il1t.H. tie honor the memory of so useful anJiiumber that we had when the Court cr0wds in front of the f allium. liV worthy a citi7.en of our county and:.' was first organized in the year 1K18 eufes, Ac, all lit rnlo totether, ivii. State an HtsBvAixju-iiuaLosPos.wboVHist.v-four years a-o. The work i,r,,, in' .ion,1',j ".' died at his residence near this place.. ..-formed by the Court non is i at Zm. on last Monday morning', in the sev.i(.,wt twice as much as it was before ,iiiI)H of y&ril,t tlie Cous.-rvatoire Act. tnty-fifth year of his aj;e. His illness,,' the war, and is greater than any three ' ,rts et M tit r but umch to onr rv was long and painful, and his deatht nien ought to perform. The Court jret fouu.l it ob.Pt d on that day, s,i was not unexpected. For more tlwnis now in session more than one half then tnrt e.l towards tl.,. f.m...n yua 1 , , , i i v-' . i i n cemetery of F an, 1 N rt la chaise, and eighteen months he had cmbin-d f ovtry ywir, ftl,d during these ses- KIlt anH,ul B Y.rv r:(.) (l,,l!lv in (.everephy&ii:alsufl'eiiiig,andthrout;h-!i'si,.ns, or terms, the Justices are busily trttrmg its t-treits and ii-k it" out all those long, weary months of employed both day and night. Their handsome hoii-en, bi i.mif.illy di c i s excruciatin" pain he murmured n-thabors" are a strain upon bodv and d with btut.ws, relic's and almost at his Makers will, but Uh vJ and must 4uicklyw?r out both. -;ry resignation of tlie true curisu-m had patiently and uncoiuplaininghL borne hia sufferings, until finally hisJrest) uutil mid night. No person who Lour of deliverance cairns and hisisaeuuainted with their duties will Let- , , ,. p., . . ., . ., . , . spirit soared aloft, f , Kate to say that their number ought 'vTn";,' ih" The beauty of his life was only iiuall-tafforded thcui. But it may be urged ed bv the clory of his death." and as;- bv the penuiious that it will cost his unsullldhfe had taught otheioim-thing to make this increase. Of how to live so did his triumpLantkVour.se it will, and it also costs more death teach us how to die. tto have three Justices than to hare The deceased was born in the city'otiP. and. if we allow such false no- of Wilmington on the !Uh dav options of economy to influence us. we April, 18tT Hi received an acad.uneght to have only one instead of and military training at the celelmdod-three Justices. hen the people or military school of Capt. FartridgeHhe State vt North Carolina become at Jliddletown. Connecticut, and tin-poo poor or too stingy to pay the sal- ished i f..i...it,.t - I uia fuainuvu l i." ... . r- ot ortn Carolina, nceum e..;. u. ....... u. in the mercantile business at Wilming-hiltogethcr. e can better afford to .. ..... T . ! il. 11 ton, and afterwards m ttic year i''Ylay nve jusiices no man wo nium , ho removed to the comity of Chatham. and became a member of the firm of . Evans, Home A Co., that carri.-d onVombined are not a much as the sal- a large business in this county. havingry paid to each one of the Police stores at Havwood. Fittsboro' and' Justices in the city of New York! Egypt. After the dissolution of tLat-The salary vt each of our Justices is firm ho carried on business at Pitts-fonly half as much as the salary of a boro' until a few vcars.igo. He never.wiCongressman, atnl yet the former is sought or held any political ef!ice.;iwiially a man of greater learning and i,f ,ii,-;n. tbo nt liiilf eentnrv nor C l man has had so much to do with theJatter. mmm financial affairs of Chatham coiiiity.ll " r.l vi,e ie f.t For thirty years, and until tlie necon-d atruction era in IStiS. he was Chair-p"r' ra ,lie New ,,rl1 1U'M- of enlighfenuiei.t and t-r-.k-n ehiins man of the Board of Justices. amUl Ti e annual r. port of one of the ,,f a,.rViMid MKmount- the wh, ',. , . , .. , , r, . , , R)Ireanrv uinbtiirs at Ua-tiii,gfon J,iinn-ing on w cr. s- thi S. .t i d Chairman of the old Court of 1 l';,lirtmi, interesting light on that , Jardm !). Ii;1,. c-mau,. and Quarter Sessions, "lear afterLfm,,,!, ,,f the federal machine called ' j,, t,e b .tmieal an I z oI .ica' co' year he was Chairman of the Financegthe Internal Ib-venus Department, lections. Tne forno r vas ipjit . ex Committee of the count v. and duringijlt st ems that tho tolid receipts dur- tensive and s e ;;e i to our luitntond tho late war was Chairman of ,i4"Mhe last ti,eal year ere m rot.n I eyes q.uteg 1. 1 ut the a-.imil. were , . ,. . . ... f'liuml ers, one hundred and fortyni , not quite so wortnv f a vi-nt tv oiie eommitt.-e for the relief of soldiers j,,;,,,, .nlUrH. Ot this amount mo.e w10,rtd B,.,M the line me:i-i ri'es ..f families, and. in illustration of the:t1!iu five million dollars went to pay Lfcnln and Cologne. Tm- spe.i niaiiner in which he performed the,the speies of c 11 cdeti. Colhetus n.eiis i.ro ij.-t ho good, the number of duties of the last position, we copvpv' "' paid nearly half a milll. u ; Hpeci s reprcsent-d are f.tr le.ss mi- from the Minute Dket. Mav lVnu,k'1,1,r,,;.',1,",r'' f.V'1 , 'm-rous and their acco,:od oi -n and , , ,. . 4. fc'".e and a had million d I ars; storo- the g. unal caie for er.io U nnd lh()3, of the old county court. pees more than one mil.ion and a ummals is not , ...vat. v.V then following eitract from the nej ortbunai ter dollars; gangers nearly 01 e t,)0k n "bus" and tuivei -eil the fine (there recorded) of the committee' mi. lion dohars, nnd ho ou through a i Boulerard St. G, -rmain to the Punt appointed to audit his accounts :fe'"K !ilt of '"1,lor 'fn-ials and a still , d'Aona. one of the fine I ri tees, nnd 'v t i i u'n r recount ed regular, special, , Htnilied awhile in the Jurdui of Tail- -our committee cannot close th rs -u& Mtr4 tsl)lenses. ' l. ries. On Tue-dav mormng wo Report without ex: ressmg tueir ad-ji, jH t.mBt impossible to cone, ive llft )e a second trial ,'f the Con. rv miration of the zeal and energy "fiof a more vicious system. It flip- toire and this tin, e were t-u ccsi-fiil jr, vour Chrirman, and we have no idea.:l t-s a small army of spies and in- obtaining entrance. This is a tine thatary county in the State has fur t1"', who make their l:vii, I j cU-tioU of iadusfri-l .d art.Mic ., , . t ,i r r:r''1!l on manufuuturcrs, merchants productions, aKticultiir.il imi.leinci.t-i mshod more assistance to the families,,,, bu,iue(M, U(. ,.rrt! y. While Li products.nd b, sides tL J', of soldiers with tho same amount of,;- .: horiti. s are not ull agreed upon Bland ird meuhims c.f all tie nations money," signed F.. H. Straughan. II. t'.'he expediency of abolishing all of j including of course an American t N. Green, and J. W. Hatch, commit f 11,einal rewnuo taxes it is very : vardstn k. g .l otis. bu he's a!,d tee. lae last official position held bvP'!a;" lLft! U V"""!1. ! pounds, including their divixi. ns. 1 iitrnniMiit service in w riieh rl.e .,.,.,, .u ..n ..., i... him was the office of county treasurer., to which he was elected in 1S7U. In:.uaml 1853 he was elected treasurer "of thoN Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company, and held that position until t ho dissolution of the companv since . o u,e,. gives : , - o, I statistics of manufactures in the L nt- eouni De tLe result of n ttinnber d the war. In that capacity several "j,, v;tlitei, M retUrned in 1SS0. The ! iuveiitious stmilirin rn b-nesi. I. ,v hundred thousand dollars were dis .aggregates areas follows: Number ' fvr much you believed in Prii;,'ies. bursed by him, and his accounts amidol' establishinents, o.VI.SK); capital in- I l l'e cidlectimj also included eom. books were always kept with remark ted, $2,71l,22:J,5t.6; average t.iim- j "magnificent" specimens of S,t, s ,. . TT t ber of bauds employed. 2,7dS,.t50; ehiua and v ishs with a ee' of ( 1 ,h lm able accuracy and neatness. He wasf1- , i .i i , .i,.uCir Ah... i- , ' I p'od in wages durii)2 the vi ar, $'.)47.- tapestry. After spending s wick indeed a model financial ofiicer. Ib 071; value of niateriuU ued dnr- J here tht wee ni l h arcely hope was ever foremost and zealous in everyfuig the year. $3 31)1310,02!); Talue of j to see much more we went to . e tln cnterprbeandiindertftkin'MhatwiHildVro'ut't,'l,'.53,J.f)7.700. Comparing celebrated Fritzs in the church of benefit or improve the county fdl' se results with the corresponding ; St. Vincents . Thisextendsall ur, u-.d . , .. . , ' t'ieu!t.s for li() we find that there ' H church, being pmutt d up., n the Chatham, and the county has m ver(ile( Le, f!uriPf the decade an in-! railing of the gallery i.n I repre.-e -ts had a more useful citizen, or oueE,.reft80 0f n.arly sixteen hundred in procession of the saints, being ccle whose death will bo more univtrsallyjithe number of eotablii-hments audjhiated for tha bki:fuln ss of its exo rcretted. "fcnearly seven hundred thousand in i cution and the clanic teaiity of tiie "V, .t.,t M'l-e uumbtrof hands m pieced. Thii I figures. Thechnrch too is han lnme, I rom an earl v ago ho was a meni l . , ... ' , i,!...,,. ... i i . , . " pj aplta! uivi sled in lbhl) exceeds tnat being profus. ly deeora'e I with ti!d- ber of tho 1 rotestaut El'ls0l'alpnve8ted in 1H70 by six hun. red and "g "l having a ery iieh aul h g dy Church, and always manifested anevei.ty-to million dollars, while a ornamented altar, forming the cui active interest in everything that per-himdred and seventy-two million , tomsry canopy, c iv, r.ng a ve ry Urge oi.ie.l in ilint f'hmch V,ie niimrvlollars moreiii wageswas pail iu criiii.ix. On W'ednesdav we visited venrs ho was a constant attendant i upon the diocesan conventions, and-ij,,,,,,,,, useil is more thau nine hun- for nearly half a century was a vestry .died tuition dollars, while theudvance man and senior warden ef his purish.K"1 Hm value of products reaches the I He practicd what ho ptofessed. mM"" lfiHr- of a b'1oa l,,i,e un" ! r . ,. . , Fjdiedand ihirtv swyen million dodars. exemphhed uis religion not by words 1. only but by deels. He was ahvaysH 'J',0 Hesult. t ready and anxious to help tho poor and needy, to relieve the suffering, to Our figuns are not official; but tenderly nurso tho sick, to minister)?,1 J have I euu carefully corrected to the afflicted, and to comfort thel-and we do not think ares liable to elistressed, and thus it was that thefellj lDKe except in the case of Cleveland manv loving attentions paid him dur ing his long sickness were "the breadS'" 1(. another return puts it 71 east upon waters" that returned ti.Ej'or Bennett. W e have re-aw.n to ad him after many days. He was evert ro to 55 The first district gives seeking todogoeal tosomeone, andbvUuckl'' J T40 majority, the second Lis Oodly walk and conversation prac-t-'1 'strict gives Dock, rv 8,247 majority, tieally illustrated the beauties of theft1"'- llj,ri! K1cs iu "uoU 5yl majority, Christiau religion. Always consider lj '", f,,nttu Vni Dockery 118 major ate and thoughtful of the' feelings ofhi'.v, the fifth gives BeDuett 2,131) others it was his greatest pleasure t" j'dy, the sixth gives Bennett contribute to their happiness. Hihf;1 2J'J majority, the seventh gives i: ui,:;rrnvni.ii.i.ir,if ,h,-,ii ., C I'eunett Util) msioritv, and the eighth 4. ,1m.., on.f h,l litv lit nvnrv tpiiKlta"" ,uo icuii io iwu- and the influence of that life (whielLut" " elected by 4D2 majority. n-as ever f r gxjd) will long bo felt and remembered, ' ''. Ihd a.11011 uf th) Jiint : diI1 awwi auU IjI'3 'in lu 1 lie Jut.' The Si'pheme Court of North Caro-j lina is a greatly overworked body, and J ;thu number of its Justices ouyht to j :'le increased. We, therefore, urge upon the Legislature, at its approach- .. 1 1 Uiey go to worn eany in me mun.u.g, a.,d continue at it (.with but little .,riM .,r i.t,w.t.!.. C.nrt Justices. -4 pay three Justices fifty years ago. the salaries of all three of our Justices certainly docs more work than tue - ....... ho ....,!,,. ,.i : .,......0 - - " f'i MaiturHCturiiiir Statist ics. i Jlail illHCt ill'lllij; Ma """ ar Ne,v V,,rk ,IerM-. a : Tl. . ..... .. . 4 1 1 . . it . rmtr than in the latttr j tar. rflhe incrtasc in the cost of n.&'erial.i i Itntei,;!. New:. & Ountrvrr. couiity, wtncU wo put at i.2 for 15. n- North Carthna is credited with t p uduciug 35,000,001) LuobeU of com 1 1, s ec. Ol'H Kl'UOl'KAN LETTEK. Pnis, August 26, 1883. For the last lime I fit down to writ a In T1, f vnm A fur, i.rfl luriil Ami ro0 , a ipti..n in a general ws; jur it js a Tehtable Necrop"'i. h-.tii: pined stre. ts aud fltrt- ni 1 '' io front of tombs, wtk-b areiti a g.eat macv instances um.-i.it urt pt.sri-is in f ,ir(.,!llt1.,tlJ.., Here one finds -he nin! ,f most of the great and fnii.'iis mm which claimed France as their c-un Jj-- ,;.t llU.H(JI1HinH'M,irsi1(i, B,p . ,,.1,,.,,,, ,,r r-nlly buried Theirs, lVrj.-r. Maret, (lay. Lus.ic. 1 'nt t: Ac. Here, too, in a little spot em by n.ri'V;;;,!:' 2' j,y admirers, i t',.- rrive ..f the ",rave des tniv. s." M .-c :,1 Ne. From tho C in. t.Tv n fin.. . w .'f ' ls oi a:iieo, all ll:e r-rui.-ii.i! 1.. :i ; ... 1 i l!:,ir yr,vyil,UH inlll j e Nt,tl D Hv,,( (1 Arr of , .... . . lriuiiipne, j.r, r.iotro. .vc lj-aung Here o went tom is ti.etiwr. j 'iTl' V!" ' "i""' from f . '. immense height the t.Vnmn of Jn!;, ii Sv'iibf d with tlu iiauii-s of th - who fell here in Ji.lv. 1S3'. 'Ii: da'es sro on two si les, the armori.d bearii'j.9 of thecity o.i srnher, und 011 the fourth is ri j .f ,i-nte i a In.ti, the astronomical syn. hoi of Ju'y. -.po h.l.-e Icon l inten.l i nc n I er jelephmit in .ri:z und the b.i cement ; ef white marble was placed there for ; it but now support i h July t'o!".:i,n. 'the (iftjius of L.b.rtv m h ;L.- to'd. ., , . . ' ', . ' , ' u ., mi iieiin; uiiif lij uiPil oy V,lli"le.I i in 1770, a road encii.n propel!, ,1 s steam naving for a boiir. th u lm... ti.;,. , . iienvv arid ruuiwv I'-ai vu w n.l a iiiiiu i iink if . t a I ''he Pautheon, a very hrg chnrc'n. having the hitdiest doiuc in Pun " lantern from which yon obtain an elegaut view bei'ig the very Lighet point iu the city. The di-nirt is a;,orD,eJ W1,,h an P .mting ol very grt at excellence a'd tine c t 0ring, representing the v ..riot s king- ' France paung their devotion to Saint (tenevibve, the patron s .int .f tha church. The interior d the church isatprteut b. ing adorn, d with wall paintings by go id nr ii-ts representing various stas of lite and th many celebia'id n.id hr.table action d thin much ret en uceit h imt We had an opportunity of vinitinu the vaults which km very extensive, firming a regular l.ibyrinth. In these are two wooden faroojihaei placed here iu memory of Voltaire and R'Ulineail. Upon KouiMeau'e in 11 bund boldiug a lihte.) torch iiili i. live of the liohtv?) which that "wi.il, Heif-torturing Hophiet" alied around, or at leaMt endeavored to do. Accom panying the wooden Hiirci'phajjiis uf VolUire i a ntntue in maible uf the philosopher. There art alio Home fiw cither toiuba her", one of which ixii taiiis the madie uaiician La Giant, i auClher Marshal Launer; a d .evtrul tombs of Seiiatoig of the 1st Empire. The Pantheon was one of the head (pirott rs of the iusnrgents during the Coiiimnnist war and was only caotur ed after a "severe struggle." From tlie tombs we filed into a crescent shaped corridor and the guide com menced making the most startling and blond curdlingcries and suddenly we In aid a sound from one end as of a cannon. This thundered through the v.-nilts awaking the most remaik able eeho I efr hearil that whs what be was endeavoring to do. He would tdk and every word would be heard twice or thiiee in tho exact to. e and si emirjg to have been most distinctly articulated by sonu one at the other end. By simply . iriking a wooden box with his hand several times you would seem to hear n volley i f artiilery. The noise 8 irre I up iu there was only equalled by the con fuicil fti:d fuss that was to be heard iii the Bourne, the French Stick Ex change, which we went to next. It is sii oiiiiuiiry building but au extra cm! n :ry fus, surpassing that in New York, provided such a thing I e possi ble. Ou Thurs'"ay we j aimd au Kng!i-h and American excurxiou to Vers. i:!es and St. Clou. I. We came b the latter place fust and walked J rough the splendid grounds and iti-pected thi exterior (mteritir net open to pub of the ruins of the rL.tte i'l or Palace oi ly walls stand in and these showing n.ai ks of fire an ) I all thi was Nspolron l's f tvor it" re i.h nee. Thi n we visited the iea!l Palace of Triiuion, built for Madame Miiutet.ou. This was ele griilv 'uinishe I and Contained many lMtife -ti:.g object1 hods and furiit Imr, Ac. Hi re were Xapol oil's suite of rooms, in which everything is wllow. bis favorite col. r, a chamber magmtict lit !y fine I up for (jaeeu Victoria on one of her vimts which she ijivtr occupied, a very lare in'.ri'i t.Urgest in world) ccavuted a! i'..tr.p' li, im:ueii!-e vases, c. Th various carriages of state were alo si own those used by Napob on I. at d ll'i rent periods of his hfc, all sur pushed b) a huge mass of gilt on . Ii.-els siirmoiinted by Miltle figures, i.ilKid sides, jewelled hangings inside - !l in all ainoiii ting to 7 tons vt ' ':np and finery, ' t ikittg 8 hoises to p.ill it well :.t a walking pace." Thin wnii u-e 1 by Napoleon and his second w.f" at the Impt'Sii tf the Prince Imperial. After being assaulted with sin ii an engine as this we are prepar ed f..r unj thing at Veiaihs which we Hoon reach. This is too large to ti.ko in and its magnificence is oul npiih'd by its sine It moreover cicita i.s the liige.st picture in the woridatid the tines! and richest room on this terrestrial glol e, so that you see ll is vast grandt ur or magnificent immensity, either ymi please, or bet ter, b.fn togetier. I Wis bewildered, astonished and highly pleased with a'l I saw. Mail's ingenuity was sevirely taxe I to prjduco such a vas thing and n it have any olio part f ill si. cu t of another in sp eiulur or beauty. The colh cd in of p liiitings c iiiipri-es some of tic gi undent and finest of modern i.'t and there 1 l r. ought I could reu;i.i to tho ver fullest extent that "a hmg of beauty is a j iy f .reVer." The ceilings lire i 'lie u.asa of gilding and frescoes, time can imagine or rather their imagina'iou on run not i or f irm an i.h a i f the vastness of the s uns ex pended in its reetioii after leiirning .hut Louis XIV. who u.eicly began it spei.'t ucb an uiiioiiiit that he caused the r cords to be burnt thai no one should know what it cost, for it alarmed him to see how much he did spend. All of this old part WHS 1'iii.i of Italian marble and iu tin days vUit'a ipi'.ir.titt'T and transportation w.-ie i.ot as now. Tin u, too, Louis P: dupe commence woik on it with avowed intention of making it tho line-1 palace in the world. Wi II, it is about time to close this htbraud also the p'easant aud in-i-tric.iv.i trip, so you will rot hear from me again. A Fatal Mistake. A di'i..ti'h from I'lttshiirg, Pa, dVO'l 2'.h irist., ia; n: At Eliz ibeth p r', t.i-ilny, a coHl-iuiner iihiiihiI roiMNfh to'ik sflveral siiclis of dytintii i'n Ihhiii. for the purpose of dshiii; lm! not kiiowiu; iU ilrtti'-rutis iiuitli-tj.-H jiImi-cI it in th! ovt-n of theatove o tlniw out. He then went, to wvtk - ik i Ins nift and three children tin n M!t i'."vvn io dinner. Iu hbont lifu-eu 'i.iiiiiies 1'i.rnvlh was sturiled by a I 'U.l r. port and burryiii home tn ifim tlie canna a hastlj hjieciacie met hi nze. HU home whs cotu plntily wrceke.1 and his wife and tlir-e cliil'lrnn were l)ing on the 4,'riii!id, horribly mangled. The yoni:ie.tt cliihl, Willie, aged live yearn, .n di-ik't and Mrs Forxub, who bad U'- ii Kitting neurtst the htove, pre (ifiit'.l tho iipptrarauce vt a person li.l !'e I with buckshot. She wastttili living but hi r injuries aro such that death fi iiiivitrttde. The oi her two (hi'..lri-a were consideiaMy bruised and cut but rm nt fatnlly hurt. The i-i'l.t nearly irizfl Fomytb and he atit-iiipixd to commit Huicidu but wai I'lfUU'eil by his (rieinlH. At a lire in a tioardiug bouse, on l.iit Fiidity, at In.lianapolifl, Iudiana, twn fou..Ie nervaiit.4, who were anleep in an upp"r room at the tiu,e, were buine.i to death. Highly Esteemed. The youthful color aud a rich lutre are restored to faded or tr:y hair by the use of Parker's Hair li ibam, a IcriiiltHH dreHNing highly ehteeiiied l.'i its perbiine and purity. The Height of Folly. To wait nntil you are iu bed with ilineaee you may not get over for mouth, in the height of folly, when : yon mihthe eanily enred during the early symptoms by Parkei'a Oinger Tonic. V have known sickly faini 1 lies made the healibieat by a timely tine of thin pure modiciue. Obkerver. STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to Study a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, in the often heard expression, "Oh I I wish I had the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. Jot K. Fremont St., flaltifflor During tlie "war I w.is in jured hi the stomach by a irce of a shell, and have suflercd fromiteversince. Ahoutfour years ago it brought on paral f lis, which kept me in bed six , Bionths, and the best doctor in the city iftd I could not live. I suiiered fearfully from indigestion, and for orertwo years could not eit solid food and for a large jxirtion of (he time w as unable to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried Urowii's Iron Hittcrsanil now after taking two bottles 1 m able to get up and go arouml sad am raj idly improving. G. iJElKEX. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves. t. H. TkUHEI.I.. D. T. JOHNSON & CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMM 1SSION M K.itCII A NTS, AND COTTON SELLERS. AIWJ-B "U lillll'l A KM. k "f IllMVy OrnCnrll'H. UAOiilNii, nil w,'l'h:i. nii'l IiF.I.TA POTTDN TIF-S, l'i 'H.' "! Hip murk ft. W taii ti.-inlM tn lv.-kuta,:f l;.ri;n lunnktili'B WIII.AT.OAI. CiHIN. H.l'l'K, aii't rll kln l i C"imiry 'PhIiI'V. Wrl'e f"r tiif .r- limil. n, c. D. T. JOIlNsnS k O.i., Oct. i'i. 1HKI. 3m. HalHgli, V. C. ZlALSIGIZ, 17. C, Grocer aoi Conion Met, IIMAI.KU IN DRY GOODS, CL01HING, BOOTS, SHOES HATS, AC, ht Personal uttcution givru to biiviti Hiid snlling cotton. Libt-rul Advances made QSa.Mr. G. J.W'illiums, of (hatliam. still with me nnd is uU;ivh plcamd to nerve his county men. oet. is. iwa. RON FRAME SAW MIL, 1 Price, Without Saw, ,S250. A1 lrxn JOHN H. RUROESS, FllANKI.lXsVll.l.i:, N. C Soptmnber 7, IfKl. if. ;Br. WM. LYNCH. I D3IMTIGT, Will rWt ChnHl Hill mi iliK mvmJ Mornlny Id encli rn'.nth. All callx lult wtili Ur. A. H. Il'.lw'ria'.n or D. Ms Cauipy will lw r.iiitly atirmlisl io. j i'l). a, ixyi. tl. ). 1 HEAD QUARTERS, ll Sc m PerNon Hti-:it, Is not only prcjuirod for npprmicliing H0LID1YS BUT KEEPS HIS STOCK FULLY DP AND Prices Fully Down! Leading feature ot my business : Buy Closc.Sell Close, AND APPRECIATE ALL PATROHS. Call nt HEAD QUARTERS, 49 t51 PE1WON aiilEET. Not. 18, lr. Sio. Miscellaneous HERE WE AKE AGAIN! OUR NEW FALL STOCK OF HARDWARE, TINWARE AM) HOUSE FlKNISHIM! GOODS IS WOliTH EXAMINING AND WOHTII l.UYING!! oint COTTON KING STOVK Heats the World! TRY IT! OIX11 (iOODS ARE RELIABLE! or it thicks AKK REASON A RLE! w,. ny HiHvi.il Attention to all emhiof '.lis ITlreu u in iHiitoin. Ul'XS ! SlNOI.K AND IM'ltl.K HllKKOII AND Ml'ZXI.K l.OAOKItS. AMMI'Nl I'lOX. til'X MA I Kill. M.. &i 4C. SfluWo curry tlie liirent stock of tliese gooila to lu found iu the State. AYrite for hnudtiouiolv illuatrnted cntHlnui'. Oct. 12. Sash, Doors LARCEST STOCK IN Oct. 13, lfc?3. Sic. - 3 n. GRAND OPILMXG OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Friends and Patrons, Tl' ci'M .7wi.jii o.iih'.ii . nn l In ki'i'i'liik' with Umwii i arc ov.iln (lltlne ourrouner Mid Mii'It.b et, tl, M.i l.lrnl." (t...li.f livi'iy i.M-il.'...n. Th" I.I .n.tv. Hid llruuil, Uif lurw" ur aiiuill, Mir ..r ln.i. run l.i- rxilit-l. Ii.h.cv.t m't ll nix ihclr ta.ir. Tln tiwk lo J'Ipilsc nil Is l.y lm iri.-.m unntl, n nr.' . "Htl li'iii ..f rmr rv.tll y tn tnnlii Hln our rejia Ull.'U nr M.'Jw.liiB ilii i. nlt. Wi will iMnrnii'ti- In -l-: Oil- nmltliuio In thi' rii'.mi tt-rrc I ftliApcn ..f Heavy nr l.l'lil OVEP-COATD, SACK SUITS, SINGLE OR DOUBLE IJRE VSTEI) CUT-AWAY MUITS, TIIE LATEST PATKKXS IX PANTS. Oats and Caps M4.HK ON 1IIK MOST A1TIUIVKI" l...( hH AMI IS TIIK I.ATKST HTVLCA. Iu Jlwkwra- Kiel ll"Hl.Ty w hixn. full Itno, nn.l our i-lulm ii Mimi's ,.intutiT' Ii well found Our olil frU'U.I", ai.'l Jimt -vj. ninny 4i.' iws o.s .WKire in . all, ul.l t' v.t "l'-"Die, la fo;, wn wul't t" I'l.-a-ml tn Iihv" n vlsli frmu vrr)!.'ly. rr. ni in ih tar anj m-iir. 1 nill nu.l ttint ll Is a nil mir aim tn s.-ll On. tii'i.1 il.Hh nt till iliwni t.. Hi m in Um Jiwoit I '.will. In rrl-iv tn I'li'tnc aii'l cult all i-.ni It. inn uf mankllul, TliH In '..nnl.i.eiii Willi pvrj rightly ."ii.lu' i. 'l I 11I11. m. ll-ur In mlnil, we si-11 nuly i.ii'-li p-nnis wo .-an r miiii'iiil, It Is our cardinal irln. li.li la t'l'.4.- uur i-inO'incm. All wi fL-k l In civ.. 111 n fair Irlnl, auJ w ar cut.njrni.t your ""iiUimi-l cirniiai;i'. In "n-1 ' i I- -n, wi. will nay, imiih id whl we have tn :i. k, li arn I hi- iirli i an. I .mailt) , an I u ln ii in nn of anything, a lull will lx ai lTi'- lalcl. Ibviip.-irulty )..iiri, REItWA.NC.ER UHUTIIKKN, I.KAUIMl Cl.OTUIK.H!" AND TaH.ORN, llKN'.lT Hfllt'lNU. Ol'I'OSITH IT. S. I'o.TU VVICE. Sentruiivr 14. U it.vn:i(iii, in. t t'ONSIONMENT Sol.ICITKl), ll 1(1 II KT I'llirK AND I'ltOMIT KKTIiHNS i UARAMTajtA, Fertilize Your Wteat if You Want it ta Pay Yon. 1.501) SACKS AMMOXIATED AND ACID RHOSl'IIATES, The Rest IVrtilizor Miulo for Wlirat and Outs, Now iu Di pot Reudjr lor Sliiptiioiit. Hfinl jour orders to !01ItI, WYATT A: TAYLOR. nali-lgu, ' C, SriiU'nitw", IBfi. TALEIGII MAiniLtiTORKS. I W. DURHAM, FAYETTE VI LLK St., KALEKJII, X. C. mils m miB mm aid mm him, HEADSTONES, TAR LETS, tC. OltliKK- riitiMl'l I.V KIII.KK AND rATIM-Al' llti.N (il'AHANTEED. J jy( Al.I. OK WHITK lHH rilll K ' IKT AN.) IH SIONN. -'tV& CLOTHING ! Gents' Imiilm Goods, 4c, J. M. laoscnbauni. ItALEKill, X. C, Ila. rucolvwl lits FALL AND WINTER STOCK or COTZXXX?0 AND dents' Furnishing Goods, wblcti tn I lm! uri'iMMil In the 8titt, and will be ftnlO CHEAP. All nrili'rn will rocl THOMI'T ATTKNTIOS and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.' Oct. 13, IMI. lm. Advertisement. 01 K STOCK IS COMPLETE! orit coons ARE NEW! Konwn:'. AliuMlu 8Turllv. fcr ami gunraulua our J. r. RRI.n S i r! is f'O., llol.l.KMAN lU ll.IlIMI, itAi,::iiiii, n. c THE ALL RIGHT Cooking Stove. Tl" ii lcrli:iii..l. H.li' AwiUm f.ir thin Clubrt. hloii , aiiin'iiii'x to tho I'uhlii: ihai ,,vr TWUXTV-KIVK THOl'SAND vt tli.wo Siov.w liiv.. I..ii .,M, ana OiHt toV liiHtiuicv ilii-y iutvv tlivou ii i sum it 1 1. ii) r&XOZS V2RY LOW. and Ellimta, NOR'! II t.'A HOLINA. JTLll'S LEWIS 1 CO, KAl.tlloH, 5. c W. IX. LEONARD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELED, mid UfAlnr In WATCIIKS, (1.K KS. .1 KWKf.HV . HI'KCTACf E KTI'. OI.A8HS 0..'J. Ilrpilrlne "f nil klii'li il"iio i.n Minri nntlr In Ihi. vrry l .i n l Htyic. h.f. lnl auriiilini (ClTcli tn Oia ri'inlr..f linn wurlnw. Onli-rn l.y mnll jirumplir aitcii'li"! t in.i'l s iTi.srai'it"ti isunratitfHJri. 1 Itmlx.ri' N. C, July 6, lhf'J. nam- PARKER'S HAIR BJISAEI. Tli Heat. C'rinnt ad mrt E-voeowttAa Hair lrcvnr. :y.i rails nunicn h youthful coin M f ry air. 90c and $ mM Irugfiim. Floreston ftlofie. grant Md la.tg farftM. PARKER'S GiNGERTONIC A f urt Faaitf HeJlcIot that Never lntwtt. If you rm mrchante or farmer, wtw Ml iiK nvework. or a nmtlw run down by family h hold dutiet try pAkitBii'ft Ci.ni.bii Tumic If you are lawyer, minuter or u . mn -hausicj hy mental iii;im or nnoiu curt d M lake miotcaiuig tiunuUuu, but um f Ifvou have Pwpfpsb. Hhiinaiim, KUney w 'n,Ary Cofnul.itnci. or if 5011 rol'd with My 1tKiricTffi :wtn g Mititi towe1. Moodoritre you cjn be cured If Vakil' isC Tome. Ifvottare wtniff ay hom at, Umiaatin or a'iv iivarf.r w.iVnes arc! e imtc a Mimufaaf tale tnNt, Ionic at mice: it will inviKnira and tin id von up fimn n fir si d -e t u ul.l cevcr mioaicata. ; li l 4 t.ited h;iuiiiei of ttvet a nav tavc yMn I lir.sifix a co, iu w.ii.m ... Ywk. an. aW 1 M 4uilm lis u all 4miwt a utairiiM. , CRKaTaAVlNd Bl'TI-IJ DOLLAR SlfC