..ji-i 4 1 .1 .a 5fh Chatham Record THURSDAY. DKl'KMKKK 7, 1KS2. H. A. LONDON. Jr.. Editor. The Secoso session of the. Voity seTenth Congress wai convened en last Moiiilay. It ineiuler cuaiu to gether with fur (lift rent recline than those they experienced nt tin-1 1 of the first session, just : year ar" . Then tho i-evnd'lic..i': wcu- j : i i.i i i and insolent with their i.-t.n y at tho preceding elect i-:i now tiny are crest fullen nt.-'. depie-wd :: account of the iv.vi.; eohii.-al cyclone that swept over the e.iiiiit.y. The present Cone-reus wi'.h a I r.e ivnuh liean majority in tin ll.ni.e, luea'.ise of its persistent icfit-al t relieve tin burden of taxation, vsiil -ive u.iy t:ei year tothereeenth elected il.'use with a democratic majority of in ally Mveii ty-five. Wurncd in so loreiMeu manner by the recent election wo may expect the preut'iit Congress to aft'id Home relief during this session. The President seeing to have been i.r.e-lt something hy tin l.i:ei-;-iei 'i;.-i ila people's will, and in his annual mess age 1ms made some very timely re.' ominendutions. but d" ::.t .:' fat enough. He recommend- the ..'."d. tiou Of till the internal t.ies. O.r-'j.t those on distilled spirits, and a mhi plification of the machinery of eoil. c tion by which lift-en hundred to two thousand officers w ould be ih-i-.-ti-od with. Ho very properly says, tl.it The sentiment of ;ke i-oimtry d-ubt-less demands that tho present tax shall be aboli-he 1. a- - a course can sa! ly be pi.: -it. -1 he might have add". 1 ;!ai '.!: ment of the couti'.ry .1. !..;.'. uch a course be pi.i -::. 1 the whole internal row l..te y An.! t:..e. a'. 1 i b. iiumediutely aboh.-he.l. The I f. i dent suys that the ii.tt rt.al nv.r.i.c. for the fiscal year ending -l.n.e :!o. 1882, yielded ?1-Ii;. ;,.i7.."'.i.s oo. he also states thai th. re wa- a s s.p'.iis revenue of ijl f:l.s I'.'.Tl . so ; hat ,t. -tually less than ..lie n.ihion iloiL.rs i,t the entire internal lev, t.u-.- .:e.i ed to defray the ep. :.s, s el the g '. ernment ! The President is tau. ht something about th.- t:u: . f : I..' pleased to :..iiuit that --i'.ie n-si :,t tariff system is, in many n vets, un just. It makes iiue.pl J di-t r.i. ;- .;, both of its burdens and it be-, He evetl reeoni'iie. 'i "a s-jb.j.i:. ':al reduction m' the .in.. v. ..i the manufactures et ci.::.n. ir e; and steel, an 1 upon sugar, m .la.--e. v. and woolh ;i goods. If.- til-" t ;- rs the reduction of h t!. r p.. ' ' - :' rate of two cents per h i!:' o in On the ."'u I dav l' tie .- "i -n Mr. Kei!.,-. of 1 ni v;.U;.! : i. ch or man of the eoi.r..:: ' . ... mentis, r.-i- :'.! I a i. '.! : I. . iiiternal : !:'" -"i : ; " snuff, eigne. i ii-id ei.' ir-'t'e,. and v.'" think it highly pr .bai.; :nat t;;- I id Will pass b-.lh house.-, .,i Co:.0i'e..s al its present ;e.ssi m. Sesato:; 1?vn.om wilnoil-'tht 1 -.' re-elecfed ly th ture, although getit'.eni'. n ai I his successor. W. T. Doric:-, of Lis claims an 1 n that positi, n. A the Legislature ,-o!!:ii.' r ili-'t: b. t i. him some adv anta ou i tlcinen. ap.'i v n:av l- ,: Gen. liansoe,'- - ;'. .: petitor. lb i- :i :.: . t .-.' popular gentl, ..i. unii. would no do-.oi. w. :ii il the State of North Car. Seimte of the l uit.-d :s::i .' !;-!. sv ..t .'.ma ia the ies. let we uo not liui-K tieu lie or anv one e:se can defeat lii'tis-e .. I ? :.i- ;!,- l it--campaign it b-.. tmi-.t r-.rly conceded thai li insoni would be re elected if the democrats can ;. d ti. Legislature, indeed his re-election became a prominent issue, nnd the , question was often asked, "..fo't or Hansom?" We have no d-.::'t t'.;, huudrc is. we may say thousands, of votes were o-iven to . lemocr.it ie ea.-i li dates for tho Li-gi-lature soh ivf. i tho purpose of it- eleeting Si-ii.itor Hansom. We know this was the c.lm in Chatham with many p. rs-.i.s. who but for that reason would not have voted for our legislative ticket. Ji members of the Legislature wish to commit political suicide, wo know of quicker way of doing so than by voting against Matt Hansom ! The Ei.kction returns, elsewhere published, show that General Cox, the distinguished 1,'epreseiitu.ive from this district, received a largi r number of votes than any other democrat ie Congressional candidate iu the Slate. This must be very gratifying to him. as it is to his many admirers, and we do not hesitate to assert that Notth Carolina has no more devoted, paiii otie and high toned a citi.en than William H. Cox. It is also very gratifying to the many friends of Judge Gilmer to know that he received more votes than any oilier candidate for Judge of the Superior C urt. and ceitainly no one of thi ui b 'iii i' deserve ! ih.'s hon or. M.iv ad Our Judges t vi r be n pure and upii;;!: a:. -John A. GXner." Firm: Ai.pkhmkn of the city of Brooklyn have been sentenced to im prisonment in the common jail for contempt of Court. The offence con sistcd in the passage of a resolution grant in the Elevated Kuilrond Com-i-anv permission to construct ami operate their road over certain streets in Uioohly.i. notwithstanding a:i in- j'lr.cti-tii of the Court restraining them from -rattling -me!, p.-rmi-i ,. The '' . , 1 . , ,, ,J,l 1 -,. mime.'MS.'.y ordered their niK-st. :i!t l. :t!t r l.t ai ing t in ii excuses s-'lttetiee-l I'uetii to be iiiiprisom-d imd iinel. A'.l :hi-occ irred just one vcar , , ii",., and tic u. -oners m ak-d M a higher Curt. a:d now that C onrt iias aliinued the sentence, so that til -so cilv Aldermen must go to jail : 1;L .i . i- ., ..in tlm l.r.v tie- land. It will doubtless h-iv :i g o.l e! .-.ei.i's that t! et in w:ir;-.i::g high are not a' o'e the la a-, and that ii'! men' must r'spt-t and obey the orders of u Court. ; would be a ni'rt appropriate and i fjdurii.c monument one w'nu-li TUK OFFICIAL VOTK. Oarti.,1.1 hmm-lt. w..ra he to ch..,.M-, , wonld better approve. Then, too. The State Hoard of Canrasscrs met ; ti)e time (lw.rilS to hVe le. n ii ju.li iu IJa'u-jgh hist week and declared the ' cioimly chosen. The Army of the o!vi, ia! .s;-.U of the late election, cs- Cumberland, bo brave un 1 succ-sfu' eet.t as t . the ,-hvt! ,n of Ket.n-sent.v r. w ,'"1 ,w,"i . ' 4 i'1-od piiii'ilcal seiiH- In tia't-r-ot t.ve.tt lar. e. An adjournment w,w j.,,, talun to the I'.'tli iiist. in order to (1,.j,.ty lt.Kl its ani.nid reuid-ui in a'V-rd an opportunity f..r obtaining eonnection with thf uuveiline; ol tiie l.nf.tl r.. turns fro.n Watauga tho TIiouish statue her,., in b-.k, . , ,1.1.11, snowv November wcutlier, an 1 (bn cotttttv. as the returns tha. hail tcen !, . T' ft C. liVIS, the Vice pl'Sidetlt, wh " sent m trom that county gave Jen- hll(j (.tHrj, f , x. i , is,-s, can-lit nett's votes but omitted Dockery'w. ,, a- 1,-rold nt tin? p.-irk on the l'.eni'.ett's m.ij'ority in the other conn- d iy of the unveiling, and bis mluul-li- ties is :U1. the "vote being lll.OJW life w,w Irrmina'e 1 but a f.-w wei k- r Hennttt a:id ll'U'OT for Dockery. Hie eorrei te.l returns from Watauga a',11 iucncse Jii.nt.eti's majority to t i'v ) rem l!: .ho i vot for and for So ,V ()hserver we copy V olhe: ti i.'- s, i.-it- rs : d stati sii'.-ut of the for Con-'fessmen, .-e:ed 1 ltv's:j votes and , ti-.-. -Uuiliu s majority rec: ived Ii1'.l.',il5 utul V 1 :.!. bei.;,' I!.! 1- : io4.s; Shepherd s majority I'hlltVs H't.s'.'l. M.-Kov b 1 .'.ei.' M..eMa. ivi-.l lli'.OKhainl Moore Philips' majoiity is "lIHI. got lOii.hiT ami l'aiby Meliov's majoritv is ;"i,C lti. :.-, oi d io:':!;f.ai;dbith- !. M;u i;.i tn.ij. -rity is I. S o tel. i lo.o.i. :in,l l',I- t hiii.ef s inaj.'i'ty is i iw .1 l.si.":;:n:l t!:t:rt-h-:-t..pp's in ij.-i ity is o.272 Vote IS the ia! u'l'-st of tll ..i". s. Maelhie's (hi d,;; retice lieing 2'.'ii. i, .s... l-'ir-t ,'iistnet, I.ath ;,.r t -r. ti 1 h:.i. 1'! t;' M'atti'rie.-,'. .-( '.'olid : Wa'icr listi'iet l.ild. ; ! ' ; . Wad. I r. l'o .i () Har.i. 1 -1.213 : lS.",;tl : l I. 1 i: !.!". Can "itt rino. ::;. : Co. 1".7 : Dev. ;-. . Vance not counted. : i. - . -.'eu. l.'UMl. ,i I.-i - Seui s, iU..",iJ.: John a. '.i.'.':2 : W S. ilali. lso. ;ri, ! io.d. l"i..',4'.l:dohu h-trict llol bins. ll.l.-.O; .) : C. i. Cook, i. tint -Vance. 13.1)00: York, li I'.i :.' Co-:.. . i r.r .- : ...teiir.i,. 13 i-irst dl-trict. .lolin i. "to: Gcroe II. Sp:ir- -c i' ,:.! il. t--D. t'. Winston. i ;:,!.-.. l.s.oo -, John " ; -oat t. ring. 12. Ii.'t -v. it; viaiiowav, X. Wa.-:.ot:i. M. 172; rict -Jam' - D. M, Iver. ! -.1 N. Stru lwi.-k. . J. ;.k:.is. lo.th'i; scat- St:li h-iii.t 1 l.i, .i i; Ch.u'ii.-. 'rank J. Osborne Car.son, 7,.jS(i. ei.th district Joseph Dobson. l'o. '!'!.o!,i:'..- f. Dtda. '..l.ri:l ; scat- o 1 ia the case. The dlsrnbsal of !!... l-'.i.hth .bstr:et To;: ph S. Adams, live olliei.-t's is a o..od It in in i s -It ; Oc .j'i; ". i) e.vtr. li.'.''2: scut Whether it ia a $ ...d thin . r not ' r p, , i tiieinterst.-of jasrn-eint i-Sl ir r ..it.- Ninth iu-?ii- t--0. S. Ferguson, eiisen will appear lu-it ufi. r. Wi.e.i '.. b'T ; W. O. C .ti Her, 3,908 ; K. II. ' lirmly and Dorsey urn nctnui'.y in '.Ii n itn.'Ti. 1. I'M. ! pris m, and Lot until then, p. . p'c- m aai ! Will brt prepared to PCiTu (1 point for A No) i I Divorce Suit. j lb Administration T . ,. jj Tho orders isHUeil m some ijovt i " A dispatch from Louisville, flateil , ,. . 1 ...... : mm. L flii.Lrtiii.nta r.i.ii 1 1 1 r. o air n. t ii- h. r 1-t, puve Ito'.ert : . . I'.n.i .. .,'i ,r ,1, .,. ' '.'. ..ii the (r. -in it t at his wilo to ii winte worn ,u. ll hsjs be wns tnnrried to i r in luis city limb r the belief that In- wii' a tiiiti'itbi. In Mit-ch, 1S7", t'.ev v.i nt to live nt D.iiivi'lu. IL--'as tell there that his wifri was a wliite woman, and tlmt he whb viola tmo the 1 rvs of the Slate by continu ing to lire with Ler. Hence th biiit. T . , , i i On Louis' Ishilld tun Saixi jndtlstrj . " , . ,. J h:is L-riiwti to extraordinary pro- -. , . ' i 'oertioiis. On!v four nrins wIioro ! . . . . AOl. . vested capita did Hot fXCced . . . '. ,. 1 : ! (xi' t.-il livo vearj iifi.A, i he 1pit.1l inves'ed in the busmeHS at ; , in c nt f line exceeils s j.liiitl.lllio. ' , , ,, . . ; :e i f -I. ."00 tons of Hand iirt- : d in I; ilt.4 to New York dililv. i ,ri 1; 1: 1.. u .irn ii.ik lit 1. li It m e-t, muted timt from 450,000 , tlliH .,i1(ie thnt the Land Oliice en cii t . iilii.Oi.O toi of cimrcufil nro ftiiint- j ..r :s direct!. 1, as w. II ns ti.e pructi. JU HK...1.- in the L nit . 1 States. No ; f virtil:ill' Ktoonin work half mii Lifer w..y to . t th:oll-ll forestn. ; ll()r l)( fllv ,ie o'ltice i.t eio.sed. The It wattl-iMW'l.icli.iiinretliiiiiiiiiytliinnlreNuKuf the Into ( -lections hu Lien else, ilepiiv. d Iieiun.l of hers. FoW to Cllse a Hildden r.p:it.iu of virtue coimtries nro now more l.mren i.f j ,UI1K the ollicils :iud un inmn tli ite tiiuLer, alth..ue,h tradition ators that ( c,lt,iu;, (ltr 0f cukes hu.J iih-.s, but it n H.purrel could (,i:l'm trufel from trte j WlJU't p,t. A darky oCiei.i! is to tree from Antrim to Kerry. on f the most iiinu-in si-lu.s in C'apt. Hopkins, of the United S'ates I the world tho airs he gives himself, N iv h.is In en found guilty (if desert-1 Inn inimen.-o impoitiiuce, the niti.ii in h s ji i.i um coniiiiiinilimt of 1'nii- ' loqiieiit inurmer in hi. 'a he spiv ids Hie. ill Nii.v Yu.l, diiirt.' t he yt-Ilow I liiiuht-lf iu hii i Jiicu ciinii' ii.i.; i.i: ( e cv-r epidt-niie, uud dif-missed the i hk-t ollieeiie.sk um ilihci ms to t,;e terv'c . i lo.( i ol ii j ike. i'u j.nu. Our Washington Letter. IVrein nur rr:iH(r correnJi-iii. W'AHinsoros, L C.,ec. 182. The Garfield Monument F-r Ims not he-n without disHppointing feu tm e-t, more especially with regard to it., raMiil M Tln PvtiMisile Iiretlila tjoim , ,1 the liirtr" nmount ..f ,r and iiionev exj e ..I' d tin r mi. enti'led the iilYdr to a I In al ivifr.ii- ..' evidently it h,s for ,,,.. iv , .n f-u e ) to elicit th atiMcpated re Durina . Srst fl.w ,.IV. ltl,.,e W:MI sri-rx doubt wh-th -r V would pny expenses, but. Inter the aU.ni.ine'e has b. en better, th il:;h whether th-re will be fir.vth u; jn vi(,.v u . v,.t ,(.()t,rilllv known. It is net tie' tln-re ji tiny less regird f. r the mime of (J urtield now th in heret.d re, but would have in ItiV oinmoii in-rn b.-eii m r' puMie swiipVhy, at h a-t I er in aslueyt.wi, if t!.- (buti-M r.M,iHl H h Imd been tie en'eri.ri-e to b;. mlvi'ieed Thee jn a general feeling th it the hespiMl Hfti-rwaro;. t. uwar ne.i ny I. ii war ned by tt.is st-ven-lesson, thesoei'-t u-.iin choo. h the same season, and Thai li-iniiu' witk at that, A week when tin American people travel hss tlnm usual, lor li... i .e; a fair wh. s.- suc- eess ilep-ti-ls lli linlv oil pi Opie lit .1 .1. stance. How -..iil.l the im-race eitiz ll eoinplv vvith tt.e hi-. i ms riiiiiil.-.'iviii' procl.im itioii of 1'iesi dent Arthur ia its ti.n- inwai.'m-s on the cold chant i. s and p. i in -rv tut key of il Washington ho'. i ? I' s erh.-i.s n Honor consul. -intion that our I e'oved but chasten-d ''on oress i n its rea-seinbhii will liml ihe Capitol a "i lulUrni up" as a doll ir ft ore. The i ffice holders have not vet re '.'M'ted fr un tin ir cons', rna'i in caused by I'nst let.t 'r'i -ai's r. :,: bomb sh. 11, se.ppo.-.-d :o be ruined a' the Stur-rou'i' cunp. It w.is un- dullb C tiy a sudden iilid istn xi - i stroke, the mcitntig if win. hi- iiiucii deeper than ti.e in li - .ti m ; a sin pie pii! ose l-i ' pi. i.' ; ' lit 111. Sj iltel f sill I O'l'ld.t: tt.i- p- ! ctttii II of tin s- s s.' 1 !.. i-.e cause, so fur as Mr. Alt M l e I'. . is cell. -.-I i.e. 1, is 1 1 e de-i' e t .pi le.-h otlicla's wholilM' not paid ihi! pro loiind lesp.cl tohm.ef uhtch Ie thinks is ,l:n- to the i:.!i:u ite fro :. : f the Pre-idt-lit. It was up ia !l,e report"! ti,ist.i;r,rt prot utor, '..'u--'r.-iWs bi!) per day, w ; bd f u the 1 y. :r t'. l!.-. ;;'ie u: t . f ivi-l ll.MI 1 iv,- b e.i i p. r '.e i i y t. , Alton. i -. Co i.i-l.d, th u ti.e i.eii ti the l .i s,.h nt s i .k.-ti Yi t 1 ' is a veiy insjiulie .1.1 p. rs.ui. no:.-,::, ; of ft lawyer, and ml s i tuiieii ao- ve siipieioii hni s If as lo be a prep -t p. is m for i nip oy m.-nt iu Mich c ip.a ItV. Il Wus ilili- to Ins III liipid o I .: s in the jury room licit the l .te ' jury p fused In iu. i.-i. Kiil".', 1 i'e Unitwd Sta'e Sen.t. r. Hut .-n tin part of the 1'i-snleiit the la'e b -i i s-ami a con.pieie cuanoe oi iiom - 'vas the H-slllt i f the recent eii,'t..,s 'r- Ar'lilir lc.'lld somet iolig or p "nv "tii, ami ho is m.ikiii. ,lep. r.it. tfirls to r. cov r l..;ns. If. '1 l.i r eiri'U-!islai.--e.'i a.iuo-! without niitu bi r to silstam ii.rt M. .v that :.p t i:.. present tine- Mr. Arthur has h-i 1 n iesire to s. cure o livictius in tie--Star-roiitf cii-. s. An I now i , th face i f tms .sadden f-p . .;u of virtue the f let remains t hut t ne net in w ha h the conspir t..rs , rtt tube cam-d t vvii-i so ven or so c ist ..s to l. 1 the little rislns and let tl e big ti-'' slip till. IU'Ii, tin l It is t. o '..it.' f.ir the public prosecutors to isavow fi. v respot sihiiity lor tiie ! ninie ... j i-t..-e -- r-- - the clerhrt to no six find imd hotis 1. .. ...l.: l ... .1.. . . win a, t. ii win Bin-; nij un i o. .ie-i frnin teceiii: v;sitors (bwuiu' otli:-.-hours nre the din ct result id tin- I it. fleetimiH. I'i nsioti (.'onmnssiot er Imlley is given to posiin,' us a reform er. Soiiih of his "orders" rue f .in ms for their bombastic ty- , and exeite 11 e;ood lie h1 of 111) rruiiell! Ill Hill t tow li. The Commissioner uf ti.e Land )iii -e, ' bowt-vir, is not open lo iitiy eliuroi- but pio.buhly it occurred to t .1 , ,i ; l .- , hi 111 tbiit this is a very eooil time to , . , , ! turn over ft couple of new leaves. It r ,i , I is a move by no means snnirllu ms ' ,,,, i i .- i I i I h wav tn which tune is t(iiiiiiid.-ti d . ., . n- i iu the (invcrnnit nt ofiices im wmider- nil. 1 tie nail 11111 The till f hour's interiiii-si. n for : . . . ., , lunch is L'. nt rally tri-iierullv cpt:it on tiie str. et lllld thu lunch titnu tulit-U out of til' , , k , li.iveriiMiciii. s tin.i. It is in ni.iiiL Thought lietiiliu. It si ems incri'dibh- that i: e jm-vs ui can read the mind and know the thoughts of another, and yet it can be done. An Englishman, named Cumberland, has recently been -king at New York some wonderful exhibi tions of his powers of "thought lead i'.tg." We copy fo :l tie.- lbltlld the following account of one ofjiis exhib itions: -i'liei Nperiment th u blitid'ol.b'd , hiiusil:'. :i t.ikin- M . I.e.-co.T by the lei-..l. .1 -lo d to !'..:. ik of s ifn- , ob -et iti t 1 1 room. Yi.. n the elcr-i g ...all s.u i he had don. Mi'. Cunt o. ituiei pi i .l Mr. I'f . ii -t' - !. ui.l to ow i: '1 el. end lit.d !'-e?. . .-mi'l-'.y in u sta'e of high nei s -v. excitement, ' ran aero-s the room and to 1, the eye- , gi;is-es fioni !r. Ci Ite rs no-e. At t:ie ame time Mr. 1 i . i" sh nio-il. "u!.. lit " Theti thu tho r. .eh -r . aus taken IMit of tie- 1 :.i b 1 r. '.:.ard and Mr. ll.-pw . wl..!. Mr. V-.: ,-h. l h. .:..!, d a s:: I tti:,'..; t to lr. I'.t.d. I'H',.. it ill his; hhoe. Mr I'leeeher al o m.r ked two tiny spots on ditl'eri t.t p-ittsof thoi wall with a h ud pip.il Mr. Cum-j biriand was then brought in, an.', seizing the hand of t a- riynioutii , pastor, he v.and. red ab -'.tt the room. slopped i.i t'rot.f of lr, l'..-.ii and I'maby knelt .'.own ai;-l t - K t:.- !ri::--t trom i.e, shoe. He al-o while still blind folded put I:: - !::.r- 1' lipou the two spots (in tho wail. Nine plaiii-,' card-. r jireseti'ini; i tie mac iitiuu rals, i re spread u; o a t .bh-. and. tak tue hand i I a in laid repot ter, Al . C.iu.b-. ilau 1 i:: h .' 1 bv eard-ai. no number taken fi.-... a bank n. te ' y the rcpoitor. A date iiumbo' wus taken fiom a coin by Mr. Becchi r, and the experimenter wrote tlie dute out on a piece i.f piper pinned to the wail while h -! !iii ; tho clertrvtuau'H Lan 1 The co'.ii'iiio:: which wa- insisted uj on tn all the -. ei'ian tits was thet the pel's Ui r.ctli :;' ll-i the Mlbject should think ini i.y of t!..-obj. ct to be iu.lic.iled. Mr t 'umbel iatai did a miuiIm I of eh r I neks wh.ch wire j.i a -t i -e !. In- mi !.!;.-;'' i; ual'-!". a'. il ipl-teiy tny-tt.---. I St- 1- M.ick-ive in- a trick wh;o:i He- rest ..f th.-auiii- once Wele aii-.wi ! t ) kllo'.v. li.- ::;',t:':i:i;:.::;::::i;;:r,::;,!:i; .hrcctioi.stha'. w .t tln'ii.1 l..f .-iirht. it was imt.-o-ss.hY ... determine m v.-, rat eh tie- pout from which a soun.l e.eiu -'. It ; v h ei ivino the senses licit bpint'ia i-i ( '.-:).: i.iu l l l ve.l that b. of i,'- hi.; t- -s un.l like r.,! ; : icceite-l. ;-!r 1 his ;.i :-. i. i: h n aid pl-.'l'.ce !l n t.o- I. - I -!e 1. r I.;.- I b M-i -i a an: '.- ol n;s n . I : ; ai d mi-1 th.-.t Mr. C.mo eert-iinlr w 'iid like to :n ll-.e a I eloa! K-sasino 1 1 s p, i i i s w ti. l.e iv .leil.-a'.c: test. II. ei; nb nit forty pie- in '. . . . '. t' ,i.i . i ., . , ;, ii.,..,.. ., , ;,, ell i. " ' ' ' ' ehef V...- lo t t '. W I' - is l-.el- ( Cv ''.. ,.i:-t: On .;'.o ,.f '.,. v, f ! i, i.e : .' i 'for i, h id la ii i .. el in he- e -tl :. u-lll. J- r-s ; -A". I; ; j K HI", a few d-.'... no ', -.a !; a toi--i.ek . n i e i of I i f ot. - On w, 'J'Ji. i in- , the biry ' d ..t ('..! l:.;l,e, bee-:::.- I , . f :t .. l.-.t.- A-i-u-ii ! (...-:: ,- ; th" il.s; b- !iJ o'i".- ...,Hiia .1. 1 1 i.:. t -.',-, ... ( re. ,lo ! t. o.l.ll. S MI , f ii-o i'(. ue : en -tin.ui. iv f n portion . ill I list, hl.o tl-'llse, : o the (slati o, to k fire ' '.;.;,'":; ii.b!.t .....s... ts-' i i." ,.! li,. i-M-n v',' ! r. e !.e,.; i . ; v-t j y the ' ' J - '" ''' "' :"": : T' ' ! v'.oi e. borv ,;e I.-I. lo :-'! II. ittji . T! e ( - niior-fl-e f 'ot u- etienl i- ia-!o in'-.' I iifo ui ii N w Y ik now. I:, y. Tleh-ibr of tho ' cent re' ellioti ;-'-.m... i'-" vv" I ff, r.: a e in: tautiiip. .i Irl (.'iiirv a:id wis seioi- ce 1 '.i death, bil' Kin-. !ie coiemn' d t'.io pimish- l:n nt t i'e for life. 1) fit ' the p "rforra o .-e rf SI e'lin" ie a Cie. -ii.nati thirVre, Frank Fr:'.'..e. ill i.ttemptltl;; to shoot the ; nppio frotu the head of Miss Annie, Von Ibhrfti, HUot h.-riii the forehead, i She expired i.i u ft iv tniuutcs. j AtNi.rthiH.ro. Mvs. raibiir.-! oiva,,. .lo.eph Moiertv. vi.ous I .e.. ti;.'. il l.i y-ufs. miiie.l a loa.leii t j. un at hi . sister, iL.' i S, ai d .Sich.r;ei t' e wt-npi I.. i io- ehild's h ' was sh itt. I. d so that in p..t I'loii b. canic :e-.s!virv. ,S!,.. il,i.. I ii r-.noj the ni'iit Ti e bov is taken in custod b. the a i'hoilte s v; Tl e ( 'oi rci-i mi il eon iniMep, up pointed to im.lii the doctors' hills for j Our stock of i;ttcndni.,' the hitt- l'ri si loi.t (Lirtield, huve ,iilovv,.d the f.,li.. ins,': Dr. D. SI LVKU W AUK AND CLOCKS V. 151i i, $i'.,5"0; lr i. l( iy s An-, . . . - .t , iihw. .-.wn.; J),. r,,, H lliunilten.: r iii extent of variety nd f l.ooo; Dr. li. Lert Ilc.Lnrn, $1,000; 'U-auty of desie-nx any display in Dr Si' is A Ihivnton, f 1,000; Pr. I Kavctteville hy anv one, lx;fore S isHii A. Ivlsoii, ll.OO'.). TuUl. ' ' $'J7,5i0. ' ! t'iu war or Sln,'c ! Tt.-. J TTT J . Tltnira I! k lily IM i '. nied. The yoe.thf . 1 eo! . r -uid 0 t ich lust re tire n sti ri d to f ;.!. d or er iv tu.-r hv tin- U-e if l'..r'.,ei ':. H.'lii li.ll-lltll, ft, di h estiiuiedj Im- its pi t fume met pi.i ity. The IIi'L'hl ol" Tolly. To widt until y ,u lire in bed wi'h dint-nsn you tn n v tint. ket over for months, is tiie hi iht of folly, when yon inij'hf he ensjlv cured (lniii'f the ...... i .. l....' ii...... eui; sV.i.... i s o, i .- r.e. s . Ionic. V e i.av, i,.,(,-vi, :-l;;!d fund- lies mu lt-the i.-idiim s: hv ii timely use of thi-i puro iin.-dieliie. Om c-i r. Know That Brow n's Iron Hitters will cure the worst ciise of dyspepsia. Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and ncrvcs.enriches the blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness.andlaclt ofenergy Keeps ofT all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. jy W.ilker St., tlaltimorc, Pee. iWi. For kii ycftn 1 have been a great iuflerer frum Blood liseaae, Tiya pepiia.andCoiHlipation.and became) ao debilitated that I could not retain anything on my atomach, in tact, life had almost become a burden. Finally, when hope had almost left Die, ray huaband aeeing Rr.iwm Ikon BlTTaas adrerliaed in th rper, induced me lo give it a triaL an nov taking the third botll and have not felt ao well in tim t the prcicnt tiaae. Un. L. F. Gairna. Brown'.? Iron Bitters will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs "bracing up," than any medicine made. . . ii. T. j.iiiwj. . a. iiucili. ; D. T. JOHNSON & CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COM MISSION M K lt 'II A NTS. ,.NI) COTTON HELLERS, Always ..u h.i-i.l n k-. I i.-k f IIi ht Oph-m-Im. UVOirlN.. ml Wflitli'i.. nii.l . .-mi lianillt- in .iTiiinHi: ciricr ,iii;iiiii.icm W III A I .. OCI . t'tUIN. r'l.ol K. fti ( hU klJj r ,..m.ry ,.r.-iii.-... Wrlin tur lnr.-r- m.V ., jt,.. n. T. Johnson fc t:o.. oi. i-2. 1WJ. 3m. r.il-Uti. N h- woa'd.Dr. Will. LYNCH J DENTIST, Will Tlsll will Wi Chiii..-I lllll ..ii Hi.- t..s-..n.t Mnn.lr In t.-li iii'-mh. Ail .hii irn wi-ii nr. (l i-hII lrn wl-li Or. A II. u..l.rriaun or V. M .'IUI.1.J will N' j.ruiii.tl) Atiau.lf.,1 lo. li li. i, ISS'J. ll SO. A. THOI M H lll'AU QUA III KRS, -IS V Ci 1 Person Wi-jt, js onlv prepared for :ipin:ieliin; 1 1 11 HOLIDAYS BIT keeps his stock fdllt up AND priCCS FullV DOWIl ! 1 r 1 rm r " H 33 1 i M ijeadiii.tr lVature ot my business : liny CIose,Soll Close AND , n i mw niTn APPRECIATE ALL PATRONS fall nt IIKAD (iUAin KUS, -1'J .11 l'EUSON STREET. 1,u' m" , mtaiii.isiibii 114. P I'I I 0 II D n-nrrm jjVELKY STORE. FAYETTEVI IiLE, N. C. Watches, Clocks ani Jewelry, Solil anl Plated Silverware. ! M P tllil tUlll Mil, BIRTHDAY, BRIDAL A N M VKUSA UY PRESENTS. Gold, Silver and Steel Sin-chiclca, and Eyt'-filasjH'H, the very lc-t. (JOED I'ENS, A large assortment. .... . ,A ,, , J"" VI.-H 1 .i.m ucmiic .nil on ; WAHKEN I" II 10 It SON. k.it. i. iv. um. Miscellaneous HERE WE OUR NEW FALL STOCK OF HARDWARE, TINWARE AM) HOUSE ITKMSIIINU (500DS IS W0KT1I EXAMINING AND WOIMIl lil VfNG!! ont cotton king stovi: Heats the World! THY it: oi'it ;ooi AUK KKLIAHLK! ' Ol'K THICKS A It K L'K.sonaw,k: w,. , h..-1iI anifiitl .ii (null a-r.a-1" "f .ils-Ki-r.m.-iii-, MilI IIii s .-u-l y, ini'i km.iiiiu'.-u nur t.rli-m lo lit- lKtt..M, Ol'N'S ! Sixni.K asi lrii. j-'. liiu i en ani Mi i.k l.o.un us. AMMI'N I I'll IN , UTS' M I KIM Al, &(' . AC. atrtuWe carry thf Inroest stock -f these otuls to I e I.uitul in tho State. Write for hmidiiomeljr illustrated eataloon... J. C. HHEWSTIMI i'v ( )., 0t. It. 1.l3.-3a. lioi.l t:iN Hui.l'lMi. It.M.I'.n.ll. '. O HARDWARE OF Sash, Doors LAIW.EST S'lOCK IN Ott. 1), US'J, .1m. (J RAND OPEXING' FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Friends mid lhitwm9 Th l.t aiMaon .uniM ..ti i.a. . nn.l In Kiti-Iiic Ii Dim was. n .. ,vv an tin tlil'.ii; .u:- .-ounitri al Uelera with lhu M( Ivnlrnl If (1.hI ..f tn. y li-..-rl. ! .n. Tin- HI ., I... i... i ruinu. tlio l!r-r or anuill, I.Ik '-r lull, .-mi l iula-.l, li..rn..- riwM.n.ius ilii-ic a.-.i i. Tbe lk lo plm-r an in ,j M.. minus ani.-.ll. yrt r .-..nil if nt nf ..ur n'.i!l: L. mal n-atn or rapu lailon lor 1'lrnslnE die .uti. v HI cunntn t. fi..'ti.. in.- rmilil-.uje in Hit- runs i-i.rri-. I sIih;.i-.h i.f ll. iivv ..r I.l-M ovnnccATs, icodby each suits, bINOLE OU DOCI LE KUEAS'lKD CI" 1' AWAY Si ll'.S, THK LATEST I'ATKIJXS IX PANTS. Hats imd Vnpft ! Mlim CIS 1IIK all 1ST Al'l'lloi I'll In -awsa- ami H -Irr w mr. a full llll". Our old frlau.N. ami Jui.1 .v- mai.y i.e u. - us -Ifatp' in 'ul'.. i i.i t..- i.-r w-l mi-, Ui fa-H, wo wnuhl v.. i.l.iasfsl In liav r Tislt frni i-HT l.i..l)', fr. ni l..,-.li r.n- a:ij -i. :r. V. a n ill find lli.ii li la aim . oi r aim t. s il, !!, .. ie i.h il:i,-, ... , ll I., m iho I.cwr-l t'.Mll.lr l'rl.-n U. l.l.is.- an. I Mill all Ie t lii.tiikiuU, TUl l . ..uslsiri.t i:ii wrry ruuily nivlii'-a 1 1 u-e.. -. !,ir In mill. I. w- i.i.lr mi.'Ii n I- a- . e. .-, .;i..., ;. t. II I cur rarJIual prlo. lt '.. i.li-.-.t- . ur 'iis,...iiicrs. All we a-l. I i.. uo u- u i -rial. itJ v mr ciuCJnil of ymir i. .n'.:i.ar. r"i,:iK-.'. In .H--1 ns.1 .i. i- will i. .M.n -u -.,ua. wri haTt- In larn th .rl.'s au-l .iiallo . a.i-l til...t in i, o Any:htii, a . all w,U a;., rr-la r l. l.i -e, .-;:iiiiv y. ,in. hi:iwan(;i:k H;'.- I.HAUiSo Ci.otuiwiis ani TAlt.ons, Hr.MiT Hri;.iiiMi i ii-eoa 1 1: I", ii. IWot'iritK. Havlwmlxr 14. 1M-1. if N0RRI& WYATT D TAYL.OR, coT'-ron carcrrissiow M23K.3i2iS.rjTs, it.vi.i-:ic.n, a. t ('OMfltr.NM RN'T SOLICITKI). IlllOII'.-r I'ltll'K A Nil I'lMMIT 111 TtilNS li' C A I; h T H t. Fertilize Toar teat if Yon Want it ti Pay Yon. 1.500 SAl'KS AM.MuNIATLD AND ACID l'HOSiiiA 1 KS, The Best Fertilizer Mad.- for Wheat and Oats, N..-.v in IVp,.l llc-udy for hhipinelit. Send yonr ordiTH to .'OItKIS. M'YATT A; TAYbOIi. Raalgh. 5. C, svurrotar 1, I W. DUEEAM, FAYKTTKVIH.K St., IMMUCH. X. ('. mm m mm mn m mm mm, HEADS 1( INKS, TAHLETS, &V. OHUKUM I'KOMI'H.V r'il.l.KI A N l ailr".M'l UN (' I" A IT A NTEED. taTl'.M.I. OH WVITK Poll Pltll K LIST Ali.l lir SKiN. "?V8 CLOTHING ! Gents' FMisliai GraS?, k. J. M. Kosonlnuim, ItAEKHIII, N. C, Baa rocrlTol bin FA LL ANI) WINTKK STOCK. OF oioTniuc inn Cents' Tnrcisbing Goads, whl.-li la Dm ' T 4 a t - W" Ia Dot uri.aawl III (he Slate, mil will bo a..i1 CHEAP. All t.r.lera will rvlo I'KOMPT ATTENTION and j j SATISFACTION OUAUAN TEED ' On. H, IfW. tm. Advertisement. ARE AGAIN! ont STOCK IS COM PL kit: I ot'li (.(lOD.S a i: x : w: THK ALL h'UillT .Cookiug Stove. rim iiihiitsil;:!.-.!. s- ik ihw r..r (till Cclrbratad h'.ovn, nun, .un. .. .. the . ui. Ik- iliatl nvr TW KNTV-l-iVK 'I lliifSANI) of IhfsM rSi.ivc tmvei l.is-n iid"ilini mt lusian. r ilii-y linvi gKm um mm PRICES VSKY LOW. and BiiiiHis, NOU I H OA UOMNA. JCLIL'S LEWIS 1 CO, KAI.KIvitl, N. C Ml.. I-Kt .-li IV TI. e I . rKsr u: - r MM -.ur .-Ulln us M.-n'i ..ii'tU'-r's t, wrll Y7. IX. LE02oJA21J), watciimakku and jew 1:1, iu. an. I .lralrr In j WATi nKi, CLOCKS .ll:WKIUT 11'KCTaCIM rvK-ei si.s e., e. i li..ilrlni; ..fall kin. Is ..nr .11 ali.rt nrnlr Itt SBS- UlP T.TJl iM'St PIVI... t-.-.-l !tUlll. 'II ffiTnn io IB y nma liromi.iir mranirnsl. . c23.'..ij. '.:r ?A3RE!;S HASH cAUAhl. Tha r-.t. nna aarl nn.t FiuMaatiaal Hair l.rr.ii.a. 'Sa lem fain ft Item i.WiKTaili jroutliful aalta fray nr. joc aM at Baaaat inta'itl. Iloreslei Cilijm PARKER'S A Purt family M;dl:lm tit at Kevjr l.tui. If v m are a itif hsi.ic oi .twt, wrm mi irti iivenM.tl:. or a t".itrr run lm i I v Urm'-f fall hwii duties try akicmhS (Wnorr Iwmc. If y.ri -.re a ! twver. miu.rr pr lumMH imatiMi.lhv n-.i .l -..:-. , r ini.nul MM mmt take uito'xiCAtuig HjiuhUuu, but um W ' (it - Tunic. l, rin iry k (ti:iti.iitttv ct M yi;i are irttiiu. wxnxwmy fUwriierofititiiM(:.ro-n.i.n buwel. hlrwd wHnu youoiii l ecurcal y pAKKru'r i.lNbSB TK. Ifvouare wtttuig w.iy trm bm4piia r anyiUfaveor wrjRiifu mi rtr-jmr mimuImH k t ii'.u" m I ,wc at once: Umi'1 mviforaic ml hutd iu up in-tn ne i"t H tnt frr isttiMM. tt i jif.tvi.ii hn ..iti!cf lifi ii mj m fMHt. I!prni 4 CO.. 1M W"i,n i. J- Tnk. m m4 Ok M !, l tl Uj,'t 'H . .KM. URtAT SAVIKO ("TIN . ffOT-LAR I 13 zos. 1 XsT-'x r4..v.: "1T yX, w