FORTH E FARM AM) HOMK. Exen-ldUK Bulla. Bulls ncwl exercise iu milcr tn it lain their best iU-v-l -nt. Tiny arc coiiiinoiily kept iiPictivce and without traininsr. timl so ln'cmno vi- icus dangerous, as well as loMiii; in part the power to get strong and igurniis calves. A bull that i wurU-.-il in the yoke, or is trained in sumo other way, is seldom u'!v or datigeruiH, and is likely to beget ealves of greater vitality than when made sluggish by routine- inent. Valuable thoroiigh-brc d bulls sometimes receive necessary training and exercise, but lower grad"s .c Jilom have any attention id' the kind, though they need it in an ecpial degree. Fool Hot ill Mircic I'rofessor Stalker, of the the l,r,va Agricultural College, gius tic the JloMitti'wl the following ' lire f"f foot rot in sheep: "The follow ing will ap jly to the majority of rae. of simple fooi rot: - All loose 'ilakes of h,.r;i .-InniM bo carefully pai'ed olT aiel lie- hoofs trimmed to a j'iccper shap . The foot should be thoroiii;hly cleaiol w ilone uc in a tar bandage. We simply put on tar an'l bandage w it h a bit of strong cloth. If there is muc h ulceration, a i (ironic sore he.v ing been formed, touch the surface with a solution, mi" jiarl sulphuric or hydroi'ie acid and three parts water. Mnw as ;tl . The jctiimal shoiiM bp kept where aslitti.. wet and filth a po.-.sibe will p-a. h tlie teet. The Dulle r WoiVl I , There are several reasons iv hy hmtc r v on't come w hc-n chiintc il. I'll" most ficvpiipt (.'ite is the c'v.iin i. tcco sour. This may happen from too keep ing the eivam. or too warm .1 pi,c or trccm the food. When the I',!1 si .i..n changes the pasture it may h:ie tin.' fleet of j.roilncing aeiclit'- inhc milk instead ttf its usual alkalinity. P will very probably remove the ti-..ii.'i. p. give the row two ounces of c'-'.iii ...,! t in a i;m1 of 1 ran sk p twice .1 w c .! tor two days running, mti;.i:; ,1 pith, moliisses or a teaspounlul of r in to disguise the tate. This will r.ip.ivp any acidity of the stomach, mid li eg" the tone of the system. The i,,At time therrenm .i-t in thi- way. after it foams up. pour i:rs"vv piav' of cold water, in whie'li a t"a-pc.oni'ul of -,it-pet re and one of sail Vive been di -solved. Long cliuriiin:," ei.i.'i , t,e, butter anl makes it rancid. t-IW. A never failing well, or the house h'uI 1 1 j barn, is a era'imi, and it should 1 !'. pasture. In tin- droug'i! vummcr, wle-n so many failed, some farmer h.i i their cccst the value of a g nng. near ova! d sicl :el iu e'.-ery f li-- pa 4 ,..-!is p.,.,.. I. to . i:jpl ef it-cl todr.t -v i; pure wafer, They hav from a longdistance l'cf I'.i.nily stij j I.-, and daily to drive cittlo. m-;.-- to ti;e ne arest river or spring. Tin's ha- taken a great thai of time and l.i ! -r. and Ike .attle have grown thin under the scourge of scant forage, aid thir-t. The lesson is, to dig the well a I'ov feet deeper, at whatever cost. Take upttm curbing if there is soil at the bottom, and dig d. cper. If there is rock at the bottom, drill with a two-inc h bore, si or eight feet deeper, ap. evi-lnde giant powder, or dynamite and rein! the rock in every direction. This will often reach some seam, and let w .it. i- i us), in. If the drive w.-!l has (ailed, gi f a m-v J'ipe. and drive it down scleral p-e-t deeper. It is tuiie-h i-lu-aper i.luw an iron j.ipe a few f.-et r a .lav . than to drive cattle lomr ilist.iii.-.'s for v atc-r. .-1 1,11 riinii J,- A. I liiscilirntioil icl' eeil. J'rofc -sor .b-lm-toa i l.i-.-iio-.. :.. i ,(. . c-c rding to tlmir clayey or aidy pr. - c i tiotis. thus : 1. Pure t lay froiu w hi. h no --.ii:r an be- waded. 2. Mrong i lay or luid. e lav. which (olltailis froiu live te welily per c i nl. of sand. " Clay w hi- h c-onlaiu- twenty to forty je r nt. of .-ami. I. Loam, w hic h ha fr. - a forty to f'-venly per rent, of . aiel. .. Samly loam, wliie h ha- fr-m e-v-f "ty to ninety pi r . e li'. ef ..anil. c. Light :-!iiid. wiiieh ha- b tl .ui tt-n jeer cent, of lav. Study soiN, Dun, are 1 1 .. . which consist mainly of L'r.nih of im !. ot silica, or Hint, and an- c alled -liii-i. m soils. Nature never bestow ee uiioti man a soil of greate r capability of be ing made lastingly fertile than the sandy, light soil of New Knglaiul. (iravrlly soil needs te description, though there are rich gravels and poor gravels, depending upon the r.-cks (.f which they are- composed ami tic tib- stances which are mixed; igthein. Clay soils consist largely of alumina ; that is. having such an abundance of clay that it is called the- "day metal.' Clay itself is a compound of silica (sand), acid, alumina, and w.iter. It also contains potash, soda, and lime, It forms .1 compact, fatty earth, sidi to the touch, sticky in a moist state, and very hard when dry. Chalky soils have been formed from rocks in which lime w as abundant. J'eaty soils need im description; al though they differ very widely. Alluvial soils are formcjl by di peedt ef sand, loam, and gravel brought elow n ami legs; chop the lean ; salt and pep fly rivers. They are cjj'ten very i ich, per to suit taste; acid the liquor the l-eing composed of a multitude of thin l -gi were boiled in, and last, but m-t layers of mud in which all sort s ef fcr- h ast, a teacupful of vinegar and a kit. tiliziog materials ure mixed. Loamy cupful of catsup toevcry gallon. When miils contain a large portion of decayed thoroughly cold it can be tut out in matter, humus or muck, as it is called, slices. I W'o idy lllne in a .'t.iteof ilreay .T-quires a dark color and ultimately beeoine mould. Loam contains a variety of. ingredieids, as clav, sand, lime, in ad dition to i imi ii--. It is a loose, fria'd" j description of foil, ca-y to . nl'.iviit". and as to texture js the most ili'Mtni'Ic description of laud for purpose. of til lmrc. Xttr '., !l'7(. l-'liliil unit l.ttl'tlrti Indian corn should be feci sparingly to low U with white diiinagc gives the feathers a yellow tint. it One of the best modes of wa'i ring :'t.ock in winter is tec have a c istern in one corner of the barn ba-eiietit. If enclosed eiu all .-ides with it double wall i! will raroh freo.o in the e-o.e-st winters. The water tha falls on a :'.ci pi f.-et barn w ill supply t.-n head of slice k Ih-oiiitli the w iider. Wh re fowls are ccciiliu'-d c'oiit'y the i art h iu I lie yards should be loosened or spadi-d up fi-i ipt'-ntly, that the birds may tateh. I'yd itii t i i i ss the-grouud is kept fresh, and the droppings are mingled with the soil, and a' the same time i (jives healthful ofcorcisc. tirecu eeititain w-irms or the eggs of insec ts, a; well as green food. should be cast into their pens. The linding of these" gies fresh impetus to th .erati hing, ainl relieves the moiiotoitv of their daily lives. A' the New York ' t'e c periment farm the result of different of riltie4 and planting potatoes were very marked. Peep rut sitttjli' i-v-s proehiced to. i.-t and best market alike pi.tatofs; but sinejle cye.s e-ut -hallow were ve ry inferior. Pr. Sturle vuut's '.pl,i!iation of this is that the eyrm of the potato penetrates ehi'plv into the potato. In shallow i-ntting muc-h of this germ is destroyed and the plant corte-.-pondingly en'crbled. p thus leak' -, all the i i ff n-nce how the potato i; cut . Kgus may be kept in goed onler for si mourhs by dip; ing i hem into wann tallow, and afte r they are cool puckinc them in sawdust ; rover with -awelu-.t and make . -is tuailyaif tight as peis-j-hio. and put away in a dry, tool A-hes -hoiild le ver N- thrown upon mainife heaps, te r misc. I with any kind "f in, mure', as the eau-ti. potash liberates the ammonia, w hic-h is very eiiii'u nit to save. Therefor" spread ash: s immediately upon the land, whe ther grass or i ultiva'cd. The n-e of earr.-ts fc-r fe eding horse a i-ijuite' common, but this root i- m t fell as lltlli h to eiCV s as it ought to be. Sip f the have ui, ii'.e the larg. st Putter and milk yie-lds -1 1 r "id are ( d laru'e'y on carrots. A pe-ck of carrot - a .lay is not an rvt ssi ,- ratjei. thoiPih i in ay appear P" be -o to the oi-''v farieicf. The fop is one t !i it oll!it So be Ulcere llse.-ll (of tills pU! poe. Many farme rs ,niure their f-irm implement- Here by exposure to the wcaihr than byu-enii the farm. An implement which with good can' w otild last twenty v cars, w ill, w hen cpese-e to the' Wea'lier. bcei'liie. Use-less in five years or even less. A farm cart which, with good usage, woulel last almost a lifetime, will last only a few years whe n exposed tee the sun. Mouldy stalks are often the cause of si. knessaiiiongcatth'. which isehargcel to horii-a;l." or some other imaginary or ohse ure disease. Throw out all Mim'ty stalks atid bum them. They are u't w In lose mo food, and the sc at tered smut will be very apt to infest the crops another year. Provide bedding ami ab-oilie-nts in abumlajie-e., sec that the animals will have a eh an and dry beet eve ry night, and tec im rease the farm capital the manure le ap. Scarcity of hciMing and mate rial to absorb the li.piids means decreased capital and fertility. Mirror a. ill !':) no i: leVe'lier. I'e.e iiAVI T .It MPI.PS. - Half , poUIld of I utte r, one pound grated e annt, i, ( eg., one pound of white sugar, as mm h (lour a; will make a dough. Pe at sugar ami butte r tec a cream, a id voiir i ggs. well beaten, and cocoanui. L i-tly. stir in the ilmir until pretty ttf. l.oll ell! in Strips abeiut feinr mi hi s long, join the ends and bake in' bc.tte fi-d t in -. Tcct To prepare Pca-I suitable (or inv aluls. cut stab" brea'l in slices half an im h thic k, ami trim off the crust ; then (mid it far enough away from the tire to dry it before browning it ; it should be of a delicate brown color and quite dry in the middle ofthe slice; ill this condition it is more easily digested than when made so quickly that the moisture of the bread remains iu it. til i;m Pins.--Half pint milk. live eggs, two large specoiis ileeitr. two ounces butter: bake in small tins or cups: till them half full ; they require a quick oven ; a few minutes will bake them; to be eaten as soon as they are out of the cups, as they will fall if allowed to cool. Hkah CiiiiKsK. - Clean the legs ni. civ and boil bv themselves, so that when done there will be plenty of the liquor. 5oi the upper head, minus n.irs. eyes and nose, with oiisidcrable b an meat, tenderloin is best, and w hen deem' remove News and skin from head LADIES' DEPARTMENT, I'ee-leioei rnne'lr-e. Langtry bonnets. gloves and slippers are the rage. Ii 'inan striped silks are usecl for full- ilriss occasions. ('tit and amber beads border new F roil i h hats and bonnets. Arabesques of satoucho are thelead- nig jacket and wrap garnitures. Faicy feathers of every doseript ion arc the rage-for millinery use. Telegraph. huar. ch'ct lie and royal are four ve-iy popular .shades of blue. IJoyal tardinal j.e.kcts are very I'a-hioii.ibly w iu ti ov er black skirts of silk, - al in. or cashmere. Si arlet i loth, w ilh eider-down woven n it. is a light and cecmforlable. fabric for w i.der underskirts. Pound and ov al-shape-d brooches are inipieted now that every lady is sup plied with long, .sle-iiili-r While fell poke be.nm-ts trimmed with while nil. lit Velvet, white feathers jiti.l some gilt braid, are worn by young Ptibv, very dark plum gold, u brown are the sha 1 Vl'glle tof Veve-t eji.lUicei ploineiiad.-. The . g-eef-muttoll sl'-evc tor. ami t in lb" I or hav. pro e. cc.ssfiil. Put tic i l".e e are now slight Iv e a I-li i "I i-d at tic top to 1:11 them above the ann- llol-. Tb" ( irietital i lo.iking.- m-e.-.t f i loon ii'-tlii; vv int. r are of uiiec silk am! we istei! in tine e mi shaw 1 !--r t -- a'i l ,. ri' b and aii.ibie,!o;. I'e.pjier- e-le.rcel -ilk a'lio!ve' e.-lll- l-eia' 'i di -c . are among 1 1 1 - ne.-l .e. i J, ,- tie- -.1 a ..'U. Kmbrecide rv on li le . ! ,ll..l mull ' I '!''' '1 be- ide. gOnps are t hi t rimming -. Pl.ii-.l;-of t very di.-it iptH-n Ki-mao. I'.l vt lie. I Vi' ,c;d !.-- ill c ' V i -1 v icape and .o'e w.-rn I r ,-kirt-, wit h oe r .e k-t s ot v i !ve t or plu h in a in. no. liroi ulcer. Pi iihtU.d ration tor towel.; ami r ipkm- '--i ' its. ti this f. rut : Tbc-thr- -lib .ere ib a " n I eit p gu l.ii nit i t -v ,i(i t;.i i a il''-l'il c, work.cel i'l tile- Kit i r - t i' (t . ok ere ,1 th re.l'ls eit b et ui l-c t'i iig-!'"!'e, I u( t.,i-li"le, of e i il- spc h.or bv simply i 'V nv-t -ing. A tli'V." t'!' ii i- lii Use w !-'i h is a soit ot i -ml- nation of P-atle r and 11 -S- t id b. atl'l 1 Ve rv Ifeet iv e upl'll c.l'iv.i.. 'Ih;; c.-;is;sts ilj wi-ikiog a. i. P.- o vaiving li-rigth into ami oi- t 'V -.-M I a- il eetlee-r. in e- e l tb'- M' 1" ing -' -If' Me -.ii. i a w ay ri- t- a'.te-ill etc l-.-l- I Ih! h l P-'-i it 'ire .-.-dil -Wo-k t -.:l . !.i .. , -c. .Pc.-'l bv gath. r ug ri'o an i!! ! w el.- at ititi I -. a!s lemg it into th --hap. -a a v and I a me; it w it !i a .-w 'le - i'i Pie i . :,t..- ol a :.d t! n P ili 1- I' .'l (el ' t !'i ll ' V e 1 V e t . . V pre My -. .i( I T ' tie p.ale- a-'.- i,,a h- ill o . lip.tcv ci,ns; n. with '-m h r.c-e-I w.-rk ill I ,l-i "ii e a: l ie d "Hi a( t he e lei-. A ru-leleeeeectili- Mieee-eiitilee-l- Oct V eeeeieli' I l'c-1. I'll" fee t of AlmTie.llis .ire. as a rule. e -mall- r and lighte r bu id than-tin- (c-i-t of l'ngbsliiin-n. and have more arch and higln r m-tc-p-. I worked iu tin- bc-st London shops Pe-fori- coming to t Li - e eiimtry. and I know there are plenty of I ig feet among tin- Fugli-h aristocracy. The feet ofthe Amiiican la !,e-are -iiialb r th.m those, ed' Fng 1. !i l.idi. .. but the A tnerii au ladies aro apt t" distort their feet in a wav that I' ladies do pot. Now. by right- the last on which a shoe is made- ellglll lo b- three s,-, fug, - th.lll the fo..t. There are four si. -p, an lie h. so that Would give tl :'ee-.,iiarte-s of an itnh room to the p...p An F.iig:i-h. vvoiiia'i will take -in h liica-ureice,t, but if y.Hi make- .-hoe s m that vv.ivf.-i American ladie-s you will havethelu left on your hand . Yoti e .mmet make tin- -hoe more t 'nan fruin a de ami a h.llf to (WO ses j ee e'c the I Vil' t length of the foot. -Anything I can git my loot in I call wear," they i.,iy,aml s'e We give plenty of wielth between heel and ankle, so that they ran slip their fee t in, and they deen't seem to mind how the ir teces are pinched together w hm th" foot settles llltee the' sheer. Tic result is the Knglishwoinen have a trier, e.e.sicr gait than Aim lie an we. me tc" Thep eirrn nl dire-e-rep. Ifnecn Olga looks ery P.cli-h. al thecugh she resembles lmr aunt, the queen of Hanover. The (irand Duke Constantino was vi, e-cmper-r .f lius- ian l oiaim wnen sue was a emm, which accounts for so mm h in her air and manner which reminds one of the Warsaw ladies. The face is very regularly proportioned, and yet met in the le-a'-t classical. Her hair is still very line, and curls naturally. It is draw n hack from the forehead with a e,...,bsnehas wrs.'einn,ejiict..resof ".Mic e in v oiiiici i.iini. i lie lace js round in its front contour. It is lighted up by a pair of dark, beaming ryes, which have a soft ami kindly expres sion. The queen is simple ami natural. She looks at once gentle and a woman if spirit. In giving informal audiences she plays a good deal with her mops ; i,l,"ut ". ,H N,.""1 gallons. .f wimjand dog. Like the king, she is m.-re and ' ,H,",M, gallons of hrandy. inoie struck each time she revisits- Some French chemists have sue France with the vitality of the French , in solidifvinie- petroleum, in people, their happy activity ( for, as which state it bin nsffke tallow. Thi; busy as t'.iey are, they have time to solidili. ati.m u rffected by adding lo look around them and seem to enjoy ' distilled petroleum '..' per cent, of the, keeping their eyes open), and their purified juice of plants belonging In extraordinary prosperity. e the family of the Luphorhim fur. , N IINTIHO M'lMI'. I It i - i st incited that the . limited ll'otl production of the world is !'.'. P-7'd' tons, and of this (ireat I'.iH.iin, tlia I'nited States, (iermany. and Pianci contribute ss, p,.r cent. tic lir-t two ' pi,; p,.r ,.,., The Pfiod of animals of an he i biv ot ,m, nature that have bet u a-t lini.tMel iu elevated regie ens has been found by . p. p.ert tube richer in oxvgiit than the blood of the similar animals in- habiting lauds mar the leve l ot the sea. Au expedition tmderthc e pe rii tn i'd clirc t ion of Pr. Fischer is to cxpl-ec Fast Ce ntral Africa, cros-ing thcu.-w Mountains ami entering tic (iada regions. It has an eye to comim r r as wdl as investigation, and the Hamburg icographii -a I Society ha; voted l-'i,.1"! maiks a-, a grant in aid. The blood of crabs and He r criMa- e eaiis has be" 11 proj eel by M rt'eil. rii q tohav e the same salim e "ti d i'ut i-m ami the -ami- strong ami I t'i-r taste a ; the wat.-rs they inhab;'. ll'it I!:.- btiMiel of .-.-a li-he-S is VCIV d.tVl-le pt. p has not the -ami- coi!.-t,;ioi .n vv .iter, .-! th'i s'tcews a inarked . upe. ri--rity . r that (,f crab... The iluratioti of thf sP-rat al ePiv piaci' ih pends upon the- e-v P ut of the storm, and the ck"iiy with which it .i Iv am -es. If the -p. i-m be only Inn mil- .s in diameter, and advance-, t vv c-ni y md'-s pe r Iciir. it- cPiratjon at any pl-ee- c aiitft exceed live hours. If the d'.im. tc-r of the storm be greater, or its progress I -ss rapid, its duration at a give-n la-v will l.e in -. a-nd. Au It.ihau h i- d:-ovireil that the'liiug of silk w-em rges may p.-h.c-'i nod by trie" ion. Tlo- pro.-."-, , on. .-'st . c.e nt id I iu bru.-hing lie cow Vig" fof t,.l of twelve-imputes w itli a ni'di-iati iv hard bru -h, to i le "c fe-rablv ..f than litti" n eav ht'-h mi lcil'hv a that w .IV, .f -c grass, p, the e ergs thus tre a', d with a piii-im! a i - i-md in tie- u bhiilts ill llemeliilii, P is midday, an 1 the town is l row. I'd with I . ..f both sexe . - v.- ii ciin to tie1 hot-1 we-tiieet a string "I tilli cn mul.s kid. ii w ilh 6ugar ,-a' ks. criv. n P-rvvard I y i d-.-l-ii teal native'., o.i M i.-a:i -a I ll-s enve l..p.-. ja a in'iltitudi' of my ri'"i - i-oi,n, 1 1 ip ping-., and e mid.- rsoiiie externals, l ,r. al. a.. . c.f lc'igh,ig ycimgwomin c'c'iiong in fr. in i!, nutty, rlding a ace oi-elimr I'1 the custom of the ! e e. W iih lid . ioll -tle-s of , l- i a. i Is r.t-..mi nt. ,i ... us w ithco.pu tti-l id i'H " . rh.-v :ilt :. vv, II, and ...-, -i a'-.-Iut. ly at c.i-e i'i Heir lnatilv ,.!P- tud. M... tli.e Ic-pie c ritn-i-ni j.; jmp,,,- j. W i by and by .ise..ver that the '- .-'(id -mil. . are 1 veiled at our lb v- nii',' man carries on :) .1. h niPtiKi;- lii-. .f le'iiiee-nl or (half age list the I nt-i cpe-.t ri ens w ho go bv .Itoiciiig Irolii their ;p,uklingryes it;d ready i. Pert hi- r-marks ,-ir--r. g irded a - favorable indications ,.f his approval, iiiat oiircab!.-, v.a-a "rate h" ill the liiatiiiiionial market, ami his ciop' y bmigalovv aio.-;.- po-ses..ion, ra:s,, him still higher in our estima tion. Finally, we-laud in the market-place, an op"ii square, with l.-ng narrow 1 "'s "l" at tin- .-;.!, s. forming lie tatigular passages ..r purc hasers. I li re elderly elaim-s are pure basing poi ami the simples adjunc ts of their dadv food. (u. unities of uiiinv it injgdc coking lish lie e xposed on the stalls, advertis ing eiilorifereellS stalcpess. Sweet polatoi a-ad fruits are piled upon the ground beneath at the me rcy of peripa tetic p.uill rv. We resist pc-r-iia ion to buy or to tat. The i-dopus, vv e arc ml .ri'.iei!. "-opstitutes a Hawaiian deli c -a. v . but w . eo not se e- any. ami are chary el be lioving trave He is tales. As We p.l .s along fl,p Ktr.-et . we- lleeticfd -. 'c-t d Ame rican laches, radiant in Parisian loili-lles. dese-ep, ling froiu the ir buggies at different shops. We learn that Cahforiiiatis frequently resort to Honolulu for rest ami c hange. There ate al o resident American merchants in the town, which pioPahly accounts for the vigorous life of miTi"m ile price e-e-elings. 'n. fertile soil and salu brious i lunate., a heat w e ll tempered ,y sea bre-ces anel constant showers, m ike it a i h iriuii;g speet for a t'-mpor-aiy residence l.'-mli ii Sm-htt;, Ceenv ii i labor i, is Peon employed to Midi an extent in India that the gen eral government has interfered and is taking nieasuresto regulate it. Private dealers complain of the present roinpt tin,,n anil pr,-;l,,.r iSscs which they anticipate from (hat cause in the future. Further introduction of steam machinery into the jails is prohibited, and steam machinery now used in those institutions is to be disposed of forthwith, (iovernmeiit depart ments, after iail reeiiircrm uts are met. are Pi ,,f. ,,,,-,-,,, ,,v ,.si,n ,,,,-,,. , SiW , Iiriv.l((i ,nl,r, ;,ro , , (n. ceeliragecl. clirapo growing is considered to be ten times more' profitable than wheat growing in California. It isedimated that the 'mid ihis season will reach Tre.."int 1,(1(11' pound- ecf grapes, represent- The pf-i s iu in- at i i up , vi iv iiliiu elato in ih'ini.i, ,e ' .ct'lnii' Pcllii'. old l"ll tin . i a -uie Mejn ,. ,, , ,.,. h od v ml. i ' 'I'll VI' Ml M . o ei iilxn 1 Pit.., Pie, !. ,i, I, I, ,e ,.. I., ... . ft e-n, iimii.- We It..' IP .1-1, i;. hi lo H I lHs III! II'. I e. ' li- i,;l,-. lp.t I I, ,,'IC ,- , le' li In - i- .. e.fcV j. .. i Mix vuv'i I'iii .si, ii. imi i II... Iililv -. I :. 1 1 em nl l.e e ( I .on ii-i.. el - , . 'e - . I, ,,., . ;,,., p , ,. mC. Ill- I.I I tititoii:-, I .! i,e-at in;: iMiilil' ii amine a.''. 1 1 e ; mi itiieil.le t c a- a em ell .ci-iil. i'i io.iiu i-m ii.-. lie ii, unit nil li.ine. .l (I'lii ,!,-l.l-U; .,1 ... .,. i i e, , .,. ,j ,..,1,,,! Ile ell-. Mlellel lie le--Hi! .'I I vlimi t.i, lull (Ml- I-m P.etle.ll. Mil l IVoll, en i,- i, ill i I e ., I'.u l.-llP ! iv ll .--ill t il ; t i telei i.i-ii V i-.-iii.'m-it-. ( - -.-II. II-.. . i t ,1 to. i i.i lain, i ,-.- v., i, pi,; 1. 1 ,(,,,, . 'the li. i-i - - i e! ei in ti.- i-i.niv iiinlia..". n la- Im. e-l l.-.,:-e . , ! ,c id- e- Is onP , eili..ll! .1 il. Si. ' ... t'e' i i o.l, uiee II. 'iir O lii'e i. .' ..,'... . - ei,,.v Mi-l-ie i l.o l I ,-t ,1, l.;.i . ;:, -ill, i i- . ii-,-. ,,' initial s. I'i a v i i e -' -I i d I-, b.v we aili,:'s I'.i .1 P!l I' led he, i ... ISil'l. Ml I-. th i:xtv.i'iii it inn ii to t in:. IT ' I '-!. Kilh-I. I I o. -I- . l-e I . ll . .1- .'I U1.-.1 !,. , . I., -, ..... . ' ..,ai, , ..o. CI,, j I euia; --o--, t- I ..,..(. ;.ll t,-i . .eian -. ei II'. I,,." Hi. ; e' :,e.i,i-. ll, I-. l-it I. -a Jl.eo e-M-e. II. ... I.'. I I-" 1. I ! ... I- II,,- . to .! -. -.1 I I - ' l i: ' ... p.,- i-t -' ... : : . !i - r. is ih -n cur. I -I .i l- . I'- ,-t P::. w m II VI I.-- l.vl.SAM f'oi. l Oi 11 Sc. ln le . i,. . I , .' 1 -i 1 i. I ii- i.-i I ic.t.i I I ! ( -I-: i I k ii :i..-. .n - : e-.-. In ..llli. b ll. i; t-li p- XV ft .-. M i l !'..,'' I (' l"tl M' i. ,ei i-l-l, eiein .....I 4'.-ii....etl. llllieenN. It - c M . .,. f leir-l. iiheermtinr us,: i ' ; e ..u I THE riNEST IM Tt:n WORLD,""' o; r.... ' t- I I '-.- - tn. .i;, V I i t.i.j ra r - i-t IU .-;,,., ( , -!.., ! Il'ltt I '.It Xht. lives the Jn.".i3s Brotherst llte - li'V .': leli. t' P' v' Pi ' ,M.-Mhi1 OulhiMc., "The kU::""' "Kictarlo! Family liiblo.'T: Ii -ei..,. I. .He re.l eV .- I.-.I ' -e .'. ii -j-'k.'. nti"o,."i. ' ... i'. . .- -. f n I ism.i u-i ji , I'l.cmrl l.i. n.i.-.s. s. e coi -e. w.-l- fi--.i. !' t"f -' ! t r-m. l-'-r j li Hi hill ' , ' . i- ee. coiihr.-i i c-'0' r :r.i3rt.N. ri.. K, CS, PJ & 1 n.t -ej,,:;..m 2'l...('r, tlUv U 'WEBSTER'S' UNABRIDGED. Pi ';ve:s-.. jv-HrAry r-r e.- it. j 4 It CSS Ti '.va v v iv ... rtllThMl SJ A L I C ! A n Y IN ITSf-LF." 3k'A4 JL v. i.. . ,.' i .: vi :,-.y : I .-..ei. I - a -.ti . TiJS''l"'''",1',,i '""'ir- BEST? 880E.5DAY C5FT. M -. i , ; . . I'asie.t-. 'ar. , Te--.e It- ; r.'lillel, I i-e.-ieh li-li.l.n.ltsr-a.-lav.W. I- .e-i. --r i-'.y . 'h- r . ' ' j It Is the l-e-t let-.u-lii. il l n-11 le Oie li.en.iry l viaetl. , , .. , -, , ft Is . til i ri -r--icil ,.itll I e ll.lMe "irlieeeil it'i;-t. i t.. On- Ml.jr liiniilv. s .s. ..-t i. C. k C. MERRIASI & C0 J?u! ...-eta ; ,,M;.-.,. tiet-.:lieie et'i-t n-.f.l!i-iii e-iot-i; I ii(.-t T ter e, cspie-i!'", ('-mul-lie., st . Vil'iee ltt,-, i.e.;- 1 :i. I'll i li l II. I Pi.. V. Cl. : II. in. Pile en, M. II, i. it. is. ieine..'r-., ii.l "II -if. et. 'til.n-ll. eer'. i-r K,.liie-, i-r ill-e itiieutee A lie-rve. i K-. eipi-e-lire-r iir i:iii.i!i 1. S4MAUI. AM M l: l.K i in-l-iit-l". 'I'd.tteieiii.U t. il i'iti tc eli in. s-t'll -ie.;..Illil I I i lei ee- Mtftiill.Lel !!,ee 'fn-k.ia .t.-t.i. l-.r i- I ei I rill'MHi.S. A. IIK M tlOM) )l l)l( APt O.. .c'lc Preepi irl.n-.-?.. .I....eil.f .lo. f.lAS0N&HAr.1L9N -ire- r.-rteiiii!i ln.e It-t.itiz l, t-o ,l.-i r--l nt I V I ItV l.ltl-.VI' uinii n's imii vnn ti, lO.II'l.TirlllN leer .-lTI I.N I-M lt! tie Ihe-r An.i i..-:.n C en-ette. hieilllv I I -IIIC'I e.U-ll ..t eice ai. cm: ri:r. ' ,n- -""n e-ta.-. cui'.-ie-m c.-liipee-t icii'l p-w.-r. ii. l-"-t 'Intel ty. t.e- p-.puliir ii. iim: 111 inti:i iitiii 11 f 1.1 i Hiiiii, S i-,, Miii. ml', ;k, sd.i, iiiis, hi i i, I,. K?ilM n 1 up" :it 1. ... Ii'... ie" - -v ... e.i'.-l ,, ,e, i-r M V ll.l.rTA PIANOS; M: n.i.rTi.Ti:i t TAi.iii i. ui:i:. Tlllie ('--mi ,-tiv liive. f-ntiinirn J I in i:i-it.--T-ir,. .it I'lilf.lll KAMI PI AMI. l'i!i--.l en'S ' . et.t-l.liil t . . -e-.-f a nil lii'leicy . t I ti.. .11 I !ei!..ti!t!.v. Il'.t .. -. -, !. eveW -.-... Il.l.l TII Ti:i IK ( I'I. It, trith f.ill .iirei.- HICK. Till: ll A HPII.h OHdiAN AMI . AMI III., I.'il Tr.eiliillt l Iteesluil! til P. I III) . ark; I III VV celeie-le Ae., hlrnan. AD0TOI1INC0ME 1,1 li.Mil irvr-Ml!- Ills.'.! t' II t ' f i il 1 1 r 111" T' rt'M-fc'MI GRAIN. PROVISIONS&STOCKS i iii'-HiVr ;ci-ih.' l-m-rti ( 'rnmlniuM rniHiul ot Hi I hil !; I'-it himii wiTklv. Itivhlrii"! mi i'i niftithly. ( litti' i ini''-l Nt Ii.hIc ihnr inonry nt frttt in I .vi tit rcc in. thth-, r-til! v.l mt? t.rittiiu jitii'Ull'it tti.iklhR Mii.lit'V llil'1'lh...r lr!lin'lli,iloiniilMl. MmiT", tHl'ih. J.j'litim;'iri wnt I ret. (n)mllf i irn'Hniilrtii t-nn'i-i I'ir.miiHi' A!irM l. K KFM'Hl, A (o tom'tt Miliic. :; &l J Lit bull c m.. imt aoo. 111. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Ilr.l In the -eresrld. (in Ik (rnulnr Eirrri rarknif. Unei nr lmdes.mar k Had I. ejixkrd Frarcr c. Mil, II KVKIft VVIII RK. Puree.... PitrunlUf Pllle, irWe. e.w iWh III. whI, ami veil) e-.-lll.l.-.'-l) rltieeiile. I he- IiI'NmI iu ttleen Itre. lit the. .- t., .ttlti.. Ant imt e-et tell e will eiitn pill e-a. It liinlit ft, 'ill let.' iee-.-lt ituiy lie. re'-t-reHi ... -.iii,l In , ill h it e.,ii li ee th ni; I- p. li.-. Sl,l e-i,-r) h liere e.r e-t-llt t-ylleeeil t,, le-tteT l.tttipN. I INVEST ONE CENT If Voti haTt nut riH iMVt'tl ttiir AMI id ;utiul llhi-. i - a liit i u mli. i"t Save Your Dollars. j t oomi m ..i. -.s, u.i.i w.ii w ii ..,i i- iu;-:, iirswt. OUR ELEGANT BOOK! CeMi limits i!ptt mt .ih an'l e....e-ripti.nie of .-rcral 1 .,ll,re-.lle..,.1.l.ii,-r VV I !. 1 1: em ..i... I ttee'V A -'-.'. e-l,-. A l-ln -e. WtlllNKV CO KK I.U.itl'J MAelii-t M. L'h-ua. 111. eP-Ubli-h ei XSXJ I e nr. . - milieu r, .-r tie,. lmT! ell.- --; hv " t. t.,, i.t rvf. e.f It,, wor.: lelltil and e.f rT s.ttilttiif ei.-. e Is- 'Ci e-,ei--.1. lee.lw.l, n e-troteee 1. itt f.ihH It. lumA,,., . tirnt I will .,-ee.tTWe) Keryi I KS Kll fK. t- -eiirr -ill, V MIA IUI-. Il-IK A I'lt-ti eiei ,l.l Ulv-Uo, W mmmm K 1 in lull. nl nl. 4 l.ctl.'i no I I ef, d' CURES Mil I MA IP'M, Mil I MA IP'M, .... k. .,1,1,. I l,lll,l,llll I.I ll-'. I I. ill Itnll.le, I I- ,!l VV ..-,1-1- Sl'l.ll-ie.. Ill nl"-'". I I- I ml I'nl.iiiiii, I ui. i 1 Mee natt, c-e.i Si- I. .. I... Unci In-. I i.,-,. . .n ,,),. ,, Sli'iiiie. le, I .-li. . A l I.,-. i, i l Inti i ii il I'ett.i. I i'i.- I' I., I 'U i e I Aluil'IeK .Hi"' ..M I i,i l , ie i I.- I . I .. , I .ihis . e i... ',.- -I le el", I en I I v a. ie,n , i iii i i ... r . e In. . . e . e . o.t. 1 o Lie ,e:-. I'- I ". ' M. I-. Hie 1 1.. .1. VV ii I ill . i; I'.i. i.e. -I- I. II..I.I .s'.li e, I i:-.i k. I IP . le., Mm..-r III r-i'd A. villi n, .: if-1 Pi.i'.i i - j- I iiit'tlel Im mi.-' I All-in i.i. -f l-.i I' -.. Pi ne n.r i (,,,,i, .. i.e. , . y . i Mi lie ie vm l; vtie.i i mi In We l.ave III i 1.. .. . . hll -e o H.i-I l -e i. . lo tl..ll'lt l III.. In. I a.--1 line e e ! I i .in ,1 l mi .ly, I'll. I llil I il ii e nail i- ill-lie I.-e-l I el.. X ill, ii, II l l-e If. llM-.en. Ji t" ete-'lv . 'I lie-e- i eiMiel". Hi- l,t In- a . .In.- i II el,-. ll . li.i-iii.he, . I ll it - t ee I- C. le eee, IsM, I , a. .- e le. !i li:-. n til t e, id . Inn III 1. 1, II,, Piver. I 1 ' I'.I 'e III. . - III i' lll'l' -''It c hi' llil III I lille-1-li. s in,.,, , e-;i j e. l.i'i l.-elt. jileflilf en ay iiy nil. il-li'. To'ia V'.i.'ol iiiM") llli lr, .Tiily fi, l-r.l, Mr''' i'-iT (Uiiia.oei on..-Tim Old -t in. Im. I ;uii. li'. ie.i'ii'i t1"' cl.tri. c-n'jie' navi. aui'iui'iil ef .l.ileii IPuJe.'!-, I . lea." fe"H.-i,d lell ellierilleis iscl". ll i-s lea licinunlly O'eiel. .eeeeiii"i hi in le; it lev m. iit, nnd tioiv thnt lilD'" ..l Im' Im ".. lull nt ef tl. iDiintrv ,e lieetelllhc It, tlie-ta Is ieerr.n wti. it olioulil n et it-ia!.'!' lspo"'"iit Mse C iilne-.e. Norilllliiy leil ll!ulil te ! .' ee t:l-e''. I". I e'l ffllllily Use', Its He l I'S) ItllilllliK 11 !j I . Ill !'!- IIHliS-l-e'USIll'l.'. M'tH 1 A I. NOTK JJ. AH n ! K h ii f.iir trial, hut Pe mrc nivl f..! ov .,e-. il.';:- Hie. li ie-. in Oil nivl re 'r-hnfi'o Wsmi Is ei ii- l.'l- -'ili-l'i i.ll.lll..:i;.M. i.i:t-cnl-e ret in :;i in i;il im ie ti.uieli. ... tiiuetieeUuut Hie o.i'. I. I n. e-; -i.-re ft to; Me eliieeti 10 e.j Fum:! ;:,c.: r!ei-, iil M e- er lnui'lv n-i:ie.-. M:a, U i l-.a . I ell l.e" Upe I t. S. Y., t'J Jitf- c luii; ii.ii.ait.r oil i'..iin. u y. 'mi mm Devil's Lake WXl'xXX: jMOUNTAII?, irJOTj;:,; k,ivek-. I'l-llOl HOMES! iMMNMMM ACKKS of rvrti'.c Covci-nmcr.t Ianl In IMOKTK DAKOTA, in th.2 Oram! Fuiks Ijuiii'i District. Sectionsl Map ivb.1 full informntion sunt rBUil to anv pcHrcse in ttie wer'.J S 'V rvpcyinff lor l'ui.h'-.ttvou ilo. 10, to H. C. OAVIS, A -c. t.- -,.-ril f.i -.-e-UT.-i i.r., M' P Al I, MINN St. Paul. Minneapolis f Manitoba Ry Consuin.ytio.i Cr-nl fclc :'r ( nrepe CiiittiiiMifi, !'!', ':riMtiiML f u lltifltn. Itrittii 1 .'' u'l.i . iM'tMi'.ill', lliiiiltt itf-s A4rl:iiiri, ( litt-r. W t"m.liM mtiili, rif a nil )i-i-f-f-n of the Hrt Mtni 4 Ol vniis. It .( tit .ul Mt-nlt 1 1i t mtit i t . vi th' I.iiiim-. I.iUmi mihI MUitirl Im tin ilKraM', hihT prrn-iii III' 1. If. hi t it Mtul lliuitliio'Mki Hr -. tin- rlimi -nMcli tiriNimiMi n It. f iMiintnjiiioM I.t) rt tin liirtiruiilf iititiiittt 1) ll - itlll run tun ifi n nul nttl IimI). tr i.isu r:Jl-ni' fe.'O Ui' f I THE BEST FAK'LY MMlM Two L'ollars. Domorcnt'a Illiihti ,itl M-ietlity. Bolrtliy nil KeiwKelculcrn niet Pev.tiiini-P-rit, Se-llfl twe-tltv ce-llteej leer n Hlie'i 1 11. I'll -teiy t I W. JENNINGH BtMUIILl', Pliliiufl?!', 17 XT. 1-i 111 til., Mew Y.eik. The jrc-w Volunti.. lf, reiiciieii-nrie wltu November. Sciieinri Y t'EUTH tier thruo months; It -will mitixiy ynu that yon tun subscribe Two II-cIIhis Pr it ye-nr Bull .it ten times its veiliic. THE EASS! I.K.IIT nn.l HI-T.tVV s U AMI. I.. Mrle-lly polletlip'. VI.-, -AV Vlll.l, l:S.IM':se. Iluell hj 1(1 sl'l.l. A- I'll.. IptilPile. Ol.lee. Seuel fxrt'ietjliiftitee nntl I'rie-e' -t. l..ei.. in,. .H-r. c 11CISJ TX!MV EI1STIC TSUSS MM I'M ellBWeiet rmtii .1 1 oltMet, li reipilup,etub Bvlt-AriluURf H.11'0 cinur.taptollHlTlaill txvllloM of IU bodr. whIU tha IUI Ii to ! (mnpranM Iwck it IIIWUDMinill Je"Uipe-i.n.l4 mmj, imeua ' 11 veiuneei.lle:.l iBftodBtcbt. CMi-l. fadCtAlcuracrWn. I fi4 t...s fi.ot by mail. OrculMi lew.' LGQleESION TBL'SS GO.. CblcMflTllL CIV "i" ?Tfti'ci'l"e"V . .'.V;"".'."""""' '""j tfS BllWi.-ii Vl M"(VlW" 3 .V".4W US, IMC. Bim, Hmm. left, el e,l mHMN. MT eir.l. l-lle.r e. I'I. . ,r S.-eMl-. ei Chn-I 111. Ciir.l. VlSiiiil.irl'ietalui.. S. li. Murtiti M..rlil,.li.-.i.l. M.e... R--i ve-T'li-..'. la in ill $ mtwm&m 7 rirNeiinirvy ---------J W Tnusa jBJ WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE TO-MORROW 7 0rool's Signal -.J Oil Mlllt II CI, E SCT'Tr.r aefti'f'i KiSlSHAL SErViCL U WZIjIi TEajAjVOUI lik'BAr.OMtTtis . "? ej' tl In 1nn . ll .ll t ' CS elcr-i-ii -. -InveiPiiilele ,f I .uiiImh I . ee. pe.-li, a Hi. nil ii'-e cttAC- t!nr,.i - Clj -it. Th,.f - nisi r i? a i a .vsr.. .;r::i.; 1..1:. .n; ut5 1 in int wuhlu i Lfl r.m l'liriu..ieie.-e-ie-e.1 llereeiipt.r .e. piel en a ni.-e-lr l.e.enlie..l WAleeul te.caie. w.Hl atirtr ...'. I: I..ieeii.eil. W. will l.leir. e-nre.. neil ill muti fi, 'il Ml JUT, .I'i"' .helntit I.. ...ll l.. I.rim .". r. Ineeil-, Me. Ineielee.l I. l.i u . pM .i.ivli.Hjy P H l'..l ve M eeeiie. leeb. n ll Ice i.el eie.l.-r, I'.et Be.elee.ei pre.. le'Vl. ....... ...I N-,,l I r.- r an.l (viua. .'rf A,l,lr,...,ll..e.l"r.t . erM 1 m i; 11' ".'.tft n't" eeef CP S. V. VV..r-e.-t l.e tin- M li nieilJi.eir aciv M rilf . .'lit e.;. or.le-e-.., e Hon er ) ei-i.i ,el I.t. ,, . III. l W II 2 f 11 I fietet I I..' . Har. - e - '. ,'tV Ad on icrri-j.iecee.. I 'a i"A ',7-1 e,. ri'fffivt nv.y'nt: r. ti -s4 wiiiiim- f:r Tr.nU- Maik. llS;l1'f.:l mit Itill a-..'.: .v-4 W ' ; vrciKTArxr: fo?.T?onwD. P..ri-U I'.o.r feel. I. I( ..-ei,1.iln "ueeel V7nLnTH ! ecu ( .leu... ell te oier lee "I fe-lll.lU p.ipultttlceel. ' Mi -ell.-liie' for Ve eeniii. 1'iti-ntf el lij otVonnn. I I'rrpMdl l-jr a U oiniol. ( i IteLei'i-l V I til l l ) S n .!e l!aee ( ItleMeirr. r .rlt ' 1' .e ell .-n'l.';' ",-lr.t", in. tfTonetv-i nod hei i.i -i -.!'-' .' .iiii I'M -l.-i.i-. -.rfjliUe-lly nd I lle-ii!,." , l,. c 'i -. i.- i, :a-ip o '- ii elurM luectio l3t!l t j e-, nu 1 1 ii 1 4 . it l pit'C r)'i" k '.f we:n let luo Creitta I ie.'-'s s,ri:i;'.vr .em.i-rtiin. i ( sjyi'ln.icl.inei UiO It anJ Prcsfiricic It Ffcel -f ( It i-e.Ti.iv" f.iintiKf-. ftilcrari-f , fier e;..eql."-lt. ail-1 li('. '.ailil 1,-egf the (te-ni.t-lt. i f.-l-n "ri.-ettt.lg t'wci. liic-paln. wciclit i nllilcel.ep. P n.-v.o p't-m. .-iii-y cured I ylt" u. j For the rnpi. or Klelnry i'(je.ilsiati. ol' cllkr t( !et L'en--Boi.Ttcl to uuri.rpMM'd. I iTtin f. Pi -. tfiiwrs ni.onn VTTtiTir.n will rrnh'iM '!. ; r.-l,-i" et H-iini rj tre;1" I"-' ' 111-. oil. ft ,l I-...' l.'l' ft.; I :er..t';;Oi l-e the rj:i-cj ot ! uiAit teouceu ui-cUiui, in i-l ul. Itiiiei; IP I n.!titi.Comnc-evl,iiei lelmtl!l-riir frrrarM I MnainVV..- ; Av "isf. I v est, ('au fricoof tChe-r.l'. i c. -fl.sf. r S : 1' i -.l.'nni! Intlie! foreM i ef p.:!-. t ..- e'l".. -'-".en rfcttpt rr I'l-l-.-c 81 pe-rb.rt I r-i-e.:i"i-. Ti--.-. p-iMii-i; tee-l a-wveree Ml letter e)( I 1.1.11117. P" : t. . t.- .ee. t.. nit for lampl.l.t. V, f. .-,-! .e,,,e . o v i'e,J.t t VtT IT rfKHA't'. 1 I,IVi:iv 1 Ci I.-. Tt-- e -lie- r-. t'stl-It, l-UwueesnSe i .'eai.c.,l,c. .-' .l,"l(r. i'.e I.. rrlier. t i-CUd 1 !-r a'.l 0 -ns;.i.'!li.'. (') 7 Cv7 r. n i- ! S :.v t. 2 P J ''l 29fCV 3. Vj V S-3 IS HAS UCiiH I'r.'OcKO ThcSUIToST CU.Tc for KB D BY 1 3 S S G AC E-S;; "V " n 1 -r.a 1 I..' e.-1 1!":! - n-.t l-.dl. i: a- . -ti r ii. r v.- -a T I O WOT J' 'Ji"-.' VT'j; i cit. Hlth-V V nt (.nod. ePn-T-- j i.'.- 'M I e i : 1 e ..ill rocreuiy ovuivwaic l(:-:tlijc..-i. - r ,:'.ri. Ue ii' fcCUOil. It Ii n SUITE PtlliXfor nil. It l. jiii--:-' -".li-.t cn tv !. -.p:n t.e v si I'' -.- .-.-iii in. ev-Mo ...l.fc.- ej. rr cl !1"3 I.- .T-1.- t.fufdeadl. '.'.Jbalitt'..-'. J"!-, 1 1" I f.fl t t. v'. - it ya-i.'ro te-tnrTinffrejin I'iieJSOf ri r-lc-rie. I '.0O.-e'.iiH, 1 .Ii-i!-. '1 :t v.-'l ft ClO'il J l" Ladi .Ve-wi.-fii, I 11 el r..-l "i;t,'-1. te. teee'. cr ety:.lJ-e.'t,-, Ct ?--V, ( p.t -?'l, KllflKf. W.-ri v. 1 i-t- In.:.,c - .yctirr ii -,.i" : r. ii -. 1. 1 ! -.- i- a, Tnr e-iiJt.n'.ia I.,).-.. i tt-r tl Ci I'u: r-jtv).. - tt.t j.- lies--to TO -,i- ti. r ' -tie pule rttf we-ftVe-Wi.-t.:., KU"(V-VCi i.' - usuri.suM, ls it -n ill r..-l pr-.-trt .1.1 es.-.-.-. -....-r-.. i.. isr , .- i-in f. te1e1. fi hliVte.c!,.y rte-flte. K.el 'I'-C rtrsfSiHT 1 llle-e,..'.le,pc e'llry. l ceeetj neerr. .r, A -rv. t m - t-...v r.u -vm, M K la vr-l .'Tl-.c i- -'V " - ! J Vl-liVi-tl'-H. If Payne's Autoivintio Engines. .'JS tS vi HEALTH I317JEALTH! Pit 1, r. tif i,"i . . 1. I; 1. Tfcrm H . , , lie I r ll '.'r , 1 I e.ivic!,le-.t-i 'f ,11. 11 .. 1 ,1, . vi. , t ,1 p. , r en .... I. e t Mem e,e , 1'. 11. ii 1 . n't . I.-.... r rie-riioii.' Hl 11 I- ... .llil--... I ell- . I It. Oil till ma . ,i 1 -. e,i i.i. 1 ., ,1 ...e t eiin "ii" I. in Hi . ir.-.i.n ul I', I -I..e 1 1., i iir 1 bc' t-,r tin I - I r- c nil nil 1 te imi e.11 feie-eeipl rl -. ee VV" ...lieiiite-e. .n I...1-, Le I Cer teeT reee. IVelin le 1.1. 1 i . , r I I n 1 . t .r cell ,.,l,-ii, r.nill cee.l i f.l,- il-'lii net Will ee. ii.l III " peer. elid-r. -l eee 'I'll k - l- .c elm I l.e le lllleeell l.n,ll - .It . t el Mil" ' . nrJIi'"' l.eeee-l... 1 I- I. .1 I I IIS. He.) Ir. . I He I. 1. I. ee,...: . , -..,', : .ai l II- .iujl- . .pf'M-:t)l:t'i ttjc,4if4 CfjUt! k in l&k 'JkiMruViA. ifrVlt'i. jjAlir'os-ht cV- This H.Y, Singer, $20 I.e. t . .1 1'lel-wcnr elh.l.l -.tK'. T'-e-tlt .r. .Ml l-t It I.-1 l-l.'iic i. lee-ee il- i.l. 11,1 liy II. ...en Or..e I m-is Itee.l-. ll -t...J. !.-Le .Ceil (jl.H p-i--.lM-tji. c e i.,'pe kei' e- :-ee rlly. i, nit i -.-.!, ...I .ui.' f I liiHili.enilv t: A.-.e nl net tii-t mil plecll If dr- ,l..t. hl.u.111 e-v..-. Iti.evillll.'.l.t I.. I,,., el'ir .1,1.-Inn I -ili'l mil. I ll ,-e.l el . ve itli e.-slini-lii.iKtle-. A-k II I'i, veil , t CO. I. iltiiel Cliic.nel ITS CRES ttl-illE ALl lilt liul ten.. Cmu-hlWe-nei. TlLS'.rS irf-oa. UU yi In tint... feol't cy elruifKistei. tJtsf I- ,.,,1.'c...'...i.lf.r.h.m".-e.,e,rl"ei-'Ul.e,.l TYPE, POROir RS, COTS, PRESSEF. AC. lalWlsl p.;. lAi-lesT IV. NATIONAL TVP OO.u'ZT l. .I..MIIlliee. .1, ,te I . irii . L AM' K.'l'. J-:J;.- J. pi. PILCH ,V I'll., ill IV M.. v I a inaiinntl S-1 HlltakiWi-iii.,i-ii.n.Bi ' A1"-''11'4- iAU" CO., WUftll. 0B1 i ,UU,U pltl f.ecirilieelllll.. Mel lee. e rrl.111 ol I ilUAtlcm. Ad-llNC. Vle.l.llll Uro... Jleelll l A I liHIT W STI'.ll fur Hi" II..I nd l Mil. Iltl Pl.-I..rtl ll.-.l .llt'l Itl'le- I'll. r n .Hie 3.1 H-rce,it. N,.I. I e lo, I ml. Pa. A ce!hi- I'l. t-rtAl II- Service Barometer ISN IIM. 1 III II 'lie ee e . i ee e 11 I t I ,i k ee te.l cei,.r,u If 1 I.e.... At ! I .. let III 1 IMSIftl H. I el. IIM-re. .-ate pin e r wf ci iieet e ir. ..II lleec.-s H- e eel l.i . .er.itie ,en. .ne...r !,. le, I. entee. I .In. 1. ,-iele I he-p. e. r ..( tti .i PH llil It IMIinTIMI .-. I... -rl I.) III. s I 50i.b r.v c-iT'ivt'i'-TTs, t'i'Mtt, v) t w ... r rwe mm ut'initipe. , tu.kliiA II . ei wen .,., ,e-e..t e..l . .lAieepl., nee., ilrh I viol ...."irplAi ee. in ,.i el I , or em I- I I . Act.'l.l. c ce.n! I i,., .i .'I Plill T I II IOIIHI I TI H IRKS. i i tl.r k .i.l in Hi' ... . .- II.Mriio. Oe.rM I n., M.t ,r, l',.-liii.-e. r, I oi nl y I l.-ile. 1 Itlil euill Seccond l.u-iie- Ii lie ."f.i. H V. -e-, e .,-,fi, ,ee, ,e-.- , u,e, .o'i reene, w.n..w , -, I or .:-rfl Urir,: .ef eir rej. ll.e,eielliel Mitel 1 e r l'.rliil l' r Till: PI Hi ll' V AIKM T IT. le.r coka a( writ Meen' Weal roae. Heiel rm tr'T U I Hen It lU-.erii., hhile I wt.iahl, ran rra.ti-i in .h il ontr, ami mt-t i"y tnt tftc InMrnmBt ir , 41 -ft II, VaH3iN!1. M r H. K . OiHof, l?lriut, Mich, j Uf.mtt-Tli'ft a'faiif mr mr man? tw iifrot. in fur4Uirf f l no-al't man inn wiiiififriunyciirup l flrl iim i cuii-tttjr 5 nl Weirhi iM,pf tidi'i.i.n. .1 If- uru i N. JUtlwankp. win. minTiiri: i -iii i'rio.Ns ernn n r. I actn at nt ol J, A- i vu on in tunt 01 mwiro- (J, A- Oil thflufk Of