(fihaiham Record . THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1SS:!. ' , LOCAL a.SC302X.DS. - - " H6T Already lli'i .lay.- ar. growing longer. . , , . 11 v ... ..-1 .1, I - l,1,t ' "" Ul X m:uL ""l pay up. WUK'm.l Mr. aJvcitineiiiciit. A. (1. M. Ii 1 you over tsco so 111uc.l1 ruin and mud W.TIia whilo Ifi-.hr-rV aoci-itioii of this county will iueet hero next Saturday. tST X ftood Mil" I; ('ow wanted, for whioh thecash wi'.i be 1'aid. Addrens the lUconi). VuWo regret that 0'i:it.li:mi hin lost n'mllicr j;tid cili.i n in t!ic ic moval of .Mr. VV. T. l'iisclt to Caiy. 8w3Vc !:ri! j.bvuod lb.it 7r ai;d Mrs. Thomas (!ro.ss have u,;aiii taken up their resilience at thib place. WT Wo regret .Messrs. H. M. Uiims and V. N. iSlnuihaii liave removtfd their families from hero to their farms, a few mile from town. 10" YVhon yo.i come to Court next week call at tho Kkcohi) olTioe mid pay your subscription. If you do not come, send by somo neighbor. BuTho ne-.v postoflie.11 tit Hack nov B X Uoads will bo regularly sup plied with mail oil und after next Sat unlay, ly tlio route lrom n Rigiboj's St.tro. (o ata Wfl eonratulate the directorti of tiu l!. V. A Y. V. It. K. Co upon wsciiring the elhcieia w rvaxs of .Mr. A. O. ltobcrsou as their Agent ,t. E'vpt His iinpoiiilmoiit will givo groat sati.tfA :ti in to 111 ) public. ! ra.The ilonr.day lht.s. are man I ufaoluriii ' wagons ami lni,;rjiesol tne 1 best ni.ileri.ii', and ll.ev are skilful 1 workmen. Th'-v deaerve success, and , will Hiicccedif tiieci'1i-iwof i .'iiai n.u.i look to their inlci-est v. li. ti they v.i.,1, ! I, a v,.u.m.l I..rrv- ' J M. Knell Dry a id save a Doctor's j where, by indu;.try and economy, he : :n v ... i c.i .1 1 .... j....'. ..can make a ifood livimjr ami educate I aploudid slock of ili.bbcr Shoes, Hub- 1' - ir . i....!v i tn l...v 11111 ! I 1 I H 11 11 1-1 .'II JjllllH- '.I .T Shouu Heals:: has .some very ehe..p Clotliing, indeed. Largo stock ol Undo. . vear for Men and L.d.tH. Just rucoivod a largo stock of Litems , and other .s'neiaoh-i It. '". J. 0 6.V ila.de. Uros. & Vo. have j.ist recoivod a large lot. of Mat.aiul for .. i...... v.' o,. .'. II liirtikiiiif i'iii'i' . ii ii.o.i.-., and leave vour orders. Tin ' wurri.id all their work. If you no -d any Dan iu thev "ill .lo it with li.uK.icsS IIlll; IIII'V l!i it.) II 11.111 ll.:.o..n fi.-J 1 despatch. TiiV have now aNo. I Horse shonr uud' will he. glad to I ivv vou what ho cm do. All kinds 1 show ..f oi ...i-j. ,... t- .t ,,,,, , ,, , ., ,. . . ear Call mi J. 1 . I! j".sfor apa.. of those hand made .di.ies. If you want a new Hint, he has tho best so lotted HtoeK ol i.io:inng ever oneicii nthlsma-.L-et Having 1, , .light ion, , nice the .Whim he wdl sel them . awer than the lowest tor cask All ( Hince lower peraoni indebted t- SI :i v." it ilirris, either by not i or account, are tamest ly reejtiostel to co:ne f.iitvard and dottle with J. Ji. II.iriHat oiicu as ne needs tho money. Will i.:c'.ivo tlii, week a large lot of .Shovel-., Forks, Axes and other Hardware. When you come to court lioxt week Li Hiii-f nml cail at Lon don's and see his stock of goods, lie will L:i sure to supply your wants f ir as little monoy as ct!i be d me au- whero. and it' y i 'Vi ui:., am thing Lii s iro ii'ld o.-.il ;in I s- ! liiiii a!i mt it, ' whether you h ivo ' m nM-.y or n -t. j Appointed a CoNnuoTon We are much pleawd to learn that o ir elcverj young couiityiiian, Mr. M. P. Muse, lian been iioooiiited tloTiduet ir on the Cape Fear Ai Yadkin Yailey railroad. He had Leon acting t icijioi ariiy in that capacity last, rill, and lias no.v received the j)t r:i;.iiieiit appoint uienf. and will make a r.m.-it elhcmut olhuer. InFfnton ''.. r. Th" semi auomd term of our luiVvior C mst wid L. ' held uo.it weak. Thern aro not many cases for trial, and none of special in terost. All the business will bo dis- I posed of in two or three days. (Iwing , to the almost impassable condition of j our roads tho ajtendauce will Lej amall, for nobody will como except j those who are compelled. I bora fre p.cu.ly complain th,t they do lt The loss about $2,000. ' l not receive lhe,rparaisregulu.lyo,..eB to b. the work IThl llTh" ol... that whoti received they toe ao,l,d , uten.ti.. .. h. r,.,jdit!. S.nnders went to the hen-, and nearly woru out, by being rci. 1 ; inul r i Mechanic; Mr H. Wood- j l ., 1, k (o ttli wPd to b-I in by other persons. These complaints I n Ifn, hum- s mi.. S md-s enM Dubon lefued him admittituco S'.nn are not conhued to one pai ticular , f u,h.igh. k.it. d a hog ea-ly in ; .u.rs r .id ho w ai cold and wanti-d to postomce, out proceeu irom many in tnia county, in some case me po.si- ( Illinv-l in 10 oi-.vnu 101 u ,.ir v..o . in., less, but ill most cases the paix-r is! taken from the office by omo neigh-; Lor who Hays that he will eanv it to, its owner, but fails to do so, or else , carrys it after he has n . u lv woru it ' out. Somanyeomplajnls are ma do i to us that we f al co.npelicd to call' public attention to tho uia'tt-i- mi l to request all posttuasl --ra not to allow other people to takei.n l read the' Tianers of our Kub-icribers. Tho man who is too Miiutv t 1 pav f-r a paper, ; but will loaf around a )Os;!:i:'o and wear out some neighbor's paper, i. almost as mean p.s the in.m who played cards on Sunday for count t fett in uifiv with a blind negro and thou jrabbial 1 the stakes ! The Wkathkii. I il von rvor see' bo much bad weather? Tho weather- ! prophets, who predicted a severe win ter, havo certainly oceti true iin)ilicts '(hia time. Although (ho winter is ' not, onito half ijoiii. vet wc have had 'already moro cold, more ruin, niul .more snow than we soinoliitii's have during nil the winter. The fall of j M()W !(,H Kii.n t,..( ,,,,,, l(jll.n V- i( lmviny snowed not Icsh than eight timcH since tho middle of November, though it i Ima iilway I quilo.ariaiy. On lust Tuesday nltoi nooii il began snow- i hours, (fid al! Imu-yh most of it incUtd ! yet linii'rli fell (n ci'ver t be ground; j lo a dcplh el' four ir iiiehes. I IVa'iii ih. :iui:.-Our rcadi-rs will i.im-h re.rt? iiearliial Mi'. II I. Hal .sr.. is Jcid. lie died at NVw York on tlio i.ight of the '2nd i:.st. He was wrll knowu pertionully to niiiiv of lli.Hilder eitizensof C'liatliam, I ami loan ny .-.'i iiiauon. .:i iio'i(;;i I born in i ind-ilj !i l.e spunt some of J his boyhood in (Jl.ntliam. having been jtlieward of U..- late iol. Kdrtaid ' .10r.es. unci-'.vuo.!! r,e w is naiii'-.l. As j editor f (he F.iye! Icvi!!. Ob.i-rvei I for foi t v vcars be estnbiished a r-n: t.iti 111, of wl.icl- anv nci'i miglit. ieel 1 pi id.!, an. J w j. -.1 an iniliuii l!:.:t was f. lt tl.n.iiglioiit the State. Ilu was devotedly attached to Ilia mother Slate, and ever anxious to serve her bust interests. Full of yeai H, lwloved and honored by all, ho hub gone to his reward ! A Chatham ito iu Tennessee. I'm: Tor. Tknn., Jan. 2, 188U. Editok Hrcoiii) : Nearlv two dt- ejides havo elapsed since I havo w;t foot ii).o!: tli.i soil of old (Mrith.iiu, the homo of my childhood. Doubt less 1 am a.i iiiio li forgotten as tho "Indians lone canoe that crossed tho lako a thousand years ago.'' A copy of the Rwoitn f''ll into my hands ro cent I v, from w hich 1 learned of Col. , IjoikIoii utcatli. hat ie111111iftcn11c.es !utit noticn Hakei.li Henry A liulon has crowed the river and 1 rcsta 111 the bc.udifid bevmd, but he London';-, death. What, uiiiii iieiiini, out ne .II i- .1 1 r 1 , ,1 , hl.il live.t 111 tiifi.is,n:,li of lieai til thai ,. , : 1 1 ..ii" 1 , ' . . , " et 1 As I am not aco-mn.ttce of Agr c.ul """. " " i'iei.i...-i - 1 ..u i..i.iii.hi.i..u "r.iely, my Cimtb 1:1. liieml:, will not 'i"vt m- to bur.- 1 i.c.n w.i b a history 'iVlmeriseeV. gr.:al wealth or her Bupenoi it;.- over .:!l other .Vlat-s. 1 Will VOH1..HO to S.IV t ll.H : tililt ll tt.ll V 1 ,.; 1.. 1 1... i'1"4 h.l.oen, We . le-n-e. t same tiiilu.v (('t. (s, hut t;s " (.fills' 1 ! irit. 1 ""I HI-mii.i.- !o bis own business. llii!.i.rd:i me nrieh ple-tsti'-e to hiiotv , f '' " " "' im. Miiiv.li is j 'l- t d to the .-gUaturo but I do,, t j uudeistau I why you did not i;e:.d Itiiat gal'.i.it oid li.'Oic'.tru.t.'id rebel, : - , -".. Mid. ! j 1"1'1" '-hau, . old siudeuta reji-:,,! j to lcani fr ini your exevlleiit timer, ... . . ..." : , tl.at ho bus rebuilt and that his ndiool is more pr.isperoiiM tlian ever. Jiing ham s te ; i. i are i -ic in. si. i'jpu.ar . V''H .' ,".u',l,.'f" , ,. . : y.-i'.uy in winch I l;vo is com-; Ps"d anno: t, fn:ir( ly of people from j Chat ham and lla.idnlph. Iho uaiiius t I of Dray. lirook-, liicvifi, Hackney, I of Dray. lirook-, liicviti, Hackney, Iteid, l'age. Siiijk s, I, auib. rt, Alston, ;(Sili.,. ,.,iw;m, al, ttlust i hixuwl.,m i :,s j,, (j,lilUlill:l. Jl;ssc. lt . , , r , caiuo to this t' .'iuty just before "tin; j,,; uli, ,1;l;4 (K, WJ, B,V(...J ( f ,.; , , . u, at tll0 ,v,.u k.lW Cia ,u lo'ie ioeu d and Scientific, school at Clover Port, I Tennessee. The oldi-.st. Dr. M. J. j Sih r, is a physician and surgeon iii Iiiili K'piito with a i'teiativ': j.raetice. i'rof. T. A. Futiall, the ditiiigui.d:..i ! principal ot t lie s. 'io-it at i i iver 1 :jrt. I l'enu., Col. A. It. U.id. ld- State! Sennlor fi...,i lliu il.ii.wu nml Madison ! eo.inti.-s. I. Farley, Cuioly C-un t Cl.-.k of il.nd. in it! com. ( -.' lire all' fri.tii Noitii (.'aiolit ii. A hip out we,;t. ?.Ir. Kda.ir. won!.! convince yuu ' 'l.ui V-.i-.l. ''.,.':.... I. .j ,i, ..... m.i, for the whole jnhy. lv the wav, suppoi yon had ail titesa good people . , i hiivo c.ir.w we.-t and "spread out." back in Xoaii Carolina what would vou do w-itl. tlium? The WMitlier has been umisually ,lne during the past three , months. ' i Voiw of lu-.t nil . oiloii f ir ..oi n inprecedonted. Corn, do cents a bnsliel ! r.oik. f!c.,i,t ni l- u ..1.1,1 ' eeiui.' the name! of 11. y Chatham f i; mis in your pijior is v.-ry inucl. lUe ineelPi" an old iieiiuauih'.lieo sleii.ld any .me of your numerous i. - .td - rs ge.t au it- in f'f intc.-OMt from thia l.'ii' i", the oi ji 1 o," tho wider will Lave been attained. Tar Hf.fx. " " " J Stato JVeWS. j " "" Mr Daniel i otto 1,. fir1 Alamance Gleaner: Worth lott hi llotirinj? nulla to, firo I ...... . . , . ' . I DdcemDer, ju-t imo y. ar ol.t. hieh wt,te, 3:1., pou-cls in t, and drew OUl O "KUOIIK J iril. .... , .,, ... U ,r,",,,u h';if ,Crt : . '"."T "",D -ved t us ,U..,n(- the hoi,, 'L-t waa lighter .tl. i.a jt l"H'-- h;i.m i':' 1 ofb ,X The obse, vaitou o-iucivbil ,lU t,l,r OWU tox,en""Csl ,a U, '"r' Franklin Tiirrs: The n' liic.g if a negro at auction by unoth r i.e. to, treated unite au aioiseiu "tt fir a birLfo crowd on the streets 'he 1st t f J .unary. Wu regret to I urn thv Dr. H. 15. Stilton, rector of Si P-oj, church, will nmvo his fatui'y t Kn-. rell, but are clad to know that he will i-ti!l hold om t thii pui h, and ' 1 preach twice a uuoath. Newbcrne Jotini'i!: It is said by those ongHfiivl in the bumm-sR. that the turpentine farms in the South win curiy, mis year, iiom i.enon, i Wayne und Wilson eanntit s over five ! hundred and lifts 3. .tin ' nb'.o Loi5.i-il l.borcis. Ail leal Recorder: Ibv. W. II. H Law-limi, Mi il tutor of 1 lie Ssn.h O t rk A-Hiii-intimi. nml the beloved !l.-t()- Clf t.CVlTllI 111 clu c, cut lltS toot iitlite st vi,-. lv a i 1 1 1111 iixn hot k. ltd i!l lu.t In nli!.iti. (ill Miiy Hi HIM M'Hllli' llll'UlS II I .IlltlCU. . 1 1 : . ... . 1 t 1. Ai:rmh Tin ': The oti.er dav Mr. J. T. C ...Id;, ne ir (Vd ,r Hill kill, d two pi.ys Iihs lii.iii a e:ir 11! I, lliu! weighed lilt) i'lnl ISO I'oh. rcicetivi !y I - l'-''"lii, Ho b. r, eland, living : r H e. v.hh accident. y H.uck ! l:l l : j l P "'M bhoti.. i.t u mark. K ltrnten Enquirer: Mr. Jmiiee istorv. In ener of tho toi.i-hoU"e of 1 i.rtr il county, e-nKiiittc-l i-uici.ie ,y lij.iiii" Lis iiiainuout with a eliot Ru ,, .Momlny lacl ; no epiiial cam e i un. ii.n I fur the 1 i h act. AweiL ,,r , , unco.--1 T .ci: r innt Mlm v i : !1U(.kM t tint. 1 c il.'e I) gut liille ioojp pnioiis State of N.v Yin'i. Ti ' nli r 'i,iiu im.. mi lnmnl ami cut : ,. ,t (.Mri in o Inmie from l!i tdi icl,s- 1 vii,. j (til f -i .1 ooiuilv. On !l e 1 1 ii llm fnimer frit out, 011J died soou fcfi fciriviu bom 1). Klizibfth City Economist: A few day a hud a prn-iner 11 a In I) b escape from 1'lytnonth jail by knocking the jailor down, tunning oer him end ;ivin leg bail Lund fur id tnppoBrance. While Heury C. Norionn, of Tynei 11 i;.... i..,,..l. ? , ' I Ins f.imilv. Ins dtvi-llw.i; ami kitclion t.w.k ii;iuiml wcru in h win n be 1 1(. turned. Ho pustiiined a i-innlar 1 ,,Rrt on pn udj. lining fiirin, on 1). e. 1 j JJnth lirns nie lliouht to have been ! occidental. Loss es'innited ul flliOl'. Monti, omerv Stnr: Mr. Sandy Jor dan, of Little litvtr towi.Bliip sowed one gill of wheiit in Iho Fall of 1S80, und gathered tbe-.efiMin "2J0 (.ills in liio Fail of IK.sl ho hohiiiI the 240 gills, and his; La. vest l,n reid z-d -J.rJ bushels of lino wheal A I) inWciiMi 10 j t ... , . c llftll i:hi r i . 1 Mil I'ur i:ill i" I .iri.i , -u ! . , , . . . ' ; biihlols. 1 li wheat xvai grwn 011 1, miliary 111 I n:d, without, fi-rtinz, r JUv. Tis tin- g.-i ab st incie.i.ie t: llKil heur.! if. Mr. ) so'.vtid hit wholo i:rop of H is heiisou, and wi l -eli !i:s crop for d. A-lw.iU.. nit,-,..!,. W mind fnYnd , Ti it ........ ,.j .... I'll. 1 . mast . vc wit Ii th rare pr. a.int -it Imlf a wu'ei niclun, ioc i'i(i d in nil lis tlivor. if d ueariv all I k fr.vliiif ss 'luce it Aiih pi. I'. it fiou the .-f t !ns c.t...t v u et n. I he (.. ..in t House ie .,, Monday M. respom o. the rail of .!.. Cunty (...n.nu.smm.r,. lor the purpose d ."' '" 'f1." r they v.e.dd (stnbin'i uiilnVn- r Coii.-I f. r Itnneu'iibe '..untv, i.n.l after c.1s,d.,a!.lc. di ,ru -on of tho ipm- !..., I f 'f r 7 "i" vol ol '2 t 1 .1 t o l.'Klii'.linli tho court, ; and proceeded to tho election of JoIIiivih. I,' 1 1 Ml . .SI O( ll. , i ' formed by CVpt. (3. W. Trie, the nil ruH., ,., Ilt jj .ot,-.,, s'u'i.Mi, that f-.uf .ll;l,llUlt, ,,f ,irj,., f, tlit bhip-' . .. l i .1. . ll',. , . ' t, f,,,',,,' ,i,.;s .,,',(, ,t,,rig the p'oit j ...,. : . ,i, ,, ,,1,t., .,,,.1 ., ;,,. n-o. ! t:ar, H ilileii llUtclleil aid iiivt -n:i" ! thousand, i; li bundled und forty : pounds or in-arly one bundred mid (ninety MX tons. In '. he i cifthlmr Iho i lof It ed's ('loss HoHil-i in '.his county, there is a Society for the 'mutual i". teeth. a of iti members la iin .t l.t re thieve. It baa ati .tit I fi lly ne mhers and ha been in exit ' eiieu fmirjearx, dm int? which time I nol i! of its inninb' is hive hat a horse ' --tole'i, t l.i his. b In fore i's or iiiis ili in. t'ioN weie nec.asioiialiy the victims if j letr..d :il inns. N.-ws iid Observer: IV.hty-two c'e. k- I i;v,- b .en di-cha , owmrf t . ' '," d- r.' -si-m m the tunes, nt lar ""'''. ,,f 'u-,st !!""'-;'! ,,,,,', 'S(,i,e- Nlr ' A ''-h'i r, l'.imii.al of ttm D af Dumb :md li ind In -t".t:i 1 ui of t hat r v h ;v MIL' K Sil'lled that i e.i'notl Mi. V. J Y.mi-o v;,s 1 1. ;'... 1 v th" t'mard ! liti th-vki 'incy. Mr. Ehu'm-, fli e-i- n m istci' of the 0 uroiir.ii ( 'ei.' r 1! U It., ou the aeetiou near Hauih-t, Wl'8 n,,dly killed Ly the dis- charge ,,f a pisi.-l. which ffll .-nt o( his pocket, the ball htnkttig htm IU ' """ 4 ' J' 'tie VHliie ol WorUl l.a.ollllll Olel-, w. : uielers'iiiid that a Pitthnrg eou. pmy is at woik near Kind's Monti lain, shipping from miues in tlutt s'-c lion s.-u-hty tons of ore daily, wlnei. is s r. I to N.irpiiss any ore ill tbn U: i ti d S'...'.cs h r uoiking t-u-e.l. i Win-ton Sentinel: About th- mid ' dl- of Derembt-r, a yotinir man by the name of Sexton, ne r Sp .rta, in A le Ldia-.iy county, w. a puliu.jr it.ru of! the Htalk, which had been rut up and in utiock, und while he whh just aLou1 ''"'"'""g t'0 bist ahoek in Hie field, a tree f' ll on him and broke hia neck .....I I.... It u ou Ilia ol, If Bli.iidllio .v..rm an I awore he would come in r ,'jC Mx ,eiug refused admittance still, ran Hj.'ii;utt tho door autl burs'ed it. oi).,.. Daltou craooel I. is uuu loailed witti tin key shot, and Urol on Siiuideis, the wholo load lal.ii.j. 1 ff ct in his bowils He dial lh lies' night. Daltou is iu j iil 01. the charge. ! Ohai lotto J nirnn!: T! ers is a cri.zy ..11 woiiinn at I'tie comity pii"i" ho.'.Hfc l:o hs pet chiel.ens with which d c.iii'in 1 I'v cin.virsRs by day, hoMim,' one on l.- r shoulder and the otlit r on her knee, and when night c-nuiH on sho still denres their oom- pany by nliowinB the u to roost ou I cr jM-rson. One of the must ele- gatit lailway couches t-Ter run on a ' Soniheiu rJttd was brought iuto the ' city yesterday morning by Capt Lane, I conductor of a through freight on the 0 C & A. Ruilr-Miil. It was built ill 1110 i-oiiiiemi sun) b 1 1 111. 11 i mi .i- Columbia, S. . 5 lie n.fuiii t price of n ritilut 111 tlio town ft Jfaviosii: (J. Ilf(,e is tivt cent,. Tli Mre'ites both great and email in t his section nf (untry biv very lunch t t!lvii by tin continuous rains. Tin in ycin ri l coiii'i,iiiit mi the i:irl if Hi' tarini-rs that the wt ujlit of the rccciil mow ilnl rcat il.inii'fl in jiulliii , 1 lo t. ,,,... 1. ""r- --" Warrciitou O 7.' H : Sen rid men ill tnwn tbiswe 1: frocu l'l .li 'a ofl'.f- lug hiimis Letti r via:- s H),',n sre can 1 ,.IV1,1(, tr ,v ,n , com Id. 'J'bo piyihcni. lhec.irileofll,isci:iityj,,,wll(. ,,f !,,, ,iu ,i Vu Levi del liav....".ttt n to be mete "nciuIm," p:,-; tllV(, (j.,,,,,,! ;.. 1 U)im.i Salem, unit in;.' !.: I rr in lf m-r Lutti r, arid )lt!lt.,. S.iulhwt b e:ti towns mo c-ti- . Hl.onl l bcimpr iv.d And now the ! M,, ,((, ,,,,,.1),.,, ,,f d.iii.g !ik, -! l-iOU CHU-.l-llH 411 l-il'H".l.ll mo llll'VU'K (,ir a ue.v county to bo mailt) iioui portions of Ilidifm, Warren and Northampton. Wo ha to no word of eettnire for thr ui, but innst pn t.. fct flnii at a further dihiniuboiiiieiif of Warren; indued, we already have too many uonntiea, '.), ami a good mam mom 1 1 an Ihn 'cat, wcHbhy snd oeasoiis and ll,o ithoh luM. car m ic ii'Xt'i pii .tiKllv giind imd ;n) ul ' 1' ins 1 t.i comp'aiii of tlie--.-, but cotii.n is Kf lling lor aluiiit $10 u-m on tin. ba'e than lust year and we dmibt if tut re is any oiore money iu me com munity than there was a year ago. We had to pay '20 cents a pound f r bacon to make cotton worth if ceiit a pound and seven dollura a barrel lo make the corn that is now selling nt three dollars. (lie. nsboro' Patriot: Mr. Duncan, depot Hfjeiit at Hulli ti on th- Itich inond fi Danville railroad, wiis in stantly killed Monday by tho ei'lo sioti of a shot gnu. The gnu ha I been charged with a double load of powder and when dint-barged, burst into flinders, a pieco of the barrel striking the deceasod on the hi a I und instantly killing him. Mr. E. 1. Wharlon, au intelligent and pro gressive young f.irtn. r, has been hiic ei H-filllv eiperimenting th:i past M.a noii with eusihiL'e. Ho pn'. tip two hit a, contuiiiii:;; 30 toni eitcii, at a eietof about 50 cents per ton. 'J'he i,liis '.veto opci.od bis., week and tin: e.iiiil'igii, mii.t.i of green corn, wi.u in tino condition. Mr. Wia.'-n eon- iI'ICIH K Sllllil! I 'ii', IV 11 lii I Krt S : IS C I'A s jun, r.ivi intti. !v loud of i:. 'i'iin II .of mim is very latg ly ineri r.u -d by j 1 "SO of ii. --Litht W. dlie' ilay I mur'Ui:.', Mr. I'iinner, a i',ii'iioi;n':"" , ,, ,., r, , , ! ; . ,i i- , i tliilk.C Itsliliw, 13 lrl-.ii, V lii.-ilii'l who Muriiit in the vl'iiolnii' (.-ii rnl : s. :. n.. riin.l. nsi khis-i, hnpsiii L.u.it.hurg. h f. h f.,r;i;...,i,.m. Isar,H,i Ills woi k a. I II:. llal, ami oil l . til lllllg nt ititim r ;-;.-.i, f'.und his wif. ailiii-g lii n fiiii-r uili I. er Lair do.ui and a rood) ill it. II.' tho ight slni wan as wp and i-h'iiik lo r, when the sta'tblii? 'reth le it she. was dead was reviait-d to him. She was in puif il ,o.il liertllli wheo ho left her in li e nu . no in. Wi'-on A lvai c: Two we'-ke njin tl ii ( Fiid-iv) morning our town wi; tlirouii into a H'-ite of wide-preed it iteiuent and Cors-s-rnatioii by ttv i.lili.mnceliielit tli-it there was H Old f .siu-til in i in town, aiiti leal, ihi , , atiendmg phyi.-H... and other col.- aul'ing phystciai 8 lool tc.-umnifud. d ''" "'"'' house in which the sick in .u w..s (? u,-j !im-d lie quai autim d so us to luevi nt ! .ine'l "e quai iiiitu. ,1 so as to 11, cvi 111 1 w ... i u. . ,. n ( promptly d.nto and the M.'k ,na.,'a iccoveiy I m been fr',nody and lhc-ie. lias bii'-u no appreht iibe.in of Ini pit a lof tho iliscio-ii until W o lues ,al- . f it ..... t- u!i it uu4 in, n uiic:; I t!nit tle.e fio two i.e.v i fees. Uoiin invesi iu'ii'iiin ibis uvht! I vui f otu l to Ii : in. line. Howevi 1 tirfown iiiitboiili..ii nil boa.il if i.o.ii'h h.ve Hnciiti-,1 a ti'.i'porurj Los; itai it Mr (I W . iJ!otin. farm, silua'ed one mile from forporiile i.idis of the town to w.nh a I pi-r-ons who have tin- nipto.as of ilu dreadf il ibbease Hni cart d ami t,e ate I. Ct;:o o! Ii' r o 01, uii'., it is thought, bus the s i. i:oius utnl 011 WedeesiiV Le Wa f.-i.Viyed to the '10-p , al .i oio he 'vtil r"iinuii Until it is 10 Cert 'lined tint! If viillU't hull tlltl l!,!l,-.OH OI' 111. lii lit' 11,'OrllM livei y 1 h ut ia being mnde to prtoi,;it the Hpicail of th'.i oicii-.s-o an i ii ui not ti. uhl ihtit- t!.. ru a.ij ilitii r of its furthor apread. ftlatnsvilln r.indniark' II C Snui- i csiaiesviiie i.aniimark. 11. y .-niiu 1 mers, esq , of Slilloll ti.wuslup, has : 10 son, atnl 110 ilaiiiiie rs- At rt .tent pilo.io gaihuriuii of hotna sort wii ii he and his h.uiily enured it was it-marked that there were eight Dcw.o 'intit: v-ite -the f .H .r ar.d n v, 11 a iih. Mis. F.:,gl,et h N Orant, principal t f hi.r.'.-.'oii Fenale Cni iy , o! t'.is place, do-.i ;t. Fu nay. 1 lie ilectaHf'i lady w as 1 d 'ijjht- loll hi ite Itev. Ei.l.tt Mitehti.l, D. I) , who wa lor y.mts a pro'. or 111 tho Ut.iveri!y of North Carolina. She tteroelf t k a reuutaf cm. no st 1, J I tl.u Uuivemitr. One ni'lit week a colored woman of the na.u of Ellen Sioveutou, who lived iu a small ahmity on uorth Tis'e urtt', was iitliiig Bslecp iu front f the ti r. slid w8 auildiuilT ar.iiisiid to a tnoiaVituA .if tin, (not that lir eV' h- ! Know eiige 01 iuo taov mat ..ur o o u 1 IU WHS oil lire. OUO ran K TI U'llint; ho. ll.. .... I f. 1.I01.I ... VI u ll itiies were only t XU u i ' . ' e l aftei , , . ...;.. 1 1 al noHt nveiv vtBlii'e ol fothisi;' livl ; hee i Lurned front her b t. I then ! l.e had lent, co badly L .mhiI that; she died the niht of lb .. ! '.iowii g! ,Hy, One o' out suIihi. n its, M'. J. P. Book, of DiHH, ic 1 iy l n oi1 a pig which v s st von ue.'i ind a' fow days Old. ih. S l V. JJelt- Bhi.e, its ruot er ctniuoi. sto k. L whs "ien to dr It ck, wl .n it was very "t n.j Mi', i'j'wi.o ' S. nith, 1 id lvu! Mth' towfislop, lii ii county, be "lusn he di I .i"t In ii v , i.id be i seil--t-ut:'i a ".11111 ' wi- :t I' was al c l to i tin at I u g", w ..-1 . r lat in e 1, ii th. co.i, in ni ; ! , 1 n of th'.t I. I 'it snd 'it .vlich i.: -,J IbrJtl tt weight d 2 i !! . Tic prot'ts tf the fitrte'd f-ir. r.'cei tl h.ld in th C'ajlol, wtt about iJ,000. Tho Treasurer of Tcnm ssee 1i:ih j iilwondtri, ami a ileln r tl JIHii.lnui in the tr. timry has 1,,,,, .ii..r,vt,c-i. !. c..im-i t'ji jjHS veur mm (,, t. vlle , f (fi'i.RS? (i,5; silver to ag o ic v.due o .)0tl,40d ;1o-fcl ,i 1 1. . 1 1 .1,1 A ili-pa cb fiom C'ln ny, Vnsliiiir. tun Tcrill .1 V HIV8 lll.it il'l Cl'i- Zciis tcok II C llill 111 ii II 110IU j ill who viih ai 1 (!! il 1 11 billing nlj'l I. lining 11 Cliincse wi.inaL, ami Uni-gul hiiu to 11 tl"C. Hm d: )"X is r'i.Mtig fit Sal. in, ItmiiioKc iioiint', Ya. Thiity cihh I .t,, ;,. ( ,, ,... ht Ht:si iui ed and tin- s iid. iitu Ii no g.itif Lome. The public fchools have also closed uud LnsiiioiiH is at a'stand tt ill. All I! Xplilll.il insi. ,". The d. licet-', ll.m.-ry and (lastit: fiMg.ancit of Flores'on C I ii-ne e plain uhv it is t.. u cli a f.i o:Hu wi'.1 the lad. i s. WliyslHiild"Tliev ? No ni'iii or woe., ul; c-oi tlo i-a-isf ic j lory woik when the bn.in is dull, the nerves iin-leadv, the si stem rt-hixed and III y fe I generally wntched. Why ohotild am body 'tra throueb their work iu thia condiii.ui, wh. 11 a bottle of i'aiker'a (linger Tonic will j at model uto ci st give them the! strength and will to ilerfor.u th. ir ' duties Mi-tsfactorily? j iii:i. fre. Oliliimrltm 'liarK(Hl mvtu cpuih line. T)KNSl.At haliMKh V. C.tun lh fllh Icsl.. John V, 0Nit In tti iiOitytr ur hit Tih iifi rsnhind ul ruiHlMra' fur mniy ymnt lioiurfilio warttml U wnllreinmt)0rnlhni. TUB MASEZTS. lU-iNirUxl fur Tun UiiJiini by NOltlilS, WYATT cV TAYLOU, IMilB l;l(.l ,V I OMMISSIIIN MKIII.lt ANTS. N.i. 3 Kii'l.aiiK ami No. 6 Mhi-Oii Sis., 1 Al. l.l, ill, N. I.'., Jnu 9 lUvl. CO'l TON MAltKI'.T: v. v Ml.litllllt:, I Ml LO. ui: Sirlrl MIiIiIIhk, SU4IIIH, nt, wiioi.KSAi.Koitoeritv maukct. ; ll. si n-nii.l, 1ft I lirlf.l Aim.Ii (S,ri o'uInkiu-'- 'JV'UJ , (irti, ih'W, KL.tir. N. 0., I Miil.t-HCrt 1 Cuiia, ! h.riu Itlcj, Otmir.im, ltt;tiiit:t I Ik. I Yi ll.,w. BS i 50 y .1 li-'i I l.riiliuliiUH, I Kill .:-. 1 .V. I teVifH, 11 CJ1, 1 iMik, :i'J (n:i lln-l, I - lO.ll 4 I l.hl. k.'lis. I ii!i, .m'W, nrr.w ih.t Ik.i) " ,.l, jut biiu i, " n V r'irw."j! I.'i's an- lor li.rBf ..i-., Ncy. AdviTtiMMJifiits. peas and fms " f'; In unlimitp.l (piautitics wanted for j Loudon i iigoid f.-r '. ir r l'ios. cash. Wiite to I celebrated Shoes t',.r i.l.t. mid HOUSTON & BRO., jihih'.ren. H.s r.ceivel a new lot Greensboro, N. C.i since Xmas. 1 hnvc a tVw Clocks f Olro iiMim uf Uila i.ai.i.r wl.au jrmi wrllo. ' OU l.alld which Cilli !, biillglit Very nC Jan. II, liNl. iu ql si usiiri " "i'-i" 11, uuiy, I1M.-.H -j , ifisciinrgvt i.-r i.t'w'r.r.rii, : jun.mr 11, :3. ir. BS.at threat Siurgaisis I will be given for t!.e next I SIXTY BAYS ib make room for Spring Slock. I 'have d.iiible the room, lii.d my stock is larger than ' vvi before, l'ii al! .vlin are iudeide 1 to me. eitht-l fot . 1 roods or (iititlio. 1 ask a li'oiupt set 'leiii 'iit. Ibis is a new year, an I 1! i 1 time ti."i "ii; ts i r hot our were closed. A. (. BOBERSON. Eyyi't. N. C, Jnu 11, ISS.l. -its' SCHOOL FiSTiOE. I wilt 'iiii mv .,). I nml.. ,.1. MONDAY. JNt'- ; AHY ,llh' 'fulil.tti. i-mmi...h. iwcay ts., i ul ., f ,&. l,,,,, aml W1M, .(l j,,Sir. cu- itne-m 1. fciwnM mil e-r a lew ni"v Iiy i.r Btrln. 4A. It Mi'-l.tti'lT. Julltnur . IWS3. 3!l. FARM FOR SALE. I ..tT-T f,.r kkIk I'll KIP inr fiirin. lini wl 4 ihIIi-h N .Oil ..t I'llll'.-r.. Hll.l .-"IliAllllili; . VJ H'tlH. It lb W-'U-WMiTI' I Hll't Untlir.sl, An, I liUM .-1 "! i imi 1 rtn' son m n ii'tm.i.ii 1...-.C..11.. '.ru, ft!iv.i, 1 '.!. in. I ,'! ri-', .' l.-r 1,-rill-, ll.i.. I", km i'iK M I.I : I -. '.it. Jna 4. IHtU. Hk.' ltniltry'n MliU 1'. O AKlKH05, frMKltat, WtLIT CtliUr- CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. or R ILKIU1I, N. C, J'lAL ESTATKS LE BY YIK ..... nt ..i .irilnr uf tlm mm., li.r isiur nt CliMrim c.iii.y lll ,ll m juil'll" u.a..ii (,Lr m M,lh,l. ,,, & ,Uy , fi,rirv. nwj em ,mo t,,urih uiuI1v,mI lnu.ni ..I J. J. tli.kiT ". l..iunnMi.tll.s'.licMslAi Huh H.l'l cu.ny. Tniins-sti iiv.n.ii- rmlit win. ncwui rmn. unii". "u l UUi !' iO.ii-i ..'. ti iy'iiiii i m.li. j. m. m. ivtit. our.uiB. Ji.ury. ' . tiitll TVT III.IIOI' I V.T.1 I A.M) n tll'i. 1.1 I I 1. Tl .-X.AV I. I m A nt nn trilitmt Uioii..'rl..r nitirlnf ChMlcm i.llllly, Ili-nli. I'l Hi" 'i "I U !1.H li'll V. J.J J,.. ksn. I will -"ll at ...i.il"ii -,i..n f'.r h. I tin. 1. hi .tin. op t'r "' iM'l iK.iiiny, .111 M'.snw ; tin. liininv.r l-r.niii'Ai Y, iM. ii iiv...r in ,t i ii.it mi Hi. s. i. h Hia.. ui mill- eni. oi.H'k in iiit I omii'v, h .IJ.1I1.1..S Hi" limit" "I tin' Iii'li-s "( Ii..l.,-it I ..v.,' ilw.m-.i, I. K.i'l iiili"iK, nml K.iiinl.iti.K 411 n ! n--n. 1,'Ki'Uii'r Willi I'lruilii IT ..n..i'..t .ul! U.,sk. w, uiiKwr.it, siu-iitt. Jauunry t, lfc-s-1. '. AND SALK WY VIRTI F. OF! r liTi't ilu' SUJ..H .r i.iiri "t eimttum , p .ii.,iy. 111 1.1" ,! ' -1--lt M. v..rni npui si c. c Mmiii, I IikII .11 ic tli li- iiso ..I J'-mi-S. H.M.ty I In Cli linn i .'iii'v. ,111 MONDAY itii-d l. iliy.t n.ni.1' nv, i:... t'.i. iwtim r. ii ni'i. 1.. wit: , A ll-H.'l Ml' .'.l l''. "I iHDil. 1 lHU I'll l."Hl Sl'll" "I i I a l. IVin Cr.wlt, i.i-l I" Ill" I "l '"' Ui.' l.mlii t 1 wl,l -Ii lii I (h'iii l titlr.i' I., i.ml.nin, ,,li.lng j ll. I ni l ,,t oilv.-r Ni wllii, Tin. inns Ni'WIlii, ll' liiri . 1H -. Ill .. ii'. ami '.llii rs. i.lnli tlips. J li 111 1....I . -v.. ni'ii " in- l. w Hal.1 1'iii'ti i i' v I'M I. f..i i:il' iiliurr.lBi.,1 niliiliiii.ii. i'iw. Tn.y iu.k.. toon -cash llni...-r.vl. w 11 wulur.vi, kii,i n.'nr JAMLS T i I:ih k1:. Jduuai ) 1, Itta. ,ouiii..ooi,.i., r New Al vorlKeiiit nts. I) iVTQ fx;::. J A I l1ijN 1 in 1 ui'Iiil' I'n Mirko, el.'.. In lh!'. nil . I'lvlin mi; if . In r r-'iinlrlrii. ; '. i Mi I :v ctiiii 1 1 . I .Ceil Ml V, ' "T,"-: 1 1 WU ! M., Vft:il'.(!...:, i. c. ! m AND SAI.K. 1 H ail "iM-r..f ;JHI i: 11 i:s".;t: M.-C'KltU I 7lsh. J.t V y, 111:1 1 mi 11." ' u ly. I will 1- II .it 1 nun (...in,.. .i...r, ..1. 1 I.lllil Al.V. 1HKI, II HU'l l l.M iirr. rout. ill.: II; : rr.. ..- l ;, ,','Vi, .luiuiiii i. i" .-nil.. t-j "i "J AVi.sl.itig you nil a prosperous New Year, I 'would ii!so e::l! x ttr , iittentioll to the erv h.fge dtoi k of Joo.s Mrl.iell I l.eei) mi I iir.d. Yot; '.vii I !tlv:.'? to'i! my htm k I IHI' j ir'- I do Mot ;,!o',v ii i i i ,.i; ,j.,-,vii ;it any M.hoi'.. ioinemU'rl keep cyirything 1 1 : t ;ui Is- found at any other store: 3 ! Notioxs, n.o TIUNd. lion s. siloK?, HATS, t'APS, lit'HI'K't t.(OI)S, J Iar,l wi.ri-, Tinwiire, Woodemvare, ;U!fc,XVA,.K ( ,-0: r; 1 : U V. I 00 rv i'iot"i' r.- 1 : i i-i, iDrms, PaiiJis, Oils, Dye Mi, 1 Cairi.nc; M;;toial3, ! Sewing M ichincs and .Needles, i Purnituro, Iicalher, Saddles, Hridles, Collars, Ac., &v. j FAlC.it ICS, , reineniUr you will !il-.v.- fiml tit j TIIK I.AUt.K -T Situ U ok i in tlieeontdv. i fe !;ecps I lit geiiuiiio j Kentin ky p'o-.y, Willi.--' I niprovetl, ; I litikcs' No. Fiiriner.,' Friend 1 . ..... 1 .Sos. h, I, 1 '., iitid , H nil-., Oliver Chilled. Keinmiii- ; ton, lii in'..,.' to"i,(ieori;i StiM-k, Ih.nlile Shovel plows, or :u:y rthei' j 011 wish. j Also, Las :i l.tr-.M-Muck ol ' SHOYKLS, If.UH'.S, T I ACES, 1 illiit it!l i. til. Is ol FAKMIMJ IMl'LF.MK.NT.s. Large sioi k of srtiAU.i iifi-t:;:. can (,i,)i..s in--1: If you ii -.tend buun Miithino b" .-.in' .1 !;.- i;icit.s: V ICIM Eewiiis ,d caii :.l low tor e.n. U.lll.llllitT H-J- M. il in; "A MM III. K SIMt.M I IS HK1TKII Til XS- A M o.v so. imi " Special inducements oiTeroil t Cash Oviston:ers. London has ice, ived this Week a lire lot of Chair-in. d l:..cki;i;: t 'hairs. I again u:..m iiia.il.s f ,i y,;:ir Hbend pati-o. a' ! V.il lie . l.i l i I li.'ivc ui i;"iin tlii-. ye:.r. lo tin ? )ris :!."? r. r 1 fi s -j fit LO it t.l . try 'nn .GO ill, .11, 1.11,1., lliaOIMIv PARKER'S At Inylgon: ii Hc'iieit t'l.it Never Intoiirtttc j ll.IV.l- Kl ,...1, ... i t I. .I.C,. t 1,11, Miii.Ii le lllll...l , m 1 v , 1 , f c ? 1 ..i V";-Jl..ei.lll..... i.", .,11.1 ,,'s :. t l,s.,.ii-: i-f I FA KM TON SALK. fou su.i: on : vr vus' timkI A VaI.I'.M'PK I AUM, flv inllwiitli wiwi 01 lii'iO nitliMi ill.. nut ir-... 1I10 U. K A N C , r.ii'1 i litht I. Hint ll.i. 0 1. .n .i. . i',., ul em ,'l ' loCl 'I, ll IH i V. V. rilnvt-. Tli.. t'.rm ii.'. i-. ..f . -I. I'jAn.-n 1 . .'i : w. II ...!. 1 wi lt t..-i..-i 1.: ... .!. ,-.slrir. j..i,,. A .-. 1i-,hii ...ru. ' .,1's, r, Wl.'-li ' it,, tin 11. i l l l.li.S .11 lt'..'l. lo-c. 1 In., t.s I'I'i ii'.'..l. 'H..nii.iiui-i.. TI... I111II In s iM.wl-t "t 11 "..iu:.,i- u'".t. . III .'.!, i,i I11...I. I luukl.'K iilB.lw.Slliij;, illbS. iM-tfll I'lOH. "I' " Ill'f KlU'.ll I.' .'Hill ii.)!,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,!.,,' t..r iiirmxr ii.t- num. si ni'. iv i, Ha 4 ti lll'liNH. . j-int.r.c, H. C. P.. th. It-vj Cn,. J. L. ALLEN & GO., FAY:r'n:vii.i.K, n. c. MANIT A'J L I KF.KS OF A N ll vYik!.rAl.K AND UK't All.'. M. Md'.ltS - - 1 s -s AM. - iJuildiMs' Mut.-ilil (iemriiUy. Fiict iy ui. M t"if' id -itit t t. Sales ! 111, si 11 Ure. o. 1 d i!i 1. spio Slictt .N,,.. ll.. li'i I 111. I M11..1. i. .0' m''.' .'... . 'i.r.f c 1 B o'.'l :r : B -;--l.. ........ I... ...i. . ,..s :. I ,i.sui.ic: i. 0 ItoU-Vt'. "-.I.. o.l 1 8 ; A",! I - i Tilt Bcil sd tvstt CfviS Cirt Citr Utt. 9 o 1 - i-; ui- 1 ! .Kin'" 1 'it: ' I 1, I , -II, .. S '"'I" ' ' i"-o'i:' ' I j I;;'"'" "' 4'u,, j B ! I,n a l-i,'.rc la l,r-i or I tire U j The largest Stock (l, Rabins and Ties Kesris Ciu olina! Tor the lnv.tr.l t .i.sh p icea to AUD DEALEKS viit, t.. M. T. I.r.ACH A- CO., ItAl.KIOI), N. C ii.A! , N. V.. , '21, lt2 l.i 'i in-: Ci ; 11. Sriiiti t on (JiMi.t min : nt' 'liATlUM AN1) t'i f.S! We will sonn retvi' 9 Oti Ivg and well selected 1-all elock of 41 AH I) WARE, of ev-. iy . est riplioii, PATNT3 Vi Iciiidu,) lElil-llilS'E A.M " (M'.V .'JI'I.K.MIl.VTH, Sasi, Bliiiits ann Dosrs, KV,., AC, and we .i-k n h!:.ii"c oryo.ii" jiat roteige. V, c gti.tmnlcp Mitia faction. 'It'll Mm 1:1 : i!t:-i oOiti'S. bo . 1: -1 im;i K. Mjii.c: 1 i:.'.LtN lti-.M-:r...I Tl.os. Ii. JfiLg-i A Sons, i.'aleigh, N. t3. (IliOGKIUKS! YiSITOKS TO TTEVILLK FA YE wn.i To Cail and Sec STOCK. hi ! we are willing to comparo to M.v in l he Soiith, tir eoih's arc new niul our pries us low as times will jH-rmit. We invite -very lady iu Chatlutm tu untie ami see the ilisjilny of Also, t-v. i s thing iu the way of A. : . I.TsKK iS. (0, HAY STKELT, i A 1 .11 KYII.I.E, X. C". 1 ' Or 001., t- 1 I V I I.. 1 ltiiU III MlKA I, A I. t l'L .s 111. I Will! 1, en-Hi,!.," I 1 h L I Kt- ' r It) tart tmi U--t., OI2 E DOLLAR A YEAR. i 'ii i,t Hits ou;Ur nwiiintH.r U . i-ll. if I, ,s,i,ihi h nil lli 1,-A'lln n.-i;. in. I Is .vri.in.s'1 Iu liftiulj. N K ' S t AN SKWS IMIiAl.I) '' Hi" w,,M'l, h ' tiiii u 11 tnunil rv IM! .11 h'AI. NKWS. I ..ni.i'i.i'tii'.- o i,.;.!,",- ni.'l i-i I., ii.: vim.ij it,'h. I -v fi.,in 1,1, ir ..ii, 111. .,mi,k rmi ri-iri ui u, Ill' I...UI'. ,-iiun, 1,1 ,.i,. ,t:,m ,,. 1 1,., ,i ii.ai 1 , ,if TIIK KAI.M HKI'AHTMKNT I ii.,. Wi r ... 11. t.Ai.n k''M' tli.- inixiit m w.i a I.M nn.t tllNmT.'r.M IMJ I' : I .' ' . -.. 1 1 i.-. I'. ,ii'n ., n ali '.uiri.. -.Illl-fc' Hll'll?.! ll 1 ,.l-,-tl'., ,1. i.n-l ,.f ..I it., fi. 'mar, hiin l r.li. O'.ni, I,..-. vcki'titi'lm, kr.t n, i..i- ,,..ii,s i.i.ii-ii.tam mi ... nU-. IMI. I-,i.,l.rt,...M mi in. tit, tii'ly n.iiJ, uni'rf ITI I-: 111 .MR, in r i- I-it ih-'i.i.. litiiixfiirnuik. i-itii: nn wiiti .li im.. !: ! -. i.i-iy lipiu.if ontk. e 1 1.1 U, i .1. imrini.nl ( cl i. l.m'iil'., jiill.llcfiljA. mi I l..-ii,l.n r..rmi.i.inil.nla in I'ni'i ,i-vt..t :-i,ii ui. rii.. H..ii. .prl. Ul. W ihlo ill HI li III ki,v. Hi. lion.. r. -11. in. 1.1 i.iiii.i'..,iU'ii .in. jirlto 1.4 lb 'lii., Imi t-i-n . , ,' "I f'K II l.l'.H bABOIt i 1 ..k-l i,".v. 1,11.1 ..o-niiiii'ii r.iUii to triK- '.i:-'- -, .! i il,. 1 -.-i oi,. Ik .iti'i-lullv ri'istrii.Hl, " '' I- I '' ' 0.1. o.l! tin. liUi'M ).iHr 1 "": '''""',;. i'.l, Mi.ivlimnll..', a.., ' ''" ' 1 '' im i liillm j.olally .,.rtl-. ...-.-s .U'.-l o ll !e..l ul 'I Hi: I'i.-i'l.t t; MAI.KRT, Si. ..-ill n Ni n s '.I Ii ,11, .i .ii..- nml uhv.m.l, u,(.iirr 11 . ..... .1 . o i. 11 -. ri.i-.,i iiy ...in. nn. . ic .',011,", I.I .-ii,' .', unili'itl, liriiiiiiii, e. r.'i .. I S, , 1 v...,. 1 !, ... .,ii.,r.ll IhA Wffl.l Mii. l. i' ...'i.'iis i ce'ii i.nwn n,,iti-r .vnry WM-k .,...... i , .,.. 1 ,(, ,s ( MW,,H(ft ,rw." I on. , .;ni. 1 . u, 'I..-kI y llm. TIIK NKV, Yol.'K II KHALI) In a ..i kly form, I'M'. I 'Jl.l.Alt A VEAH. V.l.li.U Now Yoric Herald, lr, livui HU l Auublr ,.,l. Volfc. tUO Ilil Kit it., iDBi. I .