a flffu (fthnlktm jRfforil fHUBHDAY, FEBRUARY 8, INS. H. A. Ia)NDON. Editor. . ' Tire Lioi.slatluib is busily employed i ... .'...lncirlima li.i.li-. hut an vet there is little to abow fcr what they have Ko important laws have ",e iu ... fceen paused and but few old laws mended, wk! yet the people must not think that their legislators are WAllnrr away their time. Tho first half of a session is always consumed by the several committees examining the bills that are introduced, and thus (ho great bulfc of business is CIoimi iu the committee rooms, but after the comnrittees have reported theso bills the Legislature can and does dispose of them iu a short time. At. er feasou why all the important le.a- tion m deferred until the latter part f the aeasiou is. beeuuse every mem- ter who is interested iu the passage of bill wishes to become wt 1 II rc quainted with tho other members tfor . at first most of them are Grangers to one another) and thus by forming friendshins secure a favorable cofi- .J t.m b.ll We visited KaleiKh last Fridav and .pent a short time ,n both branches ef the Legislature, being our lust ufimDie at that bod v. There are .... . ., no nieiiilwrs. esiiccLtllr in the House, and a larger number of young cidedly object to any increa.so of taxa luen than usual, particularly in tho lion for that purpose. The colored Senate. There is only one Senator ilinney) whom we knew in tho Sen ate twelve years ago, and' not over half a dozen members of the House. We rather think that our people be lieve too much iu rotation in office, lor it would b Tetter to have in our Legislatures nure nu n of legislative experience, especially now that our sessions must lx so short. It takes the average mtmlv one session of Che Legislature to acquire sufficient xperience to ntak-; him useful, ami the experienced members usually have nn.u UUIfl HlUUi'lli U ill.. ui'J " " .. We were thascd to meet our Scratoi and two ib-pn seiitatives. Messrs. Womack, Mar-h an.l I.awratice, all of whom seemed Lo be well fid. had on their Suudav clothes, and weit i-ll satisfied who their surroundings. They were iu their .- eats and attentive ly engaged in the discharge of their duties, seldom mining roil cull. In the Senate Mr. Doitch is the acknowl edged leader, but there is no ono in the House who can claim that honor, and although there an; more men of ability in the House than in the Sen- f vot. in mi nvi.-nirn the muiutors are more abla than the representa tives. Wc Lean several members Bay that it would be impossible to transact all the business within the sixty days, but now since they hold night sessions business will be great ljr expedited. The TttrsTEi s of our State- I'niver sity held their semi-annual meeting at Raleigh, on last Thursday, and flrere was a iarger number prt-Mji.t than ever before known, which is an indication of the increasing interest that is everywhere throughout the State being manifested iu that euer able institution of learning. For sev eral years past many friends of the University have opposed the ball md dancing at tho annual Commence ments, and have endeavored to per- auade tho trustees to forbid vt. and so ifie "dancing" ipu-stion has been dis cussed at several of their meetings, but heretofore) nolhing definite was done. At the late meeting, however, a resolut ion was adopted i to take effect after next Commencement) foi bid ding the blither use of the colli -.'" building for such a imiiiosi-. Of course this does not prohibit dancing iu some other building outside of the eollego groumw. At ni-ht tbosumeday tho Alumni W henevera county has. like Chatham, show of reducing hnpo.ts which a.e (,Hli 1V au' Lvunt of their own ' You wi'l prevent und cnrethegieat t tU University held their annual ctlicient superintendent, there is not appreciably felt, while they bold .propeity. This recalls the fact that 1 er part of the ills that ullbct imiukind Dieetiug, which was also attended by nearlv all the menibers of the Lei is- - ' ,,,, t ,i , , Arii.oii.ur ln.,1 feture. Hon John Manning l ad been previously selected as the orator of the occasion, and delivered an address that has been most highly complimented, and it, which he showed 4 . i , i he Ureat KCHKlthut had bvvn mvoiii- plishetl by tho University. Wc are pleaaed to kuow that there are more' students now in attendance than at . 1 4 ' 4 w ...v- 1 1 - .ii iti began, and we Hinccrcly hope lliut our venerable alma mater may siecilily rfl,Tftin ifa mo.,I..,1 i,i-osi,..iitv. Th State's stock in the Capo Fear anil ladkm Valley ltaiiroail company is practically of but little value, ami ( 11 r : .1.1 I 1 .1.. 11 i 1. . Mio ijpgrsiaiuru wuuiu 1111 w ni iu uium; ail absolute gift of that stock to any person or perilous who would eoiu- etetnero. conem, au,,, m '!;; cnarter. 11 me rouu, roiun'r siurn, and franchisoa were sold at publii anction we doubt if the amount bid would more than pay tbe Company s , indebteih ess. The Conmnnv owes 1150,000 borrowed last year and he .....a.ti'1 hv n tienosit of S'tOO 000 of cuieUC) oy a itepoii 01 jui'.uw yi I its mortgage bonds; also 100,000 i for the labor ofronvicts; and ?):.UUi . . li- if .... of mort"ajre ImiuH, issueil for motiev .... i.0..6 , advanced by the State and individuals; making a total indi btcdiiess of about three hundred thou nd dollar This B lul ,.; , . ,,,,nul uill he v.-..;- ..."-v i . "'It ,l.nut ,...,tln.., ll,.,t .. hiui sou. ana itmi too 1,1 :i Mini Ulm"- Tho uri-sent I.etri!alure must take Murtkm iu th mailer, or the State will not only Jose i.or Mock but ulo , , ,, . I i.i Aii the road will nut bo complctcl. '0, then should they not puns the bid , now rending: lne hymlicato oi capitalists mentioned in the bill art! , gentlemen of l.i'h standing in busi ness circles, and most of tht in native North Carolinians whose iuteies! will be promoted by tho completion of this yreal wik of inicrnul improve nient. Some of them have been fh stion.veat fii. lids of the road from its inception, hhouii: their friend-hip in the met subsl.ntial -anti, r. and would take u pride ami pieasiiie n. aiding m its completion. 1 m the bill mid let the road be built. The Si'E. im. attention of our reo.lers n , . i . ,i .. , I ,s called to an art-cW m ui.otlie.i ol- uum wnuii we copy itoui mo and ( )bserver 111 regard to our puMic schools and in xplanatioii of Senator Doi tch s bill. The white taxpayers , x- .1 l- ii i of North t ro ma are generally of the opinion that they pay as much mom y us thej- care to pay for tho education '. .... .. . of nf-'TO children, nnd tuor vmi v ile- people of thin State do not appreciate, or at hast they do not evince any manifestation cl' appreciation of what the white taxpayers iiave done for them. The white taxpayers have buiii and established for tho sole and exclusive use and benefit of the colored race in North Carolina asvluius for the insane, a;id the deaf, dumb an 1 blind, and normal schools f ir the ulucatiou of their teachers, and yet th?so colored beneliciaries show no giatitilde what ever. The white people of North Carolina have tlie kindliest f'T their fob P'd fellow -fit I.' ilings i. ami have oroven this in the limit subntau- tinl M In 1 liel-IMfll i-!lt lM:l!llieib. bllf Xl'i ,1,1,, we ale imyiug euou-ii taxe for their education, '.. Our linlt-igii Letter. f-Ai i:;ou. N C. Feb. b lsSll. Di:ar II ki o'.ui : The select com mittee on railroad commission to day made a majorit v and minority report, each establishing a couiiuis siou but different kinds of conimis sions. The majority report provides for three coliitnisioiiel s tube elect ud by the Legislature salary of Sll.l M II I i-teh to receive a to be paid I v the Tleasilli r of the State uud the Siat to bv repaid by an assessment upon the railroads of the Slate. They are to have a general siq ervisn 1 1 over ;;i:d tontrol if all railroads to older M-cl sMill V 1'ephil. . lo UlVi ntigate accident'-, t-i prevent uijiist und unreasonable discrimit.-it i :n in fr iglit and passenger tanfl'-. Ac. Ac Th- bill u hiibtantially tic-bill intro duced by Mr. iiovkinof Sampson. The minority report favors a much more stringent law. It hi. Is-en said that every bvi -l.it me, hk most nii-n. has its hobby. As o amplcs the legislatore of l.s7'.'was carried awav by the idea of retrench inent and reform, the next legislature was wild on the subject of prohibition, while the probable hobby of this honorable body is opposition to rail ri'isds. Many men fear the body will go to all extreme a;, 1 by doii so will matel iallv delav and ' hinder many railroal now in lirocess r c.'sistriiction while such action would iiiidoubtedlv have a teiidmicy to drive all State. railroad capital from the It is sid that there fire tivo bun died men in the State who have an nonnced their willingness t sit in judgment on the railroads and re ceive tho little perqiiisiets attached to tint honorable position. The com mission will be a verv great ad- ' "'"W- l'i"vid.-d competent men are ,l.'Ill,.wimt liku" t1B V.flfro of, county superintendent of public instruction. coiiijiiftim. as w xnai oince. isur tut-' niunv oi vne couniies nave ttioroueiiiv tv ,- i it ii T -,,,uo,i lu.or is a g,,i,-,,d howl for th.' abohl.oi, ,,f tho o.hco of county superintendents , . " 18 understood two additional J,,s,l,f,!J 01 "10 poiioo will bo ap- ft. , 'o'cihan Tin ' h.ltt in ju,tjio o I tmtliaui mil look at tlu ir w.tmst aud make additional remiMcudatums at o.i,;r. 1 ls tt pritsittou iw-mlmj to . . " " . , I'-r , V r xrr M-yeiHi uiMuns iy mi! t eojie. 1 he wiuco men io eioct lueir comiinttenien i.i .... nn. I the nc-roes to olct theirs. 1 be 1,111 has a favorable report of tho committee ou Education., an.l will 1 probably become a law. Q. Z. . Tl e following Je'ler wns wiitten j for rtt w.t.t.f isslle( Lllt , U()t rive in time. Ed. IJeiih.I 1 Pun-in V f1 T III), 8:1 Di:ar lit conn: Tho other IiiLMlt. toeellit i with a larirn number of the ' - V - T.,, ,,.. . , . ' ." e7'J o"s-.v,-s v, ry much WltllHSBIIlL' a I ei f,irin.uu'H which can only be Recti at nuch nn institution, Several little stone w r" 1,1 lfte "f?" 'annnasre iiu.l it . . i. 11.... 1 ,. . .1 l-i irinui B lliin liuw Hl-IIBIHI IIIMIUCIIV I iLiuii-MiiiiciirioTiiriif.il hima. f l, . . - j ... . oJ BlyUlJ Compositions wtre wntttu 1 ou the board by several of the di-nf "d dauib iu the presence of ihe audience, and while their manner of . ' .. , . , n-i,,,, HiemHi- vi-H M neiMiiiiU-. ; tbJy BU0 remarkable tkill in ibe : manner in which they are t.mjut. The most wonderful p-rform-mce : tboagh was by the aitici.l.itiot, claas. ,;IVS f hnucc in civiliz ition v.-u ,1,., .in,,,!, nr.. ,.;,l, In i.-i'k lVroiis , learn to talk f.o.u hearing other. A .'m ".' IN.r otiifw "JIK and tboreforu w dntuh. As we nndt - r - it ,,.,. mir3 tho ,,n,,ii t-, ptlk i hand on the froiit hide ol the throat of the teacher tun I moll nt I...- i.., i Ilia shnpn and tno7i ments of his ! crati : membvr, who bad KOOlt iua mouth ami he is then enabled to joi itv, and put Siuslls in his seat, imitate tin movements and with-j Several yeara since Sm ilh was on out knowing what hounds he it pro-: (lie point of getting n bill through diicin ho talks. Of pouic they ! congress to pay him a largo Piim for eiiuncia' ec!i svlbililu with din-! the value of tbu s'la.ner which he tinrtness but cannot npprecia'e i.vent. The ..eh roiance on fhe piMii.. bv the blind .ml th. ir s.ngiiig !. . ... i. i.i. i.i .t.u. ..,..., .,.....'.. .,;..! n . uoi rt ivna R.ven at 1 We ,nMM o c..,p , 'oinpli- It also 0(.,,l,in. The (,u,lstlu. -w ..;(onn.,lW0 elicited con- tillUt,(l roilM,is ,:f appl iuse, hii 1 j i-tlv mi ton. Much ere, it s due lo the lender, Miss Ivuila Mclver, f,r its sllciC-iS. f . , , (b-n. Wm. K Cox will then .,. M,:,, f Mis Fanny Lwnan, daughter of the 1mIioii of the Kpi-.-..p tl Church bi this State. OJititc i xtc nsive i ret rrutni..i have , . ,...:.,iK .. ;:1 ......,,, W ith the:r presence. Among others Mr. . uii'ir t'l .vn-s:ssippi. .vliicti t:me is taken up everj day now in speech making. Nearly every mea-ife of iinv iuiportaiicn gives up portimi'y for the ht.ite-tnen to let out t In ir eh'ipielii e. The r publicans have been trving to make some capital by trving to i Xempt f.liniilg llfelisils to tllHj amount of ') r.n 1 $10.). In the si 1 1 a ' e several nine lolmt nts wi re ell' red making (" H j ropeity the exemption apply A c'llcul ition liator from Chatham bv the an 1 it v as aseei tiiined that such a la .v oiild cost t be St.ite just $ 17, oik), while it would o;e lii'J cents to t.ich owner of p is m il property. It wiiil I u! i exemr.t nearly every negro ' in the S ate from tax ition on personal propi rty. The Constitution r quires ilieir chil ben to liii t duc.ib'd, s i if such a law is enacted tho white people would have it all to do. The lull was laid ou the t ibh w dh the , m Ip of t'Vo nigro votes, on the; to. .Ii lli.it l' ii in.lf.-i. uiimT.T lie o appaicnl tl a' the constitution , coiil I be ainended to as to make ti e black men pay for teaching black M-huols. l Z. Our Washington Letter. ;Fpm "in- r Kiilur iHirn-iiiii.lrn'. I Wasiiiv ,ios, !.(.:., Feb.li, is;i. A daily diet of tariff is what we are treiiled lo in concress now. Mean wl.i'e the tin iff h.bhy has grown in piopoi lions until it exceeds any lu re since tin- llus'i old subsidy and credit inobi i r diiv s. Tho whiskey lobby, the r a il road lobby, the navy lobby, and otlof h Mu'-s that have been off. imivi ly active since Ihe iiieeting i f congress, are thrown into t'e shade by this pnweiful uud m 1. c .inhinatiou. The cy is leeehoid a'oi g the combo from the senate to th" bocce of reiiesent itives that 'he "business of the country" de i:i.i:. Is the fraternal tare of e itigresw, iin)uii as e ingie-siuati liittterwor'h 'lid on the ll )or of the hoilse Coli- -t rr. i : g Mine- i f tl.c-ii) "infant in lus-tii'-s' I 'i' which a whole p.-ople must be tn! d ; tl.eir entiie r iductscou d he pcldh d throiuh the country by twenty llussian ltfilgces. It is sad that tin- leMilts of the whole matt r will be a bill concocted bv a com in l tee of eonleieiice consisting of two rt public .us and one ib-ni n rat oil the put of the senate and two icpiiblieans and one democrat on the house. Four nun wi l liually de lermine the details of the measure, if ,oi y me isnre there is to be. The lull which the wavs and means committee, mi br tho hat of that Hich-iro- teetionis , ,1 idge Kilh y, wish to foice throii-h the bottM) is a measure to reduce the revenue, but not to It- lieve tho burdens of tho people. This is the t-s-ciico i f the wliole thing. ll at tl iss of protect ioi i-ts who care nothing fr Ihe bin dens laid upon ! the people at large, ho that a few Kiu ciallv favored indiit-l ies con- 1 i,,e ,i be fistt-ieb imiku a ereat ' .... ..tl,... .. l.,..l, on to othiis which press wnh iron iv ,F it I is , i i oiuisei, asuifl lotitiyists now call themselves, disseminate with : eat vigor the idea that a tariff bid wdl be passed, f, r belief iu this by those who are concerned is money !" """ "t V, t 'r ' luwrv.T, whether Uo lolhv ih of - much Untrtt nowidH, as, iuconso ; M..,ce f tho bright lht which m thrown ou coii-rcHsit.uul action, j k-i. "aouu ue . mednuu of tho .ut senators and i uieuiberH have . . -t of bwling any miaiieatiwia or renra : bi-mnifi niiitH rhAi-i-'il. ntutions cnminitiii'' from t ml ource. lull tlie lobOv wnl nut 11. 1- not its dt dine, niiil cluims Hsinuch' power ai il ii. tliii-m-e as ever. A ni-mbi r of the lobby approuched thu! other iluy a neiitleiiiim largely in- ' eiesleil in pending legislation, pr(.f- , -.-v. ..un,ui io ; loo 111 a combination which coulrjllnl ninntv voti-s. Tin nc m I.miiuii soninwluit miv rs.l in tl- .u,.. ..t - ... ............ on. iirmn-mniiisciviii , uns, ami he ili-cli.ud with tliank-. ' Tl,,.,,.,l, ,. I.,ll 1 ...... .11 frtvoiahiy by tho mi; tee to place 1 1 uoioe naval com- ' toils colore j 1 the notorious ponn ssniiin S. mills on tlie r tiie.l 1 . , InL Hi Lllll llttfV. . . --- With ihe rmikiifinn 1..:.. r .1 11 .:. t. .... 1 :,i .. ... I iTlu ,u uu. mm., iuu uiu h 111 j.ass. Wheu tho war broke out ' j ShihIW whs a slave uud in 18(12 while tc-titii,' ssprlot of thesteamer l'mut.-r, in Charleston Harbor, belonging to i,. , , ,'. . , Ibe eonf iter it. u run thu KteuniHr our- si U and delivered ber . to the block - a.ling forces. For this Wvice Smalls , commissioned a pilot in the United States s.rvu-e. and eontinat-.l iuii.Ii mlil .(i. II.. ...r n.mno : the pulmv d ivs 1 South C'uiulimi of carpet-ba"is a in Iuili""". being le-tored, and do-j wo are now aclling it direct to farmers of North (iu-olinn, nt tho following he received "ari.ms tailt of 1oksc4 by Hoods are pouring Reduced Wholesale Prices for Cash: ' !!. on.ler the S-ate, not only ; " ' I'"- , ! also an a meiidier bftb of the rorty- f Mirth and Forty fifth congressi-i, . and the repnh.icau majority of the uiiNimi tioiwe tnrit' I out the dMiio look from tho confederate, when it I wa discvorcd that h.t had already , beet: ouid for it bv Ihr nav or trcas - : nrv .lei.,.itn.,i " s,,.IU i ure tv : Mnoirt iieer.i lint iiwi.ibihii a line of llie ticuauls-i.i a ruecal us Will. ! During the recent visit of the . tne uu uroI ani,cal u. wt . '( ioveruo?-(eeral of Canada he pai.l Lis re.-pocts to b-th bouses of von res.i, m eomp mv with a pu ty of . lnetiilsauitwHsverv cordaMv trreetel. : It was noticed that wheu the two uue-ieu'en senaiors IIOIU OOUM varn- I , A ,.mIlt0M H1, jj,,. were iutrodmel to tho I nt iii.iriiiiis that he retained their bands louoer and tighter tlnn any of the others, 1 pn.bably as a token of esteem for tl o Kindness shown buns If and wife w ,lo , rl ,rl( (!()n. Tb, rt.Cep.ion iu the senate was entirelv informal and business was not interrupted by .i i.. ..i .....i , i no iiuveiu iu iuu pariy wuu ppcm , prolaliy half an hour on the Hour. A h.ugh.'ible incident occurred d iring their stav, caused bv the sildde.n lighting of the hall and the simulta neous dropping of a caue by some careless spectator in the gallery, over the brad of the inanprs. The latter wns iu coiiq any with S-'iiator Ii I miiii Is when suddeulv there was a lo'i I clicking caused bv thu elecfi ic bg!it uppandus in tho roof ol the , ch imber, while the spectator re- ' fet red to in his tmxietv to catch a glimpse of the visitor, let his cane slip out ff l;is baud en a ing a ter-' lihle clatter ns it reb tinded from t p to step. The marquis looked foj 1 rn ns did his escoit, probably, ,vi'i.:ipntiug a bomb afl the next rlVering in their honor from a fetii.in or a nihilist. A ripp'e of laughter (o'iowed U m the galleries at the mhlity of the situation, nnd during i the visitors departed. 1'lloNO. m m Our I'll lit it Schools. l-'r- iM N.s A Oi.mtv.T. .',,r sena. time it has been apparent tput there has been diss i f iction wit Ii thy operation of our school huv. ' Tt imposes tuxes for the bet.etit of ' boih races id ike, but does not riiiv-, enough hinds to provide adequate ediieatiotial faci ities for all the clul- ,lr ... Tl.iu iu no in it ivili c-,.i,,li,. r . . .7 we now impose a lax oi one eighth of o:u in-r cent, on loth t ......l ..,.! i , , oi ,.. . .."1 V . . . . of ;l ST on every poll in tlie Mate, and sii'.plem. nt this larg, lv bv iu- e h-rived fr mi other source. WehavH bent the bow about as r .. .. o ;tt ,.ii to .ut..l,lil, u,,,i , keep up a f ri c public acho .1 system for both races alike. And yet tho te-uit is not sitisf n-tory. The funds are not sufficient WI at is to be done? Ono thing is certain, wo can not take a step b n-kwsr 1. We must move forward, lbov then can this fund be supplemented ? S urn- liaie ago wo sought lo make plain that the common school distm-ts wt re not a inert! territorial sub.livi-ion of the S'a'e, but that th- whiti school di-tricts embrieed only Ihe whi'e resi lenls in the several white dis tiicts, and the colored school dis nics embraced only the colored it si deiits in tliH st-Teiiil colored districts To our comprehension that seemed ' a lly bruised, but it may live, ch ar. Following that idea, Senator Reports reprtsenta panic throindi Dortch has worked .itt a plan that out the pout hwestern comities of may be of essentia! advantage to the ' Virginia, owing to thu prevalence of free schojls id the State. He h:.s small-pox is that section. Tho scourge sought to apply to tho S ate at ; has abatt d nt Salem, but tho disease large the principle ou which the made its appearance at lb istol, l(url graded school at (iohlsboro has been siislained. and has iiilroduced a bid huviug for jt j,.,.trt ainmeuling the school fund in any district by ',,.,. ,.H .,f I,,,.,,! iissessmeiit ill t!i..'l district. The State will lay tlie hhiii'i 1U ,1(1Wi Kl) ,.,t ,.IU., white and r: , ,. ,orrt. district wiil receive the MaiIll. tti llt ptsent; then tho white ,,:l;r s 0f the white schools and the ... I .,........ ,,f tl, I u..i i.. ....... ,f tl.' ... ..u...... ' ...'.. .i.:' before the w -.r, from tho beginning i . . i. . . .- " oi our si'iiooi sysiem, a cooperative pobevwaou vogue. Formerly t he perfect work mg order. There is no s .t.e' gave to h slhool district only ' me bcino known that does this rs H.t equal sun. with that contributed surely as Parker's (linger Tonic. It by th Uidrict itself. If a echooi will keep your blood rich and pure, district contributed five hundred and give you good health at little ','"1,irH ,h 'S,"U, "Te U ,iv0 M l K 8b .0tLel" mure if the lUtriit wotihl Ims in-lf 1 uf.tlmw, it received nothhi r ESii the ! Flow ers oil the Farm, St.t. Ttmt w.a the old i.lau. I On liia f tnu near Itocheat-r, N. Y The nchool Uw passed iu lSTl'Jph M.inw, last vear, grew the nui lft7- i, Ini-i a similar rovision. It was Cii.iiii. r itivn ui i.r..iii W'.i l.i : i . luiium it 11. itiB?,cii tt ireiki uiiiiiv ' a .!vr7iIh.a u...i 1 Ji 11 It w,n milisKiUbutl v cbanL'i'il ' u iv .1 , ,,..1 i . .. . Mr. LWU h proposition diff.r!for lssfl fcivw very minute di.eotionJ from the law t.f 1871 but is some- ninti ou inai uuo. L liili-r uis bill, an we uinlerstiiuil it, the same State tux us now will ho levied, but in ad- ui;ioii me hetiouJ ihslrieta wili lie a' 1 lin. rio n ..i v i...h.. ....1 1 . .1 . . - . 1: . Ihey nre all-wed to lep them- Tho wl.ite people iu a while j hiiooI diitric t will be lu-rmitteil to . win un yi rmiiieu io assessment of their own property to render their bite schools ! luil'O iV.-ctlVt-, uud the colored people! 1:1 a i.i.l.i.. 1 M..1.....1 .1. ...;.. 1. ... , ov iiuui uinu itv uinj iry .1. - - mu.u. ia iu. n 'i ri jr , u make tUur co oled bchowU Ultre iflUtiye. 'v"ucu .uuu ua w j WeslrTII FloouVs. An nssitciate 1 press telegram, . , . , w ..i tiuteii inn jMiiita), fifths: . . . ; , Telegraphs communit a ioa whWSh i l,H8 l,ien "ttorljr demoralized an at j 'vod SiSeilZ J 'M . " ? i iP- UII5i cniwei u rtl "'" uiu nuu '.v '' '"I""- ''"l t' In tho Iloo.lud districts the waters have co.ne to a atand-still and iu noiuo places have begun to suUide, and peoplo are taking account of b.U.'K. A p.tMieiigr train which left Oleon at (i o'c-1 ck this morning for liuffulo, plunged into a creek near Ischua. Kngineer H ill an I Fireuian lirigga were killed and d n luctor Love was """""J ".'-'."ai p.ibs -ugors we1ro H.ghtly iMjured. lhe ac- ; c,,lf't w ' water i uuderiniiutig the track. bet-ling, It , the .it i, licrmiL;, a , iuo wuio nver wt... I... . -i' . .1.. ri- , t ? J;"; ltnrf.MH m a ma,s f ice i'u J ", ; quantities of , nft wood boards, feuces and mnall "b-"- nuU . wuhhwhii two wagons passed, and shortly after a ll it with a new buggy, ono end being sunk. The far grouuds of " ' the Mate reposition Ass ciatiou and otuer low points of Wheeling I'and uuu, i wuier, as wen as a lew oi me tow portions oi me main part ol the city Some residents of the Island, the streets of which are usually submerged by high water, tt' ' AtlitlHiiiiitr thu h m iv i h f3. - ii i.i - . , , " . J r Ill the Alh ghauv liver is lalimated ! at $1U0,UI0, and a number of lives! are ri p rtcd lost on wrecked 1 urge j. One Iu id was washed uwsy and! lloa'.itig down endangered tho bridges couiiecli'ig l'llisbuig with Alleghany City. Tho Monougahala river has Uol ll JO led. lo'liorlr, from nil n u lu nt r'..nlr..l Ohio xl.uiv tlie higbist water bv from six to twenty inches evi r known, uud lue damage is enormous. e damage is enormous. At Iu tiaimpohs the White river i reached ltd highest at nooo to-dav. This is tho highest poiut it has ever been know n to reach. It has just commenced to recede. The damage though vtry seriou9 ciuuot be estimated, us yet. Tho Wabash river is high at all points, and two spans of the Wabash, St. L -uis .V Paciti.: IUilnad bridge uicd iwu ut L aesoort. loL'iihir trains are abandoned. Floods Ihionghoiit the State ure gemril, i nnd nearly till tho tailiva Is huviug s ll tie red iiuiiingtH f o.u washouts ami h s of biid m. On i.ecount of the disorden d con litiou o th0 telegraph line it is ilithcult to get accurate in formation. At Canton, 0 , one hundred l ousrs we-e tl io led. Si-v. nl loca' railroads in Ohio havo susp nded operati u ! and a ntimbt r of rnilual accidents are retlol tn. I iiivulvilirr nm-ODMiial lnuci . : i ., . '" ' ll. 011.11 I'A flit 1 111 - luem-e amount of property, meiit-e aiuouni oi property, bosses dil I' 't K- ihiii.pi) till I til, tt.m. I ... . J duuUi of thoatop- 'ue,of ,rou tjaud, les. mills ,u'; ''toris, are enormous an 1 it will oo a long time before the total can bo iutclligeiillv recorded. Tin estimates ixiw coming arc probably i eitiavaghiit hut the ac: mil facts are si nous enough. Oetieral l'. S. (iiaiit has, stiange to say, actualiy d.cline 1 an iiflite. Ho was tendered the Presidency of tho National Ritb Association of Ameri ca, and leceidly dei lined it, pleading a want of time to attend to its duties. An unknown young woman threw her infant from a car window la tween Ma Mil and Atlanta, w hile the train was at full spied. She got on at .Macon, bound for Atlanta. The child w as picked up bv ro ul hands. It was 1 lb treat. Central, ami Severn! other towi 8 aloncr the Norfolk & Western Hailroad uud in tho interior counties, Tho people are intensely excited, Why Wi'lconit'. What niakts l-'loreston Cologne welcome on every lady's toilet table is i's lasting fiagiauce and rich, flow ery odor. i.i iu this or any section, if you keep i. i: i i.r.i ::. ,i"' Biomtieii, ini-i uuu kiulhh iu Druiniooiurti l'lilox by tbe acre, as n hIil itihi It. im mia .if Iiih ntitn'anfii . . i i: 4 1 .:i..i . j i'mi, inriiitfiL uuu iuuhl ui.-tiuiiiui ot r v,l Mr ittia fnruo-18. who ba.o nlenlv of Iatnl. to 1 I....IO ..f ,1 11... '..1..1 ! for tho cultivation of 1'hlox ami other now rs. it is bbui i.ee. Aaoress, J uph Harris, Moieton Farm, Uocbeater, N. Y. I. ANOKRfON, F. A. WILET. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. RALEIC.il, N. V. J) J WM. LYNCH. I DENTIST, Will Ttslt Chapnl Ulllon lh Bcom.l M Muluy In ra.l ,milh ' hm with lr A. l. ..iri..n or , f n w.J i miscellaneous ,:, v: Xmsorlut . Votice to Farmers of North Cardinal' In order that all mirf bo uble to tiso Baugh's Special Fertilizer for Tobacco and Grain. Price per Single Ton ' ifre?.TOnS tor - p,VO to) TonS r OVer j 1Vr lo" of -t)0l) lt,s- 1,1 HO0,i ua?s of w01'!'''- c viuai.wtieo mo louowing analysis : AsraoxfA - 5to(TPermt- AVAII.AHI.E lloNE riloSlHATE 10 to 12 " " Si'Li'iiATE or Potash - - .. -f to 5 " " This article lias been used for years in North Cafirffna with, eswlleut results, and we think it will pay all Tobacco Growers to use it liberally. Address all orders and inquiries to B ATJGH & SONS, 103 South Street, Baltimore, Eld, Jauunrv 4. 1SM.J. :1m. AiaXtXONXATEB SUFEHTUOSFIZATII. ANALYSIS. Com mere in I Fertilizer IIai.kioh, N. C. Atiril 24tlr, 1882: 393. 1 ' Received from Commissioner of Agriculture in Air-tight Caiv sealed: Water (o. 212 degree F. 17 22 per cent. Soluble l'liosjihoric Acid, t;.:i2 lu verted 2i f Total Available ' " Insobil4o " " Nitrogen Potash Commercial Value Per Signed. Hos. I ! M. McCiirf;. Commissioner of Agriculture, ' W"H. 'l th' abovo First iiniie louowing low prices, iree on ' l"" . l"" 111:111 ""H ; tun lino ol Attiat'l LI l.K.VIi CHEMICALS, for leaking Houie-Made Fer- tlllAil'S. Si-nil for our book about WIVI. f Jan. 11. lSSlb NOlilllS, -WYA.TT 8 TAYLOR, coTTon conr.iissiorM ivicrcuaivts, ic.vi.i:k;ii, i. o. I'ONSIUXMKNTil Soi.U ITKI1, lililllKM 1'llH'E AM) I'ltoHIT ItfTUnNS ii UARANTEEK. Fertilize Yoer Wheat if Tod Waul it to Pay Yon. 1...00 SACKS AMMOMATEI) AND ACID PHOSPHATES, Tho ?est Fertilizer Made for Wheat nml Oats, Now in Depot Readj for Shipment. Semi your orders to AOItltIS, Unlet. N. i'.. Si'iti'inl'tr ", Issi. UALKIGl) MAttBLK WORKS. I W. DURHAM. 1 AVKTTEVILLi: St., ItALKHJIF, X. C. DEALER I2NT Mlrit.Mtiy It h ii tfimiiii tun HFADSTONES, oF;r'i-:i:s pimmi ii.y Klbf.KP jjy-CAi.i. on wnirii nut SEEDS southI rovrd 4 ll T. nWb urn the lnr ivnt laTUir,r . ,'giniVMrair1 miI i vTywlirr. t 7 ruriUiIrN f.r hinttiry, (Inn-Tip-tuiMH. uiiltmn ut Is il tnual br nt i tmu .1 rn its- Wal . of !' I n w ,r im AiTif.y 1 .irt of Ki-M, lianlnn. Tlowi-r nnd 'i'rt-o NfilmiiM na'ntfl. I It Id:. .ViMv' F.trmtr Alitaita mw pntNUi)i ou.' "itiiHrn ('urdnimitr, IO 4ntH HIRAM SIBLEY A CO., Sootlsmon, u t UlifUr, . V. mui Chlcaa lit. - tSI'AIU.IslIKO 1S34. PRIOR'S JEWELRY STOKE. FA YETTK YILLE, X. C. Watches, U and Jewelry, SuM anfl . Plated SL'venare. Our stock of NILVEIUVARK AM) V LOCKS' surjiii.s's in ex tout of variety ami lM-auty of leiins any display in l'ayettevillo by any one, before tlie war or wince. i Eniapmeiit and Weeding; Rlns, BIRTHDAY, BRIDAL AVD A X X I V E KS A II Y PK ES E.N TS. (!'. SiIvor and .StiH-1 Stad ami Kyc-G lasses, the very k-sf (JOED PENS, A large assortment. AVIien you visit Eayettcvillc call on VAHREN PItlOli A; SOX. Nut. 10, im. Sin. CEO. H. MZSSEZf & CO., WAIiON M N I' F A CT 1' It E 11 S tln .mly 11,0 li .4 iMiorlals. wo nk 1 thu tN'Ali.t w.rk.Kt.il wirrmil t-v.-ry Ji.l.. Wi..r.vntli. i4.lrAtMn.l1nrii.-tit w njr-ii Work., mnl 'Hir Wnipm wif Iwhit. Hi niiio "J. p. MssFN, sJi-m. V. o., N. i'." Write lot prKvii. IlKft-r to nil wli ri Advertisement. - St 35.00 - - - 100.00- " 03.00 -00 lbs. each u board cars or vessel N 52 Equal to Uoue Phosphate 18 60 25S . 66 1.0.1 " " Ammonia 2.37 2 17 Ton, (2000 lbs.) $35.75. 'HAULES W. UAHNKY 1 Hafeigb, N. C. -tjliiss Ft'rtifizor, (privilege tax paid, io!int in li.iltimore, 10 too, lota 28 per : we niso otter itt lowest prices a Fertilizer. DAVISON & CO., US V. Lombard St., lialtiuiore, Md. WYATT .V TAYLOIt TAI5LKTS, C. AND .SATISFArTIO.N UUAKAMTIZO. riot k i.isr anj dkbions. LO0K HERE!! EVERY MAN Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIRE IN THE- NORTH CAROLINA i HOME IKSUBANCE COMPANY. Thin Cnmpnny twin liroa in ucoteful hperllo for (uiiriron j"r. nd Always Pays Its Losses. I ll Is wife, aikI .lrciil, and pays promptly an II. , lilllllm. All otaxan ,A Innurnbl properly luur4 ; on rmMwftlt lormn. Now Ik the lima K Inturvt Fur runlii-r liiriiniiKitun apply to II. A. LONDON, Jn., Agent, i 'pteiulirr 1, lS8i.-3m PITT8BORO. K. PATENTS. fiiilltlton mt I. n. teruI I llTtl I'AirniA. No. VM H.Miih 5!.' ira'"l! 'lnirtoii. I. V. -orniiondnc w l. lli d. Nn rliam for iliir. No r rJurrril un. ifV-1 '"'""'' lli-rrrrnert. Lowlt odhmw luiliUleloriu.lrucUouirr. "Wom i w A. HEAD QUARTERS, IO V fll PerNon Kti-out, P-TSTTaT-LLB, IT. O., Is not only jirejiareil for aproachiog ! HOLIDAYS BUT I KEEPS HIS STOCK FULLY IIP AND Prices Fully Down! Ix-ailing foature ot my business : BuyClosc.SellClose, AND APPRECIATE ALL PATRONS. Cull at HEAD QUARTERS, 49 t 51 PERSON STREET. 10, ISti. tin. SOS"