Qnafnam Record - " THURSDAY, FEBRUARY S, ISS.'l. i ; : LOCAL RECORDS. WTCliirtM Moi-tes cheap ut tlio lkiia):i omvo. for pule W-O.nto' a lurtro crowd was in . town, oi liwt Monday, that being Coimmstmnoi'.i d.iv.' M-Last Sanl iv wis like a sura- er uay, 1110 iiierui-iMu ier iiniuiu uij; a temperature of nearly M itegrees. Rot. C. S. Farriss, the new pastor of the Baptist church at this ptace will preach his first soiiuon kere nest Suuduy. A. Fanners! 0 to ltynum & Headen.' for Long's C'wnnie.ils and Anihor Biaul" Fortiliijr. C.ill oa Iheiu and lo.ive your orders. M&Mr. A J. Bynunt has been ap- nnintAil ft inutii'n of the unnee in this towTMhio to fill the vaeancv occasioned by the resignation of JJ. O. Womble. WNcxt Wednesday is St. Valon - tine's Ditv, when it is said tho birds choose their nmtoa, and youthful lov era exchauga Rweet-scentuJ missives. 9SfA.t the last meetingof Ihocouiity eonunissioiiers Mr. A. J. Brewer pr,- AntAil liw nflii'iiil lir.tul ni. eilllst:llilri of Bear Creek township, and the same was duly approved. . . arWe take pleasure in calling attention to the card of Mr. J. Cole, who is an honest and reliable Jeweller, and will give goo.l work at teasonablo prices. Try him. . -. aa- Tlie county i-onmiinsioiiers will meet here, on next Tuesday, for the purpose of preparing the plans and U. J. Powell, as Justice of In apecifications for tho bridge to boj ferioi Court,' built at Moore's mill. The attention : A. J. (iritliu. f(r lnniber for of bridge builders is called to their j bridge at Henley's mill, advortisoiumit in another coin inn. M. K. reiry, for G2:l pounds ; of pork. - Mow is your tune, ii you nee.i any Clothing calj at London's, and see his atoi-k. He has a largo supply ot Oliver Lovo. for guarding and Wiuter Clothing, and they must be carrying Ileiirv Uennett to old at once, for the cash. He will; j.,; " , well them at New York Cost. I iiiean ji;1I.j0'n ivitv. as canvasser at business. Call at once, before t lit i 4.lt.t.ii,m atoek ia broken. They have got h; j , jjsingtoii. as crier of S- ; Infoi ior Court, ( j w j rttoh, for 2 barrels of A- Mr. Joseph Harris. Moretou ; (lour. Farm, Iloehester, N. Y.. has sent us j j K,ii.;ht. deputy sherifT. Lis new Catalogue of Field. Garden services at Inferior Court, anil Flower seeds, for 1SS.1. Those j j..'ox, for ,509 pountls of who want good, fresh seeds,- direct ,k, from the grower, will do well to send 1 jlin lichardson, for cow for for Mr. Hums' New Catalogue for poor-house, 1883. It is sent free to nil applicants. jA.M1. i.;iiS) ns ,.0gistriir of Address, Joseph Harris, Moreton j voters, Farm, Iloehester, N. Y. j j. ). Bn'isington, J. P., for in- . . j Mtilveiit fee.-i. A. It will soon bo time to com- G. W. Foushee, dept. RherifF, rnence planting your (Jarden. You ! aerviees at Inferior Court, will find at London's a large supply ' J. F. IJivt-s, as Justice of In of Buist'a, Sibley's, and Furry 'a gar-1 ferior Court, den seeds at the lowest prices. Mer- j Thomas Cross, for jail fees, chants can bo supplied very cheap, j L. If. Exline, services as Clerk Received this week a lot of Solo' to Hoard. Leather, extra good quality. AlsoajJ. G. Ileneher-. Solicitor, for lot of Rice which will be sold cheap insolvent fees, in lots of 5 1 1 lbs. and up. Dr. H. C. Jackson, as physi- cian to poor house, teS" Harden Hros. ,i Co. have just ' W. L. Loudon, foi supplies received a large lot of Material f.n j for poor house, ' making Buggies. Wagons, & Call Hynuiu iV Headan, forupplios and leave your orders. They warrant ! for poor house, all their work. If you need any ru 1 O. S. Foe, for mattress for pairing they will do it w ith in atness j jail, and despatch. They have now a Xo. j Madison llarrM. for wood for 1 Horse shoer and will bo glad t jail, how vou what he can do. All kinds ' l'.ich.ird llainsev. for services of Blacksmith work done. IWCall on J. B. Harris for a pair of those hand made Shoes. If you want a new suit ho has the best so lecled stock of Clothing ever olVered in this market. Having bought them since the decline he will sell them lower than the lowest, for cash. All persons indebted to Shaw & Harris, either by note or account, an, earnest ly requested to come forward and Mttlo with J. B. II irris at once as he Beads tho money. Another Gin Aitipknt. On day j last week Mr. Joseph Barbi e, of Wil- j liarus township, had his hand caught . it) a cotton gin and painfully, but not seriously, injured The gin had just started and was stoppea ueiuio uiv much skill aa a Iiii'ihui. A citizen j wj., MnK white ln ys 'ad M.-udnv hand waa badly crushed. j of Winston has two hens that have : While in the excitement of chasi-u' ii " 77" 1 la.tiI.10U egi-s between them in fio rabbit his gun hit a slump, causing Smart Bovs. We are' informed by ; suc'i e-t-ive days, an egg npioio e ach (he diachiu-ge of its contents into his Mr. Wiley Goodwin, of New Hope Jaj-, uud at 1 ibt accotiuts were still ut , side. Ho only lived a fcv inomei t-. township, that his two sons aged 15 : it. . Aboiit foiir t.Vloi k A. M.,on Tlmis- and 8 years, raised hut year 80 bar- , r . 0ne Ill8t ! ,uy n.on.ii.g, I', b 1st., an alarm of rela of corn, 2 bales of cotton 1 wt-i k the ten y'nr old non t f Mr. tiil- ! W"H soiiuded, when it was dis Btacka of oats, and fattened loOO , ll,lttr,J wbo lives four mile ! oovert il that the large brick building pounds of pork. I Ins is better farm-1 h of wM Vrk( ()vei. on tl)e co, llM. of Fitlh ot lllul lb(. ing than is done by some grown per- Urg.uiuiiloho WU8J ,,,,;; ,, N. C lt.ilr.md, known a, the lbuk anna . . J - . ,11 I I.i .i i! . 'I I sons. ArPOINTMENT OS MAGISTRATES. The ; ... . .1 : :n a te months : J. A. w oiiiae-u, v . p. retty, C. E. Johnson W M. rhomas, J. I). Brasini'ton. E. L. Tvsor. A. 15. Wilkie. J. H. Lawranc.e, C. li. Scott, U. A. Fugh, J. A. Houston, W. A. Lineberry, Janios I. Wiluod.' Lane and A. J. of young men wero hunUn- rabbit's near this place, on last Saturday, ono of them. Mr. Octavtus Jtatcti, was accidentally shot, Lut not seriously. one shot fitrikiiif' his neck. At first he was thouirht to bo ilanirerouslv mounded and a messenger t-amo to town in 'prcat haste for a doctor, and Doctors Maiuiini? and Hunks ha.stened to aave hiin. but intern their arrival Mr. Hatch was epiietly chewing to - bacco. and an oxaminatiou of the wourfd showed that there hud boou more eicitemeut than danger. ixigisiaiuro ai us presenr. scssiim ... , . , the building worked heroically to rae ppoint successors to those magis-; Afheboro Conner: Tho latest en- lle B1ronudin property iu wliuh trateg whoso terms of office expire tt rprise inaunrated in this cniiniy is t(iev sll(.ct.,lle l"thoti"h several linns this year. In this county the terms , a cl.air factory. It ia owned mid urn Cre fn,m lUe UiCrjilfbris audx of the following magistrates expire in by Mr. Johu li. Makepeace, of En.uk : ,rem(, ,ieut Ti,e hnil Iiii" was ... i.e.! W. H. & It. S. Tucker & Co. Wo I elsewhere publish the announcement I of this new firm, one of whose me'iii- bers is our former townsman, Mr. Goor-jo W. Poo. und nil of whom were the former clerks of the Messrs. I Tucker ami are young men of expo- irienee, cnerv und enterprise, who will do honor to the name tliev boar, .... 1 111 .....i i , .....I... t. i. .. ," i ill n I "iu iiriiiiiiui ii ....lis.' 1 ui net in l i' i ii i i the- leading dry munis house in Kal 1 w i I I l eijni. o take pleasure in oiimiLiid a ii i f ing th"ni to the piitronn-'o if our i . . ., , . ,, readers, and hope t int their brightest ...... , i l i, antwipiitaMia iikiv bo reiilized. J5y !., ' , J, w; ,i,v. ,, M,.,t Af..i if 1110 wnv wo noneeii in run i a c-nn ., , . d'!l i 'se t 1 1 l.,r('T"n i a t-nni), ,e j ,jvkH S old clerks hud ,i,n wt li a. yolil Jieftded i presentation beiny made in their be- half by Mr. m n most appropriate and foiling HHei!h. JontNAi.is m Mr. R. K. Brvnn, of the Favettevillo Examiner, has sold that niiuer to Mr. R J. Halo, who will publish it as tho I'nyetteville Observer. hile we much retrret to part with so dignified, able and pleas ant a writer as Mr. Riyau, yet we are truly pleased to welcome i'apt. Hale to tl.ie editorial fraternity of North ! Carolina, ono of whose brightest or j nanients he will bo. Our older citi- zona will think that tho ffootl old 1 ikou ieun inn, . u i urv see tt l'y the I-ayetteville Ol)se-ror wit Ii J.. J. Halo as editor and proprio - tor. ana win recall me old UOscrver puoiiHiM'ii i it ino eiiier jiaie lor so I many years before the war. C'apt. Halo is a son of K. J. Hale, lately de- ceased, aud is a gentleman of talent j Vulture having graduate! at tho iStuto l mver.sit y with the h.ghtest honors ot his class in lHdO, and wo ! wis!l ,hm Blt access in his i work. Commissioners' Meeting. , Tho county comniissioneis held ! their regular monthly ineetiiig on last j Monday and Tuesday, and audited the ! followiiitr tu counts : 112.00 I 11 ol) , i (52 30, (jursou Johnson, J. P., for in- solvent fees. LSI) 5.01) j 1.50 ; !.l)l)! 10 0 ) 1.20, fi.OO j 12.25 G.OO 10.30 5.25 (5.25 7.55 ;i7.o: -III.- , rA l oO at court house, li. M. Burns, for bogs forpoor- honse, , W. N. Straughan, insolvent fees as Clerk of Inferior Court, II. B. Edwards, one witness ticket, W. Ii. llutson, ono witness ticket, W. F. Foushee, insolvent fees as Clerk of Superior Court, S. W. Brewer, SherifT, for con veying Marion Price to in sane asylum. 4.00 7.00 17.0(5 14S 1.55 8.00 23.90 State News. Winston Sentinel: Winston has a crtt that CaU Utllatch a dtor With asllliiw .i,milv w.-nt out. rnlilol linntiiiir falling on his l ands loot ln.th the hones in his right arm I rokeu a short .. . .. - . . iiisiaiK o aoove me wrisi. imsvi.ie. Mr. niakepeica is one ol the live and progressive young men of the county nn.l has the nush aud vim necessary to insure success j ,i;i,vi. i. w a 1 ,, ."7 , . . " ;" . ,, . . the principal proprietor of the Hocky .uouui iuaiiuniciiiiing Anns, nasmaoe au assij'uuieui. Mrs F.leanor II. ?UU f l ,',,e ,io,v- 1),,v!11 .owain, died ttt her reBideiieo ' ---j v n. "J"" of lwo or ,lirjft Loure of bro"- :'"ll'!" ; David-ou Disiialeh: From the Gist ', tu the twi-uty-iiixth of Jaiiuury, Con- rd Hill produced and Hunt to the mint over nix thousand dollar's worth of L'o'.d. bid nlso produce-el iciiiicd j copper to the amount eif tihtthon- i sand dollars. This iroes to t.how thtit the mines of this BectiwU willpay when iproporly woikcu. Newhcrne Jonrmt': About 10 o'clock on Thursday, Dilwy Kiir, mi iif," d colored woman livuijr in u tenement house on limb's nlley, caught on 8re Mini was ho badly burii.d sh died at one o'clock. She. had hcem sick Mine : June and was ni'tinu by the tiro up si an h al um and whs supposed to t ave ln-cn tihlte.) when hi r clothes took , ,iii,:. - yv T, .. , ' arrciilon liiiZetf": I r- mi t. e lies! - : f ., ,- .. . ., , nil iiii ni";i nrj l-Iiu 'i, nil" v in ,1 1 i , , ,, , . 7 , . seedo-l in tins count v this vear is at out . ,i-.. i , , , ix'ii' iiiii'i iini. ii hri i;i-i nrni'in. A i ... i . , . yt 1 i A few s ntro ( icurtro Muck, colored. h epi.. psie, leu in the tiro iin.l us an epin p:ie, ieii 111 uie liro mill ins ' '"''"'''"f? ''HUK'it 'Hi'l 1'" vms badly in - j,:lvJ u'"' ''0 bouse burnt but he , r,.,.,,vered coiiK-iousness in time to e8cnpu from tho buiniiig building. Ilillsbnro' CMiBervcr: An uiit.irtuu- ute difliuulty occurred botween two vourijj whito ir.cn. near liillsboro, tdn s lay morning, when one of i ibem was ih.noerously wounded Mr. li iiiiliort Yilkiitson lost, a hor-n'i last Monday night. Mr. Y. was di iv-' i.i.f ,.tr,.w ,1 -... t horses mired. He tried to release the h..iB... and in doing ho it fell and died i tho water a'.d mud. Ans m Times: A liUlo tlin c year old noil of Hampton Davii, wfvo lives in ar Tolkton, was bully burued 1 st ibm-Mtay night, il.c httlo I.-IIoa s ; t.iJuir. in which fco was sitting near : ,. Hre turned over nd threw him ' ii(, ,,. ,, H j.hico. Ibid" Lowder, a son in joiiii jjiiwuer, r-i , 1 1 uirn- iug home from here list, Saturday, underio, 1; tu foul Rocky River with his n-,'on and team at Crump's MiiU. The luulu and horse got into a hole in d'.'ep water and were both drownid. Tarbom' Southerner: last Tnes day 'veiiing Mr. K K. Neville, i f I f il i'nx county, while rii'lug home from EnSeld was thrown violently from hi horse against, a house. So violent was the fall Unit Mr. Neville wna killed. Eight itim-iti s i f He j Til at Wd liii'iist on escaped cm S itnrday evening i .I.I it ii - i rv 111.. OOj, , ,., u,., ! cleverly ni.inaced. XVit h a spik.Mvl.ich thbnrisiuiera heated in the stove. Ihev burned the sleepi rs to the ll tor, when he lloor drojipi d, the house wan hili eitouoh above the ground to allow the incinerated to crawl out. Fraiiklin Ti nes: IVople cannot be ton careful with lire. Two nan nw 'scapes leive occurred in town of hit". Oni' night- hut week, the residence of: Mr. E G. Brown, win paved from I. liming by a young lady, who Mi:elt ihe biiiiong of a carpet. Rushing in- to an a.ljoiiiitig ro.itu she f-iiiu li-fnU ( , of amok", and a largo Iio.e iilrea ly 1 burning in Uielloer. Andtui liiesd.iy night the editor was awakened about ...... .. ..... . . ... . . " 10 10 - ocioeK uv ino same cause 11a naieii ; above i mi' ll of siii"k'-l quickly jump 15 Kl '" from bed he found tire iimLing its j way thiough tho carpet and endeavor 10 00 ' '"o ''ike hold of the floor. ! Charlotte Journal: Salisbury is 2.07 : one hundred an 1 thirty years old, land was at one time the county hi at of territory stretching to the l'lt-ilie ocean. Hero men have lived whose names stand ru tho roll of honor thus: Ono was a President of the1-! I'nited Stabs, one a member of ii, i "nt, ;!, .V .nK;,...t ,.n n son.,,,, hs '"'"""I ""r minister p'em potcn'i irv, one a niini. tm-to South A.i e ii.;. two were V. S. Senators, four were Governors ,.f th State, ono was a justice, and ' another a chief jn-'.ico of the Su- pi-cme Court, seven were superior ; court judges, i i, dit were congress- ni"ii, and a nnuibir of tie. tu weie authors ii'id shu has ino bn-c I a man who refused a I'. S. Si'ieitorship, and another a seat in Congress. (iM'.-iisboro' Pa'riot: O. II Wind- er, of thin place, claims to have the ., ' . .. , . . . ,,. tinest flock horse in tl.o St.-ite His brother s-'ld -1'ine time ago in Bull'ilo, X. Y., f .r-JlS.000 A Gnilor.l fruit grower has tes't d the theory that iron driven into apple trees wi l promote ! fi u it. bearing. II 'has a winti r g .1 h n pippin which ncuT held its fiiiil or bore heavily until some old lmr-f shoes placed in the foil soft he trie In came in, bedded in it. Now it, bi-ars abiind ' itlilly, aud the fruit is of the Ins' quilr.y. W. D Ailred, of l.imlie- : man, Randolph c unity, in iu town i with a model of a railroad s.vitch which promises to levoluti'inizo rail - ! loading. Tho switch is under ti e - complete control of the engineer and he can handle it fi om his ngiiin at wi at over spied it may bo mailing j (y'liaih t' Democrat: De-It Milling, i ,.,,1, ,..,! wim livi-,1 n nr Maiili.-ivst m ' isia io ruiuory, was on lire. i lie '";' "" lhei i! ui'knonu. The ; i; c.,.i,.,..o ;,,,t,l,' i.s i !:'" i--"".s"- ,u r.,,,,. jiy jiesS-!4- r.urwi llv Si. tings. It is i(f ( lM,,)le to g(.t B corrk!,t eillllltt, of .i't i.:..i. i. i .i... mm m-i una : ' . . wiaiuinu ii-.sei ver: ii,o o eei Cre, k settleineut, this county, ha. . ,. i ,im i.sst f.- d .vs ovr the uuiiceouiitahledis ipiearance : of three men of that township, nil of w.oiu left faniih. s behind Ih. iu, he- Hnles a lot ol ttupani tients. jicsms K. M. Oiomell, Samuel Cie mweli am! Ande rson Lrown uie Ihe men and th. y all left last week without i--in-j; u aord of wa ninr or statin-.' 'heir intentions. Tho tirst. Lamed wrote a letter homo from l'ubikki, l'loiidu. but fcinci' then iiothiiiir is known of his movements. Tnee.iher two men have nut been heaid fio.n ! ut all. All Ihfto we ru most lespcct I ubly cynutctcd una vvtto iu jood' mlin with tln-ir fellow men ! What motive tin y eoid.l have h uF fur thus -i; '.inpin" i Mil kuo.x n. : ; T icir wips Mini faiuili -s arte in cat di'sln ss i b.nt I lit in, n rt I in the mean- j time their properly bi been h vied j upon to tecum their th I.'s. I j S) , .,, t, , , .... ( . , ,i . '. Min i in i in? i'"hnh , .ii r. mics .Miiu- i .. . . . . . , . , ;V"- died lit Ins lone in t uncord .. . . , i tow in- h : p, oil )mi..I;iv hist, tit the 1 i , ' , ... .,' ., : . l.lli-...l'il a 11 l I .11 -III!'-. 11 llOir.IlHj , , " ,. , ' , ' i mid 10 davs. Mm n.iiid ai e car to' , , T . . . . uii'iii!. ij'ia- .11 lltrivil J ill Ol Ur m t u i e ' i , ' Mr. M. A. Steele, nf (. Kiiiilier.'-biiiL' i towtminp, was ;iiiiopiii ne i.I lim 1 futher'a horrft iilont; the road, when I the animal stepped in a rut and caught : its toot. It tin ne d eoinp'o'e s'lioi r-' j towim up, wus ;uiiopiiiK Hie nf luti. s iult, it-i head lying in the direction fiom wliich it had lieen traveling. It j broke itn own neck, thing in the row'. I t I nnrilin l.irr nf iitiiiii-.l I ao i -if- h ic.-enuy i e n H'w n a,- uio Biiw-ini.I ; of M h rs. D.itson A Ibmpe, in Chain- j Ixvsliurg towiihhip. It was SJ feet long, me is'ir d ovi r :t.i, f i t in .liaiiie- I I, II:. O 'lT II. UIW I.M-t I lt.) ' U"k' l-;-ty-fgbtf.H of the t,, e! L"4 1 "l .,,ni " "Ver 3 IH.-0 l !'f ,l!;1' . 1 ' 0 . I d.v lung In, use nf Mi-. J. . S'een, at ' (Jak rest pnt i lii e, Cool Spring I town-hip. was bui ind to the geoumr, ' ! '( dm s lav, while the f nnlv n- f,,u ho.e, and .ll ,,f Mr. S oenV wheat, b ,c.n. h.r l, c , werfl consuin ! t'd with i'. M..st of the In .iiselio'd fm-. i nituro wh mived. Ti.e iioiise caii'dit 1 tiro liom a sti y. -pip-. Ahoiit six , 'weeks ago Mi. Iu:.h Cul, living ai : 1 11 .ck Cut, in t county, wa.s pvnring ' I out a cup of ivll'i-o. It was net on tlie ; table, when her little hoy Arthur' f Ah sunder, about Ii u ars oi l, walki d ' j up and pulled it down m his load. I IL'j Hfie-uiH d in agony from the scald, ; 'lingered until ia-t M. nday, and then j (die I. l'l-.ib.il. y for t!io li.st time j Uince the cuitiiii; id e-ittou was imro-' ilueed into this county, the picking of j the or p has now xtea led into the : January followiu-,' the year of its pro- ! ililciou. A few days a-'o a fiiiuti u'm l'1''' MiVe.l to us tl,a. U,"l" fields, that day, picking out co'tnii saiue as in C'toht r, and to his m.-pii.-c he. ha 1 found the cotton liitli1 Htaiiit 1 or otherwise m juied, it being, mi far as he could it il, about ltooiI as that I'icked in the fall, notwnh. tan. ling the ruins ami biunvs. -m . Doling a quarrel between a father ii'id son, near Yi!ha:ii ton, X. ('., the latttr vvus -hot and insiantly killed by the fotiiar. 'piie court bi n 0 at Lafayette, A alker count v, G 1., was burned last 1'iidiy. Tile ii v value were d Hilt! CVtT tiiiliU i.. it i i 11 "J '4 ,i axes at Socorro, In a duel wit New Mtxico, t.i e cuiti i-tant was chopped to ilea' h and the other ar resttil in a living comlii ion. A panic in a wool fae'ory at Unn bay vv.-.s cau-a d by an alarm of lire; twi-idy-thie.i women w. re crushed to 'death in t-lrugliiig to escapo. In heCoiiiucliciit Legislaluru the ill r ipiiring voters to retuovo their hats when tipproachmg the im'IIs to . Pi.ln liiu ln.t fit,,. I I.. , ' ' llu1 Milti' Iieilsiinr ol A I ii 1 1 :ll 1 1 li 1 .. . . 1 . 1 I .i. ... .i ""( I'"ove.i a m, -... :er to uio ,-xhl of 22.,Ot:0, and has ll I, h avmg no 11 " ,u '' oirecuon or eiui 01 in- J,""'"',y. In the lower In n e of the New Jersev I .egi.-lnturn a bill was pas.-ei! piovid log th it in all civil nc'ions four men ut of a j-iiy of six and uiue out tf it j ny of I nelv.i shall be com e cut to i t mler a veidict. ' O l l ist Wt-lll.R.I y night oi.e of, M.n.v sliiies i vi-i ; tin- nmsl dis-istroiis known in the li icl- v M uim i:i ie,i.in i ..i i : .. t.. ... un e I about t i i !- ii. i s f.' Ci'iS'ed !'iile. in C l u-.i lo, and le--'ilii il ill ill" ti t il lie tl lictin'i i f th--ibi.viiid 1'. Suinh iiiiiliiaci e coal mine works, and t.'ie killing if fcvi-n iitid tin.' m lions irj uy of figliteen men l iw SalVsMViiy. Thes.il' st nlld SUIT. -I ua to restore the yoiitiiful c.-.lor of tin- h lir is fur iosi led hi P.irki r's I L'ir I! d-a n, which is deservedly popu'a: fioiii ilss iperior eh aulinesii. 1 " Hw Sill' Siivcd II or Biirltliff. - 'I shall not f-el so nervous again about babv's teething." in ites a grate ful mother. "Wo almost lost Olll' darling In in chol- r i infantum, but h'.p; il.v heaid of r.irker'a Ginger Tonic iu time. A few r p loi.fuls soon cured bal, and ai. nc,- isional dose! k-eps us in good he:ihh.--lU-ookly,,;iM0Ilcc.CJ .! A If li xi-:i. r N.ii.-i'. nf ilaih- nrnj mari-lu;:"- Intprtail fri' oiiiuiart"- i-Ii:u i;i"1 .-i-vi-n (-,.tu a lina. .loilNi.o1 I'.utl-liall. 8-. ii, .1. I SI.UAM, all i SLOAN. M ilm rr-.l"ii.-" ,.f Martha mi I ',- .vn.-ti v 41 h. Ii-ki, I y t'ai'-.ii .l.iim Mr. W. I'. I.iiiv-ii.s iu Mi.-a l'i.i,i.a I O.-lkl.'lll-t t"IMI-llll. l'liil.Lll's -eoiiii V. .1 ii.il.i-il. Mr. MMO.M'li. . II....IAS . iHl Ilm llli ln-t.( Ml lull. I. in. Jr., I "I t'luelialil. l.y !!... Ill Mle- CIIOSS- 1 INI T.na.V. on Un I'. li In-' . al III.. ii--i-l'-i. I Un- no Ii - u-iaii'IIn:li..i-, ... w. In. mi. i . l.y Il. v. I . s. J ii.t. Mr. lu 1 1.-, M. fin.- to Xll-M I AI1IIIK 1. I.IM 111 KIlV. New Ailvcrliscineiits. For Sate! ... ,,-,,-, 1 Hp.eii.li, "K l-a l"ts -one in I hat . I Hill. N. C, the other in I'instoii e.. lerinseasy. Apply to Feb. H, is.s:, li ('. l?li()VV. I'ittsboro", X. V. It. r. On in HoAiin oi' .'omm:siom;s. ui ClUTirAV I'l t'M V, Fe b. .r). lh,s:t. Sealed proposals will be received . to 12 M. .March the- Cth. for the building ol a hi id,;e across Haw Hiver at Moines mill-. Nptviliciit ions can b.' st i n at thi-i i.ftice: any timo after the I.Mh in-t. The t'onnuissioiiers rest rve the i i;;ht to reject any aud all bids. L. K. KXJ JN'K, i ik of the Hoard, its. iVb'y 8, 16J. Suffer no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, wantof Appetite, loss of Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cure all these diseases. Piston, November jfi, iS8r. Brown Lhhmilai. Co. Gentlemrii : Kit yearf 1 h.yn heru a great sufferer from Dyi pepsia. and cwuld gel no relief (having tried everything which wa recommend. tt) until, acting on the advice of a friend, who had been bene&tled IlKoWN't lwiN llllTBK-. I IriCll a bottle, with mokt surprisinK results. 1'rcvious to taking JIkown's Ihuh lit rraKS, everything I ate distressed nie, and 1 snITercd greatly from a burning sens.ititm in the slnni.ich, wlii. h was unhe.iralile. Sim e lalt. ii. g IIkiivin'sIki'N llirTRKS, all my truuMi-s are at an end. Can c.it any tide withutit any ttis.iKreuble re. suits. 1 am practically another Scrt.n. Mrs. W J. Flvnn, y Mavcriclc St., L. Uoston, BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold Viy nil Druggists. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md, See that all Iron Hittcrf are made by llri'wit Uhrmii.il I ,. , lultimorciuU have crossed red lines ami trade, mark iit wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. N'W Advertisements. A DMIXISTHATOUS' .NOTICE . Having .nmlllli-l iw AilminiMirrCrH nt .1. II. Mi inn, ili'i-i-iiM",!, wi lii-ri-liy uivt ii.iil. n to all lu-r--.-ilM liavnn: rliilnif nu.ilu.-t inl.l il,--iMi-iil lo i-x-llll It Ihi MHlnii tu lis nil or ImiIi il't tin' Mih .lay of l vi.niiu-y. iwl. T. V. Ml MS, 1-Vu. S, 18KI. 4-s. J. S. STuXE. MUTTOUS XOTIlK 1IAV- M rasi..!, I h. n-hy t'v ii.li all ii.'rn..tiH liav- luif " ifiini.-. rtatu-i ni'i 1mi1 I Ullllit Hi. Ml ! t ri ii t.fi r I"'l"'' li-M' 1 tln Hili .lay, if I 'n-iiarr. IM , II, .1, UOL l'. "jnOKTGAGE SALE BY YIR- . i J tuo ,,r a murium?' fx.-'itif-l in inn liv w. T 1) -r!!!...n llnl-i ilayi.f April. 1ST:". 1 will -.-II ai imi-li.- ain-tl.'ii rt- -:t-li, ni tlu- --.uri lin-... n.r In i'111-i...in-. n. e., i.ii sati hiiw ihrt unit iiavr M.'ii-'h. Iks:i, a li-a.-l "f Imnl in lla.llrv i. wiikIiIi. mi lii-yi'i k. nil wlil.-h Is Hiuiaii-I a mill kimwn an i lark's mill. a ll"inhu; ' ln laii.li"! A. II. I'liaiuu, J. II. I' -oranViitii.l aul utlur.i. Fi-li, s, 1SI-.I. 4i.J THOMAS J. CI.AIIK. X ECFTOR'S NOTICE HAV- Inn iualll.-l an llu- Kxii-iil.ir ! tlie last Will nn.l T.Ht:iminl .if Malll.l.-i Itjil.lisin. .I....m-f.l. 1 I li.'i-t.hv l'IV.. l,i.lli- tn nil t.Mr-.nm li.tliliiii i-liilm. ihwIum ai.i a i,-m ti.i-xiiii.H tin- mimti iu me 1 " "r iis'iri" ' sin iiay ui hctnuary, ini Vl!. a. I M. 4l..i . J. WILSON", ! y (W LAND -BY YIUTI'E ,., in nr.lfr Ih-iiIih; from lh Hiirrl"r r-nurt I t'li.-i'liaiu i-.uin:y In ilii cause ruililnil K. II. IVarrlnt!t'.ii. 1). C. Ki-arrlnKi"ii nn-1 mhi'r-. 'x I-1 -li.ill ai l-j ii'iUh k M. .m Wl-:nstsi)Y Hi" Till .lav ..r M.-u-.-li iii-xi. nil ilir-ri'iiilsi.-iMar Ki-ar-I'hi-I.-ir.-, Milat. hi-II nl Mili-ll'Ul tn llm hlKti'-Hl I'l'l 'h i- f.if i-.-i.-li a irai" Ian I I'l'l-.liulni: In lln i'.-lali' r I'.. I'. 1'i'arriiil.iii, li.i.a.-.l, kimwti as lln I'lrki-r tivi'i. iflj ii'L- lli liut I- "I W. II. M-i--ii. t. e. Alwaii!' anil "iliors hiiI cnialnln- ainuu tills- a.T"-. .1. tl. lirNt'll I II, lM;sli..ri. I'l-li. s. ICKI. 4ia Ci.mnilsl 'iir-r. Literary School, I1; iTsr.ui:u-, s c. ii.i'ii.-l In ini i-r llili. Usi, Willi !." si-li'.l.irs, T."i mi roll it"iv nii'l i-i-ii.s'alul.r liii-tva-sliii;. Tin 'Ir-ll-.' nf Ilils S' 'li .-'I I- l a.-li I'liinaiy .raii'-li"- ( Kn'llsll. 'I'll" "''ll Ml" Ki'lHllllS t lii-lt- lill.li'-n Il-i'ln n-ti I" llll. -"ii lull-'-, uii'l n u ill I." tin lari.1 ai'hu'ii lii iiic ivuniv. .1. v. uor.r.i.soN. r...-i. iir. Hey il t: mhulkaunly, hne'i. Ki-I.ruai y Dili, Ihki. ih. Practical Watclunaker & Jeweller, oi.iii l'' i ont-K, liili i-li, FINK AMF.liii'AN SVATl'llES A Kl'Kt'lALTY. AI.I. HOODS W A UltANTKI) AS ltKl'KEF.N I EI. tiKi'AIKINU N FATLY IoNK. "t'atl ai.'I i-xanilii.' my si'h-k at.tl l'rlcos before liu.-'Jia-l..' .-l-.-wh.-rr. fcti l-'i-lTuary mil. Iwl. Ilm. Wo lni UiIh Jar nHootatoel ouri'lvig tKihdr for the Miriwe ot ciiiIiii1Iuk a flra.-clfwti Dry Goods Business ! In tlie.-llynf lialrlgli. TliPslyl.-nf tho firm will t-a W. H. & 1. S. TUCKEK & CO. Having Ih-,ii f"r a niillil'Or nf voarw Halri,nn wilh : lli.i.'l.l III ill "f W. II. K. S. Til. k.-r-wli...r-tiallir an. I K---lill w liMn -i-i-iiro.l -mi r," i-.---t r . 1 1 1 jr hi'IIi'Ii it .lUtliitiait.-o nf tl.o iatr"i.ai:i. hcrfii'l'TA t-llo..lt-l to Ui. -in. In a frw ilayi wn t.ial have a . ni-w !... k "I n-iil- In ..II i1i-in.im-iiia - lih-li will I..- s.. l hi On- l-.we-l .rli-m. V alinll ni-r.iiy the olj -'.ami N'. 23 al.U 'J5 r'uyi-li.-vll, -.lir-nt. I .1 XS. 1IOVLAN, T. W. nonius, I'lHS. Mi4.IMl.ION, oi:o. w. hik. l abru iry 1, :8s3, IJOTICE. rui.KWM. X. i: JVIi. 1. 18W. 1 havo ..1 Hi" rnili-i' i. k nf i:--!-un. Cnn, mil ..I ih II r m "I w 4 :. s Tu. It'Ti" Mri.-r-. Jamo- ll-'yiit... 'I. w. ihiiihin, t'l.arli's M 'Klinrni'n aD.I .i...ru-.- w. li. i. will oiuilniii-Ui uiislinn utiil.T tl..-llrm name of j W. II. & It. S. Tm kor & Co. ! I Imvo ii ft h tiro In Mi tfltnan1 nm nit ronxn- wii n-r uiiy dt'iM iiirae'tei ny ino nrm or w, H. . It. K. Tu. k.T ft O.. I rh"rruliy rH'nnimtni to ih fAvnrnblff mnnM orniioii of tlio imiLIIk the now Arm of W. H. k K. S. Tti. k.-r X Te. Tin liMtlns will h itwuoil ati'1 Ntin1iic(1 by lit uUivc nntuewl Knilmiii, wh inw hal thot'r irainliii! wtili iiiroll lli '.i ami uro iimtrril tu I'ollilUt'l i ho CMPIO. Iu r-i It tiia- from thiMlry k-nmIh luwlnof, I dviro ' to n'liirn my ln-Ti Uiankii ! a ifoiinni tjnthlto 1 tor lh"ir i'ainnac ttn.iir fl:n ur over hair a eniiiry, ami I aHnro our unieimorw Ihat I fully ai'prt (atn iheir prform In tloaling with m. anl th'-iit:'! ii t i tmlai Hy liiiiro.Hlt ) in ntiw hit!- un-niw nrm. i !, l inmt l hoy will ooulliuio ihoir pairouae to II ft. Tl I'Khlt, , Survlrliuc I'artnr ! W. II. At It. S. TI't'K FM. V-T thn irotnt 1 will Moupy oiip r th offh in tin hioin o! w. U. . ft. S. 'iu.-kor k V... f..r thn il! ): or rtMMI1g up all ot our oel hUnllltWft Ut t-. t-oiTiiary ImU K. S. Tl h KM, j D ITI. I l I Ih 1 I II I"- Wi livi li. J. i a m.-m i i a s-v u viiir I'liBirl- aniii lit pni'-iirlru; 1'Hti'iiia, rnvc.-itt. Ti-ndi'-MitrltR, e.'. itL'i. m. i-ii., in iiii- nn.l .iin-r i-oiiutrii-H. Olll lliui'l It . -kM (CI vlllif full ll:-tril-...tli, III I'flli-lllH friH.. A.Mi-. ii S. A. I'. l.At l-.V. I h -.hi AMI 's, cm psi., wukIiIiicioii. i. r. 'J.ui r.. 'ki. if I AN' I") SALE IX ITRSTAXCK ai of tin ..r.liT'-f lliii!t'iTl"r i-"urt"f eii.-itli.-tiii PillHlly. InlKli! Ill lltf-nllll "I I. M S-i-llil-ili vm. w. A. Iinw.ly, I will -.-a in I'liMii-.-I'l'-il' ii, li.r . n-li. M. Hi" .-Mirl i!..ii-.' I""r...n MoMi.W ili. rrli .luv.f n iilil AliV. 1-K'. a irwi til inn, i ijinir un On Willi r-of I i !:ir .-li--k 111 mil 1 'ilnly. .- .11 r :t i n ihiC Iim j.-.-r-rt, una nti"irii--i' w-in-i uljiiniuu OiIh uinl il-HU.ITili.i: '.il ii.n . l-..:li ll---, l.i-mi; lli- i.ii in. diMi ,i:i ,.. April Kiii, I--.ii. W. f. lA'l.iUl.i:. Juiiiiaiy lih, Iff, lit. Wishing von nil a prosperous New Vtsir, 1 would tilso cjill your attnilion to the very large stock of (Ioils whiell I kei p mi hand. You will iiluavs liml my stock compli te I do not allow it to run down at any season, llviiicinlii r I keep everything that can be (omul at any other store: u in NOI IONS, I'l.OTHINH. HOOI S. :leKS, ' ii ats. f.M's, i!i:r.i-r.'t liiio.'is. ! Hardware, Tinware, Woodonwaro, I ii,.ss a uk. i ii'H'Ki-:ttv, con rixnioxKiiiix Drons, Paints, Oils, Dye Ms,! Carriage .Materials, j Sewing Machines and Needles, rurniturc, Ircathor, Sadtlli'S, Uriilles, Collars, A'o., &v. FAIIMI.IIS reineinlier mhi will alwavs find at TIIK I.AlHii: T XI'OCK OF Flows d b M ill the county. lie keeps tlie genuine Kentucky plow, Walls' 1 niprovcil, Lukes' No. 2, l'':irniijj's' Friend Nos. 5, 7, 7.1, ami S, Watts, Oliver Chilled, l.emiiiing ton, Livingston, ( ieorgia Stock, Double Shovel plows, or any other you wish. Also, ha a large stock of SHOVELS, HAMES. 'IBACES, ami till kinds of FA KM I MS 1 M I'LKM KXTS. Large stuck of GEOCErJCS, sruAit.i oi'i-"i-:i': i iiK.KsK.cuArKKits. CAN linolis oF I'.VKHV KIMi If you intend buying a Sewing Machine be sun and call at London's; he keeps a large stock and will give some extra bargains. London is agent for Zciglcr Bros. celebrated Shoes for ladies' and children. Has received a new lot since Xinas. I have a few Clocks on hand which can be bought very low for CASH. Reiiii'tnlii-r my Multn: '-a ximiii.i: sixi'tM K IS III-.TTI-ai 'I'll AX A SLOW SIIII.I.IN'i." Special inducements offered to Cash Customers. London has received this week a uice lot of Chairs and Kockiug Chairs. I again return thanks for your libera! patronage and will be glad to serve vou again this year. W. I,. Z.ORJDOZV. ritixliiipi, X. C. Jar. :l. li-M. :n?MOinUf' f..r s...l.-r-. ..ii itny I Ism: T t.tiv'IUP0 w-.iii.'l "i- injury. I'.'ik. S-l" 1 li.-iiti'v. lia. k I'av. lil.-liaru-'- f-.r lii-rri.'i-.-. .il".. I .i-.. -iii.-.. It .-ar- - ...-i i.-n ". ...i-'. tl. M. ! SITi's ,V CO . .'.Ill I' SI , Wn lilni. ii, 11. t . , .l.ni.nirv 11, :i. ir. I-'K'Nio Itrslui-n llri'i or K:i li'il llitirf ululuUulst. (i'.cu..-liiil $1 n . nt :il ilii -nu. an !.;lii-r, llu. lni. .il ii ml ink.-. M illii-iiii. ui"' many ol' the let im il:i mo kn.-'Mi tin: lu re in'Mi liin.il illto.-llliriilrl'ici.f mi-Ii vm 1 ,-lt il rlli-i tivr lMiu tTS,:isloiil:kt t:ict;rt-.it''tl.-'-l I'm ifli-t .-s l.ic Best Health aril Strength r.cstircr tver ujcj. llriir.-s f , l'l' SI.- t,1,- all.tlsr..sclill i :..i. It, II--W- U. I iii.-. l'.er. K. !,..-.. I'-l i I I cm..'.: . I....H-. in." .iw;.v .i'l. I iiiisiimi-liisn pr i ....!. v II ui I -mi ly .hi'..--! il i,f irsini'M-. . I.-1 " -r .-.iia.-lli.-r I Hh-Nt" itl--.:.!- l'. .i.t ii!l..M.'nn-4. U'. Ii i IT I i .lri.es N -.iir , riiiiincwinu'iil I....N V. S- .1 l..r... ..' ir H y-'il nic w.i Tn v'm.."" V'1.' '.ssencrsnfl..!. I.ipll.ciysi- ui w wc-siaallil-il' .,Kl..il:irc.i I.I I.AIU.K SAVIN' FAHM FOIiiX vmi sau; ox : vi: wis9 timk nv mt1oa!oii:h womI of 1 li:tr-. N. u I -ihl miloM llHinti 'i "ti ilf l;. .V I. tii'l the ( r. A Y. V. raili-a U. Tin- farm uiam. al-otil 4 .'i-TOj. of w hi li ri.-roH m i in .'nl IwrMi. It 1h we wM..r- rt i h f..rtsiM .f -ik. hh-k'Ty, ...wih.i1. f'lar, ilm rnMliiift o in, o.ii..n, kIiiii. atr. A:.-. M i'l. "fihonirtn Is ri. h l.o:i.m latfi, lUiu'"ti K ' kvnvir. Mm fa.itliios lor inaklnt; tfinp- Mi-n.aiini'o Tho I'Uil'liiu-'" '-on-lt .r a i'oitiftrlal'to -Iwi'llinj;, larc I'-irn. un I niln-r aulhihlt- m hoUMv. Ji, A t ut uiit can lio hrtl. r further In:": inaiiou npply to, du. j. h. nri.Nn. rttmiNiro', N. C. Poo. 'th, IBW. fm. J. L. ALLEN & 00 . FAY KITE VILLK, X. ( MAM TACTt HKHS OF A S 1 W i Ii M.Es A I .l-'.J A X 1 RKTAILJDK.U.KRS IN N FurRiturc, lit BUnds, hi AMI R-iililcis' Material cii,rally. Factory on Muniford Street. Sales Hmmison (ircen and Uillespio Stret-ts. tuv. Iu, lt?2. Oia. mm I u lav ) The Largest Stock OF liaiiuin and Tics IN CENTRAL North Carolina! lVr the lowest cash prices to GINNERS AND DEALEKS , write to 1M. T. LEACH & CO KAI.Ktuil, N. C .rnly l, mw. ly IUi.K.ioit, N. C, Aug. 21, 1882. To I'll K ClTIZrNS OF ClIATIIAM S1 Si iutoi NiuNo LVjiinties: (Jkntlkmen: We will soon reeieive our large and well selected Fall stock of HARDWARE, of every description, Wapn ana Mil Goods PAINTS (all kinds,) A XI) fiL'X IMPLKM KNTS, SaslJ, Blinis aii Dosrs. iJSkiU? &C. iVC, and wo ask a share of yourjiat roiiage. Wo guarantee Balis taction. i i u Motto : KKsr ;oo:is. LOU LSI' MllfH. Mj 1' A It K MCALlNtt nefi'Ci'iruKy, Thos. 11. Ilrisrgs k Sons, Bale igh, N. 0. GROCERIES.! VISITORS TO FATE TTE7ILLE WILL DO WELL To Call and See OUR STOCK. Which we are willing to compare to any in the 'South. jOur goinls are new ami ourprioa its low as times will jicrmit. Wt invito every lady in Chatham to conic and see tlie display of FAXCT Canned Goods. Also, every thing in the way of Groceries. A. S. IUNKK & CO. IIAY STRKKT, FA Y IiTTK VI LLE, N. C, Xhi. lii, lSKi. 3m, HEW YORK WEEKLY Mil ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tl Ir.'iilnti..ii ..r H ,i.nlar liawawr la iv.l.-lnnily lii.-r.-a-lni;. li lalna all lha ImOIhc iii wk. I Un' limiy lli iaia ainiiH arrangiM la bands ilnjiartnifiiiH. 'I'll.. ruHKIUX XKW8 . roi.ru. Kp.-.-ial .ii-.ai. Iii-b from all iiuarlara ol Hit fliilm. 1 mli-r On- lii-a.1 nf A Mi: till AN SEWS nr.- flv. i. ll... 'ivi.-gr.ii. ninpatrhm nf tba naak fi '.n all ii.ui.t i.r lh I nlnii. Thla ffaluro aka l.mkis- III.-. WKKKLY HKItAUl tlio ni"M rnliialile rlirrmli-ln In lha wnrM. aa II la Hi.- .-Ii.-ai.mi. Lv.'ry ml la (Ithi faltbful r- li.ri.'f POLITICAL NKW3. il -rn.-lnir f.-iii'l-li. ami .-umpn-liotiiilTrdaapaKti. i-s fr-.m HarliltiKion. In- lu.llni; full rr-pona ot la -I..- Ii.-..f i-iniiii-ni i.'lii.'lnim mi lliouuwiitona tvl tin- l. 'iir. TIIK KA KM LK.I'AIiT.MKNT "f th.' Whi ki.v III iiM.i. bIvok id laiwit aawall aa in., iii.-t .ra.-iial Miirk--ii.im ami dlnnirarlaa rrlniiin; in il..- .luii.ii i.r 1 1 if 'armor, hliiix fur rala li.K t a il.', I'..iil:ry. il.-in.i-, Ti-wv, Vi.(rialiaa aa .V.-.. Willi i.iii.-l-'-m.'I.- ..r kilnK hiilldlnia' aa lai-iiilnu- iio iifliw in r--.iiir. Tlila la Hiipii..Mta4 l.y a wvll-i-iii.,.,1 .li ,ai iiimiii, wnli-ly u.j-a. una I llll I..-O.I nl ' ' TIIK HOME, Klvini! rr-. li.lr-. f..r i.ra. tl.l iltKiira, hlnla for ak. tiiK .-I'lllilnir ami f..r k.-vping iM. wnh lha laiaat la-lil..i- in ilm ..-i-l pi-l.-r.. hrery t,Fla ol a,. lint .a- i.i'...i..niy atiKKaainl In ll.la .l.-.arlmBl la pra-il.-Hlly u-i.-.l l.y .'iperta l-l..r.' publlraiiaa l.i'li.-ri. Ir.'in .iii l aiian. L.n...n 'rrniwnliu ..li Hi" wry Ini.-M fa-iil.iiw. Th n.nn.i Imt.rt. m. in ..t th.. wt.KKi.v llt.uALi. win aave t,. hUm-. m-.r.-iliaii . liini'lri-ltl-utss Ui urleaot ika. pni.-r. Tkwuiiin-aih.it "wiia SKII.I.I l LABOR an- t...k.i. arn-r. nn.l .-i.-ryihing ralatlng to -l.Hiil.-h mi. I lalhir-nnyinu In .-Mi-hfniiy rhmrHasi l ii. -ii- li. a .ah-.-.I.. I t..all ilm laiwt i.baaaai ..I ll- I'u-iiihwi maikHh. llr..,,.. Mwri-han.!!,,, A viii.iaiil.- fnni tiro ia 'mini In tbe auaclall l. iN.rl.. pi-l.-rh ami .-.-ikIIi l,.M ( -'"y TIIK Plti ll"i K MARKET. Spfirllng Sfwn at linmp nn.l alra1. Incatbar well a smry rth,-y w, k. a H.-. m.ii. l.y anmi .a-1, ii. nt llvln.i. Literary. Mnal.-nl, Dramailr. I'ataoaal nm I s..uv.i.'h. Tl.ro lain, paii In ih. Wrrl4 whl.-h .-..iilalii .. m.i-li n.-wa ninilnr riarv aak a, lb- Wr,.iv ll.-ralil, whi,-,, .,, p,valK m f..r our. Imiiar. Vm. .-an hiiliw rli.a at anyjlme TIIK NEW YORK HERALD In a weekly fnrin. ONL DOLLAR A VEAU. A ,r New York Herald llcirn r 2H, IhhJ. " Ilroailwar nn.l Ann ut w IMX'FTORS' NOTICE.nAV- ' Init .illin-"l ah tlta ..,h,-i,ioni ..f ,, u I'ark, lr-. ah,w. ,wl.y air., n.l.-at,,al nat T'.'IT. ,'av,"-' lt"' ".-alnt sal.l .Ihfsh,inl loT lill.lt ili"ha.n..t..tih..ii,.r iMH.uiMhaiMih day of Jan. ts, lis.. 4la, w. u UAHK A DMINlSTHATOIfS XOTICE """""""''ri an Admlnlhiru.rwlOi tk. will aii"h.l..r Mra M;uyK. M.r, rtwaaad I l.irhliy n'mrynllp.,,. Ii...ll. ,.lrn, ZZfcJt haj.l .l-h.l, ,,t ...h,,,,,,,,. ie ,,,,,. m.'S? i.r.lai.iiaiyj.-.!i. ivi. A i,,Ntr Jauu-i j ti. lbW, iia. ' ' lt"IW1( 'lii JlMMaaw.' ..ia.