(Chatham Record Tallin of IVriilizi'.rs. No iU'II, f 1 Tuxjciyors. Tuk LLcusLAii'iiK lms wily fourteen : Our Washington Letter. ' moro working days before its present session iuu.-.l close bv constitutional " . ili...SIl.. .,,: b, siion xxiih- Tron. our r-Sular iw....m!.-ut.-. THURSDAY, FliRUUARY I... .1S8U. ; i( ..11i,11.M Washington, 1 VIA, Fib. 1U, 1SS;'.. er the hut few i:ioiti s than P,- hive the u.e-al y-r which tmhd X.isccllanccivj .f.dvcrtiscnicnt. N. (A AtUii.TiAu. I'ai'lM'.i; xt XiXTios. Im- tn New V. r !!eiM i', , ii nv I ivxti .. , i a ,.,m; i .m i ., :., ' HI? riiiiMiliiiti-H liiiiv is niiifh i-t.-iii- hi.; ii'iii.iul M. e las'. J Veen her i ----- - i ever btoa cforeiuoer Stale.' Ti: '' i8S - i!u" m !'18 n lie Best Paying Business for Agents ! 7o was;t. an active, or.orstic and live Agent in every county ibv our superb "lONTlMitov. (Therefore whatever, .Uatiouiaeon ' ;o : a, nmo-,: ted to om- band.-, . I mlUi,.,:, C0UnV' W W SKpCr" template,! must be !..:r,ied up. It ;"b "' c!u:ll,ntl1n,i;Ly(,,.,.t)i.Mi(l.., 1W tW.-.d y-i.-fahu; June .'A , fl B-53 T..b rRSsKST8vHU,uof coun.y gov- ! will not do ... S.vc , , bother nigV ' .i .,f a not hs ,..u,:, a, Vy l,,v, 1-2. . ..,;!, : v.;-. 1'- jfed eYnmont will tc'clVht'v inodiiietl Iii , m-mou in oi d.-r (. go i . ihe theatre, M:U.,i, -1;!, u i.r. le, are 1, h. en. d !m tiunies use ! u, inn. to- ;:,;.; ' 'y:;1";1 ':, . .. Zlp.M?. g two particulars by' j,,.,.,. s Ils a,,,,!:, i m.,..i.,v ,:i,i.t. wi,-,. r,.,,,i, .... a T,,.y f.' v ;;:! is-:' , ' SIISI! that i, the numb,., of Jusll.-. iS.o ..,i,:,v ,.,,1..- t:.l i:, o ; h-ttn j;- ,,, f .7,... :, ,. , , , :,)., , . ,o;,M,,.' U-h B'pAlll reaco in every coiu.tj will bo iiiHVM.s. ,e bei. t.. ir.ir I I.e. nevs.su y u fnv ,M)U.p ,UA. ,;, , .i la r .pr-Uha'. t. tt.oest .f a ! ; i-.f- .ite 1 iv fy. M( iJft tiSMi&ttl & e'il, and the school coiuiintt' i'Wi " i ,1 i. . i . :. . Sit-. uieiiei'i4 in o;u ii. i. ,ii i i. . ... t '.. I :t .1 be'elccleilbv t'.ia voters oi the several li:ive b en. 1 i1. s::i,'erely uv f. ine pioteet'o'i niei iiioisdi.,.1 y his :it t'1 ' i 1,'s,',!t tli!.': l'!',.' school umtricU: Every township H,l!.,l the .losing ,ys f the s,s .ioi: .1 .. a.er headway. If the I Un, p.v . v. aa -; to have t0 additional justices and ' nm- jnslny ll., K ...ae.it -Mays ..f '-"Z !.!"'," i 'fpl ' A.,..m..,i .vVu. per it, , v. .i ; i,; . 1! edits las', cur. nla,-, onfi additional nwtlW ffi' towm I Ho eailiei .el.vs. ,;,,,. , f ,.,, 1 , ,...,.,. ,,!., :. of 1000 inlmlvtanta. A till to thin. Ame:ir i-Hkt !'.-.:) r. ff I.--;isl:t:-v i,-; .litr- If it d...- it n.y be Toinsli t'. cts. p..r , w :-tl e..-,. effect bfta passed tho Honso of l!ep- we note t lie follow In- .-.W.iiTO- lw ft verv lar-'O limioriiv : The bib t.. .-.(:. ta-' Slates kuk- mp.-tled by pi.t !:: :r'd ;:e...-ni! out- J'-easo lie 'f i lii.- ! : il! .lirs foi' lc-ii-: t ) a.loi't a HeW talili V i:l,w.I.,vHi-H..i.f'dii'U...v.e.iy, o.i.reetum .lu :! .,11 ii ;. :.. and will certainly pas. the Senalo tho Cape l'.ir Ymlkin uiley Ua l t;.,f .X'.M(.V.," "m-iJrinll'v UT- ',?-- The ,i .:.!;.., ,,!;, , On its final psasafe'e I House th.e road Cmop my lae. pa-.-c! the Senai; . I.;l,l.ir,il, f... ,.,,;:,., ..nil .iivlde.,.' .. ' "l r;'b'''- '': ,'v''1' v Vote was 70 for and Iti) against the after l ei:.- ..ei:.U .1. The bill to 'Pi is p-jtio.: i'as !- t.Psni.i.-d enb '".be.ile ::iat ta.- arjui-s a bill, and wo wore pleased to see t!,t u,!,o ? b d ;,; t,,: S,., 's j:;-;--:"; Kn? iL b IIm,; it was not a htnet party vie. i-n .i..tu i.i t..- .i. .... v. n. v... -n i... e'uai.er. As an i ii-'.atu-ir. am- 'ir-. :e.o ... i l T a OIll en l.Ml o nmn m mi- , , i . . i ..... .. 1 1 some democrats voted ag.r.r.sl ,t a.al Ukcii up a..d dswuss.-d. on Inst 1 .: ' '.'.,,,,..,,.;,.,, ( S thl. , !lS p, m , wouiated super;.!,. pl;afe .,1 Mich a o......a.t.. several republicaua vot d for it. l.r .day, au.l refer.vd a-ain lo a con.i.iit- rrovide for tl e ai.piiea in ef the co.up oM i"" as to , uc a a a y.i.ua- ' " ' thebfornKtionortlu.vM.ers.Mis.wi,., toe. its fate is laiceri-.u. A bid ha, pu'vioiw r , ,,i,. f-o peisli,,, ti .:.f -' 'j; ,Vthir. that this bill will ne.ho pass, d both ., .,ivu, away the UutCKll Jt Si S J I-l ' a u !..;! ie.r 1 'r. , , .1 V; iV, ovVy nuiubor of justices too lr-e and im Stale', stock in Albei.mrJc and Ch. sa- '" ), ','',;' '!'O0,'j pl:ai.. valued y. ar i ;; w.'iild loan's fa.i.:'v of ..oir.,- comf.. sol ta li-.-.-t i o ili . :ni a v wii !i t of . ..;:!.!. !,. mII.-.S ( i . !,. !;.,.! l-.ws hav. .',,1 . i l . 1 1 1 1 1 ' ! and i'nr! --tivo mll- ns i'i 1 .v.t y-ar-; cr an. I above c'd lia :,. v. ! ,i:iio:,i, u'rv 1 '!'.! iv bai-.Us. ;;e.l. co ild .-pe.'id f-r oo : 1 1 o c . .; M ! i: is !! is- : U I A t :i A: f.f'Irf ?' !2V I'lo-iii a. t! t c.itil rhut-t .Mliltulimiiit.- - - - , , , , 5 .!.:. t i v.i:;ssi:v srnr.irr, nkw yokk. 1 1 ti--. 'I n ill TT T 7T f I I V P PI 7T T,1 TT . -f laiisli pt.. ..ffi.rr.1 to Au.iita botore,' I N I ! I i if i i I1, t 1 ft. '! i n- ; h ion ioium. fuaswr i ; .. il If 1 Il - 1 .1 J 1 J li M A.-, iiii. ill .,,,:i,..r l.a 'Ini'M in lulllilln our !K9. ' 1 e, . "!' "ii 1 ..it- (, -. 1 : i r r ! is I. lk.n ii .iT..:.iau eol'NTY, U.xfl.ltOMi and PfST . : 'I !: i Ni i - -i ' I'l.s.:,: I I'A.N i. ..!,. I i . ...l well I.IO IIIKWt riCTOIUAL MAI' V 1 . ';: : t ,: :... i. mill..' . i n. u-. ( IsTn ti,! Inui, m ii, I u ,if ulUir new Buil" in:..!' . i.,.i. r. I. '..iih ...i , v . !... u. ,1,,. ..t iiii.l mi ..-.I- wniuliTful M CuiuMim- : i l. .ii ! v.-- ..ir.ia' :.i ., . ! . ...I !.. uiir l-ru-Hoi. Hun Uiuri' Ii lumiiij- In II. ir :.: I Ml, 'l ili -I'o'a.'U. I VI ,.-.l.t.Ni:oe, c. UTS m O;o lt nl mom mlontilo" i '- , I . '. .. ;! i .!'..!';.'.. i mi. ,!'' .1: i, 1 p. nMiii i ! ! "i ii aii i tiu-r II nil tu A hutIca. l-JU'll -' ' :" '" " -. a i ill I'l-V i'i'I-t, I, i r-i . -. I. in 111111,1 ,i , i: ii,.r., una ivuily it Iuuik- !' I x- iv ;. ! .! a !' r Cili -.-iri!.-:lr- mil 1iiuii.'I,iiii-, rvl.lrivn : i : '. i';is : re-.', uy to ivpea! ba. t ' . a i 1 ii . is- :s I ,,'s i stir- Iv a ! the pf -.p!-.. To f.-quivo i a t j y t':" ai sii.ii ol' oa.i' SiH'i j i a'. i i. r; v in e Mina )::; in a ve:T. I ill the lave.vsarv ev- . i.s.lv ,' ,,i 1. 1, .,..,( u i,i rein I he count i' v. "'.ay In- idi'e to r.r ."Uv.h'a 3. Lcial I'-i-rtili-Ci' lor Tobacco and Grain, . i da;nie ev.-ry l il-oi in- v,c :u a n o-.v iiin- ii di.-c-t I i i.e iners of North Carolina, ut the following fan.;!y (." ..ons- eoi. :!,!!. I?edv,C0 1 'vVJlOlCi.bj Pl'lCVH for CllSlt : wieldr,we would recall the fact Uut peake l anal l ompanv. me M nao Kt,I)?1. of ,, ,Ui.U. ry."l thinking : be valued a' t-J u Uase uuitM. ..,V,."J V )" m V . . : SPlico ncv wiIo Ton ....... . .. ....ii'i'-i ;) v7iis ir.r was even lar-'-r. Wo know this to deuce for ll.c tiovernor. 'J'h.. Hon.... -aid lliiit a t:reat nppropn-ii.. bid . acei.l-j.lMl "inr in w;.:ca Uny yj' J" rt:r,'inr , .--asri,- r proposed law we will have oi-.ty two snii :n-.i.-.ica-s I. Mooiv. of .1 anvi.lc. ,.lt M ,.,,..,;,. ,.s nvJer to on yati-pb-s of m w -o, .1 -:, diaun ly d.:i!:e I justices whereas before the war tlieiv o. piace ot .Mr. una';., wli...:t ilie j,r. vt.lie d. b ito than Mich bti!s ims.V!v "'ir i' sp;,c!"i' s.acc a iura: ;. !- , i - t ; ; were over one hundred justices in c. a liii. a!.- . f i-le. ti -u h el b'U ..iv.-i:. e hi. but '!. of its p .: :- apl's A -laiysis No. I' tono Ae:,l l'. '. Chatham. V'e do not see h-.v: the There has been a ivii.iderabJe stir .Wnyl I a. ''IW.. p "l1 " 'n increase in the miniber of justi.-es can over a bill to chu.-.,.- the Hoard of J .''Vnli" hli'li-.ii'iit of Z"nl tains:'-'- Availalle phos acid HI", do any harm, and it may do much A-vici:h ore. We ai pl-as. d ( .sMice r,,( ,'.,. j,,,,,", j, s f,,,. ,,.. ,.,,, .mmiw pota-h I t!') pi r ee.M. U-Iativ... cm- la- '-" good. " The onlv troublo will be in .that so nt:i:y bil'.i a.e b. ic parsed ii: eiliiv ot the l.ti;;e force of clt l ks meieial value 2 I t'.V iia.:oi. cottinj? Koodmcnto accrpt ilw ki- b. . -:ta! !:.- h -la h ,1 si :i.,l in difiVr- aii.-A hut year f -r . pedilin- tin .vIS77 A..i!...niab?d ' i.hlnf 'rnt towns. I, -peaks well It the adj., !a ,!: nd pay ,. v.t of p. usb n 'i'! - ;. imanc. (. ; , - jWjntment. . 1 . , clda.s It has n tlv Uee shown beadoe, t .an, K v-ur .v ' - - There can be no object .m to elect- iaci ea ;!; inMv.i 1,1 the cause oi a ( av!11).,,u p, the thru :-"1 A-etits, .N .ifo k. Va , ,-o- ..,'!. m ?: '" n. '. ii.-o'c pie- !,fi...l two i, ;i a.'.' n iv.- i -1 ,-x:i'ti: 1... e-iii'iinyly di'syiu'd ' 1 i .i .. and ll elffore . of il-.r ,. ip'o, even ' r dii-ve tin' revenue it a! Vvaiiub'e ph.u. I fid i'.Vl, Uff school COliiliiltteianen ils jiropose.l e,li!i.illl'l. lott un-a-e l,:uc p.lvs-.i ,.,,, , f,,t(. ,.! 2i the bill now pendiatr. allows ti. prui-ia;.-; ! tli.' -ijipoinUie-it v....-k a-iioai.le.t to JJ Ht.il (I. i'.l. wlii;.. - p' t is.i i'i, p v .' i . . i f . ! .... i p.. fa Whito voters of a white dish hv t- of two n.'.-lilionnl .b::iees in etvrv m tii,-f ii ovo.:X ,.,ths th-y a-.-uai- dr;-ui at V iUnji.y. l?fs.t.v c mi- , , , , ' ...I ,,,,iv -lo i oil Oil 1 'I'i.-k- - a s n.ei'Cl U v:i h vi elect theirconiuntteeincn ana tin cob ,.,1,,,, 1 la- S, ,, , has pa-e I . "-. V.Vi--V. "i il in' s ' b. l-bS-avi,- IC.espl ;,U, Orcd voters of a colored .e.siu.-t to J.nl to -a lo, !v .!:.. . l.sdi v.A ,.,, p ),,,, ,.,..,;,, , .., ,. .Uii....-. ,v A.l hs.-n, l:,; :.s.. i 1, V.i , - $ 35.0O 100.00 jriif-2 1 'von or ocx . 33.00 ! I'.'.'. .. I - i.'.i i' s. in -no I ba-, of -I0 !',.;. (iaii on board ears or vessel" ,1 o,;r ..,!.... V'e ;.Iiti-.tltle. tin' fo'louih;; at'ilivsis : '" 'I '-ot 0 ti) (i Per cent. A. -a : i!.,-.!. :ti:t . ... pi to 12 " " t ;::': ni ! r v i 4 to 5 ". l'lis .-Ufl.. !-.s In-.'u u.-, .i for v-r.. i.i North Carolina with excellent results," id v.c 11. in': it wiU pay a'i 'J obacco (irowers to use it liberally. Address all orders and iniiiiries to E A U Q 11' & S 0 I'J S , 3.03 South Street, Baltimore, TfLd. .launaiv '. !.s:!. ;:. ' .I of tbi ( elect their committeemen, so thai ;: hardly I n -i : : ; a law. r I ei:: -u ed. . .v . :l t.llt to aa . 1 i:,:,::on .,i saiup.eil .it ....n!' .! liiiy district has iueompetent commit- 1'i.e St..iv has a!- . !- . d Mr. M.. i. and t !.. :-i--n:" of i in- bill with Ata.iab.,- j h.-. a 'i i teemen it will be the faelt ...dv of ! v ;,,s !,! ;., e. M:,. , f, ., i ,. . :. - nM ad.-w r. TI,- - ' I" ' ... . i it. ....,,"....-.,; I , .' ' u a::a, .'o-, ih : ii....' -a ,i; i -1111 ti. i K - tho.8 iaObt interested tlie .-oa--. ia-.-i:.s in ai I pt ..,... t i ( :i ,o 1"7'., S-a !...'! tlital.o, p.a.lii-t that district. Democrats win nar.i y i h.-iuo-! ii.ton '.vi-' :v: inii.rc-.s- 1'ei'i .!.:; r l. object to this plan, and sun ly ret an : -:: i u -v i, a. v";.t- ...,..,.1, v.iiu.-ii-d in .!.' seiao. lictvns cannot, for the latter !m-'. it-n lia.e !.'. ato-n.i -i: i o;'.!, - is:,-, dun' the pt. .-.it s. -,-.i-'n np.m tla ... (V-l il., i .-. . . - ,' ..... ......, , i i lar I! bi.l Ill l i oil U e : :; SO ouieriy coi i':.o.ii' i..". .... r ..... v ....... ; ... , ,. . ... . ps ... .....i. ;i; ,, , i - ..... , . , i . .i .. , . . ., , bv Mr. I. nut r. o; s-n-oi. mi v ' 1 ' 1 - !' ' ' ' pie were d.pnv.alot t!:e)i;,lit ueitc. na-i.,no;. t-:att..." va.a-e wti: eli.t.i.r "... ,....,; I. .,,,,, . r c -'it. IM fity col.in.. lVi.,1 v.t'.u their school coiiiiailtt. men. Lini .. wii-i- v v, on hi.i iic !. --ie "i,'i.i ' o. .- vi !e. !,- I loioj; :i.;ii, i'i ci mi any v. is h a .! ltd iiian, . :." wlien !! y net an Iri -ti peooier in lii- Oar tn.-.n, ! i:i ei.tejfiti iVl' ais! e -nd i t.d.de, lhi.ii; -i,t" to hav.- ' I on! i f the foot pa s ii,;. I . !ii (". 1 1 1 ! -it- re, li'l : l.-.l.l. ileia ::-.. I ol ilia; :; i- b- il. a' b- i-'-.o-.dd d-n.-e a i -' tor him a;..,t. ItIS .S..i:t Ci. -.r.-s ..I J "., ,.;'.- .a.:-.::,, ..i. 'i'i e ipES-OJtJXATl":: EU?ll5iOS?ZATl.. SiiUilihib. V i.i:;. it, ,'. ('., Ap-il !(,, ISstLl. ( i'iiii:i.-l'- :ai i . i'i ili.-. r M !., s d. bv Mr. I.iimr. oi Jl:s:.'.ip-,.i, :.n t r : . ).. : i u it :i ,!. s- I ve.l at ti i.'ioi: lo ''' (' '' :V.-rto l!.e p.oph, ,1,,, .r.;,j,. ,,,;;. ;i;V li f f' while tin- "; i"-m.i.:e r. i it-a-i (. C Si li! ai !l" r;;!i t;. x. I :.- .ai C-:.t i'.e' -p's 'i i Ai-i l. ; oi .' ,-i icult in iii Air li-ht Can, sealed: I .' .!' t'cr et i t. '.: ". 'I : a l-'al tu.'v v.lion: v. i re )n t ! e f sia' A Railroad CVtnmi-k-n will prol- i abl) bJ i stabli.-hed at the present l-J t :.e !;:! e !-y sessiou of our Legislature, and whiie uu ve have advocated and slid taver th- cent. t:am. i,:.s a ! establishment of such a C.'oumils!on Weha -day. v.-hn, l!i.:t phol-i;..,'. T!.v lai-i!V b,;i : ported r-'pab'ic-.p m sa'oi , r-iMa r I'.-iiVii 'i;'1:M -v... a A C .... saai.e. .1 a , ,-.,..., p.. . ,-:. eii-lv aliM.d'.i'el their lvacs a-, 1 U nmmi '', '.a. run.: - A. . 1. p. .. J. ." : ,V s.u,ei.lth..,.o:,.f..-s..f.!e..' :..-!; ' mnV b7b p...,."..-l ,iU'-'(' ",:,-v "J "'' ' !"'r !i.'.,na' is.a.t ,;,.,k :! T I v.da .,.'!,. u-in- s-' - i- Ian.,'. ..ii last I );.. :., r .,..t . ; ,:i ho w -s .b.. n! 1 "' m-r.ipili'el l.-r.';.:.-. r.-;. ..mi : ; -. i . . i, ..-.lii i i I . ' : 1 u' 1 1 , ll'l be (.. w, r lab '.I'lse , ; er. deal Ammoiii'i is e-A i t : . i. i. i i. a-i i I, a.l alii d e: i. li 'l p ,e 1; ..h i ; sat I.i i'i I in s.-- : II V.:.s ;;iv, 1), !: ail I ' i e.;. d i.is p He I! vet the whole object of the law may .v.-Lt S, nator Va:-,-,. .u . I to in.a . ,,. ism." Iv .1." illu-.s ,f ls wat- ;-"'. .u..,. m ,..yo;.a. ,. : u ; i - ve,,s.:.,t, r ' , . ,i i 4 o- . , ,. h,:i,. i uae'he tet e!i:-.' of eon- 1 ' in i,;s l,.f.i. I, . t ! tvn.M i:o set l r-r I he defeated by the apponilineiit ot W t.iiy ,o p, r e. :. . and las j,,.,.,.,,,,. ,. x,t,i . . IsV,. Hytu-.ns .V i ) y IV. n . i-u. t ic pr,c! s', j.-h.-r. "N...v', improper CouimisMoners. As it U am-.-i.thiient was adojo,,..! .y :, v- to . f ;wi p.. i.-e.-iv i.o. a ' t- A l , .' i !' Y.i., , -a I,,. ,i.t.-us, " -a : e . i ll. r, "-it d-s.M, uroposed thai tho L.i-Iatare shall -I yt-r.s p. is ,.:,ys. .-,!! ike dei:,.., im, i: wi.eii ! ! aau .,"ni,:' p!. dat W:!..iuiot.ii,.-..i!. .j.,,:-Av .il- f,-,.i:, , , . t, , s and oeis-e ;. f." elect the C 'J'.narais,;,,. mi's we would v.aiii-- i..r u tia-r v. t: It v ; -,a, i.p. n i' neov. i:i.a ...'.,.',.'!,' ' ... . ' nrge that body t" use tho utmost can ami rhm.b. ... iia .-a., hi!-.,ii - ; - ' '- l. voVS.iTS.' '"'' Hon and prudence in their choice. w,a voted agama it v., re i,-p:,u J ,. 1 avs tsi,.,, to b, i: i'me,.,' IMeai l',. r. The salary, prop-. s.L-il b be pa.d each ca.is. A-am on la-t 1 r;day he ,....,,, , . fll lr, ,, ,..lt lb' si A C , Xev .if.i.pie I Crt.iiii.-sioni r. is lai-ser than that paid moved to tii!a. o;.i the duly f.i :.'.! li !i id be j'.m ver lej.ealiuo' (,:,. U .,:sin:;t-ei, eon'.r: s:--A v p'sw. toanv Justice t.f our Suprenie Court, ai.dj.ii.ee that aili.-lcf, np. , c. ',, daces. W! , ,, he d,y pe tli I ' ll';.;-' and these Con,mi,sioncrs ought to be th. f:-o-:.le, i.i- i ;,. w a, l"-t -';'' ' 'V: ; i: ir- a ..lit- v ..: ; . ie ! vi'-i. ntl.i. "()., ' d : ," s-a I th.. ntb s Ir.shn.a , ' n.-..-1'ii to hiei;. II oi down and A K'pia! to i:.,.,,' rho:-phi(te IS HO i ! "") - - Aii.iuoniii .3? a -' IT Coi.MUorcinl V.i'uo For Ton, (.1000 lbs.) $35.75. a. .1, C.'HAKLLs W. LAUNLY, Ji-. A' -"si :-. '. t-;- ' f of A.-n.-.i'l.nv. Ha!, i-ii. X. c. y i''. '" 'ii' I'il'sl CJasi I-VrtnitT, (piivilee.. lux paid.V .; I price, ,'ri u bo nd in !! o. i.u- re. 10 ton lot, $X jtei 1 " ' ' I n.oi " t ee- w also oit'ef at lower-t prices ft' ... 'i"i T.' i:I, CilKM'CA'.x far nvaliiiig Home -Made Ter- '. ! !. tb its ". 1, ..iibai'd St., ilaltimore, lid . ... . liit. , IS. ....(.if. I '!' ... iiien of as lesjli character as our y avot.-of ".; y.-a., t., I lavs, in ,.,,',,.,;,.," t". i ,""',i a -,'l'v p." Judo-fa-. Thn r-coiile of :Coil!i t.'aro- m'git'g hi n.-.ti.ti! Seim;..:- Y.itae i . :-,., :.r-itu.ei't b.-staiie-lin !' ..i.ke! itn-i I i:d it-nil-, and on -v to.: . I a! iii'eix ils. In niii' instance 'a. . d lina are expt eliu.; ntuch--proi-.ao.y i' p-.n. ,i as :!,- -ine i ii. too much from t'-tese ilaibvad Com seeiued , be tramt-.i on I he. ay.. aiisftioners. and we wr.ru our leyi.-la- iamg ali Co.- i.i ct-swuits ,-f life and tors against e'eeiing bcoktii tlown la..ii;; the 1 i';rics caic- i:i free, so politician:! or incompetent th.t.ia- that a p"-'r man f.-dowin,.,' .he i Rogues. Iu this ease v,o e- .mm.-!: md 1 1 li.-e: :; an tin.- la ;ty t.r.. , i to theni the old saying, -La the oilW had io pa.w.n his p! e.v a.es his :.a e seek the man. ami not I'.n- man ii"' chao.s ami i,: hais n...i i.i- si.i-ts i Aflieo." .on't elect as-y oi those bi- 1 'L., ;.-!.. i.,;.!,t , V"i;si,k hi::i-'i scheiuers who are now cuwd'iig your - iln the thoiighl tl-a. ' a ;.'!'( s.-; bad lobbies ! t 'iic. tor. A l'ooliiiii ai., I'ciit. Tilt.' N ivanuah, (ii, ' It en.' h : .' J n it' iv.i-n d're- f: a:i thin , oe ( o ' i. . ::' r. x . -1 ', i 1 li Is - i t s li.e lea i . Ml eh- Co ! Spiile. 1 !' -. lol th sveie a - ,i i'i m iri..-.- ii in.f la ei. onit" liicoii -id'.-i-ite. l:i.i -i '--r c unpen: at.- for tl:e.-t baidens ba-i Tin-. LiUiisLvrrt;:: has v ry ps-op.-i ly ;-rvidi..i f-.r free palm-b af tans aiel passed a bill, which has been enroll, d lidule st.it -gs and r.ux v. mica an i and riitilh-d, ameiidisg the law i.i H- . .-.'ol'a'nn. "?!,. Hart of r.!! iVee - .is . lation to the iissinieenl ef a widow's : twis." so that herca.!. r ,-vt ry i!..-:i dower. It p.rov.tt. .s for the appoint ...igi.t have a fr. e ske'etou in l is nit'iit of three coiiiii.l-w.it. ::ei . to lay clo.-et v,i:!i. nt ; a;, in;.' ..i.ity." otl' the tlout r of a w i.i .v- instead of llvo as heretofore. I lob'!-.- the war; Tin: Ov. yMi, ,.f the W.-ter:. N'.-rlh t:. twelve freeholders were i - ;ni. " t b, . Carolina i-itr-iel :ii. e.i.h :.t.ii,.g to 1v oil' i .hiwcr. an.! after li.e wan i.is -"eui -j (!: j ass -e t.f .. bid tin- cmli waseiiangeii t- live i"! so:is ijuai ferth:. VMill.ti'matitr'a:. ieaii s't:.- ,!'-' ":"'' 'l.' " d' . !eii i "fi l.e n- la ! I'-alsdy pt.'i fol lie. I I v i .. .1' ei.: .:. .Mill. - iti.-lei.v dt f.-.t'r-d si :.m'! t'.t'-b !..' I'"s, who is i.ttv. ii'.iivii i'. i.-ae i.. i -i i re :i - u.,. . v. . , 1, ,. - i ..; e t.f tl e:r la ' ic !tc:ed SS;' .'. Il : . a little f'l! i. Us !-t u,.t- 1 I ... I :.! Kt 1 1- tsxeieoe l-.i.,:.i' la I' ie '.v i ie. ti,:;' e :! a 1 , ' , . , .. . , .. I mm,! -ii an, i ie'K s: i i" u. ,! ,', . mis r.'id ii'i. i .--,-. i.. lliil'e t a' ,!: ' j.i,, i n: ip i.Sl.v- ,. , , ' . '. , i . , , i n I 'hi e e: : a- ' ., t i 1 1- ns . . t 1 : ',!-,, -!,, ( ,.e ii. : ,(i .. I, v. 1 .w, T, re.'K i : . : .1 . i . fori!,.-.! ! v Mr. W. T ib. v...... a !.': no' alt : I i- uii. r ! lava'an ,,,: '"l.'.-t ni'hf, w lb 'li-a.a..!, t I oil. I li a- wol l a' i e -ld :'. i on i.i i; ie b e: . but o. : . ',.' , e l " ,V I " ' p ' ' i i .- II I'i I I Sl I I ii ! ! i i: ! I ,',!:. 1 . " r. ; b. t; - t ! :; mi I a ... I f.'.ti I: .li.-ine. Ii ;, 1 l! i.ll ..'.'. I -!..! t! i'.e -.1, i v.".,. Mi -In i ,!i' c . Il to S IV ! s: ili Mr. W.ie! .'a e e. a' is r :U ..res,. I 1' 1: - be n ! ti a .' ' 1 e t'le l.' the Le-i-Jfitui'.' to rilieve them f.-..n. I I'' "f b - ,i, , .s . .... ';, .,.. ,, f.'., , to It t !'.:-if.e 1 a.-e 1 i to', on a: t'i.s-1 but I do ..; I.i '. !:-.-.v I: lleli in l.-le-t !, 1 '.!, pi,.; .. ,! I..! ;l.t i ie i, ,-t, I-. !i -,' , A 1 t, t.bt be is .s'.'.i I I ,l.d 1 lit f .1' I', Cat I c c i 1 1 .,'.: ! to ,.-o !' ; i. W itid. 'la's I'i;' I.i in use wis a 'wry i ; : l';.:.' Iiic' a 1 dt b a! it.;; him I ! is ei: rn it: I'.e .'i i a! ii mi-.' : i' is t- a h. n . a .- eel.; ,v !..- ill (.:. li e I'll 1 . I r. I ll an. ! ira.M !v d ii. s' -!.i i I il. ,' I i. mA be ,"i;i 1 tliii'l. to ,. : t::e !',V.t :-. .1 .li-:. e . ; J-t v.:.g. ;: I that, he c....! 1 ,! . the ! at i . i. ha;-; ir !.: -i.e !Ui. ,'i!"' : i . t i . i:. v. -.vtl. Ii e ! ,! el 1 1 " t I ::.-!i. !-, i.i m . ism i . i! .ii a.l be . I I.i '., bed ta . . 1 ' ' ' I er ..i 'i:i', e I ;all let. ;.s i t-.'ui a e y fr.i.l 'is v.t it ,, 1 '! n - f " '.I'... 1 1 '!'!:: v.-ilt,;; lu in a I. a ' d to ibe fool , f :: .,.;. a:..; nib-- i up (-" the '. i simi iiii, Why i' e., i.iitt'. X ' 't ie !..-.. i', I, st...) I i.. v e'e.e.ie oil t ' lady's t il ' tab). !. iis ! -.still.. !:,-l,'l,l!.ri all i I it'll, ll OA" ,-ry odor. (.ood Am !!.. XOIIUIH, W Y ATT ii TAYLOR, : . v. i.i ;(; a. rs . . t'i. i '.to-'-- s ; , : ;. ,;. :i:.-.. j- 'i;.'i: ami ri;oiei ili'n iixs O ca r.i nteed! i':.f :e if Yoa M lo Pay Yon. ! -, n " "v '..MM-ivjATl-!! AND ACID 1'llOSPHATF.S, i'i. i - ; . . 'd.. i. I -r In at a'sl Oat... Now in Depot Ready fo.? ''ibpii elit. - : li v. v.v'S"!"' .s. tatlor.- I "v7. DUEIIAM, r .v::i !':;v:!.j.: si., ?!ALi:n;u, x. v. mil m im isiii mm isijks, II I :.'!".' NKS, TAI.I.K IS, cs'i'i':.'s !:;).!. -ia r; :.!.!.: ani a :.-t ...'i ion iu'auantekd l .: ' m.i. on win ti-: i.'ti rn:' i: list an-.) oi r.;.ix.-f Was Cliaiiet'it to ,m- i' -i .-.:. ' . .-'eel.; .V IO'. ill t.:t li.e e:e. . I K I. . :-i, i i ii ' 1 i .-";u t -. ti) act as iiirors." but the new law j eomj 'b dug v.iih (heir eontia-t vitl, In bn I la graiul l,....se . Y:,-.h.. ... ' ' yb'iHt.te ant thmi ca-. .., p: :1 1 ip, , ml-H ,.!, number f,,, (ivo t-, ll,. Siai, NY,-, ,,v !,, tl.,, U u, that i .St''' V::;;!:!,;-;; ; Tins red,,.',, the,,,..,,- ,, . ,n, wii, not p? ,!, X V' "-"X bwandtniimtl:"!; the assignment, of dowcra. and ti.rce ' ft rant W.y iavors to thest, m n. ,.l)lstl ,.;,,.,, ,p.lt , , , ,s .''Tobinta: ny to upbiad aid j ,.,-f. K !,,;- ord.r. There is no liien ,ni do the w..rk as well as five. They l.avo insisted heretoi'ore that up virtually hil l itiei..!.,p :tt be.,- !''..' '.V'' '' " i',,'b',,!'"V tt,,."!;' iiebie Known that .b.. this a. n am required they would surely c.mpiele iht y,.;x and has no ice f .r bis o, mi j I, is Io !li,'ir,lii,e-s vt-is oveuo. i.'.-t .:... 1. .... l .'..'.: i li,,,. 'i- ... ,.. I, I S , , .V !l CI '.,.) , f . .V . tt l m!iLEJSgEEB$v4' t- i'vib' '' I'. t.MS. i.r Al.t. HOI'. f r A 1.1. SRvSr x'.' i,S... .1IATI y. A.l . v.. t, '.,1 ,,:,,,!!.. II m.:I ..a' 'Jl IVTS , (''..7 '.. I Iriitn it, ttl 1 t.ri.i .t.I ai tiitu.il ; ll:-t,- 1.1..1 l-t mi-'tttvl. fl I ill I V? A1 VVi,A'":.,rVt. !,!'',"ri.'i-r' ''"'" poor sttos. scwiulx 'killAU C'iZLEY U CO. Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, III. I,, ll,,-,.. ' . " .... p. . .. . ,I,.U1, 1 1...t . .... , , .veil,: I,, 1, -v.. III. tit v..!.. f...- ...... 1 t. Ms w.l.. I'.-l... .t,! hH.loill' !.!.,, ill to .torvc ill tlie partition 01 .ami among . ,""- .t , ". te'iijuaivo. aiei ;- 1 u'.t.iit I, mi w hi u he deseendtsl." . 1 , . v,, , ..t.j. ... 1 T T P, T T TTfT 9. f, f ,e,mtsico,un,o... So that by this 1H.10 so well satis.ied with (heir bar lt'l of :i' ,'v;;:.r;::,!'; - - " S 'V 2. ri, !J! J. Aj. XLuliluL & GO.. law when a man tiw .lies without a . g that they persistenil.v rificed to. M ntr,i,'o '...i:.l evi - -.i.,.i ... i, Paper ISailiuail Tra'-k:.. KAN V ITr.VI LI.K, N. V. will' his widow and heirs at law can 'yield possession of tlie road (o Mr. Washington cxc. pi .b ly ,,,,,1 Mn p'. I , .... 1 N.-tv i .,:k r!.-rbt. '' ( E EUiLEEI-0 ,, ... ... a . n...lii,,, o,,1 : I'.est. frit in H'ltntti ll,..t- ,. 1. 1 1 i. at 11 11, an of tiie.it.4 tin. I I. i .'.. 1 , , 1 UII I. nil ill 1 nr nitote i'"". - .t.Mi, . ..iti.. m ,t - .- ei i ii.aniiiie uii rs lire Ulii Ills V (.,,. !' ,,. ' ' .... 1 ... : , ... . . I lit.l". It 1 , ... I ..I I ..... I ...1 1 , . ... . t I i I 1 ' I .!. hiivo I he sum.' commissioners to assign j uiiuei u euinsi anees 1 11;,;. eloselv 10 " . . ut ami.e ine 1. ilt ot 11 trial ..I pap'i the dower and divide the land u-ill Im n ereat cnivenience and ekiotisiv. syu urate tiepositetl .oO.lHMl to re- er a; 11,11- LOOK HERE!! assign minor "ueuinsi anees in;,;, eloselv 10 " ' ' ' 1 " "' uwaitii.o Itie . il! ot u trial .. pap' i txlueh s.mbU',1 an exacting ere li.or for I,.. "!"' J'1" U, ' ""'. "' L-' ...ils to be nuid.. ., a promm- i.t , . ' i 1 , at.Vnator Xtt't. I anet ! ,:. 1, i.,.,,,!-. V.'.-iet'li load C.,r whee ' of tbi- , ,1 less , a mortgage nsad.- by i( hard press. f,cr hat in I., . .. I ni-. d Sit, . .11 , . ' t ',!' , , I', i, O.I 11.1 III . I 1 11 t ill I I num.. ,:,!,., 1, ,;lvo loll", bet'll 111 li.e :if, 1 ,,. ,,l .edi.ebtor. Mr. ..t nod h... i;,lon senator ! utid a v. ry p.o, e unmk-ion- t4l(J .,, , . a' i-tbict i.. Tb- syndicate .leposited i'oO.OOll to re- er at that. I'lio.v.. r.tU :.n- i..u.l 1 1. 1.. I.!K- ..( .". i 1 .0! ..' ( :u 1 ii ' " ' a si i', b. is-:;. iASb!'Ar': T iiiiiiS OT" A N I) W !!':.! s.I.K A I.K'I All. lK.b!' Air- I'roeii to Dealli. " . a i a.A 1 j. n..... I p.-o ;.,. ::!, wli be n eeivi d r""? fl':? IflflOT 'J .',1. y!..re!i lit. (Ills, for (1,, 1 tn:--S Wf M ,:, . t',.,.,1 , .. .I.-.. .1 : II., ,v :,.. rolsaies'tid to ... i,.., Ie wholly of ... .-n r,' s... , s;,,,,lls ,,., 15.1 biers Jialrrial (iemriiUv. 1 paper pulp subjected to a pressure h. S(.(.n (his t.liiee :,v time lUier i'a, tm v on Muiniord Stn et. Sales' ,": :;::oi, , i";;,:;'!;,;-1,,,!1;;. ;;;:;::;-,:;?''.' 'i--r -home INSURANCE COMPANY, KVJ'ltY MAN Onsht to INSURE AGAINST FIRE -IX TIIK- NORTH CAROLINA S N I'J( 11 HAY- Tlit '.mwinv lift"' bffn in Buccotstfful oparaltos ui.-r m! s.(iii: m .t, f.,r luiirtHvu jars( nnj Always Pays Its Losses. fi ...ay i.f r-i niiirt- i-m ,. . , .,.. .,.,..,. .,,, ...... ...- ... n.. li, I, 'iol.l. ' ' ' l.!,:i'. s. All rt;i...nrf nf liisuritbii. ir"ipriy fuinir.4 n ir t....i:.-i!,t. ifrms. '"w Ik the tlm. to Ituurtt Tin most notable jury ever mow ;imbiirsf these gentlemen for all their lrioned to hold a coroner's inijuest t evpeiiditures, and yipie sted a it tiirn was one in New Noik city last week. o, (lie riulroad (o liii,,, and Cov. .far- The : were ley ex-i sent (Irani coo Conkl Wickham, , ... inn i:ii'-, who iii.su loimti tttiiiiuiii . , . , jt, y , : . E. Iieow, es Mayo- and is Senator' ' htraight up in the snow, frozen mi - 1" i-.u' fat t is tn.tt he has learne.i .,.....,-,.. a..-.. twil V. Tieiuan. l'ltu.eis il. Thur- j An explosion occurred one ruori.ji;;; tht hn could not, move. He i,l -'" w a ,. ret tacihty and r ipid- "'..:.',,';. 1' i ,.s..''.:; ber, exMavor Kdward Cooper ex "T"' ' hmUud H ,r. W.V.Stuck, JJ " ' - A JiA ;.,;- TrMTO A,mf' - , nni. n .n n ...,,, , Ma or Wilham U. v ln,A , u ' i r- , .,.,. ,..,,. PATENTS.. J "tn . n , vi i i. pirsens and tlauiagin piop. f I ,i(.v were out tl.r. e tbtvs iiiid liohls. Tt ,s e.-ii 1 thai If n Ken.pl'. H.fle t:.r..-im-.i. a.. -r - ,i. .' i ' 4 1 1 ySi " o...,,,,: .v. is u, I. i.'.i..i,. ti. ,...-i- m.- B"i"iii.i: ihnr t-i.it.tr i Kevenue C t.lleetor Sbe.i.m.i .a h is tl.jngltL th3 e.(do.-iou ; A uother .stc;';! driver was buulx froz'.'u Ii is f uled for Hi l)O0. cans,.,! by . be ' ..;;;',V1,;1!,.1!. li, ,,,, h",P A;. li WJZ 'CrM LT.-Vin .'"r.'TVo William 11. anlerbil. -bty t .oiild - was enuseil ly ov, r laating the pip- s repoits two ft el of f.iow on the lailnif ..f Mt. W. Ibitlle "or .h .ui ' m,. t. e r.i ess. ; t. -. i-.t. ..t . ..:u...v. -j. i:. i'. r-tt.-.- n..!-.? k.-v. ... c Mcclul.nlv, buj. . and lleurv Yi'hiid ( of a gaohiic iachi'H i Itx d, and eat tie ktaiving. . lie was nuel v i , ,,. "': "' v c- I vLSXZiX I.ii.tu.ryb i., r,s.. e.-. s one hi New .oik city last, week. o, tlie nulroml to Im,.. and ('.ov. Jar- A despatch lion, JJuwl.ns, Wmu,i- , ,, . ,".,., , , Af, , ', -n'' ""' tor. j.,t any and 1 -s i i .'...,, . ... 1 . i'tii . ie eieit i, ulii'S.iitiei ie CuiiliL'e. 1:1 i i1 I'VI ivi' e following distinguished eitien, v.s, S-aaf..- Aai.ee ami licasnre.' mtf lenitory, says: A co.icii ub.eh t) e i,..v me ii...re dursble than 1. , i ' " ,.,' '' ' VX'i'.'t lOUS i re summoned : KA-Mayt.r A. Oak-1 Worth j..iue, i tl,t- reoucst t hut no. ' ' ft l'a'-ilic Springs on the Sw.el iU! u.i.t H.ev e.tn !. wanufaet.i.. d hi ,. , -,. s ...... " ',: ' J"' l'! M.'.J.'.f i' u.ZK Hall, ev Max or Smith Wv. Jr.. ' the,:... ;;enlkn,e tl,,.,,,,,! tl,r.v 1:1 V "U'r 1 h- we.., xvas cauu'ht in . tin. .1 h cost than thfisn tf .,l,eb - ' '" A ".. . . . .... 'J; . . ' r ... 'c , , ., . , " tlie storm of 1' ... lav. file eoiicli was -i . it.t fvxl ,t in , ' L"i "' "' Conimissiouor of I harna s i oxvn- mailt., agood thing out of Mie. Ust aliamltint'tl ami t he oocup nits stalled . . " ' "r 'T"- " " i1 AltJl t 0 ll i LL. id ("ox, ex I'resuleta l lysst a n. . and r Kiseil lins request. And now hick on foot to (he sb.tmii. The' .. i.-ii mi.i k nine --ii g OI!!OA( 11 SLK. T.Y VIC "' f """;" 'wnt. .-...ww n.ti I, oX-Vnitetl Slates Senator Cos- : alter all this, thev haxo (he in, pud- nee 'biver, W . J. Stewart, was ,,,.,,.''""" """' '' HIU MALI'. W.V l.XU I i l'. f ,:.".r:u..',.v,..i.H ... j...- .; w. t . .. ..................... ,',:., t.vMVor William 11. i to u.k a ..artial roles- ' ., .!,.:,. fn z-n to tieat h ataud.ug in the. snow, ". "' -". " " A V.M.," .:I.K b KM. . I'ZZ:, !1 ,L A" I J- inkling, i Jiaxoi xtiiii.tit ii i.i .1 pauui iut,b. .IMii Imu , .... s ,, .,.,?,;:,..:,.,,. . the poy lei...s sav I hut he w;.l pi'.mii- ,....,; ....-i . n . .,,.i.;, -hm..,,,-. n. ,-xi i nox .- i,n i..y.,f .-iieaa.. r 7. i.-. ,i, inn ham, exCouuty Clerk Cha, es ; contract' ; 1 'ZZ "i't A t '. ' ' '! Xfti X; & .t-n':;?:::.,'!: .a,:;;",;,; " - , " . " V ll i ,: -''!',, k" nea. :. i ;- 'I.-: i,, , . .1. I' l'.'O Sttf. ,,' i, ., im , ..,1 1 -s. ,a...A. II. t h-i. ie, mas i. ei.xi:;; Literary School, PI I T.slitMJU', S ('..