jfch (ijnniham IcccrJ TIU'JWDAY, 1 KlilU'AUV lo. iss:. g. Only two weeks to Sprim,. Br-j)u Begin to prepttro your gardens. JfaT" Did von gvt a Valentine vis f onlay 1 tfflu Trade is unusually dull villi our merchants. Rfl Our Haleigh lettur faik-d to arrive this woe;. Ht.Thti session if (he LegI.d tire ?s drawing to a clo . 8T Tli ;liH-ilV " ill I jo- In mt Monday his third h 1 1 last trip i i in t the county for the purpose of colli ci ing last year's taxes. IW?X. F irmorri ! (! lo Bynum Jlondeu'w far Long's Chemicals tin. I 'Anchor Brand" l-Wli'i.. 'i Call o:i thorn ami luavo your orders. 8air Tho mnaibers of the I'itlslioi o' re oomnanv are reu'iested lo m'-i-t tomorrow ( I'Vidav) ni'dit. at Cupt. ..-'...is Mxliiic's oflioe, and brin their I: and axes. afSuW. L. Tyy.x 1 :i li".s r.-c iv-l tin ; week a lot of llar.lwaio. If yu.i needing; a (food l'oekcl huii'o ;-,ia-him a call. Umnomln . r tins, farnu rs, you can buy a ;'ood I! ickli'iu'l i :u jilete, at r.nndou'ij I'm- lo i ruts or '2 for 2.) cents, cash. Call soon and cure a bargain. He has a o. 1 Com S'uellei- cheap. New lot uf Trace Chains, CaSr Hard.m Uro.-t. & Co. haw ju -f ruceivo.l a large lot, of Ma.ieiial f n making Busies. Wagon ., it.-. Ca!i and leave your ord.T.-.. They warrant fill their work. If you need any re pairing they will do if with neatness tllld desputeil. They have now a No. 1 Horso shoer and will bo glad to show you what he can do. All l;ind of Blacksmith wmk done. JisTDo not forge! the p! i -i cheap Clothing. L .union is Clothing at. New York eo-t f If you intend using ( iaano thi bo Hiiro and buy the I-i-st. Jjoujon is agent for l'aeii'u' Star, Xavassa, and Cue's, i I bin- Sl-llhlg r ru 'ii. . ii;:ug V. L. Zeli's. ,a mine the analyses mad'' a! N. C tural I-'Aperiment Station, is tho choa)ie.-t, l.-.ii. not th price. Agiicnl- i'ii.: bi-4i kwe.-t KsTOidl on J. B. Harris of thoso liiind mado .Shoes. pair if waut a now suit he h.as tie besi se lec-led slock of Cl.i'ihit.g ev. r clVeit-.t in this market, ll-iung bought them '-.incij the decline he will sell litem lower than the lowv.-d. for cash. All jiprsoin indobled to .Shaw .v ilari!--, eitlmr by note or account, are earn, -i It r pi" '.te.l to eouie forwatd and Bcttlo with J. Ji. Harii-Siil om-e as he huteds the monev. A Yocmi (iuNi-. Tim wif-; "f Mr. J. 1). Grillin. of I his tow m-l ip. ;-ave birth to a boy iby. ;i few days ago. that weighed fointeeu and a hail' pounds. A VoMis Da.-wxKl'. On la ! S I iirlay a young woman, daughter of the lato Harwell Lllin-lee. v. a- found dead in a creek near her residence in Oakland township. She fieeieiillv ?iad tits, and it is stippo-. d that -dm was seie.l with a til she wa- er-i -s ing the creek, and. I'aihng hi ii. was drowned. Al'PO!NT!S:l M.lUMl !!Tns. -Tl'.O ieo plo of the different tow lis'iips i..i..;iit to hurry up with their pi-ii!i"t;s I -: tho appointment-of such magi-.! rates as they want. The Leieli'duro !; pissed a law giving every lowmdiip two ailditiouiil m:i: itnite. so thai each township will hereafter have five. Head your petition. without d !:'. Scnooi, fYr.KiiiuT:-..;. We i- iuru (hanks to Jlr. II. I). Hatdi u f-ir an invitation lo a: lend the cl ean ciscs of his school, in Bnar J ever Cff-k township, on the 3rd of March. The nxercises will cm -ist of speeches, dialogues, essays, music, and cali-thcn-les, and we d'vihr not. il will b a mnM pleasant occnsiiii, and rt-gret lhat we cannot attend. VoTKKS IN l!llT!'M. According to tho census of IS-S t there wore, -l.StVJ male inhabitants over tho age of 01 v..r in ttw. ..,:, nfv , if f'h.iih:, f 'whom 3,101 were white and l.I"H were colored. 'Iho largest number of votes ever cast at any elect inn iu this comity was at the presidential flection in ISSil. when Hancock re ceived 2,'20( and (Sarlield r.-etivetl 1.8S-1, making a total of 1.0'.)') votes, which shows that according to the ronsuft r. j.oris there wi re nearly NOD resjioti lent wi-hitm in. m rai ei"."inly, men in thin county who did not vote. ays: Mr. K lih-r, I see you are hunt Afc tho last election there was a still ui:f up o'd men. 1) twn hero a'oi-g greater number that did not vote. ' lids part of tlm Xmt'i Ca niina const , . I is a gnoil lattge for them. Yo an AsOldFidoi.k. -The MooreOitzelle ' ,!'," v" ,,5'?!',,' f ; ;u I.,,. ij..,,,, ,ot. ,,c .. i: i n :.. ! tho Immlioos. J here s Siimmv Mann that couiitv lhat is 112 veins old. but that is au infant when compared wiib a veteran violin in this county, now owned by Mr. James Moore of this place Mr. Moore's liddle was brought to America many years itgo by Com inodoro W. I!. Botidinol, of this pla;-o. to whom, while an ollicor in tho I'ni tod States navy, it wns given in IS 12. at Cape Town in Africa. The violin was rep.nrcil in li (It I years ago) as is shown by an iiiscripiion on it. and the gentleman, who gave il to Comiiiodoro Bondiitot. assured hi:u that it was made iu l;j 12, nearly Hvo and ft half centuries ago ! It is cor- tainly n vorv old and rpnmrkablo violin, and is tho sweetest-tom-d iu-' btruuicut that we have cur hoard. Tin: WiiK.vr ('i:u. The old Dutch fanners in the piedmont portion of Hi i Stall- bi ii.-ve that ilu- wi-iUhor on .Slt H l-.Uiesi.iiy 1 i . i li-:t: -S Wili-tiltT HI" t,.l there wiil be. i ;ii:i.1 wheal, eropthe ..... i 1 1- 1 1 i it. .i .da; ' SIM is l'.bltin' V.!i-atrri.p will I"' 1. l-.it. if i'h wiMlhi'i'. tin; ci-'-j wi!! In- -oo.l J I' tin'!-.- is a:nthin;r in i l!. -in vr will i.ot linvi' a jy"'1 v.l.iiit rroji this yi'ai', li.Taiisii tin-' 'i a:!ii-r oil l.i.l Asil WVilliC.-aluy (Un "ill insl. i was vi-ry inrh i!-i:t. ' Wo i inri'ih'.)- t!rt! t!u- wrtlw-r wafi-lcur ;a:i.i i!..;i;:-!aft!l n Ash WY.lnos.ltiy of !a-t yi-.ir, a:i 1 thn wlicnt. crop was : tisr.isiiaily jj..-1. la (his si-.-fioii l'i. v. !,ral now i s l'.'.l'.cr lia.'Iiwar-l an 1 i : 1 1 : rit: i tit"- ' Sr "i K l,iv, As-UliM I I. Tin f.'ha! A-( 5il- h ".i.i ('.in.:' v t'ioiu i r Si '.n k f ;-i -.t5- ti !n !d ils lumiial I -tin;, on last Sat n,' ! iv. M I'lViiiin'.'s (actoiy and eh c.lc.l the fu!o',viu;y o'nci is for 11,0 i -iisiiiiiu vtar: U. C ll-n lon l'i c-a hail. T. I!. Farr.ir i-'o Cr, ident, l. Ii. ! 'vMii.it S -. -i'l'larv and 'J'rc-iMiri-r, I'. .1. INnvi ll. U. 1'"!.... J. J!. Wost,T. W. (luilh and (.,'. V. Jmiiiiiii lliia-nlivi! (.'oininittc;-. Tlie loHowiii'T resolution was uuan- i.:.!w!v .l,,l,l,.,l -il'-iolved. That, after a trial of fojr vears of the woi l.'n 's i-f tin St i i;-k Law, this ass-t.-iat h n h ..; assert (hat tl.o iii'isl sanguine rxprcl.'.t ions of ils mriub-rs have been fully i.n-t. and that, il i a plea -aire f-n- us lo make acknowlcd" mi.-nt "f such (-iiarieTiee t- -ill f. ii.l.n (in T his al.ial, ! n'M.-i's w!e tic Steel A i iii our years in Uc liei mav eoiil-.-injilato La.v." n v. as or:;'e.!ii.-"d a"40 bv the hind .;!,!. 'lie."! ..f By. intiu s ta.et'.rv. iin-l tee in nents ut ine :.-t lii netits uf the o manifest thai . no fenee law b. e.inie so manifest tha! otlti-i' 1 '.nd i :. rs soon iil't. r joined the iissoctati fo that now the areaeieit anuil:il I ss sustain.'!.! from hog lie down. After the bod was j ivpaud ' !"hr.'..-id ihn'ih covers qniie a large ; cl'.oh ra. A genth man living on the j he went into thcnn.ii:, cord in ban.!, porti-m of tl'.e ceiieiy. It is .said (hat 'Cape l'e ar r-eently inf;irmed us that ruid nskfi that iho door be hbm mi !-xi-rieneo is the 1.. st t. arlu-r." and l t.-t y: in- In- lost over eighty I'm.! povk- Hint the chiidien .-onl I not, dtstmb iifier four yi-ars' trial t he membi rs of c-s t.-nm this scourge, and ell over I It t Liui. lie was left to biuisi If, tho iu Ihis itssociro.i.iii have well hurned the eoiitity tlm yeoly destrttt tion is im- mattsof tho l;.n:se M'.ppi s.ur; hint to heneiit'i of a law. that gives '. atisfac- mens... The di e-ivi rer of a real cure be iu bed, until ahuisL a half hour fiiu: wletc-ver it, is irit.-d. What a for hog cholera would be a benefactor. , afterward. v hi-n his fa'hi-r came in pr.i.-iier.:-.s comity Chalham would h-e, if wo-had fewer fences ami belief roads 1 A ( iialhainilo 2ii!!od. iOiti- Heghitn of et di hi' ed and ie.';uedr.l its !, pu! foMiM-.tn:; htl--r. which Will the aiil itii'i:'.---Kii. lie .';;.'. J C m i. I!.! i., N. C. Jan. :il, issd. It:. .:.'i'i.ii.iiJl'.i:i;sCitniiM. Co.. . C. ; Sir: -A man by tin- name of .lames I) ban- Hlm"-, fell into a ; haft here a::d brol-.e jii ; neel: l.-e-l Sim-tiv ni-id. He w:e, driu,i; :i! I he lime. lie is said lo bo :i native of your ( iimty. He lii'-. I cam.' to t'tiis cottuly la-lore lue w:ir. i le sei'Vu.i m an uttiliriy r.mtpituy from Ihi.-; eoUiiiy. N'-w, if he has a'ty iViend- in o;;r comity you can let them know Vi'.al has heei.me of him. He was btiii.-d iu the common bury lug er-i'in I i:i a --lei at maii.'ti r as 1 lie cii t-nmsiimces V.-"lid pi i'llld. Vol! W ill p'e.t :- i'i:.i'lll mo if he has any iVii mis i.-t yoiii" ro'.iiiiy. and ii' Ihey v.ill wiio.' to me i wiil e'ive them :t!l the iuf'.rms'.lion out his death I Yours. Ac y want, i. A. S-i ZVito rJo-.v:s. Hi Idmro' t"iha i'v,-i-: l,as! d,iv v. e wi: in" S -.1 a sad ii-.;h I in Hi l-biii e. On one -iib; eflh- slice' as t ! , ba ll tsi. i, drill k, an-! on l!m olin-r t.'.h -f the j-trcct w r- ti.o v.ife vny dr. ml; While 1 i-oplo . Wiii'iloa S.-nti. e': A in 111 livirg !l--ir tee lib -t. M -uiea ', in ri'-e.e 'entity, I'iiati -.g to -,'o W.-t. rec ntly Mil I hU f :rm for JSo!) He sohi hi's :.i! it a-o crop, i-.i-.-'-i thi.-. year " i'ii .".e hui': e f.-r id ."70- ui-:.r!v I'.si.'e a nil. -il -m ie reei iw d f a' hi.-. ftl"it. ii.n il l l-.-iiif i.i tie- Wis", but. 't i- "it inn up a l-i',' c- roti'dy lor a gr- iit 'ili. r. i-iiulv. Ti.- :i:;!h. nlirsllv -f M-.m..e -t some eni'in a in; -I'd 1 am :i;-,i vaMtvl few biiif. lo s' hl.tl- r 'm1 lo ci v.. n !:rm OI'I I . ,;-;l:,! of -m i ei i--..- i f lin e 1 bi-x d wai f .Itr.'d ,.f t . S I'.r.'is-. ii 111 .10 II hll: bip'ons. wit ; 1 lh.) nii.i-isi-i ir.'io'i r "I.' 1 lion" upon them, tin-l a ie: :ci' f: otti th llrm s ii ! iter t! e buMous hud 1 e n pi i-riii'id r..i I shipped. Wilmington Stir: An old colored man bought a farm of tweiil -live ici t p, about, twenty miles up the Carolina Cmi'ral road about two yours : l"'''.v fr '"' "' r1"'" chased it giving hurt limem w'ech. to p.'ivfil lh If" (ended (he f irm m sumn er : 1 1 :mie to town i:: :h- win- li r and finwei wood, and las! week lie uni le hi I ,sl p tymciit on his f-irm, has live cows, ton !.e"s and :t fitu b ck oi pun 1 1 rv, nnd i-i Ihe m. ant i nu lla:; Mippoti-d a wife ;i i.i s vo id ehihhem VX.7. d.eth Ci v H.-oiiomi -I : A cor- a ' d Xeddv l'aui.', both uf llelil li".r ii liil'ied, and they can daiicti a jig now eipial to a b iy oi IS. On N; rdi I ilik'-i thoy unmet in-es die, but on South B inks they i, nee had a Hirel ing a u 1 1 whittled slicks to d eide who should kill his ei'iindl'iitl er that thi-V might see w h.V. a funeral wad. T'O b. ro' Soutiif rimr: One if (he a. hli .-t .h liths iniiigiiialiio, oectiuvd S 1 1 idav ui"hl, on tho phinta ' i-.u of Mis. F. M Chm les. The di-ceascd was a colored (,'h 1 mimed Cindy, ah. mi four u ar.-; o' l, il.mgh'cr of 1'i.ilip Cites ut. About nine, a m , Snmko., Iho ; i r 1 got a hot'J ; uintah i ig about a pint of w hi-key, which In r father sajs he 1 a 1 for inolaiiud purpoaos, ami dr.ieL it. Iu a voty nhuit while film was ben ft. of reu-am, and wns tiel- ing lik turn with ilm dclii inni he- mena. But tills ravimr otiiv hi-ito-l a VPry sllOt'l tllllO WliOII Hie poor vein s::nk into a f-tun r from w hi -ti tdie -...I ; MHO weni 1.11 lfrUl;i!l -(iti.C W00K8 HgO Slab svillo Landnnu I; : There ii . ! his wife, if ttm.t -1 Ihis mornim,'. in Shiioh f ownsh'p, a ymi:' holy who "Hero !,;! i, bos-; I f.tc!i hd' bark -1 mom r.s so ha.ll? tln-d i is nFtr-fi ' sun-," witti hi irrocli::r !o our rt-piirt--iii'iii n'!, n.ml even piiinful to mi trim t ' t this inortiii g Tins l ink I be Ha t; hiV" :iiiy conversation v. i : i i li.'r. i lom train to I lo.'ke! n- 1 v!i -g a t vim So f ir ihi i .-b nothing siraee.' in thi ; cu..i:ig . s. Tin y Lit 1 been s.-p-i c-is--; a f '.v i.thers urn it!'ilieled in rut" d jast, thirty om; .v-w'i inni liko manner, nil of ivlumi tW-ervo pity. ' IliroUljoiit Unit, l'm.e Ihe wife had Ivit the Wily m qu. slum s n s web in rciaunmi trili) lo hrr liiMf loi- ;. 1 th-li a ipr.-ino vnii'i-, mid whim sii1"'- J -i 1 1 1 I'un-.w, n Mohi-.- (-.ninly mnri, iti;( iii-vj r h s i-tutti r.-il in a miuI.i i r-isttsn il ut the .Me V-h-n l ist woi k. mslaiii'O. .'niiinu', sh o n ii' k inni S, in -time no lie ilis(-;ivn 1 u,ol on aif ici- ipii-hlioiiH. mi l l;ci.'p up a mil- Lis farm, mi I kept th n i-r- I t ) hitii-vcr-iri'.i -n i is v.i II us any inn: with ihn ' .-'i'1!' until ho inini-.l i n! oi.u hitis.lt'Oil isirtsl ) if rt inyatiR of spoi-rlj. poninlH of tho prt-i-ioiu nn lal. 'J'hink- li'ocky M'innt lif j crt'ir: On Mon day, J inn irv L,-Jnd, Mrs. Mary I'roo tor, wifa of llciiiitt. I'roclor, who lives iilmiit thii'd an 1 a hall miles frmn thi p'.-i 'c, washurncd ho severe ly t'n .t. Him died ahont 0 o'eh'L-k p. in., of the Maim day after (-evrr.il hours of ten ili!e I'.li'i't iii'j;. Mr. l'ne tor, was at work in the linld, and see mo a lur'.'e smoke arhin!,', r-m to the hoiisf, thinkimif it was on tire, hut to !;is ,""','("'- ";h1 his w ifo pone upon the groiti.d, lim ned almost beyoml li eogllitiot!. It is mippes id that she was hiken with a (it and fell in the lire, us she had been having liisoeca s onailv for ilm ian six yf-uis. La yettevillo Observer: At a mo. - t - ing of 'he Beard of Magistrates of lloli: i.m eoimty, held l'elii'U-ii y ijtli, nil fnf.dior Court f .r tho eouiliv was eshiblisiied. Mi ssim. James S. ?dc (,) ieen, A. W. 1'iilhr end Ir. iVm. 1 1 c I e;. v. re i-;ccte- .1 ilstlees. Uoial . tele. lii.n, all of th.-in. Few per 1 smis, ontfi l.a of farmers, f.aM.a the Utitherfordt.m Banner: About f u,r ..'.-lock Tuesday morning Mr. II S Tunis, of the U itheif, r 1 Hole). Was awakmed bv a d.-nso mtoko lilling his room. 11- ,p'.a::g out '-f bed ami found the ii inilleph ;-n an I a iiorli-m of the wnil ti. xl to.' iire-iihe-e ii: the 1 1 i i I room in llaui- s Ho with some as- : .i.tii'.ifi.- i llimui.hud the i! Mill's, and not a mom -m to mm:i f. r they w r.- makiee i .ni l li.-i,Uv:,v. 't'i.ii v..i!l W:-.- iaina d ut: H riie.h the we;;' her ii a.i'.iii.g, '.n.l iu a fr-.v s-i'i.u'e-i the iii'.. v.. '-oil havii b'c;ii b yon-l cntr r--l. lie. Ihih-iard is siipoo.-cil tn hive c.i'.i:;iit from 11 stick (T wo .1; I f! bui lt hrr 1 n ihe It.-ailh lh- ca cl'i.l iibout ion- lire when n il retire at id., lit. i'son Adv.in.-t : Tim Pieide:d ha i lteinin.it.i.d .n'r. John T. Shm p tn be p s til's'ir a: Wd-oii. The I'.-ii i '.hie death of a lii-ahhy an 1 s'.mt negro man '..an ed Wi'.liam Iv-an i 1. p I at V.'hiSik' rs. V.'i ia: t dk iii:r of m-ing to K'.iitli Carolina lo wi i i; iu lui i-. titi'i:'. hli.o 1 ci'-mu eneed ji'iutiiig fr mi l.'n inoiUh nn-i u.w, 11'id ite died fi'oiil suit ica I imi in twen ty miiutti s. A mm of Mr. IT.-oiei--M iy, ai,'cd about 11 yej-ri old, in Kianldin eounlv, had the sad inh.fovt ili.O lo h tve b .lii cf his thighs hroL-'li a fi.w days ii;4'..i by n lr e failing on him, and tho list aeiMtints we had 'r-'iu him, i was tlmttght thai his iiii.'os woidd hiivi; to hi- tuiiiitit-iK- I 'iti-l hut lit h- hopes Weru etjU-rl.tilti:'! d iii 1 1 co l y. li ilisoii' V ''ii'ehui an : A eit ii!. d.'.-i! I Ibekory, I)-';; ami I'l-isiiiuu-.n we..il i. j .s nmv b.-ii'g rthipi'nl fii.m this c-'itnty. It is io-led t 111' prnpl" do Ii '! ki.ow tin- led v::!n-' of the i li.,iii,-r. An old wemau, living it ar ( ):.) I' u t eomniilted suicide la t ws-t !; by h imiiiig. She -ul up in tl e sdgitt and ta .1 ihri e hank-; of vai u tn"i t!a r. :iop d her henl tlirong-li o: e ci d am! hum; the oiio-run a I nni; in the join', tilid jumped from the. .iid.- ,-in' had usi d i:i the dism-il preparations for the launching i.f l...n- k-:.tl inbi ih. ri!i!. li r hush Mid itm! rmidreu w. ie ii-.!i-i'p in tlie room, an, I were liet aware, of tin horril i : i.e-d, lint ii next mut'i-iMg. when Ihiymveke to !ind the wife and im'thir swinging from the i-eidi'.', with ghasib c em . toil -nice locked iu de if ii. Chariot lu Jo'iiii'.l: Mr. Charles Cox. a y.ill"g mil... was sin.t on ihe .invts i 1 i-ifi Jjiek hi Shiiih-y e-.unly, la--! lit- b.y iii, hi. by son.o ut ki.n.vti p r-i ii. Ii w:h vei v dark luu as he sr..v lioni whii1 ibreelion tho icint cai!! ' ho dri w his pistol i: mi Hind, wi;h , wli li ell'cc! is not known. We have ' , I 1,1 ' '." T- '"" !" oiiortuiu hit. .! r. I ox itioo Siiiiiiay (-venine from Ihe i !!'. e! soft I.e wound. An in- i!-p t'.t,,: lo ctsc of sllNpniiled anilmi- i on is lip -r cii liMin .uoel.-.viii.-. Prof. Stiriiit'i, b -fote im uli, ti.-1 by ns a:! in a . I ing comltli'in, did iicluaily die but is no v iu the I.in-.l of tlm li, ing again. He c ased (o breathe, hi., iilsf.. cetl.-od to be ll, nnd ho w is to ai. iippear.uices dead for six niiuu e. At tho i ml of that thno ho threw i:p his hands, gasped, nnd his lungs 1 gall the HXelvtsu of their fuucliolis ajaiu. 1'inf. Slirling lejioits a di in 'bid Ul between S Mil and body. Tile in tnufaot uinof w:ie,.ns ut. Wutigh iowi: is ipiito an iieiustiy. lvghlo m aio t.n lit I out tvciy v. efk. An iui l ivod cvapoiator for mnkin" sMtiji iias l'eeu inventi: I, and the patent granted, by Henry Null, ..f S d"in. On Thursday t veiling M. L Wii'ikci- n reveiiiii; nl'ticor of iSi.itdy "oiiiity, wis fat'illy shi t in (he leu's bv a muim shiner named David I-'r-ni- h'y. The hhooting ocoiirted l.. ar the' U-iwaii cotintv line, nnd there is i"'. :it liidi''nntion felt throughout theonlin . e. Ii-Ui whrl'O the .shooting touk place, ova r tin- it rr.i i-. Fii.i.ev mado bin rsrtipo and is slid at, 1 irge. Tne iish-poml beioiiing'to Mr. A reeu of Slielhy, and wiih-h was stock.;.! .with carp last M iich, is imw begin niug to pay h oi inin,c!v. Mr. (irecn received au order for stock tisli from Ashuvillo u-hiio tiiuu sim o which he promptly filled. Besides tho great ' luxury nf the f;i iu il.v lemuly, a lint) r.fif tu iv r nil 1 i r-1 l;;-.c 1 frtmi thin ; cummin. :'u!le. outi-ip. (ire. msl oro' l'.-tlri-i! ; Uiehard Ze:g !., t'nt) old coli iv ii,;o IVdjii W inston 111;,' tilt' Villi WUS i-.li.:.:.ii il, hi'i J!".-rnl to n.;ll and did sell !'n A f-'-.v months ho hi Wufliliv IMS- Hl'S-lllllS timsls'l.HI Ot II tndtdl.'Z. II ll'H, no.v he is a h iimiiz i kiiiff, ciuiiliny his gold hy the I lioiisand i Sileli is li e. (if.'i lishoro ehiims tit-- l.ii.;rst Ii-iliv in lie. Stiite. At il;i. l. - n,l. - i - uf tiiivi: hours it vii o,t d 1(5 poniid-. Dipiitber.ii is prei'ailinj; iu iho M'-, riensant Clinreh neijdil orliood, tJuil ford conniy, and tho Long's Mills neihb.irluiDil, liiiiidnlpli county. Mr. Ji.it'i Kinie, living iie.-ir Long's Mil s, lost thrte cliildiea lust week by Uun tcrriblo ili.-iuse, nnd tho fourth and lasl is ut the point of death. Fr.nu Mr. .furl Mitchell, of J.imcst ill 11. we ! fiithur tho filS.e.ving pi.r.n uh.ri i.,f James Spo. n's -uieidu at tint place yesterday. Mi- Spoon va MMiiig ji, (lie room by the the alio ti. lit nVli. it, ; uii.l sot he; it Cut d on the m intle pn ce ' took il down and dn-.v il acn.i-s hi.. knee to tel Us sir. ioMii. lie the:: a.-kod his wifu to lis Lis. bed, bid I tie ' was not feeling w. II, and wanted to ""d uiipiiied where J lines was. Lrpm. bemg udoniud that ho va) i!H well i iUI'' llfl-' h 1,: wellt 51)10 room whero he was ami f-mi.d i.mt sl" i't-'mleil 1 Iheior l from lh-; j ;lit. ' L:t,J WM ' ti-t. A pnv;i u trie fr.uifi.,i Washington has ih, t K'-'ogb, of t ! h pltiee, Las In en ''"den d a fo.c;;.;u mis.dim. A I'l'-j'"!- :'.tt.i..-i;..-.l a man who had i'iia -.l Up in,.' el' h. r Sims on the .--i ! ee!.S ot lirli! I bit him seven lv. y !-:oi-i. iV, ll'l,, ;Vr ;o ,-h ;!.h W'uuid but Mils Lu ati il nil' l.'V a man who ran w i .h a f; un to the reset! il ZScvis. H.-iivy t'-des am! ihi, ..Is pi-cviiih-d i;, F. glaml and Ireland ia-,1 Aloud.tu TresM n! Ai', iiiir ha ", i:...-.;.!i-ie.l J. F. Hclh ti t j he post m. i.iter at Win s'.m, N. C. Two lni; were diowiicd by break ing through the ice mi a poll I Lei I AUh.bon ugh, M ,ss. A young man mi:ii. .l I7r-..i tmin. wliih- i-lojiiuj with a ;ri:l fr,,tn Ihi-c irii(, Mich., wai ovMiJ.ru by hei l ii iier and tdml deaii. Tim bay S'lde Iron (', , 1! s oe. Mas., a corporation .!..-'m an eX'en sive b-.isim. s-i, has f-iil.- 1. Iho lialu'.i tics arc t; ,i' i ii ;i! .?7-"iv;'.i'.l. A company i f j i'nih e -.hi". -rs, ftum N'-'i'i 'k. Vi w. r. -u i- t .1 ut i'.el: Op t-. Ho-l.-e, ia N.V.' il.v, II, Cellil, fur slt.yiiij o'l l Iii- Sai.i'o.lh. C il. 1) -civcrv ha i ui'i.i.ma hliii sayiiiM lie vt'i im! ci: i c.-t i i.e . i-. ci inn of J tl Igt Bci.!ie: t -aa t'.. :" - . mail ill largo. A M-iiii le i-.u-ihi.! ,u. The s t:rdl s-ti rii-wle. t ;n a.-.i-r ( leui, jiling between S. nt-'i ai.d Chi.,!! t.'i y, Wa-l-ingtoa 'iini.my, ia imrm-d m the .-juu.id l.i-,l l':i.l:ty .o.d h?es lest. , net e n a I v. n:e d-.usll. i I ill tl e o:.i and ( in. -in i. ...'.i si i .ie g i::j!i:i:ii : roat con-; ami o! her t w n.-. oe veiy gi-i-atly. J iicie stt ; t.::ti'..I. A Xihr.'i-ka Cily y. rowe I nioney iium ii lor a lii case to mai-f, an 1 (hui usul the he tun t her girl. man u'- in to pay ihumh i i l to m.iiiv l-.-i n.-o A sp'-i i , l'i i.-r X-.i-v i fro n S'. I. wa-i with li lis s ivs (ha! .- other meti , Friday by a ie faelon a: kiil -d at 7 o clock la it bmh r oxph sion in a ; Taylorsviim, Iliiiiois, The wife and child of 1'icd iicoj, while lidiuo on a hiiid . ' h.s ilon i!tn niotmOiiii at N'i'.'.i 1 1 -nhtiig, Wai ien entity, N. V , ilco- i!h"l b the haul up-e:tme ul. I tl e legs falling lipol' 1 iielll. Tom YLKhe: Wif -, frol'l II I: Ilil i:t li ei, j ;;-ty iill ;ll, I'il-llt.'.li.i'-g I, ' wi:h il l:".:u! all I I'-.h'i'e.T' I'm line hi-, he b id srp" m'i-,1, i i-tihei-1 l'i. .-e-hcr ' an., c, i h.-r !)H, ,) thcli cut his o'.'. a tluv.al. Both wii! die. Thl'jowoln sl.-r-M-f Messrs. Strffn Ii Thoma .V Bro., Chat h s on, was en-ti-red by crack -nneii eatly Sunday moruini.', who bh-w open tin hmi -a!e Hl;d l.ihbi'il it i f wale.' e-i ai d j-.e.velrj to Iho value of about $12,(l;il). Tim Srii-iie Jiiliciary C..mnii!l'c it ive :i:.ri e-d In i. pull f.ir p is i" 1 tie bill pt'.oi I - 1 fur lite iu;rchase f.-eni (ie rgc W-ishitiiOiin l'.ul,e Cu-li.-, Lee (f.ll'.O eliMn: Al liligtou esltite, Cotu prisiii" l.itl'l a -t rs, near '.ishimjtnn ('i!.v' Ml"" i-'ohnbng tho Na'i in d I'm LU'r.v' llt rt tt-',;l1 l'"hl "' $iol,oi)f). H;w S!u Saved l!or Darling. '1 t-b ill not I ' -. 1 so n. t viius iigi.in ah.. lit b ib;, ti .-i !! ;'," W files -i ; Tate bd molher. "Wi.- nimo.-t lust, our diirliie; trom ciii i-i i mf intern, Im! hap; ilv board of I'. il l ei's (iin,.-i-r Toiii.- io time. A ttw soiionf,,!.-, ,i. a cured 1 atel id e t iot,id dm 0 keeps us in 'jud LliUiLi. Diooklyu MjiLcr. A ?-! iii'ilcroii.s "!). A li- p i'c.h from Kansas City, ilatod Dili iii:-t1., i ays: A' I'ao!.!, Kansap, ' yester lay. a i-i.'. ncl :';;i-.l '.! yi ars, was fo.r il in !l -n.i v, nearly i.aked mid ahno-.t fr.-z n I. d.-.dll. Sho re-: vivd noiih t-i to!! i I:..'., -hi; had hceu 0 itr:i;;i-il liy a lii-;:o man named: ii-i'. .Hmi'li. 'i"iic la' ;i r n -s iincjle.l , an i in-', n t .:; lit-.i crov.-l, th-i !l.y co! j O! . d c.i.-i:, . 1.!.- il Ul v;ttt!:irred ; at tin- j.oi and d-mati.t.-d thi; t-lison-: i r. '! i.e .-a-i-i .;' ha I je-i ji ti i ! for ihe 'lane:;; t.ey -.Mirw-d liolu away, llnU t,u ciil, I ' Oils till.'il:,' I'ldied forward and I l'.-.t d t pe'i t'n: ','oor of 'tlie, Imddiiif,'. Ttio btii-riii' htiiick tlie ' fore-nosi. mail over the. ad, s; . i i . tia-l! t-in in.!) .'(- 1...- I tii". I) v-i-i'll .the hI:i. ril't". ul Ids .; t ;'!;'. A j.'i'I:! r li l;i -n;.i!u in-il'.--1, .ili-I I:-'- rir-'iit -.vnidowa au I oi, of tne laid lit-- iM iii-i'd. ill. !.''. ' li:!; 1.; i Uli t. h.lll I' -Vl-d I llill'iv;ll it i v.'oun-l in !:;e arn ; ) ::.-.'. .'.i-iii.iw, I eol-nci, ':; , Mt'.i1 l.:l --:i!l i.a) IllMil 'and iiii-'.inli I- ; i '..u -,t i.er roh-rid 1 men v.- -, ivrd i.-.h-Um ...! :s ali-l i ,,:" ,s v '' "'s'-.i-!' 1-,J,!,V ' j 1 "' '' ;'- "d ai.-i wi:!u-:it; ; f'"-'hrr i iV ri I., oluaiu po.-.-t-i"!! of i 1 1 i r ibfper. ed. j I I i m in s ill i t .1 It: it uvi T uni mii'i e c-.nt;!, I',, r ii:i- vi ar. olili- il,1- '';' S ;..: V:..v, 'i'i.e .-if ( :.!--l Mill-.-..' w.v ! t!ei vi-nl alii, e.ii-.r I' I In h i Vestori' is (!. i. whirl, :!i.;iiol d.-si rvi .1 a- i j : 5 ; i j. ' ". d'-. iii',i' iii i:-. in 1' 2 S ffl A mA 2 T S . li.-e.-i:- 'OUi:iX WVATJ- iV lilioci'.iii ;- : n.'t it e- o-1. N-i. ii i:.v I. , !:..- .1.. ! S... TAYLoih t'u.i v.:;i..i:r. 1 VA l-llllii.-, -til..-. I I.-. ' Mi-!-: V. Ii: l I U l.oiieei.l:', V M.Kl.T. V!l.. i"'.-, l-'-iV, I - ! I. ! Now Aiiverl isi ii!ciil- , HMINbsT:-: I'OilS" NiiifCL. - ' .in; piiLlj;: -! .1 , itiiniin'.r.'i"' . -I. !I. Mijiv-. ilc.-.'ii-. I, u h.-rri.y t...u.-f i..nil - r s' j;- 'iMv.t.j i-i ion itir.iti''1 " u-t b'-. .. :n n .--! t'-ll ;hf .'i'lt' lo U.-. H !' 'le 'h'.v "i I rr.r.m'-v-, V. MM-. l.-ij. l-'.I. 4'.. :.. S. mum:. OV' :citok's No'i'icr..- HA V I i! V. :a an I T.-r.'.aiii.-iil .'I M.i ti.-i'.-i-y -i'- ii-.' t.-,- I-. : a i-: ..i I'. rixiir.rT!)!;-; V I'!' :2 J :u.r ..n',il!.. I a- tin nark, J :.-.- I. -- e. i -I n;. Is. i. la A DM IN j-Si Toll's N't i -.! :r- -..I'llllii-lfi. .' Uavlli.- M:- Mary I'.. -I-. .!AL'', Oi' LANl.--r.Y llli'i ei-.a-ii nu i'- iii!': .vi-1. a i i"i . I', r-.i.-f .'!' UM,''. ;: i . i M.-...1'--.. -i. i- '' ill-ri;-, -.-a... Q jr--. a: :. ..-a i -r.i'- ,-.... ! im.- - 5 ! Ni'ii r Kr.iU in lii-M.iin ii'.-y ur t-a.k-.t ilica ' .0 l-i- jvV.U:ul tuilili.,l9l .' i- .l-.,,!-:.-. I, Fi - ? --ii -""-v;. r 'VfvR "l t$ :..r i gz jyn 7i 'iH'tJ' ; k v fe? W8 (.'iiie-r, lliirliu. .'Iiiiulii.lii-. M'IIii. ji.i v ..l.v ef C' . O-l I'-.'li' '!.-'. l-i- ''-a .'"' I'-:.'..: g j j 'i'.'.'i.' i' i' iimU-'i .o V.rJ,:.'-1 i ,!.,,-.i i',.u,'i, i.'.i-.- p I Ecst Hi'iitii anil Slrcngtlj RttsMf Ef Us;J. It V-l :" o-'-f e- a..v toill 1 t.Ml -,--: -1 OI .1 ,-i'.-'i. - . t ". ii'-o- : !j H !''.. iit.-s'nfl.!i..-., i.ai.-i: :r I -a. -., i.s il 1. .. ,' j; Csii-n .inn- I 11 H I..M1..K Ml.,i IN hi li.N. iia; i",i i. m r Vi Itl tl t.t CH AN'OF. Oi' SCII I'd H'LF.. . lake . rt---l l i'ioi. til. Sun Hy, Mnv 15, is- N, - mil M.-i'i-y it'iki l-lll.-H h.is.-r li-iTiiiii ,-lilii--t- a' i - ,,:rl all I-i- U-il.-ili nil j. .nil.- li- mtM. ii.-i. i.M.a m-w m ;.:- m. au-i nm-.- ' ,'u '' '"'jqus c. UMia;, DUi-ct-na. iaut. OhJvM! i j-.-it .-j a cramnncr-rpro ri'.a in. J Im.-.: a vrirkl of n-.canm.';. 1 Iu'.,' much :;uf flri::j i.i iiumiiicd up in it. Tho .'angular tiling about it is, th,.t prn in the back ii occasioned by so many t':irt;;-.. Maybe caused by '...'hi.y t'i-.cas.", liver com j i.iii.t, C'jinaiiiiption, cold, il: -.u;:at: .!U,(Iy.-..'.'rj:.iii,ovor-v. ;!!,. )icrvc".t:i liability, &c. V! :-.lcv: - r 1 ! ie can r.'-, don't ncylt-it it. Something is wrong" and needs prompt attt-nt ii m. No medicine has yet b discovered that will no ouich'.y and ,',ure!y cure such discasi-s a lltiow.N's !:;ov Bitti-.ks, and it ci- this by cornmencing ;it t!i'.: foundatit'ii, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. I .s.-uif.iH.rt, !;l-.l I.-Cf. 1, l58-J. t ml i.i.. i l.-.vc !,;- a :. r I, ...; : :. :,:... i y . . -. ... V :..;.vl.;.- v.r, very pot-r 1 I ' i j r . .' ,r . t J J 'Ul i. ' r!i im', 1 .m ycJ '- f nan d..:.i i.-.i: n .11 of '.i t UM' I ' l.r jivtl s 1: .il l.'i.-.l u. :. r nny. -.'MI-.-.M-. ..! ::;ri-, iin-l my Ii. tl...t 1 fc- l 1 'i -.y tr-.e i- 1. p .ti -i I .a!i 11 s i '- 'i.' Ir -n i''-l-( 1 l...V l,..lllCvl I,, u.u .:l l....!.!ll, . t-.r ty l-'-iii..! iu :. hAKUfc..f, . Leading physii iiin i and ckroynii n use and rccyin iiiir.d Hkown's Ikon- ihx it'.Ks. It lias cured others Mifiliiug as you are, and it v';il cure j uu. .'. ',-:. I :;i. l-i.-i. ,. I' I '.'.!:. , v .'o ...il 1 si., .la 1 iivu 1;, 1-. 1 . --sr if b-!;e A ii uU:duJ5.v.i U vj, villi, , T?;!.-i- Ji. . i . kink .::::;;i-an " at; ni:.-; a : M'iiCl.M.i v. A i.i, MiM v ;;; as i : ! : t i-: i i-:u. i.i'o'AihiN.i M-i.'.xi.i ilim: ; ." r.-ii; -n;-l . -.'i:ii;i- ;i:: ! I'n-i , i , bi. 2: ' J t -i I- !;lit Vi.ar HI ilil it wouid m to th . of ;.. prosjicriius Xev tb" cull vour I i oi ti 'ii I do do.- :,::! !-. ; I !.e,p li.l.lid at ilil, -r nnrsfl TiCV hi ilu; n' s. i';.o:'i!.; u; u : s. s;u II 1 '-. '.:. 1. 1 i: ' ' 1 linol'S. i iiii'ilwii'.'e. Tiisv io'-'. Woii-h '!w: ri i, : -- :; k. i -i: iri i-:i; v. "oiN" i i '!! .-'-v i :s : j j nrlT;, Ih;M-tv n''f ln Ldil:. i '.Uiii.i, liaii, Jbju StnfT? Iji.OOl, Curio'v liTuiciiol, 'vv. i.ii' elai ilim : niltl .Needle--, 'ai ritsirc, liaihar, :.!ih, bridl:-.--. Collars, A:e., Ac. F.l;ii:i;s, cmeiiibei' you will iil.vays hud :it Tl! li !.Ai:..!'.-r Mm'!; oi- fi f p.! n i ' b..i: i kurt "in tlm county, lb-keep-t!,ce,.,;;u "''" ..'. Walb-'lnipr-ivi. I. X.:-. ' lliu too. Si i pi,,.;:. Ah. '. . , lh iltnl v, l Ilf.S, r i "ni!!. -d. lb luiuin:'.-i.iviii:'-;.'it. t ii ..i-ui.t ,.-!. I),,,.!,!.- S! novel or :iii". i'ii:. mi V. i-1 ., ! ai- :i l.i iv -:..ek .-I' SHO d.i.s. IIAMiiS, i II ,U'i'- :,t:d t.i! !s ... I'AKMiNo IMi'i-F.MKN'i'S. Lar.e -!.. !. .!' SCO. Mi. : --ifl il i I iliiriSii. Oil Ai K lill:v CAN ..OOPS ll" i'.S i i. KINU. If ,i'i i .ieud bui-ig a Sewing Xl.iollhie be m.ii- and fi Loud-.:. - : he ke. -p :t largi :-t at and v d! .;!o Millie i-.ti'ii bai gains. L"i..i. a i- i.e'ent !'"!' i-'. '-ij.'or l-i'os. cele! a .0 i Shoi - fur he lies' and .hi'i-h'eu lias reccivni :i new lot since m.is. 1 have a l'i w "to -hs on tiind which can be bought very h-,-. for cam!. :', :,. iii'..-!' try M-itioi'-A MMi'-l l-.siM'I.N K I l.i.'t I t.li 'I liAN A SI.OU s .lil.i.Mi " SMeti.il inducements ode; ci to Cajli Customers. London hits reei ive-1 this week a nice hit of Chair i mid Hocking Chair?,. 1 .i.':,.ii i u t iii ii tii.ii-k.-i for your liberal pai n..:.igo and will be gl i I io :,it' again this year. W. Ii. IONDON. l.iuiji-io', c, :ui i.--tJ. AiBSioiinceiiicnt! UV luivu tills .lay ,i.Hirl.iti'.l oniwlvwi logotlior I i-.i Hi' .ui-H..w r: i-iimlii. ling 11 tlrid-i-lium j ry CJoods SSusincss ' its !ho. l: "f l!uli l;:h. Tlit-stylo. .1 llinilrm will b j V. IT. ft IL S. TUCKEIt & CO. , a ivh -''..-. ii r-.r;i 1 ..iil tT'if ji-iirssnli-Hiiien wllh I I!,.. .1 .1 ifoi! "i W. 11 It. s. Tii.-ki-r wli. uiime ! .i-i-l wi- l.iiii- ri.'.-inwl wo ri'Kpnuilully .s.-ll. VI. I II.-K a ..ii.iii'iaii.- .-I tlm jinir.itmi:- liord-iii.ire 1 -.1 !.. a.. 1:1. In 11 il'iyt wi- Kluill have a ,,.j, ,,, h K in, ill .li'iiarunrum wlil.-li will . 1: tin- 1..W1 1 tI.vh. Wn tiall .H-i-upy Um -.!!- So. iia t l ajeui-vllli. stri-Kt. JAS. lioVI.AN. T. W. noillilN, CM S. Mi'KIMMOX, OLO. W. l'OE. ruui'y 1. liOTICE. I liM.Kf.ll. S. i:.. t'nli. 1, 1883. 1 r.i.' -I'l lh i'ir f K'.lH mi.l gnl : " ri .'. lii.. :i rut "1 W. II : li. s. Tii.-kvrl'. M.'Si-i-h. . .; r,i i:.l;m, T. w. ii.'i.i'in, eti.irl.-.i M.-KIiihikiu i 1 1, . ri. w. 1'.h-, n l.i ul ojui luuo lUe biiMunM ' iia-l. i- On: I'.ian inline .il V. H. .t K. S. Tucker & Co. 1 I. ii-11-. 'l.ai-. i;. ih" i-vtltsanrt amnot n-spun-' i- h- e.t aiij' a. a: c..iiiin'-'a.-'l iy i Hu of W. U. . !i s 'I'ii. -k.-i- e.i. I i t,,., i-iieiv I-'-.aiiiii'ii-l t.ithi- fiiT..ralilo ii.nli. . :.'..., . ..t ii..- eui-l.. t:i'- 11. 'W lit ii uf W. M. It. B, ' ', i'V- 'tHiHiii-M will l-i- ..wii.-.l 'i'l .-..ii'lii'-I'Ml by it, i-',..-.i. l,ii':i,-l ;; il l' l'l'-n. Im lili'i! Im-I UmiP r.ui.'.u wlili -.'ir"i I llnii uii'l "in p.iujioioul lu' ..in,-..-. Hi.- i'ii--. . , . In i.- i um :r. -in il:i-.I.TS Is ti'"ro ' :.. i-i-iiu-i. ho 1. II.-.M' Uianu l" 11 H'-lil'I'iiUb .ul.lio i t tii. ii' i a't'i -nil--'.- 1 ii' "l'i il' '" f"i' i'V.t hair a , . ', ,- I :i, --j... ..ar .'.e.i..im'1-H lhat 1 rnlly ' lll-l.l.' '.ill" ii.'.l I'M I'"'. I" .-lll-l'-Hlllll! WlUl US- ""'J : ih..iiirl: 11... 1 uiil-mly in"-i. i-: Iii'.Ihoihw ImihI. 11,... 1 in, hi .l.i-y w .11 .---li 'liui' Ui.-lr iiiiiromtjfu lo' .'.. nn.i. I! s Tl'eKKli. h.lf' ivlni,' I'afln.'f i W. IL.V U. S. TI'ChKIt. : i- .. , , .., 1 wia ...-. ii.. .ii-"f Ui i'fil.f ' li, 11 ' -'--n' -'-i '-' I!- -v s- 'I' -' l-"r ('"-- '"r lho ' . u .- ..'.ilii.ri u,, a:! "I .Mir.'l-I IiiihIii- Uli Ii-!.-.- :i a. Kurvlviui l'artucr. iThe Largest Stock ikying and Ties S2SX CENTRAL I North Carolina! !-'..r t!i. lowest cash pricoH to GiNftLRS AKQ DEALEKS write to M. T. laKACH & CO., HAi.iciun, . c July HI, 1!'-".'- ly 1; u. i:n. 11. N. C. N . ...". 1 UU'l I'o Tin: Yrui-N.- ok CkviiiaM asb !j Sl'lii.-H'NOIM. CofNTIES: 3( iENTI.i'.tJKN: 1 Ye w ill . ion receive our large j ,!ld well selected i'all fctock of I JIAIiDWARE, H of evei'v do.icriptiou, 3 1 sl?nrfm ann Ufirrmr It Uii'jil UjU -Ull&gj uuwuu PAII'-iTS (all kinds,) AND Sasl B!i it a ac, ac, ijand Wi a -k :i share of your pat roiiiigi . Y.'e gUiiranteo sati.s- factiem I'll it Mn-'i'i : i;i-.-t' i ; n :.-.. :j l,n' K.sr li;ii'K. i mji. ai;i: ik.i.i.'u i:. -i-i-..-'.riiii, S Thi.s. II. Kriggs A: Sons, H.-leigh, c. m york mm umi OME DOLL ATI A YEAR. 'I'' li-'-iil.-iimn ..f HUM i..'puliir nKHpnir la .-..:. .-. ;n: iv i .; ; . a.-l n.v 1: .'..n.aaiB nl, 1 1- IxuiMiig : . r. .-. - : . he i .:.;: Il'-i.-ii,t timl Is ut-raiii;i.u in bKuU .:", :.l .i. l.!:.. 'I'l.i. Ki'l.iiiH.N XKWS i.e f.i.-pM s; l.-il i';-i-:ii. In s from all quarters of - 1 I..U-1-it,, r 4 m i-.i.'!, n m-;vs :; ;;:. a II, i-T.-!.v';ii..te liiKj.atrliPR of ILo wnk Ii-.mii r..l I'-iiis f tin- I'uii.ii. l'lite rea:ute aluus iii.i'.i l !IK WKKKI.Y TU-Ji AI D il- in- ' viilii;.' !.- 1, 1-. -t.i. !- ta Ui.. wrlil, an II la li,, .1.. i:-...ry m:i-k giveua fsllbful r. 1- ri .-: I'll!, II IOA1. Sl-rt'il. i-:i:l-:-it i'l-: i'l.-'e Hi. .1 e..!n,.rohrti-.Ti1fwijtoli- - -'. -., V .;e.il in. III. 1,11); im, -,.,H of k( 1 ''- -"- ''.'"-r ia i-.li i. .aim .ai tliO'tuasliftus e( I'll!-! I'Al.-M I i!'.l' A liTMKNT ... ! ,- ..! .-.l.v li: a ii.e ,li lavn w an ' "" :,,.'-' .-.-i- ii.-rt' MUrf, i,.iiM ami i11nr-i.-.,rtfis '! i - " ' -. ' . . : 1 1 ie? . fin inyr. ii.ian rir rats. 1 'an y- ''.ia.-, Tr. . s. V. ablwi, 4,., A- ., vc.ii m. :.-: i. .'.ii- licpliiK Imililiiigg aad i-.. ... I..- i: . h-i;-. I,, i-.-i nr. 'ihi- is xii i .lt-a.ut I-. a iv. ,i can-, I a, i m . iiit-ni, wnt.-iy i-.. u, uuilsr 'i;. era I .-I T ! I K IIOMI-;, i"lnt wl!i.'i L - i-va.-il.-al ii.licn, iilntai for aici ii, a . -.aiiii .-ei-l r-.r tri'i-m up Willi Um atMt I.e.. ; -I ... Ill -111- I-.'l.'.-. I-..' lieni uf rack- liV , r iii, lay ..i :i;r--.li-I lutliii, il.-,ai Inif in a J r.l-l--a::..' t.'S..-l l-V e. 1 :-. le..r.. ,ilii-Hll. l.,i ... n -n .in i.uiv,ii. l,i,i,i,,B i-i.ri'ii)oienUi en it,.- ' ,-: la .-. l i i-lil- ii. Ti,,, H.'nir U-art. ii.'-i ai. Wk'.i.-. in. ihi, i. Will Mvr Um linaae- . .- ti.- ,'- ' -,ii,- Ii in-,i U'lir-n Um i-nro ot Ilia I ,ij .-r. 'l l.i, ilia i-.-.i." of !-K!l.l,i;l LAUOU Hi--- I .. L I a". , re I .-ii-rvll.ttn; iLlMlug 10 ..,:::.,- -e, i in .-.r ..ii i I in Is i-uii.rully r-ord4. ii.-i.. i ., ,.u-.- .I.-..I.-.1 1...-.1I ilii.'laii-.i ,i,iu(a I -he l.-l-:i.r-- mi: i i'..,., MiitvliallilllM., a,:,, ''- a y .iirr-li- ,iiui,. , IoiiimI li, 'iu niioclally l -i- I . iii.- ;,i-.l .- li I01..1.J. nf I !:! I'l.MiM i l-i M A U K KT. -Tea i: N, ni I, -ii,-- in a nl.r-.nil. t,tUnr h oi t : ,,. - y . . u sriMi-ii t.y Homo ami lu n- -li viii... l.i..-iai-y, isuil.'iil, I'l-ainail.-. l omoanl i.n-t ....;-. I!n- is ii,, in ii,, wtrld irii-.-:i .- -!i.:e'.- .., imi,-!i ti' iv ma li.-iviv waek a-, & V. .-. :.iy It. : .-it, t, I:,.-, i i sent. i,.m;i fra, I : 1 iil' I'-. !.!.-. V'll .-.111 Klll.si-1 1 1 111 iit Lima TllH NiAV VOHK 1IK11ALD Ii: a . i kl i f..rri , iiMi liUhLAl! A EAR. .I.I..-!.-. New York Herald, I: in -,y ai,u tstret, Kw Turk, W E t.MO'.K-lOX, I'lo -.ia.. ut. P. A. WILEY, Oathlar. 0IT1ZE3SS NATIONAL BANK. OF KlI.KStiill, X. V. vvnm&m NO I ATEST. Nl .ir unit. civn ha. ,.iipi-t. hi p. tR.i'ii'ft, Coral:., Ti-H.I.-MiirkH. ti ihi himI .iii.-i- '-.-inurl.-.. our an I il,- i-iiic lull Iii.mi i-iii--1. t- ,!,lri.; I! S . I'. I.M'I '' ' i PI,! AIIT'i .1-11. WI I i-;., Sa-l.i!ii-ai, Ii. I. Jnu, U. ''). tt