r.'ii-'i?,'!il;siajji. FOR THE FARM ASD H0.E. ami make long-lived wheels. AVhcn have saved as manv thousands as they Jlonitrbold Ilium. " I Spirits of ammonia, diluted with i tne wheels have soaked up all the oil f have lost ly the unnatural practice water, if ipplied with a sponge or ; they will take, put on a good coat of that they have followed so loner and flannel to discolored spots of the carpets ! paint. AlgrvuHurist. ' j which they are loth to believe is w rong. or garments, will often restore the ! i-or OMnTr iinw. ' Aliy filr"1(," can prove this question color. The comparative value of corn and j very easily if he will proceed iutclli- Soot falling on the carpet from open ' oats as food for horses inav be brielly S''utly to give it a fair test, and it is a chimneys or carelessly-handled stove-' stated as follows: Corn is deficient in ' very important question for our farm pipes, if thickly covered with salt, can j many elements of nutrition so necessa-1 ers to solve. Southern be brushed up without injury to the ry for recuperating the constant wear . Monthly. carpet. Taint stains that are dry ami old may be removed from cotton or woolen goods with chloroform. It is a good plan to first cover the spot with olive oil or butter. Hot alum water is the best insect .1.,o l... l,,t ll, . ,, i.,t,. , ,..., I not water ami ici u noil nil it is au ins- Bolved ; tlien apply the solution hot to fill cracks, closets, bedsteads and other places, wlicre any insects are found. Creeping things are killed by it, while there is no danger of poisuning the family or injuring property. tti.ii M'Aii;n:i Cai;).;i:. Takn boik cabbage Allien cold and chop in a tray a little, add pepper and salt to season, a few spoonfuls of thin sweet cream or a little milk ami bidter; set in a steamer and heat. frk'nTVH C aki's-scot,,h cakes are econoiiiical so far as egg. an neerneil, and if made with care, will melt in the mouths of children. To one pound of Hour allow half a pound f butler and a quarter of a pound of sugar; let the butter stand in a basin near the tire to soften, but not melt; when soft, rub it and the llour together; then knead in the sugar, l!oll out in a sheet halt an inch thick; cut out cakes about two inches square; bake until they are of a light brown. Put I hem away in a stone jar, and they will in a day or two gather moist are enough to he soft. t!i;i:i: l'i-:.s and Onions, shell half a peck of fresh -reeii peas ; if the i ..u.i 1 before shelling, but do imt ii;i-li the pea:; peel a pint of small u hi!" onions: wash a small bunch of mint. and tie it up again : put iutoa saucepan over the tire four tabb-spoonfuls of butter and one of Hour, and stir them until they are smooth; then add the peas, onions arid mint, and a palatable seasoning of palt and pepper, cover the saucepan, and stew it contents gently for half an hour. Then remove the mint, and serve the pea and onions in th'. sauce in which (hey were cooked. N-iwsit l'n:. Take three-fourths cupful il' squash after it is boiled and pifted, one egg. a good tablcspoonful of sweet cream, and four tabb spooufuls of sugar, beat well together, pour in a cupful and a half of rich milk, add a little oiimanem and a few drops of ex tract of leiicn with half a te.ipoonful of palt. stir together and s-t over a 1HIIIS .III 1 II 'I I'l.lllllt ' 1" il I : . ...ISI! 1 1 ! I 1 1 1 kettle of boiling water in a tin pan to heat nearly scalding hot: pour into a deep plate lined with paste and bake till it rises up in the middle and seems cooked. .S ime may prefer it less sweet, and three tablcspoonful. of sugar will nnswer. Killl'ia Tnnl Ali'- I'er Poultry. It is often in the winter, difficult to procure dry ear'h in which the fowls can dust themselves, as they like to do daily, and sifted coal a-hes fi-m, an ex cellent substilu'e. 1'nsiflcd ash's are not so good, a they are full of sharp cinders, l'ut with a bo in Avhich to bift the ashes without covering one's 6elf with them, a good supply of dust- Ing material inav be kept on hand and ' 0 . , .' 1 , , , , BUpplieel to uic le ns a neeucd. an iuu 1 thicken coop will answer for a box, : cut a hole in the top. place over it a half barrel, and into this iii a common sifter, as shown in the engraving, sift nothing but the line ashes into the box, throw the cinders away, or return them, and never use wood a dies for a dust bath, as the he in them will injure the ' J plumage of the birds Ktnrty ihr oi Prniiinritii-. A dairyman should study the pecu-! liarities of each coav. Some cows Avill : from the healthy ami burning the far impropriate all the extra food they ran i eass of the d"ad. Avas derided to be the digest to the secretion of milk, and ; best, method of stamping out this even deplete their systems to keep up plague.--. A. Dlijf, in Journal of full llow of milk. Such cows should : Agrfctilhw-. Le especially avcII provided for their generosity should be reciprocated. These are the cows that pay for feed ing. They payback the principal Avith a large percentage of interest on all Ihe extra food given them. They are c ' the onlv good cows that will pav for extra feeding-in fact, thev are oniy j zood cows that will pav for" feeding at i ill. And a dairyman mav rest asured I that -a cow that will not respond to J , , ,. , . . ,i nil feeding bv an equal increase of . .i i I- . ; U1IJI1 i-J liv, ""tvii f...,, f..i. Mi.iK.ri Df adding to his income, runs him in iebt every year. Lank aflrr tin AVnunn Wlirri. '. The severest strain, in the cart or Mrriage, comes upon the Avheels. The felloes especially are exposed to altern ite mud and drouth, according to the prevailing Aveather. The paint soon wears off, and tho avooiI absorbs the water from every mud puddle through which the vehicle is driven. In a dry time the AVood shrinks and the tire gets oose. The remedy is a new setting of ; .he tire, and a bill from the blacksmith, j ft is much eheaoer to clean iu the car-1 iage occasionally, and give the wheels dressing of linseed oil. as hot as it an bo put on. The avimhI will absord I good d-al of the oil and will swell the im so as to make the tire tight. It will prevent the rotting of the wood i and tear which necessarily takes place in the body of a living animal. On this j i account, horses which nre exclusively ! fed on corn and hay do not receive this j kind of nourishment which appears necessary for the due support and maintenance of the animal fabric;' 1., ..... t !...( . . .. eoru-ieu Horses snow eviueuee oi uring languid, by sweating profusely while being worked, lack of vitality, etc. Oats, on the contrary, contain more of the essential i li-nu-iiU of nutrition than any other art ii le of food which j can be feil with impunity to horses.but ! are decidedly nutritious 'I'll y an the , 'cheapest, beiMU-e there is less risk in feeding them, and experience has proved fiat horses properly fed on oats and timothy hay. with regular exer cise, good grooving and proper sanitary regulations, i an be brought to the highest st.iti of physical culture, and can perform more work with less evi dence of fatigue than when fed on any other article fo..,..Y''"'" -.'? StmJi J'i' rnol. T'lloM tire il I III Tom. Million of dollars ar1 t vpendrd in this country every year for ag' ! ul' oral and horticultural implements and tools; and by far too groat a proportion of such tools are neglected and not properly eared for. In many civs they rust out iimi than they wear out. Re member, therefore, when'ver a tool, implement or f irm ma 'bite's j laid by for attv length of time, it slold be protected fr..in in.l-i.v by nt M-l-. lake half pound lard. a-M to it a piece of ' rosin half the si of a In i s egj aud melt together over a 'I sv lire. This may be done in an I tomato or fruit an. or in some otlu r covenient vessel i When coiiipb tely lilt it'll. r.liMX'i' froiu j the lire, and stir cold. Thi in ik which may be a Whatever l.le!:i:ie put away I'.-i- the e. itli tick until! a s"ft oiii'iie'tit ! di' il ilh a cloth- 1 oil 'T part of a tool vint'T if siiieard with a thin i perfeitly pi"1 ting of this will be t-d from rn-.t. Not only the eojir ,.! implements ol the farm, but kni cs and b-rks ivt often used in tie hoir.eh'.M. may bo pro tected. A leer" film is all that is re quired. Tin1 v.- leu handles of d..., should, a lo. l-eeei, e t ruiil time totilii" a gooi riMtiug !' .-.'Ill" goo. p.ont. Nothing p.-M farmers better than a littl" care rightly be.-tnwed upon their implt no lit-.. - '.. ,-, in'.hii. '. iina t in.ien, Paring the Ia4 live - HIT llO" have taken th" chWa lour time, and I have always cured two-thirds of those t ha' were sick and stopped it on the rest with little trouble and ex- pense. When oil" i know n t be sick with 'ii"l'T,i pu ti e " hole herd in a dose pen. (ii t a long neck bottle, put one gill nf milk and half a tcaspounful of aire carbolic a id in it. Let one man catch the hog by the car and si t him up between his legs, holding his head up, another man Avith bottl" in one hand and a short slick in the other as thick as a man's wrist : put the stick in the animal's mmnh cros-,w ise so that tin f-:inimt ln:il. the liottle in ftnm-mir , , . . .. ! the contents down, l'ut him out ot the pen for fear you might dose him twice, which would be dangerous, as the ai id is poisonous in large doses. If they are not all am-11 in a Aveek re peat the dose. I never ha.! to repeat it, I never separated them, but if con fined in a pen I turned them out. The n-tvermilclit sncnt lieinv tlwillsiinilia of 1 t, , .. , , ,' . , ', ' j dollars to Imd out the best remedy for thjs )liw,.S(1 jf j j bolie a' id in small doses, given in some ivay internnlly. and separating the sick Do nimttrrrlnl I'rrlilUcrs PnyT This very common question occurs in the agricultural papers every year. It can be answered verv briefly. It pays ii goo,, ,, ,.-, . mii.ii now to t e ... i. i. i. ...... ; ,. ),., l.nvc r..f r.'.K (.. ......i., r1 " ' ' "i 1 ammonia, potash and phosphoric acid t0 his ,aml if if nf"",s il an'1 1,0 , i,n & thf'"1 !,t their commercial value. A farmer who buys it on a credit and does not know Avhat he is having, . .,, A ,. . , , , , . it aviII mt pav. If. instead of buving anybody's manipulated fertilizers that are offered to him on a credit, he con fines his purchase to pure ground bone (fine.) and then supplements this with ; all the stable manure, cotton seed and ashes that he may be able to save or purchase, a farmer will find that it is profitable to use certain forms of com mercial fertilisers, Avhileit may not pay to use certain other forms. I repeat, it will pay t buy ammonia and soluble phosphoric acid where bought for cash and a full equivalent of the same ol- mined for money if it is used in ae- j cordance with tho laws of nature, I otherivise not. Our farmers have lit- erally throAvn away thousands in their common practice of putting highly sol uble and concentrated fertilizers in one single furroAv and as deep as they could get it, when, if they had put it broad- ! cast and near the surface, they might London Swindlers. An Ingenious fraud has lately been practiced in London. A tall, well- .lioccn.t o......i..i..tl o i.ifv tnor- ,;,. i1,wi,lrta . ' , . in workingmau's ilnv who carries a basket and some tools The "inrr- chant" av-costs some will-dressed pas senger, and tells him the "mechanic's" tale of want and employment and family distress lie adds that he ha satisfied himself of the truth of the story, and is about to give a triilo; will the genth iuen join in giving a small sum to relieve deserving neee-sity? The apparent respectability of the voucher often succeeds where a com mon begging petition would fad. and the person accosted cencrally gie 1 something. A gentl-man who had given a small sum saw both swindlers issue from a public-honso some time after. ( f c"iirs.-(in seeing him they decamp-il. A clever doilg.i has lately tome to light, wlii- h shows how thoroughly the swindh r understood those on whom he was t operate, and form a curious eo liincntary on the relations between servant? and tra-losineii. A man hav ing the appt "iratce of a gentleman's servant called on several tradesmen in a fashionable p.'n t of Loudon, asking them to come to a certain hoiis. r orders for different classes of goods, at the si:iie time throw ing out a sugges tion that a small gratutity f"r himself i would be a-'ceptal-l", and might not be lost ,y the tradesman in a ili-i ributioji of further orders. In a number ol instance -mali -uiii:, we. given : but when the hoti-ni"n attended at the place named they found their services wer-'not required, and that the tees hal H '. other i- d into th" al. pocket of '1I1U A SrlMiulniMrrsH and Stocks (lev I won't goto school to-day," said a Carson urchin with an Apjftl in hi hau l. "Why i).ii :" 'Concordia has fallen oil ten e-nts, and I don't dare show up until it pi- Ks lip s-'i'ie." 'What ha the fluctuation of Con cordia g"t to do w ith your studios ?'' "A g'od deal," answered tli boy. "My teacher has loit shares of the stock. a:el when it falls a few icnts weia'c'n jt heavy. 1 keep my eye on the li-t. and whoi there's a break, you bet I d"!i't go to school. I play si-. lolly! liov she basted me the time Mount Diablo w ent down to $J. When it w as swelling at f JO sh was as good aspic. I wa th" lir-t feller that g"t on to the break, and told th" boys of my ( lass thai if she didn't sell there'd be the dc i to pay. I heard I'ncle Frazicr say that it was a good short, and I never slept a Avink for a week. I grabbed the Appml the first thing every morning; when I saw her keel down to fid I skipped to the hills. My! how she did bang .Tolumy liobson around that morning! I Avas in hopes that blasted mine would pick up, but the water got into the lower levels, and I knew we were in for it. Mio licked somebody for every dollar it dropped. After it struck s it picked up a little, and Ave had time to git. My mother's been patching my pants ever since the big break in the s-icrra Nevada, and if the market don't take a turn pretty soon Tin going to quit tho public school and goto Avork on a ranch. fnrm City Apjwttf. , ("., ,,, , AnrMll Timps. flold Avas in excess in ancient ttnirsi and mostly taken from the rivers in Asia. The fables of Tactolus, nf the golden fleece of the Argonauts, of the gold from Ophir. the history of King Midas, etc., all point to an Eastern origin of this metal. According to Pliny, Cyrus rctnrned Avith 01,K0 Ro man pounds of gold (about f 10,000,. 00O. The treasures exacted from Persia by Alexander the (treat amount ed to 351.OO0 talents, or f kHMKiiOO. ;so camf fron Aral,ia ilml u,)on the Nile fmm the interior of Africa. Pliny calls Asturias the country in which the most gold is found. A tablet bearing the following inscription was found in Idanha Velha, Portngal. "Claudius Hefus returns his thanks to Jupiter for having permitted him to find one hundred and thirty pounds of gold." These sources of wealth have ceased to floWi alul the endeavor of several Englishmen to reopen them have been unsuccessful. Uohemia, Mahren, Si lesia, and Tyrol, all have produced gold, and the receding of the glaciers has caused old mines to be uncovered,' while upon the Italian side, at Monte Ilesa. Val Sesina, and Val Ansaea gold-mines are still worked to-day, al though Avith indifferent success. The only Avorks of any note are those o Kremnitz, Hungary. It may, there fore, be safely asserted that Europe is completely exhausted in this respect. 1'opular Sricnre Monthly. Paget Souna ships a million feet of lumber daily to foreign ports. COSTLY CASbC. A paragraph has been going the rounds of the press to the effect that a Georgia lawyt r has a cane, the head of which is carved to represent the head of a dtick, holding a f'.i-V1 sapphire in its bill, and with tAo diamonds worth f7,100 each for its eyes. "It may be true," the affable young man having charge of the cane department in a large jewelry house said; "but the figures are pretty steep. It is not an infrequent thing for men to come in here and order canes that cost $"00 or fl'iOO, g' -Id heads with jewel settings, you understand; hut at?l t,7"i0 cane is rather beyond our experience. For ordinary sale the canes Ave keep in stock do not run over $120. We al Avays have on hand a cord or so of canes that run from sV.O to $12''. "(iold headed presenta'ion caii'V" Yes Ave sell a good many id' them, but hardly ever to the out-of-town buyers. Our in r expensive canes are th"su in which artistic fancy enhances the value of the gold. Here is en", a modi fied diepherd's crook of hammered and cha-etl Konian gold, the greatest pecu liarity of which is its price-$11.. This hammered crutch head of blended red ami yellow gold is AVorth JU". H'-re are a l"t "f iicav designs, Indian and Persian fancies, unique, and some of them pretty, that run from ?' to $ll.". Tin y an-ma le of gold, the beauty of which is that it av.is put through certain chemical treatments that brought it out hv.king like almost anything hut gold. This one. for in stance, t h it l-i ik bk" steel, is gold, and so is that one resembling a red C'iaiu '1. Soine of the-e, light ones, Ave re made up as clu-ap as $'i0, but Ave have none so low .priced on hand now. Those very dainty little square crook gold-headed cane, or switches rather, Ave si 11 a cheap as '.- to r? o, I' roll i these 1' t us pass to the silvel loads. Of them we have a great vari ety, from for a plain hammered silver ball up to blU for a large one of the new est fashion, w hich i a close imitation of an eld fishioni-1 1 tick horn handle, or s-7'i for one like this, which is. as you can c a combin ition ol silver, gold and copper that loo!-, like a srt "f marble m -!al. Tin re i i w ide diversity of si;, b-s in silvt r h-ads. some of th"iii. as y -u will r.n'jce. th" plai!ict p"s..;i !e .1 "door l.i'ob" or simple ba':1 -;;r 1 other, lu'l of taiv v and exqei-it' v. -rkmandiip. There is a novel an I pri"ty thing, a perfectly round ball of r.- !, i rv t;d held in plae" by silver clasps, ih ;' w " sell for $J. A nvui cam" in h- re th" other 1.ia offering forstl" ;i couple of canes that he bad ma l". I ; lie . Tiny Aver" composed of ii ill, thin pieces of agat cornelian, and o'h'-r stones, in alternate 1,-ia '!, ci. mi a steel rod and highly polishd. sh 'ul 1 think th-re were i" pi", es in i a h cane, and he only a ant"'l -"i each f- r the cum. jd'-ted ones. don't si e how they could b" gotten lip for th" money, but Ave did not invest in them. The materials e i rally ploy for the .sticks are malaeca; bamboo and ebony. There are sonv very hand some and costly canes ma le in Mexico from some animal substances, clarified as the Mexican saddle Mats smut t inns are, and inlaid Avith sihi-r. fieneral Jack Casement used to have one that h" rt fu-cd ?l-Vt for. Then line canes are occasionally turned cut of Avhat is rejireseiited to us. as liippopotamus hide. In fact, gentlcim-ii bring all sorts of sticks to have fancy heads put o:i them. Whatever the Mick may be, its a alue is nothing compared with the head we put on it in m-'st cases of that fort. liainonds, sapphire; and other precious stones are very often set in them to urder. f course wc keep no Stich jew eled heads in Stock. Wc don't have so much call for fancy carved ivory and solid imitation silver head, monkeys' and dog-,' heads, and birds and such thing- as Ave used to do. People seem to go in noAV for rare and line sticks, lasting and relia ble ones, and the cane dealer who Avants to keep up with the times must have an almost infinite variety of sticks from all parts of the globe. I've seen one, a plain rough stick, without a i'er rule, and only a bent crook at the top, that a is said to haebeen AAorth$17, Ooo when it came into the country. It Avas hollow, and had diamonds packed in it. That was several years ago. I guess the ciistomdioiise chaps have dropped on that dodge. Anyway, 1 never hear of its being played now. I have seen a tlei mau cane with a llute in it, and another that would hold a good dririk of schnapps, and one that was a pipe Avhen you took off the fer rule and a cap on the head; but idl those things avciv mere eccentricities. Wc are never called on to make sueb things. A party of Philadclphians recently made a practical test of rat flesh as an article of diet. The rodents had been caught and caged while young, and fed rarcfullj upon grain and preen food. At the meal in question they had been carefully prepared, and were served with an appetizing sauce in company Avith other viands. The fl"sh, after rooking, was found to be quite light in color, much more so than either the rabbit or the squirrel, and possessing a delicacy of flavor entirely unknown to either of the last mentioned animals. The experiment proved entirely sue. cessful, and a diet of rats, prepared under proper conditions, was voted to be both practicable and economical. j The President of the Oriiian Diet, j Law and usage have united to give the president of the (iiit a position widely different from that of the , "speaker" in England or America Ili.A poAver are in some re.-pi-i t neco, :n ither I' ss, extensive. II" appoints n-i committees, and i therefor.' v. it h-mt that opportunity to reward friends and in'liienee legislation, lb; e.t:i Avith difficulty cr-. ate precedents by hi: rul ings, and contributes little to the body nf parliamentary liw. Even his pow ers of discipline an I police are to a n-n-filterable. e!int s!;;1--'d by the vice presidents and the sn ivtaries. avIio are consulted in i very s.-rioii crisis. Put on the other hau l h li.i. im liltle in I'.uence in ,-haping the course of debate, through th" pr.i'-'i 'e. which n a I.e. but schloni i.. ei i t' stiil. of I'xing th "order of the d iv." or programme of business of ca -li so '-im. The ratio of ambition : orators i me. '!i siiroh r in a Herman than in an American pai'.ii llieiit. Precedence is 1 . anxiously considered; tine' count . for b-- -: and there is le.- w ra't:-!;ng "f-r points of order and pro vdmv. A debate is a very formal a flair, the naiie-.s of tho.-c a, ho de-ire t i sp. ai; being commonly submitted to the chair in advance, and by him arranged into a convenient uc cession of pre- andcontras, avIi-i follow one anoth.-r with depressing regular ;'y. much like boys in a village lyccuni In general it nin- be said that while in ivrmany. as hi Ann rica, the speaker ship i-' a mark i f party .eonlidcv.ce. it is not, niving to tie d.ii'erent i 'Hi lition of politii al life, t;i a'ed a ; a st- p to-w-ard higher h"iior, ( lective or ( n ecutiA c. This st i!--uciit holds true, more ver. not only of parliamentary prominence as r cigai -l in the pi r-"! ol the pr--si.h u'. I ut '.'so of pari: iiiiciitary 1 roiniiience en the floor and in del ate. It is seldom rewarded in th- formation of cabiie ts, and can elaii-i for its-lf t. "thing from the -.fit . 'I ie r a"' m n in the il-'j-uia'i i; -:iht.,g w 'io.-forensic tab nts would adorn aiiv b-gislai ive body in th" AvorM. an I who pr -siim-ably. if inoltic-, avoi.M dev.-b p a bnill istrative ta!"ii . n- t ;uieii..r t i those of the forum, v. lio in E.ig'.iiid or Era nee could eomni-iiid, and. if party coidi- tions W I T" favorable. Would receive, portfolios in the miiiistiv. but wlii under the (lerm iii system may spend their lives in unprofitable debate, with out ever being invited todian-the work of construction an i i . iu'i"i". -;''? .t.-ro,' 'tir, :Xt-.v York firu-hii-.i l'lllillVO It,..:( l)i'i'". ("lonovan K-'--a. spcakoig of Ih" (ircat (oiium ly lo a friend, said; '-Mr-, lb -s i ha- i c. n iiocd of a vi rv .ev; re a'.tai k of m tp-algi.i by St. Jacobs Oil, a she will gladly t-ll yon, if you call at my re-ideiu e, 70 p.ush. v. i'1,; avc. I'.io. 'i.iya. ". X ." Th" man who "couldn't -tand it auv longer" has taken a a' and now f. e! quite comfortable. fl.-irrr Atlr lill-.-i-p. ( 'no cnv-Hi'" !.-r-ls t-vo wi -I. - ; p!l etl-C""-two or tlirtt- d ivs. J'1-1 eel Im iaq o: r-1 ie, on by I In: liieiil'iig sliur elli ; A-! yer il("ilcr fur Ti l :-. r"s, will) l i'l -m. I' .r i-i (iiir hor-" 1'ilior. nn.l yiia to . It veecivt I iirsi tie d il .it the Ceiiii nr.i il jm I I'.iris f -l osilioiis. Sold ( v"i w in n'. iit t iif.rtiitA " (jiiirk. roiiiplo'. t-iiro. .-'II nimo. in:: Kiilney. Hlml lor nml t nr.nrj li-i-nsi-. .-?i. I'ni.-- KIM. F"R TiitrK HkiHs. Heavy Sionvii-lw. Pili- !: s AVoll's May Aj pic l'llls. 1" ionl2.V. " il-oliiiP.tlit'dfoiliirii'cili't-t'ii'iiMi hnir rc- r ami ri'-to-i-i-.nsiini'Mii-il iml rrft-it-l, . . i'l iii;l-.s the avoiM ami sliuuls w ill, out ,i i.iil itin itii. tin h nnlrct. iii,'s. mi l is n nni viimiI favorite v ilhllio l.ulu?. Snitt'iiiTrx your oi l l oots aii'l f-hoii tviih L.-.onV riitt nl llrt-l SlilTi ni ls. A iviar iiitaiii. aa ii r i .ai i n it ' Ntmnll -r' AVh.l i.mitiT: N.-.-r in n It U-0 S'-u r.a. '"-ll.-r non.l Oi.T r..nsh -i it iH I "n- -rr.o milt.-r. i In llilnir r.M , Lhuum ,'k-Vle i.t.-: i . n-.i-'l n-lt-rfnl." Il I- a Il prove. Hot f 111 T!ir Srrrt'l if Mvfna. (rorill Str..ii-.il t t Itl . l it iv 1 I Kr Syrup will cnn .SiTi'fnlniiH r.itni. It vriiti -in Wiiitt SwiIIiua, (..it, (iititrt. I.' MMiip'i '.i. I'.r n-!f Nmh-ij Dt'lnlity, M liarii mi I ll it-'i" n-.v.ir fi m n .jnp:ir coiiiliti.m of th- !'! Tlii meM f t'i's Tal'i it.lp inpp ir.it i -n art i wMl inntvu tli.it a ptin n i h it ir'v'-'-irj t rcmiii-l t ,t n-atif m nf t'nii ). until nf tin" i!t.'--Mly nf nhvtys hiviim ih.Mtlo nf Sfoi llri It! ftitl I.ivtr Syrup ijimitji tlu'ir uttick nf f ft rutty n(v-"iHeH. f rl tfii-s run l pTt'n 1 f r im minj lead ing uliyMt tan. mitti,'t'rs an 1 liitils uf fam-lifn thronRhmil ! Mm Unl intloptinir tt in th liiK'.t'"'t l.-tm. Wo r- j 'trn'tntlT in rtM-tpt of riiflt-it" of rirtt fmm th mrt rrluble sourcpi, a;i'l w An n ( heiute 1 1 recom mend it. Thi st'f.ls f the siiniloMr iinM'nn- CURES. .... Rheumalism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache. Hcadiche. Toothache. aoreTllton.e,"Prn,n,t,'"',' llttriia. tarnltU. t'rttat llilea. tn tlx tinint wiiiiii faiM. attn aiiiftt. BeldM Utuititl I lwleinnii.rt. t ill) t'tnlia httlt. l-o.rii a H I H" '"ii" Tiir. 11 m:i k a. aoi.ki.ku r. ADD TO '"' INCOME tut ttU Aiid"! 11. ak m: nviii.ir in. ni lily pr. .ftT. Ii nil ln -f M " l-it.l 'Hi.l'iMH iu-iP- il- aillipin 6RAIN.PR0VISI0NS&ST0CKS I- a- 11 liimlier cr"' I lie l.rio til of i oinbiui il rainlal ol I lit 1 lull l;ri.rl m-nl trerklr. IMvkL-iiiIb pnnl lliolitlily. 1 lulo:i iai.uiinn-ln.i'li-r bi k il-eir niom-i tn ;ror. in e-it tlirieni..iilli. tnll leaMiiff original mm .mil miikiliR looiM-t mrliilt.oi ii-iitrin'iloiiili-i!i;iiil Mia.i .tii''a Ii. K'nliiiiaior) 1.11 nlillsM 111 lrv. I;elilil.furri-ili'lelil. aiit.-. iteivKlieu- A,l.lr.-.l li. K KlM-All. ft l', tumu Ml lilt.. ft 1.1 'JttMe M...uuauo, H IMITATION STAINED GLASS. Indrcrirh'y l;Autifnl. KahiIj" mpphd t windn- mtm ,ifli rrft rnpr... iMmit,f. i-tf , !IV, III MAIllp AUFVT llf'KAI.Ift wpp :ax4wic fr- lMt ip itR it-tinuiiAii'Httf nnrir hninl-ut li d' t-im! i f IMti.iwi fivmi'iirnt ottiriHln and i itix-n iLirt' chA.i. In r mn nnmf Nnl rnpin-n ftm. M.AV Milwrr-l-ers omit x.V- ". i findrof I.th-i wr.l. Mfh ditn'0 nf Herald. IV 1A M r.UlTll lhiU.!Hph, Ta HULLERS I For pitmpMpt Jmrrlt like rrAi ' ( 7rr rr H r ill n -I mlTHl Al'lTMAM A TAVLOUOO Al m.st.n'd. IA TCOWI7rwTrfaortofit Klrkull R-flpi. htlj j.1 i&r. Bo b7. G, y. KiMktK 1tiboio1m, Al. ULIlIf AH rtE.IYII.UI 1 n-9tttt't Sttmwfh Dlllcrt 'vm Men" no's tii Oic vrvv in Jurm l.onltlir. nit it! l! ( I il-. rti itlll cm lip-.ln 11 nlili. ' t cndi-l) purs 1 : Il r I '-n-tly fl nr.il;tlr ill? .r.-nln i.it. nnil ly rr-'tn liiig a v-,-.r .ii. i-i.nl:ii.il Unjcru- p u 1 0 u a 1 partloa ; navo tried to Imitate i our Rem edy and deceiva ttio public by usini 6IMILA NAMES, but do not bade col vo d j toe that I the word with pic turn of an Iron Safe, onablack wrapper andwhlts Icttort is ' on every : paekagn. ' Also, ceo that it Is on the la bel and ; stamp, and take no other. H. H. WARNER & CO. "ROCHESTER, N.Y. tr"Tlii rrnifiljr i nit nl nnttilr eprrlflr for ' ihe ili.cn i of m oiiu'iu for the nrll'.iiiflirlcd I ttf-rt nn lrinilili-of yoiilli, hihI fort lie ili-bUilv ' ttlilrh prrrnli- oM nge. A rttnlWllr ilmiv tlint nil ill-i ;iii-i nrier from (lip htitiirt or liter, wren n 7-"ir " fret'flm fi-oiu,lieniti- bv : rrnnn nf lln intt,-r ttlilrh our suf Klitiirv ntul Lit er t'tire poti.rfi over llirr orjzau. ' HEALTH IS WEALTH ! r. ll ri-Xr in r am Hii'i. Tnr itmi'v r .... 11.....,,. Il, I i,v.)ls,..n. N.r i-'i 'i.-. Al. mil' ol M.I! tn.n. .... i.,ll pii.uh.- o .1 v- . I...-.I- to III.- III. O t-iil ri. I o li ni. nl. Omxl-tliirii U - trnl ot nool .t. ..i.. on ,i lioti- l-i . urn miy i ft I t i. t.-r -n l'l"". lll -liit Die l-o. IOI--. T ImV'l (--r lVH t1.ll.l t ft r. , Wr ajuflrtitit-' .Villi . i.-h mhIit r.'.-iMT-l with live (it;Ht; Wtl riit'-u ti!rnttto ! ir-tnrn itn-ni'T H tl," !i.. tni.fi il' n -r e-nrcr n -.r. ftnl.'.-t i-"i"l .':il ! ii, .1. I I IIS. ( Il ii r !.'e t'iiiir 1') nia.l r't ni.'t! dm nUl l i. Nervous Debility, Ilt.pepep.iii, ti.of Moii"T. l..nrr.nent of Oie Mind or lio.lv, Ki.l'i-i l'll-ol.. Al.-.kii. s:., r-iM.al Pr nslia lion ami I'lrniat-in- IL e .y. truii ri-'Tipl ! l.-ur .' c-nl M.Mnp. t w.tl ."ivl my p.-iv wuik, HJ i-c-t. -io. -ii'41-iiinu tal'-ial-Sn i':l-'rmi tIAKKII l AAII MMil.i: VIA'. Ail In -s. J. II HA' A V .H.U.. Il- I.. I 'll it:.. X- Yolk. .N.lne tin. pnpi r. III l pi MiV J hti-i- isjiiiii; to li. nl I'.IOIH j- ill COTTON FUTURES can tr t full infonnatioii and rirvuirir-; mtiN'd fiw on (. mm mm:v .v ro.. i (tiiiini Hint Itrt'lttT-. lofV. I w oi:i.i...s, l.A. EIASTIC TRUSS llMBraJdlfTf-H-'C front tl I nihm. It rnp,Lt. f'lh Sclf-Ailj'oljnff Ki on ciiur. aJupMI twll to til tiH-iit uf tb lx-.lr. thile t!:t lall'u theeiip Dmrn bark ihn UttilnNaJattaaaMraoawa-.il4 lik Mo nmr. 11' a CfMsntbollciilalt li'.UKfjn'j hftcl ntebt. aal a raJIcal r-irt c-rtain. Itl, at;, Ji.H. I fcWlcktJl-. fttnl by oiil. CiKOltn .rat. tUHLtalOS Tlil'SS CO., Cllcca, 11!. This N.V. Singer, SI FRPFI"' lt' in-" Hull- A full ditrriili-n o( II a-L. . .Moon h Nkw T.oi.nn i. in .1 ih.k s. OriTiMi. I). AV. m.kihv ,t fn.. at w. 11I1. tnm.. it. YOUNG MEN ifto" """Id ltrn Tlecra.iv in " itiui. Jourmontl,.. n,llH. ren.iu nl a UuatloD. AdJnaa Valeiium. Ilror. Jaucatilla Vl. A -- i'r:i f .r i!ie r-t ant .t.tet- t.ll.'ic rVTorml l.ookaaiiil I: . I-rn-ea re.luet i Kiiiercoui. JiaTinsaL rini.iMii.a l'c. l'lul. Jp, 1 flPUTO'1'"'" money trinnnoiir Kmil Mr I AGEHTSWANO UinUCQT UHKinDQ I iiui iloi 1 lunuiiu 100 STYLES, $22.$30,$57, 72, MASON HAMLIN c f Z j Beirar8 i 1 illQ P" hi of Fragg. ; "BSta &?SJidilWI by using I : "-10H jmJl nil packagn. ' 2 Bllfcp-'f5i: Alm bel and: I I I TfclSENSIOlCH l JTv Jllu'., l'!l!l-il. Atl.-.-llin. -n I es3fSL-i w "i i-rf.-.-i i.iki ' . i p yM Payne's Automatic tngmva. iv r i f.rui . .... . - t ZFaVS63Kt fel-JR-TW."!! ill Aitl I aiT.jh.Viti.'.te.i: u V- 1 J -rj.Xt its, LYDIA U. P1NKHAMTS VEGF.TAT5LT3 COMPOUND. For nil (!inc Piilnr.iM -vuiliiln'mina tVertaemc ftocitiumimlo uur b-t frantic pppnlplloa. A Ali-.lirinc for AVom.in. Inrrntf d by a Womsn. rrrjirtrol hj IVomnn. Tlio CrMleit JK.K.1.1 K.-.II-rf SlortUlO Pw f UltlOrj-. t?THr -ilvi tlia driw.n,t n;.!i-'. tnrlgnnitcj nil hir.nn-o:i.'or;i-.icfiiii.-:ivu. elv olMtklty and (Iruii-JM ihpl.i. i.-.tiio.iln-iiatmml lustre to the cj, an I ! iuij on f.c pile cV.-k er nom m tho tresU roi-1 i.f ll.'e'n spt lug a.il corlj im:iirr le.il). t 7"Ph)3iciani Use It ni rrcsoriLio It Freeir" II reiiiorcs falul nc. n ilill ny. ilrt ! 'T all cnTtn ft-r ftltn-ih-il, nii:l rpliav-ctwpViiiisof the tomaeb. Thai f vim ; orlvarl ij i! itn. can .Ing pelil, wight an I li.K!uehr, Il r'.it.tt, pcnnmcntlr curtJ l.y lit nte. 'or the cure of tCidn-r fenn.lnlnUof either tex this t'on.toiinil In uusureaMCil. i.TnuE. riticntM m.oi rrnrrruB triil c r.vlit-.-ito n-i.- v.-.liC" .1 li'ilii'la ll'-m tn r-l"".l. i:kI i-i-c i -ri.; ni-.l -tf. p-Oi i. 1 He Obii-m, ot luui viiiliutiuriliiM. l-o' I 'U lulling It. T- t tt l!i( C-imii-in 1 -.-Ti l'.:i --l r:iilfl--t oro rrcrared at jut ami ST.: AVr:t-rn A-.-n-i--. t :.-;in, M.i-". Price of cillv-t. $1. r- I. i . t.-i ..'. li -ni l.jr mini In the form oi r '!. ot ol 1 :- s. nn r -ri n nf price, II per he f..i cilh.-.-. l'...'-li.; ii f rc-lt n-iii' rftai'.-tlorof liiTiirt. lji-1 : kU.Ui -in. S-nUforinnirlil-.t. V f-ri-'t It tie ir ni -itlYelA F. rlshMAM S I.IITU I'H.i II. t-ii-i- n-1-!'.' I'", wvltjiin-lii.-' "' Ii. lo-T. V-c nt !' I u I llluUSU'.-Se iTullly ntl l)i ii;siMn.6a IIM e FOR THE PEBMANEMT CURE OF f I rirTSWftTE&?ATDON. t tto ether diwv-..- 13 c p-vval - t H tM.i eitin trv ft- Cc-istii-'i i n. n .i 1:0 rr 17 hra erer niuaiir! t'.-.o cicbr.it--;i xi.:JKi-Te-or:T M a tr-. v.'.'i.it'-.- -r i .rcauT. 1 owt'V r otUnite A thocns. t'.iirt rcmcJy .il ocr ;orio it. rlbUKsOd ij very ni t.i l-o complicated witn r?.wMp.iti?n. Ki lvr-Vort rrrnnthrns f of Tdcs cv ivHca p' v'-.aiis ntl medicine UflVO OOIJTCUU. u RHEUATBSHfl. K BtnirL'LCURH, as it la fr ALXt tho painful L diMMoicf Hie Kidneys, Liver nrtd Bowoie. It cu.viCil t.ic e.vi.e:.i 01 . -' v ... ,.-. .. cah i-s tl-.s ilr.-.-uUnl u!i?ri-iu ti hica only the Vlv-mi3i frliC'i:.r.t::n e4l rr-.iiiT-. THOU AN03 OF CASES efihet.orjtl'.rn;3 of Uia.t i rrlulc diM-neefcave been qiiicklr re'i,e., e .1 - -hort uuie PERFCOTtV CUREO. l.lfpto all the litijmnt rri:ti of the body. T.v niMral a.-lon ot oia a-imrrt in t..T..urj.. Tm Livi-r ii e'esnjftl - fall 1iae, aad Uo litfAciauuvc fi-v..;y a-il Lcaliluully. tirit c!i nt tt-.e MwTi-f en t!c rrDTIXTS. uvkr a:.tj aour.u-.jii -i iiii'.t.uvis. l. ll'll lliir .i:t, Jir, onr. N :.rnt bymail. AVI MM. HI-111 A' !;'.' ..- Co.. I"nl ncrton.tl.l-T DBAEV3QND DYES.1 TIT3i3 4 Ecst Dyes Ever Mads. tTTnr. r-it K. Aronl., 01! C0TT0N". n-IISCES, COATS, SCARFS, HOOD6, YA3N, 8T0CKIHCB. CARPET RAC8, rtlCCONS, FEATI-ERS, cr a-.y fabrle rr I i-ir-- .rii'e cr-'v r.: tl ) er ectly eeloredtoary a-.v!-. f.ln.l.. Il.-"ie. tireen. lllne. eearlet. rnr.ilnel 'Ir-I. r.i.t Itlue. fal lleotta, Ollt. , (ieern. Term olln r..l c-.irr beat Oolorti. Va-rrit"!F.-iriaidlurtKs. EtcUpaekacBirl.l I c,i-re:isf fo-irll-a.ef n-'"-' IT you have ccver ni-.l I vi- try tl.eae ence. Tou will bo clellcatcd. ! D3ld by drurs'.ats.cr oend us 13 cent, and any i cslor wanted acnt pcat-paid. I colored aamplta and a a-t ef fan-v e-.r!s sent for a 3c. .tamp. AA HUH KHM- A fit.. llarllagloa.Vt. GOLD "andTsi LYE R PAINT. Bronze Paint. Artist-j' Black. Ir cil,U.itf faavy ilankcto, rramet, jMtf. r-.j -dcU rt,a:id Orall klndaof oruam.nialwork. J.- ,-i-.l tj any cf fae hich priced kl:idi and only j.) .. r Tt--(..-1, 1, ? : ,-tij r;i- tn.erpa-l-pald from Ai i:U., l.-It K.AKl'M'.N A lO., llurllrgtotJ,Vt. m.S W&ifti I-f.llaihngand infa!".- W C jRES AND V n. M. Vitus Dnrf. a i l.aip.O. iim Kf M.f. T.I III Jltlll Kll t irnitfi fttl'l liiooil Di. . f . T Clorryim n, I -tt.i, I.itiTniy Men, M I h.n"", I.aiikrrfi. l..mM-i Mitt nil tli'M n-ili'iiiai-y rni'l"yt',ut ceti;tt Nrni'ii- I'Mftra- t- II, iTftiilMitM't "I ti n l )n it, ftttiinnch, 1 . wcltt rr Kidnryi, uf V Im. it A Itvrvfl ! li Ji-li? r uF ftruil.tiit. MAMAlil TAN M.UV1NK tt in-v.-liiil If. Tlitnisand pi. t lnnn it tli moM t.'!f ri til Iiiviforinl i 1T4 ll rt fvr f ui allied tn M.it 1 ) All l'ITiKZ1tl. Si.ln IMciM if mis . Jp.rin .Mt rwtt rinii ta rKlii o- fei'f lUiititr. ttl a 'i K 1 r. " n : 'I I O a-llrfM. iK. r. a. M-ui-'i tt. ia J'ouiiau.NtjwToriu n tiii uia-ftftMtW CHROLITHION COt l.M.S AMI l I I I S llen.ls. me, ItaraMa, Watat r ,.. ri. t.i I.11..11, l..-r i.r f'rllill"id. Sent b nool. I- 1 . ir. io.r stil l p. tlal iai.l to Boa tie, Nam lMii.-.rt, M..". (1) 1 o. i. !.' " d.-iy ill 11 "r ill nut lit Or . AiMm Tltl I Sm. I i:tf for I pil.i'v or I'it tit Ct lfinrn. Frento .r. I'll. Km i-r. .14 AiM'nnlsl.. M. Ix.uit.'ilo. . , I) t I oil M A.N III- M.-SCOM.KOB , 1 . . .fw ..ik, .N.J. '.Villi- r ('atalo.iii ; ac tM tjftr-r'ln.i li'iie. S;uii.leri worth fMrea-. 1 10 JtUM Ii o .-.in.sun a I .. lVrtland. Mt ATEVERY GREAT WORLD'S EXHIBITION FOR 16 YEARS. $78. $93, $108, $114. $500. AND UP 0RCA! PIANO CO. -irs"-" vfa.ii IS 1

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