jc, y Ubha (Chatham Juccffrd k Tnir ii mm in.- HUKSDAY, FKBlll'ARY 22. 1883. . H. A. LONDON. Editor. The Publication of such, a Hu k us : just 1.. fore tlw-ir s.'j-wrniiH-iit. Urnl 'The Woods and TiiuUnuf .Wins if the Mieeessf.!'. c i.ti-t.j.l il Carolina" nuist prove of Kiv;a value nat l'-l 'i .; t" i - ' V l ;'".v tcxthe State-. an.T w h.-j-O will rrove.'f tin timj.uity. I.; i.r State L.is of much pecuniary value to its pub- lat;ire. at its ;:. . ad - -t"i'. t!" iv Usher. The wonderful rosmiwn of wore th.ve t-Hse., of tv.it.M-.l our State liavo hm enough boon timis. Oiio ,1. eid. 1 ia u wv.l,' hidden from the- kiinwle.lj,'! of tlio tinio by the S i.:.:.' u Ui eoniiuoiid public, and we :iVr truly -l.i.l that al!--rronq.tn. s- -hut there the sue Mr. Halo lias shown us soim-ihiiy of cestui comes; .n.t , '.V.'.vI'.k'V.1. wit. her forests. rn ... I. T.,..i lr: ,t : ;,, 11U OlAll ItOllie 111. II UlllVHn'M .H interest last week by Kordoll, one of the defendants, voluntarily turning State's evidence. This testimony was very doinaiiii,' to the other defen dants, and ought to make their con viction certain, lie fully 1'1'hv the conspiracy between Doisey and bi'iu.y. anil exposed all its details. It is t be hoped tMitvt hia evidi nee w ill hasten thin interminable trial to a close. This will no doubt be the most expensive trial ever held in this country, but tbe eoplc will nut regret the cpen:-c if it results in the '' punishim nt of all tlie inieves. The fi.oois in the Ohio river have destroyed a vast amount of property wtd limny lives. The S're-it cities 1 1' Cincinnati and Louisv die sutlered heavy loss, the waters having immda ted whole siuarcs and 'mats were uned ou many strict s instead i'f wheel-vehicles. The lushih;; wafei Lfcre finally reached the Mississippi river and are vii'kiii'; through the levees and sulauergi'ig ast anas of laud, lt is feared that there 1 1 1 : 1 1 a repetition c i the scenes i.f '.1-: year's great tbe . 1. We should thii.k tiiat these inn: dat ions would deter persons from moving to the Missis Hippi valley, atid induce them to re lftiu where there are fewer lloocl'. TlIE LKi.Is!.-t sir has ndoj I'd resolution to a !j.uni on M t .th day of March, so that ii' t u: leg Sitors inu .si do-n-f nvi'iing th must hurry up. Vety little iinpoiianl legislation has y t 1 .111 ih'tu . and ail tho main work i f t!.e sessinn will be eiHiwded into a feu days The ni- lino bill liaa not In en acted on ineitlu r briiueh, the ( 'ode , , reported, the rcd.s: . mttVt yet be done, important measure on. Tbe little local hilti the precedence passed its third n hctl the State's st-ei .Hi. is not .. ' :n; ni' the Staii' ii!:d indeed 1 very is stnl to b-' acted Is eeln to 1.,'iM' 'J he Senate La- ea bler the bill to a, in the Cai e I'i ;v Iiaih'i'u 1 (,'oinpaiiv. d thai ii vnl ia-, bill to gie the .. A. . C II 11 and Yadkin Vall-v ana we an as.-in the llou-e. Th State's slock in t Co. to the Midland ('.'in pai liaidly wass. There will be no in indicia! eris! in the number districts, and no n iii f a.Tordcd the Crowded doi ki ts of our large eii'ililie '. nor d we think the mnn'o 'i' of th Suprert- Court Jinigt s w ill increas ed. The Senate has pa--. I by a vi rv decided vote to t'n the b:l! o n (ilgani.e the lioard of Agi ieiih ;.i e. and tin- Ib.u-e will n l uibt a.-s it. This bill pro i.ies for !!: . 'refinu b lio Legi.sla'.uie of one I'.'nim; .-i. i.er from eu.'h rou ri ,-.-i na! di-tiict. aiul iliese liiue l'oln:ui.---i'l.i'i's ;ti" ti; eon HtiUitethe 1'.. ..ard 1 1 AeTi.-i.itiire. W ft-ar that this is only a -1 a.enie by tin. Outs" iigain-t th" 'hei by certain persons to obtain the places of those now in office. cvertd plans have befn proposed for redistrieting the State. We think it probable our district will be changed by tnkiiig off (b;uii!!e iin l Yulice, and allai hh'g A '1:1:11 an. e. it Heems ilillicull for our lej,i.-.ialois t-. gi'ce upon any plan, becau.se bo many of them have Congressional aspiia- iions and they wish the districts con- strucU'd ijitb.eir interests. The conunittee appointed (o e-;an.-ine the new Code have not yet report, ed thereon, and it does strike us as bordering' on the ludrieous that this Committee should have set themselves up as critics and judges npon the ('ode Commissioners. The latter gen- tlcmeti'--Messrs. if)orteh, Manningand Henderson aie so far superior in to day wi occui id by speech mak- legal learning and ability to the mem- ' " tim snbj' ct of the ruiliead , s of that com-ittee that we hardly """"'''""-"; J' . ';; l'v l cn ......... . ., j ";id i,y '.iyne. r.iu.ix, lbokin, think the latter ean improve the work (.alk(i ,uill ,!.,, p,, . .5t,,lt S(.(.llM of the former, esp eially wlieu we re to !c :ti to ti e kind of a comm. ion, member that this work (The Code) r no out has 1 t.-eu f amd who is -is the resrlfJ of two years of arduous wg to opmsu a c-mini siou, vhi'.v and incessant studv and res. arch. "v',r.v '' Iuji,s t"'1.1 a commission n., ,, , ' in , will int iimount to a to' in contiaihi The LailroadLomniissm-n bill drags j.,,., ,,r! t() 1-M;S. " slowly nloug, not liavmg yet passed , Ti ere si ems to by a mania (oi tho either house, although the Senate has : sul j. ct i f graded seliot Is. Mem ly iliseussi d it nt great length. It will little town in the Statu win N 'a probabh- pass because so members of; ''. s"'l',,,.,11- Ti'; ,"t- '.; 1 ; . . !"duia'oii will report 11 general lull the Legislature wish to be appointed r (1 tl st. ,)l(,s ,, if yniu. m , on the Commission. .excellent piivate sehouis should ever The bill will not pass to have the fail you you may bo aide to have a seh-.l committeemen elected bv the ia led .school ii, your little town . . . ,. . . . 'pile 1 r;ii-'ih s of Mr. ! itch s hill voters , i the several districts. A b.'i ( nlliiu,, Vl,u,. Unt isMK. Wli j,rol. has passed both houses to provide for . ui ;v pc incorporated in this bill, the election of a tJoveiuor's manskn,. J A doleyi.'.ioi; of about twenty imau- The manner of lfiliij eases of ,..u.steii .!( i-u in cw u.i 1 our State Legislatures is t-iinnly out. ,' , i , lt Xs hM ,c reK lilU'COl!'', 1111,1 filllllOI IV Ii' ' SCM-ICH la- custom of lcisl.itie bodies to ' dclav the decision in tin st- cases until i iii ir.oora!, liciii;is;vil i." t!io party " ; the laajoi ii v. In tlio next case lAIm-re a-'iiinst Williams i there v.us a ir.oati'i' " lelav boiii-' decided last we.k tti vote being very elosi- (III to ami the democrat retained his seat. Tlio third case i Parker against lVoblcsi is in nuieli (1 i iiit. unlet d llie pl'i'lul hilitioa are tli:i! PasW. the re-.Mic:: Mili'..!i!;:t. i'.!,;l't si at l, a::-! bv a singular chance . ' tha' ca-e is delayed. Such uiifainii s.s and ii; justice mu.-t shock all fainuinded persons. liat while, our democratic LeyUla tare has been guilty of unreasonable delays, ,-t ri.r ia puulicati Congress has bei-n guilty of siiil 'vaifi1. Ci'ii ress was in session ten- licarly tsiao nu'iiths last ytarand for three months at i'.s see.'iid session, and has not vet deei.led the case of look againt ('lltNi ,mm Lnsn. The eommitt.'o decided only last week to report in favor of the contestant, who is a llreei'bi.ekev, and the House will hardly a; t mi tin' r. pott ui.til mxt we' k. and lia n an w l.o w:; ihci.'d will be seatt'd only a few days bt-T'ie the adjournment of ( n.ii-.'ss 1 New does any one thii.k !;;,. ; iii re would have been siiei. (i di.-giacel'u! delay in this case, if the contestant ha I I -. 11 a 11 publican ? 1 'his is no wi.re liiaii inie pfevioiii eases ;l' past I'on- An. .tin r M'-y el raordi l'.i'e Ci'l:l!. et, d I'.lt.l c.t led eh .lions i-:. that r.iia cn- ,i..sT al'v-.- d ! 1 1 pn. ;y ot'. an 1 . dn.a; y in-- a ea-e I bers ' An a.M bers ' tlve b pa-., ji . - . r i . 1 in"ii t! 1 , ! In-y . -l.d - h. .-f tl.e We l,;iu of 1: -Ml:: (Mtr ttef, !''. 1::. s:i il a: w i : ; Th i. ii tl" s. V. Ik i'i V eei-ailiatic I oil nd lenlllig to-, made a -pe on l' - third evi.lei.Lv in the li.ll M' 1: i in 1 he i.a'e and was a! or i r f j- t 1 morrow nd'I-s,'. The S- I.a'e i ! iV-11 1 f 1 i.'.- bi'.i and 1: ot 1 i.e nam:- op n ion 11 i : we-t. I 11 p at of Ii.. k f'-d! .le.1y ; . !. : 1 u '!a-t!.."' -in 11 I 1! iliiy v lh 1. i .111 of i he cunii'y. an.1 f i a' i;iiri 1- 1, 1! 1 x' hi ; lie sha.mt t.r.s to cii f'if: U l.'i. Ii. 'I lloa, b 1-111. -f 'no i :n ' ; . . v of 1':, Is w 1 1 l.ee.l on , f 1 1 .'It;!.. I i:nv -in! p. ,1 b a. kin ri ic ; a f ;r ti a. 1 o doubt lien h m s v, i '. from tl.e eini:.i Mini tii.in iioni '.":i.s!( ai, v.hl'e e wiii 1 o d c,;:,t , -i. , il:i th-.. o ii:.' i-i ;. br.'ii.- i Hudson I'.,;,' Fur l'.ui:p.nny. Y.a:r fonou-.nl county wail : 1. .11 be .a-d- lei! dn'ibly nioie famous !.y Hpp- 11s iiiif the : pnetiti 1 f tif woild ti :n hoii.-,rrd liauu-snki) wis made laujoiis iv 111s iliapitnce. J jttt ,s(.i ously ihe e is every prospect of the roiid bi ii-g bnilf, uuh .-:s our ves!e:n bia-thii t ie!; o.i so nmi'T ii'iit-nd-uieiiis it .;! h:;i b imc'il r.iuds t bo I' ll't to the 1' ic'iic i 1 and Aie! ie r is to gt t a f",v ,j 1 1 1 :i 1 s i 1 u I - vine n of llie ulillil ii ; of lli..uvi, Ii.. .;.. lt i? f, -ved the amen lment; ab-ead v udoi.ted will compel Hie svmbeate tii iitiauiiou tie whole nll.ir. The Mi'o-commii.'eo .m i e li-t l ie! ito, tbe Slate will re J nit a bill to the fill, eominiit' e this nf'.er.n mi which takes iial:.ii!i" mid Johnston out of tin t'oiirlil and adds Alamance, W'.imjc un l a pari of Wi'soii. Wiiii lh a iis fiict 1 a tiie Fotit!li it will 1 c in p ant f p. puhition, as ino!hir nspeit-, tho inel 1 iipolilnii ibs'rii" . Neai Iv all of the 1 imp nf tlie pessioii Iuts visited I'Ji anfor5J-i.it Ss'nrday and returned o:t M.unliy t.i.u -ttin;'-l'luy eV s-i tbeinsclves as ha viti bud" a most d.'lighifnl isit. Ti e wei e entei taiui d by the board of trade f Xr.vberue on Heir way down Scott of Uoekiiiyliani icp'ied to mi address of welc )ine by flip ni'iynr an ! xpressed hi nseU in the course of hUl.iief le.iarLsas thor.ni;.'liiy Ii - uiis ed sit t tlie manner a.i old nei.i . ;i l';e wh.il f w i:i .lej lrlil'g the Meii-e ,m r ef its l.i';''.y i I I'll', aiul iii-i--ti d : i ; . 'ii h s i xe n iiitituea! i 'ii o." i ' he wfi:l I tiv ra repeal id llie cu.iru r i'i' the town. 'I'he (.eiilh u. ;o: wtio halls fr.'i'i the e.'Ui'tj in whiih t'n, r. K. iV V. V. K Ii will have lis tiles lii'ltlielll tellii .'i';s is a v.id wa r uti 1 Went siiiili;.' s;ai a mi - t c i.'.l iiiili ;;i:ig vidov. V. -:; tuiu- .. ; t c iiis ih.-i .vnt'r m e w!.e!i ills fti,,'ll'. Hi'S M'iei! vl.tl! ell Cat Va-ou Iii lie olVi fed :ia- b.i .t 111:111 ' ,sli the money he h id i'l.-t to be pa' 1 11 iii shnte o ,cc more" and tlm. to hive his lady love prevent the b a-m. 111 from retnruiiig to t)iore. lb is now siek r than he was when 110 was 1 i in. 1' th waves. lt Our Viasii iiuloii I.ttlcr. '1: 111 nr i-.-o'ar ..ri--i..n.l'"ii '. Wx-!!;v,ios, IV C, L'eb. IT. 1-sS l. There lias been an intolerable amoiiti of gt iimbliiig hi e.ivet nun nt cl aksov 1 the pi op.i-illi ll " 'tiding ill C"!..:! c-s to i:.e:el-e tin II- ho:;: s toil, I n.steid of m. The dc- 1 liliiie'i's : r.' now 1 pu-n fnun '.) a m. p. tu , and 11 est oF H.e eh rks work from live to mx In ur-, an h.ut ol' SO 1 eino ;,kel ul m na i 11 1 n cli an 1 h a '11:0. and led an hour in ii g waded both 11 otnin' and ee.:ing in g. I ti"g i e 1 . ! y 1 1 1 1 e.;in nn I n pari i iir f . ipiit 'I lie i b a of ad.i.iig one to tin se hour- makes tiie uverage ea rk fi.an'ic. 1 ie s.- 1 leiks ar. c rnii'ilU .: k.nj o,.l ;i.ai lh.il' h'ta i-no', a h .ppy lie. bur th. y '!i!ii. !y I rot : I. a 1 1:, v -j, e: t I in ir ti 111 a :d inoia y I.. 1 ! ill ;.l !!. g their p! Id S. :l..! ;!, i' not ' ti in ten won! 1 g.i I -rk to n'.s native pi, ice il:ihei he eu'dd get h : .viiii'.' v. 'ij.e he o.-ls h. r.-. T" li.;i!-c fit .i'.ill widl the per-oi'Iiel of the di p.. i iiia-nts tin's, eompl lints pfi.v ke a sit. lie. Wi.eii 1 ne talie. ..tlf ! ai' 1111 II;!.. rs 1 f I..m hes oi , i'i -i i'.s who 01 ti-i' hii g I id draw 1 ,1 r p-.v, the j v p!c who are pl.t ti. te I , 1 !.'. l-'s. lh ,se Who e.O .:,( h; his, it i'V tin. t:'l. ! i w ,s .... ,;, f! tc . th. 1 e .'.hi i.l'' y.eai, rle' .!. ; ; a' I p. 1 1. e' a i ip t I.. 0. 1. a .. .: g 1 "-v. I., le and mm ' i v '.I e in i: n 'V- I I'.'n. I t l...'e oi -I : 1 r : !." a' i .r to o..i' io : i; t e p: p i'i 11 thaf ib ! ' ' :. ;, ; 1 ,. is ; in ai! I: he 1 I'. I' lie - ..r ;. c ! . , o w.e-'. 'I'm ie il'e no' a fi-A ci. I i; 11. ad the ii- p u tan nts w l.o ; iv i .. .1 ;.t ;.m t-i : I. le .ur ,. i... '! i. .i eh -e and , .i : . :.i ph l-e. N... 1 .1 g :: i . . ., . : . ,o i-.i. ii i a a p .per In : e 1 . ec il i . at a . 'in ol :!, t I. .'I na! n ,-. ' :' .u.Li i .a ih i . i' i;it in ai L. r t . and di a' my r i . . i ... .!. . . .1 i c; !., ; p t ;iec a : iLI;; ;. i I he tew I a c. 1 1 i -he ie -l . I... nli 'le 1 l.i !' ' mli.lelice, ' Ml I i:i . o a -. k ,',.:!.;! ie I l,.e iel.i li'.d' I i :.. r p . iii - c.i 1 1,. .'.'.'! tniiiKit .1 iii r, ici:,. e i '.h.' :.. a.i v lo ie , and -le- vi-ti! !i' b a-lmo i I in l i i - o.: . . .' in i : o u '. n - oi w o .... a eh I as i e ! In i.i a 1 Li i.e " ;: - .! ,i; If. t ell t :'l..i..l I., i -i il '' a . .. I 1 ' ni lln- p iper, and th. I e.d '.! di-. i ..s.d ll. it IL.-t id i f I.. ;! . iii (- e p'l.'iiii c it lia.l h:ip j . ... i i I . I.e n N..!. i.iV h is a . I '. - -.o.i,.'. .1. li.i'.l w k' .: w.....t . i. -i.pp a t '. lo m i 1 . s a d oh n ;i i i; fa:..i s by c.in-eiei.-.;...! . ik. I ii! tin -c w.-ik uiio. i'ii p. .;. ii . i or i r the n n v.'.i aie 'i- in .1 ' i. , :a o.h r t n i.! . n.i ti! : .' I .. -i e ...til sp. nalll.o 111 1 voi.. e.- in lire ohoie .- or a young ant bo.l'.i ! n.iii. tuck, d na i V Hi a ... i i ' ' i '.a, i.1. il-g on a pit ; ,'.c mil. , :n m n, woik n.d ,. .;: il.. , m:,! s 1 . lou:r to tin . f ela.-.'s- ii.siis lli.li ersa! oi.' .;:; t ;r 1 n ptol-.tnai Many of the .i..:;.i'i eh lis ii .. I in ! - an. te 1 ,ci s ., i:. i . .;.i a . .ir ,S' . '.! i be L.tll li UCe. i'i,' y eoll.e lo V;e.:.illoton lllil iii .-i.; in. a. t n- iheir ideas change. Tin y had I'vn g in a city o!l J'.'nO to lm one of the ( xtiet .-clenci s liat lin y would ia' her die than go buck home. Mr. Cm lisle, and Mr. Moirison and odnri are "li'ditiiing into" ihii tar.iV h.ll iu a timiincr veiy an.u-..g to ibt oidieiies, but x ci ediiigiy On i b. I for ti.o wa.siin.l n. i i.ns i onnni.t. e. I'm! wlieti Ha l i. .!. hi., ik, i ts M; . .1 .nil band, lpa l'liela r it wail nnet with it John 1j. Sullivan. He lias biam loaiiiiig lip I n ii i or wctks, and when "iiiL-ui ploltciiuu fel.ela eti iiie 14)011 i'lldvur t ui V Wl.l tilid Unit tlifV ale fouili.g i il 11 f .1 ui.d llgi t iing. He is Mi lai-lii.-ii.-ely hiiid ivoi king iiiun. Al- lliolloij Wis 1 thai! most, lleiils! riolla luen.la l.s ui Conor, 'Uti nil .'WS tll.i si 11 one day ot lest aliil iloes not woi k or v ir-it 011 Sain la. Tlie onl dl.-Mpillioll bo id.OWb llilllSI if IS 11 Suinuiy night scinioii fiom a 1'iesLn leilan ib.i.ie. Natl. Ii. g OU tu-tll Aoulil imbioe Mr. Tuckir tofon()o iii.it rigid and Masoned diseuui.e. lie aniMM eu.y and iiii.rehis llo cum en ni iiie.i with a large hva.ii lioi k, and when the e'.t-rgv man a;, pe.n.s h fixes hia e, i s upon iulil a ! Ininks solemnly at him while tl a' txcedtlit lilll J Light discuss s U,e iminiii r in wtiicli tie Ch ddi ans x poiuniud certain gema! giciil uiis 1 f sciipturea fe Il.hi.-iiihI years ..g a. M an while lleacou Tticki-r eniovs uiinst.lt hugely and ha-, folluwe.i i,n ui.ll.igging ittteiitiou. Mtx. .!.., howevfr, I.e folgets II I ub.iilt tiie Caiihltatus until the next S1iu1i.1t, mid tuns the bide of the ieiulihc ,!, 111 coiieiL.ss. Mr. Iiickir Is wise Iii. -t and witty afti rwaids. 1 Im lepiiblic.ms are ineiibuling over 1 he 1 e ugHtiiza' ion of the n". r liny Wi.nt 1 1 1 o 1 lliie-i I1.1W t.'.icil, u l by lie iiueiats and a new piesniciit pro Uui., but don't kunv just Low j . g-t about, goMiiig tin 111 wi'hout n special m'smoII. M.iln n ' si e:i s lo be ' giving them some t'lsiuess j 1st j now. lie wants a j;nod ii'eal for his 1 stipooit mid wants ihii tixtd be j b rchim 1. The tomb lt'azeii who I runs the weather b'irelHl U gettilie 1 his hide rubbed n lr:L' aud somt! ef' his ipievtii'imbla metlotls are being j ex""'a'd. tho wen' her ofllce w i-1 ii v.r si iieaily ttoiddiss m its n soils .i, it h isj bt-i 11 ' iti ly, and il n - t:. v. 1 had a 1: c li 'l' 1.1 :ll ill il- l. ?;d. b is ui d li. il aa item ol j-;! t i ll !. as been jail to the mindr. ci . ;i ;, prcpi iati -n la 1 to p iv f a I lit: si i li'l S of t tit! UOIS whotiiel th. 1 i ilili ail e.iso. 'in. y have let to f 'li I -cl! paid p !' .1 iv l. r !l.lll NelVlei s, bill put iti :t i .l.ai I.M't.X l i compel r oi'Ui iii con.-: lei a" i m of llie 1 in..' t me the'' w. ie ! .piile i i r. I'l'i'i! I'll tin' j ;rv. Il l I It le. t I r ai fir the objection of Mr. IF .iman, wiio taiiiii' ill j 1st as fe bi 1 wns passing, the house wonld hiitc passed a bill n apiii ii.g nil proclama tions and govel umetit mlverns inelits to appt ar in two uewpn e.' piinted in this cby. It is mid tin- bill would net f.viiMi) to the in w papers si-!, ctt i annually. S!i u lly ,-ftt-r the m r ail.! f' r several ;ea s, tin- ad ii'liintiati.'li in-ws r in this eif. mi. dc over Itlil.tli il a e, r out of govt ! nmciit iidverll-u: :. um ta just such a law. A lvt r;i-i .i.i-n s e( sties of cot ileillllid 00M inmet.t prnpi rty ia I't x ts ol '!n fa -wt -t w el e eiipp d out of t xc'iiai'es and ilisei ted ul er ihe s res h id t.ih. ll phite, hut the ;i.s w. iu i.l owed Mid ofuli iin eaiili il to m r th ni li e prop, itt ane to. Air A--islaiit I'o-tii.ns't'i li I' l ll II id Ml Wiitils to I'eMtf lln. sut of pay fir his aiinini-tl' itirn olg ltl. 1'il'iX ). Value of Fcrtilizi is. N. C. A i i n c.ti. Si t i'i .. lh 11 1. iin N 1 1. (Continue. 1. m 1'H. l-'.t i. ir" ''.. i.ti'h'i.-phate. Wm. I', ivv A Co.. it .'' Ill A gel; I ,. ( iinl Ics ion. S. t'.. imp: d at C .l.'.'oid. con litin -1 at ...i il'le p: -is. acid io.ha. p..f a-'i J.oo per ien;. 'h-laiive cuiiiiner c.ti t.dlie ll i 'Jii. i.t.l . .vnil.oi.il. 'd i, s.soK c I is lie.', I. ,:ii ai'.'I .. i:i in . I'o r..ililiiK'tV, Aid. saiupli .1 ..i ."-heliiL t'.ii'i.lois: a ,. .'oi.' 1.0, n.ad '.I s'l. .'uiai. .;;i.i J. hi. potash 0"i". p'-r cent, ie'laliu roi.t.itereial v! ! ''il.'ia. L ' I'aeil'.c tiaaiio I '. iinpa'.iy's .'- iai'le I'ilclilo ( i.l ill.). Jailll S. iJee.se A t' '.. ag. I.l.-. I'O So,nh -,tieel. iialti I 11 a . M l . -a:. a h 1 at Sin ihy eon I .: . - : ,ia,l .'.' phos. eel I S.Jl. a: .1 .'.i i '.! !;. a o n ii till per ci ,:t. lb !. en. .-.. ,., value r-diiiJ :'.' '.I. .;,r lie o. I Acid bi:o-pl.al.'. d -ol ' I -io. t ':i bone. Allison .v .l:i-oii. Kiel .moil. I. .a . sampled at :m. ib. e c:i available pno-. t 1 I 11. p 'M di 1 per ei i.t. li ! ,'iw' com: . rend value -." ,!'. i ! 1. s c t: u Add I'h .s j v.,.-. IV 'I A Sons. ii..hi:.i .n-. I . . fii.ipl-.i ai I'ont ir.l. .itititll.s : .itaoai.','. phos. ;l 1 I J 1 1 : 1, potash lli'tif e.ti. lit Saiive I'onuui L'elal vi...: -V-o I 1. i . 1 1 1 . tVando Acid Ph. - hate or ...hh li,.,,,. I'h ; Wand', i ;.. ale I'omjiany. l ".ai lest. :n S. 1 . . .-aaip'.ed :it Con.-. h contains: '.....'.-ib.- pi.. is. acid l' '1. p"ta-h ! .'I. in r 1 liii.n.ie t'oLiunerciit! V.'V.l Si e. i.tl Co: I l ... 1 1 r lii.d Ai nidlts. I ' ii.i!: itu- ire. Md . sit; ,; o.-h.s : A.i..;:.ti h j :t :i:.i a.i i 2 i. ji ! a '. !h Iiil' c commercial . r.'ii. .lohn .M.i' : aiul l'iais i -. ci Sous, d al Si.. 1' v. aei.lS.V'l. i; 1"' l,;': ... j'i 1. lil Cos Mi,,!: (iiil. M- n ::c;a Acid 1 !..is.ate. .lohti v,.. ii-hicciv. Md. .-iii.ij hMio Si., lliy.coii ii i i. ie 'id 1 1 Sii jier At.ailaiile Ui.dal ive . .L'llii-rc:..; .:2:.t.-. Ih'o. I'a, ;:h' (en : i C . 's Dia-s.-.:-,. ,! I! -!.r Pli.-.-.'i.aV ef I. ill t h hii S. i;.-e,e .o C . t:t-. l' Soiilh St.. r.iillll.ioiv. M l.. l Oiit.lite. . A.alahle; I i'7 I'l-r . I I ." ). 1 it II-I I lU-hitlt c il ilii 'lcial I Iheetor. t ah;.' -'11 :'i.'. I'. -. W. !',;.. ! n: i i-.i-i' of Soul In i n Oi l iiiii ils. T. a.i- N. V.. !; II. ia i 1 ;." of the i:io.-t ll.i :. .di', it ei!is shown ly llie iiorieiili ui ul i.tiiiiis oivi-n in the e ui.peii.i.uiii i f tht census ja,t pi.lei.l.i d n lln- on ;lt im reuse iu lite vitl ie of Sv.ut ln-rr. orehiiui .rodiielH tluiiiie the ten yea r-i Ix lwei n INTO .and 1 0. The iuoit'iu has In fn lu.'l l.el in the S .u h t iii-rally, tut in four v live St.itis n has heeii eliiiianoliH. Thu -tie- vutii- i f products IU Ahibiliia v :i-"i'.i I in s7t; in 1-sso ii wis -..ii',2 2i.;i In I'toiid k it. whs in lTii mi l T"i-'J '.") iu l.sti) Tu. i.hiu n i"..' in M .-issiipi lioin $ 71, HIS in ls7 to o7- 1 1.) in lSS'l. ami in Tt xa-i lioin soil 17:! to ."7i;,SU Tlie neer. i; ite v.iiue of l.il oieliHld r duels 111 tl.e I'nite-d Stat i'i i'' 1-Sil -.v.'.s ji.")il.-7o l.",l; in ls7t) it wa ? I7.d;!.", l;l '1 i.is ,-.iolit ii.ir, a.-e ii: tiie eii.iiili'Y at late i-i due to li.t fact thai ti.e il p of JtvSU in luo.st of t ue ii eat ft lilt y!oAili! St at t Dot the North w ,s eieisid r.tbly helow the iiTtr..'e. New Vi.i li HtiiiitU at tin In aid of thy fruit "rowing Suites, and I'eiiiis Iv iiii.i c lines lit xt. The orchard products id the former, as i eti.r.ie I by the census of 1S-.II, leached il Value if $S,4')'.I,7D f , Wld iho.su i f the lifer .i.St;22l A Tax Collector Koblied. A dt-sp i'l!: fr itu Motitotnery, Ala., dated tlie .sat-: The tax eel lector of L in eace county, S. 1 llollsion, left Co.uthiud cti rday to t" t i Moulton, tiie county Neaf, with $1 lion, t.iiic'u Lt w.is ruining lo Hit- tniuty Ml,).l iu't lid, lit of t ilieatioli About sin lull' s from town, iu a loi.elt part, i f tl e .a i l, x t.i i.sl.ed lean stop pe l him, pre enti.lti icvolvtr and loblt-d Lim of fd.."illl); $1,0(10 was in Il.iustou'ti bun's, and the robhei f tiled t' (liscovcr it. The robber then took Houston's horse and rode oil. Thcru is no tduu to the identity of the Lijjhwayniau, DroM'iie.t in it Mine. A deep dell train li.aidwood, 1 1 li eooi, d.titvl 17m, tays: 'J'ne ciiy is llde.l Willi hlUlt lllHUOl! owing to the loi libit) disaster of vustcidiit, which resulted iu the ileal li of sevtuly per bOl S. A number of those killed 1. live lurgu faiuilitts. '1 he iiccidi tit occurred 111 soiiti.e s-, 'shuit No. 2, ol tie ihiiiiigton C ed Mining and Manii I'C.'llling (.. 1 1 p 1 1 iy s n ine. The sliilli ill wiiic.i llie liecid -lit Oil fill red has b. en tv a io d ior ibt' pas! e.olit ye. us, is siiiiiitid ul Dnuiioiid a .nt,.- village about four ini.es from Wi.ining' ii' an. I Cvo mi.es from l!:aid.vood. Tiiecotlu'iv thereabout is as level i s a llmr, with perhaps 1 siiotn uu i u.iti, 11 t ward the mil et I ne .siibieli litw;i;d heavy inilil.ill liaii- f u aiie.l Ihe praiii1 into a lake, and tor a u.iie ulutaL 1. anion. 1 ttie ater stands fitiiu six ii.i h s to three !ci;t 111 thptli. Wbh titanciy any warning tl.elf Ml hleldv appt'M'ctl Ml opeuiitg fi' iu the surface ol t..tei.nli into the nunc, and the hii 1 face bi iug covered Willi Water, it look ouly a shuit time tor the. water to peiiuta'e llicentiitt ini.ie, drowning all who wii'j unable to get out before the iisiii'' wa ei' cauidit theui. There was bill.- li;nt to give an ahum, f r, iii le.s.s llian ati Iioni' from th - lime ih brink occur. e, I t'Vei v iivennu of 1 istaoe wits cut t il' ai d tveiy ot:-' cuoaiit of lUe mi.ie a: tlie time mil.sl I nave been t.r-nt ned. T. e galleries j we v low mi. I na row, a id only b p.oi. f illy slow taawii.ig eoiii.t the victiiiis escape No uoi-caccoiii)'ini tb l iio rising of iho water, an I the lbs: lii.iica'.i. ii had of I heir naigir by! many of the ih ad was tho ciiillmg ( sensation of cold wa er tiickliug! 'along the pathway in wliicli t.ny hit latwolk. Ih ic vv-s mi air shaft 1 i olUnug an .iddili.iliid uveliile ol es- ' I cape, id whicii in any avaiitil lhem- j.selvus, bill t..u waler came Ul looj rapi.tiy In .ul ov 11. 1 ui ttacll it. The j ininew.is iiot it. iisideit d e.-pt t aally ' ' il.u gi I'oiis, tlioii.h a break hail oc- ; 'cm re. I ot ci: b. luai at almut ttiesauie! j 1 co. Il fir is no iii ante of .-capo, I . L.il 111 111 i"i Iu le'iell ihe lodimot! , I In i.e. id the gelieial ma nige! has. g .lie lo tlie sctui; td tiio disaster, witit t.to s'.i am puinpt. lt. is said ; that an t feu t will Im ma le to re tch j tiie mine f.om shaf. No. 1, 1 lit lie iv! is not I tit- rei'iotest po Sibiiity ol liud iug any of tlie nom alive. Onl) diowiie I tr sulVnaed lem iiins ta b reCoVi It d. 'J'llO linij.llty oftlil' Woikel.s nodi r grolliiil aiu ioiii0liels i'.u.dl 'li, Seotcli Mi l Irish. '11 Hi i WC0D3 m TIMBERS 1 1 !' raOZXXS CASIOLIWA. 1 v. 1 r.'a... . 1 l.o li. Ifl i.'".. ' TU' I lIlt'.Tlv ! ': 'V's 'til -I:.!) ttl.tt 11.- m e ;-. i i'i. I. ..! Il.e .. -.TM.-i. .Il t'.lll i ' N.-W .,i. V.. .M.I. I. l t " 'rian; tv .ili " iei:..'v 111..1 tii'ual I- I a' l'-'ntl.Ti Mnrl i.r. - : .-h.ii .nr. t.. :li. .- i. . - i l..u ! -u.. .I- .i: i,.il -Mr. !!.il.' I.ns iin- S;nu- n uivat s. rvl.'i-. r.it-ii.-.ii u.-'ra.-r. .. .. ' I.. , . -I. ......-!'. i I ill 11 a.-s.-rv. rt ii,.-u i -: . i--.--.il cl N..-I. villi- I. am., l.utii I .TITI no . Th.. 1 k 1- v.'ll I -f. tlT I i ll tllC'l .rt"T. Is t -e, i - -, : . i. .:.i it. . ; i.. .- .- - -f.-i i e; s all I aii n .'li-fi'.' ati'l l-i-nu l 'Ci m-'tl-i' l ln ii .: I i ,! -1 .. ... it i Ii ;i i I..-- r.t.li-. .i ;rii'.'i ili-llin-'l. 1 .- i'.. : I . '..i.-i's -. -1--I-.! V. II" lll'tv I S J lt.'.l IM ( HI: I"..' -I .'Il 1HV.-I.11 ti i n' l y !: i : . .. .!. t,; !.. .-.1 I , r.'.-ilt.- l : ' I"-, t -ti : i "i ui-- i ii-'. S'.t'.ii.-'..-!, li -"k.-. !.' ts lOi-l S'liLninulH i-: .v hi:!; ; ou T. ?d. IlAr.ll. ruhlisht r, Rah io-h. N C. ' ;' -;!- , A DMIXls l IJATORS' Nol'ICI!.- -! . e (in. , i'.l il.llol us .lil.iis-ral.'ls ..f I. II. Mini-. i-.-l. tve !,.-r--t so t-'i- .-if !':'! I .tin : .-l.t.lils .i.miii-.' - il-t .1- . l.-til I., i - : 1 - -,e--.. ; us ..'.;.: i.e -n- a-- s i .it,..: i , ...ii... t. v. Aims. I ,.. i--.,. i-.. .1. s. sIom;. j SM'.iT I'OII S Ni)'l'lCIv-dI V- : w i . . , i ..-i ! .-.s a., r .-i,:. :- .( t In- t V.'ic, i .... .,..,, ..i M:.'ii : i a i iwi... a.--....-, e .. :, . I , .1.1 j,.-l- li 1 I'.l 'l t I -s : ; S:,u.'-: sail l.-.'l.!,: ....!!l Mi.' .',.. li... ..ii ..i-i..-!-.is' Hi.--Hi . I.iv ..I 1 . ..ni.-tir, Issl. I ; F.-i. s i-s.i. i -., a. .i. vvii.-ox, ; TO ' BRIDGE SUIL3SR3. ' (.): 1 L JI lAiil' oi ( 'oMMIs.MONKIlS. I'll I !!AM Ct.!-J-TV. l' .b. :,. iss.j. j 1 Sealed prop.i.sais will be 1( ceivnl ;np to 12 M. .Miircli the (hh. f ir tht , ' hiiildhiof a biiib;e across Haw llivtr J lat.Moore'H mills. Siecilieations can j be seen at this office anytime after! Ithe loth inst. The Commissioners I reset ve the liylit to reject anv mid all ! bids. L. II I1M.INT.. I Clerk of the Board. ' Ctli'v lss:i. its. j "rAini ir.ma"! !'0it SAI.K ON " VKAUS TIME ; A V.vl.f M'.I.K I'AltM, live niil. ss'.a'ti-iv.-si .ir l'l"st..,'. s. . nn-l elirht IM.I.-s .IISIHIC tl .HI Ul.' II. .V . A l.. IHI.I Ul.l f. V. I V. riiii'-'it-ls. Tin- iiiun .-..iiniliis ul. . nt urn :i -l-.'s. ..r t hi. ti lit'- ii.'i-.-s .ir- ill .'ill; iv;i-i..n. li H 1 ' tv.-il w . li-1 i t. i.-i.'sts ..r "ilk. In.'k .ry. .. i;-.ii. I, i i- l.tr, pin', v.-. I'r ..lii-'.-s I' .rn. i'..ti..ii. wni iii. cs. ... Mii- li ..f Hi- tiu-'il Is rt. I. Ii"ii..in Un l, : ;iiii...i K" ky nor. 1 inn lu..-ill,li's ..r iniikiiij: , -. !n , st -iimiiur.-. . j Tlie i.itll.lliitn .-.-nslst .( n ...mf'Ttitl.!.. .IwelUnB, . 1 liU'o.- I.iu-li, mi. I .all.-l' silllill.li' i.ulliuilsi-a. ' ' tt V A l.ai'i:iiiii i an n.'i'l. 1 l ur ruriliiT iiir..niiiii..n it..ly I", im. .i. ii. nriiNs. riltnlxM', s. c. I i Dis-. 71 li. issj. f.iin. I E. & A. i-L CHANCE OF SCilKlU'LE. . ti-.k.-l it i t l ll'lll. 111. S.iliil.iy. M.iy 1"., Issl, I.i .iv.. I N... ':- L. live Unl. !i--'l. icy. .."t N.-w lllll M."y orfk-s M 1, -..I.- f- ' I s.u if. .i-. ClM.T.lt M.ielv Illn. -'m Ki-v-.-r ll..(T-intn An l UhiiiU- ri in i l!.ni!l h ir. mi lt..rT,tem t- :t; p ni i K.-s.-r . i Ml I lillli- s I M inly I' . . in : imi. r. li I fl :i- a in n-J it in it in In .1.'. . HI I 1" II .'.: iu t? 0 - ,, l Ki il- i' II. 1 Ml p Ml , 1 4ii a 111 j II-....I M- ii. ill.' M. '. i v oaks N'-iv UUI A..x l arv II it in Arrive Hali-fti. h :.iia in ; Tr.-iin mine 1 i.minfit! it! llitniliM wiili t. e. Itiiilwuy ("i-1' i.ir..tl.- iui-1 nil ...in'. s.-u li. 1 -inn liiliirl.4'r J .ttns-l nt Kal'-iirtl Willi til' li.ii.'i'lt & li:isi,.n liimr a.! f. T all ...ils le .rt It. Tlil.- ,a K.i ts-h' Irani, Willi i..H.ss.'in.'.-r .sm.-h .'iii..-h.... .-.-it.' l!ilt'l,li nt a. m mi.! iirrlt-ns ul J.m I', in. JOHN C. WIMilill, Sui'trmiiulvut. ZVIisccllancous The Best Paying Business for Agents t s We want an active, energetic and live Agent in active, energetic ; ry county for our Religious every county lIIPlj Hir-doi'tr:)? NOTHING LIKE THEM W llrtVf JUft IflH' I 'Mil tl-MV f a Nt ii v ..r iii" r.M-rr.isTTi:s r ihf vii:i.ii vt r iui-ii.-tn-.i.iUv. lMi-'(il tiiiort'-iiiK : ari'r. It W hi! Hon 'iir 1'UiiliKiii -i. an 1 w n'.i irnu ihw Iir.MiI'M'S. HI-UNMitt'W, rviT ism t :u l w. h.ivr a lai '.'i't m lit t- "JX't- in- Kin ill sl m it.ir iitK' up. --ti w.ti 1 u v 't.i-iti H A VMS 1.1 Ilili (11 Kslublislivil lMiil. l-eii. 1 tent Sclics to Farmers of M kM In order that all i.iny he .able .t nvo Bantu's Special Fertilizer lor Tobticco and Grain, we lire now sellitijjf it. dii-eel to lai-uiers of North Carolina, ut tlio lollowiuft' Reduced Wholesale Price3 for Cash: JPrice per Single Ton - - - $ 35.00 Three i n Tons lor - 100.00 Tive (") Tons or over - - - 33.00 Per Ton of 2diU lin. in 'ood luijs of 2DI) 11m. t-ucli on board cars or vessel! ut our works. We. (Suaratitec tho follt)wiiifj analysis : Ammonia - - - - 5 to 6 Per cent.-' Av.lII..U:J.K Ul'NK rilOSl'li.VTK - 10 tl) 12 " " St i t'liATi: or l'lirtsit - - - 4 to 5 " " This ui ticle has liccii used for years iu N'orHi ('uroliiia with cxeelleut resultv and wo think it will jtny u'l rolnieco (irotvi-rs to use it liberally. Address all orders and inquiries to BAUGH&SONS, 103 South Street, Baltimore, VHd. JiiuuiiiY !. l'vS:. ;1iii. Mm j iir,2ioirziLTEi5 surrssiFziosrziATS. ANALYSIS. roiiinit-r. aid I-'i ".ti!ier liAt.nnii, X. ('., April L' tt-li, I.S82,- i lleeeivid from ('iiiiuiiisrdouer of Agriculture iu Air tihl Can. healed: Water v.' -1 '2 th ol ee l". 11. '21 icr cent. Solu'o'ie I'llosoliol icAei l. I.;12 ih vt : ted 2.".'0 T.'t.tl Availahl lasiluhle .Nitl'iio'ell i otila Commercial Value Per Ton, (2000 lbs.) $35.75. Si-md, CHAKLLlS W. DAUXEY, Jk. Hon. M. tcCiit . . C'o;ii::ii-siii:ier of Agriculture. Kah iyli. N. C. V.'e m:11..,11 the :ib ve First (';iss IVrf ilizcr, fprivileo tax paid.) at tic folio .t in,' lo.v j'l i e-. i'i.-.- oa. bii.ti'd in Caliiiuorc. 10 ton lota 2S per ton i .'i ton lots s2.i : li.;. t!i oi ."i ton- S i.) : we nis i otVer at lowest prices ft full line of ACKlCl i.ri i! L CHIIMICAI.S. for iiiukin Honio-Mado Fur- ti'.ii !.-. Seiid I'.ilt.lir I). ml. al.o'.it 1'e! I illei s. WEI. DAVISCW & CO., Jan. 11. lssd. tf.j lis W. Louih.ud St., Hiiltiinore, Md. XOlilUS, W Y ATT Ut TATLOR Ci'X-l -NMI N I s s.ii.ti I ; a n. ii'iiilll.sr I'iUCK ANI rilOMIT KKTI'KNS (it'AKASTKEOw Mize Yanr if Yon Want li to Pay Yoi l.o'i'.l SACKS AMMUMATId) AM) ACIO PHOSPHATES, The He-i r. i t ilier Made for Wheat and Oats, Now in Depot Heady for Sl.lpn.elit. Sen.! vour order.', to ,! I t!-S W'YATT A: TAYLOIl, :,i,..ii:!i, N. c, .-.-.:.'i..i .n-1. :ss2. 1IALH1G11 AIA1ILK WORKS. I W. DURHAM, fay:-:ttkvii.le si., halkhjh, x. c. UALEIl IN mm m mm mm m mm wmm, IIKADSI'ONKS, TAI1LETS, Jc. OirPEHS lM'.OMP l l.Y KII.I.KD ASP S.V l iSK.u'Tlo.N (ll'AHANTEED. JTf'f.VI.I. OH W III 'IK Kill! I'UK K LIST AN.) DKSIt.SS. O.V V. v' .tlAI'l-i. All ur. I.-...I: fi-i- tl... Ik- wnt ..ttt Ml TV H XAMt' f, llriiin niul I iiriii.ri! tlnilliil; 11 f A y -H flrl i-nilnn, a t.r .n.-. I:..t l r. 1-. l.ru-,, M ' V ' Vl-'mit in.-, et.- rnlv lOi-lit. a.,. nl -.in siBiU'Ssotis HtnAT.Q SIBLEY J. L ALLIEN & CO, FAYlCTTKVII.liK, X. V. MAN 1 1 TACT 1' 1 i 1 IKS OF A N 11- WilUl.KSAI.K AMI I!K1 All, IiKM.KIJS Furniture, Sash, Blinds, Peers ASH - Hiiildeis' Material Ucncrnlly. Factory on Mumford Street. Sales Ilnoiiisoii (ii i en and (iillesjiie Streets. N.if. li".. f in. : aE(U IOIS NOTICH UAV- I M ll.L' .:i llltl- I H" lll. i v- ll. .r ,.r S.iiln- Hull. j ili- fiis. .1, I li.-r.-liy j:lv.. i..: I,, I.. nil hts..is Iniv- ' iiu' I'l.iuiis uu-aiusi ...oa .1 t.-ni i. ...liii.it ihi'ln l.i im- i.ii .ir ... i..n- li. s li .lay .,r I .'l.rua; v. ism. li b J H, I'l-.j IL, .1, Uol.T. .1 OIlTOAOE SALE. 1JY VII.-; tu.-.. I a -.-..I'liiat:.. .-x."-iit.-. te tin I'y W. T. 1 li.r-rH.-ll I lie Is. ...,-.-.( . ' ,i. I -i'.i, I t, ill . .-Il a .til li.- nu,ii..ii !r -n-ti. at Ui.- .- -urt li-ti.- il r in 1-ilisli-ii-'. N. c , ..it is 11 I.l i V l he lo. li lay. if Man Ii. 1HSI. it ti'.i.-t ..f lan.l hi lla llry nwinhlp. I ,-n I'rv t'r.s k. .-n wlil-'h i.-Hi-nali'-l loill ki. n, in-1 1 1. it's ii il. a I ..ii.ii h" l ei Is f A. II. l'li.i,li. .1.11. I'.-Oi-.iifi'li! li' l una .illn-vs. i Ki't'. s, is--1. I llilMtS.I. fl.AIiK. ArtrRwsf it- ?:iTtT. t- l , -i.r -I' I", s. . Il r t . t :ll I'.l i-llls. Sa. 7 fi S . li ll rt si , . i. ... ti. . , t,. r. -. i-.it. nt I'd i'. W'v.ttlii,t..li I . t' t nir. si. inii'iirr ,n. II. le-.i. N.i . h irt-i f..r u.lv V. mi- .'iiii k. .1 im- If . I'll it I. .ill.nn' l. li. I' ri ll.'.". I.i wls .lulillsiil t I .... II ink' .v. '.,-ti-, ...:cl', V, UiUllV'U'U, O. U. I'JUll.llll'l 01 lU-lOllllulij l.o.. dvertiscment. for our superb lSSBBS Aci'iitit iwforp,' KtSVNT liumlle our giMHlit.- GSflftTS. f ! lss:t. 1 -!:; 11 l'!'' l',.;UI,. I Ot N'1'Y. It :T.!iOAIt nn.l UIST .lll.l t'AS AIM. si., l,..v,'il iiu li. s, wlill lilt! Illn si I'lCTOHIAL MAI' ..ii'iiltiliii; ii i-n-iis .11 s:n nr.! lv.--i'. Hii.l a li..st nf i.tlier new anil hunt .-xi'i'iiil m. lli-1 .i.'.'U.'ai mil iii.w: tt..li.'rful Mhi t!i.llibliia.-l.-ii A.'i'.N, !,.. 1..11.1W .-ur liis-.i iii-tiiins, tlmi Ilium In muuo)' In II. mil Allsi-ia. ION 1.01 s ell Mll'.s ii;v Urn !,. an. I nimtt ititlmliln i-l nii-i-e vni-io! ,.iss..riini'iii tli.-in any iillir (Inn In Ainorli-.i. Kiti'li e.'iv i-.il-'!-.-!. v.iriiihln-1, 111 .iinti'il n.i ltelli-rH, auil rtruily fur liauic-' i .-i l.il! .ai:l.'..l.ii-. in.. I limtrii.-tiiiiis, iiiltlrett : 1"S ldiijiirc Map and ( Hurt M 1 isli niiit li VivSSHY STKHlVr, NEW YORK. ism. tf s -"2 Eijiiul to Done riio.spLuto 18 fitf 2--S 5.C3' 1.!'" " Aininotiia 2.37 2 17 mi. 'I n i ityu ui..! I'rirt Hit ol f Q8 gM & CO. Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, ill. LOOK HERE!! EVERY MAN Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIRE -IS THE- NORTH CAROUM HOME INSURANCE COHPM. Ttilit C in). any lias t.i-. u iu sut'craaful uptwalloa f-r l-uriwn yi-urH, antl Always Pays Its Losses. It Is sale, am! 1'ilri'nl, nn.1 !'' iirtimptly mil Ite lliiili-s. AH i-lit.si.eit .if lni.urHl.lit pmpvrty tMtirt4 ,.n r.-as-iiai lf iirins. Now Ik Uinilnieto luartl ior furllicr iiiti.rmHliun appljr to JI. A. LONDON, Jr.. kgtnt, i'IMhhIht 7. lfj. Li,n I'lTrSBOBO. X. A Literary School, IM I'TSIWUIO. N. r.. 0.m . I Ii. uil..T lllli. ISM, with IS iKBUr. il r. II li"W an, I ri.lisi.-uilly lii.'mu.'ii(. Tho llr -I tins t..-ti'. In to trni'h I'r I in ry brurlm "f K.iiIIhIi. TIi." I'll' me tnillii tutilr rblldr'n le in ten In tlll.s'ii inll.w. and II will Im lb Urf"' . h..l In !Ut) cunty. J. V. HOHKRHON. Tcbr. It. . I. C. UUCLMUm. Bup'l. l iljriiory 8U1, lbW. tie. L If i