who ujnainum ' ' ' THURSDAY, rKr.lll'AUY -2. lss:. LOCAX. RECORDS. & The moon is now full. , J.O any W " USliliiy.uii uiiLu- -r i tv-. it 1 lll.1? ,. office i) th'e neated manner un.l r3". .. , , at lowest priors. SwTReail thu advertisement of Mr J. 1J. Harris, who ollera for balo sev eral small farms. iaJrTliero me fower lawyers resid ing in Chatham now than wo have erer before known. TPA. A beautiful four-year old Stal lion for sale eheap. Apply to II. L jtJarus or W. L. Ij:i1)u. WuTho shoriir oIlWs for halo sev - rifal traets of land, us will !.- i-ueu by reading his niIv'i-tisoi;ioiit. Ki" Lst S.iturd.iv wd" tin wsrin- est and last Sunday was tho most j brought to pi ison lutisdiy. tlisasrooabio day that wo liavo had in j (.Il)lt ,,,,, (),,erv-r: A retnai kuhl sometime. ! ii, h vein of ore h is been Mr,i.-k in ... - i - ; ( "ri Kl Valley mine, of liownn -m6 a l '"?',""!" 1 '' A .specimen of the ore ,x- & . eriff Brewer and fau.ily as r.'sidet.ts,;, jn 01 our iowii, iih-j imiiiiB mo.fu. last week. ma. Fnrmers ! Uvnum iv Headen have just, received one -ar load Jjon-j's ('liomicals and Aiu lior lb and l'Vrtil lzers. Call and have vour orders tilled. eft. Farmers, if you would use Arid rho;iphates with your cotton seed and manure you wouiu saw money. ion can liny from W. L. London enou-di ,liy The s uah. st one wei-he'd It! I to make one ton for seven dollars )S; lVputy Collector Stmitoii, t'( cash, or eiht dollars on time. Call n,iiidoIih county, caplur, il two illicit ntul --et a Formula. This goes farther ,is!ii, ., (L.W ,.XH ; T ,hi r flian any Clipmicals you can buy for, h!l(.(; OWiiKhip. One of i,em lal imytliin,-like the money. Attend to H , ju p,.r!j f,,r niie than tel. this at oncti. , M..i,ri. A (.ir 'i ii!) um hen h is !a;d ' " ' . an measlti li'i; h ilici.ci the It II-' W Hrfn Uros. xtU have just , VHV ,;, ;..,,.. t.jr-.-u.uVrfi::e, received a l.o-.' lot of Material tor Wli ..,.,.. innkiii-- Hutu's. Wains, Am Call' , , ,, nndleave v.mr orders. Thev warrant : Ivizil-eth City hil i: In-baby till their work. If you need any re pairing they will do it with neatness mid despatch. They h ive now a No. 1 Ilorso slionr and will be -.rl id to hIiow you what he can do. All kinds of Blacksmith work done. BtJX. Auioiilt the arrivals at Lon don's this week is (lliOit) sixteen bun. , died gallons of No. 1 new crop Cuou Molasses, which he is oH'cring cheap at wholesale or retail. Now is the timo to supply yourselves. A full Hie of Garden Seed. Onion Sets and H it tons. A few of those cheap Hack bands on hand- 'i for '2" cents cash. WlXTEll Cl.oTlllNi! AT ClIST 10R C.XSII. PnTj. 15. Han is has just received A lot of those beautiful hand made Zeijjder nhoes. Will have in store in a fj"v days, a full line of Spring goods. We have just received a quantity of the Mountain I'd Irish potatoes; now Is jour time to secure for planting We extend a cordial invitation to all to como and examine our Mock : no trim bin to show our goods. All persons indebted to us are eai nesliy i eoncsted to nettle, up, as wo must h:.v the money, and cannot ali'oid longer in dulgence. A Lain ik Ilo i.-Mr. W. A. Nash, of this count.v, has sent us t lie largest goose egg that we have ever seen. It weighs exactly three quarters of a pound, mid measures twelve inches lengthwise and nine inches around. I Mr. W illiani : An Old Citi.ks ku A. ltivcs, of this county, died on I the 18th inst., in the eightieth year of his ago. He was one of the most re- : fipectcil citizens of Chatham, and his death will cany sorrow to the hearts , of a huge circle of relatives and friends. It was ipiite a remarkable occurrence that his wifo should have i died on one Sunday, uud he on the' next onlv one week between their UemilS. ;i inetu ll may oo win. i . ,i . -i ..... i : i I'leasantiii theirlives. in I their deaths ii i ,i;. i.i.. j - i Disk Ii.u.L (Jamk. Quite an inter-; still" "ami! of base bull was -.kveU ' here yesterday afternoon by 't. "Loafers" and' tho -T'euson Nine. " 1 The game was watched with much in , interest by quite u crowd, even all the court hoiisGorticiaUhavingclosed their ! otlices to atti4id. Tho "Loafers" were r....... V ir;u T i Ilnnlu r. (! Hatch:TI. T. Chanin. J. C. Worn- i lick, James Taylor, iiobert L. Mont Vronif' (i I',... uml IV. ,T. M. 1 Ar.,.,im; nnd the "Denson Nine" ! were the following students of the 1'. S. Academy. S. S. Jackson, (). S. Foe. Jr., F. M. Woiuack, H. L. (iattis, Samuel ltaspberry. Ivey Hill, Tappan Ailney, Corny (Jrituu and L. M. Foushee. licforetheganietiuisheilit was too dark to play, and both sides i flaimeil a victory. I leitt r lu-tore it wiih ilclivere I to iti" ... ! iiwner. OnSiturdi v night some An Isjusrti KComiKLTEO.-e copied 1 vvilo evi lontlv thought lie knew last week from the Savannah Itecord-; combination of Mr. Alex (iie -n'b r an account of one of our Fittsboro ,).okB itlt(( his Htl(, in ),, , ft boys, Mr. W. T. Urewer, having ir- I wlo(e 1)(,x llf milchfs in the atlen.pt formed what was culled '-a fooihiirdy j tl, op,, tl)4J ,,,, i.u:, ju t,;s n1(. feat." In justice to our young friend j thj f ,-eimrlei ,.-ing evcrvthing hs we copy the following from a letter ,)H f(i1I (1 it -,,. Woruo lb'tmett, written by him to his relatives hero: I wl(, livi g l)eHr j j). j..tinH1 in "I did go up on the tower and it is : ijr... ,n,l.- count v, m t with a hii.1 indeed a very smai.i. matter. As for ,(,t, and tratjical de ilh hist Fnday. speaking to any one about it or mak j wns iy ,,.ui'iilion ti t hingle getter ing a bet I did nothing of the kind, j Htlli 1U ,n".lt ,mli,.ul,,r murium, as li.. I quietly went of my own accord in i wIlt ,, XVork he espied a v-ry fit order .to seethe town.. There are (l-j,SHll,n jn a (,.H UI,d comm. need ttplendid steps the whole way up and j wit t) ni, x tl) cut jt ,nvu so as to any child coull easily ascend. The . va 0, tlu j.'j.num while in tin m t Recorder says I coolly lighted a ciga , of ,.ttiug. n limb fell on hi head in retto and came down backward. I ; ictif, H serious wound from which never lighted or smoked a cigarette j il0 ti,Jj lu u feW iinutes. iu all my life: audi would hku to j know how they expected me to come Statipyide Laudtnaik: The resi down head foremost. The man who deuce of Mr. Win. Ni ill, of Iividsou reported it did it for the want of j township, was destroyed by tire brains. and I can tell him so. The Wedundiiy afternoon. Ne irly if not truth , of the matter is they made ; ipiite ull thu furniture waj tavnl i.. i.:o.. l.A..n 1 'I'luk umii,1;m.1ioiis- i-oiitiLiiiimr Mr. 111)111 lUIIIS oi IllOlO llllin, Ull llirm 10 omo ouc vu the ttfwcr every day." State iv'cws. rninliiuTiiiiCH: Aeowlclonj-iiij-lo r, Kiu.sil.-ill. n in.hin rioin colon- I mini li'viii(Tienr thin place, nave liirlli , l" -Allss ''" U..ov. r, a j.r.-lly, ut in few 1m -a H-o to two calv.-H. Tluv tnietive "ill of tiieta-ne t..-.i i,s!,'i. are hoilHiy an.l .U'iii.-well. oely 1(S eir. of iitfe. tt.-i, r. ule I , T . . laii.lof Mi. M. V. White, of D.vj.i. II. Unborn Oberver: In ( Impel lull ....,,!,:,. ., 1 i, i : ;. ,r. "-""I'. '-' iii"-, ANcy L'eii.ie.-eri.sseoiiimitt.t., fmiehl.. c unK nei uinno. ii.mii em iuw i i f i i , ,i .....v- ""... 1,UI !"' Wilmington S'ui : Joseph Wripht. it roloreil lua i, employed ou tlift W. C A A. U. II., w:i.-iiiei-i.h uttiliy Idlle I O'l 'I'l'.ui-siln v ufiei no. iii !:.!. while ' work on a ir st!e ul li I . e , S. 0 ; ti t-tifk "f timber filling 'ip-.iu him uml o. us; i .' Ins t kitll. It. ill. ci f ii dt :n T iitnei : An old man t allied li iss, w ho liU'd n Brine! river, ; wiih killed Sunday t ieht by i.i t con. From what we can learn the old iiiir ha I I eeii nuai ! e s .tue, and I hat ni-di' ; -'k I'" Mint Xnu hfoukin-- il .v. u a t ! l"f ttt em pt to enter tits son hiooiii when the mui attacked him with aknife I stiibhiiii-hifn seven or t i;bt liinea mid j Mlliui liim instantly. Tho sou whh v.sterdav would assav fl.OIK) ! to t'lm bushel, or $10,(0() to the ton, I and this is eoiiKi iei-ed a low estimate. l'he or is Rhite and is lillid with fr. e Il :t holds out luiiir eimsih, tht! oivtiers of the (iold V.illcy Will , siio, 1 1 v be inilli'iiiiiiii s. ; (..,,,,, lhi ,..., p .trio!: Mr. A. V i dmpbell, living east of theeiiy, killed ,ir(0 w,, tnrl.es ut on shot vester- I tl blest p' is. ul in tl e I'l St. i n -ection of Nordi Caii !.! a. if not in i In Stale, died at her ho.i.e in Duiani's N'i 'k l'i npiimaiis c iinty, on tl.o li!:h nit. She vih a coloicl wonnin, Iii'iih I l'liiii.lon, and was j'lll estei ne d l 'i- her liiiliV I X cilii'tit (luilitics, aid ui.i ersu.K r vi rei c d by ason of In r ;;ii at We in-! il upon i;n- ii,o,l re ll'y that a! the ti.ue i 1 le was 1 lit o u s old. ! ( (''.server: ),ir low i s liable itirh ili'l' dentil i Fave'ti iinm, Mr. duo. S. Maiiit-diy, . day evening, 2 h inst , c.ii fust while 'bin k' shad of ill M n lit ih" season in Cape F- a.' liivi"-. 1 1. is is i:n ei.llisl f it shad that lias bt ( ti know n for many years. There is liule doil'ot ill it (.'umbel 1 ilui po"si s csl iinl and that, loo, in con.-i I. lalc .x tent which is well mlap ed Hi the eu'.ti a' ion of tobacco. We have seen the wry best ipi ibty grown heie, in Cha'huui and in Moore, and, though o'l it sni-illi-c.il", iht! ield is pi o, f that the weed can he gr iw n. Wiliniiig'ou Ib view: W'i learu ! that a list!" son of Mr. Willi. on Fun . of (' lintiti I; lowusl.ip, l'i ii.h i i'i u.ii v, died Very suddenly I'll S.ituidav last il'ider cti'iiliiistances i f unusual sad less. He was a hearty, r 'Ills! b-iy. livi-years i 1 nge uml wa in l.isusuil health on the f .("loon of '!" day o! his dea'li. He ate a hearty diiiii. - but soon aflir whs taken violently sick and t'lied in nboiit half an hour. Soon af er being taken si -k he became ; bbiul ar il i m aim d in I hut condition iinttl dentil. While a fi w a'lnltile' die cans ' of his death to wornis, the general opinion is thai he got hold of and ate some "Kou ;h on I! its," a poison which was in the house and to winch lie might have had access. Whitcville F'lb i iric: S une I rut- lust autumn as !i"e Hamtnv, sic;-nd s n "(Mr, A. F. Powell, whs eating i w.a'er melon one of the seed l,.d"vd . i ii , " io,..p-. ..- . ... o'ii-i - . ll" Xtl Helen I e n as ec ii il gi e it siu- i ferer at tunes from it ever since. Ij-ist S .tii'dny evening however, he wns k-n v'tl' a coit:d,itig spi ll and the seed was tlnown f,nm tlie wind pip-. Mr. Josepli Fish, r of t his township mad-! from the w. rk of one mule 10 f 'oltou, weighing bom .0(11) to '':" pounos to the bale, near Id.l bushels of corn ; puis, p itatot-H and ooik a liieniy nun to spare, ah mis th it would hh i.u e on pi inns have sold for -JO ends per acre ff.v jeiirs ag . The above crop was l'"'t eul i vate I b v h ir.-d 1 ibol ; he and his cl,iid'eii did the work. Wilson Advance: Mr. John W. Smith, u-isistunt I'.ist Master at Fre mont was arrist.-d Wedms Isy nioi n- ing and brought to Wilson tor trial .,.f(. U. S. Commi-si .iier, J. W. Lancaster, on a el a g- of i pi mug u - r, , , . . - LsciUs yours supply of wheat uud'v8 rcaducd. lho wvc-lty of uu j n:at, 1'niiiit. lit.'. 1m! tic f.i w.. ')Ut I'll!. A stove i. M l.liini". In t iie ( tiri 1 11 'I I .-e. 1,1 her l.isl Hun tie In , ..u-; .: i. " F-listo in tm.,-l,i., w.is iinircl Kl I I ,.st rrotlell cmiiinltitlilv sell! jf tll(.j. l(.w )iti ii(j Iii-t .vllou 1) riMWei II I.IIl'L'v. , f. i his lii( toil a ill winl ell oe it i Uii.-li His horse ran n-vr.v lnm, jut. Inluv Troiilin.iti's. m;.l wrecked the liny, ;iml e;,vi' I hi vi-hii le on tin r.i i.Ui le lie- youiij.' mtili a in-to Si;ite'. il'.e l i.-.l Si'tn-dii and olh r il I he h;!e, f ,r v. lii. ii In :mi! but reii i tly j":v, n :.::7'', ! half this hum. il.: linallv M"l,l it Imi : 'i iitleiiuin here fur t ainl h.'itideil l he t rain ill" siiine afi rilooi', h:iimui:c 1 1 1 f his pllip i!-'1 to .mi to Teviis. II' lias not since be 11 heard of, io d i i vi'lli'i; wife, who has lilil I ' I to I. el rathil's home, i in.-oi s-ohii 1,;. : News and (jh-ii.-iwr: T v i w. i a 'o a white man nameil Ll ivd, living ! in (iianvill i'o;inl, is paid to have ; whipped his wife in a must in 1 niid brutal UiaiilK r. lie il -d and i-lVorts were ma le to ( a uro him, warr m' for I.i ai ri si bavin 1 he i ounties in (id I ei n si nt i ul i . L' .v win II he l. ft. eilieit l II, t A i wiili hivi l.i-i tin ii Is, a;.e 1 I! and ;. e o s, and a boy a ne I i i! ileih hopiii!" to hear children Y.slir Lewellyn, ill helv n, iim ste I m;, d ti. I !i . w s .iile il l', n M'ltlt l bit e of h lav evei.ir..; Hi nnp H.v w i h J,!ovd as hi Mr wis on I is way t hi on l h iii; to cauio out in i In city, w n id . nnni'd When with a .vv n v.iImV, wit! airisleil l.lovil wie ill i s eh mibi't's been I l ioilplllui li ft home. II ih ! the Cure loaile. t. lit! lei'i i-t -adilv ever sii.ee !,i was i 1 id d in j iil, clilldieli were K-nt I) 1 1 if if m itlei It is a sad CMS!!. The ligiintivi j bit commi tee to i x-in-itie and in--!'i ct the W stern r i -s t m A-vln-n, at Mors. anion, went lin iv las' w ( k. and lit' Sunday on ils return. When le ar 1 1 ick- r;. , en 'he West'-r'i N 'I'll I'arolii.a K lilnia I, all h.l' ol tin' i':ll was partially wr. ilo d a: ! t-v.i f ln eiiniinilie, Pr. W. II t'nv I . if the Hotuc, i.i.d ;c..l. J. N. Wl.ltl'of.l, Set a or Ir.-ni il'ies, wee ini in-d p:ii..in'!v but i. in sciiois'v. JJiMi wile bruise I, t! II 1 (.' ii. Wi.i'f-ld -iill'-ri'd soii.e ii ju- i -s i.boti; t: . fa Toe ilivi.'cl.t i!. a( d lie train 'o th.'.t it inis-.i-d i-olii'ti't i'-i. at Sail" h 1' V, at.d I lie coMi id' t e d i 1 ted . c I e M unlay iii ia-l'-'f the coiiiln t iillcd wt re hi! ( 1 lii a a carp '.v iv, i c rig!.! !!; ( ' i f. w ii, ' s iig. -.: lit t ; of one t length. Til" or. hea-lti'll! I" the :!Cl- I. .0.11-l"-.i- I.H 11 Y. ,-t. !.:. , a line li -a id not I a the tab'c, it is s-:i 1. ('hall. iltc .1 urn il : ? i c i!.c!ni I s!,c, of Si a J .:.! lin Y.ul v, s-illa-ern C.bf .riii a, h is j isl c.m.j... I' d u ti.pof 1! tltlil inili-s a 'I'iss I ne c 1 1 ' i -lien, without an escort i f any kin :, and is now the guest, of lid' M-cer. .Mts. Dr. Satiitm r II, of S.ili lcoy. Tnis is a c untie i.da'dii i tuip e i i the courag.' ute! in h i-i nd. vc i-l' o,.r A iiiMi ican la ii. s. - -Mr. s', we I, a s ii, . f l-rl; Cdd'.v. II wl near C tldweil's Siatloti, ot. tin O. It ii!r a I, urn, oa -di accid, 1 1 : 1 v can-, lit in a coll v, Ii;i.i lore etl' one et h's hali. C.il.l- T s lav. I'iie ill-In- ti, win) M .1 I,, ,vs -da iii.U'iiii heaviest i.i: f Mi I K ''I'M :'-111- v ila, : el' d i - a I Iv "s'ir - O.i" i f t In--!v brought t" by lire, i ts feci the Charlotte A :-S IV Olii'1 i a' ion by the as-eivist, ;u I, oMis one, m l ie by oii !: a. . on 1 r di. It qil it t.. there s -lue wei ku ago by who had luirehasi I it, ti: f. r x imi- vi ! I-. he a ug i;i(-!'ei , as a- I g. n-'h I. in i' U it wa.- a eeiiuiiii! lump of g ! I, tin I v.l.. , fi.-eliiig c -mpln'i ly ' soi l" in hi pur- eh ise. was li.it n r'i 'lli II ',i h :ie t. niitnu with t!ie ;.s --.lyisi Fr f. M IMI a I" "aouue. s it a very g "fa genuine lngg. t. id iiai'a'io., - -i' -r soiiii- .!.,vwnisl tin! l ,f M.-ckl. id... i,. :i 'Hunt. -r-viili-been ll.it terin is win. ii I ave giant iinni s to line gi ll! h man ; i" . ' ; " '.-';. and ( a'a-vl) i river, I',:' , Willi tun wings of lol Mvt-nlly in 1-.; r it a! in ; our 1 ill'. tl le. A leli who livis at a p i tit mi l.vay I e wic i lliilileis; ii!i! and the river rviiitiV I heir number a' not h s . i han oil.tutii, OlK) and says they a e ab. ut to cov i lln: whole lace, of crciiM.-n in Ila' neighborhood. Tliey roost in the ciino thickets, and under- owth along tire streams ami when I tunlcl tiy tin light of ti ivlns ,ii" very easily pick ed up. (iival bands of negro li;nb hioilers tan n ou: i vi r night with a torch an I bag and never tail t I ring back tw'o bushels nph C" ill a sln-lt wi-lie. Tin.- alarm of the people, oa account of the sit, a 1 pox, lie r Morgan'on, has iu no w ise ab iS d. The gentloina , who brought the Wlltl flom Tt.x (S hook bunds with a nu.idvr of promim-io ci-izciis on his i-'-i ucii iu the in cipieucy of the ui-coo, and Was visi.fd by a git- it in i ii y of I is neigh bors during liij hii-kliess. Since llio death of bis son, very p rt i f tin- lokWIship 1U Wll.cit lie llslde-i, llUS been tju uaiitiued, and ail the bridges leading liom t.ieuce into M irgant ili are (i.ii rolled by guilds - A lew a ol novel sc 'lie was ei.'ac!e I in thu Ilia i ior colli! at Winston, which at tracted a .real deal of attelilloli, and alVordel much aiiiiiseiu.-nt to tl.e coiut and ipi-ctat'-is. A liegru iiaiio-il .Ionian Snlix. iudi : el in fair lin-t .in i'-i for I ci ailing spi-l s will. out net use. Hi- .di line I to mi! ploy e, . in. i el, but nppeati I himself. He displayed a g o I dial i legal ncu uieii in i s iiir.iiing wi iess.-s inlro duccd by theStaie. lb t-si Hie Ull his own behalf, and iii if oi Ins own cus bcioio iho ,1'nry. At first the bcltor fiiiud 'Ji.rlan a liar-l ioa t to travel,' and In- was m iiilil led. In Iho h.st tn rue the ilhei, of guilty it . ii a' d negro npp- ii in .' in his .-.ii 1 1 is.il a i.d a -! ii.,; iib own ( . s. ,-e, M'ti.et jo. ;.t v and i -e.ted I.. itch !;l,:ici-i I i i e.i ie n1. General news. Ti xa.s has now (11).)'! miles r,f rail way eonij icted. At Wealhi iford, T.-Xas. two men -.vi i" snh'n.'.iie.l in a wi ll by f ml un". Mit'in':io!i lois -t 1, iv nnud r. r nillv II e:irsohl, who killed a pi IV iioiie by t In' liing li1.!-: with a j u-ki io . A I'oto.d'M ..) l i ly ,.tivi. e:i. d a piiici..shiou that ha ! en in u- e for twenty yearf. SLn took Irom ii 517 l: 11 s. Th"S!e i ili'of Tn.' ah C'lti'ity, M'ss , iris in his1 pii .-HS..I i i n fi'ii.n'e d. g mi which In: has i-x eittions hi .1 at t tcliaieiits to th" an i n. t of J-illil l'r t)-.vi 1 Nofma'i. i c ir C'i'hoiin, ' a , widi me- mil!" ih" p i.-,t sev.voii oa ie -- il liiinln i . . f o its, ;;( o 1 - i - T i - 1.; of corn, o'l-1 l.i.i . !.s uf j... t ai,,,-.s. Till bns'n Is of gioatul p'-a-. I'.lll in S lels l'i corlllletil peas, !t llilli s , of co'totl and raised besides D hogs, j which j iehled '.)')() j'l ii'ids of meat. j A despatch from !h.n ton Cdi f.. ' a -iis Ih it Dr. il. .) Oh lit:, the i i-.' st whi". I ia -i r in ti e St ile, all I il. in .eia'ic c: ti ii-l.i'e fi r ( in iriior iu ls'i'l), was marl rd by his b ,i,kk . ln.r, If Mi'ler. The innrdeier, not giving sal isfictioii us t-. i kkei er, w a 'licli.irg.-ii and shot J li'ioi in n v- ng a Mrs. H. M. V.ulc, wi'n of i ne il ii o d. f.-i da- ts in the S ar !! nii . .li d las' I'd l-y at. In !er n. !. nee. I' is si is d t'liat le-r d nth f sil el from ioi overdo ;e of im r t ' ine, talon th" niolit In fore. A ttleil li tter was f -niid in her buic-oi, udil e-isi.l to her husband. Il is said to he a case ol suicide. S -v. "a' mouths ago a II istnn lady t ol; nil' a niiteo.-r of rints, in- i which was a tine di iti.ond, Al'ti r .-.a-hing lier h nil.-i -utl iitiivtinj to hi r iba ; Iig co-", .-! "' Wtis SI1! J i e t in lind ll c i!i".uioid ling gone. Tie holl-e w;l Si alchi d fro-n bottom to on, and linal'v the j'-wa I was vbcii up :! si. f-w lil,.dits iig.i llirei '.Oce Mere c l!'r-hi il) nil l i 1 ! dii -M-d i- :..,k" liao. and :ir. 't.nd tir ' - id -.lie :ii - ling w :s f i-tl.d us i. -1 ti ll kiii'g lis i v, r. At! : i Ap!i!e. An tipple i:i y li'ect l'ii'"! vol ii ii, ti'llii ii;-.!i i.i:i"'--o; yeara old. is in i..."M -isi ,-i i f ii ;a ii l.-iio.ti in l'i-t.i mtii v, N. Y As i', r ainde I it) r .to lln- b'i s- -tn iti the oat-nit sii ii, in the i ai ly Miami. -r of 17S(i a b 'ih ". MS ilr nv.i oViril a'al at lal l:o 1 to , ,i.' hi leli al.d i.Iier the Hj'l'!.! i a., i ii-.iii d tiie .s'cai v.' ii i t v, red as: I'.e b itti" sc-.., d tii.btlv. 1 lo ,ks as i' c.-.!i ns v. ! i :i lit t ti -.i- il. F;i';il L'i-i'uscii:' K pliisio::. A til I'ch to tiie ', 1 ii vi s'on X "t. from le.aket, T. d red 17 !:. taift -" I'w. Ive iniii s r.it .et lion, lie e f...,r stnall child'-. It ef Mi.-h-icl All I) 'ii .Id, une of ti:.' ol ! st set h-rs, .'. civ burili-d in tin ir hi Is list n: ;lil from tin- i Xplosi-ui i f : lamp ! f 'mi ni: g bv the in-. : ; - for lytr t iiii of four htiil:i rs wii-i wen a' a bad. I I c f.li ii w :. a!n i ab a li'. i'lie mother cse ipe.l r.ii h--r i-.l tm ii- llie, but could not rescue till: till. ei l.ild. ".I, wi. vei l- burin- I to : C! ISO. Tii!' Cottoii Cro,!. A illsic-.'. h fl Olll Wa. hlt"t HI SVK 1 1 1 1 - 1 ' I l , i . 1 J i a a s ' II p IS el lellois of I hi! c . 'tt.i'i i-rop to ; !; A .-I ifiiiilir .1 I '.-in ail t da'. : It ! ni i! ol the i o di'c' in bales ttitik" at. a :icgat!t id SHO (HIM. and di.-! I ll . : e I r. f .'.lows: Villi i a. -Jl.!'.'!) bd : N 'itii Ca-" i !ia. -t ".,010: S mth C i" 'n."t, m !i ts'-''; li,-. -r"i:i, 1.01) ; ) -ri la, (11,'ai.i; A! b on i, Ttil.lilH); Mi- .s .ij.pi. I.i) 12, il-.O; I. 't;t-:tu.a, o!' if' ' ; !'. X 1 ,- 'd I.1'. ! Ail: ifi. i-, li-7. ':"); Tenir : e , ;!:'.7t;' I'; Mis.siiin, Jo.iMi); id .i' ten it -r., 'S2 ). Three Men rro::e;i DimMi. A il. -pat.-li ft- -in 'I'iii.n 1 r 1". .y, M :tiit '!i i, s ivk. A pul.v of tiVelily-'i-. e in. -ii 'ef' I, iiuson's cainii on Fi i day for liui lie's can p. Tin- paity s jiiira'c.!, f ur s r.k n g - ti1 actoss i... iii -.'t etc poila:;.- iil SaV,il''s ila,. At tha'. p.int Hi n.'-l Li.i:i:l!ti, an I fouling mi all.u k, n liii.-ed tin u steps. Tli: we itlier was very odd. an I on the way M ix M tihuier, (l ilt, (i. r-er and L. (1.1 oga i lay down i-.v h.i'isted. L-i'ic I .i-1-.i.'b i pushed on to I'.r .wu, whicii le-i. iieln d in an ex hiU'id eonditl -:i. Next : .1 1 1 1 . .. It slaib d out wi . a-ssir-iance 1 'f Lis conipal ioi:s, b.li 1 il:ld til. Ill lu.. 11 to death. MurU'iiins. l- .eii. tin- L'nvfiii'iiil U.iwi va r. v'e wish w.- c ii. I I write strong!" enough it i . il ett- n en utgli lo biing our l.u iiiiis b a 1 1 a .. iiioii i f tin.- I. u t 111 t he s stein i f g vuig inor g i "i s is pernicious a . I, iu tile end, ruue-li. With thi! in 1 1 oil 1 1 1 1 it is enliitly a business Uiili-action, whicii liu iiiHkes for his own lUoticii,i!i; b..t whys mil d the pro blcel. lit till' lil ll'I M mill wot'lll oi-advaiitnu" , imp )si: up .11 Lnu tii.s utic.s i ? I'm v. iy li-iio winch is used to He Ignate tuo n-hilioi; uf tho firm, r to lit factor snnu l,s tinpht. s m: ly of .b"p.'ii.'eiii'e. Siich a ni siicii a on i eliaiit is "o irrymg' farmer Jones mis year. l-'iir.uei Joins lir.'t gi.s nis no'e, widi mlei est at S p -r ni,! pit aiuiiiiii, nnd tl eli in ! ws the in i : a.-e, by which he i ni ls hi. i. se, t .. i x Llit of ad the corn, col: on, a . i '., . products wiiicii be may r..i,c up...i Ccllalil lands iu a cei I... in tunc -in v I V many f 1 .ns 0 ni nlgitji a poo i- an ti.itig nine nliicli inchides ih I c.o to he paid the a'toiiny for c heeling iho amount duo Ami li iiv, tiie pap, is druwu i aud ri'jjisti.red, this man, who is b.i' g ciirrii-.l," g u s to w -r!, ". -t't an irk s an. in in 1. 1 ' I,.- n' ." a ti i hi his ;.!r;i.i h r : 1 :, v-l y iv. at ! I i- hrnw Is I ii-1". ,1 , iie t u..-:; .g ;-i'ed and s'to. tli;g '1'ilk he iii r. ly Imhts in ' r isl : I i: : haaks i .d Ioi t;ioi ions taiu- , shine mi! copaeis h i,. rs for nil-' otill r lliall : he l'i -. .Is w f. uml child, fr. .in Irs 'v .ii.in s . i , ' a ti.l wat.-lu , t heir apj e' ;.-s wit ii j lilaiJ eves. As for hi- sa Ok It ill. . U'i.iell ii! hi -good ;inii'hers time, was -i p"l!ecl ir-aisury iifj.iic. Ii . iii a i i ll.ky bacilli sides an. I im ii v a sag-- wt at',.-, il is full ; of t e -'e ia ;;l . ' '. ! 'I' ll .'.': ho keef ti No.ti. i.'i 1 nil! And; 1 in Ih.- fill, wh. n !'... c it'-'ii - 1 i.-ked J 1 'tnd giiiti" .1 an. I h ile I, wit il wh il ; i - j ' iety the planter scans Ih" p ijv-r f ,r i 'he ruling p i ". I'.nt ol' ul,;ii avail ?j The u.o.ta;' ia aicti.l loin every I ; where, and I he result, if his toil is! anoth.-i'.s 1 j Titer., tif. , !.la-l t i . -v lonoiig t! e 1 :i..;l e ii t.rists i t lite S ai: h who .it ive th.; pl.-w f r tin- s 1 h-ii. ,il a id good i f lle-iM-i 1 (iil s e d I he ila ; when a't f l"t 'i- - sir. II i.", ai th.y J 1 1 "-:: b.-. li,- l::.p-ieM alid l.i.i.-t In-: . oi - j - - a d -ni re ia i-n i ar. 1 ji i-;i. ZiT .:l.-i.s ..! ,lt-!il, un l iii.-ii-rlai's luserie," j MS'. Oi.iluai l.-r. .-n.irc.l r.-vt ii ,-fiilN ii inn. I' t .I'W IN.- i'ii -I... iv ii last. .Mrs. ,11 1.1 tMl.li- wi. wi.'-..i n.. j .i. c: i-.v.n. lll.o'.YN. V : -.. i M-: iii l'ii .- ! ..! ti.wn- sli!i. -ti- I'.'!- ' . M :-. V.M'lil'.u Hie -w .v. 111 llir irfl. a il. y.-i- t.i - ii.- . TUB 1.2 i a 3 C T S . !;.-.. rl-l ' ! 'I'm: lli-ciim l y NOIlI.'iS. WVATT .V 'I'AVr.OH. .i'loei i; v cm iii.iis ik::"ii wis. ' -. il iA i.iiiu'.' :.. i N... 1 Mil tin SN , :: m.i r. N. i-.. 1 i-.i i k lssii. 1 1. 1 ioS .1.-. I: I. L'i i li-, ! M.-l lt"v, M. l an . S- ::: I. : i l.ii.i, - 1 Sciu.f. wo. u.r.v:.i ',' i:ki:t. . ,' l.llsll.'l, i ,-. II. I: i - i: :-i i.. i. r,.i-.i, .,. ,-..t, il , j I Ni'M Atli-i;-('iiu'ti1s. Farina for Gale. 'ii.-e I I i!l .--l' .ii . ... I ! ,v .., '..I'liil. I ,. I III I i t p.1.. ." . Kl.illT I i ll! ,!; , til. i, n Wl - ... '.I M.i ..t. .. .-.'II. : , mi I .it.- Mii.:i.n ..r i :..: i i.i i...i .-iM.-.y i .1. ii. II Mints. In T .', N. L. : an i r.i: -ix pn:sr.vMT. " A ..!' mi : '.'f ..: u; . ti,.i-.-..ir: ... i'tiiitliu'ii -. i'-'.. . :.:. '. .:..' ;s I A. A s ..li u,. ,.tlii--p 1 -. V. . I! . i .1 l'i I ... i. :-, h i, I - :! -i !-.- 1 1 ill . .1-1. ;i- 1 ii, 'li-- .-.-llll-li. Is'- .1 fi- III lt;:p- .i-..-...t! ii'M.M.VAt.eill'.-. 1 .:.!! rv -r i.i tit :. ii'il:. ." ... ! :- . I ."tin: l: N.. I ' lit.. T;l i-.-i! an t I..--. .: . - -! I tit. 'i ' i' ;ni.: i' 'ins" il - ' ."I ! tl.'' ! . I ..I il.." Iil'- Ml-M. N"."II!U , It:.,-. ; i'rl.'t-. i:i' li.tt-l .';i-li, ,iti,l l,!!!illi--- 'tv;l''it' ' .l.i'.v I. I. I.-.-:. .1. A .11. STUN. . . i . I '"I." I.TI'. , 1'. .'. 1.-".".. I'p-. lii-iii-.-l is. EVXKCI'TKiN Si,!'. J'.V WW t' i I.,.. .: ii". , " -tl i :: Im ..... I,:.!. !-. . li- l :.: i :!..- -::,-.-. : ." ,,f ,1 l'.:.il!i:liil . . "!, 1, MIV I -i: I i V, l.,-i , i 1. ... U it.. :i !.. .-. ir".i,. i.p. .1 i.i l ilip .- :i 'i-.-t 'l ..: i i". t In i l,:rl.:."il .- '. ,!v. e:i. '. ," : v.. ." ., : :,-; .i-i- . m It. el. ,1 "i'.e ! I ..'.- ;. I " . rilliil.-t :ii" '! -.-0 :- ..-i . . :. r. !, f ..: V I. li- '. iin.l . ..nisi, n v U'.t-l. : ) r, i- ' ..' I:. I- 'i . '.V llf. I A. 1 1., p::. fil". i". i. .:. ii'. !-.;-. it. -ii.-i.x ) i:;..l . i..-. N.i , ! ,-. I-.i, !-p:i. !:?! - sal-:s. i;v n: " t"i. - in lr- in--'.- t-p 1.-! t :. i pi,i:i, ..n t.'.vii'.V 'ii. i. '. M.. ai tin- ; ;.. ",i ii - . : wti u i'-i :- ' . M I.- .i iii It.- t iV- k ...-;,i.. ., :.!: l:. s.i ... !.- .. v 1 1 ut fl' i v, I I "t I lv. :Pi 1'I. IHI '. ,V-u:V'.'-."it.M''.n T.I ,.... i", eu. 1". ill- i -i n, U er p.. r:'-. 'l 1;:' ..; S. !: '! :-,",. p..'. " , i ill uv..r ..! s..nni,-i piIi. i . .. i' .1.,:,. i .iiliiiltllii: V'l.i ii:t-.. i Mi'-."..-- T".ii.":l. . i i.- v.--. i ..ii ;is ih. i-r I" , '.. - l I :l j ii iu'lni-i.i ,li i'-if ...!.ii...i.U".n.i..a tit- I i l :p ..: I..ili li. .. f M l: t.r..-.."ll ."II. I ..Ii.tp illi.l . .ii .1,1,:: It .."i. I"-"p. l.-..-l ..-i :e "li- I - I - .t-i .,: I. . M-K-iv. i.. .-if.. - ii i.i.lL"in.-nt m fiiv .f - i. i ii u- ' --. w .r.;.. w:u, sin-i-.fr. "'! 1 '"' N l. II- '"I i' ".t.o. -n ", .: t. . vi ii .1: Miati.-.n. t. . v v.iiTi'i.' jr.F or lAND -l I . I' l . I I , I '. Il lllllii, ' "I r i.-i- i-.ii..i; n-i.tntlu- Pi.ip.il.-r ."I'tir' ,., ei. i li.ttii ."..iiiiiv in it .hi p,' .-i.tlll.-l K. II. r.-.ii !-ii -.ti. 1". e. I-.-T t".njt..n .-ni, I oilit't-pi. I i l- i, I -I- i I :.- I .--.. : I. M -ti WI.I'M.sl'AV lli ; I, :,i ..I I , : , I . ' . M ' h.- i r.-Mlip. - ti.-:u l'..-ir- r : ; V. " ,i "... tl.." Iiv'l-s: Li I ,, ; , ... i : i ! : i . -:.: : tl slut.. ..' 1. i . I'll .US'. I.. I' ""il-.- I. .!."- il HP" Ull' I'.u i." i- . i -.. -i :.- tin' l.iii-l- ! H. M.-r in. e. e. Ainu' r nii.t .. .1. is mi I .-..n'ili iili.utt I.: v .,. .",. .1. ... iil N, 111 ll. fit s!' !"'. I-.-'' p, Ipil. 1-p, -..'iiiiiIpp1..i."-. PAHKETS HAIR BALSAM. i ,-. fcanr't mu1 I ,iiU iiin..l 1 1 .i.i :..-l-;--.--i-llKri ra-is w E::e n V.; -s,, '. " V'i'i'-l-' !" I-,:-"- j : 'ptitii ' fc.-!sfl .in. r"i i.mi i i mc -it a k. . -A' -ivs ...itui-ts. K .., .,...,l.'.l, Si 1- I .,,.1 I , iiii' ili.,ii.. n k A fure Family Medicine lli.rt Ncv-r Intoxicate. t li ... ...ci ! -. . nit ,i I i::,,t, w '. .il ,'llt "'l .l. .. ..... hii. , ..i l.iii.l n I v f .r lyorlioii-- SI :: ...:lic C.y 1' ,1. 1. 1..1M .I....I '. I M. . !' .. nrc rx I v.-v-t. i i.in-t- r "i l- 'sni'-s ni :i "v .. i -.1 I v m-'il. I M-" " - I ..iim.'ii- errs il-. n. 1 !:... ll.l. -..t.:i- i.i il..lii", bi.l lliC 1-AhKtt: : ;i i.i f i 1, -iie. '1 t..,.Ji..o n,.pri;, l:'.i-:in.iti ni. Kiitney oi id t'ti.. .." t , i :,: i ,! . . i I- I. I .i-p li.."i..r,l willi any '1 ii . : irr ti ' I- .,!-, -i " " ""'i-'p. 1 K-'i or neric J y.'.i ...:i : c tin i , y 1' u.i.i I. .ivuHIl I'OMC fl lt" .-i.iic : '. ni.vf, ri-.-, iti.iintinn f.r 1 .1. .,.,.:- v. I, i t, I i.rf- :. Ptilliuif.pt t.ik j .. ,. ,. ..- u.i ....... t ..,.( i.,".:-n-i a-..t h-.i. .1 " .. ii :-,c I,. t ,1 I., t v l'i nevrr intoi,- :ti.. it n, .i i.,ve youe- N.w Yuri. UK. uml 1.1:1 VI - '.UM! I'f ViS.i -.1,1 l.R R17F.. ll'.lin.e Hp. -I-s, 1.1 1 '.. '. I, C 'HI-', 17 ' . .- e..li..i-- I Ci.:..-.. I.i. I. If! ivv i.-i'.iii !, it. ; i i . . .. 1 1 i .i . ... ., ,, : ii, i. . .v. .i -' ' " i.c "-.-i. : -:: i-. k . .'.i.-i II- - -1 . X. . , i.-.c'icit. I, in l'ii .1. r,a ! I ,'"-. ! a r ,i ; -r ' .,' ;"' '' L . 'l'i.. . .. i-i i Mr :-.i 1-ii-i;.. I. Noted Men ! Di;. JuiiN" Hancock, l.'d! I'r siiiciit of the X;tli;n;;l I'li.ir m:i' tutic.I As-.o-.v-t, Hi ul I lilted "iJmvn's Iron ?.tter hat a ) -vy s.'it , ii .cr,i-ei!oil i- b; a fine I the ciiaractir of the maim- f .- Mir-1 1 ' a otn.li' f 1 r its urity Di:. Jn.:r:rn Ron t.kts, 'r i !::( i '.iliimt .i-j I Ii:iiniu.Cculitj:il Cullc-i:, sa;.s: " I i:i'-rse It til u fin mnlirln;, r'li.i'-ie i it 'cTi'.'it'ii;!-; tunu fi-; f.-.mi rtltvli.-Iii, ji.ii':u." I'.. I n f.V.-r f I .vii.;uy, Ilalli luovc 1 lianiiaccutit.:il Cj!1cc, says: ' Fir wn's Ir".-i T: 1 1 1 : rs is a safe r. ! i .. lc i; mu-, . sitivcK f. ft. !, .;s,...s,i,uJcui I : ft . iii;." ii 1 ;i I'f.ic f.tr use miivn it1.-.; . !w t,.,iL.c li.uhul." I);;. FinvAi'.n Fai.ickron, Srcrjta:y iuitiiiiorc CuiU uul rhui jnaiy, mi) s ' I iiulorie it a an eettsnt iii,!ii.iiie, a -'i'il ilir-stive apci.t, at( u tt'i,,inu-it.-nt, ia ihc fuilc )r. Rk:?ia!;i Satington, i-r-i- .-il :,iltinirrf'5; ol U-.t and iv.uX It iialltj l.k).-ki..i;.-, s.i);-: " AI! who h.tve u-til it lTaUr in jfaitij.t; I uttt'.-,, h.d (lie Well l::uwn hurtcr-.f t!:c li'iuse wImlH I;i;ik. it it a MJltciCiit puurantcc tf its Jrin ail i!ut is claimpJ, f,-r tlicy urc itin wliuroiiKl tu t ).e in iiu.cii lu fircr -tnyttutit else lut a ftiublc mcuicitic l-.r jubli-. uic," A Druggist Cured. fc-'onO'-'r'., M Oft. r. iRo. Cer.iicmen : J'.r-wn't lt..u Hit- ,''!. turcd t!:c (.1 a b.il ..tljk vf Jii-Jigestion nnd fulmrvs jn it.eMom ;icu. Hii im; Ictc.: n, 1 t.tke piru i. e in re'-t innfiiwit. it t' i.iy cus t. n.eri, .unl mn tf.x J to .iy it give entire" '.ttiifa--tii,n Ut all.' A.t'i your I"nii;i.-,t fr I.rown's Ikon liii'li.KS, ami take iiu oilier. One tri.-l will convince you that it i- juiit v. hat vuu iiclJ, O ! "-'O 1 C! il C r..r S..l.ln'ip mi tiny iliai'ii t ri-KlSlUe'vJ w.iii,,. . Injury, l-v.-p., sir ll- iiu' v. itn.-k l-,i... nis -luii'j-i f..r l.i-pi.ri..i'r,. ,it.-.. fi iin-l. II y.-.-u-pi i ti,m .-!i-i. C M. , si I Ds .11,1,111 l- s: , M.i litnn.ii, !.;. -liii,,i..ry 11, tpst. tl. Practical Watctaater S Jeweller, ti.i..."iii. i'. t i. iu -, i if .ii.-i-ii, . t j KINK .'i.M Kliii'AN WATi'liK.S A M'Ki'lAlIV. j Al.l. ;n IS W.MMtANTF.I) AS t.Ki'l'IKN' i Ktt. l.'i'.'A i I.'i Ni i NKI'I.V IniNK i .v.l: .,:, I . .i i-i it.i- try p.;... k iiu.l 1 1 i.-i p !?. !-. i.riini y t, Ii. 1pp. I. tliu. i . 1 1 ! II Villi III! ;l 1 l"i IS1 ll l'i HIS eV Ye:u I -win 1 1 1 :ilsii i-iill iiiir :itt. -iitii.ii to the very larne sl.ii'k ut' (i'Hiils W'liiell 1 keel (Ml litttlll. Villi Will :i!v:iys liml my stm l; . i'iiiilet. 1 do tint iillu.v ii lu run linn n :it :inv m;-"II. lleiiieiiilier I keel cerMi.il!' ti nt inn lie I'utiiul ;it liliv ll.er s'.irc: BEY GOODS, FABCY GOODS, N"n'- r' 'l,,N".p?,!.'f;,,Sw 'KS" , '' '.,'' ' ! "' 1 1 ; l' I v ;i f. . 1 iiiuniv, W .ioilen:iri-, ..i..bs-.Ai!i.: . i;o, k kkv. . ; i "i -in . foie 1 1 Brsgi Wx Qh, Dye Mi J ' Carriiu:o Materials. S'-.' in-r Mii. liiiies :iuil Neeilli s. I?ar;iitrc, Iicathcr, S::.!,ik-. Kriii K. ( 'i.llnrs. Are.. Ae. KKS, reiiuliiljir .il will :ilv:tvs luiil :il LONDON'S TIIK l..i;-.i:-T S!Ui K uK 111 the i mint V. lie Keeps the 'J,elilillle I- 1 ..'..I W.ll 1....' I leill ii. t l 'l.o , .1 .ill.- 1 ill ill ll en, t V,, . Ivn-iiiers' I'VIen.l ' Nns. ". 7, "A.iunl S, Wtitts, ( livi r 'liilleil. l!i Miniii t 1 1 . I.i viiusi'.n, ( .'eiifin Stni k. 1'i.llUe Slmvil jili.ws, ur tiny other you wish. A!.-... Ii:is il 1 ii'l' stoek of SHOVl'.l.s. 1IAMKS. '1 K.VCT.S, ; t ll.l till kiiuls nt' FAi:MIN(i IMPLKMKXTS. I.:irue sti.i-k of SI'H AIi'.i i iKKKK. CM KKSK, t'K Ai l KHS 'AN i.iiDHS OK KVK.IiV KIN l if v..i. ititen.i iivi,:K rt sewing Machine he sure titiil e.-ill tit Liiiitli.n's: lie keeps ,i kire stoek ;tml v ill j,ive suine etni b.-iriiiiis. liiiiiilnii is ii-ent for Zeij-ler Jros. eelehrtite.) Siloes for linlies' illnl iliililreii. Kits roeeivcil a ik-v lot siiu-e Xititts. I Inn e ti few Cloeks mi hiiiiil w liieli ran lie honlit very low lor I'ASII. Iti'tlit'lllliiT ill V MnllOi.'A Mlllll.k SI'"KNI K .s hi in:,: than a slow sun , in..." Special inducements offei od to Cash Customers. l.oii.li-ti litis reeeivi',1 this we. k a niee lot i if Clitiirs ainl Hoekiiif' Cli.-iirti. I a;;..!., rrtun, tli-mks for y,tr lilie'rul liiitionii-e fiti'l v.ill lie e-liid to .1 serve inu nj-nin this yeiir. W. L. LONDON. i'ai.pj'..f".!', s. c,, Jim im. 1883 lAiiiiomieeiiieiit! ; w,. ..,v..,i-. l.-.y m-s ,.1-ii. l .-.iivIm" i..,;i':lu r ..r th.. . .i !-(.' .'i i-i'ii iif .iiif! -i llf.i-.-l.i.' j Xtry Coodti BaEUtCss ! in ll-i-llyiit lilll.'inll. rii.'pitjl.-i'f Uf llnii "HI v. ii. & i:. s. tuckei: & co. i iiiii luir I ti t,,i- :i mi ml. ..fi.f y.-iifp snl.-sin.'ii with ,. ,. l Hi r W. II li S T'. k.T l ..p. lmtii.i ' ,ui I u--."-l 'H ' I'.'-1" -'' "'' ''' "I """' .l.-il il Miilllilliltl. il.i- I' -itl-liiiae l.'-i " , i-l. .. t. lli' MI I" n I'-"' 'I"-" ' sllllll " Ul-W s k "I il I- In. -ill 'lr'iilii'i'-i'!-- nli'.'li m . i. i i,e ,.i-: eii.vp. sl.H I"-' "!')- Hiu MH...I-N... .. ini'i y';,XKs. 1 'I- W. li.illlilN. I till S. Mi'KIMMUN, I iii:a w. lot, ! 1 1 iji.ittrj l, l-pi, 1. ll.l .,!T. N. .. l i'l'. 1. M. i i, .n-.. p. II ii I. I-- p- k "I s' Naii'l '"I ,l! ..i il,. ilrm .." v.. 'I K. s. Tii lii i t.. M.-.m-s. .,.,. -i e.niiMi T W. ...l l !ii. i'liiirli- V Klllilll-'U :i;mI ii,... j.- U . I' wis. ir! .-.liili.iK- lln- Iilliiliiw 1 iiti li-r Hie Unit iiiiiue ..r V. H. .V; K. S. 'Vvekvr & Co. . I l.i.M- liusllilll. ill Ull' J'l-.. Ills Bll'l. 'I'll 1' "t "'"l'"" -.1.,,- :..r .inv I-;' .ti.i-1- .i-.l l.v in" unit "I n.ll. .-. li. S. Til I,. :- . '. , , , I ."iMriii.iv n- .."in rl ll"' f"v ','-'l ' V"' .' it..'- ...i... f,. n- n.n"i v.'. ll. U. s. I ,! k,M- .v i ... . r.. ,,, v itl I. ,.i...iiilil .. I.l-t.-l iy :!'. i.'.. v.- i.,iui. I i .i !, : . li- Im l ' l"'"' tt.-.l-llr.- .. ! .-: I Ll -ir. -."".'iti " -..ll 1,1-1 III,' sun:,". , . It, r.-:liiiii.-:i.iiii t lr "1" 1 u ii. '-.-"-. Mwli I.. r..iuni invHii,.-iT..i.'tiihni."ifii.-''""" P'l'.li" th.-li- .ii:i-..:iiit.'.i i r ni l linn ror hv.t linir , i'rt,t lev . tiii i In- im- ill" ". -'- -ni' i s Hi'1 '""1 iiI..i-.-;la:ii!i. u .-.-..-reu.-t in .ii-niliiK with ua, an;l 111... ill ii. .1 i,i.,-tnu:,i-ily li.i-:- .sli..l In llii"ln-W l'l'"l' Hues, 1 i rust tlii'v will i..,ii'inu.. ilipir i.iiin.iiaB to iliL-n.-.v r.i in. ' i: S.TI . K1 11, ; surviving l'.-ir. ii-r I W. II. I,, s. 1 1 i Ki.K. ; l-.r -I." i.-- :: 1 w.'l -.,.. I " in tie: p...... .: '-v. il. l;. s. -Li-i.-f-v i'"..r..r n ! iiiii-i... ! p.", Hi:.; ui. till ..I .-.I I ! ."".." UP ; ' i .1.1 .,.,! 1,1. ll. S. tl-.'K KIt. 1 ti l,h,:) t. Sin vivli.it I'lll UXT. j Tho largest Stock UK IJag'ginii' and Ties in CENTRAL North Carolina! i Fur (lie luwest ensli rieos to : GiNKERS AND'iDEALEKS write to M. T. LEACH A: CO., i;.l.KKill, N. 0 , July l:l, 14. ly -lii-i. x c. An-. 21. 1882. To Tin-: Ci nzi-Ns hkCi.ath.vm am tSt lili'it .MilMI Ci-L'NTlKs: (JfNri.t mi:n : Wi- M sihmi reerive o-ir l:ir"c ;IU1 well si-leeteil I'.lll stoekjof JliVllDWAlllo, cf every ili;sei'i)tiin, Wap ana Mn Goois PAIIITS (nil kiihls,) Emm m AM) fU'N IMTLKMllXTS, SusiL BUM- aii-3 D " iVC. .vc.. in. I we it-'i -i sluire uf yniir put ri)li:t.::e. - ? ;-.iai atitee s;itis t'iietiti.'i. Ol it Yin-,-, i': i:ir ti.i.. US. !.'' !:!' i'i;:rK. MJ! 'AUK ! KAI.INil i TIk.s. II. !'i i--s A. Sons, Ji:.lel..;li. .. C ! " i fiSW IU IIL? EMU 0NE COLLAR A YEAR. ' .,.!."." ':"':'"l,'",' "'!: I- : '.:.,f Il."..r If ,. ';'' , ,, '' ''"'- I. .untin .n u- LuiUm: .-...s."'';.;.'."""-' ai'" " ,u ""' l.l'i.N Ni' S -'I!. I N ".V -I at !!.. I -,,: ,-ili ijimrlrrH ( ! ' ' - ''" ''l' i"'" ;! l-:-..ii.-li..... ..I i, : ":.'' 1 "' '' 1 11 't't-.s .. . mi- ati.i... 1 ' ' ' vkkk;.v i'!;.j) !' :u :ln' w rl.l. n ll In .f mi eh ,i tiilihiui ro- I.V."" V W. . :i.... I- ,l:l ,-..:. ,,.i-..i...pv..,lr(.,rl.-h. ; ' " "-i' ''. in. I !-,i,.r:s .if Hie '' ' ! -i. t' . it p ii th.-'iiieniliiufl ol I i We - 'l."l lliM'i.l,., . ' f. Ii i ti If. f..- :i fi.tict. u-r-i ,. is . , ''.''"'I"'!'!".! I'l'ir t.i...yc..il,M. um.- .ni.- i-iin.iiiiH n,' -ii' ii'-.ii .'. TilK IIO.MK, viii- i... I, I,.- f..r .i,,,.i,. ,i.B. ,Mi,f,rB)nk. "iV 'v"'; '''''' w" ... -Ill ,1.- lit l,l" , ."P ,.,..,.. ,. V.,.v t.m (if iBk ll.l." -: .-... I, tn. pi,.-,.:..,! !,, ,.,.,H.n,(.lu . j ' ' ' ' .-.": '.. 'i i lip IK, I, pllhlli m I,, -. ,' ,!., .!".'.'''' I''1 '"' 1I--H---I.-I..I."..!. , ,. ' ' ' '." ' ! '- 1 '" Hi. lin li.-i-iin. il.iM.. ..1 :i . Ill l.Kl.l I ll ..i,.u ,, .,, ',' ' l'.-i-i-r. I in- int. r. pip ..f iieu-.s l lie pri.-n .,; ltu, SK II, I. K.I) I. Altn ''l'-'.."," "' ' i''',',' ' ''v"1'"'"'ii'B n-liiiliig Id mo. .1, I ; p I..i..! .siei,,i.- I, ,.,,. ,. ,.,..,,, Ih. I." ip .1 ,..;. V.....I ,ui a.M , ..I 11,. I n. i,,.. l.l:k..:s. ,V,.,s, M..r."ll,.li.. 1. ." ! ,.", ,"1,-,.- .ll,. -. ! . , . ,., , ,, ' I iii: I l.'oi.l 'I K MA l.'KKIV S..,:-iii"" . ns ,",i l,. ,UI, .,,aii I. .-t.fhrr I.. I.- -IIU...-. I.l.i.li. " . II -.Till.. I, .v p.,, . ,.,.., illnl Si'll n,,;,"p 'I t,.r, .I'.PU-III. Iinni,:, , . ,.,H, ..( ' IP ll." I I1I...I II, II, .. . .... ' v-WZXZZXjz,;:?! : t-ri'ti. ii'.ii.ii-. v nt. Piii.pii- i mmiJ ' i TIIK NKW YOUK IIKltALJ) , in ii . -ki f..nn, ! ONI-: 1o.,a1 a K.M, ; -l-lr.ps , New York Herald, ' .",,l,y " HlrM"- Kur Vork, - ' IV. E ANliKi: (1J. ' " p. a. wi-F,r, Ci.tiln CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, 0F Uil.EliiH, X. C. ) rP V TVO WlJZ 1 I I j I O. !'.' tt,"h-"' 11 VMM TM""t tii"i"lli .t. ...ii,)! l.,"i,.. i-i,wk. Tra.ln.M.. . . !.",'V.'!".H.'. "' ,"-- "Minir. . "Ill" ll.lli'l H-N.k-HKK-lliC lull llmlril'-l I..I1M In IT" . 1 ,""'": V l ;'"- 11 s '' " Ai l v iv..,,, vi- . ti 1 1 bl., iipl.iil. ii, li. (.-. JJuifclJ. -J. j- itn Tnn

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