!u dhathnm Record THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1 H. A. LONDON. Editor. Tub LKoisr.ATi iiK will adjourn on i 6t Monday, its work will pass into history, mul its members will return to their roiistitueiits ami ive an account of tlcir stewardidiiV- ('ir legislators will soon lose tlu'ir impoi f.uiee ami be merged in the common hertl of humanity. The present Leg islature is iu no way remarkable, does not deserve unusual praise, nor should Wceive umwual censure. There have been Legislatures superior to this, rtnd there have also been Legislatures inferior to this. All Legislatures re ceive their full share of criticism ami censure, and this one will be no ex caption. Its members will be blamed for doing what they have done au.l also for not doing what they should have done. It is impnssib'e M please or satisfy everybody Although the members seem to have been indus trious and busily engag, d. y t all the important work of the session is crowded into its dosing day. Afur the adjournment, urnl thci. woik is completed, we will be better enabled ?o pass judgment on their acts. The Senate seems to have become alarmed lit the passage of the hill providing for the erection of a r, d deuce for the Governor, and by a . ry decisive vote has passed a supplemen tal bill forbidding :iv w-V.; to be done until after the in, , i ing of the Best Legislature. A sudden change has 'voine o'er the spirit of their dream." That body has also refused to pass the bill providing I' r the nee tiu of suitable rooms for the Supreme Contaiul State Library. The ll "is. defeated by a large majority the hi!! h appropriate a certain sum to ev- ry company of the State Guard, and . "'.' military friends are very imligni.i.t thereat. The S.'u.te also del'iai-d tho bill to eteiid aid to the St tie Board of Health 'i'iiis Legislature is determined not (! ccir.ivag-iut. an 1 persistently ref i - s to mike any ap propriatioti of the public funds, thai is not absolutely necessary. I'm this the lax-payers are not apt t censure them. Greatly to their own surprise, as well as to the surprise of everybody Is our senators tabled the bill to create a ltailroad Commission. We think this was done ralher p, I nlaiitly by certain senators who eould ma get the bill that they wanted, and I he people will hold thi n, to a sfiiel a, e mutability then for. This Legis lature w-as exirei.il to establish a Railroad Commission, and it' the : tion of the Senate is not recii-ideied and some sort of a lull pa-s, d tht re Aid he a howl rai ed through. .'it the State. We are ph ased to know I ha! Dili! senator from this county v. li d in favor of the bid. and then i.i he certainly represented the wi-h oi' his constitll-llts. While we i"io Hut t)hink that the ostabii-hmot.t of a ltuilroad ( 'oiiinii -si u would ore.udd do all that is .-.peeled of in t i: would do mueh good and be of great belielit io the people of Xol'th Carolina, jut as oticr Kailioad Commissions have U m illed the. citizens of other Slates. As we sup posed, tin; committee haw at he i reported in favor of seating I'a!o r. as the represeiitatiu from Noll, auipton county, in the phce oi' reebles. to whom the cclldi.'ate of election had been given. We pn sume the House has. by this time, acted on the it-port and ,in l'arker his seat which another man has been wrongfully occupying nil the Hession. We regret that the matter could not have been deci.h d earlif r iu the session, instead of now i t its close. It id following to h sely tin ba I examples set us by the ivp-ibd-sunt in Congress. The House has passed a bill In which any township in Wake county can adopt the no-fet -0 law upon the petition (if a majority of the vt.teis therein, tiiite a number of counties have applied for the bi.netit.-i of the no-fence law. and several bills have passsed to establish this law iu different counties, showing it.-i h -creasiug popularity. The Committee on rcdistricting the State has reported a bill that will probably pass. An stated by us last woek, the only change in this (tin: Fourth) district will bo the substitu tion of Alamance for Granville. The greatest changes will be iu the Sixth and Seventh districts. The jicw Sixth district will l-e composed of New Hanover. Urunswick. Colum bus, Robeson. Richmond, Anson. Tnioii, Stanly, Cabarrus and Mecklen burg : aud the Seventh district will be Montgomery. Randolph. Davidson. Puvie, Yadkin, Rowan, Iredell and Catawba. Tho House has passed by a large majority tho bill that had already passed the Senate in regard to tho Capo Fear and Yadkin Valley rail road; and wc Hie pleased to karu thai it is the intention of the syndi cate ti push work vigorously, so its : to have, the cats runrdng through from r'nyettovillc to Givc-boro be fore net Christmas. Wo bid our ; fiicuds along the route li cheer up. for there seems b bo rw a reaso; -able "ertainty that their long do fured hopes will scon be realized, and this great work of internal im provement be at last eoitstrm-ted. We wish that there u re as Mrotig hopes of itli early cxlctision i f the Midland road to Salisbury. Mr. Dortch is one of the tew Legis , lators who refuses a free pass fioin the railroad companies, and he has introduced a bill into the Miiateto forbid the issuing of free passes to legislators, judg-s and other olVnids. We hardly think his bill will become a law. Ti:i: l'oiii sMiNiii Congress wil expire, bv constitutional limiiatio: at twelve o'clock M. oi wM Sun-lay. ami nol-odv will regret it. This body has t'ovrif d itself with disgrace ai.d receietl taich a rebuke at the hist t lection as w il! deter future Cougit s-e . froirv (ollov. iiij; its example. Tht House came into eristflice with a large republican m.ijoiity. but !:a acted in such a mantii l as to make the people take away tlnir power and elect a Hoii.-e w il i. an o erw lit ll.milig d. mi vrat ic majority. N. 't w ii ltst-ind-ing the popular denial! 1 for :i rt .lu -iii'li i'l' t;t:tl it 01. ill which tellt':e I'lt'sidt lit joined, and although there is such a large surplus or ixeissi f receipts over expt lidllille. yet this C'ugrcss with ft rep'ibhciin maj-uity in b 'tii bandies has eisi.-lt nliv n -fil-ed to relieve the people and con tinues ;i burden thai H not only op pi'essie bill is lit i -tiless. It 1- f 1.1 time that such a C'U.grcss wa- ; t . p ping dow n and in.t. Ihaitig this i w " . .-I; i:.. e.- -i -n there remained i :! i.'i:l.-...l '. iioii e.i.-es t i he tlispostd of by ti.e U-nise of Kepi. sent.;', i'. is. i:i ttt! ef which It.e I.i' t ons C. i.iniitl.e l.ae ivcomiucude.1 that thee stalils be i.eau d. 'i'his s.-eii.-. nl.iio-; in. rt d ible and yet is a titilh. -nd i :. di-gl:ie,' i. pun lii' ii.ltloil that tolerates s'.leh ilijil--; ire. I Our Huicinii Letter. Ki n..:i. X. C . i'' b -7. 1.5 lK!i lb. oi.!' : The Li gi-i it ile h-ls .h Ci.b-d to a !j Oil Ii I.eM .M.M. I :V. March "'h ' l.:;! h. u ai'le body di-.pa!ch'...g b'i-. ii'.-- now in a .i rap:. I m m'.er. Tl.. y reaehed i i.. Cod.' Ve-ieldiV on its 1 1 : ! 1 I riadifg. Mr. Clai io of I 'ravel:. :ei ihe n- le si utatlVe IV p'll'hctU St lialol' il.-l-te.i 1! read:...' tl:e .1:1, le blil. After nnii-h di-eiis-:..'.! and many point ..i' older I he eh I'lis began the nadlig with rt ho's. Ai'it-r reading ".u h.-nr or two Mr. '...Ilia, liberal. Tioia Le noir, arose an ! said he was sent here I i lian-.iet i:i-i:.i - iiiid not i.bstni- t b l-i: --.s M. I t !. Viiii: 1 beg :i .d ini h re his fii, nd fr-.:ii Ci:'.v. n lo Willi di av. I:;.-, oi-y'.-ti ins ae.d let i . '. lion go on a-ii-iiiii. L.-lneiof in ji.iii g the ih :... et.,1-. h. w.t i . ... the iepilb'.:. .la p.oty ii. ll a! ! of i.bMf.icti'ig ! g'.s'..ii!.-n and s.; :. action would iii.d-.ubte iiy n j.iie I . rein, i . e ii ii parly m Ine n. i I i ; ir. Clarke eiiitiv ii ; li. .1 U lie..-: ...i be i. ...I. The elerk- ! to w.,ik ! read w l.!i :.:1 the iMpidily Ihey e .i.i I command and la'e n. the aft. rno i. the bill pas.-ed it- tiiiid reading It!.. I was si ii. tol lie I ioii v. 1 he bill lo li i.s!i iet the Si;.1-pa-, i .1 tin S. i.ate y. -teidiv an.1, n-i-mad.- a ;-peeia! t-r.l I :'. tomoir.iw The onlv ehaiige made i.i our ih-tii. i is to take oil' t'li' inMlie ;-.:A :eld A', i malice. 1 his u.ai.t i; more s.',-, . lv d. Ill-.. rati, . 'I he bill gnes the j;.--pubii..'i.-,s one iii-.! l-i.-! ill. 1 the d :io erals eight, and .livid-- tl e Si at. :;s li-arlyl.k-' il was in l?:i as (, .;;!.! wi II If done ami m.ik. ;ui ad.liii. .. a! distil, t. The di!V. n nf di-tri.-ts are beginnl'ig to be name:l. The sixth i; familiarly known a.i tho ah .t gun" distriet." An ilfoil is being made to ..-i t up a new diction law. but it wiil j.rol.aldy I'ul. Voilh Carelin-i is imtyei ready for a Soul!, Ci.r. .lin.. . lection law. A bill has passul allien ling the machinery net. Tin-most imi i.rl.nl amendment being "lie making' it misdemeanor t i fail to pay poli tav lift r a e . rlain time. The linn hint- for making luaei--t rites has about finished its job. Will send von tl list f..r Vhatham lo-xt wetk. " (, Z. A JneKev's Marriimr. Kro'it N'. w-i" .ai I (llwervi-r. A soei'il event, whieh created .".h-i' st as much t-di; as would the ,vt d.ling of a priiie.'. was the marriage a f rt night ago of theefciit j..i !.ev. Fred. Arele i: mid jiretty Xellie I 'aw son, t f N'mv market. Mr. Archer, it is annoaiieed in this connection, has within the hist leu years Well sol.;.- llfteen hll.i bed r:iei n and ncciitiuii ited a fortune of S"i)o,i)0o. Hei.co the church in whieh the ft leiilotiV took i'llleo wns delist lv crowded atid a general liehdii v seemt-tl to pervatb' the town. A roasted ox. the gift of Lord Hastings, was dis tributed to the poor of the ii"i ,hlior hood, Itesides 1.000 loaves of bread and 1.000 pints of bet r, the gift of the groom. W ho wouldn't be a jot key .' The Warren line sleanierfihiiiiorgati was hst ia mid ocean and her cupta'ii ami t.ix of Ler crew were diowuid. j The steamer llepublic rescued the re j u.aiuder, forty-four hi all, but lost one i of ht r vwu luui. Our Wuishinjilon Letter. . II .r ivrrt-is.m,!. i.t.I " . , 1 i t I. .) 1 1 vii'l W asuim.tos.D. t .,1 el - I. Since it b. came tvinent some tine ue.i that (lie hellsf m ill ef '. U!d would pies a luril'l' bill uli cus Lave li. hi tin I up-.,, the etinte. It was felt thai no fliiinge i.i the taiilT a l.kelv to tekc place ::i lite r.M ! ! i'.sioll unit cs I hlellgll ihe ncliiUl i I that bo.ly Two Willi- i-ime the M'linte Ic'ok up the b.ll wh ch :t had been del i.line h.r inonthsin t f iii l.dMf'e of the w! t'lc, M'd itil Ml eotllic. .1 'but li pid i.uk w and be enide with it. The di-cu-sici in eoti.niit're had bull flV I hole. Ugh, Mini in Many it sj tits a molt- hit. bill lalb.eii sictiml tii. n was re ported by the tii a nee c -inieil itv. There va' a i-encnd nnpr. s ;on ih .l iheselll.te. iel.iim: lo the p u '.olll.c. d X'. ii-iie u- iic tie ii ill. d. a i b' g to akeit la I a coll ineicemel. ot sul-t.n'idr. fonn.ntl et; calsy-tein rtloeh now w.!g,:Sso heivi wn He u.tlusir.. sa.de in no rcetftaeeollli- V"', '1"1'".'"; vi. :., comnitt.. ef ihe whoa U was . . I. I. . i. . I I .i- e h. r fo:. ii. .t t ' . i;.!ii I. iu li.'ni i.y aaicm r con.ii.i i ' not known t tl e col.sM in U or 1 .' Isv.s, li. t liip-mt.d I' lh" l et ri s hi s o I t pi-op'f, ;-.i..t y t mo e I! t'.Ut I tu.l ll .... ll I e. ph-'s i , I 1 1 iitniivt s, ii i e p wi t i;r, ioi ihe lime being, ih n 1 t'le li t m .- elves. I I i c n I...H' e c -isle i of the h-bby . f the . .t I l. al i.hic'lll t r-. o. I p'li l.ciibn b. f lh. ir n at ! steel ii, 'tic Is. '1 le. v Wt i I t s 0 is tied will: the bill. 'I h. y i-.v,. ,.i,l, t tlmt il shi.iil I lot be p i-s d uide-s it ..';l . '. fh.il.. e I to s';:ii fa m Cn .h r their diic'i n se. fr m i-oi. 'ls pii'si.,' I! e at. a n i si- . d Me bid. and J I. ' 'sed its tianlilici'l n. an I two we, k- h ive hi t u i'. i sun c : !i m'n-fyil g li e l p e-t-nt t,. s id , ll ,te lll't le-t-, W ill'.. 'he g'.e it body . I lie p. ;! h .e w..;le I, :n.pa i . n't :il ti.e .! . .y . v. ! i -h ihi . a . n. ': he Coi.tilill.O.ce if li . r b,.r !. s I, r i.i.otht r y. ar. l'o. i.:y the bill la.s ,-a -t d. w'l.a' lh. le i.. It f. ol i:. lino we lie sil.i a' :l c latllilg wh:.l i.. 1 1 t w I.i do v. i' ii it 'Phi I e is . Vt I V hiv ' 1, nd tint! the le w s. le.le ui.l ii ,v- :i .-t r -i t. imii.e .!, ,!, ly ill'' r Ihe le j ' ; : I 111 eat if ihe I it li! I 'o.igr-Weal a l .ailllfui ur - .-y . f si i. :'.'! tht I .r ' ' lo'- I . o lie. S I'-.O' t il, f 1' t tl! p e, !ll,;l ta'. r. a .d M:,.t r and S i.a '. r t h e" : i in an. I a lew olie IS. I: has be. n .-lleef .ted f r Hi" time ! at m iiii t I al ie-:i.'l - ctl d 1 , t aii. h' o r r. tel.t'y ol tile hi ids of 1 - il:t wil.,.'lil a f. w laps fioin l.f iaiieh i.ut Si milt l . h e! S.ibm w id take I :-. .- a! ill d r ti.e lit ill Co.iVi. t.oli ill 1 1 t ii;-.:, .s ol I.!.- s, e i . . y st .i: i.i.ciei m natois ih.,1 he tht i.. In g nit lo M . M iii ll 1,. 1.1..'.:. Mr I ,1! I. ell IS I Cti 0 W lib ll ..il. II g 1. 1 i ! ion tl.-.t t-abi lia.y ' lb Hps ,f; he w in e I t i be : peak; I -all , lh i, - w .:. h I e po.-s. -m - I ui one -lia-ie . I i.llieali 'Ii, Itl.d liiat '.s a il. ..- l.ke il fog ile I'll Wln-ii he i.s t fill .1. and a way of tl ,pp!i g I i alms a. a 1 s' !:.s sii o ll, e e:..u,l ie-i i r j if- paileg I I' a h.l.g. i.-ud ami Voluunii- . ll-lt.oV. .W, .ill 1 '.Oil t li lolll ,i wi.h u i k.Ii m-e n iigiiig t Mr iii- ilo'i. s Si., t s, :,!i i, in. le l.itin nil, l.e oi iii t want t i -1 e M:. W.ii i mi l a a Hi ti t- si t.a e. so I ' 1 I ar. i.n I s- tv that la Co i! i 1 1 .1 1 .biy sii ,k. i o. rgo'i wi:n Mi. is ....... J',, 1 'i, i.- t ,i ,-i i-in , a ;ie i Mi. n ., lom's b .t , is in a- I. m, go' ,1,1. !.. .11. i Wil.it- .1 I.IIH t-. .. to x.bi:i.e-; t.i I. litis, if, b.lt he e l.l.'i d "I, I . . .--.d in. ! ! is i : y v i ' i kia.w a lh,.! a g, ,., j ,:e.,l ol n.ei.. y W is n- d ;n 1 11 I..; n.s Mr. .:, i ii. out li e:i , ai... . . iyb-1 iv kn ..is il.at ail. l.i .i.i .1 .nd. i . I. a.e any . , ... y I u.-v . l i i.e ! he I il. g ! r Mi. ..t:..n a I i i a i i by t li il' t 1 1 ve ii I : f : : A 1 1 inn. 1: n.t n go.t g . r in a I . ,;y. So p, .. !, ,iit iwo 1 a.. t g '!al It i . i "I.I I h- . Ilgil I i e i. ! ti. s 1 '..:, i.i li i.n 1 ti.e t ! i. I. - j aii i.i .-,.i!.;.j No.v, l.- i. t lie.: a I ;ee W il lo eaii.e la f r. li.e l l.i I d M ill : e:. at- y ( I :. li 11. IS e, fi-.la. P..; e-e-1 l.i.d.iig In :- i a.eis :ii,..l e h.ia t . die is .s at an en t in- Wi..- lil'gl.-n. It ...lei. el, b.tl kil.i.l ot.tiUl.t a.l liiiiit d, and ihe gr..-ft mi. mniL-l wnli tho i. anus t ! b, .u.e, Uobt.n ail Win,!. mi, wi'ii loom mr 1) n, I 'a mt ii n s t ti i: mi e .-v-i.atr Mi.! r. Hie r.diiori.l l m, 1 .oiiair, , 1 v.-s i , a line 1 ,. i-e wluea In- das le.t ..ai. ami w :lh Mieli ii .I.M.M.. M ! : In foi. (..It. us Mr. U iielom's I. .!.-. , and oi. ii a U'i,...-,i.s a. .. .i....i.,. , , i , . .... i , 1, l'laiii. s Liaise Ut, in d i.i:. i. he will l.al d.y lie btgu h d ml i Ine fo.eii.ii lli.e 11 is. line ol I . . i e I.:. 1, 1 1 ; Aiiw.hfi' vt.t.ug ,a:i ha- inn. .- 1 ui. W illi a srlieuie fr 1 1 1 eil i:ig and le- col -bug Un- lot. ail I 'ongit -i by I b. aid ot "ai lli.l'y. , mi,, els I'.i.o-,. and heceftt s !i,,u I'. aboiii, Mas, I wo.ilti li nv lam. l.r. lain, s lii.ve I., I1I....1... . . ., . 1 ... ; . 1 . . " ts.llig I li), leu,.- I,,. ,,.-t ll.i ll.l.ll is 'l-'i'i p lf ci iii i;a il.ioiy, i.n.l il s. ii'ilols ai.t iai inbi i.a wt ie mi itn 11. Hi, lo Ol-I'itlc 1 nil bile llsitit us !o wmli to ul, an, Ion the 10 I 1 ali at. I o . i iisl a nt ituet iiis'y and all tog. ibei, Mr I'.m s no. 'i.t ,..'( .. fli 11 i..' ti. no , :, I a,.- " ,. ' ,. ,. fii nit c ..ini-iii. J.'.i-iv lol: enil n nv uecup S 111 ut one hour, , . . ami in el.- ..ill. Ilto .. lit cabs 1, t.i,e , ,e l.vor- lie meiii.i.ls ol tih,bll-tei if.'. It' in in hers nlcil ,,:,- v , si a,b a e oiisly by t lit linitv the I...1 e ,li uoiihl not ,.ccpy more Ihai, tloce mi,.,,-,. Li.l ihe Uoiilile is limt Inoie t nut i.n.i... . 1 , , l..!iii. . 1 .. 1 1 ball ti.e metiibt is au.l ,1 e,n mivi.v ot the fcjinUois m-vi r woii.,1 b-nr t!.e sound t.f their it.tii Voices dining lh. proeeer.ing-i at nil if there were m. lollcaib:. Al.,.iie.vi.flhei,,sii,lh,oe an ale st ...e.i.t ,bh, ,!,... t- to blow tilt tlm "as eveiv i.i.ht b f ,1.. ..00,- to bed. 1 dan l ihn.k c . ' - Ion '.iisiii.ss will b n::r i.Iik-i il n.jo.-lihi.i.is, IIi.,m;,1IW,I,.N C, M.iMiied... .1..;. ed-. The lire was .0. ie. ish.lion f ,r a long while vi 7:h, l.s.ai. i.n 1 'a'i 11. Mitaiiiiig, Sec n:,..,.' ,- i.irol, 1 u! net iinti! fiVfial I'- ' -f M s ass-pi-i. b, r o, :-h:p. completely d,s,,ol. a--.. Maltilt eoillil v. X. C.. dill) Uli'.ll, I::'. --a , I , -n 1 II- A mnnlt nr in the i id at Xcwftv -o - . m - - 1 'j'l.e ease of ex-1 ie:,-u.ei 1 ,11. w.s Muh.,die.l fro,u te.n.r, i,i,;,,;,nu g' i W.li.,... II. Lrown.a meinlu-r ol ; eM in the Crimh. l Contt at N.i-h- , the hoiso of 11 parlj ilia 1 e ..diborn." tb- hrt sbir unite jurv, has be, 11 in-I die, 'refill , lat-t M"mbiy. but wan, house lo be that of. a n.ob abcliv tjj'l'"td f. r n-wiviii money to iutlu- ctlti,.iK.d owing to the il the lynch Liui. 'cLfy Liu utliju us a jur-r 'Hiucncr. The Wt'Ntt'iii Hoods. I In old. r that .mr .va.h-r imiy have ' s m.id.aof.hedsMuc.i nand suf li. n and suf , , , . .1 1 1.., 1 1- im 1 - .'li 1-1- 1 iir 1 .'eel 1. 11 Ht.rs 111 . . 1 lilu Ves'. we e i-v I lie following fioini ,ie t.w Yoik Heiahl: Tli- v.a. m l.ac now ree.-de.l freni 1 he. ;'. ..li d d:ics in tl e vail s of ; '" ,.i-. and W.bel. 1i1,-,Mi.l .o,,;e le.e.g l.ke an ad.o u-e . le, can -on;e li.l.g l.!;e an ad. l i-e i le i cm i f. lined ef tile d:l!i done. At I w : c leu.. .!... :.t hi!.bed weie i in I las i.ned tr se wk e!.ii! a to be ntoi dmbi: -i1 le mid I.IMO p. ople aie l...mdcss and .1. .-tl .1... i,.,, ,,.,,. ..I,.,, i; i i iit) !' r' Fvi-rv bid e -s man in t a.-' ? lUo ( O.I. He is to ti.ke possession! l-uv'is absmutelv in.i'c !. a ,d dnii.ig.ot iA: the jrap-ity. riglns and fi.iu- . II I. . ,,f .1,., r. ., I l ll I, ,,,.!' Ill1 : lie l'H.-t It U Oavs 11 I 11 W II i I. le oeen - r ' a hd an pr'.sp iom mil ve'. t 1 I ' leive b.eil e.e, p lied to cm 1 II poll j die relit f commi'iets f. r fo. d fo: ll. eir !a ul'iis. I'.wn u.e liver e i 1 oil miles the e 'ill ti v is d. v is' a'e.i p,, , s ,! houses hi e , .lAav -p, ,. -.. s ,.1Vl. $l,.it. , ,..,,,,;!: u.al p. o ls , , ; y , .buiiii-ed uml it wid take tie-in yi nis i,-r p. m iu 111- con 1 . . . . . Io a wid: i t-f thiee of t. ur lain , . , Va hi. . ,-,.,.. ., ;..1(M. ,, ,,. ,m,, f.ii g.I.e.ai y upon liie ti annf u'tein -.a' ii iu'' Lo r, id. i.e. s Wt le t id.' r inundate I i l , .. ,. I ,. I .... ,i M ,1. tl' r-ot, ville tho .le-tiii Mot. , , . W as II list 'I I il ill 'i t'l t'l i' " :o ,,,'i . I ,t, -s'iv -i . .ia. i. let. Iv'miI .... r III il ,.uii mi. . .. i " - , ,1 . , .. , , , , i I a t f 1 wt lie te, I. . .1 to an a. i I. ge .i, i t 1 iwt ne ie, lh.- pe-pl. wire f .liiina'. tot.-c.e Mlil thill .lies, blit 111 I." e-tsf w as .!.. ir el.- n o r p. r: sa-.t l. i il st..,-U t l I'. I bllsl! t ss I. .i.sei; w I lUICed. so t , 1 us Wilier eelll l do I Th. MiiV- 111 J ht li' alii II-: li e p'-. 1 was t, n .bl. . A I ' I.-- ,i .1 i.d trig men, nn -'iy wi h fain li -. i:o! n y are tillow li i. .it td i H'i I"., m I'l t'.i wit k lo e ,:ne. but tla ll h'ei-t s a d ll'.llst i--l i i ii'.ii I . e ,1 i- I... i ii.. ... i t ie an n 1 1 i li.l i ii : ' l - Oi wh.i'w.ie t i: p!,n e I at. . i.i e nihil ' e';.,!iie ' v.. ie ' i a'-s 1 h w.Vis in It lei. Ill I ! Mil. si, hug h .' n a I and I t and . i ..-:a I f lh,' W..es ' fi ; 1 nil ! i'i i I ill I : i 1 1 e they Mil pi in 1. 1 n. the (),,lil. 'l i. i:,.!i - b. h'.W .b '. 1 v 'Il ibe ! .1 irie il, age , I l aiil e-!o!i was 'ilel I w lei so !. i p that the li I i bo Is f Hi mi l' It. .1 a -ross i :: I.i. ho i.ui.vy I;. ie 1' .il .I.d. ;l thliw: . la 11. U C ! Ill 1 1 I . V. I, . . : si a! Ill ! lliiielv de slun.d. At New A, .'any III. ii.itl.il I .eilil'i r- .- il' ' a hf-sot s r -111,1.: .11, ami a'l 1. i.s . . , le t.de- II lion, tl.i ir bum la i ti :..:d C..I i d ;,, ,li, r 1- .tiler down I,. i d.iirig. wa, ;..,! i 1.1. at, a ll . !';. ii I. ; . n v.i.ii.i, : :.. r.- .t t-t i 'r i ' i id ce.i . y , A is .,: ,;t .- lot t ,l I M li.. l. I I- vi in:..; eoiintt I t l w , e a 1 ,-i 1 1 i.c b.ng ,t .i Ni w A.l any . on Hie 1...I: u.a sloe, e-!li.,lis an- 1 ill hltie I.e. It t.ii-i em s s "i i , . k . T, epi.i.c I ai - bin. .to, i, I v t.ie wa-hin.: away i I lei.e s, s.,, ,U. .tab:,.:., s'.., 1. a'ai: Mict:i:i.:ai ""' I'1 .11 I fioi !.. .1 v.oli.d leo.il a .'.I e. I. male f a lie. -V ilnonaiy t ,,,, f the I I 1 .SS I ,i. N , W Mll.l.N to , V ,. . Ilie 1 , a- . ie W . - t a I li.t i line i , a !. r-i i . v 1 he . . . X-w A I .;; li v Mai.i-o.,...". A n a: i I.:. .11. , . lo.l - . . 1,1, i long coin I e'.i oi 'I I ,, Jliti.'i -O I-". I.i.' Ml ; :,!,(' 'i eOU. ' Hill A ' .b .0,1 I .1. j.. !. .., i'Ii ..::. A ' X i. H v a' ..:il S I'O a1 M . isoli at '. ;.. I'l olll', ai I .il -v I In- bit n- :i. n !.'' 'I', a.! in : !. in!, I vt i I. e ia.. i 'J .".IM. .1 ;. total f at tie- W h I li. i ..! 1 ti'l'l. V; , i. th. se i Me tale!, int. e- :.- i. !. i a i. ll i! '.- i ! he . 1 1 'I 1 i: it t he I.. !,. . : ll h d h' in t ll'-i :e :- 'I:'. . ioi ' h-- a - '.i.n I .- - il - I he si It .1 ll A .;-'! -t 1- 1 I'.I- I s e. e. ;, i j be lli i h i.t. 1 1 ln-b . .- of 1 li n-' -s a . , who welt I'. s p 1 n :i with ago a e !-. t lay b.iiil.i ir. aid I ii. -li a , 's if w nai n ii' d t Mi ll. ii w ho hit I in comlottaLle lio:i-.s: i-! ire ' o i ., f.i g.-t s fiotu them i.n 1 c i t ed, nl up..i. charily f.r (.! m.d ei..-.tiu- Si.-k- m s t is .;r. i.i ly on 1 1,.- i,.e: , as., i a f e !l 'd,d di-tti U i.nl ibe iii .s-n'iiy ...is l .cr. i.-ed i.i h .-I two ion. be I I" '' ' The w.ai, of id I- f is ben.g ' "i 1 uliM -i-nilie and orde.ly The ii li.n. L. n. . I . s tot i oi rni di y I n.i. 1 1 . w , ha'a Sliili 'N 1 di.-!lile,!i ,1 I v til" ( .Veil . '"' ' S ale i llif I s. '1 , ill ilillp lis llils 11 II U.ll li v of I. - t 1,1 Sf.'l-'l.'lt"!, i-e-i.t.-s t w .i n -u ve en- m.i is i i i- isl inn. itl i t Nul l h ( iu i liiiiaiis. l lie W ' .- "ti I ,, tj, ii-sjoii'd Dil'i-et'.IV of .1 .. - .1 . ' ... ' . ' M'l-loli, we til. I the ll Hie s ft tie Set a' or :u I live ll pn m a n s, asele (ion. I;,,. Noi lh ( ni'.lle 1 I. a a 1 is 11 u 10 at, natiie-i if t I, .Sal, . .... . ein t and ul b ..I,, ...i . I, net- an. I iie . 1 t 11. !, ; tie to whieh lh.". art ..!-.-. lile-l 1 i,l i.a lilt 1 le. nil 1. ail 1.1 11, t . , .... '..', , ease . I ie 11 .-1 i.tatlie -. t lie nui'iOel ... ol M.tl la.r. -l"li!il l'rsllict. 1 els ii t H us In I nvs. Setiato,--.losttih J. lbtWlev. el . 'on,,, c: ie.,r. ban, ut S.fWailsvide, Kieh.uond count V, X. C, Oct. bel M st, ls,ti " I !. I , s 1,1 nl i veM - W'li i ni In lbnM ,. 1 .. ....... . . 1 , ' i- , ... . . 1 ,1 1 1 ol liev. Sin ent ll 1 )l-l I let of A lab 1 11 a born ut lane. .Int. ,11. X. C . Xov. '.I h. 1. '.':!; I'oin ieMt r Dunn. 1'ost I i: 1 ul .,f Arkansas, burn 111 Walot f"iit.' . X C. Xav 111, lslil; lblirv tl. 1 HI' ,.,-r. See,,, -i ! strict oft;,- in,, l-on, , X C M , . ,-1. -Mill. s:;.l- .1., .,..,', ' " - i Cll.l.tin, r,.iiileill'h D' strict ol A IN'.t'ivrr Appointed. !""' '' N-iu.l t):.-erv. r. j ' 1 an,i oronio oy tne .v. i i , ' n vy , ,.- v. iv , V . I. 10 v.-oin t- n.ii'fr .11., -i-si t . IJ. li. i;imp:i'. a. a i s Mr. iesi . . . . . . . .... . . . 1 una in1 ji ; i a'. i .1 ji n 'in- ; ,l,t .1... I -i . I,. en .d lb- Mi.l.a-. 1 N C K li C .in- i ;i.ieU.ii and t f. ited and ia d.hh ;.pi iicnii m L is 1 e. n ma 10 tor a re ceiver l iheh-a-el raiii oa l, J.idgi lMod.p1e,tIh..v announced i,H ile cis.oa ,l,.t a r.e,:ver ellght to .. eiM.m il.at a r. e,.:ver ought to 1). appolMc ', i.nd 1 1. at he tt ocl i make li.e ill-lop. melt. I I 'IS is, wo Kill pose, I lie Ot ginning ol i .e end of Ml He.t. l!ie pi.lgmelii rcpnres mill me ; neiiV;i shiill elitirintou bond uli . ins. - ...... i.iai.i.g. , control a:.d eeieis i.l. rat.-, chlse.-; o p-Dseeiile Mills lei.Ugllt In said 1 old, a ..I to defeud .-Uiti liolliit g It l pm. he Midland X. C. R. It l'o lo iii. nit .ll i!elv ileliver and . rail-f.r to. lie r- C. ive, all pi opt tly i el mging to t e A. ,V X. C. 1!. K The l.c.ivtr is lo a-cellani by j means . f a s.lii, , I , xp.r .r fXpell-j tue cndiu n ol pi'ope.ly, an I l.ori l..e same to this court' -... .., i ... i. i. . i wj, ,i.,v, u)ll., H ulVL. ,, Celled p. sse.s...n III, not. He Is Hlilil.llZ.I to txp.lll till i.e.ass.ry amen. I to put U.e r ibmg sl. ek, im lne powtf, loa i-btal, ,c, III Midi oiilela. to I a. illiale tint tils paieli i t I ii l e s-, c. 1 1 : , i ...... : t ......r. ' 1 -. 1 - lll.lle 'ii .iii. . i ii I I -i... leih iei ..i 's of ad his -.fis an. I doings I . -j.. ... aval ate ac-oiu.ts el ..li the I. ist.ii.ss Ulid 1 1 a.lsaet lolls til t lie s lid ro.nl. ill l it r 11 1- U 1 .'an ll' l.e 11 eg 1 no aim lb- sti.li, liom lliiitt to time, IL- iHfi-.l i:i in iy arise, lutv i poWil' I. ,-ipj ly tolhse.uit lor lit. lliil oldel! i . I Iii- in em-.i s 1'r'ir' A S'.iiil.il .V.olhci'. .'., ,::. t:.- .1 MiM itl us t! at Mis llrown, the he ie' . 1". w ii, living o i the " .life i' i ti. i 1 1 ii ... ...... 1 1 ..... i I u 111 . 'I .. ....... . .. . e i . . t,i, Sl,u -'"!.:", alio.v. 1 heis,-!i f. la sev .1 v thaiiiif issi .ii, g ro n ing "iii if d inn s'ie neitti is, awd by t in igatl ai t I I he tie ill or sou.e nihil tii, t., i it. resolved to givnvent to j her in::.- the p. -s m of h- r li'th .1 oigl le , aged aboi.t 11 m i rs. Site lie l a Mi'-p of e'otli around the htl!. ei.-i's l,e k, -ill I MV she W:s i-ojlig :o sti an. to death h i.a n oll'sp ing l in- i-i ii ii ii nil i. hi r na I by p. r-'.-l ir wo, u w.li i.ig I ae m pilsl.i ii In l iili s! w i Led lllelel lahing, v, hi ll hi r !r, le na w ho w a - se k ;.nd iti '. e I or I Old tl tot : the bolls,-, hen ing r 1 a piii'j f 'i lit. . wee! .lown ; . h-.l v i ti his m,.th. r to deM-' l.oin in I ii. an.! il o. al in a! .lie. i slu I,i I sw i n lo i. ;p. t:a!e. Tne lid . I I' tee WI h II t . w, m in coll! I lint l.e r die v ,i e t I le r s u -ladlhel oy s.r.v i'. I elw' ei. tie i humanity ft his moth r ne l 111-- i:n oe lie,- of his -I-.er. tin- b y c ud i ti .1 he-ifitt ; an i soi ing I.:- m-.Ii t a n. o I i.i a .Itiith sT Ig-de, he lo. k tip ii eh air and, with olie heavy id e.v, m nl h r would-be ueli.'t r r t i the il ol ih p' ive.l of ' i.s,.,.,.s,i..-s. e.. a ss l il ll tii.ii,-, an.j .e e -est us il, S IIU.i'.Ul Wlifll J'l. ll-'ll I'll ihe la.il -e she was eonsfj, )s v t Ml!- . . . , i . i'i log i 'iii a s, i i ' i - .. ii ii ,i ....ij;ei - ill- Wound hist idii.Ve the e t jilsl ,;!,.. Ve the eye. - 11 .!til (' Jllll.'d' CltHIll be ;., lie- New.- l..s. rv.-r. '.-. -I IH 5; -I M Cioi.d so widely I-i.o-.mi ia i ! is Siati', die ! suddenly. . i f e iM.in, as i readied Cit.ul.it e Si; ! iv at finoe.!. as he w . s on i.i w ;. t ' l is hoi at Win-to ', from .1 i, I; :.M. e, I'.oi-; I i. II was ;1 , t I'i a t iy i i e iy w 1 1 a ! igiista. 1 1 ... I. ;l il l - a s- ;! hi a, p';iysiei in ... I, I et-.ph- I a i 1 got i. , Hit ira.'l b -oi, I I ' . . l o t,-. At that , . ii i -I .1 ;.- Cloud's It, ,di, r n.t t hi n. !l il I!..- ; d, nan wa t p :-'. h p , i!. 1 f.' 1 !,..: 1 t-. !;!, -..Ill ill.' l-le. ei ii i'l'. ti:-. ill w.'e.'e.l 11 the .sl.ill- !. .1 . . II mi ll . . at lie- . II I . i' w i I 1 1 ...- I ' e ) i !g. W is il c I,, sc. J.l igt l l al 1 L id f it some , ,r- been - pi il : ing h is w inters iii I'.oiidi II' i a ho. ii in S'i !. c - . a e n I y , i.i 1 w, I 1 , un 1 w r- about 7 - Ve tf-s " age. Ti.e e ills -,,f his .!- ath' i- -aid to have b. s a;, -pie-;;., lb .-til be Haw about lS:!"i un, I r II -n. Xathai ie. It iy.l and mr ii, .in v. hi.- i.r.icacci iu thec.'Urls . . . - - , . . i ,.f he; l is net. i. was niipoitOed . , , , . V .. pi !.., . f tne superior eon. t ln(n m !.'., lo su.-et ed Judg: ii ia.ib.iell, a .1 si'lll'l 11(11 1 1 ls'i'S Sill f I In n h liil'l live. I Ii . , - . ; .1 1 ... ii I il'l'.tl llle, I'l . ig l'1' se.i nun ii .i... iiieaiiS. Ile was i o e i i i in iii i -.ui i; :e-, but l ad uiiuv W inn fii-mls A .11ii!in.v Coin Uts. . .. A t. a gt atil from ' tt' l'soll I i' V , m , m s ii.t- -.nicis hi the p..., it, 11- Man h 1 I i nl l"lut to .f to tin ir de'l , .:... I... 1 I'.i ,.1 wbe 11 11 1 ; ...I 11 ut . when a .' 1.1 11 .. ie 1 cone I ti .1 lull ' 1,1 oi.e nut in . u n. ss p . f .1 .cob S' 1 ,rs , .V '. p. lie ce.niits te d Aalihoili, tie Ioi . u.ali ol tl.i-u:il ail'". i" 0.1.. ... ... .a. .. ... I .11 1 . : ., 1. ,1.. 1. .11 1,.,-. linn lo leiii ill 1 'ie-,, ....... Ji I Siller, the for. miti ol hi'lf-s hhop, ulid slllppetl hiln id 11 1 1 1 s n. 1 1 1.1 . . , ., 1 a... II la. .,.,. ll,.. los cioiiits. .101111 11. 1"..... - , , lolill It. JolillMi'l, 1 lie 1 1 I.i .1... .. .. II .. f ilia, is l!i:giea..ei, n 11. ..-.... - t,,,ee.'f tAflve yea.s. stll.n( ll ICKil.e. 11 ' 1 ,tt. Hi to I lie tlepal 1 11 en' w uei e 1101 st iclli.s 10 e si n ll- d, an.Uet a lol l lo sliiwo'i lire. Ll a muuenl ,,- bn.hb.ig vii h . . ti.ie sbo,.s, ,.u uts-, ti.d.li 1.1. I wlip, was on un- l.e ....... .o...l I'l... mini .is , , . , f . i. u,., I lie ellul es , ' 1 1 cut conbl-l"li 1 "Sll i in ,' lull in wiM. tin- nose, hill were mil oy die 1 dels w ho cat lm: liose. Ine 1 1 gl. ml- 1 , .1 .Iiuhoii, m .oe .1.1 etl .1 1 10 e e, pe tn . r M,e w Is. but tlesp.le t lie n.ct that he lata knife ami flub, he w a ft; 1 1: 1 1 1 1 a lei It'll Iu t ''' .1 IlligeOI . 1 1 Is s-v. 11 com ; ' iio.s wen i s-. . IVIisccllaneous I I ft 1 1 I n JRWyMM f ft M VmM t (IM UWfl !B1 ' MHtnnHf miitv v hi f" order that nil may be abl-to use ilauffli s Special 1( ortiUzcr wt. 1U.0 Il(1w selling it direct to farmers Reduced Wlioleoale Prices fOV .. Three .:) Tons for - WC I'l '1'Ons Of OVCP I'er Ion o.i.) nn. in gooii Dags oi ,u our 01 ks. WeGuaian We Guaiautcc the follow ing iiiialvsis: Ammosiv Av.vii.mu.k Honk Luosimiati: S- I I, I I'l I' lie I .TISII I'his nrtiele has been used for years in and we think it will jiay a'l Tobacco Growers to use it liberally. Add. ess all orders and inquiries to BAUGE&SOKS, 193 South Street, Baltimore, ZtZd January I. l'l. dm. ASimoraiATED sumziriiospiiATE. ANALYSIS. Coinnierciiil IVrtilier 393. ( lleccivi d 'Vom Coiiiinissioner of Agriculture iu Air tight Can, Healed : . . . ... , I.,,,...,., I.- I 7 l ,,i,l n .ti i v- - . - i .e. , . ., - , , , i .7 1 e 'it Soluble 1 hosphoric Acid. b..U KtVf'.'iel " " -.'20 Total Avaoiibh- Insoluble Xitlogell Totash Commercial Valuo Per S.gu.d, Hi .U. ..1 .1 . : . 1 1:, Comiiii-siotii i-of A.jri iilluie. i vi-. .. an ... ii .1....1 i.-:.. i- t,i:i st 1 1 lilt iiii.i.i I II -11 I ' ;l t !-' ,!'.,,w ing h . ,i priees. free on l ,,n: .", tun hits s-J'.l : less than "j tons f ill li:.e ,f A i ! Mi '(' LT 1' 1 i L ( '1 1 !' t diel s. Si ud ! ir te.ir book a! out wr,i. Jan. 11. ISS.t. tf 1 X0K1US. W V ATT U TAYLOR, i(Ai.i:!iii, rs. c I'oSslwNMI.Vrs Sill. It ll'K!, lli.lllr l'llltl-1 AM I'lIOMIT IilTLllNS li L'.lllANTIKD. Fertilize Your Wheat if You Want it to Fay Yon. L.Yi't SACKS AMMOXlATI'.i) AX1) ACID PHOSPHATES, The lie-l l'. rti!ier .Made f..r Wheal and Oats. Xnw in Dupot Iteady for' Sliipinenl. Semi v.nir oidi i s to NOIililS, MVATT Ai TAYI.OII. Ii.il.-. N. O . s. i li.a.1 sr 7, ti-c.!. IIALKKjll MARBLK WORKS. I W- DUREAEI. r.vrn s.vn.i.i: si., kalkkih, x. c. DEALEU XIV ! ,.. i mm IM'.AIVSTOXES, TAIiLKTS, &V. !'!Ml'li.V I'll l.l.l AM S. l'lKAi"rltN IM'AUAXTEED. i-,-m.i. on wttiii: roll riucK i.r an.) lusiiiNs, VyU I 'l I s. All . r- I. 7't . Va l-riii : .mil l iiriiis.-..,l ,I'-.1'.'.--':M" .. ,.i i:..i 'issiiZz"" milfiKi G! 13 LEY t r a: IJ &00., J i JiJ. .l"j..J favi;i n: ii.i.r., x. c. Ma.M i'.v.':Ti;i:i; ; or AN l Wilti.i:-..!.K A M K K I All. 1'KAl.UHH f't",,t'tl, K'leM mm i Mi Ih talk) iiaviif MiillM5 lUlhtMlM klNVill tfilllMKl Vllt . --AM. HuiMi'i-s' Mnli'ii.il (JciM'iall.v. l in in i .in , .t" a en , . ... . Koonison tree.l ami lililesple S , N, ,,. ,.. l ilftorv oil .nil. I. .oi, i .-s.jet i .uiei itieets. WCDDS aVd TIKCERS (iK 1.1 IJ I,- . I lolll. f I C". "Tin' p. it'll ''. .-n ..( -il ,'ti m.-tn In t Knnfo tli.il t.. ii,.-i.. n u ii'. i n,. very l'i n-rvn-n .iiv ?,,vr:r,'::Jr;:,.v' ""s"""""u "" ..Tll,.,, -u,i-1 " I- 1. . v.-r lw.niiut w.-rk r..r il.,-si.e.. i.niuii., f..r U.e si.,.,. ' v, limn..-..11 sair. ii.i.i'lv i.n l v.-il tut l.l.- l-i! in I'-jH t. -ti. Must .,.,.,.. -. rv .-. l.. Hi.' S' ,11..." -t'liiirl'U .i..,ui..i "'';, i.m- Hi.' Slut.- u srt'.'.t 1 " ' ..,,,.!, .,,,. a, ,.,.-..i,.ti.-i- Hint it .. s.-rv-n ,1 .. .p, a..-, i' 1..11. siL.-.iiviiit' ti-iiu.i ..inn , , .,' ,.. k u 1 ,.n ii:.-.i 1..11.-T. u l,:tn I- .n.-'v -I" I "li. to-ili.- 11 J l-ius .... ,. ., 1 cn n , i . 1 1 1 1 v i 'X. ii 1 ... 1 null. , ,1,,. s,,;,.. lili nil lis r.i.li'..ii.i:i'..in.? .l.'llu.'l. nii.l -'in ... .... . .... ,...,....u.. .......r,..-.. mtu. mt lw -H; ; "Zr '-''-; "'-- ,""7, 'J '.. ;' ,,, ..,....r , ( u. 1. I.i . 1: n. I . .,,, ,,,, H, ylir M..r.,iiiu.'. ,....,.1...',,., 'yt ,", 1. i ' ... 1 mtl".., ; V,U, l.-... .l oil ' "" . . i.m. it in.. 1 110.11,111 1. .1,1.1 - .'in. .' I. Is-I. vM LlteraiV SCJIOOI, - v v '..,..,,..,.,.... on r a ii" air I ., 'n- im 1 1 1 iii.'i'i asiisx. Hi,' ii.-rt.ri' rii.i... 1 m-. viniirr tun. is--. uii s y w 1, - ,-, ,, . ...,,... '' 'l'1'" s .., .V.. IVI.rw.rv kill, Iss... .. " T . ,i.n, ,v ,i ,..,! vi jAA I 'i.nTlISi w..,..- i,n.. '''.'.,'':' ty '';;!. !v!'. V;., 1.".. .iwu it, Ati.nejy.i-i..., '.t.iniiia, u.. Advcrtisemont. I II II H (I.I ikii w i ai I n wniwimwr lor looacco ana urain, of North Carolina, at the following;' Cash t & AH 100.09 - - W.UW 'o.i ins. eaeii on ooai-ii cars or vvasey .1 to f! Per cent. - Ill to 12 " " 1 to 5 " " Xorth Carolina w ith excellent results,. ILvi.i'.Kiii, N. (!., April 21th, 1882.- .,.. K r,2 Miputl to Kone rhoshate 18 CO' 2.r.s 5.C3 I 'd") " " Aiiinionia 2.37 2 17 Ton, (2000 lbs.) $35.75. CHAKLLS W. 1M1J.NEY, Jr. Ihileigh. X. C. i'l... i,... :i !.. :..:!.. ..:.i . ,l-s III I lll,ri i t .l it llt-;u ill.-. .lll, f ard iu I Jail iuiore; 10 ton lots i?'28 per ict. I ; we idst) offer at lowest prices a d k'ALS, for making llome-Mado Fr- lilt ll.eis DAVISON &. CO., US W. Lombard St., Baltimore, Mil. 5 1..1; t,t,l iIih I-i'-t wnt nilL 'll lliiiiiiiili Ui-l..ri i..ll"s.l im-tho.1- r ; ia.., - .. ,ri-.s. I'.hI.Iit fri.i. Tnxhti Ci CO, Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, III. LOOK HEItEll I-VERY MAN Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIRE -IN THE KCP.TIl CAROLINA n,,n mnrtn I tinn fimt n 1 1TTT H 1ft P N KAN H. I ill mr A rii.. Tliifl O.ini.fiiiy Ims l'fi-n in nucofKwful operation' f.r f..iiri.'.'ii ).'Hm, hii.I Always Pays Its Losses. li Us iff, nu, I sutvi'iii, mul pay promptly all lla I. .nil.-.. All liiH-- i.t Innurnlilti irerir tnturad 1.11 ri'iiieiiiilili iiTinh. Nu In ins lime 10 luural Fur furilirr liir..riimll,'il apply to H. A. LONDON, Jb.. Affnt, Pirruuono, M. ef I & i. R CIIAXC.K OF SCHEDULE. T.itulii'frB'.'HiliOH. in. Siimlay, May 15, 1881'. No. 1 Leiivn Nn. Leave .... N-w IIHI ..rrv tinka 45 I. Ill llaiult'l !l 30 nv S 14 a m 5 31 a m I M & in t 111 a m 4 (i.s a m 6 in a m in a oi' u a nv 6 4J a m 7 On n m IWam 1 u a m- K iii p m H .11 l III t. r.i j. in U 17 p m 11 :i.-i p 111 (i mi p ni 10 :'. . in 11 17 p lit 11 .11 p 111 H..ffman h.'y-r r.liii." Manly oatnron Slltllnnl tl.1KHl M..it.-nr Mrrry Onk M..ii.-uio 0BnI sniifi.r.l . I J mi p m N.'l Hill Apt-X "jSfm AiS Arnv.-llaii.l.i. 1 4ia in Arre iiumni- -i .-..iiu.t-is at Hal.-ltili uumi ui llailn.n.l r..r all i.liitn 1 Arrnt-Kak'lKli, SO a.m' at Hamlvt with C. C. lu.liiin amilri. Train- witit ine uvit-igu m o.iBt.iii uaiin.it.i r..r hii i.iiu" iktih. Kn-litln trmii. wltli t-uMfiiiH-r coach; . i..av,-- UU.Iiili u.1 iw a. m. auaarriTM 1.1 v l-i p. ni. JOHN C. wrShKR. Bupcrlalt-ndent. , ' .," TVTZrrmm, A DMIXIS I KAT0HS NOTICE- , 'r i, I.nvliiic .l.ili.i" attamsi sal.l I"M i m ii,,,.,,,,- v.i.ru.ti-.v. s.-i. l-i.. si h,m. i.a j. p. hton e. :,T" ',, e.T1, ,,v VTTf MXtt l.ir.-f 11, on Hit. lai .lay f April, 1H1, 1 will at-ll lit n.ihiii-ii.'il. ti f.H-.-anil, al UicriHirl liouartl.ior la $.,.,,.. s. ... ,, kati kkav ih mui uayot il a-.eti.rii i.iiii,a.ij..iiitiii!iiiBli.aUai.iA. U.cuai.lu, , ';.V,t?!"uawU'TruosiA8 I. CXABK. ,

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