p ' -f-.-'-;::; -.A - . ..mT. 3 Qjhaiham IcccrJ THURSDAY. MARCH 1. Is-'. l! - - LOCAL ZlECOXliDS. W5U 'Sjirinj', (i 'iitlo SniiLf." WSt- A 1 1 1 now tli?! March win!-i do tiow. C)iirt week is two weeks from next Motility, j Bo careful with yo;ir lires diir log these; blustering March tlnys. BSCU Yestct'ilay was the hist day of wiuter, and nolxiily will regret it. SzT Today is tho first d.iy of sprin;,', but vogotutiun is unusually backward. t?&.Toli l'rintinj'tloi.e ut. tin; IIki'i u:i ofli j.j i:i the neatest uniiner uud at lowest prices. Hi. We art1 truly rejoiced to hear thiit William A. Guthrie, cm., of l ay Hteville, 1ms been entirely restored and rot uriiod home as sound in body ftud mind :u over. V&m No coiiimuiiiciitioii is nil,lisli fttl uiiless Home resiioiisililc name uc comriiiuiiM it For that reason we liavo not published t wo ooiii.'iiuuica tions recently received. tSfStlr. Thomas Allen informs the public that h is ready to jjrind corn and wheat into tho best meal and flonr at Moore's mill, near Piltsboro'. Thero is plenty of water in the pond now and you hail le tter have your grinding di)iin before dry w eal her Comes. !K"i- liynnni .V ll' ildeii keeji the Common School Hooks. llynilui Ac Headeii are now oIl'iT-ino; their Htock of Keudyiuado Clothing at Cost for cash. Bymr.u ,V Hi'ii.le.i reijuesl. all owiny them to comu forward and settle. Bynuin Headeii havi' a liuye htock of Goods tui hand which they are ofl'oriii'' very low for cash. fe? Harden Bros. & C . have just tai-oivod a larjjn hl of Material for making llu.fies. Wagons, ,v- Call and lflavoyonr orders. They warrant all their work. If yoa n. i 1 any re pairing they will do it. wiih i.iatness and despatch. They hate now a No 1 Horse shocr and will be ;.;Iad to show yo t what he can do. All kind . of Blacksmith work tl.me. fefif Farni.n-s, if you intend to use Guano this Spring, it will be to your interest to call at. London's and see him before bnyine;. He has just re reived at Moucure a lare lot of Giuilio and Acid Phosphates which will bo sold at tin) lowest figures r-ither for cash or on time for cotton. Ho will reci ive this week another lot nf Hunter's Fanner's Friend and Kiehard's celeluatcd Kentucky Flows ItTJ. 15. Harris has just rect ived U lot tif those beautiful hand ma le Zei-fler shoes. Will have in store in n few days, a full line of Spring "io.ls. We have just received a quantity of the Mountain Red Irish potatoes: now is jour time to soeiire f ir planting. Ve extend a cordial invitation to all to I'uine and examine our stock : no tr u bio to show our floods. All persons indebted to us are earnestly requested to settle up. in we must hi.vc l!:e money, atid cannot att'ord loii;er in dulgeiiee. IiOiidon has o.t hand a vc-ry lar'n stock of ;;vi) ls wliidi must he rtiduced to make room I .r his Split." Htock. Cash crs i'.mi..us v.tinll swk money by K'vi" 11 call. He is nellin Winter Clutliiu";. .Men and JJovs' Caos, Itlaiikcls, Comfoils. Ac, nt New York cos1 for cash. All oilier foods at very reduced prices. Ilis slock is complete iii every line. A! thouifli that No. 1 Culu Molasses is Helliiijf very fast he has stiii .some It ft for you if you want it. teif By mini Headeii are selling Ijontr's Chemicals for cash. Bynntn A Headeii have Frank Sid lall's Siiai) whii h saves one half the labor in washing. By nu m Headeii are sellin-r a lirst rlass Sowing Machine very low for cash. Bynuin & Headeii have a new lot of Furniture on hnu.1. Byiuini A I leaden have Clover and Orchard Grass Seed. Byiuini A Headed are sel'.injf the 'Anchor Braml" Fertilizer. A Hnvt Ari'i ii'i ioN.--Wt much reffret to hear of the heavy alllictioii that has befallen Mr. W. H. Dark, of this county, whose wife and towii ilauj;hler have both died in the past few days. Fsi.i. Oi fa Buii'.iK.-On last Satur day, as Mr. John Ward was driving across tho bridge at I leiiley's mill one of his horses fell through iU. railing iuto the river, about 2l feet below, but was not seiiously hurt. M.nniAniiLicKSS'Es. Notv.ithstaiio injf February is the mouth, in which tho birds aro said to male, yet last February did not seem much of a mouth for nmrryinif. Only twelve licenses wrre issued in this county, seven to whites and five to blacks. Missioxaiiv Mkftinu On last Sat urday afternoon the 'Wtunan's Mis monury Society" held a very interest inpf nieelinjf at the Methodist church at this place, conducted by the l'astor, Itev. It. A. Willis. By previous invi tation Mr. A. H. Mcrrilt delivered a very aVle address iioii the subject oi Missions, that was heard with much pleasure by a larjfo and appreciative audience. Ho v.is foliowt-.t in a f"W appropriate reuiaiks by Kcv. I)r. Wil gon. We are leased to learn that this society is in a prosperous condi tion . and at its late meeting received twelve new members. A J!i'six::ss F.vii.stu:. The linn of; 'Ycargaii, Felt;, & Co.. t.f Kali ioh. lias luade ail USMolililcut to Mai. John W. Seott. One inciinier of this linn. .Maj. Kohl it JO. l'etly, is a most estimable ;eiil!.'.iian, born uinl raised near Ihis place, and his many IVi 'iels v. ill much regret to hear of Lis troubles, and we .' sinccrelv hope that he may soon aaiu 1 bo in eccssful bn hi- 15ei:vi:n to I)i . atii. On last Salur- Itlay. a iitlle ten , ear old colored tfiil. i i ... i ........i i .... : i:.,., .... ii... Illlllftl JjOll IMIIIieit, I i'.mhiii on .in- ; .. . ,, , ... , ... . , , , iarm of Mr. I . W . (J, it (is. yt JinMtv in , . , 1 1 II 11 . township, was burned so bad! that , . .. ' , , ..i ' , Ihhe died Ilia lew hours, hhe was staiidiu front of the lire und her dress catchiiii; alire she rushed out ,dooi and wis ala v lull iieil lielore . i ., . ,,. . .. . . ... ,. i was witn lom an ! h itli his niuis vwii- ; lie lire could lie 0i IliiJ Uisl.Oil. it .. , f i , .:rowneil. I lie youn;; o ii'i w as I. nil I I A I,on,i I.osr "xkki.i.b. Wo have :"( !if ' 1 " ' M,:,- ,!" j heretofore mei.ti. I that a colored ' '""!,'s ",rt ' P "K " f""' in- in, of this place, mimed l'amiy 1 Mr. Smith liiu.lv liarr.W w ( !.ea.swa!!o.ved a sowin- needle Kou.e ; ' '1'" ' SAI11III""(! ' I years njjo. and thai every now and, Winston Sentinel: Our yniiny ithen I he needle c.iul 1 be felt i:i a dif fiiet.d. Mr. John Ketch, has re in neo ! fei cut pail !' her bod v. as it travelled I'roiii Texas, nltt r tin absi i:ee il'scwi al , all) Kit . About three wet ICS llfo she puiied it out from in ar Imr id-lit side. It had tinned black, but was not broken. It had been in her body about ci'ht years, but had never iven her much trouble. A Lcckv Cii TiiMn r..-One of our i'illsborii' boys, Mr. Hod. Culler., is in l.iek. A few years uj,o he removed to Winston and has bccoiue one of tin' huccest.l'iil tobacconists of that prosperous town, and better still, on last 1 !inrsda. was luati'leil to .Miss ;M.i(,'j,'ie Iica, tine of Winsloti's f.iitcsl belles. For several tlays he Iris been ; here with hi bride receivili;,' the con 1 ;j;ratitlalioiis of his many friends ami Ion last Monday i.ijjit u most pie a said j eulel l.iiliinelit wils ;'ivell t ! 40) II by Mr. , and Mi s. A. it. Headeii. ,, , i Tl .... Hirn or Ai i'i'i ! xv. On last 1 hui- . . T , .i. .. ii day aitcrnoon Mr. John 1. laritll. , ,. . . . i if., drove his w.i.;on 'iilo the won.Is l..r a load of wood, and as he did ii"l return to the house for several hours l.h: w ii'e 1 ecai.ie uia a--v and he was .-i-ai eh ed for an I soon found l.viuif uncon scious mar his loaded v-i-;-. .n, h.nitiff been stricken w il h apoplexy. He was at mice cai'lie l to the house and tiie doetois sen) for. but t heir ell'ol Is v, etc w it hotit success and he i emaiiie 1 i:i a eomalosf state until death re!ca ;e t him fioui his siili'eiin-s i ti la-! Mmi day ni.ht For the past two or three ye u s he liad been keeper of the count y .ooi--l.i,u-e. and had been a mod clli ciei.t and hiiiu.inc olli. t r, mid 1 i s death will be much reictled by hi maey friends. ia;:ii nt Com i i;i Ni'i:. - -Tie first iUarteily coiili rei.ee of this ear of tin Methodist F.piseopal Church. South, in this Circuit was held le-re on last Saturday. Nolwithstaudiuif the in clemency of the weather a majority of the churches on the Circuit were rep resei ieil and a tUiriiiu pieviit for the transaction of business. Tli. Presiding Flder, Kt v. I r. Wilson, called the meelilio (, order and Mr. K. H. Cle---f was re-t!e.'!ed Mcltlarv. Tlii1 nine chuichcs comiiosjnjf t;e I'lllsboro' Circuit huvh.w . ed t'MD for salary of the Presi.lir.jf F.l.h r ami Sllllll for salary of the l'astor for the next year, as follows: Ml. .ion S"(;. Haywood SIM. l'i o ideuce S7S, l'it Is born' Sl'ill. Chatham Chmvli f I I'liinai., Hill t'liit:. Ilickoiy Al inntain .lii. P.n tvn':. Chapel -22.". iind.M.iunt 'eliioii .-.:NJ. Assessments upon tliis pastoral ch:i e-e were uMimiiii. . d as follows: I lishop's sal. ii .".'IS, ' Uif.l ei.ee Collections- S7. Domestic Mi. si u;s S7tl, l''oit i,;n Missions 120. ami Church K.ttenMou S2.7. (.'iiatium's (ilM -Sniiietinie We lilelit iol.ed that J in. iiibel t. II Vel V tall coloreil man lrom una it . it 1 1 1 t . i was on exhibition in tl.e city of New Yol k and was know u as tl.e "I Vd.oiuey (iialit." hie of our towi. smell was recently in New York an I while there iit.-d the museum in which (ii'.bi ii was exhibited, and saw him. Gilbert seemed quite suiprised when our townsman called him by his true name, but soon rt coeiue.l Ins county- man ami escorted him all throi.eh the museum show iii"; him the lilV r.-ut curiosities. Our townsman says that ' it was highly ani'isiii.f to s. e Gilbert dressed in t wlit s, w it li a hi lmet on , his head, a spear in one hand and a i-ii .i .1 . . l: 41... lield ill the other, (standi):" on tin staee with a little dwarf ai his side . loo I. in"; very savaoe and ferocious, while the showman was inn;,' to the aziliff aildlelice a tluibliif Ui scrip- lion ot the wonderful capture of this "celebrated I l j i Island chlefta.il. , is now eaded. l.v. ry now and I In n. tlui.n-the showi.ai.s r.-cibil. (..d.e.t wtiiild trivr a sly wink at his county muii, while the ,'apiitjf crowd verily believed that they were beholding a t'.l'it ,ibh. I'll! l-hoiil thief!.'. ill I ltlltV J - . . einily people are l.umbuj ctd, and how U.lC'h do they like it . Utato Hews. Ti"noir T ' ic: T,nst Thursday Tr P.t nil drew i ll tl.ti water from his low. r potnl ami foiiiul in it :5 OHO !ciT. It whs HC'iifelv two yi a s since 1 e placed in it onlj -17 uuin out s. Anson Time: Cub W. H. Frciich. of Lilesullc, .hotved iiss curiosity last S "....b,V II. the s hae ef a ......... intiil nit tun wan t.krn 'rm (lie walls of Mr Mi d Wall's house, mul ' is suppose i lo Imio been there over ii quarter of acctiti vv. It is perfect in shape, and preserves even mi expit -s-ion td pain which it 1. 1 iff re I when ilv iiiij. The house has been built over forty wars. Fa e' t vil'e Observer: A Momc county boy, between sixlt en mnl seveiitet n vcmir of njfe, it six feet four inches hijili, finely proportionctl, in. i . is Mill i;rowinif. Wild ycese have , bicn fhll'; over ft om south to north ' wit hill the past fi-w thtj s Yon lieiy walk from one end t f the t .wn to tl." .other and you will hardly pass a i cles J store, an 1 as for dwelling hou is 1 they are uIwiivh ut a pittuiuui. Jlrlsbom' Oiist vrcr: Mr. Nelson Patlcr. II miles m.r li . f H.il-I.oio. lire! lil.init bit. of his mill don Aa-h"d away a t S iiuui . Tin: sec end lion- v.itiiii 12 in ii.tiis. We sec in II ll-horo oi or t v ice a Wei k, a iiciii 77 Veals of i.oc, who has or hi d-ehihircii uud - or-ut ontiil flu! lieu iii v. r h id a d . r to .i"M-libi f..r Iliin, illid was III v c on li mi mad car, vet he seems to ei j v ife us well as any olln r m hi. M .rc (! :'le: Mr K -I Sn.i h, , , , , ,. , ....II. a :ia. i r i t I or i emim v. It l m :e 1V , , , , , . i , i, I hi S It III OIV fol lllS lullllf, Ml.ll mi . , .... . , Wiv. Sui.ihiv, II e In h n s1., alii in it .' . ,' , ., '. ,. ,, V .' .!',.. .. i :. i .lll;s, III li'l nil il J 1 1 ciiii ii i , n nil as i' l i .. ......... 1 1,.. I yeais. lie ,lis tin- Unl .NnliM ;aii . est and will in I'liiire in ike it li. Iioiue. - --'I nn.-:. K I .oiliest, i I' ( ! r. ham, reci hes the cadi t appointmi nt at Win'. I'oint fioai this, ll.c th s llict. M s'cr Cn n lie Oiid ', a lad ii.'c.i nlniiit 12 -iii, while t.ii' rat inv. .v,!,,.!.,., t .,,. Il( o tuv ii. i(sl Tii in slay, accidentally iul he. K,iid eauelil in Urn inachiiie, ul.icn la.a iatiid tl.e nu tiiber to sueii mi e- t : t as to lend r aiupu'ir i in i. s- Mn-y, Ki rnerville News, A!r. W. M. Cartel's A little "ill i f ill this p! .C", ucc.il"iit iy sit. It. ( a snoc i.iiHoii iIimm. I. it windpipe iiboit' tl.e ini Idle of last N.'Veml m: Tiie 1 1 1 1 . ocalure a oliCr btCVtl til COU'dl I lid l.i in' llll- al h; in c uiimilMcale her Mill' I ins to In r pui. i.ts, a ) vt-it-i in was c ille.l in, but Was l r.fil If to Hive relief. Her . . . couiliiion uiew wi r-e liom il iv to p . . day, and the p in tits mi l ihsii ins ' i 1 lilt all le Ui.' i I her recovery. Bui last wei k, while th- li: tie daiioh:- i r WiH Cl lo Hr n 1 1 1 1 (.' .SpilCf fir lilt 1th, Ittu Xn f te 11, to all. ll.c button was thioAii Iioui hi r n.outli ai -.l i.lie bejaii t oi.ee to improve and is now coi.vuh scent. Ne.vs und Ob-e-ivir: Som" d.is llf. t If hfll-e f Mr. W. II S. (i .od in Stwil Cifi k tii:;d'ip, l.e u this t i: v, was cnli i I I y a e .llj le t I lit jf 1 1; ics, w Ii se inle it i 'l was to t,!i ; 1 l'!:- t i.- t !i isfd a Any jus: j,i im.e Vesll l iiay o i of le r Of lis ch'.llfl ll W.lh llit t-ria.f, I)-..' BilM, is cap llllt d lit bis llolue ill til ' C .lll:ll'V. ' Vs bis captors were I -l ' li.:i";: hiai ii l I ".!,':! , ill In t he c I V, he sp. 1 1 oil' of ihe ve!,ii-le and made a b -Id t!.i-h f .r bin i !y. S'o 'c-s 1 1 : . i i fh-v.-.i shols ' weie Ioi d at hue, but he in s not hi ..nee. He was p'osued, li.i.ii ter, an I iiuaiiy e-ipiuio.1 al i-ky Br inch. He Was br ii"lil into ibeiiiy ni l notv fclipi' s a ci I. -li li e j ol. Taib-.ro' Sonthi i ner: l!." is'ele ! pack iti'H are n;;,i li In itic 1' tied s line where In tui- u Kocl.v Mount and N.efol:,-. Mr. A. Wi'iitiocl.'.iyoim,' i s ' ch.ld iictu illy loves Dr. I'.ull'n C..t; .h Syinp, aiid Si!u .1 iy aiti riionu ne c imi- v r n r .li Hiking lo ml'.cli lb- had I ceil e-jvcii a boille l.eii: 1 f ill. but si. p d l.p so that i was no! tho .fht I l:al he 'could :;i ! atiV out, but iit-di-i siicei ed ill ilo'.liif Si, an I wh 11 ihst'oM-ied he had ili.iul. ii- a Iy nil in tiie b illle K- nu -dli s welt: ilili.il di ilelv l.pp i d li'id ill oil ly noi.ilti s le- li t I V in t ' ii Up i'. ltui.ale y be s .tV li I very li't:. :o m ihe t il'. its, I nt lids i- to h ir but. d to the prompt iliscovt i ; for i i s .-u:p ton'aii.s in u Ida-: in ivii- -i It ruble tpl.tiili ies. Wi'mii e'.oii Star: Oa Thur- d i y, , (1 oo I! (1. F. Ci.li D i (...,, l.ii 'i 'in. il'. it. I Mm' am we:t'oll' "Ulo.il'.jJ in the I'.i.dib.ir h a d of Km k I'ou t. w l.t ii Mi ).v son I In hon find upon a I ii I whir! silddt nl.V ll Wllp f.oili II rover, tie shot t nk ill : i IV. c! in tie f .'' lm con in, the two n! the tire if lie -h. utii.ff beii "ti opp '- i s .1 i f : luall thick.'! III. ! tl. eli ti le li 1 Si el jiV (.,.i , j;.r- Si veil so t p-nelra t,", j ti1(!!.' ; ,,f Jl,-. p lksv r I I'm ham's f.lt.l; ot. rtm l.v tlu oiih ih, ,,(, ,,f llt. ,,f his c.n .ti.d makiii; us (M rr,...t (l i,,,),. I(H , p i a 1 been b eel f.ir .... , ,,1-iii,.'. Tic wounds w.ie ,,,,.;ti.. oaindd. i it! of m i.so not seri- I oils. l Istol i l fill :tt : Mr. Wi.lii.m I'tic'iai i!s, of ii a.ii, was i.e.- on a v sit to ii 'a ive l bis wi i 1;. Mr Kichiud- i iij ys the ilr-fii.clioii i f I . ( ; i h t.;( y)u (i. (. ... iMmll,v ht) ev,.,. ,; r (l l',oha.. Sme lulIi,1H u t,nv illp.i, , V,i 1miii ski llun; ,,f ,,M ,.),, wH- klllt il I y a 1 1 alll ell the C .1 l iill.l Ci l t:nl Kailiti.i l. The i ir hoi il it H of : In road rtf'i.-Cil to pay for tun c w ni. ' .Mtl.llllOU) lilt ll-llt Sllll lie llllSl '.I I III i( ,l. Sun, r:..r ('.'lilt Mei " t , .,o ,,,,'l.t. lhi.t li.Ut of the Cl na SltidlllOU) till II 'lit suit ni; ill. St '.I. I' Ceidial (about toiirtceu miles) lui. in Gaston c iinly was acct r lii't l.. h vied oil mid si. d I by the shei ilV. M i . Kii hards hec ime Ihe nrch iser nt $20 about $1 ;"0 pi r Hid ' This i tlm rheai'is' raiiro. tl i vcr bought i'l the Fiiitfil S a'es. Salisbury Wiitchuian : ft i-r 'pi l e.' that three men in Salisbury ale ."iO ...... .,; u ollir.. bill.. I... ... j,,,, . v p, ., f . . .. , .t. .',... : . HI Oil I I'tl'ti i ill ' tt - ii t;". i ii tptt S'iolied l.e sai l that he had In c:i 1. ft th'ire by his f ither a id told to slay Ih tie uiitil l.t' cini" back. li is about lour yci.l'i eld, uml .has i ot know his fathei's name. No one h f clainit d the child. Vnevpe i nee i, pi iicticd mint i :: in s t list I i.e f i -p - et -for development and 1 eiii.ii'e wo.:; in t his si et ion, are live hiiudrt tl jir eelil bt Her t iian t wti e tl s a.;.'. II was in t'li'ilioniia in "P.I." has mie. .! in ihe Tel i ion ics and Mivco, but has nt ver si ui as mucli oie, vuiitv ami tpiihty comm. 'el t d, as i.lo be feund in the pieibnoiit s ctiou o North Caio'.ina. He is pioii.; his faith by tlisposinej of his ititt rests in 1 Mexico und making lluiu hue. Chai lot ti; D 'tnoci nt : On Monday morning the, le-idem e of Dr. P. W. Sla isiliof BockilifOiam, wa nh strove. !i tim wiih not nil article of t 1 ilhiie; ", it ii of the fin Iii1 III n saved. Tin f i mil v I an Iy ese.ij in' M r. Allans I us (ti bee, liviii,! :!i I, t d;.'s to Ml shii, Ki.'.va'i cone! . , m. 'J'i. s lay, w as lo'iu l in a (it'ld with h's thioat cut, i n! sh 1 alive. Mr. dr.di r hi: l.i- li 'e Iii his family I e was yoinj; I i S -..lis nii.t, I u1 he we it. tin li M li'ivin-; h... Coat, on ihe f lice by I '.e load wi h a note s iun;f his bod; woid I be f- ll .'l l." ir A pas fib. I ill'id III" note a id made reitieli tor Mr i w li i was I 'tin I with hi- t i oa' tan bill liuiiif. Mr. (iiao. r I as been in htrai fh'ened circiiiiu t met s lor '..m e tune and probilily his trouble ' a'lsed hi. n to eo. an it Ihe l:.s'l a 't. Ciiarlot'.e J.illlllll: A Initoriolls in r.i worn in, II. hi B I'.ofil.is pi.ic. , : itcciwd Mstiuliy in the lufeiiii C iiirt, scuici.ee ' f iii.prisimu enl in tic ! tiii. nti ny for the fotirih tilll" in le i bl". Tliere is a mo lei ill II. er i:i tl e low el )i u I of I hi- t nil lit who ha- a ib.e firm .-o mucii cie'i.l li. his m jel.bors llc.t he does Mil d 1' le iM! I nine f if uliv I' I'lh ol tune f u leaf ol lit m' ousel. - At the sit-ir-; i f tli.- S ipe. I- r Court in Sla't s Vlbeiisl wet I; 1 1 e ea . s iio'iilist M il -bad Mot', W. IIS. eltl. ii, and C S Coiipef, wen 'I'.ed ai d i.i-.ti.eil i f. The li s I. cue i wis imlicliil for an s.mb iq M-.j W. M li .1.1 -it s, and the I ao laM. r for nil i.sa:i!t up ui Solicitor .loe A i n. is, insl tuaint' r al S a'e-xille. I '.: V viT"lill i".l.i icted, and s iit-! "t is f llows, by Ju i. e (iiile. r: Molt, sijtii) tine an I costs; Slock oll, '7"i ti'ie mid cosis; Coopi'i, .".o line end cos's. - - l the last term i of I". r.yih 1' l. iior C .un on.- of ih j II ols was e niv n'!e I of soine eri.m . n 1 s. n i el I to w.ii k on 1 1 e rai'r a I I ncideiits of . !: kiul tlo not occur, of t II. A In is! I.ealliHul lepit M n ' at ion of a ship made oi table . ai.ku s was to b" i.e. !i in the t. Ilicti of th Charlotte lb"; ! y. s.lerd.iy. It waf III I le by Mr. I'le i Moles, a "lied of: I he hot. 1 w ho h .lis from LiVe.pue, F.titf'.vid It is.ictu illy ma le .d'noih ii.tf but papc.', cotton t .re i ! an I lube limn. Cinl otte Observer: A sla if lime after the ltilli-i:f of Mr. Walker in Slan ly c 'imtv, a poly of revt iui" i.i. ii. liea h d ' b Me.-irs. Il.itl Cddtti II 1 .ml Pull St u'lt' '!', made a raid in' St.ti.ly and cipl.iiel a iiiliiiber oi illicit lli.-tlilcl's, IIUIOII;.' VV In nil W..S II snail feiiovv naiiictl Dry lie w.i e;.ei into lid s cusio'iy and tiny b.i'.li start. -.1 f l S ilisbuiy. li t I e Hi" a .-mall fed a and much ia'ln -il, II dl took e i.i'po.iuii I. poll him ami p :L him Up '' liunl him lo ri le. He Il id i: it bet il ll.ee l.'lij: bet "I" l.e mam.ifed t sli p I! ib's pistol out of his hip pocket and quickly di-m unite, 1 ami .hew the w i . i j i ui oli Hall, m id" lu.n ihs.i.ount and look the liotse. Drv rode tin a mm. I loSillsbtl v tun! put it in !!'. 'able, wiih a note for 1 1 .11 In t il w I . it h" arrived, . hen took Ihe tr.il. i ami It'll for p. .its un known. A lie ir liauil' l Jell). lie Holt aitemp't'd n i.tpe in Alanianc I'ounly List Fridiv ni:;ht, ami wa it, it sbd Saluiiliiv, ii. iict t.l Tiles. la;, i ni il Wednesday an 1 seulei ced on I'ndiv, by Jiil"f Gilnur, who is l.nliii C. urt at (Itah Holt is a ' younf netfio man in d has hud two, brothers luinif I n- the sun.' oll'eii-e. i mi l'. llow- act d hi. a ma ini 'ii lb went lo ; lit: cabin ol aiiol.l, ite It iisiw whlln man, 'James Tel 1 ell, II. a I Go -stii. vide, where, ihe old man, iq;"l '"'7 al.d his wile a. e t .".li, v. id. tie II lill.e 1. iv w le iii T . il. mi l nc uii V iili. il llie vvooi oi out nt I' it, lu. oil llll.l itli.'i'l I. l-e :i il V ii. in lift l.v Iii itliii loin ov. . ll.c . i! nl with ii nun. Sl.itesville Ii iliilin oh: Mi. l'.olu iiiin .S'.rojrcs, of l-'-,lli'..v.'i tof. nslnji, li:is iitnv leu nil.'.,' on In-li :i tit lite s:iu.t llif vvliscli VV a-i stil it-. I tvlieli lie went tO l.'.ll.t 1. ''er, oO Vl-al- lie, I. 'lll!l. liie ilitv In " 1. 1.- ..il' s! ii if I, lo Ilis. It 1: .is Ut V. r iieel. n I ml! 'o il to on out. .-'ilino'iier 11 i l v.lul, i ! 'r I'lcse oil Vi a'S It III- In ci I'jiii I : i:t .1 ii- oct'ii loi. l'li'll.eil l''llllll 11 lotr'.no- lieit,! !l .Mli ilioopo, iii.iuv it line, lull l.i tl ol s. n iill.l. tin ; fit!-, luit It lllls 11 'V.-l b.'t li J l'i in:, ii il : . ill n ii.l" iislies. 111 l'' l.tt l-at'Ot., Ji mie tl.lVs llo, witll Mr. N. P. Willi.-, v.i.J lives 111 toe tvc-'.t-l il Ii i - t Coo! i il'K low lislji;., lie f'tv.i lis stnne f .. t wi n r .1 I u tnu llM;lir'. in fie w.' Inn I ni. iiinc in las lieioiiU.i h-.oii Within In i . uiiii of t i'l .l.v v.ti.cli lx-tit-K'iii't. t.) vi:ir- ii.o not ui .ic iii an IWti lens . .! c it ton t I e I ..is. ii, l.l.il I. l it ii I e wit-ciiiiicii 10 "l IJ ii..lc; t.i S:i: i:!i i U .ot-' i in, i i Shti.-I.; now -Mr. N. I'. W.i!t.i Ins . roii tviitfe l.e will li! uj.: I i'.j 1...1 a I I le'.lie t'ottull m .c oil l. t I! i. il, llll i li. Il l li. il.liOlll- tl. 1 Itle t..o titl.i r - liie I li 1 1 li Will II. .It'll li i.e.- t I c tioii lit fule nil of tit nt I t e ti s t i ',. is tli-ji si .1 if I . li V. IllS.l.t '....;' t tii-HI VV lis V. IV .'1'iilM Iv M'ttll ll; I."'4 II Is Vt TV Jlojiill 'II . I'.itvvicii 'Jo nt.il .li liiiuilic.s lutv e ii -id il in it. M s! i I ttithf Imuolit tun i nu ii cr.-iii'. N. u-.vif iii t i ii:o i.l. il IVC J.-ll.t I ll , i l l SOU I' UllVt tlOilol.l -. Coll. I t."C S Ml. I I'll'. I lot' lli. 111. Will1 Well v; lii forest nil. I oM j.ilie t I M'.L'f I'll 1 ' " 1 ' Vc.il'-S 11"', Hit' lioW ti l.v lelilie . lot' ij'io,iu.-c iil.-t-cl.l-s ilejis ff i" '.tn, vvhe.il llll.l C 111. Wiiilc the c il'.fti I'loiliit'lloii liiis in cit ilM il nf 1 1..' ' n'e ili.tii .T' l til' 'it', I lie l it i i. c 1 lit.', vvliiiiliiii.iin.il l. 'h t ti tunes win. it vviin il Inill st'oit i.f V. itlS iio . I'. c neif llllollll.,.l Ii ! otovtii lie! t.i.iv u.iiie. i tllv, l-ll. us will 111 .o,nt oi ii.U lilmlico ul.ti tiiol.lil' v. l'iVe Inn. t't s oi the We-U'ITI I.lt llili'' V...V lll'ii .a! S ll lt:t II, V.i , Weie f i ii! v 'f is "i.e I l.c-t S tui-lay, ni tl tvo i t :. n ui 1 tl.e Tliti tlicol is i-.Hl II ji itl l.t or s il c .Tie i! ice 1 il f ilill ,l:ti4 I'l tin- l.ie.iieii... ,1, s. iifit r tl CV 1, el I. f; tin- .1 -'.' i'l- llll.l lit f If til.' al I.Tili o.t li ci iw i tlit'l'). A "' ill' o i.f .' '.i. : - i HIT Ci ill V i ' s, ('!!;- l.ve, 1 ti i tie M'-sis-i, pi 'etc, i:i ..le llit ll ec.. e .il!. r "VI . pi'vvr.li licit 'tiai.l utel iniu-.k-iinj; il.j r Juuas ' ti int. Falal Accidciit. From 1 lit- ilniii.j.'t hi 1! v.i it . One of those fearful and filial ncci- j dents which shock and appall us oc- i ciirriil ut ll.c r.-nhoad at about 2 ii'elock this aHeriaioii. iu which Mr. li.iiU'i'in-e Bissett, an i'!i::n i r on tho W. A W. Bailro.'id. lost his life. He h:el been .' wori. upon his ee;ine ill I the round hoii ;e d.il lli- the forenoon ' und ha I st.irieii acros-. the vard to go to hi i doiin r. When he y;-l upon tho ' l lsl truck oi: tin' so', Hi. in side of the yard, which he reach' d j l:-t us an en gine and tender was l .uki::" from the south side of tin' shed, he stood still, apparently watching a train ! which was at ti." tiiue K"'"o down the hill, and allh .U"h the car coiiplei . oil tin.' tender shouted to Iliin l.e seemed not to hi ar t he w .irninjf and j in a liniment he was struck by the rear end of the tciuliT which knocked ' him ll.tl upon the track, and cliu'ilie ; and tender both passe, over him. leaving bin: a maiijflcit eoipse where . he fell. Both of his lees, ids bat k , atnl ii. eli weie l.iok. u under the ter- I lid.' Wei-' lit. li of ri-J i:i DoL's. j I'lmn ' e 1 1. 1. in.: tmi I;. v;i tv. j The do"; law in indiiii.-i cif iitt fia! fund o.l! of which losses of sheep killed by .1,,;.; ale ri ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ly paid, lil.d j lli'.si les'tha! li'.i.lhoies i ..ll.lleO a j year to lilt! s-h"" fninl. Do"s in i ihe South :ue above the law. They .arc un h r the . special care a:.d pro tection of t'l.' Stale l.t ; i latuic. An a colored c up " . ami 1 low ii.-.. n.i, wh i l.ve I on ibtir film near M mpbi , T. i.n., w. re uiurdci- t td in lied on T.l sd.y iii-li!. Then ch r d I. il.nl'. r, Wl.o s l.ow lllidei j rr. s:, is lie -lis .I ol I he t l ime. ( ): a v,i, O. t , vl ile ' -,i . il .ii I., r ch.ti e , : l' i 1 II li d ll 1st If to V'V Al! V;'! l ist'lli'.'lilS. nMiNisTU !'o:;'.s notici-i. .4 II. o, iiinl-'rit'i I' "f Ill ! -''I J. A. Ve 'ITVI liOl'NDK I'lf CAKMf.Is'.V - " l'i! VI ii V M 'If 1 ill', si . I l;..-.i-..l l;l. It. II. V. li. I'.: l'..- ..f Ami tt ii- .n. .!.- .'..l.-.' I. i,: .!. II II mi I -..!.. -, Tin- i. ii ,. ii . I... I .. 'l.t' ,.'.i. ri iiT:. l.i lliii! :i .111.1 i - -l I. s." :i: li - e! in-1. 1 r.fl-'li. iiu. I - li .j ."III i L ll.tl !.-- i.:..'ll!.-. -.el T 1 C. ill..', ;ili I an I tVne li. Ill '.ol. a; t Vtil- li.i.ii A-.t. 'an... I mint, .l.'r.atl.riii, I a-i..iii. I.-.M.V. Willi- I man. an-l I. a-.'., t Cl.tli.. lire . . -.''.'-1. ! !k - :i. I l il. -.'.'. II. I- .r.'.' I un.-. ii.- t in l. r- n- i...'l'l'"l t" I .- ali.l a;.(. itr n ,.il ..f i -.-I .1... -..-ni '...l 'lilt .' l.'tiinr I-, i i -1 1 1 1 '. . IT h f" 1 I... .al..'li i li. f.. vv. i . I'oi sin.i:. I'lali.. . or j.i 1j M r. li I, t-si nKr.iT I'. i; s tnici:. hav i ii..- iii 'let- I a- il si- -ic ..f S lain, il. li. Ill I" I K,. ..--- I. Ill ' UX.ll I lie Nil .1 It -'I I i-l. II.. .11 III' I.I If. s-l. IIOI.T. I..- li, .1, pMifi' r ;: s li J ii .,i it:ll- 1 a - U..' ivl T.-vam. n: --i vi en ll It K. -II AY ..- -ni. .r . -r I lie I isl Will l.ai Itti;.. ,..iMM"l, I ite i. i I.-.. I', ail ii- h.-l-ln-c .'l.uln- .11 I 'I '.'.- I. ii' i- .-xtul.it Un- .-. eat. t.i in.. -iv tl,.- s I; .lav ..r I . nni.'iry. I.-m. 1- 1. li, A. .1. W U.SON, TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. :i oi C '.:.iis-t!oKF.iis, I CilV.IIVM Cot NT V, I. - .,..'.1 I r i 11 il. 1 ss.l. i S :tl.'il lirojiosiiN w ill I ' 1 1 1 " ' 1 :;. I i i-J M. .M iteli tin- tltli. for tin-iiiiil-liii-j nl :i lui.l;.' :i.-io-s ll;ivv IJivt-r il M". lie's uiiils. S.ei'ilic,Ttiolis cmi Ii." !. ill ll' i.'ii:. "Pi 'f iliiv tilll.' lift el ihe i.-.i i Tie' ( ' limn: ..-i-.iier- the li:; it l i I ject illlV illl.l nil I,, i; i '. I . i s i '.. Clerk o the I'.omI'I. i. li-. l.i.l.. r. i.'v s. i Vim s a !.k V 5 v i: us tim f. vlil.l. I- AI.'M, ' I ;-!..-!. '. N.i'.. 11 V VI,. an I mi I . I'lit !...'!.. Ill l lll.l. I .1,.. t:; -ill. . .1. II. I.ITiS- Farms ibr Sale, I; t...t I-ii' in1 . t ,'. . ,ha I v I w.ll -!! a: M.'M'll .la' .11 I .I-IV "I X I'll 1 I ti I -. i a. 1-t i....r-.'. I loll I .1. I. - 11- I ...-.! - lllli' - W.- ,.. ..... tain ai" ! .'lli'l l.-e tt. ii-i. i -a. Mlllal I . i lie- an I la. I r.-l.. .J. I I-. at 'i tn i: i.'ii aei-lf ! . .1 11. IIAIilils. I ll...l."l-..-, X. l . in i-i i:- v wci: 1 1 . 1 1. : it-: - ' let' li" 'il ..I .1. V. V h .ii,-l --i;.ro ND SAI.K .. an "i l-r ! "i . I! I I . I -. tt tt 1 1 1 ll-l I -.- I h. al 'li.- r In 1 if- i VI. '. i . V . tl t la 1 1 I . I : a r.-. I.' ini." I"l N ,', .. ii v.... I l.t li i i. a i a -i -.1 Inn. I I ..I ll... Tinrll ;. an-i I .-in,; VI. I . I . .ata V tl-.oN, . .. nni-.it I . C.-lll!l.l-.Sl"ll.-!H P, l- 11 1 N SM.I'.s PM'.: 11 i i tn. .: -a r.Y n; i.-.l lean Hi. mi It i- 'ii-! ii- t -..I-l" . VIoMiVV M , a' III. I.- I'-.MI - l -.in-tl n.-v i - I l-i I l-l I 1.": I in I. tl .ii.-i.i 1. iij Ti" l.tn inv ! in Ma Hi. , a I, .iliin.: .!..- .-..lealtiinc I "Iv n. Vi-.-li it... j.-"!' -r y . 1 1 ! n iiii' '.'.I 1.-.-I T.-K-l.-. 111.. -l-". t-A vi, i: or i.amv r.Y Mini i: ..i an ..r i...- 1-.-111114 tr-'in tl ii-.-n-.r .'..ni'i ll l.-'l at .i ..lil.-r,. I V .1. VV HiM s. V. 111. ,.!-i.an- , near l .-.-e -li ;.. Hi.- Iiijii. -' Ill i -l.,"ll.J I" li" .'-t.a'.e !- I, in ''ii a- Un a, l, ..1 VV . It M." I.l. i: t . iii-uiihn: ki.."C. i. Ill N.'lll li, t ..iiini.,,1- tier. I al k"l III'V I' . I' l i t I ..ill. t. l.t. I'.li ,l..i..io. I .. Vv,.i.lurlou, Ll. li. i'.iini i.i. i ni iu n a. ii..ii i.tt-. A w tn . ii :n d'-iiii li'. i , -a. .Hid ' i .. a in I, a h. to vigorously push a Lrsi-ss, itrcngtli to study a profession, itrength to regulato a household, strength to lo a day's (atjor witn out physical pain. All this roprs scnts what is wanted, in the often heard expression, "Oh! I wish I ha J the strength!" If you ate broken down, have not energy, or feci as if life was hardly worth liv- iag, you can bo relieved and re Stored to robest health and strength by taking EROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 5-. i N. Kfinont Si., tl.ilinii'if I ii-iinj; tin- w.tr I v r.s in jurt 'I in tin-St.. ma. li by apiice t.f a shell, ami have sutificl from it ever sim c. Almutfour yrars ap ii tir.e;lit on paraly , vv Inch kept mt: in hctl six nunitlis, nml tin- licit iliictorr. in th' my said 1 cmiM iit live. 1 mlliriil ft-irfiilly frnm iinlicfstii.il, and fur over two years ci .alii nut cat .ulid fnml ami torn l.iim; unlii.ii nf l!:o lime w.isuiiiil le tu it t..in t t n li.iiid iiiairislani'iit. I liii'.t I'.tew n's I rtui l.itti-isi'.niliinw otter taking tw u l ollies I in i libit- l.ip't upniiil uaniiiinl and am i.i; nlly improving. G. 1'ki.KtR. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the bluod, gives new life to the muscles and tono to the nerves. ritJMi?0 vv iin-l Inrv. I 1. II. iiii'v. Ce lt I'.it. In--liavi-.-. ..i i.wi"..v.i, . . I."--' I. II t'.-i M I l-ll- .1. .V'l-I.MS c. M SI l'i .- VIO. i.'ll I- SI . W ItlMi'telt, 1'- I . .1;. I, II, .!. II. Practical Mtaabr & Jeweller, tH P-..-l:.' l'. si fiii.-e, If;il-iol,, .-S'. t 1'IXK A.MKIiii'AN W.Ti llt'.S A .-I'K' I A MY. Ai.i, lidons w.MiiiAN n:i) as IiUIMir.-CNTKIV i:i;.".ii;i.ii xkati.y in i: Call .-til l i-.itnlni' my si...-k ainl l'i n'e.1. Iwf. re luir.'i.a-liik' i-l-i-tvii.-ri'. '-. il I'. '.i .itti h 1,. ;. i'.ia. ., . l VV Isiiinii vnii mi it in tii-iiei on.- ,m-i i i i t ii. 1 t iir, i w oiiiu iiiso cn ii our . iittetltioli to the very l:il'"f i-tocU of ( Jooils which I keep on I, mill. 1 You will :ilw'::v liii'l my stin-U ei'inp'tte 1 tl" ! not :i!lov it to run ilow n at iliiv season. IJeinelilher I kee even ihm j; that can he fount! at any ullar .-tore: I BUY iQODo, FAiiCY G0HII3, Nil it s ri.nnil.Vi ! tin , S. silnl'.s, ii vis. f rs. i:r:::t:::; un.'i'. Uiii'ilware, Tinware, Woo-It t: t ..re, t.i as'. v;:i:, c!;n.-!; fin . llllla Brsffs, Paints, Oils, Dye Si;.liV:r:: C:u'riiij.vo Mulnri-ils, :';;,- St'vviii'i Miii-liiiics anil Nceilles, n.-iw... T uruituic, Iicatlicr, Sa.liU.s. lui.l!..-. ( '..liars. oVe., tv; FA IC MK I IS, tTTMeUll'cf veil will alw a". ! fmtl at l o rr .T) orrs l i:k :.ii'ii-. -r shi k oi- ilEYvb w!i3 i U Vv k iii i.t K ill the c on nt v. 1 le kt ' p.- the m inline Kelituekv plow, Willis' lmprovttl. I, ukes' No. I'iiitiutm' l-'iiciiii .W. :, 7. 7 A, t tit 1 s. Watt.-, ( (liver ( "iiillcil. IJciiiinii-.;:- l"ll, I .i illusion, ( ieol'ciii S;,f k, Poiilile Shovel plow ,,r any "the:-v on vvi-li. Al.-.i. 1 as ii l.i re,, -ttu k ef siiovt.i.s, hami'.s, 1 1; cr.s. ami all kiii.ls ..I' FA KM 1 MS IMFI.F.MKM'S. I.arf stuck nl' G r.OCE LI 21 z, si'ua :. . "i I'l l', t : i i .!"..-1 . f ..' K :-:i:s can i. hups or i v i i: v MM'. If vnii iui'-iiil lmvi r. -,;,, " '"i, MiXi.'I)inO he sure uiitl (..union s ; he keel's a l.ii oe I'l. II ill .itakauii w ill ;,iv e some ctl:i o n u'Tius. I.oiiilo'i i- ne-clit for t i,;ler llins. cell l'liitt '! Shoes for liii'iics' ami .hilihiTi lhiH reetivtil ii new lo', since in:is. I llliv t- il feV 'locks on him. I which fail he loii",iit very low for cash. K-iiifiul'iT my M 'i'i'i". ximiu i. -ixr: m i Is !l 1. 1 1 II VN V SI .1 1 VV sllll I IV. " Special irulucements o5Tcih1 to Cash Customerp. Iitui.loli has reci iveil this wet k il nice lot tif Cliait s uiitl Kockin' Cliaii!'. I ii:oiin if 1 iii 'i thank- for your hli nal liii.ioiiiiof nail will he j;lml ' serve von iii,'iiit. this vi .ir. W. L. IONDON. Announcement! ' WV lee." this illlV iihs.k lull tl ciorm'IVK tiit' tl ' ' ', i..r tr' i-urji' ci- i f uliii lliiu flmtt liiM Dry Goods Business ; n i.y.i l!al.i;:li. Tin ljU'..f Un- nnn will' j '.V. II. c K. S. TUCKEU & CO. I Unt il. t-l nf..i'i.iitiiHl.i'1-..f years kI''iii"-ii nii ' .). .,,l urni "I W. II. 11 s. 'I n, k.'l WIH'W . " .in. ii ...will we linv" h."'in.'.l---' rei'i'iillv ; s...'t It ..Il IllU'l.l "I'- liHtl'.'U.IKI' lll'O-.'M..- ' . i ll l.' l ',. In Ml. Ill It few tlllh tts- sliilll liiiv. .1 ' i.-tv k ... A '" I- I" 'ill lil'ii't'll'"''' -win ii I I . ; ,., i al Hi.- Into -t U-io s. We slinll uiy U.l ; i.t hi... - .Nu. mi an.! -a rii.teiti'vllle itirei'i. i .1 ,S. IIOVI.VN, I t. vv. iMiiaux. C.IVS. Mi KltlllllN. WYM. w. i-oi:. l i'briiiny 1, :sni. ! NOTICE. ' I H.vl.ia.ill. N. '.. Fell. 1, INK!. lit-i.w.l'l iiji'i'iclii' si..i k ..f ix.HlMan.l i.iiil it 111 ..! 'h.- ili in "f w. il It. s. Tu. k.'ri.. M.-.Ki it. . .Ihiii.'s ii..viiin, r. VV. l-.l.l.in. i.lmrli'K M Klniiii..it ' i.li'l I...IV'.' VV. !'., it li" tt ill .s.llllllllt. III'.' liUBlI.e-i ' iiii'l 'i- Un' linn ii.iinu ..I j V. II. 15. S. Tin ker A. Co. I 1 li.-iv.' ii..lniri' liiiliiiii-"lliftinlaiiiii"t rif pi.ii- '-HI i..i-imv .h t.t .tra.-.t-. dy Hit' Urm "t Vt. II. li. S. T.e k.'l' C... .. iniif i ..e.iu.'ii.l ti. I ln.ritTiirnl.il' '.iii"l'l- ii tli.- . ni lie III" new Hi ni nf W. H. H. s. lie A. I - -lll.-.s tt ill l..-..lii'. Ull'l tlill'llli'tel l.y ih.- .it. .t. .nu. I n.-.-i l.' ii. vtli-i Inive li.i.l iln-.i' i.e inu' wiUi ..hi- "I I linn itnil inn ii.iinii'ie-n I i ..II l.l.'l Hit' s-illii.. i. i.-..rinalr..in Uii ilrv i... l.iihlni's-t. III,- ir., .. i" .urn inv siii.'.H' uniiikrt I., a Kini'i-i.iiM pulill.t ..r -h.-lr ..ni'..ii.if.' ni "in- "I I Hi ni li.r nv. r i .UI il ri. ii v. nu. I I .is-i.iv '.ill- . -ii' I'm tint I lullv :.,. .-i'l .' ll,. i pi'.-'.-r.' Illili'lllltlK Willi "s, Iili'l h.....!ii ii .i ..'.'inii:ti-.ly lnii.i i'sii.. Iii ilimn'w I lie--.. I Ui.s ;hi- vtlil ..n'.llilli. Ili.'il' lil'illl.4i'' 111.' liew 111 in. II I. Tl I'lil lt, SiirtivlnK liiriiii'i W. l.. It. S. TI-fK. ' . I'..r ihe pii'si'in I w ill n.y ..in-tr Un1 i .'i. i' III tin- -.i.-ii...! vv. II It. s. 'l u -k' r Ci... fi.r Urn l.lll'li .m- 1 m."l',i:i; III. III! t.l ..tn-.i.l l.l-lllm Ui I,, r, !.r,i'., t isi. 11. Tl i Kl.ll. ...s,ki it. s-ui-tivlin; I'nru.i-r. Tho largest Stock Itofwinjr and Tios IIaI central Xorth Carolina! For the lowest cash jificC'S to GIHHERS AND DEALER V I ite to July lit. lw: 51. T. hKAt'H ('').. ItAl.ICUIII, N. C iy 8. liAI.'il.lU. X. ('.. Atof. 21. l.SK-.'. To Tin- Ci i izi-ns or t'li.vriiAM and Sri.i.tiiM iN . Col .vtiks: 1KNTI.I M IN: H , We vv ill soon rcTi ivo our larpe lli'l Well .selec'.eil I'ull stoi'k'of JIAIMiWARB, of cveiv tlescrii lion, Wap ana Bony Goods PAINTS (nil kintls.) HI SIR AND OVX IMIM.KMKXTS, Siisli, Blinds ni Door? H III KKliibl Wilt md w as; a share of your pat I rotino-e. e ";iii;r;iiit'0 Biitis-1 I'ilctinil. I !i-u Mdi th : r.KM' COMI'S. i i l." Ks'' iMMfK. i i M,' AI.'K PKAl.t Nil S I Tlu.s. 11. i;i'itri,'s V Sons, f j ltilleigh. N e g fv'?i; ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Iti" .-ii "iilaii.-i ..' On- ..ailiir in-wv.,.,..-i-n-l.-niilt in -i. inif. i , . in,,,,,, ,, n (,..,, , i. it, -; 1 1..' 1 'ail lii iul.i ainl it unaiiLS-il in (,n, li'l.ai un.'ii,,. Th.- rol.'KIHN n:,vs I.)'."'!.,! I ii'i. r -'in nil guurlw. AMKI.'lt N VK'AS II ll.," Tell i.TIII'lil" li-.a'. l.. t.f II,,. Wli-k al.iit.i-i' Ha- I in. ai. 'iiiis u.al in.- ,..,. l'lIK W KI'KI.Y MKU.M.I) Villual.lv .'lir."llei III lu watrl.l. UK 1 1 i H .1. I t. 'i.v wra-k If cntnm iKiiieui ri, ,i. I III."."!.. ' l-ll "I rnl.lTir.l. .NKvVS. ml-:... In,; "..a,.,-i.. nn. I ...iii.ieli.'i,Blvri1-i i.i. J,. it in Vi.i..i-i,.t...i IihIii.j; lull r.-...i". ... ii. '" I' li"'" "" lllt"ill.-.U.O ot nu: k.i:m iki ut.mk.-i : 'la- vv i i ki v Hi i: vi.:. pit.., :i iaI,.M r. ,,, .j I " .-.--I I l-i..-l.-:.l .li.'i;.-!. ..ih llll.l .lit,,, tn.ev ''''"- '' "-!"' "lit- ntiTii.-r. In- f,,r n n , I'.-illilt. I. ., ,.. v,.K Al. .".. with s'lam-'fits f..i k.-.-i -Imk ."in. li.-.- hi: ! i. tnii a: n i ii,ii. In ,,-. "11,1, ,,., , , ' ',' ' ''"-' 'l'1'M-.HM't.l. wt.lelj ,,,,.,- 'I UK IloMlO. I.-. U-l.., r..i- -r.-,.-t, .ii,l-, him, l.irnmki IIUIIH If I l"l k". .,L' ,. Kill, .!, III" .. hi cn.-.-. I t.tt i-em ,.f -H' .'-I n. Hub .l.'i'urtn i". i i . l.y.t m .-i t I.,..,.,-,. . i, , ,.,.. llllv I. .-ii n . in Ian, nn. l n.in ii.Tt.;...,i.aiil 1 I" t. ,t a..-,, r,u,.. ,,. .' , - II.. VV ,. , II,,. ,,, ..a , .'. '' - r. 'I i! i.r J" Mvll.l.l.K I.AIiolt .-1 an.-! n.i I.. t. t, lyiliinu ri.li.Unp to inu" ik . ..i. fniiv rr.-er !. ' I n.na Hie i:, i ,.,,. ''I.'I'K. M.-i. I ... tiM. ,t 1 1. i , i-, an I .-.-i rif'in ill. I III 111" Hi Hilly tn ...ii. I I.l- K. .M.MJKK'I- S,..rti w en a s. ii.-iii -Ir. i hi limni- an. i4.-, M,, i...,.,. it. i.t .t.l., a set uii.i, v -.a, , ,. I.l . ou t. .in,,, ai, in,,,,,,, . , ,. , I :..-..- i, i... eai .-r in .. ,. . , wia h inn-. .. ie.. I, ,1, , i,,,,: i,.r . ,. , . n-.n.' Il.lal l. tt ":i. Ii i k. I..I- nil.- IMIar. . ' " "' I mk" inn, II ".III Ml! . TiiFNKw voi.'K iir;:.ij) . .. . -.i in ' in a w. -My ...i-ia, o.i: l'ol,.Ali a Vkah. New York Herald, Hi -.it iw.-iv mi-i vim sm-t. v.-., v.k Ull.l-i r JS, IJ. W. E ASHKIKON, l'r-iaut. P. I. VlhtT. t.l.!r. CITIZENS NATIONAL BAN. Hll.KK.II, .V. V. 1 1 vn. Oni: I .t'.'i.t, r.nr.i'1, Tr..tlH . '"-. in In, in al i,.r utttii. ' ".en iii lull tiii.tru.'iii.nii,, .. j t iir Hit .1 ll.- -fi ir. ATI-.-,, il s li'lj I4 St., lV.,-lu,t 1 . I ll I l lll.l,, Alt t'. I

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