Tories OF THE WAV. For years the (lifting expenses of K. Walker, miser of Cincinnati, cost liini hut ten cents a week. lie ate one roll and drank some milk each day, ami de clared that was all his stomach woulil .stand. He was onee a man of wealth,; lnt lost it in securing the (minis of a. friend. lie had two ainhitions to j make a violin cijual to a Ntradivarius ami to dry up and Mow away. lie almost realized the latter desire. It is stated to l,e a fa -t that there area great inanv incu in New York who are dressed l.v contract. Thev t-ontra-t with a fashionable tailor to. furnish them all the clothes t!u v want in a year, for which they pay him S-'.i'in'. They can get a new suit every week, but l hey luu-t give back the old one. Strang'- arraugeiicut this, which leaves a man with only one suit of clothe;. There are, however, a great many who like the plan. The en ! i f the world, which, a cord ing to the I'aUe rhyme of Mother hip ton, wa. to have occurred in lsl. having b tiuaMiidably postponed, another ill prophecy has been dug up from the Frem-li. This di-tieh de clares that when tomd Friday falN mi S'. (i -.irg -"h tl.iy, a:H K.i-t "f mi :. Mark's day, and Corpus t hrifty on st .lohu the li,ip!ists day, the linal cn- Miiimiatio:i will arrive. Tlios in- junctions ill occur in I "!. Tic- I!' r.-vi alis that the iMiiting a (;.-.. i says nver- !'. 1'entee,.: the llfl'j: i of sinners The fact Us t. the if, ut is be ldam! OS, rt. stubborn that in the great citii 1 churches w lu re the talent, wcalt h, cttl tui'c, leisure, an I opportunity to do re vival work abound, there tie; tiuiiiber of conversions is in an inverse ratio to the facilities." II" atlr, botes this to what be eas th" over chut'elles. 'i.,i lull -It to. vv ork result in surfeit a that is whore he this lies. f the i little Irrigation has been tried in Western Kansas w ith marvelous results. For merly it was thought that the dry plains stretching t iwar.l the Arkansas river were u-eless foragricultura! pur poses. The light and tickle rainfall. theilry air. Hie hot winl sunmiers vv ,-r" siioi-. .-cl a coiuMua'. ion of i;:i;'.iv 1 that it Would be Jiiipo. 1 i-uie. !ut bloa I tilt that ili-ti'.bu'ed the wa1 kansas over tin-si t facts. 1-1 -o:n like a gard'-n. Tip the vvei-ea-'i-in: were raised at the rat to the ;. V. oats 1 I I 1 II products in similar pr--; and th- l,,:ig to constitute ai'le elements sil'le to , Aer ies W eV dllg i'I's of th... Al and now t hey crop, yield-d hing. Onions ,f oO ) l.usheN ids. and other ifi !"!i. A party ,,f made a pra -ti'-al t lelphian t of ra'- ceiitly r-::e,:i as an it- had been nag. and fed arti'-le of diet. The caught and caged vv h, carefully up. .11 At the liie.ii ia careful, y pri pa w it It an appc'.is ain and gr-cn food. -,ti,'ii iln-y had been d. and were served : sam e in company . The lies',. ;ter other re cooking vv as found to be ipiite 1 in color, much m s., t Ii:iu either th rabbit or the spiit'ivl. and Msessing , ilelii-acv ot tlav or em ii-e!v unknown t cither of the llleu! i"in d animal. Th-- 1 periiii --lit pi cc.ssful. and a diet o di-r proper condii!"! both practical audi 1 entirely tc- ra s, prepared uu was V .'ted to b( lomical. ( 'a!ifor:iia:is, having :it elcl in securing laws against Chinese emigra tion, are now l""kil:g about to see if there is anything else in the Celestial empire worth importing. a Hie Celes tial, themselves Were Hot agreeable ciiopa'iionsan 1 nejgliliors. 'In- x-- Celestial novelty w hich it is t h ,11 '!i! would be an ac position is a sin ill speee-s ,,f j,,,., -tieidal a'lt. Tile '.litlese arc said to possess some species of ants which i,-v our in -ci ts injurious to their orange tiees. f i,-. II. C.C k has given a brief history or sketch of the ants in , the proceeding of the Academy of Natural S -a-nees ,,f I'iula Idphia. and t his has aw akeiie I an interest in them among the orange growers of Cali fornia. I The profession - or m i'-nce, whatever it may be called -of .architect ure has not made a creditable record in recent years, according to a New York paper, which says: A gn-at number of large public buildings have li.-eii erected in various parts of the I'nited states since the close of the war, but scarcely a single one has been completed before radical defects of construction were discovered. Misery loves company, and after having b.-eu long condoled with by Fngland for the blunders of i ur architects, it is some small consolation to liml that the mother country is really no better off in this respect than ourselves. Flaborate plans were pre pared for the new law courts in Lon don, and immense sums have been spent upon their const nut ion, yt they are but just opened when it appears that the chambers aresodark and ill arranged that judicial business can scarcelv be prosecuted at all. and great alterations must he made or the vast . il ... ill i,r.,v.. useless '"" ""T " ' . iT ,V , , ,.. ,. It is remarked I'.v l-nini f. sf . - Int nihil Si rsHij r that the grow th of ntanufiictiirine- in S uith Ciirolina is r niiirk tide. A recent report shown . that there are twenty-seven cotton mills now in operrtion or Hearing com pletion, which hare an aggregate capi tal of $ I, "i 17,01)0, give employment to l,202 hands, to whom they pay $7.!' 0 in wages annually, and consume 'J'..-OltV-IOO pound: of cotton a year. The number and capacity of the. mills al most doulded between 1SS0 and 1SS2, and nine more mills were chartered at the recent session of the Legislature, which is not surprising in view of the fact that the net prolits of those in' "l"'1'-"" l:nt year ranged from ten to ! ,wi'i"' lr'r -. ''vcraging about twelve per cent. The Legislature has wis,"'.v ''"cinpted all manutVturing '"Ili"'"'-'i '"'"in taxat i-n for a period of ten years, and Northern capital funis few better li -Ids for investment than ihe one now offered by the State in which, only a few years ago, sece.-sion lirst ilaiic-d into open revolt." It ha been o.mlarly b -licv a-1 that a person becomes unconscious when falling from a great height ; but an Fnglishman vv ho has been making some experiments in falling -whether with himself or other pie is not stated has come to the conclusion that unless one dies from fear or tin- ner"iis shock, he reaches thcgaoillld alive, and is not killed by the passage through the air. Tills, however, would depend upon tie- height from vv liich befalls. The greatest distant ne is liable to fall, even from the highest buildings, is not inn h ui. ire than l'1'1 feet. He will be less than three seconds reaching the ground, and during tin- lad second will be faliing at the rate of say sit feet in a scct-inl. which is eipiivaieiit' to a velocity of forty miles an hour. As people are riding at this rat-'t-vci v da in tie- year, it is clear that a fall from that height will not make thcui un conscious. Th next s adthev wnllt i tail at the rate of eighty miles an Ito-.i:. t!i ii. a- at I-V. Cm next a' ::j-. and tin- n ; a1 i;l'. Such a vel 'i iiy a that iin 1 'iibtcliy would affect th - phy sical condition : lai! hi order t laM.tin sue! 1 a veloei'y a p -"son would have t fall a dista-fi- ( l.""- fe.-t. 1 Til" imp. -rial city of li -riin. -.iic-e i! bee. tine the capital of the (i'-rill.tlt 1 ni- ' pire has undergone a marvelous change in much tin- same way that the city of Paris was t raiisfornietl by tie- late liui peror Napoleon. Hut what is of most interest to American cities is tin- 1 . 1 - -1 that millions .. th liars c t een spent by the tiernian g -v ' rnnieiit upon -evvagc inipt'ov eiti'-nts, and esp.---:;i!'y iin -ii the establishment . f .-i-wag- farms in the otiUwng eit i;..u-. 1 r r. - ! ' v i led vv a'.i outlet basins an 1 itia--!i.::cry for solidifying a. id utilizing th- refuse matter of tin- sewage. This is a pi"1 1 -in tha' has thu-. far been ent in-lv ev.-.l'd in ail the large comu: re;.i fit ie, o 'the I'nited Sla'es, where th- Knglish plan ha; been adopted of per milting the sewag.- to be emptied int the rivers, bays, lakes, and other natural watercourses. In the marv . '. oiis city of London, where prodigious sinus of m-1 ll'-y hav e been spent 1.; oil drainage inipi"--x .t:i' tits, the sewage is still carried out to sea carefully, and tin-re deposited off the tin mt It of lb 1 riv cr Thame .. New York and I'.ost..n have fo'lowed in th- vvak-- of I. -n l"ii, while in Philadelphia they arc n: gaged in d.s. iissing the plans for solv ing this great problem. The opinion is that Philadelphia ought to ad- pi the (eriiiaii farms ai l'h.n, I ollt ami estiil' l-t l'llsillS. sew aire Kllslies. he, arc l'otiiiil in aliiio in the liritish l-hiinls ; t cverv ainl. in ,.la. ii 'thiol. I atnl temperate itiarter.. at hoine ami ahroinl, tlu-y are 'h ntiful. llefon-the ititroiluction of tallovv can ilies in this country, rushes were iiseil l y those liotii in hih atnl low stations. Ilit'hliohts are still soi l ley mir chaii'l ler. au l are iiseil hy the very poor, or for iiiu'lit-lihts iii sick-roouis. Am the peasantry in the country ilistri' ts, vv e hav e often met with rushlights ii; itiiiiiliers. The .oor ilip the rushes in iiny Uiiel of .Tease or melted fat tlu-y can procure. Formerly, in farmers' or u'eatleinan-fariners' houses th-y twiMC'l reiii lniiiiiicis oi iiisiii-s io- lether in Ireland; sometimes to '; hulk of :i man's arm. for lijiht-liuiiscs i or torches. The eiitntnon hard rush is ! used still in country ilaces for t i'jr j up huttdles of llovvers. heiiii; previously lih-ached a little. The luilnisli and the lesser liu'riish are used for mats, fo iistools, s ats for i hairs, for l-aski ts and for h-irs-e-.-illars. in Ireland; and in ni ne of the midland districts of j-'.lijjland, they make rope of the peel. The pith of I'tilriishes is used for can dles. We have seen rones and i whips, lioys' whips and horse-whips made from luilrushes, some heins; in reuius daitiiii; and matt ins; for orna mental purposes. W'v have know it it to he used (the soft rush) for th;i! chilly I cottages some of the; very i ior hiive usetl it for stiillin ! Hushes of all species are 11 vt-rv ui e til order of plants, mid may In utilized i-i a varietv of wavs, many still nut nought of. It is ipiite possthle i (i,,r,- j,.,,,.';, ,,f t he dariiiL'. skill, an 1 that a vcrv useful paper niilit 1 e eooliiess of these itu ti are eliroiii' h-d in made fr mi rushes a well as from criminal annals, hut they have o(I1..r Ksparto nrass or wood. We hope the 1 ally come to grief at last. Their im- ' liuiiilile ami despised rush or liiilrusli. j which has a history as oldil. Mo -S, IwillsoDii ret five more attcnt ion t !ian I it has hitherto ohtained. This very 1 M ,,,.llt h.M ped into a provcrl.. J .t js ,,t.( ju derision to express con- ; temnt. as. "I tlon't care a rush alioiit you. AMKKICAX RANK UrRf.LAK. Urn Wlm irrrnk lulu linnlm lliiw Thi v dlii-rnir T00N 'iisin K7.1NNI. The methods of the American thief the Chicago Tint's says, art1 very com prehensive ami skillful, more so than are those of the profession, for such has thieving hccoiticof other countries.'' It is eoiiimoiily ackuow ledgeil among the first police oHieers iu the world, that, for a line job, the American thief is far ahead of lie of other nations. Why should he lie? That is some what of a mystery, unless to the train ing lie has received under the tutelage of the best of I'.nglish thieves lie adds the peculiar daring, coolness, cunning and skill that seem to be inherent in the fully developed American. I!ut no matter for what reason, the fact n ii.ains unchallenged that he stands at the hea I of t he craft. A coiisidcrat ion of his ways. gentle and othelVV ise, will be interesting to read. II" is ibvid-d in many families, hut lir,t and fore iii"st among liiiev c.s i, the bank bur glar or --high-toby m in." lh- is di king b -e in tl rimmal hiv e, and effect s t, 1 lie a gentleman wlu-n let en gaged on a "lay." The history ol nearly every larg and wealthy city abounds in instance:, of the bauk-i'"b-I cr's daring roguery. II. come; and leaves iitystfrioii-ly, and his presence won! 1 11 't have b -on I' ll ha I h not left a "kit" of h alll, fill tools beside a VV recked s. fe ol bank .01 it. .111.1 tak-'ll in exchange greenbacks and bonds that may be thou-ands. but more often is niiila lis. Th in h.s pe. ui. a;- -j ..ft- i V C llleme'.l ' s he In I ll:f i el ill a t.iil I x - change, ami docs ; 1 ut no am -un! ol sportive wit can per-uade tie- I ank llie-r, into thus regarding t In- i-it . Hank I iir-.ilais arc te t i t the habit ol w or. gab-ii 1 1. IV I Th- and bav e at IV. 1 of colli, d- r-.eit.' a-ni l',i-i tiain I W llcll l.e is for hi, e ni - their be.-k and .-all a i i'" eratis capitalist ;, --.ay g.-l.ctwicli-." I'll-.-la!;-" t!i era: ksiiian bt'ok". 1 1 i : : 1 1 di t!r- f'liids d ti is in t r..iib!" ! Tic .'.lt:i.' islie, , .a -, a: t - i1 s I i liini in . 1 1 t'e',:!t"H .. , tic iiimi-, a i 1 a:t r a vv ho a t , as m ',,;-ii'.n-necoi ;.t lc bond, ,. anv Kin. I, t'-r ai'.h- iil': I t W I I I, Is 1 t 'if 1 . 1 urn :-ci iir.t.. , these .,p. hav c i,o l e.ii v ain. - t " t In- be. r' l.i r-. t hi bank p null- are i.i'i h -.l l.v I - Hue ise, all'l ', t VV , e lies both a'', in-1 h . :i if in ti: 11 the tvv. :,v . in- a- i ,r iii-nv t! e- rest 1.1111 !.ll"e:i' to.., r or arc t in "a-1., red v the kit i, b.-si order ai! oo i:i t bv disiar' VV hell a s a lis! r. nd al un' ,1 A full kit of tin I it is inav fa t'.i: :!!' of a j-.b 11. "Ml!;, does pi- C" "f V. , ' i- lli:l le up. u "Mil , v .-lit , shid. a- th- 1 o i a ivy aw a il l.-it b'hm.I. M el.!,, , i-l in i- heavy .ll''' si,-r il i s ;, imr bar. make a sp. i'lai s' (,,.. s. iltv ol l.e In tin- a''s, nieetianii i, t. Is are ,.,!oe!e !: is a i is' v vv av of !- .IVoi.l"'! if ...svl'le. 'arts. I n! as thi tain In:; t hem u i, a v Kits ol the tol.V lllilll' h.u.,1 for lure, air I can l-e el ta.lie,! in tlm ini ss r,,- n-oiii l"o to reiit'-r, are L'.-ii--r:ill,v I'lls Httell t le- fcllee 1 tools are helit oil a eilleetiol, l-n'cl'sol'lhel l iJ '-l. Tiller too ,' t.-o'.-lll ll.els a!-". ha t ii'-iii "ii haa 1. I'll -illess ol the ol'l -iin I it is part o Cl'.le!.. -arm to c-n:. of th,- imt nil' lis ati'l tho Ml. i - j th"lu. I'iltv ier I ii fuhu's are .rac' ieal l-,'!i!v li:iicls!:i!, th-- tenijier atel raj-ant v ot the S iluetillles 1 L'.lll.";. r:l -ll ,'V iiietits of iliil'.-n-ut Kiii'l li,SseSsioS, ;l', tls Ilia! "kit." Tin- tool-inalo-i's ii.ii'! 1 th. : a lu tile: i.iv i speeialtle lie are famous o for t'liiiehes and i'.m chisels. , iiii.-s, an, tioiial r, 'and coiii tln-r mi" maker has mad" a na illation I',.;- a sled -je of h-a. r tliat ctitirclv Miiier:.:-,!,-, that foriiii-rly used Ol st: iiois, el. lie Mllse less .oW the dull, almost strikes. The latest o-c:it drills that i ut int.. iiuprov . in. .nt 1 1 in th" harde-t st,. Vo id. i spi the f Howard, th- ,m- ; Kllili- into iioiilih-raeUet ilrill (fj Win vv as murdered l.y h, , coin- veal's iliro ..r t reach, iy. s said to he aide t" '.":' a rilllt.s ,,,,. This drill is j,,,),. tiri,u , asilv as ,1m i solid Mock of -tool a, a ii'inlct in "to- "f vv I. i alio I a sal', -opener, vv ill Another ti cut the front out of a safe vv hen on e i; irets a hold. the nn st powerful and ihstitu-iivc instrument use I l y lairirhir. is tin- siit'e-ilrau'. oriu'iua'.ly lll.l le ill Mllirlaild. It weiolied ;it first I I a'.oiit ."ii i"tiiiils, hut Anici iean ititret -iiii'yh is ijot it ilovvn to a little over " l'' in vtijht. and iitipri.vnl it- iua!ities. An expert can tear a s-t r. .ilt safe literally to pi rilde machine, (if with this tor tile Loss era , V i. n """i1".1 " " 1 , ' tol Mill. Max shmliiirn. .lack W ado. ,(l ,(..lPy s,.,t ,,ap. ;tn, i; i, th' last i'our famous for their 1011111- t ion with the orcat Northaiup Mass., liank rolilnry several years a no. and for which Itiiulapaud Scott are now doiii-' t iuie." are t In- U in e-s.- V on- , mouse plunder was rei ki- s ly vv ;istcl 111 il I sorts of sp -lldt drift sche s. until . t !u-y vv ere forced t" return to the. .Id j Inisiness to replenish their purses. This ! procedure illustrates their lives until j an itnfort unate move thn-vv them in the clutches of the law. and tlu-y wen- M-ttlcd. funrus linn Some lizards, certainly bet ray a sense of musical vibrations. Little g.-ckos ' and other house li.trds, if thev tin not exactly "come out to listen." as they iare reputed to do. will stop iu-aantly in their tlight over walls and Moors when a note is struck, and ifiain ' niotiouless for some seconds, as though . .. ,, ,, ' , "s ' ' ' I have seen tar.iguiras iii a garden! 'iiie.,ineiised" liv a guitar in the same wav. Hut it is to b" ob.erved that in !i.ei.hcr insta,,,,. is the mesmerism 1 , , , , , -ompl-te enough to prevent their chid - that if the music be continued they so.m become habituated to it and re. sium their wonted move- . . , . .i I am inclined to attribute the incut effect to the reception of the air waves The fea'urein new polka-dot tctl cot bv the general seiisibilitv of t he cut am-- ton dress goods is the large sie ami o'u, surface, the f.cliiig ol vv hat is dose proximity oft he dots. lik,1.v a.lisagi-caMe thrill, rather poviutrv ami iitius. than to any illlpres-i.m on the special That poverty which pi-adm-cn tlm erirtrBt sens" of heariii" tlili-' at an onn gi'.lll I piano"diy, looking at some w.iteiy. a c hhIiiioii ior::n-.t (iiii-wim ill iiu-di-... ooi.ei i t.i Imi ii.e t, ii. Iiinetlie I., Wl!l"i". div.-a tins comhtioti. nad tit llltl i llpt, lull 11". t' II' IllUglln toys. seiofliMis swillae.-s .ai.l mhcs. ,;eiii-ral mul a -legal it ia." making hi-, vv av dovv it ti e in-r.Hisilr!.ilii). l,s, ,,f mul iitpi.tite. .'.,.' v'e i' liuii;s. tht'ii it ihsi-ise, spilling of aga iist una ii tin- instruiitciii s!..-..l. l.v a scries of running crooked icrks. c.iug'it mv . v .-, his little sprawl- :.. j , I , i :.. I . I i ( i, ' I dt-liiied again ,t the white background. .. ,, , . i . I,,, i ) tie-luilh-r end ol t he piau i lav a pap- r of --dul - s ;" this h id a'tra t- a swarm of lb and the ilje. in ileir turn at r.i"!"-l the lega'.it ia. Powiilu c.i. lie, w iih abrupt siispirioiis 1 1. iris am turns tothi. lli l tha', until lie stoo I on tile 1' V e ground of the piatlo t -p. pau-eii. i! tteil half a -tv.-s it. and paused aga ii. .Iiisi a- he b gauto ran once iA hav ing cautiously brought my hands an 1 fe.-t into posi tion. I struck a trcineiid .ii, , .iible i liord wit i i fie hard pelal down. Poor little cha l!ioii"ht I ha I kiil'-d mi. He v..,- absolut. lv hi, .ck-il oil . . . :s li ,s. .Ol I I nine I over on in, lneK. vv here le- lav tc -b!y Is i i -U ; 1 1 -,r. coul I r.-a- it 1 1 : : 1 1 . how ev cr. I I! .1'ol' J 1 i. .. .. covefd. r. -ua led his feel, ll l-hc. Up i, o i : i . ' ' : 1 I i pect t i 1:1 till' b li'-l. a1 an rate. hi-laveiv 1 v opiuio'i ol nui,c after ward -.11 Hi I "'' i-"'M . edakin A shot , VV. I' is Shot. Ill il ells,, b n, 1; stiip tine, iect hieli. r cMiiibiiii:; a1 Murder will oic, sovvill llu- fact Hint Cnrho , , ., ,, ., 1 ine. a itemloii, ,1 i tra,-l i.f l ett'otetilii, the I JithoUsf !.,.!.. thai, anvthili--' else., ,,;lir,-.-.MT!.:.,i r..s,..i-t.r. i-- Visitors ;,! , 1 '-1 1 1 1 1 t ' ', I up a spiral .iiepa:ati"il,.tnlec;-!sallolli,'rhairih-i-K:iiliu,H, ' is llmu-aliils of eeiiiun,' cei titicati s prove, staircl e, :!.',.. to t.he t-'p. while a, . .. t'eievi.n 1 toi- net I .. , o Kr . iir nf 1 '-s,v, I i -very ear ly usinj; bllt the V.-".V i'.-.U II t lie ill l'e i, II it so pha-ant. T: t-n i n-f vv here the slct ibsi i uds i. 'c in.., ii:irrov. .-r an 1 iku r 'Wcr, iint. I i, .tlmi"- is wn a: the bot- tola i i ' I ilai Nil s.s. .t t he t .p of the tower ai- fvrnaces for s,, -It in ir. Trolll t!lt -f is K'11!",''I llllii JSIlis. so: in t:i ,vv vv th perioral, I sheet- iron I- ti.'ins. '!'!, i, :'!!.! had cunts t U'-'"--1 tuese lei..-. ,ti,. enlarges i it the "tin r side. !:.:,, I into elobuh s betor-o f ,si.!V 1, ill," VV, li hi lloath . ,,,, , . .,i . , . ,, ,, ,. .... n"l l.ii .' -cvt-ral ,i -1 ol water, the I , , ... , ,,. ,,!!, , ., i.i;.' ii", .iii'i'ij-' lien- i.tiiiu "i ioi - toVM r to the llo'toli,, I 11 T the sitiallei- -: etilv about, ha : a . lar. Cae .e- tllie 'i- ciiliar thinij is, th.,' i i .-1 1 1 shot p-nef. al'.v lApaiiil in f.ilhtii.'. an-l the largest si, s contract. V. ;-y i.'icat care is invcss.iry in iriMi: lln- uu-t - it vvoul'l run throiiuh tie-holes iiik! ilroj, in strings if n oi o' th-- -roier uoH,r- te'tis. a-i'I no ile-t colli, I he tn;i, a' a!l. Aincricajis lake the Hiuiians. lu an i'lti-n-stini; lecture rrolcssui .1. I'. M.thalf.v statiV. that so far I a, k ;i the early days ,,f imperial l!"iiii travihinr w as carr -d i-n to an extent aliiio t e.iial to the torn lnr fashion (,f lie present llilV. illel that the traVelilie; taeihtiis of tin- till. , ,.f Augustus far exceeded th" a- which ol-taiiicd at the c. .lillilencelliejlt of t In- pre-eltt cent iirv. The li'oman roads and t iio-otii:hfa: -, vvero hitler, liriiraodayv ;i-td piracy vv . rn stamped out: there was a unity of i-'i !tai;e: there vv ai, universal pi ;ice and the (iri-ek laiitrui";e was carried everywhere. The 1,'oiuaiis felt, like tin- modern Americans, wry powerful, vet v rich, to some extent m-wly civil, 'il. full of natimal pride, ipiite eon-t.-iit vv it li tlieir iivv ii irvcit n ess, lnt as r oarde I cult lire aw are that thev had, , not all thev vv anted, and t lev thcrelore I t lilV del l-V eV VV !,re t o ol'taill (lilt i VI a- ttoil, without -Ahich thev eollsidi red their e.'.ueat i. li incomplete. The h-c- turer rci.,-,,,! toan.l detailed tl ut- line, of some i loaiineiit laud and see i : i i ..:.i i . ii es ii .iMiii. ,i..,,i ii-'tiie, .ne, s.ii.i that in th l.lVs , U eltietices ill tin shape of if.lls were cn'lilllcU i-!iollf:h tln-irt, iritis vei-y cheap. ,,tul tin it nr. cotiiuioilat ion liotoi ioiislv had. i-.verv .lav tin- papers te'n or some! i.iau while out ilecr-huntiiiirlicinirmis-i it .... ' l lUcll for a deer IIIlll shot. Ill,' re. I , , . i . M'tuli am c hot ween a man and deer is. I not or,.;,t, hut it M ems as thoii";h any liutitcr toiild t. ll the difference unless. he has the '-l'ti: k f.-ver;" hut a they cttinot distiniruish a man fro... a .lecrj it will I.,- wed for to carry a ! , . , , lianiur ir a t i aiispareiu v on which, -r shitll he printed the words; "Iin not shoo, ,e. I am iM a , leer." j At theshow r. iso'f Sons. ! i utters .,.( M r,.!,t !..... is tvhiliited; an .Uric in elephant's t u k live feet l.' iii.he ill eirth and: vveiehitiL' 10" pound cinhitiL' Ion p iiinds. lr. lchaholooTaTd.of I-erry. Mc. ha. adopted in all thirteen chil lr.n.j ii'-nii t iiiiMit ii ;uw it-1 ui nui.- i i-ir. She tlitln t like linn abit. Itut stiil lie . .,. .i,..., , writ ..t.,..,. v- .,., .., i, , ..:,. - ,w i.., :.,i ,,,, i,.. .,,,. ,.,, a, ..ii,,,,!? ..sllal, , W(.i((, ,liiiUt thL,lrlv s,.iiigy . -1V1. ....... .vri.,; ..,.. . I;i ,t aUiHt f;li,(l , r.,rw.)n, Milivll :- , .e answered, ant! he did it. - - New Ilavou (('unit.) Fuion.J lliov ii l.ii i-r Tn-uii'il ilic t'usr. I, liavid St rouse, of New Haven, Connecticut, was attacked with a severe : rheumat ism in my right arm, hand mid I f"".t' that I xvnlke.1 with ditlietllty ' could hanlly use mv hand to cat ' ,vith , US(,,, ,, ,,, . st ,apoKs Oil, rubbing well three t iim s a day, and : obtained instant relief and a perfect 11 "' i'.vviiisri:tirsr..uo-;ii-r;r-Y.niw. J ""sln-ss h nut ot t he .ius;e I. ill ut the H il. Ui-lirin-1 of us rii'liiii ss it lii'i-miH's si-aiil ami ,,, a;i. ,,,, ,.(,,11M1()11 ; ''' '-"'is If .i :u-.; a stitr.-rrr from lliiji. IMH.I - . Iiiio..I etui. toy r. fie rci. s -'liolileti M.nhi-al IWovery." which iini'-lu-s the blnmt mid i'IIiis tlll'-il Vi llll'el-tloll. Is llliiro 1111- I Irtltve lli.iii i-ihI liver nil. itti'l is lruinln-s ut! etniiliiioti ol ' tlm sjsti-in, yvl powerful to cue. Hi ilniu'gists, 1 . . . A Miiuii'siit.'i fiirmi-r iidvct licd that, if thu j 111:01 who liml inn elf vullt Ins wife, two! . t-luKlri-u, atnl s.mweclvl return llie oiinc ! lie uii-ht keep the money and the le. s n toni. ntid liet viili' for ilebilitati d .v-imin niiliin; s:trpis;,.i Ur. I'iihtii's l avorue rt'i-scnpii iii. ity iiniggists. .Tosh Ililli.l.-s siys; 'Nimniif the humor ists of the i. re-cnt .1 iv v :!l last." We ilou'l i 'ei-wliv. Some of tin ir iokes hnvo li'stc-d tor live liuiiih. .1 yi us :.l:v.uly. lr. rietve's "I'll-ls-mt 1'tirg.itivo Vellots" i ire s'iu'11- c rite'l and ini'lo-ed ill class liottle i. , heir vi -1 tie, I., la ; lln : etiv t't'i-sei veil iinim- I'aireil for any leiilli ef t ime. ill .-mv elinnte. n that ll:cy an iilwavs fie h mul reliab cliem w.i .l a or pasteboard h.ixc.,. J!,r , '"""t'4'- - - ors are more co trnu'i-'iits th.-iii men. They ; m, r(..v , ,,..,!, a m:lU., n f,,Uow ' Ivwee tlieir si. e. The I riirr r i;ri-o. Is iii it:.. ,,,:,,!... It is. (l,o must votioinicil ntid clic.ii est, one l.ox lasting n f iim. as iv. u of anviiltie- One .-reasiti will .,st two weel.s. 1 1 ,e -i ,c,l tiist I . to iii i ii in ill ! In- 'eiili-iuiiai mil Paris llxpositi. ins, nlso i ticuais in various .-stall-rairs. owy nooiiier. j Kiiltu-y iti,i-nne. I Pain, In-itatioii, Ue'i iitioti. Ttirontinetico. Ieiiii-1 s, Ciav.-I. etc.. cured bv "llin-lm-u'.'.i." si. Send fur pamphlet to K. ts. ; Win., Jersey City, X.J. l.j oil's r.ileiit Mel.i'.ite Heel Still'ulli-M. I poseCup. A.Im iii i ;:n nt ill another column I'lllP HI, 'Oil. Miny f.;m li-.i Cl,ri '" Ic'ii' -lo-i on th(lr nnl.U ii,.-..stry. liat li'':-, in Ol ' .1 ' u ..Tiliu c I'llilrjf, wo ,1 , ,,. I i, li . I jfnM IM ollf l.llllO i . u M- I m u-ii ut ..r .Ii.-vm mmt.,ii i " " ,:' ,"" :'' t t. r...r,.i u. h,,i-.h t i tk- omiI : Mr ii'"-ul i 'r m.hii n I Lier Syrup : IVi.t i' -iik t H in tli-li'il'niM. Dr. Ff- i ',..; ,s ,.., ,f s.r.flU , ',.., ,' '.. ii s,...,i;v s.irn..i ii.i.t iii..i ant i.i-r sr,ii .ll-C.I a.' r... ;:a I . w "I t i.;.V. il .mo "1 C. l.-nt ; ,,.,,... .,(,.. ,tvv. li in, i. i , Hi, i..T(.Kt luct.s. ia I v"r' 1 " I I.AMI-lll Millv'uMiUMI !l..ll Mi t. t.n:i '.-!). M n Ii inry cnsMiTi.,. , v... : ,,.,,.i. r. i.-i--: I nji.ii.i i i 'Illu-'l ll- r. 1 ril-l . Ii"i:i,l.t . II I. .1,1, 1,1 r.-lll . . Iii,-;.. s ui , :. ,ri :. S 1 .irf It. ll-n lr.n. I'Hst .r C.iO S!,.... j ls s l-ll , N.- Iji. ii .-n.i:i I'.iur. h. r-nlsin-'iil1,. .i.. ii- l ..f a ei .tr t. I. I mi, I turnUle c.ugii Tt it. l-n .'.'.. ...'ills. Th Kiriwrn ! Y.i.itti nr.. itrifi. npi OH Ak. invnt.I.. will, i!,ler.',l. ',tl..r..rn 1I1..11I I i'liin.lif ely ,11.0 l..nv K-iin l'..l .!..' .'.. - VI .tiuitMs ami at alilili a l'luiriiiv). 1-iri.t Av,,., N. V. 1 14 s I'miKh Iti-iin-ili -III lln" Vrlil Trrlt. IJI'nf" O'. r. n. imu o,..,i"K. It is (inure thine thnt tho West is 4 tiolialmd t iuititrj liii-auso ho tunny i-i-oi'le seutir Iho I 1 : 1 i 1 1 M 3?OH 3P-A-I3NT- Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Limbago. Bacliarh. Hcadawhe. Toothache. aol'rlll..lll.!ll'l,"," "'. turns, si.iil.l,. I111-I llll-. imi il mill it iiiiuii.i ,K "' Boui., 1..-S,.-.. ... v'u 7 ;.!';.'.'''' c""" Tin: i iiviunt a. . . . 1. a iuiu.r. in-1, a. a. IU83-SPRING -KI83 No,. I. ., . . ,, .,, U lti:t-'-. ''n' .,- '.' aiitrnlia, litrrwi-ri'iia. l-.osi.v. 1IM.. r.n: 1 mtni.'l ., : . i. i-. . . r. si... I t.1 I ni 1 1 v..Ol-,u,,i,.-ii. ! llil..,. Ill ). I MCI, I : H 1 n-u'. .-. t t hi.i.w.i.hji:k.iiihkv. I Ml. lluiff- Nuisi-rli. lUM-lii'hli'r. V . uin, , nwrtTTfinTT iBitimni 7JmtZZ2 C?? C03S-SC2SW, J Wi"?"' Tl . im ,i,.r, i..,n nn.i mirv.rt,-!!.! , 7 f, a 'H niucai race "." ." vu.. imtoNruas t. uifCii r n 1 1 teini-i- m. ,ti ukii.iii M.IMIU i " M'tltlllll.- ul ..11 'k . ll. r --mini" '"I- a 3 111..1-.- 11 ln..l -ill's, nti.'ii- Hie hi,i. i.i J2 X a i.' tlv .sk --n- af . i,rfi'nt- l-rt'-niriLf "Th- "H'l knU'- 5 h,mi.n A-..!r.- M 111 1.1. C u.. lbx a N--w Vork CUT. ' IMITATION STAINED GLASS. JTX.- icIATs' III til, II 11 l'P tlisv). le ir- .J-'" ,,:,1,i,.....lw,n.lry h,iinliiilt lnd..rsisl l,y Us...'1(...rn,mi.l.tti.ili..l.'tuVi.l-""'-l"l''- ,,. r,n",..u,. Nui..r,i.ti..i;CK-. m. "reT?';'" .Nil I -1'"'!-' ' """'i ch e,.,,llon j iiw..i.i- I. i.imi ".iiitii. i'iui.t.ii.hia. u t-s 1 1 BiPin'T'l JIT ! 1101111111 I lUlll iq V'JlriiInUi' A 'r" e. 'V V1I lll.l;THKATlHKn II.II Olal,ta t'."uor. i.VA.i....mii-; .."'1,rM.T.rk. " 'XXilSrf. HI M MU.H.W Jo. . p..r4 w is i-rn for m ll and rateal- lZi fR E E ftJ&SiftilLb il Ccttinii. 1. w. M.-i.t Co.. l W. wh. Lmo- O. ien--l 2.V. f -r tlm new pamtiblet. I mure. bi-ut ": IV.,aT' A. .kTi ii? LaWSu. , ysi:i(X rnritSU-n 'j'p klMm reMEOi I - MtM.SV'a'-fU'J'jwwBHt I f??J2?rrJSa 5 SSS l 1 IS ! 1 -KB. i SB'S.? ' o . S & P. I tt i 5 , 5 Uns0ru. NAME8 bllt dO not be do CelVOd) tee thftt the word ; Z $ H S raLI, " e u.t.U mIm. Wlln pIC' tltrdOi fttl IronSafo, On abUck ! Wrappel ji ae.dwnita Ii In'ttart In t: 1 , Jj-, Oil every H j', ' ' that It 13 on the la- bel and L I st a m p, R H. H. WARNER & CO. ROCHESTER. N.Y. J tTlil ri-niP," l nn til iliile 1'prlflc fur hi ilUrimrn ul vviiiii,-i;i Inr lln- fci'lt'iutlirird ' tii-rvauf, I roubles of iiiuli.iMid Inr tlii-ili-lilii wulfli prvrrilrn nld nu. Ah stml-iirs ntiiiiv ' I ital ull illcui' inii" fii-ni llir Milm-y or Itvrr. wi-rnn t-'e ... .. in,irionidlpnihv , r,.n.0:1 r ,, ,,, r hi, h mir Siilf Kldiipy nud l.irrr urr poasi ,,n evrr llirsr rsnna f...u -n..L..,.,..f!nn. I'tdtlM. IMKIIll., U,lt-llM, iiiuiiiiiliil, i'--. ilruiii'liljis. Ilu!ir.-n-i. Asil.uia, I rnnp. V iiiiepinn ouli, m il nil 1,s,-i-h ill Iin- iiliilliil i'li,p.niii-il liv Iin ; llubliii-.s re ill." rliri.1 wltlrli fifi'Mi.tieii, v ,l. unsiiiu ii!i:i U mil to, ii.r.'l :;bii mnlroM. t IIAI.I.'ss BU.-V'I inll.iiili- .iu, i-v.-il l-. vuln I Hi I'lfil ....ins iiti.i iiotHaii i ri.ri-,-i .-i. . i ri.i i i . ' j- j jw int.iii-in. hrnii'n t ti- m il v I. r.Mi Ln.Mi' ii I!, at 1.1 ! INffl k.iL.--iti ii. i.l. !:..-M-. th.. tm. thn ntt.irkfl ui , a li..ra.l ir,.u a iiiuir itata ot ll.i:il. 11 "" t ti t rt tint, li h ( It n. ti a -i itnir.Hr ll ') i t I J ll f to t, . i 1 1 j i i' , t--. uvijr i i (.t i . i u aim HEALTH IS WEALTH ! in. k. f. w n Kr.t vk -ni Itmix I i.'-.M r I a .iMs'tro i..r li.i 'i' ..i.a II. .J.,. I .-. t, : Ii. a in-,.. i'..iiii.M.-n,. . -r : ii 1 li.r.-M, .11. I.a "I -1I...H rv, rniwl I'f i.l, t .1..1I...H. , li 'I l'. 'ii.lurw I V. lit ffisrs. I n.-ll I "! i ,i, .in - ni-.lilll ! In- unit. Ini- ,l"li.-r a l. I..r tlv. ilxiln w .n.f.... t ii.l. l;, I llil.':: . Liv. I m :.l '. ....Lis Io. 1: 11 li ! llir.,- nt Iin I' I .li.;.l..n o .1 l. .,M,.;' i.i ,ril,.u I'M.,, 'i 1,1 i" -to !.; , ....o.l. I,:.,,.. I M.n:,-i..."oi. I.. ..... I-.. I. ,,..., Iritis I ii Ii I ol ,-,,:, ii U I. Kim. l.i. & ". I um'u Jlilil.-s. I..' A- l.S sj biille M..t:uil.oo, lLi, Ja"i-;o--',,';;l' 'V'.'','i,'.'"-,,'i'- i.nar. Fi.rv. nrsni r. bntiifb. 5y COTTON FUTURES 2U can got full information ami Cfl i-irtuiar mailed free on ;n- IQIf ldieatiott to fill ' Willi'. rill'Y ,y (U, 13 7J llr lvi-iH. KTuTlll-H-fc. M-W slltl.l,. NS. U. W F . mtwrwi Ann wriltne miner. In blotter ,'r. I noil . r 2 r. Vnnl-.l. VfiiiNi.MV rmsTlMl (;.... N. l., Mk. i iiai irft-p i mi innft ' ribntb nUNUfio Iff K?t5 T.K lb !!L2EaJBS2J W I clltl Kin Tipwora m M BllitRnL 3 iZJL- .J-J-.i'il a fhr?!lMfaf3 no other. I IHALL'S In. ' P ..I 1.M1V .iri',A..r"i,-"'..l-. m. iri Jtfc t ? o ut . 10. M Vina M.. " .'!., y i 'J'n-Vi" i,l i!,.!,'- 'II-.t a ...r... 4 CURES AMD I Al.-..ll..:ii. i..iaiai,i,ioi.-.l..n: ! ;. .1. l.l ilN. ( leii li--,. , i .in I iiimi;. N'-r-luu.r-.l'. Oi.l.ii by i.i,.iui,li a l i. C -'W ,.i.l,.t.:l:tv,.s, r..Iul:l . .. - I iJv'!1-' mi . I nil Ni'tvutis uii.l nWM B V imv. ini.-ni II1VWII1M 1 rf iZ-fceS .Ins un.l nil h,se.- 1 . n. i, It,. mii.i I-. n i -ii-i -.-.ei il. .Vv.5rT restKfeSiJ i-ni'l".vnii-iit -to. ,ii,e.-,n:-.- t,..f.o- i."'..i i.i -r. ii lev - . (M. nfx . nv t&FSteiXU ...:s.'.,-rvuiM 1-n.s- 3nAIJI.PRGVISi(S&ST0nKS fflimgffi BT-felit F 11 .'I ! t Hoi . ni I" n ... - yi iii",,;,E,",,.,:'i:;"'eV:.!i;: vulii:!.-.-.!'"! l-.j.k .""' ' I R?l CUP.tS Hint K.l l: 10O STYLES, $22.$30,$57, 72, $73, $93, $103. $114. $300, AND UP MASON HAMLIM CRGANrPJAN0COJ BOSTONiraSivr.iST. NEW YORKf AWCKCAGOyiiSbUiC , A-i an ze, LjSVWPATHIZC WITHXjt I r iSf WOMAH. i - ii txins THE HOPE 07 c- Y WOMAH. - eKb"HE RACELvJ 1 LVDIA E. PINKHAM'S iFWOMAtA polo hi j VEGrETAEL'3 COMPOUND. parties1 have tried i fnre Cure for nil FEMALE WEAK to imitate j M:SSi:., Inrlmtlnff I.curorrha-n, lr- l-CRiilur and rainrul nicntlraallon, Ir.nnmmnilon and 1'lrrrnllan of Ibo Womli, Flnodlng, FKO LAPKl'S I TUtl, &C. trti-oianttotliota t.-. rllli-aclimi anil ImnMlit In ijrtr,.,-t. It Uo trc.t hrlpla -ri-pnaiiry, mul c siln at ncular ril-'-ti. I'lllSlllVslsl.lT iMIl'RISdlir.n IT Irani, pr' -t. V.'Enrx-is-TH pf thopcnprnHro rvni rr I'liln-r n It lun-i-nilionn n moly ttat Imi r r e'11 t---'!!11'0 .':l'lii-; nii.l for All Cli' Afrs ot Ibe K!,,lrs'tlslicoiY,ii.ff fi.-mr(ifnii n'uri,t. i tetfKIlNrTroII'I.AINT(sorrHUerSr j Find ;rcttllt Iii flu It lie. i Tiiri v iivinin-i ninnn rrnfrnrn i'-l .iui!..:.t,. on v . i:.i-i- i.l lit.iiii.ii liviu lit j.. ., ., iti-lo i..ii.- ienliti-.iii-th t. . tlluj--lvm. A(.i'uivtlltu, I yD.itlitt!oC.'W!"iniuJ El ii'l rortflT uro rrs pin J nt r-i svi WVst. m Av. r.w, lyrn, Slusv l-n'-nri-llli-r, 51. S.x f lllo r : s iapuinpgunn l ' raidl in l!ic-f..: m.f I .!!'. P cf lure iirci, on r''' ' ' ! r..--. f I -r I -x f.-r . itlx r. Mr, rinkham fm-ly nvnr.-:s nil 1.M met lii i' l:y. Enclon-3 cent gtamn, gcnil fur isuiiflil. t. Mention li CVijkt. ---T tpiv F.. rr-.nA- i I n-in Vn.ia rnn C'.nrt'pv ig-Soldty till Driirglt."i C . "Nl 7 mm FOHTHE PERMANENT CURE CF COfvSSTiPATfiON. Jto olirr(l!!cv"? U bo prcm!cr.t In tMa coti- ji s. tr.T iw t j " :" ittcTi. nna no rcnn:y it is ever rqti illf t ( celt bnitctl KUV-UOl.T 09 ft t-tiro, Wf.ntfvr tirwin,. luwcvcr obatkiato i the cas., tuts rouHly w .A wvcruouio it C3il PP. TU- iui-trn-KlivreotTiplalnt 4 I I bikwi Li v 77 c: 1 l couiulicated l .with co:iv.ixiti :i. J . lny-W ort R'.n r:ctucn i tlip wi'ftlii-.i- J i.n-t.ia:i-l rt -,icVSy cures ft. 1 kinds 1 cf 1':! m cv. a v A-::--.c-iuJ fiud luulkiuc li.v.l'rcii.U. R I E U M AT S M . PITvKULCURK, nn it ii for ALL thopoi: ful v;cL.aia . f v ipv.mrttin-n (-.n r" ill'. THOUSANDS Ol CA8E8 cftJio won't lor; ttt c( tiaj u-i riulo UifM-ftnenftvo becu uuKlv p-Mi-vfil, and ft r t'tort Uiae PfcHFiZCTLY CURED. f ""It rlpnRc, KtrnifCllirn nl cT l.lli- to nil i;;i.witat or,:-ti3 ol the bodj. T;u natural m-Uon ol tho K.diiry ia restorrj. T:.rt Liver ii -Miw.d f a'l (ti-pcMio, ad tlio U-AVklMiawvu Lwciy o M L.ulUiluli. I fit Acts nt tlP wir;o t:no on the KTDNEYS, I I f i;i .ir ii.i. jry c-m do r.cni oymtui. e3sl Dyes Ver Kade. T-ru". FIT K. WOOI,, OK t OTTON'.-u rn-GSE's, COATS, SCARFS, HOODS. Y. STOCKINC3, CARPET RACS, ni33OK0, FEATKERS, cr ...y fabric cr 13-K-r oriu-!ocw.lly a:.a j-.-Kcetly cclcrcdtoary '-: i.iimIi. iiroa. r. s-in. I .rila.1 K..I. aT '. 1,ro""- 0,", lircrn, 'icrra '! ar.a S3 ether beat lcri. WarrantcJ Font a:-.d Di-rab-.e. iJchpackaEOWi.l 0- tor oa to four lba. of cooda. It youhar. r eTcr ,.KJ Vyct try tlifao once. Vou w;U bedollektcl. Cold by drutsiatn.oracml ea 10 ocnta ajid any rotor wan-pd arnt pMt-psid. 1 colored aaiuplca aid a r-t cff.ui.y r-.:c.ut f :-r a 3e. atamp. w tu-S i:i :i.vt:iso a i o., jiuru6i" G3LDTntl"S!LVER PAINT. Dronzo Paint. Artists' Black. :.-r ciiiUn,: rae.iy E.-viiCta. I romra, Lamps, Cjn-.i.U Ilcra, and fjro'.lUir.dacforna4aiitl work r ! ".I to nnv a t'.io Ul.-.U priced ki-du and only 1- )' .!.!.. ;-,o,---iit-rl-ts.or-..,";-p.iidfroni 1VI1I.1.S, UK UAi:CM A ID.. liiirllHa,t -i zi : : . -s- t,j (j,,. hliMKl. M, .11,1,1-11. I,,.w..lsi.r kliiiti. "r vh, ri-iiii re u u.-rvo t.-iiic. ii.'tiser or siiiiiittiint. Kiiimriiiui ,.t tin- is Invuliritile. 'I iii.iiisiii.lst.riK-lKim it vt-.-rntiIlh.-il i-v. rs, K..r Hi I11..SI wi.llti.'riui in- s , . io -.iii in.ii. Mil. lot iv. ii" ii.Ti,F..i MiJ.UL.ll. tl'. le 11. 'ill. l.'is. oi. J....i. Payno'o Automatic Engines 11 W I'1Q I' C-S- " ' - "' ' :i,vstic TRUSS "i -luii'ilil lc-! Ve V' ' 'e i; '. PI - VIS P.lf-Aa.,aUnf MWASLjrVVN hs: I i. c. g. .i.put tMift. .a kiy L wii. iw tts u ,n.nml.lkrnl.!.l.ldwi-ui.l l.r.r. t nttM ni a n Ileal f n e..ia a. HUM.;. al4 aLiti,,,; SratbymM. Cleiulw l. EGliLtSXl5 TKl'SS CO.. CMmiro. Iu. CHROLITHION t.lllVjlOrtMrlM. . AGENTS ink, roonpy utMimn nr rnmr us i Nn cntnt-'l rt,r'-l. Munil . , .. . ,,k i;,(',y it mule. Cojtly $12 SnlSi "Vee Adilre... TlifE i o.. Auuita.M.. , T COt.l MAN llf SINISSCOLLnOB. ( 1. ( . Nvwn'W. S. J. WriwIurUatalofua. . . .... . . m hnme. Samplea worth frea $5 tO $2C'Ad.ln'. "ti"... A sTu.. fornanO. M. AT PVTPYnRrAT WORLD'S EXHiBifibN fcr 16 years. . ' " i . o,,.h..:ici, i hv NEVER FAILS. 1 Mm Heliible." ai..l IV..ioi..i,-.-l. '''"'"'

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