THURSDAY, MA1UTI 8, 1SS3. LOCAL RSCOHIi3. T1,,, w unite n crowd , r 1 ... I . :.. in towu on last .uonuay, num -11111-inissioncr.s' day. iA turpentine slill mid nxtitiv for sale by Mr. Thomas fro-, as you will sue by reading hi.s advertise uieut. TC .. RM,rv ..nil .11, Hardin Bros. A Co. eonrt weelc. They will have u pond lot on hand. Also have received this week a largo lot of j Wagon nnd lUgx? material. . . I .... i , ,, , .,( (!,,. 1 t. At the last, meeting ottiiu, . : . .. , t i vv i.. COU1IIV COlllllllSKHilli l n u i appointed keeper of the poor se, at a salary of !S27 a year, to was house, fill the viliMiicv oee.isioned by tin death of Mr. John T. T.urell WYnu will find at Iiondon's a few of those cheap suits left, at New York cost. Ladies, if you need any Dress Goods you will save money by calling at Loiid n"s. Ib has jnt re ceived this week a nice lot, of Corsets. Silk Handkerchiefs, X.-pher, Dk-s liuttoiHiuid other notion:.. London's U.ibt Sjap is l:io b-Mt y.u ev u- .j i.v. , i . tear lien you eonie loco.iu ;,'o . xir ii t ..1- 1 I.,... . .,, to W. H. Leoiuuds, an. I Inn y . it i i :t .., ti a watch or clock, which he will sell 3'0ii at tho lowest, prices. He also, 1 i i ti, . , i. f has on hand a well selecte J stock of- Jewelry, Spectacles. Solid Gold Set Rings, Ladies' T ir-rin ;s iv:c. lie is one of the best. Watch Repairers in N. C. Bring your Watches and have them repaired and warranted. aByni!'ii A Ilealcn keep "the common School Books. Bynuui & Head 'n are now oi't'ering their stock of Keadymade Clothing at cost for cash. By mi in it Headen request all owing them to come for war 1 and s tile. Bynum & Headen have a luge slock of G.iods oil hand which they are offoriug very low for cash. V&T Receiving this week a' e lot of Farmers' Friend Tlows, Itchiuoud Kentucky l'lo'vs and Castings of all kinds, at London's. Farmers can nave money bv giving him a call. lit is offerinir a splendid Corn Sheller very cheap. Clover Seed. Gard, n Seed, Onion Buttons and Sets very cheap at Loudon's. 1001). Sacks Gcano and Acid Thosphat'i ut London "s. . ' , , Acid Phosphates are much cheaper ., . . 1 than Chemicals. r , i. -i r MuSlr. It. I. It'.gers. proprietor of the Durham marble works, will b:i at , , , . , . .,, uisouro iiuriiiir conn-wei-ii, nun win i , , , r i' ue pie-ise.i io leceneoiocs .. .... h . persons who ni cy nee.l aiiyliiing in his line. He will have with hi,. i do signs and sampl'-s of his work which he will be plea.-o.l toevhihit. lie La-, ou hand a large lot of i.i'.numeiits. tombstones, tablets. ,, which will be sold on reasonable terms. 3P.T. B H l "l is h is j 1st roc. ived a lot of those le a i'il'ul h.i't 1 made Zeiglor t-hoes. Wiil h ie iu Mete in a few days, a full line of Spring ,!s. We havo just ro!--ive, a ipinntiiy nf the Mountain ited Irish po'.ati . s; now is jour time to secure f. r planin g We extend a cordial invitation to all t i come and exa::ii:ie our stock : no trmi ble to show our goo Is. A!! por.-ons indebted to us are earnestly requested to settle up, as we must have tin money, and cannot afford longer in dulgeneo. -Mr. TiilVn is Allen informs U.o, - . - --'.M - ; i;e...,,.ie.l by Mr. H Q I'owed a. Tair ; .,, , .. wllit.h it w ,,,. , Ml . Pv h .he urns o he public that he is reaily to gi.ud corn ; ' S 1 Un w" ,"u"!'1 "T"" wi'h "f I uholesomo. Ii i . a w, d. , :l. ,. hitM ,,-.. U.j,,,. f r ami wheat into the best m.-a , ,; .i j"1, 'l""'i '"''- - ' mop- pers -ns do not avail the,.i, l r. u-s.uu ,.f h;..0U. floor at Slooros in. , near l'.ttsb..r.. a,ln, .U,,;'J- 'V C 1 11,1 1' . "l 1 1 1 " of Mr Joshua Smith, who w.n in I , r ,l Hie ..veri,-...i.t lo There is plenty of water in the , 1 ; " j C'" "i" ' I J-'rp to SZ Z 'lal At " W now nnd vou had better have voiir 1 "l. m(i.u .us pist uio loeui eHC tp Kiiipo.l from the window of : m ' b r j iird.y morning, bmgl. rs opene m-miline- done before dry weather : ,1'V,. P'-olat-rv .' l'l-evailed ,,. ;M wUi,.h b0 wu9 0.t.nvinif. I UHJ'"' sufonf J C Kh,p,tt, i -wel-r tickets MT Bynum & Headen are selling ! ,) ivi l L;;v for hli(10 across Lonir s Uiemiciils for U -asl. , Tym (.i.t.).k Byuii.nA H.-aden have I-ra.u Sid- j ,- w,.s,t f,u. ,.t.)air8 oll dalls Soap which saves one Lalf llio, 11U.,.'S li,l,r(. labor in washing I.J. J. knight," deputy sheriff, ByiluniiV Headen are selling a t.rsf-, illSnlv,. ,Ves class Sluchine very low hn-: fj.w,,.,.tV ,al.Klilve, frI,,-idgo cash. , . ,.,,., i. T. o rr i i , . c ' across litis oieoi,, Bynnm & Ifi-aden have a i.e-.v lot of IJavIl T,lvll.t fur ht.nk.t!, at x- urmiure on n.ui i. Bynum t Headen have Clover and Orchard Grass Seed. Byutini A. Headen are selling the ."Anchor Brand" Fertilizer. D.veli.ixu Boiisr. On lat Suud.iy a dwelling liou-.", occupied by a ten ant, was Inn ut ou thn farm of Sir. Camillus Taiicette, near Haywood. OmnKits (.J.'vi.irirn. At the meet ing of the comity coni.uissioners, on last Monday, Dr. L. A. Hanks quali fied as coroner and Mr. Wilkes Sliowd as surveyor, cm h having given the proper official bond. A Ooon Shot. Sir. Win. Williams. 1 M' J"1'" 'A'- l''an'-H. fr x ofNew Hope township, killed last week , ia services of her deceased two wild turkies at. one shot with his j husband as keeper of tho ritlVnt.Hrlisl-m.-Anf .).", vnnls Tl ! poor house, ball went through the neck of one and into the bodv of the oilier. No CoNTit.voT Llt. The county coiuinissioiiei'.s, ut their last meetiupr. did not let to oonliact the building of , the hiidj;e nt Mnnir'a mill becnuse only one bid wass put in anfl tluit ex- ! ceoded the mtiount uuthoii.i-d hv the uiiigistratos t-) be expended on it. Anotucr Poini.i (ur esteemed younj couutyiuan. Dr. l'eterlt Hutch, crriduiteil last veoU at the l ille-'e til Physieians and r5ur''cotis at Ualti- more, and has returned home rretiar - ed "to kill or cure.'' Wo wish hi-.n , .... tuueu success in ins nonorauie pro- Icssion. Tallin or a Staui.k. On last Thursday afternoon, as Mr. N. SI. Hill was finishing the CDVfi iii,' of u hvgfi ; filulilii that ho had just erected, thn ed hawk attacked a lien an 1 her chick : underpinning of one nidi; h'iivo way. piir at Mr. Sa-nnel Wilkersou's, in 1 causing the building to separate and ! Ce dtr Grove township one day reeent : tli roof to f.ill ill v. the workmen ly, when the hen captiiie i and killed on it. J5y ;i :v chnin-o no oiu! was ilm hawk. 1,1,1 ' mo.iu 11 wis n nanow e scupti. ' A I'll; K. .Iilfl niter w' ha. I .inn to tnii.-.s. on last Thursilav, our town Wis iiiuc!i txeitrd at the alarm of tire, oil ise.1 by the burnii:;,' of a kiln of lumber th'at Mr. . I. i. Ibuiis intended Usili ill eiihuili'f the house that he i recently bought from Mr. Irby 1'hil ; hps. Toitiiicttely tli -re was no wind ''; ,. " V, " "'' f the a: lucent building 11m ! H.nom.tetUo ulioul mxty dollars. " ; Liyn iii r.i kction. At tins hist meet i nir of thn count v commissioners an r. . ' lection was ordered to be held at .I wnu .i...l l. , Iw.Ll ill i tins place, on .Muh.lay tlio itli. day of next SFay. for the purpose of do - i ci. ling wliellier Hie sale oi spirit uoiis and mill lion, is should continue t IW can no, liepeaie.i au u-ai oy ,''':'J''' tlio votes cast at an election lielil lor i :i . i ...i ii.;. i i,... ai .. ' i. ...i ' i I inni"iiy nignr me ciwoiiiii nonse . ......, t!. r, ..l II !.v,.s : " ".' iu mis low nsiup. oiu. iius in that purjiose. w Inch election must be ; ilmingionStsr: Mr. J dm M-lton ordered by the count v commiisioners killed, yis'i r lny moriiiiig, u line hog, upon tlw petition of one fourth of j f'ised by himself, which, when weigh -the voters registered in the township. Wl fo'U'd to turn the at , Soil pounds. The store a i l s'oek .r . . l . . . i ti b. ii i Ar.i.isr.ivi-i. i .-.,ivr, i. Through the courtesy of SVmior Woniack we are enabled t-. i. ibhsh the f. -Howine- 1 l ! I. llll J llVlflllp I i . . ' a.. t '.A-t V. ll i ui in iiiuinMruit's imiHiiiiii'u iur iihii several towusl.ios in tnis count v. The nisi one iiiiiiii"! l l c;i:-n ion ;isuiii is . . .r n n. ...n. ll 0"l.ili'il liii H in i-iliri lot luu i;ui ' i . ' 1 Ai.iiiMiiM r )beiliah Marsh. ii ri , . .. . , .... ' W. J. .v. i.incocii v. naniueij x caguu. L5.LiMN ( 'latiioiiie Ju.itioe, A WiUei, lloberi W. Bi.Mt CiiiTK- Cidvin Siler, J. I. Lane, Fi. II. McM,i:ius. C.WK Fk.!i--.I..1iu O'Connell, John Mclver, J. B. Vai borough, W. B. Wiikiu. Ckn i i.K -Thomas ,1. Grillin. John A. Woniack, W.n S. Petty, It. James l'owell. IIaw.d -J. SL Liu.lh-y, C. Ii John - son, Cicero Sli Biiue. M UTiirws - Cieor.' -'i!ts. J.i li'iiiston, L. J. Kirkm-m. i-ph A. ! IIicioKv Moi NiAjs .1. A. Alston, Jno. A. Tugh, A. T. Dixon. Gi-i.K .1 M Stinson, J. F. Ausley, A. W . Jenkins. Oakland C. II. ( alvor, L. L. lysor, Wm. It. Tattisiia!!. N'r.w 1 1. -Sainml Holt, Joseph D. Bra-in-ton. S. (i. Wilson. Williams C. S. Hollciuiu, C. It. ' Scott, J. H. William.-!. : ('omniissioiiiTs' Mccliilg. i . . ;,... i,i i lhe county commissioners held ... , ,, tlnir n .'iilar monthly nii-etin-'oii last , , ... , .... , ,i .Monday anit I ilcstlav. I he following iccoiiuts were audited and ordered J w'l,' t .. , i , i i . . S. M. Holt, for school houso .. . , . x- site lor ilisli ict .No. i.. ) 00 , ... ... , , , , surveying for p,ib!icsehoil house sitcin district N'o. L"). W. L. London, for supplies for poor house. Caudle & i'etty. for lumber for p-ior house, Dr. II. C. Jackson, as phvsi ciau to toor house, it. M. .loiiL-s. f. r hniiber and work on Whi'o's bridge. Mrs. George W. Burns, for school hiiise -ite in district No. ill, W. S. Grillin, for work on j'o r house, C i Mnid-ick. for s"i vic;'s at p .or hou.e, A. J. Biggsbee, for register ing voter:;. W. (. F.urell. for To bushels col u for poor house, J. D. Grillin, three witness 17.00 ; I io :is 2.7(! I u 2r U.50 0.00 i. I") K.OO poor house, L. H. 1'Aline, for services as 1 clerk to the coinuii.ssioners, issuing orders. Ac, I Bynum A Headen, for sup- plies for poor house, ' Thomas Cross, for jail fees, Dr. Thomas A. Brooks, for examining SI. u ion Trice, a I lunatic, J (). A. Haunt r. J. P., for fees, in case of Marion Trice, II. A. London, for advertising notice. tj. W. Hatch, for flour and bran for poor-house, Richard Ramsey, for cleaning out court, house, 5.00 1.20 3.50 1(5.00 i no on ""- ; ""i.i,i n. uiai .lonn v auipocu ; iiuionc-n c-,a iiiouin 101 Keeping ins son, wlio is a lunatic, and iluuiu ! Jtrowu be allowed ;1 50 a month for 1 the support of his d itighter, who m i"ic. ' Ai. xsn.l, r H H'ei.heiw. (lovorutu ofti.ori..i..lex-Aice l'ltsnleiit of. the Col.fe.l. rale St .les, ,1. ,1 ut tl.e ; Le -iilivi- M'tiisioii ia At Iau!a ut j llll,'y midnight. i Cipt. J. (J. Morii-on. of L'utawbu. ow'.is tho u-t il Iiy Stonewall 1 .I ickmn tluriiij' the wt-r and in which ! ho was ridiu.' ut the time he received his fatal wotin Is. Cap!. Morrisou, 1 . . . . . ... . was a iioiiiiir-in-l ivvt;l Um. Jackson, I an was ou hi btult, General News. Ilillsboro' Observer: A lilue-win"- , TmivvIii me Journal: Mr. J'. H. j II cton ef (Vubf lot creek, has a t wo ; nii'l iiijnalU 1 n uuai it r veins old smi ti nt it pr. ilirv in h ii lie not on J y i: ii ties flni tune in its perfect tiiiie.j ; but also n peats every word in nnv ' uonj? he hears. What is l'e- inaik:ible, he is of a family that is not i gifted with n.iisical proclivities. '. A . I 'miii..i-. 1r Ifein v Tv. ison of l?i,.wer t.mimhii.Ins' l.iclweil- lot; house uud Wednesday ni 1 its contents I y tire last iuht. His flour, meal ..... and tverv thinr excent a little corn niT CTCKIit. I, 1 1 1 1 1 M nrn we. liniiied. A little son of Mr. Oreeii McSf iRtei'M wns attacked tho ..ilw.r ..o ;,. II. .,.. I,.. f.. sow ami wouM have been kl let lia.l jit not h.e-i for the timely iuterf. reuce i oi lus lal tier. ,,.,.... ,,, , . . - i.-- .. . i . ,!,,: lljf:llu. ; ul hou.rh not daiM'tniiH iiiiuries. liij uries, l . K"'"" "essrs. auaee v .win "" ' "; 'T- j w.,,,.f destroyed bv tiro , Sa nrday . , . I , yj 1 1 - IJ 11111 IHM, .11 llll' II .11. ' . . . . , I ?' u 111 5 '." , tnillv eoveretl lv insurance. . . , . , oi i.-iu of the hie was unknown. j Beaufort Telephone: We havo in iour town a colon d man who is ns juiuehefa prodigy ns the vei if aide I "Blind Tom." His name is Z ich Th lor. bom in Carteret county, of j parents who were slaves, is M jcirs't'"1 r ''' woman oung nei.r jnw ii :r- , ;ot age, never went to school in his ' "Aft horribly burned Wedn. s.i.n-, i bfe, and yet he eau build a mill, re- I and liugere 1 in great agony until tin- ' ! pair a wiitch, tune a piano or print it j 'X' day when death relieved her huf- 1 j newspaper. The most iviiiurkable fl ril,- . Hl't' vas washing some 'gift lie hu, however, is the ability to ' clothes iu the yard when he ibci-s ; repc it scrip! urn, which he can do f.,r J c;iii-;Lt on tire and b-fre help could j I hours at, a lime wiihout making . hud she was burned ulur at to u' 1 mistake. Adievillo Citizen: O.i Sunday! r ..yet leville O server: Weivgrei night, 25th ult , at an emlv hour, ', lht Sir F Iwmd V . i-bu, living t vvm r lire was discovered iu the littie r n t!l,t'u 8 Wi'" llf '".Vfttmilie, wlnle of the kitchen ou the premises of liie j triminiuf,' a tree last Sbnuhiy, hud oiu l!..v I)i.,,1 Ti.. i ,, foot ueai Iv s vered in two bv a n ls- j ,im m)m f)11ul the Hei vmt s bed ! on lire, mid at o: ciiiuiiicnco-i -lit- ! :,.,,,., fl,llllM ab,v, r,ni. ,'.,. riving the tire was extinguished, but Vail y B iilro .d He has ,-t, .1 iu the ba:il i with the llunes I)r Bus- '"'" Siiperiuleinl, ncy of the Ciiolma ton was seriously burnt on the hands Central Itolnmd, and will make at. d face and in':a'el tho steiiu and j Wilmington his f itnit- hoa.u --Fay-lire to such an ex'eul as to i-iu ie -eille has been h.r n vnal yeais painful injuries to his throat. j l,;lht "" "f ,!"' ' at- st sluck-iu.u keti, . iu the Stale w hich shows the incr. as- Italeigh Visitor: Gov. Jarvis has;eil .j,.,,,,,,,,! fr hors. s mid nuilus, m. l ..ppomte.i SI.esrs SI 1 Leach, of this ur,,nM wiU W(J thii.k, f.T the pro, r. ,s cny, and Hentj It. Bryan, of NVw-!M()d iu n;i icnlt ur. -On Sulnr l b. rne, in.-mbers of the Board of I)i- ; evoniii, but S o'clock, Mr. W '!. rectors of the p.-i.i eulmry. to fid the i w.u h)i,. ilt s.vaui. s S:ati. ., vacancies caused by the resignation ; l)y M,. M imson G r .ham. Tlieshou of Mr. riiMiias H.,'gs. of ihlSj,; W11K l.lit.Vl.d to beenbrl, a -ci city, and thod. aihof Sir. a'es, . f (, ntll j-.,,, . v,l( .rlllLi,.g (Ir eiisboro. At half p.n-t two :u1,i ( j,..,,.,,., hil,j :l j.,,! , j, i this ( Tile-lav) a teriioon, the : ul,,, lf s a aI-,,0J ia h,lllltl of Mr. George W. S vepst.n , wav ,,. ,:. ,.Mt,.r,.,g l ialiep'.-, aim,, was not t nil .ne . un.-. ng. In fact, (,r4, u;!1 ,. .. ,. U is thought that he is gradually sink- M ((J)., , , s. uonin nig, and c m n-t lint many days i,,,,! lll)t ,. t. s. eu l h. r I of. V"e '""Kpr- ' reg-et to ih it ir t V h-.pu is en- Winston Sentinel: The B lard of i tu iiiiued of Sir. l,..,,h p's u-oovory. 'Justices ot the Peace of Divio county have b e i ca'le.i to nu . t ou the I h nay oi June next locorsi- e ti.e o-ics- ! lion of aholi-hiii!.' the Infciioi- Cuort i A short tiiu.i since, near BetliM.i t, ! she residence of Mr. lii. h od Toin- dexter wa oonsn 1 by li e and ail j of its Clinton's Tin-re v usnooiie in dwelliii:; ut III li tin and tho tire I in supposed in nave out: n.tien imiiiiy,, m , t;n, X.joialroom wli-li w.isuse. l.y s him of . llie Iaiitil V just, lieLu-e lenviu lor a 51.50 i"':,"Hrs ana a lew Hours neloro tne . hlmf, ,llwlhlllsf Il!in, n , j flames were discovered. . hishackbone. His injuns hav- 3.85 j Wilson Advance: Mr. II A. By-1 proved fatal. A o ui-iu of his, l-y the nniD, of Pitt,, made hist yesr none unni", mot Ids death at 11 on; 72.00 'on thirty actes of land fi rry-thres ' Hill it f--w weeks since. Some of : lie 1 1 a!i 8 of cot ion. I l.i made in all on - old workings ciivh I in, forci t;'i 07.30 hh farm over one hundred and fifty water into tho (! dininre shaft ,i i hides of cott .in and it wasn't a uood ' the lime, three men were iu tl " !.. 2.50 ; .- r.iir-inu cotton either. One tern. Tho water came in so f t t ! I day Inst we. k a little negro girl, w hose In bewi'ih r the men. Tin y ha I 'he 23. '2S p iienls live on Dr. T.rooks' fi.r.n in a- Imcket ut their tinners' en. is. ye' j her', agetl four years, met In r death . n! v elung to the .-nhs of Un1 shi.t'i 500 in n most hoiiible manner. Hi r j and j r.'.ed the sgu:tl hell in rmii a j parents l ad c irele-sly left the child Mii n i to r -ii.K-r lh-ir inoiini-g i neiir a til e in the fn Id, and when they iiiiinle'.hyild". In t-n iiiiuu es ice 23.47 1 returned they found every rag of water was lift- in feet deep. Two .f i clothing the child had on t xcept itsjt'io no n wt-re s ived, while SI-. Y.t'es 13 75 ; collar lilei a'ly buriietl cff. She lived lost his life. Th miners ta l ih.y 13.110 ; ouly a few hours. Another victiui to ! tie ught the shaft had caved iu, m.,i j careh gsiiess. j they had given up ull hope of g t'ing Winston Iieader: A good i-tory i ";,t. lold on a nieiiiber of the bur from Cimtlotto O's rv. r: Sir (ic. r.e So.kes. He attended our Ii.fei ior ('.,,.U,,,, n ce uinerci d tiav-il.-r fu: (!ourt and put ni a', the SlercUiii's 5,SI ,. siulV A Orier, of Ih s ci;, Hotel. Sinolhered chie.-en wasi,,,, u i;v. ly udventiiio u served for dinner one tiny and lhe dump's l ry, ovi r the Rockv R or, member made some iotpi ries of the j Alison c 'iiitv, i'uv before v -tei-waitcr as to how it was prei ared. ! ,,,.. llV ..I , !,' , l()Ht bis !i,.r,.e ! He went h nue. A fiiend of his saw ( i,.,,.. p,,,., . Hampl s and .o n-.t 1 00 j him one day catch tun e chickens -,0 n, jlver cu. M at he had co le.-i-I slid dohberaiely tl p himself dowe j f ,r ,.s tit m ai I which was in a , up n them, uiitshing the life ou ol , j 1 1. . Jir- f ' Ul,, tl e:r bodies. At the ilini or tube 1 . . . . ... ciiicKen was st-rv."i, ine i; ntm uio m. of the l. asKeil a Ti-niug lit l.lthor fo j,,,, 11:llH,.; to I lie (.mnotlieteit , cdiiok "lhis is mi Siiiotliereil ! iic ei, rop:ie,i ino neimii.i.r, n is S ti ' is Miioihereil, re - Itorteilthe iu. of the 1 ' for (eslliP" Ins friend s nmuo) saw n.e s.uotlier them to de tth." w.luiiiifrton lleview: A dlu rt time f j(1 HU u,i:, .j,,,,, , ,.,Illlv H f,irn,er i,...i ., , i.;..i .i,;'.(i, i i,,i I hunbs sutl tl e 1 sum nfu-r. The lambs ; were bright mul henlthy, and what to : lo with the little inotlioi less oroaturi s became a matier of eonci rn. Tin- wife ef tlio fanner hiipiieued, as it I sometiint s the ens-, to have a iiiirsiny: ... . .... . . , miaul, ana sue oouciu lea 10 iry im; I cxpcnnicnt ot letting the lambs, sharo with tho littlH one fir tnmrishnieiit ; from her own breast. Ti c trial was ' eiitiiely successful, it ml the little . . . .1 .- . !..' oieinures now count io ni r P'tfuiai ly lor II-tut mIi nici) r a i. I urn tli riving under t ii i r novel nu-s!n;. I' i- really peou'.i ir to i he mother take h'-r child ii ii tl fin! ef thi IauiIis mid p'aei! them to her breiists, where t hey - j '!lk" heir liolll Hlnu 'i.t as pi. as Ul I v a i '," '"""u'H it was in Hi n ruinr onii j ot II. nigs. Statcsvilhi Lin linai k : We note! wjth mtisfuelion llmt th-it hcHii'ifu.1 I ,ir, toothsome ti-h, the i rieat curp. I u beint largely in'ro lueed i.ito (l is lootiou. Since" I he 1 st of D.-c-mber at least .IO buckets of them leivo li.-i n rccoved at the express otU'e in this; , t'l"'" f'' p1""1''' I' edell, Alcsa-'ler, i Wilkes nnd Yadkin. They dome 'r un iii... T' :.. .1 u.. n i i l"lini uini n--il llilllllllTini iu 4. WashiliL't , . . , , . i , ilniiL'ton, me sent out in oN of , , ,, , , to the bucket, and the oulj ,i . ,i . ' 10 lUe lierson receivuiir lliem is i , "I - and piohl.c h.h 1 i fully n.u ' ! V' ' m i it H bjmwiieil. 1 ne cost of m a doiui is iiiliinu. Ii eosis I'O I. Pit; I lueenslmro I'atnot: A LtllliUI r of i".vs wore (ii:au'(-i in HMi-ni-ig a I uiai k with mii eiin. neiir I'ri -f. A I - etniiin's n Bi leiice. Charley Al!. v, u brigni. and pr.unsi -g boy, wns mi- gaee.i in nxitig ti.o target, while .1 tin ; Mclc'iin, c yoiiih of Id veins, v.-is' holding the -uu. Tur .ing mid mi i in-' the .'in, t.vnte.d lnwHr Is ,i,n I 1 Alley called I, "b Leiiu to lu.l.l it up. )llt inmllv Imn he words t-scroed Hie less J.s,hia lips when th,. noiseleis hud Inch whs par i ...,i Li, I n,.l ir f.,11 . Hint par,ilz.-i. J lis bullet enter .1 , i ll.P back of the hen. I. Will ISm-n, 1 ' ne-ir Gil.-onsville, w.n iu to-vi, j ' yesterday un .1 while in the sime of ; Diviuey Ilrat h was It mdliega i t.l, : i vvll,!" WIS di-chargnd, kIio it ing his i ! hire linger . tV. Cally SI ire, n !-'''"p. w'10'-0 l i the axe. Our eouimiiuiiy ; Ki'fii'l- r.-r- C3. 1 L. C. 'Jmes, if the Cap - Fear .v it km I Sa'ibury Watchman: ' s nail fanner in li a i Tu.-re t ho .,i.... 71 .,,.,. , f , 1 ,. ,.1 1, ..v.-r -J-Jtin gallons Alliwing f shrii.k tge ho est imates (r un H i. crop ut fl.U'-O.- I V. I v' h m ei i- j;i 1, l"i teres in coitnii i 1 11. is s- .... t.. v.,i. ho b t r, b . ll. .-. 1) oi ) i of Me one of tl" I 11:11 I.I :. 1; f bucket, n . of IM i e ; hat ho h i I I r ('run). (: ii-.e h'i.1 run lie.) !y a .way but ' ! f,-,,,,, jir- : ,,lV (...f,,, t) ; ,,, ,,ht. a lM1 nil to tue ,e went alotn; w. 11 eunuch for Mr. .(;,,!,., , until the river was reit.-hoil . ,! .Mr. (.'ul.-iii-ii l-ojiun In shout for t,,. f,., ryi.iun . w h wasonth i'l1 ;,.. w,.l.. i,t ismu, m-i-r ui'l. ilil.i 1 r,M. hoi so becumi restive snd Mr. ( .1. -mini got out to hollies .,.,d wick- wiuf.iifj the cuiin- ,.f ih- bout. to it... I , .,.,;.,.. ,,,i ;,, t a o 'touched the b-n.k, the horse iitve s meat plunge fniwiird, kuoclli't,' Mr. i'oiin,iin iiown ami riiiiinii over linn, ihishi d into the boat and them e iilun-'ed into the river, iiii rvin the , IuiukI' w Neither horou nor 1 . - .1 . . ,, miy ever cauio iw mo tuuace oi lue 1 wulor, Chnrlotte Join mil : A unit involv iiitf the t-uiu .f $GJ,(IO(l, has been broiiyhl Li the Superioi Court of this . i. . . n t r i... r r i. l L coiiiuy ny lUi-nsrs i nu jlj .ii"iccioau, oi tins c 1 1 v , nint .Minis a. (nay, oi . (irci iishnro, n.r.iiiisl Sir. W.J. Jiaut, i f rail fund fane in N-'r'h Carolina, ' Tho ju: i-n. i f mudi d on a hi e ieh of I (flit i in t in rtfusiiifflo complete the purch n-e o coram limnls iroin ; r Ai's-rs. .Murei-f mi mi i may, wi n n ; no l. hi ai ei i um;er ins nai.n nun j e.'il to leeeive on ll:e Jtli nl June' lust Iiy ilm teriLK of tic coijtniot, tho transneii ii mis i i iin-lu.!e the Ir infer of ih" f dlov.i i; blinks and jil IgiiieliU: Six h indred and eighty live sh ires of A it N. C. U. II stock, v lined at f !),.r!)!.()(); on jud.'iunt again. t the A. A X. (J. It. It. Co., valued at $2i),3;H 0(1; three thou sand four hundred and three shares . ., . i .. i 1. I, in me cammi siock oi ouepiirus i oiui . . .'. . . '.M n-mi L'tinl t o., vm ued at J.51,(il;j 00; . . . ', . ,. . . .. ,' 1 1 vo liUlldre.l i u I thirty lost limrt- e bends of the A & S. C. Ii. It. 'it Co, of $5(1(1.01) eifh, Thosn vahicK will. 1! a. cru. d interest, .Mr. 1 1 - -t i.giiel In i, -oiivc andtoptiy ! then -r thn hum of f 212,KH. i'aii- do 'ii aiid possiliiy r- fusing to con-diiui- Sat- ied the nnd wnteli mi Lei- iniil hto e from J1S.HI to $-2t),()i)0 tt-orih of goods. A large ' i.nrii .i. .,f tlw. t.ilei, iiioiwirtr i-iiiiNiHt- h1 of diamonds iiml i -welrv. and in- eluded -100 watches, of which 250 hud j Uun hit for n pairs. ... t ,,. ... , ,, ., . HS al!io Neely of Suntharaptou 'mnty, V ,1 died last we. k from an 1 1, et 111 inc . 11 in nut i-ii-, no i;i nut.-, tilt; physician. Tiie W enun Suffrage bill was re j cl. d KithcMi.s-aelinHttHLegulaturi' bv n vo'e of 1 'J7 to (i ). tr Noll-it . if ilp.'iilm nn, I ni,irrlit l.irlil fr. OMiiiiirli- ci u.'.l Hnvrn ..eiim a Una. i;i.iusiii'.k-anii!ii:ws -on ih isiimf Fe ti nr.. I.v I'. M. I.-1'v. mi. .1. I'., Mr. M. KliMWBKR, of Cliiiiliiiin, I.. i.l- I.iyasv, ..f Orangn. SMITH -litUiHIT.-Oi. till" 1-t ll.M. by H. ST. r.vtrai.u. .1. I'., Mr. Ili su h.iil.11 lu Mioa KATIK 1 l'.,i.. 1 1... it. ..r rh,il,nin I DOWIiY - I0IINS0N -At inn rfwMmnt ..f Die lii'l-li-'M Inili.-r. nn Kdl.rtiarv 'isih. hy curnnu J,lin- J. 1'., Mi- on. n.,wev In MIm Ll-'CKTTA liiilNMlN, : i. oaKiana ii wiitiiiiii. TZSZ r.IAIlKETS. l;.-.,.l le l f..r Tan lt.:cniiii by NOItHIS, WYATT & TAYLOR, tiliOl Klls A COMMISSION MKIIOIIANTS. No. .1 Ln.-I. inc.- nn, I No. ft Martin Sis.,, N. i'. t',, lJ. (.'OT I'ON MAHKKY: I I MM llluu-, Mi-Ililii:. S-rl.-l l.'-w MlddliiR, StitUm, wiioi.KSAi.r.u'.iocruv maiikt.t. Mnnl I I '"'ll'i'l'M Hulk. ' llsldm, 11 I li i-:.. V luirr. I, shotiid.T.s, '.'S I sixrnt. I'.llivnsmsl Hums, l-i-im. ,.lt, Dried, ll -sl ii.flncd, la I Drli-1 Afi-le F inilly. Ill I OonV... - 'l ' lllllWt C.-rn. 7S..HI 1 siiL-tir Vi-nl. ;:i.isii ,l..-. 8 Kl.ilir, N. C, f.'i ..O lili". Olali'll.lli'd, Sllil-.-i- I Hill '"I-. I ' '- I iKC-.. l'.,fi.i III.-.., i'i S I I'-rk. e,.iniiin, :i'.- i. .ia Hi.', llaw.'.n.', Vail S I i lib ki-n. 'I'll'.,, new, itT l...i; ' t'l l, nrr 1. 11. 1 BS-TIiim" in'b-Ks .tr.' for Ur.'n h.-.n. Ni-W Ailvertisi'iiU'iils. 5..-IS c.;.3u l 75 1 DO NOTICK -IIAV- i w.e 'iimllil.'d it r:i--icrH .f wilil'im tm A II ..M LlVT, I. wo luT.'l.v civn n..., liavin.- .-1 linis iijalu-l snl.l .1 I'll' lo n lit U llioiii li. U.-...U or U'fi.ici iln sill d iv. .! Mar. li, Ihrll. W M. A HO KS, ij K. iuv r... Stan-li . issit. It. I x- uIoim. f urn; tV. S A LiT-BY Y! U- tin- ..f ii nior -tf-ir-x-i-ii-f 1 1, iii" l-y .linnet W .iun.-k. 1 will s.'il .ii pui. II.- un.-. I"ii i t . nli n, II I ! I NIINK sTll.t. iil,.l lIMllli'S. itl 14 M, SMl'llliW III.' ;.lidiT..t A.l'il li'-x'. S.ilf will hi. iu ilm mi.i uo.-ir CI. i lam .-.ui.-t. I'lloM.vs i IiorS. M il'. li K. 1S.1I. 5 s. A DM1N lOivluu' Aii'lrt-w lirowi :nnNi-;TKVTORsvvnr;: - liiallll.'l in ll.n n , .1 I. I li-r.o. Lnlnl-n-a 'V ot I II .1 1 1 V Ull .M-- Us li .V.ll - l.lllll- .lit, mil I Hi., s un.. ..., oil ..r rnv i.i M'.r.-h. ism A. woMAi h. Slur, h 1. lfsil. " FA 101 rOiALKr F0 11 SAL K X i V I : A US' Tl M K A VAl.fAlll.l-: l-AUM, live inlli-KHiiiiili-wiMi or I'ltNlBT..-. N. I' , mi l rlflit llille', ri' .in ::n 11. It A- A I., nnd ll.n I '. K. V. . r.ilir,,ii.l- 'I'M.- iiirin .-.iieulus .-tl .ii. 4' h, u r.-s. ' w hi.-ii I.'". ,-t -rut in- in . .I luci 'i. lili - w d-d i ii i..i'is..t .sitk. Iii, k,.ry. , I, .-.d ir. iin, fc. l-r-'dii's-s is. in,, niii-nt, hik. V -. M e 'i !ai till ill is l i" ll U.-..!.l l.-uiil. vliiit. hi K "-k- river. 1-in.- (ii-illUi-s fur ninkliiK .-..nil. '1 -m.-.ii-.i i'. ill l i, i --s-, t -1 ' u'.'HllU.' Iwi'llilli?. I .:i un I ,i li"i- -'ir;tl-i.. .nil hi iusvii. i,.i iiii .-nn in. li i l . lu.-luT iiio .riri.-bi i -ti neply e.. Du. i li r.riixs. l,i', N. C. Till, Isr-J. t'.ttlH. Farms for Sale. ir i. .t prlva'. Iv l.r. n ilini d.y 1 will !! at ptllilli- it. t.'ll. hi mi MONDW 111" --li I day "t M'HIL mm, ni tin- i i li mis.. ,, in l i isi, i,.', l lollT l i s nr tt-.-L -lH iif Ian I. Klueui'.l iiliinc I ', nill'-s 111 I'lllflHHii'. TlH'M. ir.'irllt HI'O H.-ll Wmiill' l, .nil- lam alii.ui M m i i-a.-li, mi l urn suiuil le l..r Mil ill r.-irtns. inr lot ins and Iiu-iluT liilm inaili ii apply '" j ii mi nis. Felt. ISM. -IB. l itisli ip.'. S. C. AND SLK TX ri'lisr AKt K D nf nu i.i .l.-r .-I ih- supiii'li.r '-.'in I "f Cli iiluini isHinlv, iiiimI- In Un- .'ie....f .1. A. A s'i.ii iin.l niluTf, vs. v! ,v. Il.iiullii in, I 'iihiH-s. w." will sfll ncain BI pul'lti- an, -il n. al Un- t i'iirl l uiim-.1" ir In I imm l.r..',..n MONDW. M KCI1 In, 1SKI. alril'i nl Intel ..ilitaliilni,- !W a.-1-.'s, I'luu l"l Nn. 1 "I Un' Tyir.'ll and liivrs i.-a -i i.iii vi-s ! hy K. II i'l"Hil. ini-l I- Inn a I" hi I ni m th.-d"ir ur Un- lam Mi. lii-'-intim lltllT...I.S. Irinis: .miviitird t-acb, mil tn!n"i' pnyallo July im. ISM. J vi.t".-. W. T. DOIISKTT. l'eli '22. lhK:l..!H. t'iil:illini.,iUiHH "L. sxkat it:i' salks 15 Y VI IJ - B J nn. iif MiiiHry i'M-'-ii'I hik 1 ne.1 rr. on the siipi'i'l'ir is nn nl i huli i-ii i-iiinr.v. I Hliall, mi MONDAY lltl l'.iilHlayi.l M VIICII ni' U..'. link M., al UllHS.Ill.l HS. .1 111 I'lllsl'"!..', in pni In-s il" in Ut" lilciu-st lii.lUnr li'ri-.isli llir i.,.wlnu llai'lH ut laud, in: On,, ii-ni-1 I' litialiinii: Us n"ri-(i In lliwr Ct-.-i k liiM iishlp, a.!).-nuns iln' lauds i.r l..wanl I'liilups. N. ll. Sainili' sand ithi'is.. Li'Vl.-d "n an I In- pl'iip .1 1 nf t'liarl.'t, Willi-U, I.i hiiiIh.) JinlKiiii lil III I. iv iri'l A It. Malsii. Ohi. irai-l in Ma.lli.-rl'.wiislilp, iMiitalnlltK il'Ti-s. ii Ij hiiIih; tin- lauds "I Will-rt IH"il. Vr.-li- II, al, I i,,i,,'-hii,1 iiIh-.M I .'v.i.,1 .iit;iKllir pr"p'-rly .I N. K. M'l... hinnllnf) a jn lnn lll In lav ir "t S.-U1illi'l Slli'l'. titii. irai'i 111 Vll'i lu-hi t.iwnshlp. inntaliilne W ii' ii's, a ll-'inliii; Ut.- lands "I Marisnn-l T.- iirn.-, Nii ali llt l I-.-.-k ami .-iIiith. l..'vl.-l .ma Un- .r.. ,.i i nf sh iw - I Wlnle. in s curv a lu It-iiii-nl In dsiK. s. VV It 1. 1. VV K It. Slna Iff.', N. C . I' ll. I'.', iss.1. DATPMK h."iKo'mVi"- . ri I lull I w;-;:,.ri.;;:v.;i'VNh. ' it ; "n.;. W:i"iiinpi..n y. ; I II, II - i'. . ll li ,'l 1'IV - Nil 'Ir i luil ir. d 11 II- n- . m i . n..,v l r n. s l.. v. . Ji.i,i,,n lltl, WlUltUgtUU, 1A C 1 i'illll,lllt.-t Of lUjllUvlluUS lltj Know That Brown's Iron Bitters will cure tin.- worst case of dyspepsia. Will insurea hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, nnd gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for Iter child. Strengthens the muscles and nervcs.eni idles the blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and luck ofenergy Keeps off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Wslkrr St., Tial.intorc, Pec. iB8t. Kor six year 1 have hern a great fuffcrcr from Hl..nd Ii,c.-it.e, ly. jep-.t;i,.-ind(JntiMiutioii, ami became u debilitated that 1 could not main anything en my stomach, in fact, life hau almost become a tmrden. Finally, when lintm had almost left me, my husband ficcii.K Hkown's Ikon iJittrks adveriiscil in the faper, induced mo to give it a trial, am now taking tl.e third boltlo and have not fc-lt so well in six years u I do at the prusciu time. Mrs. L. t. CiarMM. Brown's IrsON Bitters will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs " bracing up," than any medicine made. incilQIflMii s....Tw .'i. liny .Ilii.iaHH. ! r C Jl U 3 'J ti 9 w.hiii I -i- llijai-y. I-'.-i-i,, tin j ll-iiiiiy, Hn-'k I'liv, IHm.-Iiuivh f,,r Ih-fi-i.TH. ..1.'.. , i.rii.-iiii j. II v.-ars . xti. i-l, ii, .. A-l-lrrui. C. M. sn i;s co . nut v s Jmuury ll, ishH. Vi a lit I,,.-!, ,.i , I). if. Practical Watclmakcr & Jeweller, 0.i.iM!r 1-, l Ofil !, lfnl i-li, 7s. '. FINK A.MKitii'AN W.'.'.rUK.-; A SIM'i'IA 1. 1 Y. a i.i. Hoops v..i:i:a : i'.i as i:r.i'i;ii:. i Kh iJKt'AiiiiNii m:ti.y i.)M-: At.'ull 1111,1 .viiinlnr inv .i'.o, k and I'rhvt. I.efi-i--liiil'.'liaslliu' I'Nowlii'.... '-la t-'i'lii uitry li. 1SKI. nut. Wishing you all a pros-roiis New Year, I would :il.-o your ntteiiiioii to the very lnre stock of (tomls which I keep on hand. You will ;il:ts liinl my stock coiiiplele 1 do not allow it to run ih iwn at ;my season, lu nieinber 1 Keep everything that can b I'ounil at any ill or .i ore : i DRY C 0033, FiiSY 1 NOTlir.S. I 1.(1 I liiN.; ! i,t SIIlKS il is. caps. i,i i ;i:-o i: ; I-1 us. Hardware, 'I'iir.varc, Wof leiiwaro I i.l.ASSV, !(l'. t K-.i;v. j ; l "i :i -i i'. j.n s -;s : i I Snip, Paints, Oils, Lye StalS ! Carringe Malori; is, ! Sewing Machines and Needles, j furniture, ZLon.tcr, ;Sad.Ucs, r.ri.U.-.-, r..r.:::, Ac. Ac j l'MOi;:;:;, Ireniotiilior oii will :ilw:is lind nl DOM'S i T1IK I, a lit. K 1' i. K nK U't-'JI it; l ill the county. He let.. ui miiiu Kentucky plow, Wa!!-' 1 i,t. roved, Lukes' No. 2, l 'arioi r.-' I 'rit nd Nos. o, 7. 7J, and S, Wi.tts, ( (liver (.'liillcd, Itcniniing ton, Livingston. ( ieorjin Slock. lollblc Sliovcl plows, or any othc you wish. A 1-.I. h:,s a lar.-r stock of SHOYLLS, HAM KS. 1 1! VCKS, nnd all kinds of FA KM 1 N(i l.MI'I.KMKNTS. L:il':;c .-ioel, of G 11 0 C Z! li , St'll A I.', I 1 1! I'l'.K. ill KI'.K, I ' i( AI Iv IlliS r.N t.i'OlLS vf i-.V Kit V KINK ! If you intend bitvin-' a twiilK 1 Mnchina be sin anil ell at London's : ho keeps ii l;ti :. e sfo.-k and will j;ive sotue t -tr.i,u,'iiiis. London is .-ient for Z i'l'-r 15ros.. celebrated Shoes for ladies' and children. II.-is received a new lot since Xinas I have n few t 'locks on hand wl.ieh ean bo bo-.-ht voi low tor c.;f. lleiiii-nil.i-r my Mm in: '. mmi;i i-: sim-km r IS IU-.T 1 Kit 'I'll A V A Sl ow MM IIMi." Special inducements offered to Cash Customers. London has received this wi , k a nici lot of Chairs and Ibn-kiio' ( 'lours. I let urn ticink.-s for your hbtral i"it,'"!' Hud win be ;;id to iiUibiTu', x. c, Jitu letj. Aiiiioiiiicenieiit! Wt- Iibvi. Ilil dny HSHni ltttD.I Hiimelvoi t.igotlicr fur lliii ,iiri. BO t-I r..n.lui-nii n IIihI-uIbm Dry Goods Business ii iIiim'I y..l llul. li;li. Un-linn Ml u VV. II . & It. S. TUCKKSl & CO, 11. oi..;; Limn fur a iiii iiiliirnfyai Hsu I.Hiiivu tvl b On ..I I Ili ni ..I W. 11. .v ll s. Tie Kit- wliiiw i.ainii .tii. I t ...I toil li.-o.- M-. iin-1- wi- ri-s oul'y ...In p a ..iiiiiiiMi I 'In -I'" i'-'i iitfi- lu'ris.ilnio i-.v i-n li-,1 in ih. in In a li-w 'I"." hlutil haw a ni- a s'li.-k i I- Ih nil 'li pan in. li' h lih'li nl i... !,i,u a: Un- ..i'i pn.-i . s. V, r nimll mviipy U.O i.l'l k.iiinl -Nn. s:l and ii 1 u i u.-viui- Mn-ei. .IAS. IIOV LAN, T. W. DoltlllN, I'HAS. Mi SIMMON. UL'J. W. l'Ol.. ribruiiry I, IBKi, 1U..I.I,.II. N. C., IVh. 1. I li'ive sold Oi" t-irlri' ni,..-lt nf K""ds nnd gnft.I will ,.l il..- Unit "t w. II at It. s. Tni ki-i-tn Mmnr. lainis lluvl hi, T. VV. li, ,1,1 lu, I'liailiw M ami l lei H-fcii- W. 1 ..I', v nn w 111 is ail luuu lliu bllsluuntt iiudiT lliu Ul'lii liHiu,. .t W. II. A 1!. S. T.: lit r V Co. 1 haw nn Mhaiv in I he pivMiroind am not ri'B..iti- -II l.-li.i- ma .ii i.i i iv. .-.I l y il,c linn uf W. U. II. S. Til' -Ui-r HI' i. I rhi'iTiully in-' ii'ii I In lli.i liivnnililr-niniilil, r.-i.-,ti nl iiu pui.l...- in.- ii.-vv i nn nl W. II. It It. b. I'H.-ki'l- M c... Tin- Ihik III I ni, un. .l (tu t i-i, ii. In, -N il Ly I i.i nl" iv i mi nn', I ii, -a, I. .-. i..i hit v.- luii I iluilr lilililUU Kl ll !' i'1'i llt lll UN 1 111 HHil'lrill In ,tiil,,-l On- .--em-. lu ivilnin; ii-i.iii Hi.- Ii v : "iiN I i"Iiiihs, I di-nln 'i i-i-'iirii in inn, i i ' ih.iil.i. a iri'ii.'i'i.iih pul'lti! r Hu ll' mil-, -ii.-iiii- I" .. ii- .1 I firm Inr nvi r hall a i-iii my. nii'l t us. nr.-1 .i- i'ii.s!.HHi-t-ii ituti I fully appriv luii lliru- pi-i'li'ti'iii'i- In -'.'UllliK mill ll, mill -ll"llk-ll li"! p. ' -11111.11 .1., liill TI'sli'.l In Un- iiiiw IiubI- ik'ss, ii-tihi iiuy Hill ini-tr patr..imt; lo .he new Mi ni. II S. TI'CKLII, S.u 'vivIhk I'ar.ner W. II. A 11. S. TI'CKFl', K-r llio in rM.-nt I w ill "tin ur tin; i.fllreit in i In, ii.ii. ..I W. II ; ll. s. Ti. ki r K On., fur llio pin p..Mi ..I ki.iiliuii up ull ' I i ur "Id liiislneHb till in I -nn i-y Ut. H S 11'l kHl, lulib.rsl if, Surviving I'artuer. The Largest Stock OF J5au-i'iim' and Ties XIV CENTRAL Nortli Carolina! Kor Ilm lowest oush prices to GINNERS AND DEALEKS write to m;. t. lkach a- CO., ISAI.KIUH, N. C July 13, ihs'2. ly XIai.kiuii, X. C, Aug. "21, 1SS2. To THK ClTIZI NS OF Cl.ATIIAM AND Sl'liUOl'M.INli (.'oUNTIKs: Okntli .sikn : We will sooii'roceive oiiv lare mid wi-11 selected Full stockjof . JIAUDWARE, of every description, WapB ai Bflffn Goods PAINTS tall kinds,) AM) (JTX IMl'lJOMKNTS, 1nn mi iJiiiiiU Leathsr ud EntoSd AC, AC, and we usk ,i sh ire of your pat loi.iif. We ,ruuiiiiitoo satis t'iK'tioii. Di n Motto : HKM' lilsiPS. t:sr piiii r SitJl'AUl-: I.KAl.I.NU l;''.s.i',lful.y, Tims. II. Urlars A. Sons, ili.loi-h, N. C OWE DOLLAR A TEAR. l Tin- i-li'i'iil-n: r ,1,1, p.,,, ,.,.w.t.a,r . ii- is... tl. ..,, ,,,, , .,., .s :l. , J , i-i'.-ii.iiii-iii .. ;i,i. i I . I.' ! .N NF.vSS ',':;';:::;!, :'- ;"' - j A'1 ''.':' N-'S ii.- flv.'i, llii 'l. ii .-iapl,,,' l-lsp,,-, ,io wwk I J,;',,,"" N"''s-I i num. Tl.l.s r,,-,l,-r alllu, I' i I !' '!-n;i y i:.;i; M.n I." I1U.S- V-.ll.HI ' ,'hl" l,l r i 1. mvM K, , , Ih-.Jl.-.ipi-.Sl. I ,J ;., fc ., .U a lmUm, ro. I''! 1 '"'WI. .M.ew Mi.i'i-t -les.-.i.ip!, . . ...... ..,.,.,,.,.,, rs.,,(.h. -s ii-iii vva-i. I..:-- .. .it-....... , :ii Ps;4 Ul- 1 "lil-'li, 'h7 "' "'"";' "" 'l-e.lll.lll.HB uf ; 'I II!' KAI.'M I ' 1 ' I -. l ; i mi-NT : tl..- Wi 1 1. i.v II. in v.,- .... , h,.,f;. 1K ' ,L 1 1"-,. '.' ''i'V '-"'rniB. ui i I '"'''' '. N I'.' 1.1 I., ,', l i-i'i u l- , " !' ' " : ' ' ' '": na tl..- l.t-ni i.r ' -...j...j.ii.uuaet 'i in-: ii .Mi:, f'V'.f rZt,,:T f','r,,r,V '" '"-""' ''"" f-rmaki L.-.U ,s in.,,, .., Pansa,',,, ,, ,,.. ; Uf'' Wr.lhl.v lit.,. ,. w,IIbvA,L.,?m ,".M-r?",3V;i-,?i,t:r;!L,,.,,i',,--,,,,u'-" sr. i.ahuu "h';,.',""k"', iv,!',r' "v"" Mhiiie ri-thtiDK t" m- ... . K " l"'-1' 'H-O-lt-l -Mil II,,. I,,,t .,aw, .. ,it, .,,,-,,,,'ss ,i,k,,s. ,r..h,,di nV-.nVi'V.Vi:;!:;,,.:::' 'u,-u " I liK i'l.'otH i K .MAItKKT. wri;,skn'v';".",-?,w,,''lLm' 'L"1 '"e"hr v..,.- .ns. a.1 ; uoir THK NKW Y()l!;v II KIIALD In a wi'i .ly (..i iii, NK IH)I.I.AIi A lKAIt. AdilrrsR New York Herald, D..,,',It2k:'i ' '" HTl.N.wror.. W. E ANDKKON, l'rNidat. P. A. WIL1T, CB.hlt CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OF 1C ILF.IUH, X. V. ) A rM iV' V I I I Vj Jo Noi-A' aV iknur ' -O i". Vht- n0 lJW ld Iii I'l'.K iiilin I'al.-ms. C..v.i, f i-l'n- ite Marka. i- i.timrlio. our I Usiks'itnine lull it MT .. 1,-n n 4 A, I', J t'-'A 1 tel., Waihiiiiiiu, yt i- ,1 l.Y, lit' vul Alty'.

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