10U IUS FA KM AMI II J ME. Heavy l-'iiriii To N. As a kphitjiI tli;ii;r, says ,1 ?rn?inio w riter,, all of our larin to ils are to heavy. (imi'Mlly p;iting, the farm wagon that will bear up umltT a ton weight with case is pl-nty heavy enough for ail practical purposes to which a farm wagon shouM le put. If you want to haul two tons it is far better and cheaper in the end to make two loads of it. The wiving in ' -rse flesh and fee! will, in a few ji'ars, amount to enough t laiy a new one and have something left for luvlit. If you aro about rdrri:ig a new wagon have it made light and of the best, ma terial and you will never regret it. Farm anil ardea ot-e. Is that map of your f; Tin compb ted? It is well to ai rango for crop rota tion. What about farm improvements this year? Brains tell in farming as in other pursuits. A good time to make gate, repair tools, etc. It is claimed that cross-bred pigs are the be-;t f'ait.T.ers. The sire should be thoroughbred. Remember to un'l'-nlr.iin orchards that are on low, damp bind. Such orchards canno! be productive with out it. Slaked lime sprinkled over pota'.oes is said to prevent the potato rot, w l:.-li Is a scourge to many farmers. It is worth trying. - In pruning trees cover all stems half an inch or more in diameter with grafting wax or shellac, otherwise the eud of the branch may decay. Fowls require a great deal of atten tion. A knowledge of their wants and habits is indispensable. Unceasing vigilance is the price of chickens. The one great principle of success in preparing cattle, fowls or swine for slaughter, is to keep them growing as rapidly as possible from the start. riant a few acres of artichokes When once seeded they need no re planting. They will five the most feed fur pigs for the least money 01 any crop that is raised. Iloup is one of the most common diseases among fowls at this time of the year. It comes from exposure to draughts, cold, and from improper food. It is contagious to a certain ex tent. Parnientier says that the best method of storing thoroughly dry and rh-an wheat is in sacks isolated f rom each other, care being taken to keep a auilicicntiy low temperature in the granary. The fleeces of sheep are badly injured it round stacks. Long-wooled tleices are more damaged than the downs of the fine wools, since they are longer and more open, and catch more beards, tharT and straw. Every care and attention shown to horses, no matter what their condition ie, will bring its reward. The kind of Influence thrown around a young horse will have its effect on its char acter in aft r years. One of the advantages of the soiling and ensilage system of fee ling is the greatly increased amount of manure that can be made on a given quantity of land. To realize this advantage to ; theutmost, however, thamaaureth uld i be carefully saved ami applied. Lambs ran be made to shear from two to four pounds more wool by a ' little extra care and feed during the j winter. The extra wool will more j than pay for the extra feeding, and the : result will be a much larger and j 6tionger sheep. Tor this purpose feed I good clover hay, with bran, oats and j corn mixed equally. j The use of co;d ashes has not been recommended by agricultural cheuds, j but practical tests show that tli' y have more value than is popularly supposed, fspeciiilly on heavy soils. I'robaidy as good a use of them as cm be made is to throw in tho hen-houso or the vault. They will absorb the ammonia instead nf liberating it, as is the effect of wood ashes. Double flowers are most commonly the result of thesul stitution of brightly-colored petals for stamens or pistils i r both ; hence a perfectly double flower, where all the stamens and pistils are thus metamorphosed, is necessarily barren. Such a plant must needs be propagated by cuttings. It rarely happens, however, that the change is quite complete throughout the flower, and so a few seeds may be formed, some of which may be expected to re-t-roduce the double blossomed plants. Honaeliolil Hints. When boiling cabbage put a slice of salt pork in the water, and an agree able flavor with no objectionable grease or fat will be given to the cab bage. A simple but delicious dish for dessert is made by cutting up oranges in small pieces and tli-n pouring over them Borne rich boiled cust-ird. Serve with cake. If before you put rolls in the tin to oake them you rub tho edges with a little melted butter, you will not be troubled with their sticking together when baked, and the edges will be smooth. Do not throw aw ay the bones of turkey or of chicken. Crack them jiud Jet t In in boil lor two or three h nr-i in a Kt-lo w i'. :; nut alo a iy i nuv His of th ! fo vl t t;r a !:'(. par ticularly t!i n 'ck, wlii-li ia ne-eer ea'en. To this all a iv soup ,-t -k vu have, an I with a little lar! -y or sago you will have a nourish iij soup. Soa on with pepper, suit and any herbs you chooe. ' A gocd way to keep cut flowers ! fresh is to lay them in wet cloth', j Taketlicm out of th vas.-s at night, sprinkle w ith old witer, a'ld wrap j them with cl th made very wet. Tho : weight of th- e! th will ivt crush th? ! most (b'!t -ate ll - r;, wlnl" it keeps ! out the aii- in I pr-vent tlr.-ir I'aUiag to pieces it op nin further. C ats of Arms n.l S al. New Voik has a " O'.l'-g.' f Her aldry," wlii-h do: s a good bosiu 'ss in 1 supplying coats of arms to people de l sirous of creating the impression ' that they are descended from aristo I eratic aiK'estois. A Xew York corre ' sp indent says of this growing prae ' tire: I inquired of an outsider who : knows th" college of heraldry well, ! and he tuM me of the modus operandi. The clerks (or professors) of this col lege can toll any mail all about tho ! past j:loriit of his family. They can discover p.opls forefathers in no j time. The Norman line and the aoii Kinus, and the WW'-ii nobility a:id ties I S otii-!i l.i;rd everything is at Un-ir ting. r ends. Their acquirements are wonderful -in tinctures, the de I ter an 1 sinister chiefs, fess land uombril, bends chevrons saltirts, ncbu'y, raguly and dance tie and pules of every color. It is noticeable that the people who talk most about their family aad high birth and lofty breeding are those who have inherited their money from industri uis fathers, and are ashamed to have it ' known that their ancestors worked. A coat of arms is supposed to say to the i world, " We laive never earned a dol lar i:i our life, a:id our father ii'V-r earned a d dt.ir; the ni 'ie y i-n which we live was bequeathed to us by an an cestor, wh i was ono of the ino-t ilbis trious robbers in Ihirope." The correspond' nt abo dropped in to sec a well-known engraver c n stone to inquire about seals, "Oh, yes," said tho pr.ipriet.ir, "I engrave tliou sands of eseiitcheons on rirgs every year, -m stiy for gt-ntlemen. What they wear them for I don't know, they never stamp letters with the.n of course. It U what D.irwin or Speno r would call 'a survival,' I suppose, sur vival of a haWt that w as on. e rea.ui aiilj and u-"ful. Wlivii j-eople waul to know what their Co .t of anus is, or want it engrave. I on a steii -. th-y g n t rally apply to a jeweler and th j-u a 1. 1 sends to us." Seal rings are most iy of sai l .nw aiiH-lhyst an.1 tonar, and the engraving is done with n lathe, a peil.il t n;d ig a little shaft of soft iron, w hose sharp ened end has been blunted to a suial! disk. The stone is held to the edge i this whirling disk, which has been wet w.tli olive oil containingdiamonddust. Much of tho engraving is so line as to be Illegible without the aid of a strong A Flnral Follower of the Sun. That the sunflower follows the sun in iti westward journ -y is well known, but win n does it turn its face back again to the east to greet the morning sun? Mr. C. A. White, of Washing ton, in a letter to yttir; n-I.it an incident which throws some light upen the subject One evening, be says, during a slu r: stay at a village in Colorado, in the summer of 1X1. I took a walk along tho banks of a long irrigating ditch just, as th-' sunvwas setting. The wild variety of helianthus annus grew abundantly there, ami 1 observed t hat tho bra I faces of all the flowers were as usual in the clear sunset, turned to the west. lMurning by the same path less than an hour afterward, and immediately after Hit daylight was gone, I found to my .sur prise that much the greater part id these flowers had already turned theii faces full to the east in anticipation, as it were, of the sun's rising. They had in that short time retraced tht semicircle, in the traversing of which, with the Min, they had spent the wholf day. Both the day and night wen cloudless, and apparently no unusua J conditions existed that might have ex ceptionally affected the movements oi the llowers. i Industrious (onricts, , It is 6.iid that the fancy article; made by the convicts in the ew Jer sey penitentiary are numerous and of every description. A (ierman, who if in on a forty years' sentence for killing his two children, has made a prettj little bureau with many drawers ol cigar boxes. A Frenchman made an other out of the heals of flour barrels Several flower baskets, laden with flowers, are exhibited as being ruadf out of crumbs of breal. They are a wonderful piece of work. Fine vases of ariegated colors are made fr-m1 i j aper. Thero is no end to the variety of pre:ty articles made from bone and horn. There are tooth-picks, fam j ' whistles, crotchet-needles, shoe-horns. etc. The work is all done w.th small saws and files an I then polished wi't alcohol. In addition, the cells an j ornamented in i-.ery t oiiecivaMe style ; Fictnrcs of sweetheart-, wives and children adorn the walls. Tie- article of workmanship made by tin-convict are no longir kept on sale in the prison as formerly. The Peanut, The ground-nut is beojming one of the important staple productions of the soil. A late number of the U-mUmi's Vhronul; gives an interesting ac count of it. On the west oast of tropical Africa, north of the Congo river, it is the principal crop, and many thousand tons are sent to Europe from that part of the world annually, chiefly to France. A very large a id crowded population i3 supported mainly by this prolific and nutritive plant. A ft r burning off the grass and weeds, the African women dig the grand super ficially with little ho s, drop the see ls in October and November, and begin to use tho green nuts in April. They are said to be rca'ly del.ei us then, roasted in th. ir hu -ks, and they are mashed between stones for u-e in soups. InJulyiui l Aug i-t the ni ts are thoroughly ripe, ami are gathrivd for storage and sale. The natives used to separato t'.o valu i'de oil f 'f export by s pie -zing th- peuinled seeds in hot w ater v th the bauds, but us it is very e,sily cpivsM d e 'Id by ma diinery, and a enormous quanti ties are now ealied for, the prim. live African prouss is b it far behind. Great quantities are p du e 1 i:i lie.ia. and the price of the rip nuts b.ii d--ilined from per t m to $7n. The oil is used as ohv e oil, v l.j. h it mu di resembles in b!.i;i..ii s-, .-veetnevs and limpidity, ami it is ie w a principal iugredient in toilet smp-. cr a n-, it The residual cake ar valuable ca tie food. The nuts are no', so much 1:1 favor with KngU-h youth as they ha.e become with Am ri'-ins. They are' called there, by the clul Ir n. " Monk y nuts." The 7i;u7i says tli.it in Atmri a a svv et tin.-, it is prepare I tr'M them by par liing tie m and trcatii.g them with s'iira.-; they are also b ate i into a pulp and - Id for use as jh.v l.ite, and roa-ted a a subsi.t ito for colt'ee. Nothing is said ab ml th.it short and ;-imple pr-K'ess of coii-ump-ti 'ii wbi h 1, .r. e- our halls of amuse ment iu:-d with shells a I cr all evening p.-; forman e. A rrciliitioi that (oineTrup. A Coule lerate soldier, in so:ne teiii-iniseeii'-es. wr tt-. n for the Ciiicimmti Ei.u'nn -, i.eils this story While qi'.iriered peal IJ- v lmg tirceii, Va., during o:o im the winters ot the war the b v in.i::aed oc il'-ionally to jet hold of sou e -pin .-top" whisky. o:: one i ce. I-e:l .1 loeliibil of oil'.- i f the battiii'S i i ill u '1 .!o::es' i vlt i'i !. became .nt'-.ieattd. and laid d-evii in the ..v.. iU r.'-.ir ih" i.i'iip. Two oi bis c on il'.-.-irii'.g oi li.ive S''!i.- fprtat tl.e e;.e:; e ii t lie drill:!.'-:, S'llar. .-..a d the idea of digging a .-l.a'.i h i'e ia tie gr-.e.i.nl. p:a i? l.iai iii .t, c 'V i . ii.itj v.i'h bn.sa aad Kavi s aad a q i.n'.i'y of e.ir'.h, and wat' h the i i!u.: ;t would loreviavi the :s : -2 1 tiii.t . - i:.u i;w-d-.e l o a hi. stupor. 1 m y had e . eu g..u s le.r a to jiiaco a b Ml I at h l.e.i'I ; i lepie seat a t-'mbsto.i". All.r a while Hi" young man aw .ke, in! ! 1 h.s eycali 1 looked about h in in ii !y honor. Meanwhile the oilier two Were elijo;.-, ing theiiiselvis iiiiimiiely. l;c:rg How pre'ty well awake, and f rliio s miewhat humiiiat 'd at. the turn a:'- ; fairs had taken, he surmised, an I : rightly, w ho were the pi rpetratois il the oatraee upo a him. bidm to a sitting p-ist ure. w.th th" ba.es, biu-h , and d.rt p. led up n hi.n, he alb 1 "Ul to the two lio n w ho were still laughing at the j. ke i V , tin y bad perpetiateil . ' " NiV'-r in n i. 1 'V -, y air heads will lie lower than li.ue I e.eie the war is over." Aad his pr.-.li 'tion cauio truej Due, .f tie s .boy-, d.el the next spring ' ilia hi i.-pit al and tie o'le r win killed j at i. tty-l urg. j ( in Inns ( alciilatiims, This 1 1 ib 'rate ealeuiati : is sometime-, found in old family li.b.es. H.b'e. Ti Biaiiicnt. Total. Ilouks :::i -7 mi ClinpliT-.. '.."' -'. 0 1 . 1 . m-si-s. . . i:i.-.ii :'.n m,i;:i IViu.U.... .'.:'-',.;i isi..-,;t 77.l.i.:u betters. ...J,7l'-.ii s ..:t-0 2,.ii;, l.t) Aim nuvi it. Ch.-ipti.rs lS'j V.T.-.M Win-as , J.'iM Tin- middle ehaj ter and b-a-t in the llible is I'.-a'iii ev ,i The iuid.il vers.- i. I'stlui "sviii. 8. Tl.e mi I'll t im i-Ji hio:i: h-s iv. Jil. The vvr l 'aiid' o ears ia M e Old Ti stain nt ;'.., 11 times, .id in tl-n New TYi-t intent lo.o.sl times. The vv, rds ".leheViiir' oeeurs C'.s.j times iniii.t: The middle b ok is l'r ,verbs. The ltiiddle eiia. t -r ii Job xxis, bo tvveen the 17th and It'th versea i tT.Mi:xr. The ruid'll .' hook is Th s alonians. The middle t-hapter is between Ho mans xl.i and .iv. The rniddl" verse is At. xvii. 17. The la-t verso of Ezra vii, eonta ns all tho lett- rs id' tlio alphabet. he -..mi 1 Kin3's. xu. an I Isaiah xxxvl Hie alike. The above t- o't three years tasting "P- ' )o yni believe in woman's rights ?' ehe demanded, jabbing him in tite i ll s with her iiiribn ba " Yes," he n-pln al, aa he moved to a safe distan -e. " I l e lieve in woman's fun- 'al rites,". There are 1'V 10 s-inare. miles of al most unbroken forests in North t'arit n'na, whieh it Is estimated will be, worib la ten years' tune, iin ie t.,a'i the present t, ital valuation o. all tin ,roiert.v in the state, i u liidine laud. LADIES' DEPAItrtfOT. Tersiaii rntehwoi h. Old-fashioned juitehwork in whirl: oor grandmothers delighted is the sub ject Of a new departure. Thi:j novel patchwork is made by cutting founda tion squares of muslin, all tho same size, and arranging upon thein o Ids and ends of silk ot ribbon, phish or velvet, in any way the maker pleases basting them in poMtioi, ami then joining them toge'.h r with featlu r fti'eh in gold-color.-1 lilo.elL'. "I'll s pi ires when compb t d are joine I to gether in the same way, and tho result is a harmoni on.-, i ir.u-ion of colors vvlii. h lus quite an liastcrn ell est, rnii(t Ni-.te, fm t itm-rt. Am. li'H, Miss limi'y 1' iithf.il says, is tar ahead of the ol 1 world in ex tending the liild i l'wi'ikand educ i ti"ii f. r won,e:i. There are Jni'V ''ol kihg Women in I', '.-'.oil over lil'tern e;lis ot ilg ; tie ir ii'.e r.i.-e Minings ;.:e four didlarsper vve. k; and their 1 ".il l av erag'-s three d Hers and ahvilf r v. ;--k. liuibioidcry may bav e said to have broken out in a fr -h place, for roc r ing t lilets are now -.mi'letely eov . r. d w ith a inas-i (if t mbr i 1 ry th it, in some :u-t.i:iei'.s, repieN-nt -. the labor of a I. t t ini'. '1 here are four I.i l.i Cincinnati. a -h !' w i , IM A liv i:ii ill "in have l.'i 1 : of hair cut fi' mi i iie lo ad of the Crim o of Wale., v. i.h. ho wa, visit:. ig that city in 1-V'. I !u re i;h a gii .l! d-'.d of aax.eiy ,0 the ti'io t obtain rcl'i-s i f t'.ii piin-e, er. l tlie i att i .in-j barber w h- shiv-l t i" r-y.d brad nef.i'-l s i a j7 1 "-, r and akivolhe. l'i h ' va p.t I by the prim o. Mrs. A. T. -t wart's elegant. man sion in New V'-i!.. vv!.;.-h v .is t recti -l at a co.-t of .' i h.'' , s, . m to be more of a 1 i;r 1- a than a ph i. ar" to i-I'li.-lress. Living alone i:i t i ; - midst of an army of .-'ivant, .-he i-said t a be in ,-..:i.-t lid '!; ad ot b in,' -n by r 1 1 !ia:s an 1 !. 1 I f..r ra i-ooi. and the threat i-uing i ' -'.-i-ig letters wl.ieh she re. ' iv . '!' : l ina'. h- r r.i t r.-e Ulo:'0 .lilVtable. I s i:: Nr liobes of r ' a aj'i'-.ar .I'lioive; t?i lieu- "Oods. t'l.eel;.- 1 j '. ii ale the iVaturisef i-j rin ' sib.s. r-jir ivo ot : r-. b:aa' :l'u'ly iitii tate 1 ia j T - i a- - ou-s. ar-! t-ikin;.'. ft.- I lo . ! J I 1 e of th'' hi I' oils in-ei la . 'i . lav r. ( u li r-. i . ' ii i .no-1 l.a.rs ;,ro Made of tu: i ; i : li -t s.i' ;:i, aad as an a v.'irii' :i ' a rt iiji ot the saine ina'.i-rial a.. '. . '. ; is e;nl r i h-nd as a searl lor ' '. . ;.:. I liiu-h.-d oil' w ith ib-i liiii.: -. v . . ii i- i.' a rally el rieh rjiiabty. liia.d.:;:: i t b ie leatlar a.-r.tili. Ib.iKi I'd o.i'a . ill i ii--I. a. the ib- ijr.i-, -ea-l It . : . t. '. .11 i ai-e I Work by ,ts use. it i ia to i;." lia-.ti-ra elle. ts by e n iyi.-1: ' i t a IY-.' design lip .;! ni'isliii, s -, i ,i or t hiu materials, of any kind. At a i rival t party for little folks, in Noiv York, a small boy we re a lon' c at of ruby vel vet and sitin ir.ai-trs to inateh ; vested' v hit" satin vvrh gold butt-Mis; shoes .f riihy satin e iv-. r-'l ?toi kii!s of vv lot,- silk. Tortoise-',' li om.iiiii nts I' m- the hair are ti'iw Ye ry fa-li::nlp, epiea!Iy the e!e ar aail, r sort :n diffi-r.-nt .-hap, s. The nio-t l,e, oiiiitio ui I the favoii'is are the hairpi as v il!i sinail ballsat tlie top, tn o or thru' l-i-iii-.: used t rn.i inent the i air on ope -ale. Artii b-. - I d'., ss;i. v.ll as iiK'ntles bats an I louiis mad f material to mati b the eo: tuiiie .,!, li ,vv tlilllined with ha:,d ' Hie b .'. -. Larn Mid small fur e'lh.i.s f.i-tined with loll if I. lib 'IIS. aud lllll i- are olten to be s -ell e.th bie.vs to lua'. h ii, the mi.ldh or on 1" tli -id' s. 1 lie (In Ibdoip, The mod. ril ,'inll .'i.-i i . placed on the ground. The eoii 1 mne. I is.seiid and pushed iioain.-t an upright board which falls forward, pivoting under his weight, and brinu's him in a hori zontal posil.oti, vit!i his i.e. -It between the ?r;n ah eve which the knife is su pi i i d. The cm eutioiier toiiehesn spri-.v.r, the kiiil'i- tin lies as it falls and it is over. This is far hett'-r than the : borril le and barb.tr mis bungling which occurs at the hangings here. I he Dan ish in line min stci was to Intro luce a bill this session s'll-titiitino; the guil- , lotine, for the im t ie d now in vogue, in 1 onseijuenee of a hoi nd seen-! at a re cent execution. The methods of transporting cattle icross the Atlantic have been so lm proved that the Voyage, i-inc -ompllshcd by the i a tl? noiv i i safety. A sys tem i f ventilation has been ml ted whereby in all sorts of weather, even ! with tho hat eh' s la , :ied down, the , holds in which the eattle are can bo ' hpt free from the uoxious vapo.n, i which otherwise produce sultoeatlon. ' in Inrtilent fn Vlrainla. Our eld friend, Mr. Win. (Tmi:htrn, of Heathsville, sheriff of Northumber Jiind Co., Va., says; "We have many good medicines in our parts, but noth ing whith equals St. Jambs Oil, the Great tierman Remedy. My family ktepthe Oil in the house at all tinns and use It for almost everything that a tnedirino can bo used for. They claim that it is unequaled for rhetima-ti-ni and nil bodily pains. Toppahan- ' ; nock, ( Va.,) Tirfr Water IncUj) m I ' Ci -tal ale I ( i .u l l.eiids i I ii.Ooi lit I many dressy evening toilets. i TLDEIt MOSE EITE. lilt ITilr-nrcaHi l -.-o.r. Iroat Seen ani I i.'ii-ll I'm . Tiru ITiiifo. rk.rf, J.u.i'rt'V lt'S. !3-! ol our older citizens v.i-11 remember MorO Kite (w!i. lived in lVti-rsborn HoU toiii', the hero of our St.ito's c.uly political bi-toty, who n. of Melwart build nnd j.ow erfe.l lijniue: w'loiu l-;s led a colony of our people to Tiiie" i'cak: wlio fought tl I:ub nit on the plaint and liot through the lody; whj en Iiia reinrn here sfter tli rei'ellie-i was e eiver'e.l nnd baptized by I'M. r Heush i'l, of tho C hnstian Church at lVtt-rluri D 't.-n. nr. l boca'ue n revival pnaeherof c-'Il'. it;.- nil through tht e ti 'ii. 'i'iiev vvdl '. J ree ill t!o lact tint, at ta !.e 1 vv,ili Ciei-iiini boa Riul reduced to a (tkch- on. he vrw o'.-l-ceil to remove to the l(..e:.e. - in the hope o! 'mvina hi life. None (:: ,e.-!it ln Hi. il l onve.d. l.i.-t f.V.l, haw-c- ir. ihe e hvr ,.f tl.i- paprr me: him at the in. re r ,.bnv 1 1 -ii i oft. "liv, I tlioui;lit o I ii.: ; I dit-J Of costii.S'tlOU Ion'. ivv.J T e-e br.il cirn -.-npiin. tn'.n! p .. i . . . ii. .! ' .i. e b it niVd .;.t i t ; m-.--'.i. I'm the d -c- h - t ii, ;. ,., . . i, a i! I i.""o o'.iaso in er u ii otl'i-r dii .!. i--t a fatal, and this x, . : : i ! -t oi e .1' .ii ." T 1 1. I r t ion re- ivitet to w. In a eh r- in r win. In- e -i 'V i.-'eo anir.-s in t!-e re; -!i .oi l rf i e. ! fe It- '..-. ! e I. " bt't " l:i .,-ie, " 10 n:ir' .ii-K- i's -it i. i: :iik r- I-' - life lies t c M. I ii '" 1-1 U i:iie'iuier- i I :. . rlorv to Ii I 1 1 . " . 5 .) i Uiii.w v 'i.u ii r -l ':. f.oi" f !!-w I iv I .j ! : iie. I I eo-ild ., .... 1 : I. ir.!.,lnp. " y i ;i ii ',;. r. I have kll ie!.e i il.e.vii 101 ie. :'e-! a n.ii w.l'i my "' ' I h:ne fouylit i -., tj.i.Ur ii:'.i-.vs ;:u.l lu.l.aas J bat I rrv. fl! T) For. YFArta t; .-'i; ,re .It i : -.-.'.l.-tiasi ,! cao'iiv thrtt 1! ! ii'. r i. ttatx ne in-re rc .. e'.ity in bid , , : . -., . f rs shot hy .-.a b ,1 m ui n llpht ' t i ;! tins, li'i' ' i ii iv.-.e.i.l h- itt J re.-piiij ; , n.l e n, o li.it li.t!L ti il,;i'. Ailer 1 ru- : t aavil lo Katiits iUidioaoiit tieeJ pneliin(j, I 1 tir-t i.ei'.m t-ia-ive whv. 1 lini i ilall feelini?, ..: , 'MiiiioeJ Willi ii pain in th" ritflit Mile. I lh. ii,i:!.-r..,u- f ti'iilj pl'Vvd -.iirl my IWj vii I-:! of mil r. ri i.a li.v 0. in il ana ol . li.o I :i on.-1. 1 I. . 1 alwiiy-li ul in n:,;ietite like tin f-- iii'li. l-'it my u-rt.i.i tie.-.-tme : -i-ie.-!, iiii,ane.l. While Ol tliO eireint I 'ie. la'u-, 1 eoa- iltc-.l n deidor, win raid I ' I a I i'- s , ; a,-l. Alir.- ill Ii, l ,sl r.'-SiPJ pnl- 1 I a , em of Ii l.c. ii to i-iAt.l.iuid ill phy-b i-ia.i mt t!i,- v is r.TI-e I ly la.' i'l hues-., on .-,k,1 ilifeise I liver, winch would prubahly ! iniiiiito f it illy, ri , a,-:, .a. s 1 had nra- , c i-ies iippi- i . it "tin i i oac nl all. 1 w. f, v ,-isti mul l lift el.i.ly. M . f.ul f-ceined i t.,,1 in no coil. A ;j,'i l;-t to'd me I 1 -til a c Mor ii'. Tli, u I v.is n,,-.trej Willi . taai.snal 'in n i iMof wau-i i.l a freitn iit ; ilv-.io to 'iia:. iu, whieli w.i- Jj ie .villi ili.lj. c.ii: v nnd .-iv it j -i.ii. 'I he .Ji e,'i dist s ml I : Im I a t,i :,li of the i.T.tvf!. ."an id by the tio ; cf t .-i-!::a'iii'raU-rcf -.I:.' pl iin.. 1 tints In. rati to - e.e.' seve.v puu in tht hiin nnd ; tli,. -mil of t'u bi.-k. acco-n: a lio-i iih j ea tl lac! s of .l.;..UK-s. ilivmi whieli I , hil l lo m! or be il.) va, u a.eii faluaj. I v.i forcc-.l to nb ia Ion T m in i and ri.virnrsij, bc-ntt-e I c I'd I n a loii.-ei- ii lo oa lioifeWk, or ir is: iiiy-, lf out n'. iiu. I l.i-r:au to be -i lii.n-v ,il.:r.iK-.l. reaiK ia .Mil the udvico of tl.e ni,i:.i :i :.-.l I'i.y. ie a i -.m h'u toivh. lie! a.iid that i- y f,v , i, iit Iv."--- h -e'i r:d.ti.r hail jolted till 1 j U-IO 1 I.M- lin'll tl.o oi l Iudi-m , wound, win, h li .d ti.j to -.1 my ki.lnejr?, li id . bi-i oinn inil.iiiiL',1. lie tie:. K.I ine Wi h I'.'.L-.heina. iia.1 elfc'ricny a!i, b at uavo nu i.o l einiiitient bi-ne.it. My jiaiulul sj aij.toau all ie an ni',1. I bf':,u eolith, got very j (hin ai d n:v Ip.." were dra'ieeul)ly iittinl). j 1 i,e:r ti to de.- air. At each at ieu.pt to cure, my ,iii,i.oals bi'i-itaio wurfc, with newrynip- leius. I lint eons ilto.l n colebrated l.ysl- ii at from ti-.o E 1st, v. ho, afler tlmuiii:.y and ' en.i.'iilliini ie.'-, Muled lli.it I was ia i 11 ; ii I riue l t ;n -o of oiiMinipiioa rtn 1 ihrriil- j i u I v.iiliilia.iite.-ua.li.-ii.ili.-i- ! ilelhoi K.it 1 n 1 1 ,-ht j,,.. ably 1 1-. I i t; "0 1 c f, r a ; i- ir t ,,r no, l-y to.-i in :;i hieln r ui:,! i. :. i cliiii te. J'lnsw.e my crnuii'ioii wii n ti e J eojiltf 111 i jiin i nl of '.li -C i liary 1,1 t .-'iw-inc. - i 1 1 ea I star, e I for i 1 e li i-l.n-s bat li'iod '. !l c.iiin ry, ."i.,l sail, d hue. At lir-t tlil ; !i e Ii I, i I me, la.it eti.ml ll r. Jin . fi i . i til e.- l-i . I. 1 hell I f i, le i s j in,, i lly i , I r ji.k! b out of bed o ily l, o t of t-m Ii j .!,-. All Iny old s;ni;iem loiariuvl. At i i. is cri-ii, a l ..i: of I- b'.ein ireutlvmttn, OM A lll'IFtl.U ut Mr, ira'o mylton-e t ir li -..ilij-.-iirlrrs. In the j pi.iy wfi i lb-, iv'.il tli -i.l, wlm iaforn-.o l ine j n.i, I I had i, b el eii-o of iiicinnblo fliifl) 3 ' 1. - ,'ial j a e me n j r. iMint.on wiin ml. I.l. lie a d. i i-e mi- for a few wei-k or 111' litrir-. I, '11 il'-,: v - 'he '-o t tint ro .Id bo iI,iip. A o ;n 1 t l.c b at o w s a news: nj-cr. Now- a in- p T"-: i rea dy in our home, in d I -at in i.i - eh ir loikiur it over w'i m tny iju j i-o-id.-n i il y l.li nj-oa a-, n; i lo ! l:it iii a mi t wonder, il cine of J, i Ins i.l-.'iiso tl.e very maiaity il at vvps Ktiuee; inn hy Lie u-e of v r ici's S.fu Kidney an I l.t v r Cine (of Roche -l r,N. V.). Couviiacl t u.t furt'ii r ii, lay v mild uc f.i!), ntt.l e ei y tli.iu o bj f olina. 1' o nest moruin I ih -lurched one of ni be.sto tl o iienre-t tail Mi d station, ninny miles ! k apt. lo obtain a I otdo of Ihu Safe Cure, lh.i dril;v,M 6 i.d the iliiii.iiid for the t'nto v.:n co urcat he ruii'il not kei-ji it in o U, rai l l.c had to scud L K.ni-1- 'iiy for tu 're. It was more than a weel. b fin-it oi d, atid 1 vva daily Hi U tntg ve.-.cr. I'.nt it c-i at las;, and I at oneo boeaii to t. l.t- P. !' hi a I told Ur. Wuketiib I wh.it I v.::? taUin. he ,-.ive nie a VmU, ua.f i.f i'.hu, h.iU ef j it y, te u.ucU as to tur, 'roon rrrio v ! lie is 1 1: 1 1 i i-tr h'.s tn.-t in a Ii iiel-r...-.' Never-il.i'o-s 1 p ,s vi r I. a - i f t ili j ii-ist year and;, hid 1 he... b, i ii j- i at and iwe d as 1 t-vi-r war-ta n y Ire. Au- r i-imi inc the nttacKs i, 1 a i, an I !,ai! ib.z. u 1"0 ors, 1 I wns lii,o nl the n i rey of n Kill uvvo i dr.-ad ni fo.. that wa-a''.'iit (.'ivlng me tlu , linil.iiij blo.v. whin tint ur-.-nt r.iuidyi Ki-pp d in, il-w my alvei-.iir. and phnvl mo linnly on my fuet once inore. 1 bavo , m.nioniid pi in hue; jj.-iui; fur I loek iij i'ii t ' it" ciretiinst ii.ee ,.n I in am, vol my cure in a direct iiiii--i osaion of l'noid mid to l'lovideiii eiiiu my C. vices tine. Thai Is tny i.!ory. I dank il is as jjooil a rouiiiinc, ' anil much In tier, for it is true." Such is Hie -iibstanee nnd very neailv the . laiiBii.'P' i f lad r Kite's narrative. Tl.o-o ; vthi) r. ad i'. mid an- auffei'inj.', may u.-lit i by I i-- v s i'c I'lciice, ii Uiuy will follow las n iitupU. London's grand new Koinan Cath u'.ie cathcdial, to c-t ?l,2M.!,t ;.', is to I e bcfoui in the sj.r.eo. Conatimr-tion in bsiatlj -i.-'ces i.i readily cured by the tio of lii. rn rei.'.s ''(Jubli-n Medical Ilhcovi iy," tliotn.li, tl the lunfliire wasted no in,-., Inane will r licet a cure. No known remedy j'OS"-csscs null fnuihin nnd iiealitic iulhieiieo over all s -rofiihms, ttibt-r-ruti .ii-., and juil nonniy i.lT.ct.ons lis ti c "i)i-c6vtry.'' J ,l;ii V, nl 1. yi ia, f 'hio. w riter: " I he 'thildeii .Muhi-al l'i-e- vi ry' .1, us positively tino i-iiiiMiinptioii. a.-, iifler Irylui; every oil, er medicine m vain, tldsatic rced. d." Mr. '.. T. l'h.-lp. of "ul libert, On., writes: ''Tbii '(iolden Medie.-il I liseovi-iy' has i-ure.l tny wile of bronchitis and incijamt rcinsnmi,tiog."So!d bylnir;r.'i--ts. Tw-o-thlrds of t'.o r.l.fi-il inhabitnnlH of Jiffa iro barefoot ihejiar rotniil. lin-s like I IjO J 11.11 1SI till S Ol Oi,l illlll I!'. HOI fl IVUUW die decculjii' of a j ocki tjiitullicichicf. Dr. l'ierce's "Favorite l'lv-cription" i a most j.owerful r -lur-ilivo tonic, a'o com binnif; tl.o ino-t v. hiablii n rvn i r.n ei lii-a. enpocially nd.;j.tnl to tne wants of liebiliUited lailie (.ntleima from wea back, inward fever, coni-eslion, infl.'inmr.tioti, or ulcera lion, or from uervotif ucss ori.ouinlsicjiain. By diust:''6J The tnnn w honrofe.-sts to hold nowspupere in ront-uit is ti c first ono lo look in the murium; Journal lo ie," if Ins arrival has been chronicled. Dynpepfia. liver complaint, and kindred affection. 1'i.r t.i.itise irivin sncccssful e!f-treatinetit. add i ss Woi.tu's PiBftNUABT MlDItAL ASi-oClAllON, lltlli.llO, ... Prtnee Nnjicleiin in accrecd, amort; other thine, of btito; always bh-ssed itb a re- niarkablu nppeUle 1'rnx.rr Axle tirraae. One (.'rensin lasts two weeks ; all others two or three ihijs. Do nut be iinjiosed tiion liy the huiiiliu stuffs olfured. Ask your ilenler for Frazer'ti, with label on. It saves your horse labor, nnd yui too. it received first medal nt the t'enicnni il and I'aris ei- j ositions. Hold ever) where. Mollirr Swan'i U enu Hjrup. Infallible, tasteK-st, haimless, cathartioj feverirhness, restlessiiei-s, worms, ConaUpa tion. l!ec. !,,ther (sliipton's rroi'l'wy j "i'Pl'f0? years old. Kvery prophecy h beet fullltloU . xci pt the eml of tlie world, lluy your L'artK !,,,. ailiodonzed extract of petroleum, the jrtiut hiur rentorcr, before the world comes to an end. Th Qnlk, complet core, annoyiri; Kiduy, Bladder, Vnnary Di3ase. L DmBistf, Crrl.yon's Tatent Heel Stiflenersappliedto new bools or 6lioo before you run them over. "Itaugb on Jtai. Clears ott rat, uiio. roaches, fliee, bed. bnj, ati'.o, skunks, chifuiuiilis, gopUera. 15c. Druggists. H.ire you seen tho Chrolilliion collars and cu0? Something new. Ask for them. trfint Faith ta rardelaaa. Wliy U It that to mtny panoa u aroprltUiy awtt cIom, or ptnt madicioeft, u they trs eomwuBl call-l Ii it b-auM paoplalos faith In pbrsllua f 1 ... are Innnrnmible Innttnrs wlinr cuim hare ba IT-iteJ bj S.-sfiil'a Siwptnlla or BI.Mt4 and f Jver Byrup f.r all d:Masot ot tha hlwid. whes tbvy bad ba riven am bt th.-ir phjalclana. It la one ol tha bat ! . . . , .,..., .... llo. and aa It la pro- parrq iriu iua jtrearan eaxa. aa a apecing iot wiwi. di nm, It nt that It ataonld ba Mors aflaotaal thsa hastily wnitn and careliwlr praparad praaenp. t;i.ra mtdot.y inc .ri.pataut phiclana. Taao BcotiII's Pl.HXi and Liver .Syrup for all dia'irdeia analna from irapura blnnd. It It tnonl b ladin prolaaaionai men a wtll aa by eminent pbjaiiiaot and ofbere. tal l'iTI fM t 11- l',f..ri fa." t.,,.ti,mi. ,)..,, t-(..,-ii,p ri. w. A. r ll-ii,iiii.t. n n.i i li-iil i.ii.-1-i avi-nn, -. Ml I iiii. frn, i ri.,,iiii.o..i. . i: Hli..ii r-l -I. l"..:',".1';'"'.1 ii-.. ia I My i-.-i'i a a--. ! ai.iM-r.Tr. S..IU I y ilnigk-itta. F-niii-i (iinii'N ti-ntli pi'ioi! pi s'nl nations in the popii iiou of J -iretvIlM,- t the number Of illlKiblllllltS. Vtr C- B V LXX r ll n a a Rhoumalism. Ncuralrjia,. Sciatica, Lumjga, u.K .cna, iicaujuiiv, .uui.i-i.iiw. Sure Tl. -. SorlliiiBa.Kpi-iilna.llrulaea, lim n-. s-.il i. I iikI lliif-a. in ul oiioii ii'iuii ruva itu antra. Sell.; in " i" ''' ' """ liiiyCeuuaboida. IS Interested ta tli ? i.irjnfry-ATLMi U tlifl Ij.'st J.xiiaiii at Li ii.vi avA L'.asl .'Hits i ) (ha nnswcr,r.t Crsff il li y ( -.to r-'ni'raliau i : t !;o MEXICAN .iVSTANi. I.IM. HCNT. I.'u i cison U si.;i Jilo. J t pcmdMliM every sorf, wonncl, or lami'iics, to tlia very boiie, nnl drivoi out ail lui!aa)ui;iloryun;l in v. hi J mat. te;'. Jt'f7oesfjtiioro)t"tf llio trouble, nml never Talk ta euro U double uieli tiuivs egJj(S Kjllafi 1 lit 0 15. 1 r o It e o in in hiv.lt h n-1 pti.i by fii-imc . fl' CflitRATfl flu: fr m th ttrr.l!0 eliB-f.ii d that fol lut (Im attar.g of nit diBWiee. th tat- thmieands bo bat bwn raiaed ae hf a mlr.u'la iro,n a iinnlar tat of ir trr id n by Um li tier'c f-t'iraih hit. ti if-, if a MJif Rtiaran t e llial I 5 the wmia n i ro yi u. tio, ruiy Ir H i tatufcU auu IlMt'llll. lor Ml hf all nriBr'Mi and Deal er, gnoerall. A T.roiUnc Lontlnn Fnya IrlKa rilo,,lilim aa Oil, , o l,i Ni-ivVork lur tho Care af EPILEPTIO FIT3. I- te of I nnn, hn mal--- a fr- ry i,f 1- ,li-i- t, hui w.il,' l il..',l'l l.r.iicJ a I . 'in 1 n,. i .. a Hum iinjr . li - ,11 : .',i.l.l .'i ll-li.,,. .- c.r so i'.T' !' 'I"'B uro..if.il T u . I 1 y hlui. Ill b;i h!,.l,id a ,',k on llii", il -.-a..'. V !(! I.1I.-1 1 .h a I I-M,lft.,f Mi v-'iiit-rr,a c-.l: Ir,., I any i f. ( -r .Oi.in.ai . r.lll.lr t nwan 1 r O. Adjica Va aJ a" v ii". w , ' ,' '-u i f M-1 .. a,i''.i i--i M.ill, atc-ia'l.-, u. n J jtu St., Htw Tot a. Thi3 H.Y. Singer, $20 Tiv .r .init h-t r't i ici I niiiiui r U ill. . I . .' tli...- rrtla Fin. ' ( (ml plan wlun dit-lMtl ! Ilosnv Orgn-ii 4 Mil lt.i-.or1 itf.tii n'li Skint' v.Mifl ta'i.lll t....k. l- MUK lt i l einiritl ni 41 m'.i .-ti lift lital i-ian i 'it inl. M t nut rjntr, n aKnltt'Tiil Mi'. d iniMr ItiBMfAlKl out. C Ir i iil ii . u ith lfliminl(l- fuo. A-tf O l'lIV.V tO. 4i1 Illlll la V I hllMtW Ciimt WHiBl ALL ISI I AILS. lloKV imll byrup Teti gnuL lur-hilmr. H., , hy ilniBKiela. SXZI3aL3 IMITATION STAINED GLASS. Tn1i.ti ).tly If ant r.il. laoiljr ipplltvl ta winAtrn e t- I. TvifT- i. ef, f .riltrfl, eta , i'nJ. lostamp. A4.I N'I III liAI-U JPl. fciiMi-o.). ftiar let im il- -li nuiH mil' ll f i'l t.tinnry nun. bug- Indunl ty tv Ki'B'.vitmn.ent t.lhi inli. ami citll9. Hr ctiaiirn to c. in pitiurr nui t n pt i'it NKV aulpatirurtfra (iM Y 2or- " I'litlt r tit li'iisvoi wura. a ol lluatJi TM HE ST It CHCAPirr." engines. THRFHFR8AWM,Ll8- fjoPfPoIfrt Sni.od to all arrliona loami KT.V1. ttlttiAN Na- aula. t-S. 1 1 ma iNbiiLMl st H-N. M.t alesant caaa. Boat tna. ut .r e; .. .,el lunm. riXT Waa. luvi.D. 0. W. lltTL, Uaiitiattuwa N.J. 11 ti.m Aliaar w N i'irn forma dial ana raataat aall'im Pin. .rial Hi,..t a and ll.tilav I'rtraa rrduea SSiroa,. . N.Ti. Niul-iaiJ'aikaCo.. raila. Fa. HllEKTfnna writ!n patar. rnbloJMr, wttti N 1 1 oaleu.lar, l. mail l.ir jfjo. taenia tVaaifil. UW tcuNuut FamiiK-Cu.. finoburnwrV Maaa. 1S itMl. B)13 a day at hoinaaailr aaada. Ooatly Si- osuil rraa. addraaa This A Co.. AusuaU. Ma. ABiira Cora for t'pili-PV F'la In St noma. Fraa to your. IB. Kaiac. Araanalat.. fit. Iia,Mo. I AAA par da? at home. Samplaa worth rraa 3 lO 5U Addiwr MUiauM A t'u.. rurtlaad. Ala HIGHEST HONORS i SPWTYT 04 n 1 tm aw yANfM-Dt mm. -.e Vi A iti S.k-, timonj ol ! tli t l f an: .v 1 KY3 10O STYLES, $22.$30,$571 $72. $78. $93, $103. $114. $500, AND UP MASON HAMLIN ORGANsPIANOCO. BOSTON jiW7:rr.iW YORK-'iCHCAGOf,nfay A ftOTKD BCT OTITI.EO proa lb Boofa GU. Jfrstrt. F.iittor llic abon la a pood IlkcneM et Ura. tydla E Ptalv aam.of l.rnn. lfavg..wbo above all other buooan bolne-a j ..Va tiuilitullrcallcdtba Dear Friend ot waann,- h,.r tcmiwMt risrrrpondenta lore to rail her. 0ha Is tcalouiily dt-Toted to tier ork, valcb la (he outcome of a litrtiu'iy, and l clilijrd to keep aji lady adltflnt, to livlp h,-r anawertbe lantc eorreepoaoenca huh daily pulifj ' rpo:i hr, each brarlnr lia upedal burden of mltci lnir, cr J"T release from It. Ee VcKculUe rpouj, j jj , midloln tor (rood and no 1 T plrpo g btv0 KrMnaUy loTosltjatad tt aad in aar'-lico OI inr irmii ci imv ! "i'cw" "' " r ' i. 1 an. I rrrr.i!? ' ' fcr ili' t- .-. e'.y-i-.-.anj ia tia country. Duo ivai ncii.a llko ciiaria And faars m:ir pain. Jin lit cms cnt.r-lr the oi.'t form tl fiinin t tha ut ros lyi-.c rilin-a, Irregular ar.4 pJ'"'"! lilin-.iiar.tif'P a't Oii-rUn Troul l, liift:imnisiloa aad I'kcrat! n, H.vvlnii-. al- H..i 'a -nirntt an.l tlieron. ' )tientalv.oil.nt'sf,aiiil la aii"'uliraaap'.a4 t( Che Cbanf o of Uft-.'' I l fTrTnt'Mt ? orcrj portion of the .ftrm. and ar f ew lifp aa r,.yi r. Jf. ruuoii-a ra;iitiic.i, r-ituiaory dobtrnya alUrn t i-f t or ' Imiil.-i n' and n li-Toa wc.i k-rr-i ol thantomivh. J tnt r.lnailna. Uo-WbcN KirronaPloatint.on, Cfncrul Urbtllty, SI TpaiBC., tVpmslnn anil Uidler. Hon. Tliat f.fllnj of bearUyt (oirn.ranJinfpoJn.wc'tlit anj t-aUn-hc 11 alw7 frir?.-S'-f"r'rM!,Tiii,u"o. ll inilntailitm a,aiM oail-jalld.cu.csl.-n'c'.a.-t Inhaimcnr w.tlitub that fof ma thv femrj.- ryuit r.i. K coau onlj t. iwr tottl or ti i for 15., and H UM br iragfttx nradrirer-.Ulrc(laatoap.eaca,and tha aJMa of rnaur wliu l.atr boen rc icmd to pcrtott baalth bt tho im of tl.o Vrpriat.la Compound, can ha obtained t,y a l,lrt.ler tba 1'.. villi Hiiiinfor reply, at her borne la I.ynp, tt.ua, for KIdni-y C ni,:Hnt of ttth-r act thla eoaipouad aiitiri.aaMil aa abuiut-int traf tmoniap alioir. "Mia. llfil-l.ani'jI.licrrillVtrjionc-ntor. "are the deal in th votll f-i the tnra of Conallnntlon. BlHousnraa and TorpldHy i f tin lber. ncr Blood rnriflcr orka wonder In I'.a aprilal lUia and Uda r to eonul the Compound la Ita popularllr mhitlnnltod"Cccatoa"ark eh.u.i.-li.liij. I eti ra.A.i-B. - tr FOR THE PERMANENT CURE Or UUisO i irH i iwni Va !iT duc-ia'! la ao rroralr-1 li t eoon. J ty C-i'.ali.iAiioi, ft i i no ir.v.cu? nna aver rqualleJlhe cclohl..'d KX!li--vOr.T aa a curr. VTJiuev.r fiocnu;, l-wcr ol'.9 Uie oom, I ,. res'? ly i ..1 uverooiuo it. nf T!l'Jal,tr'flnS twmptalnt I" 1 1- I-O a la v" y o;-t 1 J aomplicaled with CJ-.r.-.ii aiion. T.:.k: .--V. Jil aarfflilwn t lie - cact d jw vo aim q -.!. ly curca . . 1 kl noJ cf Tilee cvv-n wheu pUy ,.!,. in aad tlino have U re t-llcd. RH E'JM ATISr.1. Sffi DEEl'U- Ci'Ilfl. na It la for ALL tho painful diaoaaoaof the xldncys, LUer and Bowels. It cleaner 'hnevate .n.f tliaaorid poii . t: - can r I d.-.art.'i.l aiiLiirmir wot ou.jr violltua ' I r',ei-.-:irtnn: r in r-i.M. TH0U3AHC3 OF CASGfl rft'iewr:. tKrii.j if tu Icrnulo Ulrica t btca auu-.ilv i.-ve.t, en i-i a Vrt Uiiia f ERFECTUV CUiiEO. rirtt etenneea, trriialhena nn1 aWaa Jfew I Iff U -ll 1. i,. vlaut e .yiua of the b-jdy. T.i natural ac-..-:t of tl.o K.d:ieya la tratorrd. ftTlio IJcr u elt-'nitd it all iluenae, a taa P lion cla uiovo fi-uciy ai- t LulUy 1 t F-it Arti at tVe av'-ot.'-nc r-. I'ie rTTVITn, If W.R AlilU'OWill 3.JI I MILIM.IIIIII.I.1V- ti. I ibi ta hill. ir-.- run tfl a:it bTtnall. 1,IM I1' "I A mm SJ ,J' 0 East Dyes Ever Mt. e-.tYr. flLK. ?VOoT OK fOTTOX.-O Dn 3Sn5, COATS, 6CARF3, HOOD3, Y.".r ;i, !;to-kimcs. cai-et racs, f.lZiiONr, t -.ATI LR2i et a: 7 fcuno or f v.-..-y art!c:-;y r J i -i ''-J cclrredtoany a iauo. I lii.-t. tlrooe, tlrrrn, Illoc, carlel. Cardlnnl I...I. ."7 " Brown, OUaa t.rccn, Tirr.i oiiii r. d CD oilier Ual oolora. Wa.rviird I . a, a-id UuraMo. Each pookae will ej'.orr-iot., f.-nrlba.cf coo.'.i. Iyoul:nvnieTcr "!.:cef.-y ta-ao ence. V:l wlUVed-ilchted. 6ld by dru,,-;lata,oracad ua 10 crte a. d ar.y e,lnr wanted ecnt poet-raid. Sloolorcd iSla and aa-t of fancy oardaacut furaSc. ato-nn. IV ELL", lilt H iltllHOX CO.. lliirHi'tloa,Tt GOLD and SILVER PAINT. Dronzo Pnlnt. Artists' Black. l"jr c'lding ra:icy Bcls, Tramca, Lam pa, nn-.idi .licra.a.iJ fjrollkuidaofoixamentilwotk ri"M to any of tt-.o hijh prlecl klsda and on'y 1 Tv! i. a -in a--.e.t t'-.e drurslrti.rrpof t-p.lldrcm HUMS IlK II ll:t9t A tO., BurltagtecTt. 1 111, tu hint and Inlaw kl.ii.le lii i-urtn M"l tepnc Fiu, c.pan.ii. l onvuiaiiiiia, r-1 . hub linnet. Ali-olinllyil, Oliiiin I-nunc. i-r ,,ii itehiliiy.ncrof ula nn. I nil Nervnus and I:. i id dl-eaa,s. To ....r.vmen l.r.r. Cr- A'aVfTTM " -Titi "IvTlJT l-itt-r.iry men, Jler-fV- )?!-, S, eliiiniH. Hunkers, 1.1. -if-a liZ-Mi S "I .i mid all hi,seae-fVJ..'-rV- -f5r.-.V 'l"-i' midiiymeiil 'Al nV'Tl lLS- lo'iifi. lrrwuiaritlfi Cli 'KzeY' i'l I in-Mood, atomach tmwelaor kltidt-ya, 01 k NEVER FAILS, l" who require nurvt nunc, iiiM-irr or ilmulnnt, tMnuarttat wrvlnHi Invkvliiibi 1 tiousand prrx'Jalm 11 tlif iihmI wonderful In vlrorontfhtevprsiifltBlnrttHiiklngav8iem. ff unlpt.y all itniKgl-iH 1HK Mi. ei. A. KH'HMONii alaUlCAL IV. It l'iitra itrs. Hi. JuMpb, Mo Payno's Automatic Engines. 3 Reliable, Durable and Ewmniiiwal. " U M eo.r .' S l '.'I ad aa'er a" a, M 1 tail., not tili.-a nn a, n ui..u.a..o.u "--j lll.i.l.at-.l ti.t.l'-B l.ir Inf .iniU"a and fiicea. B. W. r.UNK A s 'II -i ',.. -., .,.. M.V. I !,. a i- uti-.e r..,i...i I t le aUi.e o, ., b.lla il oaiYt-i r Ci.,-. uf Iha a.n.t tloil anil ul lo fcaadlna lia.e I...U cureil. liit.- an alruna 1. el lalll CSe"Bra,-,:i',.i. .wl, 1-o.M l'l tinni.rrarKla.io-r-tli.i -i.i a IvAl.rAHI.K Tilli I I..B on ll.U diaMaa.u aoi kulluior. lioo ti, a ''l I- U a.l.li. ... a.j fc eocl a. Id l o.ilBL.H.wTa. a r H T HI CI niake aionar teiilna nor r'aauli Mad AOEHTS Cl 1 t (ll. I.MAN HU.SINtSS0OLl.60B, . 1. j. he-aik. N. J. wn lorjCalaJoaua a a week to .nr own town. Trma and fll ontlll (ran. bO Addra U. HaU-lTT A I d., Portlaud. taama. Kra. it rella-aa at oneo Ifmia. I'i,.-.i liapoed itandaor Una. rna.llunl.,n. Se-.'dr.lrii.,-.Kreneaor fwt.baoOf uyea.alc. . lul.ln tr..n.ai,j.-n,e. ar... a.a y'urdnMI flat, or atud to til t ulmu birvcl, M.

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