mfcinrintiU'vmii J! Chatham Record THURSDAY, MAtlCM 22, 1883. LOCAL RECORDS. Ifct Big crowd here Tuesday. To-day is the vernal equinox. KofTlie days ami nights are now of equal length. STN. M. Hill is prepared to furn ish at short notice oak and pino wood, and lumber. QFor a first-class Photographers outfit at half price apply to W. H. Leonard, Pittsboro', N. C. mtr mere were more wagons town, on last Tuesday, than we have idmost ever seen here before. PSf We are informed that there is n man nving in ouu imMismp who lias never efttcu a uieul away front . - uonie. Sylt snowed all last night and is etill Knowing hard. It is one of the heaviest snow storms that we have ever known at this season. "To those who failed to pay up their subscriptions this week, we ex press the hope that they will do bet - ter next time. MTMr. B. G. Lambeth, of Bald - win township, had his left hand badly cut, a lew ilays ago, at the saw-mill of Ward & Tillman. WWe take phasure in calling attention to the card of Messrs. Gra ham Si Crocker, who will regularly attend the courts of this countv. Peg" Mr. Hiram D. Mason has been er at Williams' appointed postmaster at Williams' Mill to fill the vacancy occasioned by ' the resignation of Mr. Harnian Scmrs. ' MIf you need a Buggy call ou These sju'eimens of his skill wouhi J ,iU11,'tl very hard that night, and ; the owner ol a small p.ippv which b Hardin Bros. & Co. court week. They l,t. ,.r4.tlitIll,'c. to a professional artist. ! "(l,.v ",1'' it turned very cold , came sick a few weeks since ttiid iip- will have a good lot on hand. Also; ""d snowed and hailed a little, which : peaied to have tils. While etil.uor- have received this week a largo lot of j Kvsteii. Next Sunday is Easter. J""1.""1,t deterred many persons from ig to give the animal relief" Mr. Aragon and Buggy material MSTWb were pleased to inept ho . . at lni,k f,f t,. Ci,rislilt1 worf;, . inukiii bargains, and their move many of our subscribers a tending iu oomine.noration of the II,, ments attra.'ted much attention and court, and we iluly appreciate the manv. Mini woros siioueu 01 me : spoken of the I Itmmi, in renewing their subscnp-, 01"" vn , ',', , I VorlSynum tV 11 end en have on 1 l 1 .4 .. n ...i.i.. ui i , IlttllU AII'IT O SJKIUUIK- OHUl'l U1KI Georgia Stoc mers' Friend, Avery's one-' and full line aTMr. X. M. Hill has jmd ' linisheil a large livery stable and is i prepared to keep and feed horses ne win a so , convey passengers to and froni Mon-, on n'ttxoimble tonus. ' ; , Vv!f ' 'ill not fall upon that day a"ain dur-: t,lt',' ,lll-v 'll'4)-J"1"1- r vendor of j making his escape fi .mi the cunt v , Watt. Itolaud dull and ai.: i...... I nat!iit medicines lint there whs n 1 1 .. .... .I- ,.. 'l . j. f . . 1 '.'p. I I m t 1 111 III V, 1"- - j ii' ....... .Ml, infill ii.r.i 'tt' IV. nun Horse I lows: Cultivators' lathis country the day after Easter 1 ,iU""'l Sidney Dunstan. from : is again at large. --Wh learn from of plow castings. nll;.(1 .;.lst(.,. Monday, 'is observed as ' Kll!'111. wl"- dressed in a fancy cos- j Wilson that a negro named Lemon KiT Mr. Thomas Allen informs tl e j H,"'to" "?" ? !; H public that he is ready to grind corn "'" f",( t nnd wheat into the best meal und;'''1'1' 7'''K' about nineteen feet ... flour at Moore's mill, near l'ittsboro'. Vumfcmic... laght men assisted There is plenty of water in the pond i.i. ... .. i ' now and you had better have your grinding done before dry weather cornea. JS-Ymi will HtiTl t Timuln..'- ni.w nf tlwwn ehoiin H,.t ii'tli.ii.,rli he has beert selling them very fast this week ; everybody snvs they are the cheapest they liave' ever "seen. Will receive this week another lot of Spring lMnts. Sheetings. Ate. You Uase Ball Clubs will find at London's a new supply of balls and Bats just received. ; - - , S-uynuru noaaen Keep uie common Sc1hk1 Books. Byiium A Headen are now offering , their stock of Iteadyuiade Clothing at ; cost for cash. I Bymim &. Headen re.piest all owing ; them to come forward and settle. Byiium & Headen have a large stock opened court prompt ly at ll o'clock of floods ou hand which they are I Monday morning, tis'is customary offering very low for cash. with our democratic Judges. The ., - , . grand jury was drawn, with Mr. J. t-lariiiers, you Will hnd another a. Scott of Bear Creek township as mipply of Acid Phosphates at Lon- foreman, and, alter being duly cm don s. It is the very best chemicals panelled, was charged as to their you can buy for the money; 7 cash dties by his Honor, who endeavored L "y ?nou3h. ,to ni,lko n To" or , to impress upon the jurors a proper ?7.50 on time. A large lot of Guanos nppreeiation of the dignity and re for sale for cash or time. London's Hpoiisihilitv of their position. We is the phu-e to buy your lWs and ; thought hw charge one of the best 1 low Castings. A large lot of Cuba : thlit wt, ,lllVt, evt.r M.arili fol. it wnH MolasHca cheap. ,n()t tt tvihitUH eiiunieiation of the ' J. Ii. Harris has just received ft lot 01 tUOSe beautiful Iiail.i made 1 . ..... . .. r. - Zeigler shoes. Will have iu store in few days, ft full hue of Spring goods. itf. I . ? i 7 7 1 1 K ?T W Iiave just received a quantity of xr lii.n.ii.; i,.iii . the Mountain Red Irish potatoes; now is) our tune to secure for punting. We extend a cordial iuvitatiou to all to come and examine our atnek : no trou Bie to anow our gooas. All persona ,, indebted to us are earnestly requested 4, . ... ' to settle uii, unu niui nuie me . i ." ,i money, and cannot afford longer i" - dulgence. j KSTBynum & Headen are selling Rt his T-st' and has (as heretofore) ; Fayetteville Observer: Mr. C. L. ' ",P" Iw,;n, f "f"1 Long's Chemicals for 13 casIi "' proved himself to be a most efficient ' Blackman, living in Cedar Creek tn-! J'IM'"P' 1 aH M,,u,,l,, Bynura & Headen have Frank Sid- in'eeuting officer and a terror to ! b,ip, east side of Cape Fear river, e!kUm l dalTa Soao which saves one half tli4 all evil-doers. The State docket was 1 lmvle 31 hales of cotton, with one i Newberne Journal : The Director labor in washintr. Ttvniim A TTpttilen n.rA nnllinrr a fii-ut Class Sewing Machine very low for ' h. I Bvnum & Headen have a new lot of Furniture on hand. Bynum & Headen have Clover and Orchard Graaa Seed. ; Bynum & Heatlen are Belling the Anchor Brand " Fertilizer. . j Pios SocKiNn A Cow. Mr. W. W. Edjrard. of Matthews township, in- fonna tin that he has aome pigs that ' suck a cow just as they would a sow. j 1 Laroi Bebvrh. Mr. M. F. Wiite, of Bear Creek township, aold two' t " T - 1 1. , ! i.Htjven iu luueigo, a lew tiaya ago, that weighed nineteen JiuudjeJ and luirty iH)una. N 9L XE " ' rtuI)c'' of ake county, has nn axe that he says is over a hundred yeurs old. . n , """77 . r hi "fir 'i'i ,?"ont llc" 1 lierson. of Hadlcy township, has a ; blacksmith s anvil that he says has : been used by the Mod herson faim.y .u. iu..u..u.ujeU.. FiNoi uCxC r.-An eight-year old m of Mr. C. II. Welch, of Bear Jreek township, aeeidentajlv. cut off sm Creek township, accidentally a linger of his right hand with an axe, a few days. ago. It proves the truth of the old saying, "Children should not play with edge tools." A Dwki i iso B -itST We regret to learn that, on last Thursday'iii-rht. I the widow Elizabeth Utlev, of Cape (Fear township, was ho unfortunate nB to have her dwelling with all its contents destroyed by lire, origin of the tire is unknown. The No-Fkxi'i; Lwv. An election was held, on hist Thursday, at Huckncv's . x K(1.l(,s umlt,r j,,.,,,.;,.;,, of '.,;, .i.i.,.,.!.,,,.,! ,... i i . .0. ...... ......, iiw ii, nuu n innwiiniv ;.. t t establishing the law. This territory is contiguous to that in which the stock law has been in force for several years, and embraces a con siderable urea. A WoNntiirri. GitowTii Many years ! ago n party of neighbors were rolling logs, in this county, and when thev .i.i'u hinshed one of them stuck his hand'- d, and now that .n to be a Urge it seven feet in ... i.,. ! l'ike into the groiin hand -spike has grown ; sycamore tree, about seven feet id cm-uniference. and can be seen on the ! f-m of Mr. Joseph JhidgeVin Mat- i" township. Aiitistii- W'oim. Some of the most oj exquisitely ix autilul specimens are some "Easter cards," that have been painted bv a foui teen-vear old HI'tlHIIC U'dl'L- tlmt Ml. Imra m'.ii. n. lad of this i.lace. Master" Tannan Adney, who certainly has a remark - able talent for ...liidi'inr,,.,,! .1,.,,.,.;,,., fo-itival tlmt h.. f,.,. ! 1 .... 1 : . .:n 11. , f r Is V i. .. , ! Kaster ia nl. .. ,,.,1,1 , ,, w. . , . lh(f full mi)(m wllir!i (lf,(,r ,k venial equinox, so that this year it is almost as early us it possibly can be. r ,..... ivnu it r.ii ... .1 .. i --.i-M ....i.i,,.u .mi im .iiraui 1 u .f .;........ i,i,.nj,.H fls,i ,,ti,.H , A Laiiok Ti.i:::. Mr. H. V. Horton. ' 1)f Jldwin township, has told us of .. vorv ..... ,.. ' tll,B . , , near Ins father s old residence. The tree was recently cut down, and Mr. ; " l''iv 'for eiii-h to swing his axe. It took tliein half a day to fell the tree and i cut the .Inns without toiu-liiii.r lin .trunk. It has afforded tire wood for 11 fiiniily of two pcisims nearly all i" winter I1IIU to-.iay there is agooil I !wo lu"K': K"1,1 " tlu) "' llnd " ";"' P"-' i"geuier ami bu""''1' ll wua hre u week and two days ago and is still burning. a his tree was considerably over one i'ed years old. as there was a eut through it at least eighty vciu-s ago for the jmrpose i.f pressing , (;ld.e1'' ut.wh.u,h tune Mr. Horton's '' u was aoout eignieen . niches in diamet Superior Court. nV npuug j.ui.11 01 oui nui.erior el in i Court is now heing li"kl bv lim Honor. JudgeJoi.u A. Gilmer, who various crimes and misdemeanors. hut. iv:w nn iinnreKKiv.. Mini uluin , Al . ....V... I ex iiaii.iiion 01 i ui- ooii'st 1 ioiim una 1 . - " .Intiiwof a m-iiinl .Tnrv Wn nr.. plPHseil to know that Judge Gilmer , . - . has made a most favorable liuprcs-. e - " . n ,n. . niiiinit;nai .i.i i custoimtrv rourt-wkH. Aor wnn'm Iia :i i.imt. -timi mnv. .... ... sion upon our peoj.le by the ur-' utantly killeil in a cottonin on hatur- I le tinnks inut iieieaiier iiewiiten v of his lmiimers thu Diomnt- ' dav last. He wasabout. i years old, ! d.'tvor to g:ipe w il Ii his mouth shut. liens and correctness of his rulings ; ! - 1 i . x i . i r . lri... v . . ) nn.i iiiH Hiner lniiiarLiaiir v. 11 .1 nurrn Wn hiri 'iu u veiirK wm, , , ... ... , ims mane or wanner iinuiis, : , it:,u .;n ivluvu ro. ' ..,!, Solicitor Strudwick was promptly i taken im Momtav. ami hnislietl ves-: Ii ai ........ "i.o .. ii.....; i. i.i.., en ,...... ... ,. ..i,. in innivi having been disposed of: i fcJtttte VM tl; - 51l""tlin, col., (two canes) continued on account of absence of a witness. rotate vs Albert Wicker: Assault .V , Battery; verdiet, guilty; Judgment Hl,8lieIMei , State vs Thad Jones: Retailing: verdict, not guilty. State vs Theodore Headen: Ue- tailing: verdict, not guilty. ! State vs Hit-hard Smith: Assault V; lottery; defendant submitted, and Judgrneut suspended on payment ofi - osta. State vs Boot' Gotten (col.) and I: ..1 1 l!.. 'll. 4 ,V. . . . t i i : i am inu u oumu; ivuray; vciuiei, uoi , Jgtilty. Dime m .. l,. uimwuct; Ketuving; verdict guilty: Judgment suspended on payment of costs. j State vs A. L. Gillilnnd: Retailing; verdict, guilty; Judgment, line of 10 and costs. . state vs Joseph Y. Chisholm; Ah- Haut & Battery; verdict, guilt v, de- fendant tined .10 and costs i State vs Thomas Itatrhind; As "Tau, verdict, guilty; J,,,,f't 1'"1 upon pay - ,,B,,.t ?' VHst", 'i'"1 i 'f''1ft ,ellt! r" ing into bond for his good behavior! until next Court. I State vs Monroe and Jack Ciirpeu - r: Ass-iult Batlerv; verdiet of not ter guilty as to Jack and iruiltv as to JIl,,1'l,t!. sentenced to ten'inonths , ""priHoimieut in county jail. lltu,v.S , 1,1,1 Klvi's (c,,L) 5 C"n 7'H1,'' ''lh f child ; verdict, guiliy; Jurfginent not prayed. State vs Klizana Hives (col.) j Con- uocnei was lakcn up ves- ,'lerd.iy afternoon, but as there 'are . not manv cases for ll.e li;,... of the term will no doubt be disposed! of bv next Saturday, and court ad-i journ on that day. 'The grand jurv will finish their duties to-day ami be dischar"ed. ; In additiim to our resident law-' yers there were in attendance (he following from other counties: Hon. John ManniiM', of Orange: E S ; Parker and J. "X. Graham, of ,. mance-.T T Crnelei- .if Hmi.,1,.1,,1,. v ' E. Murchison, Alexander T. Worthv' t'orthv. and A. A. F. Seawell, of Moore: L. C. i . . . . ... i"awitraA0.t "vmoj J. P. Dcver- V Vi JVh" J!!1i'ux. J'r-' ot Wake ; ' -Matinnig. and E ekiiey, of iJiirhain; ami John A 'il,Ti'Kf . ' Guilfonl 1 'e were a!s.. pleased to meet Hon. W . It. Cox. wh. , i ii i i Vle:lil u ,ee,t " l Cox' wn" "l-'V '"--ing the ,- jp. tjtu,- hismany ne.ids. He attested by the increased inaioritv ' - J an WAifiLuttiii, nil given him by this county ciccnon. s wo exl,e;pd. there has been a' t'r.'Vtl Jittending court, especi-' ".'O'"" iues.lay. notwithstanding the 1 tm''il,t.t'1'1"'' " ''"ther. Monday was a dcnghtlul. balmy spring dav, but .leaving home, j he horse-swat-m were out in full force iwl -.ri. Imur created no little amusement. Then seemed to be more drinking than ' usual, ami there were scores ol ilrun- ken men staggering about. j y a strange chance there was no : dime party, festival, or concert, as is ks. . tunic, greatly delighted admiring crowds with his comic grimaces. witty savings, and baiijo-piaving. - - 1- State News. Durham Recorder: We are relia-' ' blv informed that Col. W. T. I'd ick well and 1'. A. Wiley, esq., of Raleigh. will open a H:nk in Durham in a few ' ; weeks. A colored yhl by t!ie tiume ! ; of Amy Jones, who was working at 1 I Dr. Carr's, caught liie lust Friday : while standing with her back to the stove. a:.d received injuries from which she died in a few hours. i Kaloigh Visitor : Mui v Vei.son. a vonn.r colore! f.irl. engaged iu burning hi u.-h iu ja.i,i uU iat Kami s plantation 111 ; St. Mary's township, when her li ess !i(1ddenlv took fire and burned h-r , clothes "from her bodv before she j could reach the house, distant about i three hundred yards. Her ll..-sli was : burned terribly, und would fall oil' w ben touched. She lingered in ter-1 ,,l)lo agonv till Wediies.lav morning last when death relieved her of her bufferings. Tf;..i. n.,;., i;,,.,.. . ti. : . p : t v i,Wtteville H. It. is ,,.,. I1?.nilf!,1,r r, of .......A.j.-..., 1 ..-.II ,.,, .... n..f Handleman and the Dee. Kiver fae-1 ,J0""- tories as well as those of our place, Wii,lliliwtlin Review : A ve. v , ec but also the celebrated Moore county ; ,i;4r mistak(. ,.,.,.,.,.,, fo,v ii,,..,.. gilt works near Carthage, a n.nnh-r A ltalla1 M,1,t,1,1., 1m,u,, ,,,,, !U. of iron and copper mines of known , vallil , i0i(,lflti s. , ,,,. in at men gold, silver and other deposits 1 jVauforl, X. C. and tl....,gh! ho was w.iie.i nave nereioiore never ofeen ; available to the commercial world, Some of the rinest timber in this coun try, yet undeveloped, will be marketed over this road. ' Anson Times: The cotton iu tho gin of Mr. M. W. Gaddy. near Deep Creek, caught afire a week ago, and about 1000 lbs. of utaincd cotton was nvnr l.i.t slvunm, to Mv tin. -....... ... . ... 1 - , I . 1 1 l:..l. 1T.U house was not buineil. A little , of Mr 'r ,4,Kh, lanemoi o son oi mt. i nomas jjcacnuni, near m r rr.l , l in thiw county, was in-; al,(1 boy-like was riding around on the . tt.,n if Ilia, hoi-uri.iinta'i.r U'linn if i.nitm i contact with the band wh.-cl, mid , .i, uti f,.nw ..hikI,,.,! i ;,, , " ,v- i'"-... ....... stant. His body stoimed the horse . ' life ffas extinct w hen his mangled ie,uams were bikenjout. ,,,.lo . arw .f i,.n,i n i.iu ; : . ii .' . i. ... ' t . uoi a mere mailer oi nearsav. mil is a1 ft which can be proved. Archie, a HOU 0f J. C. l'oe, estj , got his fath- er s powder-horn, made some fire 'works, and touched them off. He wllH badly scorched and burned about i the face, and it was feared that his eye - night was permanently injured, but he ia now getting btter. Little ArchieepresseRhiuisclfasabiiiidaiitly ; natisfied with his experiment. ()ii ' the Hth inst , a little child of Mr. V. W. Matin, living near Sherwood (Church, in the south-eastern part of ' the county, was playing near the fire, wheu its elothiug became ignited, mid , in a iiioment was iu a bluzo. The little , a r ,, 1 , , .. , . one was teariuiiy ourneti, ami ,nea in . great sutTering that night, having iu inuoJ much of tho Uauie. 1 Greensboro Patriot: Crreeiish-iro ouyht to have a big share ol 'the Chatham county trad. The Capo Fear iv Vadl in Valley Dad will be .completed through Chatham to this place bv early full. A word to the j wi.,e is sutlicUt. Look to your in- teresU. gentlemen I W e thank the . Patriot tor its hint to the business ; men of (.ree.mbo , wil prolit by the V" oro and hope thev sii.siiori. and ad oKi. for the Chatham trade. En. Kkoiu.. -S. A. CjI beit-ou, (.f Mad Lick, Chatham eoun ltv. while loading his wn.-.m with hard ! ware ut Odell A Co s ttfore, vesterdav. : shouldered and carried to his waion i a package weighing 4U0 ll.s. Win. i Sharswood. of Philadelphia, will pre- ; , 1 Stola.i Istiiict : sent the people of Walnut Cove, i Isoine, j llicture for use as a Protestant r.pwop-u t.nurcn. i ne o'liiiiing win be the tineht countrv church in tiio Stole. " , , . . . . ..V,""'" s",,tll(;n"'r: n.-gt-i tw" .v,,ars "1,- 's acci.lentaily '"'l1. 11 tub ,lt ",e 1"l,f-' of I'.nffiia alstori. col . La-t Wed "R nboiit 12 M.. Mr. W. J,"","'; filt , '' , , lttt' C- Jl- ,),,"",'''' ' , e'J . 1,0 ,lrtl1 '""1 w'ent to his brot her room u3 tll l.iin that Charlie, his sun, wa! dead : that a negro inuii had iut , ,,l'on,lt ,l.t''1'r,:fl,l, s:,-vi"" s"' 'J he next morning. 3!i J. II. l oITieJd re ceived a telegram announcing the son's dentil, ami sent a neromau out to Mr. Doier'ri with the sad inttdii- gonce. It bus since been learned that just about tin? time that Mr. Do,.iw. .. ... . . iii,t i.nii.-i, nam 111 anil ttllt'l, f,i ,. , ,, . .. , . . ' (Inirlie was bre.itlnn.: his last m the i Semite of'T E U l .K'ea m,' " 'IJP r(" jrt tl'.-i o thlLg 'in : P11""' ulv "l t tlji.s ot'ouneiu'c. GoMslxtro Mes. tiger : Mr. Jimci Jarvis, wlio lived in the lower se. ti..!) I of Washin..-lon count v this State, died a most horrible death from hvdroj lio- ! bia on the 7di insl Mr .I', vw tv Jarvis was bitten, but did rot giv--much at.eiition to the circuiusiauc... at the time, not lliiii!.i::g for a nrirm-nt the dog Icid hydriphol.i;i. Afi(.r the doir died howi ver. he became alarm. d ami in a few days he found t his Morrow that he had cause f..r The rrazy negro man. wlm mout'is ago was cap lined, whi! the woods in a peih nud .uh; 'in a hw I'ovillg". liarnes. was shot and killed bv Mr James Tomlinson. near that town, on , Saturday last. 'J he killing was douo in self-defetico and Mr. Toni'iirioii w i i admitted to bail in the su.n of Vk'ilsoti Advance: Mr. Augustine Farmer, who lives about live miles Northeast of iUou, a few davs ago shot and killed at m.n lire live wild turkeys, lie is eighty veins old, b it age has not impaired h:, i;ight or his a.m. On Monthly mon. ing between midnight and day, Mr. J. l!:in- ,.l"ll,u-,l row',,H Vr,.,ss "m,lK- ,U)hA "," '' lmi", "'"" : : ' ' three ' nuuiireit on iel.s ol corn ana a 1)11,111 ()n Tuesday last ' til v of fodder and on! : his sl;i- bles with mules and one f,,ie together with wagons, carts ami farm i.v implements. It seems tha everv- , 1,'mm' was und-r one roof or a lioini.n' Incendiary. No insurance bast Week wh.le Mr. K O .M.(!owan and family weiu aliMiit i:i Tut countv. thieves enter. I his house one iii dil' m ide a -ood til. lit, the lamps and made themselves -enendlv at home. nnon leaving e i.-.l uiih them his croekerv. a; ol' fiii nif uie clothing aiid whatex th.-v could easiiv carrv awav. ilr. 1 niimmih neigliimrs saw the light m the house Hill I 1 till llill II lllllltrft .A1IIL.'. 1ILJI thought that the family hud relunied . a, n ,inil .,. ( iv,,,.,, 11.,,.. ..p;...,. ntmiy by the vho hoarded him. A fnond and subsci ib. r, liv ing in the extreme suramin portion of the city, met with a .very singular mishap this morning, wiiuli would have been extremely ludicrous Wi re it. not for the 1 04111 fill coiiseiiueiic.'N attending it. Hit was senled bv tin hem lh. not. ' feelin.' veiv well Mini . - - 1 I.: ...1 . 1.. . 1 opeiieil Ins uioiilii to gitiie, when a nve coai inuii uie nn' poppeu mio. I: If .1 c. .. I: . it, burning his tongue gaito severely John Tyler, nn old grave-digger at I:! vrA li'Vll li. Urts iliriiip(i in .li.i-iriiur , a well in that ton on Friday last, and , when he ,.i to a denti. of uhoot 1 - .-. - - -- r-e" -r, - 0 feet, a portion ot t lie surroundii. - - - r, . -, earth cived in and bmi. d him ah,. ,it i S feet beneath its sin A force1 of the A. .V N. C. b" It. held their , M. meeting iu this citv vesterdav. Mr made no f.rotosijtiii to riiew his lease nor ofVeie I unv assuraneo o his abilitv to carry it out. Mai. John Outline; was in the citv and was dulv notiiicd of the fact. We mippose he will take possession of (be road a. soon as Ins bond is perfected, tiool ' bye. President Ih-st; food bye. Cl j Andrews; farewell Mr. C,iddi,;an I Stockholders and Directors of the A A X. C b'. lb. look ..ut for brcakeiu I ahead! The new slock law as far as it elfecls Vance township. Lenoir county, has gone throuvh I hat section , like tiie ten cominaii.lmeiits through, a Sunduv school. It is studied bv all . I II ' 1. i t :i i I una an ncvn 10 enioree h. iua laini owners have accommodatingly joined 1 1 ii , i il Knees so that hue block ranges aud 1 good pastures may be used by all1 'elms, s withonlv nboulone third of the ! fencing formerly required. More and! belter tock will be raised bv tenants ami bill proprietors in that "township ! thun under the old svsteru of turning the r-to.k out with the injunction, ! j "root hog or die." ! : Awnur i.iuii; n. man oameo; - ti'' 1,a:i' L,eek" ""' "ounty. an account or a man in tne N,,lln wil" H,e al ime tl,1,e tlirtf' "0a ! ' tliou-ht he could do tins ami go H,""1 tin went mt ) an eat "' I week and offer- e.l hfteen cents tor what eys be could j i rut; , H,H Imposition was taken up, , j "J UB ,e " ekiV'1' b.iltl !! ; uir u nt.r- i u u i. i -ii ji rn inn, iiitAiwiti " . w"'i no siopppu. as uie esiern t " ".1' n'll" " section near H iuiid ' Knob, a f. w days since, a white man i mimed Jdui A. Uall made a miracu Join escape fiom death. The man and . a h..y were on the trestle wlu-u the !'! : the boy s.-apHd to the end of the trestle. b;it the mau droj-r-d down between the silln, with "n hand upon a tnll and the other ""fl" tl""tt,"1.v rating on the tta. k. the train pacing over and crushing the hand and the lower part of th aria, the man in the meantime, with w,'"1'-rf"1 fortitude, holding on with tlie other haaJ until the train ' was stopped and rrlirf reacbud him, j ' being thus imspeiided lifty feet in the air by one hand with thu other eruch-1 ed off. i v- i ,i i ; . News and Obaever: A gentleman m I .1 i i this citv has in tu portseasion an open- , . , . i . . ' , since lsu:!. it si ill has the; ' ..riiriii:il im-vhIi in it u'hi.)i iir..r 1 .,.,, although it hus lx-!i ' worn thrniiirh two wars, that of 1812 I and the late war between the Stales. ( -Wn were reminded yesterday, in a ! ple.tsiint way. of lh varied resources j of Noi'h Carolina, and how many of; h'-r ir.bics, woiked iuto shuje. u) to ppeak, by arlisaus in other Stateu ; and eouiiines, become things at once I b auiiful ami What v- o saw yesterday wias a set of twelvo enpi;, j saucen and custard all of 1 delicitu iie.fn colored China, made ! in X.uf .T.-ixflv of kaolin fiom North J Carolina; all in morocco Kach of 1 : 1 r piices of this eti:isite set is hand ilnted, the de-"''ris being mar wis of ili li. aev andgiiiee. Birds are p. lis d ah ive tlowers ; typical producla of the South lire depicted. Mild bits of chiinuiiig foliage are. made reidistic. This I.i i.uiiful 4-et is the properly of Mis. ( iovernor Jarvis. being present ed h.-r by Mr. Marshall i'arks, of Nor folk. An insane man was on Fri d iv night brougLt to this city, and l nl:.-;t I iv his keejier to a hotel, to be kept until yesterday morning. Karly ui t'-e liiorning he made a furious at t'li'!: 'ipcn tiie niau in charge of him. 1 !. pvrty nss'iiled nroiined the peo- pl- .: tie.; hotel t.y Ins screams or; nrirdi r. ' There was a rush to the; rooiii, una 1 tie unn wilt lounii iasi el -isped in Iho embrace of the madman. v!i" l ;i I l iiieu him 011 the check and ! iteai'iy strangled him. The insane j m.ei w ho had actually to be choked; oi ;i as tied l:;in. and feet. He was; e-le;.l,iv. taken to the asylum. H. erul colored men iiavo h-ft this , ei'y. und 1 thers will le;e iu a Ti w ; il.;s for (ic.rgia. to work in the t!i ieii!ine oiehods there. Those! who ure thus leaving ;.re montly good woi king men. The rebuilding of i 1 in' luinied buililingat St. Augustine's N , 'Viid School will soon begin. Some; briei; are already on the spot. The' la'.- tire will be no loss to tbejnstihi ; tioii. in this respect at h-a-tt. Mrs. : 1 :.!..!: l.eihe will probahly spend si ' -days ai Tokay this spi in- as ' the ...nest, of congressman Wharton J 1 ....!!. She will certainly enjoy a ' visit 10 that hospitablit home. Ibiudhills offer a large reward for the 1 r.ijiiiire of some person or persons' who a few davs past placed obstruc .1., ;i, ....... ...... 1. ,,,. Holt , Tim railroad linn. I In. i iiilrouii people ure etier 1 .....I... ... .,.. . ...1.,1.1, I, ..: 4., la ii! 1 fne seounibvls ' will" be 'ou.d.t. X d.llllll re was done bv tho obstruc- tioti. '27 II 23 BXAKSSTS, l'.i'li. rit ,'. f. r the Kr hud Ly NOUKIS. WYATT TAYI.Oit 1. 1.0. I.l;s A 1 ' 1 o I M I s 1 o N MhiC'll NVIS N,i. a f i. i.-ir. .-iri l ... Martin s: . N. e , Min h .. Isi3. r i j j J Hi'l iOS M.VKKET: II , Ml.tllllirf. vi 1 inn.: S rl.-. I."W VI l llKKT. SihIlh. Will il.t.s.M.r. OKI nTliV MA UK IT. mi - I I , .in'. .ps - i H.C tt 1. . . 11 I lrl:i. tmrrrt, -ii'Hii l."s. '.'S I sr!, ,iiivi.'.i..l lluinn, 1,1 rfH I I .vh, 1 ! I li " I A.ilra, is c rr.-p. Nil), lt.Mil Tftvfai ' Muar -1.,K.i i i.,w. ftA.IO& lirMiiuUirJ N. M'.,k!i ! I li'iiisr, i.V'.'ii . '"' ii) i IVks, ij , .is ',:!,? , - i i l',rk, IClMiC. - ' t I ' hi, klIl, irs, i,rw, rr,w ,,i.r l'i " .-l-l. ,'IT Lim .... iV. Thfsi. iirlf at f,r lrK I'ta. New Advertisi'inenti. 1 40 R0TSHY HARROW. i iivt r-"ifi" 'h (wiihj new t..r ch.ih,K , .,. ...r tl:- ..f Ui. KoTAKY II Al.l.oW Tli l,rr..wt r ik In use, nn I I'VAry iHriuar ..light u. iiavi uin.. A in. Kiel uf ti ,iii Iu. !..sii a.t L.ui,1..ii'm M' .rA. I- r Lir!'M. a.-.. ,.,,if t, joiin s. . hfi.i, ritiMbor..'. n. o. Mra:.Ti li. 1HK1. CoAUA'l & CROCKER, Ates at ln U'l'.I. prd'lH" In thf c nif' r fttvhm .Mimty. ' 11.1. iiUfti l t" Itum.t anywh'T In IU hti in n t-ji-lnl-r. mvl WAH- 1 1 ion i. uomi:- Itrii'XM.Sn , I nil f I WI. Ml I ; 1 1 h.iiclH mi I K 'I I ::i -i 111 Ol'.-U' l'lOCt.S I'm I ! v-ii.i nnul I'.rlir. jr h,.. wrl p in . I mil , Attuin. j ui .-4, naiuiiuiou, u, , The Secret of the universal success of Brow n's Iron Bitten i-i sim ply this: It is tlie best liua preparation ever made; i; compounded on thoroughly scientific, and medicinal principles, and does just what is claimed for it no more and no L-s. By thorots't and ri;i;d a?si:nilation With the blood, it reaches every part of th.' system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the f.)iindati(;'i it builds up an .1 restores Id .t health in no other way c:i:i lasting benefit be obtain. 'J. y, riearbnrn Ae. (,'iiu- , wv. 7. 1 have beeo a tfrrat F-jvrtr it .-i ft very weak slum. h,!.i;tit!ii(,,..l dyspeufia in til w..rl fumi. Nearly cvrry.ntug 1 km 44 (L.IrrM, nd 1 cou.d cat but Ut.ia. 1 Kva tried vcryihingrtc orr.uieudej, have Wkea th preM npu -n of a etoii-a phyatciaB. but g t no relief until I took bivwu't li Tlilltrk. 1 frel aune uf the c!1 frjutlea, ftnd aia rw man. 1 a'n gettn.g B1...1 klrcn-r, an-! fel firvt rie. 1 ai.l ft raiiioad auf tneer, anH .'.m M...ft any lt.t& iojoJe:!y. I 'rt f.ot y t o Dra' h 11. praiae i f y- ir v .r...lcf ful uieJi.u.. 1.'. Mai. k. Brown's Ikon Uixruu does not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or caus headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. y I'rown's Iron l!itt?r ou!c lin wit 1 r j If ou need anything in the ! FARMING LIE you will nave time and n.oiiev b calling at ,.r - 1 1' I ii iV'C f jj JjvNl'V Mi ! He is now receiving a large r,loek AM) l'LOW CASTINiiS. rnii'li nn KaIIMKU I'lllKM) I'lilW. So Hit llJluM) KtMI'l KV No il. I.IVIM.hTnS AMI I'noK Ilulli-K. ui i ki. i i, ii.i r.ii. i:i. t,M;ro Avkiiy's. Waits" Imitiukii Ki:.t-i ky I.I lih. '' llol sl. IT.o'V.i lilOIHiU Mo. KS, lli K Mm'. KI.M, iVll .N SKWKIis. all k t : i . I s uf lM.O'V I 'AS I'lX.iS AM. IIMSS i,i;V:s- S. i KM KS. II WKS BA( ii HA.N lS ful. I, Mis. HHilil.KS, liiMiS isoks. Minvri.s .i.'Ks ii.a,Ki:s. til'A.Nd SI-U'KHS. and any tJsiti a farmer needs. Gar38n M and Onioa Buttons. Has received t his wef k a lary lot of extra cheai. ; Can ,'ive vou a ll.MUiAIN in COOK STOVES. Another lot of thofi) cheap Bureaus. Bedsteads, SOFAS, CKCAZaS, &.C., jubt le.cived. Have on Lui.d j a full line of (UOCilUIKS, HU ll US snuH, cui-m: tk s. N... 1 NKW rum' ( TH. MmHssKH. flil-.Kr'., rU.M'KI.CS, lltAii.SY. OAT .KM,. Kl.tH'It. MKiI,, Hahi.N. CANM'.I' i."i)lS oi- KiNDs. KISII. i'ANPIKS If you wish a tii.M cliibs SEVIGMU;IL;E : ia the )lftce to p't it Have on hnd ' tt lai MOCK or cheap for cash or on tinii'. for C"tti You will also rind at I,' S DON'S a large Block of diiy aooDs, noTiorfs, CLOTHIXO. SHOF..S. HATS AC., which will be sold extra rump f, ,r cash to make room for Spring stock If you are owing me anything 1 would hue vou to call and settle, nn I Wtn, m,10v f,,n, j x) Si-nh .... ; When you come to town he mnei and call at ninlion, B. C. Il.rrh 10. 14. I. W. OIJ, i 0.i..Nlti- l'. al oni. f.. ldiloilf Ii, . FINK A M Kit it 'AN WATt 'I IKS A MMOilAIiTY. am. (ioons v.uu.ti:i h itnt'KK-KN n:i. liK"AIKINH NKATI.Y !H) ('ull n,t rjnmhir mv Ntm-k aii.l frl. ps,.n. rur.-liHnlnf rUrwlict-o. T4I rebfuar; t li UtJ. Sui. ATTIVTFMVI ,! j ill! 1 j i J L J L i : i EQI in 1k tpr.i ra cm nBa m i The Largest Stock OF I Bagging and Ties XXV CEHTHAI North Carolina! For the lowest cash prices to GiNKERS m DEALEKS writ- to M. T. LEACH & CO., IU1.EIOU, N. C July 13, lfbi. ij rvAi.r.nji., N. C , Aug.1, 18H2. To rim Cmzi nb ok Ciiatiiam and Srmior.MiiMj. Ci'C.Mita (iimi.kiik.n: e w ill soon receive our large . . hi ill u:t j. uil BlUUa UI .,.ii ........ .... i i.-.-ii ..4....u HARDWARE, f every desciijition, Waacn m km GooSs PAIKT8 (all kind-,) mm A.NU (US l.MI'JJ'AlKNT, irin AC, AC, and we ask a ahare of rour not. roirigo. Ve guarantee fcatis- luction. ii ii Mono : I'K'.S I' .(.io:s. i. o a ks r i 'it it k, Hj'AI'.t; 1EA1.1.N0 I:'-I'is.:;i.i,, i'Jkt.s. II . UrieL's A Sons, KIeigh. N. C ii bub MBIiMiftfi ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. .IX,!"'"""':': "f."'1" ("l;inr i,i...4,r la I'iMiKI'iN NEWS .mlr.vv .4 M KHIi t v v i.-n sj r,r.i,fii'V';VJ'';'r,''''1,l':' '"'iii'i.'Iim ui 4k iM,K WKI lii.V PKIMI.n I'm. nit' vi. nkws l...ri,,-u. . ,,1,,,,,,,,le-Uiilw( -V , - . '"'""I'l'Kdul ro.n. uf lh li." ": i'""-' .ui.B'.u (..(...uwiluMot 'niK I-" KM I KI'AHTMKNT ii.k . .. I..,.,,,-.,, name. rr(.ini,ir., At 'r!.-',".'i ... "' ' "r'"in"' "I'l'-ly .'l irJ. n.idw Tin-: iiumi: Ml.U r4,-',i,.s t'uKiii' t:n in. itl,i ' , , , ' '"'"' I'lil' ; " " o.i. iiuhmi,m",.. r, i ,nlt i me SKIU.KI) I.AHdlj ;' I"; '" ""I . v.'rviliUu: n.iti t ,. 'II''. , , , '. ' l,,'lll'L' " :"" i'.'1-..r-I.Hl. . i .i .' I, 1 1 "" "" "" ''"'"i l'i . a nil'. 'i ,"" '!"''" "'","'' rt'inatM'. . I l!K I'lioiin k .M.M.'KKT. Hm:'!.'s:,v,';:,";';':"'' TLH':,,r'- "" , ! s, s '''": M.IM.-..I. I' . rc,.S ...!,:,.';.'.'; jrr.'r'U'V Till: XKW YORK II KKALiji In ii w.'i kiv ,.rm, NK I'Ul.l.Ait A YKAli. New York Herald, !'t ...kun I'f 'i'inlH.r 2s, l sfj. i Aim blri'ui. Nr York. W. B. ASDKr.soS. fraaldaut. P. A. WILIT, Ca.llar. CITIZENS NATIONAL BA5& K4i.i:i,n, x. c. I I Vj I t, l;,--' ."i,-. In ,r,-iir;i,t- liiiftiiB. f'ni.niN. I'l.iJr-M.rkR. . ...riti,,. r .- , ; n,is n,t ,:hl.r ,.!,.,. ir ll.ll. I ll I,.BI,C limlHinl.,,!,,,, I'-.i A' .i-'--- r a.. ,'. l.A, I.Y. lnAuy t. 'I 1 St., W.I.IUHRI..II, u. C. ,tn. 1!. 'to. Ml I I n. i TotrnTia; KAI.KKJir. N. C. GRAND OPENING NEW GOODS SPRING 2ij SD9SEB TRADE. We ofu r n latgf. and attractive atock of PliKSS COOOH, SILKS. BLACK i(is, ni;i;ss tkimmimi.s I.IMINS. IHI.MI'.STUS, (,"IN(1 II A M HOSlKltY anu tiliOYES ; SHOIIN KoK LaPIK.S, MisSI.S, t lill.rUK. UV.S tl.KMK.N am. HOV.; tl ATS; 'i: TI.KMEN'S SflTIXUU. -WD CASSIMMiKS. KV,' .h:nk. ctrnoNAnESi InH S!: KKKl'I.N.i nooDJi, t ai:u;is, m.v minus, it;. Fiv.rvtlmur NEW, CHOICE and lH-:sili.BLK in the DRY (i()OlS line at popular prices. liest hikhU for least money. lie sure to call when you arc in Ilalciiih. Satisfaction guarantcetl. W. II. & . S. TUCKEK & CO. Li V: i