FOR Tit !: I'M 31 AM) HOME. lit T.Iil'.'M- II; in il'.l- Icmil. i in' t. lnt i'i t !,. u.t:.: :. 1 i'i l Ml' C ; :u l.rl'tT :-ji-i;i.!v I ris in ., .'lit lll t "l iT'illll !.v 1 y licnt. A iMii il in ;i Ki-ltli; ft' 1 ill Hi'.- l!n riiii'iii- u.s 1 ll ;;:-f iiii'vct .,1 il; ni' i l'i .tin In;; n hi v I'I: liut Wilier illl'l In.-.i:. rlir inli..;ttis sixty-two ti) sixty-live-li'.'firers without iiilt lir.iti'il the I ji itt -r fjl"ili:ili'. i:i tie.' cn';i:n ;it :i!l. This will n. "i i,:i inly W 1 1 1 t iise, it ii tnu', hut it i.. II :' to I"'. :i:i'l it is ..pinvxiniaU'Iy .so in :tll -ii-c h"tv ttu.' liwitiiig is r;'!'il. Cri.tiu :-!.-'tiM In kej't warni lor myit.i! liuiir., ht f. iv r'.ir.iliiti"' tluil it 1 : : : i v !,v.-"li:i' w;UT.i'.-'l I n . f!in;;:;i. l: il! it is :; .-.v.-.sir; to trill- j )' '1' it !, it v'i,.;;: : ., r;;i-.l ivn-.!--;.: ! aJ'oiit tin- Wr.:r;ii!i!T tomirra- fir will ami scil'i'i'.. to laa i a U. ' ort time - .' a it '. in a . I Iiit fulfill e tut 1'iiIiiIui-m. A tvi rt-i'i mU-ut of tin.- ' 'in!i-y V. ..''...-' writ - : o i i a! var ng 1 Iti'caa.o a o..;i', ;( in ilat i !il. uro for 1'i'ta'i a:nl ovny i-ia-on r."i hers mo tii,, l Hi: i Hi" ! I'jnuio,;- i f ii.1! This a, i't i'i I .'lis :-,' !' :!i me that i,i is... I t i!,it niHui'i' i- ;! Iiis( ti, 'ti ll a- a ii"M .' nut l oir a .- ii' ::!ii i ..i.iiir- I .ii.l. il-.-! ! iLtur ,-. in ! 1 : . Mllv rait -f'f: is . iVral I- to the 1 tin- I J.mts. ! ' i y i:i"i.-f olio ia 1 ;;-;' I with 1 U.i! ; ! it tor '. e 1 v a-"P.s t'". I ' ' ! ' ' Mill. a'U th ' i "1 of I-l til. ta i a l!i tiu'i , , i, . i much laini-; I'VlTi h.. i- 111 la d 111- to !".' .l!l''.'il l..i':'' I'ii an l ma. l"ii:.r r. Ii .ilioa-l . r i.ii .' ";yiI 1 -'I -K - 1 'i.l ii - '. iiei-ir. i.:!i,:r-. !. v. ii'i I ii t in n tiki 4 Mi,-, a.-i m!. 1'.:- I'I..-: ha, I . i- 1 iiad at:a, ; l.aa milk. I !, i tin i.' ii ..: .' !.' ;i Kl the 11.,: .. All i '.u! .. a' :.. : that a tii-.- : :. aii'l I".t ... ., e a;- .-. 'i ... Mi.. a-." i- ... iieli I'm h- ' P'nti'i-y i.. guano, .i.i'l ' annua.!, .i -about !',!' , COM I'I !!,; ! 'Ill- ba- i ' Whi-re la:-.;.-kept.thi-i in,; n.'t I m. Should be ,!'. The ,.,( pien aiii'.iiai llllec, , I r, ' iii ai iy I -a pi if. hil tie than tie' -!i.'.' to the 1. ,, , :. .:'. I .r r. . .,aal to .uaal.'y lowl is ..!f the M luake I I.IVIII- ; ' ai-.- il,- I a il" u. i-.ii ,,; . a-, lull' ii ti i . i i 1 1 1 ' " r .'iu -i--. i .. The i i ; ! . -1-. -1 1 - -ur -t i i Ii i iiara. ( III.' r -.1 the o. The luring lie body ar with er eon i oimti r iiianure f I supplied I the hi . i and quantity of manure produced the same time ,ind f-.r the san weight i-, how i--, . iy .-iin.l, the t hr-'i; animals, tie- rr-;t suini.tion of food by th" pig . balancing the l,,wi r rate u production. llrcript Uinji r Kirk, -..--( ae i up I. one cup of molasses, one butter, one ti a-spoonful of el.o one of ginger. Iloil all t he i i -r i Sift a tea nt ill of baking ilour ciioiu'li to in ike a st i;i l sugar, elip of .es and 'dli-IlK 'da into "lough; polir tie- 1. oiling liquid over ihellour, stirring all the time, h'oll .-nt thin and bake in a quick i i i . l.ifinu Sitml. An Italian salad maybe ma l.-'at any time of the year ol iiny vcg. talih' that is in season, or a suitable mixture of cooked vegetables may be taken for it. If lettuces and cii.!io arc iimiI tor it, let thein be illied perfeitly beforo being used, shred the lettuce finely, and toss it lightly wiili Tarragon vinegar and salt. Place it on a dish th; t has been ma in as eo.Jas possible with :i dozen lllleteil a!icii" ic.s lolled in nai'slov nd a fiM--.p Miiii'ul f ra:-r. Jut l-i'foiv son in t-is.i tin- sa!:i 1 li;,r!it!y with a j iii.ii'l-r of a j'i'.it i'i' 'nayi n i.tiso, tcani j i-'i willi liuiii'il ln-t't-ri'1't cut iiit i i .'.:-;n s .T. l l'i-iir lia:-.l-l..-ik'il .-it ' in:" .I'l irirrs. Cr '; the h"iV wwii ! l'-:io! nli ri ami sit i. HiiiiarhoUl Hints, Cil-ili'th mav II.- kriif luilii. w!ii;:i j ;i!nut worn out il'. a ft or wahiiiLr it, you t alio a r.aiitu'l doth ami ilio a cor nor of it ia Korosoiii-, an. I ruh tno i'il olotli '.villi i Oi' ooiirs ". a very littio oil :.mos a lift at wav, an I rare must n- taki'ii ir t t i uo ! o An cvii. in .-av wih to Know h"'.v lu-t r, in sui-h a a i. !.'o! lal".. An o ilu.-4-r shoaM ahvav tt -h. olio in. iv !i a liiii il will ll"t .'.l lilll'll ilioil iii to til. I i S 1" iuKowanii wator. If thoro arc any -na-o soon u-o a littio hr.-.l s .an, . r I'i ttiT still, r-'iimve thoui w .la h. a in ". Ilia-o t!ior.);i;;'h!y in wator in whioli a thifil of a i iiji of -siilt has l'o, !i i:is snivel; tlio I;it water lini.-t !-. Mil" aii'l a s'nall haii'lfiil of siaroli juit ia. A i-onti ;ts tlio iluster is ilry iae it il'.wn. so thai the win l will not hi ..v the -t.r.'i h out. If laiiinil with warm wa' r il will soon )v rea'lv to iron. What to Eat. a general prineiple it may be As ti l d stat u u I::, at. ti-!i i f '.ieeay eailll'it b siii'-e sMiipt'ilns r poiiiii'v in eaten Hit'i of irnta it !.ao ;!! ho I a hard a We r. ii.-! " f reij'ii-ntlj ariseii Hut a little .-on -i'h r t In- im;i .-il-iiity of '! fa -I li:e- u;'ii tiiis Vi lli.-"!1 v I , i i 1 1 !l.H I.Tgone tl.'i-K. v.! : b' f or mutt' a in i. A '.-ain. p.'iii'r- i-t !" fresh. Vet Wi- i. n.' w to bi w a -ii is far a 1- f" 1 i u;v... v hi- a ;i ti.tii to ' !i:a'! II -:i- r.'.ii' -. it i- g'-!o-r.'. !'.':. It'i .-' . f taM. I !:, p.-; t; - r r I . ! l!o- ii,-t I II. n t! ; i. n it 1 1 1- . ; I: wa - -i I i :.:-t; a-.n! 1 1 .- :,: t' 'I I a! a'. .-! e 'ii ol ,1 s to a:t r . a-foil ... 'a a a.. dae ia ia. lay i a of the king I I. as lllld. I'u' 'ie !" ay is doii'.. .-s th" o. iuj'li t, i; -.-s s; but this il -i s tlio gi-in ral l ul'i of d.-i ay i-i i.u ..ild I-- aveided. I..IV e bei 11 luaav ll'-t !l 0 aiaiii-t 1 aay st, i aal -1 lie!" ii 'ii- s; 'i.'toiiis aii-iug tr :u t!i i i i a-ia-.-l meat aia.iilv to l.avt- 1. Till! a i:,l- is ot ra'ttlll,.'. or t!i . it-, t.i l i f-ro lA.ii.iiiialio.i ot t I.t ll' II "ii r "1.1 v a i rds thi- el.l-s he can -lio'ii 1 ie.l- if It la a 1 . I .:iit!y '"C it 'ti at il I olup "ii ha air' ;i iy - i.e d u i'liin the can. Nai.e throiigli eaulos soldeiiiig tin t.lll' preserved ill tii h-S beoolne coiit.liiunat eluith had, and poisoning by this siih-tanee is the result. A Forgot ten Duel. The tearing dow n of an autiqiiat--d !e a-, at f. Auifii-tine, Flu., brought to light a ru-ty sword. To it i .ii t i' ii' d a -ton. Eiglity yc;irs ago. at a g'and fall given by the spani-h g u tleiiian who hved in the house, two '"lli'-er e.tliio to h.gli words over tic attention paid I'V thein to a heautiiu! lady pre-cnt. Tiny ripaired to thy -tii et iind fought . I dip 1 with swofils. I 'lie mail fell dead. The other threw away his weapon and tied. A little child who had been il witness of the encounter, picked up the sword and carried it into the tuuise. It was hid den that at lead one evidence of the bloody ih ed might he concealed. Long after the story of the crime had been forgotten, the linding of the blood Mam. d blade calls it anew to mind. A ( lean Steal. London is unquestionably the gre;vf eM theater in the world for the perpe tration of acts of eccentric criminality, and among theju there has probably never been a queerer case than has recently been developed by the recent apprehension of an offender for the heretofore unheard-of crime of steal ing baths. The individual in question would lay plans in regular burglar style for breaking into houses, ahvayn selecting the mansion where lie kner the surround! s to be luxurioi s. Having succeeded in effecting an en trance, he would prm cod to the bath room, where he would indulge in tho luxury of a thorough cleansing, and, although he never carried away any viiluabl, s.ho may be said to have gen- orally succeeded in making a clean &tel t REHOIOUS TOPICS. AVe cannot comtcmpliitu without alarm cither alternative of an un trained ministry on the one hand, or on (he other a disastrous check in the growth of American Christianity Ami yet one or the other is inevitable unless there is speedily a mighty re ligious awakening in our colleges, w hich .shall thousajiils of educat ed young men into the Christian inin itry. The time has come for college ofliccrs and pastors and the press to take the alarm and sound it, until it is heard in every Christian home and felt in every Christian heart. Parents must c.iji.-iMito their sons to tlie min - istry and tivn them for it. Hut the deliia:id- !,i. 'l iiro plOssillg UPOII US m l!c college loar fi'iuiv we mut look to the t ) meet. - I IJov. ,1oiah strong. ll !i the I.lvlim An honored father in the ministry said on his dying bed. "Let no words of eulogy b" spoken over my poor re mains." Weil and wisi !y said. The time to -piil; the appreciative word, t" and "f the pa.-tor. is while his hu man le-art --bears its unspoken pain and heave.-, its seini igh." Hut, too ofl.'ll. Hot llllt.l (ioil glVes "sW ect 10- l"a-e from i .ii la" ib the ' pews-' ap- ri i'ia'i' the remarkable talents, the devout piity, t!ie xigiiaii! watching for souls whieh marked the ministry of Hie departed one now t thetu an "a'lg"! in ili-'.-ii'-'." The toiler has r.-:i'-hed the s'liiiiug si,, i-e. All tears arc wiped iiiiiiv. s... ye tardy ones - witiiliohl ,.iir 1 u of word.-, though they may be the ri li.-st that human heart . an dictate, or human lips can frame. Ink i Vnilt- I. Iff 4'lran. A uniform and sin-are cn-i oratii n o'ight t" be the iir-t aim of every ihur.ii xx I,- n tin re are signs of a pos sible, or revival. l.i t tl-e chiin h iiieu.licrs bi me idkd w iih tin-Holy spirit's i!il!u--nce and 'ow i r. and tle-re will be no trouble iiboilt co'; i rs', -ns. Tin :e may Ie m re or ie.--t!iaii ia ...iin of he- y.-.ii-. but -ome. if :,. t ui.'i.v. th re i . i ' .ui.'.y will I e. Win 'i t!ie w. lid - i - f,.. ii;- :phs of -Ii -lis lout. d l.g 11 e. i.iriie.-t. it aaii' t n--i-' ti.e sig!,'. To th-s end it pl-t I.e f. !'lenbel-.'. tll.H f -TV c.-.ii-ti aa 'le.ds to i:-a'e his own lib' spaitiiaiiy clean at.d - wee and v.h"l"- soiae through ami ti; -.11 Oil the p..t of a may l.n.di-r the w a..h ccivmg Cod's bi.-Mli:. A single Chii.-ti.iii i iiom I-.-, laiiiiic to TI e.'lile lili'.V oaiv oil-' 1 1 1 i :ie la'iii. or to repa r y, or t ful-id only one iy may hinder the pcr-fr.'i.-i t!." fullness ..f w ii, dd otle-rw i-' ha V e ..ia. bui a'.-o ii, ay pic-'aii.-. !i ii'oin its i - iav and ri-Kceiiu-il true revivid every s t i puig. his heart of l.-a-t thing h:c!i is -ight ol ; and into be, a r.c.'.d I tie- Ullo'.e I . Chr.-tiaa -'.i'.i the la-t .ill grievous in th' that heart thus emptied tho Holy spir.l i-iitcrs, tin-re and vv oi iv mg from that centre thenceforth ;cs never before. I Inirly Hint. llev. Dr. 1'. 1'.. Hale, addressing a : large as-einb!y in the I lost.. n tin litre i-u a r "-eat Sunday : "There are peo- , pie vi ho say tiici'"' are no s.i'-h thing as a i'i ign ol (mil ; that we are ail like a , held "f ca.tle on the Texaa .rai lies. or like a ll "' k "f sheep mi ;t ;,m or.i.l ranch. Now. t.. d i our work pr.jii'.y ia this La-iics, mu-t ' tir.-l of ail k - p -,,, 1 .... I v't yield ing it to C ; ry appetite or exciting it vviih stiui'iiaat-. Tii.' mark-man iit . t 'reed in. .or, er evn tie- man w ho plays t'lli-e-cilid iiiohte, knows the ali:- of stealy nerves, a clear brain, and a quick i -ye. steady f r use when the crdicd in. i .icnt arrives, liveryman and woman in l!o-ton knows, without looking up text-!io..k i.r ethics, or going into Court street to consult a' lawyer, what is right and when he cr ' she is doing wrong. Cherish an inti macy with i'",, and take the rule which hri-t give, Tolhov me!' Follow him, and do it not as a i lock or a Ioi l. i olr.e. but do it ii- an immortal being." At the cll l of the-enuoU Jir. llah' ad. lles-cil ;i few plain Word- to ; his audii'lli II the snl.ject nt these meetings. lb' said; "IH"king around 1 see that there are many lu re t. might . who tire iM regular church-goers. Von don't want togointo the churches to hear us preach, but we want to speak to you. and that is the reason we have e. line here. We propose to come i iit least half way. We will come to i this theatre, and ou will conic. I j know perfectly well I can see that I ! am speaking to persons w ho. hav ing : been baptized and brought up in early ' years in a certain communion, hav c ' culne, through the tendencies of the Iiiliteeiith century and of a free land. 1 to distrust the church machinery, to believe it all a humbug, all a manu factured thing mi the part of the priests who want t make their living out of it. and so have cut loose from the whole thing. I have a v cry gre;i respect for the position of those per sons, and I do not wonder that they are where they are. It is to su. h per sons I say that I am not her.' in a priest, or that we have any prit- nsions to a divin i calling anv inure than anv ether man or woman. If we have Cod's truth t say we are God's anoint- til ; if we have not God's truth to sav we are no priests of his. I speak to such persons with confidence. 1 ask them to listen to what the free church of America, has to say to them; to what the Unitarian church has to say of life and its duties, of death, of sorrow and of joy, and of our practi cal religion in this world. "We are sure ol your candor, and we ask you to give us your attention. " l.'uoiillnj Garlli bl's Ili-malns. It having been a -sorted by certain newspapers outside i f Cleveland that the soldiers on duty at Lake View cemetery guarding the sacred remains of the late President were in the habit j of opening the oa-ket every day, j your correspondent yesterday called ! (n Lieut. 5iiil.:ii,k h,i ii :.r uresent. in charge, to Ascertain if the asser tions were correct or false. It lias been stated by newspaper-) in Cincinnati and Chicago that the ' ea-ket is opened every day by tn) guard, who looks at his remains before making his report." said the reporter. ' "Yes, I have also seen statements to that effect," siiid tho lieutenant, "but there is no truth whatever in it. Here is iin order from tin' secretary of war, , which says, 'I'litil otherwise ordered : by competent authority, no one save ' Mrs. Garfield wi!) be permitted to view i the remains.' That order is rigidly enforced, and no one but Mrs. (lar liel.l is permitted to go inside the : vault. The oilioer in charge is requir ed to make a report ev cry mouth of all property in his charge, ami he very naturally desires to know that in men tioning the remains of the president in that report there is no possibility whalcvtr of there being a mistake, and. feeling so, sometimes looks to sat 1 isfy himself, but aside from that, as I have said, no one is permitted to enter : the vault." "lias anything Wen said about dis continuing the guard ." w as asked. "No, I think not. The guard will probably be kept on duty until the monument is built. At least. I sup pose that is the calculation. The offi cers would ho gla 1 enough if it wore discontinued, for it is not (ho must agro a! Ie duly I have performed. The men are on tb.'y every second day, and t!io iioti-coinaiis-ionel uilici-rs every otlu-r day. but the officer in charge must remain here night and day for a ni"iith. w !i' ii ho is relieved. This is my third month on duty hero. The nun arc let i h a-ed at any suited time. Some of tie in have been on duty for a year. I don't think the guard is nec- , i-ssiiry now . a- t wo or three policemen : could do tii" duly by having two on' nights and one on .lays."' 'liiy.'ii hav.- many visitors V" '( ih. yes ; we have a good manv, . notwithstanding the cold wratlur," re plied the lieutenant. "People ironi all parts i f the country come here. East week parties from New Hampshire and others from Nebraska came to look at ; the casket. Visitors now nro mostly ; people front other places, who stop over in this city h r the purposo of 1 isil ing the tomb. A good many from ' the city also drive out now while sh ighiag is good. I think there was a great mistake made," continued tho , lieutenant, "in not having a ontribu- . tion box placed near tho vault for the i purpose of receiving subscriptions to the monument fund. Persons who 1 wannot afford to give more than twenty-live or lifty cents, and would not put their names i n a list for that amount, would gladly place it in tho , box. There are Very lew people who coiue out here who would not give something, and it all would amount to a surprisingly largo amount." "'.' Eouis (ilobe-Demoi rat. : Kcfognizin Merit. A touching little anecdote of the , late Due de Malakolf is just now j going the rounds ol the French papers. : As Marshal l'clissicr he had tho repu- i tat ion of being both stern and violent when his temper w :is roused; but tin-: deriieath this exterior he. had a warm heart, and was swift to recognize rc;d merit. One day, when at Toul for a ; review, he saw a poor funeral passing ; by. (n the collin was the uniform of a sergeant-major of ehasseiirs-a-piod; an aged man walked wearily behind it, j and a very small handful of friends followed him. The marshal sent one' of his general- to inquire particulars, j and learned that tho soldier being borne to his long hume had been severely wound, d at Magenta, and, i though sutlioii idly recovered to return , to h.s home lor rest and change of air, he died of debility. His eldest brother , had been killed in tho Crimea, and, their old father was a retired lieuten- ' ant, who starved rather than lived on a pension of iil.ont four hundred francs per annum. A month afterwards the marshal return, d to Toul, and invited tin old lieutenant to conic and break-; fast w ith him at the hotel at eleven1 "V1"' k- Covers were laid for two; the marshal sat down briskly, and his guest follow i d his example. Hut no sooner did the old man unfold his servi-! ctte than be uttered a cry, for under-! neath it w as the cross of the legion of hoiior.with it- red ribbon and tvvo large ! official envelopes. The veteran1 sighed, his hand trembled, he could ' neither rise iht speak, but gaed at his host, who took the decoration, fastened i it to his button hole, threw the envel opes on the table, and said, "This is your brevet as legionnaire, and that is a pension .1 ,,nu thousand francs a year. Now l,.t us attack tho omelette, for I am in a great hurry." STARTLING STATISTICS. TlirKhmlnw Hanging 0w Nrw nrk llT anal His tluiiio luuulrj. A Tribuu Oliiuloa. 1 l'n uauou hfi I eeu horrified at the barn in.: of n Milwaukee Loi.-I, whereby over ot'v fcuiy lives were lost. Thin event cirnej ter ror because it wo ud. e i mid oi'palluu,'; but haj the fame disuntroui results to lite mid limb rome silently they woul.l bnve bi-en ua nuliced, not ouly by tbo peoi le ot tho land butnl.-o by tho very community in which tliey occurred. Fatal eveiitu of a fur worse nature have liken place in this very city, bi t they have atinicti'Juo attention, nor would tin y u ilul nut t n U.nouu ul Hal ttau.v tics bnuj; ihom to our notice. 'Figures do nut :1m.'1 ulit.lfpri.kii m.ivtiA nm-Artjii il. ami not lie," wluitrvvrelt-e may be nm-erUiiu, aud li.orei'ir. ..: tin-1( ullmui Uus city is a Burn ing comeu at on lis life. During the jinst year tlio I'li'Tuiuiis itirn iii1 of certain mala dies is sin piy api' illing. While tho total num ber ot do Ims liiuulii.-l 0 i, I lid the ilealll rate on inu- t it -e:iso lias iii creas -J. t-till it ii fur iiiaU'r nt one or two more fe:imis di?or-di-is ihnn vi. s evi r known before. More peo ple ih-il in mo ii y of Nnvv Yo.k iu l-sa fioin l'rirflit'e disi'-ee of the kidneys, than from d'phthoria, Mu..llpoi and typhoid fever nil eon. billed ! This siivrivly seems possible, but it is true, mid vv lieu it i remembered that lo-silmn one-thud the nolral deaths from llriejifti disease uio n ail reported os audi, il,o ruva-M uf the muluiiy can bo i nitially laid, rsiood. 'I ho luiinodiale query wlili h rvery reilor will make upou A.ioli A rove alma of la. m, is: VYIint cniioi th s lm-ioasc. 'J Ins is a i ! ; f -limit ipie-lion to hcsvu-i-. 1 tic incur.' of tae chm.iie, the habits of life, ilu iiihilieralmu of loidsiuiil liiiiiois. nil u.iu j ib.e by con; bit u.i immediate i-n.ise can bo cer tainly n'iigned. Often befe.rj the victim knows it t 10 (ii.-ea-e has t o gun. Its np piu.ieli. ii are ro sl.-a'iliy mi l iih ftymptoin pi obsi'ine that enuno: lie delit in ly f "re-eon, anJ mo ciiy kn iwa by tie-. r ef foels. Any kidiwy liisnrder, l.o.n. ver sIilo, is the fir-l K'ne of Uiiht'e diBense. lint il is seldom that kidney disorders can bo de tected. They do ii'jt I aveany certain symp toms. vo:iru:cs-; nil unusi id i.ppctitf; periednnl hi u !:i.'hi -i ncnsioiinl mi n-o.i; lan-ei tain liiiinsi less of vitfur: la, k i f nerve power; ine:; ilarity of tlio he.irli disordered d lily i.s; iiiiiorfi ct diesii.iu nil tl.o-e an J inaoy otli.r Fyaiptonis ato the itidiiMt ions u. kidney di.-ur.ler, vea tlioiih tin re may bo no pain i.l the i. i.n of the kidneys or ia ill it ort on of 'the body. '1 lie s rious ii.T'ii e of ihese t:0'ibs may b.i mi.ler-t id f i-.iiii llio fuo: that lhii.'lit'. dis ease !s as iu. I.iiii to diseased kid..c..s as deeo ainosili m f iliuvvs d ath. Il is lii.-li time the Doctors in tii s 1 unl who h ive be. n tin ililo to in'i ro! kidi ey lionb'i s, -h "aid be n ou-e.l niivl cinij elle.I to Iind S'line reine Iy, or ncknowledgj omi iihia Iy found. The siuToiiii Qlilie needs l.ll' ill ciiinot await the tardy nc ion of nny hii.r -splittina e ideof ino ii rei t y formu lated thenncs. It tho luidienl world hat. no certain reiiudy fortius terrible d.i-e i.-c let thi-ni nekiiouled-e itati.lsiek for one n:.-i Ie tic p ile nf their profeion. Tor ll.e diseov i ry of tins ivnieily mid for its ion t.) lias deeise, the people of this ciiy, the pe i pte nf the whole land, not unly tlio-e w in nrj .-uirerina. but thoso who havo friends in dan fc'er, ore e.inie.sily and lon-'injiy looking. The nbovo quotation from the New York Trihune is causieR con-ideralilu commotion, ns it seems to lilt the cover from n BtibjoiH that has l ie 'ino of national importance. Tl.o nlarmiiii; incie.iso of kidney dise.i-cs; their insidiom beginning' aud fii,'htfii ciulinij, mid the aekii lwle.lueJ inability of physicians to successfully cope with thorn, niny well awaken tho greatest dreid of every one who hns the sliehtest symptoms. It is fortunate, howivjr, that the nire-t rMief is often found where, possibly, least expected, iind that (herd is n specific for the ovils above desciibcd we havo come to fully be'.ieve. Within tho post two years we have frequently fcon stateiiicntg of parties clnimini; to havo been cured of seri ous kidney tnnililes even idler hopo had been nl atidoiieil; bnt in ouiiiiinii with most peo ple we have discredited them. Quite recently, however, a number of prominent and well known nu n have como out voluntarily and stated over their signatures that they woro completely cured by the use of Warner's Safo Kidney and lavrr Cure. Most people have t een nwaro that this medicine hr s an unusual ftaud.u' and one entitling it to be chisoed unlive I'lui'i luuu urueii : ciiuiuii i uui nun it had aecouiplished so much iu checking the rnvngi-s of kidney diseaso is not so kci - erallv known. It ft ert-at wortti ban been above proprietary articles cnorally; bin teat erally known. Its t'reat worth has been shown not only by tho cures it has effected, but also because n numlier nf imitations have appeared in tho market, fraudulently claiming tho valuable, qualities of tho orig inal Safe Cure. If it were not vnluablo it would not bo imitated. The above may seem like an ultra indorse ment of a popular remedy, hut it ia not ono whit stronger than the farts admit. What ever asfdMs the world toward health and con sequent happiness, shculd reccivo the hearty Indorsement of the press and all friends of humanity. It is on precisely this principle that the foregoing statement is made, and it morits the careful consideration of every thinking roadur. Purinu Jones' trip abroad he saw an rpe iu a l'aris niiiciiii iO ve ir- old. Last week he mndeathdavit that he had discovered tho tiiaio to it iit his boarding house dinner table. Ir. l'ierci.-'s "linhlen Medical Discovery" has heroine mi thoroughly established in public favor that were it not for the forgrt fulness of people it would not he necessary to call nttciiti'iii to ils power to cure con sumption, vi I I. ii is scrofula of the lungs, aud othiT tiloml diseases, as eruptions, blotcnes, pimples, ulcers, ami "liver complaint." The meanest slight a girl can put npon an admirer is to use a poslal card in refusing an olfer of marriage. It proves that she doe.m't actually rare two cents fur him. HOW WOMAN MM I.II VOTK. Were women allowed to vote, every one in the land who has used 1 r. I'ieree's "Favorite Prescription" would vote it to be an unfail ing remedy for the diseases peculiar to her sex. Hy druggist. "There is a coolness between us; good bye," said the full onder the ice to the fish, erman on top, who was trying to break tl rough and catch him. . WHAT PIIYNIU.tMst SAY. S AX LEAS DUO, Cal. Da. It. V. 1'iEnrr, Buffalo, N. V.: Avir Sir: I have employed your "Pleasant Pur gative I'ellots" iu tuy practice for the last four years, I now use no other idteriitivo or cathartic, medicines in all chronic derange ments of the stomach, liver, and bowels. I know of nothing that equals them. .1. A., M. D A professor was lecturing on "After Man What?" A listener remarked that it was generally the sheriff, or some woman. ON THIRTY IIAVM'THIAI,. Tint VoiTvtc Uki.tCo., Marshall, Mich. .will send Or. Dye's Celebrated Klectro-Voitaic Belts aud K.tfctric Appliances on trial for DU days to men, young or old, who are atthc'od with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Ad dress us above. N. 11. No risk is incurred, us thirty days' trial is allowed. Nklnny mTu. Wells' Health Henewer restores health, vigor, cure Dyspepsia, Impotence, Bexual iK-bility. Jl. PkEvrNT crooked boots and blistered heels by wearing I.yon'a Patent lieel htiffeuers. Far Tklrk Head. Heavy stomachs, billions conditions Wella' May Apple Pills nntibilious, cathar tic. 10 26c. No polwnons drntfs enter into the com posi tion of Cnrboline, a cleoilorized rxtrnct of I'ltrolemn, the niitund hmr ri.tonr and droHiii hh now itniTuvtid and pcrfuciod. It in the I'lrffCtioti of the clirmint's art. Uoo'l III la Ike llomar. ''Rongh on Hata." Cloara out rata, mice, roaohea, brdbtiKn, flies, ant", molea, chip luunks, gopheni, luo. Ottoman rep is the rival of satin, but has l.y no means displaced it. The Nashville American savs the South needs 20,000 cooks. It is estimated that the combined income of the 516 English peers who constitute the English houso of lords foot up to $53,000,000. The hay crop of 1882 was estimated at $372,UOO,000. A Fireman's Fortune. The Sun Frum i.iro (Cul.) ChroniNe, in an article on the Tire Department of ban Francisco, gives the following I from Asst. Chief Engineer Matthew I II i... ..f ....i i. & ... mailt: A unvu oeeii buuji-ci. vo au Mg- graviiting pain in my chest for over i four yi'iirs. I resorted to various modes I of treatment to obtain relief. 1 havo had my chest terribly blistered. No physician could tell what was the matter with me. Two weeks ngo I commenced using St. Jacobs Oil. It lias cured me." Female society in the Arkansas penl tiiiry is very limited. Out of 5S3 con victs, only eighteen are women. You wonhl use St. Patrick's Salvo if you knew the good it would do you. Till: ( Il.tM llS A It K Tht 70a fal willing t.i p ijr liAnifoirae mm of rannry . I r ml .1 ..iim"ti. Iin. .il .. .'..ugh, A. T. Slirin,-, 1.1." W. Kayi-fl' Mrl, . ie, M,t .wniiw.i.rvfe-uisl Ir .in (! l tih'iiK wo n I.. f N.-w I ..): "it 11. On r,.iii"ly fur th" liir.Mil Ami lungs n1 l"ii..:al ,M .lilj ." N.'.v l.tli. m,1i (or WJ iculo. It la j.nir tn-at 1 liau.ii fur lieallb. Sntl.riirlory Fviilrnee. J. W. Oraliiin, Wti.ilMala Oruifii.1, of Aualln, Tel., w.ifca: ' 1 bar bpn haadllim Dr. VTm. llaU'a Balaani for tho Luiki for the Daat rur, aail hav found II ono of the tnnet ft.1al.le meilrlnM 1 ever had in mi h.rttee InrC-iuyha, Oolde uii ereo Consumption, tlware jta-laa enlir e iliafaotion, rieaaoeenil me on arou bj Hat 'irday's eteamrr." Ir. tirci n's Oxvgrnnlnl Itinera i' ttin ,-M.i-l ant l,i. ri'ini. Ir f..r f)jrbpo.ia, Biliona . Milan. l:i I'u all ilia r lure ot the Stun. ach, aoJ all diMaaos in.lio.tln an impure oonditiooof II - lll uvl, Kl.lnrjis, and l.:rrr. tl irno'at'iitarth Snuff euro Catarrh and all affrctlona of the mucous mtinlirane. Tlio ...n Iin g ..hi. l.y nia.l or oipresa I Mi-n, hrl.m i.r fr. m i.o, or mental oiroeeoa, will Slid Hint Alli-n'a ttr.itn 1 -m..I n-sl..ri'S forui.T nalily i m "i. ,li. i Ma .ml at Alli-b'a l'liariuaiy, Jli ItM Av. X. V. It iioTrrf illa. It is easier fur a camel to pas through the i'jc of a tui'dlii than for a rich man to he lniittt fur murder. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Itcliovra ami rtirrt miri'MATisJi, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, it ti lt i lit:, HEADACHE. TOOTH "HE, SORE THROAT. tsl'INsy.MWKI.I.INilS), st'ti wsii. Soreness. Cult, Brullel, l l!'i-Hll I L. . Ill II NS. M'AI.DH, And iill...l.. rl...,llly achea lunl laiiim. rh'TT CENTS A BOTTLE. (i:i:;niiuaiuiiiii!iti The Ci.'rlet . Voqi-ler Cj. ,. i iii. i.i i k a in i ll.liia.rr, J , I. a. A. .gflTEflTCsiU vital .la- II tl tl. r M nurli lliliorc. -N'l-uily iIopi It Impart etrvngth totliewMk, lit it filticiTr.itan trrt'k'tilnr fl'il tlt iilt.i PtMnn'h,(lliktN II... ! .w.l nl nt tr "H'r nilt-rvnlfi, fit itif ti t Ui wli -nf fur frim rln'Mntntir ( JI ; 1 if) ! - Attri llVlllll'S, il an rMj Iftn A Letullns London Fhya MB Ii'Iho ematilinhi-a au 1 1 Ua" UlUi'oia NewVurli A lor Iho Cure of B EPILEPTIC FITS. I.r. Ai. -n 1.) nstn .f I "U.I "iii. vlinti.akr. a o- l..ll i.f Fi..lnv. I ae i:h...:t d.'.il't t I.-.1 n.d mid ni .i.ic.rr. Hum .n.y. i'i. r livinc r'""'' '" liiam"- e lio.iinl..iil.lili"ir-. liu li. nr.l of mn'r o.or w ii'B." HI.-.S-. .fnlif cm.. I I.r l.ll.i. Il l ha. i.i.'.ll.lir.l a .'.k on Ilila vulrli 1. . 'i liliilUru-e l...lil.i.riil.on.l..tiilriiri" I I" "'' f rrr tt.i mar ..'iidtt.air ..niaii.l I' U.Sdaiva -e aailS"a"r am ,. l'.a IT. all. MLabliULU hu, , Jul.o at.. Hew Toik. Trazer axle grease. Orel la Ike world Uri the cvnalae. Ereri aarknee hna aar milimurk aad la aiiirhi-rl fniir r' Mil tl 1.1 lll WIltllK, COLEMAN C0LLECE, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. 30 minntiB cf N.-vf Ymk. rimiiinriK f r all wnrlliy S'.liiaua, lil.ip.ilp 14 . W rite f'Tcin.14 Ura. li'UM.tS k I.U.Ms I'ri.iiripliira. PORTABLB SODA roil NT A I NS Bend for Catftlagut, Chapman & Co. MADISON, IND. OINIY jl20 tor PltllndolpHft Nlnrr u! thii itylf. tquki liiftny 8iasr In lb timrki't. K'mmhfr, k it tb- tjt.imiHfi be for vm J" H. Tim im th win tjlt other rMuiniM ruil (or ir tttrA jrr. bnd for lUu- I trtltnl CinuUr and Twntimun- .MP, All nv n oM warrant I noon a ro., 17 TMthSt.. rblUdrlplilft. Pa. IMITATION STAINED GLASS. Indascnbablr limititiful. Faaily apphftd to window glaaa. 1, iuj rwferr-iifwM., rimilt U , ittc. laatam.Hi. A.KNT III UAI.h thpp JbtiMMlir t; h'ar Itm in iU dt'DUiu intioiw i mimlr) liutnlura Indiinwil by twt.tMt Kovrniuciit ortu ial aixl riliMiM K r rh in-ia Iu coin mu .ej butm ripu.n 6to. aubacntmn ON1.T $Ae 9 ti. tiurit-r of liiwpat woni, tmch rtitum vt H"aM IA M .UlTlf, FtuisvlH'(. 1 AMK VOl It IHIK-OIHT FOU Talbot's Carbollzed Salve. A Mrtin cure fnr Itcb, TiHtr. Iilna. ttinvwnrniii, all ernpliuns uf Hie Skin, and all t'uta ur H..rvs i,u Maa or Bvaat. F..r aale t all Unisi.l.. prl.e J6 cel. la. CA.NBV. GILPIN CO., Wboleaale A(eata, Baltimore, lid. CONSUMPTION. I bar pfm.e riut1r for ia ftbuv 4 !; b lift 9 thonaanda of casea of h wont klad m4 f (ong tuidlng liav txipn vurfd ludMd aatrong la ur fkltt IUtm. r, ti... a will Mntt TWO BOITI.U FlttK, iw "Uiar wiil VAl.t'iHI.B TK4TlHo ilsta (liaaat, M PI ttOtwer Olv Kiun m td O a4iirf. !.. EiaUCL Ji, IU JW1 llw Tork. IlifltS WNtll AI. tilt Mill. baJ rj.i.'irf.iMrtjrsTiapa w ANTED., 9 h.Miaa in I'u.laili I niila. KM. t-nte ar OKAY BILL ( P., S,ttOnri'l M. Phuadfl,li I Tr .Dii.l'. r.jn" l C Q a wik id roar own umn. Tcrsai roar own Umn. Term, an.t joutnt urn. 0 AddneeU. listLSl J Co., fimUiid, Main, tea uyiitiMrAiujii llllil;!f''M,,'iiiiii ii!l lillll l!, liil " IIIIUI UUIUIIW" IJffl l""illl I K, il !!!!!lii,,r!!i;ii''ii;l!!':;i:!!! mm KU J3. i .nxr 0$WPATH12 WlTrTs THE HOPE Oy LYDIA E. PtNKHAM'S VEG57ALLI COUPOUND. A Sure Cnre Tor all FK.1IALE WiiAlI. M:ssi;s, locludliiaT, Ir- rcvulnr I'uii.ful illeotstruutlnrj, lr'. .miiiailon aad t'lccrntlon of lUu Womb, I-'loodln,;, I'ltO. I. APIS IS ITLMI, Ac. tirrira-nt to t:.e tx--to. efH.-acloiia and Immediate In lti-rTi..t It b a rrcAt help In prrFnanry, end ro LvTc. rin iluiiti); labor and at nculur inl, ill. timw .nsishit iD ruEst nine it rr.ri LT. ITTut .tiTVEia-swrrs of thtgcnfratlvo orcene of citbi-r in. It Litrci.iltono rimiilyilut ba rvrr Soen fcf tre ttie iiubllci and for all dlwaara of the Kunn It Is the Graitui Urmnl j in las II ur.o. UUII)M:V rO.HFI.AlNTS of Either Kei 1 iud .rc:it llclli flu II l ec. I.TillA F. PI.NKIIAM H IILOOD I I KITIEH WI 1 t rail .nl" , w .y v:.t.s- f'f ll'.l...'; . It.'ni the III I. nl ll.e wuiie I'nii will gict- no an, I .t, i ih to tlicfuin, AuiATTt-U 'iiiiti rcaiil:;,uitlioC. uiuimd. HTB .thCicComnonndond Cl.-ed rai Xli-r are pre. pared ai STJ and ST.i v, u-rn Arrnur, lynn, staaa. Price of olilh-r, tl. S.s li MtloF frr Tl." Ccmpotin I la arnt by mall In t!io form of i .ll. i r of lorriigor , on ecelpt of prior, tl r" I"'1 for rlthrr. Iin. riokbaia ficrly ainw. ra all 1. it -ie of In i:lrr. Knii.-fte 1 cvBI lamp. Send for poiu,l.l.t. Mention thit iinr. Uri.Tnii ft. rts-rmi'" 1 tvra Pit i i".r Cnrt'pa ttuii. liJ,oJi.iia and iurpluiir of u.-j Liv. r. Ut miuu. j-Mold by nil Ilrurglrta.t3 (!1 HAS DEEM PROVED Tho SUREST CURE for KIDNEY DISEASES. To-i a lAmo Ikh-'l or n i'ijon!rrr1 nrii'.o 1--.J1. rala uu arn a .o'.iul TULa VO KOI' !.:H'T'.ri.t ni KiD:.EV-WOr.T at onoe, (ilri !ls rooin-jiwid If) a:vl ll wl'.l eperdlly ovvrww.uo I - --I - -..--." rvi.wrolirlii ucuou. It U n C.VRECVaStor all DISEASES of the LIVER. It lua fiprnfd .a 'i'.n ou this moot important or,i:i,c ubii:-.;: It t-HirowolT torpids! y and 'u a'1;j.i, ii'nutLii.rtholioalthy o iUonof th E:i', a'i-1 Vv 1 ocp.n:; iho bowoU InCrvoooadi ciWcuuj iu rc.-t.: r dlXHrfjATtc. Pfl oloflt I? ronroii.TrlrfrCi-cm 17 i d iv.i ii9 r.iaiari, J- -vo U.c t '..i.Lt, arob'lioMf, tlyfrM-ptit?, or rrntil:m:cl, Kldnoy W r: w,.Uiv' lyr ii.'vcasd qtiu o-iro. 1:1 to tpn-.iT, to cUincl tlio Pyuv.u, every oac o-iould toko a tuiroujrti ooursu ct i I nHictC Torcoaii'lMi-.ta prculiarto IsUUICSi vitr-Cst. rue'. o pa.ij and wei:icssr3, KONTAVOsIT U unaurptjU, ajlt w..l tv.t rronry fiadnafc-iy. l;:.VrtV-x. l:iojr.t: i ?-icd, rwt, ;.tlon of urine, br.:tu-.t.rni y i. r.t a-id d ul daiog pains, alio-toco's.. y yl.'Ai M c-irMvov tT at tf; r v fill -e n tho UITWIfitB, 1 1 s'.Tl) Vrr ' 1 t;;ation, iiie-, cr ' it ;.i a cr nanonl euro. SOLD CV D!UCC!3T3. Price mm t '"".T e vi".il y.-.m ra l.aio fti: iitfliul trie lj.i- r.i.-il i f Am. i . Tfllh ..ii r. i.'li-nt aiti t .ii-. 1 r. .':'.. ill. l" ni r.l. ii.jiil Hint It lin t t or.ijr i-ri'-sti Uto J.iu-riMiloii.-il i:- v I'al-.s. I ri: I I j p.iMimt aiuln.-trai!!t. rNcml ol ro iuxh Law lmT.. a ia " r I k. :.M. rl .1- i. , iu. ('..- .-.( i It Will N-it Colorthn ruttcrr-l'K. It Will Hot Tnr.i Rincld. It ll tMn Otioiigest. CriRhtoet nnil f;hernt Polor Slarte, t aTliiil, a. tt. Ii- prt-narrd I.l nil. I- aocvmn, .!-! isl ill vv .. t.-rl: t.. b...'ollic I UK-..1. IV8CWARK I fll iBiiiaii-n. a d ot a. I ull.vr i.l i-.-l-rs f- r t'.i. r aro luble to tMK.or.,r ran- I I ind r: .l't:. 1 u.L-r. ITIf y..n i-.-i:i.i. t r-itlie"lmprorid" n l.i tnnw wcroaudli.-ir to gel It without r .ira mtiv r.tiiunDMiM arn . fniti.ti.a. rt. THE PUREST AND BEST Krini-ily Kvrr .iluilo ll Ie Compounded from 1 1 iip, .Hull. Burba. Murw ilinlio anil llaadt-llou. Tlio oliU'-t, biMt, ninst runowtieil anil valu. able uicilii'ino in tlio world, find iu addition it cont mis ull the best find most etTe-live curative pro) erties of all oibor rcmi'die, being the greatest liver rt'tulalor, blood purifier, and lifo and La ilth routormi; agont on earth. It jives new life mid vigor to the nged find infirm. To Uergynion, l.-iwj era, litemry men, ladies, and nil whom ttdpiiUry employments cause irrCBulnritios of the Blood, Stomach, Dowels, ot Kidui'js, or who require an appe tizer, tonio and mild etimulaut, it ia iuvulu a')lt, being highly curative, tonic and etimu l.itimr, without being in'oxic iling. No innttcr what your feelings or symptoms are, or what, tho disease or ailniout ia, nse Hop Hitters. Don't until yon are aick, but if you only feci bad or miserable use the hitters lit oni'o. It may save your life. Hun dred, have boen saved by ao doing, at a niiKlerate cost. Ask your druggist or phyai einn. Do not suffer yourself or let your fnonda sutler, but use aud uri;e them to use Hop Bitters. If you have lameness In ths loins, with frequent pains mid nohes; nutnbni's of the thigh; scanty, painful unci fie.iii'iil il.s. haru'e f urine, filled with pus ami whieh will turn od by stii'iiliiur: a cms iippetiic and iiiiiuenehablo thirst; harsh and dry skin; l-uiiniy tongue, often darkly furred; swollen md inflamed giims: dropsical swelling of tho imbsif ciint-iit atiaeksof Iticrough; inability o void tho urine.- and great fatigue in at it you a e sullt-ring from soma 'omi of hiilm y or Vrin.iry Complaint, sach is liuinitT'a Disi:hE of tlio kidneys, stone or inflammation of lliehla Itli-r, grave! and renal cal uli, stian ,'iiary s rieture and ie tuition of tho uiiiie. uud Hop Hitters is the only rcmi-ily that will permanently cure you. Iteinoii.b -r, Hop Hitlers is no vile, drugged, drunken nosu um. but the and best medicine ever mud, mid no person or family should be without it. Hou't risk any of the highly lauded stuff wiib tostiinnniulsof gnat cures, but askyou' neighbor, dnigin. pmiot or physicians what Hop Bitters hasun imin dofor you autostit. IH MaST IS CHUAPetlT." SHINES. TU D CCU CD C8tt BILLS. Oorf p.nfri I ciwiniiin .nTii's rnn niTia r.r'UVMMi'M. m fw m avs ,iaaiiai.' i t.r L Agta.. iaUaa,lll. a4fa a.hrwaii linl.''ra. Br ma I 2.-KJ. t irriilara SOLD i4e. J . . B imva 3o..lHibt..H.Y. HET.KI. OKI1AV Kew etrle. :. 8oid on III. IMIIimM H I. M't :nanl eaaa. Bk UiM.t pn.s. al l-tiu.. Ill.LI WasV a.KHU. V. W. Ut-T .LL. IU PI .II...U S. J. Ail It a WIVlTn fnr Oia B-t and Taatawts Mll.uc Piotorial U."lsnd II bie-. FiicwreilaMae) norroe , N.Tii.nt Pi iu .. a. so l o.. fails. Pa. S72 S4i I a 9 ft f"r dy horn. iSatDplea worth (n. 919 4lfA4cUet blifrOM U-a FViaAvl, M II N V 10 L BafSMafiell jb..'.-t-i in i araiar r a m , i i A raEVoscovrt?Y. I