i I , .. I . U T THURSDAY, MARCH lss:J. LOCAL RECORDS. af Oiange court next. xvcek. gCouvt adjourned last Saturdtiy. aT Vas'ntt Monday a nice day fin ishing? aT Loo; -lit for the vApiil fool" ?4txt Sunday. IwTHow did you enjoy the picnic Ijist M.oi.ai ? may now eyreet win pleasant weuthtr. JtaTDid you ever before see suck weather at 'Easter ! raSTThe spinal column of the win ter is thought to h;tc iveen broken on lust Monday. ar Everybody was pleased with Judge OilmVr ajid. felt proud of him as "our" judge Hair The match gnu.; of ha-M-btJl will bo p'ayed at Mt. Vernon Springs on next Saturday. MST Messrs. W. L. London, L. li. Bynum and O. S: Pre wen). North yesterday to buy their spring goods. $2-Bynum, , II 'a den have on haud Avery's Double Show! and iicorgia, Stock Vhvws. Hunlcr's Vo mers' Friend. Watt. lbilimd Chill and Avery's one-horse Plows : Cultivators and full lino of plow castings. 555u.Bynuiu & Headen keep the common School Books. Bynum & Hea,deii, W; ITO t.A'cring Vicm' stock oJ UcWdymado Clothing at COHt for cash. Bynutn Headen ropiest nil owing then, to oouve forward ami settle- Bynatu & Headen have alargw mock of Good on hand wliii-1; they aiv offering very low for cai-li. twT Farmers. Iii'.d.vn has just re ceived (mother lot of Acid l'iiosphatc. and if yon intend making any Com post it will pay you to give him a cull. Me will sell very much cheaper than any Chemicals you can b.iy. Ho has also received a large lot of (luano this week (Nnv.-ssa. P.icitic. ZoH'h and Star) which ho will sell for 401) ihs. cotton per Ton payable next fll. Stt7J. h. Harris has just received A lot of those heau'if.ii' hi'.nd made 1-hgJpr shoes. Will have in store in a few days, ft full line of Spiing goods. We have just received n quantity of tho Mountain lied Irish .pn'i;! . li-.iw is jour time to s,eui" for j '.anting We extend a cordial invitation to.dl t.. come and examine our stuck : l.o trou hie to show our goods. All persons indebted to us nre earnestly renuested o settle up. as we miut h;.ve the money, and cannot afford longer- in fhilgeuee, We,y You v jll still find at London's (i fe.w of those ch-ap Hals for men. l(oys and girls. He is selling them ut'XewYork cost for cash. H yov intend buying ti Hd this summer now is your lime. 1 ! received ll. ,.-,0 rclty spring Piints !:s.:t week, and the ladies say thvy ar very pr. tty. indeed. IL' 'Vso reci-iv.-d a large lot nt Shoes'. He run t',t. ;r suil any one now. fj" Hynum Headt.u am .selling JQnnr'ij Chemicals for P1 cash. Byaum Sl Headen hnvc Prank Sid tlall's Soap which save one half the Jabor in waslung. Bynum & Headen w: billing a first clasrt Sewing Miu-hiuu yery low J'.ir ash. Bynum & Headen hae f, lot of Furniture on hand. Bvnum it Headen have Cloy.cr mid Orchanl Grass Seed. Bynum & Headen are selling tho "Anchor Brand" Fertilizer. i & Suitors Ac':ikxt. A few days ago Mrs. Spi-nce Taylor, of this place, was seriously injured by tUi.' top jiiece of a large book-case falling and nti iking her on the head, and causing i.-flCUssiou (; the l.n.iti. She ia unconscious for sometiine, but we re pleased to learn that, her physi cian i now hopoful i,f her speedy recovery. A Kudpen Deatu. Mr. James P. Johnson, who lived about two nviies rum this jilncc, died very suddenly mi last Friday morning, troin the ircunistiuices Hurronnding his death it ws rumored that he died from the ffects of the liquor that he had drank tho day Lufore', but us t o one made the necessary allidavit the coroner did not Lold au impiest. Easter. Instead of the bright, balmy Spring-like weather that, we 'usuiitly have at Kaster, last Sunday wa more like Chtistnias weather, bleak, cold and mowing hard from fiwm until lu'iht. The "oldest in haVitanf' does not remember such jui Easter. Ami on Faster Monday many young hearts, that had been joyous with bright anticipations of picnics and fishing pa'ties, were grievously disappointed, for that day wan decidedly worse than any day in mid-winter, and we pitied man or beast that was expose. d to the fury of ihe storm that then raged. An Auk est and Escapv A short time ago deputy marslm! "Irn Phillips having a warrant fr the arrest of an illicit distiller, went to the mini's house for the purpoae of tirresting and carrying hiui Wf. Tho distiller quietly Surrendered but u fused to accoininy the otlicer. and stretching himself at full ltmglh on'the floor-iu his house he told the marshal that lie' would not resist an arrest and there be was ready to Is tukeu away. TLitt riiJiu' ny.iiled-tht nflioer, for the prisoner bUnga: very large limn lie could not Into him, and after tug 1 irMi.rmi.l inllir nt liim fur wr mict in i. !he found that ho. could not drag him auy. 1 lie oitu'cr at last gave it up, land went off for help, but when he ' returned his jtrisiierl;.') was gone! A Vn it INT S-ronM. Quo of the n.p.st - (violent storms tlu.t we have ever j known at uny sason of the veer pro- j Lexington Dispatch Last I rid, Irnileir in 'this section, on lust Sunday morning. Benjamin Bates, il.e well I night ami Monday. H s a war of j known traveling sale.iuin for Le.vis jthji1 (hinehts. tnd wr.sn steady down- H. Blair .t Co.. P.ieliiiiiid Va , came pour of ruin, snow and sleet, while here und leaving his samples at the jthe wind blew with great velocity March House, said that he would rc j and- force. It began to snow about turn in a few days. He left on the ! n'oon on Sunday, and conl imied until : evening trail., lor Liehiuoud. The dark, when it began to rain, which ; next that wais lieiud of him was thut itelliUl niglit in lorrems. ami men was followed early next morning by ....driving sk.t thut beat down with pitiless r. r.nd this in. t in n ga v. - way to at.oth: r snow-st,vrnV nml the I great large Hakes came down fesi 1 and furious for several hours. Tle rain that poured- down, on Sunday : night, raised the creeks around town higher than t-ver lvfore known. Superior. Court. All the business of the term was disposed ot last week and couit ad- i.,mi".l on S itiivdiiv nfternoon. The Judge, jurors i.nd lawyers were kept; busy, as court convened at an early j hour every day and adjourned some-, times after candlelight. Judge (ill Judge till-. he was hit- hexecutive mer was as indttstiious as 1 paitia and evinced as niiicl as judicial ability, tor wnuc . pa- tiddly heard the merits of every; case he kept pushing the business ; i-iif it. nUii'f nm a lowea no lime ro li.TM-.wledns is too often the case at' our -ouits. Th.re wvre.tuite annniber of cases, i i . l.. t - i in wnicn oraers ana juagu,. ,.,., nken wU hout tho intm-cnhm. ; ,,.! jury trials were had n. the following cases: Vo..l ..,r,;,t V.1-.ir.r Phillips, was u!i action for the r. cov- j .. .!..., of land: verdict for defendant : - -. j.laintitV ai.t.c.vh.d to' the Supreme ' t'o.irt, ; A. T Lambeth against 15. R. Hur- -rove, administrator of Sims Up- t'.htirt'h : action fur money paid to th use of defendant's intestate: verdict f.ir tilaintiU': iijineal to Supretue Court. Tavnev C-hu k ngainst Mary ( 'li.rk: action for divorce: verdict for plain tilt', who i- over seventy years old. . F. tt'i.kie ag.iinst (l.T. Womblt. and A. V. .Jenkins: action for spe cific oerftaniance "f c.oi.trat-t to sell land : jury could not agree, and juror , ivil bib-:iu ii : 1 1 1 I c:ise continued. ' Vtli.T Al- ioii (col l it.ruinst Jesse i llichardson : actioa for valine of work aii.l labor time: verdict br defend- ant. The case, that attracted more inter est than any other was an action drought hv -Mrs. liueuiiCi .ieoi-i; ,ii,,t V I. l; ' .nut. .1. (li oi ot, 1 iFanii.-r. Josiah T. Jh-ooks and Oliver !Ve.;tal. Thut. were eight. l:iwy.;rs tinploved 111 the cav. und about I twenty-live witnesses were txamiiied. l; !!,.,! by thes.i worthless curs ; and it The p.aintilV alieg:d that the .b lend js needless to say that if the Legisla- aii'.s h.-vl invaded her pvet.-ist s in a n-e does not take some steps to eti io!c:if and disorderly manner, had. courage shety rnisin". these valuable searched her hou i s and out houses, dogs will have to eoiiie to naught for and by their conduct had greatly want of food and something for frightened her and caused H spell of amusement. sickness, for i;U whn h she demanded :.. 1 :....i i 1 ;.. 11 j.iugliieit. 1... ... ... "'"',,f ,,,, 7 - . . ,1. ..! li,.-.... i ,.,.,.,,,,1 ... 1 11.,..,. ..p''.,n.. i.n.l '"Hi on the night of -Mareli Sin. hi a: 1- 1 1 it good lie;.ith as usual, and tho next answered th.it thev did search the " ... , , , . ..... . . morniiig his wi.e iounn liim deiul. p.;.int,.l s premises, but did so y, an ,o j,,,,,,.;,, . ;,T ht w order.y :iml quiet wanner and l.y . - . 1 iiutlioritv o u seami-w arrant ttuiv . , , , . : issued by a justice of the peace. Af 'tor be'iring a!l the witnesses the '. 11... i i ii.,. MinCv.nu, oi iiie i;i vei nun tin- , ., , .t i clmrg" of tin-tudgo. the ptry retired a:id in a few minutes returned a ver diet in favor of the defendants. Si tat 3 ZVcws. Greensboro- Patriot: Si.igh br,',ls are jingling to-day. Thirty hours of snow it..', :IJ inches deep. J'he col .red people aroi.n l C,r:diani are having some tiouble from a ghost . It is supposed bv them to be the ghost .,r .i... .,....,.. li .if .,.... u-,i l,.,i,,r...l there last Friday. Asheville Citien V.'e are greatly encouraged ut li,n prospects ahead for Wes.tern N. i:;.n.lina. i:i Hie way ot business oiilet piis s and material deyt-.'optuent. Capital and muscle are coining into every county, aud will soon begin to show good results. Miu-i. timber, maiiufacturiiig and stock nC-in;. suits. arc liiiv.t attractive put- Toisuot Hon: Mr. J. V. Avera. who was arrested on the charge, of living eoiineeted with tilt llocky Aliuitit pot oUIce robbery, was tnoil ,t. ... , . - . four vear old son of i'hilander DridgPB No. "J township, y. as killed Ijy a tree falling iMion hum The father bad ..iniih.ved some, hd.orris to cut down trees ami clear up a ' new ground." Win tin nvemnn wer cult n.rttown a tree, they fe i to the boy to "get out of the way but the little boy was so frightened that he ran the wrong way an wa?' ptruck by the ailing tree in the bat. : lbdeigh Vi.iitpn About o'clock vesterdav afternoon Master Charlie,! son of Mr. 1$. H. Woov!l. of this ' t-itf, was' together with some other' playmates, playing around th.r plan i ing' machine at J. S. Allen's i:i:iiiiy- mills, when bv borne uiiexi.LiuUe ni;Uincr, his leg was caught in tho innchine i;.nd the muscular part of tlic calf of the right leg wan filmoKt torn otf. The sun'eiitig cmtst.d by the accident vcitH terrible, btij l-hn ; fellow bore it .uiaufully. i little mi I lin tir:t I'lmi i'O liefore Li'.e txim- ........ l il..,i tl, l,U.T..o,, missmner ct (loldsboro, lai Tuesday ir0 to th(. building. Tho estimated l" "px?" " x ' , t( iaudhonoi..b!v aequittetl.' Tpe trial 1((S!) is abolll Jive hundred dollars. : '1 ! .'" f W Hitaud. ;,, the second charge was ciinec-d pll0 otlier f.0 occur-ed on Mr. J. S. : "5 . ( "'vi. ' ,1 : V. I i" "1 al Ihirky Mount Wednesday,' vheu ; ri ,K. l:llllatn,n ' H,re i.e ;ir. , ' fn :he b.l s c;m be in rod n cd : Mr. AvVra was airain attiuilted. ' ... i i'l .,, t, ':;,,.l W wfr ' ' 'v".,!-v'favo tS,M'h ",lls: ' ' ... ! , -,', ir i .... tioduced at t..'' last sesnoiT. It is Shell. v Aiiroin: Hen . Franklin, a children in the house, lhese little ;.,.,.. .. . Asheboro' Conner: Randolph ranks j second in the State as a inanufautur - and wheal L'ton in-' count v. At t!ii ic.t'iit iiwcliiKr of th ki oi'khiilil - :ei:ui tho Winston ami iaveueviiio : ;sanro!j.a .ur. . u. nuow oi ingn j Point wiu elected President. Mr. I Snow is confident Hint the bed of tho ' wil1 ,,e lcl,y the rails by August ttoail iroin lligU rontt to ltannieinan u0 mti committed suiei.le. Miuuiav ; 111(,rniug. he shot himself through tf.c 1 1:tm.t ,vi,h a pi,tol. It is said tl.ut ! lis M till. 1 ad. not been successful, ! ,d hat he had beconm despondent and melancholy. He and several cliildri.il. 'jeavc i: wife 1 uyetfeville Observer: LastTuc tl.av, between 10 and 11 a. m , the resid nee of Mr. Willard Tillinghp.sl, on Haytaount, caught tire under the roof, and was burned to tho ground. ; Fortunatelv. Mr. Tiltinghast saved nea.rlv all of his furniture. A fov t.Jrrl.t'a ninr. tl.a rouidpiien nf Afr. Jus McCalluni. near Philadelphus church, R.ji,0sou county, wn destroyed U nr- -liitrli is suiitiosfd to have origt- U)kt,.d in tho cook-rooni, as Unit jtart () tho prutuises wr.s ilrst diseovetfld j fl:unert. Mr. McCaUuiu kst cvwy thing. t.oldsboio Messenger:. Our truck - ei . ne.-m uri " "ll I'""'" leets of a good season for early vegetans. -Ifotans are sam to he pleut.iul m tt.f ploweu am wet i.i,is in mill nr nil in I i ia ctt. lint tlt4 ' " . '" ; " J m, I thv m ffi t;'U n lie a e c. v.tl. . Al.ueli seems to bp trvinir lnr.'.elf oh the t'VHof her . c. ... departure. For tho past we.- she been giving ,.s some of the Utter . .," ., . . ... -I weather that our oldest ctiens e. ,cm e, ., , vivx y. out 1-1. i.l 1 . .It 1 'bHoro m ins section, ami we fear : th.it --tho tyranny of her open nights nas oeeu ioo lougu .oi imu.ie to en mt'- j'jdenloii Kn(itirer: Somn little colored boys were fooling with nil old iistil u)) town on Monday night, when tin same went off and shot Liewellvn Parker through the arm. Isaaniamt shouts of the newly baptised . Ktug and J hoinaH Dennis, eoltvod. ; trot in a (luarrel, nar Driunn;oi.'s i.,;, .t nn Ui.n.liiv l,wi iWn ,1,.a1' w-ith weed hoes followed. It. is a ' .iu.cio,ii ,1 i;., .. ;..!, i..i i,:o !,.... .-i.,.!;.,..,,.,! ,w T.., ,.v,.,.in,M,. uurniiuil m li' ,, ill, li 11.111 in.-, u.'iii'i aid Thomas is here .u iail to have it frtlicr settled by court. Later. : i., i.., ..:,.- .i:.i ,,.,. ,;, M.ieo our young i;ount v.i.a'n. Mr. Koss ' I. Learv. "set out 'in lire bv ..-vtiuf a ' .I,.. TTn ,,i,,-,.l,.w...i .1 liitnitini' .,r ,,,. , ! l ,. it - f:lriu. Thev did well, uutd a few : w.ckH ago the dogs l.-.k to them, and i .al,-,...dv hae twenty iotirofthem been i Newberne.'ournal: .lr. Imke Sfills, dwelling house, kitchen, barn and buggv house a few duv.s ago by lire. i - c , , . , , which aocidehtlv caught from a str ; .. . . ., ........ , . from the chimney. He lost everrthirig except two beds and ft part of hia tii.tili-r. un yesieniay mo ootid oi Maj. John Oatling. as Peeeiver for the A. . C. Kailroad, was iMetl in the Clerks of.ice of lhe Superior ; Court of this county. It is in the nun. of one hundred thousand dollars, (Sastoti Lewis, on the part f tho Directors of the A. .V N. C. 15. I.V, uuJ tttiw, tlio fonuer lir, i-Hendeiit of tU Midland, oil the part ' the Midland Company, have boen appoiuteil experts to ei.;u.ino and take an iuvwitory of the property of the Midland Railway and fix a basis for settlement according lothe terms of the consent judgment. Taiboro' Southerner: Saturday two dwelling houses wi re burned midor almost similur circiiinstauegj. ' (.)ne nvned by Mr. Jeff D. Jenkins ami iu- : nauiin? ) ouo oi wim - I ' . 1.: I -- I I 1. was vhat has been Li'io'wn us the iiUIlUCK House. J no mi vuin were ... ., j1,, i -i l . ui. . D ( 1 was discovered on lire but too late not only to extinguish the thituc:,, but . i . even to save a bed or two. It is sup- nrisr. nave sei . . , . . . . ,i OM' U " "lukl! !l ,;ro us t,10-v h,u' : seen iimn piue.iiM .i.muij r-iu.it, oy using Kt.osene. i ue ...e w.r;, mm,e ami soon the house enveloped ; UaineR. The tenant was a very well 10 no .-oiore-i man. lie iusi. nil uim lie haa eseept about wsty do.lars in specie wlich w.m in the house and t range to y was not melted. 1 ; p e shouhl be, if anything, too careful about leaving yoiing children by them - selves in houses. Vihnin'ton lleviow Tho sad in- teUigenec reaches us to day. that Mrs. MiiryTii.not, wife of Mr." John Tip- pett, formerly of Hladcn county, came o her death inn most shocking manner Lv falliii'' into tht I've, at her home ' iti Jaxley, ( la., an M;iitl;!Y last. She had Lecn subject to' id tack of vertigo for sometime past and in one of these ' she fell in the names and was so bully burned before she could be extricated I that ll;C it. m1 was f.ittd. On Tuts- . TIUIIIII'IIT,. II ill , .111, T-Ulil li'O. 1IJ?I 'dry Inst, Mr. Thomns Johnson, who ' liven near l'uyettoville, was joking a colored man tibout h :c domestic 1 ln.-il tors miifectlv l". inc. it -i ljcir : nature, when the inner necatne i angry auu klikoo a piece oi wmn um huh struck Mr. Johnson on the sidn of : she head, the end of tho iron striking I liim in ine eye nun oestroyuig u. .ur I Johnson, knowing tho colored man to bo a desperate character, stinted to run. when the latter seized a hatch et ainl gave chase, iud sueei'ided in inrlicling two terrible blows :. oj the calf of each leg by i ni. 1 1 v.hieh hi. right leg was neatly amputated, and the other fearfullv liuitihtud. The rullian escaped and it is thought lied to this city, and the o'VVors are on the lookout Co:; Lji -Ij.ar White- . ille, Cohnnbus countv, Saturdav Y''.1".msl' " ' ' 7 V ' i " ft' , UoTyt ! , f' ' ' ' Blm"l t!l .:wu .Sl'pl''""'l oveniug last, Mr. W. A. Mi(phard w; on his back aud brcukim? several of his ribs. Charlotte' Journal :. Mr. iolm Long, who lives in the vicinity of Cowans Ford, owns a fifty cent piece dated A. 1. KM). A nogro mail by the name of Pike attempted to steal u pair of mules from the siublu of Mr. Mortis, of Kcriiorsii!e towm.hii.'. He was caught and committed to jail. -i i... i .t.i l 1 ivu n!.s fi0iu (bld Hill ill Powun i Wjuuty. was yesterday sold to Messrs. II U "Mcecli. of New' York, and Bob t. Lynn, of Cinciiiiiiiti. The prict? paid : wus ,sl'!,')0U und the cash was plank. 1 un bv tho new owners in this city j veslerdav. - -Lr..t J4anoi was tu. dav apiatintei'. for tl.j immorsion el , R J. o( ... 1)v tLo j.v, z. M,i.i,.litmi UMsto- .,C li n colored I S i - list church, r.ud ' ' .vitLhtaiaUng tin.- , f , , , f () , A mW( Jih ( . . .' . " lone thud of whom were arrayed to go ! tT',l.i, tl,c watcr' 'W-I uro.u.d : tho pool wliich is located on tho gas , branch, east of Mvers street. i t, . . i. i :.,.'.... i . ! 1 C 1 'Ml n I I'll l i l II! n".H It. Ill jn' v.,i(l1. (n hi, waist while ; 'lhe Wflivt.rt whosota.th overiwlanced 1 iiie eon vet i 1 in' t;.t:it tirei mtt.iiiifii - ' t)u -r of wa;. . , , , imlnl.,s,d bv the faith flll Tvvt.l tv W(-miell ,,,.7,, tJllt ,ml.. ' ,.. , of . (-, v.()m. (),l(.l.s ha., ,,,,,,,.,1 ! o bo baptised would gointo tlio watc, , tint others nrpfcriiii'? to wait until Iho weather ntoile'.wti s. The ircacher stood in the water for fully haif an hour, during which lime, the soi,.. ladoned the air around with ii;i!:.x. Statcsvilie Landmark : Prof. M. L. llyams na-' siiown us a pair oi saver siieet ileitis anil a nair oi silver emi- ... . . buttons, which are Hi.) years old. Jlrs- Abigail fost. r. ot tins p.ace. li.f-t tt(,(t li"1"'1.81 nll(! li" l,.'c t'Y' am or wnicu sue loimti u inn. uie . l';"t of which had piereed through ""' g'r. nd was slicking out. - -''I J. i1.. ilurdock. of Concord town snip, nas a 1.11 1:1.1 a .'.niei, wmc.i '",;llll 011 egg wl.ich weighed Wl.V one-fourth of a putiud, und :'H'fr vliieli nut just a auolher which but just a trille lighter. The larger of tkecggsiii. 'as- ii.red 7jfsi inches On Tuesday. llitli 111st., .Mm? Salhe daitlier, a re- spectublo young lady of (lalahini, Davie county, aged IS or "JO years, attempted suicide by taking arsenic. The i!t;se. however, was so huge as lo act as un v.mel.e, i.n.l a phvv.cui. iavi i,e,,n dlud jn. tho f tTeet of whatever of the poison may have been returned in the .stomach w;l... i.a.ttr.il i.ed. The girl's mo! Ii;r !,i;t jiroviked her deeply and t his is sujd to have been the cause of her attempt at sui cide. North Carclii::1. i.a-: r. wealth of forests. N.it only hr.ve v,e a great er variety of trees f hanany ether Stale in tho I'nioii, but in some of our mountain counties they grow toulmost incredible size. Mr. W. B. Harbin, McJ'.ridcs .Mills, Watauga eoiu.iv. j1!is filn!isl:ed us with son,j fgures ,., (,f ,) timber recently 'tint, in n.ld.rhoo.l, wl.I- h are' worthy ' ,,f ,lU ,'.(;,,; f,. instance: ( )ne poplar :,,.,.,,,,., .sured 10 feet 1 inches across th stump; one walnut tree !) feet' through the stump: one tree made; 11, Still it font clapboards: one chust- -nut tree made 1 1.O00 shingles ; one, chestnut cut, the third from the stump, made lot) rails; one poplar; log, 12 fee long, made 1.4S0 teet of inch Jiinil.'er, tmd four poplar lugs made l.fK.'l) feet cf 'inch plank. The Watauga l.iph' am selling noich of this timber for shipment No;th. News and Observer: It is reported that about the 1st. of April a new sul.uuuio -n tho N. V. II. li. will go Ill" VI.I1 I, F mill, lii.nin ..... a.i,.n iuto effect, so thai, trams will make . ,.l((So coimeciion at Italeigh with trains on the K. iiil. ami I!. V A. Kail roads. nM -.. , , . ., , , i 1 he disposition to have tho l.egis- latme charter: of iecorpoiatioi. is a singular freak of fancy. I'suulb charters can be obtained under the ....i i..... .....I ...l i. ...;..;.,.. . Llt'Ilt'l it. lll,. Ilin I l. . .OU.1 M,-nn iiii ? , , ,,,, , . . ,, , . ,,i Ill J.C llll.ll. Ill 'I 1111.-1. ,-lll'lllUI ,, 11 ,1111.1 , ., . ,". . . . , . ., .-.ai'l iiml, ..1'r.ii wlJU c- .cai.ed fr i the Insam- Avluin ' s,. ., ..,.,. i. has bet n .uii ture.l. R . ,m , , lh.lt ;;; f. - a iLiuL'oiouj man to lie at l.iriro. i ri., .s , 1...I.1 , , ., ,., w w ,. ini; vi t nn. -ii i.i. j. .i.Mi.-i :i ,. ,ti. ... , Vv'.rtli, the t i.vi get;.. lUh co...,..i.sion ; ly- mt liuuibt.r of .m,u i.timmlly increases, while d.-iirmds f(;r i, i(1 on i,im f,,mi ai . 1.11Illll t (.f i( (! fi-h ' were sent out last autumn, and 1C..000 were brought here in a special car in November. Treasurer Worth Imi perhaps as keen an appreciation of a g-.iod thing in the way of a joke as any man living, and is always ready to nn-ke return in kind. Yesterday he received by express, from ( )pelika. Alabama,' u iHekiige burdened with st uling wax. On opening it be found : u long letter unclosing jg'J.liO in North j Carolina shinplastcrs, issued "einlur- iu' o' du wah tho let tor asking that ! North Carolina bonds be at .once, bent ! , in exchange for tlicm. The Treasurer, j with (he assistance ol Ins inn loving and clever lii.if clerk, rose to Urn height of the situation. Filling a shot , bn' with 'si.riiul tax" bonus, they adorued it with about a pound of seal ing wax and an immense tag bearing thcadi!roas : tl.P Uu;o'tu;;.i,te Opelika , iuhii, and- then "shipped it to him by express. Two thousand infant ry have been red to protect public buildings in London. ; Tarboro will U tin. piece of meet- j ing of the North Carolina Male Med- ' j ieal Society in May. Post nu-sti r-Ciciieral Howe died i.t , j,,,,,., v.iseowsii:, t n hist Sun day. ufter a very brief illni s. i High tide.-, and wind on Satunh.y caused an overflow of the river be l.w New Orleans, li., doing some dlt.lv The Charlotte Journal has bought I out the (thset ver. ami the two papers i. are coiisojidated and published as ; i!:e "Journal ()ls. rver." Jeilerson Davis will deliver the j opening ad dress at the meeting of, :l'c Southern Ilistotii-sd Society in! Nasln ille oi. M.iy tho '2nd. ' At Fl Dorado. Knn.. souie drunken 1 l'Miniatcs set life to the iail. The I , 1'iiih1'"o lls destroyed and one oi ! ' Iho prisoners biuned to death f Assistant Treasurer A. I". Wyman ! : has been appointed Treasurer of the I'tuted States, vice tli'.iillan. le.s gned. . HU appointment takes effect April 1st. , St. Patrick's Day was eel. bratcd bv n parade of Irish societies at AVash- ly (, lh tkv was a;so (.e. lt.l nt V.u- Y.irL- Boston. Moll- irtul. luui, other places. Beports from the Western Si l s in which winter wheat is grown, show ;lmt ,. th.i:i (hl, ,lsll!l, d:lM , lmH ,.,. ,,,,. a!,d the crops wTll ,,,,lt sl f:l!l. lxu.ri yM. ! 1 T . i K ;.,.,-.. t .WL- J. B. Marst on. lately mtta-cM-eletk . .... -i, -.,i n. ... ... . .. l . . aUv'o'.'.'.'i d elter defraudiiig the com- f wvumiii l . ..,1 ,,S ,. , ; of tM M ' W W - - .1 is u- tending over the last four years. ('nulling oranges is the latest Flor- idaid-a. It was started by two maiden j hulies. who. finding no market for; their oranges, ,-oncc!-ed the n'.iin of j ee.iming t hem like other fruit. It was ; a jierfeet success. ! l'erliajis the large-.t transaction in ' cattle in thi- country was eil'ecled at ; I 'ort Won li. Tex la-it Sut in-day : the s;Je lt-iliir T.'.l'iM hi ad t.l i'uli grown cattle by Ikards JIar.ild liros. to the Franckiyn Lioid .V t'altle C.itupe.ny. of New York. The price, paid is kepi pri'ii'e. but the figures: nri 11 11.1. 'Vl i. ill til lu IllilKlt "'t licr I j i wm.h w.uM aggregate about 2.tl.)t).iHi). m viii:n-:u. f (WiIih mid nmri iuo s in-riicd .-Lm'tsl hovel, eunl n line. TYl.olt-l.nSr 'X. lt' k lllH.S. f,. mi li e :.;li iii-i., l.y :ti-v. W. :l. Viviii;w. 1 a, 1. J"HS w. I" WI..-11 1.. 1 ASNV T. 1. 'M .N, l,.lli..t Mill- I,.,!-..', n. e. 1i, :lj lUAltt .. t i.i.v wn.i.i.uis, u ..i Til S US AKI53TS . I liiurtil i.a- I'm: iumiui l.y NOliltlS. WiATT .V TAVL01I. t.UOl K.liS .(; I'otf MISSION MKI;et ISIS, ij.i. li Kx'-I;mh rind N... i MnAIn S!,: . Iiai.kii .li, N. t ! Vir ,' t 01 1;.N M AlliiKT: ?.. .1 ".'LI lli'.r, - fa Ml'I'tUllV. - ,J'" S rl. l l..w Mlddl.ic, 1 ; i. SliliUrt ".Sill W il il.l-.-i I.l, e. Ui llT.KV V A .... KT. Merit - I l'..,n:.ii. - iii.ik.r iiHidi-n, it I in-:,, e uin-ii, t. M,.Mii. I. I r, , : eiinviii.:.f I Hums oi I ivh. liir.l- l l'.-.-i. 11,1.1 1-,'lllK-l 1 ;iml'y. I", Dll. l Aptd., 1.1 IC'IiVi- 7r..S'i 1 su-.-nr - 7.V..H j O-ll'W. I ;i,i .i .i in iiiiuiuiiiii'.l, I lIlllliT. I'l.rin ia.fi, ciiiiii.,1!, : linwli:-'. - T'l'.H, li.-W. IIIT.." .. I. , 1 1, ri4.Tlii i' I'l l-- '. I' I .v.. ; .in, :.,r larB l"ii". New .(lvt'ilist'i!!t'ii.-'. gXKCrTOIlS NO TICK. HAV I BLJ ini! H.lall.:.: 1 im l. A"-I.l..r .f T'lT IM Hill, il.v o .sr. riir,i y nlv.. n.iil, " t.i nil j.r..u . llllTllli: , l.llllll, llf.llHSl S.ll.l llfTlflit llMil.lll'.t III ; hiei-.n l.. n." , ll,'l- U''."iu lliu.'. h ilayi.r Mhti'Ii, ISsi. Wll.I.IA.M llll.I.. Mur. h issl. Hm. JO.MMlNSIONI'.trs SAIK 1?Y s viriiu, r in "i-,'T,.t Un- ni,": i,,.' ,-.uti o Clmlliaili ""un'ri l i j",lai ,'i'.li- aii.'ll"ll, ON 1 TIIK l-T.r.VlM S, al 1J ... l ,, U .,i Sn ;:l-tv Hi .'.il: iImv ur Aril. 11. :i:f i.tii'-luiir Iniurrsl ir ih" 1 l.im it. U. Silin In inm. ii.f l.m.l lyiiiii.'ii l.l"k . , ..., ... .,,, .,, Chill .III til ftilllfT. o.;....iV,',nu- ..1-..1 h .-r. ..n' uin.-i. Ik -hu.im mill l,.ilaii. i' His-iir.-l Iiy li..n,l lilt ii,ii"r il bk. u- ! r!-,y iiioaii1" in i ni-.iiili.i. , ' ' W. A. I.AWliAMT ' Murcli J'., 1sr,:l. 1; (-'i-.i ssluiitr. ' ROTARY HARROW. I liav.. li'i -'it' lint is.nnty rlKltt fr Cl.n'i.mii is'Ui.ly f- i' Ui'1 "al"' ' il"' "1"It.'" no'l'AUV HAiil.oW. TTuki' luiir.,"-. ar- I'.i l't In Uf". aii'l "viry !anii"r "iicht In lmv. .,no. A ii.,.l. l n' It an Iw "" i: it L-ml"iiV M(, l',r rvn Sc.. I.. K'ilS S. t'AMl'liU.n 1TU.-I,"r,,'. N. C. lllll i ll iMkl. t. ii, i GRAHAM & CROCKER, Attorneys at Law, I A-!i.l i i,'i'-i' Ii' II nrir" "( t'liiiilmin "niiiiiy l ii.Lftiu.nri t.i ui, liii-m, Kiiy l;,rj n Me S:-.. SXKCITOKS' XOTICK HAV A nit ,ii,illll.sl l.x.'iii.ir .f Viiillnin A. iH.i h. iii,-.-ii.-1, w li.Ti i y K-iv.'ii'.t., ot.i all i'-r ..im liiiHiij i liilmt iifHiiisi i..i 1 .v -".Inut I" n l,,.U lliin In u- it l I,, noli,' x.i ,'. y. i Mar.-li, .,M W M . A. rtlVlJl. n t:. iu r.i. Miirrli 8. H" I k,-ii'.,t. jS OH TtSACIK SVTd'. - -IiV VUJ-.j . ' i" V:'i , t ' Uti'1. V,7 mi .'. .'i. .'.V "r-Vr " ".t ' t i u n'um; .t:i f. i ii:.nii-.w. . u m, ,n , V ';.!J V r' i:.'!' i!"L .''lU-'-i. n.'," ".!!! ' THoMAS CHoss. ,1 AM.riimoN t khitit" P A T FfJTx i-ii..r. ..t v. s. km.-A I H I LN I Ol "Vf .oi!i.! iSs.Vi"'ih. ;,", ;iffl,'C:-"V'V.rV.iVvV V.'.' r,,V rtim'aiZ i;- iMtj-m i . .. n...v. j i;. i. r.-ifi : ivmi'itictuf nTi'ucti!Xlii' PLAIN TRUTHS 1! Mini! ii ;!-.c f iiinilmicn of l'f", it iii.ui.-i - llir.'iih evi iv ait cf tlic Ixiily. ,i:i1 uiilt- it i j.urc ami licit. ""'1 1 1 l--i 1 1 1 1 id iuiiusililu. If !!.:;. lus i nu tvil tin.- wslcm iIh- ".ui'c aii'l tjuii-k way m liivo it out li I ' ln i tly am. ci'iu!. Ijf liluod. l"hf o ."-ini le f.n is mc wi.tl known, .-.n I the l itjict medical uthotitii', a.'irc tliat ufing hut iron wiit t,.-t.'ic 'In- bli....l to ils natural c .i:.liti-t; , .i!. .li.v. nil the iion 'lr.;u.ili'.n ln;h-n. malc I'l.itl. in liic K-clli, cause licail iclir. :.inl aic- nthciuisu iujuiious JK iwn's I Ri IN liri i i.ks ill ilior ouj;hly aid ipiii kly n-iniil.Uo with tlic I'Ui'iil, jiurifyin:' :unl Mrcntlicn ing it. ami thus drive JiM.-n.ve fioni any part of tlic system, ami it v. ill net bl.i -Iter the teeth, cause head ache ui constipation, and ii pu i lively tut injurious. ' Saved his Child. 17 N. F.iil.iw Sl., r...h;morr, ., I'd., i.'. i.aj. f'.enls: t'pon ihc rriummciicl;'. I'.'n nt A fnend I liicii liM'-ws'--lrfiiN I'.iiitui.i as a t'.iilc ain'.fir kinruiivc for my d.ingtitrr, hb. 1 w., tli.iroiltily c.'i., inwr.l v.ik wasting .iway with C'iMisiiniilioii. Il.iv.i. lost three tl.nii;l.frk ty tlic tcirii k- (Ii-l.i.sc, mi(!.-r the .:ne v( riniiK-tit iiliysn i.uis, I w.is klh lo Lrtitvr tli.il anything; Cotilit arret the .r.-i;ii.ss i.l llie iln.f:.i-.', t.i Miy i;rt.l surr.ri.c, hefmr my ti.u trr h.i'l 11 oncholllrof IlKl'M'. Ihon Jill runs, .he Lti;.in tn ineliil and now is iuiie rt-stoicd to ft.nii.T he.ilth. A tilth d.mithter rn ttt "W si :n, nl" t'niisiiiiii:ifiii, aixl when the physician .is ei'tisulteil he ijtii. k!y ..tid "T'min v -v rr qmrvd ;" .ind when inforpied that Che olilcr si.ttr U41 t.i):iii Ik.iwn' Ikhn niTll.lts, responded "Out i, a wod luliK, tuke it." AuuiiASI rilKLI'S. Wrown slunN lin irnM.-iiectual, ly cures I lyspepsia. IndiesUnn aik Weakness, anil reiulers tlic greatest relief ami benelit to persons sulti'iing from such aslmy diseases as t'on SiuiipUoii, Kiuuey Culiiplaiuu, etc. ATTENTION ! If you need anything in lie FARMING LINE ' I ' you will save time culling and lnuiuy at bv W. L LONDON'S. lie is now receiving a large stock of VIA) 1 AN!) PLOW CATlXdS, hlliil HH 1 KM l-:t: I'llll-.N'il I'lOWS, No .), 7, T'i A S l.li 1: Mi IMI IO.MIIKV, Nil it bl'M:ToN AXDl'li'K J llil".!', 'll,ti.-n ( ni. I I'll, I.'I VINIITDV W a jT'i' hiri ovi-.n KKM i t kv A hli I l.i i.l. le ns,, fi.o, I (ironniA Nr.M-Ks, pin ni.i: iidvki.s, I I'OTTON SUWKIIS, I nil I.lliils ,,t I IM.oY l ASIIN.iS AND llfDNS, t.l.KVlSI S. I K.S. i MKS. ' HACKI!AM. tMI.I.AUS, HIMhl.KS, i ii.Mi-;n;iNi.s. 1IOK.--. fllOVKi.S. I'ulllis UAKIS, 1 l.fAVt. SKW'KKS. i und anything a fanner needs. :; Garden M ani tim Mm. ' lias received this week a large hit of xlra cheap. 1 Can give you a lAliJ.vl in ; COOK STOVE! , : Another lot of i!u,se cheap Bureaus, Bedsteads, SOrG, GSIASRS, AC, just rece'ved. ILneonhand :i liill hue l..' GBOCKUIi-S, ii''U its sr.iAi;, (iin'i-.K TKs. .v.. t ni:w fiit. p i i h nn. ssi:s i lil-lK, ri! t Ki;i;s, l!nINY. (AT MKAI., Kl.iiri:. MKI.. I.Ai on, ('ANN Kl innlPS 1' Al.i. KiXPS. . t'ANPIKS. W. If vo:i wish a first class SEVl(l MACHINE I. ?S1 is the placo to ' i t it. Havo en hand u laiire stoi.K tif cheap for rash or m '.in e fur i:otton You w.lii.'soand at'l'.liK'DO.N S U lai'LTe sli,ck of BcSr,S.3'SPl!DiG ad SOMUR TRADE. which wiil be sold extra cheap fur1 o - - ' cash to i.iake room for Spring stock, i ,v . t If you r.i wing me anything I; 1,''',T -1 P'fev wid attractive stock ! would hi,' you to call and set I.e. as I j v.n"t tlio 'money before I go North. When you come to town be sure , and call at ! W. L. Z.OrJDOPJ'S. 1 l1liKl",r, . i. ' . MiiP'ti in, 1st;!. ' i J. W. OLK ! Practical Watchmaker & Jeweller oi l" sii, ' :'i onico, ltiilijLfli, rv. C. l-INK AM l'I!i('AM WATt'lIKS A SI'P'l.li'. A I.t. COOi.S i,Al.N I'KI) AS i;ki'i;ikni i:u. HI PAIUIN'tl NKATI.Y PONK. tr fail n I eainliii tnyst,,"k auJ J'l lt- ?:oft.r liui-.-liiifltiii i -Ihnwlii-r. "VJl The largest Stock- ui-' Bagging and Tics IN CEKTHAL North Ccarolina! For iho lot..st i'..sL. itficoi to GINNERS AND DEALEHS write t M. T. LKACII & CO., JiAI.KIlill, X. C 17 July la, Hai.'-.i'ih, y. C., Aug. '21, 18S2. To riiK Citukns cr C-avii.iM ani Sfniiot.'xi'iNO CovN'm: ' Jksti.kmks: Wo v, ill soon r. .'ei ve ..,.y l,;rge and wtll selected Full stock of HARDWARE, of every dcscrii'tioo, Wapn Mi Ml GooSs PAINTS (nil kiwis.) WWm MB AXi) ' (11 I MVLKM I :.TS, M.Bliiis aurJ Boors.! Lexthsr aed Infer Mk AC, At'., iml we ask a share oi" your pat .onage. We guarantee uutis faction. lilt Motto: HF.ST (;oois, how j-:sr I'liiric, StjfAHli J KAl.INc I!t.it'tltilly, ' Tlitls. If. liri-'L's; A Kt. lhih igh. N. ('. m mi miw mi ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tli" eliviiliiiion of 11,1. ,.,t,nr iiiiwsi.iiiirr I tlllli l- lt.--. li.-l,W. 1 1,1,111,., 1. '".B.'i'..','!,!.'','','""'.iV"''"11'1 ""'""b'l,,l liUtirty I'lllt.'-'Ili ' N'W:' i-ii.l,ri..-.- rir.-lnl iUs.bi,-i,i iroiu'ui ijuuru t llivglolii-. I ud.-r ll.i- i.i a.i il 7, AMI'ltlCAX KHS f THK WKI KI.Y IIKHAl.n I 111" iii.t ,.,r,.,. 1,. 11, (,H ,,, Bii I. ; . " J"" " "-' li-y "" Klvcua falihl.1 10. ! PoMTlr.AI, XKlVS. 'iiil,r.ielni;iiiin.rii.niiil.-"iiii,rihiiihvi'il(.t.i,rt. I" "-..ni Win. -i.., 1 1. l iA o-re.... i Lr llj . , aii...ii. 'Ill.-l'llll l,i,ll. lelails oil lllalH'!,Ul,l:B J ! Hi' h'-tii' TIIK FA KM IKIIM M:T f 111" WKI KI..- H'.liAM, K,,.s ,, 111.- m..,t 1 iiu-i-e.il ubs.... i ..;,rl I I ,u li-, I-..IUU,-, (imi 1 . T.i., .K..I.I,., ;i .t.nitf iiii-iisi., it. i.-, ,i,r. Thir. fc.i,,",, wf.t"d In. "i.".i iVt' ' ' ' ' ' ,U i 'i--a. uBa TIIK lit). ME. ! sO'Iiik 1 f.-r i,rii.-ti.-iil iiHtim. Ilium f,,.v !.-;;liu",i:,J':r,';?il',,',;;'1, Ml "ll- .11 III.- ,,,. ,., 1.HTI l, ( ,,1 o.t. t'lii. tt.-aliy !,!,-1 L.y i ; l.i-:;, th tr. m .,.i, l-ans... i.'-:,.i',. i, ni, ii... .... II till' TV I .-t I - -1 lli-.l,l,.i,-. I I . -lei. ,-,, li.i.,.,ll,i I l i -i.t II. A i ;:ui v liMiv ii IL Ilir !,., B,-i. ' II! save II, I' I,.,,,.-. : -.i:r in, r.-ti,u;i . :,n liunni-., ,H..-r. Tin. un, r. Mif i v.,j i.p. pi I.-.- .,i u,e I SKIU.EF) I.AIioi: ' i..'.".,".1 v"'--'".iii-" !Mlns n. in,. : TI..-I- ,,f 111" l,l.i,.. X: A v.ilu.-i! . I, ji tii-I ,r,-. iiiarki-i.s. r,-.,,., .,.r,.,.nll,,.. k,. M llli- i.. ;.. ii,i In ,l. .... in I i',,i,,ni I'ls.lnlly I UK PUuIU-i K MAIiKKT. ."l ."l-. I 111! X"s at ,: 'Villi it xiMi-y i vi ,-v "l k ii. u: ,! . in,-. ' (. -i ry, ., " iiml iil.n... 1. 1,,,,-nii,,, M Si ril,..!, l.y .,. ,.,,. ill. I r-.ll ,,;...,. Tl, ,.. i- ei -inmii,-. ivi um wlil -l, ...ie,,,,. I. ... .. . ' . '" ""' "''lil n. w 11111, (1 III . miHI.J-"...r - mill, wi.i.-h N i.i.,i. i.i. i.. i ,ii," ,iiar. I , ii run j.iii,MTii ; UILNKW Vouk 1IKJ.LJ In ii W", kly f,.rni, ' "NT I)I. I. AU A Y I-: V It I Mr".- Wev York Herald, "iiy nini. Ii,-, ' a:, i. 1. 1, I'io ..,;ui. A. WILET, CisliU:, CITIZENS NATIONAL BANJL ok 1 :, vi-ai-A t.,"rl , ';;.!: lull lr -ir-,,.1 1. s l l'i,., I; i i-s. w""'? 'V )' ,;'-'T.V. I'tei-niAtty' i. 'lst., iM,.!:l,., i,. c. ;.iull. ,., 3- fl 'till imiiii it am: n.ni. .v. r. GRAND OPENING NEW GOODS Hi It TIIK LHKSS ( (..IDs, S'l.KS. BLACK ooiis, i)it;:ss. Timi.Mix.is i.im;vs, domkstics, msa. UWl IKiSII'.llV-AM.di ovt- . I - ' i. nm l.aiMKS ! Ml.ssKS. fllll.DUKX. l.'EX- ll.KMl N A.'.i. HiiVS; HATS; t'KNTI.KMKX's nriTiv.i AM. ASSIMKKIvS. Kv .u:xs. curniXADKS'. I f. HIT: IH, M.VI I XHS, i,)' i .'....i.. ii.:.... vi'ic ..,,... ! (;OOl)S liiV'at" p.. i ... .1 . ... ..i.iiui. , .ii uie iiifv ipular t .s, ..ihi ,,. Uw, money. i . 1 Ml S,,,',,J" "" wlien you arc in ' Ualci'Ji. Sitislhi-ti,,,, " t'tiaranteI j W. H. & H. S. TUCKER & CO ' Martb 15, 1883, I

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