iTrriTunrmatmimi TOU lUil r.UOI AX I) 110UE. How to l.enil tntlla. A plan in use in Smithi-ru Australia for le;ilin;j ciiltlc, nuiil to bo wry effective, is as follows: Tie the end f :jho rojio aiMiin I tliu Imso of the m-ur horn; jtai-ith.-' linn a to.s tho fin. 'In .H, bark lii'liiml the horns utitl mnler tho hack of tlio mar ear, thence up hitwwn tho ropes ami the animal's forchca 1. When hauk'd taut a liivh is ina lu which takes in thi? ear, the least pressure upon which ly pulling tho rop'., it is sai l, prevents the most from hanging hack. IMoiriiiu l.rrcii t'roiis. Uy plowing in a given crop, the sur face soil is enrichcil, not only ly the ekments which the crop derived t'r mi tho air, hut also by mineral and vege table matters, which were brought up by it from the sub-soil. The green crop thus acts the part of a gatherer of plant food, ami makes it easier for any crop soon ait'-r tin green manuring to get its supplies from the decomposing vegetation in the soil. The best plants adapted f.r green manuring are those which derive their support prineipn'.ly from thi' air, which grow rapidly, which cover the ground well and whose roots pr-rietrate deep and rami I' v extensively throughout the soil. The llorae- liiHiimntluii of (ho nnwcl. In this dis ase, says the Wrxtrm Aurt'ruft'irkt, no tini" iim-t bi-ht. Mil the animal nr:-t be put to i-et as soon us possible, f.-r iinl'-ss you relievo him iMti:;h to make him iiii-t in a very short time, it will be impo-ib!o to save his life. My great success in treating this disease has been t give large doses of opium and b, II a lonna. wit li linseed or cantor oil. Then I giein- jctioiis of "ice water" until llie l.uHels have beiri emptied as completely as p.sihle. tlie.i I'r ten to tweu'y lire - tl'i'M ev'ra 't of a--reiite eery hour until the horse commences froth ing at the mouth, when the aconite iioist be witli!i. Id a:ij ''I'li'.iiue" given t. i- one or two when the aconite ;in be":'.'.e:i ;e.'ii::i itl the sum.! sized il"-es. A.-so,ii i-the bi.Wels have been ci.. t:- i! a-, e. !i, h tely as possible wi!!. eiit .-li.t;:ii:iy' t!ie injecti"lir lliu-t cease icid a suj ., Mterv trade w it!i two ilra !;:;: of soliil i tract of iipiiiiii in-s-.-rti'il in the r eturn and allowed to rem. i:n tin re and i.-.d . and utiiier ill circuinstatices lie- bowels must be !e Id i:i checl, alt-r they arc lir-t 1 1 it ti' d. until the l'e i r Is broken up. i bi'.M' ke t hor.-c under treatment for tlii-i ii. ;. - at a t:Me. without allowing He ir ! owels to i,i. Mustard applied to the sid'S aid belly is thought by kiillie 'l.etito'ers to lie ery useful. Ic I have uei r yet seen any direct b' lc 'it ih ri i d fiohi the n-e i.f rnus- l.ild III tliis disease. "Ice" I ha e I i t:i. to be a !,Ti':it benefit ill this dis im If it is broken sm.dl pieces ic d put into a I ticket and set before the he will generally nt it when he ax ill refuse every thing else, and I have icvir yet seen any bad results from the us' of lee in this dis ease, either In 'in eating the ice or the .,se 'f ice-water lor injections. Knrm mnl t.nrrlrn Xon, Mix orie-third pi i.-terof paris with tw'o-tltirds of corn meal and place it where the ra'.s (but not the chickens) efln get it. It causes death by absnrlt ing the juices of the stomach. Prof. I-:. Wollny concludes that a i layer of fanny ai d manure spiv.i 1 upon j hcid protects the soil from excessive alterations of temperature, but acts I injuriously upon wet soils by clieck ingly evaporation. Keep some salt in a box w here it is nut exposed to the weather and where the cattle i an have access to it every day. '1 bey will take just so much a.-, they need aiid no more, wherc.n, if they are only fed salt occasionally tin y will sometimes eat so much as to cause excessive thirst. There is sometimes an advantage ained in blindfolding a balky horse. If the habit is not inveterate, closely bandaging the tyes will distract the uttention and set the animal at work Ugain. To rio this. with the best effect, the bandage must, lit closely over the ryes, and the common blinders whh h only partially exclude light will not answer as well. The evaporation of sweet corn pro mises to become an inportant industry, fine bushel of sweet corn will make twelve pounds of tho evaporated pro duct, selling at fifteen to twenty-five cents per pound. (Jreat care must be taken not to get the com too old. Com that is none too ripe to be used green becomes tough and dry after evaporation. In Uussia tho sunflower is exten sively cultivated for the oil the seeds contain. The oil is palatable, clear mid llavorless, and it is used for adultr crating olive oil, being eorted from M. Petersburg to the shores of the Mediterranean sea. Next to poppy seed oil, sunllower oil burns tho clear est and longest, so th.'t the peasants apply it to household purposes. From the stocks of the plants they also make u good quality of potash, and the residue of the seeds, after the oil is ex tracted, is made into oil cake. t'rrHpt,. tJm'tta Buffer Cakes. To one of milk add the yelks of four eggs, beaten v.ry lightly, mix boiled rice or hominy to suit your taste, and add llour enough to make tho proper consistence. Lastlv, beat tho whit"s of the eggs very light, and stir in just before baking. Buttermilk can be u"d instcal of sweet milk, but th acidity must lie corrected with a little soda. Turby SUup. Do not throw away the bones of turkey or chicken. Crack them and let them boil for two or three bourn i:i a little water; put in also any ui-e bit of fowl that are left, partc'iih'-ly the li'vk, which is never eat mi. To t!:ii aid any soup stock you have, .t.i I, with a little barlev or sag i, yo.i wiii ii n e a nourishing souj Sv.s m with pepper, salt and any herbs you cho' ;c. Kminc liolil Hints Alum i of th" best additions to mae whitew uh of lime that will not rub oil'. I! iw sterc!, applied with a little water a; a t' will generally remove all stain : fr !n b.xl ticking. Topr. v:it sausages from bursting wh' :i cook:;'", never make a hole in them w'.'a a .' r' while turning them. T rTi ;,- tar, rub thnronjlily with cle.t;i !;:!!. aid then wa h with soap and Pli'-I :"' v. .iter. Thi.. i itii r l!i;' hands may in- ap r clothes. tdiiest City in the World. A ride of s-'Wiitv-two luil-.i a. toss I'll i '.icia. I. ' baiion. 'm l -s iti and Anti l.- I .;:-.ou brings us, by French j ilibg n t i Iaii:avus. Abulia and I l'ba.-p ir it- n thr-'iigli a v.iblinie gorge about I'1" yards wide, down the middl of v.lii li t!i- Fnivh read wiinls its scrj etin.' r. i!r", the riven on either sii'c b i:ig l::i.,gcil with tihtr poplar an 1 - .: t ! v.abim. As we look cas;- ward gri .it a fr r i t'i 1 r e. of tlio hill 'be i f 1 i.i;.i er.s. en I ly u . :K of ,!-.' : t. li I'l.-r "i i; M fr - ;i th- ro ky : a I eel Mv a fan. and aft-; j :" - mil 'S, enter-- Pama-eiis. I ...v; t'iroiU'!i Ki.tH'O bouses, ; i i'.o.iiiki mar!'!- fountains. ! f f ir li i on t -at--r we.-i.t'i a -id ! fertility I. Those u li ar ' lle cr lo eiit; .. IllHe'l ee'i h.. I c.-I -COI ! e 1 .TI oil! i v. ., a i l w ide o i-r the plain. I;a ' g iz 'd mi tins seen k-.'h t i forget its siipr.-nic It, beauty is .oii!,t i.-.-d 1 y contra -t. Ti.c c c .in l.-i iti' "er a !: .I'-'.l kn se.i;i tlirouuh . .'a-: suddenly, op t;,rping ! t "!l r.-iep. TI.-.- c,M j. b tore yen. emU'V, eyed ill , the lltiiNt of .1 '.': .-t :,;.;.. A r i; to tii, p ir'i 'ii -t in the w 'idd iti j'- int r. ; itt yria ami Wc.-teiu .1 of i:uji. rtihp i siui like - a. forests of apricot and apph-.s and it runs, and is to the s;"!.t Ue . Ii.s "everv t; and g.-ol for food." wit'.i all their variety of coI t and tint. ;u cerding to their st a.- on. s met tines ail aglow witli blossoms, si iM-tiim golden and ruddy wiili fruit, and smin times russet with the in. l!i wiiej tints of autumn. Coi tri.ij'"i ! r;i rh ir. l'l.ijing Cimcl. The fable relates that a ca 1 asked to be e.-:ni:teil to juit his lo ad under sb iter, and when his request was granted he I egan to crowd his whole body in a' the door, and soon had entire n si ss;oii. Salmi Morse is play ing camel. lie begins his performance j of tin r.'s-nm I'l.iy with a full-dress j rebearsal in w hich he keeps the most proiehi id charai'ters in the back ground as iirn ii as possible, and lie im lows the rein arsal with a private per formate e to-night to which the mayor and other prominent people have been invited. lie hopes to secure a verdict that the lay is not objectionable, and i when mice the camel gets possession ' he will trample down all opposition, with :' tic characters as it was i by in-ar.ts at t iberaminergau. A j nt-w sj ;i,er reporter speaks of the re- heav-althe other evening as containing nothing like blasphemy; but theobtuse Scribbh-r ought to be able to perceive that any attempt at the dramatic rep resentation of the character of Jesus Christ upon the stage is blasphemous in the estimation of Christian people. Let Mayor Kdson stand linn in his de termination to prevent the outrage. As the Sun intimated some weeks ago, there is reason to believe that the play if licensed would fail for lack of pat rons the devout regarding it with horror and the indifferent being un willing t pay their money to see it but it is hi st to have it known that there is a limit, even in New York, a-s to the outrageous dramatic perform ances w hich will be tolerated. New York paper. Street-Cant. There are now doing business in this country and Canada 41a street rail ways, employing about fto.OtK) men. Th y rn.i lS.Od) caff, and more than IdU.o'r ) horses arc in daily use. Cal culating that the average life or a horse in street-railway service is four years, it makes tho consumption of horses 2.W0 per vear. To feed this vast number of horses requires an nually 1V0IH) tons of hay and 11.00", 000 bushels of grain. These companies own and operate over :tiM0 miles of tra'k. The whole number of patsen- gers carried annually is over 1,212,40 000. The amount of capital invesnd ceed $150,fKiO,CXi. Sir William Thomson follows Dr. rhoin. s H 'id in ascribing to mail six senses iu-dcal of live, namely, tho sense of force, of heat, of sound, of light, of taste and of smell. Smoke will soon be at a premium. From 2.S0M.0U0 cubic feet of smoko given out by say liK0 cords of wood, it is said that lJ.rtiMt pounds of acetate of lime, gallons of alcohol and twenty-live pounds of tar may be ob tained. Taking the enumeration of the peo ple of Franeo in lSl as a basis. M. Cher'vin shows the increase since 1S7G has been only twenty per 10 Mi, wbilo in England it was 1 la, and in tler many as high as 574 per lttM). other things being Cual, Maine and Nor mandy should give a great increase of population; but the fa 't is that the number of puople is "conspicuously" diminishing. Prof. Feser. of Mun!i., has been j making experiments on animals w ith a view to establishing the connection which exists between diet and liability to infection. In the trials he has made on rats ino.'iilate I with the poison of cattle distemper, he demons! rated the fact, says the hm -'t, that the animals that ha I h-vn fe.l on vegetable diet were i iiekly attacked by the discas", ' while taose that ha I been fed exciu- ively on ivsi-t" the effect of the inoculation. The readiness with which certain a familiar fa- t . (l-'bilis llien- 1 a curious ap-Consid-ra!'!.' ' solids conduct sound is f phvsi-s, whi eh M"ii t ions a hat nig long M plication on th" Klcei" 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 tties ot the rier by ill"; ot:e end .i-!y ing tie- of th ' ll..i!- g -tber is ,;s(; b-'ats i n the gra 1 1 are carried down , i t 'i" current, and by plae- f a can" in tb" water and j it her to th-- eir, the clash j r pebbles as they strike to- ; netly heard by i r-.oiis in ; surface. Tic sound is a era -kiing like that produce I in frying, j t; tod reason exists b-r bebe ing that hay-i'ie-er is ca-i-"l by poli'-a, accord- i :ng . Mr. f. I'. I'i- v.right. an K'iglish j in;c:isc ipitt. who says t lie poileit rap- j idly begin to tlimv out pollen-tubes j w hi n broii :li! into coni.i t with tho warm and inoisi nri'-us iiiembrane of I the bron'-'ii d trad. iinil.irly he j thinks that t'i s' son.,, fungus j "Towing on grasses mas; enter the bronchial tabes ! sliei nate tb'Tein to prodib cough" kti wp to I'.ng'is geriill " bee. the -"To fS. A rotirutlcii I'riiinNr l's ,1 oUil" nine; io;idllct..- cU a line of street cars in Cincinnati who is the l,e-o of a romantic pismle. At the time of the burning !' the I'rookiyn'T. i:i hi ! i so many peopl.. were ' unnd to d ah. tliis young in.ia was a n-idi nt of lb- -.-klyn. 11" attended tin; theater I'll the night of the tire, and -at Inside a male companion in tiit front row icar the orchestra. As it will be renminbi ml. the lire was dis-oou-reil during the hitter part of the first act ot the -Two orphans." At tba tini" ti;e flames made their nppi arance behind the scenes mie of the company billed as Nellie Del!, but whose real name was Kittie Mi y its, a yeiin'New i York girl, w as doinu' a song and danco act. The lire burst out all over the . stage with inereif ble rapidity, and the young man saw that this girl was in ! peril. With a spring he leaped across ! tl rehestra railing, clambered on the j stage and aught Miss hell in his arms 1 and broke for th" private box nearest i the street. A iter considerable d illicit It y i succeeded in getting into the open J air with the girl cliut.'inir to his neck. frightened alumst to death. He had I saved her life, as most of those w ho j were mi the stage when he went to lo r rescue perished in the flames. Thus j began an acquaintance which soon! ripened into lo e, and finally they were j married. The father of the girl, who! was a business man in New York ; city, made tie1 acquaintance of his j daughter's deliverer, mid, ph ased with I his appearance, said: "You have saved my daughter's life, nnd you shall have her for your w ife." Nellie's heart j had been smitten by the good-looking I fellow (he was a poor tinner at that time), and a union was soon effected. The father said to him: "You shall never want for anything." He must have soon forgotten his promise, for now his heroic son-in-law is manipula ting a bell-pum-h for $2 a day. buch is life in a great city. Nnn and Moon. In the (.ernian language, as is well known, the genders of the sun and and moon are respectively feminine and masculine, contrary to the rule of tho romance languages, where, as in Latin, the sun is masculine and the moon feminine. In our own lan guage Shakespeare speaks of the moon as "she ;'' and in Egypt and I'eru the sun and moon were regarded both as brother and sister, and as hus band and wife. In Arabic, Mexican, Lithuanian, Slavonic and Greenland ish the moon and sun, according to flrimtn.are related as in Germany. Th variation of gender implies, of course, a difference of thought, hut the fun damental conception that gave them genders at all in language or legend ii clearly tho same in either case, thai the sun and moon were human being! like ourselves. I A MEKV U15EAT.F. A in i linn it. A lm Pan .Mi h. ) . 01 r spo-uknl ... 1 . . .. of tho Dotro.t y wr.f- I notice that in at) inter', lew w iib a I'ott report- cr, Dr. John F. Clark, of your city, professor of chemistry at the Michigan college of ni"d:ciii , attempts to ej 1 .i 1 the wonderful phenomena ef the young man I'mlorwon 1. of this village, in igniting paper a id other combustible material by blow in ? upon it. The doctor says: "Anyone having chemical know ledge ot e : t un ingredients can perform the trick with perhaps a littlo legerdemain." Having never w itnessM an exhibi tion of this wondi rl'ul feat, besides it lieing so at variance with all of tho veil-recognized th ies of the human luucti' iis, it is !: t to be wondered at that the professor should endeavor to .n'coiiut lor it as a "trick" made possi- Me by "having chemical know ledge of certain iugredietits, etc." Xow as a matter of fact this man can barely read and write, and. though twenty- j feven ve.irs old. I. .is tmt the faintest II..104 ii'l ""l"""' ';i i .... .. i r... n.. .f ..l,aniiuii.i. but is wlial may he properly lerineu an fresenption " has done for mo. 1 hart Wrn 1 mor ito ,n,l' Kmierititioii volln ; a .'ieat sufforer from femnle cotnpluinU, -s-Jgnorant .mil hlll MlllollS Oling pt.inv MrnL'L'inir-down." for over six years luulatto. It ii not a new thing with l.itn. Kver since he wis fourteen year-! old he ha given frequent proofs of the possession of this wonderful power. When cold and wet in the woods li'iotiug. he has been known to J.ind'.e a lire by simply ga'licring to P'thcr a ipianMty of dry leaves and ticks and blowing upon them. He ha; been s'i I l'-:i! awakened from a Miti I sic. i in tb,! ni"ht an-l asked to rinse his in utli and burn it hand- i kerchit I b in I "I to him, n i by those in I'-ats'ue w it!i him in the sueec.s.sful ; erlorin. nice d s-itn -"trick" or leger demain, but by the incredulous. Ill' has I n re-, -itedly ea'h'd from the 1-iii; : I re 'in the I'y e'.ma'.i house into the oili. e and handed paper torn from posers hanging up n tho wall, , and, to the eu b-r and aiisolate iiston i -!iiue:,t of s,, -ii ;.ir., soon set it ablaze. ' In fa- t. tlione'i t -stf under every con- , cciv.ib! ' con I ' i "t and suiroundings, : h"hasncir b"o'i known to fail in ; td'.oW ing li: i' !; pos.s -ised this W ill.Ii.T- : fill jiowcr. II recently, by sp'-cial r"'iier.l. l-.1 -i 'bicjigo, an 1 was put. to the .s". r : tc.-t before t ! eminent . doctors of I'.e-Je i ,ic and of chemistry iiH.' nodical college. He oK'orcd lobe ftivy I. I"it w.rl- t!i' didn't osi; tl.,.;, tic-y t iik tiie prceiutioa to : wasli hi. ii icM.'Tg'ilv n:i. require him i t t. it o.i ai e.itir-lv n w suit of, i h tin then. ut hi prepared for the occasion, and r e.i". i-i z a stew n:i I rinsing n, cH h. in j 1st one minute and twenty seen i.i kerchief l..r;.;sbt . Iil'-lubers ; nud tli pivs-m f more t medical a i l s-b Chicago, n- d one dele d the least Mi a "trio!,." On tl. set on tire a hand hiiu by one of t ho w.k ilmp; in the i ,a:i lil'ty of the a'dest ' d,:ie g elitleiii.-ii of i !' whom w is .ii u to m of it s being : contrary thev ad- l.i.l - --1 the g -:i:i.:i-'U '-.-i of for. ii, nice, but e.niVs ,ed, ju-' In pe I'-of. as lark will do alter w il tie- j thev did. their ina,;fv to ex; g it as laip the mystery. They th" possibly do so if t hey ig'it th"V inig'it had 1 1 i l il on the dissecting tabb?. On this occasion the doctors asked hiui to produce his b.itid- , kerchief, but he t"l l them that ho never burned bis nun hundkcri ',;ef, and no les . than seven were produced by the professors, fioin which one was chosen. Mr. I'lb'.'-MVo id is absolutely ignorant of the real cause r secret oi his wonderful power, b : i; re dy to, submit himself to the s-wrest test! known to science, ex e ting that suggested by the Cl.icagodoctors "th j dissecting tal le." The time usually required by him is from thirty scieucls t two minutes. I taring the effort his pulse alw ays goes up from seventy to one hundred and twenty-live, quickly resuming its nor mal condition aft'T a-'complishing the feat. The effort is foil . wed by a brief period of great exhaustion. So strong is the belief here of tho genuineness of bis wonderful power that parties have authorized me to say that they will wager 1 1 J that Underwood will place himself under the severest test that lr. ( lark or any other man can suggest, and blow into a flame inside of three minutes a Cotton hand kerchief or a piece of paper which hits never been "dipped in a solution of bi sulphide of carbon,"' or doctored in any way, shape or manner, and to be furnished by them. The flame has no bluish tinge, as the flame produced by Dr. Clark, or odor of phosphorus, but in the fliiddciiness of its appearance more nearly rest inblcs the lighting of ! a gas jet than anything else. There are many things nc,t jet fully exjdain ed in the scientific world, and this per formance of I'lulcrwo 'd's is one of, them. j An eccentric but giHid-hearted old miser recently died in the village of North Lima, Ohio. When a young man he had loved a pretty tier man maiden, but through the efforts of her father they were prevented from mar rying. The young man, losing a'l in ter st in life, came to America ami be came a ri ch isc, nnd the maiden iH-came 1 insane, and has been in that condition I for the lust fifty-eight years. The will of the old mail was discovered aftoi his death ; and it was found that ht gave the savings of his lifetime to hit ciT y love, whose mind is too impaired for her even to understand the Signifi cance of the act. To Bstore Fadlnij Flowers. ! Should the flowers be much withered Vl th. Cllcacy of cold water I readily to restore, plunge their stalks bot n in:h . deep into scalding water. and bv the tune tho water becomes roW the Holers will be restored and fresh. Cut off tho ends of tho stalks which have been softened bv the scald ing water, and tore the flowers to the viuses ill cold water. i.i,,,n.i. iiminmnnim. The II. .n. Peter Howe is Sheriff of TOO 1.IIV ailll lOliniV Or flI'W ltrK. nci'iMitfv in rim vers "it inn u-ith nn nf Uctently, in coin ersation with one o our reporters, Mr. Uowo priKlannetl the fo. lowing fact: "I consider St. Iieobs Oil an excellent roinedv and i ' i i ni rcni i , ami one tnat certainly to find its way into everv household. Mrs. Howe alwavs Ii'h a bottle of it there, and . ...i 'u .. .. ,.,o.. .t a" v 1'orA- Frmiiij 7'(vv;w. .il...,il..i i,o, i- l.n i,oil,.t..ll.,r but everv one dislikes the character of l person who goes from one house to , another and intercommunicates nil ht ( setor hears. lie that is taught to live upon little, owes more to his father's wisdom than he that has a great ileal left him docs to his father's care. TK.M AM: 1 O IIPI, ilNTS." Pn.n. V. l'lriHT, liiilbilo, N. Y. )"tr i sir- write to tell j ou what your "Favorite darmc much of the time unable to work. I paid out hundreds of dollars without any benefit till 1 took three bodies of Iho "i'avor ile Prescription," nnd 1 never had liny I hue; dome m much pond in my life. 1 advise everv sick ladv Intake it. Mus. K.MI1.YHHOA1W. Mcllrides, Mich. At St. I.tiko's Sunday school, in San Fran cisco, in answer to the ipiestion, "What is the ureal est church festival';" a litile orphan of sin years promptly ri-spuiuU-J, "The straw berry festival.-' Younu nnd middle need men suffering from nervous dcluhly. premature old aire, loss of iiieiiiory, kiiulri',1 sj niptoins, should send three stamps for I'art VII of paui lilets issued by Nome's llisi-KShiiiV Mkiucal Assikiatiom, liullalo, N. Y A deliatim; society willtacklethoipii-stion: 'Winch is the most fun to see a mini try to llirc.i l a needle ui a woman try to drive n nail';" thi: ii:Vi t .NorVi: it itsi n. nor if your binsare badly wasted away c.-tn you be cured by li e n-e of r. l'ierce's "tioldi'ii Me lical Discovery." It is, how ever, uueipiallt'd us a tonic, alterative, ice! nutritive, an 1 readily cures the most nb Miiiate easesof broiicliitis, coughs, colds, and incipient nuisuinpiioii, far surpassiin; in ellicacy cod liver oil. bend two stamps for r l'ierce's pamphlet on Consumption and Kindred Affections. Address Worn n's Iw 1'ENHAllI Mupical Association. Hiillalo. N. Y If yon tnko two letters from nmifi, hew many will be left? Oh, yes, we know liwe conundrum, but supposing you take iiuiin 'rum two loiters, what tlieu' The Finzcr Axle :rrne. Is tho best in the market. It is the urnst economical and cla- ipesl, olio box lasting ns lone as two of in; oilier. I hie (.Teasing will last two weeks. It received first premium at the Centennial and Paris Impositions, medals at various Slate Fairs. Buy no other. 4 iilurrh of Ibr IlladnVr. Stineiiij; irritation, inllainevuion, Kidiiet, , Cnnaiy coinplaiiiis.cnred by Buehiipiiiha I . Natural clroleuui, deprived of its color and disiiirreealileodcr. is what drboline i made from. As now unproved and perfected it is a beautiful preparation, and I uiionnsall tli it in claimed for il as a hair restorer. 'itmijili n t om." Ask for Wells' "H inch on Corns.' .V. Quick relief; complete icure. Corns, warts, bunions. Cliri'lithion collars and cuffs forncntlcirien are easily washed, nnd do not reijuire ironing. Thai Iliistmniler .Itine Is three times the man he was heforo using Wells' Health Kenewer. f 1. Dm exists. Ktraiotiten your boots, (shoes with Lyons' , Patent tleel built uurs, and wear them auniu j Nolblnt Mice It. Ho mffllcln has er btkn known to ffettaal Id th van uf ll tb m diSMM ftrfiinjt f rm no tinpurs Condi tin of the blood u ScotIU's SuniaparilU or lllood and Lor Srrup for lh cum of SanituU, Wbit Stolhnis, ftheumatiuo. PimplM, BlotcbM, Eruptloiw. Veneretl Hare and Diaaaaaa, Oonaumption. O-utra, Boils, Can era. and alt kindred di:w oa. It ptiriftmi tha ajraoim, brlrur eolor to tba eheAka and reatorea Uia auffarar to a ! Donnal ooaditlon of haaltb and rgr. It la aaaartd that tha ordinary eoamatiea oaat ht ladlaa ara pridurtlva of (rvat miK.hiif. Wa baliara thia la ao, and thnt a hat tor moan of aooiiring a boauti. fnl complasion la to w a ima im4 blo. m .lu-ins liki Boorill'a Blood and Liror Syrup which rlaanaoa tho blood and giraa porAanfint baautj t the akin. Of tha manr rcmadliia hafora lha pnhllt fr Norrnna Ialilllt and WMknwi.rf N.ri I omoralivn Hrntcro. I hwrn la noun niual to Allm'i Bmin K l. wlii -h or.,iiipij au I porniamntlr roalm all lot lor: il ni-r (ml. (I tk. . mi f,.r .". AI ilruuirit miJal Allon'a Pharmacy, la i ml avauo, Horn Vuik C'iij. , When tht) ltev. W. ti. lichnrdsn. of ill Amherst, Mass., Methodist sick a few Sundays nco, his wife-took the di-sk and preached it sermon. . '.VstfWlT'iifv'.l ' ,! btRhANREMt-Ol CURES. .... Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Linibaqa, Dackichs, Headache. Toothache, More Hi i-tin.iclllr.arnl!i. ItruUc. II M ni. hrull. t'rl II !. tn all iiiiiiH mmii.i rti.Mt ami aiiifh. BoIJIii Uiiauiaiau'l H.ri-"rH're. t i(lj Capua ktua. TllRt iititi.Kw a, it en. A.A.I.I-l.aiO) For Two Generations The pood niul staunch oM stan l-by, 51 K XI CAN MUS TANG LINIMENT, Iras done more to assuage pai.i, relievo fiiiJerin r, mi l save lives of men ami leasts than all o'lier liuinu'Hts put together. Vihjt Lecauso tho M wtan pene trates thrrji hki:i n:s-l flesh to the very b me, driving out all pilti anil Korcns an4 morbid secret iin,nm' restor ia? the aUliftcd jurt to eoand mi supple licaltiu t i WjM V THE VTAll, pfRche Ian-mutton ' mill li-urd In th Unil. IUiwmu m out Hir.iflliin llerodintl' Unalilrrof ilia InnorenjN. M tliptii, ia, y. ur rhlldirn 1J adnimir t.rinNuw 1,,. t f ,,,. in.iam (.w(. It la tli aoToruicu lialm anil hralnr ot ninfrha. colita and tr.'iip, p. n't lr Uifl aloni) witin.iit Now LI" in 111.. Iiuully. morpUU or aDiHlyno. 'Bert C'nnrH Itnlnnm Imhe World." Triilt. Pnco Oc. 1. W, his.x iii d do., AimUAta, M iluu. Iturnl dmno (to bycyrlist, wrecked in re ! i .77,.. i ' .i' . lm'".1-"MO" . ' 22, '. ITr l All Anln.' ' i l.ot, Itllt I. FOMIIll. I Under tlnto of Julys, l&;2, K. B. E.-islit. of n ihiwt i' , v. mm., iura ii i am, iiiuu'. imrrativo, wlucli. from ltn very simplicity, hti the trus rm of fine po'.d. Hcgiys: "My faihor is usinu Hnnfs n.'inody and unpras to bo iniprowtiu. in riot, lie in very mm h hotter than lie liau been fur lons time. He had been t c , thiop tmf T)i(j fir!lt tjniB ,licy Rit flom him atnon qimrts of waior, tho second time thiitcn ijuai ts, ami fully ns much more tlip "rd ume.Hiidho would constantly fill on npain every limo nftir no had lioen tnpppil, oi td ho rottinii nie.) u'inj Hunt's Romody, wliirh rcttd like mneic in his cn?e, ns ho lieunn to imi'rove nt onro, mid now h:fl watciv nrcnmiilation passes nw.iy throuuli that ewellimt or liilins up which was bo frequent before tho functions of the kidneys wero res'oreil ly tin.' u-e ot Jliint 8 Keino ly. He is a well loi iwn rili:oiiof thiplac.', nnd lias n'wait been in Inn laps horo.1' Ai:iiii he writer. Nov 'e. b.r -7. 1SJ-2 : "I beu mist rhp 'ifully and truthfully ti tate. in regard to llunt's ltemidy, thai its usn was the savin-; of my father's life. I Fji, ko to you in my previous letter in regird 1 1 h. a Ihi.u.' ta i, icd Uirei tnnoa. It is the moM renin ti' le ca-e Hint has ever been heard of in tlii section. For a man of his years (sixty sens) it is a most remarkable cure. l!o had been unable to attend to his biiini"e more than a year, anil was given up cur by tho doctor. Hie Unit bottle of Hunts Keini-dv that lie Used cave instant relief. He hus Usui in nil seven bottles, nud continues to iho it whenever he feels drowfy or shi lish, and it n fiords iusiaut relief, lie is now uiti-mlitiil to his n-eulur business and has been to moiitlH. I am pi rfeelly wilhni; thnt you th o d putilisli this leltr, as wo thor oiiL'hly bf.ievo that father's life was saved by n-nc,' Hunt's Ueinedy nnd these facts tiiven n'lnve may be a hi n '111 to others sulTeriiiB in Ida' m i: n t f loin Oiscasos ur inuction of the hidii -y- ami liver. Hew to Preserve Flower?. tw to prsT? flower in p tui I nt iteof btut? hi li'fn Iho tMutly f mm htre it I . br ad 1t year, til tiT) lit Ho j3 acitiitiplt'tif I. tin 1 I) inn & il.i; M..nt Mr. lx Mutilfi . h rl .tv. 411 Fuuith A kmc-, Jhitartirt, wh It ht u-'i-.: iilfti---), iumoiI u tttr.iitli fail difterrnt di'u ni iilf. nnJ r nmy ny n wrn" well plrnrrit ft'tb i.ur vihit, Mr. l.u M-mlt h.i s t'4 a w rid wi.ln TpiitatiD a ,'Vwr.t f natur il rt wor, Dtl ti: m tnjr ytvini l bt i l in tit I w ! walls Inca rttwurdol by I. if Biu-i . ttt pnaMrvinic ti nwrit in all Ihf it D-l'irtl beauty. Vuk frank .i-lttV Journal,' It? a i'f-T"a ntlrfly my own. 1 cm nn p rftL'ly pra. frTet?Ti t iom iat drlicta Auwpra they will fuiui'i. Il.tfttrst pnr and apooial award at all priuti pai oii'tiiit'iis. Everlasting Eesips oi Natural Flowers. Tba beuty t( Uh!ha ta crvit, th'-y etjuil freah fluwaf duirti n i.J iiiu aiMiifiial i.i ;-t.u ,ri,-t. Wi) auit.lli fir p.irli.-!, clitirt lica, birlli li, fa r, funTls, krnvt d - rlt- in, lo. llitti'9tia, iMkki-tt, wrraihi nnl t-riMt iunl of brmlilHtilurrd ll.irra at.J ni!I(.illj a; r .v I. hu n, acvordrng lo aua, l.ii", i-i.U; i'ta li;e j. Hi Wratha r rroMi naim" price aa cl..m) dtuna, Ifueitra rhar(t fr any timuo ur iuuttoyu may iIcmio on ytmr work. Fjmatia cin on all th latent dcMun. uch aa Vacant ( hair, Scroll ol' Honor, (''ulra Ajar, llr I In, lloru t I'lrniy, sirklH Urol in C'oluiiin Pillowm .lluMtnlr, Oilil l'rlloT llnkn, lurp. Ant bur a, rtt. Son I fur Circular and higheai ralorucca. luipjrter uf ud dealer In Krancb flaaa abadoa. Money muit b torn witb all order. Addraaa , i:miij t,o M(iLiirt njPOVKTI! ATLM E, NEW YORK, Iti ahda who ara recovrhnx at mina, d ac 1 ara 1 u giatrful trma that applirat nn f th mrnti it a tonic, of lliwttitter'a tStnmact. It 1 1 1 e ra. Ntonl duet it impart utrcnjtth to Uia waak, but it alau correct an irrrgtiWr acid Mat 1 1 n atomacb. makna tho ImwrU att at prpr ininaK ia f.iMltbffwlii'ir ftr Irntn rhfiutn.itio and kiilua iimiiI'Im, ctiiiera as wtll aa prwiit ffvrr and fiftut. t'lirnala tr all lUiimtiitta and lea) vra KiHrnHy. XX.-NOTICE.-XX. AS BLUE FLANNEL GARMENTS uriurrrlor Quullty crUwdl ra anlit a, t:io " jrnulna Mi,lilleK.M which ara not luiule by tli u uiill. I'lio 4'omt,aiiv,ln unlrr In ,nit"'t llleir i-iMl-Miiira anil Ilia pulllr.Kia nollr, III it terifl.T nlll lollinn niailafrom TIIK MIllDI.K rlKIt K TAN II A It II INIilill) I, I. IK FI.ANNKI.8 AND VAi'Ht' el.lillH, ll i,v , Iraillni clmhwra. mint li,. irt'm -rtll.K II VNUKIIH." rurnl-liTil If UitBaUUH A'outa to all arlK-a orJeriiiir the gnodft i WENDELL, FAY it CO., KKI.I.1MI AUKNTS, MllllllTSKT CllMI-AWT. 1 6 aii.l Hi H. -Hi tit . N. iv V ,rki OT KniuaUa 81, 1 ii,,-,, ,n: aciiviiiuioi.. i miaiivipuia A I.raillna Tendon Vhrw It-ma rataulintar Ulllrclo New York lor tbo lure C EPILEPTIC FITS. IrumAmJiurnalcfXalUiT. lo nr linlnnl, lrakif a apa- rlniir of E'.n.-i' j. In Ur. Alt. nt (limhf ir. mi.j an.i ruri-a mmlivfllrtiei. B.a, baa inieiy I-, n nsi ,rlm. ; . l,:i,n h. rn of raaaa ou r f ' Ji ar.' at ling u, ,-i-miii f run ,i ni nim. .u,i,.l,l a ..ik i n I i-a.-. nlfh b.i Hi h al.irri- l,ilili,f lilj wnn,lt.Tfnl cilia In-a In any ,ir t r-r wt, mny n, tl, ir r i,rt-M ami I' O. Aildrtea a aUviKu an v .ni' w mill hi; a cmo a.l'lrf.a Ur. 111. MKot.llOI-t.hi.J"lJO St., KewToik. 25- lhi3K.Y. Singer, $2U mt ,:, fHM l nf AM i.Tint nlP Kin' .i r.tiilttl ittT'tt l I i'lit nitinthir Miiii t.li4nilMiM' il lurabl. rtriil in li-t Iml Un tnn tlt-fintl if Hani rgii 4 W i I. .li-. li H.. Allll fcl p.t - l.fftii'N'i- !.kmitrrll k '1, f 1, m.. , $i it.M.k.ftih . A n iM'iii ni ! :t li iul plan If ilf T' it llff ilil i nsti, iiiiitriUlMt lit t.tif. di i tl li inaiMfitiMl nut. Cli Mlltl.A.ltl fllllllOlll.llr. A-k I i .iiif , cu. i luiil av i hitaio GONSUHPTION. 1 nT a pohl'lverrmmlf f--r tha Abova dlMata; b-ylla ar ihoutiarida nf raitva of tha wont ktad and of long lUudlng lava bt-f o curfd. loflMa ao atroDji la mv fait 6 Sua etn.a y. tlm . nl wn.t TWO BOTT1 KftK. lo fmr wit 'i a VAH'AKIX THF-ATIHB on Ihta uUA,l ' iIL T. A. SlAKl" llllW'l..NiwT -rk. j IM TAT ION STAINED CLASS. twtautiful. Ktnir apidivd to window I wi I .' i'" r 1t net, n 'null. U) . in Htmut. ail'.'iN. g.,irnnii.tii ertii-ial. and rttla-sns. H' rr thim-aa Ii .1,111 qi .iirjr hut , npln-ii l-.t aulin-nlM-r. nM.r i-1" lo fin.lrr ,t .ii,iwt word, .rll f'lltio, uia.-ali I.. I I II sVtllTII. I' ill'tin. I' THI BT IS CHtAMIT." sncius. THRFQHPR8ASil,s' Hn s . w ...,'-a A T!J!?J,ZtfrT!2?u- ! Sr't".' lLl,'.lU".Vlal.'w''.",a,ri'lI I L . .'Lirrvll"uiN'ilaIJi.iw,! ! a . . . .mi ' 5 I a !i 1 1 a iviniiu mm ii w.i..r.n. i. l!tn-lievjMiatnnrfiriuniii.ri1t,rhappslU'iniiN,irI.itiii.l , -- "ma. Ilunlons HmlM', n.ii i.f f,s I hii.l I ! wal I I ;,,.U'. . Iit'liinx'rumnnr iue'. r.. Ankjri.urdni, I I aa : gtl gr unJlo n l ultun ktlixl, M. V.aaaaasJ j , , I.YDIA E. PINKHAM'S VTGTITABLE COMPOUND. s Pnotive Cnro Tor nil I'mlf rnliirnlComptillntaeaa Wcnlrncuo laauao to our bct fcmala population. A Mnl'.cliie fir Womnn. IiiTrnteil by Woman. rrrptirrJ by Vt, Cmlnl ? al Dlo-oirrj 8!altia Dawa af tllalaiT. tTTtr rir-it'io dro.i:n a'.itrlta, lnrljoratca and tur n -i. i l'i( .ttiiiIi' function, giveielastli'ltr and r,r i:i- I'ls-tr-.M-mtortfa tlienatural luatro tothe e?o a-i l ;, tuta on t ho palo chm-k of woman tlia trtab ro ra of u' 'a prln? and rarlr I'lmmrr tlina. -7"?:iysl:lins Use It nl Prcicribs It FrM-lf CT It rfii ivc ranini-n, flatul 'ic-y, dcatrojrs allcrarlnf for' it. nulant, and nilleroa weaknrsa of the atomacn. Ih.t t-l.nj o: b.-arlnj down, ea-idnzpaU, wolcht an 1 In, UW, la atwsri iiorm.-eientlr cured l Its naa. Furtbe ii-i- of Kldurr oraplulotaof cl "aer acs t:,s Compound la anaurpaasvA. t.Tnia Y.. I'lNKIIAiTs nt.OOD PrittTIfR will rml calo i-ri i VL-..OK0 v'' lium.'ra (lom II10 Blool. mi.l :;e-o lona an-l i.lis nu'lh lo Ibo aalin, ot Diiui HuiuoJi ur cliiM. ln-iKt t-u lia lug It. B th the Conpo'im! .in 1 liliod rm-lfl r are proparad at za ami S3 W.t -ra Aviuiic, I j in, l-uu. 1'rioeot elllK-r, (I. Fo Unities fur ft... Sn.t ly mill in tho form or p.'l, lit of 1"- -ii i-o. ou ri-i-ript of price, I cr lma foi fitliiT, Mr i. P.iifclmn frcTlr aniwera all Icttora at faii'iity rii.l"m;3.t-i,U:iii. Btnd for pamphlet. s .,! -s iut I M wltiiOTt rTPT K riVKIIAM'S LI'iK.l I'll. 1. 1. 'I-i v 1 1110 C illsliiul: 1-U.OJttU ajid wril(lc y of lies j ,-.-r. 25 cnu pt-r bux. i-Sobl Lt nil Iri:sRUls.-b I FOR THE PERMANENT CLT; CF wwiiju 1 a i i a 11 aw.'ja Il-oot'ifr-.'i-i- o is 5prcv::V . b try iu C, : t ; P .i;nallol t..o U Uiccar. C ' 9 Pnt ij vr-T n,.r it T)-;nrUI. C J.12. r.a H in f-r A:.L Copol ifiU b ItC.Oa!HJt.iCliVaUj..lCf l... ci t n ii.v.i.'. ..I t.:frvi: f vlct, .-jo i : t c . i.e. .n, c :n rc s- s i Kiuiirra. iTcr lino iiunniv. A, Itcloa!nf C.;ciiVaUj..kLf l..ea,u-id poui. a t;.at Q vinff v..ica orJjr Co . rc ilL-o. cfthjvcv ti.rr-d ci tiilj umJlo tiiwoaoo ban Ueca qius'itv rt--'. vcl, a-ul l i a nhoi-tUuwl HCUFECTl Y CJBEJ. a f Tit rtanaci, Mrrnirlhcwa and a-tvr-a - ott I I.I1V lo B.l t io i:n.K.rUbt nr.ina uf Uia Uly. Thi- nntural rcl.on or Lho K.din-yd la roatorrd. To IJvcr l i r'o.injod c f all cU.viaai, aiul da Howolaujvo Lccly'a-'d LcaiuUuLy. Iirlt Act nt I'll" aa::ie i rn tho KITirrY3, uveh a:;dbowix9..i -m-Db, nun.i.isia. ai. I.lul ll'r Hliv. Pry onn b urnt by mail. Wilts. I'li-llAI-n-fiN Co.rtirl-iKrton.Vl.cT) DGAMOND Best Cyzs Ever Made. trr rnn f:i.k. Trout, i t otton.-6 nn:ss3, coats, scarf3, hoods, YAUM, 8TOCKINC3, CASPET RAC6, rtlSCONS, FEATHER8, cr ,uy fabrlo cr t.varr artU'.o titiljc. it fCT:eciy colored mar j a'nio. lMnrli, llronn, lrcro, Blur. Crarltl, Cardlaal Itrd, N,'y Hl" Brawa, OH, Crrrn, Tcrro t oll, ard 0 otiiar beat oolora. Wirratcd 'oat a id Uurablo. Eaci packato will ojloroiwto goods. IS youhavorevc r'il Pyca try thoao onoe. Tou will bo dcligaUd. Bold by drugclata, ot aend ua 10 eenia and uy olor wanted Mint Ft-pald. S 1 colored aamplca and , eot of fancy canla aont for 8c. atomp. wetxD, men a mi ho x acq., Britt,,Tt, GOLD and SILVER PAINT. Bronze Paint. Artists' Black. Tor gliding Fanry Iiaakcta, ITacco, tunpa, Chandallara. and forall klndaof ornamental work Banal to any of tho hiirh priood kin". and only J Oct,. , packare.a: t!io rfrorBU'a.or poat-pald tVom WFI.I.K, Rll IIAUnSON A CO,, Ilrll.g1f, tL Consumption Can Be cured i DR. WM. HALL'S FOK TIIK T,,K n A I OA tin LUHGS.uHLoHlvl li" ml It. onuumpiion la not nit Inrnrnbli uitiliiil ijiniiv .P4 1.1I Will loiii,rnld full ou, t'ril Ibonch nrnfi' iRiinffillincnnd InfftV llultlf In run nit Knt fiiif r it, H'iaviiii ( (nviilaUina, M Vltna luincf. Alciholi-Jn. (Ikhi) Kuttnir. tr oiiHflfhilityM'rofiila mid nil .Nirvtua and ItiiHKl rlUeftwa. To ( liTtrvrnt'i), JLnawTpra, l.litTftry men, Mcr rlmiUH. Bankere, lA dh'H and all whined ilcntary employi.ient ciiuw-s Neivttus Vrtm' trntttiii, Irrfvn'aritJfa llf till' ll(HXl, Htdllliich, Ixiwflrtor kind' a. or who require a mrve tmiir, iptlwr or Htinnimni, Naimtrlui. cr Inni InvuiiiHhlr. k NtVCR TAILS. l J liiMiMii,dKiru(lnlm it tin iniatti wonderful In Vfrorantttiatevei aiiatntnpdtlifttinKiiigayMinm. Kr gulp l.yall liruKKiHiH i'lTV I'll. S. A. It it'll MONO MhJjlLAl, IV. 1 1'ii'prn t'irn, M. Jcih, Ho. Payne's Automatic Enginoo. S Raliabla. Durabt, and Fciniiucal, ril .rui., a t, i,Ua '" '"'''. a,ililllilbanAiilinial:rCuti'rJ. BDd .r ILhiatratmi l'all 'i J." I..r Inl .raialion and I'ncaa. B W. H.TNK a S 'NJ. M '. I ,'inin,, N Y, H CURLS wniat tiat ran H.t(ttic h Hvnin. 1'ai.tiwa-i M I In l in", f" 'I hvrtmreuia. KTJ OICIiAN. New atjla. " LMa.tT I'lH. Mm! lant c baWTKD. W. Ill.TZI L. Bapti.tUian ti. J ,rti-,e i.iMit l.miN. l-t'l. 1 n Fl V TBI tt -nak m.'ney aailingmir FAnnlr Mil HlsyP im I i '-'ii". NiirntiilKl retiin I. KLnt AULlll 1 UarlCanGo., lO.rV.rHl.. N. V. M f Nil liKTS Him writ nn iaur. Inlilnttr, wilh B CHlanilar, t 11.111 lor v ir. ..TPaiia w ainirn. a l u 17 p trt M .v A Mil 111' Pu-ti.rial liia'.l, it'l II In".. Hr,rfdiioe4 tMiroa . N.TU'ti.t P' i isms, 10.. Fa. (1, lif-h. (13 a day al hsiua-a1r mad. Ouilir j fat, oollil lm. Addreaa Tut;, Co.. AuguaU, M. . I 11 IX I 'OI.K MAN H US I N F.SS !l II.LKU R, I.. It. V . N.wark. N. J. V rile Air Calalgua. a Adah-iin. Ilaamplra, worUifA hyralnraniKl,.Vl K l Ofl',''U",, """ Naroplaa worth fr" A 8ar,Coraf.;rlpiiipr"rrilln4 h.ra. FranU LI L 4 1 r S hn i? 1 1 i m DYES,