3 fljiwiham Record THURSDAY, APRIL 5. 1HS3. LOCAL RECORDS. PaT Spring weather lit lust ! JUaTMurrh wont out like a lion. JNT Yiu can now begin l garden dJfN'erc you "April fooled" last,t( Sunday r ... I,f.,;,,ll,'',.,U' Bclh" id I crtiluer. JSBvmim A: tho "Auchor JJraud tiT Invitations to parties. hcIiooI celebratioiiK, Ac., printed at KtroiU) ofiice. 8uLnst March will long be re membered us the most disagreeable over known. KsTOur genial and mirth fultowns- man. Mr. Irhy l'hillins. has moved to tho Gum Spring. toSHvnum A Headen luive on hand Avcrv'H Double Shovel and Oeor'ia Stock I'lows. Hunter's Far jners' Friend. Watt, lto'.aud Chill and Avery's one-horse I'lows : Cultivators and full line of plow castings. w-v T T 'iiTl,.ii Vm still nt the ?r Z;h " .1 ?. . ' , " .. . 1 n i;,.v,?,. l-,i,.l,t t ('liiitlm,,, will he sold (meaner than ever be for ng, take Attention O. Urewst oil to know are receiving n mi i from Chalhani. and will giv good Imrgaius in their line of business. fciTThe attention of Farmers is e. nomc KOO.IS uie uun uio- - , ,:- , ...... .. ., ; ., SIcfca f. who has a .hil' i it name. !, . . ... i i.... u-lih-hhis reiit'.eiieiiilv clerks will '"lore, ami ineionowtng were up-; oi ner day. 1 liougli no svnilitoms ot ' . . . n oy i n" aiicicui luouiiu oui.o.i.-. - - ' - jrar. Cl L Johns,,,,. W.A ImuW j writing, the man ,s a.moM (loaa witl, , ;,. ,,:;n;., Z NNVhlou News: Last week Al o take pleasure in ca.hng ; Ai,(.Y ,, r Tv, r ,, , " .,.'. boss lie!.!,,,, LC .'n Z were washing clothes ... front , ' "!r' ' ' ' "'"'i to the advert .sement ot . , i, s. v A i II., Lt.-tw ll .U, "... :, i. , ' eabm.-tl girl j 1" .or ,,,,, ,ck,.,,, r .t Co.. who we are Pleas : .. , ,, ,, ' ... ...j.".. . stand in with her back towards t he i. " lo aw an, me grami jiu s called to the fact that W. L. London ' Monday und 'f u.-sday and , has for sale those standard fertilizers, i (ler.-d the payment of the following theXavassa. Pacific ! s and Star, ' which he will sell for UM ll.s. cotton j per ton. H" also keeps Acid l'hos phate, which he will sell cheaper thai von can huv anv chemicals. . . . . , ii plies for poor house, VJ 1 . Harris has p,s received ; I J Ks!it f. ot of those hemu.lul han I made , ZeiKW shoes. N ill have,., store , T,oma "fo,. im,.slil , few days, a full hue Spnng goods , ai, (.t,nV(.vi f t(, ;1 tw We havo just received a , pianl Uy of . the Mountain l.ed Irish potatoes: now ; ' (.Iiro,'iup ()!llh!lln fl. u jour tune to secure for planting. ; .j,,,,,,.,, sieill ,,istri(.t ANo extend a cordial invitation to nil u . ( s come and examine our stock ; notrou ; v ',.' 'piiomas. for work on bin to show our goods. All j-tsoiw , L.-idgemMossShaddoxereek, Hldohtetl to us are earnesiiy rcoucsien to nettle up. as we must have tln money, and cannot afford longer in diligence. A Mm Kii.i.ei.A few days ago n mule 01 .ir. i . .u. . iiom. ... . Oulf township, fell whi.e fording Jteur creek and was injured so l.a ly ; that it died. . " ' ' SlinuiAOK lii -i:nsi:s. .vi snng ie. TanceH the nninher of marriages de creases. During lust month only nevcii license wire issued in this county, and strange to say four out of tho Heven were to h'acks. 0mk or lUsr. ivi.i.. A miitoh game cf basehu'l was played at Ml. Vein .11 .Springs, on last Saturday. iy tni club at that p'.ae.e and the l'ittshoro j club, and resulteil in a victory for the former, the score standing 2! to 22. Another game 1) t ween the same clubs will be paiyed hereon the liist.S.itiu day in this month. Dams B.hken. Wc hear that two damn in Deep river were broken by the freshet hist week. They were lie Hives und (ioi'L'us dulns. 11 Khort diMance above Lockville. which were built by the old C uje rear and I'eep ltiver Navigation Company Ik fore the war. The freshet in Deep river was much higher than in Haw river. Important Snr Setti ft. A eomp romise has been made in the u't. that had bfcn pending for beveial; vears nnst in the federal cimrt. about , the title to tho Egypt property in , tniH couniy. 1 ne su:i was oroi.giu 1 ih i 1 1.. ...1....... .... ... . m - 1 .1 . .v lUB umuui iiun, unomm uiOTCd Irom tins county about hcv- , fnty-livo years ago. mid althoii'h ! (.ucli along time nad eiupHcii, yci , tnerc was some (louoi. iiooui uie iu;e, and ihe defeildiintH timi'.lv iii'ieed to f.y 500 to ceur awuy the cloud rom their title, rhis property is controlled hy the executors of the late Alexander Derbyshire, of 1 lu.it- dolphia, to whom he devinud.it H) h-uki ioi miiiiu i imin. o.ii jMii,.un,.n, And wo arc infonued that it in their I intention to sell ail this valuuhle , estate to parties who will re-open : And work tho old coal mine. AFaitiikvlNkouo. man, named James -An old colored Lea. died near this )lace lust week, who was quite a remarkable man, and whoso example of faithfulness and honest v we wish to commend to others of Ins race, Jlo was ft Kiuve or llie laic m oousou Ilia old master and worked us if there nau bocn no cmuneipulion. n.r. ijeu died two or three years after the war and in 1uh will devised lifty acres of valuable hind to Jim, us a reward of hia faithfulness, liy industry and economy Jim made money, and his rredit was as good s any man's in this community, and h was respect - ed hy nil. Although he could not read yet he was a subscriber to the Kboobd for the benefit of his chihben, whom he gave ad van (ages that he had never enjoyed. Of jijni we may truly say that ho did liis "duty in that KUte of life in which it had plfld Qod tP call Iiiiu," 'IIui.mtoN" S.u i. -Lust full Mr. J. It. Hmith. of Oohlshnro', bought on iv speculation a valuable funn ncur this place known us 'dhtilhroii," and inn now hoiuu io.ui. j. u. r,iige.rton, hope hi- will be pleased with his pur elmso. oi uvne county, who will tako ios- U1k) harbor and were chased ashore, type. 11 rival any work ot 'ls klll,! . fu, lui.l thut on Tuesday ni-ht last, session next week. Mr. Edgorton ia on the banks, ten of them being of to-day. The heaviest and largest jiV,H cht ro twenty valuable sheep' a successful fanner, a member of the 1 caught. . The blubber wis soon kI rip. J hale of 'cotton ever made in this Stale ; 1Jllr(;l.l)Srt cvl m-ur' the suburb:! of' Society of Friends, und will no doubt ! ped from them, and the process of ; was reccix cd ut the CuiiMiuu Central ! K)Wn ij,.!,,,,,,;,,', lo j p. Williston I become OlIC of our best cil IZellS. 'i ' iiiiiiiiiI'm, ! in-.. ,.( .,.., ,,,,,.,,,,..1 l,l,.i,t .(.i' In- nt'd'tl II It took: . '.. , , x' ' i, o 1 . I (lil colored gin, I lie clillil ol III. . , , ----- in ecu new aim om uirainm, (, " , , (Sriswold, living on Ihegraded school 1 1,11,1 1, '"J '"'V ""t U"1'1 1 '' n r " '" Monday, to see if any List or Asskssok t.-At the last u, luot with a horrible death last M ,",,,k wl',"n U. 1 iU"1 .M'q ' 1 thing remained of tlie.u after the cold .H ting(.rthe,a.i..,ty(nnnuss,(.n,.rs Monday. It seems that the child was i "jw lo vas found to he l.l,,S ll.s ,...,... llU, Uo t,.,1( Rowing c following justices and trocholders l:ft ;uiml lP ..,.., of ,,. ,, , 1 he bale was packed at the I'l j lillt,iVi .m... liluM considerable re appointed assessors of their, ulll .t ,lllf ,,,.1 ,,., Sfr. (.ar.balh. in tins city, am I he ! si1.. sllllll,iL. ,,f wi,i..l , bo brought to ! respecuve townsnips. us rc.pnro.i i,y i 111,1 l,M,t,ll1,,t' '."' : , i i;.u i.win s-.J Ji. AN est, I. NN . (latin. II. H. Durham. Isaue J I. II.i.il, T I 1..,-,.,. .. v.U'gg. Allre.1 Al rt.-II. ,.,. ,,1(.v reilt.lu.,l J,,.,. slM, xvus 1MI!.I(..J Al.l'KI.iills-W. 1'. Nestal. l.C. Dixon,:,, iii,,,,',,,-,.!,,:, .IU.SS niul ,,.,, ,,r. W. i. Murciiison. M vrrnrAs" C. A. 1 aimer, James i (iilbert, C. K. Houston. I 13kr Crit.k J. l' (iillilund. Jolm A. ! 1 JJrewer. r.dward 1 li llli s. Cnr i.inuix Itivi'M .Tuliii I f,. . i JVer, J. J. (oldston. j , K. .1., (i.,,-,,,, .T,)lmi.n Af ii i Mclver John II. Tysor. ' Nkw llni'i: Lemuel Mllis. H. K. Stui (levant. L. I''. JJahlwin. Ckntiik J. A. Woinack. J. Q. Leach, Ci. W. Thompson. ' HicKoiiv M n sTAiN Isaac T. Urooks, W. 1'. Hadlev. J- D- Outline. .' Wiiiums" P M Peiivson li:irinii ........ - - S...HV V. AKratrr 'v'am: Fkah W. S. Oiiiiter, John D. 1 Moore. W. I). Harrington. ! In addition to these assessors the; i i-e'l,lil',: aji.ointmeiit of (Mie! Coniinissiotu'is' Meet in. The county commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on w i-mini-,. Ihonias NN right. . o witness tick-Is. Hori.adav Jholliers. for work $2.4.") on eotirt-ho'.i-ie doors, livnuiii A Ilea. lei:, for nu- :t.()(l , :!.20 ! l.Oi) l.OO' J. II. Lawjanee, J. V., insolv ent fees. I. W. I'tley. for conveiijg Cnrieiiler hoys to jail, J. U. Churchill, one witnesn ticket. l.K") ; Ti1()lllUS d,,,,,.,;!. (Ilt; wit M0SS irit. w L istnutm. f.,r KiiiqilioH f,. , !,,,,., n,,nli. M,ir,l.i.,i C.vu.i.-b nt l.H.i (i.CU poor-House, V. 1J. Sauls, one witness ticket, J. V. I'oe. for supplies for jioor-iiouse, It. J. Hatch Son. fur sup plies for poor-house, V. M. Thomas. J. 1, iusolv- 1.00 miiV 8 oil IS !).! '' ut f. J. J. Knight, ih pi. sherifl'. for summoning witnesses, and 5 days' attendance on grand jury. J. D. Woinble. for wagon bed for poor house wagon. Thomas Cross, jail fees, F. X. St rudwick. Solicitor, in solvent fves. S. . Brewer, sherill'. forho'd ing Inferior and Superior Courts, summoning jurors c. 8070 " Idr',1) '.icob Stilton, for work in jail. lt).GO . Ji. llatilJ. agent, lor sui plii s for poorhousc, 1(1(1.00 ! Oi;iKiiKi. That Edward l'hillijis. agent, to allowed sJ.oO a mouth for the support of Win. Cassy. an idiot i pauper. " State IIews. Kalcigh Advocate: It is a little re- . ... . . . ( I mi cli f hut Un t hrii i A),M)t,n nt In. ... ..ir.. .....1 ..1; 1 ...... i. ...... - , iiaunn u ii.o. ju uiu on-nmus i' our Church; and high integrity iuuiud imu iimuui-jjjuui. Statesvi e 'I.aiidimn k: Mr. John1 ll Vl,.l..l. f M .;1L. I,.,.lil,.,; had the misfortune to have the end of the lirst n,,,- f ,i. l,.ft )mll,i bitten off hy a ,og, ve.-,terdav. A iiini! vcur 'old daiihter of Mr. U. O. Atwi-11 of this; township, swallowed two 2, cent , .)U.,...S Shiln play i ng.wi t Ii tlieni. some :.. a,r() They seeni to have lodged U1 sl()u...(.i. K S. L. Sherrill, of thin place, had a very i singular thing to occur to lum m ibM He hud always had a very heavy set ' of sandy whiskers. In ISM thev commenced to shed and turn white, l'he little that was left he had trim-; nied off. and since then the beard lnw. piotvn out nearly as thick as ever, una nas restmiea its uattirui color, Some time ago Mose Conner, col - orea, caught I wo goslings oi the wild species. The goose died when about ' grown and sinco the loss of his mute ( the gander seems inconsolul ' .. und i follows Mose about like a dug f ; Mose goes uwii- from home, he will ! i rise high in the air and fly around, j 1 uttering piercing cries, common toj i wild geese, am if he finds the where j ubouts of Mose, he will ulight mid ex-' ! press his joy in wild and incoherent , j cries, and seem jealous of his master k w flections towards dogs or anything ! of the kind, and will attempt to drive ' them away. He is much larger than I the (Jonjihtic gx-: cue gooac, i . 1 1 , riii'i, nil, i .1. i i.ri.o . i frr ivm-i fri,!i iii-ji u- ii.ii I,,. . - r-i i .. , i : , i 'If' ' " I . . . , .. '". fill, I II eol T , III rri I. WIS. ."Sllll .V1I; : wwn. n ' ,v.v.... . w . . ... 0 I Ueuufoi t Telephone: The whaling , crew ;it Shackelford's Ranks struck H bonanza on Friday lust. A school of j black lish or ci)w lish, averaging itl.out 1(1 feet in length, came lnsule ( ioldshon or- A six year child of V..i. Id colored : siltil , ; ft ,.lilh. ,)V tl0 , ,,, , I that, condition fell off the chair into ! the fi, -(. . her cries of ,,uii. biought her ! two little broth-'is, who happened to 1 1, ut (, ,;. t( 11r ,.,.H,,,10 n,t he out ut the tune, to her rescue, terwanls. Salisbury Eauiiner: A strange eiliidv has attacked the horses herc- ! about s. While the Itev. Mr. Stickly " 1 "ouig oiu me oi uer day, ins iiore, a n" nealthy animal, seeimfd sudden i ly to got sick, giving way in its hind parts, sweating profusely and trem ! bl.ng as if with a hard chill. With dif- ucuiiy Mr. Mickley mieeeeiieii in itil- ! tl' loi".v. li;ti'k to the itiilI(i vliii' ! it lay for nearly a W( ek being unable l' st'1!"' '.'I'"" i(s .'''s H(,t npon its feel, yet show ieg a ravenous ' at t i 1 1. Another hor-e similarly i i... i i i i ...:. : .iii.u-Kc.1 wuh .III-UCIH-.I wiiu a aai i J "' " '''s'i('.v ,l,,,l ' hirty grains of ipiiniue, ' u1"1 li " well. Montgomery Star: Kli Lilly col.. who lives in the Zion neighborhood. sleeps, he kicks ut, the object of h jdreaiu-i. He has kicked all the hair oil' his tail. His latest etl'm t was to kick over his owner's dwelling house, and if he had not been checked would doubtless haw; succeeded. He kick ed a hole through the weather hoard ing the fnt lick. Wiliuinytoii Slur: St'-aiiihoaliiicn : report a, forlv feet rise in tho 1 iver i i , ... in 2.011 uud thtil nil the l.iw roniids 0:1 the ! in:iKing the liiu'.inliiiii.s ring. Her i I'11''' cliickciis did ..ivtijiy the steps ; line of Hip C.-ipe Fear nre under w.der. mother having reri.veicd KiiitiViently for a few liiiiiutes while l.o was with 2.112 : wl'ile (he landings in the lower jmrl ; from her fright of her child heing;h- , of the river urc suhincrged, so tlml huriit to death, mum followed and; Charlotte Democrat : An old ooWcd 11.2.) the lo:i can not ttop ut them to lake ; with ni.lgot the girl hack to tho house. ' W(,man n:i:,ied Creesv AVnthins. who ; hi or put oil" freight, us usual. Cuttle, j Dr. Hard wick at Marshall, was upon ; lived on Churcli street near the colored . sheep and other Mock are frequently the spot us soon a-, horses could hiing ( Jjapiist, Churcli. was l.tirned to death 5..r)i) sei n Kwiinmiiig in tlio river, trying to him si miles. J I. says tho case is;ol, s.itmduv night. She was quite ic.iriiuiy (;ioiiiiu, uini ipuic :i liuiiiDer hav( no iloulit oi i-n drowueil. I lio schoom r Joel Cook, which cleared from this port for Alexandria, Virginia, on Friday, took out a cargo of lumber, consisting of uhouCMO.H.'ll feet among which were thirty-three pieces lueas - tiring from shty to seventy-eight feel in length and fifteen inches in width. i 1 liis is considered extraordinary lum- her, and shows that the forests iril.u- tary to ilmicgton urd pojuiliited bv real giants in the way of towering I pines, and with massive oaks, to say ( nothing c.f other iU-cripti()iiH of our! woods. I T....1., r... . Southerner: J lie town - V. '"". t"" .01 J.eiuei was inro.vii intoeommo(i(!i , ,, 1 . 1 1 .. , . , - on last 1 lic.sday. by the t'Xt.loniou of the l.oiier to ii: It. .J. (irunes s Cam . 111 111 r, 1 .o. . .11 . 1 : 1 111 11 1 Leach had occupied in his long hi I saw mill, which wan rented bvcls, ., , . i. l'... ti 11 1, r 1 , many positions of honor and tins l,ro. I lie shock was fearful. Aniir " 1 .1 e i 1 , 1 XT ,T , 1 lie sei ved a term lit the ( onfed.r.i .iii 1 iV u" 1 . 1 the boiler to Dr. H. J. (ii noes s 1:1111 eve.witliess Col N f W 11 n,l 1-COlwbo beheld the si,.l,t s.nvH il,,. ( In, i;o-iuiiu:, vui. in. ji. xiuillllioud, . who beheld the sight, says that the I boiler was lifted hodily from its bed! j and hurled up in the air one hundred : feet. When it fell it landed upon the ' H.KO. ,,-ack of the A. & l. lJailroad. bending ; and twisting tho rails so they hud to 7.00 1,0 replaced wrth new ones. 'Thedis-' Jo.MJ taiice from the railroad to the mill was a little more than fifty feet. Five men wt re knocked down, 'mid the liremani ;so badly scalded that (ho physician' ! says he cannot live. At the hud 1 i n 1 u"n 11 iiuuii , will) neiu a govern - .,ii:., r 1 1 meld ollice ut asliingtoii, 1). C , was 1 1 1 ii i , .-, ,.! 1 t . iii , ,.Jc,.(ed Ihgister of Deeds,' of Hulifux county. On the lirst Monday in De-; ceml.er, the County Commissioners declined to induct him into ofliee. on ! the ground that he was a lion-residi nt , of the State. TlJt, Wils tried lust week at Halifax court, hcfoio Judge I'hilips. Tlie jurv found that he was a citien of this State, and judgment was rendered accordingly. The do- f iidant will probably uiqieiil to the Vi,.. ..,. ei.. 1-. 1 . ..,-.. .... .. 1 um.. mci, . M;il.r;i v mil ii Ii. .-... in.il hn .n.t.,.,ii - - - "I r"""" u.ent. m, ,-uuu nome every eieciinn I to vote, and paid his poll tux to the i emim ui mc Hiuiiij. i e agree wiui ik in I lie lm.r 'I I,.. ...- .1nli,l : Charlotte Journal ; There are three I '1. ,. I.. (( T,., ...... l . ti u sisters in (ijston countv whoso coin- Lined weight is pounds. Allure single and the voun-est of the three is under 1!) years of age. A few nights since us tho Chin lotto hound j Irani on tlio I'arolina Central railroad i was pushing Matthews Station some ; and fell inside the car. narrowly miss- the head of a nusseiii'ea-. Lust ' Wednesday niht. ut 12 o'clock, ft very ' destructive, tire occurred on the iilaii- tatiou of Mr. W. li. J'urks, in the Hopewell neighborhood. Long Creek township, rcKiiltiug in tho totul de struct nm oj the cotton em. gn.-.t and : saw mui, wnn uji i their contents, 1 and household gooda were received at ine tnurioiie, i olumina ,v Augusta depot in this city, being shipped here by Mrs. Fast on. from South Carolina, Among the goods was a box contain- ing anion;,' other things a lot' of eggs wrapped in bed clothing. Yesterday the goods w( re culled for and us the truckman turned tho box over to take it out. a live chicken dropped out to tho floor. Ah investigation proved that the eggs were ".setting eggs," und the young chickens were hatched out while the box was in the depot. Mr. liuet huiim, of .Salisbury, has n (ermitn Hible. printed at Nuremberg i in 1 ,d.). It wt ighs 1 1 Jos. find meno 1 tires If, inches in length. 11 inches in ' width and (i inches in thickness. It is liouni in raw hide hoy skin, with , brass clasps and omtiors, full of i intuitu; wood cuts ami printed in cicr.i ,in l!i'"1 !lllber ol builds to get t i l"1'" t,u l1'0 s1Vfluul1 U!'.',uAl10 t',1"1' ! press that did the work was made by ; piess , , :lVV ' o1' n, 1;1 - in wiiues. a runaway. strikingly similar to the one , tiiat hiqipened to little 1'iank Stansiil. ; two white men named layloraud uir inear this city, a few weeks ago, oc- raway. who live at. the !. ham p.ai e ',.,,.r,..l v,wi,.r.li.v in. I'm Dee Sialioti. went to (I real Swamp to church to- ' on the Caroliua'Central railroa I. The victim was a small M-eio b..v. His ; Cither had been ploughing in a held, 'and at dinner lime iait the bov on ' the mule to ride to the house. The niiile became frightened from stme j uukiioun cause aim n.irisn away. L'he boy was thrown from the mules ; hack, but in falling hi- foot became I caught in the trace chains, and h was dia"'cd across tie fn Id for ncailv u (juarter ol a mile l lore the iiititc ; toi:til he Mopped. The little follow- was unconscious when his foot was 'hsmigageil from the chain, and the doctor, who examined his wounds. fon:id that Cnev were of a nature so . i . a . - i . . e senoiM as id leimil oi nouo.es oi the boy's recovery, giving the opinion , that he had but a few hours t live. ' ., .,.... ., . . , A-;hevillet.itien: i In liOiig l' aneh, .Mauisoii eoumv. uvi;s .u is. j,ei nibbing clothes over a tub. Her dress caught .lire and in an inslant the (lame was to the top of her head. For a moment all was a fieu.y ; then the second thought, and the girl (lew to a branch one hundred yards away, with two gati'., to unlatch, she reach d I here, hut nil t v clolhi'S "were in ' u:.l,es s.-ivc u w:ii-t hand. Shi-rolled . in the hium li. w i 1 1 Mckeniii!' Hcreiim.i iiouDttiii, in t lie et renin. Doing i.iinit around save uliout one inch, the skin : isall olVwhere burnt. She wasalivo at last accounts. There is a Methodist church lately put up in 1'igeou Valley. , the dimensions of which are about ' forty-live feet in length and thirty feet in width and eighteen to the I overhead ceiling which is said to have ! been ceiled and weal herboarded lroin the plank of one single North Carolina ! iioiilar. und very near enough of j .Link loft to build uiKlher church of the ;amo dimensions. , News and Observer: Dr. J- f. 'Leach, om; of the oldest and most; ... nromiucnt citizens ii; the county of: , . ,: , . , ,. , . .. loniisioii. uieu esifi u.i . ill lei il ui iei :n .. 1 ; .... w .... .linen. agc neai v M years. J)r. , , , ,., uie 1 1 " " l' 1 111 in 1 m- v .-il'iau- ,1 ' 'Ohgrcss. 1 liursdav artei noon the mail tram on lias Kalt igli (iastou . is w ver hungry, und tier maids can railroad on its way to Kaleigh ran . i.ot prevail ttjion her to eat anything ! over a colored woman near J lender-j hut the p"iimts. A Justice in our' son. She. was first seen as she ut- neighboiing count v. Wuvue. was a' tempted to cross the dark, a few hun dred yards beyond Hn.iVrsuii. The tiuiiiAvas nearly upon her and though the whi.-tle blew it was loo lute. An instant later the whet Is struck her. Her rigid leg was crushed ofV. the other leg broken in several places. 4 1... 1 1 .. l 11 1. .. 1 is mood ii nil? iiiiiii leui ilea lieilliei ; 1 . , .1 ' Ron 11 physician wus sent to the scouo , 1' 1 -ci of uccidei.t. Hie woiiiaiitf name is Mary I'ullev, and slu? is said () be from Virginia. She died vcMerduv at '.I o'clock. Of all places in the world one would think a penitential v the !'.-.( in which 11 free min would commit theft. Jt really begins to look now as if the walls of the pelii tenliary ulv to serve as a protection against outsiders. Ye-tcidiv Luke .- : 1'errc, colored, a driver for Mr. J. C. nev, the lessee of the foundry at , t( ,j , , ,,lwlltitT ,)f 1 . . u,(,(lt while iiisidt the i iicRsure. Mr. j jm i sjjpdin ,jis W)l,'f(',n im,i i:iu saw him liavoahagin d noting that his actions were somewhat auspicious. asked what to answer and whipped up hi?, horses, ?..i: l .f!. t : i calculating that he would get out the m.iingule. Mr. Stedmuii gave the si-nal to the gate keeper, not to open the gate, so tlie thief was captured ! in a regular trap. Disgusted at his failure to get out. lie threw tlie. Ii: . ot meat us far away as he could. 1I hand will pluv here on the lllilt of May. Chits. M. ISushcc, eso . will lw the orator of tlie occasion, and Capt. K. 15. Stamps chief marshal. in parts of Western North Carolina there is now good sporl to be had in the! ' wav of killing wolvts. It is lirolitable spoit, too, since rewards are ollered lor each won sculp. .ot, many jieo- are to be found in this State. John r. Jlawkms is a punier, who years ago worked in liulcieh. Afterwards he was at Kford, and is charged with going to the pos! ofliee there and uk- ig for letttrs h. lonying to other parties. His olVeii-,e was discovered, , and he fled to .old.-dioro. He was captured there by special agent Spot gins, but escaped from that oilict-r. He came here on Friday, and jester- day was arrested. He is now in cuv- tody. The case will lie tried uet Thursday, before I'. S. Commissioner l'urnell. The reason of the delay is that some depositions had to bo sent for to Alabama. The trial is to lc held here, to save trouble iiml expense. There me several clinches against '. Hawkins. It npju-ms that helms been , roaming all over the Slide. Favcltevillc Observer: We are in , u l.o planted his Irish potatoes be- ; Iwo.-n i.t-w and old Christinas, dug. j j' (Jj-u.t, lireenvill!! lielleetor: UMi .-unua ! gether, m;d on the way home got into , ' a dispute as ' who kIkhiM drive. lay-, lor drew a pistol from his pocket and placing it against Carraway s temple, j hred a hall into his liea.l. Ill" plslol w 4s a siiiull one, and at th timo of being tired was held so near C;rra wav's heud that the bull did not gain sufhViciit force to jienetruto his skull, which saved his lite. Lenoir Topic: A couple of gen tlemen belonging to tho Ethnological depart mi nt of the Smithsonian Iusti Hit-lit Washington will bo sent here soon to thoroughly investigato the Indian inoiinds .iituated in this eounty . ' anl in iuiku. Ains hi.imiliou vus : f ..,,., .... ( . ...vj.muiatlou bv t,e director of some Indian relies ; UmA in Oahtwcll and carried to I NVashin-'ton by Dr. J. M. Spaiuhour. .... ,:,.;.,.,,. t.M. indicate ;,).,,,, i-:,, ,.,, inli-iliii ...1 i and I Ahrtim i this ; wa. ! ac-' ainst ; him. he was convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for three yearsl about one week from the time tho Ihelt was committed. This is his- third visit to that institution, ft is said i that while he wiim in the lock-up here ' a number of chickens hung around the building for sometime, apparently to ascertain if ho were really confined 1 there, ll i certainly true that two or; Mnink. mid plaeiic her head on 11 Inhle ; 1 1 . ., L ,.,i Iuhih wi-nt tn sleep, and prohahlr turned th( laini over. Uer son who came home lute that night found liis mother asleep nt th,1 tahle. and knowing her condition did ie it wake her. hut laid down on the 1 lied and was soon asleep. He was. .iwakeiied hy u stiiiiii;' sensation, und j ! (,,, ,, Hi.il n-iil of tin. room where the tublo was all in a blaze. He rush- j l mil nfihf.l.inr Imi um n,lnnniil ,( dragged the body of his mother) from the" house. The womau hud i heen roasted to death and was a hor 1 ..;i,i,, ,a,i 1 I 1 ... , t 1 m. .1 . . , .. Jlllll lllll. O U '.I I. . 111,1, II 1 11 11 rn i" leiiir i ,T , , on vesterdav from ; 1 .ilurtreisljoro wuci slated that there I 1 , , , , , , 1 t. hud not ate anything since last August, ' was 11 mti leiti iiuiL: ut liiiiL 'iiu u nuu. 1 1... 1 i 1 .. 1 .... mil (iiiiiiniiiiMn,iiiiiiiiiiM-jn1ii,iii.-l casionally a small lu of candy She . lew days ago engaged in the trial of a cause, when some remark was made i that the iiiro look n. be a rellection 011 him-eli'. lie ai'oso and huid. -1 now decline my court null and void," 1 laid aside his cut, rolled up his sleeves 1 and said, "Now. if you want anything. ; you can have it." That limb of tho i i -.ii . .1 1 . law 111 ended to maintain the dignity .!. ! ot ins court. - ; r-n ii i:i. T ZS 23 I.IAEII2TS. l:,-l ,.i-i:- l f ,i- TiiK ;:c .mi t,y NOlUirs. WYATT .V TAYI.OK, llllill l'.ns ,1 commission- tr.ie II IXIS. K.. S Kx.-linn.- Hil l N. 5 Murllli SIh., i:i.Ki.m. N. ('.. April ;i, IW.). ColloNIMAlUiET; Mi l ni..u- ,rs!l, sin, i l. Mll.llni: v N , W''"-'-Ki"'"'KIVM-K,;'1' nViik.c n ... n I 'i'-'!-:,''. t.arro r'i u,, r 1 ! i-m"'"'" mm-""" '"' ' j oVi.-.'i i-.m. i,.. M.-lt - I I-.,l;il.-r,- l-.iilk.c 11 !.!,.v. 11 I l-i-:.. ,- t.arrol, 4 (i SI., , III, I, T-. '.I I SW'-I, ClMMlM-'l llilllli., lit; l",ll.., "S Lar l - I'l l.-I l'.vi -liiw, C'nl i, II.--.1 rllnil, n I l.i-H-.l Appli-H, -i ' r.unii.v, 1:1 'Cir,-.-. ii.,.i-j' C,,rn. 7.'. '! 1 Mi ;i- "fill. I l.-i,,. HV;e.:l I I'lir. X. I'., ;, :, ; Ol.'llllllull'.l, He. M. .Ill-Mi.- I Hilll.-r. i..rjs l'lll. ,M I I.ITL-.. M vis I'.Tio i:t,-,, i-js I 1-. K. Hlll ('"iiiiivu, ;ii ,.:i. li. t-1, h-..' v I iruti i ir. '.i ll i i'iil, k-iiH. w:i,i Tl.-., iii-w, nn-,,n tpi-r 1,,-m; - l-l ' .'I I. I'.-r i'liu - - 1 3' KV'oi'"' pi-i,-.- rrf,,r lury.'I'.tH, - New Advert isenicnts. H K('l' T( )1!'S NOTICK. H VV U A Un a i ii. i.,i ii,,ii -1.1-1 .i. "IV Un- ,, I,, nil p,-i--,iis linv I, nt i. -xliii,i Un '.tli ! i ,r prll, 1NM. .lAMI-S 1'OWIJ.I.. ' April :, 1H.--J. n eXKCFTOU'S NOTU'F .WAV A In..' in iMil,, I ii il .-,ii..r ..( Tlii, nun. Hill. .!' ..-.'I. I I.. 1 .1,1 to-.- ii.. I I,, nil p, i. Mt I, 'IV 1 11 ' I'll mi-, llll'lill-! i..li, -l--i-,',, III I,, ,-li 1 1. ll Hi,' Willi. ' I" 111,1 ,,l.,- I..I.IV 1,.'... ,:iv ,.1 M;l-,, 1I. WILLIAM nil. I.. .Mllivh i.; In.-.l. l.s. GRAHAM & CROCKER, Attorneys at Law, 11-11 pinii-.' In ll III. 111.11. I M 1,'l-ill , r I .lr.il C. i, M;u-, l W, I'-fH. iu STRONG FACTS A ctrnt many f-Ntle are askir hat '.ntK.ular trouMcii liRoWN's IkuN Un 1L.KS is good for. Tt will cure Heart Disease, Faral ysis, Drujwy, Kidney Disease, Cont btini.tinf DyspepM.i, Kheumalisni, Ncui.ilrin, uul all -.iiniiur iliseaaes. In v. oinlciful curative power u Minj'Iy i'cca'.f c it iutmes and cn rklttv t!i- IjUmkI, thu-i liriniiinjj at the fu;iii'Kui'M, and by building up the fytcmt diivcb uut ail disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism, fo.tiliwn.'. Mil., May 7, 1880. My hf.iiiU wa much ihattcreJ by I1cun1.it lt witiii 1 coruuimccj UktttK llruwu'4 liun Hitters, and I tcnrccly It.iJ kirti.xth cnuiiKh to at tend lu my duly liuuscliulu duties lam iiw ii-.iim the third Uittle and I atii ny.nti n strength ditily, and I i.lL.t(iu..v uiiiiiirnd it to all. I cunn-ji .iy too much, in prai t it. Ml!.. MAKV K. liMAHkAH, Kidney Disease Cured. hrikliaiishur, Va., 8Bt, HufTi-runf (torn tulucy tlite.isa, fr tin i.i.l. I kuuld pet no relief, I I ixd JfiuMh'k it -it iJitters, which Luied inc t 'tnplficly. A child oi uune, rei ovcriu from srarlet fever, Ii.mI no iiip'-iiic 11 ml I not - rem to at 'If to Q.it nt :tlj. I j;avc him Iron Ij.Uuj with tU- tuppi.t resulu, J. Kit.) MliNlAUI'U, Heart Disease. Vine St., IT.irrMmrjj, Pa, lJec. I'Bi. After iryliiK differMit liyiciHn pnd many rt-iitcihcf fur (ulji'Mttuii ,i die Ifittl itii',ut rrceiviiii; any lirnt-tit, I ; advised lotrv Uiuwn'4 Iron l.ittrrs. 1 Iwvr used twi bot. ilvi an I never fmid .-ltiythin tha( g.tvo n.c ho tuii' h txlief. I'iu the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, UroWN's I Run Uini.Ks invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine, ATTENTION ! If you need anything in the FARMING LINE you will save tunc niul money bv culling at W. L LONDON'S. lie is now rcceivin a lal'.'O block of " PLOWS AN) rL()Vi;UASTLV(JS, cu- li n.i r'armer Friend I'lows. No. ,1, 7, 7J fc H ltichmond, Kentucky. Xo. 11, Livingston mid Cook 'J-horse, Oliver Chilled, Heiningtoll Avery's W'utls' Unproved Kentucky. Iillkes - hdj so I'lows. Cieor.,iii Stoel s Donlil.. 01r,u r,"t ivs, DOUUlo Miovels, Cotton Sewers. nil klii, r,t VLOW CASTIMiS and IKONS, Clevises. Traces, Hanicx, l.ackbunds, Collars, Bridles, lluiucbtiiiigs. Hoes, Shovels, Folks, Uukes, (iuano Sewers and anytl.ing u farmer needs. Gaife Seed aol Onion Buttons. Has received this week a large lot of TINWARE extra cheap. Can give vou u 15AK0AIN in ' (X)OK STOVES. Another lot of those cheap Ti sofas, cnAias, &c, itisi receiM-ii. nave on nalnl a full lino of GROCERIES, bU' Jl UK CofVee. Sugar, Teas, No. 1 New Crop Cuba Molasses, Cheese, Crackers, Hominy, Oatmeal. Flour, Meal, lucou. Canned (roods of all kinds. Fish, Candies, iVc. If vou wish a first c1i.hu SEWIXG MACHINE is the place to get it. Hitve on hand H huge slock of Cheap for cash or on time for cottou You will also find at LON DON'S a huge stock of DXIY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AC, which will be sold extra cheap for cusli to make room for Spring stock If you are owing me any thing I would like yon to cull and settle, as I want the money before 1 go North. When you come to town be Btire and call ut W. i. ICWDON'S, 11imlK-.r.-, N. a. Mnn-li H. Ikhj. Practical Watclmato & Jeweller, op.,,i.ii.. poi om, i, j lfnl. it; I" . TV. FINE AMERICAN WATCHES A i SFECIALI I'Y. i All ( ioods Warranted as represented. j I.IPAIHINd NEATLY KoNK. ' ' 7-('.'i!l .m l I'nanilnp my stn.-k ,u: I pr.-i- hnf. rc I purliifti.iiift.- i'l.wii.'ri.. I .Winn',' r'rt I'M. :iin. The largest Stock OF Bagging mid Ties IW CENTHAL North Carolina! i For tho lowest cash prices to j GINNERS AND DEALERS writ., to M. T. LEACH & CO., IUliioh, N. C. July la, W2. ly IiAi.Eiuir. N. C, Aug. 21, 1882. To the CrrizKxs of Chatham axd SriiiiorMiiNo Counties: (Jknti.kmks: Wc will soon receive our large iiii'l well seh.'cteil Full fctock of HARDWARE, of every deHoription, Wapn ana Ml Mi PAINTS (all kiudb,) AND (Jl'.V IMPLEMENTS, Lsxthsr and Rubber Belting, &C, AC, und wo ask a sh:irt oi" your jiat ronue. W'c guanuiteo Hatis hicl ion. Our Motto: J1KST (iOODS! lovi:st ritrcF.! Wl'AliJJ DEALING! i!iiMMiuiir, Thos. II . lli iaxs & Sons, llfth-igh, N. C. (HEW Ml WEEUT HERALD. j ONE DOLLAR A YEAE. I 'I'll', l ir iil;iti,.ii ,,f Oils ,r,ulitr ncwppaiier U j '"iiM.inily In, rriihlni;. Ii i-,,iniilii! tall llio le41n( ! ie w .1 n. i..ii 1 1 aIi ib urrungea IB tiui I ii"lill'lllli'lll.-j. Tin- KolUMN NEWS "Mil nir.'s mi-lnl .ll-i ni. ln-M trw U QVftTWt t il. ul,,i,... l n.li-r ii- 1,1 aj .if 1 ANKl:li-AN NEWS I ! Klvi.11 Hi.- T.-Lmiplili- III,HI, lir of lh WM ' """in all iui-iMr Uie I Lien. Tlii roaiur alM j inaki-4 I TIIK WEINI.V liriUI.D I Hi" 111..HI riiluiiMc ,-l,r,,nl, li lutliBWuria. ulll Ui" clii'iiiiuat. hr n vi-k l elveu laUblu) r ; i"-ri t j l'OI.ITICAl, XLW0, I'liCiriKluK in j ,1 -t .- a.i'l -i,iiiMri-tinHmde(iplA. fH tr,.Mi U,l.,,lt,fl..t, , .-III. Ill,,, f, ,11 .J tha , ."liw uiitliit-ui .i.t:.-lmit un lliuuestluo U ; Uib liwiir. THE r.M'.M IiEI'AHTMENT r Un. Wfct'iO.V lit I! M.n Clv.-H Hit iHlfHt u Vll 4 th" IM,,M !!- -Ill-Ill xlllTBi-NIIiMlli nil, I tllBCOWrlM fl.uliiK Ui- 'liiili-x i.r i.'n, riinjier, liluis fur rU. UK Ciiiili-, l',,llllry. O111111., Tr, i,gmMr, i'-., Willi Hiiiwxilniii. f.ir kBrplnd l.ulldlHK Mti fin liilut iiliMii.11. In if!,nlr. TIiIh uaiimtlArBAftt I ! 11 wull-i-illii-J di i.iii iiiii-ut, Wi'lTLiplea. itW tin- liima ill THE HOME plos f,,r .ni,-ili-nl dlHtirH. lilnM furnak . iXX" ; '"- my "iii:i--t.-l 1 ,iugu, wuli tli UUM f vnry lim of mil, III tilth dflJtf IB1UI U l'' U,-ally I. ;. , i.y . xpn-iH i,tr ,ubllrM, 1 Lull,.,,, .., r,iriiui,l I"iiilmrrrwiKiiilMita I "" 4,'r-v '.'"' ("-lil- ns. Tho ll,, mo Depart. I .... in m in,. 1., hi., 1 1 1 1; 1.0 win Have tne doum- l,'i- iii,,n- ilinn "lie liiiiiilrt-ii tlmou U10 price of Itia , 'i,i i-. I'liu liitinit. i,f SKILLED LABOR , mv tiK,k,-,l nfii-r. in, I i-vit.vIIiIiiu rlljp lo too ' ' linnlrM nml lnln,r-.-nvlii! Ih rm-rfully rafurdea. TIhtk I 11 piiKi" .l-v.,lil 1. , nil I In, Immt ptiaaaf "rilii- 1 .1 1 i in ii k. i-. l-r.,,s, MiTcliatidlM, A viiliial'l,- f-i;ii'i, iw 1,'lllnl In U10 POClAll ii,,ni-,l jiMi-i'f. ana .inlii,.ii ,,r j Till. liainrcE AIAH8ET. , S,.,n!ii(! Ni na i t,,,!,,,. ni.,1 aiiruad, Infathar ltli 11 si,,ry i i wi , is. a N riu,,u i,y uom mmU n.'iit .livliiK. l.l:iuii-v. ,iiii-,-itl. lirniiiHllr, Paraoaal .MM s. h n a Tin r,- In in. ,n.r u U) wM4 l.l.-li ,-,'ntuiiif .-, 11111, -h ni-wM tiiatuir erary vaa , k- i!ii, w, kly 11, nil, I, vlili-li In ni, poaut traa, I l.,r oiii Loiliir. V"ii run i.uihi-rllw al muj Una. j T11K NEW YOKK HERALD I l:i u ttei-kly furni, A(l(lrinn New York Herald, lir lu-.iy mi,i aud Hireot. Kew Tork. I)i,ii-tiil,i-r is, lwi. A IU I O. frj NOPATRNT.no l.ur noi. W Iit k4 iiiiiii; lm. iitH, Cjv,ib, Trada-MMta, vAt-a i liiftii I -I'o.ti. , in mi,, nnu niiMr .vvniru. o.ii ion. I !:). isivini: mil HiHlrii,'il,4ulnPtt VI Irrsi. h. s. A. I'. LACI.V. lintAtr out I St.. Wui-liini;iii. i. C. jJou. ll, -m. M 1 1 1 1 1. mm & cn; j KAI.KIUJI. N. 0. SGRAND OPENING NEW GOODS ' 1-1(1. TIIK i SPRING Ui SUMMER TRUE. i We offer a huge and attractive stock I Dress Good. KilkH. Hlantr (ioods, Dress Trimming n. Linens, Domestic, Oing hums, Hosiery and Glorea; Shoes for Ladies, Misses, Children, (ieiitlemeii and loys; Hats; Oentlcniou' Suiting!, had Oasfiiucres, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades ; House Keeping (Ioods, Carpets. Mattings, Ac. Kvervthin- XKW, (HFOICK and DHSIRABLK in the DRY (iOOOS line at poiular prices. llet goiwls for leant money. He sure to call w hen you are in Raleigh. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. H. & R. S. TUCKEU & 00. Miir.-h IS. Ihki. nruoinuo vr s.,i,n,,r- ,. Il- iiiiiy. Iii-"k I'm. lii.TluirKiw tor iii.Mrlari.Mt., pr.H-.irl 14 M-ar ix.nn . A1'lr.M C If. Sllis.v co c . w blnrA.l. l. v.. J tuiiri il, ;h-j. tf. rrnauina ,.n, ; ... TTi ff Tf fA, T"f H 1