mi-aj.Mfc,r,tjj c (thtljam Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., EDITOR AND i'UorltlFTOU. or ADVERTISING. Onesqture. oneiiiM-rtlnn, One square, two Inwrtlons,. Doe Stjoare. one month. I.M TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One erf. onyeur, - a OiitMjr ,t iii-ii.iln . . One copy, throe munth - vol. v. PITTSBOUO', CHATHAM CO., N. C., MAY 10, I8S3. fir Urg advertisement liberal coulracUitlll fit C Jtod ;tom I L- 0 - - ; i m no. r. 1 ho Shadow of the Workiiigman. llili"il j on ewiftl; flying; bom! In o Muciom mi-ht it Henna bIoiir; W. li ;i-..i-e'iil litii K mi'l ,iwrifil I none, I' i ...wily lawn i's li in- il.i-.ui;. To i!i 1 dt: t lantl-t it plowr. its witv. And to Ilia mnuy wealth tlali hiinf;; lis tldiiu;a from thealwnt li.oitne Are welcome as Il.e t-inilin;; n,r ng. You ice it cleave tho n 81 Iras wave, Anil know tiM ooian'a iii-a 't will span; Uut, cast o'er all, canyon I i l.ol.l a The fcliuiiow ol the woikinj;iiiuii! Eee, on llio locomotive rnnli Willi licuiliiiirt iccil u'n iron roar. Like living, hie tilling nitiii.-iri , whom finine unseen pottm iiniuu I punt, Tln.Myli oit-m, towns, ai.il tlnuly tli-lU, O'er KKillli'in' alrt-iimi)Hiiil uoihIIiiiiiI lmli h, ll f icii.l i mi mi wiili cliiiij anil nun j Ay, 'ih-hIIi in ' ml tins' liMimy tli I'ln', Willi cute il f lickly liens uliin.t IMpi'ins of ivc jt nilm uiiil linn; Hill o'tr ihi li tl i tin" view ilu-t m il The aim-low of I liu Hoiliii'jjiiniii? C'oino. (j-izf ii'on tin's iiiijm j Tim (jure i.l' wlii.li in i I ii, ,n iUi-11-j Kimctl liy tin- Mnki ik i last my, As ui.i:y ciniin- Until -unl lu ll; C'on.e vii w it;;inii 'ly-in:i.-,ni walls, Iln illitra, licl- iimI hh li.i mm, Wlrcli uie mi in ml . . -i t u i.i ..to, Without one i iv in iiHM'i tin- i-.v. Ooi llil II. ii II II toil SHI- 1 1 ill t ;;l irj As niiin I i! z ( In i s eon Ii hi, C.ni yen n. I i., in mi ii,. I. Tli i-liifiitw ifl lliu milking i ? (iitrPik ill.- It, I'l,, IIHiilNl.iill III.,1 t, Ami ll i ic li. !,.il. ih,. :.ln.iiii scene 1 1 , I l -1 . Ii l:ml t in iny main, 'l l e I l i'iin I. I.i-,, tin- i,,i-i,.iM - pcini, l. i. Ii I r ml ul liu- n i-,i i i limv, Ail tin :;' I ii.il, I,m-v, ii.,.iiI ii;.., I i'ir i, m i- Hi,-;; ,i,iiiy iiilN im iii aeon, Win r- mi ii .! ii vcli mm' wnr lie tin, I, m.I, n... :,!1 i u-.li'n ,,,. ..,i li'.'l' r r li I'll mt ii iil ii Hmii. ,'aii; Anil Mil ii', in Ii ,i, ii ln I' in, M i, l i r li.nl., nl liu- liuiki. -in hi. My IliJc oa a Star-Eouto. a 1 1,1 i: Mil ii ii. 1 wislii .l in pi fniiili'i-ii miles imrtli. ii' I. Pivijim I mil l pi tlirec siiles i ' Mjiiiii'.'. I l.e (rip, iiinl ijiiliii,' al i! t:., wi-iiM Like IVniii I l.n'i lni li ii. In. in I. Jit ii'i l i. Ii i. in. "I'"f ll'1' :i' -iiiiiinil.it i'lii nf twn Miiiill iest-uilii i ,i Miip-, ii iiior alliiir, ruii.s ilii t- ," ;ti, mini- lm(. 'I he I l i hline-.s i f ii Miinliier limril i'ljr. Hie lnllv i-nii'l, the i-li.-iniii views, the trees, v i 1 I Mower, iiinl sinuiii;; hil'.ls Wtle il ileliijlit, t ell ill thought ill lit I Mliil itt "in e: "The h-t;ii,'e." While lilc;lf:i, tin;,', the n mnrii lii', the chili i, line in itml said in it l"'.v voiit-: "Tin t-t;i;,'e is here, ;iin vmir tninli U nil, hut lililsh Volir I'le.iklilM, the driver will :iit." I went oiitMKin, hut no M.ipi w;is tu he Hi-en, iiinl I ioKeilif it hild pine fur et her .,1M IIL'lT-i. "This is il," mii-l my in-ire liiuhiiir tliiin Miiiiin-; lnt. .uei iiniitln r iii'ieli si-i iit vehiele niiiy J iitMiM-e. tine mh'I, i.lil, white hol-e, illl i-.i-eis W.lpili, the hii -li seilt tl' w 1 1 i - -1 1 hiid Ihi ii l.il.i'ii mi! to make liiolll l'"l' in V (I'linli, iilel the iii'liiip:i df illl I'm ins .(tut Me, fur the ill'iwr ,oViil to he iiii express liiiSselip-r iiinl iiiiivir.iil eriiiiiil hoy n( the luriii t rs iil.iii-r tin- route. I hesiliited. My trunk iis i n, iiihl the iiioriiin; ,-iir rriij;iiiiil. .o, with In Ii, I elimheil mi the wheel, iillil pit hnl into the Wilson, illlil tnnli pns( ssinii ol the one seilt, lllnl plilllt- d HIV leet Upon what seeineil illl ( l:.-I.V l!, lull whieh pfoveil to hitvt" the honor el' lieinjj Hie I 'niteil Stutes D ili , iilel to eolititin t wo pneliiip's ( one nl whieh, .'is I pit tuit with the rrsl V.I i!e the mail W.li I'liilli'eil, I l-iiw i-niiliiin. il ex.'ietly two postal cards and Inn.- new spapers;. " hero is the ilricrV" 1 ii lied. " In n he I'i'iiiul out he w as to have :i lady pasM -up r he went in to empty iind rin-e li s mouth out," wiistlieiur ( H IT. lie t'iime, nut at the elliovts, patched i'l the hiiccs, with cst and linen i potted with toliiteeo juice. 1 turned my head away, us sitting down hes-iih' me, In- took up the tit lis and said; ;'lantr, u'liiiitr. K'liiiijr!" This i fl ri pi iited word id-me hroke mil- hih-nce, until out ol' the villilpi lie htipl'id itt il stone troiip!i, lieiu-iitli mine tree-i, to water his horse. On a 1 pi.njli ii roliin wiis swiiyinp, and Win lililijr his Mvi't-tcst notes, endiiif,' in a Ioiir twitter. The driver, who was stiindin .it his horse's head, took some ( l illnl'S from his ioeket ,'iud held them out. The rol'in llt'w down and ate them from his liitud. With it tlt-iir, Miuinth voice, the lrier ipmleil Words worth's "1 lion nit ill" Iiinl llint niii i ievet lu st, 'i'lie )iioii- liul uiili m-inli!l biiuibt, Tlit- I inl, vvlio lit hi-urn niiinu or ntlii-r, All nu n li" know lin t- full lin n biollit r." lie n;ittered morn triimhs on the ktoiio, liiickh-d the t heck rein, mounted the scat with: "tinod-liy, my little friend, lie here to-morrow, n'liinjr, ff'liiii";!" Tho ilelie.ili! act, the enltnreil Miicn linnle me look at him. His fa e was t h iin and clean shaven; his fi at arcs regular and refined; his oyos large, clear and very deep IiIiip; his hair a hrown Rray; his hands small and, had (Ik nulls hcen elran, would have heen Intiiilsoin". "Who can he he'" I said to myself; lj him I said: That hird seems to know you." "He is alw ays waiting for the male," he sail I. "And always pet something, I fancy." "Always. I rarely have a passenger and so talk to the birds and squirrels, g'lang, g'lang: I regret 1 haven't a hetter hnr.se -g'lang as my constant urging must annoy you, g'lang, g'hm.-:" "Von do not whip him." "eer. lint I often think Siincho i '.iii.i- If -iiii int-, lik t!i j Wander ing .lew, is still o:i e;n th. "And this is her" "This is he without ;i doiilit!" .lust then h dro e through il piece of woodland full of nui-ic. II i-aid; "Mow truly .Mary Ilowiit voices one'.s feelings in lu-r p-icm: 't 'nun- yi- into I' e .innnii-i no, it,! I'nt. nn llliil lid I'll c:in tell lull tlin hilits el' 1 1- iiy inn in . v I !!.' " I l ived to In ar hilll tillli. Hit I. in ,u;ie w :n pure, his anecdotes r- "'" 1 ""i.i i"'i M'"", u" it.itl..., - we,,- frc.pie.il, hut hiicf I I"""'- "Who ran he he!" 1 a ked myself ii'.'.ii n ;tii I again. At farmhouses he stopped to give packages, Ir-nii it lii'-lnh d scythe sliiith to it gold hv. ht. And whenever ii good woman ran out and called, he took her wishes in a note hook, w ilh all the coiii trsy and I., ai i-ig of a tli.iioiiglil.ri d piith iiiiin. I tdok the liheity to glance at !"' hook. The writing and spelling showed him to he a tiou. man oi euui nn. .en so many slops pn-ic... your imiliiug time?" inked. "Oh, llo! I it'll 11.1 ohliged to In id until IJ m.. and I started two hours earlier than the old driver did." "In order to oblige the farmers along the route?" I asked. "In pail; hut Tope says, 'Sell love and .social are the .same.' I love the morning ;nr, I l..ve to speak a word to the go,,, I people, to break the dead i. ion, . ten v of their work-dav li es bv a bit of stirring new Truly.thcse hours on the loiiil are the ph a-antest of my lile." "Von are never lonely?" "Never! Willi (mil and nature can one I e lonely ? " - gemc-mii'i, ii ti a line pa..- hi blood hor.-es passed up. and they e- ,' eh.'ingi.l crdiiil greetings. The diivcr , "A woman, w ho had worked in the family of t hat gentleman's fat Iter for in.iiiy yciirs, lie took care of the last ten years. She had become helple-is and in il. I blind, so w hen she died last mouth she aiis pal mourning for. After she was mad-- ready I'm' burial and laid in the pari")-, a well dress, d stranger called to see her. lie ,hiu told she was dead. II" said he hitd not been east for thirl v vc.irs. and VV t.ldd like to see her. He stood it few' liiiiiutes looking upon her, and then I bent down and kissed tlmt cold.brow 11, wrinkled forehead, and left two groat j tear drops on it, ami w ith a clinking nice said: "My mother's dearest friend!" Alter ii moment the driver turned! to me ami said: "in. you suppose those menus Knew , hawser, ami bandy lively omnpli oitch other when they met?" monts with theih-ck hands of the "I urn sure they did." I said. "It is a ipiostion I often ponder. My wife died when she ha I just passed into full and beautiful wiinianhoiiil. She hild ton, hid her thirl iet'i year, iind I Wits hut it hit It oltler, in the vigor of my manhood. She is now in the freshno-'; i f her woimi'd.ood with the eternal freshness of iiiavcn. If, as Milton has it, 'Fin 111 II -lowts' deep a lower deep Still opens,' so, from the highest hight a higher . bight must i rise; and she, who was purity itself ! esting gossip about the ownership of ' ercl hooks, it is not a body of div initv must he purer now. And we grow . the Podges I.011 -o, near Ih" White , or dogmatic religion, but it is a liturgv. like those w ilh whom w e mingle, and 1 louse. Henry Clay used to own the a collection of pi avers, hymns, in vuca she, so lovely hero, has ben for I'd on which it stands, lie was es- i lions and thanksgiv ings to nianv dei twi iity-sovon veins Ih - companion of i pccially devote I to his Ashland farm lies. It is a m enial of Worship, to bo angels! How glorious she must be! j and the livc-tock upon it. One day recited by the priests in public, and Will she o-!:i she know inn there?" I old ( 'ommoilore .loin. Kotlgers oil. no nail privaMy by the laity. The Almost 111 v first ipiest 011 on reach- I home from tho Mediteriiineaii with his liinlde N, s. h is a later book of the ing my friend vv its: "Who is that driver?" "I have not the honor of his acquaintance!" she laughingly an swered. "I have!" 1 said. So soon as the post -wagon drove on, I still tnl for the post-ollice. "Will you please tell me who that driver is? " The postmaster gave his name and said he was mice an editor of - naming one of the best papers in one of our largest cities. "lie is a man of elegant culture," 1 Haiti, "Ile Is that. I don't know of any hody that can touch it niittch to him. lie has been through college and heen to Dnrnpe, and h is heen a- pi iiiite I with a g'nid many ilistingui.-li 1 men." "What hat hronght lilui to this?" "Drink." .I-.. -'' ;. $uifirl. Scenes in Holl.iiul. When we finany got through th4 various 1 . i, t and iiniedimerits into flu? canal itscil, ,ve soon saw that the artis tic proinifp of tho land would need much careful looking after if one w ould have a moderate f iiliillment thereof. It is hut fair to say that the canal was evidently never intended to charm or amuse to any intense ih-gree, hut t In simple anil solid iiii l dir,"'t. It is no small, iiieiiu runne'l of a waterway, hilt a go.idly Wide il'ld ie-p tiling thitt a ship cm g--l iihout in coiu I'ortiilily. If one inii-.t eoiiie down to ligures, I will venture to say tli i I fancy it is some hundred and odd mill-.-, in length. Siillicient for th" day, hw I'lir, w;i. Il.e fact th:i! it. would t.i'.e us t-i Alliiuaar, an 1 that id mg its riish-friiig d hank ; were pjlnivs p:; s ing evt'i- hefoi'.- in of I'i.n sleepy il higiM and skirts of town.-, fat farin steiids, juicy pastures. Meek cows, and losy-cheelii'd milkmaids with siccus rolled aliow rlhow -so tightlv that tin- , lustv arm hclov, would l.e more thai. j i( , .( , a, nali,,... ! There were tie- t.:imin-r nold-rs and I he jiiiinty w iiidmills in rich pi'orusioli and variety, an I :ill the familiar oli- jeets of it pleasant I Hitch l i'ids.-ilpe. On the forward ih-ek of the I oat wasa i.'oodlv pile of market l.ail.ett and , lioM-s, and mo'inliug to tie- top of lli heap, we M'l.'.li-d a soft liasl.ct :'-r-t , iiiidiiug sure that it didn't contain ! cl'''s its a i it ii ii t of iiuta-.ro and a I skel.-hing s.-..t. i.nd then w e 'remai In d ;,.,. .. ,.,..,. Ils !ls ,...... did to the oceii'i, that il might "roll mi." ! Not thill we li 1 1 uii'hilv Miuiiaiit or I ; t, ,.;,,;,, lls nous for th.it. The furl her ie.it!t one goes in Hol land, the lllore one's illl- litioll is called to the rapid increase of swirling orna ment as a feat m e of doiiicsl ic and i ie architect inc. l'.-n on tin- hitter class of farm houses, and more notably on the inoiv pretentious cnuntrv , vlMas sKil.,;1;, ,..,.,, ,.,. ; -l.i. .n.-.l in 'i.m t fantastie shapes of ......... .,,,,) k,.,.,,ii .,,i n, 1.1,, ,i i,,,. !,,,.,,:,,,. ,.;,,,,,, i:..,.. ..........i. iiboiit the gables is fiiilher cldiiiiiccd by st, tilling tllccts of jiiiiiliii;' and gilding. We toiicheil at a few of the little docks and lauding pl,i'"s along the waterway, and note I many delight- fillly li:iilit bit. ),,(,, f,j- j,i,nisiii r f color, in well iis liiiiiU'lers and i mi - cuts, bii'-k-gr. Hinds of cottages rich with downy, elvct-siirl'a I tiles and mottled In irk. spln-dic I w ith mo: s and stain and lichen, taking every tint th.it ii fat humid air Knows so well how to paint - if it has plenty of time. The window frame; would be iiainted it da.limr while, tlieeiiilains.il spotless .lin.lii- ll... vlinii..!-- -ii, I .1 i ,,f brilliant gicca, the -iw sheds and out. lion es id shiny I l.i I pitch, and often the trees would have about six feet of thel.,vv.-r trunk piiinl.-.l a "forget-.no- ..of (cheap sort of, blue. Lots of Mowers, pleutv of Miixeii-haircd chfldrou all, ,i,e eye. girls, lots of dildiS and j,,.,. ;,i.y inimbcr of oats. M'e noticed the prevalence of female, Inbnr in a "loimMiore" sort of wav l.bout the various landings. It woiud be a strapping rosv th with sleeves ! wall tiiekc.1 up wlio would deftly oatoh steamer. Tin v hiinilled the lim.ter freight to and fro, ki. kin- about the ! "' ' I'1 the"I'itchas,",.r liuddhist tubs of butter, and "shy ing" the bound- s,'I'il,t,"v. huiguage, found ing bullet i "I elastic Dutch cheese in tV.vi""- line manly st.vl,-. They gave them- ' 'i.d-Av.-ta (i. e., the text or solves curium, "se;i-dog" kind of airs, so'l''"1, with ;i zoml, orcomuicn too, that lent them it certain charm of ; ''"-v 1 is "f their own. Il,ni ,'s M:ii:ii,r, j cient I'arsoes or lire-worshipers. It is ' supposed to have I it written in lice- llem-.v Clay's lii iil IMate Sale. tri;i or eastern Persia, I'J-MI t t 1 The Washington correspondent of years before Christ, bv Zoroaster or t he liostoit .h , lis r has some inter- , naval vessel In il of live slock which he had picked up abroad. 'I he cargo included one line Amlalusia:i ja-kass. Clay wanted it for his farm. All his oilers were rejected, until one day the commodore said, in joke: "Vou ran have him for your lot t ppo-ite the White House." Jlune," was ('lav's reply, ;iu I the animal was shipped off to Kentucky. The commodore built the now historic house, which Secretary Scwiitil occupied during the war- Here Pay ne endeavored to assassinate li i 111 on the night when President Lin- coin was shot. The lot is now vttfuud at 110,000, SACKED HOOKS. The Hlli'r a ituovru lo I he Anrlrnta. The follow ing bri. f sketch of the sa- ered books of the World is from a Bible ; cl;ns lesson by Prof. II. A. Ford, in a ' Now York mission Sunday school: j Certain religious iu-tincts, at the , consciousness of a Supreme lleing, of a life beyond the grave, of future re I Winds and punishments, of a sen,- of ! sin and the. need of -a. ilice, are coin- ' inoii to humanity, s.t ,-iIs-, wlicr.-er i a nati'in Im s h i I a ii r.ii are, iisnli- ! gioii ha; n-ii.iliy ll -d upo'i : ;t i I book ;---thoe ii the a . i , ;i,.i of il writ- j t'-u revi-iii'ion. I-;, ry great religion i llili its llibl-. I ! The best known of MioMf books, save I ' the Jewish and the Christian, is the j Koran ,. Mohammed. Tl,,, tillo of this means "The I.Yadiug," from the I i Arabic verb I'.-r "to r.-iid." Ollu-r j names are Al Kil.tb, or the I I.; A Moshiif, the veliime; Al Hhikr. tie- ad monition , r r--miii.lt r; ami Al I'oihan, or the siilviiiioi. The HI sina. or i chapters of th.- Koran w-re professedly j given to Mohammed iluring t le-1 w .-nty- I t l.n-e years of his residence id Mecca ami Medina, l.v the angel Cabriel in human form, as an inspiration from Ah ah, or the Almighty. They were written iip-Hi Laves, bits of leather or paper, sh 'Uldei-b,idei of multoii and w hate or el-- w as ill hand, and throw n loosely into ;i I, ,-;, f-(,in w liit-li thev were taken ii tear iilter the prophet's death ami pn logelher with e-jnal lo.- ei ;.s iiinl tli sie-'ard to connection of topics, in -I . i ini-.s. The chapters boar sin-h titles a-, Tin- Cow, The J-'i-r The Star. The Towels, The ( 'oime.il.-d Flo nl. ami (hi l.ke, giving some hint ! "I' ' . lit --lit i. Fa.-h begins thus: '-In i Ihc llil f C...I, the iiii -I t-i fi 1 1, the j eoliipii -.-i.-iiiile," ;eid a note is made of j lli" r' el.ii ion a( ciih.-r Mecca or! Medio i. N'i I e ,ly is the Cod of the Christ i.ins ice... ,ii.-e,l, but id-o ,1. su-, ' but not as the Son ,.f Cod, and A bra- j ham, .la.-,,!, and Mary and the Old i Te t.l'iiem V.. r;li: -s. Tin-sttl" of tie- j Koran is of lingular elegance and : beauty, erne. I ;'u!:iig il (he cla-sie of Arabic .p. -is h. js c,,. ,.N ,i, Mi sh in lailhiind likew is,- of civil gov- j eminent in a. I the Mo-loui countries. Copies o' it are greatly revered and are s lime, w riil.-n in -r..M aa.l jewels. It is le ver liel'l b, tie- In lii-vers below the j.il'dle or t-nieli. .1 williollt prev ious puri.ie;it;,,i. Nill.ing is more hateful t-i the Mil seliuaii than t i see a copy in tin- hands of a giaour or iiilidcl. A much more am i- iit coll. i lion of writing; is the Vc.l i-. the oldest books . in Il.e Hindoo lilcraiiire, and dating far back of the tin f Christ. The ' oldi-M hymn of the ,, ,s book, the I Jlig-Ycila, is thoiighi t dale from ; Ii. ('. -Mi hi. The 1'panir.hads, or treat- j i sos nf theology, arc Inter, and ureal- mod tie-only part of the Vedas now road. The four i -ions of the l'llas t-oi.tiii in iill Iiijii huiins, w hich every-i liiiihim li'iel h-iirii bv heart. Thev ' alv ,r' ,1''1 ''.v J"',ws W hi-h fol'li. (lie text f lii'iihiuin- 1 ism. They were written in twelve bunks ten to nine centuries before ChriM. The mythol'.gy of tho Hin- ' ' -scompHso,, niiiinn in two great . V'"'.' I"""'s. and the I -Lili.-it .1 i;irat n. containing respectively .M,iiiiiainl ljo.i'i'ii liu, s, ami together lilling oightieit 'g - ninnies. These 1,11 'M'tusiv ciy rtaii as ine "ered books. ,f India, vv ill. the I'uranas, : sun,..,. . uaia tcr om uiiicn lau-ruaie. ' IM... k.-!.... t..-. .-l'1... 1.. . . ..I iiv 1 "' -"..s.i-is . .-n;.su as ( --o, ks ) is ii ' oiu'ral tt-ru f.r u)t 1 1-.-iiitb.-ul.itive rc- ligiousiiuu 1cg.11 vv-ti'i's 01 I lie minions. The liuddliisl ,s;i, -rod books are also ' " '"""' "ul 1 Il;,M" ,,,r Zarathustia I'nlike most other sa- same ivligi m. and details the Parsoe doctrine from texts now lost. The religion of Confucius, the prin cipal faith of China, is taught in the live iind four books of the Kings "King." in Chinese, means dimply a Wi b of cloth, ,.r the warp that holds j thii iid- of cloth in their place. The i live Kings 10 iilain history, poetry and 1 'the rites of religion. Tiny seem t ' hav e boon in existence before Confii- t ics, win s l ist years were devoted to J itstdiling. His own teachings are 1 otherw ise embodied in the four Kings, j ' which were promulgated after his death. The last 1 f those. Includes tho I works of Meneius, another ChiiK-so re- former. Taoism, or the religion founded by Lao-tze, in the siime age with Confucius, rests upon (he bookH ailed Tsi- hto, or "Old Teacher," and the Tav-te king, which specially repre. scuts the notions of the illustrious Lao-tze. It is an inl -res' ing f.t'-t that the Ta. I'ing rebels of Y I. nl- thoii'-di not professing to be ,b-w or Christians, took our liible for t'o ir book, and elai mi i that if their inoir : -ti -ii tut. j.,,- t, l.-d ll Wolll'l I." .'.lib wri'in-js f Confii.- and l.;m-1e. Tin- ;::ev-.i li-rv pti in t W l S.TTnl b inks, ill Ih e t .lining hymn - in prai v h:il I'oily-la-..-,. con. -f tin- '.'.-ds, instruclioiis in moral, religion.. itcs, the odiiciilioli nl pii-.'-ls ami I' Lit' d mailers. The Crook iind lioiimii nn t h.-b.-rv bill HO Sill el b.I'll.S, .lilies, I Cltlllll Ml. el ic;d w. rks may be la' t ii f..r such. The two Fdd.H set forth the m;,tho. ogy of the Nois. or iiie ieiit ea.nini r. litti '. I liey oi i-jiiiii'.-1 I" leel.lll I, (he iio-tie or el Ii I' I'M In , pri.-ing thirty-seven p-liions poem i religious and In oiiiigcr or pro . s li'.psis of t he hi. -lory, iin-l the' l-la giving :i "'Ul in t h d. -'v. . term "Fdda" ite-.r. ; unit le r." !ol Ii l ic -.- . , long al'I'-r ( I.ri-l. I 'liiisi, :l i.i.i l -. lull I rund-diit- .11. f ll of sii.-r.-d or S'-mi-,-i--re I cli-i-a. 'e, j known to the world. e, --pt the li!i ol th" .Jew.: and thai of the ( bri. t lam Cllllolllti.il Inn. Huring tie- Ceiil-'uniiil . ihil.,li..n the I'liiloil Slates buildiii:.' wa- the -cone of :ili imiuMng bluiider w hi'-li. le .vv , , or. taught on-- lady t h le e. . jiy ,. oautioii. 'I'he gov e-'iii,i n! Iia-lilres-.nl 11 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 -r i, w I. ii :.i,ii ii. .. ai'M d iind paia't I .1 to re- "inble - Idier- a:i l sailors in ih-- v.nioii- unif.-rin . i f t In anity i. : 1 I ll.l'. l. So I. fe like Wi lithe-' "dinmnio " that biiii'lro.ls pil'ise.l to ii-ln.i:o lie -in, and . 1 . n . 1 1 r ' .-tilers the I. ..lie.. ",i list ,-ee tl.il' oiie ; there!" s.iid one ! the ladio;. U'hi, 1 should iiliui --I think it alive!" iind ! she poke I the 10 -e of the supposed 1 dummy." Imagine .t-i- toiii,r-ia. j lion when il d'-iii'i-i ilely I i;rii- I around 1 and walked liilly away. She had mis- taken 1111 : rmy i ili 'i-r (or a "il'iinuiy." , In mao'iim-iy hall w a- oxhibii.-1 .1 ! machine f..r v .-lit ila' ing mines. i ! sent 11 ji-i'.'. 1 1 1 ul eiirretil of air through ii pipe -i inches in diameter. A iiiov 1 able 110I0, l'u:.ii. I -.liiipetl, enabled the bov-opcr.iior to turn the curreiil in ! iiu.v dii'i- iion. A Mag w:is hung up a! ; il ill-:. III. e of lit Ict-ll feel from He , lllil'llilie. So ili'ol.g was tin- ill II il.l 1 of ;iir when iliroelod ag.iili-t the Mag, : that it would hang out at luht angles j from the pole as if blow 11 by a gale. 1 lie liiisi l, oils boy, m t colilolil to blow the Mag. soim times sent a breeze among the special irs. A niiin vvithii broiid-bi ioiiied hat iiinl long brown hair was leaning ou r the railing ami peering at the lu.'ichi-ie. The buy sent ii current against the Mag and then tinned the hl.iM. which acci dentally ioll lull upon the uiifoit 1111. il, stranger. The result was an unlook- o,-o,-catastrophe; the hat and brown liM.Ks , jhi . .... , 1 head iis smooth and round as a pumpkin. The man ran after his truant hat ami wig; the boy dropped tint liozle and lied, thinking, doubt less, that a severe penalty awaited him for l.aviig scalped a man with a L,rust of w iinl. Tiiralrii'id Tricks, Curious as it may seem, it is not generally known by the theater audi once that the 'perilous leaps," "(errilie Scaling of precipices," and other similar feats whit h fall to the lot of the helo and lieroii f the play, are in almost ev ery case pel formed bv a liunniiv." JI111-. it is not the pinna donna who, ! iis "Aiiiii.ii" in -La Soiiii.iinbulii," I walks in her sleep across :t t ii-nibhiig 1 bri. lye at the back of the stage, nor in I 'The h'om am ' of :i poor Voting Man'' ! is it the lea hug man who lakes it Mi. 1 lllg leap Irol.i a tower, but ill eil'-h ease a carefully drcs-cd "dummy." whose hones are li.-t particularly precious. They tell this story of a "Muzepp.i" performance 111 the old days, which show s how this theatrical ti ick some times results: A cel. 'hinted star w :s playing the piooe and had it circ.is rider ma lo up to look like him to do the riding, of course the andit-ucc siipp. se.l the rider to be the star. In those days the runs up the mountain wore elaborately arranged, iind the Might of the wil l horse w as a stai'llui" incident. One night the horse fell w dh the rid-r, ,-r;ishing Iroin tho Mies to t he stage. The curtain was rung bivn, ;t.t.l presently the star was led bcfoie it, staggering as though badly injured, and said that, in spite of the fall, he would endeavor to lini.-h the play. And he did so, amid frantic applause. Tne r wretch of a rider bv m "' hospital for four weeks. :"'ll' "'citrleHH. ,.iih May, around Cape Flattery ami down the coa-t from Tatoush to i;ia's Harbor live various tribes of Indians, who, as himtirs and lishers, .,r-as hardy and fearless as any race ,,f aboriginal men in the known world. . While the writer was at (Juillute, the Jmiian village forty miles below Cape Fliillery, last fall, it whale was sighted ,,f the b. iieh. ami four canoes at once stail"d towanl him. Soon we were upon the monger, who, lolling lazily along, paid no li' i-d to the d- li-tra- 1 iolis of his pUII.V il -Sitililllts, but In- was rudely ,-iwiik ii.-d. The foremost canoe darted forward, -tri-l "tliud!" went the harpoon into his Lr-.n 1 b:ek, buried neiirly to the shaft. The c:i'io.- was stopped and suddenly bio f.. d, a al le.lie too soon, lor. w it'i a sudden and t.-r-i j lit- sma-.li oi Ins lliikes on the w at.-r, barely luis-ili'.' the ne;ire.-t fill , he i-.'iuided. A numb r of -"-il I. in bl.i I- h-rs, lilst to tie- hill pooi. lilie. were t l.row ii over, ;i:i I ll ill ill t III II as it ciiiiie up mad line up, liiil.lo l:el w Mil il line t' the l'.'1'.-llli,-! eau-ie. I 'pt llllle the lie. 11 st.r. an I w ii !i it f. ai I 'd lun-h all lour .swcretlrag.od thi'meMi tin- wab-r I at ii fi-iirful rale as he slaib d for the I iit ii fearful 1:1! OCOilll. Four or live rale, w hen hi ; llilldlllosl Cillloe p:e.t tl th-l- iies was run at this ee slii .:eiici, and tie as hiiulc I Ciiut mil ly Hid ilic-tier hail II 1 was ib-xtoi'oii ly p. mil. I, and this . canoe ;i .-limed the I'l .'it phi. e in Il.e 1 pr-.i-i ....ion; with the olh' i s bringing up tin- rear. Another w ild nidi, but .-boiler than thelir -t. mid a p p. titioii of j th.- pel I', nuance, tint 1 1 i'l" re w 1 re half I a do. 011 Inn po-.ii s aai i - d .111 I double as i many s. al-km l.la.hh idiot ing iioiiiel ' the e.lliia-le. III. 01 .1-1, p -Venting h's I sin1 ing or soiiudiii". Finally, iilt. r ! hours of ii prolon-, d light for hi, lift i against his rclentl. s- f-.t ;, l!u- c up ! ! ; i :i e w iis given v :' li t lie 'it n o, ii ii:,,d ; plunge and he w.. ours. ' h.-.-e li-,11 . of pa.ldliitr and :i ii.t-.lv lolh- -ut II on 1 iind the whale sunk In tn-.t' li tin- water : was th.- hard t.r- before the whaler. ; belt. If the prize c-illld be I c.e,e. illld l.'iirly call.-d tle-ir ..vv 11; but gallantly ' they bin kh d t-i it. hoeplll r time to ( their Work with il high-keye I, nioiioto- iioiis ohanl, iind an o.-oiisional o;ir pion . 1 ' j ing, blooil-curdlin'.r veil injoi-ti-il into it. j th.it was calculated to raise a casual 1 spectator's hair on end. On the bo.icli the entile remaining population of the village were await, ing around huge bonfires the return of tie- hunters, but by n means in silence, for the yelling, whooping, singing, crouching, dam ing. tbi -kv. half naked figures, a, 1 hey plunged in and out the ruddy blu.c of the hug,- drift-wood files, reminded 1 ic of descriptions of infernal region . I he canoes are .-al'c-ly beached, tho whale hauled up as far ;i; strong hands can drag him, and left till the outgoing title exposes his full proportion 011 the beach, when knife and axe ami saw do I in ir w .,1 k till of the hu"e animal 1 1 . 1 1 1 - itt 1 . loll but a few well-stripped horn.,, on ami .nor which the Village i,,gs et.. .Illl light ami -nail t II tin- incoming to1 wis tiit iii vv ilh i. layer ! sand. The t ineas, 1, i.,-, among all t 011-eerm-d in the eaplnre then and there alike, except thai the holi". pi. it, ex. tending entirely , 1 to I t he am niul and including (he tioi'-al 1 n. is tie- property of him whoso lin k., harp.. -li was the lii'sl to strike tin- whale. For many days, leiisls, song, and - mall poUaohe. cclebratc their hicky fapt 11 1 .-. and the v kdtige linaily iis-umi's its normal , omli- tloll. Simple Cure for Dyspepsia. gdll le II. 1.1 W ho l.s ill business in ".'s city ha- cure. I himself of a 1 hn.n i,i "nl ugly lo nn of dy -pt p-ia m a v .-y siiu ly way. lie was given up 1 . i;.-, but he f nally al'.imloi.eil alike '. le. lor. ami th,. ,h nn, ..ml ies.,it, . . . a in t In " ol treatment which most I It r-and ino.l p. i -,,n-. w mild laugh 1' it- "an old w ..man's r.-ni -dy." It was simply the swallowing of a ti-a-. ipfid of hot water before breakfast cv.-r iii.riiiii-r. lie took the wali-i-fi. nn theeook'steakotllo.aiitl so hot that he could only t .ike it by the spoonful. For id. nil Ihiee weeks this morning ties' was I'epoatitl the dyspepsia all the w Idle decreasing. At the cud of that time he could eat, he says, any In iikliisl or diaiier t hat an, wi ll per son eoiild cut had gained in weight iind has over sii.ee been hearty and well. His wi ighl now isthiity or for ty pounds greater than during the dyspepsia siilieiiiig. iind for several y( ars he ha , had 110 trouble with his stomach nidi ss it wa-soiue teuipoi.i I V Hit ell 1 1111 11 e due I o a late supper or dining 1 ut. and hi such a case a sin. glc trial of his ;int i-brciikfast remedy was sure t 1 sit all things right. 11 obtained this i li;i from a Ccrnian doc tor, and i.l turn leeolilliieniled it to otlieis, iind in evciy case according to 1 this gentleman's account, a cure was elicited. I In 1 If nfil 1 mi runt, The Story (if Life. S.y. wll V i I.l- ? 'Ji- to he l.'.l"; li. l,,-.- lul-i- In ll..: liht Willi il !i.o. iv.iil, lis il Ilic lie. ill i'oii t-.l I ii t l-tutly nn ...n ii'-1 1 ni;lil; 'J'l BI-l-J", III -I' t-, mid nc i i.iii'i Willi runny mult s l elni t it un l Hi"1' An I lln-ii n tin; infiinl kmhv 'Jo let ii I eiliin, s'iilcly liny, j; ,;.-v il. -'i!i- l.i- lillle urn s. Wen- In- I nl t-.in-t' .iiih of lli jo)'! 1 o 1 1 , ill -Inn I, loiin I wo to ten, A inc: iv, ii Iv t-liil I and lliun A-i I lin n in ct. it nn. I titinsers tlu.I, To l.-i.l n t-i - .y H t- ll.-t-nl.ij-ue, Am I l.l.-. k il, nil i.lilliinl.ili I'd. Wall iiniili unl nil-ill if nil n.ii A li'i.tni nit I,, li, I I it it-1 fen, Ami , i,.liiie l.'ilic. Il.t inn! tlii-ii? Ati'l Mien, iiii-ii-ii-t-1 in .-lictiili mid 'Vt 'J o l.e, nn. mi, ii v.nitli tall ;t-' a. A lifin in Ii,. ninth, i 's it i--, A lining A - I , in III- on u. 'I ,. Iil.cnll- ll.i- w : . .1 -, ..I llli il III l,i.-.,t,lul. e .-1 , mi I lllrllT An I I I-. I Wn'i I ; . II. Ill I li - 11 net 11..0 10 ,1 iv.-.l' il I.l I- I ", I., t -.-!!. .IIJ I'l l.ll I llil.-l- --1.1.1 ..I ll s. -1,01111- urn! 1. 111 l-.i I.e.:.'; . . 1 . . ; 1 . ie., I .i n, . i.ii t lln it! 1 1 .1 le Ai.-t -..until I 1 An I In-. 1 in I'., ii. -.in 1 I : tint lie-I I III.-1 11 1 i k 1 -I 1 M I lilt-'- ilil-Iituv J'l' iho t, Mil, III III III I I, my ..I 1 hi; Milt i Ii .ho 1.1 in-1 ki n, liive tlll.l Om II? .., i Si 1 An.l 'it' .1 1 J 1111 :.. I ,,1 .. , 1 r - ii.l- i'l'MiliM' fl-'-l l: I I'll! I'll! Wll S. 1 van vv i-l-ling. -efe- .11 dollO'l'S w ith- g .pi iiii i. .. ir" so .11 li iciiil that III'. I- 11 I ill 1 I I'e 11' 111:11 I . r l iii-l in rile, ill a!'. I '"!! I r. v ii, : ;i n . :- .a M.i".'-. an ; la. nn . t drain I ;h ill.., ut y . .111- l:-.:i pi'o-lueill'r I'c- 1 .1-! 1 'our .-I ! la tiiop. d ill in-el. ;IT .'. ,i'i tie- !.. lit pin i'tlil I'lnelit le l is 1 ., r;.tlii:i ol th.-il . j n.ilit . A i 't ! 1 i e,.u'o -. i .v 1 1 - . .1 ; ri 1 woman i- 1 .1 il;.-:- -I 'lil'- n oil I-. all iiv ing And tiie 1 . w I ! iit a unlit .11 y college i ! . be -'.li'li il.'d le ill- he,- I olm' sot -i I In- .-Id I.i ly ni-.iiit oray . "Why ilo y .-ii .airy your pockitbook iii y.-ur I. aad ? " ii do d a Philadelphia 1111 1 am Vi'llllg Wile. "Oil, I reply, "il is s., light 1 .-mi jhl jump 1. ut ol my .ook- VV ,1- the .it 1 .11-1 I' it. Ti.e -t mws i r, mi I'..-11.1. l-.i- is that tie- iii t g "V o: nun nt l.e toil just live hiiniit The inhiib t.nits are now 1 lain, ring b r a II I, oil .- every hour; I ul m.i iv lil.ei'.d- think this too long it t ol lll to be . o . tel.t VV it ll perfect in i-loio, iin I a -ep toward do-pot isin. It 1- li'-inid thai thee i- twice tie profit oil In tl . thitt tilt-re is oil ,-ow.s, and ll'- ju -I a ; 1 asy to kt op pal' hillg II picket b ,u e in. i-i. I ;i hen-yard and light your m i :hl. .is vv 1m ovv 11 gardens, a- il 1 - to lix up pasture u alls and Inict ov or t In- .oii'it iy loi-liiiy annuals and sol lie for lie- . I, image they have done. d. ball. bit l.lo I', the noted piaiii-t, II e l to pi ide Ion . 1 ll 011 the particle w iii h pi e. 1 di 1 1 his mi 1 no, and paradci I it on ov . i t ot o i i..n . -io you know," I ice -aid to iin a. 'pi.iiiitimcc, "that t he 10 I . id 1 of my family dates from t lo- t TU a h 'J One of my aiii estors ;tc eoi.ip.niied the Fmp.-i-or FarbarosM) " "O.i the piaiio'.-'' a-kt-tl tl I her. Presort Iittr Fewer of Soil. ll is well known tlia in soil where lime abounds, dead bodies are 1'iissiliz.cil in ;t few years, or ov en .1 few months, alter burial. In sod where there is no lime, there are soim-timcs other ele ments ihi h t'lloii preserve the fea tures of it buried body llliehiil.gotl fiii lii. Iliv year.. Tie- philosophic Hamlet, inn ing by an old gi av e over the fact t hat man 1 111 11s into dill, and dust into tot Ii, et I nn : - I'li-'l ell .1- .1- . .to 1,1 llliil Illl nr, I 111 ,'lny Mi. Ic -I, i' .1 li'.Ir Iii kt'i . Hie uinil unity Unl vv h.ii vv -mid hav o boon his mus ings ll he h id stood b -si, I the disill toii'cd b ..iv of his lat h.-r and seen brovv ami I "i ni iippt ;n ing ,1- 11.1t 11 nil iis vv hen he gave "the world ils-.ll liltlee of a man?" Vet this might hav e boon, for there arc numerous eases 011 record where bo !i. s disinterred for removal niter y, ill's of interment, have been lolllid t" be us well preserved lisif they hiid been only a lew days dead. Con 11.il Wa-hingtou's features were tptite pel I', ot when his holy vv :is taken opto be put in the saieiiphiigus, where they now repose. I'he same was true of (ten iiii Wayne, when his body was re. moved foity years after death; and of 1,'ol.ert limns, Iwcnty-oi.c years after burial, lint it set ins almost iucredible that the body of John Hampden, who wa : disinterred Jo.' years after death, s'id.M have been in ii similar state of preservation. Put l,nl Nugent re cords the fa-d. His word is not to he .jUestiollfd. Possibly t he most remark ii'ile f.i.-t of illl these eases is that the bodies 01 iimblcl to a heap of dust soon, titer exposure. ft