3M (lhaiham Jlcrori THUKSDAY. JliNH iss:!. LOCAL RECORDS. Wtk days "begin to shoit-en. It Only tw o more d.n s for listing taxes. I News and Observer: Wc Irani that ' inghani who was in the city yesterday, j New Advertise it ha Im'oji delcrtiiiiitd ly t'ic li o ;- we l.-arti of an unfortunate :l, noting ' - .r. j.. l . ... 1 Po.uinu an Orvici'ii. Deputy mar- shal Ira Phillips seems unfortunate! ,111 making iutosis, nitiiongn uu is an- u .... ., . , I tees ami the eommiltet, havirg in n Hair which occurred in that town u , active ollicer. n recently mention- n.... m. "i""- j i charge tho erection of a monument to few the liiciilenr, or tlie. .50,1 lxttiud .-t. " uuen, iu ( moonshiner" lying on his hack ami j '!ll"' 1 ' 'as imrnoil on tlie night ! telling the ollioor "to take him."' ami i ,,f 1 "h mst. thu work of iiiocu- S3ti.te IJcws. lioekiughiuu Sjiirit incuts. JOlfESBORO' HIGH SCHOOL! 19 Tho "glorious fourth' Wednesday. next . ilirection to capture, him. After rid- I ing through some lields tlie oiiieor suddenly came upon a cabin in which !il were lvn women and a man ipiiotiy i Milting. The olliccr thought that the - - ... man was Johnson and told him to larlvhe fir t cotton boll that we surrender, ami asked him if his name fiftve wen this year wfs sent .. tl,(. .was mi Mangiim Johnson. Jiefi.ro lK.'onn on last Friday bv Mr. Thomas : the man con'd reply one of tlie woim n UroKS. nights ninee between two broth- kj... i, ... .... 1 I 11 . 1 .1 ... M 11 -l -r I T ui. iinaui tu ni.in uKiiiiui unu riiTi ' . iiiessrsj. Alex RI1CI JCllU JjOlltr. t 1, 1 tr n V n a monument that will endure for gen-.lLo l.itv met Alex at a house ami i U,WBW,U' MWl VyU" ' " Clations and bo alloircthoi' suitable to ' ciowed in n oiimanl ivifh lii... emKm-r' - now we have anotlioramusing exploit, oiansm. .j, ,,,,,,.. (lf ji, r.i.ic.ieii dead. 'it by shootinr his lirnf l.r.i- ill. i.ia ' ti, .i.. ..r ....a ..i -...i of t ho same, officer, that look place A ihoiii'ton Star: Mr. Willo H. 'J he nlan is to build a memoi ial chum! ! d.l. " Tl.n tmllof. ontcvoil Alr.v'a L.ft : will iicsin Juiviiiiin. m. last wet ii. Ho had a warrant for the Moore, livimr near Iinr?aw. in Pender caimble of holdim? two thousand tier- ! tdm-aliler. uiil.iiif n rmi- uin'mtg I arrest of Mauguiii Johnson, a noted i, v w, wnM ,,,n, j (,0 yoar sons. ThiH to bf.' called the Swaiu Wound. The. affair id gre atly regret- i . "moonshiner" in the western j.art of ' Lsdl. is credited with having living j Memorial (.'Impel. The building will I tod Ly the friends of the. two broth-! this county, and. alter inijiiiring tin ' i ehildieii. eaudcliildreu. and great-! be one Htory high, with a self-sup-1 ci s. ho arc men of inrluence in that i iv to .Ji.Jmsoii s house, went in that ; ound children to the number of two ', portinir truss-roof, without columns, eomnmnil v. Wo have recent lv h.-nl : j guild el I huiiilrt-d and seveiit v live. te?" Remoiiiler the sf'.e of tlio Phillips ntoro, n't. Satnrihiy. .-..l: i .1... -r.. i :oimoiii v ii iiieiiiiiiiii ; .i i . .vi.iire.w j ( JMiicaiiL nan ine misioruine to lose ! his new dwelling house and Heveral I outhouses bv lire. Tii''sdav night last. ' 1'or Clroiiliirnr Inrui'ii.ailoi. lv to 1'ukk. wn.I.IAM ('. Dorn, l'viit.-ipul. Jun 'k'h, lwu. STOEE FOR SALE. 1 win e.-ll nl i'uli!!- ,in.-i . .ti. in t-j .'' l'.rk "ii s.ii- ago,ml (six-sided). The platform will ! nem.sil v for a dog 1:. v in the rxne- i r' I'rV.lll'i; vl? II w. Ill Mil' town il I'lllHlr.r" . II Ik u-i.l ll..'ln-M Hl.'lllilK nr lillMI.'-. III II. .M t'WII. l'"r ti'i'iiio, l". I II A. l.oM.oV. A-i-!(r:,. .- .r I. I;. lini-rl.-.. j The form of the building will be hex-'another practical illustration of the 01 It IIM.I ?l new (;oods Are Now Hero, find TJiey aro Vjcny I'uirrTY' AND VERY CHEAP ! tlie family that it was from matches! which had been incautiously left on a shelf in the reach of mice. j tffMr. John A. Crano, of this township, loci-s'tly killed mii owl thai hieusured 1 feet, (i inche.. from tip to tip. Our fanners nre complaining Very linicli of the grass in their rropn. There is a line prospect fur u ahundant crop of grass ! Wl)iiii't forgot that yofl can buy the iHiieHt . iooils in the county at the Htore of J. JJ. Harris, winch are I icing Hold nl and below cost. i lohnson lived, and if his statement was true he would release him. The ; man objected to piloting the oHioer WThe colored m inbers of tlie. to a neighbor's house to arrest him JKpiHOopal Church at this place will and begged so much to be let off. i;ive Wi tMitcitaiiimeiit, on tho -lih of that t he ollicer al last released him July, for the purpose of buying an and rode oil' to the house pointed organ. out. When he arrived there hi- found ;tliat he had been fooled, for the fei WV take pleasure in calling p.t- j occupant of the house was one of our tout ion to the advertisement, of m ; best citizens who informed him that quicklv said, "no, his name is Head ' en." Tin.' ol'ticer insisted that if was Johnson but the man and both' Asheboro' Courier: Mnrinion I'ugh. j women declared it was "Wiley Head- a young man living near Frank! insville I en." and linally nfler talking some-! was drowned last Tuesday night while ( time the man said he would point seining in Mr. J. 15. Makepeace's ond. ' out to the oDiccr the place w here j He and his t hrec companions were at- ; Johnson ilil live, and going out in j tempting to swim across the pond.; the yard pointed to a house some j when from some unknown cause he distance nil. I he ollicer was sorelv i boiran to strugele and sink. Hi pi.!cd what to do. for as he had ! friends did all in their power, I never seen Johnson he ;is not eer- could not avert his terrible fate, nam lino lie lm.1 an cstct ll-.e nglit ; J till: l.r' Observer: Wheat man. lie linally tout the man to go (with him to (lie house where he said WOOL ()AIU)iX(r. I at my ii.IIIm ..n llaw rlv. r- .1.. .rk Wm .-,-ni In)..- ,.ii nil ..I Hi.- Wll.'ll 1 J -. Ill'- 'l lu-ll.'l-All thai .i-,"ln. rs i. n- I . -init io M li W.lh. lllllt tfllMKM II.C W I WI'll .-l.-.-.M .-ui-.i.i.-i will not V"- ulll II, ll.-t-l-lil-V. .'I II. I IllflUl- II'. .-Lai-c-r l ,- it 1 tt. llll-'l. l l,-l,.IHTs M, 1,1 Lull.- Nl-' : nl spacious, lliero will lie lioiou.;li ' rien.'e oi a fanner livimr near (!l ventilation. The design will beilotte. J)esiring to go into the busi graceful. thobiiildiiigwellconstructeu. Inesri of hheeii laiiiiiitr ho boiiehl Ho Hu ...... .i ...ill ,.i !.. i i ,ii i.:.. . i : . ft is not absolutely known how the VZ , : V r . "l V" - 7'' i . ' ' ,u." 1 l' Im '" 1,1 i 'T" lire ori-inatod, but it is believed by! ". , " . ". ,Uo U?HO,! ....., uhwiiiiiiuh,, ii..: .ii iit iiiiMiiiiiioii )iiii:ii niori) iiiuu nan ainliences wlueli giilln r at the I in-, of them. He then housed his hheep ; i am .win.: w.. vi'i sity has long been apparent. 'J'he j ami thought, he had saved the remain-! "'j -j1;; building will be si.cedily lumpleted. der of them, hut the. do.'n trot into i i!!i'i"i"Vi.!X'T vt .. t i ii in : t" 1'il.t and Lilled several more. .:.HIi:UlU IIIMII Mill aii iiii I' vt' II i u u i , I i , , , ' , .. c,fl -,, , , , iiii About the same tune they dostrovoil I 11 J S I J. Mr. John. J . Ives, who had been i i .. . i. . i. , , J i i.m ih.' .. ....i i:.... :.. ii.,. i .. ;im-ih sneep nir anoiner geiuieinan i hi,.i r w,miiiiii i.. wnu. 1 1 r.oi- n n..i.,:, ,., nit, iifiuiiiiiuimij win, adioiniii' firm Mr Will H ' "1 "' ' I"'1'" l" '-"lx;h ""' "r 1 and was at that, lime ninelv siv v.-mi-m : 11 U ,J."""" Ia""' . '' V ' .r W-hL,x i,.t.,in. I i,ih in. t , . ., ; iviriipatricli, a voung tanner or Jlar-: i r.,iiiiiv,iaiiniiiiiiui.,i w win ii r ' -i ii n i ' i ' i i rir.burg, was vi oi , a. witiow iiien one iiuiiureo years old. They were married antl we learn but ! ''"'-v M1H!"'' il h-w yoars very jileas ; antlv together. Mr. Jvch dying lirst. ' a'je.l about one hundred ami two, and Hilhboro' Observer: Wheat is . M,-s. Tves nl the inre of onu hundri d . turning out better t hi' n was at lirwt j and eight. The trucking season is j expected, and some of our farmers ; i,0j mr, and the net cash-is not : now say that the yield will be greater j linl to count. Cabbage have proven man lasr year. nasi numuiy moi u- f iiethe best paving rrop this season; I v "Ul-i In.,. I III 1 ll.lVt, JUsI , tun IUl 11 "int-i-M Hint til llllllklliu l.ri.l i.'stenliiv lying iii , ll.f, riv...- all I .,.iv :ii. ISKi. , uiiconsi'ioiiH comiition, rosuning irom ja snake bite. He was bitten Sunday i afternoon and suffered intense pain. iAlionl lour o clock tie liccamt: uiicou- JERSEY CATTLE. .I.'sii-, .111 . VI, lhKI. .'II l.,llil III, I I'-rtiu Hi Ir tl ".'Iv ,"!.. .a,v.'.-. .lii.il.-.-, ,lir.- Illl'l llk.-lv, Hv,' ii..'i'Ii.. ,,. i-U'li. II. VV. i..N Sii"w Cii'iil'. N. l 1114 a nine coioieu io, .niiineii uiinicK ; ocas ilhl not HV lilllell ; Dolus Were ' arnliault was ruling in a nt on !t failure in price, wl condition. Mr. John Kiloy, a young i man of Jiong Creek township, a sou ! of Andy Jtiley. was drinsned in the LKAS A XT UUHl I) AC A 1KM V, I Cataw Im rivi-r Sal urday, near Sample s : mill. He and a.vartyof his friemls j AhAMANCl'. COl'NTV. ; wi re in the river fishing with ho.iljj'i' l!()It!.'i: rs). I'l iio-iiial I -.11,1 lliw. !.ii,1 n-liiln ut.in.liii.r ,i nv... ' . , , , " ' PAI.T, SESSION l.i-m. July J.VIi. 1H... !n-.-i,'. out tiom Ine nanli, no was seen to r u,,n iii ,i....i,. 1 1 -. i ,i: j.., i t ,,t n . i,, , i 1 1 n 1 1,, ,1L. il,..,,..!. 1.:.. f ,i ! iiitmity very li.-nttlitiit. viirti-n-riMN i.i u 'in under him. and was i"' U"- I'm i n r.w n i ion. i . r . r,-i,i n mi i ; .;l-i I'-lilnl'i il. lll uio 1 l ili,'l,itl 111 l..i.-M.. Prof. W. C. Douhis the aci oiciiiishe l Jirincipal. "W. H. TiHoii'inl bus moved his Jewelry store south of tlie court house. Ho thanks his customers for their liberal patronage in I he pa-l. ftnd solicits a continuance of the same. KiP JJynum lleaden have on hand Avery ' Double Shovel and (Jeorgia S'.oi k Plows, Hunter's Par tner' n l'Vieinl. Watt, Jtoland Ciiili and Avory's one-horse l'l.ovs: Cultisaiors and full line of plow castings. SwjfThe merchants of Ihorouniy are uotitied by the liVgister of I , i ds to promptly list their purchases as reepjired by law. Those who fail to list within the first M days in July Will be liable to lu pi usee, it. -d. toaTJJyinim & Hcaden have just received one case of "Jill I piece short piece Laces. 10 cents each. Also. Another lot Miles' Ladies' line Shoe", . with many other additions to their : stock recently. A little cash goes a long way. i 6a)'If you intend buying a Sewing Machine call at Iiomlon's and sen I he ! 1 light, UuntMiifr "J'oiue.stie": it is ihe , best Machine made. .Machiii" Nee '. riles of all kinds. A few of those; Ladies' Hats on hand at great lyre-' dueed jirices. largains in (ieiil.-.' Straw Hats. Another lot of those cheap (-rloves on hau.'l. A lot of nice ' fresh Lemons just receis i d at Lou iIoh'h. Ci"Ve take pleasure in calling attention to th advert iseuieul of t!i rild and reliable hardware house of Julius Lewis iV Co. They claim to have the largest stock in the State, ami if a man can't be suited there he need not. go elsewhere. They well deserve the large trade thai go-'-s to thenl from Chatham, and iheykeep it by giving satisfaction to their customers. himself. Upon hearing this friend 1'hiilips hurried back Johnson's c;:'iin. but the biro had flown- John son had oHcapcl and has not since been heart I of ! It is said that, the two women greatly enjoyed the olli cer s tliscomlit lire and laughed heal tily at him when he returned to John sou's cabin. . . , , , cui-ii'-iHuri a,,ir.' re assistance could reach mu.i.s. n. e linforl mint,, vi.i.mr limn I Jtlln-Jl, lMi.1. L vMXi. Tun Tiiack. -It is wiih much pleasiiie that we aniioiince t tint the v.oik of laying the track on the Cape Pear and Yadkin Valley railroad is rapidly progressing, and e.eryj hing betokens I lie early completion of ( his great work of internal improvement. The road bed hud been" graded, sev ernl years ago. from the O.ilf ti (oceiislii.ro' and from Pavel te ille to Shoe ileel. but ail efforts to com p!ct" tlie road had failed and most persons iia.l despaired of itsVoust ruc tion. At one time a lot of rails for building tin' road had arrive I at Wilmington from P.uropo. but on mini ot ceilain lui.iucial trouh! mice, win e Irish i iota toes l tinier iV Jones pon. i, wiien lie leli j ,ave been poor m iiiahty and iiiaii into the water, and would have titv and conseiiientlv poor in price. drowned but tor the timely assistance --Wo Irani that a house was burned T i i i e of a colored man named Henry Hay, j on Mr. Win. Toy's plantation in this I , b , '('",' ' , '; who went to his rescue in twenty feet I counl v on Wi.lav evenin.r nlu.in dm-l.- ! ! . ,.,.. , .. ., , iliiiu. J lie untorliinate young man an,, iwui .i u,e ciiui, oi a c .o. e , wus (i,v ymrs - A julo, (Ireensboro Patr.ot: Tho early i ' ;" "., "l"" , 1 . colored girl, whoso parents resido on iieneh coo is nbnosl aconiolete fail- t the time. the woman had placed i- . r.i,,,. ,l.,i .,1 n nre in this section. Mr. YV. W. Pat- 'M ',iiUl Mld &w. uh'at ! short distance from the cit y, was out U- i. (eisoii. ..no of Ihe l.ir.vest. shimwrs l'0 lllinilereil yaiMs to a spring lor:, ,.,,,. ,..(.i.i ,.:.. i...,,i. i; f .'I " I- At V ... .. 1 ': .vi,,.. ,;,. ii,., i ,ii, Iwmi. . '"'"n """" ""is " , i-ivjimi .:n says ins unit mis roiteti on ine trees "m .-...... v.... , . ! (lie railroad, when m tramping about ''"s hv the hundred bushels ami that h0 : h1u had l.-een cooking. When alu !,,., tho ims, K,1(, )iu,n tf ui!l lefilizeone-liftli of acroii. ! return from the spring she heard 4... ...,I,1.. I, ,.,,..i,.....i u....i, ! ..Ai) iiorreii, a notorious ciiaracier nv- j . , "iller screams at tnicted tho attention I,,,, in II, is i, nee. was arn.sle.l vesler- migiiuors, nun oeiore sue cuuiu reacii ,. ri, . .. .11U j,,,,.:,,,, .,,, ... il, it wus in ii inil.ti illl uvei in Mien 1 i 1 - j i- ,,vl..t nl,., , 1.1 .,ln ".I I'.l ,i" io...... .. ' ... cover the child. rat mi mm Well C'tilrp; CMrrlr wiii.-ll I n..'.v ...T-i- ; ! ..i . - I-.- ha. I in liny III'.! k.'l. H.'lil'l .all y. HI- ."l" I ,' all, 'I.I . , ii tit my .. 15 i.ii j..- ;,! . .,; Ladles' M aiid Bo;;;e!n, ntiri'i-: in i'Mf. - ip ,n ;...r-,f. i . : r.' :ijiifci. I mii fJH- j-.u an i b , : f . 1 1 . , i I- i i i j.-t: yi RIBOHSSATI S5LK8, PLUMES, FLOWFES rs i oi,Ai !:, tw. Drees Goods is Very i i il. c !:i-l ing of si i,k,v;. ' i.si i Mi.iii ;s. i;r . tjxus, NPNN'S i;i!,)N:. API, Si'VI l .s rip PAWNS, CINtiilAMs. POP lit i"i- u.iuii.i. hik'mm M i-nity. wi,i,,-. iiii'i .i,'..-n,i. hi i- rilii.t. siaini'. ilr .,11 , Aii.'iii.'jii an j i . I..I.-U fin-i,-... .1. i.-i- 1,1 A. VI -I iliiu ,.i -.. l-lll . l. 1... Tl l.O.l ...... !.o iv. il ill,; r.llilli. lliu V. lllllt 11 ll.T 111,1- ;ried to the house where its log was i ..l 1 1.. l i l i" ..i : .1 rioini) t lino I "W" '.V ooiiuii, ami iiipuu i in musucv (day on a charge of rape, and commit- i jted loj.iil. The vicliin of tho ouirnge i ; is I' raucis .Morcheatl, a ileal ami iiunili colored girl, about 12 years old. and if the statement made is true, a most diabolical crime has been committed. ' Moore (ia. llo: Mr. W. A. McKae, near Ptiplirouia. of this county, on ; Monday, 1 lib iust , found a "bee tree" ' u il Ii ii l.n.l.i'1 of I-, mill Mini I un ..nlloiiM : of hoic v iii il. It ws a young swarm j jar had heeu broken and a portion of ; proper treatment and left it partially l.iltliat" We learn that the Cold! the coin was scattered in Ihe sand. lehcved from the pain of the bite. : v;. i il... I!,,,.,,.. ..,;,. ;,. H.i. tfe fathered it un verv i-iirefullv. cur- i ihirefooted children in the blackberry ! emmt v. wil'lrfoou have ahundreh-horso riwl i! . ;e, and endeavored to keep ! patch should keep one eye on ! power engine wilh the lule.st improved , the ; u- a prolouud secret, lie 1 mills in full operation: with capacity thougU ,i. was gold, and reports say ! to work on" hundred tons of ore po'r thoro was more than a pock of it. Hut jdav. (u Sunday, the ltllh inst., i Harris couldn't keep the secret and ! Vn'iico Leonard, of this towiishin. shot ! ooii unbosomed himself ton few con- The Valley Mutual Life Assceiaiion Washington (tii.elto : last Pall. Mr. Samuel Harris, who 1 was funiuled down its throat. Dr.' lives near Jhitli, this county, found ! P'.es, who ln:p.i'iied to be in the! . .. .-ii. .i .i ..i ..i i i i i'u what ho supjioseil was a remarkable : in'ignnornoou auuv.iio passeu oy a treasure. While wading for crabs in i ""'t while iiftenvards. found the Hath Creek, he found in the Uiitev' child's leg swollen to three times its near the shore a iar of money. The ! sl He gave the child the tin j lookout for snakes nil the time. Of Virginia j the following advantages ovi ot her life insurance companies : ill. I- I" rf.ia Nice lot of I lac!, lil"l oilier i l LACKS all .-.f, II MI!5 l,( Can gie y.iu I i, ee: -:f: P.";i LAI 'I P..-. I.INP (il.oVPS. p i i !):.''. lifPPS. SCAIil'S. I,)l-:s- MISHP.S AND CHIIJMJilN'.-i I'.VnCY uosm Can give vnii ; oi, ,i thing .special iu Pi TJ'ON'S- f..i:i , cents )el' ilo.ell (l eci -iitlv sold I',." I ." cents) up, PAitASdl.S. PAN',, and aiiMliing cl.e a I.ulv wants or Heeds. Colin.' and see IIS. : m i i i.Nos, :. .'. i . :vio,.,isvTiN,s ' Triiiuiiings. ..I oihi r P.dging.s. PSjiT you t I. i' neiney. ; I !:'!:. iPSIKKS, gCI'ls i'. Wi Villi Im i r f have iii it, I "en a splendid stock MEN AH3 BOY CLOTHING ! y arailroatlaccident in MontanalS , persons were killed and -") wounded. resold to build another r.i.id. Hut I himself badly in the thigh by tooling j lldciitial friends. Soon after this he with a pistol We reiterate the fact ! neoauie nuicn inguieneu aooui ins that more pe ipleare stu'L aeeideutallv. i t easure and kept it hid and buried 1 1 . ..... I- . t 1 I .. 'I by tar. than ever were m sell ,letein 1st. It docs not cost ( )ne hall to cany a certificate of membership in o:u Association as in old line life in-iii' aneo eouipanies. 2nd. Our Assessment Table is lower than in any other life insurance company, dissociation, or society. i; ni in,' -ii. ,'i., -i ' Splendid stoc! : SiHMlS: 1 I to the I'm. si I i otl'-rliii'M. in. i!i:i.i. -i1-.il i'. llic I'cift l';iMsiliii---8. of II A I'.S. l.MiJA I'liKAl'. i.i a common Pkuuan tin ! in. i i.- lim i. i;s. i si-i:xii;i.i-uLi.Ai;s ;ory niter so many ilisappoiiitnieuts so long a d-'iav. the Company a suit L'el ST"If you are i!o:.liii. Clothes liouilou's is tho p them. He is offering etra iml'ic liients for the cash. Ife has a large rstoek on hand and they must be sold. Now is your lime to make a little money go a long way. The best lot of Shirts in the county at London's and the cheapest. A'.i styles of ( '.! lavs and Cull's. Piidei shirls. Drawirs. Socks, &c, at very low figures. ' now ami have an iibiiiidiince of rails, cross-1 ii land other material ami are pushing' the work vighf a'ong. A gang of convicts arrive, I at the dull' on hut Saturday, and -hi of them were put to work there an t l!i were sent to Pave! tcvi'le to lay the track from there to Shoe Heel. The work of t rack laying i - . therefore, progressing at both ends of the road, audit is confident !y predicted that the cars wiil be running llu oiigh from ! Srecus boio' to Shoe' Heel by I 'hrist mas. In order that we might give our readers reii ible information ,"bout ihe work on this road, wc went to the (iuif on ia-l Monday and saw w iiai was being done. e f, mud I he coiivicls hard. at work an I plenty of material ready for them, such as piles of rails, ciosslics, kegs of Vpike. .Vi'. Asa guarantee thai the work will be well done we will meii'ioii that, the s,; pel inteinlcnl is Mr. Nor ton Alleoif, who has had !!-'t ears' exjierieiiee iu bili'diug I'aill oad... and thoroughly umlei sla.'.ds his busiin-ss. The rails an' steei, weigh .'ill pounds to the yard, and each III) feet long. A part of t he convicts go ahead re pairing the road ' "d and pi opal ing it lor the others who lay Ihe 1 1 a'-k. mid a "iiiatei ial I lain" accompany Ihe laborers and aids greatly in their w ork. A squad of .'!',) additional con victs is expected shortly. The con vict:; do very rood wink, ami are easily managed, it is seldom they al tempt' to escape. They all look ' Wiirreiiton 0 crop is nearly lcttf failure nearly ii. v.ii'in.w iihicw 1i.il. .illoivini. it in i "HIV hlkil' is I 111 lnnr nrni- tm.l l'..llii,.r .... .......... . , ...... . .n ... v, . .. .....0 . .. , ,...i,ilri . . i : i . ... ii . .. 1 .... i 1.. .- .. . i . i . . . . 1 1 - .i . remain long in one piace. .uauy er- j oui. oeioie us nine. i se someimiig r the peae It s have tried to induce him to o:- 1 I would, but most hair restorers nre all i,:i.:i :l i..,i :i ,.,. ,. .... ...o.i l ...,.. " ..t..,, i iin.it ii, uiii, ii, in.- oi .1 iiviiu, iiuiii iiiii.i:! luin. i i in . nii.roi ci cii Why thoy Call Him 4i0h! Jinn."! Yes, that's sadly so." said Jenkins. 1 :nl 0lir ohiivgcs are at actual co-t ..f currying risks: our policy holders aro our treasurers. II, i nl rtuiv. Tin Marc, (rocl iiii.l I'h ni it ii ri'. !lio.' ...ni, -Mi,':,.: i.-i-y i.i,.- i.n-l vi-ry .li. 141 Iu C I.I is I l: i un I , 'HAILS. Drears, Paints, Oils, Leather, CONPP.-.'TioNP.IHP.s. All 1 ai'mtii. r inn'- -..MS.Ii.-t-. I.l.l:.l.,,f, .pleiiulils and tho fruit, is ro,;,.u.g from the trees. , , sf whpil Dl, Ni(.llols,m HUCJ friend, '-but Iark(r's Ifair Halsani is sievoral o. t he Iru.t -growers uroum. , cmlw, in 0l,lahiii a few pieces tolas hariuless as it is elledive. I've Hidgeyay loll us tha,. last year over j t!VU,j0. IT.,ol, iwl-mg it, . jj,M,tol-1 tried il. and know. Give the Palsam ten thousand crates lfts j foniul il was only eopK-r n.in. The 1 11 show and the hoys will soon slop were shipped ironi thai itei hut this year piobal.lv not one hint- ib i d I:. im s. -- I ahiel (ireeu, colored, j lo-'.t l.i-i life iu rather an unusual man- i tier lat Saturday evening. He, after ' unloading his wagon, got into it from behind, and as Im did so tho horses! ni "-.ed oll'a li'.ili". and Daniel fell out 1 ba-k wards si l iking upoa his head ainl breaking his neck.. llaleigh Visitor: Mr. W'.C. Petty, of Moore county, was iu the city yes terday with his little son, who was bitten oarlv yesterday morning 011 the coins are composed ot halt pennies , trailing you wni aiau jenuiiis. it ami farthings, and contain tho bust of ! never fails to restore tho original color O 'orgo II. Those which are not -too i to gray or faded hair. Kiohly pt-r-much discolored bear date 17;il Uut fumed, an elegant dressing. .or. Harris is s'.ni ccimuceii inat ir. isj pure gold, and will hear nothing toj the contrary. He savs people only! little linger of his left hand, by his !, mail rat terrier dog. 'Ihe d.'g died in live minutes after he bit the child. Mr. Petty was not sure w heth er tl.eiiog was mad or poisoned, hence he brought his son here to consult phv.- i: iaus. We l. arii from a nri- The Hank of Durham. i want to get his money. 1 ' ho underMguiMl has op-ned. in the i ' i town of Durham. N. C, a blinking j Stalesville Landmark: Mr. Hugh ; 1,,,,,., ulllier the name and title ol l'lyhr. of Chamborsburg to.vnslop. .--pl!l; i;,.,K ,. J)(,,(MAN," with ample ! has a dog which is v. ry fond of ilay. .. llls ,,. ,l( ,,. s.w.t;0 ,,f (l ing with kittens. Ilehasa ha.ii f. ,..,-i,l banking husim-ss. The rapid and j calling them to him by mutating the unprecedented growth of Durham .voice of a cat. They tumble c.ry , j,isiiii,-s me in the hope, than in , time, and ho is a father to every k.Uen ..,-,:.lM,,l bankin.--faciliiies are tlemaiid- j on liie 101. 1 no w near narvcsi 4th. Tho utmost caution is exercised in accepting none but sound risk--. olh. Not moro than s:5ir,l,) carried en any life. J. W. JACKSQU. AgCIit. Juno 'Jl. 1 .ti i- ,-,i wo try ; iV ia lit iirnr 1 irh. Ir yi'H s ri . nil uiul o i-p-l A . . 1 mi NKs, , 1 -n h. ihu VOUK AT COST! !CJO x. osmose. '! '. . .'.. '.J . I", II -.1. U P. E tf?. irt . I" MC, I vile oi-palch rcceivetl ill this city to dav liom (ireelisbino that the Piesi . tit itt has appointed Dr. Y. If. Wheel er Collector of lliternaf lievelir.o il: the tilth District, in place of Mr. (too, I). Pverett. Shelby Annua: Has week we saw and vicinity he learned of, and whit: 11 farmer aged seventy-two plowing ; he borrowed. One of them is the in the Ih-ld as easily and well as a I Testament of Martin Luther, at the ",011th of twenty by his side. The i conclusion of which Luther niters a nearly and lieiiithv. and are well fed. farmer has plowed every spring ainl 1 warning to possible rt vi.-crs and pro Among them ale some v. Imare calied sunn. 11 r for hall a century. Mr. ; nouiices a curso upon any one who , "i nisi and w ho are allowed to go Will il. Wt llmou. dr., has twice visited j might add to 01 taUe from. This 1 about w it 1 1 1 1 i 1 being guarded. They onr ofl'ioc to narrate tho mai vol.ms , Testament is in Gorman and was print ' are ii.-Hiiiiy convicts whose term of , freak of a little spot of land, twenty- ed iu 1 ) I . 'J'he other is an Pnglish ; service is nearly ended, or whoi.o , i.ix feet sUare. This laud, ho.' says, . iililo, pi anted iu Kilo. It contains I sentence has been light, and il rarely juuipid HO fed fioiii its former loca- the Apocrypha, "The siorv of Stisan- tion, cai'iyiiig Ihe shruHs iilnl grass iiubiok.ii with it in its eastward ; march. lie says this was not due to the hit r or rain. If this is true it appears the age of miracles has not i ceased. tie says this occurs every j fourteen years and the earth is now 1 ' as elevated as it was before the freak. i'l'he editor has not seen the locality. News: About noon on ' m ;,dav. killing three colored men and last, the plantation of Mr. , sei-ion-.K-seal, Itn-r four othci s. Kev oil from a can. Of course tlie oil 111 1 nie no iiaa neon loading unit no want-1 y ( (j,.aVi j tl. Neck. Northamp the can caught, exploded the can, and I ed to be hired and continue at work j ton ,.,, V-" V!1S thrown into a slate eoou enveloped the boy iu a sheet of j fu the road. J?y good behaviour ! coitiiLsiiiii and lamentation raielv flame, burning him ko badly that he j convict can gain a month and H days Nvitll(,ss(,,i, ,v aiinoii'nceinent that died in a day or two. in every year of his sentence, and , ,( vt,llu Sni was burning to death." (when released he is given a suit f j xiV siiricks tf the unfi.rtuiiate suiter- -ThoRi-ooHii Hollies, ana a cent tor every ilay ot l(.in killv alHi,i0 for Somo dis ci I. and w ill gieaily add to the gi neral pvospt rity of our people, and to the: success of new enterprises, yet. to ; spring up. ' : 'i he basin, ss el tho bank will be conducted by J. A. Wiley, estp, tori thiiteeii wars Cashier of the "Citiens National' J'.ank of llaleigh, N. C." ; It. is lll'iil.oseit In Huv illi.l Sell ! Mederiiach. the artist, has show 11 us . stocks and Ponds ; to .Make Collet-: j two old lilbles. the prist lice of which, ;,i.,lis (i( n m.feshib!t! points, lit the1 i in the hands of persous m this place j 1 .,,Ui,sf !:,iii to .".-.,:;-if.. I ,,'nw 1 Discount Paper: liny and Sill IW- mmmi Ml IS YOUR CHANCE Hi Ulll k"-vr f-1rf'i READY WciV. IM JULY ! LIST. t tcii.i; Weil'. J iiJi !.J tor I r. r: LOCIT . PRiCE I this county will vt rv m arly close w ilh this wia k. The reports concerning it grow bettor and better. Jt. is doubt-i ful if early wheat was ever so good. ; Lale wheal is a little light but is still better than u.s'.cil. The weather fori saving the crop has been all I hat could j have hi en desired. Mr. Ii. N. ; k.).? c r-13 ni.ci:i.d3 Ccl.'ACOIll. 1 ; 0 u - j .j i,.;,duii.i,st, 1)Y YIUTP1 I) ASSIONM! ). p. i!Ai;i;i made to me by WILL SELL AT COST for c.i.dt. during the net SIXTY DA VS. his ENTIRE S7GCII s 1 OP 'lock IKuigiiiii: aisil Ties Srlvead iu auolher column the notice of "Tho Bank of Durham", which will no doubt become a popu lar institution with our coiintyuicn. Our business relations w ilh Dm ham aro increasing rapidly, and a large trade is now carried there from Chatham. It is needless for us to ; happens that, one of tlieni In 1 1 ays the nay anything as to the business ca-;(iust reposed in him by attempting paeity and integrity of the proprietor : to escape. Mr. Allcott told us that HUtl cashier of this bank "it would , hehadoiieconvict who was senieiteed bo wasteful and ridiculous excess." iu- K term of liie years, tourof which have been served, and he had been a Fatally IJiiuxt. On 'last Friday . "trusty'" from the lir.st day. While a colored boy. living 011 the olanta- i we were there, on Monday, the term lion of Mr. Mark Coeknian. in Hick-1 of one. of the convicts at work at 1 ory Mountain township, attempted ! I Suit" cpircd. and he was roll used. Vcld"ii to kindle a lire by pouring kerosene ' but ho was so well salislioij with the j j,,,.lv p ch'inge; llcceive Diluisits, pavubl on Demand or olhorw ise as may be' of ,'i;'fi t'il upon, and to do such other h,,,i,r J bn :,ss as may bo i.fieri,l GENERAL MERCHAKBISE, 111 the hue of banking. Your I'ain.'.iago is solicited. consisting of all such goods as ai W. T. lii.o kwki 1., ! usually found iu a lirst class si ne. Proprietor, j Those goods must bo sold, an P. A. Wi 1 i v, Cashier. 'groat bargains are oinrnl. nun Por I lie low, - i l ie h jirices to G&KEBci km DEALERS will, 1 1 M. T. i.l'.Ar Ii .S. CO., P.i .1:1011, N. 0. ua. oi "isei and tno lnagor,, ami all. ; lioth books aro iiuito well jireserved j They are jirinted on elegant jiapor '' better than enters into any book in ; this day and tho binding is slill ; substantial. Charlotte .Journal: The boiler of an engine, that was running a thresher near (.ircciivilic exploded last We.l-: , a. ii 1:1;. i Country Merclicihts II- Xnll.vn ot ili-iuliM mil llliiri niL'.'s IiinitIimI '' Cllll Vfl 1M 1 1-sll theil' ri'.-. oulticir'.-.-i i-liiti-,'i.'i M.-vnu .'.'iitu it 1111.1 cks at low li mes, ami it. win pay ineiu 10 c .ii ui once. umK evi:ky EH ThvPiiP flllVVVVTIIIN. will be issued next week as usual, j his imjins inniont. although the editor will be absent all I 1 liu tl!"'k h)u m far as 0,0 V, -eV in oHmnlniiei. on Hin 1i-,.s 1 Hill l'V the middle of August, .'Hid at D. nernheim. 1. D . of this city, a clergyman who is well known ' throughout the State, has received a! call to draco church, at Pliillipsburg. ! X. J., and will leave with Mis. JJcrn ! lieini for that place next week. Ai cra.'v ctilored woman, who was being I tanco, the yard and houso was soon : brought through the city yesterday j tilled to its utmost cajiacity by sym-; fn.ni the ujiper jmrt of tho county, on pathUing trioiKis, uiu too late to ice- ner way to the county insane asylum, i 11 WI IT - VI Knl. IkIi. N-o . on Hi.-Kill met., Mi. Ku; ll t.Mi.ia. nil.- ,r Mr. e. c. tkiml, i. 'I'll,' iiniliiK ly a.'.-i'.lt ,,t till.-. !.el will curry ,,r iv.iv ! Un- In'.-ii-;.-.,.! a litrn" . In-lo "f l.'Viiv Irit'iulx. ..f nil kiif-l:.-r. Hul it frw jnrn l:t.l..lt . 'iH Hie I't'ipiO! led to licit Oil-, ...iiiiiiiiiiliy a l"iiiltiil. Intern yiini; l.rl l.'. ! pavmont, ai'.tl save costs nu t 11 't.t .-in una is iu.' tii.wi'r irak-iiiii wiiii , sous holding claims against him Ui'- lih.riiuic i v. ! All Jicrsoiis indebted i !. P.. llar- imiueiliate md all pel- ale THE MARKETS. K.-imilivl f,.r Thk Ukoiiuii !y XOIlllIS, W YATT .V TAYliOK, 11 Ulll KIIH i COMMISSION MK.IIOII IXtj N.i. S.Em'tiiinci' Hint N.i. Martin sih , ltAl.n.ui, N. C, Juno ii, IHS3. convention. We will get up as much j 1 !,,lt l)0njt 11 dejiot w ill bo located. (j(.,. .(11V Tistauee. for tho tlamo had ' scajied from her guards and raised a COTTON MAliKET: ' ..... 1. .1, cl.l,, l,-.,..l ;il l "copy an possible lielore leaving, ' "i " ' ....r., ....... . and then let the paj.or run itself, so l,liu,wl l j"'111' ( m"k; w1'1'.' ' ls :'!,,,,;,t that if tho next issue is any better or wft-v ltwwii Ore Hill and the any worse than usual it will bo he- "lJ'v cause of our absence. This conven-! , V 'lo ,,,s ht artily eoitgrahilat.' tionof tho Frcss Assocmlion prom- i P''id' '".' and his syndicate iseu to bo one of tho nleasautost ever I "l""1 '''' insjucious beginning, and t..,.l Ml.l.llliis, MiMllui;. s.ri' i L,.w Ml-I.ltiit: SlwilUH, done its work, well and speedily, leav- breeze about tho court house. She ing nothing but a mass of raw nosh 1 held a young babe iu her arms, and to writhe in tho iigonios of death. A' dctie.l anybody to come near her. A I .1 .,..,.1 ,.l n.t.l i T. 1 ..111.... ,. i .1 i:.i,.. I pilNSllllill 11 IIS 7l .1111. 1" Mil t .11 "... ' . ..'' lillC I'lUIIU iUllt'll'l lllllltll.l. llMlt II- . gave such relict and atttentiou as ttia ( mg to her wild, idtotio speeches, when profession offered. Ho could only deputy sheriff lirillilh, alter consider- 11,. rr .,f ,1.. :,fli The lioor 1 !,l .,.i. . .Jii.,.,l I,,, l.,,l,;,,.l ' IJtr.l- .... , . .. ! .... ...... ., ,. . ,... ,.,.,h, K.-unlly, l,i i''. WHOLESALKllliDOKHV SI UtKKT. notilied to .resent the same to ine within tho utt t -1 davs. H. A. LON DON. Assignee, Pill.-,) luro', N. C. May 17th. 1SS:. Si ;'. R Cuhi to INSURE AGAINST PIRH -in I in: - XvTr! CMiSI.I'iA HOME HSGMEE COMPANY I'r . C. ,tl .-. I,.... I . ,-n ai sue.-, l.siul "in tuHiiU l'.-l- I'.'.'i. "I, - .1--. .111 1 Alv.nys Pays Its l.ossog. U i- - i!.-, in, i :m-i '. iiii-t piivs ,i-"i.iti an iia iiti;; i. 1 1 ,-u-", -. ! n,-..i.'i; i. 1 1-i.riy liisur -n r,-.t--a!,',' t. ri.i N.,v im in,, tin;,, insur 1 ,'i- iiirtl" i- -,it', riii. ii ii ;ci'ly e. II A LONDON. .In.. A ...cut, s.-pviiiN r 7, l'-.vj. .an l lT'l'sneiiO, N. 0 I'H AN(j H OP S... l Lf.iv.i SCIIKDPLE. , ulk. c H l.!(v, sii.iii',n.. t'miv;i--.r-l 11 ta:. held, and wo doubt not will be much , aruestiy hojie that all their ellorts '.;,.(;, iv,.(j j,ut a ftvv hours. It seems )tcr mid closed his sinewy arms around i enjoyed bv all who attend. We see o successtui in tiio conMi notion ,i,.tt t, ,,t.r sent her daughter her form. She was then marehrd to it otttte.l that the Press Association ' this liiiiiorlaut road. J heir energy L. .(.,j lo Uie ho is;: to prepnro tw jail and locked mi for safe keep ing. A heavy nail storm tell at Liueohiton veslerdav aflnnoon, and I r,,.,nirt8- - I Irl-:.. "f l.arnM, so, j Swtil, - , I IVn-s In i.vl IVarhM, nn.-l Ainil' 11 lll.iVi't IC..1"I;I, i iry. .IX N.-w II ill M..i-i-y oitkn On M,,n,-uro ;s I ,it.,i "5 ; s.mf.T'l . ton h ni p in K ;u p in . in J IV . Ill .roll of South Carolina will ioin us at ! nmll"'l,lu' t-pint tiesen e suc.o is ami, .i;.,,.,,,-. and to hasten tho kindling of Aahevillo anil all go on an excursion j "houl. be encourag.'.l by all who wish , (,u, ih.c hv u.,riv, to tho oi can to the AVarm Springs. Wo will try ; to b,ul(l UP ,u' !S,ute- j which exploded with a terrific force. to tell our readem all about it when ! " throwing the burning oil over her we return. , ' Look out for tho train! entire i t-riion. this, jierliiijis, accoiints for the eool noss of the nlmo-l'lioro Into in the evening, i'lom a citizen of Kock- w ' Sii':iir - .-.HI Vi.ll'.W. ! Mm.ly ; uiu, h I Ki y.T l'..n.. KM., C'liiaiou, ll'.tinf, N. C, M 5l,;,5 Hi I Oraiiillatwl, w- I liiiiur, .'." I tfl.'s, I l "rk. Ii :ir. i, in ... .v. , 111 In ;n' . in 11 IV 111 ii a; . ni ! IU . Ill 1 1 ;ih , in N.i. i llaiiil-l ll.'trauiii K. jmt niu.'i I Manly l iini.-ioll Sa,il,,,t i -s I M..l..iir.i M.-i-rv o..ll s. w mil A..-I PATENTS. ) '.'- Ill.l I. Illit Aiii.-ilfiin ana i',,r. All l'U-.tiaMK ,i. I,-- I', t. 'l. I,. I'u',1,1 '.ii'I'ily . . 1 1 . I it,., 1 :,. (Jo i. ill Ir, bhuii-J, S.lnlli.t ii, 0. i vli.-ili-l MS.-;i'. :. tl V I Clil. kous. Tih, ni'W, arrow nwr Im.xC ' .'I I, IT Mill V TUttitf pric ie tuc Iftiio lv, r. i : a m I V li ii til 1 V .'.' a in ' (H(tS-l lli.ftiiiaii i.;l. in l .iry .11 a in in , ArrlMi Uainl-l, 1 ' a nl I Anlv llnl'luli. s .1,1 a i.i Tra.il niinilvr I .miiii.-i-im at HaitiM v.lHif. C. ! nitilwnv I'.rCli.trl'.ll.' ini'l all t-tii:r. H..11U1. Ti-a.it . Hnnil'iT iii'liniH'l.i i Liil.'lirli Willi I Hal' 'Kit UaHl'.n Halli"a.l t"i' nil ."ln' nrUi. III.. I. al I r.-itslit U'-'l". l"i ..tf.iL-.'r . ".I' ll .t,u..i..i 1..1.V.M, 1L.-il.,li.'ii at .'i.VII a. in. ana 'trrivuti ' n til J.tO I'. IU- . i.LMlfu. .i.ui.u i, N. e. 1V.VJ.1 li Viii I SI GRAHAM & CROCKER, Attarneys at Law, Y .r I -I--, .', Aliilcll . I-" I" O inn ..t ciwt'liam is.tinitf. I, a -.ii n auj vt lutu Ui l(jy lo-v. Cm